Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 53171-53172 [2012-21588]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 170 / Friday, August 31, 2012 / Notices
Regulations and Paperwork
Management Branch at (202) 692–0040.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of RBS, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
RBS’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology. Comments may be sent to
Jeanne Jacobs, Regulations and
Paperwork Management Branch, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Rural
Development, STOP 0742, 1400
Independence Ave. SW., Washington,
DC 20250.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval. All comments
will also become a matter of public
Dated: August 27, 2012.
John C. Padalino,
Acting Administrator, Rural BusinessCooperative Service.
[FR Doc. 2012–21597 Filed 8–30–12; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.
Title: American Community Survey
Methods Panel Tests.
OMB Control Number: 0607–0936
Form Number(s): ACS–1, ACS–1(SP),
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Burden Hours: 276,645.
Number of Respondents: 444,150.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:22 Aug 30, 2012
Jkt 226001
Average Hours per Response: 34
Needs and Uses: The U.S. Census
Bureau requests authorization from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) to conduct the American
Community Survey (ACS) Methods
Panel tests. The ACS collects detailed
socioeconomic data from about 3.5
million households in the United States
and 36,000 in Puerto Rico each year.
Resulting tabulations from that data
collection are provided on a yearly
basis. The ACS allows the Census
Bureau to provide timely and relevant
housing and socio-economic statistics
for even small levels of geography.
An ongoing data collection effort with
an annual sample of this magnitude
requires continuous research, testing
and evaluations aimed at improving
questionnaire content and data
collection operations. The ACS Methods
Panel is a research program that is
designed to address and respond to
emerging issues and survey needs.
During the 2013–2015 period, the
Methods Panel may include testing
methods for increasing survey
efficiencies, reducing survey cost,
lessening respondent burden, and
improving response rates. Testing may
also include methods that might
increase data quality. At this time, plans
are in place to propose several tests: a
2013 Questionnaire Design Test, a 2015
ACS Content Test, and a series of
Internet tests. Because we cannot
anticipate issues that may arise in the
production survey or from the proposed
studies, we may conduct additional
testing as needed. Additional testing
would focus on methods for reducing
data collection costs, improving data
quality or testing new questions that
have an urgent need to be included on
the ACS.
In September through December 2010,
the Census Bureau conducted the 2010
ACS Content Test that included testing
revisions to current ACS questions as
well as two new questions (Computer
ownership and Internet usage, and
Parental Place of Birth). During the
Content Test, the Census Bureau
determined that the ACS paper
questionnaire did not contain enough
space to accommodate certain
configurations of proposed content
changes. While selected content from
the test does fit on the current form, we
need to be proactive to accommodate
future content requests on the ACS mail
questionnaire. In the 2013 ACS
Questionnaire Design Test, we will
study the impact of a longer (36-page)
questionnaire against our current 28page form. The experimental treatments
are noted below, but we have not
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finalized the forms for this test at the
time. We will also study whether
changing the size of the form to a
standard size (8.5 x 11) booklet has an
impact on response, compared to both
the 28- and 36-page forms. The results
of this testing will help the Census
Bureau to decide which questionnaire
format change has the least negative
impact on response and data quality.
Because the 8.5 × 11 questionnaire
will be roughly 44-pages long, we
cannot fold the form before mailing it as
we do with the current 36-page
questionnaire. Thus, this test will also
include an experimental panel where a
36-page questionnaire is mailed flat
(without folding) so that we can cleanly
determine the effect of questionnaire
size versus folding.
This test will also include several
changes to make the questionnaire more
compatible with optical character
recognition software, including altering
the response box formats for numeric
write-in fields to allow them to be
captured automatically rather than
keyed. This part of the test will allow us
to examine any changes to response
behavior as well as to estimate
anticipated cost savings from the
automatic capture. Lastly, this test will
include a test of variations in the
relationship question and the marital
status series per the OMB initiative to
ensure these questions are inclusive of
all relationship types and partnerships.
Based on the results of this testing, a
secondary, follow-up test may be
needed to refine the questionnaire
identified as the best alternative from
this test.
Second, in response to Federal
agencies’ requests for new and revised
ACS questions, the Census Bureau plans
to conduct the 2015 ACS Content Test.
