In the Matter of Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc., New Iberia, LA; General License Pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20 EA-11-124; Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately), 52067-52072 [2012-21214]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled. Dated: August 24, 2012. Victor M. Fortuno, Vice President & General Counsel. [FR Doc. 2012–21305 Filed 8–24–12; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7050–01–P NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION [12–069] NASA Advisory Council; Commercial Space Committee; Meeting National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ACTION: Notice of meeting. AGENCY: This Committee reports to the NAC. The meeting will be held for the purpose of soliciting, from the scientific community and other persons, scientific and technical information relevant to program planning. DATES: Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 11:45 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Local Time. ADDRESSES: NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), The Showroom, Building M–3, NASA Ames Conference Center, 500 Severyns Road, NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA 94035–1000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Thomas W. Rathjen, Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 358–0552, fax (202) 358– 2885, or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The meeting will be open to the public up to the capacity of the room. This meeting is also available telephonically and by WebEx. Any interested person may call the USA toll free conference call number (888) 790–5969 or toll number (517) 224–3265, pass code 7234039#, to participate in this meeting by telephone. The WebEx link is, the meeting number is 996 244 419, and the password is CSC@Sep18. The agenda for the meeting includes the following topics: —Assessment of Commercial Suborbital Market —Overview of Commercial Crew Integrated Capability Agreements —Ames Research Center’s Commercial Space Activities and Plans —Dryden Flight Research Center’s Commercial Space Activities and Plans srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 —Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Commercial Space Activities and Plans It is imperative that the meeting be held on these dates to accommodate the scheduling priorities of the key participants. Attendees will be required to comply with NASA security procedures, including the presentation of a valid picture ID. Visitors must show a valid State or Federal issued picture ID, green card, or passport to enter into the NASA Research Park, and must state they are attending the NASA Advisory Council Commercial Space Committee session in The Showroom, Building M– 3. All U.S. citizens and green card holders desiring to attend must provide their full name, company affiliation (if applicable), and citizenship to Thomas Rathjen via email at by telephone at (202) 358– 0552 no later than the close of business September 7, 2012. Permanent Residents will need to show residency status (valid green card) and a valid, officially issued picture identification such as a driver’s license and must state they are attending the Commercial Space Committee session in The Showroom, Building M–3. Foreign Nationals must submit, no less than 15 working days (by September 1, 2012) prior to the meeting, their full name, gender, current address, citizenship, company affiliation (if applicable) to include address, telephone number, and their title, place of birth, date of birth, U.S. visa information to include type, number and expiration date, U.S. Social Security Number (if applicable), and an electronically scanned or faxed copy of their passport and visa to Thomas Rathjen, Executive Secretary, Commercial Space Committee, via email at or fax (202) 358–2885. Patricia D. Rausch, Advisory Committee Management Officer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [FR Doc. 2012–21181 Filed 8–27–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. 150–00017; NRC–2012–0200] In the Matter of Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc., New Iberia, LA; General License Pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20 EA–11–124; Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately) I Quality Inspection & Testing, Inc. (QIT), is the holder of a general license PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 52067 issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) pursuant to § 150.20 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR). This general license was granted to QIT at various times during calendar years 2010 and 2011. This Confirmatory Order is the result of an agreement reached during an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mediation session conducted on June 27, 2012, at the NRC Region IV office in Arlington, Texas. II On October 27, 2010, the NRC conducted an inspection at a temporary job site located near Rock Springs, Wyoming. As a result of this inspection, QIT conducted an internal investigation and reported the results to the NRC in a letter dated January 27, 2011 (ML110940552). In response to QIT’s investigation results, the NRC issued a Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL–4–11– 001) on February 11, 2011 (ML110420261). QIT responded to the Confirmatory Action Letter in a letter dated February 15, 2011 (ML110530442). In addition, the NRC Office of Investigations (OI), Region IV, conducted an investigation (Case 4– 2011–031). By letter dated June 5, 2012, the NRC transmitted the results of the inspection and investigation in NRC Inspection Report 150–00017/2010–004 and Investigation Report 4–2011–031 [Reference redacted, not publicly available]. Based on the results of the inspection and investigation, the NRC determined that four apparent violations of NRC requirements had occurred. The apparent violations involved failure to: (1) Control and maintain constant surveillance of licensed material that is not in storage as required by 10 CFR 20.1802; (2) comply with securityrelated requirements as discussed in the Appendix to this Order; (3) wear, on the trunk of the body, a direct reading dosimeter, operating alarm ratemeter and a personal dosimeter while conducting radiographic operations in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 34.47(a); and (4) maintain copies of the specified records and documents required at a temporary jobsite as required by 10 CFR 34.89(b). Furthermore, the NRC is concerned that willfulness may be associated with the first three apparent violations. Finally, the inspection and investigation evidence also provided the basis for NRC identified apparent security violations of NRC requirements. The violations are described in the Appendix to this Order. (The Appendix includes Security-Related information; therefore, it is not publicly available.) E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1 52068 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES In the June 5, 2012, letter, the NRC informed QIT that the NRC was considering escalated enforcement action for the apparent violations. The NRC offered QIT the opportunity to request a predecisional enforcement conference (PEC) or request alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with the NRC in an attempt to resolve issues associated with this matter. In response, on June 13, 2012, QIT requested ADR to resolve this matter with the NRC. On June 27, 2012, the NRC and QIT representatives met in an ADR session with a professional mediator, arranged through Cornell University’s Institute on Conflict Resolution. ADR is a process in which a neutral mediator with no decision-making authority assists the parties in reaching an agreement on resolving any differences regarding the dispute. This Confirmatory Order is issued pursuant to the agreement reached during the ADR process. III In response to the NRC’s offer, QIT requested use of the NRC ADR process to resolve differences it had with the NRC. During that ADR session, a preliminary settlement agreement was reached. The elements of the agreement consisted of the following. The NRC recognizes the corrective actions associated with the apparent violations that QIT has already implemented, which include: • Conducting an internal investigation into the issues identified by the NRC, and documenting the results of that investigation in a letter to the NRC dated January 27, 2011 (ML110940552). • Appointing a full-time radiation safety officer (RSO) for QIT’s Northwest Region on December 3, 2010, and giving the RSO full authority to enforce the QIT radiation safety program for personnel in the region. • Holding a meeting with all radiography personnel promptly after the NRC inspection to communicate the inspection findings. • Amending radiography policies and procedures to require the RSO to ensure all vehicles used in radiographic operations are equipped with the required documents and equipment prior to use. • Retraining and testing all radiography personnel on QIT’s Operating and Emergency Procedures, with emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of radiographers, dosimetry requirements, and a securityrelated issue discussed in the Appendix to this Confirmatory Order. • Conducting weekly field audits to ensure employees follow the required VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 company, state, and federal requirements. • Granting ‘‘stop-work’’ authority to all radiography personnel who identify that radiography is being conducted in violation of the requirements. QIT also agreed to take the following actions to address the apparent violations: A. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will issue a company policy statement to its employees regarding how unacceptable deliberate violations are, the importance of maintaining security over licensed material, and the ethics of complying with regulatory requirements. A copy of the policy statement will be provided to the NRC. B. