Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 71185-71186 [2012-28898]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2012 / Notices
Defense Acquisition Regulations
[Docket No. DARS–2012–0042–0001]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The Defense Acquisition Regulations
System has submitted to OMB for
clearance, the following proposal for
collection of information under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
DATES: Consideration will be given to all
comments received by December 31,
Title, Associated Forms and OMB
Number: Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part
232, Contract Financing, and the clause
at 252.232–7002, Progress Payments for
Foreign Military Sales Acquisitions;
OMB Control Number 0704–0321.
Type of Request: Extension.
Number of Respondents: 381.
Responses per Respondent:
Approximately 12.
Annual Responses: 4,572.
Average Burden per Response:
Approximately 1.5 hours.
Annual Burden Hours: 6,858
(includes 2,286 response hours plus
4,572 recordkeeping hours).
Needs and Uses: The Arms Export
Control Act requires, in the absence of
a special Presidential Finding, that the
U.S. Government purchase military
equipment for foreign governments
using foreign funds and without any
charge to U.S. appropriated funds. In
order to comply with this requirement,
the Government needs to know how
much to charge each country as progress
payments are made for foreign military
sales (FMS) purchases. The Government
can only obtain this information from
the contractor preparing the progress
payment request. The clause at 252.232–
7002, requires a contractor whose
contract includes FMS requirements to
submit a progress payment request with
a supporting schedule that clearly
distinguishes the contract’s FMS
requirements from U.S. contract
The information generated by the
progress payment submission
requirements of DFARS part 232 is used
by contracting officers to maintain an
audit trail and permit verification of
calculations. The Government also uses
this information to determine how
much to disburse to the contractor.
Absent this information, the
Government would be unable to pay the
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FMS portion of the progress payment
request, thereby breaching its
contractual duties, with subsequent
damages payable to the contractor; the
Disbursing Officer would commit a
statutory violation in wrongfully
disbursing U.S. funds contrary to the
Congressional instructions for payments
for FMS work; or the U.S. Government
would violate its fiduciary duty to the
foreign country whose funds are
improperly disbursed for some other
country’s purchases.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
for-profit and not-for- profit institutions.
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or maintain benefits.
OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet
Written comments and
recommendations on the proposed
information collection should be sent to
Ms. Seehra at the Office of Management
and Budget, Desk Officer for DoD, Room
10236, New Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503.
You may also submit comments,
identified by docket number and title,
by the following method:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
Follow the instructions for submitting
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name, docket
number, and title for this Federal
Register document. The general policy
for comments and other public
submissions from members of the public
is to make these submissions available
for public viewing on the Internet at as they are
received without change, including any
personal identifiers or contact
information provided. To confirm
receipt of your comment(s), please
approximately two to three days after
submission to verify posting (except
allow 30 days for posting of comments
submitted by mail).
DoD Clearance Officer: Ms. Patricia
Written requests for copies of the
information collection proposal should
be sent to Ms. Toppings at WHS/ESD/
Information Management Division, 4800
Mark Center Drive, 2nd Floor, East
Tower, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA
Manuel Quinones,
Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations
[FR Doc. 2012–28879 Filed 11–28–12; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Department of the Navy
[Docket ID USN–2012–0020]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Department of the Navy, DoD.
Notice to alter a system of
The Department of the Navy
proposes to alter a system of records in
its inventory of record systems subject
to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C.
552a), as amended.
DATES: This proposed action will be
effective on December 31, 2012 unless
comments are received which result in
a contrary determination. Comments
will be accepted on or before December
31, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number and title,
by any of the following methods:
* Federal Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
* Mail: Federal Docket Management
System Office, 4800 Mark Center Drive,
East Tower, 2nd Floor, Suite 02G09,
Alexandria, VA 22350–3100.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this Federal Register
document. The general policy for
comments and other submissions from
members of the public is to make these
submissions available for public
viewing on the Internet at https:// as they are
received without change, including any
personal identifiers or contact
Robin Patterson, Department of the
Navy, DNS–36, 2000 Navy Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20350–2000 or call at
(202) 685–6545.