We will determine the changes to the
current ACS content and the addition of
new content through the OMB
Interagency Committee for the ACS in
2013. OMB must approve requests for
content changes prior to testing. The
objective of the 2015 ACS Content Test,
for both new and existing questions, is
to determine the impact of changing
question wording, response categories,
and redefinition of underlying
constructs on the quality of the data
collected. The Census Bureau proposes
to evaluate changes to the questions by
comparing the revised questions to the
current ACS questions, or for new
questions, to compare the performance
of question versions to each other as
well as to other well-known sources of
such information. We plan to design the
test similar to past content tests, using
two experimental panels to compare
current versus revised content. We will
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 170 / Friday, August 31, 2012 / Notices
also use a reinterview to help generate
measures of response error.
Third, we want to implement several
iterative ACS Internet tests based on
issues that arose from two ACS Internet
tests conducted in 2011. Both of these
tests studied the impact of different
notifications of an Internet option in the
survey invitations. Production ACS will
begin collecting data using the Internet
in January 2013. One problem detected
in the 2011 tests was the impact to item
nonresponse for questions in the later
parts of the survey due to Internet breakoffs. The Internet tests in 2013–2015
will look at potential ways to restructure
messaging and change the Internet
design to help reduce break-offs and
encourage response in a timely manner.
Testing will also include a
reexamination of the potential for using
the Internet to collect data in Puerto
Rico, since results from the 2011 test
did not show any distinct advantage.
Testing plans are largely undefined at
this point, but we will submit more
detailed information once plans are
Other considerations for testing
include a second Content Reinterview
Survey to build upon the results from
the first Content Reinterview Survey
that is currently in the field due to the
introduction of the web mode and
content changes. We are also
considering testing designed to improve
data collection operations in Group
Quarters, such as the introduction of a
web option and developing a separate
questionnaire for institutionalized
populations. There are no specific test
plans for these projects at this point.
Other testing is being considered, but
the specific details of these tests are not
known at this time. However, these tests
cover similar testing topics of content
and methods to address emergent issues
or needs. The tests may be conducted on
both residential households or group
The Census Bureau is still in the early
stages for planning and implementing
the proposed tests. Subsequently the
materials to be used in the tests have not
been developed. For changes to the tests
described in this justification, the
Census Bureau will submit a nonsubstantive change request documenting
the change.
The ACS must collect data on a
continual basis and aggregate one, three,
or five years worth of data to release
data for all states, Congressional
districts, counties, cities, and small
towns down to the census tract and
block group level. Essentially the ACS
collects data every day of the year,
either by mail, Internet (beginning in
January 2013), telephone interviews or
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:22 Aug 30, 2012
Jkt 226001
personal-visit interviews. There are
many federal programs that distribute
funds based on population and income
data from the Census Bureau, including
data from the ACS. Federal agencies use
ACS data to determine appropriate
funding for state and local governments
through block grants. State and local
governments use ACS data for program
planning, administration and
evaluation. Thus, the reliability and the
quality of the data must remain high in
order for the users to rely on the data
for funding decisions.
So that the Census Bureau can
provide critical information to
governments and the private sector, the
ACS collects comprehensive
demographic, social, economic, and
housing statistics covering every
community in the nation. The ACS
provides a continuous stream of
updated information for states and local
areas on an annual basis, and has
revolutionized the ways the country
uses data to understand communities
and plan for the future.
ACS Methods Panel testing, such as
the Questionnaire Design Test, Internet
Tests, and the 2015 Content Test,
provide a mechanism to investigate
ways to reduce or at least maintain data
collection costs and improve the quality
of the data.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Frequency: One time.
Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
Legal Authority: Title 13, United
States Code, Sections 141, 193, and 221.
OMB Desk Officer: Brian HarrisKojetin, (202) 395–7314.
Copies of the above information
collection proposal can be obtained by
calling or writing Jennifer Jessup,
Departmental Paperwork Clearance
Officer, (202) 482–0336, Department of
Commerce, Room 6616, 14th and
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20230 (or via the Internet at
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to Brian Harris-Kojetin, OMB
Desk Officer either by fax (202–395–
7245) or email (
Dated: August 28, 2012.
Glenna Mickelson,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–21588 Filed 8–30–12; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00005
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International Trade Administration
[A–533–843, A–570–901, C–533–844]
Certain Lined Paper Products From
India and the People’s Republic of
China: Continuation of Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Orders
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of the
determinations by the Department of
Commerce (the Department) that
revocation of the antidumping duty
(AD) orders on certain lined paper
products (lined paper) from India and
the People’s Republic of China (PRC)
would likely lead to continuation or
recurrence of dumping, that revocation
of the countervailing duty (CVD) order
on lined paper from India would likely
lead to continuation or recurrence of a
countervailable subsidy, and the
determinations by the International
Trade Commission (the ITC) that
revocation of these AD and CVD orders
would likely lead to a continuation or
recurrence of material injury to an
industry in the United States, the
Department is publishing this notice of
the continuation of these AD orders and
CVD order.
