White River National Forest; Eagle County, CO; Vail Mountain Recreation Enhancements Projects EIS, 70414-70415 [2012-28202]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2012 / Notices
Eastern Standard time, Monday through
Flathead Wild and Scenic River Visitor
Survey and McKenzie River Visitor
OMB Number: 0596–0229.
Expiration Date of Approval: 04/30/
Type of Request: Extension with no
revision of a currently approved
information collection
Abstract: The Flathead and
Willamette National Forests are
proposing to continue implementation
of an information collection from forest
visitors who are recreating on or near
the Flathead Wild and Scenic River,
McKenzie Wild and Scenic River, or
McKenzie National Recreational Trail.
Because of the differences in the issues
on each River and the need for different
information, two separate surveys will
be administered for the Flathead and
Willamette Rivers though the
methodology for collection will be
essentially identical.
The visitor survey will support
development of the Flathead
Comprehensive River Management Plan
(CRMP), implementation of the exiting
Upper McKenzie River Management
Plan, and will provide needed
information for managers to protect and
enhance the outstandingly remarkable
values for which the Flathead and
McKenzie Rivers were designated. In
addition, the survey proposed will help
managers identify the most important
indicators to monitor over the life of the
plan, determine if any thresholds are
being approached, and if management
action may need to occur.
Information will continue to be
collected from visitors who are
recreating on or near the Flathead and
McKenzie Rivers and McKenzie
National Recreational Trail by inperson, written surveys which will be
administered by Forest Service or
National Park Service (Flathead)
employees, volunteers, or study
cooperators to randomly selected
visitors. Surveys will ask visitors to
provide information about their trip and
activities, environmental and social
conditions that may alter the quality of
their recreational experience, and their
attitudes toward different existing and
potential recreation management
policies and practices. Visitors’
responses are voluntary and
Data will be entered into an Excel
database. Once data entry has been
completed and validated, the hardcopy
questionnaires will be discarded. Data
will be imported into SPSS (Statistical
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Package for the Social Sciences) for
analysis. The database will be
maintained at the respective National
Forest to be used for development of
subsequent management plans and
Collecting thoughts from the public
on how these areas should be managed
and consideration of their interests and
priorities is a critical component to
developing a fair and balanced
management plan and strategy. Without
the public’s involvement, a plan has the
risk of being biased and ineffective.
Estimate of Annual Burden: The
survey is expected to take 20 minutes to
Type of Respondents: National Forest
and National Park (Flathead) visitors
(adults, age 16 and older) who are
recreating on or near the Flathead or
McKenzie Rivers or the McKenzie
National Recreational Trail.
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 1000 (Willamette) and
1200 (Flathead).
Estimated Annual Number of
Responses per Respondent: One
response per respondent.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 333 hours (Willamette)
and 400 hours (Flathead).
Comment is Invited
Comment is invited on: (1) Whether
this collection of information is
necessary for the stated purposes and
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical or
scientific utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
All comments received in response to
this notice, including names and
addresses when provided, will be a
matter of public record. Comments will
be summarized and included in the
submission request toward Office of
Management and Budget approval.
Dated: November 5, 2012.
James M. Pena,
Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest
[FR Doc. 2012–28511 Filed 11–23–12; 8:45 am]
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Forest Service
White River National Forest; Eagle
County, CO; Vail Mountain Recreation
Enhancements Projects EIS
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
Vail Mountain Ski Resort
(Vail) recently submitted a proposal to
the White River National Forest (WRNF)
for new and enhanced activities within
its Forest Service-administered Special
Use Permit (SUP) area. The WRNF has
accepted this proposal, and is initiating
a National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) analysis to document and
disclose potential impacts. The
Proposed Action—the Vail Mountain
Recreation Enhancements Project—is
built on the goal of fostering enhanced
opportunities for, and appreciation of,
natural resource-based recreation on
public lands administered by the
WRNF. The proposed projects are
designed to take advantage of existing
lift and guest service infrastructure
across Vail’s SUP area and proposed
non-ski-based activities are designed to
suit a wide range of visitors to the
WRNF and the Vail Valley.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
December 26, 2012. The draft
environmental impact statement is
expected to be available for public
review in August or September 2013
and the final environmental impact
statement is expected in the winter of
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted online at www.vailreceis.info.
