Public Water System Supervision Program Revision for the State of Texas, 35676-35677 [2012-14570]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2012 / Notices
In the case of resources committed to New
Entities Allocated by State referred to in
Schedule D, the following is prescribed:
A. Western is allocating 11.1 percent of the
total Schedule D contingent capacity and
firm energy to the Arizona Power Authority
for allocation to New Allottees in the State
of Arizona, for delivery commencing October
1, 2017, for use in the Boulder City Area
marketing area.
B. Western is allocating 11.1 percent of the
total Schedule D contingent capacity and
firm energy to the Colorado River
Commission of Nevada for allocation to New
Allottees in the State of Nevada, for delivery
commencing October 1, 2017, for use in the
Boulder City Area marketing area.
C. Western shall allocate 11.1 percent of
the total Schedule D contingent capacity and
firm energy to New Allottees within the State
of California, for delivery commencing
October 1, 2017, for use in the Boulder City
Area marketing area.
Section E. General Marketing Criteria.
Western is establishing the following general
marketing criteria to be used in the allocation
of Schedule D contingent capacity and firm
A. General Eligibility Criteria
Western will apply the following general
eligibility criteria to applicants seeking a
power allocation:
(1) All qualified applicants must be eligible
to enter into contracts under Section 5 of the
Boulder Canyon Project Act (43 U.S.C. 617d)
or be Federally recognized Indian tribes.
(2) All qualified applicants must be located
within the established Boulder City Area
marketing area.
B. General Allocation Criteria
Western will apply the following general
allocation criteria to applicants seeking an
allocation of the 11.1 percent of Schedule D
contingent capacity and firm energy to New
Entities Allocated by State and the remaining
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66.7 percent of Schedule D contingent
capacity and firm energy:
(1) In the case of Arizona and Nevada,
Schedule D contingent capacity and firm
energy for New Allottees other than federally
recognized Indian tribes shall be offered
through the Arizona Power Authority and the
Colorado River Commission of Nevada,
respectively. Schedule D contingent capacity
and firm energy allocated to federally
recognized Indian tribes shall be contracted
for directly with Western.
(2) Western shall prescribe additional
marketing criteria developed pursuant to a
public process.
Section F. Contract Offer Schedule. In the
event that contract offers for Schedule A,
Schedule B, or Schedule D are not accepted
by existing contractors or new allottees, the
following shall determine the distribution of
the associated contingent capacity and firm
A. Schedule A and Schedule B
If any existing contractor fails to accept an
offered contract, Western shall offer the
contingent capacity and firm energy thus
available first to other entities in the same
State listed in Schedule A and Schedule B,
second to other entities listed in Schedule A
and Schedule B, third to other entities in the
same State that receive contingent capacity
and firm energy under Schedule D, and last
to other entities that receive contingent
capacity and firm energy under Schedule D.
B. Schedule D—66.7 Percent Allocated by
Any of the 66.7 percent of Schedule D
contingent capacity and firm energy that is to
be allocated by Western that is not allocated
and placed under contract by October 1,
2017, shall be returned to those contractors
shown in Schedule A and Schedule B in the
same proportion as those contracts’
allocations of Schedule A and Schedule B
contingent capacity and firm energy.
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C. Schedule D—33.3 Percent Allocated by
Any of the 33.3 percent of Schedule D
contingent capacity and firm energy that is to
be distributed within the States of Arizona,
Nevada, and California that is not allocated
and placed under contract by October 1,
2017, shall be returned to the Schedule A
and Schedule B contractors within the State
in which the Schedule D contingent capacity
and firm energy were to be distributed, in the
same proportion as those contractors’
allocations of Schedule A and Schedule B
contingent capacity and firm energy.
Parts VII through VIII remain
Dated: June 7, 2012.
Anthony H. Montoya,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2012–14572 Filed 6–13–12; 8:45 am]
Public Water System Supervision
Program Revision for the State of
United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of tentative approval.
