Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; White Hake Trimester Total Allowable Catch Area Closure for the Common Pool Fishery, 48915-48916 [2012-20054]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 15, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
Parts per
Passionfruit ...................................
Peanut ..........................................
Peanut, hay ..................................
Pineapple ......................................
Pistachio .......................................
Pomegranate ................................
Pulasan .........................................
Rambutan .....................................
Rapeseed, forage .........................
Rapeseed, seed ...........................
Safflower, seed .............................
Sapodilla .......................................
Sapote, black ................................
Sapote, mamey ............................
Soursop ........................................
Spanish lime .................................
Spice subgroup 19B .....................
Star apple .....................................
Starfruit .........................................
Sugar apple ..................................
Sunflower, seed ............................
Tomato ..........................................
Turnip, greens ..............................
Vegetable, cucurbit, group 9 ........
Vegetable, foliage of legume,
group 7 ......................................
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8–10,
except tomato ...........................
Vegetable, leaves of root and
tuber, group 2 ...........................
Vegetable, legume, group 6 .........
Vegetable, root, except sugar
beet, subgroup 1B ....................
Vegetable, tuberous and corm,
subgroup 1C .............................
Watercress ....................................
Wax jambu ....................................
Yam, true, tuber ............................
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Parts per
Cattle, fat ..................................
Cattle, meat ..............................
Cattle, meat byproducts ...........
Goat, fat ....................................
Goat, meat ................................
Goat, meat byproducts .............
Horse, fat ..................................
Horse, meat ..............................
Horse, meat byproducts ...........
Milk ...........................................
Sheep, fat .................................
Sheep, meat .............................
Sheep, meat byproducts ..........
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:27 Aug 14, 2012
[FR Doc. 2012–19988 Filed 8–14–12; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 648
[Docket No. 120109034–2171–01]
RIN 0648–XC153
Fisheries of the Northeastern United
States; Northeast Multispecies
Fishery; White Hake Trimester Total
Allowable Catch Area Closure for the
Common Pool Fishery
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
(2) Tolerances are established for
residues of the fungicide fludioxonil,
including its metabolites and
degradates, in or on the commodities in
the following table. Compliance with
the tolerance levels specified in the
following table is to be determined by
measuring only the sum of fludioxonil,
4-(2,2-difluoro-1,3-benzodioxol-4-yl)-1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile), and its
metabolites converted to 2,2-difluorol,3-benzodioxole-4-carboxylic acid,
calculated as the stoichiometric
equivalent of fludioxonil.
(b) Section 18 emergency exemptions.
Jkt 226001
NMFS is closing the White
Hake Trimester Total Allowable Catch
(TAC) Area to all common pool vessels
fishing with trawl gear, sink gillnet gear,
or longline/hook gear for the remainder
of Trimester 1, through August 31, 2012.
This action is necessary to prevent the
common pool fishery from exceeding its
Trimester 1 TAC or its annual catch
limit for white hake. This rule is
expected to slow the catch rate of white
hake in the common pool fishery for the
remainder of Trimester 1.
DATES: Effective August 15, 2012,
through 2400 hours, August 31, 2012.
Sarah Heil, Fishery Policy Analyst, 978–
281–9257, Fax 978–281–9135.
Regulations governing the NE
multispecies fishery are found at 50 CFR
part 648, subpart F. Beginning in fishing
year (FY) 2012, the common pool’s
annual catch limit for each stock is
apportioned into trimester total
allowable catches (TACs). The
regulations at § 648.82(n) require the
Regional Administrator to close the
Trimester TAC Area for a stock when
available information supports a
determination that 90 percent of the
Trimester TAC is projected to be caught.
The Trimester TAC Area for a stock will
close to all common pool vessels fishing
with gear capable of catching that stock
for the remainder of the trimester. Any
overages of a trimester TAC will be
deducted from Trimester 3, and any
overages of the common pool’s annual
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catch limit will be deducted from the
common pool’s catch limit the following
fishing year. Any uncaught portion of
the Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 TAC
will be carried over into the next
trimester. Any uncaught portion of the
common pool’s annual catch limit may
not be carried over into the following
fishing year.
The FY 2012 common pool catch
limit for white hake is 26 mt (57,320 lb).
The Trimester 1 (May 1 through August
31) TAC is 10 mt (22,046 lb). Based on
the best available data which includes
vessel trip reports (VTRs), dealer
reported landings, and vessel
monitoring system (VMS) information,
NMFS projected that 90 percent of the
Trimester 1 TAC for white hake had
been harvested on August 4, 2012.
Therefore, Effective August 15, 2012,
the White Hake Trimester TAC Area is
closed for the remainder of Trimester 1,
through August 31, 2012, to all common
pool vessels fishing with trawl gear,
sink gillnet gear, and longline/hook
gear. The White Hake Trimester TAC
Area will reopen to common pool
vessels fishing with trawl, sink gillnet,
and longline/hook gear at the beginning
of Trimester 2, at 0001 hours, September
1, 2012.
This action is required by 50 CFR part
648, and is exempt from review under
Executive Order 12866.
