In the Matter of Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant EA-12-021; Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately), 41811-41814 [2012-17227]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2012 / Notices
shop, the Mechanical Equipment Center
(MEC), and the Berg Field Center (BFC).
Typically, these visits are conducted at
the beginning and end of each austral
summer season to open and close
facilities used for scientific research;
additional visits may also be necessary
during the course of the season.
ASPA 124—Cape Crozier, Ross Island.
August 15, 2012 to August 31, 2017.
Permit Application: 2013–016
6. Applicant: Celia Lang, Lockheed
Martin IS&GS, Antarctic Support
Contract, 7400 S. Tucson Way,
Centennial, CO 80112–3938.
Activity for Which Permit Is Requested
Enter Antarctic Specially Protected
Areas. The applicant plans to enter
ASPA 155—Cape Evans, Ross Island
(Scott’s Hut), ASPA 157—Backdoor Bay,
Cape Royds, Ross Island (Shackleton’s
Hut), ASPA 158—Hut Point, Ross
Island, and ASPA 159—Cape Adare to
allow recreational and educational visits
to the historic sites, as permitted by the
Management Plans, for USAP
participants. The historic huts at Cape
Royds and Cape Evan are in close
proximity to McMurdo Station, whereas
Hut Point sits adjacent to the station.
Procedures for monitoring numbers of
USAP visitors to the huts throughout
the season will be implemented
ASPA 155—Cape Evans, Ross Island
(Scott’s Hut), ASPA 157—Backdoor Bay,
Cape Royds, Ross Island (Shackleton’s
Hut), ASPA 158—Hut Point, Ross
Island, and ASPA 159—Cape Adare
August 15, 2012 to August 31, 2017.
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Permit Officer, Office of Polar Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012–17195 Filed 7–13–12; 8:45 am]
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
[NRC–2012–0171; Docket Nos. 50–391;
Construction Permit No. CPPR–92]
In the Matter of Tennessee Valley
Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant EA–
12–021; Confirmatory Order (Effective
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA or
Applicant) is the holder of Construction
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Permit No. CPPR–92, issued by the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC
or the Commission) pursuant to Title 10
of the Code of Federal Regulations (10
CFR) Part 50, on January 23, 1973, and
extended to March 31, 2013. The permit
authorizes the construction of Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 (Watts Bar or
facility), in accordance with conditions
specified therein. The facility is located
on the Applicant’s site in Spring City,
This Confirmatory Order is the result
of an agreement reached during an
alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
mediation session conducted on May
21, 2012.
On January 13, 2012, the NRC’s Office
of Investigations (OI) completed an
investigation (OI Case No. 2–2011–003)
regarding activities at the Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant. Based on the evidence
developed during the investigation, the
NRC staff concluded that on or about
August 16, 2010, an electrician and
foreman employed by a subcontractor at
Watts Bar, Unit 2, deliberately falsified
work order packages for primary
containment penetrations, and caused
TVA to be in apparent violation of 10
CFR part 50, appendix B, Criterion V,
Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings,
and 10 CFR 50.9, Completeness and
Accuracy of Information. The results of
the investigation were sent to TVA in a
letter dated March 23, 2012.
On May 21, 2012, the NRC and TVA
met in an ADR session mediated by a
professional mediator, arranged through
Cornell University’s Institute on
Conflict Resolution. ADR is a process in
which a neutral mediator with no
decision-making authority assists the
parties in reaching an agreement or
resolving any differences regarding their
dispute. This confirmatory order is
issued pursuant to the agreement
reached during the ADR process. The
elements of the agreement consist of the
1. TVA agreed that on or about August
16, 2010, one violation occurred
involving the requirements of 10 CFR
part 50, appendix B, Criterion V,
Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings,
and 10 CFR 50.9, Completeness and
Accuracy of Information. Specifically,
on August 16, 2010, two subcontractor
employees (one craft and one craft
foreman) at Watts Bar Unit 2
deliberately falsified the micrometer
readings for cables listed in
Modification/Addition Instruction
(MAI) 3.3 data sheets, and falsely
annotated on the WOs that micrometer
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readings had been performed for cables
in primary containment penetrations,
when the micrometer readings had not
been completed. Additionally, the craft
foreman falsely attested that a work
order review, field walk down, review
of craft documentation, and the scope of
work had all been completed. The
failure to follow the WO procedures and
perform the required micrometer
measurements, field walk downs, and
WO reviews is a violation of 10 CFR
part 50, appendix B, Criterion V, which
requires, in part, that activities affecting
quality shall be prescribed by
documented instructions, procedures, or
drawings, of a type appropriate to the
circumstances and shall be
accomplished in accordance with these
instructions, procedures, or drawings.
