Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, 30454-30467 [2012-12490]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois
60604, (312) 886–6143,
Dated: May 11, 2012.
Susan Hedman,
Regional Administrator, Region 5.
[FR Doc. 2012–12509 Filed 5–22–12; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R10–OAR–2012–0344, FRL–9676–1]
Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans; State of
Oregon; Regional Haze State
Implementation Plan
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to approve
portions of a State Implementation Plan
(SIP) revision submitted by the State of
Oregon on December 10, 2010 and
supplemented on February 1, 2011, as
meeting the requirements of Clean Air
Act (CAA or the Act) section 169A and
B and Federal Regulations in 40 CFR
51.308. In a previous action on July 5,
2011, EPA approved portions of the
December 10, 2010, SIP submittal as
meeting the requirements for interstate
transport for visibility of CAA section
110(a)(2)(D)(II) and certain requirements
of the regional haze program including
the requirements for best available
retrofit technology (BART). 76 FR
38997. The action in this Federal
Register notice addresses the remaining
requirements of the CAA and EPA’s
rules that require states to prevent any
future and remedy any existing
anthropogenic impairment of visibility
in mandatory Class I areas caused by
emissions of air pollutants from
numerous sources located over a wide
geographic area (also referred to as the
‘‘regional haze program’’). In this action,
EPA proposes to approve the remaining
regional haze SIP elements for which
EPA previously took no action in the
July 5, 2011 notice.
DATES: Written comments must be
received at the address below on or
before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R10–
OAR–2012–0344 by one of the following
• Follow the
on-line instructions for submitting
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• Email:
• Mail: Keith Rose, EPA Region 10,
Suite 900, Office of Air, Waste and
Toxics, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA
• Hand Delivery: EPA Region 10,
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, Seattle,
WA 98101. Attention: Keith Rose, Office
of Air, Waste and Toxics, AWT–107.
Such deliveries are only accepted
during normal hours of operation, and
special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–R10–OAR–2012–
0344. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through
or email. The Web
site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system,
which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an email
comment directly to EPA, without going
through, your
email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD–ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
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Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the
index. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available (e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by
statute). Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available either electronically at or in hard copy at
the Office of Air, Waste and Toxics, EPA
Region 10, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle,
WA 98101. EPA requests that if at all
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possible, you contact the individual
listed below to view a hard copy of the
Keith Rose at telephone number (206)
553–1949,, or the
above EPA, Region 10 address.
Throughout this document whenever
‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean
the EPA. Information is organized as
Table of Contents
I. Background for EPA’s Proposed Action
A. Definition of Regional Haze
B. Regional Haze Rules and Regulations
C. Roles of Agencies in Addressing
Regional Haze
II. Requirements for the Regional Haze SIPs
A. The CAA and the Regional Haze Rule
B. Determination of Baseline, Natural, and
Current Visibility Conditions
C. Consultation With States and Federal
Land Managers
D. Best Available Retrofit Technology
E. Determination of Reasonable Progress
F. Long Term Strategy
G. Coordinating Regional Haze and
Reasonably Attributable Visibility
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other
Implementation Plan Requirements
III. EPA’s Analysis of the Oregon Regional
Haze SIP
A. Affected Class I Areas
B. Baseline and Natural Conditions
C. Oregon Emissions Inventory
D. Sources of Visibility Impairment in
Oregon Class I Areas
E. Best Available Retrofit Technology
F. Reasonable Progress Goals
1. Determination of Reasonable Progress
2. Demonstration of Reasonable Progress
3. EPA’s Determination Whether the SIP
Meets 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)
G. Long Term Strategy
1. Ongoing Air Pollution Control Programs
a. Prevention of Significant Deterioration/
New Source Review Rules
b. Reasonably Attributable Visibility
Impairment BART
c. Oregon’s Phase I Visibility Protection
d. Implementation of State and Federal
Mobile Source Regulations
e. On-Going Implementation of Programs to
meet PM10 NAAQS
2. Measures to Mitigate the Impacts of
Construction Activities
3. Emission Limitations and Schedules of
4. Source Retirement and Replacement
5. Smoke Management Techniques for
Agricultural and Forestry Burning
6. Enforceability of Emission Limitations
and Control Measures
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other
Implementation Plan Requirements
I. Consultation With States and Federal
Land Managers
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
J. Periodic SIP Revisions and Five-Year
Progress Reports
IV. What action is EPA proposing?
V. Oregon Notice Provision
VI. Scope of Action
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
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I. Background for EPA’s Proposed
In the CAA Amendments of 1977,
Congress established a program to
protect and improve visibility in the
national parks and wilderness areas. See
CAA section 169A. Congress amended
the visibility provisions in the CAA in
1990 to focus attention on the problem
of regional haze. See CAA section 169B.
EPA promulgated regulations in 1999 to
implement sections 169A and 169B of
the Act. These regulations require states
to develop and implement plans to
ensure reasonable progress toward
improving visibility in mandatory Class
I Federal areas 1 (Class I areas). 64 FR
35714 (July 1, 1999); see also 70 FR
39104 (July 6, 2005) and 71 FR 60612
(October 13, 2006).
On behalf of the State of Oregon, the
Oregon Department of Environmental
Quality (ODEQ) submitted its Regional
Haze State Implementation Plan
(Regional Haze SIP submission or SIP
submittal) to EPA on December 10, 2010
and supplemented on February 1, 2011.
In a previous action EPA approved
certain provisions in Oregon’s Regional
Haze SIP submission. 76 FR 38997. This
previous action approved the provisions
BART (40 CFR 51.308(e), calculation of
baseline and natural conditions (40 CFR
51.308(d)(2)), and state wide emission
inventory of pollutants that are
reasonably anticipated to cause or
contribute to visibility impairment in
any mandatory Class I area. EPA also
approved Oregon Administrative Rules
OAR 340–223–0010 through 340–223–
0080 (Regional Haze Rules). In that
same action, EPA also approved
portions of the SIP submittal as meeting
the requirements of CAA section
1 Areas designated as mandatory Class I Federal
areas consist of national parks exceeding 6,000
acres, wilderness areas and national memorial parks
exceeding 5,000 acres, and all international parks
that were in existence on August 7, 1977. 42 U.S.C.
7472(a). In accordance with section 169A of the
CAA, EPA, in consultation with the Department of
Interior, promulgated a list of 156 areas where
visibility is identified as an important value. 44 FR
69122 (November 30, 1979). The extent of a
mandatory Class I area includes subsequent changes
in boundaries, such as park expansions. 42 U.S.C.
7472(a). Although states and tribes may designate
as Class I additional areas which they consider to
have visibility as an important value, the
requirements of the visibility program set forth in
section 169A of the CAA apply only to ‘‘mandatory
Class I Federal areas.’’ Each mandatory Class I
Federal area is the responsibility of a ‘‘Federal Land
Manager.’’ 42 U.S.C. 7602(i). When we use the term
‘‘Class I area’’ in this action, we mean a ‘‘mandatory
Class I Federal area.’’
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110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) with respect to the
visibility prong for the 1997 8-hour
ozone and 1997 PM2.5 National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
In this action, EPA is proposing to
approve the remaining provisions of
Oregon’s Regional Haze SIP submission
including the portions that address the
regional haze requirements for
establishing Reasonable Progress Goals
(RPGs) and the Long Term Strategy
A. Definition of Regional Haze
Regional haze is impairment of visual
range or colorization caused by
emission of air pollution produced by
numerous sources and activities, located
across a broad regional area. The
sources include but are not limited to,
major and minor stationary sources,
mobile sources, and area sources
including non-anthropogenic sources.
These sources and activities may emit
fine particles (PM2.5) (e.g., sulfates,
nitrates, organic carbon, elemental
carbon, and soil dust), and their
precursors (e.g., sulfur dioxide (SO2),
nitrogen oxides (NOX), and in some
cases, ammonia (NH3) and volatile
organic compounds (VOC)).
Atmospheric fine particulate reduces
clarity, color, and visual range of visual
scenes. Visibility reducing fine
particulate is primarily composed of
sulfate, nitrate, organic carbon
compounds, elemental carbon, and soil
dust, and impairs visibility by scattering
and absorbing light. Fine particulate can
also cause serious health effects and
mortality in humans, and contributes to
environmental effects such as acid
deposition and eutrophication. See 64
FR at 35715.
Data from the existing visibility
monitoring network, the ‘‘Interagency
Monitoring of Protected Visual
Environments’’ (IMPROVE) monitoring
network, show that visibility
impairment caused by air pollution
occurs virtually all the time at most
national parks and wilderness areas.
The average visual range in many Class
I areas in the Western United States is
100–150 kilometers, or about one-half to
two-thirds the visual range that would
exist without manmade air pollution. Id.
Visibility impairment also varies day-today and by season depending on
variation in meteorology and emission
B. Regional Haze Rules and Regulations
In section 169A of the 1977 CAA
Amendments, Congress created a
program for protecting visibility in the
nation’s national parks and wilderness
areas. This section of the CAA
establishes as a national goal the
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‘‘prevention of any future, and the
remedying of any existing, impairment
of visibility in Class I areas which
impairment results from manmade air
pollution.’’ CAA section 169A(a)(1). On
December 2, 1980, EPA promulgated
regulations to address visibility
impairment in Class I areas that is
‘‘reasonably attributable’’ to a single
source or small group of sources, i.e.,
‘‘reasonably attributable visibility
impairment’’ (RAVI). 45 FR 80084.
These regulations represented the first
phase in addressing visibility
impairment. EPA deferred action on
regional haze that emanates from a
variety of sources until monitoring,
modeling and scientific knowledge
about the relationships between
pollutants and visibility impairment
were improved.
Congress added section 169B to the
CAA in 1990 to address regional haze
issues. EPA promulgated a rule to
address regional haze on July 1, 1999
(64 FR 35713) (the regional haze rule or
RHR). The RHR revised the existing
visibility regulations to integrate into
the regulation, provisions addressing
regional haze impairment and
established a comprehensive visibility
protection program for Class I areas. The
requirements for regional haze, found at
40 CFR 51.308 and 51.309, are included
in EPA’s visibility protection
regulations at 40 CFR 51.300–309. Some
of the main elements of the regional
haze requirements are summarized in
section III of this rulemaking. The
requirement to submit a regional haze
SIP applies to all 50 states, the District
of Columbia and the Virgin Islands.2 40
CFR 51.308(b) requires states to submit
the first implementation plan
addressing regional haze visibility
impairment no later than December 17,
C. Roles of Agencies in Addressing
Regional Haze
Successful implementation of the
regional haze program will require longterm regional coordination among
states, tribal governments and various
Federal agencies. As noted above,
pollution affecting the air quality in
Class I areas can be transported over
long distances, even hundreds of
kilometers. Therefore, to effectively
address the problem of visibility
impairment in Class I areas, states need
to develop strategies in coordination
with one another, taking into account
2 Albuquerque/Bernalillo County in New Mexico
must also submit a regional haze SIP to completely
satisfy the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D) of
the CAA for the entire State of New Mexico under
the New Mexico Air Quality Control Act (section
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
the effect of emissions from one
jurisdiction on the air quality in
Because the pollutants that lead to
regional haze impairment can originate
from across state lines, even across
international boundaries, EPA has
encouraged the States and Tribes to
address visibility impairment from a
regional perspective. Five regional
planning organizations 3 (RPOs) were
created nationally to address regional
haze and related issues. One of the main
objectives of the RPOs is to develop and
analyze data and conduct pollutant
transport modeling to assist the States or
Tribes in developing their regional haze
The Western Regional Air Partnership
(WRAP),4 one of the five RPOs
nationally, is a voluntary partnership of
State, Tribal, Federal, and local air
agencies dealing with air quality in the
West. WRAP member States include:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,
Oregon, Montana, New Mexico, North
Dakota, Idaho, South Dakota, Utah,
Washington, and Wyoming. WRAP
Tribal members include Campo Band of
Kumeyaay Indians, Confederated Salish
and Kootenai Tribes, Cortina Indian
Rancheria, Hopi Tribe, Hualapai Nation
of the Grand Canyon, Native Village of
Shungnak, Nez Perce Tribe, Northern
Cheyenne Tribe, Pueblo of Acoma,
Pueblo of San Felipe, and ShoshoneBannock Tribes of Fort Hall.
As a result of the regional planning
efforts in the West, all states in the
WRAP region contributed information
to a Technical Support System (TSS)
which provides an analysis of the
causes of haze, and the levels of
contribution from all sources within
each state to the visibility degradation of
each Class I area. The WRAP States
consulted in the development of
reasonable progress goals, using the
products of this technical consultation
process to co-develop their reasonable
progress goals for the Western Class I
areas. The modeling done by the WRAP
relied on assumptions regarding
emissions over the relevant planning
period and embedded in these
assumptions were anticipated emissions
reductions in each of the States in the
WRAP, including reductions from
BART and other measures to be adopted
as part of the State’s long term strategy
for addressing regional haze. The
reasonable progress goals in the draft
and final regional haze SIPs that have
3 See
regional.html for description of the regional
planning organizations.
4 The WRAP Web site can be found at https://
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now been prepared by States in the
West accordingly are based, in part, on
the emissions reductions from nearby
States that were agreed on through the
WRAP process.
II. Requirements for Regional Haze
A. The CAA and the Regional Haze Rule
Regional haze SIPs must assure
reasonable progress towards the
national goal of achieving natural
visibility conditions in Class I areas.
Section 169A of the CAA and EPA’s
implementing regulations require states
to establish long-term strategies for
making reasonable progress toward
meeting this goal. Implementation plans
must also give specific attention to
certain stationary sources that were in
existence on August 7, 1977, but were
not in operation before August 7, 1962,
and require these sources, where
appropriate, to install BART controls for
the purpose of eliminating or reducing
visibility impairment. The specific
regional haze SIP requirements are
discussed in further detail below.
B. Determination of Baseline, Natural,
and Current Visibility Conditions
The RHR establishes the deciview
(dv) as the principal metric for
measuring visibility. This visibility
metric expresses uniform changes in
haziness in terms of common
increments across the entire range of
visibility conditions, from pristine to
extremely hazy conditions. Visibility is
determined by measuring the visual
range (or deciview), which is the
greatest distance, in kilometers or miles,
at which a dark object can be viewed
against the sky. The deciview is a useful
measure for tracking progress in
improving visibility, because each
deciview change is an equal incremental
change in visibility perceived by the
human eye. Most people can detect a
change in visibility at one deciview.5
The deciview is used in expressing
reasonable progress goals (which are
interim visibility goals towards meeting
the national visibility goal), defining
baseline, current, and natural
conditions, and tracking changes in
visibility. The regional haze SIPs must
contain measures that ensure
‘‘reasonable progress’’ toward the
national goal of preventing and
remedying visibility impairment in
Class I areas caused by manmade air
pollution by reducing anthropogenic
emissions that cause regional haze. The
national goal is a return to natural
5 The preamble to the RHR provides additional
details about the deciview. 64 FR 35714, 35725
(July 1, 1999).
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conditions, i.e., manmade sources of air
pollution would no longer impair
visibility in Class I areas.
To track changes in visibility over
time at each of the 156 Class I areas
covered by the visibility program
(40 CFR 81.401–437), and as part of the
process for determining reasonable
progress, states must calculate the
degree of existing visibility impairment
at each Class I area at the time of each
regional haze SIP submittal and
periodically review progress every five
years midway through each 10-year
implementation period. To do this, the
RHR requires states to determine the
degree of impairment (in deciviews) for
the average of the 20% least impaired
(‘‘best’’) and 20% most impaired
(‘‘worst’’) visibility days over a specified
time period at each of their Class I areas.
In addition, states must also develop an
estimate of natural visibility conditions
for the purpose of comparing progress
toward the national goal. Natural
visibility is determined by estimating
the natural concentrations of pollutants
that cause visibility impairment and
then calculating total light extinction
based on those estimates. EPA has
provided guidance to states regarding
how to calculate baseline, natural and
current visibility conditions in
documents titled, EPA’s Guidance for
Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions
Under the Regional Haze Rule,
September 2003, (EPA–454/B–03–005
located at
(hereinafter referred to as ‘‘EPA’s 2003
Natural Visibility Guidance’’), and
Guidance for Tracking Progress Under
the Regional Haze Rule (EPA–454/B–
03–004 September 2003 located at
(hereinafter referred to as ‘‘EPA’s 2003
Tracking Progress Guidance’’).
For the first regional haze SIPs that
were due by December 17, 2007,
‘‘baseline visibility conditions’’ were the
starting points for assessing ‘‘current’’
visibility impairment. Baseline visibility
conditions represent the degree of
visibility impairment for the 20% least
impaired days and 20% most impaired
days for each calendar year from 2000
to 2004. Using monitoring data for 2000
through 2004, states are required to
calculate the average degree of visibility
impairment for each Class I area, based
on the average of annual values over the
five-year period. The comparison of
initial baseline visibility conditions to
natural visibility conditions indicates
the amount of improvement necessary
to attain natural visibility, while the
future comparison of baseline
conditions to the then current
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
conditions will indicate the amount of
progress made. In general, the 2000–
2004 baseline time period is considered
the time from which improvement in
visibility is measured.
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C. Consultation With States and Federal
Land Managers
The RHR requires that states consult
with Federal Land Managers (FLMs)
before adopting and submitting their
SIPs. 40 CFR 51.308(i). States must
provide FLMs an opportunity for
consultation, in person and at least 60
days prior to holding any public hearing
on the SIP. This consultation must
include the opportunity for the FLMs to
discuss their assessment of visibility
impairment in any Class I area and to
offer recommendations on the
development of the reasonable progress
goals and on the development and
implementation of strategies to address
visibility impairment. Further, a state
must include in its SIP a description of
how it addressed any comments
provided by the FLMs. Finally, a SIP
must provide procedures for continuing
consultation between the state and
FLMs regarding the state’s visibility
protection program, including
development and review of SIP
revisions, five-year progress reports, and
the implementation of other programs
having the potential to contribute to
impairment of visibility in Class I areas.
