Excepted Service, 63356-63358 [2012-25418]

Download as PDF 63356 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 200 / Tuesday, October 16, 2012 / Notices proposed revision to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 99–01, proposed Revision 6, ‘‘Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors,’’ dated September 2012. This document is intended to be used by the industry in the development of an emergency action level (EAL) scheme. The NRC is publishing this proposed revision to inform the public and solicit comments. DATES: Submit comments by November 15, 2012. Comments submitted after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given except for comments received on or before this date. ADDRESSES: You may access information and comment submissions related to this document, which the NRC possesses and are publically available, by searching on https:// www.regulations.gov under Docket ID NRC–2012–0240. You may submit comments by any of the following methods: • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC–2012–0240. Address questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301–492–3668; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. • Mail comments to: Cindy Bladey, Chief, Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch (RADB), Office of Administration, Mail Stop: TWB–05– B01M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001. • Fax comments to: RADB at 301– 492–3446. For additional direction on accessing information and submitting comments, see ‘‘Accessing Information and Submitting Comments’’ in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Don A. Johnson, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415– 4040 or by email at: Don.Johnson@nrc.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Accessing Information and Submitting Comments tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES A. Accessing Information Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2012– 0240 when contacting the NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You may access information related to this document by any of the following methods: • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC–2012–0240. VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:06 Oct 15, 2012 Jkt 229001 • NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS): You may access publiclyavailable documents online in the NRC Library at https://www.nrc.gov/readingrm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The ADAMS accession number for each document referenced in this notice (if that document is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time that a document is referenced. The proposed revision to NEI 99–01 is under ADAMS Accession No. ML12257A236. • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public documents at the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. B. Submitting Comments Please include Docket ID NRC–2012– 0240 in the subject line of your comment submission, in order to ensure that the NRC is able to make your comment submission available to the public in this docket. The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your comment submission. The NRC will posts all comment submissions at https:// www.regulations.gov as well as enter the comment submissions into ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove identifying or contact information. If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove such information before making the comment submissions available to the public or entering the comment submissions into ADAMS. II. Further Information The NRC is requesting comment on this proposed revision to NEI 99–01. This document is intended to provide guidance to licensees in the development of a comprehensive EAL scheme using site-specific information. Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 10th day of October 2012. PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Mark Thaggard, Deputy Director for Emergency Preparedness, Division of Preparedness and Response, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response. [FR Doc. 2012–25363 Filed 10–15–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Excepted Service U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from August 1, 2012, to August 31, 2012. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, Executive Resources and Employee Development, Employee Services, 202– 606–2246. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule A, B and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also publishes annually a consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B and C appointing authorities current as of June 30 as a notice in the Federal Register. SUMMARY: Schedule A Schedule A authorities to report during August 2012. 06. Department of Defense, (Sch. A, 213.3106) (b) Entire Department (including the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force)— (10) Temporary or time-limited positions in direct support of U.S. Government efforts to rebuild and create an independent, free and secure Iraq and Afghanistan. This authority may only be used when no other appropriate appointing authority applies. In general, the duties of these positions must be performed in Iraq or Afghanistan. No new appointments may be made under this authority after October 1, 2014. E:\FR\FM\16OCN1.SGM 16OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 200 / Tuesday, October 16, 2012 / Notices Schedule B No schedule B authorities to report during August 2012. 