As a result of the WOs and MAI 3.3 data
sheets being falsified, the applicant also
failed to comply with 10 CFR 50.9(a),
which requires, in part, that information
required by the Commission’s
regulations to be maintained by an
applicant shall be complete and
accurate in all material respects. 10 CFR
part 50, appendix B, Criterion XVII,
Quality Assurance Records, requires
that sufficient records be maintained to
furnish evidence of activities affecting
quality. The WOs and associated MAI–
3.3 data sheets are related to primary
containment penetration electrical
cabling, which involve activities
affecting quality, and thus are required
by 10 CFR part 50, appendix B,
Criterion XVII, to be maintained by an
2. At the ADR, TVA provided
corrective actions and enhancements
taken shortly after its identification of
the incident in August 2010. These
actions included but were not limited to
the following:
a. The prompt cessation of all
containment electrical penetration work
activities, and the initiation of an
internal review of the incident. Prior to
resuming work associated with
electrical penetrations, briefings were
conducted with contractor electrical
support personnel regarding the
falsification event and lessons learned
to ensure that the scope of the event was
communicated to the group.
b. TVA conducted a root cause
evaluation of the incident. In addition,
an extent of condition review of the
incident was conducted, which
confirmed that there were no additional
examples of falsification.
c. TVA’s Office of Inspector General
performed an independent investigation
of this event, the results of which led to
felony prosecution and conviction of
two individuals for falsifying
government records.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2012 / Notices
d. Safety meetings were conducted
the week of April 5, 2011, with all
contractor personnel (supervision,
support personnel, and craft) that
addressed the Watts Bar Unit 2 Site Vice
President’s and Contractor Project
Manager’s expectations regarding the
value of one’s signature and warning
about the falsification of documents.
e. TVA recognized the need to reenforce, TVA fleet-wide, many of the
same human performance factors that
were identified as contributors to the
electrical penetration event. In June
2011, TVA implemented the Operating
Group Human Performance (HU)
program to promote behaviors
throughout the TVA Operating Group
(both Nuclear and non-Nuclear) that
support safe and reliable execution of
work, and that contribute to achieving
an incident-free safety culture.
f. TVA has also completed 10 CFR
50.9 training at Belemnite Nuclear Plant
for the TVA and Contractor leadership
team. This training was conducted in
five separate training sessions from June
2011 through November 2011.
3. Based on TVA’s review of the
incident and NRC concerns with respect
to precluding recurrence of the
violation, TVA agrees to the following
corrective actions and enhancements:
a. The Chief Nuclear Officer and the
Senior Vice President of Nuclear
Construction will issue a joint
communication to all Nuclear Power
Group and Nuclear Construction
employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees located at TVA
nuclear sites, regarding expectations for
assuring work activities are performed
and documented in a complete and
accurate manner. This communication
will be issued on or before August 1,
b. These expectations will be
reinforced through the use of fleet wide
posters and communications.
Communications will specifically
discuss 10 CFR 50.9, complete and
accurate information, willful violations,
and their consequences. Posters will be
installed on or before October 1, 2012.
c. TVA will revise the existing
Nuclear Power Group procedure on
procedure use and adherence to
reinforce the requirements of 10 CFR
50.9 and the need to ensure complete
and accurate documentation of work
completion steps. TVA will update
major contracts to include the
requirement to comply with TVA’s
Procedure Use and Adherence
procedure. Revisions will be completed
by December 21, 2012.
d. TVA will provide 10 CFR 50.9
training (both manager/supervisor as
well as craft-level) to employees,
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including contractor and subcontractor
employees, at all Nuclear Construction
(Watts Bar Unit 2 and Bellefonte)
locations. Training will be completed by
December 21, 2012.
e. TVA will provide refresher 10 CFR
50.9 training (both manager/supervisor
as well as craft-level) to employees,
including contractor and subcontractor
employees, at all Nuclear Construction
(Watts Bar Unit 2 and Bellefonte)
locations every two years through 2016.
TVA will reassess the continued need
for such training thereafter.
f. TVA will enhance existing 10 CFR
50.9-related general employee training
(GET) for new employees, including
contractor and subcontractor employees
located at TVA nuclear sites, joining
Nuclear Power Group and Nuclear
Construction and update annual
requalification GET training. TVA will
complete this item by December 21,
g. Within six months of issuance of
the Confirmatory Order, and again on or
before July 1, 2013, TVA will perform
checks of the Watts Bar Unit 2
Employee Concerns Program (ECP), to
identify undue scheduling pressure
issues identified by employees and
employees of construction contractors
and subcontractors. Issues identified
will be addressed commensurate with
safety and in accordance with TVA’s
Corrective Action Program.
h. TVA will perform an effectiveness
review of actions taken and actions
planned, including those taken in
response to the ECP checks described in
Item 5.g, on or before July 1, 2013.
Based on the results of the effectiveness
review, TVA will implement
appropriate corrective actions.
i. Upon completion of the terms of the
Confirmatory Order, TVA will provide
the NRC with a letter discussing its
basis for concluding that the Order has
been satisfied.
4. The NRC considers the corrective
actions and enhancements discussed in
Section III and Section V of this
Confirmatory Order to be appropriately
prompt and comprehensive to address
the root and contributing causes that
gave rise to the incident of August 2010.
5. The NRC and TVA agree that the
above elements will be incorporated
into a Confirmatory Order.