D. Best Available Retrofit Technology
Section 169A of the CAA directs
states to evaluate the use of retrofit
controls at certain larger, often
uncontrolled, older stationary sources in
order to address visibility impacts from
these sources. Specifically, section
169A(b)(2)(A) of the CAA requires
States to revise their SIPs to contain
such measures as may be necessary to
make reasonable progress towards the
natural visibility goal, including a
requirement that certain categories of
existing major stationary sources 6 built
between 1962 and 1977, to procure,
install, and operate the ‘‘Best Available
Retrofit Technology’’ (BART) as
determined by the state. States are
directed to conduct BART
determinations for such sources that
may be anticipated to cause or
contribute to any visibility impairment
in a Class I area. The regional haze SIP
must include source-specific BART
emission limits and compliance
schedules for each source subject to
BART. Once a State has made its BART
determination, the BART controls must
be installed and in operation as
6 The set of ‘‘major stationary sources’’ potentially
subject to BART is listed in CAA section 169A(g)(7).
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expeditiously as practicable, but no later
than five years after the date EPA
approves the regional haze SIP. See
CAA section 169A(g)(4); 40 CFR
EPA previously approved Oregon’s
BART determination for the sources
subject to BART in its jurisdiction. See
76 FR 38997. Please refer to that action
for details of the BART requirements
and EPA’s rationale for approval of the
BART provisions in the Oregon
Regional Haze SIP submission.
E. Determination of Reasonable Progress
The vehicle for ensuring continuing
progress towards achieving the natural
visibility goal is the submission of a
series of regional haze SIPs from the
states that establish two reasonable
progress goals (RPGs) (i.e., two distinct
goals, one for the ‘‘best’’ and one for the
‘‘worst’’ days) for every Class I area for
each (approximately) 10-year
implementation period. The RHR does
not mandate specific milestones or rates
of progress, but instead calls for states
to establish goals that provide for
‘‘reasonable progress’’ toward achieving
natural (i.e., ‘‘background’’) visibility
conditions. In setting RPGs, states must
provide for an improvement in visibility
for the most impaired days over the
(approximately) 10-year period of the
SIP, and ensure no degradation in
visibility for the least impaired days
over the same period.
States have significant discretion in
establishing RPGs, but are required to
consider the following factors
established in section 169A of the CAA
and in EPA’s RHR at 40 CFR
51.308(d)(1)(i)(A): (1) The costs of
compliance; (2) the time necessary for
compliance; (3) the energy and non-air
quality environmental impacts of
compliance; and (4) the remaining
useful life of any potentially affected
sources. States must demonstrate in
their SIPs how these factors are
considered when selecting the RPGs for
the best and worst days for each
applicable Class I area. States have
considerable flexibility in how they take
these factors into consideration, as
noted in EPA’s Guidance for Setting
Reasonable Progress Goals under the
Regional Haze Program, July 1, 2007,
Memorandum from William L. Wehrum,
Acting Assistant Administrator for Air
and Radiation, to EPA Regional
Administrators, EPA Regions 1–10
(pp.4–2, 5–1) (‘‘EPA’s Reasonable
Progress Guidance’’). In setting the
RPGs, states must also consider the rate
of progress needed to reach natural
visibility conditions by 2064 (referred to
as the ‘‘uniform rate of progress’’ (URP)
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or the ‘‘glidepath’’) and the emission
reduction measures needed to achieve
that rate of progress over the 10-year
period of the SIP. Uniform progress
towards achievement of natural
conditions by the year 2064 represents
a rate of progress which states are to use
for analytical comparison to the amount
of progress they expect to achieve. In
setting RPGs, each state with one or
more Class I areas (‘‘Class I state’’) must
also consult with potentially
‘‘contributing states,’’ i.e., other nearby
states with emission sources that may be
affecting visibility impairment at the
state’s Class I areas. See 40 CFR
F. Long Term Strategy
Consistent with the requirement in
section 169A(b) of the CAA that states
include in their regional haze SIP a 10
to 15 year strategy for making
reasonable progress, 40 CFR
51.308(d)(3) of the RHR requires that
states include an LTS in their regional
haze SIPs. The LTS is the compilation
of all control measures a state will use
during the implementation period of the
specific SIP submittal to meet
applicable RPGs. The LTS must include
‘‘enforceable emissions limitations,
compliance schedules, and other
measures as necessary to achieve the
reasonable progress goals’’ for all Class
I areas within, or affected by emissions
from, the state. See 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3).
When a state’s emissions are
reasonably anticipated to cause or
contribute to visibility impairment in a
Class I area located in another state, the
RHR requires the impacted state to
coordinate with the contributing states
in order to develop coordinated
emissions management strategies. See
40 CFR 51.308(d)(3)(i). In such cases,
the contributing state must demonstrate
that it has included, in its SIP, all
measures necessary to obtain its share of
the emissions reductions needed to
meet the RPGs for the Class I area. The
RPOs have provided forums for
significant interstate consultation, but
additional consultations between states
may be required to sufficiently address
interstate visibility issues. This is
especially true where two states belong
to different RPOs.
States should consider all types of
anthropogenic sources of visibility
impairment in developing their LTS,
including stationary, minor, mobile, and
area sources. At a minimum, states must
describe how each of the following
seven factors listed below are taken into
account in developing their LTS: (1)
Emissions reductions due to ongoing air
pollution control programs, including
measures to address RAVI; (2) measures
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
to mitigate the impacts of construction
activities; (3) emissions limitations and
schedules for compliance to achieve the
RPG; (4) source retirement and
replacement schedules; (5) smoke
management techniques for agricultural
and forestry management purposes
including plans as currently exist
within the state for these purposes; (6)
enforceability of emissions limitations
and control measures; and (7) the
anticipated net effect on visibility due to
projected changes in point, area, and
mobile source emissions over the period
addressed by the LTS. See 40 CFR
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G. Coordinating Regional Haze and
Reasonably Attributable Visibility
As part of the RHR, EPA revised 40
CFR 51.306(c) regarding the LTS for
RAVI to require that the RAVI plan must
provide for a periodic review and SIP
revision not less frequently than every
three years until the date of submission
of the state’s first plan addressing
regional haze visibility impairment,
which was due December 17, 2007, in
accordance with 40 CFR 51.308(b) and
(c). On or before this date, the state must
revise its plan to provide for review and
revision of a coordinated LTS for
addressing RAVI and regional haze, and
the state must submit the first such
coordinated LTS with its first regional
haze SIP. Future coordinated LTS’s, and
periodic progress reports evaluating
progress towards RPGs, must be
submitted consistent with the schedule
for SIP submissions and periodic
progress reports set forth in 40 CFR
51.308(f) and 51.308(g), respectively.
The periodic review of a state’s LTS
must report on both regional haze and
RAVI impairment and must be
submitted to EPA as a SIP revision.
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other
Implementation Plan Requirements
Section 51.308(d)(4) of the RHR
includes the requirement for a
monitoring strategy for measuring,
characterizing, and reporting of regional
haze visibility impairment that is
representative of all mandatory Class I
Federal areas within the state. The
strategy must be coordinated with the
monitoring strategy required in section
51.305 for RAVI. Compliance with this
requirement may be met through
‘‘participation’’ in the IMPROVE
network, i.e., review and use of
monitoring data from the network. The
monitoring strategy is due with the first
regional haze SIP, and it must be
reviewed every five years. The
monitoring strategy must also provide
for additional monitoring sites if the
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IMPROVE network is not sufficient to
determine whether RPGs will be met.
The SIP must also provide for the
• Procedures for using monitoring
data and other information in a state
with mandatory Class I areas to
determine the contribution of emissions
from within the state to regional haze
visibility impairment at Class I areas
both within and outside the state;
• Procedures for using monitoring
data and other information in a state
with no mandatory Class I areas to
determine the contribution of emissions
from within the state to regional haze
visibility impairment at Class I areas in
other states;
• Reporting of all visibility
monitoring data to the Administrator at
least annually for each Class I area in
the state, and where possible, in
electronic format;
• Developing a statewide inventory of
emissions of pollutants that are
reasonably anticipated to cause or
contribute to visibility impairment in
any Class I area. The inventory must
include emissions for a baseline year,
emissions for the most recent year for
which data are available, and estimates
of future projected emissions. A state
must also make a commitment to update
the inventory periodically; and
• Other elements, including
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
measures necessary to assess and report
on visibility.
The RHR requires control strategies to
cover an initial implementation period
extending to the year 2018, with a
comprehensive reassessment and
revision of those strategies, as
appropriate, every 10 years thereafter.
Periodic SIP revisions must meet the
core requirements of section 51.308(d)
with the exception of BART. The
requirement to evaluate sources for
BART applies only to the first regional
haze SIP. Facilities subject to BART
must continue to comply with the BART
provisions of section 51.308(e), as noted
above. Periodic SIP revisions will assure
that the statutory requirement of
reasonable progress will continue to be
met. Each state also is required to
submit a report to EPA every five years
that evaluates progress toward achieving
the RPG for each Class I area within the
state and outside the state if affected by
emissions from within the state. 40 CFR
51.308(g). The first progress report is
due five years from submittal of the
initial regional haze SIP revision. At the
same time a 5-year progress report is
submitted, a state must determine the
adequacy of its existing SIP to achieve
the established goals for visibility
improvement. See 40 CFR 51.308(h).
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III. EPA’s Analysis of Oregon Regional
Haze SIP
A. Affected Class I Areas
There are twelve mandatory Class I
areas, or portions of such areas, within
Oregon: Mt. Hood Wilderness, Mt.
Jefferson Wilderness, Mt. Washington
Wilderness, Three Sisters Wilderness,
Diamond Peak Wilderness, Crater Lake
National Park, Mountain Lakes
Wilderness, Gearhart Mountain
Wilderness, Kalmiopsis Wilderness,
Strawberry Mountain Wilderness, and
Eagle Cap Wilderness, are all within
Oregon State borders. Hells Canyon
Wilderness Area is a shared Class I area
with Idaho. See 40 CFR 81.410. Oregon
is responsible for developing reasonable
progress goals for the Class I areas in
Oregon and, through agreement with
Idaho, is also responsible for developing
the reasonable progress goals for the
Hells Canyon Class I area. Oregon
reviewed interstate transport of haze
pollutants with neighboring states,
focusing on source apportionment
information to identify visibility
impacts in Oregon and neighboring state
Class I areas. Oregon consulted with
Washington, Idaho, California and
Nevada. See the Oregon Regional Haze
SIP submittal, chapter 13, section 13.2;
see, also the WRAP Technical Support
Document, February 28, 2011 7 (WRAP
TSD) supporting this action and 76 FR
The Oregon SIP submittal addresses
the eleven Class I areas that are
completely within the State border, the
Class I area with shared jurisdiction
with Oregon and Idaho, and the
visibility impacts of Oregon sources on
Class I areas in neighboring states.
B. Baseline and Natural Conditions
EPA previously evaluated and
approved Oregon’s determination of
baseline and natural conditions for all
eleven Class I areas in Oregon. See 76
FR 12651 (March 8, 2011) and 76 FR
38997 (July 5, 2011) (proposed and final
rule respectively). The discussion of
baseline and natural conditions in those
Federal Register notices is relevant
when evaluating the State’s Reasonable
Progress Goals which we are proposing
to approve today. Thus, the discussion
below summarizes EPA’s previous
explanation of the baseline and natural
conditions in Oregon’s Class I areas.
Oregon established baseline and
natural visibility conditions as well as
the URP to achieve natural visibility
7 EPA evaluated the technical work products of
the WRAP used by Oregon in support of this
Regional Haze SIP submittal. The results of that
evaluation are included in the document ‘‘WRAP
Technical Support Document’’ or WRAP TSD.
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
conditions in 2064 for all eleven of the
Class I areas wholly within its borders.
The SIP submittal also included these
conditions for Hells Canyon Wilderness
Area, as determined by WRAP and
established by Oregon and Idaho.
Baseline visibility was calculated
from monitoring data collected by
IMPROVE monitors for the mostimpaired (20% worst) days and the
least-impaired (20% best) days. Oregon
used the WRAP derived natural
visibility conditions. In general, WRAP
based their natural condition estimates
on EPA guidance; Guidance for
Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions
Under the Regional Haze Program
(EPA–45/B–03–0005 September 2003)
but incorporated refinements which
EPA believes provides results more
appropriate for western states than the
general EPA default approach. See
WRAP TSD section 2.E.
Because individual monitors are used
to represent visibility conditions for
groups of Class I areas in Oregon, not
every Class I area in Oregon has an
IMPROVE monitor. Specifically, the
Oregon Class I areas are segregated into
six groups. These groups, and Class I
areas they contain, are:
• North Cascades: Mt. Hood
Wilderness Area.
• Central Cascades: Mt. Jefferson, Mt.
Washington, and Three Sisters
Wilderness Areas.
• Southern Cascades: Crater Lake
National Park, Diamond Peak, Mountain
Lakes, and Gearhart Wilderness Areas.
• Coast Range: Kalmiopsis
Wilderness Area.
• Eastern Oregon: Strawberry
Mountain and Eagle Cap Wilderness
• Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho:
Hells Canyon Wilderness Area.
Visibility conditions on the 20%
worst days during the 2000–04 baseline
period for each group of Class I areas
were determined to be:
• North Cascades—14.9 dv.
• Central Cascades—15.3 dv.
• Southern Cascades—13.7 dv.
• Coast Range—15.5 dv.
• Eastern Oregon—18.6 dv.
• Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho—
18.6 dv.
Visibility conditions on the 20% best
days during the 2000–04 baseline period
for each group of Class I areas were
determined to be:
• North Cascades—2.2 dv.
• Central Cascades—3.0 dv.
• Southern Cascades—1.7 dv.
• Coast Range—6.3 dv.
• Eastern Oregon—4.5 dv.
• Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho—5.5
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Natural visibility conditions on the
20% worst days for each group of Class
I areas were determined to be:
• Northern Cascades—8.4 dv.
• Central Cascades—8.8 dv.
• Southern Cascades—7.6 dv.
• Coast Range—9.4 dv.
• Eastern Oregon—8.9 dv.
• Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho—8.3
C. Oregon Emission Inventory
EPA previously evaluated and
approved Oregon’s emissions inventory
of pollutants that impact the twelve
Class I areas in Oregon, as well as the
impacts of emissions from Oregon
BART-eligible sources on nearby Class I
in other states. See 76 FR 12651 and 76
FR 38997. Below is a summary of
emission inventories of the most
significant visibility impairing
pollutants in Oregon, which are SO2,
NOX, and organic carbon. These
pollutants, and their visibility impacts,
were explained in more detail in the
notices for the previous rulemaking.
Point sources in Oregon account for
39% of total state-wide SO2 emissions.
The most significant point sources are
coal-fired electrical generation units.
Area sources (such as Pacific offshore
shipping, wood combustion, and natural
gas combustion) contribute about 21%
to Oregon statewide SO2 emissions. Onroad mobile and off-road mobile sources
contribute a combined total of 21% of
the Oregon SO2 emissions. On-road
mobile sources account for 43% of the
total NOX statewide emissions in
Oregon, and off-road mobile sources
account for 21% of the NOX. Natural fire
accounts for 11% of the NOX, and point
sources account for 10% of the NOX
emissions. Most of the organic carbon
emissions in Oregon are from natural
fire, which fluctuate greatly from year to
year. For 2002, about 68% of statewide
organic carbon emissions in Oregon
were due to natural fire. Anthropogenic
fire (prescribed fire, agricultural field
burning, and outdoor residential
burning) accounts for 9% of the
statewide organic carbon emissions.
D. Sources of Visibility Impairment in
Oregon Class I Areas
Oregon used a two step process to
identify the contribution of each source
or source category to existing visibility
impairment. First, ambient pollutant
concentrations by species (sulfate,
nitrate, organic carbon, fine particulate,
etc) were determined from the
IMPROVE sampler representing each
Class I area. These concentrations were
then used to determine the extinction
coefficient for each pollutant species
according to the updated IMPROVE
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algorithm. Extinction was then
converted to deciview values, the
required visibility metric identified in
the RHR. Second, appropriate modeling
tools were used to determine which
source categories contributed to the
ambient concentrations of each
pollutant species in each Class I area.
Thus, impairment was distributed by
source category.
The WRAP and Western States
selected the Comprehensive Air Quality
Model with Extensions (CAMx) in
conjunction with PM Source
Apportionment Technology (PSAT) first
to determine source contribution to
ambient sulfate and nitrate
concentrations and then to decide
which geographic source regions
contribute to haze at specific Class I
areas. The second modeling tool used by
WRAP was the Weighted Emissions
Potential (WEP) model, which was used
primarily as a screening tool to
determine the contribution of ambient
organic carbon, elemental carbon, PM2.5,
and coarse PM concentrations to
visibility impairment in Oregon Class I
areas. Description of these tools, their
use and evaluation of them are
described in more detail in section 6 of
the WRAP TSD. Below is a summary of
the source categories that contribute to
the SO2, NOX, and organic carbon,
which cause the most significant
visibility impairment in Class I areas in
The results of the PSAT and WEP
modeling show that sources of visibility
impairment in the Oregon Class I area
vary significantly by location. The PSAT
results show that the 20% worst days
during 2000–2004 in the North and
Central Cascades Class I areas are
mostly impacted by sulfate from a
combination of SO2 point, area, and
mobile sources in Washington and
Oregon, and marine shipping in the
Pacific offshore region. Most of the
sulfate impacting the Southern Cascade
Class I areas is from point sources in
Oregon, Washington, California, and
Canada. Pacific offshore shipping is also
a substantial contributor of sulfate to
this area. The most significant sources
of sulfate to the only coastal Oregon
Class I area (Kalmiopsis Wilderness
Area) are natural fires in Oregon, and
marine shipping in the Pacific Ocean.
