Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In the Matter of Progress Energy Florida, Inc. (Levy County Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2), 51832-51833 [2012-21005]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2012 / Notices
Institute of Mining and Technology,
Socorro, NM 87801.
Permit Application: 2013–018.
Activity for Which Permit Is Requested
Enter Antarctic Specially Protected
Areas. The applicant plans to enter
ASPA 130-Tramway Ridge, Mt. Erebus
to measure soil temperatures and
sample gases emitted in weak gas vents
for comparison with gases emitted
elsewhere on Erebus. The composition
of the gas emissions is important as it
is likely the source of nutrients/energy
that supports extremophiles in the soil.
ASPA 130-Tramway Ridge, Mt.
Erebus, Ross Island.
December 1, 2012 to January 31, 2014.
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Permit Officer, Office of Polar Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012–20990 Filed 8–24–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 52–029–COL, 52–030–COL;
ASLBP No. 09–879–04–COL–BD01]
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In
the Matter of Progress Energy Florida,
Inc. (Levy County Nuclear Power Plant,
Units 1 and 2)
August 21, 2012.
Before Administrative Judges: Alex S. Karlin,
Chairman, Dr. Anthony J. Baratta and Dr.
Randall J. Charbeneau
Notice of Hearing
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
This Atomic Safety and Licensing
Board gives notice that it will convene
an evidentiary hearing with regard to a
challenge by the Nuclear Information
and Resource Service and the Ecology
Party of Florida (Intervenors) 1 to an
application by Progress Energy Florida,
Inc. (PEF) to construct and operate two
new nuclear power reactors in Levy
County, Florida.2 The evidentiary
hearing will be held in Bronson, Florida
and will commence on October 31,
2012. The hearing will concern the one
admitted contention in this proceeding,
1 The Green Party of Florida was one of the
original intervenors herein, but it subsequently
withdrew. See Notice of Withdrawal (May 17,
2 See Progress Energy Florida, Inc.; Application
for the Levy County Nuclear Power Plant Units 1
and 2; Notice of Order, Hearing, and Opportunity
To Petition for Leave To Intervene, 73 FR 74,532,
74,532 (Dec. 8, 2008).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Contention 4A, which is described more
fully below.3
The evidentiary hearing will be held
under the authority of the Atomic
Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2231, 2239, and
2241. It will be conducted pursuant to
the NRC hearing procedures set forth in
10 CFR Part 2, Subpart L, 10 CFR
2.1200–2.1213. During the course of this
adjudicatory proceeding the Board may
also hear oral arguments as provided in
10 CFR 2.331 and may hold various
prehearing conferences pursuant to 10
CFR 2.329. These may be held via
teleconference, video-conference, and/
or in person. Except where certain
legally privileged documents or
testimony are being heard, all of the
proceedings will be open to the public.
See 10 CFR 2.328.
A. Matters To Be Considered
Contention 4A, as it will be litigated
during the October 31, 2012 evidentiary
hearing,4 reads as follows:
The Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) fails to comply with 10
CFR Part 51 and the National
Environmental Policy Act because it
fails to specifically and adequately
address, and inappropriately
characterizes as SMALL, certain direct,
indirect, and cumulative impacts, onsite
and offsite, of constructing and
operating the proposed LNP facility:
A. Impacts to wetlands, floodplains,
special aquatic sites, and other waters,
associated with dewatering, specifically:
1. Impacts resulting from active and
passive dewatering;
2. Impacts resulting from the
connection of the site to the underlying
Floridan aquifer system;
3. Impacts on Outstanding Florida
Waters such as the Withlacoochee and
Waccasassa Rivers;
4. Impacts on water quality and the
aquatic environment due to alterations
and increases in nutrient concentrations
caused by the removal of water; and
3 A motion to admit another contention was filed
on July 9, 2012 and is currently pending. Pursuant
to an order of the Commission, CLI–12–16, the
Board has placed this proposed new contention in
abeyance. Order (Holding Proposed New
Contention in Abeyance) (Aug. 16, 2012)
4 This contention has evolved during the course
of this proceeding. First, the contention challenged
the adequacy of the Environmental Report, a
document submitted by PEF. See LBP–09–10, 70
NRC 51, 106 (2009). Next, the Intervenors
interposed substantially the same contention
challenging the adequacy of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement issued by the NRC
Staff. See Memorandum and Order (Admitting
Contention 4A) (Feb. 2, 2011) (unpublished).
