The President's Management Advisory Board (PMAB); Notification of Upcoming Public Advisory Meeting, 59399 [2012-23750]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 188 / Thursday, September 27, 2012 / Notices
Review process and included in the
ASC Compliance Review Report to a
State. Proposed Policy Statement 8 sets
forth procedures in the event the ASC
imposes interim sanctions against a
State. The proposal includes four
appendices. The ASC requested
comment on its proposal and set a 60day comment period, originally
scheduled to end on October 29, 2012.
The ASC has received a request to
extend the comment period. The ASC
Board believes a 30-day extension will
facilitate the submission of comments
without causing undue delay to the
implementation of proposed Policy
Statements. Accordingly, the comment
period is extended and comments must
now be received by November 29, 2012.
By the Appraisal Subcommittee.
Dated: September 24, 2012.
Peter Gillispie,
[FR Doc. 2012–23782 Filed 9–26–12; 8:45 am]
[Notice–MA–2012–03; Docket No. 2012–
0002; Sequence 25]
The President’s Management Advisory
Board (PMAB); Notification of
Upcoming Public Advisory Meeting
Office of Executive Councils,
U.S. General Services Administration
ACTION: Meeting notice.
The President’s Management
Advisory Board (PMAB), a Federal
Advisory Committee established in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C., App.,
and Executive Order 13538, will hold a
public meeting on Friday, October 12,
DATES: Effective date: September 27,
Meeting date: The meeting will be
held on Friday, October 12, 2012,
beginning at 9 a.m. eastern time, ending
no later than 1:30 p.m.
Scott Winslow, Designated Federal
Officer, President’s Management
Advisory Board, Office of Executive
Councils, General Services
Administration, 1776 G Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20006, at
Background: The PMAB was
established to provide independent
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advice and recommendations to the
President and the President’s
Management Council on a wide range of
issues related to the development of
effective strategies for the
implementation of best business
practices to improve Federal
Government management and
Agenda: The purpose of this meeting
is for the PMAB to discuss the adoption
and implementation of
recommendations for Improving
Strategic Sourcing and Curbing
Improper Payments. Additionally,
PMAB will hear reports regarding the
progress of implementing last year’s
recommendations that were aimed at
improving Information Technology (IT)
portfolio and project management, IT
vendor performance management,
Senior Executive Service (SES)
leadership development and SES
performance appraisal systems. More
detailed information on the PMAB
recommendations can be found on the
PMAB Web site (see below).
Meeting Access: The PMAB will
convene its meeting in the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building, 1650
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC. Due to security, there will be no
public admittance to the Eisenhower
Building to attend the meeting.
However, the meeting is open to the
public; interested members of the public
may view the PMAB’s discussion at
Members of the public wishing to
comment on the discussion or topics
outlined in the Agenda should follow
the steps detailed in Procedures for
Providing Public Comments below.
Availability of Materials for the
Meeting: Please see the PMAB Web site
for any available materials and detailed
meeting minutes after the meeting.
Detailed meeting minutes will be posted
within 90 days of the meeting.
Procedures for Providing Public
Comments: In general, public statements
will be posted on the PMAB Web site
(see above). Non-electronic documents
will be made available for public
inspection and copying in PMAB offices
at GSA, 1800 F Street NW., Washington,
DC 20006, on official business days
between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
eastern time. You can make an
appointment to inspect statements by
telephoning (202) 208–2387. All
statements, including attachments and
other supporting materials, received are
part of the public record and subject to
public disclosure. Any statements
submitted in connection with the PMAB
meeting will be made available to the
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public under the provisions of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act.
The public is invited to submit
written statements for this meeting until
12:30 p.m. eastern time on Thursday,
October 11th, 2012, by either of the
following methods:
Electronic Statements: Submit
electronic statements to Mr. Winslow,
Designated Federal Officer at
Paper Statements: Send paper
statements in triplicate to Mr. Winslow
at the PMAB GSA address above.
Dated: September 21, 2012.