For the 20% worst days in Eastern
Oregon Class I areas, the contribution of
sulfates from each geographical area is
relatively low, with the largest
contribution being from point sources
from Canada, Washington, and Oregon.
See Oregon Regional Haze SIP submittal
Figures 9.2.1–1 through Figures 9.2.1–6.
The PSAT results for nitrate show that
a majority of the nitrate impacting the
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North and Central Cascades Class I areas
is from mobile sources in Oregon and
Washington. For the 20% worst days in
Southern Cascades, the most significant
sources of nitrate are mobile sources in
California, Oregon and Washington. A
majority of the nitrate impacting the
Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area is from
mobile sources in Oregon and from
marine shipping in the Pacific Ocean.
The visibility on the 20% worst days in
the Eastern Oregon Class I areas is
significantly impacted by a combination
of point, area, and mobile NOX sources
in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. See
Oregon Regional Haze SIP submittal
Figures 9.2.2–1 through Figures 9.2.2–6.
Based on the WEP model results, the
organic carbon in the North Cascades
area on the 20% worst visibility days
comes mostly from area sources and
natural fires in Oregon, with a small
contribution from areas sources in
Washington. For the 20% worst
visibility days in the Central Cascades
areas, most of the organic carbon comes
from a combination of area source
emissions and natural and
anthropogenic fire in Oregon. For the
20% worst visibility days in the
Southern Cascades area, approximately
90% of the organic carbon contribution
came from natural fires in 2002. For the
20% worst visibility days in the
Kalmiopsis Wilderness area, almost all
of the organic carbon for the 2002 base
year came from natural fire. For the 20%
worst visibility days in the Eastern
Oregon Class I areas, most of the organic
carbon contribution came from a
combination of natural fires and
anthropogenic fires in Idaho and
In its previous final rulemaking EPA
found that Oregon had appropriately
identified the primary pollutants
impacting its Class I areas, and that the
SIP contains an appropriate analysis of
the impact these pollutants have on
visibility in the Class I areas in Oregon.
See 76 FR 38997.
E. Best Available Retrofit Technology
EPA previously reviewed and
approved Oregon’s BART
determinations for all sources subject to
BART in Oregon. See 76 FR 38997. As
explained in the Federal Register notice
approving the State’s determinations,
BART was determined for one source,
the PGE Boardman Electric Generating
Unit (EGU), and Federally Enforceable
Permit Limits (FEPLs) were established
for four BART-eligible sources to reduce
visibility impacts at any Class I area
below the 0.5 dv subject to BARTsubject threshold. These four sources
• PGE Beaver EGU
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• Georgia Pacific Wauna Mill
• International Paper, Springfield
• Amalgamated Sugar Plant, Nyssa
In summary, the emission limits
established through FEPLs for the above
four sources were achieved through the
following methods.
1. PGE Beaver EGU: To achieve the
emission limits established in the Title
V permit, the facility is using ultra-low
sulfur diesel fuel (with no more than
0.0015% sulfur) in its oil-fired BART
eligible units. The source must also use
only ‘‘pipe line quality’’ natural gas in
the gas-fueled PWEU1 unit.
2. Georgia Pacific Wauna Mill: To
achieve the emission limits established
in the Title V permit, the mill has
reduced its SO2 emissions by (1)
permanently reducing use of fuel oil in
the Power Boiler, (2) discontinuing the
use of fuel oil in the Lime Kiln until the
Non-Condensable Gas Incinerator
(NCGI) unit is shut down, and (3)
limiting pulp production rate to 1,030
tons per day until the NCGI unit is shut
down, at which time production rate
will be limited to 1,350 tons per day.
3. International Paper, Springfield: To
achieve the emission limits established
in its Title V permit, the plant has
reduced its emissions of SO2, NOX, and
PM by accepting limits on fuel usage
and operation, and meeting a combined
SO2 and NOX daily emission limit based
on a plant fuel use specific formula. The
permit requires this facility to include
the package boiler (EU–150B) emissions
when demonstrating compliance with
condition 210 of the permit until the
source submits a notice of completion of
No. 4 recovery boiler mud and steam
drum replacement.
4. Amalgamated Sugar Plant, Nyssa:
This plant is currently shutdown and
has no identified date to resume
operations. In the event this source
resumes operation in the future, ODEQ
will require that this facility be subject
to a FEPL in its Title V permit, or
conduct a BART analysis and install
BART prior to resuming operation.
The PGE EGU near Boardman, Oregon
is a coal-fired power plant capable of
producing about 617 MW of electricity
constructed between 1962 and 1977,
and based on 2005 actual emissions
data, emitted about 12,000 tons of SO2,
8,300 tons of NOX, and 880 tons of
particulate matter (PM) that year. ODEQ
determined BART for this source to be
0.23 lbs/mmBtu for NOX based on a new
low-NOX burner/modified overfire air
system, 0.40 lbs/mmBtu for SO2 based
on initial operational efficiency of a new
Direct Sorbent Injection System, and
0.40 lb/mmBtu for PM, based on the
current PM emission limit for the
existing electrostatic precipitation
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system. The BART rule for this facility
requires that the Foster Wheeler boiler
at the facility permanently cease
burning coal by no later than December
31, 2020. OAR 340–223–0030(1)(e).
F. Reasonable Progress Goals
1. Determination of Reasonable Progress
The RHR requires States to show
‘‘reasonable progress’’ toward natural
visibility conditions over the time
period of the SIP, with 2018 as the first
milestone year. The RHR at 40 CFR
51.308(d)(1) also requires that the State
establish a goal, expressed in deciviews
(dv), for each Class I area within the
State that provides for reasonable
progress towards achieving natural
visibility conditions by 2064. As such
the State must establish an RPG for each
Class I area that provides for visibility
improvement for the most-impaired
(20% worst) days and ensures no
degradation in visibility for the leastimpaired (20% best) days in 2018.
RPGs are estimates of the progress to
be achieved by 2018 through
implementation of the LTS which
includes anticipated emission
reductions from all State and Federal
regulatory requirements implemented
between the baseline and 2018,
including, but not limited to, BART and
any additional controls for non-BART
sources or emission activities including
any Federal requirements that reduce
visibility impairing pollutants. As
explained above, the rate needed to
achieve natural conditions by 2064 is
referred to as the uniform rate of
progress or URP.
If the State establishes a reasonable
progress goal that provides for a slower
rate of improvement than the rate that
would be needed to attain natural
conditions by 2064, the State must
demonstrate based on the factors in
51.308(d)(1)(i)(A), that the rate of
progress for the implementation plan to
attain natural conditions by 2064 is not
reasonable; and the progress goal
adopted by the State is reasonable. The
State must provide an assessment of the
number of years it would take to attain
natural conditions if visibility continues
at the rate of progress selected by the
State. 40 CFR 51.308(d)(B)(ii).
The primary tool relied upon by
Oregon for determining regional haze
improvements by 2018 and for
establishing the RPGs, was the CMAQ
modeling conducted by WRAP. The
CMAQ model was used to estimate 2018
visibility conditions in Oregon, based
on application of the regional haze
strategies included in this plan. WRAP
developed CMAQ modeling inputs,
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
including annual meteorology and
emissions inventories for: (1) A 2002
actual emissions base case, (2) a
planning case to represent the 2000–04
regional haze baseline period using
averages for key emissions categories,
and (3) a projected 2018 case to
determine improvements achievable by
2018. EPA approves the use of the
CMAQ model to determine future
visibility conditions in Oregon Class I
areas. A more detailed description of the
CMAQ modeling performed by WRAP
can be found in the WRAP TSD for this
To determine the 2018 RPGs for its
Class I areas, ODEQ followed the eleven
steps described below:
1. Compare baseline conditions to
natural conditions. For each Class I area,
ODEQ identified baseline (2000–2004)
visibility and natural conditions in
2064, for the 20% worst and best days.
2. Identify the Uniform Rate of
Progress for achieving natural
conditions on the 20% worst days. For
each Class I area, ODEQ calculated the
URP glide path from baseline to 2064,
including the 2018 planning milestone,
for the 20% worst days.
3. Identify contributing pollutant
species. For each Class I area, ODEQ
identified the pollutant species that are
contributing to visibility impairment on
during the 2000–2004 baseline 20%
worst and 20% best days.
4. Identify major emission sources
within the State. Using the WRAP
Class I areas, and analyzed these sources
using the four-factor analysis.
9. Describe the results of the fourfactor analysis. ODEQ conducted a fourfactor analysis on the major Oregon
source emission categories using the
following factors: Cost of compliance,
time necessary for compliance, energy
and non-air quality environmental
impacts of compliance, and remaining
useful life of any potentially affected
10. Set the RPGs based on the above
steps. ODEQ set the RPGs for each Class
I area in deciviews, based on expected
improvements by 2018 for the 20%
worst and 20% best days, due to on-thebooks controls, BART, and the results of
the four-factor analysis on major source
11. Compare RPG to the 2018 URP
milestone and provide an affirmative
demonstration that reasonable progress
is being made. For each Class I area,
ODEQ compared the RPG developed in
step 10 to the 2018 URP milestone and
provided an affirmative demonstration
that reasonable progress is being made.
After considering each of the factors
described above, Oregon established
RPGs for each of its mandatory Class I
areas. The visibility projections were
based on estimates of emissions
reductions from all existing and known
controls resulting from Federal and state
CAA programs as of December 2010.
Oregon’s RPGs for its 12 Class I areas are
shown in Table 1 below.
Emission Inventory for 2002 and 2018,
ODEQ identified statewide emissions by
source category and pollutant, and
identified projected emission trends
from current (2002) to the 2018
planning milestone.
5. Identify the larger emission sources
contributing to visibility impairment.
For each Class I area, ODEQ identified
the relative contribution of
anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic
sources in Oregon and neighboring
states to the 20% worst and best days,
using monitoring data, and source
apportionment and modeling results.
6. Document the emission reductions
from BART. ODEQ described the results
of the BART process, and identified the
emission reductions that will be
achieved from BART and from FEPLs
taken by sources so that they are no
longer subject to BART.
7. Identify projected visibility change
in 2018 from ‘‘on-the-books’’ controls
and BART. For each Class I area, ODEQ
determined the visibility improvement
expected in 2018 from on-the-books
controls and BART, using the WRAP
CMAQ modeling results, for the 20%
worst and best days.
8. Identify sources or source
categories that are major contributors
and apply the four- factor analysis. As
a result of the analysis under step 5
above, for each Class I area, ODEQ
determined key pollutant species and
source categories that could have the
greatest impact on visibility in Oregon
20% Worst days
Oregon class I area
Northern Cascades
Central Cascades ..
Mt. Hood Wilderness Area ....................
Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, and
Three Sisters Wilderness Areas.
Diamond Peak, Mountain Lakes, and
Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Areas
and Crater Lake National Park.
Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area .................
Strawberry Mountain and Eagle Cap
Wilderness Areas.
Hells Canyon Wilderness Area .............
Southern Cascades
Coast Range .........
Eastern Oregon .....
Eastern Oregon/
Western Idaho.
Years from
baseline to
conditions at
goal (dv)
2018 Uniform
rate of
progress (dv)
20% Best days
condition (dv)
goal (dv)
SIP submission Table 11.4.2–2 as supplemented by May 7, 2012 letter from ODEQ.
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2. Demonstration of Reasonable Progress
Oregon recognized that based on the
results of the CMAQ modeling, none of
the Class I areas in Oregon are expected
to achieve the URP for 2018.
Nevertheless, Oregon concludes that the
goals it established for each of the Class
I areas for the first planning cycle are
reasonable, and no additional controls
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are reasonable at this time. Oregon
believes that these RPGs are justified
and ‘‘reasonable’’ based on the
following considerations: (1) Findings of
the four-factor analysis which evaluated
controls on major source categories that
impact visibility in Class I areas in
Oregon, (2) substantial future emission
reductions from the PGE Boardman
EGU, initially due to BART emission
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limits in place by 2014, and then further
reductions in emissions from this
facility when it ceases to burn coal by
the end of 2020, (3) evidence that
emissions from natural sources
(primarily wildfires) significantly
impact visibility in the Class I areas and
adversely affect Oregon’s ability to reach
the 2018 URP goal, (4) evidence that
offshore marine shipping emissions
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
significantly impact visibility in the
Class I areas and adversely affect
Oregon’s ability to meet the 2018 URP
goal in these Class I areas, and (5)
ODEQ’s demonstration that it will
achieve significant reductions of SO2
and NOX emissions from anthropogenic
sources in Oregon, primarily due to
major reductions in mobile source
emissions of SO2 and NOX by 2018. See
Oregon Regional Haze SIP submission
section 11.4.1 for additional detail.
These five factors, and how they were
considered, are summarized in the
following paragraphs.
Findings of the Four-Factor Analysis:
ODEQ based its analysis on the WRAP
four-factor analysis for Oregon, and
focused on the largest anthropogenic
point and areas sources that have the
greatest projected amounts of SOX and
NOX emissions in each source category
in 2018. Based on the emissions
inventory, ODEQ identified the
following source categories as being the
largest SOX and NOX emitters: External
Combustion Boilers; Stationary Source
Fuel Combustion; Industrial Processes;
Internal Combustion Engines;
Agricultural Orchard Heaters; and
Waste Disposal, Treatment, and
Recovery. The annual SO2 and NOX
emissions from each of these categories
are shown in Table 2.
Extent of
Source category
SO2 ...........................................
Point .........................................
Point .........................................
Area ..........................................
Area ..........................................
Point .........................................
Point .........................................
Point .........................................
Area ..........................................
Area ..........................................
External Combustion Boilers .........................................
Industrial Processes .......................................................
Stationary Source Fuel Combustion ..............................
Misc. (Agriculture Orchard Heaters) ..............................
External Combustion Boilers .........................................
Industrial Processes .......................................................
Internal Combustion Engines .........................................
Stationary Source Fuel Combustion ..............................
Waste Disposal, Treatment, and Recovery ...................
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NOX ...........................................
ODEQ’s four-factor analysis for each
source category is summarized below:
a. External Boilers: This source
category consists of point sources with
emissions totaling 858 tons per year
(tpy) of SO2 and 4,995 of NOX.
Technically feasible NOX emission
control technologies for external boilers
included Overfire Air, Selective NonCatalytic Reduction and Selective
Catalytic Reduction. See section
of the SIP submittal for additional detail
regarding the State’s analysis of this
source category.
b. Industrial Processes: This source
category consists of SO2 and NOX point
sources, with emissions totaling 377 tpy
of SO2 and 3,639 tpy of NOX In this
category, ODEQ focused on cement
manufacturing, which is the only
sizable subcategory in this category,
with about 57% of the NOX in the
Industrial Processes category. See
section, Industrial Processes
table and section of the SIP
submittal for additional detail regarding
the State’s analysis of this source
c. Stationary Source Fuel Combustion:
This source category consists of area
sources, with emissions totaling 5,699
tpy of SO2 and 13,354 tpy of NOX The
largest subcategory in this category is
residential wood and natural gas
combustion (6,642 tpy of NOX,
combined). These represent the
woodstoves and home heating devices
found throughout Oregon. ODEQ’s
residential wood heating rules in OAR
340, Division 262, require that only
certified woodstoves can be sold in the
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state. As a result of these current
federally enforceable state requirements
and programs for residential wood
heating, ODEQ did not conduct a fourfactor analysis for this subcategory.
ODEQ also found that the low emissions
generated by natural gas home heating
devices did not warrant further analysis.
The remaining sizeable subcategories
were industrial and commercial/
institutional combustion, involving
mostly natural gas and distillate oil.
ODEQ believes that emissions from
these subcategories come from smaller
generators and engines. The control
options available for stationary sources
burning natural gas are very limited,
since this fuel already produces very
low emissions, and there are no costeffective post-combustion controls for
this category of sources. As a result of
its review of this source category, ODEQ
did not believe a detailed four-factor
analysis was appropriate, and that such
a review would not identify any cost
effective controls. See section of
the SIP submittal for additional detail
regarding the State’s analysis of this
source category.
d. Waste Disposal, Treatment, and
Recovery: This source category consists
of NOX area sources with emissions
totaling 2,881 tpy. ODEQ found that the
largest source within this category is
residential open burning, which like
agricultural and forestry burning is not
suitable for applying the four-factor
analysis because there are no feasible
emission control technologies for these
types of sources. However, as discussed
below, ODEQ intends to conduct an
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858 tons/year.
377 tons/year.
5,699 tons/year.
2,243 tons/year.
4,995 tons/year.
3,639 tons/year.
3,688 tons/year.
13,454 tons/year.
