Proposed Collection; Comment Request, 51833-51835 [2012-20980]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2012 / Notices
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
statements. However, the Board will
continue to accept written limited
appearance statements until October 24,
2012. Such written statements should be
submitted in one of the following
Mail: Office of the Secretary,
Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001.
Fax: (301) 415–1101 (verification
(301) 415–1966).
In addition, using the same method of
service, a copy of the written limited
appearance statement should be sent to
the Chairman of this Licensing Board as
Mail: Alex S. Karlin, Chairman, c/o:
Matthew E. Flyntz, Law Clerk, Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board Panel, Mail
Stop T–3 E2C, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
Fax: (301) 415–5599 (verification
(301) 415–7405).
D. Availability of Documentary
Information Regarding the Proceeding
Documents relating to this Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board adjudicatory
proceeding such as the parties’
statements of position, pre-filed
testimony, pre-filed evidentiary
exhibits, transcripts of prior conferences
and oral arguments, and copies or prior
orders and rulings issued by this Board
in this case, are available for public
inspection at the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s ‘‘Electronic Hearing
Docket’’ (EHD). The EHD is located at Interested
persons should access that Web page
and click on the tab identified as
‘‘Levy_County_52–029 & 52–030–COL.’’
The documents in that portion of the
EHD will be the primary focus of the
evidentiary hearing. The public should
be aware that new documents are
regularly added to the EHD as the
parties file pleadings and the Board
issues orders or notices. Therefore this
Web site should be monitored regularly
by interested members of the public.
In addition, the broader category of all
of NRC’s public documents related to
PEF’s application and the responses,
questions, and other documents
generated by the NRC Staff (such as
PEF’s Combined License Application
and the NRC’s Environmental Impact
Statements) may be accessed via the
publicly available records component of
NRC’s document system (ADAMS).
ADAMS can be accessed via the NRC
Web site at and
then clicking on the link specified as:
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents.’’ Once on
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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that page, click on the link identified as
‘‘Begin Web-Based ADAMS Search.’’
Persons who have difficulty in
conducting useful searches in ADAMS
or who otherwise encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS may contact the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff
by telephone at (800) 397–4209 or (301)
415–4737, or by e-mail at
In addition, hard copies of Board
orders, notices and/or memoranda are
also available at the NRC PDR, located
at One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville,
Finally, the public is advised that the
Secretary of the Commission will give
notice of filings and other events in this
proceeding to any member of the public
who requests it.6 See 10 CFR 2.315(b).
Dated: Rockville, Maryland, August 21,
For the Atomic Safety and Licensing
Alex S. Karlin,
Chairman, Administrative Judge.
[FR Doc. 2012–21005 Filed 8–24–12; 8:45 am]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Summary: In accordance with the
requirement of Section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
which provides opportunity for public
comment on new or revised data
collections, the Railroad Retirement
Board (RRB) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed data collections.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed information collection is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information has practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB’s
estimate of the burden of the collection
of the information; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden related to
the collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
1. Title and purpose of information
collection: Employer Reporting; 3220–
Under Section 9 of the Railroad
Retirement Act (RRA), and Section 6 of
6 Any such request may be directed to the
Secretary of the Commission by electronic mail at or by telephone at (301)
PO 00000
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the Railroad Unemployment Insurance
Act (RUIA), railroad employers are
required to submit reports of employee
service and compensation to the RRB as
needed for administering the RRA and
RUIA. To pay benefits due on a
deceased employee’s earnings records or
determine entitlement to, and amount of
annuity applied for, it is necessary at
times to obtain from railroad employers
current (lag) service and compensation
not yet reported to the RRB through the
annual reporting process. The reporting
requirements are specified in 20 CFR
209.6 and 209.7. The RRB currently
utilizes Form G–88A.1, Notice of
Retirement and Verification of Date Last
Worked, Form G–88A.2, Notice of
Retirement and Request for Service
Needed for Eligibility, and Form AA–12,
Notice of Death and Compensation, to
obtain the required lag service and
related information from railroad
employers. Form G–88A.1 is a
computer-generated listing sent by the
RRB to railroad employers and used for
the specific purpose of verifying
information previously provided to the
RRB regarding the date last worked by
an employee. If the information is
correct, the employer need not reply. If
the information is incorrect, the
employer is asked to provide corrected
information. Form G–88A.2 is used by
the RRB to secure lag service and
compensation information when it is
needed to determine benefit eligibility.
