Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 2 (ATLW2) Commercial Leasing for Wind Power on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts-Proposed Sale Notice, 71612-71621 [2012-29096]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
Dated: November 26, 2012.
Kevin K. Washburn,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012–29044 Filed 11–30–12; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Land Acquisitions; Enterprise
Rancheria of Maidu Indians of
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Final Agency
The Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs made a final agency
determination to acquire approximately
40 acres of land in trust for gaming
purposes for the Enterprise Rancheria of
Maidu Indians of California on
November 21, 2012.
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
Gaming, Bureau of Indian Affairs, MS–
3657 MIB, 1849 C Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20240; Telephone (202)
notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by 209 Departmental
Manual 8.1 and is published to comply
with the requirements of 25 CFR Section
151.12(b) that notice be given to the
public of the Secretary’s decision to
acquire land in trust at least 30 days
prior to signatory acceptance of the land
into trust. On November 21, 2012, the
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs
decided to accept approximately 40
acres of land into trust for the Enterprise
Rancheria of Maidu Indians of
California under the authority of the
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 25
U.S.C. 465. The 40 acres are located
approximately 4 miles southeast of the
community of Olivehurst, near the
intersection of Forty Mile Road and
State Route 65 in Yuba County,
California, described as:
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A portion of the East half of Section 22,
Township 14 North, Range 4 East,
M.D.B.&M., described as follows:
Commence at the North quarter corner of
said Section 22 and being marked by 2 brass
monument stamped LS3341 in a monument
well as shown on Record of Survey No.
2000–15 filed in Book 72 of Maps, Page 34,
County Records; thence South 0°28′11″ East
along the line dividing said Section 22 into
East and West halves 2650.73 feet to a brass
monument stamped LS3341 in a monument
well as shown on said Record of Survey No.
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2000–15 and marking the center of said
Section 22; thence North 89°31′24″ East 65.00
feet to a point on the East right-of-way line
of Forty Mile Road; thence North 0°28′11″
West along said East right-of-way line of
Forty Mile Road 45.53 feet to a 1⁄2 inch rebar
with LS3751 marking the point of beginning
thence from said point of beginning continue
along said East right-of-way line of Forty
Mile Road the following courses and
distances: North 0°28′11″ West 1133.70 feet;
thence North 5°14′27″ East 50.25 feet; thence
North 0°28′31″ West 750.00 to a 1⁄2 inch rebar
with LS3751; thence leaving said East rightof-way line of Forty Mile Road run North
88°00′51″ East 1860.00 feet to a 1⁄2 inch with
LS3751; thence South 0°28′11″ East 1932.66
feet to a 1⁄2 inch rebar with LS3751; thence
South 87°59′10″ West 1865.03 feet to the
point of beginning.
Said land is also shown as Parcel ‘‘C’’ on
Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment 2002–07
recorded June 26, 2002, Instrument No.
Official Records.
ANP: 014–280–095
Dated: November 21, 2012.
Kevin K. Washburn,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012–29043 Filed 11–30–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. BOEM–2012–0095]
The effective date of this
boundary revision is December 3, 2012.
460l–9(c)(1)(ii) provides that, after
notifying the House Committee on
Natural Resources and the Senate
Committee on Energy and Resources,
the Secretary of the Interior is
authorized to make minor boundary
revisions to areas of the National Park
System. The Committees have been so
notified. This boundary revision will
contribute to, and is necessary for, the
proper preservation, protection and
interpretation of Saratoga National
Historical Park.
Dated: September 14, 2012.
Dennis R. Reidenbach,
Regional Director, Northeast Region.
[FR Doc. 2012–29099 Filed 11–30–12; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
National Park Service
Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 2 (ATLW2)
Commercial Leasing for Wind Power
on the Outer Continental Shelf
Offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts—Proposed Sale Notice
[NPS–NER–SARA–11235; 4901–726]
Minor Boundary Revision of Saratoga
National Historical Park
National Park Service, Interior.
Notification of boundary
Notice is hereby given that,
pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 460l–9(c)(1)(ii),
the boundary of Saratoga National
Historical Park is modified to include
approximately 21.06 acres of adjacent
unimproved land identified as Tract 01–
157 (18.89 acres) and Tract 01–158 (2.17
acres). The tracts, owned respectively by
Open Space Conservancy, Inc., and the
State of New York, will be donated to
the United States. The boundary
revision is depicted on Map No. 374/
112,692 and dated February 2012. The
map is available for inspection at the
following locations: National Park
Service, Northeast Land Resources
Program Center, New England Office,
115 John Street, Fifth Floor, Lowell,
Massachusetts 01852, and National Park
Service, Department of the Interior,
Washington, DC 20240.
Superintendent, Saratoga National
Historical Park, 648 Route 32,
Stillwater, New York 12170, telephone
(518) 664–9821.
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Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Proposed Sale Notice for
commercial leasing for wind power on
the Outer Continental Shelf offshore
Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
This document is the
Proposed Sale Notice (PSN) for the sale
of commercial wind energy leases on
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts, pursuant to BOEM’s
regulations at 30 CFR 585.216. BOEM
proposes to offer for sale, using a multifactor auction format, two leases that
together encompass the Rhode Island
and Massachusetts Wind Energy Area
(WEA) that was identified on February
24, 2012 (see ‘‘Areas Offered for
Leasing’’ below for a description of the
WEA and lease areas). In this PSN, you
will find information pertaining to the
areas available for leasing, proposed
lease provisions and conditions, auction
details, the lease form, criteria for
evaluating competing bids, award
procedures, appeal procedures, and
lease execution. BOEM invites
comments during a 60-day comment
period following this notice. The
issuance of the proposed leases
resulting from this announcement
would not constitute an approval of
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
project-specific plans to develop
offshore wind energy. Such plans,
expected to be submitted by successful
lessees, will be subject to subsequent
environmental and public review prior
to a decision to proceed with
DATES: Comments should be submitted
electronically or postmarked no later
than February 1, 2013. All comments
received or postmarked during the
comment period will be made available
to the public and considered prior to
publication of the Final Sale Notice
The end of the comment period is also
the deadline for potential bidders to
submit qualification materials. All
bidders interested in participating in the
lease sale must submit the required
qualification materials by the end of the
60-day comment period for this notice.
All qualification materials must be
postmarked no later than February 1,
ADDRESSES: Potential auction
participants, Federal, state, and local
government agencies, tribal
governments, and other interested
parties are requested to submit their
written comments on the PSN in one of
the following ways:
1. Electronically: https:// In the entry
entitled, ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter
BOEM–2012–0095 and then click
‘‘search.’’ Follow the instructions to
submit public comments.
2. Written Comments: In written form,
delivered by hand or by mail, enclose
comments in an envelope labeled
‘‘Comments on Rhode Island and
Massachusetts PSN’’ to: Office of
Renewable Energy Programs, Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management, 381 Elden
Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia
3. Qualification Materials: Those
submitting qualification materials
should contact Jessica Bradley, BOEM
Office of Renewable Energy Programs, at
381 Elden Street, HM 1328, Herndon,
Virginia 20170, (703) 787–1320, or
If you wish to protect the
confidentiality of your comments or
qualification materials, clearly mark the
relevant sections and request that BOEM
treat them as confidential. Please label
privileged or confidential information
with the caption, ‘‘Contains
Confidential Information’’ and consider
submitting such information as a
separate attachment. Treatment of
confidential information is addressed in
the section of this PSN entitled,
‘‘Protection of Privileged or Confidential
Information.’’ Information that is not
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labeled as privileged or confidential will
be regarded by BOEM as subject to
public release.
Jessica Bradley, BOEM Office of
Renewable Energy Programs, 381 Elden
Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia
20170, (703) 787–1320 or
Authority: This PSN is published pursuant
to subsection 8(p) of the OCS Lands Act (43
U.S.C. 1337(p)) (‘‘the Act’’), as amended by
section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
(EPAct), and the implementing regulations at
30 CFR Part 585, including 30 CFR 585.211
and 585.216.
Background: The proposed lease areas
are the same as the WEA that BOEM
announced on February 24, 2012, (see
Area Identification announcement
available at:
Renewable-Energy-Program/StateActivities/Rhode-Island.aspx). BOEM
published the Notice of Availability
(NOA) for the Commercial Wind Lease
Issuance and Site Assessment Activities
on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS) Offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts Environmental
Assessment (EA) (77 FR 39508) on July
3, 2012. The EA may be found at:
Index.aspx. BOEM is currently
considering the comments on the EA
and possible revisions.
Ongoing consultations concurrent
with the preparation of the EA include
consultations under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA), Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (MSFCMA), Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA), and the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA). Once BOEM
has completed the EA, and if the EA
concludes that the proposed action will
not cause significant environmental
impacts, BOEM will publish a Finding
of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
The proposed lease areas identified in
this PSN match the Rhode Island and
Massachusetts WEA described as the
proposed action and preferred
alternative in the EA. In the event that
BOEM decides to substantially revise
the terms and conditions outlined
within this PSN as a result of the
completion of the environmental review
and consultation process, which will
not occur until after the publication of
this PSN, BOEM will publish a second
PSN that includes the revised terms and
conditions and publish it in the Federal
Register for a 60-day public comment
period before moving forward with
publication of a Final Sale Notice (FSN).
Additional environmental reviews will
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be conducted upon receipt of the
lessees’ proposed project-specific plans,
such as a Site Assessment Plan (SAP) or
Construction and Operations Plan
This PSN was developed in
consultation with the joint Rhode Island
and Massachusetts Renewable Energy
Task Force. BOEM received comments
from several Task Force members
during the development of this PSN,
including from the Rhode Island State
Energy Office, the City of New Bedford
Economic Development Commission, a
Task Force member from the Town of
Aquinnah, and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS). In addition, the Rhode Island
Coastal Resources Management Council
forwarded to BOEM comments on the
draft PSN and EA that it had received
from members of the Habitat Advisory
Board established by the State. The
Rhode Island State Energy Office
requested that BOEM consider nonmonetary factors in the multiple auction
format and recommended that the Joint
Development Agreement (JDA) executed
by the State of Rhode Island be awarded
a minimum 25 percent discount in the
auction. Additional information on the
JDA can be found in this notice in the
section entitled, ‘‘Multiple Factor
Definitions.’’ A member of the Rhode
Island Habitat Advisory Board
expressed concern about publication of
the PSN before a FONSI determination
has been made; reiterated concerns
about areas within the WEA where
glacial moraines are located; proposed
additional requirements for protection
of endangered species, in particular the
North Atlantic Right Whale; and
requested that BOEM consider
implementing a discount for nonmonetary values in the auction format.
The additional measures proposed for
North Atlantic Right Whale protection
are similar to those previously
developed by a consortium of
nongovernmental organizations and
wind industry representatives and
presented to BOEM for consideration in
issuing commercial wind leases off New
Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and
Virginia. A Task Force member from the
Town of Aquinnah suggested that
BOEM consider proposals that provide
community benefits in the auction
format and expressed concern with the
requirements for protection of North
Atlantic Right Whales. The City of New
Bedford Economic Development
Commission expressed concern
regarding the inclusion of a discount in
the auction format for the State of Rhode
Island’s preferred developer. NMFS
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
provided recommendations for language
to be clarified in the PSN, as well as in
Addendum C of the proposed lease.
Financial Terms and Conditions: This
section provides an overview of the
basic annual payments required of the
Lessee, which will be fully described in
the lease.
Rent: The first year’s rent payment for
the entire leased area is due within 45
calendar days of the date the winning
bidder receives the lease for execution.
Thereafter, annual rent payments are
due on the anniversary of the lease
Effective Date until commercial
operations on the lease commence, i.e.,
when the generation of electricity
begins. The annual rental rate will be
$3.00 per acre, and this rate will be
applicable to the entire leased area. For
example, for a lease the size of 164,750
acres (the size of the entire WEA), the
amount of rent payment will be
$494,250 per year. The Lessee also must
pay rent for any project easement
associated with the lease commencing
on the date that BOEM approves the
COP (or modification) that describes the
project easement. Annual rent for a
project easement, 200-feet wide and
centered on the transmission cable, is
$70.00 per statute mile. For any such
additional acreage required, the Lessee
must also pay the greater of $5.00 per
acre per year or $450.00 per year.
Operating Fee: The initial annual
operating fee is prorated and due within
45 calendar days after the
commencement of commercial
operations on the lease, and subsequent
payments are due on or before each
Lease Anniversary annually thereafter.
The annual operating fee payment is
calculated by multiplying an operating
fee rate by the imputed wholesale
market value of the projected electric
power production. For the purposes of
this calculation, the imputed market
value is the product of the project’s
annual nameplate capacity, the total
number of hours in the year (8,760), an
annual capacity factor, and the
historical, annual average regional
wholesale power price index.
Operating Fee Rate: The operating fee
rate is 0.02 through the eighth year of
commercial operations on the lease.
Starting in the ninth year of commercial
operations, the operating fee rate is 0.04
through the remaining term of the lease.
Nameplate Capacity: The nameplate
capacity at the start of each year of
commercial operations on the lease as
specified in the COP will be used to
allow for installation schedules or
repowering, recognizing that a project’s
designed capacity may not be fully
available in every year. Using the
capacity at the beginning of each year,
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as specified in the COP, adjusts the
nameplate capacity for these schedules.
Capacity Factor: The capacity factor
for the first six full years of commercial
operations on the lease is set to 0.4 to
allow for one year of installation and
testing followed by five years at full
availability. At the end of the sixth full
year, the capacity factor will be adjusted
to reflect the performance over the
previous five years based upon the
actual metered electricity generation at
the delivery point to the electrical grid.
Similar adjustments to the capacity
factor will be made once every five
years thereafter. The maximum change
in the capacity factor from one period to
the next will be limited to plus or minus
10 percent of the previous period’s
Wholesale Power Price Index: The
wholesale power price is determined at
the time each annual operating fee
payment is due. The wholesale power
price will be based on the weighted
average of the inflation-adjusted peak
and off-peak spot price indices for the
Northeast—Mass Hub power market for
the most recent year of data available as
reported by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) as part
of its annual State of the Markets Report
with specific reference to the summary
entitled ‘‘Electric Market Overview:
Regional Spot Prices.’’
