Medicare Program; Approved Renewal of Deeming Authority of the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission for Medicare Advantage Health Maintenance Organizations and Local Preferred Provider Organizations, 31364-31366 [2012-12812]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 102 / Friday, May 25, 2012 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
March 30, 2012. Under section
1865(a)(2) of the Act and our regulations
at § 488.8 (Federal review of accrediting
organizations), our review and
evaluation of CHAP will be conducted
in accordance with, but not necessarily
limited to, the following factors:
• The equivalency of CHAP’s
standards for a hospice as compared
with CMS’ hospice conditions of
• CHAP’s survey process to
determine the following:
+ The composition of the survey
team, surveyor qualifications, and the
ability of the organization to provide
continuing surveyor training.
+ The comparability of CHAP’s
processes to those of State agencies,
including survey frequency, and the
ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited facilities.
• CHAP’s processes and procedures
for monitoring a hospice found out of
compliance with CHAP’s program
requirements. These monitoring
procedures are used only when CHAP
identifies noncompliance. If
noncompliance is identified through
validation reviews or complaint
surveys, the State survey agency
monitors corrections as specified at
§ 488.7(d).
• CHAP’s capacity to report
deficiencies to the surveyed facilities
and respond to the facility’s plan of
correction in a timely manner.
• CHAP’s capacity to provide CMS
with electronic data and reports
necessary for effective validation and
assessment of the organization’s survey
• The adequacy of CHAP’s staff and
other resources, and its financial
• CHAP’s capacity to adequately fund
required surveys.
• CHAP’s policies with respect to
whether surveys are announced or
unannounced, to assure that surveys are
• CHAP’s agreement to provide CMS
with a copy of the most current
accreditation survey, together with any
other information related to the survey
as we may require (including corrective
action plans).
IV. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 35).
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V. Response to Public Comments
Because of the large number of public
comments we normally receive on
Federal Register documents, we are not
able to acknowledge or respond to them
individually. We will consider all
comments we receive by the date and
time specified in the DATES section of
this preamble, and, when we proceed
with a subsequent document, we will
respond to the comments in the
preamble to that document.
Upon completion of our evaluation,
including evaluation of comments
received as a result of this notice, we
will publish a final notice in the Federal
Register announcing the result of our
V. Regulatory Impact Statement
In accordance with the provisions of
Executive Order 12866, this proposed
notice was not reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance
Program; No. 93.773 Medicare—Hospital
Insurance Program; and No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplementary Medical
Insurance Program)
Dated: May 21, 2012.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2012–12816 Filed 5–24–12; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; Approved Renewal
of Deeming Authority of the Utilization
Review Accreditation Commission for
Medicare Advantage Health
Maintenance Organizations and Local
Preferred Provider Organizations
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Final notice.
This notice announces our
decision to renew the Medicare
Advantage ‘‘deeming authority’’ of the
Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) for Health
Maintenance Organizations and
Preferred Provider Organizations for a
term of 6 years. This new term of
approval would begin May 26, 2012,
and end May 25, 2018.
DATES: This final notice is effective May
26, 2012 through May 25, 2018.
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Caroline Baker, (410) 786–0116; or
Edgar Gallardo, (410) 786–0361.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive covered
services through a Medicare Advantage
(MA) organization that contracts with
CMS. The regulations specifying the
Medicare requirements that must be met
for a Medicare Advantage Organization
(MAO) to enter into a contract with
CMS are located at 42 CFR part 422.
These regulations implement Part C of
Title XVIII of the Social Security Act
(the Act), which specifies the services
that an MAO must provide and the
requirements that the organization must
meet to be an MA contractor. Other
relevant sections of the Act are Parts A
and B of Title XVIII and Part A of Title
XI pertaining to the provision of
services by Medicare-certified providers
and suppliers. Generally, for an entity to
be an MA organization, the organization
must be licensed by the State as a
riskbearing organization as set forth in
part 422.
