Notification of a Joint Public Meeting of the Chartered Science Advisory Board and Chartered Board of Scientific Counselors, 36273-36274 [2012-14821]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 117 / Monday, June 18, 2012 / Notices
Public Meeting on Draft Permitting
Guidance for Oil and Gas Hydraulic
Fracturing Activities Using Diesel
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA or agency) is announcing
a public meeting to discuss draft
permitting guidance the agency has
developed on the use of diesel fuels in
oil and gas hydraulic fracturing and to
solicit input during the public comment
period. The meeting is open to all
interested parties. The agency requests
input on the following technical aspects
of the draft permitting guidance: Diesel
fuels description; diesel fuels usage
information; permit duration and well
closure; area of review; information
submitted with the permit application;
and monitoring.
DATES: The meeting will take place on
Monday, June 29, 2012, in Room 1153
EPA East, 1201 Constitution Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC. Participants may
choose from two sessions, from
8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. or from 1:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Seating is limited.
Registration will be filled on a firstcome, first-served basis. To allow for
maximum public participation,
registrants are asked to select one
session only. Pre-registration will open
on Wednesday, June 20, 2012, and close
on Thursday, June 28, 2012, at noon.
Registration may also be available at the
door as space permits. See
registration details.
Sherri Comerford, Office of Ground
Water and Drinking Water,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Mailcode
4606M, Washington, DC 20460;
telephone number: 202–564–4639;
email address:
hosting a public informational meeting
to discuss ‘‘Permitting Guidance for Oil
and Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Activities
Using Diesel Fuels—Draft: Underground
Injection Control Program Guidance
#84.’’ The draft guidance, available at
this Web site,
fracturing/hydraulic-fracturing.cfm, is
intended to provide information for EPA
permit writers issuing permits under the
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Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure
protection of underground sources of
drinking water. The draft guidance is
open for public comment from May 10,
2012, to July 9, 2012, to allow
stakeholders to provide input and
feedback before it is finalized. The
meeting is open to the public, and all
interested stakeholders are invited to
Registration details: Registration is
scheduled to open on Wednesday, June
20, 2012, and close on Thursday, June
28, 2012, at noon. Participants are
requested to pre-register for either the
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. session or the
1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. session, using an
online form that will be accessible from
the following Web site: https://water.epa.
Registration may also be available at the
door as space permits. Please check the
Web site for availability.
Meeting information: Both morning
and afternoon sessions will begin with
a brief presentation by the EPA Office of
Ground Water and Drinking Water on
the basics of the guidance. Copies of
EPA’s presentation will be available at
the meeting and posted on the Web at
hydroout.cfm the day of the meeting. An
oral comment session will follow the
presentation. Oral comments will be
limited to two (2) minutes each, and it
is preferred that only one person present
the statement on behalf of a group or
organization to accommodate as many
participants as possible. Registered
attendees requesting to make an oral
presentation will be placed on the
commenting schedule. Time slots are
limited and will be filled on a firstcome, first-served basis. EPA may ask
clarifying questions during the oral
presentations, but will not respond to
the presentations.
You may present oral comments
during the meeting; and/or submit
written comments and supporting
information directly to EPA.
Instructions for submitting comments,
the draft guidance, and a Federal
Register notice providing detail on
topics on which the agency invites
comment, are available on the Web site,
hydraulic-fracturing.cfm. Written
statements and supporting information
submitted during the comment period
will be considered in the same manner
as any oral comments and supporting
information presented at the public
meeting. The agency requests input on
the following technical aspects of the
draft permitting guidance: diesel fuels
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description; diesel fuels usage
information; permit duration and well
closure; area of review; information
submitted with the permit application;
and monitoring.
All attendees must go through a metal
detector, sign in with the security desk,
and show government-issued photo
identification to enter the building.
Special Accommodations: For
information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities and to
request accommodation of a disability,
please contact Sherri Comerford at (202)
564–4639 or,
preferably at least 5 days prior to the
meeting, to give EPA as much time as
possible to process your request.