Financial Assurance: BOEM will base
the amounts of all SAP, COP, and
decommissioning financial assurance
requirements on estimates of the cost to
meet all accrued lease obligations. The
amount of supplemental and
decommissioning financial assurance
requirements will be determined on a
case-by-case basis. The amount of
financial assurance required to meet all
lease obligations includes:
• The projected amount of rent and
other payments due to the Federal
Government over the next 12 months;
• Any past due rent and other
• Other monetary obligations (e.g.,
fines, liens); and
• The estimated cost of facility
Prior to lease issuance the Lessee
must provide: (1) An initial leasespecific bond or other approved means
of meeting the Lessor’s initial financial
assurance requirements in the amount
of $100,000; and (2) a supplemental
bond or other approved means of
meeting the Lessor’s supplemental
financial assurance requirements in the
amount of $292,494 for Lease OCS A–
0486, and $201,756 for Lease OCS A–
0487, to guarantee lease obligations
from rental payments due to the
Government over the first 12 months of
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the lease. Additional financial
assurances will be required to address
decommissioning, operating fee, and
other obligations as the lease progresses.
The financial terms can be found in
Addendum ‘‘B’’ of the proposed lease,
which BOEM has made available with
this notice on its Web site at: https://
State-Activities/Rhode Island.aspx.
Place and Time: The auction will be
held online. The time that the auction
will be held will be published in the
FSN. The date has not been finalized at
this time, but will be no earlier than 30
days after publication of the FSN in the
Federal Register.
Public Seminar: BOEM will host a
public seminar to introduce potential
bidders and other stakeholders to the
auction format provided in the PSN,
explain the auction rules, and
demonstrate the auction process
through meaningful examples. The time
and place of the seminar will be
announced by BOEM and published on
the BOEM Web site. No registration or
RSVP will be required in order to
Mock Auction: BOEM will host a
mock auction to educate qualified
bidders about the procedures to be
employed during the auction and to
answer questions. The mock auction
will take place between the publication
of the FSN in the Federal Register and
the date of the auction. Following
publication of the FSN in the Federal
Register, details of the mock auction
will be distributed to those eligible to
participate in the auction. All qualified
bidders that intend to participate in the
auction are strongly encouraged to
participate in the mock auction. Bidders
will be eligible to participate in the
Mock Auction if they have been legally,
technically, and financially qualified, as
discussed below.
Bid Deposit and Minimum Bid: A bid
deposit is an advance cash deposit
submitted to BOEM. No later than 14
calendar days following publication of
the FSN, each bidder must have
submitted a bid deposit (equal to a
minimum cash bid) of at least $5.00 per
acre, or fraction thereof, offered for sale.
Approximately 97,498 acres would be
offered for sale as Lease OCS–A 0486
(North Zone), and approximately 67,252
acres would be offered as Lease OCS–A
0487 (South Zone) in this auction. The
bid deposit amount of $5.00 per acre
represents the minimum bid that BOEM
proposes for this lease sale. Therefore,
the minimum acceptable bid will be
$487,490 for Lease OCS–A 0486 (North
Zone), and $336,260 for Lease OCS–A
0487 (South Zone). The required bid
deposit for any participant intending to
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bid on both leases will be $5.00 per acre
for the combined total acreage being
offered, which equals $823,750. Any
participant intending to bid on only one
of the leases must submit a bid deposit
of no less than $5.00 per acre for the
larger area being offered (Lease OCS–A
0486 (North Zone)), which equals
$487,490. Any bidder that fails to
submit the bid deposit by the deadline
described herein may be prevented by
BOEM from participating in the auction.
Bid deposits will be accepted online via
Following publication of the FSN,
each bidder must complete the Bidder’s
Financial Form included in the FSN.
BOEM has made a copy of the proposed
form available with this notice on its
Web site at:
Island. This form requests that each
bidder designate an email address,
which the bidder should use to create
an account in After
establishing the account,
bidders may use the Bid Deposit Form
on the Web site to submit a
Following the auction, bid deposits
will be applied against any bonus bids
or other obligations a successful bidder
owes to BOEM. If the bid deposit
exceeds the bidder’s total financial
obligation, the balance of the bid
deposit will be refunded to the bidder.
BOEM will refund the bid deposit to
unsuccessful bidders.
Areas Offered for Leasing: The
proposed lease area was identified as
the Rhode Island and Massachusetts
Wind Energy Area (WEA) on February
24, 2012 (see Area Identification
announcement available at: https:// The proposed lease area
offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts comprises 13 whole OCS
blocks and 26 sub-blocks encompassing
164,750 acres. The area available for
sale will be auctioned as two leases,
Lease OCS–A 0486 (North Zone) and
Lease OCS–A 0487 (South Zone). The
North Zone consists of 97,498 acres, and
the South Zone consists of 67,252 acres.
If there are adequate bids, two leases
will be issued pursuant to this lease
sale. A description of the lease areas and
lease activities can be found in
Addendum ‘‘A’’ of the proposed leases,
which BOEM has made available with
this notice on its Web site at: https://
State-Activities/Rhode Island.aspx.
The two areas that will be offered for
leased within the Rhode Island/
Massachusetts WEA are the North Zone
and the South Zone, which are
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separated by an exclusion area
surrounding Cox Ledge. This division
into two Zones is based on the
consideration of a number of factors,
including: the prevailing winds as
demonstrated in the RI Ocean Special
Area Management Plan, which is
available at:
RI_Ocean_SAMP.pdf; the project scale
requirements under state laws and
regulations (including Rhode Island
General Laws, Chapter 39–26.1); the
JDA executed by the State of Rhode
Island; developer responses to the
August 2011 Call for Information and
Nominations; allowance for buffer zones
between projects; and proximity to
onshore infrastructure and markets.
Each zone is expected to be capable
of supporting a project of at least 350
MW in nameplate capacity. The North
Zone may be capable of supporting over
1,000 MW and is expected to have the
advantage of closer proximity to
onshore infrastructure. However, the
South Zone could potentially support a
project of 1,000 MW and is expected to
be attractive due to its expansion
opportunities to the south and east in
potential future lease sales.
Map of the Area Offered for Leasing:
A map of the areas and a table of the
boundary coordinates in X, Y (eastings,
northings) UTM Zone 18, NAD83 Datum
and geographic X, Y (longitude,
latitude), NAD83 Datum can be found at
the following URL:
Renewable-Energy-Program/StateActivities/Rhode Island.aspx.
A large scale map of these areas,
showing boundaries of the area with
numbered blocks, is available from
BOEM at the following address: Bureau
of Ocean Energy Management, Office of
Renewable Energy Programs, 381 Elden
Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia
20170, Phone: (703) 787–1300, Fax:
(703) 787–1708.
Withdrawal of Blocks: BOEM reserves
the right to withdraw areas from this
lease sale prior to the execution of a
Lease Terms and Conditions: BOEM
has included proposed lease terms and
conditions for OCS commercial wind
leases in the Rhode Island and
Massachusetts WEA in Addendum ‘‘C’’
of the proposed lease. BOEM reserves
the right to apply additional terms and
conditions that are consistent with the
terms of the lease to activities
conducted on the lease incident to any
future approval or approval with
modifications of a SAP and/or COP. The
proposed lease, including Addendum
‘‘C’’, is available on BOEM’s Web site at:
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Island.aspx. The proposed lease
consists of an instrument with 18
sections and the following six
Addendum ‘‘A’’ (Description of
Leased Area and Lease Activities);
Addendum ‘‘B’’ (Lease Term and
Financial Schedule);
Addendum ‘‘C’’ (Lease Specific
Terms, Conditions, and Stipulations);
Addendum ‘‘D’’ (Project Easement);
Addendum ‘‘E’’ (Rent Schedule); and
Appendix A (High Resolution
Geophysical Surveys and Analysis for
the Identification or Reporting of
Archaeological Resources).
Addenda ‘‘A’’, ‘‘B’’, and ‘‘C’’ provide
detailed descriptions of lease terms and
Addenda ‘‘D’’ and ‘‘E’’ will be
completed at the time of COP approval.
After considering comments on the
PSN and these proposed provisions,
BOEM will publish final lease terms and
conditions in a FSN.
The lease form included as part of this
proposed lease has been updated since
its publication on February 3, 2012. A
discussion of specific changes to the
lease form is available separately on
BOEM’s Web site at: https://
Plans: Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.601,
the leaseholder must submit a SAP
within six months of lease issuance. If
the leaseholder intends to continue its
commercial lease with an operations
term, the leaseholder must submit a
COP at least six months before the end
of the site assessment term.
Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.629, a
leaseholder may include in its COP a
request to develop its commercial lease
in phases. If a leaseholder requests and
BOEM approves phased development,
this approval will not affect the length
of the preliminary, site assessment, or
commercial terms offered under the
lease. The COP must describe in
sufficient detail the activities proposed
for all phases of commercial
development, including a schedule
detailing the proposed timelines for
phased development. Further, the COP
must include the results of all site
characterization surveys, as described in
30 CFR 585.626(a), necessary to support
each phase of commercial development.
The requirements of the SAP remain the
same as they would under a non-phased
development scenario, and must meet
the requirements set forth in the
regulatory provisions in 30 CFR
585.605–613 for the full commercial
lease area.
Qualifications—Who May Bid: Any
potential bidder that has not already
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submitted a complete set of
qualification materials must do so by
the end of the comment period of this
PSN. To be eligible to participate in the
auction, each potential bidder must be
legally, technically and financially
qualified under BOEM’s regulations at
30 CFR 585.106–107 by the time the
FSN for this sale is published. Please
note that technical and financial
qualifications are lease specific; it is not
sufficient to have been technically and
financially qualified to pursue a project
offshore another state.
Guidance and examples of the
appropriate documentation
demonstrating your legal qualifications
can be found in Chapter 2 and
Appendix B of Guidelines for the
Minerals Management Service
Renewable Energy Framework, available
on BOEM’s Web site at: https://
Index.aspx. Guidance regarding how
you may demonstrate your technical
and financial qualifications is provided
in a document entitled, Qualification
Guidelines to Acquire and Hold
Renewable Energy Leases and Grants
and Alternate Use Grants on the U.S.
Outer Continental Shelf: (https://
BOEM strongly recommends that you
refer to this guidance before submitting
your qualification materials, as the
guidance has been updated recently.
You must submit the documentation
necessary to demonstrate your legal,
technical, and financial qualifications to
BOEM in both paper and electronic
formats. BOEM considers an Adobe PDF
file stored on a compact disc (CD) to be
an acceptable format for submitting an
electronic copy. In your qualification
materials, provide a general description
of the project you would like to
construct on the lease area sought in
this sale, including estimates of the
project area and total nameplate
capacity of the proposed facilities.
Please note that it may take a number
of weeks for you to establish your legal,
technical, and financial qualifications.
We advise potential bidders planning to
participate in this sale to establish their
qualifications promptly. It is not
uncommon for BOEM to request
additional materials establishing
qualifications following an initial
review of the qualifications package.
BOEM will find any potential bidder
whose qualification package is
incomplete at the time the FSN for this
sale is published in the Federal Register
to have failed to establish its
qualifications to participate in the sale,
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and, therefore, will be unable to
participate in the sale.
Auction Procedures
For the sale of these leases, BOEM
will use a multi-factor auction format,
with a multiple-factor bidding system.
Under this system, BOEM may consider
a combination of monetary and
nonmonetary factors, or ‘‘variables,’’ in
determining the outcome of the auction.
There will be two such variables
considered by BOEM in this auction—
(1) a cash bid, and (2) a credit if a bidder
holds a Joint Development Agreement
(JDA) or a Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA), as defined below. A multi-factor
auction, wherein both monetary and
nonmonetary bid variables are
considered, is provided for under
BOEM’s regulations at 30 CFR
585.220(a)(4) and 585.221(a)(6).
Under a multiple-factor bidding
format, as set forth at 30 CFR
585.220(a)(4), BOEM may consider
many factors as part of a bid. The
regulation states that one bid proposal
per bidder will be accepted, but does
not further specify the procedures to be
followed in the multiple-factor format.
This multiple-factor format is intended
to allow BOEM flexibility in
administering the auction and in
balancing the variables presented. The
regulation leaves to BOEM the
determination of how to administer the
multiple-factor auction format in order
to try to best achieve BOEM’s goals of
encouraging bidding, enhancing price
discovery, and ensuring that BOEM
receives a fair return for the leases
auctioned, as required by the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act, (OCSLA),
43 U.S.C. 1337(p)(2)(A).
BOEM’s regulations at 30 CFR
585.220(a)(4) permit a multi-round
auction provided only one cash bid
proposal per zone or set of zones per
bidder, per round of the auction, is
accepted. This regulation presents an
administratively efficient auction
process. It also takes advantage of the
flexibility built into the regulation by
enabling BOEM to benefit from both the
consideration of more than one factor
and the price discovery involved in
successive rounds of bidding.
The auction will be conducted in a
series of rounds. At the start of each
round, BOEM will state an asking price
for each zone being offered. In each
round, each bidder will have the
opportunity to submit one cash bid per
zone at the asking price. A bid
submitted at the asking price in a
particular round is referred to as a ‘‘live
bid’’ and a live bid signifies that the
PO 00000
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bidder is willing to pay that auction
round’s asking price for a particular
zone. A bidder must submit a live bid
on at least one of the zones in each
round to remain ‘‘active’’ into the next
round of the auction. As long as at least
two live bids are submitted at the asking
price on any zone in a particular round,
the auction continues, and the next
round is held. If there is only one live
bid for a zone, and that bidder is not
bidding on the other zone, BOEM
automatically carries that bid forward
into the next round. If BOEM carries a
bid forward, the bid will be considered
the equivalent of a live bid for the
purpose of determining bidder
eligibility. If there is more than one live
bid for a zone, the stated price for that
zone is raised in each subsequent round
until there is only one live bid or no live
bids for that zone. The auction
concludes when there are one or zero
live bids for each zone.
