Notice of Intent To Revise Stormwater Regulations To Specify That an NPDES Permit Is Not Required for Stormwater Discharges From Logging Roads and To Seek Comment on Approaches for Addressing Water Quality Impacts From Forest Road Discharges, 30473-30481 [2012-12524]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
improvement anticipated from the use
of possible NOX control technologies.
Washington appropriately determined
that the NOX BART determination will
result in visibility improvement in Mt
Rainier National Park by 2.0 dv on the
20% most impaired days and improve
visibility in 11 other Class I areas.
The specific BART emission limits
and compliance dates, along with the
requirements for the optimization study,
monitoring, recordkeeping and
reporting requirements, are included in
the Revised BART Compliance Order.
Upon EPA approval of this portion of
the Regional Haze SIP Submittal, the
Order becomes federally enforceable for
purposes of the Washington Regional
Haze SIP. Finally, pursuant to
Washington’s visibility protection
program, WAC 173–400–151, the
controls required by the State’s BART
determination must be installed as
expeditiously as possible but in no
event later than five years from when
the State’s Regional Haze SIP
amendment is approved by EPA. More
specifically, the Revised BART
Compliance Order, which was included
in the update to the Regional Haze SIP
submission, provides that ‘‘[b]eginning
on the 31st operating day after
December 31, 2012 the NOX emissions
limitation for the two coal fired utility
steam generating units is 0.21 lb/
mmbtu, 30 operating day average, both
units averaged together including all
emissions during start-up and shutdown.’’ SIP Supplement L–30 (Revised
BART Compliance Order section 1.1)
Therefore, this satisfies the requirement
in 40 CFR 51.308(e)(1)(iv) that ‘‘each
source subject to BART install and
operate BART as expeditiously as
possible, but in no event later than
5 years after approval of the
implementation plan approval.’’
For the above reasons, EPA agrees
with Ecology’s analysis and its the
selection of BART for NOX at the
TransAlta plant because the analyses
were conducted in a manner that is
consistent with EPA’s BART Guidelines.
Additionally, the conclusions reflect a
reasonable application of EPA’s
guidance to this particular source.
Therefore, EPA proposes to approve the
NOX BART determination for TransAlta
as meeting the requirements of 40 CFR
IV. What action is EPA proposing?
For the reasons explained above, and
in recognition of the State legislation
and the Revised BART Compliance
Order which result in the
decommissioning of the coal-fired units
by 2020 and 2025, EPA is proposing to
approve the BART determination for
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TransAlta, including the Revised BART
Compliance Order. The BART
determination requires SNCR plus Flex
Fuel as BART for the TransAlta coalfired power plant with an emission limit
of 0.21 lb/mmBtu with a 30 day rolling
average beginning January 31, 2013,
including fuel quality requirements and
the allowance for a revised NOX
emission limit not to exceed 0.21 lb/
V. Statutory and Executive Order
Under the Clean Air Act, the
Administrator is required to approve a
SIP submission that complies with the
provisions of the Act and applicable
Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k);
40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in reviewing SIP
submissions, EPA’s role is to approve
state choices, provided that they meet
the criteria of the Clean Air Act.
Accordingly, this proposed action
merely approves state law as meeting
Federal requirements and does not
impose additional requirements beyond
those imposed by state law. For that
reason, this proposed action:
• Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ subject to review by the Office
of Management and Budget under
Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,
October 4, 1993);
• Does not impose an information
collection burden under the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
• Is certified as not having a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
• Does not contain any unfunded
mandate or significantly or uniquely
affect small governments, as described
in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
• Does not have Federalism
implications as specified in Executive
Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,
• Is not an economically significant
regulatory action based on health or
safety risks subject to Executive Order
13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
• Is not a significant regulatory action
subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR
28355, May 22, 2001);
• Is not subject to requirements of
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because
application of those requirements would
be inconsistent with the Clean Air Act;
• Does not provide EPA with the
discretionary authority to address, as
appropriate, disproportionate human
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health or environmental effects, using
practicable and legally permissible
methods, under Executive Order 12898
(59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
In addition, this rule does not have
tribal implications as specified by
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249,
November 9, 2000), because the rule
neither imposes substantial direct
compliance costs on tribal governments,
nor preempts tribal law. Therefore, the
requirements of section 5(b) and 5(c) of
the Executive Order do not apply to this
rule. Consistent with EPA policy, EPA
nonetheless provided a consultation
opportunity to Tribes in Idaho, Oregon
and Washington in letters dated January
14, 2011. EPA received one request for
consultation, and we have followed-up
with that Tribe.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Air pollution control, Environmental
protection, Intergovernmental relations,
Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Visibility,
and Volatile organic compounds.
Dated: May 14, 2012.
Michelle L. Pirzadeh,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 10.
[FR Doc. 2012–12504 Filed 5–22–12; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 122
[FRL–9671–5; EPA–HQ–OW–2012–0195]
Notice of Intent To Revise Stormwater
Regulations To Specify That an NPDES
Permit Is Not Required for Stormwater
Discharges From Logging Roads and
To Seek Comment on Approaches for
Addressing Water Quality Impacts
From Forest Road Discharges
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
The EPA intends to
expeditiously propose revisions to its
Phase I stormwater regulations to
specify that stormwater discharges from
logging roads 1 are not stormwater
discharges ‘‘associated with industrial
activity.’’ This notice of intent is in
1 EPA notes that the 9th Circuit decision in NEDC
v. Brown addressed only certain logging roads, not
forest roads more generally. EPA interprets the
decision as not affecting the status of silvicutural
activities other than logging roads. EPA’s
regulations at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14) and 122.27
exclude most silviculture activities from the
requirement to obtain an NPDES stormwater permit,
with certain exceptions.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
response to the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals which found in Northwest
Environmental Defense Center v. Brown
that certain logging roads are
stormwater point sources ‘‘associated
with industrial activity.’’ Additionally,
EPA is seeking comment on approaches
for addressing water quality impacts
associated with discharges of
stormwater from forest roads. Where
appropriate best management practices
(BMPs) are used, receiving waters can
be protected and impacts can be
minimized. If not properly managed,
however, stormwater discharges from
some forest roads can cause preventable
impairments to water quality. EPA
believes that stormwater discharges
from forest roads should be evaluated
under section 402(p)(6) of the Clean
Water Act because the section allows for
a broad range of flexible approaches that
are well-suited to address the
complexity of forest road ownership,
management, and use. Section 402(p) of
the Clean Water Act allows EPA to
consider a range of regulatory and nonregulatory approaches and determine
which forest road discharges (if any)
should be regulated under 402(p)(6).
The EPA intends to study the water
quality impacts of forest roads and
existing federal, state, tribal, and
voluntary programs designed to address
them to determine if additional Agency
action is necessary. The EPA will seek
input again prior to taking additional
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number EPA–HQ–
OW–2012–0195, by any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Water Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency, Mailcode: 2822T,
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington DC, 20460, Attention
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2012–
• Hand Delivery/Courier: EPA Docket
Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room
3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20460. Such deliveries
are only accepted during the Docket’s
normal hours of operation, and special
arrangements should be made for
deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2012–
0195. The EPA’s policy is that all
comments received will be included in
the public docket without change and
may be made available online at, including
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any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes
information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit
information that you consider to be CBI
or otherwise protected through https:// or email. The Web site is
an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means the EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an email
comment directly to the EPA without
going through https://, your email
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, the EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If the EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, the EPA may not
be able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about the EPA’s public docket, visit the
EPA Docket Center homepage at
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the https:// index. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, i.e., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statue. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either
electronically in https:// or in hard copy at
the Water Docket, EPA Docket Center,
EPA/DC, EPA West, Room B102, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,
DC. The Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
and the telephone number for the Water
Docket is (202) 566–2426.
further information on this notice, you
may contact Jeremy Bauer, EPA
Headquarters, Office of Water, Office of
Wastewater Management via email at
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I. General Information
A. Applicability
This notice does not impose
requirements on any entity. If you have
questions regarding the applicability of
this notice, consult the person listed in
CONTACT section.
B. Copies of This Document and Other
This document is available for
download at
stormwater/forestroads or under docket
II. Background
A. Purpose
This notice describes the
administrative steps the Agency intends
to take to address the unpermitted
stormwater discharges identified under
Northwest Environmental Defense
Center v. Brown, 1063 F.3d 1176 (9th
Cir. 2011) and related discharges subject
to the partial remand under
Environmental Defense Center, Inc. v.
EPA, 344 F.3d. 832, 863 (9th Cir. 2003).
Specifically, the Agency is announcing
its plan to propose revisions to its Phase
I stormwater regulations (40 CFR
122.26) to specify that stormwater
discharges from logging roads are not
included in the definition of ‘‘storm
water discharge associated with
industrial activity.’’ The effect of this
revision would be to remove any
obligation for an owner or operator of a
logging road that has discharges of
stormwater to waters of the United
States to seek coverage of the discharge
under the Stormwater Multisector
General Permit and to comply with that
General Permit or to have an individual
permit under section 402 of the Clean
Water Act for such a discharge. EPA is
aware that a Congressional moratorium
on NPDES permitting of some logging
roads is set to expire on September 30,
2012, and intends to move
expeditiously to complete this revision.
At the same time, the Agency intends
to evaluate stormwater discharges from
forest roads to determine what
additional measures, if any, are
necessary to address such discharges.