Form AA–12 obtains a report of lag
service and compensation from the last
railroad employer of a deceased
employee. This report covers the lag
period between the date of the latest
record of employment processed by the
RRB and the date an employee last
worked, the date of death or the date the
employee may have been entitled to
benefits under the Social Security Act.
The information is used by the RRB to
determine benefits due on the deceased
employee’s earnings record. The RRB
proposes no changes to Forms AA–12 or
G–88A.2; minor editorial changes to the
paper version of Form G–88A.1 and the
implementation of an Internet
equivalent version of Forms G–88A.1
and G–88A.2 that can be submitted
through the RRB’s Employer Reporting
System (ERS).
In addition, 20 CFR 209.12(b) requires
all railroad employers to furnish the
RRB with the home addresses of all
employees hired within the last year
(new-hires). Form BA–6a, Form BA–6
Address Report, is used by the RRB to
obtain home address information of
employees from railroad employers who
do not have the home address
information computerized and who
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2012 / Notices
submit the information in a paper
format. The form also serves as an
instruction sheet to railroad employers
who can submit the information
electronically by magnetic tape
cartridge, CD–ROM, PC diskette, secure
Email, or via ERS. The RRB proposes no
changes to Form BA–6a.
Completion of the forms is
mandatory. Multiple responses may be
filed by respondent.
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Form No.
AA–12 ..........................................................................................................................................
G–88A.1 .......................................................................................................................................
G–88A.1 Internet .........................................................................................................................
G–88A.1 Internet (Class 1 railroads) ...........................................................................................
G–88A.2 .......................................................................................................................................
G–88A.2 (Internet) .......................................................................................................................
BA–6a Electronic Equivalent* ......................................................................................................
BA–6a (E-mail) ............................................................................................................................
BA–6a (File Transfer Protocol) ....................................................................................................
BA–6a Internet (RR initiated) ......................................................................................................
BA–6a Internet (RRB initiated) ....................................................................................................
BA–6a Paper (RR initiated) .........................................................................................................
BA–6a Paper (RRB initiated) .......................................................................................................
Total ......................................................................................................................................
2. Title and purpose of information
collection: Survivor Questionnaire;
OMB 3220–0032.
Under Section 6 of the Railroad
Retirement Act (RRA), benefits that may
be due on the death of a railroad
employee or a survivor annuitant
include (1) a lump-sum death benefit (2)
a residual lump-sum payment (3)
accrued annuities due but unpaid at
death, and (4) monthly survivor
insurance payments. The requirements
for determining the entitlement of
possible beneficiaries to these benefits
are prescribed in 20 CFR part 234.
When the RRB receives notification of
the death of a railroad employee or
survivor annuitant, an RRB field office
utilizes Form RL–94–F, Survivor
Questionnaire, to secure additional
information from surviving relatives
needed to determine if any further
benefits are payable under the RRA.
Completion is voluntary. One response
is requested of each respondent. The
RRB proposes collecting identifying
information when a trustee pays the
burial expenses; minor non-burden
impacting clarification; and editorial
changes to Form RL–94–F.
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Form No.
Total ......................................................................................................................................
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
RL–94–F, Items 5–10, and 18 .....................................................................................................
RL–94–F, Items 5–18 ..................................................................................................................
RL–94–F, Item 18 only ................................................................................................................
3. Title and purpose of information
collection: Employer’s Deemed Service
Month Questionnaire; OMB 3220–0156.
Section 3(i) of the Railroad Retirement
Act (RRA), as amended by Public Law
98–76, provides that the Railroad
Retirement Board (RRB), under certain
circumstances, may deem additional
months of service in cases where an
employee does not actually work in
every month of the year, provided the
employee satisfies certain eligibility
requirements, including the existence of
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an employment relation between the
employee and his or her employer. The
procedures pertaining to the deeming of
additional months of service are found
in the RRB’s regulations at 20 CFR part
210, Creditable Railroad Service.