63357 Schedule C The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved during August 2012. Authorization No. Agency name Organization name Position title Department of Agriculture ............... Department of Agriculture .............. Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development. Office of Policy and Strategic Planning. Office of the Chief Economist ........ Office of Under Secretary .............. Special Assistant ............................ Georgia State Director ................... DA120098 DA120064 8/10/2012 8/13/2012 Special Assistant ............................ DC120148 8/7/2012 Special Assistant ............................ Senior Advisor for Oceans and Atmosphere, and the Principal Deputy Under Secretary. Chief Communications Officer ....... Confidential Assistant ..................... Special Assistant ............................ Staff Assistant ................................ DC120149 DC120127 8/7/2012 8/13/2012 DC120150 DC120152 CC120004 DD120100 8/13/2012 8/13/2012 8/27/2012 8/1/2012 Special Assistant ............................ DD120105 8/13/2012 Special Advisor (Installations and Environments). Special Assistant ............................ DW120035 8/13/2012 DN120047 8/13/2012 Department of Commerce ............... Commission on Civil Rights ............ Department of Defense ................... Department of the Army .................. Department of the Navy .................. Department of Education ................ Department of Energy ..................... Environmental Protection Agency ... tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES General Services Administration ..... Department of Health and Human Services. Department of Homeland Security .. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Department of the Interior ............... Department of Justice ..................... Office of National Drug Control Policy. Office of Personnel Management ... Presidents Commission on White House Fellowships. Small Business Administration ........ Office of the Under Secretary ........ Office of the Chief of Staff ............. Commissioners ............................... Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs). Office Assistant Secretary Army (Installations and Environment). Office of the Under Secretary of the Navy. Office of the Under Secretary ........ Deputy Director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education. Senior Advisor for STEM ............... DB120072 8/1/2012 DB120084 8/1/2012 Special Assistant ............................ DB120074 8/10/2012 Confidential Assistant ..................... Special Assistant ............................ DB120071 DB120086 8/16/2012 8/20/2012 Special Advisor ............................... DE120116 8/13/2012 Special Advisor ............................... DE120125 8/13/2012 Speechwriter ................................... Deputy Associate Administrator for External Affairs and Environmental Education. Deputy Chief of Staff ...................... Special Assistant ............................ DE120130 EP120042 8/13/2012 8/7/2012 GS120024 DH120130 8/14/2012 8/10/2012 Special Projects Coordinator .......... DM120153 8/1/2012 New Media Specialist ..................... DM120154 8/1/2012 Director of Communications and Advisor. Special Assistant ............................ Secretary Briefing Book Coordinator. DM120156 8/1/2012 DM120158 DM120162 8/1/2012 8/14/2012 Assistant Press Secretary .............. DU120043 8/1/2012 Bureau of Land Management ........ Office of Legal Policy ..................... Office of the Director ...................... Advisor ............................................ Researcher ..................................... Senior Policy Analyst ..................... DI120061 DJ120089 QQ120005 8/16/2012 8/20/2012 8/10/2012 Office of the Director ...................... Presidents Commission on White House Fellowships. Office of the Administrator ............. Office of the Administrator ............. Office of Capital Access ................. Special Assistant ............................ Special Assistant ............................ PM120019 WH120003 8/22/2012 8/23/2012 Special Advisor ............................... Policy Advisor ................................. Deputy Associate Administrator for Capital Access. Senior Advisor for International Trade. SB120033 SB120032 SB120034 8/9/2012 8/10/2012 8/16/2012 SB120035 8/20/2012 Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. Office of Vocational and Adult Education. Office of the Under Secretary ........ Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. Office of Economic Impact and Diversity. Office of Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs. Office of Public Affairs .................... Office of the Associate Administrator for External Affairs and Environmental Education. Office of the Administrator ............. Administration for Community Living. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. Office of the Chief of Staff ............. Office of the Executive Secretary for Operations and Administration. Office of Public Affairs .................... Office of International Trade .......... VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:06 Oct 15, 2012 Effective date Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16OCN1.SGM 16OCN1 63358 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 200 / Tuesday, October 16, 2012 / Notices Authorization No. Agency name Organization name Position title Department of State ........................ Bureau of Legislative Affairs .......... Foreign Policy Planning Staff ......... Administrator .................................. Legislative Management Officer ..... Special Assistant ............................ Director, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs. Staff Assistant (Legal) .................... Department of Transportation ......... United States International Trade Commission. Office of the Chairman ................... Effective date DS120103 DS120111 DT120079 8/3/2012 8/23/2012 8/6/2012 TC120007 8/14/2012 The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during August 2012. Authorization No. Agency Organization Position title Department of Commerce ............... Economic Development Administration. Office of the Deputy Secretary ....... Office Of Vocational And Adult Education. Office of Communications and Outreach. Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. Office of Vocational and Adult Education. Office of Postsecondary Education Office of Management .................... Office of the Chief of Staff ............. Special Advisor ............................... DC110090 8/10/2012 Special Assistant ............................ Confidential Assistant ..................... DC120003 DB110004 8/25/2012 8/11/2012 Confidential Assistant ..................... DB110044 8/17/2012 Confidential Assistant ..................... DB110050 8/25/2012 Deputy Assistant Secretary For Policy and Strategic Initiatives. Confidential Assistant ..................... Deputy Scheduler ........................... Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Press Secretary .............................. DB110091 8/25/2012 DB120026 DE110134 DM110138 8/25/2012 8/3/2012 8/11/2012 DM110237 8/11/2012 DJ100174 DJ120028 DN090075 DD090251 8/3/2012 8/11/2012 8/25/2012 8/10/2012 DD090247 8/21/2012 DD090233 8/25/2012 SB090060 8/10/2012 SB120003 SB100044 8/11/2012 8/15/2012 Department of Education ................ Department of Energy ..................... Department of Homeland Security .. Department of Justice ..................... Department of the Navy .................. Office of the Secretary of Defense Small Business Administration ........ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. Office of Legal Policy ..................... Antitrust Division ............................. Department of the Navy ................. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Asian and Pacific Security Affairs). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Asian and Pacific Security Affairs). Office of Field Operations .............. Office of the Administrator ............. Office of Capital Access ................. Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218. U.S. Office of Personnel Management. John Berry, Director. [FR Doc. 2012–25418 Filed 10–15–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6325–39–P tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Proposed Collection; Comment Request Summary: In accordance with the requirement of Section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 which provides opportunity for public VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:06 Oct 15, 2012 Jkt 229001 Research Assistant ........................ Senior Counsel ............................... Special Assistant ............................ Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (East Asia). Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia). Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Central Asia). Regional Administrator, Region VIII, Denver Colorado. Policy Advisor to the Administrator Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator for Capital Access. comment on new or revised data collections, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will publish periodic summaries of proposed data collections. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB’s estimate of the burden of the collection of the information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden related to the collection of information on respondents, including the use of PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Vacate date automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. 1. Title and purpose of information collection: Vocational Report; OMB 3220–0141. Section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA) provides for payment of disability annuities to qualified employees and widow(ers). The establishment of permanent disability for work in the applicants ‘‘regular occupation’’ or for work in any regular employment is prescribed in 20 CFR 220.12 and 220.13 respectively. The RRB utilizes Form G–251, Vocational Report, to obtain an applicant’s work history. This information is used by the RRB to E:\FR\FM\16OCN1.SGM 16OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 200 (Tuesday, October 16, 2012)]
[Pages 63356-63358]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-25418]