6. The resulting Confirmatory Order
will be considered an escalated
enforcement action by the NRC for any
future assessment of Watts Bar, as
7. In consideration of the
commitments delineated in Section III.3
and Section V of this Confirmatory
Order, the NRC agrees to refrain from
proposing a civil penalty or issuing a
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Notice of Violation for all matters
discussed in the NRC’s letter to TVA of
March 23, 2012 (EA–12–021).
8. This agreement is binding upon
successors and assigns of TVA.
On June 12, 2012, the Applicant
consented to issuance of this Order with
the commitments, as described in
Section V below. The Applicant further
agreed that this Order is to be effective
upon issuance and that it has waived its
right to a hearing.
Since the Applicant has agreed to take
actions to address the violation as set
forth in Section V, the NRC has
concluded that its concerns can be
resolved through issuance of this Order.
I find that the Applicant’s
commitments as set forth in Section V
are acceptable and necessary and
conclude that with these commitments
the public health and safety are
reasonably assured. In view of the
foregoing, I have determined that public
health and safety require that the
Applicant’s commitments be confirmed
by this Order. Based on the above and
the Applicant’s consent, this Order is
immediately effective upon issuance.
Accordingly, pursuant to Sections
104b., 161b., 161i., 161o., 182, and 186
of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended (the Act), and the
Commission’s regulations in 10 CFR
2.202 and 10 FR Part 50, it is hereby
ordered, effective immediately, that
Construction Permit No. CPPR–92 is
modified as follows:
a. TVA’s Chief Nuclear Officer and
the Senior Vice President of Nuclear
Construction will issue a joint
communication to all Nuclear Power
Group and Nuclear Construction
employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees located at TVA
nuclear sites, regarding expectations for
assuring work activities are performed
and documented in a complete and
accurate manner. This communication
will be issued on or before August 1,
b. These expectations will be
reinforced through the use of fleet wide
posters and communications.
Communications will specifically
discuss 10 CFR 50.9, complete and
accurate information, willful violations,
and their consequences. Posters will be
installed on or before October 1, 2012.
c. TVA will revise the existing
Nuclear Power Group procedure on
procedure use and adherence to
reinforce the requirements of 10 CFR
50.9 and the need to ensure complete
and accurate documentation of work
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2012 / Notices
completion steps. TVA will update
major contracts to include the
requirement to comply with TVA’s
Procedure Use and Adherence
procedure. Revisions will be completed
by December 21, 2012.
d. TVA will provide 10 CFR 50.9
training (both manager/supervisor as
well as craft-level) to employees,
including contractor and subcontractor
employees, at all Nuclear Construction
(Watts Bar Unit 2 and Bellefonte
Nuclear Plant) locations. Training will
be completed by December 21, 2012.
e. TVA will provide refresher 10 CFR
50.9 training (both manager/supervisor
as well as craft-level) to employees,
including contractor and subcontractor
employees, at all Nuclear Construction
(Watts Bar Unit 2 and Bellefonte
Nuclear Plant) locations every two years
through 2016. TVA will reassess the
continued need for such training
f. TVA will enhance existing 10 CFR
50.9-related general employee training
(GET) for new employees, including
contractor and subcontractor employees
located at TVA nuclear sites, joining
Nuclear Power Group and Nuclear
Construction and update annual
requalification GET training. TVA will
complete this item by December 21,
g. Within six months of issuance of
the Confirmatory Order, and again on or
before July 1, 2013, TVA will perform
checks of the Watts Bar Unit 2
construction contractors and
subcontractors, via its Employee
Concerns Program (ECP), to identify
undue scheduling pressure issues.
Issues identified will be addressed
commensurate with safety and in
accordance with TVA’s Corrective
Action Program.
h. TVA will perform effectiveness
review of actions taken and actions
planned, including those taken in
response to the ECP checks described in
Item 5.g, on or before July 1, 2013.
Based on the results of the effectiveness
review, TVA will implement
appropriate corrective actions.
i. Upon completion of the terms of the
Confirmatory Order, TVA will provide
the NRC with a letter discussing its
basis for concluding that the Order has
been satisfied.
The Regional Administrator, NRC
Region II, may relax or rescind, in
writing, any of the above conditions
upon a showing by TVA of good cause.
Any person adversely affected by this
Confirmatory Order, other than TVA,
may request a hearing within 20 days of
its publication in the Federal Register.
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Where good cause is shown,
consideration will be given to extending
the time to request a hearing. A request
for extension of time must be made in
writing to the Director, Office of
Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555,
and include a statement of good cause
for the extension.
All documents filed in NRC
adjudicatory proceedings, including a
request for hearing, a petition for leave
to intervene, any motion or other
document filed in the proceeding prior
to the submission of a request for
hearing or petition to intervene, and
documents filed by interested
governmental entities participating
under 10 CFR 2.315(c), must be filed in
accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule
(72 FR 49139; August 28, 2007). The EFiling process requires participants to
submit and serve all adjudicatory
documents over the internet, or in some
cases to mail copies on electronic
storage media. Participants may not
submit paper copies of their filings
unless they seek an exemption in
accordance with the procedures
described below.