2,881 tons/year.
evaluation of residential open burning
to determine the extent of the
contribution to visibility impairment,
and the need for emission reductions, as
part of the LTS of this plan (See chapter
12, section 12.6.3 of the SIP submittal).
e. Agricultural Orchard Heaters: This
source category consists of SO2 area
sources with emissions totaling 2,243
tpy. ODEQ found that a four-factor
analysis was not appropriate for this
category of sources for the following
reasons: (1) ODEQ’s confidence in the
emissions estimates from orchard
heaters is very low, (2) these heaters are
used only intermittently, to prevent
frost damage for selected crops in
diverse regions of the state, and the
probability that the intermittent use and
spatial distribution of this source is a
sizeable contributor to Class I area
impairment is extremely low, and (3)
few cost effective control options are
available for this type of source. See
section of the SIP submittal for
additional detail regarding the State’s
analysis of this source category.
f. Internal Combustion Engines: This
source category consists of NOX point
sources with emissions totaling 3,688
tpy. This source category consists of two
types of engines: (1) Natural gas fired
reciprocating internal combustion
engines, and (2) natural gas fired
turbines that are compressors,
combustors, or power turbines.
Emissions from internal combustion
engines vary from engine to engine,
model to model, and mode of operation.
ODEQ found that there was no currently
available information on this source
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category that would allow a four-factor
analysis. Given the relatively low
emissions represented by this source
category, and the unknown level of
contribution to visibility impairment,
ODEQ decided not to conduct any
further analysis on this source category.
See section of the SIP submittal
for additional detail regarding the
State’s analysis of this source category.
As the purpose of the reasonable
progress analysis is to evaluate the
potential of controlling certain sources
or source categories to address visibility
from manmade sources, the four-factor
analysis conducted by Oregon
addressed only anthropogenic sources
on the assumption that the focus should
be on sources that could be controlled.
Thus, in its evaluation of potential
sources or source categories for
reasonable progress, the state primarily
evaluated controls on point sources.
Oregon determined that the key
pollutants contributing to visibility
impairment from sources in Oregon are
SO2, NOX, and organic carbon. The State
determined that the major source of
organic carbon was natural fire, and
after reviewing the WRAP modeling
results, Oregon found that PM emissions
from point sources only contribute a
minimal amount to the visibility
impairment in the Oregon Class I areas.
Therefore, for this initial planning
period, Oregon focused on SO2 and NOX
controls for point source emissions.
Based on its evaluation, Oregon
concluded that little gain would be
achieved from further reduction in SO2
and NOX from point sources in Oregon,
and therefore concluded it is not
reasonable to require controls for these
source categories at this time. See
Chapter 11.3 of the Oregon SIP
Substantial emission reductions From
the PGE Boardman EGU: ODEQ projects
that there will be a total SO2 and NOX
emission reduction of 9,944 tpy from
the PGE Boardman facility when BART
emission controls are fully implemented
by July 2014. These reductions will
result in an additional visibility
improvement of 2.4 dv in the Mt. Hood
Class I area, and an additional
cumulative visibility improvement of
16.2 dv in all 14 Class I areas impacted
by this source. By 2018, there will be an
additional reduction of 2,400 tpy of SO2
when the reasonable progress controls
(Direct Sorbent Injection-phase 2) are
implemented, resulting in an additional
2.3 dv of cumulative improvement. By
the end of 2020, when Boardman
permanently ceases to burn coal, there
will be an additional combined SO2 and
NOX reduction of 12,877 tpy, resulting
in an additional 13.0 dv cumulative
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improvement in all 14 Class I areas. See
appendix D–7 of the Oregon Regional
Haze SIP submittal.
Significant contribution to visibility
impairment from natural sources: The
emission data in Chapter 8 of the SIP
submittal demonstrate that there are
major contributions of Organic Carbon
(OC), Elemental Carbon (EC), PM2.5, and
coarse particulate matter (coarse PM)
from wildfires and windblown dust to
the total state inventory for these
species. In 2002, OC from wildfires
constituted 69% of the total state’s OC
emission inventory, and EC from
wildfires constituted 61% of the state’s
EC emission inventory. Also in 2002,
windblown dust constituted 26% of the
Oregon’s total PM2.5 inventory, and
constituted 61% of the coarse PM
inventory. Based on CMAQ modeling
results shown in Chapter 9 of the SIP
submittal, OC and PM2.5 from wildfires,
and PM2.5 and coarse PM from
windblown dust, had significant to
substantial impacts on visibility in
Oregon Class I areas on the 20% worst
days in 2002. The contribution of
natural fires to visibility impairment
from OC in Oregon Class I areas ranges
from about 15% at the Mt. Hood Class
I area to about 95% at the Kalmiopsis
Class I area. Windblown dust and
wildfires combined contribute from
about 10% to 90% of the PM2.5
measured ambient air concentrations in
the Oregon Class I areas, and
windblown dust and wildfires
combined contribute from about 30% to
95% of the coarse PM measured in
Oregon Class I areas. Since the
emissions from these natural sources are
uncontrollable, and are projected to
remain at 2002 baseline levels through
2018, emissions from these sources will
continue to have major visibility
impacts on Oregon Class I areas, prevent
visibility improvement from achieving
the URP, and increase the percent
contribution to visibility impairment
from uncontrolled sources as
concentrations of pollutants from
controlled sources decrease.
Evidence that offshore marine
shipping emissions affect ability to meet
the 2018 URP goal: ODEQ found that
marine vessel emissions (primarily SO2
and NOX) are a significant contributor to
haze in Oregon Class I areas, and
significantly affect Oregon’s ability to
meet its 2018 URP milestones. The
PSAT and WEP results in the Oregon
SIP submittal Chapter 9 show that
offshore marine emissions are a
significant contributor to visibility
impairment in the Kalmiopsis Class I
area and the seven Oregon Class I areas
in the Cascade Mountains. Marine
vessel emissions are included in the
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‘‘Pacific offshore’’ portion of the pie
charts shown in Figures 9.2.1–1 through
9.2.1–5 of the SIP submittal. According
to the emission inventory in Chapter 8
of the Oregon SIP submittal, marine
vessel emissions constitute 56% of the
total SO2 and 31% of the total NOX
inventory for the State of Oregon for
2002. As discussed further in the long
term strategy portion of the submittal,
Oregon has only limited ability to
regulate offshore marine emissions and
the Pacific offshore marine vessel
emissions are currently beyond
Oregon’s regulatory authority.
ODEQ’s determination that it will
achieve significant reductions of SO2
and NOX emissions by 2018: Oregon
explained that it will achieve significant
reduction of SO2 and NOX emissions
from anthropogenic sources in Oregon
by 2018, primarily due to existing
Federal rules that control SO2 and NOX
emissions from mobile sources. See
section 11.4.3 of the SIP submittal.
Based on the WEP analyses of SO2 and
NOX emissions in 2018, SO2 emissions
from sources upwind of the Class I areas
in Oregon are projected to decrease by
33% to 46%, and upwind emissions of
NOX are projected to decrease by 28%
to 48% on the 20% worst days
compared to the 2002 baseline. These
results are shown in Tables 11.4.2–2
and 11.4.2–3 of the SIP submittal. As a
result of this reduction in SO2 and NOX
emissions, the CMAQ regional visibility
modeling results project a 4% to 18%
improvement in visibility in Oregon
Class I areas due to reductions in SO2
emissions, and projects a 27% to 58%
improvement in visibility in the Oregon
Class I areas from reductions in NO2
emissions. See section 11.4.2 of the SIP
3. EPA’s Determination Whether the SIP
Meets 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)
In a previous action, EPA approved
Oregon’s determination of baseline and
natural visibility conditions in each
Class I area in Oregon. See 76 FR 38997.
The linear progress from baseline
visibility to natural visibility in 2064
defines the URP. The ‘2018 URP’ is the
rate of progress to be achieved by 2018
in order to stay on track to achieve
natural conditions by 2064. In reviewing
the Oregon SIP submittal, EPA
independently evaluated whether there
are reasonable control measures
available for sources located within
Oregon’s regulatory jurisdiction that
would achieve further progress toward
achieving the 2018 URP.
We began this evaluation using a
screening methodology called ‘‘Q/d’’ to
determine which stationary (point)
sources would be candidates for
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controls under reasonable progress. The
value Q/d is the ratio of the
mathematical sum of actual SO2, NOX
and PM emissions in tpy, denoted as
‘‘Q’’, divided by the distance (in
kilometers, denoted as ‘‘d’’) of the point
source to the nearest Class I area. A high
Q/d would indicate the likelihood of the
source causing or contributing to
impairment in that Class I area.
To determine the Q/d value that
would provide assurance that a source
would, or would not, cause or
contribute to impairment in any Class I
area, we considered the modeled
visibility impacts from the CALPUFF
modeling used to determine the BARTeligible sources subject to BART in EPA
Region 10 and the distance of the source
to the nearest Class I area. There were
19 BART-eligible sources used in this
analysis. See memorandum to the files
from Keith Rose, EPA Region 10, dated
March 21, 2012, for this analysis. All
sources with a Q/d ratio of less than
26.1 had visibility impacts of less than
0.5 dv. The resultant average of the
range is about 0.3 dv, which is more
conservative than the 0.5 dv that was
used in determining which sources
would be subject-to-BART under the
federal BART regulations. Since the
threshold is more conservative than the
subject-to-BART threshold, we believe
that a Q/d value of 20 is reasonable for
determining which point sources the
State should consider for the reasonable
progress analysis.
Next, EPA determined the Q/d ratio at
all non-BART point sources in Oregon
based on information in the EPA
National Emission Inventory database
for emissions for point sources in 2005.
Based on the 2005 EPA National
Emission Inventory Database, six of the
largest non-BART point sources and
their Q/d values are: Roseburg Forest
Products (16.9 Q/d), Co-Gen Co. LLC
(15.5 Q/d), Gas Transmission Northwest
Corporation (14.0 Q/d), Weyerhaeuser
Company, Albany (13.1 Q/d), Boise
Cascade Corporation, La Grande
(12.7 Q/d), and Boise Cascade
Corporation, Elgin (11.5 Q/d). Since all
of these sources have Q/d values below
20, EPA believes that their impacts on
nearby Class I areas are expected to be
less than 0.5 dv. Thus, EPA agrees with
Oregon’s conclusion that additional
controls of non-BART point sources for
reasonable progress purposes are not
reasonable in the first planning period,
because even though there are cost
effective controls identified, visibility
improvement is anticipated to be
relatively small.
EPA also considered control measures
for anthropogenic fire (prescribed forest
fire and agricultural fire). Oregon
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already operates a robust enhanced
smoke management program for
prescribed forest fire and agricultural
burning (see description of Oregon’s
smoke management and agricultural
burning programs in section G.5 below).
There are no other source categories of
smoke that appear to emit visibility
impairing pollutants sufficient to
warrant consideration for additional
control at this time.
In regard to the impact of offshore
marine shipping emissions, ODEQ did
not consider potential improvements in
visibility its Class I areas due to
amendments adopted by the
International Maritime Organization
(IMO) in October 2008. See https://
mainframe.asp?topic_id=233. These
amendments, known as the Annex VI
amendments specify: (1) New fuel
quality requirements for commercial
marine vessels beginning from July
2010, (2) Tier II and III NOX emission
standards for new commercial marine
engines, and (3) Tier I NOX
requirements for existing pre-2000
commercial marine engines. The Annex
VI amendments designate waters within
200 miles of the North American coast
as an emission control area, including
waters offshore of Oregon. Even though
the effects of IMO Annex VI
amendments were not evaluated in the
Oregon SIP submittal, EPA believes that
visibility impacts from marine vessel
emissions will decrease by 2018 when
the requirements of the Annex VI
amendments are fully implemented.
Because these reductions were not
included in the CMAQ or WEP analyses
conducted by WRAP for Oregon, the
specific visibility improvements cannot
be quantified at this time, but they will
likely result in further visibility
improvements in the Oregon Class I
areas located near the coast and in the
Cascade Mountains.
As explained in the EPA’s RGP
Guidance, the 2018 URP estimate is not
a presumptive target and the State’s
RPGs may be lesser, greater or
equivalent to the glide path. The glide
path to 2064 represents a rate of
progress which states must use for
analytical comparison to the amount of
progress they expect to achieve. EPA
believes the RPGs established by Oregon
for the Class I areas in Oregon, although
not achieving the URP, are reasonable
when considering that significant
visibility improvement is expected from
BART controls for Boardman and other
point sources, additional controls on
other point sources and other source
categories would not result in
significant visibility improvement, and
the significant visibility impacts due to
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uncontrollable natural fire and
significant impacts from off shore
marine emissions. Consequently, we
propose to find that the State has
demonstrated that its 2018 RPGs are
reasonable and consistent with 40 CFR
51.308(d)(1) and 51.308(d)(1)(ii).
G. Long Term Strategy
The Long Term Strategy (LTS)
required by 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3) is a
compilation of all existing and
anticipated new air pollution control
measures. The LTS must include
‘‘enforceable emission limitations,
compliance schedules, and other
measures as necessary to achieve the
reasonable progress goals’’ for all Class
I areas within or affected by emissions
from the State. 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3). In
developing its LTS, Oregon considered
all the factors required for developing a
LTS identified in the RHR. These factors
included: (1) Ongoing Air Pollution
Control Programs, (2) Measures to
Mitigate Impacts of Construction
Activities, (3) Emission Limitations and
Schedules for Compliance, (4) Source
Retirement and Replacement Schedules,
(5) Smoke Management Techniques for
Agricultural and Forestry Burning, and
(6) Enforceability of Emission
Limitations and Control Measures. A
summary of how Oregon is addressing
each of these factors in its LTS is
provided below.
1. Ongoing Air Pollution Control
a. Prevention of Significant
Deterioration/New Source Review Rules
In Oregon, a primary regulatory tool
for addressing visibility impairment
from industrial sources is the
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) New Source Review rules. The
SIP approved Oregon PSD rules protect
visibility in Class I areas from new
industrial sources, and major changes to
existing sources, by requiring a visibility
impact assessment (OAR 340, Division
225). Specifically, OAR 340–225–0070
describes the process for conducting a
visibility impact assessment and review
by ODEQ, as well as the process for
conducting modeling to determine
visibility impacts, which is used to
determine if a source causes a
significant impairment in any Class I
area. Any new major source or major
modifications within a distance of 300
km of a Class I area that are found
through modeling to cause significant
visibility impairment will not be issued
an air quality permit by Oregon unless
the impact is mitigated. The level of
significance is defined as an increase in
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
visibility impairment above natural
background of 5%.
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b. Reasonably Attributable Visibility
Impairment BART
Oregon has adopted the RAVI BART
requirements as part of the Oregon
Visibility Protection Plan. RAVI
specifies that if the Federal Land
Manager certifies that visibility
impairment exists in a federal Class I
area, Oregon would be required to
analyze BART controls and identify
BART for any contributing source.
c. Oregon’s Phase I Visibility Protection
In 1986, Oregon adopted EPA’s Phase
I Visibility rule into Oregon Visibility
Protection Plan (OAR 340–200–0040).
This rule addresses visibility
impairment that is ‘‘reasonably
attributable’’ to one or small group of
sources, in relatively close proximity to
a Class I area. The Oregon Visibility
Protection Plan contains short and longterm strategies to address reasonably
attributable impairment, including PSD
new source review rules along with
seasonal protection of visibility during
the summer months from prescribed
forestry burning and agricultural field
burning. Air quality monitoring showed
that during the summer months in the
northern and central Cascades, visibility
was frequently impaired by smoke or
‘‘plume blight’’ from Willamette Valley
agricultural open field burning and
forest prescribed burning. Monitoring
also demonstrated that there was
summer visibility impairment in the
Eagle Cap Wilderness area caused by
Union County agricultural open field
burning, and that field burning in
Jefferson County was contributing to
summer visibility impairment in the
central Oregon Cascade Class I areas. As
a result, ODEQ adopted specific
visibility control strategies for these
areas into the original plan. These
included smoke management
requirements to avoid Class I visibility
impacts from Willamette Valley,
Jefferson County and Union County
open field burning, and from forest
prescribed burning in parts of Western
Oregon. The Jefferson and Union
County smoke management programs
adopted provisions to avoid any burning
upwind of nearby Class I areas. The
Oregon Department of Forestry Smoke
Management Program was revised to
shift prescribed burning in Western
Oregon from the summer to the spring
and fall, as part of an effort to eliminate
burning during the summer. Oregon also
explained that it made additional
revisions and improvements to the
Visibility Protection Plan in 2002 as part
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of the Oregon Visibility Protection Plan
Reasonable Progress Report, March 5,
2002. See SIP Submittal section
for additional discussion of the Oregon
Phase I Visibility Protection Program.
d. Implementation of State and Federal
Mobile Source regulations
Mobile source annual emissions show
a major decrease in NOX and SO2 in
Oregon from 2002 to 2018, due to
numerous ‘‘on the books’’ federal
mobile source regulations for on-road
mobile sources as well as non-road
mobile sources and equipment. These
rules are expected to reduce SO2
emissions as well as NOX and PM
emissions. In 2005, Oregon adopted
California’s emissions standards for
light and medium duty vehicles as the
Oregon Low Emission Vehicle Program.
This program took effect beginning with
2009 model year vehicles. Although the
primary purpose was to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, these rules
will also decrease NOX and PM
emissions from light and medium duty
vehicles. In 2007, the Oregon
Legislature authorized a clean diesel
program that included funding for a
grant/loan program to retrofit existing
diesel engines with exhaust controls,
repowering non-road diesel engines
with biodiesel, and scrapping older
engines. ODEQ projects that with
normal turnover bringing new, cleaner
engines into the fleet, there will be a
60% reduction in diesel PM2.5 emissions
by 2018.
e. On-Going Implementation of
Programs To Meet PM10 NAAQS
In Oregon there are six communities
that are PM10 maintenance areas and
two communities that are
nonattainment areas under the PM10
NAAQS. All of these communities are
located within 20 to 50 miles of one or
more Class I area, and have the potential
to impact visibility in these Class I
areas. As a result of being designated as
PM10 nonattainment areas, these
communities have made significant
reductions in PM10 emissions in the last
10 years by adopting control strategies
to reduce PM10 emissions from sources
such as residential woodstoves and
outdoor burning. For example, ODEQ’s
federally enforceable wood-heating
rules (OAR 340, Division 262) require
woodstove curtailment programs in
each of these communities, and specify
that only certified woodstoves be sold in
the state. Oregon’s wood-heating rules
have been very effective in reducing
PM10 levels during the heating months
in these communities.