As a method of assuring compliance
with certain Medicare requirements, an
MA organization may choose to become
accredited by a CMS-approved
accrediting organization (AO). Once
accredited by such a CMS-approved AO,
we deem the MA organization to be
compliant in one or more of six
requirements set forth in section
1852(e)(4)(B) of the Act. For an AO to
be able to ‘‘deem’’ an MA plan as
compliant with these MA requirements,
the AO must prove to CMS that its
standards are at least as stringent as
Medicare requirements. Health
maintenance organizations (HMOs) or
preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
accredited by an approved AO may
receive, at their request, ‘‘deemed’’
status for CMS requirements with
respect to the following six MA criteria:
Quality Improvement;
Antidiscrimination; Access to Services;
Confidentiality and Accuracy of
Enrollee Records; Information on
Advanced Directives; and Provider
Participation Rules. (See 42 CFR
422.156(b)). At this time, recognition of
accreditation does not include the Part
D areas of review set out at § 423.165(b).
AOs that apply for MA deeming
authority are generally recognized by
the health care industry as entities that
accredit HMOs and PPOs. As we specify
at § 422.157(b)(2)(ii), the term for which
an AO may be approved by CMS may
not exceed 6 years. For continuing
approval, the AO must apply to CMS to
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 102 / Friday, May 25, 2012 / Notices
renew its ‘‘deeming authority’’ for a
subsequent approval period.
The Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) was approved as a
CMS approved accreditation
organization for MA deeming of HMOs
on May 26, 2006, and that term will
expire on May 26, 2012. On December
9, 2011, URAC submitted an application
to renew its deeming authority. On that
same date, URAC submitted materials
requested from CMS which included
updates and/or changes to items set out
in Federal regulations at § 422.158(a)
that are prerequisites for receiving
approval of its accreditation program
from CMS, and which were furnished to
CMS by URAC as a part of their renewal
applications for HMOs and PPOs.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
II. Deeming Applications Approval
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act
provides a statutory timetable to ensure
that our review of deeming applications
is conducted in a timely manner. The
Act provides us with 210 calendar days
after the date of receipt of an application
to complete our survey activities and
application review process. Within 60
days of receiving a completed
application, we must publish a notice in
the Federal Register that identifies the
national accreditation body making the
request, describes the request, and
provides no less than a 30-day public
comment period. At the end of the 210day period, we must publish an
approval or denial of the application.
III. Proposed Notice
In the March 30, 2012, Federal
Register (77 FR 19288), we published a
proposed notice announcing URAC’s
request for continued CMS approval of
its deeming authority for MA HMOs and
PPOs. In the proposed notice, we
detailed our evaluation criteria. Under
section 1852(e)(4) of the Act and our
regulations at § 422.158 (Federal review
of accrediting organizations), we
conducted a review of URAC’s
application in accordance with the
criteria specified by our regulations,
which include, but are not limited to the
• The types of MA plans that it would
review as part of its accreditation
• A detailed comparison of the
organization’s accreditation
requirements and standards with the
Medicare requirements (for example, a
• Detailed information about the
organization’s survey process, including
the following—
++ Frequency of surveys and whether
surveys are announced or unannounced.
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++ Copies of survey forms, and
guidelines and instructions to
++ Descriptions of—
—The survey review process and the
accreditation status decision making
—The procedures used to notify
accredited MA organizations of
deficiencies and to monitor the
correction of those deficiencies; and
—The procedures used to enforce
compliance with accreditation
• Detailed information about the
individuals who perform surveys for the
accreditation organization, including
the following—
++ The size and composition of
accreditation survey teams for each type
of plan reviewed as part of the
accreditation process;
++ The education and experience
requirements surveyors must meet;
++ The content and frequency of the
in-service training provided to survey
++ The evaluation systems used to
monitor the performance of individual
surveyors and survey teams; and
++ The organization’s policies and
practice with respect to the
participation, in surveys or in the
accreditation decision process by an
individual who is professionally or
financially affiliated with the entity
being surveyed.