Department of the Navy notices for
systems of records subject to the Privacy
Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended,
have been published in the Federal
Register and are available from the
CONTACT. The proposed system report,
as required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, was
submitted on November 20, 2012, to the
House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, the Senate
Committee on Governmental Affairs,
and the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) pursuant to paragraph 4c
of Appendix I to OMB Circular No. A–
130, ‘‘Federal Agency Responsibilities
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 230 / Thursday, November 29, 2012 / Notices
for Maintaining Records About
Individuals,’’ dated February 8, 1996
(February 20, 1996, 61 FR 6427).
Dated: November 26, 2012.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
Delete entry and replace with ‘‘Paper
records and electronic storage media.’’
Delete entry and replace with
‘‘Records are retrieved by name, Social
Security Number (SSN), and/or DoD ID
Navy Standard Integrated Personnel
System (NSIPS) (December 16, 2010, 75
FR 78688).
Delete entry and replace with ‘‘All
Navy military members and their
Delete entry and replace with ‘‘Name,
Social Security Number (SSN), date of
birth, citizenship, race/ethnicity,
personal cell phone numbers, mailing/
home addresses, mother’s maiden name,
marital status, direct deposit, allotment
and other pay related transactions,
emergency contact, legal status, home
telephone number, religious preference,
mothers middle name, employment
information, education information,
DoD ID Number, gender, place of birth,
personal email address, security
clearance, spouse information, child
information, military records, military
orders and expense data, military
training and qualifications, professional
assignment history, military
performance evaluations, military
promotions, leave and pay entitlements
and deductions.’’
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Delete entry and replace with ‘‘The
purpose of this system is to provide
secure worldwide personnel and pay
support for Navy members and their
commands. To allow authorized Navy
personnel and pay specialists to collect,
process, modify, transmit, and store
unclassified personnel and pay data.
Additionally, the system supports
management of leave and pay
entitlements and deductions so that this
information can be provided to the
Defense Finance and Accounting
Service (DFAS) for payroll processing.
The system also supports collection of
spouse and child information to be used
for updates to the military member’s
dependency status.’’
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:12 Nov 28, 2012
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Delete entry and replace with
‘‘Official records and systems
maintaining personnel information,
professional qualifications, and
educational institutions. These records
and systems include the Navy Military
Personnel Records System, Enlisted
Master File Automated System, Officer
Master File Automated System, Reserve
Command Management System, OnLine Distribution Information System,
Enlisted Advancement System, Military
Order Obligation and Expenditure
Management System and Education and
Training Records, and from the
[FR Doc. 2012–28898 Filed 11–28–12; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC12–20–000]
Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–912); Comment
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Comment request.
In compliance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
3507(a)(1)(D), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) is submitting the information
collection FERC–912, Cogeneration and
Small Power Production, PURPA
Section 210(m) Regulations for
Termination or Reinstatement of
Obligation to Purchase or Sell, to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review of the information
collection requirements. Any interested
person may file comments directly with
OMB and should address a copy of
those comments to the Commission as
explained below. The Commission
issued a Notice in the Federal Register
(77 FR 58365, 09/20/2012) requesting
public comments. FERC received no
comments on the FERC–912 and is
PO 00000
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making this notation in its submittal to
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due by December 31,
ADDRESSES: Comments filed with OMB,
identified by the OMB Control No.
1902–0237, should be sent via email to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Desk Officer. The Desk
Officer may also be reached via
telephone at 202–395–4718.
A copy of the comments should also
be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, identified by the Docket
No. IC12–20–000, by either of the
following methods:
• eFiling at Commission’s Web Site:
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: All submissions must be
formatted and filed in accordance with
submission guidelines at: https:// For user assistance contact
FERC Online Support by email at, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket or in viewing/downloading
comments and issuances in this docket
may do so at
Ellen Brown may be reached by email
at, by
telephone at (202) 502–8663, and by fax
at (202) 273–0873.