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2. Measures To Mitigate the Impacts of
Construction Activities
Oregon’s rules addressing impacts
from construction activities are
primarily found in the OAR 340,
Division 208. OAR 340–208–0210
addresses ‘‘fugitive emissions’’ from a
variety of sources, and would be the
most applicable regulation to
construction activities. This regulation
requires ‘‘reasonable precautions’’ be
taken to prevent particulate matter from
becoming airborne from activities such
as construction projects. Actions that
can be taken to control particulate
emissions include the use of water or
chemicals to control dust from
demolition, construction operations,
unpaved roads at construction sites, and
material stockpiles, and containment of
sandblasting operations.
3. Emission Limitations and Schedules
of Compliance
Emission limits and compliance
schedules for stationary sources are
specified under Oregon and federal
regulations in accordance with the CAA.
Additionally as discussed above, the
emission limits and schedules of
compliance for those sources with
BART limits, and sources taking FEPLs,
are described in Chapter 10 of the SIP
submittal and in our previous action
approving these limits and schedules.
4. Source Retirement and Replacement
Oregon’s LTS contains an evaluation
of non-BART sources, as described
below. This evaluation will include a
review of all existing industrial sources
to identify scheduled shutdowns,
retirements in upcoming years, or
replacement schedules, such as planned
installation of new control equipment to
meet other regulations or routine
equipment replacement or
5. Smoke Management Techniques for
Agricultural and Forestry Burning
Smoke from agricultural and forestry
burning are major contributors to
visibility impairment in Oregon Class I
areas. Organic and elemental carbon
particulates are the dominant pollutant
species contributing to haze in Oregon
Class I areas on the 20% worst days.
Much of these particulates are from
wildfires, which fluctuates significantly
from year to year, but there is also a
significant contribution from controlled
agricultural and forestry burning. Of the
controlled burning, prescribed forestry
burning represents the largest source, at
approximately 58% of the total burning
in the state, and agricultural burning
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(including open field burning) is
approximately 11%.
In Oregon, prescribed forest burning
and agricultural burning is regulated
under the Oregon Smoke Management
Plan. On November 2, 2007, the Oregon
Department of Forestry (ODF) adopted
revisions to this plan which included
new visibility protection provisions that
incorporated references to the Oregon
Regional Haze Plan and the Enhanced
Smoke Management Program (ESMP)
criteria in the RHR section 309.
Oregon’s current smoke management
programs, operated by Oregon
Department of Agriculture (ODA) and
ODF, includes the following ESMP
elements: (1) Taking actions to
minimize smoke emissions, (2) burning
only during appropriate weather
conditions in order to avoid smoke
impacts in urban areas, (3) encourages
using alternatives to fire, and includes
a comprehensive reference manual of
alternatives to prescribed fire, (4) a
requirement that burning permits must
be obtained prior to burning, and (5) a
burn authorization process that involves
the issuance of smoke management
forecasts and burning instructions.
Agricultural burning in the Willamette
Valley is further controlled under a
smoke management program operated
by ODA. Field burning in Jefferson and
Union counties is controlled through
smoke management programs
established by county ordinance and
operated at that level. These county
programs have requirements to avoid
burning upwind of nearby Class I areas
when smoke would impair visibility.
6. Enforceability of Emission
Limitations and Control Measures
Oregon has ensured that all emission
limitations and control measures used
to meet reasonable progress goals are
enforceable, and pursuant to OAR 340–
200–0040, are included in the State of
Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation
Plan. ODEQ has adopted the Oregon
Regional Haze Plan, including the
Oregon BART rules, into the SIP
submittal, which ensures that all
elements in the plan are enforceable.
In addition to six factors discussed
above, Oregon indicated a number of
additional measures it intends to take in
the future as part of its long term
strategy. As described in additional
detail in the SIP submittal section 12.6,
the State intends to: (1) Further evaluate
controls for Non-BART Sources, (2)
evaluate prescribed burning
contribution to haze and possible
controls, (3) evaluate the contribution
from general outdoor open burning, and
(4) evaluate the contribution from
rangeland burning. EPA acknowledges
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these additional measures and analysis
that Oregon is planning to conduct, but
is not necessary to take these specific
activities into account at this time in
evaluating whether the enforceable
measures contained in the State’s LTS
satisfy the RHR requirement.
EPA is proposing to find that Oregon
adequately addressed the RHR
requirements in developing its LTS. The
LTS provides sufficient documentation
to ensure that Oregon will meet its
emission reduction obligations for all
Class I areas it affects in the first
planning period. Oregon relied on
monitoring, emission inventories and
modeling information from the WRAP
as the technical basis for its LTS.
Coordination and consultation occurred
with other states through the WRAP, in
which all western states participated in
developing the technical analysis upon
which their SIPs are based. Oregon’s
analysis included all anthropogenic
sources of visibility impairment
including major and minor stationary
sources, mobile sources, and area
sources. The anticipated net effect on
visibility over the first planning period
due to changes in point, area, and
mobile source emissions is an
improvement in visibility in all Class I
areas in Oregon on the worst 20% days,
and no degradation of visibility on the
20% best days.
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other
Implementation Plan Requirements
The primary monitoring network for
regional haze in Oregon is the IMPROVE
network. There are currently IMPROVE
sites in the Mt. Hood Wilderness area,
Three Sister Wilderness area, Crater
Lake National Park, Kalmiopsis
Wilderness area, Strawberry Mountain
Wilderness area, and Hells Canyon
Wilderness area. IMPROVE monitoring
data from 2000–2004 serves as the
baseline for the regional haze program,
and is relied upon in the Oregon
Regional Haze submittal. Oregon
commits to rely on the IMPROVE
network for complying with the regional
haze monitoring requirement in EPA’s
RHR for the current and future regional
haze implementation periods. See
section 4.4 of the SIP submittal. Data
produced by the IMPROVE monitoring
network will be used for preparing the
five-year progress reports and the 10year SIP revisions, each of which relies
on analysis of the preceding five years
of data.
I. Consultation With States and Federal
Land Managers
Through the WRAP, member states
and Tribes worked extensively with the
FLMs from the U.S. Departments of the
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Interior and Agriculture to develop
technical analyses that support the
regional haze SIPs for the WRAP states.
The proposed Regional Haze plan for
Oregon was provided to the FLM for
comment on November 11, 2008, the
start of a 60-day comment period. See
section 13.1 of the SIP submittal.
Oregon also consulted with the States of
Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and
Oregon commits to continued
consultation with the FLMs and the
other states as part of the continued
implementation of the plan and for
future progress reports and revisions.
This continuing consultation process
will provide the opportunity for ongoing opportunities to address a host of
items including, for example, the
implementation of emission control
programs, changes to the monitoring
strategy or monitoring locations, status
of state actions to meet commitments for
future assessments or rulemaking, and
work on the five-year reviews and tenyear revisions. Additionally, Oregon
consulted with the tribes during
development of their plan through the
WRAP activities and direct outreach to
the tribes.
J. Periodic SIP Revisions and Five-Year
Progress Reports
Section 51.308(f) of the RHR requires
that the regional haze plans be revised
and submitted to EPA by July 31, 2018
and every 10 years thereafter. 40 CFR
51.308(g) requires the state to submit a
progress report to EPA every five years
evaluating progress towards the
reasonable progress goals for each Class
I area in the State and each Class I area
located outside the State which may be
affected by emissions from within the
State. Oregon has committed to evaluate
and reassess its Regional Haze plan and
to provide a Regional Haze SIP revision
by July 31, 2018 for the next 10 year
planning cycle. See section 13.5 of the
SIP submittal. Oregon has also
committed to submitting the five-year
review and report on the Regional Haze
plan. See section 13.1 of the SIP
IV. What action is EPA proposing?
On June 21, 2011, EPA approved
portions of the Oregon Regional Haze
Plan submitted December 10, 2010, as
supplemented on February 1, 2011,
including the Oregon’s emission
inventory, determination of baseline
and natural conditions and the BART
controls and emission limits. Today, for
the reasons explained above, EPA is
proposing to approve the remaining
parts of the Oregon Regional Haze
submittal as meeting the requirements
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 23, 2012 / Proposed Rules
set forth in section 169A and 169B of
the Act and in 40 CFR 51.300–308
regarding regional haze.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
V. Oregon Notice Provision
Oregon Revised Statute 468.126,
prohibits ODEQ from imposing a
penalty for violation of an air, water, or
solid waste permit unless the source has
been provided five days’ advanced
written notice of the violation and has
not come into compliance or submitted
a compliance schedule within that fiveday period. By its terms, the statute does
not apply to Oregon’s Title V program
or to any program if application of the
notice provision would disqualify the
program from Federal delegation.
Oregon has previously confirmed that,
because application of the notice
provision would preclude EPA approval
of the Oregon SIP, no advance notice is
required for violation of SIP
VI. Scope of Action
Oregon has not demonstrated
authority to implement and enforce the
Oregon Administrative rules within
‘‘Indian Country’’ as defined in 18
U.S.C. 1151. ‘‘Indian country’’ is
defined under 18 U.S.C. 1151 as: (1) All
land within the limits of any Indian
reservation under the jurisdiction of the
United States Government,
notwithstanding the issuance of any
patent, and including rights-of-way
running through the reservation, (2) all
dependent Indian communities within
the borders of the United States,
whether within the original or
subsequently acquired territory thereof,
and whether within or without the
limits of a State, and (3) all Indian
allotments, the Indian titles to which
have not been extinguished, including
rights-of-way running through the same.
Under this definition, EPA treats as
reservations trust lands validly set aside
for the use of a Tribe even if the trust
lands have not been formally designated
as a reservation. Therefore, this SIP
approval does not extend to ‘‘Indian
Country’’ in Oregon. See CAA sections
110(a)(2)(A) (SIP shall include
enforceable emission limits),
110(a)(2)(E)(i) (State must have adequate
authority under State law to carry out
SIP), and 172(c)(6) (nonattainment SIPs
shall include enforceable emission
VII. Statutory and Executive Order
Under the Clean Air Act, the
Administrator is required to approve a
SIP submission that complies with the
provisions of the Act and applicable
Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k);
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40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in reviewing SIP
submissions, EPA’s role is to approve
state choices, provided that they meet
the criteria of the Clean Air Act.
Accordingly, this proposed action
merely approves state law as meeting
Federal requirements and does not
impose additional requirements beyond
those imposed by state law. For that
reason, this proposed action:
• Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ subject to review by the Office
of Management and Budget under
Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,
October 4, 1993);
• Does not impose an information
collection burden under the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
• Is certified as not having a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
• Does not contain any unfunded
mandate or significantly or uniquely
affect small governments, as described
in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
• Does not have Federalism
implications as specified in Executive
Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,
• Is not an economically significant
regulatory action based on health or
safety risks subject to Executive Order
13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
• Is not a significant regulatory action
subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR
28355, May 22, 2001);
• Is not subject to requirements of
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because
application of those requirements would
be inconsistent with the Clean Air Act;
• Does not provide EPA with the
discretionary authority to address, as
appropriate, disproportionate human
health or environmental effects, using
practicable and legally permissible
methods, under Executive Order 12898
(59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In
addition, this rule does not have tribal
implications as specified by Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
2000), because the rule neither imposes
substantial direct compliance costs on
tribal governments, nor preempts tribal
law. Therefore, the requirements of
sections 5(b) and 5(c) of the Executive
Order do not apply to this rule.
Consistent with EPA policy, EPA
nonetheless provided a consultation
opportunity to Tribes in Idaho, Oregon
and Washington in letters dated January
14, 2011. EPA received one request for
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consultation, and we have followed-up
with that Tribe.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Air pollution control, Environmental
protection, Intergovernmental relations,
Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Visibility,
and Volatile organic compounds.
Dated: May 14, 2012.
Michelle L. Pirzadeh,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 10.
[FR Doc. 2012–12490 Filed 5–22–12; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R10–OAR–2012–0078, FRL–9675–5]
Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans; State of
Washington; Regional Haze State
Implementation Plan
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to approve
the Best Available Retrofit Technology
(BART) determination for the TransAlta
Centralia Generation LLC coal-fired
power plant in Centralia, Washington
(TransAlta). The Washington State
Department of Ecology (Ecology)
submitted its Regional Haze State
Implementation Plan (SIP) on December
22, 2010 to meet the requirements of 40
CFR 50.308. On December 29, 2011
Ecology submitted an update to the SIP
submittal containing a revised and
updated BART determination for
TransAlta. EPA plans to act on the
remaining Regional Haze SIP elements
for Washington in the near future.
DATES: Written comments must be
received at the address below on or
before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R10–
OAR–2012–0078 by one of the following
• Follow the
on-line instructions for submitting
• Email:
• Mail: Steve Body, EPA Region 10,
Suite 900, Office of Air, Waste and
Toxics, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA
• Hand Delivery: EPA Region 10,
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, Seattle,
WA 98101. Attention: Steve Body,
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 100 (Wednesday, May 23, 2012)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 30454-30467]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12490]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA-R10-OAR-2012-0344, FRL-9676-1]
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of
Oregon; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing to approve portions of a State Implementation
Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Oregon on December 10,
2010 and supplemented on February 1, 2011, as meeting the requirements
of Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act) section 169A and B and Federal
Regulations in 40 CFR 51.308. In a previous action on July 5, 2011, EPA
approved portions of the December 10, 2010, SIP submittal as meeting
the requirements for interstate transport for visibility of CAA section
110(a)(2)(D)(II) and certain requirements of the regional haze program
including the requirements for best available retrofit technology
(BART). 76 FR 38997. The action in this Federal Register notice
addresses the remaining requirements of the CAA and EPA's rules that
require states to prevent any future and remedy any existing
anthropogenic impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I areas
caused by emissions of air pollutants from numerous sources located
over a wide geographic area (also referred to as the ``regional haze
program''). In this action, EPA proposes to approve the remaining
regional haze SIP elements for which EPA previously took no action in
the July 5, 2011 notice.
DATES: Written comments must be received at the address below on or
before June 22, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-R10-
OAR-2012-0344 by one of the following methods: Follow the on-line instructions for
submitting comments.
Mail: Keith Rose, EPA Region 10, Suite 900, Office of Air,
Waste and Toxics, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101.
Hand Delivery: EPA Region 10, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite
900, Seattle, WA 98101. Attention: Keith Rose, Office of Air, Waste and
Toxics, AWT-107. Such deliveries are only accepted during normal hours
of operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of
boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-R10-OAR-
2012-0344. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you consider to
be CBI or otherwise protected through or email. The Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system, which
means EPA will not know your identity or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an email comment
directly to EPA, without going through, your email
address will be automatically captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic
files should avoid the use of special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses.
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available (e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute). Certain other material,
such as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard
copy form. Publicly available docket materials are available either
electronically at or in hard copy at the Office of
Air, Waste and Toxics, EPA Region 10, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA
98101. EPA requests that if at all possible, you contact the individual
listed below to view a hard copy of the docket.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Keith Rose at telephone number (206)
553-1949,, or the above EPA, Region 10 address.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document whenever ``we,''
``us,'' or ``our'' is used, we mean the EPA. Information is organized
as follows:
Table of Contents
I. Background for EPA's Proposed Action
A. Definition of Regional Haze
B. Regional Haze Rules and Regulations
C. Roles of Agencies in Addressing Regional Haze
II. Requirements for the Regional Haze SIPs
A. The CAA and the Regional Haze Rule
B. Determination of Baseline, Natural, and Current Visibility
C. Consultation With States and Federal Land Managers
D. Best Available Retrofit Technology
E. Determination of Reasonable Progress Goals
F. Long Term Strategy
G. Coordinating Regional Haze and Reasonably Attributable
Visibility Impairment
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other Implementation Plan
III. EPA's Analysis of the Oregon Regional Haze SIP
A. Affected Class I Areas
B. Baseline and Natural Conditions
C. Oregon Emissions Inventory
D. Sources of Visibility Impairment in Oregon Class I Areas
E. Best Available Retrofit Technology
F. Reasonable Progress Goals
1. Determination of Reasonable Progress Goals
2. Demonstration of Reasonable Progress
3. EPA's Determination Whether the SIP Meets 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)
G. Long Term Strategy
1. Ongoing Air Pollution Control Programs
a. Prevention of Significant Deterioration/New Source Review
b. Reasonably Attributable Visibility Impairment BART
c. Oregon's Phase I Visibility Protection Program
d. Implementation of State and Federal Mobile Source Regulations
e. On-Going Implementation of Programs to meet PM10
2. Measures to Mitigate the Impacts of Construction Activities
3. Emission Limitations and Schedules of Compliance
4. Source Retirement and Replacement Schedules
5. Smoke Management Techniques for Agricultural and Forestry
6. Enforceability of Emission Limitations and Control Measures
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other Implementation Plan
I. Consultation With States and Federal Land Managers
[[Page 30455]]
J. Periodic SIP Revisions and Five-Year Progress Reports
IV. What action is EPA proposing?
V. Oregon Notice Provision
VI. Scope of Action
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. Background for EPA's Proposed Action
In the CAA Amendments of 1977, Congress established a program to
protect and improve visibility in the national parks and wilderness
areas. See CAA section 169A. Congress amended the visibility provisions
in the CAA in 1990 to focus attention on the problem of regional haze.