Notice is hereby given that
the State of Texas is revising its
approved Public Water System
Supervision Program. Texas has
adopted the Lead and Copper Rule
(LCR) Short-Term Revisions. EPA has
determined that the proposed LCR
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2012 / Notices
Short-Term Revision submitted by
Texas is no less stringent than the
corresponding federal regulation.
Therefore, EPA intends to approve the
program revision.
All interested parties may
request a public hearing. A request for
a public hearing must be submitted by
July 16, 2012 to the Regional
Administrator at the EPA Region 6
address shown below. Frivolous or
insubstantial requests for a hearing may
be denied by the Regional
Administrator. However, if a substantial
request for a public hearing is made by
July 16, 2012, a public hearing will be
held. If no timely and appropriate
request for a hearing is received and the
Regional Administrator does not elect to
hold a hearing on his own motion, this
determination shall become final and
effective on July 16, 2012. Any request
for a public hearing shall include the
following information: The name,
address, and telephone number of the
individual, organization, or other entity
requesting a hearing; a brief statement of
the requesting person’s interest in the
Regional Administrator’s determination
and a brief statement of the information
that the requesting person intends to
submit at such hearing; and the
signature of the individual making the
request, or, if the request is made on
behalf of an organization or other entity,
the signature of a responsible official of
the organization or other entity.
All documents relating to
this determination are available for
inspection between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at the following offices:
Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality, Water Supply Division, Public
Drinking Water Section (MC–155),
Building F, 12100 Park 35 Circle,
Austin, TX 78753; and United States
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 6, Drinking Water Section
(6WQ–SD), 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite
1200, Dallas, Texas 75202.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Damon McElroy, EPA Region 6,
Drinking Water Section at the Dallas
address given above or at telephone
(214) 665–7159, or by email at
Authority: Section 1413 of the Safe
Drinking Water Act, as amended (1996), and
40 CFR part 142 of the National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations.
Dated: June 7, 2012.
Samuel Coleman,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 6.
[FR Doc. 2012–14570 Filed 6–13–12; 8:45 am]
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[EPA–HQ–OAR–2011–0894; FRL–9681–1]
Regulation of Fuel and Fuel Additives;
Modification to Octamix Waiver
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
The Environmental Protection
Agency has reconsidered a portion of a
fuel waiver granted to the Texas
Methanol Corporation (Texas Methanol)
under the Clean Air Act on February 8,
1988. This waiver was previously
reconsidered and modified on October
28, 1988 in a Federal Register
publication titled ‘‘Fuel and Fuel
Additives; Modification of a Fuel
Waiver Granted to the Texas Methanol
Corporation.’’ Today’s notice approves
the use of an alternative corrosion
inhibitor, TOLAD MFA–10A, in Texas
Methanol’s gasoline-alcohol fuel,
EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
Number EPA–HQ–OAR–2011–0894. All
documents and public comments in the
docket are listed on the https:// Web site.
Publically available docket materials are
available either electronically through or in hard
copy at the Air Docket, EPA
Headquarters Library, Mail Code:
2822T, EPA West Building, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,
DC. The Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding holidays. The
Public Reading Room is open from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding holidays. The
telephone number for the Public
Reading Room is (202) 566–1742, and
the facsimile number for the Air Docket
is (202) 566–9744.
information regarding this notice
contact, Joseph R. Sopata, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Air and Radiation, Office of
Transportation and Air Quality, (202)
343–9034, fax number, (202) 343–2800,
email address:
I. Background
Section 211(f)(1) of the Clean Air Act
(CAA or the Act) makes it unlawful for
any manufacturer of any fuel or fuel
additive to first introduce into
commerce, or to increase the
concentration in use of, any fuel or fuel
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additive for use by any person in motor
vehicles manufactured after model year
1974, which is not substantially similar
to any fuel or fuel additive utilized in
the certification of any model year 1975,
or subsequent model year, vehicle or
engine under section 206 of the Act. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA
or the Agency) last issued an
interpretive rule on the phrase
‘‘substantially similar’’ at 73 FR 22281
(April 25, 2008). Generally speaking,
this interpretive rule describes the types
of unleaded gasoline that are likely to be
considered ‘‘substantially similar’’ to
the unleaded gasoline utilized in EPA’s
certification program by placing limits
on a gasoline’s chemical composition as
well as its physical properties,
including the amount of alcohols and
ethers (oxygenates) that may be added to
gasoline. Fuels that are found to be
‘‘substantially similar’’ to EPA’s
certification fuels may be registered and
introduced into commerce. The current
‘‘substantially similar’’ interpretive rule
for unleaded gasoline allows no more
than 2.7 percent oxygen by weight for
certain ethers and alcohols.