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the president of QIT will issue a personal letter to employees regarding his expectations in identifying and communicating concerns to QIT management, as well as overall compliance with NRC regulations. C. Training Requirements QIT will enhance its training program for employees conducting radiographic operations. The goal of the changes is to conduct licensed operations safely and to deter future deliberate violations by ensuring that employees (including licensee managers) understand the importance the NRC places on violations associated with deliberate misconduct and careless disregard. The program will consist of training for all current and newly hired employees performing licensed activities and provide for annual refresher training. QIT will complete the following activities in support of the training program: 1. Training for Current Employees. (a) Within 60 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will contract with an external contractor to assist in the development of a QIT training program regarding the NRC Enforcement process. The external contractor will work with a QIT management representative. This QIT training program will address, at a minimum, the types of willfulness (careless disregard and deliberate misconduct), the potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take, and the potential enforcement sanctions that the NRC may take against employees who engage in deliberate misconduct. The QIT management representative, who participated in the development of the program, will retain responsibility for providing training based on the program PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 to all QIT employees who engage in NRC-licensed activities. (b) At least 15 days before the time that QIT intends to execute the contract with the external contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval, the resume of the contractor proposed to develop and perform the training described in Item C.1.a. above. (c) At least 15 days prior to the start of training, but no later than 30 days after executing the contract with the external training contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval an outline of the topics to be covered during the training session. The training will include the topics identified in Section C.3. of the Confirmatory Order. (d) The training for managers will be completed within 60 days of the NRC’s approval of the outline of the course topics. The training for managers will be provided by the external contractor. The training for current employees will be completed within 120 days of the NRC’s approval of the outline of the course topics. (e) QIT will assess the effectiveness of the training through written testing. Any employee that does not pass the test will receive remedial training and be retested. Within 30 days of completing the training for all current employees, QIT will provide to the NRC: (1) A letter stating that the training as specified is complete and (2) the results of the employee testing process. 2. Training for New Employees and Annual Refresher Within 120 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will submit for NRC approval, the training program described in sections C.1 and C.3 along with associated procedure(s) that describe the initial training which must be provided to new employees who will be conducting NRC licensed activities and the annual refresher training that will be conducted for those employees who are performing NRC licensed activities. The submittal to the NRC will include: (1) An outline of the topics to be covered during the initial training and the refresher training sessions, (2) any procedure(s) that provide guidance on how the training program is conducted, and (3) details of the testing that will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. 3. Training Program Requirements The contractor identified in C.1 will also make enhancements to QIT’s established training program. The training procedures for the current employees, new employees and annual refresher training will be modified to include the following elements: E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices (a) A discussion of the NRC’s policy statement on safety culture [76 FR 34773] and QIT management’s support of that policy. Employees will be provided a copy of NUREG/BR–0500, ‘‘Safety Culture Policy Statement.’’ (b) Elements of willfulness discussed in Chapter 6 of the NRC Enforcement Manual, including examples of enforcement actions that the NRC has taken against individuals (publicly available on the NRC’s Web site). (c) Potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take against individuals for deliberate misconduct. (d) Requirements of 10 CFR 30.10, ‘‘Deliberate Misconduct’’; and 10 CFR 30.7 ‘‘Employee Protection.’’ (e) Instruction on the importance of understanding and following QIT’s internal procedures and the regulatory requirements associated with radiographic operations. (f) Discussion on when to suspend work activities and to verify whether specific circumstances call for implementing corrective actions and resuming work activities or stopping work activities in order to protect the health and safety of the workers and the public. (g) The importance of having the required documents (Operating & Emergency procedures, shipping papers, copies of regulations, etc.) with the radiography equipment when working at temporary jobsites. 4. Recordkeeping Requirements. QIT will maintain training records, including attendees and the test results for 5 years. The records will be available for NRC review when requested. srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES D. Revise Operating & Emergency (O&E) Procedures Within 90 days of the issuance date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will develop and submit to NRC for review and approval: 1. A procedure that provides details on how QIT management and the corporate RSO will provide oversight of the Regional RSO(s). 2. A security-related procedure that is discussed in the Appendix to the Order. 3. A procedure for various ways for employees to report concerns, including implementation of an open door policy. 4. A security-related provision that is discussed in the Appendix to the Order. 5. Audit records must be maintained for five years and include the following information: date of audit, name of person conducting the audit, name of persons contacted by auditor, audit findings, corrective actions and followup (if any). VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 E. Within 30 days after QIT receives the NRC reviewed and approved procedures specified in sections C and D of the Order, QIT shall implement and comply with the approved procedures when performing work under NRC jurisdiction. The approved procedures and any subsequent procedural revisions will remain binding upon QIT when performing work under NRC jurisdiction for a period of 10 years from the date of the Confirmatory Order. F. Within 180 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the president of QIT must submit a paper for presentation at an NDT professional society meeting (national or local chapter), such as the Non-Destructive Testing Management Association (NDTMA) relating the actions that resulted in escalated enforcement and the corrective measures that QIT has taken or plans to take to prevent recurrence. G. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT must pay a civil penalty of $3,500. Payment must be made in accordance with payment methods described in NUREG/BR–0254, ‘‘Payment Methods.’’ QIT will submit a statement indicating when and by what method payment was made to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852–2738. On August 8, 2012, the Licensee consented to issuing this Order with the commitments, as described in Section V below. Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc., further agreed that this Order is to be effective upon issuance and that it has waived its right to a hearing. IV Since Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc. (QIT), has agreed to take additional actions to address NRC concerns, as set forth in Section III above, the NRC has concluded that its concerns can be resolved through issuance of this Confirmatory Order. I find that the QIT commitments as set forth in Section V are acceptable and necessary and conclude that with these commitments the public health and safety are reasonably assured. In view of the foregoing, I have determined that public health and safety require that the QIT commitments be confirmed by this Order. Based on the above and QIT’s consent, this Confirmatory Order is immediately effective upon issuance. V Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 81, 161b, 161i, 161o, 182 and 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission’s regulations in 10 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 52069 CFR 2.202 and 10 CFR parts 20, 30, and 34, it is hereby ordered, effective immediately, that: A. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will issue a company policy statement to its employees regarding how unacceptable deliberate violations are, the importance of maintaining security over licensed material, and the ethics of complying with regulatory requirements. A copy of the policy statement will be provided to the NRC. B. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the president of QIT will issue a personal letter to employees regarding his expectations in identifying and communicating concerns to management, as well as overall compliance with NRC regulations. C. QIT will enhance its training program for employees conducting radiographic operations. The goal of the changes is to conduct licensed operations safely and deter future deliberate violations by ensuring that employees (including licensee managers) understand the importance the NRC places on violations associated with deliberate misconduct and careless disregard. The program will consist of training for all current and newly hired employees performing licensed activities and provide for annual refresher training. QIT will complete the following activities in support of the training program: 1. Training for Current Employees (a) Within 60 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will contract with an external contractor to assist in the development of a QIT training program regarding the NRC Enforcement process. The external contractor will work with a QIT management representative. This QIT training program will address all of the elements in condition C.3 below and, at a minimum, the types of willful violations, the types of willfulness (careless disregard and deliberate misconduct), the potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take, and the potential enforcement sanctions that the NRC may take against employees who engage in deliberate misconduct. As discussed in Item C.1.d, the contractor will provide training to all QIT managers. The QIT management representative, who participated in the development of the program, will retain responsibility for providing training based on the program to all QIT employees who engage in NRC-licensed activities. (b) At least 15 days before the time that QIT intends to execute the contract E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1 52070 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES with the external contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval, the resume of the contractor proposed to develop and perform the training described in Item C.1.a. above. (c) At least 15 days prior to the start of training, but no later than 30 days after executing the contract with the external training contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval an outline of the topics to be covered during the training session. The training will include the topics identified in Section C.3. of the Confirmatory Order. (d) The training for managers will be completed within 60 days of the NRC’s approval of the outline of the course topics. The training for managers will be provided by the external contractor. The training for current employees will be completed within 120 days of the NRC’s approval of the outline of the course topics. (e) QIT will assess the effectiveness of the training through written testing. Any employee that does not pass the test will receive remedial training and be retested. Within 30 days of completing the training for all current employees, QIT will provide to the NRC: (1) A letter stating that the training as specified is complete and (2) the results of the employee testing process (such as total number of employees who took the training and whether any did not pass even after remedial training). 2. Training for New Employees and Annual Refresher Within 120 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will submit for NRC approval, the training program described in sections C.1 and C.3 along with associated procedure(s) that describe the initial training which must be provided to new employees who will be conducting NRC licensed activities and the annual refresher training that will be conducted for those employees who are performing NRC licensed activities. The submittal to the NRC will include: (1) An outline of the topics to be covered during the initial training and the refresher training sessions, (2) any procedure(s) that provide guidance on how the training program is conducted, and (3) details of the testing that will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. 3. The contractor identified in section C.1 will also make enhancements to QIT’s established training program. The training procedures for the current employees, new employees and annual refresher training will be modified to include the following elements: a. A discussion of the NRC’s policy statement of safety culture [76 FR 34773] and QIT management’s support VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 of that policy. Employees will be provided a copy of NUREG/BR–500, ‘‘Safety Culture Policy Statement.’’ b. Elements of willfulness discussed in Chapter 6 of the NRC Enforcement Manual including examples of enforcement actions that the NRC has taken against individuals (publically available on the NRC’s Web site). c. Potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take against individuals for deliberate misconduct. d. Requirements of 10 CFR 30.10, ‘‘Deliberate misconduct’’; and 10 CFR 30.7, ‘‘Employee protection.’’ e. Instruction on the importance of understanding and following QIT’s internal procedures and the regulatory requirements associated with radiographic operations. f. Discussion on when to suspend work activities and to verify whether specific circumstances call for implementing corrective actions and resuming work activities or stopping work activities in order to protect the health and safety of the workers and the public. g. The importance of having the required documents (Operating & Emergency procedures, shipping papers, copies of regulations, etc.) with the radiography equipment when working at temporary jobsites. 4. Recordkeeping Requirements. QIT will maintain training records, including attendees and the test results for 5 years. The records will be available for NRC review when requested. D. Revise Operating & Emergency (O&E) Procedures Within 90 days of the issuance date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will develop and submit to the NRC for review and approval procedures that address the following items: 1. A procedure that provided details on how QIT management and the corporate RSO will provide oversight of the Regional RSO(s). 2. This provision involves field audits of security requirements and contains security-related information which is described in the security-related Appendix to this Order (not publicly available). 3. A procedure for various ways for employees to report concerns, including implementation of an open door policy. 4. This provision discusses how field audits of security requirements are to be conducted and contains security-related information which is described in the security-related Appendix to this Order (not publicly available). 5. A procedure that requires that audit records must be maintained for 5 years PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 and include the following information: date of audit, name of person conducting the audit, name of persons contacted by the auditor, audit findings, corrective actions and follow-up (if any). E. Within 30 days after QIT receives the NRC reviewed and approved procedures specified in sections C and D, QIT shall implement and comply with the approved procedures when performing work under NRC jurisdiction. The approved procedures and any subsequent procedural revisions will remain binding upon QIT when performing work under NRC jurisdiction for a period of 10 years from the date of the confirmatory order. F. Within 180 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the president of QIT must submit a paper for presentation at an NDT professional society meeting (national or local chapter), such as the Non-Destructive Testing Management Association (NDTMA) relating the actions that resulted in escalated enforcement and the corrective measures that QIT has taken or plan to take to prevent recurrence. The president of QIT will provide NRC with a copy of the paper at the same time he submits it to an NDT professional society, by mailing the copy to: US NRC Region IV, ATTN: Director, Division of Nuclear Material Safety, 1600 Lamar Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76011. G. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT must pay a civil penalty of $3,500. Payment must be made in accordance with payment methods described in NUREG/BR–0254, ‘‘Payment Methods.’’ QIT will submit a statement indicating when and by what method payment was made to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852–2738. H. Unless otherwise specified, all documents required to be submitted to the NRC will be sent to: US NRC Region IV, ATTN: Director, Division of Nuclear Material Safety, 1600 Lamar Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76011. The Regional Administrator, Region IV, may, in writing, relax or rescind any of the above conditions upon demonstration by Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc., of good cause. VI Any person adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order, other than Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc. (QIT), may request a hearing within 20 days of its publication in the Federal Register. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1 srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices the time to request a hearing. A request for extension of time must be made in writing to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001, and include a statement of good cause for the extension. All documents filed in NRC adjudicatory proceedings, including a request for hearing, a petition for leave to intervene, any motion or other document filed in the proceeding prior to the submission of a request for hearing or petition to intervene, and documents filed by interested governmental entities participating under 10 CFR 2.315(c), must be filed in accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule (72 FR 49139; August 28, 2007). The EFiling process requires participants to submit and serve all adjudicatory documents over the internet, or in some cases to mail copies on electronic storage media. Participants may not submit paper copies of their filings unless they seek an exemption in accordance with the procedures described below. To comply with the procedural requirements of E-Filing, at least 10 days prior to the filing deadline, the participant should contact the Office of the Secretary by email at, or by telephone at 301–415–1677, to request (1) a digital identification ID certificate, which allows the participant (or its counsel or representative) to digitally sign documents and access the E-Submittal server for any proceeding in which it is participating; and (2) advise the Secretary that the participant will be submitting a request or petition for hearing (even in instances in which the participant, or its counsel or representative, already holds an NRCissued digital ID certificate). Based upon this information, the Secretary will establish an electronic docket for the hearing in this proceeding if the Secretary has not already established an electronic docket. Information about applying for a digital ID certificate is available on the NRC’s public Web site at https:// apply-certificates.html. System requirements for accessing the ESubmittal server are detailed in the NRC’s ‘‘Guidance for Electronic Submission,’’ which is available on the agency’s public Web site at https:// Participants may attempt to use other software not listed on the Web site, but should note that the NRC’s E-Filing system does not support unlisted software, and the NRC Meta System Help Desk will not be able to VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 offer assistance in using unlisted software. If a participant is electronically submitting a document to the NRC in accordance with the