Send written comments to: Scott
Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor, c/o Don
Dressler, Winter Sports Administrator,
White River National Forest, P.O. Box
190, Minturn, CO 81645; FAX (970)
945–9343 or by email to: comment@
vailreceis.info (include ‘‘Vail Recreation
Enhancements Project EIS’’ in the
subject line). Additional details of the
Proposed Action, figures, the EIS
scoping process, how to comment
electronically, and the overall NEPA
process can be viewed at www.
Additional information related to the
proposed project can be obtained from:
Don Dressler, Winter Sports
Administrator, Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger
District, 24747 U.S. Highway 24, P.O.
Box 190, Minturn, Colorado 81645. Mr.
Dressler can be reached by phone at
(970) 827–5157 or by email at
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 227 / Monday, November 26, 2012 / Notices
drdressler@fs.fed.us. Individuals who
use telecommunication devices for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 8
p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through
and Need for Action: In November 2011,
the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act
of 1986 was amended to clarify the
authority of the Secretary of Agriculture
regarding additional recreational uses of
NFS land that is subject to ski area
permits, and for other purposes. The
Proposed Action was designed in
response to the Ski Area Recreational
Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011
(the 2011 Act) which encourages
outdoor recreation and enjoyment of
nature, harmony with the natural
environment, and requires (to the extent
practical) that activities shall be located
within the developed portions of ski
As a recreation-based economy, the
Vail Valley both relies on, and attracts,
large numbers of visitors throughout the
year, most of which—either knowingly
or unknowingly—come to recreate on
public lands. These visitors can be
broadly placed into two types: (1) Those
who are likely to engage in dispersed
recreational activities (i.e., hiking,
biking and camping); and (2) those who
seek more organized, controlled
activities. The need for specialized
knowledge, equipment, skills and
familiarity with the mountain
environment can be a significant barrier
for some visitors to engage in outdoor
activities. Vail’s customer surveys
indicate that visitors to the Valley are
consistently seeking a more diverse
range of recreational activities,
particularly for families, children and
the aging, but extending to people
seeking more adventurous activities.
This extends to both non-skiing and
after-skiing activities, as well as an
enhanced variety of activities in the
non-winter months.
The Need for Action is to respond to
Vail’s proposal to implement activities
consistent with the Ski Area
Recreational Opportunity Enhancement
Act of 2011. Based on the
aforementioned information, the
Purpose of Action is to:
1. Provide new and innovative forms
of year-round, outdoor recreation on
NFS land for visitors to the Vail Valley.
2. Utilize existing lift and guest
service infrastructure throughout Vail’s
SUP area to support new recreational
3. Capitalize on the relationship
between the WRNF and Vail Resorts to
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connect people with the natural
environment and enhance
understanding and appreciation of the
purpose and value of public lands.
Proposed Action: The Proposed
Action includes the 13 elements,
identified below. A full description of
each element can be found at: www.
• Educational Opportunities and
Interpretive Information
• Game Creek Canopy Tour
• Front Side Canopy Tour
• Adventure Ridge Forest Flyer
• Pride Express Forest Flyer
• Rappel Activity at Adventure Ridge
• Expanded Hiking and Mountain Bike
• Riparian Experience at Adventure
• Family Forest Park at Adventure
• Modified Horse Trail in Game Creek
• Observation Decks and Towers at
Adventure Ridge and Wildwood
• Reconfigured Talon’s Deck and
Barbeque Area at Eagles Nest
• Wedding Deck at The 10th
As a whole and individually,
proposed projects have been designed to
harmonize with, and benefit from, the
natural setting of the NFS lands within
Vail’s existing Forest Serviceadministered SUP area. They are
designed to both complement and
improve the existing non-skiing
recreational opportunities that are
currently offered on NFS lands at Vail
Mountain. All of the proposed projects
rely on the Alpine forest setting on NFS
lands within the Vail SUP, either
because of the natural surroundings
(such as the forest canopy) or because of
the natural conditions (such as
topography and vertical relief).
Due to engineering, planning and
resource considerations, the WRNF and
Vail are in the process of finalizing
many of the proposed project locations
and specifics across the project area.
