President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities; Committee Meeting via Conference Call, 43092-43093 [2012-17450]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 141 / Monday, July 23, 2012 / Notices
information to be collected; and (e)
ways to minimize the burden
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Consideration will be given to
comments and suggestions submitted
within 60 days of this publication.
Robert Sargis,
Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–17812 Filed 7–20–12; 8:45 am]
Administration for Community Living
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Chronic Disease
Self-Management Education Program
Standardized Data Collection
Administration on Aging
(AoA), Administration for Community
Living (ACL), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Administration on Aging
(AoA) is announcing an opportunity for
public comment on the proposed
collection of certain information. Under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(the PRA), Federal agencies are required
to publish notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each proposed
extension of an existing collection of
information, and to allow 60 days for
public comment in response to the
notice. This notice solicits comments on
the information collection requirements
relating to the Chronic Disease SelfManagement Education Program.
DATES: Submit written or electronic
comments on the collection of
information by September 21, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit electronic
comments on the collection of
information to: Michele.boutaugh@aoa. Submit written comments on
the collection of information to Michele
Boutaugh, U.S. Administration on
Aging, 61 Forsyth Street SW., Suite
5M69, Atlanta, GA 30303–8909.
Michele Boutaugh, 404–987–3411 or
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), Federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
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Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for each collection of
information they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
1320.3(c) and includes agency request
or requirements that members of the
public submit reports, keep records, or
provide information to a third party.
Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)) requires
Federal agencies to provide a 60-day
notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each proposed
extension of an existing collection of
information, before submitting the
collection to OMB for approval. To
comply with this requirement, AoA is
publishing notice of the proposed
collection of information set forth in
this document. With respect to the
following collection of information,
AoA invites comments on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of AoA’s functions, including whether
the information will have practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of AoA’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques
when appropriate, and other forms of
information technology.
The ‘‘Empowering Older Adults and
Adults with Disabilities through
Chronic Disease Self-Management
Education (CDSME) Programs’’
cooperative agreement program is
financed through 2012 Prevention and
Public Health Funds. The statutory
authority for cooperative agreements
under this program announcement is
contained in Section 1701(a)(3)(A–B),
Section 1701(a)(4), and Section
1703(a)(4) of the Public Health Service
Act; and Consolidated Appropriations
Act, Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112–
74; and the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111–
148; and Title IV, Section 4002 of the
Affordable Care Act (PPHF).
This data collection is necessary for
monitoring program operations and
outcomes. AoA proposes to use the
following tools: (1) Semi-annual
progress reports to monitor grantee
progress; (2) an Annual Integrated
Services Delivery System Assessment
Tool to determine grantee’s progress in
developing sustainable program
delivery systems; (3) an Organization
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Data form to record location of sites
where workshops are held which will
allow mapping of the delivery
infrastructure; and (4) a set of tools used
to collect information at each workshop
completed by the workshop leaders
(Workshop Information Cover Sheet and
Attendance Log) and a Participant
Information Survey completed by each
participant to document their
demographic and health characteristics,
including whether the participant has a
disability. The Participant Survey also
requests the last 4 numbers of the social
security number to allow for potential
Medicare claims matching and an
analysis of changes in health care
utilization post participation. AoA
proposes to gather data using an online
data entry system for the workshop and
participant survey data.
The proposed FY2012 Data Collection
Tools can be found at AoA’s Web site
ACL estimates the burden of this
collection of information as 400 hours
for State Governments, 1,170 hours for
local agency staff, and 2,000 hours for
individuals—Total burden is 3,570
hours per year.
Dated: July 17, 2012.
Kathy Greenlee,
Administrator and Assistant Secretary for
[FR Doc. 2012–17752 Filed 7–20–12; 8:45 am]
Administration for Community Living
President’s Committee for People with
Intellectual Disabilities; Committee
Meeting via Conference Call
Administration for Community
Living (ACL), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
Thursday, August 09, 2012, from
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. e.s.t., via audio
conferencing. This meeting will be open
to the public.