Excepted Service

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing 
authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or 
revoked from August 1, 2012, to August 31, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, 
Executive Resources and Employee Development, Employee Services, 202-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule 
A, B and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies are 
codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B and C 
appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not codified 
in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) publishes a 
notice of agency-specific authorities established or revoked each month 
in the Federal Register at www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also publishes 
annually a consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B and C appointing 
authorities current as of June 30 as a notice in the Federal Register.

Schedule A

    Schedule A authorities to report during August 2012.

06. Department of Defense, (Sch. A, 213.3106)

    (b) Entire Department (including the Office of the Secretary of 
Defense and the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force)--
    (10) Temporary or time-limited positions in direct support of U.S. 
Government efforts to rebuild and create an independent, free and 
secure Iraq and Afghanistan. This authority may only be used when no 
other appropriate appointing authority applies. In general, the duties 
of these positions must be performed in Iraq or Afghanistan. No new 
appointments may be made under this authority after October 1, 2014.

[[Page 63357]]

Schedule B

    No schedule B authorities to report during August 2012.

Schedule C

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved 
during August 2012.

           Agency name             Organization name      Position title      Authorization No.   Effective date
Department of Agriculture.......  Department of        Special Assistant..  DA120098                   8/10/2012
                                  Office of the Under  Georgia State        DA120064                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary for        Director.
                                   Rural Development.
Department of Commerce..........  Office of Policy     Special Assistant..  DC120148                    8/7/2012
                                   and Strategic
                                  Office of the Chief  Special Assistant..  DC120149                    8/7/2012
                                  Office of Under      Senior Advisor for   DC120127                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary.           Oceans and
                                                        Atmosphere, and
                                                        the Principal
                                                        Deputy Under
                                  Office of the Under  Chief                DC120150                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary.           Communications
                                  Office of the Chief  Confidential         DC120152                   8/13/2012
                                   of Staff.            Assistant.
Commission on Civil Rights......  Commissioners......  Special Assistant..  CC120004                   8/27/2012
Department of Defense...........  Office of the Under  Staff Assistant....  DD120100                    8/1/2012
                                   Secretary of
                                  Office of Assistant  Special Assistant..  DD120105                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary of
Department of the Army..........  Office Assistant     Special Advisor      DW120035                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary Army       (Installations and
                                   (Installations and   Environments).
Department of the Navy..........  Office of the Under  Special Assistant..  DN120047                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary of the
Department of Education.........  Office of the Under  Deputy Director of   DB120072                    8/1/2012
                                   Secretary.           the White House
                                                        Initiative on
                                                        American Indian
                                                        and Alaska Native
                                  Office of Planning,  Senior Advisor for   DB120084                    8/1/2012
                                   Evaluation and       STEM.
                                   Policy Development.
                                  Office of            Special Assistant..  DB120074                   8/10/2012
                                   Vocational and
                                   Adult Education.
                                  Office of the Under  Confidential         DB120071                   8/16/2012
                                   Secretary.           Assistant.
                                  Office of Planning,  Special Assistant..  DB120086                   8/20/2012
                                   Evaluation and
                                   Policy Development.
Department of Energy............  Office of Economic   Special Advisor....  DE120116                   8/13/2012
                                   Impact and
                                  Office of Assistant  Special Advisor....  DE120125                   8/13/2012
                                   Secretary for
                                   Policy and
                                  Office of Public     Speechwriter.......  DE120130                   8/13/2012
Environmental Protection Agency.  Office of the        Deputy Associate     EP120042                    8/7/2012
                                   Associate            Administrator for
                                   Administrator for    External Affairs
                                   External Affairs     and Environmental
                                   and Environmental    Education.
General Services Administration.  Office of the        Deputy Chief of      GS120024                   8/14/2012
                                   Administrator.       Staff.
Department of Health and Human    Administration for   Special Assistant..  DH120130                   8/10/2012
 Services.                         Community Living.
Department of Homeland Security.  Office of the        Special Projects     DM120153                    8/1/2012
                                   Assistant            Coordinator.
                                   Secretary for
                                   Public Affairs.
                                  Office of the        New Media            DM120154                    8/1/2012
                                   Assistant            Specialist.
                                   Secretary for
                                   Public Affairs.
                                  Office of the        Director of          DM120156                    8/1/2012
                                   Assistant            Communications and
                                   Secretary for        Advisor.
                                   Public Affairs.
                                  Office of the Chief  Special Assistant..  DM120158                    8/1/2012
                                   of Staff.
                                  Office of the        Secretary Briefing   DM120162                   8/14/2012
                                   Executive            Book Coordinator.
                                   Secretary for
                                   Operations and
Department of Housing and Urban   Office of Public     Assistant Press      DU120043                    8/1/2012
 Development.                      Affairs.             Secretary.
Department of the Interior......  Bureau of Land       Advisor............  DI120061                   8/16/2012
Department of Justice...........  Office of Legal      Researcher.........  DJ120089                   8/20/2012
Office of National Drug Control   Office of the        Senior Policy        QQ120005                   8/10/2012
 Policy.                           Director.            Analyst.
Office of Personnel Management..  Office of the        Special Assistant..  PM120019                   8/22/2012
Presidents Commission on White    Presidents           Special Assistant..  WH120003                   8/23/2012
 House Fellowships.                Commission on
                                   White House
Small Business Administration...  Office of the        Special Advisor....  SB120033                    8/9/2012
                                  Office of the        Policy Advisor.....  SB120032                   8/10/2012
                                  Office of Capital    Deputy Associate     SB120034                   8/16/2012
                                   Access.              Administrator for
                                                        Capital Access.
                                  Office of            Senior Advisor for   SB120035                   8/20/2012
                                   International        International
                                   Trade.               Trade.