The EPA is publishing this notice to
request comment on some potential
approaches that the Agency should
consider for addressing stormwater
discharges from forest roads. As
indicated earlier in this notice, the
Agency will seek input again prior to
taking additional action.
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
B. Overview of Forests and Forest Roads
A vast and diverse network of forest
roads provides access into and through
the nation’s forested lands. These roads
traverse federal public land, state and
local public land, county land, tribal
land, private land, and they can span
any combinations of these. The network
includes active and inactive roads that
vary in age and condition. Some roads
on public lands are unauthorized and
may not be included in existing
inventories. Forest roads provide
important access for a wide range of
activities, including timber operations,
recreation, fire protection,
transportation, and often serve multiple
purposes by multiple users at the same
There are about 751 million acres of
forested land in the United States.
Private forests make up over half (56
percent) or approximately 423 million
acres (USDA Forest Service 2008), and
account for over 90 percent of all timber
harvested in the United States in recent
years (Adams et al., 2006). Of the
private forest land, 62 percent is owned
by families and individuals and is
commonly referred to as ‘‘family
forests.’’ Most of the family forest
owners (around 61 percent) own fewer
than 10 acres of forest land. Owners of
the remaining private forest land
include corporations, Real Estate
Investment Trusts (REITs), conservation
organizations, clubs, and Native
American tribes (USDA Forest Service
2008). Over 300 Native American
reservations are significantly forested,
and Native American tribal lands
include 17.9 million acres of forest land,
including 7.7 million acres of
productive timberland (ITC 2007).
Private forest land owners invest
considerable resources in forest road
construction and maintenance, as they
are critical assets that enhance property
values, maintain economic viability,
and facilitate sustainable forestry
Forty-four percent of forest land is
publicly-owned, or approximately 328
million acres. The Federal government
administers an estimated 76 percent of
the public forest land. State forestry,
park, and wildlife agencies account for
most of the 21 percent of state-owned
public forest land. The remaining 3
percent of public forest land is owned
by local governments, such as counties
and towns (USDA Forest Service 2008).
Within the United States, the
distribution of public versus private
forests differs greatly among the various
regions of the country. For example,
forest-ownership in the Northwest is
dominated by public (primarily the
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USFS and BLM) ownership, while
private ownership is more prevalent in
the Southeast and Northeast (Ibid.).
While some forest road inventory
information on federal lands is
available, meaningful interpretation and
comparison of that information requires
an understanding of differences in
inventory methods used (e.g., minimum
road length included in road length
counts), differences in the classes of
forest roads (e.g., road surfacing,
sediment production and delivery, and
hydrologic connectivity), and
differences in road densities.
Nevertheless, the networks of forest
roads on federal land are vast by any
measure, with total lengths on the order
of tens of thousands to hundreds of
thousands of miles. The networks in
other publicly-owned forests, tribal
forests, and private forests have not
been fully catalogued, and the density
and condition of forest roads on these
lands, as with the federal lands, varies
Forest road networks differ greatly in
development through time and layout
over terrain, and they carry this history
into their present performance and
environmental impacts (Gucinski et al,
2001). In many parts of the 193 million
acres of the National Forest System
(NFS), the major roads were built in the
1950s and 1960s, with secondary and
tertiary feeder roads following as the
road networks expanded into
watersheds. In other areas, logging roads
developed from previous road systems
used for mining in the Rocky Mountain
and southwestern states or agriculture
in the southern Appalachians, Ozarks,
and New England. Thus, changes in
forest road standards through time (for
example, width, construction methods,
position in the landscape) have affected
different parts of road networks.
Consequently, each forest road network
commonly contains a collection of older
and newer roads, designed to different
standards, for various purposes, and
crossing terrain of differing sensitivities.
This mosaic of road segments has
implications for how the forest road
network will interact with the forest
watershed, streams, and other
downstream aquatic resources (Gucinski
et al., 2001), as well as for what is
practicable, or even feasible, to address
stormwater discharges from these roads.
Regional differences are also evident
in where the forest roads were located.
For example, in southeastern Alaska,
main roads were built on the broad,
valley floors, where timber growing on
the lower hillslopes was yarded
downhill to them. In California, west of
the Sierra Nevada, major roads were
built along broad ridges, with secondary
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roads leading down into headwater
areas. The main roads into western
Oregon forests entered watersheds along
narrow stream bottoms and then
climbed the adjacent steep, unstable hill
slopes to access timber extending from
ridge to valley floor (Gucinski et al.,
Federal forest roads on both BLM and
Forest Service lands generally support
traffic from multiple uses such as
recreational, administrative, fire
protection, and mineral and
silvicultural activities. Of those, only a
portion may be used for accessing
timber resources. The federal land
management agencies may grant
easements, reservations, and permits for
the purpose of construction, operation,
and maintenance or use of roads
crossing their lands.
The majority of BLM industrial
logging operations occur on Oregon and
California (O&C) lands 2 which have
approximately 14,455 miles of road.
BLM O&C lands are interspersed in a
checkerboard pattern with many
landowners. The roads often cross
multiple jurisdictions, including tribal,
state, county and private land as well as
BLM lands. As a result, a complex
system of road right-of-way agreements
exists on the BLM O&C lands, as
discussed later in this notice.
The paragraphs above discuss the
range of property types into which
forest roads provide access. The same
road may pass through multiple owners
and multiple properties. Moreover, the
ownership of the road does not
necessarily correspond to the ownership
of the forest land. For example, a BLM
owned road may pass through private
property, and a privately owned road
may pass through BLM property.
In general, only a subset of forest
roads are active or open in any given
year or at any given time of year. When
active or open, forest roads may be
serving multiple purposes by a number
of different users. For example, those
roads that are open and used for logging
may cross multiple ownerships with
overlapping responsibilities for the road
and be used by multiple logging
operators during the same time frame.
This creates a highly complex mosaic of
overlapping responsibilities. The EPA
does not have information on all forest
roads but notes that usage for some
roads, including forest roads on private
property, may only occur during
harvesting once every 20 years or so.
Some forest roads are inactive and
have been closed and ‘‘storm-proofed’’
2 Oregon and California (O&C) Lands Act of 1937.
43 U.S.C. 1181a. The O&C Lands Act placed
management jurisdiction of the lands under the
United States Department of the Interior.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(i.e., they have appropriate BMPs for
road drainage and erosion control and
for reducing the vulnerability of the
roads to natural disasters). Others may
have been closed or abandoned. Among
both active and inactive forest roads are
older forest roads that were built or
located without the benefit of newer
The wide range of regulatory and nonregulatory approaches authorized under
section 402(p) of the CWA are wellsuited to address stormwater discharges
originating from the complex and
diverse forest road universe because
such approaches provide for flexibility
and prioritization and allow EPA to
focus on the subset of forest roads with
stormwater discharges that cause or
contribute to water quality impacts.
Under 402(p) EPA could build on or
defer to other federal, state, tribal, local,
and voluntary programs.
C. Overview of Water Quality Impacts
From Stormwater Discharges From
Forest Roads
The goal of the Clean Water Act is to
restore and maintain the chemical,
physical, and biological integrity of the
nation’s waters. 33 U.S.C. 1251(a). High
quality water supplies from forests are
widely recognized as valuable
resources. Forests cover about one-third
of the continental United States. Most
major rivers and streams originate in
forested catchments (NCASI, 1994), and
80 percent of the nation’s freshwater
sources originates in these forests (USFS
2000). In 2000, the US Forest Service
(USFS) calculated the marginal value of
water from all National Forest System
(NFS) lands to be at least $3.7 billion
per year (Ibid.). Between 50 and 75
percent of the population of the United
States relies on forest lands for good
quality water (Neary et al. 2009), and
approximately 60 million people rely on
NFS lands as the primary source of their
drinking water (Dissmeyer 2000).
Stormwater discharges from logging
roads, especially improperly
constructed or maintained roads, may
introduce significant amounts of
sediment and other pollutants into
surface waters and, consequently, cause
a variety of water quality impacts.
Results of nationwide waterbody
assessments from the EPA’s Assessment
and Total Maximum Daily Loads
(TMDL) Tracking and Implementation
System (ATTAINS), which contains the
most currently available data reported
by states to the EPA under Sections
305(b) and 303(d) of the CWA, found
silviculture (forestry) and related
activities, including forest and logging
roads, to be among the top twelve
probable sources of impairment for
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rivers, streams, and coastal shorelines
(USEPA 2012).
The ATTAINS database indicates that
silviculture sources contributed to
impairment of 19,444 miles of rivers
and streams (3.8 percent of the total of
514,795 miles impaired) and 242,583
acres of lakes, reservoirs and ponds (1.9
percent of the total of 13,038,033 acres
of impaired). States cited ‘‘Logging
roads (construction and use)’’ as the
‘‘specific source’’ of impairment in the
case of 1,334 miles of rivers and streams
(.003 percent of total impaired) and
6,150 acres of lakes, reservoirs and
ponds (.0005 percent of total impaired).
The contribution of silviculture to
water quality impairments can vary by
region, and the contribution of
discharges from forest roads to water
quality impairments in the ATTAINS
database may not be representative due
to reporting differences among states.