The RRB utilizes Form GL–99,
Employer’s Deemed Service Months
Questionnaire, to obtain service and
compensation information from railroad
employers to determine if an employee
can be credited with additional deemed
months of railroad service.
PO 00000
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The RRB is proposing revisions to
Form GL–99 to obtain only a ‘‘Yes’’ or
‘‘No’’ response regarding whether an
employee was in an employment
relationship with an employer during
any months indicated on the GL–99 as
not worked. Other minor non-burden
impacting editorial changes are also
proposed. Completion is mandatory.
One response is required for each RRB
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 166 / Monday, August 27, 2012 / Notices
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Form No.
GL–99 ..........................................................................................................................................
Additional Information or Comments:
To request more information or to
obtain a copy of the information
collection justification, forms, and/or
supporting material, contact Dana
Hickman at (312) 751–4981 or
Dana.Hickman@RRB.GOV. Comments
regarding the information collection
should be addressed to Charles
Mierzwa, Railroad Retirement Board,
844 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois
60611–2092 or emailed to
Charles.Mierzwa@RRB.GOV. Written
comments should be received within 60
days of this notice.
Charles Mierzwa,
Chief of Information Resources Management.
[FR Doc. 2012–20980 Filed 8–24–12; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–67700; File No. SR–Phlx–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of
Proposed Rule Change Regarding Rule
August 21, 2012.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4) 2 thereunder,
notice is hereby given that on August
(‘‘Phlx’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission
(‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed
rule change as described in Items I, II,
and III below, which Items have been
prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange is filing with the
Commission a proposal to amend Rule
1014 (Obligations and Restrictions
Applicable to Specialists and Registered
Options Traders) to indicate that
1 15
2 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
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compliance with specified market
making obligations pursuant to the rule
will be determined on a monthly basis.
The text of the proposed rule change
is available on the Exchange’s Web site
at https://
NASDAQOMXPHLX/Filings/, at the
principal office of the Exchange, and at
the Commission’s Public Reference
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The purpose of this proposed rule
change is to amend Rule 1014 to
indicate that compliance with specified
market making obligations pursuant to
the rule will be determined on a
monthly basis.
Market makers on the Exchange
include Registered Options Traders
(‘‘ROTs’’),3 Streaming Quote Traders
(‘‘SQTs’’),4 Remote Streaming Quote
3 An ROT is a regular member or a foreign
currency options participant of the Exchange
located on the trading floor who has received
permission from the Exchange to trade in options
for his own account. See Rule 1014 (b)(i).
4 An SQT is an ROT who has received permission
from the Exchange to generate and submit option
quotations electronically in options to which such
SQT is assigned. An SQT may only submit such
quotations while such SQT is physically present on
the floor of the Exchange. See Rule 1014(b)(ii)(A).
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Traders (‘‘RSQTs’’),5 specialists,6 and
Remote Specialists.7 As set forth in Rule
1014, market makers have an obligation
to make two-sided markets in products
listed on the Exchange. This rule change
proposal does not negate any of the
general market making obligations
established in Rule 1014. These Rule
1014 market making obligations
continue in force. This proposal only
clarifies one discreet part of Rule 1014
to make it identical to the rules of other
options exchanges, as discussed below.
Market Making Obligations
Currently, Rule 1014 sets forth the
market making obligations of all market
makers. Sub-section (b)(ii)(D)(1) of Rule
1014 states that SQTs and RSQTs (when
they do not function as Remote
Specialists) shall be responsible to quote
two-sided markets in not less than 60%
of the series in which such SQTs or
RSQTs are assigned; provided that, on
any given day, a DRSQT or DSQT shall
be responsible to quote two-sided
markets in the lesser of 99% of the
series listed on the Exchange or 100%
of the series listed on the Exchange
minus one call-put pair. The sub-section
states also that whenever a DSQT or
DRSQT enters a quotation in an option
in which such DSQT or DRSQT is
assigned, such DSQT or DRSQT must
maintain until the close of that trading
day quotations for the lesser of 99% of
the series of the option listed on the
Exchange or 100% of the series of the
5 An RSQT is an ROT that is a member or member
organization with no physical trading floor
presence who has received permission from the
Exchange to generate and submit option quotations
electronically in options to which such RSQT has
been assigned. An RSQT may only submit such
quotations electronically from off the floor of the
Exchange. See Rule 1014(b)(ii)(B).