E-Filing rule, the participant must file the document using the NRC’s online, Web-based submission form. In order to serve documents through the Electronic Information Exchange System, users will be required to install a Web browser plug-in from the NRC’s Web site. Further information on the Webbased submission form, including the installation of the Web browser plug-in, is available on the NRC’s public Web site at Once a participant has obtained a digital ID certificate and a docket has been created, the participant can then submit a request for hearing or petition for leave to intervene. Submissions should be in Portable Document Format (PDF) in accordance with the NRC guidance available on the NRC’s public Web site at A filing is considered complete at the time the documents are submitted through the NRC’s E-Filing system. To be timely, an electronic filing must be submitted to the E-Filing system no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date. Upon receipt of a transmission, the EFiling system time-stamps the document and sends the submitter an email notice confirming receipt of the document. The E-Filing system also distributes an email notice that provides access to the document to the NRC’s Office of the General Counsel and any others who have advised the Office of the Secretary that they wish to participate in the proceeding, so that the filer need not serve the documents on those participants separately. Therefore, applicants and other participants (or their counsel or representative) must apply for and receive a digital ID certificate before a hearing request/ petition to intervene is filed so that they can obtain access to the document via the E-Filing system. A person filing electronically using the agency’s adjudicatory E-Filing system may seek assistance by contacting the NRC Meta System Help Desk through the ‘‘Contact Us’’ link located on the NRC’s Web site at https://, by email at, or by a tollfree call at 1–866–672–7640. The NRC Meta System Help Desk is available between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays. PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 52071 Participants who believe that they have a good cause for not submitting documents electronically must file an exemption request, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper filing requesting authorization to continue to submit documents in paper format. Such filings must be submitted by: (1) First class mail addressed to the Office of the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001, Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff; or (2) courier, express mail, or expedited delivery service to the Office of the Secretary, Sixteenth Floor, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, 20852–2738, Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff. Participants filing a document in this manner are responsible for serving the document on all other participants. Filing is considered complete by firstclass mail as of the time of deposit in the mail, or by courier, express mail, or expedited delivery service upon depositing the document with the provider of the service. A presiding officer, having granted an exemption request from using E-Filing, may require a participant or party to use E-Filing if the presiding officer subsequently determines that the reason for granting the exemption from use of E-Filing no longer exists. Documents submitted in adjudicatory proceedings will appear in the NRC’s electronic hearing docket which is available to the public at https://, unless excluded pursuant to an order of the Commission, or the presiding officer. Participants are requested not to include personal privacy information, such as social security numbers, home addresses, or home phone numbers in their filings, unless an NRC regulation or other law requires submission of such information. With respect to copyrighted works, except for limited excerpts that serve the purpose of the adjudicatory filings and would constitute a Fair Use application, participants are requested not to include copyrighted materials in their submission. If a person (other than Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc.) requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with particularity the manner in which his interest is adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order and shall address the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.309(d) and (f). If a hearing is requested by a person whose interest is adversely affected, the Commission will issue an order designating the time and place of any E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1 52072 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2012 / Notices hearing. If a hearing is held, the issue to be considered at such hearing shall be whether this Confirmatory Order should be sustained. In the absence of any request for hearing, or written approval of an extension of time in which to request a hearing, the provisions specified in Section V above shall be final 20 days from the date this Confirmatory Order is published in the Federal Register without further order or proceedings. If an extension of time for requesting a hearing has been approved, the provisions specified in Section V shall be final when the extension expires if a hearing request has not been received. A request for hearing shall not stay the immediate effectiveness of this order. Dated this 10th day of August 2012. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Elmo E. Collins, Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV. [FR Doc. 2012–21214 Filed 8–27–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC–2012–0002] Sunshine Act Meeting AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETINGS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. DATE: Weeks of August 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1, 2012. PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. STATUS: Public and Closed. Week of August 27, 2012 There are no meetings scheduled for the week of August 27, 2012. Week of September 3, 2012—Tentative There are no meetings scheduled for the week of September 3, 2012. Week of September 10, 2012—Tentative srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:00 a.m. Briefing on Economic Consequences (Public Meeting) (Contact: Richard Correia, 301–251– 7430). This meeting will be webcast live at the Web address— Friday, September 14, 2012 11:00 a.m. Discussion of Management and Personnel Issues (Closed—Ex. 2 and 6). VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:39 Aug 27, 2012 Jkt 226001 Week of September 17, 2012—Tentative There are no meetings scheduled for the week of September 17, 2012. Week of September 24, 2012—Tentative Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:30 a.m. Strategic Programmatic Overview of the New Reactors Business Line (Public Meeting) (Contact: Donna Williams, 301– 415–1322). This meeting will be webcast live at the Web address— Week of October 1, 2012—Tentative There are no meetings scheduled for the week of October 1, 2012. * * * * * *The schedule for Commission meetings is subject to change on short notice. To verify the status of meetings, call (recording)—301–415–1292. Contact person for more information: Rochelle Bavol, 301–415–1651. * * * * * The NRC Commission Meeting Schedule can be found on the Internet at: public-meetings/schedule.html. * * * * * The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in these public meetings, or need this meeting notice or the transcript or other information from the public meetings in another format (e.g. braille, large print), please notify Bill Dosch, Chief, Work Life and Benefits Branch, at 301–415–6200, TDD: 301– 415–2100, or by email at Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a caseby-case basis. * * * * * This notice is distributed electronically to subscribers. If you no longer wish to receive it, or would like to be added to the distribution, please contact the Office of the Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301–415–1969), or send an email to Dated: August 23, 2012. Rochelle C. Bavol, Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary. [FR Doc. 2012–21287 Filed 8–24–12; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Request To Amend a License to Import Radioactive Waste Pursuant to 10 CFR 110.70 (b) ‘‘Public Notice of Receipt of an Application,’’ please take notice that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received the following request to amend an import license. Copies of the request are available electronically through ADAMS and can be accessed through the Public Electronic Reading Room (PERR) link at the NRC Homepage. A request for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene may be filed within thirty days after publication of this notice in the Federal Register. Any request for hearing or petition for leave to intervene shall be served by the requestor or petitioner upon the applicant, the office of the General Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555; the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555; and the Executive Secretary, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520. A request for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene may be filed with the NRC electronically in accordance with NRC’s E-Filing rule promulgated in August 2007, 72 FR 49139 (Aug. 28, 2007). Information about filing electronically is available on the NRC’s public Web site at site-help/e-submittals.html. To ensure timely electronic filing, at least 5 (five) days prior to the filing deadline, the petitioner/requestor should contact the Office of the Secretary by email at HEARINGDOCKET@NRC.GOV, or by calling (301) 415–1677, to request a digital ID certificate and allow for the creation of an electronic docket. In addition to a request for hearing or petition for leave to intervene, written comments, in accordance with 10 CFR 110.81, should be submitted within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the Federal Register to Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications The information concerning this export license application follows. E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM 28AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 167 (Tuesday, August 28, 2012)]
[Pages 52067-52072]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-21214]