While some proposed project locations
are considered accurate at this time
(e.g., observation decks and the wedding
deck), others are more conceptual, and
will be further refined in the coming
months as site-specific mapping and
updated engineering/planning/design
data is considered (e.g., Forest Flyers
and canopy tours). Finally, while the
conceptual areas and extents of
proposed hiking and mountain bike
trails have been identified across Vail
Mountain, the precise locations of any
approved trails would be determined on
a case-by-case basis (in coordination
with Forest Service specialists, as
appropriate) to arrive at a design that is
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both functional and minimizes/
eliminates resource impacts.
Responsible Official: The Responsible
Official is Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest
Supervisor for the WRNF.
Nature of Decision To Be Made: Based
on the analysis that will be documented
in the forthcoming EIS, the Responsible
Official will decide whether or not to
implement, in whole or in part, the
Proposed Action or another alternative
that may be developed by the Forest
Service as a result of scoping.
Scoping Process: This notice of intent
initiates the scoping process, which
guides the development of the
environmental impact statement. The
Forest Service is soliciting comments
from Federal, State and local agencies
and other individuals or organizations
that may be interested in or affected by
implementation of the proposed
projects. Public questions and
comments regarding this proposal are an
integral part of this environmental
analysis process. Input provided by
interested and/or affected individuals,
organizations and governmental
agencies will be used to identify
resource issues that will be analyzed in
the environmental impact statement.
The Forest Service will identify
significant issues raised during the
scoping process, and use them to
formulate alternatives, prescribe
mitigation measures and project design
features, or analyze environmental
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such manner that they are useful to the
agency’s preparation of the
environmental impact statement.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered, however.
Dated: November 13, 2012.
David Neely,
District Ranger.
[FR Doc. 2012–28202 Filed 11–23–12; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 227 (Monday, November 26, 2012)]
[Pages 70414-70415]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-28202]
Forest Service
White River National Forest; Eagle County, CO; Vail Mountain
Recreation Enhancements Projects EIS
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: Vail Mountain Ski Resort (Vail) recently submitted a proposal
to the White River National Forest (WRNF) for new and enhanced
activities within its Forest Service-administered Special Use Permit
(SUP) area. The WRNF has accepted this proposal, and is initiating a
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis to document and
disclose potential impacts. The Proposed Action--the Vail Mountain
Recreation Enhancements Project--is built on the goal of fostering
enhanced opportunities for, and appreciation of, natural resource-based
recreation on public lands administered by the WRNF. The proposed
projects are designed to take advantage of existing lift and guest
service infrastructure across Vail's SUP area and proposed non-ski-
based activities are designed to suit a wide range of visitors to the
WRNF and the Vail Valley.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by December 26, 2012. The draft environmental impact statement is
expected to be available for public review in August or September 2013
and the final environmental impact statement is expected in the winter
of 2013/14.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted online at www.vailreceis.info.
Send written comments to: Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor, c/o
Don Dressler, Winter Sports Administrator, White River National Forest,
P.O. Box 190, Minturn, CO 81645; FAX (970) 945-9343 or by email to:
comment@vailreceis.info (include ``Vail Recreation Enhancements Project
EIS'' in the subject line). Additional details of the Proposed Action,
figures, the EIS scoping process, how to comment electronically, and
the overall NEPA process can be viewed at www.vailreceis.info.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Additional information related to the
proposed project can be obtained from: Don Dressler, Winter Sports
Administrator, Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger District, 24747 U.S. Highway 24,
P.O. Box 190, Minturn, Colorado 81645. Mr. Dressler can be reached by
phone at (970) 827-5157 or by email at
[[Page 70415]]
drdressler@fs.fed.us. Individuals who use telecommunication devices for
the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Purpose and Need for Action: In November
2011, the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 was amended to
clarify the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture regarding
additional recreational uses of NFS land that is subject to ski area
permits, and for other purposes. The Proposed Action was designed in
response to the Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of
2011 (the 2011 Act) which encourages outdoor recreation and enjoyment
of nature, harmony with the natural environment, and requires (to the
extent practical) that activities shall be located within the developed
portions of ski areas.
As a recreation-based economy, the Vail Valley both relies on, and
attracts, large numbers of visitors throughout the year, most of
which--either knowingly or unknowingly--come to recreate on public
lands. These visitors can be broadly placed into two types: (1) Those
who are likely to engage in dispersed recreational activities (i.e.,
hiking, biking and camping); and (2) those who seek more organized,
controlled activities. The need for specialized knowledge, equipment,
skills and familiarity with the mountain environment can be a
significant barrier for some visitors to engage in outdoor activities.