Dated: June 11, 2012.
Pamela S. Barr,
Acting Director, Office of Ground Water and
Drinking Water.
[FR Doc. 2012–14786 Filed 6–15–12; 8:45 am]
Notification of a Joint Public Meeting
of the Chartered Science Advisory
Board and Chartered Board of
Scientific Counselors
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board
(SAB) Staff Office announces a joint
public meeting of the Chartered SAB
and the EPA’s Office of Research and
Development (ORD) Chartered Board of
Scientific Counselors (BOSC) to provide
advice on ORD’s plans to implement its
research program.
DATES: The public meeting will be held
on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 from
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday,
July 11, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time).
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the The Renaissance Raleigh North Hills
Hotel, 4100 Main at North Hills Street,
Raleigh, NC 27609.
member of the public who wishes
further information concerning the
meeting may contact Dr. Angela Nugent,
Designated Federal Officer (DFO), EPA
Science Advisory Board (1400R), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20460; via telephone/voice mail
(202) 564–2218, fax (202) 565–2098; or
email at
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 117 / Monday, June 18, 2012 / Notices
General information concerning the
SAB can be found on the EPA Web site
Background: The SAB was
established pursuant to the
Environmental Research, Development,
and Demonstration Authorization Act
(ERDAA), codified at 42 U.S.C. 4365, to
provide independent scientific and
technical advice to the Administrator on
the technical basis for Agency positions
and regulations. The BOSC was
established by the EPA to provide
advice, information, and
recommendations regarding the ORD
research program. The SAB and BOSC
are Federal Advisory Committees
chartered under the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C., App.
2. Pursuant to FACA and EPA policy,
notice is hereby given that the chartered
SAB and chartered BOSC will hold a
joint public meeting to discuss advice
on ORD’s research programs. The SAB
and BOSC will comply with the
provisions of FACA and all appropriate
SAB Staff Office procedural policies.
ORD has restructured its research
programs to better understand
environmental problems and inform
sustainable solutions to meet EPA’s
strategic goals. The restructured
research programs comprise six program
areas: Air, Climate, and Energy; Safe
and Sustainable Water Resources;
Sustainable and Healthy Communities;
Chemical Safety for Sustainability;
Human Health Risk Assessment; and
Homeland Security.
ORD requested that the SAB work
jointly with the BOSC in 2011 to
provide early advice on ORD strategic
research directions. In response, the
SAB and BOSC held a joint public
meeting on June 29–30, 2011 (76 FR
32198–32199) and a public
teleconference on September 19, 2011
(76 FR 54463) to develop a report, Office
of Research and Development (ORD)
New Strategic Research Directions: A
Joint Report of the Science Advisory
Board (SAB) and ORD Board of
Scientific Councilors (BOSC), EPA–
SAB–12–001. After receiving this
advisory report, ORD requested SAB
and BOSC additional advice on ORD’s
research implementation plans, efforts
to strengthen program integration and
efforts to strengthen and measure
innovation. The SAB and BOSC will
focus on those topics at the July 10–11,
2012 meeting.