Some states may have categorized the
source of impairment as
‘‘hydromodifcation’’ or ‘‘habitat
alteration’’; many states consistently
report in the ‘‘unknown’’ source
category for impairments—the third
leading probable source category of
impairment nationwide. Additionally,
much of the nation’s waters still remain
unassessed (72 percent of rivers and
streams; 54 percent of lakes, reservoirs,
and ponds; 62 percent of bays and
estuaries; and 96 percent of coastal
shorelines). The EPA considered the
differential contribution from forest
road stormwater discharges on water
quality as the Agency developed the
potential approaches for addressing
these sources. For example, the EPA
recognizes that not all forest roads cause
water quality impacts and that the
majority of the water quality impacts
caused by discharges from forest roads
may be attributed to a relatively small
subset of forest roads and often a small
portion of those roads (Nelson et al.,
2010; Fly et al., 2010; Luce and Black,
2001; Luce and Black, 1999). Thus, any
approach to address stormwater
discharges from forest roads would
likely focus on the subset of forest roads
that were not properly constructed or
are not properly maintained.
Stormwater discharges from
improperly constructed or maintained
forest roads can lead to excess
sedimentation in nearby waters and
subsequently lead to physical, biological
and ecological impacts to water quality.
These forest roads can degrade aquatic
ecosystems by increasing levels of fine
sediment input to streams and by
altering natural streamflow patterns.
Forest road runoff from improperly
designed or maintained forest roads can
detrimentally affect stream health and
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aquatic habitat by increasing sediment
delivery and stream turbidity. This can
adversely affect the survival of dozens
of sensitive aquatic biota (salmon, trout,
other native fishes, amphibians and
macroinvertebrates) where these species
are located. Increased fine sediment
deposition in streams and altered
streamflows and channel morphology
can result in increased adult and
juvenile salmonid mortality where
present (e.g., in the Northwest and parts
of the East), a decrease in aquatic
amphibian and invertebrate abundance
or diversity, and decreased habitat
The physical impacts of forest roads
on streams, rivers, downstream water
bodies and watershed integrity have
been well documented but vary
depending on site-specific factors.
Improperly designed or maintained
forest roads can affect watershed
integrity through three primary
mechanisms: they can intercept,
concentrate, and divert water (Williams,
1999). Forest roads can intercept water
falling as rainfall directly on road
surfaces and cutbanks as well as
subsurface water moving underground
down the hillslope. They can
concentrate flow on the road surface
and in adjacent ditches and channels.
Forest roads, if not properly designed,
can divert both surface and subsurface
water from flow paths that otherwise
would be taken in the absence of a road.
The hydrologic and geomorphic
consequences resulting from these three
processes will vary based on the forest
road and underlying material. In some
cases, impacts may be negligible, while
they may be significant in others.
Potential effects of forest roads that were
not properly constructed or are not
properly maintained on water quality
can include increased loading of
sediment due to erosion and mass
wasting, increased suspended solids
and turbidity, increased sediment
deposition and bed load, alteration of
stream morphology and channel
simplification, altered streamflow,
pollution from other chemicals
associated with forest roads, increased
turbidity and sedimentation in water
treatment and supply systems, siltation
of streambed substrates, impairments of
spawning and rearing habitat, and
degradation of habitat for salmonids,
other fish, invertebrates, and other
aquatic organisms.
Section VII, References, at the end of
this notice provides a preliminary list of
articles and publications that have
examined various potential effects of
stormwater discharges from forest roads,
as well as management practices to
address them. The EPA will further
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
review this literature as part of its
detailed study of these sources. The
Agency also welcomes suggestions for
additional references that it should
consider in its review.
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D. Description and Effectiveness of
BMPs and Current Practices
Forest roads are vital components of
the human use of forested systems
(Gucinski et al., 2001). They provide
access for recreation, resource
extraction, fire suppression activities,
and many other forest management
activities. While improperly built and
maintained forest roads can have
detrimental effects on the water quality,
the application of appropriate BMPs can
minimize these effects.
Owners and operators of many forest
lands may already be employing a
variety of effective approaches to
manage, operate, and maintain forest
roads to control stormwater discharges.
These approaches are implemented by
the forest road owners themselves or by
operators or users of the roads.
Depending on the jurisdiction, owners
or operators use BMPs as a result of
state program requirements, federal
requirements, or because they may
follow voluntary programs, including
forest stewardship and sustainability
initiatives. Under these required or
voluntary programs, owners and
operators of forest roads use BMPs to
minimize or prevent discharges of
pollutants into surface waters. They
include design approaches, treatment
techniques, operating procedures, and
practices to control runoff, spillage, and
1. State Programs
Most states have forest land
management laws regulating multiple
aspects of forest and timber resources
and management and the products
derived from these resources. Many
states have a complex legal framework
of forestry regulations that shape the
state’s forest road BMP programs. This
framework and the resulting BMP
programs vary considerably from one
state to another. States also differ in
how they distribute responsibility and
authority for the forest road BMP
programs among the state water quality,
forestry, and fish and wildlife agencies.
This notice describes three existing state
programs to illustrate some of the
variety among the states. Descriptions of
the remaining state programs may be
available through state Web pages.
In Washington State, the forest
practices act and rules (Forests and Fish
Rules) apply to all private and state
forest roads. Forest Practices Rules
require that forest landowners construct
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and maintain roads to avoid potential or
actual damage to public resources, such
as water quality and fish habitat. The
Washington program addresses both
new forest roads as well as existing
roads. The program requires larger forest
landowners to complete an inventory of
existing roads, identify where roads are
impacting state resources (including fish
and water quality), and allows for
prioritization of repairing, relocating, or
abandoning existing roads to correct
problems. All large forest landowners
must develop and submit for approval
by the Washington Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) a Road
Maintenance and Abandonment Plan
(RMAP) in which they inventory their
forest roads and outline a schedule for
any needed road work, including a
timeline to bring old roads up to current
standards or to decommission or
‘‘abandon’’ substandard roads. Small
forest landowners are required to submit
a ‘‘checklist RMAP,’’ which is a form
landowners fill out to indicate they have
assessed their roads included in a
harvest and identified any potential
road maintenance problems. While the
program is enforceable, the state focuses
first on technical assistance and then, to
correct problems, uses progressive
enforcement mechanisms and generally
reserves civil penalties for more serious
infractions. If a problem is identified,
WA DNR describes the outcome
expected, and the landowner describes
what BMPs will be used to correct it.
Forest roads that no longer need to be
used or cannot meet the performance
standards are encouraged to be
abandoned. Abandonment strategies
may involve the removal of stream
crossing structures and unstable road
fill, installing water bars, re-vegetating
exposed soils, and employing other
similar techniques. WA DNR must
approve the roadwork before the road
can be considered abandoned.
Florida relies primarily on voluntary
compliance with state approved forest
road BMPs. However, BMPs can be
enforced where noncompliance leads to
a significant risk to water quality. When
a significant risk has been identified,
professionally-trained BMP foresters
advise the landowners on how to
implement corrective measures.
Afterward, a follow-up site evaluation is
made to reassess compliance.
Landowner non-compliance with
recommendations made by the BMP
Forester could result in a referral to the
appropriate regulatory agency for
enforcement action.
California’s Forest Practice Rules
establish a comprehensive framework
that includes state-developed and
approved BMPs for silvicultural
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activities on private lands, including
road-building practices, and other
related silvicultural activities. California
allows coverage under one approach
that includes requirements that closely
resemble those of an individual permit,
known as ‘‘Waste Discharge
Requirements,’’ as well as another
approach allowing the use of a ‘‘waiver’’
whose requirements are closer to those
of a general or regional permit. Having
a ‘‘waiver’’ obviates the procedural need
for coverage under the ‘‘Waste Discharge
Requirements’’ program, but the
substantive requirements of that
program remain enforceable.
The California program is based on
input from state water quality and
natural resource agencies and
incorporates a formal, annual adaptive
management process reflecting
incremental analysis of BMPs, which
regularly results in updated BMP
requirements. The waste discharge
requirements apply similarly and
equally to both public and private lands.
Enforceability of the Forest Practice
Rules is overseen by multiple agencies:
California Department of Forestry, the
California Department of Fish and
Game, and the state water Quality
Control Board and Regional Water
Quality Control Boards (California’s
water quality agency).
Many states have been monitoring
forestry BMP implementation for the
past 20 years or more. During that time,
state forestry agencies have approached
implementation monitoring in different
ways with varying degrees of detail,
precision, and statistical strength. In
general, BMP implementation has been
reported to be highest on public land,
followed in descending order by forest
industry land, corporate non-industrial
land, and private non-industrial land
(Prud’homme and Greis, 2002).
EPA recognizes that one-size-fits-all
approaches may not be appropriate for
addressing the multiplicity of issues and
situations within and across states. EPA
welcomes diversity in state programs
and will be carefully studying the full
range of such programs as it considers
whether any additional measures to
address stormwater discharges from
forest roads are needed.
2. USDA Forest Service Programs
a. Forest Service National BMP Program
The goal of the USDA Forest Service
(USFS) National BMP Program is to
improve agency performance and
accountability in managing water
quality in a manner consistent with the
CWA and state water quality programs.
Current USFS policy directs compliance
with any required CWA permits and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
state rules and regulations, and requires
the use of approved BMPs to control
pollution. The National BMP Program
was developed over the past decade and
is currently in the initial stages of
implementation. It is intended to
provide consistency among USFS
administrative units to efficiently
administer BMPs and demonstrate
performance and accountability at
multiple scales in an adaptive
management context. The program is
intended to meet or exceed state BMP
objectives as well as to simplify and
standardize water quality protection
measures and monitoring on NFS land.