Rule 1014 also discusses other market makers
including Directed SQTs and Directed RSQTs,
which receive Directed Orders as defined in Rule
1080(l)(i)(A). Specialists may likewise receive
Directed Orders.
6 A member may not act as an options specialist
(to include a Remote Specialist as defined in Rule
1020(a)(ii)) in any option unless such member is
registered as an options specialist in such option by
the Exchange pursuant to Rule 501 and such
registration may be revoked or suspended at any
time by the Exchange. See Rule 1020(a)(i).
7 A Remote Specialist is an options specialist in
one or more classes that does not have a physical
presence on an Exchange floor and is approved by
the Exchange pursuant to Rule 501. See Rule
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 166 (Monday, August 27, 2012)]
[Pages 51833-51835]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-20980]
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
Summary: In accordance with the requirement of Section 3506
(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 which provides
opportunity for public comment on new or revised data collections, the
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will publish periodic summaries of
proposed data collections.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed information
collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information has practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the RRB's estimate of the burden of the collection
of the information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize
the burden related to the collection of information on respondents,
including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
1. Title and purpose of information collection: Employer Reporting;
Under Section 9 of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA), and Section 6
of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA), railroad employers
are required to submit reports of employee service and compensation to
the RRB as needed for administering the RRA and RUIA. To pay benefits
due on a deceased employee's earnings records or determine entitlement
to, and amount of annuity applied for, it is necessary at times to
obtain from railroad employers current (lag) service and compensation
not yet reported to the RRB through the annual reporting process. The
reporting requirements are specified in 20 CFR 209.6 and 209.7. The RRB
currently utilizes Form G-88A.1, Notice of Retirement and Verification
of Date Last Worked, Form G-88A.2, Notice of Retirement and Request for
Service Needed for Eligibility, and Form AA-12, Notice of Death and
Compensation, to obtain the required lag service and related
information from railroad employers. Form G-88A.1 is a computer-
generated listing sent by the RRB to railroad employers and used for
the specific purpose of verifying information previously provided to
the RRB regarding the date last worked by an employee. If the
information is correct, the employer need not reply. If the information
is incorrect, the employer is asked to provide corrected information.
Form G-88A.2 is used by the RRB to secure lag service and compensation
information when it is needed to determine benefit eligibility. Form
AA-12 obtains a report of lag service and compensation from the last
railroad employer of a deceased employee. This report covers the lag
period between the date of the latest record of employment processed by
the RRB and the date an employee last worked, the date of death or the
date the employee may have been entitled to benefits under the Social
Security Act. The information is used by the RRB to determine benefits
due on the deceased employee's earnings record. The RRB proposes no
changes to Forms AA-12 or G-88A.2; minor editorial changes to the paper
version of Form G-88A.1 and the implementation of an Internet
equivalent version of Forms G-88A.1 and G-88A.2 that can be submitted
through the RRB's Employer Reporting System (ERS).
In addition, 20 CFR 209.12(b) requires all railroad employers to
furnish the RRB with the home addresses of all employees hired within
the last year (new-hires). Form BA-6a, Form BA-6 Address Report, is
used by the RRB to obtain home address information of employees from
railroad employers who do not have the home address information
computerized and who
[[Page 51834]]
submit the information in a paper format. The form also serves as an
instruction sheet to railroad employers who can submit the information
electronically by magnetic tape cartridge, CD-ROM, PC diskette, secure
Email, or via ERS. The RRB proposes no changes to Form BA-6a.