The series of rounds and the
escalating asking prices set by BOEM
will allow consideration of the first
variable—the cash bid. BOEM will set
one asking price per zone in each round.
Each bidder will either place a live bid
at this asking price or not, but no bidder
will be permitted more than one bid per
zone in any one round. Thus, bidders
will not be outbidding each other in
each round, but will be limited to one
bid per zone per round, at the asking
price, (or at a price subject to a credit
due to the second variable, as explained
The second variable—a credit for
holding a JDA or PPA of at least 350
megawatts each—will be applied
throughout the auction rounds as a form
of imputed credit against the amount of
a cash bid proposal made by a particular
bidder in a particular round. A bidder
holding only a qualified JDA will
receive a credit of 15%, a bidder
holding only a qualified PPA will
receive a credit of 25 percent, and a
bidder that holds both will receive the
larger of the two possible credit
amounts, i.e. 25 percent. The total
percentage credit is limited to 25
percent in the auction to address
concerns about creating too large an
advantage to certain bidders in the
auction, as discussed in BOEM’s
Auction Format Information Request (76
FR 76174). BOEM considered the
overall impact and relative strength of
the JDA compared to that of a PPA in
enabling a lessee to install a viable
project on the OCS in setting the JDA
credit at 15 percent. In the case of a
bidder holding a credit and bidding on
more than one zone, the credit will be
applied only to the zone being offered
at the higher asking price. By way of
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
example, a bidder holding a qualified
JDA and bidding on two zones, one with
an asking price of $1,000,000 and one
with an asking price of $2,000,000, will
receive a 15 percent credit against the
higher priced $2,000,000 bid in that
round, obligating the bidder to a
payment of $1,700,000, or 15 percent
less than the asking price for that zone,
and $1,000,000 for the other zone, equal
to the asking price for that other zone.
Each bid in each round will thus be
considered based on both factors—the
amount of the cash bid proposed and
the amount of a potential credit for
holding a qualified JDA or PPA.
BOEM’s regulations concerning multifactor bidding require the use of a panel
30 CFR 585.222 (d), whose members are
selected by the agency, to help weigh
the variables considered in such an
auction. The regulations state that
BOEM ‘‘will determine the winning bid
for proposals submitted under the
multiple-factor bidding format on the
basis of selection by the panel * * *.’’
30 CFR 585.224(h). The panel will
evaluate any purported JDA or PPA
proffered by a bidder to determine
whether it is acceptable to BOEM, and
therefore whether it will qualify for a
credit for its holder. The panel will
determine the winning bids for each
zone on the basis of the Stage 1 and
Stage 2 rules set forth herein.
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Details of the Auction Process
Bidding—Live Bids
Each bidder is allowed to submit live
bids on one or more zones based on its
eligibility at the opening of each round.
A bidder’s initial eligibility to bid on
either one or both zones in the opening
round of the auction is determined
based on the amount of the bid deposit
submitted by the bidder prior to the
auction. The required deposit for
bidding on one zone is equal to the
minimum bid of the zone with the most
acreage. If a bidder wants to bid on both
zones, the bidder is required to submit
a deposit equal to the sum of the
minimum bids for both zones. As the
auction continues, a bidder’s eligibility
is determined by the number of live bids
submitted in the round prior to the
current round.
Before each round of the auction,
BOEM raises the asking price for each
zone that received more than one live
bid in the previous round, while the
asking price for zones that received one
or no live bids in the previous round
remains the same. Bidders must submit
a live bid in each round of the auction
(or have a bid automatically carried
forward by BOEM) to remain active and
continue bidding in future rounds.
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Between rounds, all bidders who are
still active are informed, with respect to
each zone, of the asking price for the
upcoming round and the number of live
bids submitted in the previous round. In
cases where one of the zones which a
bidder has bid on in the previous round
has competition, i.e., the zone received
two or more live bids, the bidder must
independently submit bids identifying
which zones it continues to be
interested in acquiring in the current
round. In cases where the bidder has bid
on only one zone in the previous round
and there is no competition for that
zone, i.e., only that bidder has
submitted a live bid, BOEM will
automatically carry forward the bid for
that bidder by recording that the bidder
‘‘submitted’’ a live bid in the current
round on that zone at the previous
round’s asking price. In these latter
cases i.e., when the bidder has bid on
only one zone and BOEM has carried
that bid forward, switching bids to other
zones or submitting an intra-round bid
are prohibited, as is reducing the
number of zones on which the bidder
has bid. Additional auction rounds
occur as long as at least one of the zones
offered receives two or more live bids in
the previous round. The auction
concludes at the end of the round in
which the number of live bids received
on each zone falls to one or zero.
A bidder may not increase the number
of zones it bids on from one round to
a subsequent round. Provided one or
more live bids were received on at least
one of the zones that the bidder itself
has bid on in the previous round, a
bidder may voluntarily reduce the
number of the zones it bids on from one
round to the next, switch its bids from
one zone to another, or submit an
‘‘intra-round’’ bid in conjunction with
reducing its eligibility as to the number
of zones on which it can bid in future
rounds. (Intra-round bids are discussed
below.) Otherwise, in general, if there
are no other bidders on any of the zones
on which the bidder has bid in the
previous round, the bidder must
maintain its existing bids and BOEM
will automatically record the bidder as
having ‘‘submitted’’ its standing live
bids at the previous round’s asking
price. For this two-zone sale, however,
this situation can only occur for the case
of one zone, because if there had been
only a single live bid on each zone in
the previous round, the auction would
have closed.
Thus, if a bidder placed a live bid for
both zones in the previous round, it can
submit live bids for both zones in the
current round. The bidder also has the
option of submitting a live bid for only
PO 00000
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one of the zones or none of the zones
in the current round.
If a bidder placed a live bid on only
the South Zone in the previous round,
and there was at least one other
competing bid for that zone, then the
bidder can submit a live bid on either
the North or South Zone in the current
round, or not bid on either zone, but it
cannot bid on both zones. If there are no
competing bids on the South Zone, the
bidder cannot switch its bid to the
North Zone or reduce its eligibility by
not bidding on either zone. Once a
bidder fails to submit a live bid for any
zone (or have a bid carried forward by
BOEM), it must depart the auction and
will no longer be allowed to submit bids
for any zone in any subsequent round.
Bidding—Intra-Round Bids
Subject to certain conditions, bidders
are allowed to submit an ‘‘intra-round’’
bid in any round after the first round.
Intra-round bids are similar to what
were termed ‘‘exit bids’’ in BOEM’s
Auction Format Information Request (76
FR 76174). In contrast to exit bids,
however, intra-round bids do not
necessarily require that the bidder exit
the auction—only that the number of
live bids that the bidder is eligible to
submit must be reduced.
An intra-round bid consists of a single
offer price for exactly the same zone or
set of zones that the bidder placed live
bids on in the previous round. The
single offer price must be greater than
the sum of the asking prices for the
zones bid on in the previous round and
less than the sum of the asking prices
for these zones in the current round. A
bidder may not submit an intra-round
bid for a single zone or set of zones in
the current round when this bidder was
the only bidder placing a live bid for all
of these zone(s) in the previous round,
i.e., an intra-round bid is prohibited in
the current round when the asking price
does not increase from the previous
round on all of the zones on which the
bidder bid (or was credited with bidding
on) in the previous round. This
situation can only arise in this two-zone
sale for a bid on a single zone, because
the auction would have closed in the
previous round if both zones had only
a single live bid.
A bidder may submit both live bids
and an intra-round bid in the same
round, as long as the bidder reduces the
number of live bids by at least one zone
in the current round compared to the
previous round. The zones on which the
live bids are submitted may coincide
with some of the zones included in the
intra-round bid. In the specific case of
this two-zone sale, this situation can
arise only if the bidder has submitted
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
live bids on both zones in the previous
round, chooses to submit an intra-round
bid in the current round (consisting of
both zones as required in this example),
and also submits a live bid at the
current round’s asking price on one of
the zones in the bidder’s intra-round
A bidder may submit additional intraround bids in subsequent rounds,
following the same rules as applied to
the first intra-round bid. A bidder now
eligible to bid on one zone may submit
an intra-round bid on one zone, but
cannot also submit any live bids,
because its eligibility to submit live bids
from having submitted this intra-round
bid is reduced from one to zero zones.
Intra-round bids are not considered to
be live bids for the purpose of
determining whether to conclude the
auction or for determining whether to
increase the asking price for a particular
zone. When a bidder submits an intraround bid on one zone, the bidder’s bid
eligibility is reduced to zero, and this
bid represents the bidder’s best-andfinal offer prior to leaving the auction.
In contrast, a bidder’s intra-round bid
for both zones represents a best-andfinal offer for both zones and reduces a
bidder’s eligibility in the auction to one
or zero zones, based on the number of
live bids submitted in the round. In this
manner, bidders are able to express their
maximum bid amount for both zones
and an individual zone prior to
reducing their eligibility.
For example, consider the case of a
bidder who has bid on both zones in
previous rounds, and hence is eligible to
continue bidding on both zones in the
current round. Suppose the asking
prices for the North and South Zones
were $750,000 and $600,000 in the
previous round and are now $800,000
and $600,000 in the current round,
respectively. These results reflect that in
the previous round the bidder had
competition for the North Zone (because
the asking price was increased in the
current round), but not for the South
Zone. The bidder may only enter a
single, intra-round bid for both zones
that it bid on in the previous round.
This single offer price must be more
than $1,350,000 and less than
$1,400,000, and the bidder must
simultaneously reduce its eligibility to
submit live bids from two zones to one
or zero zones. The bidder can satisfy
this requirement by choosing to submit
(along with its intra-round bid) a single
live bid of $800,000 for the North Zone
or $600,000 for the South Zone, or
choose not to submit any live bids and
hence exit the auction.
If the bidder had only bid on one zone
in the previous round, it may be eligible
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to submit an intra-round bid during the
current round. If its previous round’s
bid was for the North Zone, the bidder
could submit an intra-round bid for that
zone of more than $750,000 and less
than $800,000, reduce its live bid
eligibility to zero, and hence exit the
auction. Alternatively, if the bidder’s
previous round’s bid was on the South
Zone, it cannot submit an intra-round
bid, because the current round’s asking
price is unchanged from the asking
price in the previous round, as there
were no other competitive bids. In this
case, since the bidder had no
competition for the South Zone, its sole
bid of $600,000 from the previous round
is automatically recorded by BOEM as a
submitted live bid of the same amount
in the current round.
Stages—Stage 1
After the bidding ends, a panel will
determine the winning bids in two
stages. This determination, in both
stages, will be based on the two auction
variables, as well as on a bidder’s
adherence to the rules of the auction,
and on confirmation of the absence of
conduct detrimental to the integrity of
the competitive auction.
In Stage 1, a zone is awarded to the
bidder with a live bid in the final round
of the auction. A bidder who submits a
final round live bid for a zone is
guaranteed to be the winning bidder for
that zone. A bidder who is awarded a
zone only as a result of a final round
live bid is obligated to pay the cash bid
amount for that zone (i.e., the asking
price of that zone in the final round less
any credit earned).
If both zones are awarded to bidders
in Stage 1, the second award stage
would not be necessary. If at least one
zone is not awarded in Stage 1, which
received either an intra-round bid
within any round or a live bid in a
prior-to-final round, then a second
award stage would be conducted.
Stages—Stage 2
In Stage 2, all of the remaining priorto-final round live bids and any intraround bids received during the auction
are considered alongside one another to
award any remaining unsold zones.
Determination of the winning Stage 2
bids is based on the principle of
maximization of gross auction revenue
subject to the award of zones in Stage
Live bids from previous rounds are
considered in the same way as intraround bids received within any round,
i.e., at a single aggregate price per round
per bidder based on the sum of the
asking prices for each zone in the round
the bid was received. For example, if a
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
bidder placed live bids in a previous
round for both the North and South
Zones and the asking prices in that
round for each zone were $600,000 and
$750,000, respectively, the bid would be
evaluated at $1,350,000 for award
Thus, in Stage 2, bids from bidders in
each applicable round are considered as
unique packages of intra-round bids and
live bids. A bidder is able to win bids
submitted from only a single round,
which will consist of either all of the
zones in an intra-round bid or all of the
zones on which it submitted live bids in
the winning round for that bidder. A
bidder cannot win only some of the
zones on which it submitted live bids in
a round. Rather, a bidder wins all of the
zones or none of them from one round
based on its live bids. Further, a bidder
may only win one intra-round bid and
may not win a set of live bids and an
intra-round bid—it wins one or the
other based on auction revenue
maximization subject to the Stage 1
In particular, any intra-round bids or
sets of prior-to-final round live bids
from one bidder, which include a zone
awarded in Stage 1 to another bidder,
are eliminated from consideration.
Thus, if Bidder A was awarded the
South Zone in Stage 1, and Bidder B
submitted either an intra-round bid or
set of live bids for both the North Zone
and South Zone in one or more previous
rounds, those bids of Bidder B would be
eliminated because they overlap with a
zone that has already been awarded to
Bidder A in Stage 1.
Also, any intra-round bids or sets of
prior-to-final round live bids from a
bidder who itself was awarded one or
more zones in Stage 1 are eliminated
unless such bids represent a superset of
the zones (i.e., in this sale, both zones)
won by the bidder in Stage 1, i.e., those
bids must contain all the zones won by
this bidder in Stage 1 to be considered
in Stage 2. For example, if a bidder was
already awarded the North Zone in
Stage 1, any previous rounds’ bids by
that bidder for just the South Zone
would be eliminated from
consideration, whereas that bidder’s
previous rounds’ bids for both zones
would be considered for award in Stage
Acceptance of a bidder’s superset bid
over the final round bid would depend
on whether the superset bid was
consistent with maximizing gross
auction revenue. To demonstrate,
suppose only the North Zone received a
final round live bid, equal to
$1,000,000, and the same bidder
submitted the highest previous round’s
set of live bids or an intra-round bid for
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
both the North and South Zones with a
gross auction price of $1,400,000. In this
case, the bidder’s superset bid of
$1,400,000 for both zones would replace
the final round live bid from this same
bidder for only the North Zone of
In summary, unsold zones following
the Stage 1 evaluations are considered
for award to the bidders in Stage 2 for
eligible intra-round bids and sets of live
bids in a manner that would yield the
highest gross auction revenue to BOEM
given the Stage 1 awards. If more than
one combination of remaining previousround live and intra-round bids exist
that would yield the same highest gross
auction revenue to the seller, while
preserving the zones awarded in Stage
1, the resulting tie is settled by a
random draw.