To comply with the procedural
requirements of E-Filing, at least 10
days prior to the filing deadline, the
participant should contact the Office of
the Secretary by email at, or by telephone
at 301–415–1677, to request (1) a digital
identification (ID) certificate, which
allows the participant (or its counsel or
representative) to digitally sign
documents and access the E-Submittal
server for any proceeding in which it is
participating; and (2) advise the
Secretary that the participant will be
submitting a request or petition for
hearing (even in instances in which the
participant, or its counsel or
representative, already holds an NRCissued digital ID certificate). Based upon
this information, the Secretary will
establish an electronic docket for the
hearing in this proceeding if the
Secretary has not already established an
electronic docket.
Information about applying for a
digital ID certificate is available on the
NRC’s public Web site at https://
apply-certificates.html. System
requirements for accessing the ESubmittal server are detailed in NRC’s
‘‘Guidance for Electronic Submission,’’
which is available on the agency’s
public Web site at
site-help/e-submittals.html. Participants
may attempt to use other software not
listed on the Web site, but should note
that the NRC’s E-Filing system does not
support unlisted software, and the NRC
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Meta System Help Desk will not be able
to offer assistance in using unlisted
If a participant is electronically
submitting a document to the NRC in
accordance with the E-Filing rule, the
participant must file the document
using the NRC’s online, Web-based
submission form. In order to serve
documents through the Electronic
Information Exchange System, users
will be required to install a Web
browser plug-in from the NRC’s Web
site. Further information on the Webbased submission form, including the
installation of the Web browser plug-in,
is available on the NRC’s public Web
site at
Once a participant has obtained a
digital ID certificate and a docket has
been created, the participant can then
submit a request for hearing or petition
for leave to intervene. Submissions
should be in Portable Document Format
(PDF) in accordance with the NRC
guidance available on the NRC’s public
Web site at A filing is
considered complete at the time the
documents are submitted through the
NRC’s E-Filing system. To be timely, an
electronic filing must be submitted to
the E-Filing system no later than 11:59
p.m. Eastern Time on the due date.
Upon receipt of a transmission, the EFiling system time-stamps the document
and sends the submitter an email notice
confirming receipt of the document. The
E-Filing system also distributes an email
notice that provides access to the
document to the NRC’s Office of the
General Counsel and any others who
have advised the Office of the Secretary
that they wish to participate in the
proceeding, so that the filer need not
serve the documents on those
participants separately. Therefore,
applicants and other participants (or
their counsel or representative) must
apply for and receive a digital ID
certificate before a hearing request/
petition to intervene is filed so that they
can obtain access to the document via
the E-Filing system.
A person filing electronically using
the agency’s adjudicatory E-Filing
system may seek assistance by
contacting the NRC Meta System Help
Desk through the ‘‘Contact Us’’ link
located on the NRC’s Web site at, by email at, or by a tollfree call at 1–866–672–7640. The NRC
Meta System Help Desk is available
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday,
excluding government holidays.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 136 / Monday, July 16, 2012 / Notices
Participants who believe that they
have a good cause for not submitting
documents electronically must file an
exemption request, in accordance with
10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper
filing requesting authorization to
continue to submit documents in paper
format. Such filings must be submitted
by: (1) First class mail addressed to the
Office of the Secretary of the
Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001, Attention: Rulemaking and
Adjudications Staff; or (2) courier,
express mail, or expedited delivery
service to the Office of the Secretary,
Sixteenth Floor, One White Flint North,
11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland, 20852, Attention:
Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff.
Participants filing a document in this
manner are responsible for serving the
document on all other participants.
Filing is considered complete by firstclass mail as of the time of deposit in
the mail, or by courier, express mail, or
expedited delivery service upon
depositing the document with the
provider of the service. A presiding
officer, having granted an exemption
request from using E-Filing, may require
a participant or party to use E-Filing if
the presiding officer subsequently
determines that the reason for granting
the exemption from use of E-Filing no
longer exists.
Documents submitted in adjudicatory
proceedings will appear in NRC’s
electronic hearing docket, which is
available to the public at https://, unless excluded
pursuant to an order of the Commission,
or the presiding officer. Participants are
requested not to include personal
privacy information, such as social
security numbers, home addresses, or
home phone numbers in their filings,
unless an NRC regulation or other law
requires submission of such
information. With respect to
copyrighted works, except for limited
excerpts that serve the purpose of the
adjudicatory filings and would
constitute a Fair Use application,
participants are requested not to include
copyrighted materials in their
If a person (other than TVA) requests
a hearing, that person shall set forth
with particularity the manner in which
his interest is adversely affected by this
Confirmatory Order and shall address
the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.309(d)
and (f).
If a hearing is requested by a person
whose interest is adversely affected, the
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Commission will issue an order
designating the time and place of any
hearing. If a hearing is held, the issue to
be considered at such hearing shall be
whether this Confirmatory Order should
be sustained.
In the absence of any request for
hearing, or written approval of an
extension of time in which to request a
hearing, the provisions specified in
Section V above shall be final 20 days
from the date on which this
Confirmatory Order is published in the
Federal Register, without further order
or proceedings. If an extension of time
for requesting a hearing has been
approved, the provisions specified in
Section V shall be final when the
extension expires if a hearing request
has not been received.