See CAA section 169B. EPA promulgated regulations in 1999 to implement
sections 169A and 169B of the Act. These regulations require states to
develop and implement plans to ensure reasonable progress toward
improving visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas \1\ (Class I
areas). 64 FR 35714 (July 1, 1999); see also 70 FR 39104 (July 6, 2005)
and 71 FR 60612 (October 13, 2006).
\1\ Areas designated as mandatory Class I Federal areas consist
of national parks exceeding 6,000 acres, wilderness areas and
national memorial parks exceeding 5,000 acres, and all international
parks that were in existence on August 7, 1977. 42 U.S.C. 7472(a).
In accordance with section 169A of the CAA, EPA, in consultation
with the Department of Interior, promulgated a list of 156 areas
where visibility is identified as an important value. 44 FR 69122
(November 30, 1979). The extent of a mandatory Class I area includes
subsequent changes in boundaries, such as park expansions. 42 U.S.C.
7472(a). Although states and tribes may designate as Class I
additional areas which they consider to have visibility as an
important value, the requirements of the visibility program set
forth in section 169A of the CAA apply only to ``mandatory Class I
Federal areas.'' Each mandatory Class I Federal area is the
responsibility of a ``Federal Land Manager.'' 42 U.S.C. 7602(i).
When we use the term ``Class I area'' in this action, we mean a
``mandatory Class I Federal area.''
On behalf of the State of Oregon, the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted its Regional Haze State
Implementation Plan (Regional Haze SIP submission or SIP submittal) to
EPA on December 10, 2010 and supplemented on February 1, 2011. In a
previous action EPA approved certain provisions in Oregon's Regional
Haze SIP submission. 76 FR 38997. This previous action approved the
provisions BART (40 CFR 51.308(e), calculation of baseline and natural
conditions (40 CFR 51.308(d)(2)), and state wide emission inventory of
pollutants that are reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to
visibility impairment in any mandatory Class I area. EPA also approved
Oregon Administrative Rules OAR 340-223-0010 through 340-223-0080
(Regional Haze Rules). In that same action, EPA also approved portions
of the SIP submittal as meeting the requirements of CAA section
110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) with respect to the visibility prong for the 1997
8-hour ozone and 1997 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS).
In this action, EPA is proposing to approve the remaining
provisions of Oregon's Regional Haze SIP submission including the
portions that address the regional haze requirements for establishing
Reasonable Progress Goals (RPGs) and the Long Term Strategy (LTS).
A. Definition of Regional Haze
Regional haze is impairment of visual range or colorization caused
by emission of air pollution produced by numerous sources and
activities, located across a broad regional area. The sources include
but are not limited to, major and minor stationary sources, mobile
sources, and area sources including non-anthropogenic sources. These
sources and activities may emit fine particles (PM2.5)
(e.g., sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental carbon, and soil
dust), and their precursors (e.g., sulfur dioxide (SO2),
nitrogen oxides (NOX), and in some cases, ammonia
(NH3) and volatile organic compounds (VOC)). Atmospheric
fine particulate reduces clarity, color, and visual range of visual
scenes. Visibility reducing fine particulate is primarily composed of
sulfate, nitrate, organic carbon compounds, elemental carbon, and soil
dust, and impairs visibility by scattering and absorbing light. Fine
particulate can also cause serious health effects and mortality in
humans, and contributes to environmental effects such as acid
deposition and eutrophication. See 64 FR at 35715.
Data from the existing visibility monitoring network, the
``Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments'' (IMPROVE)
monitoring network, show that visibility impairment caused by air
pollution occurs virtually all the time at most national parks and
wilderness areas. The average visual range in many Class I areas in the
Western United States is 100-150 kilometers, or about one-half to two-
thirds the visual range that would exist without manmade air pollution.
Id. Visibility impairment also varies day-to-day and by season
depending on variation in meteorology and emission rates.
B. Regional Haze Rules and Regulations
In section 169A of the 1977 CAA Amendments, Congress created a
program for protecting visibility in the nation's national parks and
wilderness areas. This section of the CAA establishes as a national
goal the ``prevention of any future, and the remedying of any existing,
impairment of visibility in Class I areas which impairment results from
manmade air pollution.'' CAA section 169A(a)(1). On December 2, 1980,
EPA promulgated regulations to address visibility impairment in Class I
areas that is ``reasonably attributable'' to a single source or small
group of sources, i.e., ``reasonably attributable visibility
impairment'' (RAVI). 45 FR 80084. These regulations represented the
first phase in addressing visibility impairment. EPA deferred action on
regional haze that emanates from a variety of sources until monitoring,
modeling and scientific knowledge about the relationships between
pollutants and visibility impairment were improved.
Congress added section 169B to the CAA in 1990 to address regional
haze issues. EPA promulgated a rule to address regional haze on July 1,
1999 (64 FR 35713) (the regional haze rule or RHR). The RHR revised the
existing visibility regulations to integrate into the regulation,
provisions addressing regional haze impairment and established a
comprehensive visibility protection program for Class I areas. The
requirements for regional haze, found at 40 CFR 51.308 and 51.309, are
included in EPA's visibility protection regulations at 40 CFR 51.300-
309. Some of the main elements of the regional haze requirements are
summarized in section III of this rulemaking. The requirement to submit
a regional haze SIP applies to all 50 states, the District of Columbia
and the Virgin Islands.\2\ 40 CFR 51.308(b) requires states to submit
the first implementation plan addressing regional haze visibility
impairment no later than December 17, 2007.
\2\ Albuquerque/Bernalillo County in New Mexico must also submit
a regional haze SIP to completely satisfy the requirements of
section 110(a)(2)(D) of the CAA for the entire State of New Mexico
under the New Mexico Air Quality Control Act (section 74-2-4).
C. Roles of Agencies in Addressing Regional Haze
Successful implementation of the regional haze program will require
long-term regional coordination among states, tribal governments and
various Federal agencies. As noted above, pollution affecting the air
quality in Class I areas can be transported over long distances, even
hundreds of kilometers. Therefore, to effectively address the problem
of visibility impairment in Class I areas, states need to develop
strategies in coordination with one another, taking into account
[[Page 30456]]
the effect of emissions from one jurisdiction on the air quality in
Because the pollutants that lead to regional haze impairment can
originate from across state lines, even across international
boundaries, EPA has encouraged the States and Tribes to address
visibility impairment from a regional perspective. Five regional
planning organizations \3\ (RPOs) were created nationally to address
regional haze and related issues. One of the main objectives of the
RPOs is to develop and analyze data and conduct pollutant transport
modeling to assist the States or Tribes in developing their regional
haze plans.
\3\ See for
description of the regional planning organizations.
The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP),\4\ one of the five
RPOs nationally, is a voluntary partnership of State, Tribal, Federal,
and local air agencies dealing with air quality in the West. WRAP
member States include: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon,
Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Idaho, South Dakota, Utah,
Washington, and Wyoming. WRAP Tribal members include Campo Band of
Kumeyaay Indians, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Cortina
Indian Rancheria, Hopi Tribe, Hualapai Nation of the Grand Canyon,
Native Village of Shungnak, Nez Perce Tribe, Northern Cheyenne Tribe,
Pueblo of Acoma, Pueblo of San Felipe, and Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of
Fort Hall.
\4\ The WRAP Web site can be found at
As a result of the regional planning efforts in the West, all
states in the WRAP region contributed information to a Technical
Support System (TSS) which provides an analysis of the causes of haze,
and the levels of contribution from all sources within each state to
the visibility degradation of each Class I area. The WRAP States
consulted in the development of reasonable progress goals, using the
products of this technical consultation process to co-develop their
reasonable progress goals for the Western Class I areas. The modeling
done by the WRAP relied on assumptions regarding emissions over the
relevant planning period and embedded in these assumptions were
anticipated emissions reductions in each of the States in the WRAP,
including reductions from BART and other measures to be adopted as part
of the State's long term strategy for addressing regional haze. The
reasonable progress goals in the draft and final regional haze SIPs
that have now been prepared by States in the West accordingly are
based, in part, on the emissions reductions from nearby States that
were agreed on through the WRAP process.
II. Requirements for Regional Haze SIPs
A. The CAA and the Regional Haze Rule
Regional haze SIPs must assure reasonable progress towards the
national goal of achieving natural visibility conditions in Class I
areas. Section 169A of the CAA and EPA's implementing regulations
require states to establish long-term strategies for making reasonable
progress toward meeting this goal. Implementation plans must also give
specific attention to certain stationary sources that were in existence
on August 7, 1977, but were not in operation before August 7, 1962, and
require these sources, where appropriate, to install BART controls for
the purpose of eliminating or reducing visibility impairment. The
specific regional haze SIP requirements are discussed in further detail
B. Determination of Baseline, Natural, and Current Visibility
The RHR establishes the deciview (dv) as the principal metric for
measuring visibility. This visibility metric expresses uniform changes
in haziness in terms of common increments across the entire range of
visibility conditions, from pristine to extremely hazy conditions.
Visibility is determined by measuring the visual range (or deciview),
which is the greatest distance, in kilometers or miles, at which a dark
object can be viewed against the sky. The deciview is a useful measure
for tracking progress in improving visibility, because each deciview
change is an equal incremental change in visibility perceived by the
human eye. Most people can detect a change in visibility at one
\5\ The preamble to the RHR provides additional details about
the deciview. 64 FR 35714, 35725 (July 1, 1999).
The deciview is used in expressing reasonable progress goals (which
are interim visibility goals towards meeting the national visibility
goal), defining baseline, current, and natural conditions, and tracking
changes in visibility. The regional haze SIPs must contain measures
that ensure ``reasonable progress'' toward the national goal of
preventing and remedying visibility impairment in Class I areas caused
by manmade air pollution by reducing anthropogenic emissions that cause
regional haze. The national goal is a return to natural conditions,
i.e., manmade sources of air pollution would no longer impair
visibility in Class I areas.
To track changes in visibility over time at each of the 156 Class I
areas covered by the visibility program (40 CFR 81.401-437), and as
part of the process for determining reasonable progress, states must
calculate the degree of existing visibility impairment at each Class I
area at the time of each regional haze SIP submittal and periodically
review progress every five years midway through each 10-year
implementation period. To do this, the RHR requires states to determine
the degree of impairment (in deciviews) for the average of the 20%
least impaired (``best'') and 20% most impaired (``worst'') visibility
days over a specified time period at each of their Class I areas. In
addition, states must also develop an estimate of natural visibility
conditions for the purpose of comparing progress toward the national
goal. Natural visibility is determined by estimating the natural
concentrations of pollutants that cause visibility impairment and then
calculating total light extinction based on those estimates. EPA has
provided guidance to states regarding how to calculate baseline,
natural and current visibility conditions in documents titled, EPA's
Guidance for Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions Under the
Regional Haze Rule, September 2003, (EPA-454/B-03-005 located at, (hereinafter
referred to as ``EPA's 2003 Natural Visibility Guidance''), and
Guidance for Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Rule (EPA-454/B-
03-004 September 2003 located at, (hereinafter referred to as ``EPA's 2003
Tracking Progress Guidance'').
For the first regional haze SIPs that were due by December 17,
2007, ``baseline visibility conditions'' were the starting points for
assessing ``current'' visibility impairment. Baseline visibility
conditions represent the degree of visibility impairment for the 20%
least impaired days and 20% most impaired days for each calendar year
from 2000 to 2004. Using monitoring data for 2000 through 2004, states
are required to calculate the average degree of visibility impairment
for each Class I area, based on the average of annual values over the
five-year period. The comparison of initial baseline visibility
conditions to natural visibility conditions indicates the amount of
improvement necessary to attain natural visibility, while the future
comparison of baseline conditions to the then current
[[Page 30457]]
conditions will indicate the amount of progress made. In general, the
2000-2004 baseline time period is considered the time from which
improvement in visibility is measured.
C. Consultation With States and Federal Land Managers
The RHR requires that states consult with Federal Land Managers
(FLMs) before adopting and submitting their SIPs. 40 CFR 51.308(i).
States must provide FLMs an opportunity for consultation, in person and
at least 60 days prior to holding any public hearing on the SIP. This
consultation must include the opportunity for the FLMs to discuss their
assessment of visibility impairment in any Class I area and to offer
recommendations on the development of the reasonable progress goals and
on the development and implementation of strategies to address
visibility impairment. Further, a state must include in its SIP a
description of how it addressed any comments provided by the FLMs.
Finally, a SIP must provide procedures for continuing consultation
between the state and FLMs regarding the state's visibility protection
program, including development and review of SIP revisions, five-year
progress reports, and the implementation of other programs having the
potential to contribute to impairment of visibility in Class I areas.
D. Best Available Retrofit Technology
Section 169A of the CAA directs states to evaluate the use of
retrofit controls at certain larger, often uncontrolled, older
stationary sources in order to address visibility impacts from these
sources. Specifically, section 169A(b)(2)(A) of the CAA requires States
to revise their SIPs to contain such measures as may be necessary to
make reasonable progress towards the natural visibility goal, including
a requirement that certain categories of existing major stationary
sources \6\ built between 1962 and 1977, to procure, install, and
operate the ``Best Available Retrofit Technology'' (BART) as determined
by the state. States are directed to conduct BART determinations for
such sources that may be anticipated to cause or contribute to any
visibility impairment in a Class I area. The regional haze SIP must
include source-specific BART emission limits and compliance schedules
for each source subject to BART. Once a State has made its BART
determination, the BART controls must be installed and in operation as
expeditiously as practicable, but no later than five years after the
date EPA approves the regional haze SIP. See CAA section 169A(g)(4); 40
CFR 51.308(e)(1)(iv).
\6\ The set of ``major stationary sources'' potentially subject
to BART is listed in CAA section 169A(g)(7).
EPA previously approved Oregon's BART determination for the sources
subject to BART in its jurisdiction. See 76 FR 38997. Please refer to
that action for details of the BART requirements and EPA's rationale
for approval of the BART provisions in the Oregon Regional Haze SIP
E. Determination of Reasonable Progress Goals
The vehicle for ensuring continuing progress towards achieving the
natural visibility goal is the submission of a series of regional haze
SIPs from the states that establish two reasonable progress goals
(RPGs) (i.e., two distinct goals, one for the ``best'' and one for the
``worst'' days) for every Class I area for each (approximately) 10-year
implementation period. The RHR does not mandate specific milestones or
rates of progress, but instead calls for states to establish goals that
provide for ``reasonable progress'' toward achieving natural (i.e.,
``background'') visibility conditions. In setting RPGs, states must
provide for an improvement in visibility for the most impaired days
over the (approximately) 10-year period of the SIP, and ensure no
degradation in visibility for the least impaired days over the same
States have significant discretion in establishing RPGs, but are
required to consider the following factors established in section 169A
of the CAA and in EPA's RHR at 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)(i)(A): (1) The costs
of compliance; (2) the time necessary for compliance; (3) the energy
and non-air quality environmental impacts of compliance; and (4) the
remaining useful life of any potentially affected sources. States must
demonstrate in their SIPs how these factors are considered when
selecting the RPGs for the best and worst days for each applicable
Class I area. States have considerable flexibility in how they take
these factors into consideration, as noted in EPA's Guidance for
Setting Reasonable Progress Goals under the Regional Haze Program, July
1, 2007, Memorandum from William L. Wehrum, Acting Assistant
Administrator for Air and Radiation, to EPA Regional Administrators,
EPA Regions 1-10 (pp.4-2, 5-1) (``EPA's Reasonable Progress
Guidance''). In setting the RPGs, states must also consider the rate of
progress needed to reach natural visibility conditions by 2064
(referred to as the ``uniform rate of progress'' (URP) or the
``glidepath'') and the emission reduction measures needed to achieve
that rate of progress over the 10-year period of the SIP. Uniform
progress towards achievement of natural conditions by the year 2064
represents a rate of progress which states are to use for analytical
comparison to the amount of progress they expect to achieve. In setting
RPGs, each state with one or more Class I areas (``Class I state'')
must also consult with potentially ``contributing states,'' i.e., other
nearby states with emission sources that may be affecting visibility
impairment at the state's Class I areas. See 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)(iv).
F. Long Term Strategy
Consistent with the requirement in section 169A(b) of the CAA that
states include in their regional haze SIP a 10 to 15 year strategy for
making reasonable progress, 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3) of the RHR requires
that states include an LTS in their regional haze SIPs. The LTS is the
compilation of all control measures a state will use during the
implementation period of the specific SIP submittal to meet applicable
RPGs. The LTS must include ``enforceable emissions limitations,
compliance schedules, and other measures as necessary to achieve the
reasonable progress goals'' for all Class I areas within, or affected
by emissions from, the state. See 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3).
When a state's emissions are reasonably anticipated to cause or
contribute to visibility impairment in a Class I area located in
another state, the RHR requires the impacted state to coordinate with
the contributing states in order to develop coordinated emissions
management strategies. See 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3)(i). In such cases, the
contributing state must demonstrate that it has included, in its SIP,
all measures necessary to obtain its share of the emissions reductions
needed to meet the RPGs for the Class I area. The RPOs have provided
forums for significant interstate consultation, but additional
consultations between states may be required to sufficiently address
interstate visibility issues. This is especially true where two states
belong to different RPOs.