DATES: Effective Date: August 31, 2012.
James Terpstra (AD orders) or Eric
Greynolds (CVD order), AD/CVD
Operations, Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202)
482–3965, and (202) 482–6071,
On August 1, 2011, the Department
initiated and the ITC instituted sunset
reviews of the AD and CVD orders on
lined paper from India, and the AD
order on lined paper from the PRC
pursuant to sections 751(c) and 752 of
the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
Act).1 As a result of its reviews, the
Department found that revocation of the
AD orders would likely lead to
1 See Initiation of Five-Year (‘‘Sunset’’) Review, 76
FR 45778 (August 1, 2011) and Certain Lined Paper
School Supplies From China, India, and
Indonesia—Institution of Five-Year Reviews
Concerning the Countervailing Duty Orders on
Certain Lined Paper School Supplies From India
and Indonesia and the Antidumping Duty Orders
on Certain Lined Paper School Supplies From
China, India, and Indonesia, 76 FR 45851 (August
1, 2011).
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 170 (Friday, August 31, 2012)]
[Pages 53171-53172]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-21588]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will submit to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for clearance the following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. chapter 35).
Agency: U.S. Census Bureau.
Title: American Community Survey Methods Panel Tests.
OMB Control Number: 0607-0936
Form Number(s): ACS-1, ACS-1(SP), ACS-1PR, ACS-1PR(SP), ACS
CATI(HU), ACS CAPI(HU), ACS (Internet).
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Burden Hours: 276,645.
Number of Respondents: 444,150.
Average Hours per Response: 34 minutes.
Needs and Uses: The U.S. Census Bureau requests authorization from
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to conduct the American
Community Survey (ACS) Methods Panel tests. The ACS collects detailed
socioeconomic data from about 3.5 million households in the United
States and 36,000 in Puerto Rico each year. Resulting tabulations from
that data collection are provided on a yearly basis. The ACS allows the
Census Bureau to provide timely and relevant housing and socio-economic
statistics for even small levels of geography.
An ongoing data collection effort with an annual sample of this
magnitude requires continuous research, testing and evaluations aimed
at improving questionnaire content and data collection operations. The
ACS Methods Panel is a research program that is designed to address and
respond to emerging issues and survey needs. During the 2013-2015
period, the Methods Panel may include testing methods for increasing
survey efficiencies, reducing survey cost, lessening respondent burden,
and improving response rates. Testing may also include methods that
might increase data quality. At this time, plans are in place to
propose several tests: a 2013 Questionnaire Design Test, a 2015 ACS
Content Test, and a series of Internet tests. Because we cannot
anticipate issues that may arise in the production survey or from the
proposed studies, we may conduct additional testing as needed.
Additional testing would focus on methods for reducing data collection
costs, improving data quality or testing new questions that have an
urgent need to be included on the ACS.
In September through December 2010, the Census Bureau conducted the
2010 ACS Content Test that included testing revisions to current ACS
questions as well as two new questions (Computer ownership and Internet
usage, and Parental Place of Birth). During the Content Test, the
Census Bureau determined that the ACS paper questionnaire did not
contain enough space to accommodate certain configurations of proposed
content changes. While selected content from the test does fit on the
current form, we need to be proactive to accommodate future content
requests on the ACS mail questionnaire. In the 2013 ACS Questionnaire
Design Test, we will study the impact of a longer (36-page)
questionnaire against our current 28-page form. The experimental
treatments are noted below, but we have not finalized the forms for
this test at the time. We will also study whether changing the size of
the form to a standard size (8.5 x 11) booklet has an impact on
response, compared to both the 28- and 36-page forms. The results of
this testing will help the Census Bureau to decide which questionnaire
format change has the least negative impact on response and data
Because the 8.5 x 11 questionnaire will be roughly 44-pages long,
we cannot fold the form before mailing it as we do with the current 36-
page questionnaire. Thus, this test will also include an experimental
panel where a 36-page questionnaire is mailed flat (without folding) so
that we can cleanly determine the effect of questionnaire size versus
This test will also include several changes to make the
questionnaire more compatible with optical character recognition
software, including altering the response box formats for numeric
write-in fields to allow them to be captured automatically rather than
keyed. This part of the test will allow us to examine any changes to
response behavior as well as to estimate anticipated cost savings from
the automatic capture. Lastly, this test will include a test of
variations in the relationship question and the marital status series
per the OMB initiative to ensure these questions are inclusive of all
relationship types and partnerships. Based on the results of this
testing, a secondary, follow-up test may be needed to refine the
questionnaire identified as the best alternative from this test.