All zone awards are based on the bids
submitted during the auction at their
asking and intra-round bid (i.e., ‘‘asbid’’) prices. For each bidder, the as-bid
price will be considered to have a cash
component and an imputed credit
component, if applicable, as described
in the following section. The amount
each bidder is obligated to pay at the
conclusion of the auction will be equal
to the cash component of the as-bid
auction price (i.e., the as-bid auction
price less the imputed amounts
associated with the credits, as described
in the following section).
Factor Two Credits: Prior to the
auction, BOEM will convene a panel (as
provided in BOEM’s regulations,
discussed above) to evaluate whether
and to what extent each bidder is
eligible for a credit applicable to the asbid auction price for one of the zones in
each round of the auction, as described
below. In order to receive the JDA or
PPA credit a bidder must be legally,
technically, and financially qualified to
acquire a commercial OCS wind lease,
and must not be affiliated with any
other bidding entity also seeking credit
for the same JDA or PPA.
The percentage credit is determined
based on the panel’s evaluation of
required documentation submitted by
the bidders as of the deadline specified
in the Final Sale Notice. Bidders will be
informed prior to the first round of the
auction about the percentage credit
applicable to their bid for a single zone.
Then, in subsequent rounds, bidders
will be provided information showing
how their as-bid auction prices are
affected by the credit imputed to their
bid to determine their net payment due
to BOEM, should their bids prevail as
winning bids in the award stages. This
process is conceptually similar to one in
which the multiple bid factors are
combined into an aggregate score for the
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purpose of awarding zones, but is more
transparent to bidders and facilitates the
bidding process in a dynamic, multifactor, multiple round auction process,
such as we propose to use for this sale.
The percentage amount of credit
imputed will be based on the greater of
the following two conditions associated
with the development activities within
the Rhode Island lease sale area:
• A bidder having entered into one or
more qualified joint development
agreements (JDAs) supporting 350 MW
or more of total capacity will receive a
credit of 15 percent; or
• A bidder having entered into one or
more qualified Power Purchase
Agreements (PPAs) supporting 350 MW
or more of total capacity under contract
will receive a credit of 25 percent.
The panel will determine whether a
proffered JDA or PPA is qualified to
receive a credit, based on the
definitional information provided
A bidder with both a qualified JDA
and a qualified PPA is eligible to receive
the larger of the two credits. For
example, if a bidder’s winning bid for
its highest-priced zone is $1,000,000
and the bidder has entered into a JDA
for 400 MW and a PPA for 570 MW, the
bidder would qualify for a credit of 15
percent for the JDA and 25 percent for
the PPA, and be eligible for an award
equal to the larger of the two credit
amounts, in this case 25 percent.
Accordingly, the bidder would have an
imputed credit of $250,000 for its
winning bid and would pay BOEM the
cash component of its bid, which would
be $750,000.
In another example, if the bidder
entered a JDA for 400 MW and a PPA
for 170 MW, then under the first
condition, the bidder with a qualified
JDA would receive a credit of 15
percent, while under the second
condition, the bidder would not receive
any credit since the capacity under the
PPA contract falls below the 350 MW
threshold level. The bidder would be
eligible for an award equal to 15
percent, and hence would have an
imputed credit of $150,000 and pay
BOEM $850,000 (the cash component of
its bid) for its winning gross auction
priced zone of $1,000,000.
The bidding software interface will be
tailored to each bidder based on the
percentage credit awarded to the bidder.
In each round of the auction, the bidder
will be provided with the gross and net
stated auction prices for each zone,
along with the aggregate bid price the
bidder would be obligated to pay if the
zones were to be awarded to them based
on that round’s bids, both with and
without the bidder’s credit. For a bid on
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both zones in a given round, the
software interface would highlight the
zone with the highest stated auction
price among the zones selected by the
bidder to which the credit would be
applied in each round. For example,
suppose a bidder is eligible for a 15
percent credit, and the gross stated
auction prices for the North and South
Zones in the current round are
$1,000,000 and $800,000 respectively.
The potential net payment to be made
by the bidder for its live bids for both
zones would be shown as a net bid of
$850,000 for the higher-priced North
Zone, and a gross bid of $800,000 for the
lower-priced South Zone.
The same principle is applied when
an intra-round bid, rather than a live
bid, is offered. If an intra-round bid
includes only one zone, the percent
credit will be applied to the zone’s
asking price in the previous round. Note
that the credit does not apply to the full
amount of the intra-round bid, i.e., it
does not apply to the increment above
the asking price in the previous round.
For example, say the stated auction
price for the North Zone was $800,000
in the previous round and $1,000,000 in
the current round and a bidder who was
awarded a 15 percent credit submits an
intra-round bid price of $900,000 for the
zone. The bidder would be obligated to
pay $780,000 if its bid is successful.
This amount would reflect an imputed
$120,000 credit to its $900,000 bid price
which would be calculated by applying
its 15 percent credit to the previousround’s asking price of $800,000, and
then subtracting the amount of that
calculation $120,000 from its bid of
In the case of an intra-round bid for
both zones, the highest priced zone will
be determined based on the asking
prices of both zones in the round
previous to the submission of the intraround bid. Continuing with the previous
example, assume the stated auction
price for the South Zone is $500,000 in
both the previous and current rounds,
and for the North Zone the stated
auction prices are the same as before,
i.e., $800,000 in the previous round and
$1,000,000 in the current round.
Suppose the bidder offers an intraround bid price of $1,400,000 for both
zones. In this instance, the price of the
North Zone ($800,000) is greater than
the South Zone ($500,000) in the
previous round, and the dollar value of
the credit is calculated to be 15 percent
of $800,000, equal to $120,000 as before.
So, the bidder would be obligated to pay
$1,280,000 for its intra-round bid if
BOEM considered alternative
specifications of these conditions,
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
including options to have the maximum
credit for the JDA and PPA be 10
percent and 15 percent, respectively,
and where the total credit would then
be the sum of two conditions. BOEM
also considered the option to provide a
pro-rated credit for JDAs and PPAs
involving less than the 350 MW level
anticipated to be needed to support a
viable project. BOEM recognizes that
few if any developers will have entered
into PPA at the time of the proposed
lease sale, but has elected to include the
discussion of PPA and the alternative
specifications in this PSN to obtain
comment that will be considered for
both this and future lease sales.
Factor Two Definitions: The
definitions below will apply to the
factors for which bidders may earn a
Joint development agreement (JDA) is
a binding agreement between a State
and a legal entity that proposes to
develop renewable (wind) energy,
which sets forth the rights, obligations,
and certain economic development
activities of the parties in connection
with the development of an offshore
wind project. The legal entity named in
a JDA must be selected through a
competitive selection process, such as a
request for proposals (RFP), that is
conducted by a state adjacent to the
wind energy area issuing and entering
into the JDA agreement, where the
subsequent submitted proposals are
evaluated by a State agency, committee,
or public utility board. The JDA will
qualify if the panel determines that the
agreement includes the following
identifiable factors: (1) Sufficient
specificity to the size, timing, and
location of the proposed project on the
OCS; (2) the financial commitment of
the State, the identified legal entity,
and/or a third party (buyer of power), if
applicable, included in the agreement;
(3) the developmental, financial, and/or
regulatory processes through which the
State will support the identified legal
entity that proposes to develop
renewable (wind) energy; (4) significant
project milestones; (5) the ramifications
for not meeting said milestones; and (6)
any exclusionary rights awarded to said
identified legal entity.
Power purchase agreement (PPA) is
any legally enforceable contract
negotiated between an electricity
generator (Generator) and a power
purchaser (Buyer) that identifies,
defines, and stipulates the rights and
obligations of one party to produce, and
the other party to purchase, energy from
an offshore wind project to be located in
the lease sale area. The PPA must have
been approved by a public utility
commission or similar legal authority.
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The PPA must state that the Generator
will sell to the Buyer and the Buyer will
buy from the Generator capacity, energy,
and/or environmental attribute products
from the project, as defined in the terms
and conditions set forth in the PPA.
Energy products to be supplied by the
Generator and the details of the firm
cost recovery mechanism approved by
the State’s public utility commission or
other applicable authority used to
recover expenditures incurred as a
result of the PPA must be specified in
the PPA. In order to qualify, a PPA must
contain the following terms or
supporting documentation:
(i) A complete description of the
proposed project;
(ii) Identification of both the
electricity Generator and (Buyer) that
will enter into a long term contract;
(iii) A time line for permitting,
licensing, and construction;
(iv) Pricing projected under the long
term contract being sought, including
prices for all market products that
would be sold under the proposed long
term contract;
(v) A schedule of quantities of each
product to be delivered and projected
electrical energy production profiles;
(vi) The term for the long term
(vii) Citations to all filings related to
the PPA that have been made with state
and Federal agencies, and identification
of all such filings that are necessary to
be made; and
(viii) Copies of or citations to
interconnection filings related to the
Additional Information Regarding the
Auction Format
Specific details about certain
administrative aspects of the auction
sale process will be described in the
FSN. These aspects include how much
the asking price will increase in various
stages of the auction, the duration of
each bidding round, the amount of time
provided between rounds, the number
of rounds expected per day, and the
days on which the auction process will
continue, if necessary, beyond the first
day. Bidders may expect multiple
rounds per day to occur during normal
business hours. The amount of time
allowed for bidders to enter bids and the
time between rounds may be reduced as
the auction progresses based on the
patterns of bidding, to increase the pace
of the auction. At the start of each day,
bidders will be notified of the round
schedule for that day.
Acceptance, Rejection or Return of
Bids: BOEM reserves the right and
authority to reject any and all bids. In
any case, no lease will be awarded to
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any bidder, and no bid will be accepted,
unless (1) the bidder has complied with
all requirements of the FSN, applicable
regulations and statutes, including, but
not limited to, bidder qualifications, bid
deposits, and adherence to the integrity
of the competitive bidding process, (2)
the bid conforms with the requirements
and rules of the auction, and (3) the
amount of the bid has been determined
to be adequate by the authorized officer.
Any bid submitted that does not satisfy
any of these requirements may be
returned to the bidder submitting that
bid by the Program Manager of BOEM’s
Office of Renewable Energy Programs
and not considered for acceptance.
Process for Issuing the Lease: If BOEM
proceeds with lease issuance, it will
issue three unsigned copies of the lease
form to each winning bidder. Within 10
business days after receiving the lease
copies, each winning bidder must:
1. Execute the lease on the bidder’s
2. File financial assurance, as required
under 30 CFR 585.515–537; and
3. Pay the balance of the bonus bid
(bid amount less the bid deposit).
If a winning bidder does not meet
these three requirements within 10
business days of receiving the lease
copies as described above, or if a
winning bidder otherwise fails to
comply with applicable regulations or
the terms of the FSN, the winning
bidder will forfeit its bid deposit. BOEM
may extend this 10 business-day time
period if it determines the delay was
caused by events beyond the winning
bidder’s control.
BOEM will not execute a lease until
the three requirements above have been
satisfied, BOEM has accepted the
winning bidder’s financial assurance,
and BOEM has processed the winning
bidder’s payment. Please note the
required timelines for providing
financial assurance. The winning bidder
may meet financial assurance
requirements by posting a surety bond
or by setting up an escrow account with
a trust agreement giving BOEM the right
to withdraw the money held in the
account on demand by BOEM. BOEM
may accept other forms of financial
assurance on a case-by-case basis in
accordance with its regulations. BOEM
encourages winning bidders to discuss
the financial assurance requirement
with BOEM as soon as possible after the
auction has concluded.
Within 45 calendar days of the date
that the lessee receives the lease copies,
the lessee must pay the first year’s rent.
Anti-Competitive Behavior: In
addition to the auction rules described
in this notice, bidding behavior is
governed by Federal antitrust laws
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 232 / Monday, December 3, 2012 / Notices
designed to prevent anticompetitive
behavior in the marketplace.
Compliance with the BOEM’s auction
procedures will not insulate a party
from enforcement of the antitrust laws.
In accordance with the Act at 43
U.S.C. 1337(c), following the auction,
and before the acceptance of bids and
the issuance of leases, BOEM will
‘‘allow the Attorney General, in
consultation with the Federal Trade
Commission, thirty days to review the
results of the lease sale.’’
If a bidder is found to have engaged
in anti-competitive behavior or
otherwise violated BOEM’s rules in
connection with its participation in the
competitive bidding process, BOEM
may reject the high bid pursuant to its
regulations at 30 CFR 585.222(a)(2).
Anti-competitive behavior
determinations are fact specific.
However, such behavior may manifest
itself in several different ways,
including, but not limited to:
• An agreement, either express or
tacit, among bidders to not bid in an
auction, or to bid a particular price;
• An agreement among bidders not to
bid in a particular location;
• An agreement among bidders not to
bid against each other; and
• Other agreements among bidders
that have the effect of limiting the final
auction price.
BOEM may decline to award a lease if
doing so would otherwise create a
situation inconsistent with the antitrust
laws (e.g., heavily concentrated market,
For more information on whether
specific communications or agreements
could constitute a violation of Federal
antitrust law, please see: https://, or consult counsel.
Post-Auction Certification: In addition
to the steps described in the section
entitled, ‘‘Process for Issuing the Lease,’’
following the lease sale, each winning
bidder will be required to certify the
following, in accordance with 18 U.S.C.
1001 (Fraud and False Statements):
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
I certify that [name of qualified bidder] did
not engage in anticompetitive bidding
behavior in violation of Federal law, BOEM’s
regulations, or auction procedures.
I certify that this bid is made in a good
faith effort to win a lease to engage in the
development of renewable energy resources.