• A description of the organization’s
data management and analysis system
with respect to its surveys and
accreditation decisions, including the
kinds of reports, tables, and other
displays generated by that system.
• A description of the organization’s
procedures for responding to and
investigating complaints against
accredited organizations, including
policies and procedures regarding
coordination of these activities with
appropriate licensing bodies and
ombudsmen programs.
• A description of the organization’s
policies and procedures with respect to
the withholding or removal of
accreditation for failure to meet the
accreditation organization’s standards or
requirements, and other actions the
organization takes in response to
noncompliance with its standards and
• A description of all types (for
example, full, partial) and categories (for
example, provisional, conditional,
temporary) of accreditation offered by
the organization, the duration of each
type and category of accreditation and a
statement identifying the types and
categories that would serve as a basis for
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accreditation if CMS approves the
accreditation organization.
• A list of all currently accredited MA
organizations and the type, category,
and expiration date of the accreditation
held by each of them.
• A list of all full and partial
accreditation surveys scheduled to be
performed by the accreditation
organization as requested by CMS.
• The name and address of each
person with an ownership or control
interest in the accreditation
• CMS also considers URAC’s past
performance in the deeming program
and results of recent deeming validation
reviews, or look-behind audits
conducted as part of continuing Federal
oversight of the deeming program under
§ 422.157(d).
In accordance with section
1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the March 30,
2012 proposed notice (77 FR 19288) also
solicited public comments regarding
whether URAC’s requirements met or
exceeded the Medicare conditions of
participation as an accrediting
organization for MA HMOs and PPOs.
We received no public comments in
response to our proposed notice.
IV. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between URAC’s
Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare’s
Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared the standards and
survey process contained in URAC’s
application with the Medicare
conditions for accreditation. Our review
and evaluation of URAC’s application
for continued CMS-approval were
conducted as described in section III of
this final notice, and yielded the
• URAC amended its crosswalk to
ensure current URAC standards are
clearly crosswalked to the following
regulatory requirements: §§ 422.128;
422.206(b)(2); 422.112(a)(1);
422.112(a)(2); 422.112(a)(8);
422.112(b)(3); 422.112(b)(4)(iii);
422.112(b)(5); 422.118; 422.152;
422.202(b); and 422.202(c).
• To meet the amendments made at
§ 422.156 by the final rule published in
the April 15, 2011 Federal Register (76
CFR 21432), URAC removed Quality
Improvement Projects and Chronic Care
Improvement Programs from its
deeming process.
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations
described in section III of this final
notice, we have determined that URAC’s
accreditation program requirements
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 102 / Friday, May 25, 2012 / Notices
meet or exceed our requirements.
Therefore, we approve URAC as a
national accreditation organization with
deeming authority for MA HMOs and
PPOs, effective May 26, 2012 through
May 25, 2018.
V. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 35).
Authority: Section 1865 of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395bb).
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance
Program; No. 93.773 Medicare—Hospital
Insurance Program; and No. 93.774,
Medicare—Supplemental Medical Insurance
Dated: May 21, 2012.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; Semi-Annual
Meeting of the Advisory Panel on
Hospital Outpatient Payment (HOP
Panel)—August 27, 28, and 29, 2012
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces the
second semi-annual meeting of the
Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient
Payment (HOP, the Panel), (the
Ambulatory Payment Classification
(APC) Panel) for 2012. The purpose of
the Panel is to advise the Secretary of
the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) (the Secretary) and the
Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
(the Administrator) on the clinical
integrity of the APC groups and their
associated weights, and hospital
outpatient therapeutic supervision
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Meeting Date: The second semiannual meeting in 2012 is scheduled for
the following dates and times. Note: The
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Deadline for Presentations and
Comments—5 p.m. EDT, Friday, July 27,
2012. (See below for submission
instructions for both hardcopy and
electronic submissions.)