(USDA Forest Service 2012)
The National Core BMPs integrate
existing state and USFS regional BMPs
under one umbrella to facilitate an
agency-wide BMP implementation and
effectiveness monitoring program. The
National Core BMPs provide a general,
non-prescriptive framework of BMPs for
the broad range of activities that occur
on NFS lands. (Ibid.)
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b. Forest Service Watershed Condition
The USFS’s Watershed Condition
Framework (WCF) is a comprehensive
approach for classifying watershed
condition, implementing integrated
restoration in priority watersheds on
national forests and grasslands, and
tracking and monitoring outcome-based
program accomplishments for
performance accountability (USDA
Forest Service 2011). The policy goal of
the USFS WCF is ‘‘to protect National
Forest System watersheds by
implementing practices designed to
maintain or improve watershed
condition, which is the foundation for
sustaining ecosystems and the
production of renewable natural
resources, values, and benefits.’’ The
WCF provides a consistent way to
evaluate watershed condition at both
the national and forest levels. The WCF
consists of reconnaissance-level
assessments by individual national
forests, implementation of integrated
improvement activities—including
those related to roads—within priority
watersheds, validation and monitoring
of watershed condition class changes,
and aggregation of program performance
data for national reporting.
c. Forest Service Legacy Roads Project
The USFS has been engaged in an
extensive program of road improvement
efforts called the Legacy Roads Project
since 2008. The goals of this effort are
to reduce the hydrologic and
geomorphic impacts of the existing
USFS road network on critical
watersheds and aquatic resources by
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decommissioning or upgrading forest
roads. The Legacy Roads Monitoring
Project is a regional effort to examine
the effectiveness of the road
decommissioning, storm damage risk
reduction (aka ‘‘storm-proofing’’) and
road storage projects.
3. United States Department of the
Interior Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) manages 58 million acres of
forest and woodlands in eleven western
states and Alaska, including 2.4 million
acres within the Oregon and California
(O&C) grant lands in western Oregon.
BLM O&C regulations regarding third
party road uses provide that ‘‘The intent
and expectation of both parties to
agreements is that roads are left in ‘at
least as good condition as existed prior
to commencement of use’’’ (43 CFR
2812.6–2(b)(2)). The Federal Land
Policy Management Act (FLPMA)
requires public lands to be managed on
the basis of multiple use and sustained
yield without permanent impairment of
the land and quality of the environment.
Under Sec 502 of FLPMA, the Interior
Secretary is authorized to provide for
the maintenance of roads within and
near the public lands and perform that
work, in part, by cooperative financing
with other public agencies and with
private agencies and persons in
proportion to their use. Forest roads
may be constructed and maintained by
logging operators, private landowners,
the BLM, the USFS, or state or county
governments. BLM roads, culverts, and
bridges are designed, constructed, and
maintained in accordance with policies
and standards found in BLM 9100
Manual Series (Engineering) for road
BMPs. In Oregon and Washington, the
BLM has recently (2011) updated BMPs
and, as a result, current road
construction and maintenance standards
are substantially improved over the
standards in existence when the CWA
was enacted in 1972. BLM timber sale
contracts contain extensive
specifications related to methods and
timing of road construction and
maintenance. In addition, the BLM often
includes operational restrictions in their
timber sale contracts to reflect
appropriate protections for fish species
listed under the Endangered Species Act
Under rights-of-way agreements,
examples exist of private companies
owning roads constructed on BLM
lands, and BLM owning roads built on
private lands. There are dozens of
rights-of-way agreements in place on
O&C lands. These agreements are
subject to frequent amendment as
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landowners consolidate or sell lands or
split off separate corporate entities for
business purposes, creating a complex
access program.
4. Tribal Programs
Tribal governments in partnership
with the US government dedicate
substantial resources to improving
Indian forest management (ITC 1993).
Much of the responsibility for managing
Indian forests across the country is
carried out by the Bureau of Indian
Affairs (BIA) with the involvement of
tribal governments. The National Indian
Forest Resources Management Act
(NIFRMA), Title III, Public Law 101–
630, directs the Secretary of the Interior,
in consultation with the affected Indian
tribes, to obtain an independent
assessment of the status of Indian forest
resources and their management.
Similar to the National Forest
Management Act, the NIFRMA requires
the development of forestry
management plans under which the
forests are managed in accordance with
BMPs, as approved thorough an
interdisciplinary team. The Tribal
Forest Protection Act (Pub. L. 108–278)
authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture
and the Secretary of the Interior to enter
into an agreement or contract with
Indian tribes to carry out projects to
protect Indian forest land. Protection of
such land is particularly important for
tribes because they pass their land on
from generation to generation. This
helps to ensure future availability of
natural resources, including healthy
forests and clean water.
Many tribes have taken on significant
roles in sustainable forest management.
For example, the Menominee Indian
Tribe of Wisconsin manages 95 percent
of the forested portions of the
reservation for long-term sustainability
through the Menominee Tribal
Enterprises which has received
certifications for sustainable
management from two groups, Scientific
Certification Systems (The Forest
Conservation Program) and the
Rainforest Alliance (SmartWood), and is
accredited by the Forest Stewardship
Council. As another example, the
Northern Cheyenne Tribe requires that
all new roads be obliterated and seeded
after forest harvesting activities.
Similarly, the Blackfeet Nation has a no
net new road miles policy, in that new
forest roads associated with forest
harvest must be closed, or other roads
must be closed in their place.
5. Voluntary Certification Programs
On private forestlands, significant
BMP implementation can be attributed
to growing involvement of forest owners
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
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in sustainable forestry certification
programs. Several certification programs
exist. Under one program, the
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) of
the American Forest and Paper
Association, member companies must
meet or exceed state BMPs on companyowned forest land (Prud’homme and
Greis, 2002). Because SFI is linked to
state BMPs, the forest road BMPs
applied under SFI vary by state. Some
forest products companies impose
sanctions on timber producers who fail
to implement BMPs when logging on
other ownerships.
Under another, the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) certification
program, certified forest owners and
operators follow a set of principles and
criteria that support responsible forest
management (FSC 2012). Principles and
criteria include conservation of
biological diversity, water resources,
soils, and unique and fragile ecosystems
and landscapes. Under FSC
certification, additional requirements
tailored by region guidelines must also
be met in addition to state BMPs.
Under a third program, the American
Tree Farm System, a written
certification is issued by an
independent third-party that attests to
the sustainable management of a
working forest (ATFS 2012). In addition
to requirements that they be in
compliance with state BMPs, certified
forest managers must also attest
compliance with eight standards of
sustainability, including the
maintenance or enhancement of the
environment and ecosystems.
Certification programs can both help
ensure implementation of state BMPs
and in some instances require
additional BMPs. Forestry operations
that utilize experienced and informed
land managers generally have higher
rates of BMP implementation. Thus,
many states recommend that
landowners utilize forestry
professionals (e.g., private consultants,
certified Master Loggers) when planning
any forest management operations.
Many certification programs require
involvement of forestry professionals.
E. Successes and Remaining Challenges
As described above, successful
federal, state, tribal, and local programs
for controlling stormwater discharges
from logging and forest roads currently
exist in many parts of the country and
many forest owners are implementing
BMP programs to address these
discharges. Some studies have observed
trends of decreasing sediment input as
forest roads are closed and stormproofed or newly built or brought up to
standards (e.g., Dube et al. 2010).
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However, this does not mean that all
of the existing programs have been
successful at effectively addressing
stormwater discharges from forest roads,
and some discharges continue to cause
or contribute to impairments for the
Nation’s waters.
At the same time, not all forest roads
are alike, and the severity of the
remaining challenges varies. There is
evidence that a majority of the water
quality impacts caused by discharges
from forest roads can be attributed to a
relatively small subset of forest roads
and often a small portion of those roads
(Nelson et al., 2010; Fly et al., 2010;
Luce and Black, 2001; Luce and Black,
1999). Thus, EPA believes that further
study of forest roads and their impacts
is needed in order to determine what
additional measures may be needed to
address remaining water quality
impacts. EPA will consider a full range
of potential approaches to address water
quality impacts associated with
discharges of stormwater from forest
III. Approaches for Managing
Stormwater Discharges From Forest
The Agency is considering several
options for addressing significant water
quality impacts caused by stormwater
discharges from forest roads. EPA is
considering designating a subset of
stormwater discharges from forest roads
for appropriate action under section
402(p)(6) of the Act. Section 402(p)(6)
allows the EPA flexibility in issuing
regulations to address designated
stormwater discharges and does not
require the use of NPDES permits. 33
U.S.C. 1342(p)(6). Section 402(p) allows
for a broad range of regulatory and nonregulatory approaches and provides
flexibility as to which stormwater
discharges, if any, should be designated
under Section 402(p)(6). For example, in
lieu of regulation, EPA could support or
defer to other federal, state, tribal, local,
and voluntary programs. If EPA does
determine that regulation under Section
402(p)(6) is appropriate for a subset of
stormwater discharges from forest roads,
such a regulation might address
discharges only from roads used for
logging or might address discharges
based on contribution of the discharge
to a water quality problem. Section
402(p)(6), in turn, provides considerable
flexibility to EPA if it does designate
any discharges for regulation in how it
regulates those discharges.