Non-Procurement Debarment and
Suspension Regulations: Pursuant to
regulations at 43 CFR Part 42, Subpart
C, an OCS renewable energy Lessee
must comply with the U.S. Department
of the Interior’s non-procurement
debarment and suspension regulations
at 2 CFR parts 180 and 1400 and agree
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to communicate the requirement to
comply with these regulations to
persons with whom the Lessee does
business as it relates to this lease, by
including this term as a condition in
their contracts and other transactions.
Final Sale Notice: BOEM will
consider comments received or
postmarked during the PSN comment
period in preparing a FSN that will
provide the final details concerning the
offering and issuance of an OCS
commercial wind energy lease in the
Rhode Island and Massachusetts WEA.
The FSN will be published in the
Federal Register at least 30 days before
the lease sale is conducted and will
provide the date and time of the
auction. The possibility also exists that
there could be a second PSN, with
another 60-day public comment period,
prior to issuance of the FSN.
Force Majeure: The Program Manager
of BOEM’s Office of Renewable Energy
Programs has the discretion to change
any date, time, and/or location specified
in the FSN in case of a force majeure
event that the Program Manager deems
may interfere with a fair and proper
lease sale process. Such events may
include, but are not limited to, natural
disasters (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes,
floods), wars, riots, acts of terrorism,
fire, strikes, civil disorder or other
events of a similar nature. In case of
such events, bidders should call 703–
787–1300 or access the BOEM Web site
Appeals: The appeals procedures are
provided in BOEM’s regulations at 30
CFR 585.225 and 585.118(c). Pursuant
to 30 CFR 585.225:
(a) If BOEM rejects your bid, BOEM
will provide a written statement of the
reasons, and refund any money
deposited with your bid, without
(b) You will then be able to ask the
BOEM Director for reconsideration, in
writing, within 15 business days of bid
rejection, under 30 CFR 585.118(c)(1).
We will send you a written response
either affirming or reversing the
The procedures for appealing adverse
final decisions with respect to lease
sales are described in 30 CFR
Protection of Privileged or
Confidential Information:
Freedom of Information Act: BOEM
will protect privileged or confidential
information that you submit as required
by the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). Exemption 4 of FOIA applies to
trade secrets and commercial or
financial information that you submit
that is privileged or confidential. If you
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wish to protect the confidentiality of
such information, clearly mark it and
request that BOEM treat it as
confidential. BOEM will not disclose
such information, subject to the
requirements of FOIA. Please label
privileged or confidential information
‘‘Contains Confidential Information’’
and consider submitting such
information as a separate attachment.
However, BOEM will not treat as
confidential any aggregate summaries of
such information or comments not
containing such information.
Additionally, BOEM may not treat as
confidential the legal title of the
commenting entity (e.g., the name of
your company). Information that is not
labeled as privileged or confidential will
be regarded by BOEM as suitable for
public release.
Section 304 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470w–3(a)):
BOEM is required, after consultation
with the Secretary of the Interior, to
withhold the location, character, or
ownership of historic resources if it
determines that disclosure may, among
other things, cause a significant
invasion of privacy, risk harm to the
historic resources or impede the use of
a traditional religious site by
practitioners. Tribal entities and other
interested parties should designate
information that they wish to be held as
Dated: November 27, 2012.
Tommy P. Beaudreau,
Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy
[FR Doc. 2012–29096 Filed 11–30–12; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[Docket No. BOEM–2012–0033]
Atlantic Wind One (ATLW1)
Commercial Leasing for Wind Power
on the Outer Continental Shelf
Offshore Virginia—Proposed Sale
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Proposed Sale Notice for
Commercial Leasing for Wind Power on
the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore
This document is the
Proposed Sale Notice (PSN) for the sale
of a commercial renewable energy lease
on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
offshore Virginia, pursuant to BOEM’s
regulations at 30 CFR 585.216. BOEM
will auction the area described in the
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 232 (Monday, December 3, 2012)]
[Pages 71612-71621]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-29096]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[Docket No. BOEM-2012-0095]
Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 2 (ATLW2) Commercial Leasing for Wind
Power on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts--Proposed Sale Notice
AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Proposed Sale Notice for commercial leasing for wind power on
the Outer Continental Shelf offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
SUMMARY: This document is the Proposed Sale Notice (PSN) for the sale
of commercial wind energy leases on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts, pursuant to BOEM's regulations
at 30 CFR 585.216. BOEM proposes to offer for sale, using a multi-
factor auction format, two leases that together encompass the Rhode
Island and Massachusetts Wind Energy Area (WEA) that was identified on
February 24, 2012 (see ``Areas Offered for Leasing'' below for a
description of the WEA and lease areas). In this PSN, you will find
information pertaining to the areas available for leasing, proposed
lease provisions and conditions, auction details, the lease form,
criteria for evaluating competing bids, award procedures, appeal
procedures, and lease execution. BOEM invites comments during a 60-day
comment period following this notice. The issuance of the proposed
leases resulting from this announcement would not constitute an
approval of
[[Page 71613]]
project-specific plans to develop offshore wind energy. Such plans,
expected to be submitted by successful lessees, will be subject to
subsequent environmental and public review prior to a decision to
proceed with development.
DATES: Comments should be submitted electronically or postmarked no
later than February 1, 2013. All comments received or postmarked during
the comment period will be made available to the public and considered
prior to publication of the Final Sale Notice (FSN).
The end of the comment period is also the deadline for potential
bidders to submit qualification materials. All bidders interested in
participating in the lease sale must submit the required qualification
materials by the end of the 60-day comment period for this notice. All
qualification materials must be postmarked no later than February 1,
ADDRESSES: Potential auction participants, Federal, state, and local
government agencies, tribal governments, and other interested parties
are requested to submit their written comments on the PSN in one of the
following ways:
1. Electronically: In the entry
entitled, ``Enter Keyword or ID,'' enter BOEM-2012-0095 and then click
``search.'' Follow the instructions to submit public comments.
2. Written Comments: In written form, delivered by hand or by mail,
enclose comments in an envelope labeled ``Comments on Rhode Island and
Massachusetts PSN'' to: Office of Renewable Energy Programs, Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management, 381 Elden Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia
3. Qualification Materials: Those submitting qualification
materials should contact Jessica Bradley, BOEM Office of Renewable
Energy Programs, at 381 Elden Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia 20170,
(703) 787-1320, or
If you wish to protect the confidentiality of your comments or
qualification materials, clearly mark the relevant sections and request
that BOEM treat them as confidential. Please label privileged or
confidential information with the caption, ``Contains Confidential
Information'' and consider submitting such information as a separate
attachment. Treatment of confidential information is addressed in the
section of this PSN entitled, ``Protection of Privileged or
Confidential Information.'' Information that is not labeled as
privileged or confidential will be regarded by BOEM as subject to
public release.
Renewable Energy Programs, 381 Elden Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia
20170, (703) 787-1320 or
Authority: This PSN is published pursuant to subsection 8(p) of
the OCS Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(p)) (``the Act''), as amended by
section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), and the
implementing regulations at 30 CFR Part 585, including 30 CFR
585.211 and 585.216.
Background: The proposed lease areas are the same as the WEA that
BOEM announced on February 24, 2012, (see Area Identification
announcement available at: BOEM published the Notice
of Availability (NOA) for the Commercial Wind Lease Issuance and Site
Assessment Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts Environmental Assessment (EA)
(77 FR 39508) on July 3, 2012. The EA may be found at:
BOEM is currently considering the comments on the EA and possible
Ongoing consultations concurrent with the preparation of the EA
include consultations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Magnuson-
Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA), Section 106
of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA). Once BOEM has completed the EA, and if the EA
concludes that the proposed action will not cause significant
environmental impacts, BOEM will publish a Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI).
The proposed lease areas identified in this PSN match the Rhode
Island and Massachusetts WEA described as the proposed action and
preferred alternative in the EA. In the event that BOEM decides to
substantially revise the terms and conditions outlined within this PSN
as a result of the completion of the environmental review and
consultation process, which will not occur until after the publication
of this PSN, BOEM will publish a second PSN that includes the revised
terms and conditions and publish it in the Federal Register for a 60-
day public comment period before moving forward with publication of a
Final Sale Notice (FSN). Additional environmental reviews will be
conducted upon receipt of the lessees' proposed project-specific plans,
such as a Site Assessment Plan (SAP) or Construction and Operations
Plan (COP).
This PSN was developed in consultation with the joint Rhode Island
and Massachusetts Renewable Energy Task Force. BOEM received comments
from several Task Force members during the development of this PSN,
including from the Rhode Island State Energy Office, the City of New
Bedford Economic Development Commission, a Task Force member from the
Town of Aquinnah, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In addition,
the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council forwarded to BOEM
comments on the draft PSN and EA that it had received from members of
the Habitat Advisory Board established by the State. The Rhode Island
State Energy Office requested that BOEM consider non-monetary factors
in the multiple auction format and recommended that the Joint
Development Agreement (JDA) executed by the State of Rhode Island be
awarded a minimum 25 percent discount in the auction. Additional
information on the JDA can be found in this notice in the section
entitled, ``Multiple Factor Definitions.'' A member of the Rhode Island
Habitat Advisory Board expressed concern about publication of the PSN
before a FONSI determination has been made; reiterated concerns about
areas within the WEA where glacial moraines are located; proposed
additional requirements for protection of endangered species, in
particular the North Atlantic Right Whale; and requested that BOEM
consider implementing a discount for non-monetary values in the auction
format. The additional measures proposed for North Atlantic Right Whale
protection are similar to those previously developed by a consortium of
nongovernmental organizations and wind industry representatives and
presented to BOEM for consideration in issuing commercial wind leases
off New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. A Task Force member
from the Town of Aquinnah suggested that BOEM consider proposals that
provide community benefits in the auction format and expressed concern
with the requirements for protection of North Atlantic Right Whales.
The City of New Bedford Economic Development Commission expressed
concern regarding the inclusion of a discount in the auction format for
the State of Rhode Island's preferred developer. NMFS
[[Page 71614]]
provided recommendations for language to be clarified in the PSN, as
well as in Addendum C of the proposed lease.
Financial Terms and Conditions: This section provides an overview
of the basic annual payments required of the Lessee, which will be
fully described in the lease.
Rent: The first year's rent payment for the entire leased area is
due within 45 calendar days of the date the winning bidder receives the
lease for execution. Thereafter, annual rent payments are due on the
anniversary of the lease Effective Date until commercial operations on
the lease commence, i.e., when the generation of electricity begins.
The annual rental rate will be $3.00 per acre, and this rate will be
applicable to the entire leased area. For example, for a lease the size
of 164,750 acres (the size of the entire WEA), the amount of rent
payment will be $494,250 per year. The Lessee also must pay rent for
any project easement associated with the lease commencing on the date
that BOEM approves the COP (or modification) that describes the project
easement. Annual rent for a project easement, 200-feet wide and
centered on the transmission cable, is $70.00 per statute mile. For any
such additional acreage required, the Lessee must also pay the greater
of $5.00 per acre per year or $450.00 per year.
Operating Fee: The initial annual operating fee is prorated and due
within 45 calendar days after the commencement of commercial operations
on the lease, and subsequent payments are due on or before each Lease
Anniversary annually thereafter. The annual operating fee payment is
calculated by multiplying an operating fee rate by the imputed
wholesale market value of the projected electric power production. For
the purposes of this calculation, the imputed market value is the
product of the project's annual nameplate capacity, the total number of
hours in the year (8,760), an annual capacity factor, and the
historical, annual average regional wholesale power price index.
Operating Fee Rate: The operating fee rate is 0.02 through the
eighth year of commercial operations on the lease. Starting in the
ninth year of commercial operations, the operating fee rate is 0.04
through the remaining term of the lease.
Nameplate Capacity: The nameplate capacity at the start of each
year of commercial operations on the lease as specified in the COP will
be used to allow for installation schedules or repowering, recognizing
that a project's designed capacity may not be fully available in every
year. Using the capacity at the beginning of each year, as specified in
the COP, adjusts the nameplate capacity for these schedules.
Capacity Factor: The capacity factor for the first six full years
of commercial operations on the lease is set to 0.4 to allow for one
year of installation and testing followed by five years at full
availability. At the end of the sixth full year, the capacity factor
will be adjusted to reflect the performance over the previous five
years based upon the actual metered electricity generation at the
delivery point to the electrical grid. Similar adjustments to the
capacity factor will be made once every five years thereafter. The
maximum change in the capacity factor from one period to the next will
be limited to plus or minus 10 percent of the previous period's value.
Wholesale Power Price Index: The wholesale power price is
determined at the time each annual operating fee payment is due. The
wholesale power price will be based on the weighted average of the
inflation-adjusted peak and off-peak spot price indices for the
Northeast--Mass Hub power market for the most recent year of data
available as reported by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) as part of its annual State of the Markets Report with specific
reference to the summary entitled ``Electric Market Overview: Regional
Spot Prices.''
Financial Assurance: BOEM will base the amounts of all SAP, COP,
and decommissioning financial assurance requirements on estimates of
the cost to meet all accrued lease obligations. The amount of
supplemental and decommissioning financial assurance requirements will
be determined on a case-by-case basis. The amount of financial
assurance required to meet all lease obligations includes:
The projected amount of rent and other payments due to the
Federal Government over the next 12 months;
Any past due rent and other payments;
Other monetary obligations (e.g., fines, liens); and
The estimated cost of facility decommissioning.
Prior to lease issuance the Lessee must provide: (1) An initial
lease-specific bond or other approved means of meeting the Lessor's
initial financial assurance requirements in the amount of $100,000; and
(2) a supplemental bond or other approved means of meeting the Lessor's
supplemental financial assurance requirements in the amount of $292,494
for Lease OCS A-0486, and $201,756 for Lease OCS A-0487, to guarantee
lease obligations from rental payments due to the Government over the
first 12 months of the lease. Additional financial assurances will be
required to address decommissioning, operating fee, and other
obligations as the lease progresses.