Deadline for Meeting Registration—5
p.m. EDT, Friday, August 17, 2012.
(Note: Those who do not preregister may
not be able to attend the meeting since
seating space is limited).
Deadline for Requests for Special
Accommodations—5 p.m. EDT, Friday,
August 17, 2012.
Submission Instructions for
Presentations and Comments
Because of staffing and resource
limitations, we cannot accept written
comments and or presentations by FAX,
nor can we print written comments and
presentations received by email for
dissemination at the meeting.
[FR Doc. 2012–12812 Filed 5–24–12; 8:45 am]
times listed in this notice are Eastern
Daylight Time (EDT) and are
approximate times; consequently, the
meetings may last longer than listed in
this notice, but will not begin before the
posted times:
• Monday, August 27, 2012, 1 p.m. to
5 p.m. EDT.
• Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. EDT.
• Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. EDT.
Presentations must be based on the
scope of the Panel designated in the
Charter. Any presentations outside of
the scope of this Panel will be returned
and/or amendments requested.
Unrelated topics include, but are not
limited to, the conversion factor, charge
compression, revisions to the cost
report, pass-through payments, correct
coding, new technology applications
(including supporting information/
documentation), provider payment
adjustments, supervision of hospital
outpatient diagnostic services and the
types of practitioners that are permitted
to supervise hospital outpatient
services. The Panel may not recommend
that services be designated as
nonsurgical extended duration
therapeutic services.
All presentations will be considered
public information and may be posted
on the CMS web site and will be shared
with the public. Presenters should not
send pictures of patients in any of the
documents (unless their faces have been
blocked out) or include any examples
with patient identifiable information.
In order to consider presentation and/
or comment requests, we will need to
receive the following information:
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1. A hardcopy of your presentation;
only hardcopy comments and
presentations can be reproduced for
public dissemination. We note that all
presentations are limited to 5 minutes
per individual or organization.
2. An email copy of your
presentations sent to the Designated
Federal Official’s (DFO) mailbox,
3. Form CMS–20017 with complete
contact information that includes name,
address, phone, and email addresses for
all presenters and a contact that can
answer any questions and or provide
revisions that are requested for the
Æ Presenters must clearly explain the
action(s) that they are requesting CMS to
take in the appropriate section of the
form. A presenter’s relationship to the
organization that they represent must
also be clearly listed.
Æ The form is now available through
the CMS Forms Web site. The Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) for linking to
this form is as follows: https://www.cms.
Meeting Location: The
meeting will be held in the Auditorium,
CMS Central Office, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Woodlawn, Maryland
inquiries about the Panel, contact the
DFO: Raymond Bulls, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Mail Stop C4–03–12,
Woodlawn, MD 21244–1850. Phone:
(410) 786–7267.
Mail hardcopies and email copies to
the following addresses: Raymond
HOPS Panel, 7500 Security Blvd.,
Woodlawn, MD 21244–1850, Mail Stop
Note: We recommend that you advise
couriers of the following information: When
delivering hardcopies of presentations to
CMS, if no one answers at the above phone
number, call (410) 786–4532 or (410) 786–
News Media: Representatives must
contact our Public Affairs Office at (202)
Advisory Committees’ Information
Lines: The phone numbers for the CMS
Federal Advisory Committee Hotline are
1–877–449–5659 (toll free) and (410)
786–9379 (local).
Web Sites: For additional information
on the Panel and updates to the Panel’s
activities, we refer readers to view our
Web site at the following: https://
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 102 (Friday, May 25, 2012)]
[Pages 31364-31366]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12812]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare Program; Approved Renewal of Deeming Authority of the
Utilization Review Accreditation Commission for Medicare Advantage
Health Maintenance Organizations and Local Preferred Provider
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces our decision to renew the Medicare
Advantage ``deeming authority'' of the Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) for Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred
Provider Organizations for a term of 6 years. This new term of approval
would begin May 26, 2012, and end May 25, 2018.