Janet Dobbs,
Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of
Asset and Transportation Management,
General Services Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012–23750 Filed 9–26–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Document Identifier HHS–OS–17378–60D]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection; Public
Comment Request
60-day Notice.
In compliance with section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the
Secretary (OS), Department of Health
and Human Services, announces plans
to submit a new Information Collection
Request (ICR), described below, to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). Prior to submitting that ICR to
OMB, OS seeks comments from the
public regarding the burden estimate,
below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
OS especially requests comments on (1)
The necessity and utility of the
proposed information collection for the
proper performance of the agency’s
functions, (2) the accuracy of the
estimated burden, (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected, and (4) the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology to minimize the information
collection burden.
Deadline: Comments on the ICR must
be received within 60 days of the
issuance of this notice.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
including the document identifier HHS–
OS–17378–60D, to Information. or by
calling (202) 690–6162. Copies of the
supporting statement and any related
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 188 (Thursday, September 27, 2012)]
[Page 59399]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-23750]
[Notice-MA-2012-03; Docket No. 2012-0002; Sequence 25]
The President's Management Advisory Board (PMAB); Notification of
Upcoming Public Advisory Meeting
AGENCY: Office of Executive Councils, U.S. General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Meeting notice.
SUMMARY: The President's Management Advisory Board (PMAB), a Federal
Advisory Committee established in accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C., App., and Executive Order 13538, will
hold a public meeting on Friday, October 12, 2012.
DATES: Effective date: September 27, 2012.
Meeting date: The meeting will be held on Friday, October 12, 2012,
beginning at 9 a.m. eastern time, ending no later than 1:30 p.m.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Scott Winslow, Designated Federal
Officer, President's Management Advisory Board, Office of Executive
Councils, General Services Administration, 1776 G Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20006, at
Background: The PMAB was established to provide independent advice
and recommendations to the President and the President's Management
Council on a wide range of issues related to the development of
effective strategies for the implementation of best business practices
to improve Federal Government management and operation.
Agenda: The purpose of this meeting is for the PMAB to discuss the
adoption and implementation of recommendations for Improving Strategic
Sourcing and Curbing Improper Payments. Additionally, PMAB will hear
reports regarding the progress of implementing last year's
recommendations that were aimed at improving Information Technology
(IT) portfolio and project management, IT vendor performance
management, Senior Executive Service (SES) leadership development and
SES performance appraisal systems. More detailed information on the
PMAB recommendations can be found on the PMAB Web site (see below).
Meeting Access: The PMAB will convene its meeting in the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building, 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC. Due to security, there will be no public admittance to the
Eisenhower Building to attend the meeting.
However, the meeting is open to the public; interested members of
the public may view the PMAB's discussion at Members of the public wishing to comment on the discussion or
topics outlined in the Agenda should follow the steps detailed in
Procedures for Providing Public Comments below.
Availability of Materials for the Meeting: Please see the PMAB Web
site (
for any available materials and detailed meeting minutes after the
meeting. Detailed meeting minutes will be posted within 90 days of the
Procedures for Providing Public Comments: In general, public
statements will be posted on the PMAB Web site (see above). Non-
electronic documents will be made available for public inspection and
copying in PMAB offices at GSA, 1800 F Street NW., Washington, DC
20006, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5
p.m. eastern time. You can make an appointment to inspect statements by
telephoning (202) 208-2387. All statements, including attachments and
other supporting materials, received are part of the public record and
subject to public disclosure. Any statements submitted in connection
with the PMAB meeting will be made available to the public under the
provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
The public is invited to submit written statements for this meeting
until 12:30 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, October 11th, 2012, by
either of the following methods:
Electronic Statements: Submit electronic statements to Mr. Winslow,
Designated Federal Officer at
Paper Statements: Send paper statements in triplicate to Mr.
Winslow at the PMAB GSA address above.
Dated: September 21, 2012.
Janet Dobbs,
Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Asset and Transportation
Management, General Services Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012-23750 Filed 9-26-12; 8:45 am]