Finally, when the NRC Staff issued the Final
Environmental Impact Statement, this same
contention migrated and continued to be admitted
as a challenge to the FEIS. Tr. at 856.
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5. Impacts on water quality and the
aquatic environment due to increased
nutrients resulting from destructive
wildfires resulting from dewatering.
B. Impacts to wetlands, floodplains,
special aquatic sites, and other waters,
associated with salt drift and salt
deposition resulting from cooling towers
(that use salt water) being situated in an
inland, freshwater wetland area of the
LNP site.
C. As a result of the omissions and
inadequacies described above, the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement also
failed to adequately identify, and
inappropriately characterizes as
SMALL, the proposed project’s zone of:
1. Environmental impacts;
2. Impact on Federally listed species;
3. Irreversible and irretrievable
environmental impacts; and
4. Appropriate mitigation measures.
B. Date, Time, and Location of
Evidentiary Hearing
The Board will convene the
evidentiary hearing on Wednesday,
October 31, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. e.d.t., in
the Levy County Courthouse. The
courthouse is located at 355 South Court
Street, Bronson, Florida. If the
evidentiary hearing lasts longer than
one day, we will adjourn at
approximately 5:00 p.m. on October 31
and will reconvene and continue at 9:00
a.m. e.d.t. on Thursday, November 1,
2012. We anticipate that the evidentiary
hearing will not take more than two
Members of the public and media are
welcome to attend and observe the
evidentiary hearing. Actual
participation in the hearing will be
limited to the parties and their lawyers
and witnesses.5 Please be aware that
security measures may be employed at
the entrance to the facility, including
searches of hand-carried items such as
briefcases or backpacks. No signs will be
permitted in the courtroom.
C. Limited Appearance Statements
The purpose of limited appearance
statements is to allow members of the
public who are not parties to the
adjudication to provide the Board with
statements setting forth their positions
or concerns on matters relating to the
admitted contentions. This Board
already conducted two oral limited
appearance statement sessions regarding
Contention 4A in Crystal River, Florida,
on Thursday, January 12, 2012. See Tr.
at 698–827, 876–927. Thus, we will not
hear further oral limited appearance
5 The parties consist of the Nuclear Information
and Resource Service, the Ecology Party of Florida,
Progress Energy Florida, Inc., and the Staff of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2012 / Notices
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
statements. However, the Board will
continue to accept written limited
appearance statements until October 24,
2012. Such written statements should be
submitted in one of the following
Mail: Office of the Secretary,
Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001.
Fax: (301) 415–1101 (verification
(301) 415–1966).
In addition, using the same method of
service, a copy of the written limited
appearance statement should be sent to
the Chairman of this Licensing Board as
Mail: Alex S. Karlin, Chairman, c/o:
Matthew E. Flyntz, Law Clerk, Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board Panel, Mail
Stop T–3 E2C, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
Fax: (301) 415–5599 (verification
(301) 415–7405).
D. Availability of Documentary
Information Regarding the Proceeding
Documents relating to this Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board adjudicatory
proceeding such as the parties’
statements of position, pre-filed
testimony, pre-filed evidentiary
exhibits, transcripts of prior conferences
and oral arguments, and copies or prior
orders and rulings issued by this Board
in this case, are available for public
inspection at the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s ‘‘Electronic Hearing
Docket’’ (EHD). The EHD is located at Interested
persons should access that Web page
and click on the tab identified as
‘‘Levy_County_52–029 & 52–030–COL.’’
The documents in that portion of the
EHD will be the primary focus of the
evidentiary hearing. The public should
be aware that new documents are
regularly added to the EHD as the
parties file pleadings and the Board
issues orders or notices. Therefore this
Web site should be monitored regularly
by interested members of the public.