[Docket No. 150-00017; NRC-2012-0200]

In the Matter of Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc., New 
Iberia, LA; General License Pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20 EA-11-124; 
Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately)


    Quality Inspection & Testing, Inc. (QIT), is the holder of a 
general license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC 
or Commission) pursuant to Sec.  150.20 of Title 10 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations (10 CFR). This general license was granted to QIT 
at various times during calendar years 2010 and 2011. This Confirmatory 
Order is the result of an agreement reached during an alternative 
dispute resolution (ADR) mediation session conducted on June 27, 2012, 
at the NRC Region IV office in Arlington, Texas.


    On October 27, 2010, the NRC conducted an inspection at a temporary 
job site located near Rock Springs, Wyoming. As a result of this 
inspection, QIT conducted an internal investigation and reported the 
results to the NRC in a letter dated January 27, 2011 (ML110940552). In 
response to QIT's investigation results, the NRC issued a Confirmatory 
Action Letter (CAL-4-11-001) on February 11, 2011 (ML110420261). QIT 
responded to the Confirmatory Action Letter in a letter dated February 
15, 2011 (ML110530442). In addition, the NRC Office of Investigations 
(OI), Region IV, conducted an investigation (Case 4-2011-031).
    By letter dated June 5, 2012, the NRC transmitted the results of 
the inspection and investigation in NRC Inspection Report 150-00017/
2010-004 and Investigation Report 4-2011-031 [Reference redacted, not 
publicly available]. Based on the results of the inspection and 
investigation, the NRC determined that four apparent violations of NRC 
requirements had occurred. The apparent violations involved failure to: 
(1) Control and maintain constant surveillance of licensed material 
that is not in storage as required by 10 CFR 20.1802; (2) comply with 
security-related requirements as discussed in the Appendix to this 
Order; (3) wear, on the trunk of the body, a direct reading dosimeter, 
operating alarm ratemeter and a personal dosimeter while conducting 
radiographic operations in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 
34.47(a); and (4) maintain copies of the specified records and 
documents required at a temporary jobsite as required by 10 CFR 
34.89(b). Furthermore, the NRC is concerned that willfulness may be 
associated with the first three apparent violations. Finally, the 
inspection and investigation evidence also provided the basis for NRC 
identified apparent security violations of NRC requirements. The 
violations are described in the Appendix to this Order. (The Appendix 
includes Security-Related information; therefore, it is not publicly 

[[Page 52068]]

    In the June 5, 2012, letter, the NRC informed QIT that the NRC was 
considering escalated enforcement action for the apparent violations. 
The NRC offered QIT the opportunity to request a predecisional 
enforcement conference (PEC) or request alternative dispute resolution 
(ADR) with the NRC in an attempt to resolve issues associated with this 
matter. In response, on June 13, 2012, QIT requested ADR to resolve 
this matter with the NRC.
    On June 27, 2012, the NRC and QIT representatives met in an ADR 
session with a professional mediator, arranged through Cornell 
University's Institute on Conflict Resolution. ADR is a process in 
which a neutral mediator with no decision-making authority assists the 
parties in reaching an agreement on resolving any differences regarding 
the dispute. This Confirmatory Order is issued pursuant to the 
agreement reached during the ADR process.


    In response to the NRC's offer, QIT requested use of the NRC ADR 
process to resolve differences it had with the NRC. During that ADR 
session, a preliminary settlement agreement was reached. The elements 
of the agreement consisted of the following.
    The NRC recognizes the corrective actions associated with the 
apparent violations that QIT has already implemented, which include:
     Conducting an internal investigation into the issues 
identified by the NRC, and documenting the results of that 
investigation in a letter to the NRC dated January 27, 2011 
     Appointing a full-time radiation safety officer (RSO) for 
QIT's Northwest Region on December 3, 2010, and giving the RSO full 
authority to enforce the QIT radiation safety program for personnel in 
the region.
     Holding a meeting with all radiography personnel promptly 
after the NRC inspection to communicate the inspection findings.
     Amending radiography policies and procedures to require 
the RSO to ensure all vehicles used in radiographic operations are 
equipped with the required documents and equipment prior to use.
     Retraining and testing all radiography personnel on QIT's 
Operating and Emergency Procedures, with emphasis on the duties and 
responsibilities of radiographers, dosimetry requirements, and a 
security-related issue discussed in the Appendix to this Confirmatory 
     Conducting weekly field audits to ensure employees follow 
the required company, state, and federal requirements.
     Granting ``stop-work'' authority to all radiography 
personnel who identify that radiography is being conducted in violation 
of the requirements.
    QIT also agreed to take the following actions to address the 
apparent violations:
    A. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
issue a company policy statement to its employees regarding how 
unacceptable deliberate violations are, the importance of maintaining 
security over licensed material, and the ethics of complying with 
regulatory requirements. A copy of the policy statement will be 
provided to the NRC.
    B. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the 
president of QIT will issue a personal letter to employees regarding 
his expectations in identifying and communicating concerns to QIT 
management, as well as overall compliance with NRC regulations.