A request for hearing shall not stay
the immediate effectiveness of this
Dated: Dated this 18th day of June 2012.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Victor M. McCree,
Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2012–17227 Filed 7–13–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–416; NRC–2012–0105]
Entergy Operations, Inc.; Grand Gulf
Nuclear Station, Unit 1
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Final environmental assessment
and finding of no significant impact;
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is considering issuance of an
amendment to Facility Operating
License No. NPF–29, issued to Entergy
Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee),
for operation of the Grand Gulf Nuclear
Station, Unit 1 (GGNS Unit 1), located
in Claiborne County, Mississippi, in
accordance with NRC’s regulations.
Therefore, the NRC has prepared this
final environmental assessment (EA)
and finding of no significant impact
(FONSI) for the proposed action.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2012–0105 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may access information related to
this document, which the NRC
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possesses and are publicly available,
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRC–2012–0105. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher; telephone: 301–492–3668;
NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access
and Management System (ADAMS):
You may access publicly available
documents online in the NRC Library at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
email to The
ADAMS accession number for each
document referenced in this notice (if
that document is available in ADAMS)
is provided the first time that a
document is referenced. Entergy
Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee),
application for amendment is dated
September 8, 2010, and supplemented
by letters dated November 18, 2010,
November 23, 2010, February 23, 2011
(four letters), March 9, 2011 (two
letters), March 22, 2011, March 30,
2011, March 31, 2011, April 14, 2011,
April 21, 2011, May 3, 2011, May 5,
2011, May 11, 2011, June 8, 2011, June
15, 2011, June 21, 2011, June 23, 2011,
July 6, 2011, July 28, 2011, August 25,
2011, August 29, 2011, August 30, 2011,
September 2, 2011, September 9, 2011,
September 12, 2011, September 15,
2011, September 26, 2011, October 10,
2011 (two letters), October 24, 2011,
November 14, 2011, November 25, 2011,
November 28, 2011, December 19, 2011,
February 6, 2012, February 15, 2012,
February 20, 2012, March 13, 2012,
March 21, 2012, April 5, and April 18,
2012 (two letters), April 26, 2012, May
9, 2012, and June 12, 2012. Portions of
the letters dated September 8 and
November 23, 2010, and February 23,
April 21, May 11, July 6, July 28,
September 2, October 10, November 14,
November 25, and November 28, 2011,
and February 6, February 15, February
20, March 13, March 21, April 5, April
18, 2012 (two letters), April 26, 2012,
and May 9, 2012, contain sensitive
unclassified non-safeguards information
(proprietary) and, accordingly, have
been withheld from public disclosure.
The licensee’s letters are publicly
available in ADAMS at the accession
numbers listed in the table below:
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 136 (Monday, July 16, 2012)]
[Pages 41811-41814]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-17227]
[NRC-2012-0171; Docket Nos. 50-391; Construction Permit No. CPPR-92]
In the Matter of Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear
Plant EA-12-021; Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA or Applicant) is the holder of
Construction Permit No. CPPR-92, issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission) pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, on January 23, 1973, and extended
to March 31, 2013. The permit authorizes the construction of Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 (Watts Bar or facility), in accordance with
conditions specified therein. The facility is located on the
Applicant's site in Spring City, Tennessee.
This Confirmatory Order is the result of an agreement reached
during an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mediation session
conducted on May 21, 2012.
On January 13, 2012, the NRC's Office of Investigations (OI)
completed an investigation (OI Case No. 2-2011-003) regarding
activities at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Based on the evidence
developed during the investigation, the NRC staff concluded that on or
about August 16, 2010, an electrician and foreman employed by a
subcontractor at Watts Bar, Unit 2, deliberately falsified work order
packages for primary containment penetrations, and caused TVA to be in
apparent violation of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B, Criterion V,
Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, and 10 CFR 50.9, Completeness
and Accuracy of Information. The results of the investigation were sent
to TVA in a letter dated March 23, 2012.
On May 21, 2012, the NRC and TVA met in an ADR session mediated by
a professional mediator, arranged through Cornell University's
Institute on Conflict Resolution. ADR is a process in which a neutral
mediator with no decision-making authority assists the parties in
reaching an agreement or resolving any differences regarding their
dispute. This confirmatory order is issued pursuant to the agreement
reached during the ADR process. The elements of the agreement consist
of the following:
1. TVA agreed that on or about August 16, 2010, one violation
occurred involving the requirements of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B,
Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, and 10 CFR 50.9,
Completeness and Accuracy of Information. Specifically, on August 16,
2010, two subcontractor employees (one craft and one craft foreman) at
Watts Bar Unit 2 deliberately falsified the micrometer readings for
cables listed in Modification/Addition Instruction (MAI) 3.3 data
sheets, and falsely annotated on the WOs that micrometer readings had
been performed for cables in primary containment penetrations, when the
micrometer readings had not been completed. Additionally, the craft
foreman falsely attested that a work order review, field walk down,
review of craft documentation, and the scope of work had all been
completed. The failure to follow the WO procedures and perform the
required micrometer measurements, field walk downs, and WO reviews is a
violation of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B, Criterion V, which requires,
in part, that activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by
documented instructions, procedures, or drawings, of a type appropriate
to the circumstances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these
instructions, procedures, or drawings. As a result of the WOs and MAI
3.3 data sheets being falsified, the applicant also failed to comply
with 10 CFR 50.9(a), which requires, in part, that information required
by the Commission's regulations to be maintained by an applicant shall
be complete and accurate in all material respects. 10 CFR part 50,
appendix B, Criterion XVII, Quality Assurance Records, requires that
sufficient records be maintained to furnish evidence of activities
affecting quality. The WOs and associated MAI-3.3 data sheets are
related to primary containment penetration electrical cabling, which
involve activities affecting quality, and thus are required by 10 CFR
part 50, appendix B, Criterion XVII, to be maintained by an applicant.