Details for public access to the
Committee Conference Call are cited
Toll Free Dial-In Number: 888–989–
Pass Code: 1939592.
Individuals whose full participation
in the meeting will require special
accommodations (e.g., sign language
interpreting services, assistive listening
devices, materials in alternative format
such as large print or Braille) should
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 141 / Monday, July 23, 2012 / Notices
notify PCPID Policy Analyst, Madjid
(MJ) Karimi, via email at, or via
telephone at 202–619–0634. Special
accommodations needed must be
received no later than Friday, August
03, 2012. PCPID will attempt to meet
requests for accommodations made after
that date, but cannot guarantee ability to
grant requests received after this
Agenda: Discussion plans for
developing the PCPID 2012 Report to
the President.
Additional Information: For further
information, please contact Laverdia
Taylor Roach, Senior Advisor,
President’s Committee for People with
Intellectual Disabilities, The Aerospace
Center, Second Floor West, 370 L’Enfant
Promenade SW., Washington, DC 20447.
Telephone: 202–619–0634. Fax: 202–
205–9519. Email:
acts in an advisory capacity to the
President and the Secretary of Health
and Human Services, through the
Administration on Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, on a broad
range of topics relating to programs,
services, and supports for persons with
intellectual disabilities. The PCPID
Executive Order stipulates that the
Committee shall: (1) Provide such
advice concerning intellectual
disabilities as the President or the
Secretary of Health and Human Services
may request; and (2) provide advice to
the President concerning the following
for people with intellectual disabilities:
(a) Expansion of educational
opportunities; (b) promotion of
homeownership; (c) assurance of
workplace integration; (d) improvement
of transportation options; (e) expansion
of full access to community living; and
(f) increasing access to assistive and
universally designed technologies.
Dated: July 6, 2012.
Sharon Lewis,
Commissioner, Administration on Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities.
[FR Doc. 2012–17450 Filed 7–20–12; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2012–N–0001]
Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs
Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting
Food and Drug Administration,
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This notice announces a
forthcoming meeting of a public
advisory committee of the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). The
meeting will be open to the public.
Name of Committee: Cardiovascular
and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee.
General Function of the Committee:
To provide advice and
recommendations to the Agency on
FDA’s regulatory issues.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
September 14, 2012, from 8 a.m. to 5
ADDRESSES: Location: FDA White Oak
Campus, 10903 New Hampshire Ave.,
Building 31 Conference Center, the
Great Room (rm. 1503), Silver Spring,
MD 20993–0002. Information regarding
special accommodations due to a
disability, visitor parking, and
transportation may be accessed at:
Committees/default.htm; under the
heading ‘‘Resources for You,’’ click on
‘‘Public Meetings at the FDA White Oak
Campus.’’ Please note that visitors to the
White Oak Campus must enter through
Building 1.
Contact Person: Kalyani Bhatt, Center
for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food
and Drug Administration, 10903 New
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31, rm. 2417,
Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
796–9001, Fax: 301–847–8533, email:, or FDA Advisory
Committee Information Line, 1–800–
741–8138 (301–443–0572 in the
Washington, DC area), to find out
further information regarding FDA
advisory committee information. A
notice in the Federal Register about last
minute modifications that impact a
previously announced advisory
committee meeting cannot always be
published quickly enough to provide
timely notice. Therefore, you should
always check the Agency’s Web site at
Committees/default.htm and scroll
down to the appropriate advisory
committee meeting link or call the
advisory committee information line to
learn about possible modifications
before coming to the meeting.
Agenda: The committee will discuss
new drug application (NDA) 203446,
imatinib mesylate, submitted by
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., as
adjunctive therapy for the treatment of
pulmonary arterial hypertension (WHO
Diagnostic Group 1), to improve
exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary
hemodynamics in patients who remain
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symptomatic despite treatment with two
or more approved vasodilator therapies
(‘‘vasodilator therapies’’ refer to
medicines used to dilate blood vessels
and thereby reduce resistance to blood
FDA intends to make background
material available to the public no later
than 2 business days before the meeting.