In addition, the broader category of all
of NRC’s public documents related to
PEF’s application and the responses,
questions, and other documents
generated by the NRC Staff (such as
PEF’s Combined License Application
and the NRC’s Environmental Impact
Statements) may be accessed via the
publicly available records component of
NRC’s document system (ADAMS).
ADAMS can be accessed via the NRC
Web site at and
then clicking on the link specified as:
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents.’’ Once on
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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that page, click on the link identified as
‘‘Begin Web-Based ADAMS Search.’’
Persons who have difficulty in
conducting useful searches in ADAMS
or who otherwise encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS may contact the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff
by telephone at (800) 397–4209 or (301)
415–4737, or by e-mail at
In addition, hard copies of Board
orders, notices and/or memoranda are
also available at the NRC PDR, located
at One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville,
Finally, the public is advised that the
Secretary of the Commission will give
notice of filings and other events in this
proceeding to any member of the public
who requests it.6 See 10 CFR 2.315(b).
Dated: Rockville, Maryland, August 21,
For the Atomic Safety and Licensing
Alex S. Karlin,
Chairman, Administrative Judge.
[FR Doc. 2012–21005 Filed 8–24–12; 8:45 am]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Summary: In accordance with the
requirement of Section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
which provides opportunity for public
comment on new or revised data
collections, the Railroad Retirement
Board (RRB) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed data collections.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed information collection is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information has practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB’s
estimate of the burden of the collection
of the information; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden related to
the collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
1. Title and purpose of information
collection: Employer Reporting; 3220–
Under Section 9 of the Railroad
Retirement Act (RRA), and Section 6 of
6 Any such request may be directed to the
Secretary of the Commission by electronic mail at or by telephone at (301)
PO 00000
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the Railroad Unemployment Insurance
Act (RUIA), railroad employers are
required to submit reports of employee
service and compensation to the RRB as
needed for administering the RRA and
RUIA. To pay benefits due on a
deceased employee’s earnings records or
determine entitlement to, and amount of
annuity applied for, it is necessary at
times to obtain from railroad employers
current (lag) service and compensation
not yet reported to the RRB through the
annual reporting process. The reporting
requirements are specified in 20 CFR
209.6 and 209.7. The RRB currently
utilizes Form G–88A.1, Notice of
Retirement and Verification of Date Last
Worked, Form G–88A.2, Notice of
Retirement and Request for Service
Needed for Eligibility, and Form AA–12,
Notice of Death and Compensation, to
obtain the required lag service and
related information from railroad
employers. Form G–88A.1 is a
computer-generated listing sent by the
RRB to railroad employers and used for
the specific purpose of verifying
information previously provided to the
RRB regarding the date last worked by
an employee. If the information is
correct, the employer need not reply. If
the information is incorrect, the
employer is asked to provide corrected
information. Form G–88A.2 is used by
the RRB to secure lag service and
compensation information when it is
needed to determine benefit eligibility.
Form AA–12 obtains a report of lag
service and compensation from the last
railroad employer of a deceased
employee. This report covers the lag
period between the date of the latest
record of employment processed by the
RRB and the date an employee last
worked, the date of death or the date the
employee may have been entitled to
benefits under the Social Security Act.
The information is used by the RRB to
determine benefits due on the deceased
employee’s earnings record. The RRB
proposes no changes to Forms AA–12 or
G–88A.2; minor editorial changes to the
paper version of Form G–88A.1 and the
implementation of an Internet
equivalent version of Forms G–88A.1
and G–88A.2 that can be submitted
through the RRB’s Employer Reporting
System (ERS).
In addition, 20 CFR 209.12(b) requires
all railroad employers to furnish the
RRB with the home addresses of all
employees hired within the last year
(new-hires). Form BA–6a, Form BA–6
Address Report, is used by the RRB to
obtain home address information of
employees from railroad employers who
do not have the home address
information computerized and who
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 166 (Monday, August 27, 2012)]
[Pages 51832-51833]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-21005]
[Docket Nos. 52-029-COL, 52-030-COL; ASLBP No. 09-879-04-COL-BD01]
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In the Matter of Progress
Energy Florida, Inc. (Levy County Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2)
August 21, 2012.