DATES: This final notice is effective May 26, 2012 through May 25,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Caroline Baker, (410) 786-0116; or
Edgar Gallardo, (410) 786-0361.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible beneficiaries may receive
covered services through a Medicare Advantage (MA) organization that
contracts with CMS. The regulations specifying the Medicare
requirements that must be met for a Medicare Advantage Organization
(MAO) to enter into a contract with CMS are located at 42 CFR part 422.
These regulations implement Part C of Title XVIII of the Social
Security Act (the Act), which specifies the services that an MAO must
provide and the requirements that the organization must meet to be an
MA contractor. Other relevant sections of the Act are Parts A and B of
Title XVIII and Part A of Title XI pertaining to the provision of
services by Medicare-certified providers and suppliers. Generally, for
an entity to be an MA organization, the organization must be licensed
by the State as a riskbearing organization as set forth in part 422.
As a method of assuring compliance with certain Medicare
requirements, an MA organization may choose to become accredited by a
CMS-approved accrediting organization (AO). Once accredited by such a
CMS-approved AO, we deem the MA organization to be compliant in one or
more of six requirements set forth in section 1852(e)(4)(B) of the Act.
For an AO to be able to ``deem'' an MA plan as compliant with these MA
requirements, the AO must prove to CMS that its standards are at least
as stringent as Medicare requirements. Health maintenance organizations
(HMOs) or preferred provider organizations (PPOs) accredited by an
approved AO may receive, at their request, ``deemed'' status for CMS
requirements with respect to the following six MA criteria: Quality
Improvement; Antidiscrimination; Access to Services; Confidentiality
and Accuracy of Enrollee Records; Information on Advanced Directives;
and Provider Participation Rules. (See 42 CFR 422.156(b)). At this
time, recognition of accreditation does not include the Part D areas of
review set out at Sec. 423.165(b). AOs that apply for MA deeming
authority are generally recognized by the health care industry as
entities that accredit HMOs and PPOs. As we specify at Sec.
422.157(b)(2)(ii), the term for which an AO may be approved by CMS may
not exceed 6 years. For continuing approval, the AO must apply to CMS
[[Page 31365]]
renew its ``deeming authority'' for a subsequent approval period.
The Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) was approved
as a CMS approved accreditation organization for MA deeming of HMOs on
May 26, 2006, and that term will expire on May 26, 2012. On December 9,
2011, URAC submitted an application to renew its deeming authority. On
that same date, URAC submitted materials requested from CMS which
included updates and/or changes to items set out in Federal regulations
at Sec. 422.158(a) that are prerequisites for receiving approval of
its accreditation program from CMS, and which were furnished to CMS by
URAC as a part of their renewal applications for HMOs and PPOs.
II. Deeming Applications Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act provides a statutory timetable to
ensure that our review of deeming applications is conducted in a timely
manner. The Act provides us with 210 calendar days after the date of
receipt of an application to complete our survey activities and
application review process. Within 60 days of receiving a completed
application, we must publish a notice in the Federal Register that
identifies the national accreditation body making the request,
describes the request, and provides no less than a 30-day public
comment period. At the end of the 210-day period, we must publish an
approval or denial of the application.
III. Proposed Notice
In the March 30, 2012, Federal Register (77 FR 19288), we published
a proposed notice announcing URAC's request for continued CMS approval
of its deeming authority for MA HMOs and PPOs. In the proposed notice,
we detailed our evaluation criteria. Under section 1852(e)(4) of the
Act and our regulations at Sec. 422.158 (Federal review of accrediting
organizations), we conducted a review of URAC's application in
accordance with the criteria specified by our regulations, which
include, but are not limited to the following:
The types of MA plans that it would review as part of its
accreditation process.
A detailed comparison of the organization's accreditation
requirements and standards with the Medicare requirements (for example,
a crosswalk).