Availability of Meeting Materials: A
meeting agenda and other materials for
the meeting will be placed on the SAB
Web site at
Procedures for Providing Public Input:
Public comment for consideration by
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EPA’s federal advisory committees and
panels has a different purpose from
public comment provided to EPA
program offices. Therefore, the process
for submitting comments to a federal
advisory committee is different from the
process used to submit comments to an
EPA program office. Federal advisory
committees and panels, including
scientific advisory committees, provide
independent advice to EPA. Members of
the public can submit relevant
comments pertaining to the group
providing advice, EPA’s charge
questions and EPA review or
background documents. Input from the
public to the SAB will have the most
impact if it consists of comments that
provide specific scientific or technical
information or analysis for the SAB
panel to consider or if it relates to the
clarity or accuracy of the technical
information. Members of the public
wishing to provide comment should
contact the DFO for the relevant
advisory committee directly. Oral
Statements: In general, individuals or
groups requesting an oral presentation
at a public meeting will be limited to
five minutes. To be placed on the public
speaker list for the July 10–11, 2012
meeting, interested parties should notify
Dr. Angela Nugent, DFO, by email no
later than July 3, 2012. Written
Statements: Written statements for the
July 10–11, 2012 meeting should be
received in the SAB Staff Office by
July 3, 2012, so that the information
may be made available to the SAB and
BOSC for their consideration prior to
this meeting. Written statements should
be supplied to the DFO in the following
formats: one hard copy with original
signature and one electronic copy via
email (acceptable file format: Adobe
Acrobat PDF, MS Word, WordPerfect,
MS PowerPoint, or Rich Text files in
IBM–PC/Windows 98/2000/XP format).
Submitters are asked to provide
electronic versions of each document
submitted with and without signatures,
because the SAB Staff Office does not
publish documents with signatures on
its Web sites.
Accessibility: For information on
access or services for individuals with
disabilities, please contact Dr. Nugent at
the phone number or email address
noted above, preferably at least ten days
prior to the meeting, to give EPA as
much time as possible to process your
Dated: June 11, 2012.
Thomas H. Brennan,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board
Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 2012–14821 Filed 6–15–12; 8:45 am]
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[EPA–R04–OW–2011–0937; FRL–9688–2]
Public Water System Supervision
Program Revision for the State of
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of tentative approval.
Notice is hereby given that
the State of Alabama is revising its
approved Public Water System
Supervision Program. Alabama has
adopted the following rules: Long Term
1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
Rule, Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface
Water Treatment Rule, and Stage 2
Disinfection/Disinfection Byproducts
Rule. EPA has determined that
Alabama’s rules are no less stringent
than the corresponding federal
regulations. Therefore, EPA is
tentatively approving this revision to
the State of Alabama’s Public Water
System Supervision Program.
DATES: Any interested person may
request a public hearing. A request for
a public hearing must be submitted by
July 18, 2012, to the Regional
Administrator at the EPA Region 4
address shown below. The Regional
Administrator may deny frivolous or
insubstantial requests for a hearing.
However, if a substantial request for a
public hearing is made by July 18, 2012,
a public hearing will be held. If EPA
Region 4 does not receive a timely and
appropriate request for a hearing and
the Regional Administrator does not
elect to hold a hearing on her own
motion, this determination shall become
final and effective on July 18, 2012. Any
request for a public hearing shall
include the following information: The
name, address, and telephone number of
the individual, organization, or other
entity requesting a hearing; a brief
statement of the requesting person’s
interest in the Regional Administrator’s
determination and a brief statement of
the information that the requesting
person intends to submit at such
hearing; and the signature of the
individual making the request, or, if the
request is made on behalf of an
organization or other entity, the
signature of a responsible official of the
organization or other entity.
ADDRESSES: All documents relating to
this determination are available for
inspection between the hours of
8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at the following offices:
Alabama Department of Environmental
Management, Drinking Water Branch,
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 117 (Monday, June 18, 2012)]
[Pages 36273-36274]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-14821]
Notification of a Joint Public Meeting of the Chartered Science
Advisory Board and Chartered Board of Scientific Counselors
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory
Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a joint public meeting of the
Chartered SAB and the EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD)
Chartered Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) to provide advice on
ORD's plans to implement its research program.
