Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request, 31854-31855 [2012-12944]

Download as PDF 31854 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 30, 2012 / Notices SOC office suite is through a card-coded main door. Access to the file cabinets is restricted to authorized SOC supervisors, staff, and contractors, whose duties and responsibilities require use of the information. The electronic records, files, and data are stored in the FCC computer network databases that are secured by limited access card readers. The computer servers themselves are passwordprotected. Access to the electronic files is restricted to authorized SOC supervisors, staff, and contractors, and to the Information Technology Center (ITC) staff and contractors, who maintain the FCC’s computer network. Other FCC employees and contactors may be granted access on a ‘‘need-toknow’’ basis. The FCC’s computer network databases are protected by the FCC’s security protocols, which include controlled access, passwords, and other security features. A PRIVACY WARNING NOTICE appears on the monitor screen when records containing information on individuals are first displayed. Information resident on the SOC database servers is backed-up routinely onto magnetic media. Back-up tapes are stored on-site and at a secured, off-site location. srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES RETENTION AND DISPOSAL: Records in the FCC Visitors Database are retained in accordance with General Records Schedule (GRS) 18, Item 17 approved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The records disposal is done in accordance with the Commission’s disposal policies. Unless retained for specific, on-going security investigations, records of facility access are maintained for one year and then destroyed. All other records relating to individuals are retained and disposed of in accordance with GRS 18, item 22a, approved by NARA. The records are disposed of in accordance with SOC disposal policies, as follows: 1. All returned day contractor cards will be reused on a daily basis. 2. Transaction data for all FCC Visitors Database cards will be stored using a secure medium and retained for one year in the SOC, which is locked and secured with an alarm system. In accordance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD– 12), Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Cards are deactivated within eighteen (18) hours of notification of cardholder separation, loss of card, or expiration. The information on PIV Cards is maintained in accordance with GRS 11, Item 4. PIV Cards are destroyed by burning in an approved Federal burnfacility. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:58 May 29, 2012 Jkt 226001 SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS: NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: Security Operations Center (SOC), Office of Managing Director (OMD), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: Security Operations Center (SOC), Office of Managing Director (OMD), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: Security Operations Center (SOC), Office of Managing Director (OMD), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: The sources for information in this system are the visitors themselves and/ or their agency or organizational sponsor(s) who have been invited to or have requested admittance to the FCC headquarters buildings and other FCC facilities for the visitors. EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Office of Managing Director. [FR Doc. 2012–12949 Filed 5–29–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). ACTION: Notice and request for comment. AGENCY: The FDIC, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on renewal of an existing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). Currently, the FDIC is soliciting comments on renewal of the information collection described below. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Comments must be submitted on or before July 30, 2012. ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to the FDIC by any of the following methods: • laws/federal/notices.html. • Email: Include the name of the collection in the subject line of the message. • Mail: Leneta G. Gregorie (202–898– 3719), Counsel, Room NYA–5050, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20429. • Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard station at the rear of the 17th Street Building (located on F Street), on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All comments should refer to the relevant OMB control number. A copy of the comments may also be submitted to the OMB desk officer for the FDIC: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leneta G. Gregorie, at the FDIC address above. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposal to renew the following currently approved collection of information: Title: Certification of Compliance with Mandatory Bars to Employment. OMB Number: 3064–0121. Form Number: FDIC 7300/06. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Affected Public: Business or other financial institutions. Estimated Number of Respondents: 600. Estimated Time per Response: 10 minutes. Total Annual Burden: 100 hours. General Description of Collection: Prior to an offer of employment, job applicants to the FDIC must sign a certification that they have not been convicted of a felony or been in other circumstances that prohibit person from becoming employed by or providing services to the FDIC. DATES: Security Operations Center (SOC), Office of Managing Director (OMD), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554. Request for Comment Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC’s functions, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be E:\FR\FM\30MYN1.SGM 30MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 30, 2012 / Notices collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All comments will become a matter of public record. Dated at Washington, DC, this 23rd day of May 2012. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Robert E. Feldman, Executive Secretary. [FR Doc. 2012–12944 Filed 5–29–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6714–01–P FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES The notificants listed below have applied under the Change in Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and § 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or bank holding company. The factors that are considered in acting on the notices are set forth in paragraph 7 of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)). The notices are available for immediate inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank indicated. The notices also will be available for inspection at the offices of the Board of Governors. Interested persons may express their views in writing to the Reserve Bank indicated for that notice or to the offices of the Board of Governors. Comments must be received not later than June 13, 2012. A. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (Dennis Denney, Assistant Vice President) 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, Missouri 64198–0001: 1. The Schmidt Family Partnership, L.P., Spiro, Oklahoma; and Deborah Schmidt Barrett and Jason Tyler Barrett, both of Fort Smith, Arkansas; to remain members of the Schmidt Family Group acting in concert and to retain control of Spiro Bancshares, Inc., and thereby indirectly retain control of Spiro State Bank, both in Spiro, Oklahoma. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, May 24, 2012. Robert deV. Frierson, Deputy Secretary of the Board. [FR Doc. 2012–13014 Filed 5–29–12; 8:45 am] FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies The companies listed in this notice have applied to the Board for approval, pursuant to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.) (BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part 225), and all other applicable statutes and regulations to become a bank holding company and/or to acquire the assets or the ownership of, control of, or the power to vote shares of a bank or bank holding company and all of the banks and nonbanking companies owned by the bank holding company, including the companies listed below. The applications listed below, as well as other related filings required by the Board, are available for immediate inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank indicated. The applications will also be available for inspection at the offices of the Board of Governors. Interested persons may express their views in writing on the standards enumerated in the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the proposal also involves the acquisition of a nonbanking company, the review also includes whether the acquisition of the nonbanking company complies with the standards in section 4 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise noted, nonbanking activities will be conducted throughout the United States. Unless otherwise noted, comments regarding each of these applications must be received at the Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of the Board of Governors not later than June 22, 2012. A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Glenda Wilson, Community Affairs Officer) P.O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166–2034: 1. First State Bancorp, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Caruthersville, Missouri; to become a bank holding company by acquiring up to 40 percent of the voting shares of First State Bancorp, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire voting shares of First State Bank and Trust Company, both in Caruthersville, Missouri. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, May 24, 2012. Robert deV. Frierson, Deputy Secretary of the Board. [FR Doc. 2012–13013 Filed 5–29–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6210–01–P BILLING CODE 6210–01–P VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:58 May 29, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 31855 FINANCIAL STABILITY OVERSIGHT COUNCIL Hearing Procedures; Notice of Availability; Request for Comments Financial Stability Oversight Council. ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments. AGENCY: The Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) announces the availability of its hearing procedures (Council Hearing Procedures) for hearings conducted by the Council under Title I and Title VIII of the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). The Council invites comments to be submitted on the Council Hearing Procedures. SUMMARY: Effective date: May 22, 2012; Submit comments on or before: July 30, 2012. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on all aspects of the Council Hearing Procedures. You may submit comments, identified by docket number FSOC– 2012–0002, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons must submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely receipt, and enables the Council to make them available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Public Inspection of Comments. Properly submitted comments will be available for inspection and downloading at https://www.regulations. gov. Additional Instructions. In general, comments received, including attachments and other supporting materials, are part of the public record and are immediately available to the public. Do not include any information in your comment or supporting materials that you consider confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David L. Portilla, Senior Policy Advisor, Financial Stability Oversight Council, at (202) 622–1965; Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Financial Stability Oversight Council, at (202) DATES: E:\FR\FM\30MYN1.SGM 30MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 104 (Wednesday, May 30, 2012)]
[Pages 31854-31855]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12944]



Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection 
Renewal; Comment Request

AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

ACTION: Notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: The FDIC, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork 
and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal 
agencies to take this opportunity to comment on renewal of an existing 
information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). Currently, the FDIC is soliciting comments 
on renewal of the information collection described below.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before July 30, 2012.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to 
the FDIC by any of the following methods:
     Email: Include the name of the 
collection in the subject line of the message.
     Mail: Leneta G. Gregorie (202-898-3719), Counsel, Room 
NYA-5050, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW., 
Washington, DC 20429.
     Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard 
station at the rear of the 17th Street Building (located on F Street), 
on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    All comments should refer to the relevant OMB control number. A 
copy of the comments may also be submitted to the OMB desk officer for 
the FDIC: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 

address above.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposal to renew the following currently 
approved collection of information:
    Title: Certification of Compliance with Mandatory Bars to 
    OMB Number: 3064-0121.
    Form Number: FDIC 7300/06.
    Frequency of Response: On occasion.
    Affected Public: Business or other financial institutions.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 600.
    Estimated Time per Response: 10 minutes.
    Total Annual Burden: 100 hours.
    General Description of Collection: Prior to an offer of employment, 
job applicants to the FDIC must sign a certification that they have not 
been convicted of a felony or been in other circumstances that prohibit 
person from becoming employed by or providing services to the FDIC.

Request for Comment

    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC's functions, 
including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the 
accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, 
including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) 
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 

[[Page 31855]]

collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information 
collection on respondents, including through the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All 
comments will become a matter of public record.

    Dated at Washington, DC, this 23rd day of May 2012.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012-12944 Filed 5-29-12; 8:45 am]
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