Title: FERC–912, Cogeneration and
Small Power Production, PURPA
Section 210(m) Regulations for
Termination or Reinstatement of
Obligation to Purchase or Sell.
OMB Control No.: 1902–0237.
Type of Request: Three-year extension
of the FERC–912 information collection
requirements with no changes to the
current reporting requirements.
Abstract: On 8/8/2005, the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) 1 was
signed into law. Section 1253(a) of
EPAct 2005 amends Section 210 of the
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of
1978 (PURPA) by adding subsection
‘‘(m)’’ that provides for the termination
and reinstatement of an electric utility’s
obligation to purchase and sell energy
1 Public
Law 109–58, 119 Stat. 594 (2005)
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 230 (Thursday, November 29, 2012)]
[Pages 71185-71186]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-28898]
Department of the Navy
[Docket ID USN-2012-0020]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD.
ACTION: Notice to alter a system of records.
SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy proposes to alter a system of
records in its inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act
of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended.
DATES: This proposed action will be effective on December 31, 2012
unless comments are received which result in a contrary determination.
Comments will be accepted on or before December 31, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number and
title, by any of the following methods:
* Federal Rulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
* Mail: Federal Docket Management System Office, 4800 Mark Center
Drive, East Tower, 2nd Floor, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA 22350-3100.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number for this Federal Register document. The general
policy for comments and other submissions from members of the public is
to make these submissions available for public viewing on the Internet
at as they are received without change,
including any personal identifiers or contact information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Robin Patterson, Department of the
Navy, DNS-36, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, DC 20350-2000 or call at
(202) 685-6545.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of the Navy notices for
systems of records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a),
as amended, have been published in the Federal Register and are
available from the address in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. The
proposed system report, as required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the Privacy
Act of 1974, as amended, was submitted on November 20, 2012, to the
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Senate
Committee on Governmental Affairs, and the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) pursuant to paragraph 4c of Appendix I to OMB Circular No.
A-130, ``Federal Agency Responsibilities
[[Page 71186]]
for Maintaining Records About Individuals,'' dated February 8, 1996
(February 20, 1996, 61 FR 6427).
Dated: November 26, 2012.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
System name:
Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) (December 16,
2010, 75 FR 78688).
* * * * *
Categories of individuals covered by the system:
Delete entry and replace with ``All Navy military members and their
Categories of records in the system:
Delete entry and replace with ``Name, Social Security Number (SSN),
date of birth, citizenship, race/ethnicity, personal cell phone
numbers, mailing/home addresses, mother's maiden name, marital status,
direct deposit, allotment and other pay related transactions, emergency
contact, legal status, home telephone number, religious preference,
mothers middle name, employment information, education information, DoD
ID Number, gender, place of birth, personal email address, security
clearance, spouse information, child information, military records,
military orders and expense data, military training and qualifications,
professional assignment history, military performance evaluations,
military promotions, leave and pay entitlements and deductions.''
Delete entry and replace with ``The purpose of this system is to
provide secure worldwide personnel and pay support for Navy members and
their commands. To allow authorized Navy personnel and pay specialists
to collect, process, modify, transmit, and store unclassified personnel
and pay data. Additionally, the system supports management of leave and
pay entitlements and deductions so that this information can be
provided to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) for
payroll processing. The system also supports collection of spouse and
child information to be used for updates to the military member's
dependency status.''
* * * * *
Delete entry and replace with ``Paper records and electronic
storage media.''
Delete entry and replace with ``Records are retrieved by name,
Social Security Number (SSN), and/or DoD ID Number.''
* * * * *
Record source categories:
Delete entry and replace with ``Official records and systems
maintaining personnel information, professional qualifications, and
educational institutions. These records and systems include the Navy
Military Personnel Records System, Enlisted Master File Automated
System, Officer Master File Automated System, Reserve Command
Management System, On-Line Distribution Information System, Enlisted
Advancement System, Military Order Obligation and Expenditure
Management System and Education and Training Records, and from the
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2012-28898 Filed 11-28-12; 8:45 am]