C. Training Requirements

    QIT will enhance its training program for employees conducting 
radiographic operations. The goal of the changes is to conduct licensed 
operations safely and to deter future deliberate violations by ensuring 
that employees (including licensee managers) understand the importance 
the NRC places on violations associated with deliberate misconduct and 
careless disregard. The program will consist of training for all 
current and newly hired employees performing licensed activities and 
provide for annual refresher training. QIT will complete the following 
activities in support of the training program:
1. Training for Current Employees.
    (a) Within 60 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
contract with an external contractor to assist in the development of a 
QIT training program regarding the NRC Enforcement process. The 
external contractor will work with a QIT management representative. 
This QIT training program will address, at a minimum, the types of 
willfulness (careless disregard and deliberate misconduct), the 
potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take, 
and the potential enforcement sanctions that the NRC may take against 
employees who engage in deliberate misconduct. The QIT management 
representative, who participated in the development of the program, 
will retain responsibility for providing training based on the program 
to all QIT employees who engage in NRC-licensed activities.
    (b) At least 15 days before the time that QIT intends to execute 
the contract with the external contractor, QIT will submit for NRC 
review and approval, the resume of the contractor proposed to develop 
and perform the training described in Item C.1.a. above.
    (c) At least 15 days prior to the start of training, but no later 
than 30 days after executing the contract with the external training 
contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval an outline of 
the topics to be covered during the training session. The training will 
include the topics identified in Section C.3. of the Confirmatory 
    (d) The training for managers will be completed within 60 days of 
the NRC's approval of the outline of the course topics. The training 
for managers will be provided by the external contractor. The training 
for current employees will be completed within 120 days of the NRC's 
approval of the outline of the course topics.
    (e) QIT will assess the effectiveness of the training through 
written testing. Any employee that does not pass the test will receive 
remedial training and be retested. Within 30 days of completing the 
training for all current employees, QIT will provide to the NRC: (1) A 
letter stating that the training as specified is complete and (2) the 
results of the employee testing process.
2. Training for New Employees and Annual Refresher
    Within 120 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
submit for NRC approval, the training program described in sections C.1 
and C.3 along with associated procedure(s) that describe the initial 
training which must be provided to new employees who will be conducting 
NRC licensed activities and the annual refresher training that will be 
conducted for those employees who are performing NRC licensed 
activities. The submittal to the NRC will include: (1) An outline of 
the topics to be covered during the initial training and the refresher 
training sessions, (2) any procedure(s) that provide guidance on how 
the training program is conducted, and (3) details of the testing that 
will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.
3. Training Program Requirements
    The contractor identified in C.1 will also make enhancements to 
QIT's established training program. The training procedures for the 
current employees, new employees and annual refresher training will be 
modified to include the following elements:

[[Page 52069]]

    (a) A discussion of the NRC's policy statement on safety culture 
[76 FR 34773] and QIT management's support of that policy. Employees 
will be provided a copy of NUREG/BR-0500, ``Safety Culture Policy 
    (b) Elements of willfulness discussed in Chapter 6 of the NRC 
Enforcement Manual, including examples of enforcement actions that the 
NRC has taken against individuals (publicly available on the NRC's Web 
    (c) Potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may 
take against individuals for deliberate misconduct.
    (d) Requirements of 10 CFR 30.10, ``Deliberate Misconduct''; and 10 
CFR 30.7 ``Employee Protection.''
    (e) Instruction on the importance of understanding and following 
QIT's internal procedures and the regulatory requirements associated 
with radiographic operations.
    (f) Discussion on when to suspend work activities and to verify 
whether specific circumstances call for implementing corrective actions 
and resuming work activities or stopping work activities in order to 
protect the health and safety of the workers and the public.
    (g) The importance of having the required documents (Operating & 
Emergency procedures, shipping papers, copies of regulations, etc.) 
with the radiography equipment when working at temporary jobsites.
    4. Recordkeeping Requirements. QIT will maintain training records, 
including attendees and the test results for 5 years. The records will 
be available for NRC review when requested.

D. Revise Operating & Emergency (O&E) Procedures

    Within 90 days of the issuance date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT 
will develop and submit to NRC for review and approval:
    1. A procedure that provides details on how QIT management and the 
corporate RSO will provide oversight of the Regional RSO(s).
    2. A security-related procedure that is discussed in the Appendix 
to the Order.
    3. A procedure for various ways for employees to report concerns, 
including implementation of an open door policy.
    4. A security-related provision that is discussed in the Appendix 
to the Order.
    5. Audit records must be maintained for five years and include the 
following information: date of audit, name of person conducting the 
audit, name of persons contacted by auditor, audit findings, corrective 
actions and follow-up (if any).
    E. Within 30 days after QIT receives the NRC reviewed and approved 
procedures specified in sections C and D of the Order, QIT shall 
implement and comply with the approved procedures when performing work 
under NRC jurisdiction. The approved procedures and any subsequent 
procedural revisions will remain binding upon QIT when performing work 
under NRC jurisdiction for a period of 10 years from the date of the 
Confirmatory Order.
    F. Within 180 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the 
president of QIT must submit a paper for presentation at an NDT 
professional society meeting (national or local chapter), such as the 
Non-Destructive Testing Management Association (NDTMA) relating the 
actions that resulted in escalated enforcement and the corrective 
measures that QIT has taken or plans to take to prevent recurrence.
    G. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT must 
pay a civil penalty of $3,500. Payment must be made in accordance with 
payment methods described in NUREG/BR-0254, ``Payment Methods.'' QIT 
will submit a statement indicating when and by what method payment was 
made to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 
    On August 8, 2012, the Licensee consented to issuing this Order 
with the commitments, as described in Section V below. Quality 
Inspection and Testing, Inc., further agreed that this Order is to be 
effective upon issuance and that it has waived its right to a hearing.