EPA intends to further study the
impacts of stormwater discharges from
forest roads, available management
practices and approaches, and the
effectiveness of existing Federal, State,
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Tribal, local and private programs in
managing these discharges, as it
considers appropriate next steps.
IV. Outreach and Stakeholder
The EPA is in the process of
reviewing available information on both
the water quality impacts of stormwater
discharges from forest roads as well as
existing practices for their control.
Consistent with past Agency actions, the
EPA invites interested stakeholders and
the public to share in the exchange of
information and to engage as the Agency
considers alternative approaches for
addressing stormwater discharges from
forest roads.
The Agency participated in the recent
technical symposium hosted by the
Society of American Foresters during
which EPA scientists and engineers had
the opportunity to hear perspectives on
forest roads and the Clean Water Act
from state and industry representatives
directly. In addition, the EPA has begun
communicating with states, tribes, and
other federal agencies to understand
their current forest road stormwater
management programs. The Agency
worked closely in particular with USDA
(the USFS) and the Department of the
Interior (the BLM). The EPA also
welcomes information from other
interested parties and plans to work
closely with other stakeholders moving
The EPA encourages stakeholders and
the public to provide input into its
consideration of appropriate measures
to address stormwater discharges from
forest roads and is already planning to
host public meetings and webcasts to
provide a forum for them to do so.
V. Next Steps
The Agency will move expeditiously
to propose a revision to its Phase I
stormwater regulations (40 CFR 122.26)
to specify that stormwater discharges
from logging roads are not included in
the definition of ‘‘storm water discharge
associated with industrial activity.’’
EPA is aware that a Congressional
moratorium on NPDES permitting of
some logging roads is set to expire on
September 30, 2012, and intends to
move expeditiously to complete this
revision. EPA will also study the water
quality impacts of forest roads and
existing federal, state, tribal, and
voluntary programs designed to address
them to determine if additional Agency
action is necessary. EPA also plans to
hold listening sessions to obtain
stakeholder input this summer on its
consideration of how best to address
stormwater discharges from forest roads.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
VI. Request for Comment
The EPA requests comment on
potential approaches for addressing
stormwater discharges from forest roads.
The Agency also seeks input on
examples of successful existing BMPbased state programs, tribal programs,
and voluntary certification programs for
managing stormwater discharges from
forest roads; how these programs are
implemented; how program
accountability is assured; the costs of
implementing those programs,
including costs incurred by owners or
operators of forest roads as well as the
costs incurred by the organizations
responsible for implementation and
enforcement; the demonstrable
successes of these programs; and the
lessons learned in implementing such
The EPA will again seek input on any
additional measures to address such
discharges before taking additional
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VII. References
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Luce, C.H. and T.A. Black. 1999. Sediment
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Megahan, W.F. and W.J. Kidd. 1972. Effect of
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Megahan, W.F., J.P. Potyondy, and K.A.
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Mills, K., L. Dent and J. Robben., 2003.
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Nelson, N., Cissel, R., Black, T., Luce, C.
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Rothwell, R.L. 1983. Erosion and Sediment
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Forestry Chronicle 23: 62–66.
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Wemple, B.C.; Jones, J.A.; Grant, G.E. 1996.
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Williams, C.D. 1999. Current Status of Roads
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Williams, T.M.; Hook, D.D.; Limpscomb, D.J.
1999. Effectiveness of Best Management
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Dated: May 18, 2012.
Nancy K. Stoner,
Acting Assistant Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2012–12524 Filed 5–21–12; 11:15 am]
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2012–0001; FRL–9347–8]
Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions
Filed for Residues of Pesticide
Chemicals in or on Various
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of filing of petitions and
request for comment.
This document announces the
Agency’s receipt of several initial filings
of pesticide petitions requesting the
establishment or modification of
regulations for residues of pesticide
chemicals in or on various commodities.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number and the pesticide petition
number (PP) of interest as shown in the
body of this document, by one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 100 (Wednesday, May 23, 2012)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 30473-30481]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12524]
40 CFR Part 122
[FRL-9671-5; EPA-HQ-OW-2012-0195]
Notice of Intent To Revise Stormwater Regulations To Specify That
an NPDES Permit Is Not Required for Stormwater Discharges From Logging
Roads and To Seek Comment on Approaches for Addressing Water Quality
Impacts From Forest Road Discharges
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: The EPA intends to expeditiously propose revisions to its
Phase I stormwater regulations to specify that stormwater discharges
from logging roads \1\ are not stormwater discharges ``associated with
industrial activity.'' This notice of intent is in
[[Page 30474]]
response to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which found in Northwest
Environmental Defense Center v. Brown that certain logging roads are
stormwater point sources ``associated with industrial activity.''
Additionally, EPA is seeking comment on approaches for addressing water
quality impacts associated with discharges of stormwater from forest
roads. Where appropriate best management practices (BMPs) are used,
receiving waters can be protected and impacts can be minimized. If not
properly managed, however, stormwater discharges from some forest roads
can cause preventable impairments to water quality. EPA believes that
stormwater discharges from forest roads should be evaluated under
section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act because the section allows for
a broad range of flexible approaches that are well-suited to address
the complexity of forest road ownership, management, and use. Section
402(p) of the Clean Water Act allows EPA to consider a range of
regulatory and non-regulatory approaches and determine which forest
road discharges (if any) should be regulated under 402(p)(6). The EPA
intends to study the water quality impacts of forest roads and existing
federal, state, tribal, and voluntary programs designed to address them
to determine if additional Agency action is necessary. The EPA will
seek input again prior to taking additional action.
\1\ EPA notes that the 9th Circuit decision in NEDC v. Brown
addressed only certain logging roads, not forest roads more
generally. EPA interprets the decision as not affecting the status
of silvicutural activities other than logging roads. EPA's
regulations at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14) and 122.27 exclude most
silviculture activities from the requirement to obtain an NPDES
stormwater permit, with certain exceptions.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number EPA-HQ-
OW-2012-0195, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Water Docket, Environmental Protection Agency,
Mailcode: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington DC, 20460,
Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2012-0195.
Hand Delivery/Courier: EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA
West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal hours of
operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of
boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2012-
0195. The EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through or email. The Web site
is an ``anonymous access'' system, which means the EPA will not know
your identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body
of your comment. If you send an email comment directly to the EPA
without going through, your email address
will be automatically captured and included as part of the comment that
is placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If
you submit an electronic comment, the EPA recommends that you include
your name and other contact information in the body of your comment and
with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If the EPA cannot read your comment
due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification,
the EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files
should avoid the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and
be free of any defects or viruses. For additional information about the
EPA's public docket, visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, i.e., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statue. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
in or in hard copy at the Water Docket, EPA
Docket Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone
number for the Water Docket is (202) 566-2426.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on this
notice, you may contact Jeremy Bauer, EPA Headquarters, Office of
Water, Office of Wastewater Management via email at or telephone at 202-564-2775.
I. General Information
A. Applicability
This notice does not impose requirements on any entity. If you have
questions regarding the applicability of this notice, consult the
person listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
B. Copies of This Document and Other Information
This document is available for download at or under docket EPA-HQ-OW-2012-0195.
II. Background
A. Purpose
This notice describes the administrative steps the Agency intends
to take to address the unpermitted stormwater discharges identified
under Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 1063 F.3d 1176
(9th Cir. 2011) and related discharges subject to the partial remand
under Environmental Defense Center, Inc. v. EPA, 344 F.3d. 832, 863
(9th Cir. 2003). Specifically, the Agency is announcing its plan to
propose revisions to its Phase I stormwater regulations (40 CFR 122.26)
to specify that stormwater discharges from logging roads are not
included in the definition of ``storm water discharge associated with
industrial activity.'' The effect of this revision would be to remove
any obligation for an owner or operator of a logging road that has
discharges of stormwater to waters of the United States to seek
coverage of the discharge under the Stormwater Multisector General
Permit and to comply with that General Permit or to have an individual
permit under section 402 of the Clean Water Act for such a discharge.
EPA is aware that a Congressional moratorium on NPDES permitting of
some logging roads is set to expire on September 30, 2012, and intends
to move expeditiously to complete this revision.
At the same time, the Agency intends to evaluate stormwater
discharges from forest roads to determine what additional measures, if
any, are necessary to address such discharges. The EPA is publishing
this notice to request comment on some potential approaches that the
Agency should consider for addressing stormwater discharges from forest
roads. As indicated earlier in this notice, the Agency will seek input
again prior to taking additional action.
[[Page 30475]]
B. Overview of Forests and Forest Roads
A vast and diverse network of forest roads provides access into and
through the nation's forested lands. These roads traverse federal
public land, state and local public land, county land, tribal land,
private land, and they can span any combinations of these. The network
includes active and inactive roads that vary in age and condition. Some
roads on public lands are unauthorized and may not be included in
existing inventories. Forest roads provide important access for a wide
range of activities, including timber operations, recreation, fire
protection, transportation, and often serve multiple purposes by
multiple users at the same time.
There are about 751 million acres of forested land in the United
States. Private forests make up over half (56 percent) or approximately
423 million acres (USDA Forest Service 2008), and account for over 90
percent of all timber harvested in the United States in recent years
(Adams et al., 2006). Of the private forest land, 62 percent is owned
by families and individuals and is commonly referred to as ``family
forests.'' Most of the family forest owners (around 61 percent) own
fewer than 10 acres of forest land. Owners of the remaining private
forest land include corporations, Real Estate Investment Trusts
(REITs), conservation organizations, clubs, and Native American tribes
(USDA Forest Service 2008). Over 300 Native American reservations are
significantly forested, and Native American tribal lands include 17.9
million acres of forest land, including 7.7 million acres of productive
timberland (ITC 2007). Private forest land owners invest considerable
resources in forest road construction and maintenance, as they are
critical assets that enhance property values, maintain economic
viability, and facilitate sustainable forestry management.