2. At the ADR, TVA provided corrective actions and enhancements
taken shortly after its identification of the incident in August 2010.
These actions included but were not limited to the following:
a. The prompt cessation of all containment electrical penetration
work activities, and the initiation of an internal review of the
incident. Prior to resuming work associated with electrical
penetrations, briefings were conducted with contractor electrical
support personnel regarding the falsification event and lessons learned
to ensure that the scope of the event was communicated to the group.
b. TVA conducted a root cause evaluation of the incident. In
addition, an extent of condition review of the incident was conducted,
which confirmed that there were no additional examples of
c. TVA's Office of Inspector General performed an independent
investigation of this event, the results of which led to felony
prosecution and conviction of two individuals for falsifying government
[[Page 41812]]
d. Safety meetings were conducted the week of April 5, 2011, with
all contractor personnel (supervision, support personnel, and craft)
that addressed the Watts Bar Unit 2 Site Vice President's and
Contractor Project Manager's expectations regarding the value of one's
signature and warning about the falsification of documents.
e. TVA recognized the need to re-enforce, TVA fleet-wide, many of
the same human performance factors that were identified as contributors
to the electrical penetration event. In June 2011, TVA implemented the
Operating Group Human Performance (HU) program to promote behaviors
throughout the TVA Operating Group (both Nuclear and non-Nuclear) that
support safe and reliable execution of work, and that contribute to
achieving an incident-free safety culture.
f. TVA has also completed 10 CFR 50.9 training at Belemnite Nuclear
Plant for the TVA and Contractor leadership team. This training was
conducted in five separate training sessions from June 2011 through
November 2011.
3. Based on TVA's review of the incident and NRC concerns with
respect to precluding recurrence of the violation, TVA agrees to the
following corrective actions and enhancements:
a. The Chief Nuclear Officer and the Senior Vice President of
Nuclear Construction will issue a joint communication to all Nuclear
Power Group and Nuclear Construction employees, including contractor
and subcontractor employees located at TVA nuclear sites, regarding
expectations for assuring work activities are performed and documented
in a complete and accurate manner. This communication will be issued on
or before August 1, 2012.
b. These expectations will be reinforced through the use of fleet
wide posters and communications. Communications will specifically
discuss 10 CFR 50.9, complete and accurate information, willful
violations, and their consequences. Posters will be installed on or
before October 1, 2012.
c. TVA will revise the existing Nuclear Power Group procedure on
procedure use and adherence to reinforce the requirements of 10 CFR
50.9 and the need to ensure complete and accurate documentation of work
completion steps. TVA will update major contracts to include the
requirement to comply with TVA's Procedure Use and Adherence procedure.
Revisions will be completed by December 21, 2012.
d. TVA will provide 10 CFR 50.9 training (both manager/supervisor
as well as craft-level) to employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees, at all Nuclear Construction (Watts Bar Unit 2
and Bellefonte) locations. Training will be completed by December 21,
e. TVA will provide refresher 10 CFR 50.9 training (both manager/
supervisor as well as craft-level) to employees, including contractor
and subcontractor employees, at all Nuclear Construction (Watts Bar
Unit 2 and Bellefonte) locations every two years through 2016. TVA will
reassess the continued need for such training thereafter.
f. TVA will enhance existing 10 CFR 50.9-related general employee
training (GET) for new employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees located at TVA nuclear sites, joining Nuclear
Power Group and Nuclear Construction and update annual requalification
GET training. TVA will complete this item by December 21, 2012.
g. Within six months of issuance of the Confirmatory Order, and
again on or before July 1, 2013, TVA will perform checks of the Watts
Bar Unit 2 Employee Concerns Program (ECP), to identify undue
scheduling pressure issues identified by employees and employees of
construction contractors and subcontractors. Issues identified will be
addressed commensurate with safety and in accordance with TVA's
Corrective Action Program.
h. TVA will perform an effectiveness review of actions taken and
actions planned, including those taken in response to the ECP checks
described in Item 5.g, on or before July 1, 2013. Based on the results
of the effectiveness review, TVA will implement appropriate corrective
i. Upon completion of the terms of the Confirmatory Order, TVA will
provide the NRC with a letter discussing its basis for concluding that
the Order has been satisfied.