    Since Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc. (QIT), has agreed to 
take additional actions to address NRC concerns, as set forth in 
Section III above, the NRC has concluded that its concerns can be 
resolved through issuance of this Confirmatory Order.
    I find that the QIT commitments as set forth in Section V are 
acceptable and necessary and conclude that with these commitments the 
public health and safety are reasonably assured. In view of the 
foregoing, I have determined that public health and safety require that 
the QIT commitments be confirmed by this Order. Based on the above and 
QIT's consent, this Confirmatory Order is immediately effective upon 


    Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 81, 161b, 161i, 161o, 182 and 186 
of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission's 
regulations in 10 CFR 2.202 and 10 CFR parts 20, 30, and 34, it is 
hereby ordered, effective immediately, that:
    A. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
issue a company policy statement to its employees regarding how 
unacceptable deliberate violations are, the importance of maintaining 
security over licensed material, and the ethics of complying with 
regulatory requirements. A copy of the policy statement will be 
provided to the NRC.
    B. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the 
president of QIT will issue a personal letter to employees regarding 
his expectations in identifying and communicating concerns to 
management, as well as overall compliance with NRC regulations.
    C. QIT will enhance its training program for employees conducting 
radiographic operations. The goal of the changes is to conduct licensed 
operations safely and deter future deliberate violations by ensuring 
that employees (including licensee managers) understand the importance 
the NRC places on violations associated with deliberate misconduct and 
careless disregard. The program will consist of training for all 
current and newly hired employees performing licensed activities and 
provide for annual refresher training. QIT will complete the following 
activities in support of the training program:

1. Training for Current Employees

    (a) Within 60 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
contract with an external contractor to assist in the development of a 
QIT training program regarding the NRC Enforcement process. The 
external contractor will work with a QIT management representative. 
This QIT training program will address all of the elements in condition 
C.3 below and, at a minimum, the types of willful violations, the types 
of willfulness (careless disregard and deliberate misconduct), the 
potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may take, 
and the potential enforcement sanctions that the NRC may take against 
employees who engage in deliberate misconduct. As discussed in Item 
C.1.d, the contractor will provide training to all QIT managers. The 
QIT management representative, who participated in the development of 
the program, will retain responsibility for providing training based on 
the program to all QIT employees who engage in NRC-licensed activities.
    (b) At least 15 days before the time that QIT intends to execute 
the contract

[[Page 52070]]

with the external contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and 
approval, the resume of the contractor proposed to develop and perform 
the training described in Item C.1.a. above.
    (c) At least 15 days prior to the start of training, but no later 
than 30 days after executing the contract with the external training 
contractor, QIT will submit for NRC review and approval an outline of 
the topics to be covered during the training session. The training will 
include the topics identified in Section C.3. of the Confirmatory 
    (d) The training for managers will be completed within 60 days of 
the NRC's approval of the outline of the course topics. The training 
for managers will be provided by the external contractor. The training 
for current employees will be completed within 120 days of the NRC's 
approval of the outline of the course topics.
    (e) QIT will assess the effectiveness of the training through 
written testing. Any employee that does not pass the test will receive 
remedial training and be retested. Within 30 days of completing the 
training for all current employees, QIT will provide to the NRC: (1) A 
letter stating that the training as specified is complete and (2) the 
results of the employee testing process (such as total number of 
employees who took the training and whether any did not pass even after 
remedial training).

2. Training for New Employees and Annual Refresher

    Within 120 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT will 
submit for NRC approval, the training program described in sections C.1 
and C.3 along with associated procedure(s) that describe the initial 
training which must be provided to new employees who will be conducting 
NRC licensed activities and the annual refresher training that will be 
conducted for those employees who are performing NRC licensed 
activities. The submittal to the NRC will include: (1) An outline of 
the topics to be covered during the initial training and the refresher 
training sessions, (2) any procedure(s) that provide guidance on how 
the training program is conducted, and (3) details of the testing that 
will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.
    3. The contractor identified in section C.1 will also make 
enhancements to QIT's established training program. The training 
procedures for the current employees, new employees and annual 
refresher training will be modified to include the following elements:
    a. A discussion of the NRC's policy statement of safety culture [76 
FR 34773] and QIT management's support of that policy. Employees will 
be provided a copy of NUREG/BR-500, ``Safety Culture Policy 
    b. Elements of willfulness discussed in Chapter 6 of the NRC 
Enforcement Manual including examples of enforcement actions that the 
NRC has taken against individuals (publically available on the NRC's 
Web site).
    c. Potential criminal sanctions that the Department of Justice may 
take against individuals for deliberate misconduct.
    d. Requirements of 10 CFR 30.10, ``Deliberate misconduct''; and 10 
CFR 30.7, ``Employee protection.''
    e. Instruction on the importance of understanding and following 
QIT's internal procedures and the regulatory requirements associated 
with radiographic operations.
    f. Discussion on when to suspend work activities and to verify 
whether specific circumstances call for implementing corrective actions 
and resuming work activities or stopping work activities in order to 
protect the health and safety of the workers and the public.
    g. The importance of having the required documents (Operating & 
Emergency procedures, shipping papers, copies of regulations, etc.) 
with the radiography equipment when working at temporary jobsites.
    4. Recordkeeping Requirements. QIT will maintain training records, 
including attendees and the test results for 5 years. The records will 
be available for NRC review when requested.

D. Revise Operating & Emergency (O&E) Procedures

    Within 90 days of the issuance date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT 
will develop and submit to the NRC for review and approval procedures 
that address the following items:
    1. A procedure that provided details on how QIT management and the 
corporate RSO will provide oversight of the Regional RSO(s).
    2. This provision involves field audits of security requirements 
and contains security-related information which is described in the 
security-related Appendix to this Order (not publicly available).
    3. A procedure for various ways for employees to report concerns, 
including implementation of an open door policy.
    4. This provision discusses how field audits of security 
requirements are to be conducted and contains security-related 
information which is described in the security-related Appendix to this 
Order (not publicly available).
    5. A procedure that requires that audit records must be maintained 
for 5 years and include the following information: date of audit, name 
of person conducting the audit, name of persons contacted by the 
auditor, audit findings, corrective actions and follow-up (if any).
    E. Within 30 days after QIT receives the NRC reviewed and approved 
procedures specified in sections C and D, QIT shall implement and 
comply with the approved procedures when performing work under NRC 
jurisdiction. The approved procedures and any subsequent procedural 
revisions will remain binding upon QIT when performing work under NRC 
jurisdiction for a period of 10 years from the date of the confirmatory 
    F. Within 180 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, the 
president of QIT must submit a paper for presentation at an NDT 
professional society meeting (national or local chapter), such as the 
Non-Destructive Testing Management Association (NDTMA) relating the 
actions that resulted in escalated enforcement and the corrective 
measures that QIT has taken or plan to take to prevent recurrence. The 
president of QIT will provide NRC with a copy of the paper at the same 
time he submits it to an NDT professional society, by mailing the copy 
to: US NRC Region IV, ATTN: Director, Division of Nuclear Material 
Safety, 1600 Lamar Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76011.
    G. Within 30 days of the date of the Confirmatory Order, QIT must 
pay a civil penalty of $3,500. Payment must be made in accordance with 
payment methods described in NUREG/BR-0254, ``Payment Methods.'' QIT 
will submit a statement indicating when and by what method payment was 
made to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 
    H. Unless otherwise specified, all documents required to be 
submitted to the NRC will be sent to: US NRC Region IV, ATTN: Director, 
Division of Nuclear Material Safety, 1600 Lamar Blvd., Arlington, Texas 
    The Regional Administrator, Region IV, may, in writing, relax or 
rescind any of the above conditions upon demonstration by Quality 
Inspection and Testing, Inc., of good cause.