Vail's customer surveys indicate that visitors to the Valley are
consistently seeking a more diverse range of recreational activities,
particularly for families, children and the aging, but extending to
people seeking more adventurous activities. This extends to both non-
skiing and after-skiing activities, as well as an enhanced variety of
activities in the non-winter months.
The Need for Action is to respond to Vail's proposal to implement
activities consistent with the Ski Area Recreational Opportunity
Enhancement Act of 2011. Based on the aforementioned information, the
Purpose of Action is to:
1. Provide new and innovative forms of year-round, outdoor
recreation on NFS land for visitors to the Vail Valley.
2. Utilize existing lift and guest service infrastructure
throughout Vail's SUP area to support new recreational activities.
3. Capitalize on the relationship between the WRNF and Vail Resorts
to connect people with the natural environment and enhance
understanding and appreciation of the purpose and value of public
Proposed Action: The Proposed Action includes the 13 elements,
identified below. A full description of each element can be found at:
Educational Opportunities and Interpretive Information
Game Creek Canopy Tour
Front Side Canopy Tour
Adventure Ridge Forest Flyer
Pride Express Forest Flyer
Rappel Activity at Adventure Ridge
Expanded Hiking and Mountain Bike Trails
Riparian Experience at Adventure Ridge
Family Forest Park at Adventure Ridge
Modified Horse Trail in Game Creek Bowl
Observation Decks and Towers at Adventure Ridge and Wildwood
Reconfigured Talon's Deck and Barbeque Area at Eagles Nest
Wedding Deck at The 10th
As a whole and individually, proposed projects have been designed
to harmonize with, and benefit from, the natural setting of the NFS
lands within Vail's existing Forest Service-administered SUP area. They
are designed to both complement and improve the existing non-skiing
recreational opportunities that are currently offered on NFS lands at
Vail Mountain. All of the proposed projects rely on the Alpine forest
setting on NFS lands within the Vail SUP, either because of the natural
surroundings (such as the forest canopy) or because of the natural
conditions (such as topography and vertical relief).
Due to engineering, planning and resource considerations, the WRNF
and Vail are in the process of finalizing many of the proposed project
locations and specifics across the project area. While some proposed
project locations are considered accurate at this time (e.g.,
observation decks and the wedding deck), others are more conceptual,
and will be further refined in the coming months as site-specific
mapping and updated engineering/planning/design data is considered
(e.g., Forest Flyers and canopy tours). Finally, while the conceptual
areas and extents of proposed hiking and mountain bike trails have been
identified across Vail Mountain, the precise locations of any approved
trails would be determined on a case-by-case basis (in coordination
with Forest Service specialists, as appropriate) to arrive at a design
that is both functional and minimizes/eliminates resource impacts.
Responsible Official: The Responsible Official is Scott
Fitzwilliams, Forest Supervisor for the WRNF.
Nature of Decision To Be Made: Based on the analysis that will be
documented in the forthcoming EIS, the Responsible Official will decide
whether or not to implement, in whole or in part, the Proposed Action
or another alternative that may be developed by the Forest Service as a
result of scoping.
Scoping Process: This notice of intent initiates the scoping
process, which guides the development of the environmental impact
statement. The Forest Service is soliciting comments from Federal,
State and local agencies and other individuals or organizations that
may be interested in or affected by implementation of the proposed
projects. Public questions and comments regarding this proposal are an
integral part of this environmental analysis process. Input provided by
interested and/or affected individuals, organizations and governmental
agencies will be used to identify resource issues that will be analyzed
in the environmental impact statement. The Forest Service will identify
significant issues raised during the scoping process, and use them to
formulate alternatives, prescribe mitigation measures and project
design features, or analyze environmental effects.
It is important that reviewers provide their comments at such times
and in such manner that they are useful to the agency's preparation of
the environmental impact statement. Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer's concerns and contentions.
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be
accepted and considered, however.
Dated: November 13, 2012.
David Neely,
District Ranger.
[FR Doc. 2012-28202 Filed 11-23-12; 8:45 am]