Section 211(f)(4) of the Act provides
that upon application of any fuel or fuel
additive manufacturer, the
Administrator may waive the
prohibitions of section 211(f)(1) if the
Administrator determines that the
applicant has established that the fuel or
fuel additive, or a specified
concentration thereof, will not cause or
contribute to a failure of any emission
control device or system (over the useful
life of the motor vehicle, motor vehicle
engine, nonroad engine or nonroad
vehicle in which such device or system
is used) to achieve compliance by the
vehicle or engine with the emission
standards to which it has been certified
pursuant to sections 206 and 213(a) of
the Act. The statute requires that the
Administrator shall take final action to
grant or deny an application after public
notice and comment, within 270 days of
receipt of the application.
The Texas Methanol Corporation
received a waiver under CAA section
211(f)(4) for a gasoline-alcohol fuel
blend, known as OCTAMIX,1 provided
that the resultant fuel is composed of a
maximum of 3.7 percent by weight
oxygen, a maximum of 5 percent by
volume methanol, a minimum of 2.5
percent by volume co-solvents 2 and
1 OCTAMIX waiver decision, 53 FR 3636
(February 8, 1988).
2 The co-solvents are any one or a mixture of
ethanol, propanols, butanols, pentanols, hexanols,
heptanols and octanols with the following
constraints: the ethanol, propanols and butanols or
mixtures thereof must compose a minimum of 60
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 115 (Thursday, June 14, 2012)]
[Pages 35676-35677]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-14570]
Public Water System Supervision Program Revision for the State of
AGENCY: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of tentative approval.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the State of Texas is revising its
approved Public Water System Supervision Program. Texas has adopted the
Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) Short-Term Revisions. EPA has determined
that the proposed LCR
[[Page 35677]]
Short-Term Revision submitted by Texas is no less stringent than the
corresponding federal regulation. Therefore, EPA intends to approve the
program revision.
DATES: All interested parties may request a public hearing. A request
for a public hearing must be submitted by July 16, 2012 to the Regional
Administrator at the EPA Region 6 address shown below. Frivolous or
insubstantial requests for a hearing may be denied by the Regional
Administrator. However, if a substantial request for a public hearing
is made by July 16, 2012, a public hearing will be held. If no timely
and appropriate request for a hearing is received and the Regional
Administrator does not elect to hold a hearing on his own motion, this
determination shall become final and effective on July 16, 2012. Any
request for a public hearing shall include the following information:
The name, address, and telephone number of the individual,
organization, or other entity requesting a hearing; a brief statement
of the requesting person's interest in the Regional Administrator's
determination and a brief statement of the information that the
requesting person intends to submit at such hearing; and the signature
of the individual making the request, or, if the request is made on
behalf of an organization or other entity, the signature of a
responsible official of the organization or other entity.
ADDRESSES: All documents relating to this determination are available
for inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at the following offices: Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality, Water Supply Division, Public Drinking Water
Section (MC-155), Building F, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin, TX 78753;
and United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Drinking
Water Section (6WQ-SD), 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200, Dallas, Texas
Water Section at the Dallas address given above or at telephone (214)
665-7159, or by email at
Authority: Section 1413 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as
amended (1996), and 40 CFR part 142 of the National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations.
Dated: June 7, 2012.
Samuel Coleman,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 6.
[FR Doc. 2012-14570 Filed 6-13-12; 8:45 am]