States should consider all types of anthropogenic sources of
visibility impairment in developing their LTS, including stationary,
minor, mobile, and area sources. At a minimum, states must describe how
each of the following seven factors listed below are taken into account
in developing their LTS: (1) Emissions reductions due to ongoing air
pollution control programs, including measures to address RAVI; (2)
[[Page 30458]]
to mitigate the impacts of construction activities; (3) emissions
limitations and schedules for compliance to achieve the RPG; (4) source
retirement and replacement schedules; (5) smoke management techniques
for agricultural and forestry management purposes including plans as
currently exist within the state for these purposes; (6) enforceability
of emissions limitations and control measures; and (7) the anticipated
net effect on visibility due to projected changes in point, area, and
mobile source emissions over the period addressed by the LTS. See 40
CFR 51.308(d)(3)(v).
G. Coordinating Regional Haze and Reasonably Attributable Visibility
As part of the RHR, EPA revised 40 CFR 51.306(c) regarding the LTS
for RAVI to require that the RAVI plan must provide for a periodic
review and SIP revision not less frequently than every three years
until the date of submission of the state's first plan addressing
regional haze visibility impairment, which was due December 17, 2007,
in accordance with 40 CFR 51.308(b) and (c). On or before this date,
the state must revise its plan to provide for review and revision of a
coordinated LTS for addressing RAVI and regional haze, and the state
must submit the first such coordinated LTS with its first regional haze
SIP. Future coordinated LTS's, and periodic progress reports evaluating
progress towards RPGs, must be submitted consistent with the schedule
for SIP submissions and periodic progress reports set forth in 40 CFR
51.308(f) and 51.308(g), respectively. The periodic review of a state's
LTS must report on both regional haze and RAVI impairment and must be
submitted to EPA as a SIP revision.
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other Implementation Plan Requirements
Section 51.308(d)(4) of the RHR includes the requirement for a
monitoring strategy for measuring, characterizing, and reporting of
regional haze visibility impairment that is representative of all
mandatory Class I Federal areas within the state. The strategy must be
coordinated with the monitoring strategy required in section 51.305 for
RAVI. Compliance with this requirement may be met through
``participation'' in the IMPROVE network, i.e., review and use of
monitoring data from the network. The monitoring strategy is due with
the first regional haze SIP, and it must be reviewed every five years.
The monitoring strategy must also provide for additional monitoring
sites if the IMPROVE network is not sufficient to determine whether
RPGs will be met.
The SIP must also provide for the following:
Procedures for using monitoring data and other information
in a state with mandatory Class I areas to determine the contribution
of emissions from within the state to regional haze visibility
impairment at Class I areas both within and outside the state;
Procedures for using monitoring data and other information
in a state with no mandatory Class I areas to determine the
contribution of emissions from within the state to regional haze
visibility impairment at Class I areas in other states;
Reporting of all visibility monitoring data to the
Administrator at least annually for each Class I area in the state, and
where possible, in electronic format;
Developing a statewide inventory of emissions of
pollutants that are reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to
visibility impairment in any Class I area. The inventory must include
emissions for a baseline year, emissions for the most recent year for
which data are available, and estimates of future projected emissions.
A state must also make a commitment to update the inventory
periodically; and
Other elements, including reporting, recordkeeping, and
other measures necessary to assess and report on visibility.
The RHR requires control strategies to cover an initial
implementation period extending to the year 2018, with a comprehensive
reassessment and revision of those strategies, as appropriate, every 10
years thereafter. Periodic SIP revisions must meet the core
requirements of section 51.308(d) with the exception of BART. The
requirement to evaluate sources for BART applies only to the first
regional haze SIP. Facilities subject to BART must continue to comply
with the BART provisions of section 51.308(e), as noted above. Periodic
SIP revisions will assure that the statutory requirement of reasonable
progress will continue to be met. Each state also is required to submit
a report to EPA every five years that evaluates progress toward
achieving the RPG for each Class I area within the state and outside
the state if affected by emissions from within the state. 40 CFR
51.308(g). The first progress report is due five years from submittal
of the initial regional haze SIP revision. At the same time a 5-year
progress report is submitted, a state must determine the adequacy of
its existing SIP to achieve the established goals for visibility
improvement. See 40 CFR 51.308(h).
III. EPA's Analysis of Oregon Regional Haze SIP
A. Affected Class I Areas
There are twelve mandatory Class I areas, or portions of such
areas, within Oregon: Mt. Hood Wilderness, Mt. Jefferson Wilderness,
Mt. Washington Wilderness, Three Sisters Wilderness, Diamond Peak
Wilderness, Crater Lake National Park, Mountain Lakes Wilderness,
Gearhart Mountain Wilderness, Kalmiopsis Wilderness, Strawberry
Mountain Wilderness, and Eagle Cap Wilderness, are all within Oregon
State borders. Hells Canyon Wilderness Area is a shared Class I area
with Idaho. See 40 CFR 81.410. Oregon is responsible for developing
reasonable progress goals for the Class I areas in Oregon and, through
agreement with Idaho, is also responsible for developing the reasonable
progress goals for the Hells Canyon Class I area. Oregon reviewed
interstate transport of haze pollutants with neighboring states,
focusing on source apportionment information to identify visibility
impacts in Oregon and neighboring state Class I areas. Oregon consulted
with Washington, Idaho, California and Nevada. See the Oregon Regional
Haze SIP submittal, chapter 13, section 13.2; see, also the WRAP
Technical Support Document, February 28, 2011 \7\ (WRAP TSD) supporting
this action and 76 FR 38997.
\7\ EPA evaluated the technical work products of the WRAP used
by Oregon in support of this Regional Haze SIP submittal. The
results of that evaluation are included in the document ``WRAP
Technical Support Document'' or WRAP TSD.
The Oregon SIP submittal addresses the eleven Class I areas that
are completely within the State border, the Class I area with shared
jurisdiction with Oregon and Idaho, and the visibility impacts of
Oregon sources on Class I areas in neighboring states.
B. Baseline and Natural Conditions
EPA previously evaluated and approved Oregon's determination of
baseline and natural conditions for all eleven Class I areas in Oregon.
See 76 FR 12651 (March 8, 2011) and 76 FR 38997 (July 5, 2011)
(proposed and final rule respectively). The discussion of baseline and
natural conditions in those Federal Register notices is relevant when
evaluating the State's Reasonable Progress Goals which we are proposing
to approve today. Thus, the discussion below summarizes EPA's previous
explanation of the baseline and natural conditions in Oregon's Class I
Oregon established baseline and natural visibility conditions as
well as the URP to achieve natural visibility
[[Page 30459]]
conditions in 2064 for all eleven of the Class I areas wholly within
its borders. The SIP submittal also included these conditions for Hells
Canyon Wilderness Area, as determined by WRAP and established by Oregon
and Idaho.
Baseline visibility was calculated from monitoring data collected
by IMPROVE monitors for the most-impaired (20% worst) days and the
least-impaired (20% best) days. Oregon used the WRAP derived natural
visibility conditions. In general, WRAP based their natural condition
estimates on EPA guidance; Guidance for Estimating Natural Visibility
Conditions Under the Regional Haze Program (EPA-45/B-03-0005 September
2003) but incorporated refinements which EPA believes provides results
more appropriate for western states than the general EPA default
approach. See WRAP TSD section 2.E.
Because individual monitors are used to represent visibility
conditions for groups of Class I areas in Oregon, not every Class I
area in Oregon has an IMPROVE monitor. Specifically, the Oregon Class I
areas are segregated into six groups. These groups, and Class I areas
they contain, are:
North Cascades: Mt. Hood Wilderness Area.
Central Cascades: Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, and Three
Sisters Wilderness Areas.
Southern Cascades: Crater Lake National Park, Diamond
Peak, Mountain Lakes, and Gearhart Wilderness Areas.
Coast Range: Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area.
Eastern Oregon: Strawberry Mountain and Eagle Cap
Wilderness Areas.
Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho: Hells Canyon Wilderness
Visibility conditions on the 20% worst days during the 2000-04
baseline period for each group of Class I areas were determined to be:
North Cascades--14.9 dv.
Central Cascades--15.3 dv.
Southern Cascades--13.7 dv.
Coast Range--15.5 dv.
Eastern Oregon--18.6 dv.
Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho--18.6 dv.
Visibility conditions on the 20% best days during the 2000-04
baseline period for each group of Class I areas were determined to be:
North Cascades--2.2 dv.
Central Cascades--3.0 dv.
Southern Cascades--1.7 dv.
Coast Range--6.3 dv.
Eastern Oregon--4.5 dv.
Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho--5.5 dv.
Natural visibility conditions on the 20% worst days for each group
of Class I areas were determined to be:
Northern Cascades--8.4 dv.
Central Cascades--8.8 dv.
Southern Cascades--7.6 dv.
Coast Range--9.4 dv.
Eastern Oregon--8.9 dv.
Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho--8.3 dv.
C. Oregon Emission Inventory
EPA previously evaluated and approved Oregon's emissions inventory
of pollutants that impact the twelve Class I areas in Oregon, as well
as the impacts of emissions from Oregon BART-eligible sources on nearby
Class I in other states. See 76 FR 12651 and 76 FR 38997. Below is a
summary of emission inventories of the most significant visibility
impairing pollutants in Oregon, which are SO2,
NOX, and organic carbon. These pollutants, and their
visibility impacts, were explained in more detail in the notices for
the previous rulemaking.
Point sources in Oregon account for 39% of total state-wide
SO2 emissions. The most significant point sources are coal-
fired electrical generation units. Area sources (such as Pacific
offshore shipping, wood combustion, and natural gas combustion)
contribute about 21% to Oregon statewide SO2 emissions. On-
road mobile and off-road mobile sources contribute a combined total of
21% of the Oregon SO2 emissions. On-road mobile sources
account for 43% of the total NOX statewide emissions in
Oregon, and off-road mobile sources account for 21% of the
NOX. Natural fire accounts for 11% of the NOX,
and point sources account for 10% of the NOX emissions. Most
of the organic carbon emissions in Oregon are from natural fire, which
fluctuate greatly from year to year. For 2002, about 68% of statewide
organic carbon emissions in Oregon were due to natural fire.
Anthropogenic fire (prescribed fire, agricultural field burning, and
outdoor residential burning) accounts for 9% of the statewide organic
carbon emissions.
D. Sources of Visibility Impairment in Oregon Class I Areas
Oregon used a two step process to identify the contribution of each
source or source category to existing visibility impairment. First,
ambient pollutant concentrations by species (sulfate, nitrate, organic
carbon, fine particulate, etc) were determined from the IMPROVE sampler
representing each Class I area. These concentrations were then used to
determine the extinction coefficient for each pollutant species
according to the updated IMPROVE algorithm. Extinction was then
converted to deciview values, the required visibility metric identified
in the RHR. Second, appropriate modeling tools were used to determine
which source categories contributed to the ambient concentrations of
each pollutant species in each Class I area. Thus, impairment was
distributed by source category.
The WRAP and Western States selected the Comprehensive Air Quality
Model with Extensions (CAMx) in conjunction with PM Source
Apportionment Technology (PSAT) first to determine source contribution
to ambient sulfate and nitrate concentrations and then to decide which
geographic source regions contribute to haze at specific Class I areas.
The second modeling tool used by WRAP was the Weighted Emissions
Potential (WEP) model, which was used primarily as a screening tool to
determine the contribution of ambient organic carbon, elemental carbon,
PM2.5, and coarse PM concentrations to visibility impairment
in Oregon Class I areas. Description of these tools, their use and
evaluation of them are described in more detail in section 6 of the
WRAP TSD. Below is a summary of the source categories that contribute
to the SO2, NOX, and organic carbon, which cause
the most significant visibility impairment in Class I areas in Oregon.
The results of the PSAT and WEP modeling show that sources of
visibility impairment in the Oregon Class I area vary significantly by
location. The PSAT results show that the 20% worst days during 2000-
2004 in the North and Central Cascades Class I areas are mostly
impacted by sulfate from a combination of SO2 point, area,
and mobile sources in Washington and Oregon, and marine shipping in the
Pacific offshore region. Most of the sulfate impacting the Southern
Cascade Class I areas is from point sources in Oregon, Washington,
California, and Canada. Pacific offshore shipping is also a substantial
contributor of sulfate to this area. The most significant sources of
sulfate to the only coastal Oregon Class I area (Kalmiopsis Wilderness
Area) are natural fires in Oregon, and marine shipping in the Pacific
Ocean. For the 20% worst days in Eastern Oregon Class I areas, the
contribution of sulfates from each geographical area is relatively low,
with the largest contribution being from point sources from Canada,
Washington, and Oregon. See Oregon Regional Haze SIP submittal Figures
9.2.1-1 through Figures 9.2.1-6.
The PSAT results for nitrate show that a majority of the nitrate
impacting the
[[Page 30460]]
North and Central Cascades Class I areas is from mobile sources in
Oregon and Washington. For the 20% worst days in Southern Cascades, the
most significant sources of nitrate are mobile sources in California,
Oregon and Washington. A majority of the nitrate impacting the
Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area is from mobile sources in Oregon and from
marine shipping in the Pacific Ocean. The visibility on the 20% worst
days in the Eastern Oregon Class I areas is significantly impacted by a
combination of point, area, and mobile NOX sources in Idaho,
Oregon and Washington. See Oregon Regional Haze SIP submittal Figures
9.2.2-1 through Figures 9.2.2-6.
Based on the WEP model results, the organic carbon in the North
Cascades area on the 20% worst visibility days comes mostly from area
sources and natural fires in Oregon, with a small contribution from
areas sources in Washington. For the 20% worst visibility days in the
Central Cascades areas, most of the organic carbon comes from a
combination of area source emissions and natural and anthropogenic fire
in Oregon. For the 20% worst visibility days in the Southern Cascades
area, approximately 90% of the organic carbon contribution came from
natural fires in 2002. For the 20% worst visibility days in the
Kalmiopsis Wilderness area, almost all of the organic carbon for the
2002 base year came from natural fire. For the 20% worst visibility
days in the Eastern Oregon Class I areas, most of the organic carbon
contribution came from a combination of natural fires and anthropogenic
fires in Idaho and Oregon.
In its previous final rulemaking EPA found that Oregon had
appropriately identified the primary pollutants impacting its Class I
areas, and that the SIP contains an appropriate analysis of the impact
these pollutants have on visibility in the Class I areas in Oregon. See
76 FR 38997.
E. Best Available Retrofit Technology
EPA previously reviewed and approved Oregon's BART determinations
for all sources subject to BART in Oregon. See 76 FR 38997. As
explained in the Federal Register notice approving the State's
determinations, BART was determined for one source, the PGE Boardman
Electric Generating Unit (EGU), and Federally Enforceable Permit Limits
(FEPLs) were established for four BART-eligible sources to reduce
visibility impacts at any Class I area below the 0.5 dv subject to
BART-subject threshold. These four sources are:
PGE Beaver EGU
Georgia Pacific Wauna Mill
International Paper, Springfield
Amalgamated Sugar Plant, Nyssa
In summary, the emission limits established through FEPLs for the
above four sources were achieved through the following methods.
1. PGE Beaver EGU: To achieve the emission limits established in
the Title V permit, the facility is using ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel
(with no more than 0.0015% sulfur) in its oil-fired BART eligible
units. The source must also use only ``pipe line quality'' natural gas
in the gas-fueled PWEU1 unit.
2. Georgia Pacific Wauna Mill: To achieve the emission limits
established in the Title V permit, the mill has reduced its
SO2 emissions by (1) permanently reducing use of fuel oil in
the Power Boiler, (2) discontinuing the use of fuel oil in the Lime
Kiln until the Non-Condensable Gas Incinerator (NCGI) unit is shut
down, and (3) limiting pulp production rate to 1,030 tons per day until
the NCGI unit is shut down, at which time production rate will be
limited to 1,350 tons per day.
3. International Paper, Springfield: To achieve the emission limits
established in its Title V permit, the plant has reduced its emissions
of SO2, NOX, and PM by accepting limits on fuel
usage and operation, and meeting a combined SO2 and
NOX daily emission limit based on a plant fuel use specific
formula. The permit requires this facility to include the package
boiler (EU-150B) emissions when demonstrating compliance with condition
210 of the permit until the source submits a notice of completion of
No. 4 recovery boiler mud and steam drum replacement.
4. Amalgamated Sugar Plant, Nyssa: This plant is currently shutdown
and has no identified date to resume operations. In the event this
source resumes operation in the future, ODEQ will require that this
facility be subject to a FEPL in its Title V permit, or conduct a BART
analysis and install BART prior to resuming operation.
The PGE EGU near Boardman, Oregon is a coal-fired power plant
capable of producing about 617 MW of electricity constructed between
1962 and 1977, and based on 2005 actual emissions data, emitted about
12,000 tons of SO2, 8,300 tons of NOX, and 880
tons of particulate matter (PM) that year. ODEQ determined BART for
this source to be 0.23 lbs/mmBtu for NOX based on a new low-
NOX burner/modified overfire air system, 0.40 lbs/mmBtu for
SO2 based on initial operational efficiency of a new Direct
Sorbent Injection System, and 0.40 lb/mmBtu for PM, based on the
current PM emission limit for the existing electrostatic precipitation
system. The BART rule for this facility requires that the Foster
Wheeler boiler at the facility permanently cease burning coal by no
later than December 31, 2020. OAR 340-223-0030(1)(e).
F. Reasonable Progress Goals
1. Determination of Reasonable Progress Goals
The RHR requires States to show ``reasonable progress'' toward
natural visibility conditions over the time period of the SIP, with
2018 as the first milestone year. The RHR at 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1) also
requires that the State establish a goal, expressed in deciviews (dv),
for each Class I area within the State that provides for reasonable
progress towards achieving natural visibility conditions by 2064. As
such the State must establish an RPG for each Class I area that
provides for visibility improvement for the most-impaired (20% worst)
days and ensures no degradation in visibility for the least-impaired
(20% best) days in 2018.