4. The NRC considers the corrective actions and enhancements
discussed in Section III and Section V of this Confirmatory Order to be
appropriately prompt and comprehensive to address the root and
contributing causes that gave rise to the incident of August 2010.
5. The NRC and TVA agree that the above elements will be
incorporated into a Confirmatory Order.
6. The resulting Confirmatory Order will be considered an escalated
enforcement action by the NRC for any future assessment of Watts Bar,
as appropriate.
7. In consideration of the commitments delineated in Section III.3
and Section V of this Confirmatory Order, the NRC agrees to refrain
from proposing a civil penalty or issuing a Notice of Violation for all
matters discussed in the NRC's letter to TVA of March 23, 2012 (EA-12-
8. This agreement is binding upon successors and assigns of TVA.
On June 12, 2012, the Applicant consented to issuance of this Order
with the commitments, as described in Section V below. The Applicant
further agreed that this Order is to be effective upon issuance and
that it has waived its right to a hearing.
Since the Applicant has agreed to take actions to address the
violation as set forth in Section V, the NRC has concluded that its
concerns can be resolved through issuance of this Order.
I find that the Applicant's commitments as set forth in Section V
are acceptable and necessary and conclude that with these commitments
the public health and safety are reasonably assured. In view of the
foregoing, I have determined that public health and safety require that
the Applicant's commitments be confirmed by this Order. Based on the
above and the Applicant's consent, this Order is immediately effective
upon issuance.
Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 104b., 161b., 161i., 161o., 182,
and 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the
Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 2.202 and 10 FR Part 50, it is
hereby ordered, effective immediately, that Construction Permit No.
CPPR-92 is modified as follows:
a. TVA's Chief Nuclear Officer and the Senior Vice President of
Nuclear Construction will issue a joint communication to all Nuclear
Power Group and Nuclear Construction employees, including contractor
and subcontractor employees located at TVA nuclear sites, regarding
expectations for assuring work activities are performed and documented
in a complete and accurate manner. This communication will be issued on
or before August 1, 2012.
b. These expectations will be reinforced through the use of fleet
wide posters and communications. Communications will specifically
discuss 10 CFR 50.9, complete and accurate information, willful
violations, and their consequences. Posters will be installed on or
before October 1, 2012.
c. TVA will revise the existing Nuclear Power Group procedure on
procedure use and adherence to reinforce the requirements of 10 CFR
50.9 and the need to ensure complete and accurate documentation of work
[[Page 41813]]
completion steps. TVA will update major contracts to include the
requirement to comply with TVA's Procedure Use and Adherence procedure.
Revisions will be completed by December 21, 2012.
d. TVA will provide 10 CFR 50.9 training (both manager/supervisor
as well as craft-level) to employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees, at all Nuclear Construction (Watts Bar Unit 2
and Bellefonte Nuclear Plant) locations. Training will be completed by
December 21, 2012.
e. TVA will provide refresher 10 CFR 50.9 training (both manager/
supervisor as well as craft-level) to employees, including contractor
and subcontractor employees, at all Nuclear Construction (Watts Bar
Unit 2 and Bellefonte Nuclear Plant) locations every two years through
2016. TVA will reassess the continued need for such training
f. TVA will enhance existing 10 CFR 50.9-related general employee
training (GET) for new employees, including contractor and
subcontractor employees located at TVA nuclear sites, joining Nuclear
Power Group and Nuclear Construction and update annual requalification
GET training. TVA will complete this item by December 21, 2012.
g. Within six months of issuance of the Confirmatory Order, and
again on or before July 1, 2013, TVA will perform checks of the Watts
Bar Unit 2 construction contractors and subcontractors, via its
Employee Concerns Program (ECP), to identify undue scheduling pressure
issues. Issues identified will be addressed commensurate with safety
and in accordance with TVA's Corrective Action Program.
h. TVA will perform effectiveness review of actions taken and
actions planned, including those taken in response to the ECP checks
described in Item 5.g, on or before July 1, 2013. Based on the results
of the effectiveness review, TVA will implement appropriate corrective
i. Upon completion of the terms of the Confirmatory Order, TVA will
provide the NRC with a letter discussing its basis for concluding that
the Order has been satisfied.
The Regional Administrator, NRC Region II, may relax or rescind, in
writing, any of the above conditions upon a showing by TVA of good
Any person adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order, other
than TVA, may request a hearing within 20 days of its publication in
the Federal Register. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be
given to extending the time to request a hearing. A request for
extension of time must be made in writing to the Director, Office of
Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555,
and include a statement of good cause for the extension.
All documents filed in NRC adjudicatory proceedings, including a
request for hearing, a petition for leave to intervene, any motion or
other document filed in the proceeding prior to the submission of a
request for hearing or petition to intervene, and documents filed by
interested governmental entities participating under 10 CFR 2.315(c),
must be filed in accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule (72 FR 49139;
August 28, 2007). The E-Filing process requires participants to submit
and serve all adjudicatory documents over the internet, or in some
cases to mail copies on electronic storage media. Participants may not
submit paper copies of their filings unless they seek an exemption in
accordance with the procedures described below.