The Assistant Administrator for
Fisheries, NOAA (AA), finds good cause
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) to waive
prior notice and the opportunity for
public comment because it would be
impracticable and contrary to the public
interest. This action closes the White
Hake Trimester TAC Area for common
pool vessels fishing with trawl gear,
sink gillnet gear, and longling/hook gear
through August 31, 2012. The
regulations at § 648.82 require this
action to ensure that the common pool
fishery does not exceed its catch limits
for white hake in fishing year 2012. The
catch data indicating that 90 percent of
the Trimester 1 TAC for white hake has
been caught only recently became
available. If implementation of this
closure is delayed to solicit prior public
comment, the white hake Trimester 1
TAC will be exceeded, thereby
undermining the conservation
objectives of the Fishery Management
Plan. Any overage of the Trimester 1
TAC must be deducted from the
Trimester 3 TAC, and any overage of the
total catch limit in FY 2012 must be
deducted from the FY 2013 catch limit.
This would have adverse economic
consequences on common pool vessels.
The AA further finds, pursuant to 5
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 15, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
U.S.C. 553(d)(3), good cause to waive
the 30-day delayed effectiveness period
for the reasons stated above.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: August 10, 2012.
Lindsay Fullenkamp,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2012–20054 Filed 8–10–12; 4:15 pm]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 679
[Docket No. 111213751–2102–02]
RIN 0648–XC129
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone Off Alaska; Arrowtooth Flounder
in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Management Area
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule; apportionment
of reserves; request for comments.
NMFS apportions amounts of
the non-specified reserve to the initial
total allowable catch of arrowtooth
flounder in the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands management area (BSAI). This
action is necessary to allow the fisheries
to continue operating. It is intended to
promote the goals and objectives of the
fishery management plan for the Bering
Sea and Aleutian Islands management
Effective August 10, 2012,
through 2400 hrs, Alaska local time,
December 31, 2012. Comments must be
received at the following address no
later than 4:30 p.m., Alaska local time,
August 25, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
NMFS 2012–0150, by any of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal www. To submit comments
via the e-Rulemaking Portal, first click
the ‘‘submit a comment’’ icon, then
enter NOAA–NMFS 2012–0150 in the
keyword search. Locate the document
you wish to comment on from the
resulting list and click on the ‘‘Submit
a Comment’’ icon on that line.
• Mail: Address written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with RULES
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17:27 Aug 14, 2012
Jkt 226001
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O.
Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668.
• Fax: Address written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Fax comments to 907–
• Hand delivery to the Federal
Building: Address written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Deliver comments to
709 West 9th Street, Room 420A,
Juneau, AK.
Instructions: Comments must be
submitted by one of the above methods
to ensure that the comments are
received, documented, and considered
by NMFS. Comments sent by any other
method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered. All comments received are
a part of the public record and will
generally be posted for public viewing
on without change.
All personal identifying information
(e.g., name, address) submitted
voluntarily by the sender will be
publicly accessible.
Do not submit confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive or
protected information. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous). Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word or Excel, WordPerfect,
or Adobe PDF file formats only.
Steve Whitney, 907–586–7269.
manages the groundfish fishery in the
(BSAI) exclusive economic zone
according to the Fishery Management
Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea
and Aleutian Islands Management Area
(FMP) prepared by the North Pacific
Fishery Management Council under
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. Regulations governing fishing by
U.S. vessels in accordance with the FMP
appear at subpart H of 50 CFR part 600
and 50 CFR part 679.
The 2012 initial total allowable catch
(ITAC) of arrowtooth flounder in the
BSAI was established as 21,250 metric
tons (mt) by the final 2012 and 2013
harvest specifications for groundfish of
the BSAI (77 FR 10669, February 23,
2012). In accordance with § 679.20(a)(3)
the Regional Administrator, Alaska
Region, NMFS, has reviewed the most
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current available data and finds that the
ITAC for arrowtooth flounder in the
BSAI needs to be supplemented from
the non-specified reserve in order to
promote efficiency in the utilization of
fishery resources in the BSAI and allow
fishing operations to continue.
Therefore, in accordance with
§ 679.20(b)(3), NMFS apportions from
the non-specified reserve of groundfish
1,075 mt to the arrowtooth flounder
ITAC in the BSAI. This apportionment
is consistent with § 679.20(b)(1)(i) and
does not result in overfishing of a target
species because the revised ITAC is
equal to or less than the specifications
of the acceptable biological catch in the
final 2012 and 2013 harvest
specifications for groundfish in the
BSAI (77 FR 10669, February 23, 2012).
The harvest specification for the 2012
arrowtooth flounder ITAC included in
the harvest specifications for groundfish
in the BSAI is revised as follows: 22,325
mt for arrowtooth flounder in the BSAI.