Before Administrative Judges: Alex S. Karlin, Chairman, Dr. Anthony
J. Baratta and Dr. Randall J. Charbeneau
Notice of Hearing
This Atomic Safety and Licensing Board gives notice that it will
convene an evidentiary hearing with regard to a challenge by the
Nuclear Information and Resource Service and the Ecology Party of
Florida (Intervenors) \1\ to an application by Progress Energy Florida,
Inc. (PEF) to construct and operate two new nuclear power reactors in
Levy County, Florida.\2\ The evidentiary hearing will be held in
Bronson, Florida and will commence on October 31, 2012. The hearing
will concern the one admitted contention in this proceeding, Contention
4A, which is described more fully below.\3\
\1\ The Green Party of Florida was one of the original
intervenors herein, but it subsequently withdrew. See Notice of
Withdrawal (May 17, 2012).
\2\ See Progress Energy Florida, Inc.; Application for the Levy
County Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2; Notice of Order, Hearing,
and Opportunity To Petition for Leave To Intervene, 73 FR 74,532,
74,532 (Dec. 8, 2008).
\3\ A motion to admit another contention was filed on July 9,
2012 and is currently pending. Pursuant to an order of the
Commission, CLI-12-16, the Board has placed this proposed new
contention in abeyance. Order (Holding Proposed New Contention in
Abeyance) (Aug. 16, 2012) (unpublished).
The evidentiary hearing will be held under the authority of the
Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2231, 2239, and 2241. It will be conducted
pursuant to the NRC hearing procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 2,
Subpart L, 10 CFR 2.1200-2.1213. During the course of this adjudicatory
proceeding the Board may also hear oral arguments as provided in 10 CFR
2.331 and may hold various prehearing conferences pursuant to 10 CFR
2.329. These may be held via teleconference, video-conference, and/or
in person. Except where certain legally privileged documents or
testimony are being heard, all of the proceedings will be open to the
public. See 10 CFR 2.328.
A. Matters To Be Considered
Contention 4A, as it will be litigated during the October 31, 2012
evidentiary hearing,\4\ reads as follows:
\4\ This contention has evolved during the course of this
proceeding. First, the contention challenged the adequacy of the
Environmental Report, a document submitted by PEF. See LBP-09-10, 70
NRC 51, 106 (2009). Next, the Intervenors interposed substantially
the same contention challenging the adequacy of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement issued by the NRC Staff. See
Memorandum and Order (Admitting Contention 4A) (Feb. 2, 2011)
(unpublished). Finally, when the NRC Staff issued the Final
Environmental Impact Statement, this same contention migrated and
continued to be admitted as a challenge to the FEIS. Tr. at 856.
The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) fails to comply
with 10 CFR Part 51 and the National Environmental Policy Act because
it fails to specifically and adequately address, and inappropriately
characterizes as SMALL, certain direct, indirect, and cumulative
impacts, onsite and offsite, of constructing and operating the proposed
LNP facility:
A. Impacts to wetlands, floodplains, special aquatic sites, and
other waters, associated with dewatering, specifically:
1. Impacts resulting from active and passive dewatering;
2. Impacts resulting from the connection of the site to the
underlying Floridan aquifer system;
3. Impacts on Outstanding Florida Waters such as the Withlacoochee
and Waccasassa Rivers;
4. Impacts on water quality and the aquatic environment due to
alterations and increases in nutrient concentrations caused by the
removal of water; and
5. Impacts on water quality and the aquatic environment due to
increased nutrients resulting from destructive wildfires resulting from
B. Impacts to wetlands, floodplains, special aquatic sites, and
other waters, associated with salt drift and salt deposition resulting
from cooling towers (that use salt water) being situated in an inland,
freshwater wetland area of the LNP site.
C. As a result of the omissions and inadequacies described above,
the Draft Environmental Impact Statement also failed to adequately
identify, and inappropriately characterizes as SMALL, the proposed
project's zone of:
1. Environmental impacts;
2. Impact on Federally listed species;
3. Irreversible and irretrievable environmental impacts; and
4. Appropriate mitigation measures.
B. Date, Time, and Location of Evidentiary Hearing
The Board will convene the evidentiary hearing on Wednesday,
October 31, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. e.d.t., in the Levy County Courthouse.