To comply with the procedural requirements of E-Filing, at least 10
days prior to the filing deadline, the participant should contact the
Office of the Secretary by email at, or by
telephone at 301-415-1677, to request (1) a digital identification (ID)
certificate, which allows the participant (or its counsel or
representative) to digitally sign documents and access the E-Submittal
server for any proceeding in which it is participating; and (2) advise
the Secretary that the participant will be submitting a request or
petition for hearing (even in instances in which the participant, or
its counsel or representative, already holds an NRC-issued digital ID
certificate). Based upon this information, the Secretary will establish
an electronic docket for the hearing in this proceeding if the
Secretary has not already established an electronic docket.
Information about applying for a digital ID certificate is
available on the NRC's public Web site at System requirements for accessing
the E-Submittal server are detailed in NRC's ``Guidance for Electronic
Submission,'' which is available on the agency's public Web site at Participants may
attempt to use other software not listed on the Web site, but should
note that the NRC's E-Filing system does not support unlisted software,
and the NRC Meta System Help Desk will not be able to offer assistance
in using unlisted software.
If a participant is electronically submitting a document to the NRC
in accordance with the E-Filing rule, the participant must file the
document using the NRC's online, Web-based submission form. In order to
serve documents through the Electronic Information Exchange System,
users will be required to install a Web browser plug-in from the NRC's
Web site. Further information on the Web-based submission form,
including the installation of the Web browser plug-in, is available on
the NRC's public Web site at
Once a participant has obtained a digital ID certificate and a
docket has been created, the participant can then submit a request for
hearing or petition for leave to intervene. Submissions should be in
Portable Document Format (PDF) in accordance with the NRC guidance
available on the NRC's public Web site at A filing is considered complete at the time the
documents are submitted through the NRC's E-Filing system. To be
timely, an electronic filing must be submitted to the E-Filing system
no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date. Upon receipt of
a transmission, the E-Filing system time-stamps the document and sends
the submitter an email notice confirming receipt of the document. The
E-Filing system also distributes an email notice that provides access
to the document to the NRC's Office of the General Counsel and any
others who have advised the Office of the Secretary that they wish to
participate in the proceeding, so that the filer need not serve the
documents on those participants separately. Therefore, applicants and
other participants (or their counsel or representative) must apply for
and receive a digital ID certificate before a hearing request/petition
to intervene is filed so that they can obtain access to the document
via the E-Filing system.
A person filing electronically using the agency's adjudicatory E-
Filing system may seek assistance by contacting the NRC Meta System
Help Desk through the ``Contact Us'' link located on the NRC's Web site
at, by email at, or by a toll-free call at 1-866-672-7640. The
NRC Meta System Help Desk is available between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.,
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays.
[[Page 41814]]
Participants who believe that they have a good cause for not
submitting documents electronically must file an exemption request, in
accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper filing
requesting authorization to continue to submit documents in paper
format. Such filings must be submitted by: (1) First class mail
addressed to the Office of the Secretary of the Commission, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention:
Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff; or (2) courier, express mail, or
expedited delivery service to the Office of the Secretary, Sixteenth
Floor, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland, 20852, Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff.
Participants filing a document in this manner are responsible for
serving the document on all other participants. Filing is considered
complete by first-class mail as of the time of deposit in the mail, or
by courier, express mail, or expedited delivery service upon depositing
the document with the provider of the service. A presiding officer,
having granted an exemption request from using E-Filing, may require a
participant or party to use E-Filing if the presiding officer
subsequently determines that the reason for granting the exemption from
use of E-Filing no longer exists.
Documents submitted in adjudicatory proceedings will appear in
NRC's electronic hearing docket, which is available to the public at, unless excluded pursuant to an order of the
Commission, or the presiding officer. Participants are requested not to
include personal privacy information, such as social security numbers,
home addresses, or home phone numbers in their filings, unless an NRC
regulation or other law requires submission of such information. With
respect to copyrighted works, except for limited excerpts that serve
the purpose of the adjudicatory filings and would constitute a Fair Use
application, participants are requested not to include copyrighted
materials in their submission.
If a person (other than TVA) requests a hearing, that person shall
set forth with particularity the manner in which his interest is
adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order and shall address the
criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.309(d) and (f).
If a hearing is requested by a person whose interest is adversely
affected, the Commission will issue an order designating the time and
place of any hearing. If a hearing is held, the issue to be considered
at such hearing shall be whether this Confirmatory Order should be
In the absence of any request for hearing, or written approval of
an extension of time in which to request a hearing, the provisions
specified in Section V above shall be final 20 days from the date on
which this Confirmatory Order is published in the Federal Register,
without further order or proceedings. If an extension of time for
requesting a hearing has been approved, the provisions specified in
Section V shall be final when the extension expires if a hearing
request has not been received.
A request for hearing shall not stay the immediate effectiveness of
this order.
Dated: Dated this 18th day of June 2012.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Victor M. McCree,
Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2012-17227 Filed 7-13-12; 8:45 am]