This action responds to the best
available information recently obtained
from the fishery. The Assistant
Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA,
(AA) finds good cause to waive the
requirement to provide prior notice and
opportunity for public comment
pursuant to the authority set forth at 5
U.S.C. 553(b)(B) and
§ 679.20(b)(3)(iii)(A) as such a
requirement is impracticable and
contrary to the public interest. This
requirement is impracticable and
contrary to the public interest as it
would prevent NMFS from responding
to the most recent fisheries data in a
timely fashion and would delay the
apportionment of the non-specified
reserves of groundfish to the arrowtooth
flounder fishery in the BSAI. Immediate
notification is necessary to allow for the
orderly conduct and efficient operation
of this fishery, to allow the industry to
plan for the fishing season, and to avoid
potential disruption to the fishing fleet
and processors. NMFS was unable to
publish a notice providing time for
public comment because the most
recent, relevant data only became
available as of July 24, 2012.
The AA also finds good cause to
waive the 30-day delay in the effective
date of this action under 5 U.S.C.
553(d)(3). This finding is based upon
the reasons provided above for waiver of
prior notice and opportunity for public
Under § 679.20(b)(3)(iii), interested
persons are invited to submit written
comments on this action (see
ADDRESSES) until August 30, 2012.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 158 (Wednesday, August 15, 2012)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 48915-48916]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-20054]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 648
[Docket No. 120109034-2171-01]
RIN 0648-XC153
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast
Multispecies Fishery; White Hake Trimester Total Allowable Catch Area
Closure for the Common Pool Fishery
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
SUMMARY: NMFS is closing the White Hake Trimester Total Allowable Catch
(TAC) Area to all common pool vessels fishing with trawl gear, sink
gillnet gear, or longline/hook gear for the remainder of Trimester 1,
through August 31, 2012. This action is necessary to prevent the common
pool fishery from exceeding its Trimester 1 TAC or its annual catch
limit for white hake. This rule is expected to slow the catch rate of
white hake in the common pool fishery for the remainder of Trimester 1.
DATES: Effective August 15, 2012, through 2400 hours, August 31, 2012.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarah Heil, Fishery Policy Analyst,
978-281-9257, Fax 978-281-9135.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Regulations governing the NE multispecies
fishery are found at 50 CFR part 648, subpart F. Beginning in fishing
year (FY) 2012, the common pool's annual catch limit for each stock is
apportioned into trimester total allowable catches (TACs). The
regulations at Sec. 648.82(n) require the Regional Administrator to
close the Trimester TAC Area for a stock when available information
supports a determination that 90 percent of the Trimester TAC is
projected to be caught. The Trimester TAC Area for a stock will close
to all common pool vessels fishing with gear capable of catching that
stock for the remainder of the trimester. Any overages of a trimester
TAC will be deducted from Trimester 3, and any overages of the common
pool's annual catch limit will be deducted from the common pool's catch
limit the following fishing year. Any uncaught portion of the Trimester
1 and Trimester 2 TAC will be carried over into the next trimester. Any
uncaught portion of the common pool's annual catch limit may not be
carried over into the following fishing year.
The FY 2012 common pool catch limit for white hake is 26 mt (57,320
lb). The Trimester 1 (May 1 through August 31) TAC is 10 mt (22,046
lb). Based on the best available data which includes vessel trip
reports (VTRs), dealer reported landings, and vessel monitoring system
(VMS) information, NMFS projected that 90 percent of the Trimester 1
TAC for white hake had been harvested on August 4, 2012. Therefore,
Effective August 15, 2012, the White Hake Trimester TAC Area is closed
for the remainder of Trimester 1, through August 31, 2012, to all
common pool vessels fishing with trawl gear, sink gillnet gear, and
longline/hook gear. The White Hake Trimester TAC Area will reopen to
common pool vessels fishing with trawl, sink gillnet, and longline/hook
gear at the beginning of Trimester 2, at 0001 hours, September 1, 2012.
This action is required by 50 CFR part 648, and is exempt from
review under Executive Order 12866.
The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA (AA), finds good
cause pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) to waive prior notice and the
opportunity for public comment because it would be impracticable and
contrary to the public interest. This action closes the White Hake
Trimester TAC Area for common pool vessels fishing with trawl gear,
sink gillnet gear, and longling/hook gear through August 31, 2012. The
regulations at Sec. 648.82 require this action to ensure that the
common pool fishery does not exceed its catch limits for white hake in
fishing year 2012. The catch data indicating that 90 percent of the
Trimester 1 TAC for white hake has been caught only recently became
available. If implementation of this closure is delayed to solicit
prior public comment, the white hake Trimester 1 TAC will be exceeded,
thereby undermining the conservation objectives of the Fishery
Management Plan. Any overage of the Trimester 1 TAC must be deducted
from the Trimester 3 TAC, and any overage of the total catch limit in
FY 2012 must be deducted from the FY 2013 catch limit. This would have
adverse economic consequences on common pool vessels. The AA further
finds, pursuant to 5
[[Page 48916]]
U.S.C. 553(d)(3), good cause to waive the 30-day delayed effectiveness
period for the reasons stated above.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: August 10, 2012.
Lindsay Fullenkamp,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National
Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2012-20054 Filed 8-10-12; 4:15 pm]