The financial terms can be found in Addendum ``B'' of the proposed
lease, which BOEM has made available with this notice on its Web site
Place and Time: The auction will be held online. The time that the
auction will be held will be published in the FSN. The date has not
been finalized at this time, but will be no earlier than 30 days after
publication of the FSN in the Federal Register.
Public Seminar: BOEM will host a public seminar to introduce
potential bidders and other stakeholders to the auction format provided
in the PSN, explain the auction rules, and demonstrate the auction
process through meaningful examples. The time and place of the seminar
will be announced by BOEM and published on the BOEM Web site. No
registration or RSVP will be required in order to attend.
Mock Auction: BOEM will host a mock auction to educate qualified
bidders about the procedures to be employed during the auction and to
answer questions. The mock auction will take place between the
publication of the FSN in the Federal Register and the date of the
auction. Following publication of the FSN in the Federal Register,
details of the mock auction will be distributed to those eligible to
participate in the auction. All qualified bidders that intend to
participate in the auction are strongly encouraged to participate in
the mock auction. Bidders will be eligible to participate in the Mock
Auction if they have been legally, technically, and financially
qualified, as discussed below.
Bid Deposit and Minimum Bid: A bid deposit is an advance cash
deposit submitted to BOEM. No later than 14 calendar days following
publication of the FSN, each bidder must have submitted a bid deposit
(equal to a minimum cash bid) of at least $5.00 per acre, or fraction
thereof, offered for sale. Approximately 97,498 acres would be offered
for sale as Lease OCS-A 0486 (North Zone), and approximately 67,252
acres would be offered as Lease OCS-A 0487 (South Zone) in this
auction. The bid deposit amount of $5.00 per acre represents the
minimum bid that BOEM proposes for this lease sale. Therefore, the
minimum acceptable bid will be $487,490 for Lease OCS-A 0486 (North
Zone), and $336,260 for Lease OCS-A 0487 (South Zone). The required bid
deposit for any participant intending to
[[Page 71615]]
bid on both leases will be $5.00 per acre for the combined total
acreage being offered, which equals $823,750. Any participant intending
to bid on only one of the leases must submit a bid deposit of no less
than $5.00 per acre for the larger area being offered (Lease OCS-A 0486
(North Zone)), which equals $487,490. Any bidder that fails to submit
the bid deposit by the deadline described herein may be prevented by
BOEM from participating in the auction. Bid deposits will be accepted
online via
Following publication of the FSN, each bidder must complete the
Bidder's Financial Form included in the FSN. BOEM has made a copy of
the proposed form available with this notice on its Web site at: Island. This
form requests that each bidder designate an email address, which the
bidder should use to create an account in After establishing
the account, bidders may use the Bid Deposit Form on the Web site to submit a deposit.
Following the auction, bid deposits will be applied against any
bonus bids or other obligations a successful bidder owes to BOEM. If
the bid deposit exceeds the bidder's total financial obligation, the
balance of the bid deposit will be refunded to the bidder. BOEM will
refund the bid deposit to unsuccessful bidders.
Areas Offered for Leasing: The proposed lease area was identified
as the Rhode Island and Massachusetts Wind Energy Area (WEA) on
February 24, 2012 (see Area Identification announcement available at: The proposed lease area offshore Rhode Island and
Massachusetts comprises 13 whole OCS blocks and 26 sub-blocks
encompassing 164,750 acres. The area available for sale will be
auctioned as two leases, Lease OCS-A 0486 (North Zone) and Lease OCS-A
0487 (South Zone). The North Zone consists of 97,498 acres, and the
South Zone consists of 67,252 acres. If there are adequate bids, two
leases will be issued pursuant to this lease sale. A description of the
lease areas and lease activities can be found in Addendum ``A'' of the
proposed leases, which BOEM has made available with this notice on its
Web site at: Island.aspx.
The two areas that will be offered for leased within the Rhode
Island/Massachusetts WEA are the North Zone and the South Zone, which
are separated by an exclusion area surrounding Cox Ledge. This division
into two Zones is based on the consideration of a number of factors,
including: the prevailing winds as demonstrated in the RI Ocean Special
Area Management Plan, which is available at:; the project scale
requirements under state laws and regulations (including Rhode Island
General Laws, Chapter 39-26.1); the JDA executed by the State of Rhode
Island; developer responses to the August 2011 Call for Information and
Nominations; allowance for buffer zones between projects; and proximity
to onshore infrastructure and markets.
Each zone is expected to be capable of supporting a project of at
least 350 MW in nameplate capacity. The North Zone may be capable of
supporting over 1,000 MW and is expected to have the advantage of
closer proximity to onshore infrastructure. However, the South Zone
could potentially support a project of 1,000 MW and is expected to be
attractive due to its expansion opportunities to the south and east in
potential future lease sales.
Map of the Area Offered for Leasing: A map of the areas and a table
of the boundary coordinates in X, Y (eastings, northings) UTM Zone 18,
NAD83 Datum and geographic X, Y (longitude, latitude), NAD83 Datum can
be found at the following URL: Island.aspx.
A large scale map of these areas, showing boundaries of the area
with numbered blocks, is available from BOEM at the following address:
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Office of Renewable Energy Programs,
381 Elden Street, HM 1328, Herndon, Virginia 20170, Phone: (703) 787-
1300, Fax: (703) 787-1708.
Withdrawal of Blocks: BOEM reserves the right to withdraw areas
from this lease sale prior to the execution of a lease.
Lease Terms and Conditions: BOEM has included proposed lease terms
and conditions for OCS commercial wind leases in the Rhode Island and
Massachusetts WEA in Addendum ``C'' of the proposed lease. BOEM
reserves the right to apply additional terms and conditions that are
consistent with the terms of the lease to activities conducted on the
lease incident to any future approval or approval with modifications of
a SAP and/or COP. The proposed lease, including Addendum ``C'', is
available on BOEM's Web site at: Island.aspx. The proposed lease consists
of an instrument with 18 sections and the following six attachments:
Addendum ``A'' (Description of Leased Area and Lease Activities);
Addendum ``B'' (Lease Term and Financial Schedule);
Addendum ``C'' (Lease Specific Terms, Conditions, and
Addendum ``D'' (Project Easement);
Addendum ``E'' (Rent Schedule); and
Appendix A (High Resolution Geophysical Surveys and Analysis for
the Identification or Reporting of Archaeological Resources).
Addenda ``A'', ``B'', and ``C'' provide detailed descriptions of
lease terms and conditions.
Addenda ``D'' and ``E'' will be completed at the time of COP
After considering comments on the PSN and these proposed
provisions, BOEM will publish final lease terms and conditions in a
The lease form included as part of this proposed lease has been
updated since its publication on February 3, 2012. A discussion of
specific changes to the lease form is available separately on BOEM's
Web site at:
Plans: Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.601, the leaseholder must submit a
SAP within six months of lease issuance. If the leaseholder intends to
continue its commercial lease with an operations term, the leaseholder
must submit a COP at least six months before the end of the site
assessment term.
Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.629, a leaseholder may include in its COP a
request to develop its commercial lease in phases. If a leaseholder
requests and BOEM approves phased development, this approval will not
affect the length of the preliminary, site assessment, or commercial
terms offered under the lease. The COP must describe in sufficient
detail the activities proposed for all phases of commercial
development, including a schedule detailing the proposed timelines for
phased development. Further, the COP must include the results of all
site characterization surveys, as described in 30 CFR 585.626(a),
necessary to support each phase of commercial development. The
requirements of the SAP remain the same as they would under a non-
phased development scenario, and must meet the requirements set forth
in the regulatory provisions in 30 CFR 585.605-613 for the full
commercial lease area.
Qualifications--Who May Bid: Any potential bidder that has not
[[Page 71616]]
submitted a complete set of qualification materials must do so by the
end of the comment period of this PSN. To be eligible to participate in
the auction, each potential bidder must be legally, technically and
financially qualified under BOEM's regulations at 30 CFR 585.106-107 by
the time the FSN for this sale is published. Please note that technical
and financial qualifications are lease specific; it is not sufficient
to have been technically and financially qualified to pursue a project
offshore another state.
Guidance and examples of the appropriate documentation
demonstrating your legal qualifications can be found in Chapter 2 and
Appendix B of Guidelines for the Minerals Management Service Renewable
Energy Framework, available on BOEM's Web site at: Guidance
regarding how you may demonstrate your technical and financial
qualifications is provided in a document entitled, Qualification
Guidelines to Acquire and Hold Renewable Energy Leases and Grants and
Alternate Use Grants on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf: ( BOEM strongly recommends that you
refer to this guidance before submitting your qualification materials,
as the guidance has been updated recently. You must submit the
documentation necessary to demonstrate your legal, technical, and
financial qualifications to BOEM in both paper and electronic formats.
BOEM considers an Adobe PDF file stored on a compact disc (CD) to be an
acceptable format for submitting an electronic copy. In your
qualification materials, provide a general description of the project
you would like to construct on the lease area sought in this sale,
including estimates of the project area and total nameplate capacity of
the proposed facilities.
Please note that it may take a number of weeks for you to establish
your legal, technical, and financial qualifications. We advise
potential bidders planning to participate in this sale to establish
their qualifications promptly. It is not uncommon for BOEM to request
additional materials establishing qualifications following an initial
review of the qualifications package. BOEM will find any potential
bidder whose qualification package is incomplete at the time the FSN
for this sale is published in the Federal Register to have failed to
establish its qualifications to participate in the sale, and,
therefore, will be unable to participate in the sale.
Auction Procedures
For the sale of these leases, BOEM will use a multi-factor auction
format, with a multiple-factor bidding system. Under this system, BOEM
may consider a combination of monetary and nonmonetary factors, or
``variables,'' in determining the outcome of the auction. There will be
two such variables considered by BOEM in this auction--(1) a cash bid,
and (2) a credit if a bidder holds a Joint Development Agreement (JDA)
or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), as defined below. A multi-factor
auction, wherein both monetary and nonmonetary bid variables are
considered, is provided for under BOEM's regulations at 30 CFR
585.220(a)(4) and 585.221(a)(6).
Under a multiple-factor bidding format, as set forth at 30 CFR
585.220(a)(4), BOEM may consider many factors as part of a bid. The
regulation states that one bid proposal per bidder will be accepted,
but does not further specify the procedures to be followed in the
multiple-factor format. This multiple-factor format is intended to
allow BOEM flexibility in administering the auction and in balancing
the variables presented. The regulation leaves to BOEM the
determination of how to administer the multiple-factor auction format
in order to try to best achieve BOEM's goals of encouraging bidding,
enhancing price discovery, and ensuring that BOEM receives a fair
return for the leases auctioned, as required by the Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act, (OCSLA), 43 U.S.C. 1337(p)(2)(A).
BOEM's regulations at 30 CFR 585.220(a)(4) permit a multi-round
auction provided only one cash bid proposal per zone or set of zones
per bidder, per round of the auction, is accepted. This regulation
presents an administratively efficient auction process. It also takes
advantage of the flexibility built into the regulation by enabling BOEM
to benefit from both the consideration of more than one factor and the
price discovery involved in successive rounds of bidding.
The auction will be conducted in a series of rounds. At the start
of each round, BOEM will state an asking price for each zone being
offered. In each round, each bidder will have the opportunity to submit
one cash bid per zone at the asking price. A bid submitted at the
asking price in a particular round is referred to as a ``live bid'' and
a live bid signifies that the bidder is willing to pay that auction
round's asking price for a particular zone. A bidder must submit a live
bid on at least one of the zones in each round to remain ``active''
into the next round of the auction. As long as at least two live bids
are submitted at the asking price on any zone in a particular round,
the auction continues, and the next round is held. If there is only one
live bid for a zone, and that bidder is not bidding on the other zone,
BOEM automatically carries that bid forward into the next round. If
BOEM carries a bid forward, the bid will be considered the equivalent
of a live bid for the purpose of determining bidder eligibility. If
there is more than one live bid for a zone, the stated price for that
zone is raised in each subsequent round until there is only one live
bid or no live bids for that zone. The auction concludes when there are
one or zero live bids for each zone.
The series of rounds and the escalating asking prices set by BOEM
will allow consideration of the first variable--the cash bid. BOEM will
set one asking price per zone in each round. Each bidder will either
place a live bid at this asking price or not, but no bidder will be
permitted more than one bid per zone in any one round. Thus, bidders
will not be outbidding each other in each round, but will be limited to
one bid per zone per round, at the asking price, (or at a price subject
to a credit due to the second variable, as explained below).
The second variable--a credit for holding a JDA or PPA of at least
350 megawatts each--will be applied throughout the auction rounds as a
form of imputed credit against the amount of a cash bid proposal made
by a particular bidder in a particular round. A bidder holding only a
qualified JDA will receive a credit of 15%, a bidder holding only a
qualified PPA will receive a credit of 25 percent, and a bidder that
holds both will receive the larger of the two possible credit amounts,
i.e. 25 percent. The total percentage credit is limited to 25 percent
in the auction to address concerns about creating too large an
advantage to certain bidders in the auction, as discussed in BOEM's
Auction Format Information Request (76 FR 76174). BOEM considered the
overall impact and relative strength of the JDA compared to that of a
PPA in enabling a lessee to install a viable project on the OCS in
setting the JDA credit at 15 percent. In the case of a bidder holding a
credit and bidding on more than one zone, the credit will be applied
only to the zone being offered at the higher asking price. By way of
[[Page 71617]]
example, a bidder holding a qualified JDA and bidding on two zones, one
with an asking price of $1,000,000 and one with an asking price of
$2,000,000, will receive a 15 percent credit against the higher priced
$2,000,000 bid in that round, obligating the bidder to a payment of
$1,700,000, or 15 percent less than the asking price for that zone, and
$1,000,000 for the other zone, equal to the asking price for that other
zone. Each bid in each round will thus be considered based on both
factors--the amount of the cash bid proposed and the amount of a
potential credit for holding a qualified JDA or PPA.