[[Page 63358]]

Department of State.............  Bureau of            Legislative          DS120103                    8/3/2012
                                   Legislative          Management Officer.
                                  Foreign Policy       Special Assistant..  DS120111                   8/23/2012
                                   Planning Staff.
Department of Transportation....  Administrator......  Director, Office of  DT120079                    8/6/2012
                                                        Congressional and
                                                        Public Affairs.
United States International       Office of the        Staff Assistant      TC120007                   8/14/2012
 Trade Commission.                 Chairman.            (Legal).

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during 
August 2012.

             Agency                   Organization        Position title      Authorization No.     Vacate date
Department of Commerce..........  Economic             Special Advisor....  DC110090                   8/10/2012
                                  Office of the        Special Assistant..  DC120003                   8/25/2012
                                   Deputy Secretary.
Department of Education.........  Office Of            Confidential         DB110004                   8/11/2012
                                   Vocational And       Assistant.
                                   Adult Education.
                                  Office of            Confidential         DB110044                   8/17/2012
                                   Communications and   Assistant.
                                  Office of Planning,  Confidential         DB110050                   8/25/2012
                                   Evaluation and       Assistant.
                                   Policy Development.
                                  Office of            Deputy Assistant     DB110091                   8/25/2012
                                   Vocational and       Secretary For
                                   Adult Education.     Policy and
                                  Office of            Confidential         DB120026                   8/25/2012
                                   Postsecondary        Assistant.
Department of Energy............  Office of            Deputy Scheduler...  DE110134                    8/3/2012
Department of Homeland Security.  Office of the Chief  Confidential         DM110138                   8/11/2012
                                   of Staff.            Assistant to the
                                                        Chief of Staff.
                                  Office of the        Press Secretary....  DM110237                   8/11/2012
                                   Secretary for
                                   Public Affairs.
Department of Justice...........  Office of Legal      Research Assistant.  DJ100174                    8/3/2012
                                  Antitrust Division.  Senior Counsel.....  DJ120028                   8/11/2012
Department of the Navy..........  Department of the    Special Assistant..  DN090075                   8/25/2012
Office of the Secretary of        Office of the        Special Assistant    DD090251                   8/10/2012
 Defense.                          Assistant            to the Deputy
                                   Secretary of         Assistant
                                   Defense (Asian and   Secretary of
                                   Pacific Security     Defense (East
                                   Affairs).            Asia).
                                  Office of the        Special Assistant    DD090247                   8/21/2012
                                   Assistant            to the Deputy
                                   Secretary of         Assistant
                                   Defense              Secretary of
                                   (International       Defense (Russia,
                                   Security Affairs).   Ukraine and
                                  Office of the        Special Assistant    DD090233                   8/25/2012
                                   Assistant            to the Deputy
                                   Secretary of         Assistant
                                   Defense (Asian and   Secretary of
                                   Pacific Security     Defense (Central
                                   Affairs).            Asia).
Small Business Administration...  Office of Field      Regional             SB090060                   8/10/2012
                                   Operations.          Administrator,
                                                        Region VIII,
                                                        Denver Colorado.
                                  Office of the        Policy Advisor to    SB120003                   8/11/2012
                                   Administrator.       the Administrator.
                                  Office of Capital    Senior Advisor to    SB100044                   8/15/2012
                                   Access.              the Associate
                                                        Administrator for
                                                        Capital Access.

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954-1958 
Comp., p. 218.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
John Berry,
[FR Doc. 2012-25418 Filed 10-15-12; 8:45 am]
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