    Any person adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order, other 
than Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc. (QIT), may request a hearing 
within 20 days of its publication in the Federal Register. Where good 
cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending

[[Page 52071]]

the time to request a hearing. A request for extension of time must be 
made in writing to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, and include a 
statement of good cause for the extension.
    All documents filed in NRC adjudicatory proceedings, including a 
request for hearing, a petition for leave to intervene, any motion or 
other document filed in the proceeding prior to the submission of a 
request for hearing or petition to intervene, and documents filed by 
interested governmental entities participating under 10 CFR 2.315(c), 
must be filed in accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule (72 FR 49139; 
August 28, 2007). The E-Filing process requires participants to submit 
and serve all adjudicatory documents over the internet, or in some 
cases to mail copies on electronic storage media. Participants may not 
submit paper copies of their filings unless they seek an exemption in 
accordance with the procedures described below.
    To comply with the procedural requirements of E-Filing, at least 10 
days prior to the filing deadline, the participant should contact the 
Office of the Secretary by email at, or by 
telephone at 301-415-1677, to request (1) a digital identification ID 
certificate, which allows the participant (or its counsel or 
representative) to digitally sign documents and access the E-Submittal 
server for any proceeding in which it is participating; and (2) advise 
the Secretary that the participant will be submitting a request or 
petition for hearing (even in instances in which the participant, or 
its counsel or representative, already holds an NRC-issued digital ID 
certificate). Based upon this information, the Secretary will establish 
an electronic docket for the hearing in this proceeding if the 
Secretary has not already established an electronic docket.
    Information about applying for a digital ID certificate is 
available on the NRC's public Web site at System requirements for accessing 
the E-Submittal server are detailed in the NRC's ``Guidance for 
Electronic Submission,'' which is available on the agency's public Web 
site at Participants 
may attempt to use other software not listed on the Web site, but 
should note that the NRC's E-Filing system does not support unlisted 
software, and the NRC Meta System Help Desk will not be able to offer 
assistance in using unlisted software.
    If a participant is electronically submitting a document to the NRC 
in accordance with the E-Filing rule, the participant must file the 
document using the NRC's online, Web-based submission form. In order to 
serve documents through the Electronic Information Exchange System, 
users will be required to install a Web browser plug-in from the NRC's 
Web site. Further information on the Web-based submission form, 
including the installation of the Web browser plug-in, is available on 
the NRC's public Web site at
    Once a participant has obtained a digital ID certificate and a 
docket has been created, the participant can then submit a request for 
hearing or petition for leave to intervene. Submissions should be in 
Portable Document Format (PDF) in accordance with the NRC guidance 
available on the NRC's public Web site at http:[sol][sol]
site-help/e-submittals.html. A filing is considered complete at the 
time the documents are submitted through the NRC's E-Filing system. To 
be timely, an electronic filing must be submitted to the E-Filing 
system no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date. Upon 
receipt of a transmission, the E-Filing system time-stamps the document 
and sends the submitter an email notice confirming receipt of the 
document. The E-Filing system also distributes an email notice that 
provides access to the document to the NRC's Office of the General 
Counsel and any others who have advised the Office of the Secretary 
that they wish to participate in the proceeding, so that the filer need 
not serve the documents on those participants separately. Therefore, 
applicants and other participants (or their counsel or representative) 
must apply for and receive a digital ID certificate before a hearing 
request/petition to intervene is filed so that they can obtain access 
to the document via the E-Filing system.
    A person filing electronically using the agency's adjudicatory E-
Filing system may seek assistance by contacting the NRC Meta System 
Help Desk through the ``Contact Us'' link located on the NRC's Web site 
at http:[sol][sol], by email at, or by a toll-free call at 1-866-672-7640. The 
NRC Meta System Help Desk is available between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., 
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays.
    Participants who believe that they have a good cause for not 
submitting documents electronically must file an exemption request, in 
accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper filing 
requesting authorization to continue to submit documents in paper 
format. Such filings must be submitted by: (1) First class mail 
addressed to the Office of the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention: 
Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff; or (2) courier, express mail, or 
expedited delivery service to the Office of the Secretary, Sixteenth 
Floor, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 
Maryland, 20852-2738, Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff. 
Participants filing a document in this manner are responsible for 
serving the document on all other participants. Filing is considered 
complete by first-class mail as of the time of deposit in the mail, or 
by courier, express mail, or expedited delivery service upon depositing 
the document with the provider of the service. A presiding officer, 
having granted an exemption request from using E-Filing, may require a 
participant or party to use E-Filing if the presiding officer 
subsequently determines that the reason for granting the exemption from 
use of E-Filing no longer exists.
    Documents submitted in adjudicatory proceedings will appear in the 
NRC's electronic hearing docket which is available to the public at 
http:[sol][sol], unless excluded pursuant to an order 
of the Commission, or the presiding officer. Participants are requested 
not to include personal privacy information, such as social security 
numbers, home addresses, or home phone numbers in their filings, unless 
an NRC regulation or other law requires submission of such information. 
With respect to copyrighted works, except for limited excerpts that 
serve the purpose of the adjudicatory filings and would constitute a 
Fair Use application, participants are requested not to include 
copyrighted materials in their submission.
    If a person (other than Quality Inspection and Testing, Inc.) 
requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with particularity the 
manner in which his interest is adversely affected by this Confirmatory 
Order and shall address the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.309(d) and 
    If a hearing is requested by a person whose interest is adversely 
affected, the Commission will issue an order designating the time and 
place of any

[[Page 52072]]

hearing. If a hearing is held, the issue to be considered at such 
hearing shall be whether this Confirmatory Order should be sustained.
    In the absence of any request for hearing, or written approval of 
an extension of time in which to request a hearing, the provisions 
specified in Section V above shall be final 20 days from the date this 
Confirmatory Order is published in the Federal Register without further 
order or proceedings. If an extension of time for requesting a hearing 
has been approved, the provisions specified in Section V shall be final 
when the extension expires if a hearing request has not been received.
    A request for hearing shall not stay the immediate effectiveness of 
this order.

    Dated this 10th day of August 2012.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Elmo E. Collins,
Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV.
[FR Doc. 2012-21214 Filed 8-27-12; 8:45 am]
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