BOEM's regulations concerning multi-factor bidding require the use
of a panel 30 CFR 585.222 (d), whose members are selected by the
agency, to help weigh the variables considered in such an auction. The
regulations state that BOEM ``will determine the winning bid for
proposals submitted under the multiple-factor bidding format on the
basis of selection by the panel * * *.'' 30 CFR 585.224(h). The panel
will evaluate any purported JDA or PPA proffered by a bidder to
determine whether it is acceptable to BOEM, and therefore whether it
will qualify for a credit for its holder. The panel will determine the
winning bids for each zone on the basis of the Stage 1 and Stage 2
rules set forth herein.
Details of the Auction Process
Bidding--Live Bids
Each bidder is allowed to submit live bids on one or more zones
based on its eligibility at the opening of each round. A bidder's
initial eligibility to bid on either one or both zones in the opening
round of the auction is determined based on the amount of the bid
deposit submitted by the bidder prior to the auction. The required
deposit for bidding on one zone is equal to the minimum bid of the zone
with the most acreage. If a bidder wants to bid on both zones, the
bidder is required to submit a deposit equal to the sum of the minimum
bids for both zones. As the auction continues, a bidder's eligibility
is determined by the number of live bids submitted in the round prior
to the current round.
Before each round of the auction, BOEM raises the asking price for
each zone that received more than one live bid in the previous round,
while the asking price for zones that received one or no live bids in
the previous round remains the same. Bidders must submit a live bid in
each round of the auction (or have a bid automatically carried forward
by BOEM) to remain active and continue bidding in future rounds.
Between rounds, all bidders who are still active are informed, with
respect to each zone, of the asking price for the upcoming round and
the number of live bids submitted in the previous round. In cases where
one of the zones which a bidder has bid on in the previous round has
competition, i.e., the zone received two or more live bids, the bidder
must independently submit bids identifying which zones it continues to
be interested in acquiring in the current round. In cases where the
bidder has bid on only one zone in the previous round and there is no
competition for that zone, i.e., only that bidder has submitted a live
bid, BOEM will automatically carry forward the bid for that bidder by
recording that the bidder ``submitted'' a live bid in the current round
on that zone at the previous round's asking price. In these latter
cases i.e., when the bidder has bid on only one zone and BOEM has
carried that bid forward, switching bids to other zones or submitting
an intra-round bid are prohibited, as is reducing the number of zones
on which the bidder has bid. Additional auction rounds occur as long as
at least one of the zones offered receives two or more live bids in the
previous round. The auction concludes at the end of the round in which
the number of live bids received on each zone falls to one or zero.
A bidder may not increase the number of zones it bids on from one
round to a subsequent round. Provided one or more live bids were
received on at least one of the zones that the bidder itself has bid on
in the previous round, a bidder may voluntarily reduce the number of
the zones it bids on from one round to the next, switch its bids from
one zone to another, or submit an ``intra-round'' bid in conjunction
with reducing its eligibility as to the number of zones on which it can
bid in future rounds. (Intra-round bids are discussed below.)
Otherwise, in general, if there are no other bidders on any of the
zones on which the bidder has bid in the previous round, the bidder
must maintain its existing bids and BOEM will automatically record the
bidder as having ``submitted'' its standing live bids at the previous
round's asking price. For this two-zone sale, however, this situation
can only occur for the case of one zone, because if there had been only
a single live bid on each zone in the previous round, the auction would
have closed.
Thus, if a bidder placed a live bid for both zones in the previous
round, it can submit live bids for both zones in the current round. The
bidder also has the option of submitting a live bid for only one of the
zones or none of the zones in the current round.
If a bidder placed a live bid on only the South Zone in the
previous round, and there was at least one other competing bid for that
zone, then the bidder can submit a live bid on either the North or
South Zone in the current round, or not bid on either zone, but it
cannot bid on both zones. If there are no competing bids on the South
Zone, the bidder cannot switch its bid to the North Zone or reduce its
eligibility by not bidding on either zone. Once a bidder fails to
submit a live bid for any zone (or have a bid carried forward by BOEM),
it must depart the auction and will no longer be allowed to submit bids
for any zone in any subsequent round.
Bidding--Intra-Round Bids
Subject to certain conditions, bidders are allowed to submit an
``intra-round'' bid in any round after the first round. Intra-round
bids are similar to what were termed ``exit bids'' in BOEM's Auction
Format Information Request (76 FR 76174). In contrast to exit bids,
however, intra-round bids do not necessarily require that the bidder
exit the auction--only that the number of live bids that the bidder is
eligible to submit must be reduced.
An intra-round bid consists of a single offer price for exactly the
same zone or set of zones that the bidder placed live bids on in the
previous round. The single offer price must be greater than the sum of
the asking prices for the zones bid on in the previous round and less
than the sum of the asking prices for these zones in the current round.
A bidder may not submit an intra-round bid for a single zone or set of
zones in the current round when this bidder was the only bidder placing
a live bid for all of these zone(s) in the previous round, i.e., an
intra-round bid is prohibited in the current round when the asking
price does not increase from the previous round on all of the zones on
which the bidder bid (or was credited with bidding on) in the previous
round. This situation can only arise in this two-zone sale for a bid on
a single zone, because the auction would have closed in the previous
round if both zones had only a single live bid.
A bidder may submit both live bids and an intra-round bid in the
same round, as long as the bidder reduces the number of live bids by at
least one zone in the current round compared to the previous round. The
zones on which the live bids are submitted may coincide with some of
the zones included in the intra-round bid. In the specific case of this
two-zone sale, this situation can arise only if the bidder has
[[Page 71618]]
live bids on both zones in the previous round, chooses to submit an
intra-round bid in the current round (consisting of both zones as
required in this example), and also submits a live bid at the current
round's asking price on one of the zones in the bidder's intra-round
A bidder may submit additional intra-round bids in subsequent
rounds, following the same rules as applied to the first intra-round
bid. A bidder now eligible to bid on one zone may submit an intra-round
bid on one zone, but cannot also submit any live bids, because its
eligibility to submit live bids from having submitted this intra-round
bid is reduced from one to zero zones.
Intra-round bids are not considered to be live bids for the purpose
of determining whether to conclude the auction or for determining
whether to increase the asking price for a particular zone. When a
bidder submits an intra-round bid on one zone, the bidder's bid
eligibility is reduced to zero, and this bid represents the bidder's
best-and-final offer prior to leaving the auction. In contrast, a
bidder's intra-round bid for both zones represents a best-and-final
offer for both zones and reduces a bidder's eligibility in the auction
to one or zero zones, based on the number of live bids submitted in the
round. In this manner, bidders are able to express their maximum bid
amount for both zones and an individual zone prior to reducing their
For example, consider the case of a bidder who has bid on both
zones in previous rounds, and hence is eligible to continue bidding on
both zones in the current round. Suppose the asking prices for the
North and South Zones were $750,000 and $600,000 in the previous round
and are now $800,000 and $600,000 in the current round, respectively.
These results reflect that in the previous round the bidder had
competition for the North Zone (because the asking price was increased
in the current round), but not for the South Zone. The bidder may only
enter a single, intra-round bid for both zones that it bid on in the
previous round. This single offer price must be more than $1,350,000
and less than $1,400,000, and the bidder must simultaneously reduce its
eligibility to submit live bids from two zones to one or zero zones.
The bidder can satisfy this requirement by choosing to submit (along
with its intra-round bid) a single live bid of $800,000 for the North
Zone or $600,000 for the South Zone, or choose not to submit any live
bids and hence exit the auction.
If the bidder had only bid on one zone in the previous round, it
may be eligible to submit an intra-round bid during the current round.
If its previous round's bid was for the North Zone, the bidder could
submit an intra-round bid for that zone of more than $750,000 and less
than $800,000, reduce its live bid eligibility to zero, and hence exit
the auction. Alternatively, if the bidder's previous round's bid was on
the South Zone, it cannot submit an intra-round bid, because the
current round's asking price is unchanged from the asking price in the
previous round, as there were no other competitive bids. In this case,
since the bidder had no competition for the South Zone, its sole bid of
$600,000 from the previous round is automatically recorded by BOEM as a
submitted live bid of the same amount in the current round.
Stages--Stage 1
After the bidding ends, a panel will determine the winning bids in
two stages. This determination, in both stages, will be based on the
two auction variables, as well as on a bidder's adherence to the rules
of the auction, and on confirmation of the absence of conduct
detrimental to the integrity of the competitive auction.
In Stage 1, a zone is awarded to the bidder with a live bid in the
final round of the auction. A bidder who submits a final round live bid
for a zone is guaranteed to be the winning bidder for that zone. A
bidder who is awarded a zone only as a result of a final round live bid
is obligated to pay the cash bid amount for that zone (i.e., the asking
price of that zone in the final round less any credit earned).
If both zones are awarded to bidders in Stage 1, the second award
stage would not be necessary. If at least one zone is not awarded in
Stage 1, which received either an intra-round bid within any round or a
live bid in a prior-to-final round, then a second award stage would be
Stages--Stage 2
In Stage 2, all of the remaining prior-to-final round live bids and
any intra-round bids received during the auction are considered
alongside one another to award any remaining unsold zones.
Determination of the winning Stage 2 bids is based on the principle of
maximization of gross auction revenue subject to the award of zones in
Stage 1.
Live bids from previous rounds are considered in the same way as
intra-round bids received within any round, i.e., at a single aggregate
price per round per bidder based on the sum of the asking prices for
each zone in the round the bid was received. For example, if a bidder
placed live bids in a previous round for both the North and South Zones
and the asking prices in that round for each zone were $600,000 and
$750,000, respectively, the bid would be evaluated at $1,350,000 for
award purposes.
Thus, in Stage 2, bids from bidders in each applicable round are
considered as unique packages of intra-round bids and live bids. A
bidder is able to win bids submitted from only a single round, which
will consist of either all of the zones in an intra-round bid or all of
the zones on which it submitted live bids in the winning round for that
bidder. A bidder cannot win only some of the zones on which it
submitted live bids in a round. Rather, a bidder wins all of the zones
or none of them from one round based on its live bids. Further, a
bidder may only win one intra-round bid and may not win a set of live
bids and an intra-round bid--it wins one or the other based on auction
revenue maximization subject to the Stage 1 awards.
In particular, any intra-round bids or sets of prior-to-final round
live bids from one bidder, which include a zone awarded in Stage 1 to
another bidder, are eliminated from consideration. Thus, if Bidder A
was awarded the South Zone in Stage 1, and Bidder B submitted either an
intra-round bid or set of live bids for both the North Zone and South
Zone in one or more previous rounds, those bids of Bidder B would be
eliminated because they overlap with a zone that has already been
awarded to Bidder A in Stage 1.
Also, any intra-round bids or sets of prior-to-final round live
bids from a bidder who itself was awarded one or more zones in Stage 1
are eliminated unless such bids represent a superset of the zones
(i.e., in this sale, both zones) won by the bidder in Stage 1, i.e.,
those bids must contain all the zones won by this bidder in Stage 1 to
be considered in Stage 2. For example, if a bidder was already awarded
the North Zone in Stage 1, any previous rounds' bids by that bidder for
just the South Zone would be eliminated from consideration, whereas
that bidder's previous rounds' bids for both zones would be considered
for award in Stage 2.
Acceptance of a bidder's superset bid over the final round bid
would depend on whether the superset bid was consistent with maximizing
gross auction revenue. To demonstrate, suppose only the North Zone
received a final round live bid, equal to $1,000,000, and the same
bidder submitted the highest previous round's set of live bids or an
intra-round bid for
[[Page 71619]]
both the North and South Zones with a gross auction price of
$1,400,000. In this case, the bidder's superset bid of $1,400,000 for
both zones would replace the final round live bid from this same bidder
for only the North Zone of $1,000,000.
In summary, unsold zones following the Stage 1 evaluations are
considered for award to the bidders in Stage 2 for eligible intra-round
bids and sets of live bids in a manner that would yield the highest
gross auction revenue to BOEM given the Stage 1 awards. If more than
one combination of remaining previous-round live and intra-round bids
exist that would yield the same highest gross auction revenue to the
seller, while preserving the zones awarded in Stage 1, the resulting
tie is settled by a random draw.
All zone awards are based on the bids submitted during the auction
at their asking and intra-round bid (i.e., ``as-bid'') prices. For each
bidder, the as-bid price will be considered to have a cash component
and an imputed credit component, if applicable, as described in the
following section. The amount each bidder is obligated to pay at the
conclusion of the auction will be equal to the cash component of the
as-bid auction price (i.e., the as-bid auction price less the imputed
amounts associated with the credits, as described in the following
Factor Two Credits: Prior to the auction, BOEM will convene a panel
(as provided in BOEM's regulations, discussed above) to evaluate
whether and to what extent each bidder is eligible for a credit
applicable to the as-bid auction price for one of the zones in each
round of the auction, as described below. In order to receive the JDA
or PPA credit a bidder must be legally, technically, and financially
qualified to acquire a commercial OCS wind lease, and must not be
affiliated with any other bidding entity also seeking credit for the
same JDA or PPA.
The percentage credit is determined based on the panel's evaluation
of required documentation submitted by the bidders as of the deadline
specified in the Final Sale Notice. Bidders will be informed prior to
the first round of the auction about the percentage credit applicable
to their bid for a single zone. Then, in subsequent rounds, bidders
will be provided information showing how their as-bid auction prices
are affected by the credit imputed to their bid to determine their net
payment due to BOEM, should their bids prevail as winning bids in the
award stages. This process is conceptually similar to one in which the
multiple bid factors are combined into an aggregate score for the
purpose of awarding zones, but is more transparent to bidders and
facilitates the bidding process in a dynamic, multi-factor, multiple
round auction process, such as we propose to use for this sale.
The percentage amount of credit imputed will be based on the
greater of the following two conditions associated with the development
activities within the Rhode Island lease sale area:
A bidder having entered into one or more qualified joint
development agreements (JDAs) supporting 350 MW or more of total
capacity will receive a credit of 15 percent; or
A bidder having entered into one or more qualified Power
Purchase Agreements (PPAs) supporting 350 MW or more of total capacity
under contract will receive a credit of 25 percent.
The panel will determine whether a proffered JDA or PPA is
qualified to receive a credit, based on the definitional information
provided below.