Completion of the forms is mandatory. Multiple responses may be
filed by respondent.
Estimate of Annual Respondent Burden
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Annual Time Burden
Form No. responses (minutes) (hours)
AA-12........................................................... 60 5 5
G-88A.1......................................................... 100 5 8
G-88A.1 Internet................................................ 260 4 17
G-88A.1 Internet (Class 1 railroads)............................ 144 16 38
G-88A.2......................................................... 100 5 8
G-88A.2 (Internet).............................................. 1,200 2.5 50
BA-6a Electronic Equivalent*.................................... 14 15 4
BA-6a (E-mail).................................................. 30 15 8
BA-6a (File Transfer Protocol).................................. 10 15 3
BA-6a Internet (RR initiated)................................... 250 17 71
BA-6a Internet (RRB initiated).................................. 250 12 50
BA-6a Paper (RR initiated)...................................... 80 32 43
BA-6a Paper (RRB initiated)..................................... 250 32 133
Total....................................................... 2,748 .............. 438
2. Title and purpose of information collection: Survivor
Questionnaire; OMB 3220-0032.
Under Section 6 of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA), benefits that
may be due on the death of a railroad employee or a survivor annuitant
include (1) a lump-sum death benefit (2) a residual lump-sum payment
(3) accrued annuities due but unpaid at death, and (4) monthly survivor
insurance payments. The requirements for determining the entitlement of
possible beneficiaries to these benefits are prescribed in 20 CFR part
When the RRB receives notification of the death of a railroad
employee or survivor annuitant, an RRB field office utilizes Form RL-
94-F, Survivor Questionnaire, to secure additional information from
surviving relatives needed to determine if any further benefits are
payable under the RRA. Completion is voluntary. One response is
requested of each respondent. The RRB proposes collecting identifying
information when a trustee pays the burial expenses; minor non-burden
impacting clarification; and editorial changes to Form RL-94-F.
Estimate of Annual Respondent Burden
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Annual Time Burden
Form No. responses (minutes) (hours)
RL-94-F, Items 5-10, and 18..................................... 50 9 8
RL-94-F, Items 5-18............................................. 7,200 11 1,320
RL-94-F, Item 18 only........................................... 750 5 63
Total....................................................... 8,000 .............. 1,391
3. Title and purpose of information collection: Employer's Deemed
Service Month Questionnaire; OMB 3220-0156.
Section 3(i) of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA), as amended by
Public Law 98-76, provides that the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB),
under certain circumstances, may deem additional months of service in
cases where an employee does not actually work in every month of the
year, provided the employee satisfies certain eligibility requirements,
including the existence of an employment relation between the employee
and his or her employer. The procedures pertaining to the deeming of
additional months of service are found in the RRB's regulations at 20
CFR part 210, Creditable Railroad Service.
The RRB utilizes Form GL-99, Employer's Deemed Service Months
Questionnaire, to obtain service and compensation information from
railroad employers to determine if an employee can be credited with
additional deemed months of railroad service.
The RRB is proposing revisions to Form GL-99 to obtain only a
``Yes'' or ``No'' response regarding whether an employee was in an
employment relationship with an employer during any months indicated on
the GL-99 as not worked. Other minor non-burden impacting editorial
changes are also proposed. Completion is mandatory. One response is
required for each RRB inquiry.
[[Page 51835]]
Estimate of Annual Respondent Burden
[The estimated annual respondent burden is as follows]
Form No. responses Time (minutes) Burden (hours)
GL-99........................................................ 4,000 2 133
Additional Information or Comments: To request more information or
to obtain a copy of the information collection justification, forms,
and/or supporting material, contact Dana Hickman at (312) 751-4981 or
Dana.Hickman@RRB.GOV. Comments regarding the information collection
should be addressed to Charles Mierzwa, Railroad Retirement Board, 844
North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2092 or emailed to
Charles.Mierzwa@RRB.GOV. Written comments should be received within 60
days of this notice.
Charles Mierzwa,
Chief of Information Resources Management.
[FR Doc. 2012-20980 Filed 8-24-12; 8:45 am]