Detailed information about the organization's survey
process, including the following--
++ Frequency of surveys and whether surveys are announced or
++ Copies of survey forms, and guidelines and instructions to
++ Descriptions of--
--The survey review process and the accreditation status decision
making process;
--The procedures used to notify accredited MA organizations of
deficiencies and to monitor the correction of those deficiencies; and
--The procedures used to enforce compliance with accreditation
Detailed information about the individuals who perform
surveys for the accreditation organization, including the following--
++ The size and composition of accreditation survey teams for each
type of plan reviewed as part of the accreditation process;
++ The education and experience requirements surveyors must meet;
++ The content and frequency of the in-service training provided to
survey personnel;
++ The evaluation systems used to monitor the performance of
individual surveyors and survey teams; and
++ The organization's policies and practice with respect to the
participation, in surveys or in the accreditation decision process by
an individual who is professionally or financially affiliated with the
entity being surveyed.
A description of the organization's data management and
analysis system with respect to its surveys and accreditation
decisions, including the kinds of reports, tables, and other displays
generated by that system.
A description of the organization's procedures for
responding to and investigating complaints against accredited
organizations, including policies and procedures regarding coordination
of these activities with appropriate licensing bodies and ombudsmen
A description of the organization's policies and
procedures with respect to the withholding or removal of accreditation
for failure to meet the accreditation organization's standards or
requirements, and other actions the organization takes in response to
noncompliance with its standards and requirements.
A description of all types (for example, full, partial)
and categories (for example, provisional, conditional, temporary) of
accreditation offered by the organization, the duration of each type
and category of accreditation and a statement identifying the types and
categories that would serve as a basis for accreditation if CMS
approves the accreditation organization.
A list of all currently accredited MA organizations and
the type, category, and expiration date of the accreditation held by
each of them.
A list of all full and partial accreditation surveys
scheduled to be performed by the accreditation organization as
requested by CMS.
The name and address of each person with an ownership or
control interest in the accreditation organization.
CMS also considers URAC's past performance in the deeming
program and results of recent deeming validation reviews, or look-
behind audits conducted as part of continuing Federal oversight of the
deeming program under Sec. 422.157(d).
In accordance with section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the March 30,
2012 proposed notice (77 FR 19288) also solicited public comments
regarding whether URAC's requirements met or exceeded the Medicare
conditions of participation as an accrediting organization for MA HMOs
and PPOs. We received no public comments in response to our proposed
IV. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between URAC's Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare's Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared the standards and survey process contained in URAC's
application with the Medicare conditions for accreditation. Our review
and evaluation of URAC's application for continued CMS-approval were
conducted as described in section III of this final notice, and yielded
the following:
URAC amended its crosswalk to ensure current URAC
standards are clearly crosswalked to the following regulatory
requirements: Sec. Sec. 422.128; 422.206(b)(2); 422.112(a)(1);
422.112(a)(2); 422.112(a)(8); 422.112(b)(3); 422.112(b)(4)(iii);
422.112(b)(5); 422.118; 422.152; 422.202(b); and 422.202(c).
To meet the amendments made at Sec. 422.156 by the final
rule published in the April 15, 2011 Federal Register (76 CFR 21432),
URAC removed Quality Improvement Projects and Chronic Care Improvement
Programs from its deeming process.
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations described in section III of
this final notice, we have determined that URAC's accreditation program
[[Page 31366]]
meet or exceed our requirements. Therefore, we approve URAC as a
national accreditation organization with deeming authority for MA HMOs
and PPOs, effective May 26, 2012 through May 25, 2018.
V. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection and
recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by
the Office of Management and Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35).
Authority: Section 1865 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical
Assistance Program; No. 93.773 Medicare--Hospital Insurance Program;
and No. 93.774, Medicare--Supplemental Medical Insurance Program)
Dated: May 21, 2012.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2012-12812 Filed 5-24-12; 8:45 am]