A bidder with both a qualified JDA and a qualified PPA is eligible
to receive the larger of the two credits. For example, if a bidder's
winning bid for its highest-priced zone is $1,000,000 and the bidder
has entered into a JDA for 400 MW and a PPA for 570 MW, the bidder
would qualify for a credit of 15 percent for the JDA and 25 percent for
the PPA, and be eligible for an award equal to the larger of the two
credit amounts, in this case 25 percent. Accordingly, the bidder would
have an imputed credit of $250,000 for its winning bid and would pay
BOEM the cash component of its bid, which would be $750,000.
In another example, if the bidder entered a JDA for 400 MW and a
PPA for 170 MW, then under the first condition, the bidder with a
qualified JDA would receive a credit of 15 percent, while under the
second condition, the bidder would not receive any credit since the
capacity under the PPA contract falls below the 350 MW threshold level.
The bidder would be eligible for an award equal to 15 percent, and
hence would have an imputed credit of $150,000 and pay BOEM $850,000
(the cash component of its bid) for its winning gross auction priced
zone of $1,000,000.
The bidding software interface will be tailored to each bidder
based on the percentage credit awarded to the bidder. In each round of
the auction, the bidder will be provided with the gross and net stated
auction prices for each zone, along with the aggregate bid price the
bidder would be obligated to pay if the zones were to be awarded to
them based on that round's bids, both with and without the bidder's
credit. For a bid on both zones in a given round, the software
interface would highlight the zone with the highest stated auction
price among the zones selected by the bidder to which the credit would
be applied in each round. For example, suppose a bidder is eligible for
a 15 percent credit, and the gross stated auction prices for the North
and South Zones in the current round are $1,000,000 and $800,000
respectively. The potential net payment to be made by the bidder for
its live bids for both zones would be shown as a net bid of $850,000
for the higher-priced North Zone, and a gross bid of $800,000 for the
lower-priced South Zone.
The same principle is applied when an intra-round bid, rather than
a live bid, is offered. If an intra-round bid includes only one zone,
the percent credit will be applied to the zone's asking price in the
previous round. Note that the credit does not apply to the full amount
of the intra-round bid, i.e., it does not apply to the increment above
the asking price in the previous round. For example, say the stated
auction price for the North Zone was $800,000 in the previous round and
$1,000,000 in the current round and a bidder who was awarded a 15
percent credit submits an intra-round bid price of $900,000 for the
zone. The bidder would be obligated to pay $780,000 if its bid is
successful. This amount would reflect an imputed $120,000 credit to its
$900,000 bid price which would be calculated by applying its 15 percent
credit to the previous-round's asking price of $800,000, and then
subtracting the amount of that calculation $120,000 from its bid of
In the case of an intra-round bid for both zones, the highest
priced zone will be determined based on the asking prices of both zones
in the round previous to the submission of the intra-round bid.
Continuing with the previous example, assume the stated auction price
for the South Zone is $500,000 in both the previous and current rounds,
and for the North Zone the stated auction prices are the same as
before, i.e., $800,000 in the previous round and $1,000,000 in the
current round. Suppose the bidder offers an intra-round bid price of
$1,400,000 for both zones. In this instance, the price of the North
Zone ($800,000) is greater than the South Zone ($500,000) in the
previous round, and the dollar value of the credit is calculated to be
15 percent of $800,000, equal to $120,000 as before. So, the bidder
would be obligated to pay $1,280,000 for its intra-round bid if
BOEM considered alternative specifications of these conditions,
[[Page 71620]]
including options to have the maximum credit for the JDA and PPA be 10
percent and 15 percent, respectively, and where the total credit would
then be the sum of two conditions. BOEM also considered the option to
provide a pro-rated credit for JDAs and PPAs involving less than the
350 MW level anticipated to be needed to support a viable project. BOEM
recognizes that few if any developers will have entered into PPA at the
time of the proposed lease sale, but has elected to include the
discussion of PPA and the alternative specifications in this PSN to
obtain comment that will be considered for both this and future lease
Factor Two Definitions: The definitions below will apply to the
factors for which bidders may earn a credit.
Joint development agreement (JDA) is a binding agreement between a
State and a legal entity that proposes to develop renewable (wind)
energy, which sets forth the rights, obligations, and certain economic
development activities of the parties in connection with the
development of an offshore wind project. The legal entity named in a
JDA must be selected through a competitive selection process, such as a
request for proposals (RFP), that is conducted by a state adjacent to
the wind energy area issuing and entering into the JDA agreement, where
the subsequent submitted proposals are evaluated by a State agency,
committee, or public utility board. The JDA will qualify if the panel
determines that the agreement includes the following identifiable
factors: (1) Sufficient specificity to the size, timing, and location
of the proposed project on the OCS; (2) the financial commitment of the
State, the identified legal entity, and/or a third party (buyer of
power), if applicable, included in the agreement; (3) the
developmental, financial, and/or regulatory processes through which the
State will support the identified legal entity that proposes to develop
renewable (wind) energy; (4) significant project milestones; (5) the
ramifications for not meeting said milestones; and (6) any exclusionary
rights awarded to said identified legal entity.
Power purchase agreement (PPA) is any legally enforceable contract
negotiated between an electricity generator (Generator) and a power
purchaser (Buyer) that identifies, defines, and stipulates the rights
and obligations of one party to produce, and the other party to
purchase, energy from an offshore wind project to be located in the
lease sale area. The PPA must have been approved by a public utility
commission or similar legal authority. The PPA must state that the
Generator will sell to the Buyer and the Buyer will buy from the
Generator capacity, energy, and/or environmental attribute products
from the project, as defined in the terms and conditions set forth in
the PPA. Energy products to be supplied by the Generator and the
details of the firm cost recovery mechanism approved by the State's
public utility commission or other applicable authority used to recover
expenditures incurred as a result of the PPA must be specified in the
PPA. In order to qualify, a PPA must contain the following terms or
supporting documentation:
(i) A complete description of the proposed project;
(ii) Identification of both the electricity Generator and (Buyer)
that will enter into a long term contract;
(iii) A time line for permitting, licensing, and construction;
(iv) Pricing projected under the long term contract being sought,
including prices for all market products that would be sold under the
proposed long term contract;
(v) A schedule of quantities of each product to be delivered and
projected electrical energy production profiles;
(vi) The term for the long term contract;
(vii) Citations to all filings related to the PPA that have been
made with state and Federal agencies, and identification of all such
filings that are necessary to be made; and
(viii) Copies of or citations to interconnection filings related to
the PPA.
Additional Information Regarding the Auction Format
Specific details about certain administrative aspects of the
auction sale process will be described in the FSN. These aspects
include how much the asking price will increase in various stages of
the auction, the duration of each bidding round, the amount of time
provided between rounds, the number of rounds expected per day, and the
days on which the auction process will continue, if necessary, beyond
the first day. Bidders may expect multiple rounds per day to occur
during normal business hours. The amount of time allowed for bidders to
enter bids and the time between rounds may be reduced as the auction
progresses based on the patterns of bidding, to increase the pace of
the auction. At the start of each day, bidders will be notified of the
round schedule for that day.
Acceptance, Rejection or Return of Bids: BOEM reserves the right
and authority to reject any and all bids. In any case, no lease will be
awarded to any bidder, and no bid will be accepted, unless (1) the
bidder has complied with all requirements of the FSN, applicable
regulations and statutes, including, but not limited to, bidder
qualifications, bid deposits, and adherence to the integrity of the
competitive bidding process, (2) the bid conforms with the requirements
and rules of the auction, and (3) the amount of the bid has been
determined to be adequate by the authorized officer. Any bid submitted
that does not satisfy any of these requirements may be returned to the
bidder submitting that bid by the Program Manager of BOEM's Office of
Renewable Energy Programs and not considered for acceptance.
Process for Issuing the Lease: If BOEM proceeds with lease
issuance, it will issue three unsigned copies of the lease form to each
winning bidder. Within 10 business days after receiving the lease
copies, each winning bidder must:
1. Execute the lease on the bidder's behalf;
2. File financial assurance, as required under 30 CFR 585.515-537;
3. Pay the balance of the bonus bid (bid amount less the bid
If a winning bidder does not meet these three requirements within
10 business days of receiving the lease copies as described above, or
if a winning bidder otherwise fails to comply with applicable
regulations or the terms of the FSN, the winning bidder will forfeit
its bid deposit. BOEM may extend this 10 business-day time period if it
determines the delay was caused by events beyond the winning bidder's
BOEM will not execute a lease until the three requirements above
have been satisfied, BOEM has accepted the winning bidder's financial
assurance, and BOEM has processed the winning bidder's payment. Please
note the required timelines for providing financial assurance. The
winning bidder may meet financial assurance requirements by posting a
surety bond or by setting up an escrow account with a trust agreement
giving BOEM the right to withdraw the money held in the account on
demand by BOEM. BOEM may accept other forms of financial assurance on a
case-by-case basis in accordance with its regulations. BOEM encourages
winning bidders to discuss the financial assurance requirement with
BOEM as soon as possible after the auction has concluded.
Within 45 calendar days of the date that the lessee receives the
lease copies, the lessee must pay the first year's rent.
Anti-Competitive Behavior: In addition to the auction rules
described in this notice, bidding behavior is governed by Federal
antitrust laws
[[Page 71621]]
designed to prevent anticompetitive behavior in the marketplace.
Compliance with the BOEM's auction procedures will not insulate a party
from enforcement of the antitrust laws.
In accordance with the Act at 43 U.S.C. 1337(c), following the
auction, and before the acceptance of bids and the issuance of leases,
BOEM will ``allow the Attorney General, in consultation with the
Federal Trade Commission, thirty days to review the results of the
lease sale.''
If a bidder is found to have engaged in anti-competitive behavior
or otherwise violated BOEM's rules in connection with its participation
in the competitive bidding process, BOEM may reject the high bid
pursuant to its regulations at 30 CFR 585.222(a)(2).
Anti-competitive behavior determinations are fact specific.
However, such behavior may manifest itself in several different ways,
including, but not limited to:
An agreement, either express or tacit, among bidders to
not bid in an auction, or to bid a particular price;
An agreement among bidders not to bid in a particular
An agreement among bidders not to bid against each other;
Other agreements among bidders that have the effect of
limiting the final auction price.
BOEM may decline to award a lease if doing so would otherwise create a
situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws (e.g., heavily
concentrated market, etc.).
For more information on whether specific communications or
agreements could constitute a violation of Federal antitrust law,
please see:,
or consult counsel.
Post-Auction Certification: In addition to the steps described in
the section entitled, ``Process for Issuing the Lease,'' following the
lease sale, each winning bidder will be required to certify the
following, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 1001 (Fraud and False
I certify that [name of qualified bidder] did not engage in
anticompetitive bidding behavior in violation of Federal law, BOEM's
regulations, or auction procedures.
I certify that this bid is made in a good faith effort to win a
lease to engage in the development of renewable energy resources.
Non-Procurement Debarment and Suspension Regulations: Pursuant to
regulations at 43 CFR Part 42, Subpart C, an OCS renewable energy
Lessee must comply with the U.S. Department of the Interior's non-
procurement debarment and suspension regulations at 2 CFR parts 180 and
1400 and agree to communicate the requirement to comply with these
regulations to persons with whom the Lessee does business as it relates
to this lease, by including this term as a condition in their contracts
and other transactions.
Final Sale Notice: BOEM will consider comments received or
postmarked during the PSN comment period in preparing a FSN that will
provide the final details concerning the offering and issuance of an
OCS commercial wind energy lease in the Rhode Island and Massachusetts
WEA. The FSN will be published in the Federal Register at least 30 days
before the lease sale is conducted and will provide the date and time
of the auction. The possibility also exists that there could be a
second PSN, with another 60-day public comment period, prior to
issuance of the FSN.
Force Majeure: The Program Manager of BOEM's Office of Renewable
Energy Programs has the discretion to change any date, time, and/or
location specified in the FSN in case of a force majeure event that the
Program Manager deems may interfere with a fair and proper lease sale
process. Such events may include, but are not limited to, natural
disasters (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes, floods), wars, riots, acts of
terrorism, fire, strikes, civil disorder or other events of a similar
nature. In case of such events, bidders should call 703-787-1300 or
access the BOEM Web site at:
Appeals: The appeals procedures are provided in BOEM's regulations
at 30 CFR 585.225 and 585.118(c). Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.225:
(a) If BOEM rejects your bid, BOEM will provide a written statement
of the reasons, and refund any money deposited with your bid, without
(b) You will then be able to ask the BOEM Director for
reconsideration, in writing, within 15 business days of bid rejection,
under 30 CFR 585.118(c)(1). We will send you a written response either
affirming or reversing the rejection.
The procedures for appealing adverse final decisions with respect
to lease sales are described in 30 CFR 585.118(c).
Protection of Privileged or Confidential Information:
Freedom of Information Act: BOEM will protect privileged or
confidential information that you submit as required by the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). Exemption 4 of FOIA applies to trade secrets
and commercial or financial information that you submit that is
privileged or confidential. If you wish to protect the confidentiality
of such information, clearly mark it and request that BOEM treat it as
confidential. BOEM will not disclose such information, subject to the
requirements of FOIA. Please label privileged or confidential
information ``Contains Confidential Information'' and consider
submitting such information as a separate attachment.
However, BOEM will not treat as confidential any aggregate
summaries of such information or comments not containing such
information. Additionally, BOEM may not treat as confidential the legal
title of the commenting entity (e.g., the name of your company).
Information that is not labeled as privileged or confidential will be
regarded by BOEM as suitable for public release.
Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C.
470w-3(a)): BOEM is required, after consultation with the Secretary of
the Interior, to withhold the location, character, or ownership of
historic resources if it determines that disclosure may, among other
things, cause a significant invasion of privacy, risk harm to the
historic resources or impede the use of a traditional religious site by
practitioners. Tribal entities and other interested parties should
designate information that they wish to be held as confidential.
Dated: November 27, 2012.
Tommy P. Beaudreau,
Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
[FR Doc. 2012-29096 Filed 11-30-12; 8:45 am]