Forty-four percent of forest land is publicly-owned, or
approximately 328 million acres. The Federal government administers an
estimated 76 percent of the public forest land. State forestry, park,
and wildlife agencies account for most of the 21 percent of state-owned
public forest land. The remaining 3 percent of public forest land is
owned by local governments, such as counties and towns (USDA Forest
Service 2008). Within the United States, the distribution of public
versus private forests differs greatly among the various regions of the
country. For example, forest-ownership in the Northwest is dominated by
public (primarily the USFS and BLM) ownership, while private ownership
is more prevalent in the Southeast and Northeast (Ibid.).
While some forest road inventory information on federal lands is
available, meaningful interpretation and comparison of that information
requires an understanding of differences in inventory methods used
(e.g., minimum road length included in road length counts), differences
in the classes of forest roads (e.g., road surfacing, sediment
production and delivery, and hydrologic connectivity), and differences
in road densities. Nevertheless, the networks of forest roads on
federal land are vast by any measure, with total lengths on the order
of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of miles. The networks in
other publicly-owned forests, tribal forests, and private forests have
not been fully catalogued, and the density and condition of forest
roads on these lands, as with the federal lands, varies widely.
Forest road networks differ greatly in development through time and
layout over terrain, and they carry this history into their present
performance and environmental impacts (Gucinski et al, 2001). In many
parts of the 193 million acres of the National Forest System (NFS), the
major roads were built in the 1950s and 1960s, with secondary and
tertiary feeder roads following as the road networks expanded into
watersheds. In other areas, logging roads developed from previous road
systems used for mining in the Rocky Mountain and southwestern states
or agriculture in the southern Appalachians, Ozarks, and New England.
Thus, changes in forest road standards through time (for example,
width, construction methods, position in the landscape) have affected
different parts of road networks. Consequently, each forest road
network commonly contains a collection of older and newer roads,
designed to different standards, for various purposes, and crossing
terrain of differing sensitivities. This mosaic of road segments has
implications for how the forest road network will interact with the
forest watershed, streams, and other downstream aquatic resources
(Gucinski et al., 2001), as well as for what is practicable, or even
feasible, to address stormwater discharges from these roads.
Regional differences are also evident in where the forest roads
were located. For example, in southeastern Alaska, main roads were
built on the broad, valley floors, where timber growing on the lower
hillslopes was yarded downhill to them. In California, west of the
Sierra Nevada, major roads were built along broad ridges, with
secondary roads leading down into headwater areas. The main roads into
western Oregon forests entered watersheds along narrow stream bottoms
and then climbed the adjacent steep, unstable hill slopes to access
timber extending from ridge to valley floor (Gucinski et al., 2001).
Federal forest roads on both BLM and Forest Service lands generally
support traffic from multiple uses such as recreational,
administrative, fire protection, and mineral and silvicultural
activities. Of those, only a portion may be used for accessing timber
resources. The federal land management agencies may grant easements,
reservations, and permits for the purpose of construction, operation,
and maintenance or use of roads crossing their lands.
The majority of BLM industrial logging operations occur on Oregon
and California (O&C) lands \2\ which have approximately 14,455 miles of
road. BLM O&C lands are interspersed in a checkerboard pattern with
many landowners. The roads often cross multiple jurisdictions,
including tribal, state, county and private land as well as BLM lands.
As a result, a complex system of road right-of-way agreements exists on
the BLM O&C lands, as discussed later in this notice.
\2\ Oregon and California (O&C) Lands Act of 1937. 43 U.S.C.
1181a. The O&C Lands Act placed management jurisdiction of the lands
under the United States Department of the Interior.
The paragraphs above discuss the range of property types into which
forest roads provide access. The same road may pass through multiple
owners and multiple properties. Moreover, the ownership of the road
does not necessarily correspond to the ownership of the forest land.
For example, a BLM owned road may pass through private property, and a
privately owned road may pass through BLM property.
In general, only a subset of forest roads are active or open in any
given year or at any given time of year. When active or open, forest
roads may be serving multiple purposes by a number of different users.
For example, those roads that are open and used for logging may cross
multiple ownerships with overlapping responsibilities for the road and
be used by multiple logging operators during the same time frame. This
creates a highly complex mosaic of overlapping responsibilities. The
EPA does not have information on all forest roads but notes that usage
for some roads, including forest roads on private property, may only
occur during harvesting once every 20 years or so.
Some forest roads are inactive and have been closed and ``storm-
[[Page 30476]]
(i.e., they have appropriate BMPs for road drainage and erosion control
and for reducing the vulnerability of the roads to natural disasters).
Others may have been closed or abandoned. Among both active and
inactive forest roads are older forest roads that were built or located
without the benefit of newer standards.
The wide range of regulatory and non-regulatory approaches
authorized under section 402(p) of the CWA are well-suited to address
stormwater discharges originating from the complex and diverse forest
road universe because such approaches provide for flexibility and
prioritization and allow EPA to focus on the subset of forest roads
with stormwater discharges that cause or contribute to water quality
impacts. Under 402(p) EPA could build on or defer to other federal,
state, tribal, local, and voluntary programs.
C. Overview of Water Quality Impacts From Stormwater Discharges From
Forest Roads
The goal of the Clean Water Act is to restore and maintain the
chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. 33
U.S.C. 1251(a). High quality water supplies from forests are widely
recognized as valuable resources. Forests cover about one-third of the
continental United States. Most major rivers and streams originate in
forested catchments (NCASI, 1994), and 80 percent of the nation's
freshwater sources originates in these forests (USFS 2000). In 2000,
the US Forest Service (USFS) calculated the marginal value of water
from all National Forest System (NFS) lands to be at least $3.7 billion
per year (Ibid.). Between 50 and 75 percent of the population of the
United States relies on forest lands for good quality water (Neary et
al. 2009), and approximately 60 million people rely on NFS lands as the
primary source of their drinking water (Dissmeyer 2000).
Stormwater discharges from logging roads, especially improperly
constructed or maintained roads, may introduce significant amounts of
sediment and other pollutants into surface waters and, consequently,
cause a variety of water quality impacts. Results of nationwide
waterbody assessments from the EPA's Assessment and Total Maximum Daily
Loads (TMDL) Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS), which
contains the most currently available data reported by states to the
EPA under Sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the CWA, found silviculture
(forestry) and related activities, including forest and logging roads,
to be among the top twelve probable sources of impairment for rivers,
streams, and coastal shorelines (USEPA 2012).
The ATTAINS database indicates that silviculture sources
contributed to impairment of 19,444 miles of rivers and streams (3.8
percent of the total of 514,795 miles impaired) and 242,583 acres of
lakes, reservoirs and ponds (1.9 percent of the total of 13,038,033
acres of impaired). States cited ``Logging roads (construction and
use)'' as the ``specific source'' of impairment in the case of 1,334
miles of rivers and streams (.003 percent of total impaired) and 6,150
acres of lakes, reservoirs and ponds (.0005 percent of total impaired).
The contribution of silviculture to water quality impairments can
vary by region, and the contribution of discharges from forest roads to
water quality impairments in the ATTAINS database may not be
representative due to reporting differences among states. Some states
may have categorized the source of impairment as ``hydromodifcation''
or ``habitat alteration''; many states consistently report in the
``unknown'' source category for impairments--the third leading probable
source category of impairment nationwide. Additionally, much of the
nation's waters still remain unassessed (72 percent of rivers and
streams; 54 percent of lakes, reservoirs, and ponds; 62 percent of bays
and estuaries; and 96 percent of coastal shorelines). The EPA
considered the differential contribution from forest road stormwater
discharges on water quality as the Agency developed the potential
approaches for addressing these sources. For example, the EPA
recognizes that not all forest roads cause water quality impacts and
that the majority of the water quality impacts caused by discharges
from forest roads may be attributed to a relatively small subset of
forest roads and often a small portion of those roads (Nelson et al.,
2010; Fly et al., 2010; Luce and Black, 2001; Luce and Black, 1999).
Thus, any approach to address stormwater discharges from forest roads
would likely focus on the subset of forest roads that were not properly
constructed or are not properly maintained.
Stormwater discharges from improperly constructed or maintained
forest roads can lead to excess sedimentation in nearby waters and
subsequently lead to physical, biological and ecological impacts to
water quality. These forest roads can degrade aquatic ecosystems by
increasing levels of fine sediment input to streams and by altering
natural streamflow patterns. Forest road runoff from improperly
designed or maintained forest roads can detrimentally affect stream
health and aquatic habitat by increasing sediment delivery and stream
turbidity. This can adversely affect the survival of dozens of
sensitive aquatic biota (salmon, trout, other native fishes, amphibians
and macroinvertebrates) where these species are located. Increased fine
sediment deposition in streams and altered streamflows and channel
morphology can result in increased adult and juvenile salmonid
mortality where present (e.g., in the Northwest and parts of the East),
a decrease in aquatic amphibian and invertebrate abundance or
diversity, and decreased habitat complexity.