Second, in response to Federal agencies' requests for new and
revised ACS questions, the Census Bureau plans to conduct the 2015 ACS
Content Test. We will determine the changes to the current ACS content
and the addition of new content through the OMB Interagency Committee
for the ACS in 2013. OMB must approve requests for content changes
prior to testing. The objective of the 2015 ACS Content Test, for both
new and existing questions, is to determine the impact of changing
question wording, response categories, and redefinition of underlying
constructs on the quality of the data collected. The Census Bureau
proposes to evaluate changes to the questions by comparing the revised
questions to the current ACS questions, or for new questions, to
compare the performance of question versions to each other as well as
to other well-known sources of such information. We plan to design the
test similar to past content tests, using two experimental panels to
compare current versus revised content. We will
[[Page 53172]]
also use a reinterview to help generate measures of response error.
Third, we want to implement several iterative ACS Internet tests
based on issues that arose from two ACS Internet tests conducted in
2011. Both of these tests studied the impact of different notifications
of an Internet option in the survey invitations. Production ACS will
begin collecting data using the Internet in January 2013. One problem
detected in the 2011 tests was the impact to item nonresponse for
questions in the later parts of the survey due to Internet break-offs.
The Internet tests in 2013-2015 will look at potential ways to
restructure messaging and change the Internet design to help reduce
break-offs and encourage response in a timely manner. Testing will also
include a reexamination of the potential for using the Internet to
collect data in Puerto Rico, since results from the 2011 test did not
show any distinct advantage. Testing plans are largely undefined at
this point, but we will submit more detailed information once plans are
Other considerations for testing include a second Content
Reinterview Survey to build upon the results from the first Content
Reinterview Survey that is currently in the field due to the
introduction of the web mode and content changes. We are also
considering testing designed to improve data collection operations in
Group Quarters, such as the introduction of a web option and developing
a separate questionnaire for institutionalized populations. There are
no specific test plans for these projects at this point.
Other testing is being considered, but the specific details of
these tests are not known at this time. However, these tests cover
similar testing topics of content and methods to address emergent
issues or needs. The tests may be conducted on both residential
households or group quarters.
The Census Bureau is still in the early stages for planning and
implementing the proposed tests. Subsequently the materials to be used
in the tests have not been developed. For changes to the tests
described in this justification, the Census Bureau will submit a non-
substantive change request documenting the change.
The ACS must collect data on a continual basis and aggregate one,
three, or five years worth of data to release data for all states,
Congressional districts, counties, cities, and small towns down to the
census tract and block group level. Essentially the ACS collects data
every day of the year, either by mail, Internet (beginning in January
2013), telephone interviews or personal-visit interviews. There are
many federal programs that distribute funds based on population and
income data from the Census Bureau, including data from the ACS.
Federal agencies use ACS data to determine appropriate funding for
state and local governments through block grants. State and local
governments use ACS data for program planning, administration and
evaluation. Thus, the reliability and the quality of the data must
remain high in order for the users to rely on the data for funding
So that the Census Bureau can provide critical information to
governments and the private sector, the ACS collects comprehensive
demographic, social, economic, and housing statistics covering every
community in the nation. The ACS provides a continuous stream of
updated information for states and local areas on an annual basis, and
has revolutionized the ways the country uses data to understand
communities and plan for the future.
ACS Methods Panel testing, such as the Questionnaire Design Test,
Internet Tests, and the 2015 Content Test, provide a mechanism to
investigate ways to reduce or at least maintain data collection costs
and improve the quality of the data.
Affected Public: Individuals or households.
Frequency: One time.
Respondent's Obligation: Mandatory.
Legal Authority: Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141, 193,
and 221.
OMB Desk Officer: Brian Harris-Kojetin, (202) 395-7314.
Copies of the above information collection proposal can be obtained
by calling or writing Jennifer Jessup, Departmental Paperwork Clearance
Officer, (202) 482-0336, Department of Commerce, Room 6616, 14th and
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230 (or via the Internet at
Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information
collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice
to Brian Harris-Kojetin, OMB Desk Officer either by fax (202-395-7245)
or email (
Dated: August 28, 2012.
Glenna Mickelson,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012-21588 Filed 8-30-12; 8:45 am]