DATES: The public meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 from
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, July 11, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the The Renaissance Raleigh
North Hills Hotel, 4100 Main at North Hills Street, Raleigh, NC 27609.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Any member of the public who wishes
further information concerning the meeting may contact Dr. Angela
Nugent, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), EPA Science Advisory Board
(1400R), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20460; via telephone/voice mail (202) 564-2218, fax
(202) 565-2098; or email at
[[Page 36274]]
General information concerning the SAB can be found on the EPA Web site
Background: The SAB was established pursuant to the Environmental
Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act (ERDAA),
codified at 42 U.S.C. 4365, to provide independent scientific and
technical advice to the Administrator on the technical basis for Agency
positions and regulations. The BOSC was established by the EPA to
provide advice, information, and recommendations regarding the ORD
research program. The SAB and BOSC are Federal Advisory Committees
chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C.,
App. 2. Pursuant to FACA and EPA policy, notice is hereby given that
the chartered SAB and chartered BOSC will hold a joint public meeting
to discuss advice on ORD's research programs. The SAB and BOSC will
comply with the provisions of FACA and all appropriate SAB Staff Office
procedural policies.
ORD has restructured its research programs to better understand
environmental problems and inform sustainable solutions to meet EPA's
strategic goals. The restructured research programs comprise six
program areas: Air, Climate, and Energy; Safe and Sustainable Water
Resources; Sustainable and Healthy Communities; Chemical Safety for
Sustainability; Human Health Risk Assessment; and Homeland Security.
ORD requested that the SAB work jointly with the BOSC in 2011 to
provide early advice on ORD strategic research directions. In response,
the SAB and BOSC held a joint public meeting on June 29-30, 2011 (76 FR
32198-32199) and a public teleconference on September 19, 2011 (76 FR
54463) to develop a report, Office of Research and Development (ORD)
New Strategic Research Directions: A Joint Report of the Science
Advisory Board (SAB) and ORD Board of Scientific Councilors (BOSC),
EPA-SAB-12-001. After receiving this advisory report, ORD requested SAB
and BOSC additional advice on ORD's research implementation plans,
efforts to strengthen program integration and efforts to strengthen and
measure innovation. The SAB and BOSC will focus on those topics at the
July 10-11, 2012 meeting.
Availability of Meeting Materials: A meeting agenda and other
materials for the meeting will be placed on the SAB Web site at
Procedures for Providing Public Input: Public comment for
consideration by EPA's federal advisory committees and panels has a
different purpose from public comment provided to EPA program offices.
Therefore, the process for submitting comments to a federal advisory
committee is different from the process used to submit comments to an
EPA program office. Federal advisory committees and panels, including
scientific advisory committees, provide independent advice to EPA.
Members of the public can submit relevant comments pertaining to the
group providing advice, EPA's charge questions and EPA review or
background documents. Input from the public to the SAB will have the
most impact if it consists of comments that provide specific scientific
or technical information or analysis for the SAB panel to consider or
if it relates to the clarity or accuracy of the technical information.
Members of the public wishing to provide comment should contact the DFO
for the relevant advisory committee directly. Oral Statements: In
general, individuals or groups requesting an oral presentation at a
public meeting will be limited to five minutes. To be placed on the
public speaker list for the July 10-11, 2012 meeting, interested
parties should notify Dr. Angela Nugent, DFO, by email no later than
July 3, 2012. Written Statements: Written statements for the July 10-
11, 2012 meeting should be received in the SAB Staff Office by July 3,
2012, so that the information may be made available to the SAB and BOSC
for their consideration prior to this meeting. Written statements
should be supplied to the DFO in the following formats: one hard copy
with original signature and one electronic copy via email (acceptable
file format: Adobe Acrobat PDF, MS Word, WordPerfect, MS PowerPoint, or
Rich Text files in IBM-PC/Windows 98/2000/XP format). Submitters are
asked to provide electronic versions of each document submitted with
and without signatures, because the SAB Staff Office does not publish
documents with signatures on its Web sites.
Accessibility: For information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities, please contact Dr. Nugent at the phone
number or email address noted above, preferably at least ten days prior
to the meeting, to give EPA as much time as possible to process your
Dated: June 11, 2012.
Thomas H. Brennan,
Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 2012-14821 Filed 6-15-12; 8:45 am]