The physical impacts of forest roads on streams, rivers, downstream
water bodies and watershed integrity have been well documented but vary
depending on site-specific factors. Improperly designed or maintained
forest roads can affect watershed integrity through three primary
mechanisms: they can intercept, concentrate, and divert water
(Williams, 1999). Forest roads can intercept water falling as rainfall
directly on road surfaces and cutbanks as well as subsurface water
moving underground down the hillslope. They can concentrate flow on the
road surface and in adjacent ditches and channels. Forest roads, if not
properly designed, can divert both surface and subsurface water from
flow paths that otherwise would be taken in the absence of a road. The
hydrologic and geomorphic consequences resulting from these three
processes will vary based on the forest road and underlying material.
In some cases, impacts may be negligible, while they may be significant
in others. Potential effects of forest roads that were not properly
constructed or are not properly maintained on water quality can include
increased loading of sediment due to erosion and mass wasting,
increased suspended solids and turbidity, increased sediment deposition
and bed load, alteration of stream morphology and channel
simplification, altered streamflow, pollution from other chemicals
associated with forest roads, increased turbidity and sedimentation in
water treatment and supply systems, siltation of streambed substrates,
impairments of spawning and rearing habitat, and degradation of habitat
for salmonids, other fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms.
Section VII, References, at the end of this notice provides a
preliminary list of articles and publications that have examined
various potential effects of stormwater discharges from forest roads,
as well as management practices to address them. The EPA will further
[[Page 30477]]
review this literature as part of its detailed study of these sources.
The Agency also welcomes suggestions for additional references that it
should consider in its review.
D. Description and Effectiveness of BMPs and Current Practices
Forest roads are vital components of the human use of forested
systems (Gucinski et al., 2001). They provide access for recreation,
resource extraction, fire suppression activities, and many other forest
management activities. While improperly built and maintained forest
roads can have detrimental effects on the water quality, the
application of appropriate BMPs can minimize these effects.
Owners and operators of many forest lands may already be employing
a variety of effective approaches to manage, operate, and maintain
forest roads to control stormwater discharges. These approaches are
implemented by the forest road owners themselves or by operators or
users of the roads. Depending on the jurisdiction, owners or operators
use BMPs as a result of state program requirements, federal
requirements, or because they may follow voluntary programs, including
forest stewardship and sustainability initiatives. Under these required
or voluntary programs, owners and operators of forest roads use BMPs to
minimize or prevent discharges of pollutants into surface waters. They
include design approaches, treatment techniques, operating procedures,
and practices to control runoff, spillage, and leaks.
1. State Programs
Most states have forest land management laws regulating multiple
aspects of forest and timber resources and management and the products
derived from these resources. Many states have a complex legal
framework of forestry regulations that shape the state's forest road
BMP programs. This framework and the resulting BMP programs vary
considerably from one state to another. States also differ in how they
distribute responsibility and authority for the forest road BMP
programs among the state water quality, forestry, and fish and wildlife
agencies. This notice describes three existing state programs to
illustrate some of the variety among the states. Descriptions of the
remaining state programs may be available through state Web pages.
In Washington State, the forest practices act and rules (Forests
and Fish Rules) apply to all private and state forest roads. Forest
Practices Rules require that forest landowners construct and maintain
roads to avoid potential or actual damage to public resources, such as
water quality and fish habitat. The Washington program addresses both
new forest roads as well as existing roads. The program requires larger
forest landowners to complete an inventory of existing roads, identify
where roads are impacting state resources (including fish and water
quality), and allows for prioritization of repairing, relocating, or
abandoning existing roads to correct problems. All large forest
landowners must develop and submit for approval by the Washington
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) a Road Maintenance and
Abandonment Plan (RMAP) in which they inventory their forest roads and
outline a schedule for any needed road work, including a timeline to
bring old roads up to current standards or to decommission or
``abandon'' substandard roads. Small forest landowners are required to
submit a ``checklist RMAP,'' which is a form landowners fill out to
indicate they have assessed their roads included in a harvest and
identified any potential road maintenance problems. While the program
is enforceable, the state focuses first on technical assistance and
then, to correct problems, uses progressive enforcement mechanisms and
generally reserves civil penalties for more serious infractions. If a
problem is identified, WA DNR describes the outcome expected, and the
landowner describes what BMPs will be used to correct it.
Forest roads that no longer need to be used or cannot meet the
performance standards are encouraged to be abandoned. Abandonment
strategies may involve the removal of stream crossing structures and
unstable road fill, installing water bars, re-vegetating exposed soils,
and employing other similar techniques. WA DNR must approve the
roadwork before the road can be considered abandoned.
Florida relies primarily on voluntary compliance with state
approved forest road BMPs. However, BMPs can be enforced where
noncompliance leads to a significant risk to water quality. When a
significant risk has been identified, professionally-trained BMP
foresters advise the landowners on how to implement corrective
measures. Afterward, a follow-up site evaluation is made to reassess
compliance. Landowner non-compliance with recommendations made by the
BMP Forester could result in a referral to the appropriate regulatory
agency for enforcement action.
California's Forest Practice Rules establish a comprehensive
framework that includes state-developed and approved BMPs for
silvicultural activities on private lands, including road-building
practices, and other related silvicultural activities. California
allows coverage under one approach that includes requirements that
closely resemble those of an individual permit, known as ``Waste
Discharge Requirements,'' as well as another approach allowing the use
of a ``waiver'' whose requirements are closer to those of a general or
regional permit. Having a ``waiver'' obviates the procedural need for
coverage under the ``Waste Discharge Requirements'' program, but the
substantive requirements of that program remain enforceable.
The California program is based on input from state water quality
and natural resource agencies and incorporates a formal, annual
adaptive management process reflecting incremental analysis of BMPs,
which regularly results in updated BMP requirements. The waste
discharge requirements apply similarly and equally to both public and
private lands. Enforceability of the Forest Practice Rules is overseen
by multiple agencies: California Department of Forestry, the California
Department of Fish and Game, and the state water Quality Control Board
and Regional Water Quality Control Boards (California's water quality
Many states have been monitoring forestry BMP implementation for
the past 20 years or more. During that time, state forestry agencies
have approached implementation monitoring in different ways with
varying degrees of detail, precision, and statistical strength. In
general, BMP implementation has been reported to be highest on public
land, followed in descending order by forest industry land, corporate
non-industrial land, and private non-industrial land (Prud'homme and
Greis, 2002).
EPA recognizes that one-size-fits-all approaches may not be
appropriate for addressing the multiplicity of issues and situations
within and across states. EPA welcomes diversity in state programs and
will be carefully studying the full range of such programs as it
considers whether any additional measures to address stormwater
discharges from forest roads are needed.
2. USDA Forest Service Programs
a. Forest Service National BMP Program
The goal of the USDA Forest Service (USFS) National BMP Program is
to improve agency performance and accountability in managing water
quality in a manner consistent with the CWA and state water quality
programs. Current USFS policy directs compliance with any required CWA
permits and
[[Page 30478]]
state rules and regulations, and requires the use of approved BMPs to
control pollution. The National BMP Program was developed over the past
decade and is currently in the initial stages of implementation. It is
intended to provide consistency among USFS administrative units to
efficiently administer BMPs and demonstrate performance and
accountability at multiple scales in an adaptive management context.
The program is intended to meet or exceed state BMP objectives as well
as to simplify and standardize water quality protection measures and
monitoring on NFS land. (USDA Forest Service 2012)
The National Core BMPs integrate existing state and USFS regional
BMPs under one umbrella to facilitate an agency-wide BMP implementation
and effectiveness monitoring program. The National Core BMPs provide a
general, non-prescriptive framework of BMPs for the broad range of
activities that occur on NFS lands. (Ibid.)
b. Forest Service Watershed Condition Framework
The USFS's Watershed Condition Framework (WCF) is a comprehensive
approach for classifying watershed condition, implementing integrated
restoration in priority watersheds on national forests and grasslands,
and tracking and monitoring outcome-based program accomplishments for
performance accountability (USDA Forest Service 2011). The policy goal
of the USFS WCF is ``to protect National Forest System watersheds by
implementing practices designed to maintain or improve watershed
condition, which is the foundation for sustaining ecosystems and the
production of renewable natural resources, values, and benefits.'' The
WCF provides a consistent way to evaluate watershed condition at both
the national and forest levels. The WCF consists of reconnaissance-
level assessments by individual national forests, implementation of
integrated improvement activities--including those related to roads--
within priority watersheds, validation and monitoring of watershed
condition class changes, and aggregation of program performance data
for national reporting.
c. Forest Service Legacy Roads Project
The USFS has been engaged in an extensive program of road
improvement efforts called the Legacy Roads Project since 2008. The
goals of this effort are to reduce the hydrologic and geomorphic
impacts of the existing USFS road network on critical watersheds and
aquatic resources by decommissioning or upgrading forest roads. The
Legacy Roads Monitoring Project is a regional effort to examine the
effectiveness of the road decommissioning, storm damage risk reduction
(aka ``storm-proofing'') and road storage projects.