The courthouse is located at 355 South Court Street, Bronson, Florida.
If the evidentiary hearing lasts longer than one day, we will adjourn
at approximately 5:00 p.m. on October 31 and will reconvene and
continue at 9:00 a.m. e.d.t. on Thursday, November 1, 2012. We
anticipate that the evidentiary hearing will not take more than two
Members of the public and media are welcome to attend and observe
the evidentiary hearing. Actual participation in the hearing will be
limited to the parties and their lawyers and witnesses.\5\ Please be
aware that security measures may be employed at the entrance to the
facility, including searches of hand-carried items such as briefcases
or backpacks. No signs will be permitted in the courtroom.
\5\ The parties consist of the Nuclear Information and Resource
Service, the Ecology Party of Florida, Progress Energy Florida,
Inc., and the Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
C. Limited Appearance Statements
The purpose of limited appearance statements is to allow members of
the public who are not parties to the adjudication to provide the Board
with statements setting forth their positions or concerns on matters
relating to the admitted contentions. This Board already conducted two
oral limited appearance statement sessions regarding Contention 4A in
Crystal River, Florida, on Thursday, January 12, 2012. See Tr. at 698-
827, 876-927. Thus, we will not hear further oral limited appearance
[[Page 51833]]
statements. However, the Board will continue to accept written limited
appearance statements until October 24, 2012. Such written statements
should be submitted in one of the following methods:
Mail: Office of the Secretary, Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Fax: (301) 415-1101 (verification (301) 415-1966).
In addition, using the same method of service, a copy of the
written limited appearance statement should be sent to the Chairman of
this Licensing Board as follows:
Mail: Alex S. Karlin, Chairman, c/o: Matthew E. Flyntz, Law Clerk,
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, Mail Stop T-3 E2C, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Fax: (301) 415-5599 (verification (301) 415-7405).
D. Availability of Documentary Information Regarding the Proceeding
Documents relating to this Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
adjudicatory proceeding such as the parties' statements of position,
pre-filed testimony, pre-filed evidentiary exhibits, transcripts of
prior conferences and oral arguments, and copies or prior orders and
rulings issued by this Board in this case, are available for public
inspection at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ``Electronic Hearing
Docket'' (EHD). The EHD is located at
Interested persons should access that Web page and click on the tab
identified as ``Levy--County--52-029 & 52-030-COL.'' The documents in
that portion of the EHD will be the primary focus of the evidentiary
hearing. The public should be aware that new documents are regularly
added to the EHD as the parties file pleadings and the Board issues
orders or notices. Therefore this Web site should be monitored
regularly by interested members of the public.
In addition, the broader category of all of NRC's public documents
related to PEF's application and the responses, questions, and other
documents generated by the NRC Staff (such as PEF's Combined License
Application and the NRC's Environmental Impact Statements) may be
accessed via the publicly available records component of NRC's document
system (ADAMS). ADAMS can be accessed via the NRC Web site at and then clicking on the link specified as: ``ADAMS Public
Documents.'' Once on that page, click on the link identified as ``Begin
Web-Based ADAMS Search.''
Persons who have difficulty in conducting useful searches in ADAMS
or who otherwise encounter problems in accessing the documents located
in ADAMS may contact the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff
by telephone at (800) 397-4209 or (301) 415-4737, or by e-mail at
In addition, hard copies of Board orders, notices and/or memoranda
are also available at the NRC PDR, located at One White Flint North,
11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland.
Finally, the public is advised that the Secretary of the Commission
will give notice of filings and other events in this proceeding to any
member of the public who requests it.\6\ See 10 CFR 2.315(b).
\6\ Any such request may be directed to the Secretary of the
Commission by electronic mail at or by
telephone at (301) 415-1677.
Dated: Rockville, Maryland, August 21, 2012.
For the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
Alex S. Karlin,
Chairman, Administrative Judge.
[FR Doc. 2012-21005 Filed 8-24-12; 8:45 am]