If FDA is unable to post the background
material on its Web site prior to the
meeting, the background material will
be made publicly available at the
location of the advisory committee
meeting, and the background material
will be posted on FDA’s Web site after
the meeting. Background material is
available at
default.htm. Scroll down to the
appropriate advisory committee link.
Procedure: Interested persons may
present data, information, or views,
orally or in writing, on issues pending
before the committee. Written
submissions may be made to the contact
person on or before August 29, 2012.
Oral presentations from the public will
be scheduled between approximately
1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Those individuals
interested in making formal oral
presentations should notify the contact
person and submit a brief statement of
the general nature of the evidence or
arguments they wish to present, the
names and addresses of proposed
participants, and an indication of the
approximate time requested to make
their presentation on or before August
21, 2012. Time allotted for each
presentation may be limited. If the
number of registrants requesting to
speak is greater than can be reasonably
accommodated during the scheduled
open public hearing session, FDA may
conduct a lottery to determine the
speakers for the scheduled open public
hearing session. The contact person will
notify interested persons regarding their
request to speak by August 22, 2012.
Persons attending FDA’s advisory
committee meetings are advised that the
Agency is not responsible for providing
access to electrical outlets.
FDA welcomes the attendance of the
public at its advisory committee
meetings and will make every effort to
accommodate persons with physical
disabilities or special needs. If you
require special accommodations due to
a disability, please contact Kalyani
Bhatt at least 7 days in advance of the
FDA is committed to the orderly
conduct of its advisory committee
meetings. Please visit our Web site at
ucm111462.htm for procedures on
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 141 (Monday, July 23, 2012)]
[Pages 43092-43093]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-17450]
Administration for Community Living
President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities;
Committee Meeting via Conference Call
AGENCY: Administration for Community Living (ACL), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
DATES: Thursday, August 09, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. e.s.t.,
via audio conferencing. This meeting will be open to the public.
Details for public access to the Committee Conference Call are
cited below:
Toll Free Dial-In Number: 888-989-0724.
Pass Code: 1939592.
Individuals whose full participation in the meeting will require
special accommodations (e.g., sign language interpreting services,
assistive listening devices, materials in alternative format such as
large print or Braille) should
[[Page 43093]]
notify PCPID Policy Analyst, Madjid (MJ) Karimi, via email at, or via telephone at 202-619-0634. Special
accommodations needed must be received no later than Friday, August 03,
2012. PCPID will attempt to meet requests for accommodations made after
that date, but cannot guarantee ability to grant requests received
after this deadline.
Agenda: Discussion plans for developing the PCPID 2012 Report to
the President.
Additional Information: For further information, please contact
Laverdia Taylor Roach, Senior Advisor, President's Committee for People
with Intellectual Disabilities, The Aerospace Center, Second Floor
West, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW., Washington, DC 20447. Telephone: 202-
619-0634. Fax: 202-205-9519. Email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: PCPID acts in an advisory capacity to the
President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, through the
Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, on a
broad range of topics relating to programs, services, and supports for
persons with intellectual disabilities. The PCPID Executive Order
stipulates that the Committee shall: (1) Provide such advice concerning
intellectual disabilities as the President or the Secretary of Health
and Human Services may request; and (2) provide advice to the President
concerning the following for people with intellectual disabilities: (a)
Expansion of educational opportunities; (b) promotion of homeownership;
(c) assurance of workplace integration; (d) improvement of
transportation options; (e) expansion of full access to community
living; and (f) increasing access to assistive and universally designed
Dated: July 6, 2012.
Sharon Lewis,
Commissioner, Administration on Intellectual and Developmental
[FR Doc. 2012-17450 Filed 7-20-12; 8:45 am]