3. United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages 58 million acres of
forest and woodlands in eleven western states and Alaska, including 2.4
million acres within the Oregon and California (O&C) grant lands in
western Oregon. BLM O&C regulations regarding third party road uses
provide that ``The intent and expectation of both parties to agreements
is that roads are left in `at least as good condition as existed prior
to commencement of use''' (43 CFR 2812.6-2(b)(2)). The Federal Land
Policy Management Act (FLPMA) requires public lands to be managed on
the basis of multiple use and sustained yield without permanent
impairment of the land and quality of the environment. Under Sec 502 of
FLPMA, the Interior Secretary is authorized to provide for the
maintenance of roads within and near the public lands and perform that
work, in part, by cooperative financing with other public agencies and
with private agencies and persons in proportion to their use. Forest
roads may be constructed and maintained by logging operators, private
landowners, the BLM, the USFS, or state or county governments. BLM
roads, culverts, and bridges are designed, constructed, and maintained
in accordance with policies and standards found in BLM 9100 Manual
Series (Engineering) for road BMPs. In Oregon and Washington, the BLM
has recently (2011) updated BMPs and, as a result, current road
construction and maintenance standards are substantially improved over
the standards in existence when the CWA was enacted in 1972. BLM timber
sale contracts contain extensive specifications related to methods and
timing of road construction and maintenance. In addition, the BLM often
includes operational restrictions in their timber sale contracts to
reflect appropriate protections for fish species listed under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Under rights-of-way agreements, examples exist of private companies
owning roads constructed on BLM lands, and BLM owning roads built on
private lands. There are dozens of rights-of-way agreements in place on
O&C lands. These agreements are subject to frequent amendment as
landowners consolidate or sell lands or split off separate corporate
entities for business purposes, creating a complex access program.
4. Tribal Programs
Tribal governments in partnership with the US government dedicate
substantial resources to improving Indian forest management (ITC 1993).
Much of the responsibility for managing Indian forests across the
country is carried out by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) with the
involvement of tribal governments. The National Indian Forest Resources
Management Act (NIFRMA), Title III, Public Law 101-630, directs the
Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the affected Indian
tribes, to obtain an independent assessment of the status of Indian
forest resources and their management. Similar to the National Forest
Management Act, the NIFRMA requires the development of forestry
management plans under which the forests are managed in accordance with
BMPs, as approved thorough an interdisciplinary team. The Tribal Forest
Protection Act (Pub. L. 108-278) authorizes the Secretary of
Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an
agreement or contract with Indian tribes to carry out projects to
protect Indian forest land. Protection of such land is particularly
important for tribes because they pass their land on from generation to
generation. This helps to ensure future availability of natural
resources, including healthy forests and clean water.
Many tribes have taken on significant roles in sustainable forest
management. For example, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
manages 95 percent of the forested portions of the reservation for
long-term sustainability through the Menominee Tribal Enterprises which
has received certifications for sustainable management from two groups,
Scientific Certification Systems (The Forest Conservation Program) and
the Rainforest Alliance (SmartWood), and is accredited by the Forest
Stewardship Council. As another example, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe
requires that all new roads be obliterated and seeded after forest
harvesting activities. Similarly, the Blackfeet Nation has a no net new
road miles policy, in that new forest roads associated with forest
harvest must be closed, or other roads must be closed in their place.
5. Voluntary Certification Programs
On private forestlands, significant BMP implementation can be
attributed to growing involvement of forest owners
[[Page 30479]]
in sustainable forestry certification programs. Several certification
programs exist. Under one program, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative
(SFI) of the American Forest and Paper Association, member companies
must meet or exceed state BMPs on company-owned forest land (Prud'homme
and Greis, 2002). Because SFI is linked to state BMPs, the forest road
BMPs applied under SFI vary by state. Some forest products companies
impose sanctions on timber producers who fail to implement BMPs when
logging on other ownerships.
Under another, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification
program, certified forest owners and operators follow a set of
principles and criteria that support responsible forest management (FSC
2012). Principles and criteria include conservation of biological
diversity, water resources, soils, and unique and fragile ecosystems
and landscapes. Under FSC certification, additional requirements
tailored by region guidelines must also be met in addition to state
Under a third program, the American Tree Farm System, a written
certification is issued by an independent third-party that attests to
the sustainable management of a working forest (ATFS 2012). In addition
to requirements that they be in compliance with state BMPs, certified
forest managers must also attest compliance with eight standards of
sustainability, including the maintenance or enhancement of the
environment and ecosystems.
Certification programs can both help ensure implementation of state
BMPs and in some instances require additional BMPs. Forestry operations
that utilize experienced and informed land managers generally have
higher rates of BMP implementation. Thus, many states recommend that
landowners utilize forestry professionals (e.g., private consultants,
certified Master Loggers) when planning any forest management
operations. Many certification programs require involvement of forestry
E. Successes and Remaining Challenges
As described above, successful federal, state, tribal, and local
programs for controlling stormwater discharges from logging and forest
roads currently exist in many parts of the country and many forest
owners are implementing BMP programs to address these discharges. Some
studies have observed trends of decreasing sediment input as forest
roads are closed and storm-proofed or newly built or brought up to
standards (e.g., Dub[eacute] et al. 2010).
However, this does not mean that all of the existing programs have
been successful at effectively addressing stormwater discharges from
forest roads, and some discharges continue to cause or contribute to
impairments for the Nation's waters.
At the same time, not all forest roads are alike, and the severity
of the remaining challenges varies. There is evidence that a majority
of the water quality impacts caused by discharges from forest roads can
be attributed to a relatively small subset of forest roads and often a
small portion of those roads (Nelson et al., 2010; Fly et al., 2010;
Luce and Black, 2001; Luce and Black, 1999). Thus, EPA believes that
further study of forest roads and their impacts is needed in order to
determine what additional measures may be needed to address remaining
water quality impacts. EPA will consider a full range of potential
approaches to address water quality impacts associated with discharges
of stormwater from forest roads.
III. Approaches for Managing Stormwater Discharges From Forest Roads
The Agency is considering several options for addressing
significant water quality impacts caused by stormwater discharges from
forest roads. EPA is considering designating a subset of stormwater
discharges from forest roads for appropriate action under section
402(p)(6) of the Act. Section 402(p)(6) allows the EPA flexibility in
issuing regulations to address designated stormwater discharges and
does not require the use of NPDES permits. 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(6).
Section 402(p) allows for a broad range of regulatory and non-
regulatory approaches and provides flexibility as to which stormwater
discharges, if any, should be designated under Section 402(p)(6). For
example, in lieu of regulation, EPA could support or defer to other
federal, state, tribal, local, and voluntary programs. If EPA does
determine that regulation under Section 402(p)(6) is appropriate for a
subset of stormwater discharges from forest roads, such a regulation
might address discharges only from roads used for logging or might
address discharges based on contribution of the discharge to a water
quality problem. Section 402(p)(6), in turn, provides considerable
flexibility to EPA if it does designate any discharges for regulation
in how it regulates those discharges.
EPA intends to further study the impacts of stormwater discharges
from forest roads, available management practices and approaches, and
the effectiveness of existing Federal, State, Tribal, local and private
programs in managing these discharges, as it considers appropriate next
IV. Outreach and Stakeholder Involvement
The EPA is in the process of reviewing available information on
both the water quality impacts of stormwater discharges from forest
roads as well as existing practices for their control. Consistent with
past Agency actions, the EPA invites interested stakeholders and the
public to share in the exchange of information and to engage as the
Agency considers alternative approaches for addressing stormwater
discharges from forest roads.
The Agency participated in the recent technical symposium hosted by
the Society of American Foresters during which EPA scientists and
engineers had the opportunity to hear perspectives on forest roads and
the Clean Water Act from state and industry representatives directly.
In addition, the EPA has begun communicating with states, tribes, and
other federal agencies to understand their current forest road
stormwater management programs. The Agency worked closely in particular
with USDA (the USFS) and the Department of the Interior (the BLM). The
EPA also welcomes information from other interested parties and plans
to work closely with other stakeholders moving forward.
The EPA encourages stakeholders and the public to provide input
into its consideration of appropriate measures to address stormwater
discharges from forest roads and is already planning to host public
meetings and webcasts to provide a forum for them to do so.
V. Next Steps
The Agency will move expeditiously to propose a revision to its
Phase I stormwater regulations (40 CFR 122.26) to specify that
stormwater discharges from logging roads are not included in the
definition of ``storm water discharge associated with industrial
activity.'' EPA is aware that a Congressional moratorium on NPDES
permitting of some logging roads is set to expire on September 30,
2012, and intends to move expeditiously to complete this revision. EPA
will also study the water quality impacts of forest roads and existing
federal, state, tribal, and voluntary programs designed to address them
to determine if additional Agency action is necessary. EPA also plans
to hold listening sessions to obtain stakeholder input this summer on
its consideration of how best to address stormwater discharges from
forest roads.
[[Page 30480]]
VI. Request for Comment
The EPA requests comment on potential approaches for addressing
stormwater discharges from forest roads. The Agency also seeks input on
examples of successful existing BMP-based state programs, tribal
programs, and voluntary certification programs for managing stormwater
discharges from forest roads; how these programs are implemented; how
program accountability is assured; the costs of implementing those
programs, including costs incurred by owners or operators of forest
roads as well as the costs incurred by the organizations responsible
for implementation and enforcement; the demonstrable successes of these
programs; and the lessons learned in implementing such programs.
The EPA will again seek input on any additional measures to address
such discharges before taking additional action.
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Dated: May 18, 2012.
Nancy K. Stoner,
Acting Assistant Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2012-12524 Filed 5-21-12; 11:15 am]