RPGs are estimates of the progress to be achieved by 2018 through
implementation of the LTS which includes anticipated emission
reductions from all State and Federal regulatory requirements
implemented between the baseline and 2018, including, but not limited
to, BART and any additional controls for non-BART sources or emission
activities including any Federal requirements that reduce visibility
impairing pollutants. As explained above, the rate needed to achieve
natural conditions by 2064 is referred to as the uniform rate of
progress or URP.
If the State establishes a reasonable progress goal that provides
for a slower rate of improvement than the rate that would be needed to
attain natural conditions by 2064, the State must demonstrate based on
the factors in 51.308(d)(1)(i)(A), that the rate of progress for the
implementation plan to attain natural conditions by 2064 is not
reasonable; and the progress goal adopted by the State is reasonable.
The State must provide an assessment of the number of years it would
take to attain natural conditions if visibility continues at the rate
of progress selected by the State. 40 CFR 51.308(d)(B)(ii).
The primary tool relied upon by Oregon for determining regional
haze improvements by 2018 and for establishing the RPGs, was the CMAQ
modeling conducted by WRAP. The CMAQ model was used to estimate 2018
visibility conditions in Oregon, based on application of the regional
haze strategies included in this plan. WRAP developed CMAQ modeling
[[Page 30461]]
including annual meteorology and emissions inventories for: (1) A 2002
actual emissions base case, (2) a planning case to represent the 2000-
04 regional haze baseline period using averages for key emissions
categories, and (3) a projected 2018 case to determine improvements
achievable by 2018. EPA approves the use of the CMAQ model to determine
future visibility conditions in Oregon Class I areas. A more detailed
description of the CMAQ modeling performed by WRAP can be found in the
WRAP TSD for this action.
To determine the 2018 RPGs for its Class I areas, ODEQ followed the
eleven steps described below:
1. Compare baseline conditions to natural conditions. For each
Class I area, ODEQ identified baseline (2000-2004) visibility and
natural conditions in 2064, for the 20% worst and best days.
2. Identify the Uniform Rate of Progress for achieving natural
conditions on the 20% worst days. For each Class I area, ODEQ
calculated the URP glide path from baseline to 2064, including the 2018
planning milestone, for the 20% worst days.
3. Identify contributing pollutant species. For each Class I area,
ODEQ identified the pollutant species that are contributing to
visibility impairment on during the 2000-2004 baseline 20% worst and
20% best days.
4. Identify major emission sources within the State. Using the WRAP
Emission Inventory for 2002 and 2018, ODEQ identified statewide
emissions by source category and pollutant, and identified projected
emission trends from current (2002) to the 2018 planning milestone.
5. Identify the larger emission sources contributing to visibility
impairment. For each Class I area, ODEQ identified the relative
contribution of anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic sources in Oregon
and neighboring states to the 20% worst and best days, using monitoring
data, and source apportionment and modeling results.
6. Document the emission reductions from BART. ODEQ described the
results of the BART process, and identified the emission reductions
that will be achieved from BART and from FEPLs taken by sources so that
they are no longer subject to BART.
7. Identify projected visibility change in 2018 from ``on-the-
books'' controls and BART. For each Class I area, ODEQ determined the
visibility improvement expected in 2018 from on-the-books controls and
BART, using the WRAP CMAQ modeling results, for the 20% worst and best
8. Identify sources or source categories that are major
contributors and apply the four- factor analysis. As a result of the
analysis under step 5 above, for each Class I area, ODEQ determined key
pollutant species and source categories that could have the greatest
impact on visibility in Oregon Class I areas, and analyzed these
sources using the four-factor analysis.
9. Describe the results of the four-factor analysis. ODEQ conducted
a four-factor analysis on the major Oregon source emission categories
using the following factors: Cost of compliance, time necessary for
compliance, energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of
compliance, and remaining useful life of any potentially affected
10. Set the RPGs based on the above steps. ODEQ set the RPGs for
each Class I area in deciviews, based on expected improvements by 2018
for the 20% worst and 20% best days, due to on-the-books controls,
BART, and the results of the four-factor analysis on major source
11. Compare RPG to the 2018 URP milestone and provide an
affirmative demonstration that reasonable progress is being made. For
each Class I area, ODEQ compared the RPG developed in step 10 to the
2018 URP milestone and provided an affirmative demonstration that
reasonable progress is being made.
After considering each of the factors described above, Oregon
established RPGs for each of its mandatory Class I areas. The
visibility projections were based on estimates of emissions reductions
from all existing and known controls resulting from Federal and state
CAA programs as of December 2010. Oregon's RPGs for its 12 Class I
areas are shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1--2018 RPGs for Class I Areas in Oregon
20% Worst days Years from 20% Best days
------------------------------------------------ baseline to -------------------------------
Region Oregon class I area Baseline 2018 Uniform 2018 natural 2018
condition rate of Reasonable conditions at Baseline reasonable
(dv) progress (dv) progress goal reasonable condition (dv) progress goal
(dv) progress (dv)
Northern Cascades................. Mt. Hood Wilderness 14.9 13.4 13.8 87 2.2 2.0
Central Cascades.................. Mt. Jefferson, Mt. 15.3 13.8 14.3 93 3.0 2.9
Washington, and
Three Sisters
Wilderness Areas.
Southern Cascades................. Diamond Peak, 13.7 12.3 13.4 287 1.8 1.5
Mountain Lakes, and
Gearhart Mountain
Wilderness Areas
and Crater Lake
National Park.
Coast Range....................... Kalmiopsis 15.5 14.1 15.1 216 6.3 6.1
Wilderness Area.
Eastern Oregon.................... Strawberry Mountain 18.6 16.3 17.5 125 4.5 4.1
and Eagle Cap
Wilderness Areas.
Eastern Oregon/Western Idaho...... Hells Canyon 18.6 16.2 16.6 74 5.5 4.7
Wilderness Area.
SIP submission Table 11.4.2-2 as supplemented by May 7, 2012 letter from ODEQ.
2. Demonstration of Reasonable Progress
Oregon recognized that based on the results of the CMAQ modeling,
none of the Class I areas in Oregon are expected to achieve the URP for
2018. Nevertheless, Oregon concludes that the goals it established for
each of the Class I areas for the first planning cycle are reasonable,
and no additional controls are reasonable at this time. Oregon believes
that these RPGs are justified and ``reasonable'' based on the following
considerations: (1) Findings of the four-factor analysis which
evaluated controls on major source categories that impact visibility in
Class I areas in Oregon, (2) substantial future emission reductions
from the PGE Boardman EGU, initially due to BART emission limits in
place by 2014, and then further reductions in emissions from this
facility when it ceases to burn coal by the end of 2020, (3) evidence
that emissions from natural sources (primarily wildfires) significantly
impact visibility in the Class I areas and adversely affect Oregon's
ability to reach the 2018 URP goal, (4) evidence that offshore marine
shipping emissions
[[Page 30462]]
significantly impact visibility in the Class I areas and adversely
affect Oregon's ability to meet the 2018 URP goal in these Class I
areas, and (5) ODEQ's demonstration that it will achieve significant
reductions of SO2 and NOX emissions from
anthropogenic sources in Oregon, primarily due to major reductions in
mobile source emissions of SO2 and NOX by 2018.
See Oregon Regional Haze SIP submission section 11.4.1 for additional
detail. These five factors, and how they were considered, are
summarized in the following paragraphs.
Findings of the Four-Factor Analysis: ODEQ based its analysis on
the WRAP four-factor analysis for Oregon, and focused on the largest
anthropogenic point and areas sources that have the greatest projected
amounts of SOX and NOX emissions in each source
category in 2018. Based on the emissions inventory, ODEQ identified the
following source categories as being the largest SOX and
NOX emitters: External Combustion Boilers; Stationary Source
Fuel Combustion; Industrial Processes; Internal Combustion Engines;
Agricultural Orchard Heaters; and Waste Disposal, Treatment, and
Recovery. The annual SO2 and NOX emissions from
each of these categories are shown in Table 2.
Table 2--Oregon's Largest Source Categories
Pollutant Type Source category Extent of contribution
SO2................................ Point................ External Combustion 858 tons/year.
Point................ Industrial Processes. 377 tons/year.
Area................. Stationary Source 5,699 tons/year.
Fuel Combustion.
Area................. Misc. (Agriculture 2,243 tons/year.
Orchard Heaters).
NOX................................ Point................ External Combustion 4,995 tons/year.
Point................ Industrial Processes. 3,639 tons/year.
Point................ Internal Combustion 3,688 tons/year.
Area................. Stationary Source 13,454 tons/year.
Fuel Combustion.
Area................. Waste Disposal, 2,881 tons/year.
Treatment, and
ODEQ's four-factor analysis for each source category is summarized
a. External Boilers: This source category consists of point sources
with emissions totaling 858 tons per year (tpy) of SO2 and
4,995 of NOX. Technically feasible NOX emission
control technologies for external boilers included Overfire Air,
Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction and Selective Catalytic Reduction.
See section of the SIP submittal for additional detail
regarding the State's analysis of this source category.
b. Industrial Processes: This source category consists of
SO2 and NOX point sources, with emissions
totaling 377 tpy of SO2 and 3,639 tpy of NOX In
this category, ODEQ focused on cement manufacturing, which is the only
sizable subcategory in this category, with about 57% of the
NOX in the Industrial Processes category. See section, Industrial Processes table and section of the SIP
submittal for additional detail regarding the State's analysis of this
source category.
c. Stationary Source Fuel Combustion: This source category consists
of area sources, with emissions totaling 5,699 tpy of SO2
and 13,354 tpy of NOX The largest subcategory in this
category is residential wood and natural gas combustion (6,642 tpy of
NOX, combined). These represent the woodstoves and home
heating devices found throughout Oregon. ODEQ's residential wood
heating rules in OAR 340, Division 262, require that only certified
woodstoves can be sold in the state. As a result of these current
federally enforceable state requirements and programs for residential
wood heating, ODEQ did not conduct a four-factor analysis for this
subcategory. ODEQ also found that the low emissions generated by
natural gas home heating devices did not warrant further analysis. The
remaining sizeable subcategories were industrial and commercial/
institutional combustion, involving mostly natural gas and distillate
oil. ODEQ believes that emissions from these subcategories come from
smaller generators and engines. The control options available for
stationary sources burning natural gas are very limited, since this
fuel already produces very low emissions, and there are no cost-
effective post-combustion controls for this category of sources. As a
result of its review of this source category, ODEQ did not believe a
detailed four-factor analysis was appropriate, and that such a review
would not identify any cost effective controls. See section of
the SIP submittal for additional detail regarding the State's analysis
of this source category.
d. Waste Disposal, Treatment, and Recovery: This source category
consists of NOX area sources with emissions totaling 2,881
tpy. ODEQ found that the largest source within this category is
residential open burning, which like agricultural and forestry burning
is not suitable for applying the four-factor analysis because there are
no feasible emission control technologies for these types of sources.
However, as discussed below, ODEQ intends to conduct an evaluation of
residential open burning to determine the extent of the contribution to
visibility impairment, and the need for emission reductions, as part of
the LTS of this plan (See chapter 12, section 12.6.3 of the SIP
e. Agricultural Orchard Heaters: This source category consists of
SO2 area sources with emissions totaling 2,243 tpy. ODEQ
found that a four-factor analysis was not appropriate for this category
of sources for the following reasons: (1) ODEQ's confidence in the
emissions estimates from orchard heaters is very low, (2) these heaters
are used only intermittently, to prevent frost damage for selected
crops in diverse regions of the state, and the probability that the
intermittent use and spatial distribution of this source is a sizeable
contributor to Class I area impairment is extremely low, and (3) few
cost effective control options are available for this type of source.
See section of the SIP submittal for additional detail
regarding the State's analysis of this source category.
f. Internal Combustion Engines: This source category consists of
NOX point sources with emissions totaling 3,688 tpy. This
source category consists of two types of engines: (1) Natural gas fired
reciprocating internal combustion engines, and (2) natural gas fired
turbines that are compressors, combustors, or power turbines. Emissions
from internal combustion engines vary from engine to engine, model to
model, and mode of operation. ODEQ found that there was no currently
available information on this source
[[Page 30463]]
category that would allow a four-factor analysis. Given the relatively
low emissions represented by this source category, and the unknown
level of contribution to visibility impairment, ODEQ decided not to
conduct any further analysis on this source category. See section of the SIP submittal for additional detail regarding the
State's analysis of this source category.
As the purpose of the reasonable progress analysis is to evaluate
the potential of controlling certain sources or source categories to
address visibility from manmade sources, the four-factor analysis
conducted by Oregon addressed only anthropogenic sources on the
assumption that the focus should be on sources that could be
controlled. Thus, in its evaluation of potential sources or source
categories for reasonable progress, the state primarily evaluated
controls on point sources. Oregon determined that the key pollutants
contributing to visibility impairment from sources in Oregon are
SO2, NOX, and organic carbon. The State
determined that the major source of organic carbon was natural fire,
and after reviewing the WRAP modeling results, Oregon found that PM
emissions from point sources only contribute a minimal amount to the
visibility impairment in the Oregon Class I areas. Therefore, for this
initial planning period, Oregon focused on SO2 and
NOX controls for point source emissions. Based on its
evaluation, Oregon concluded that little gain would be achieved from
further reduction in SO2 and NOX from point
sources in Oregon, and therefore concluded it is not reasonable to
require controls for these source categories at this time. See Chapter
11.3 of the Oregon SIP submittal.
Substantial emission reductions From the PGE Boardman EGU: ODEQ
projects that there will be a total SO2 and NOX
emission reduction of 9,944 tpy from the PGE Boardman facility when
BART emission controls are fully implemented by July 2014. These
reductions will result in an additional visibility improvement of 2.4
dv in the Mt. Hood Class I area, and an additional cumulative
visibility improvement of 16.2 dv in all 14 Class I areas impacted by
this source. By 2018, there will be an additional reduction of 2,400
tpy of SO2 when the reasonable progress controls (Direct
Sorbent Injection-phase 2) are implemented, resulting in an additional
2.3 dv of cumulative improvement. By the end of 2020, when Boardman
permanently ceases to burn coal, there will be an additional combined
SO2 and NOX reduction of 12,877 tpy, resulting in
an additional 13.0 dv cumulative improvement in all 14 Class I areas.
See appendix D-7 of the Oregon Regional Haze SIP submittal.
Significant contribution to visibility impairment from natural
sources: The emission data in Chapter 8 of the SIP submittal
demonstrate that there are major contributions of Organic Carbon (OC),
Elemental Carbon (EC), PM2.5, and coarse particulate matter
(coarse PM) from wildfires and windblown dust to the total state
inventory for these species. In 2002, OC from wildfires constituted 69%
of the total state's OC emission inventory, and EC from wildfires
constituted 61% of the state's EC emission inventory. Also in 2002,
windblown dust constituted 26% of the Oregon's total PM2.5
inventory, and constituted 61% of the coarse PM inventory. Based on
CMAQ modeling results shown in Chapter 9 of the SIP submittal, OC and
PM2.5 from wildfires, and PM2.5 and coarse PM
from windblown dust, had significant to substantial impacts on
visibility in Oregon Class I areas on the 20% worst days in 2002. The
contribution of natural fires to visibility impairment from OC in
Oregon Class I areas ranges from about 15% at the Mt. Hood Class I area
to about 95% at the Kalmiopsis Class I area. Windblown dust and
wildfires combined contribute from about 10% to 90% of the
PM2.5 measured ambient air concentrations in the Oregon
Class I areas, and windblown dust and wildfires combined contribute
from about 30% to 95% of the coarse PM measured in Oregon Class I
areas. Since the emissions from these natural sources are
uncontrollable, and are projected to remain at 2002 baseline levels
through 2018, emissions from these sources will continue to have major
visibility impacts on Oregon Class I areas, prevent visibility
improvement from achieving the URP, and increase the percent
contribution to visibility impairment from uncontrolled sources as
concentrations of pollutants from controlled sources decrease.
Evidence that offshore marine shipping emissions affect ability to
meet the 2018 URP goal: ODEQ found that marine vessel emissions
(primarily SO2 and NOX) are a significant
contributor to haze in Oregon Class I areas, and significantly affect
Oregon's ability to meet its 2018 URP milestones. The PSAT and WEP
results in the Oregon SIP submittal Chapter 9 show that offshore marine
emissions are a significant contributor to visibility impairment in the
Kalmiopsis Class I area and the seven Oregon Class I areas in the
Cascade Mountains. Marine vessel emissions are included in the
``Pacific offshore'' portion of the pie charts shown in Figures 9.2.1-1
through 9.2.1-5 of the SIP submittal. According to the emission
inventory in Chapter 8 of the Oregon SIP submittal, marine vessel
emissions constitute 56% of the total SO2 and 31% of the
total NOX inventory for the State of Oregon for 2002. As
discussed further in the long term strategy portion of the submittal,
Oregon has only limited ability to regulate offshore marine emissions
and the Pacific offshore marine vessel emissions are currently beyond
Oregon's regulatory authority.
ODEQ's determination that it will achieve significant reductions of
SO2 and NOX emissions by 2018: Oregon explained
that it will achieve significant reduction of SO2 and
NOX emissions from anthropogenic sources in Oregon by 2018,
primarily due to existing Federal rules that control SO2 and
NOX emissions from mobile sources. See section 11.4.3 of the
SIP submittal. Based on the WEP analyses of SO2 and
NOX emissions in 2018, SO2 emissions from sources
upwind of the Class I areas in Oregon are projected to decrease by 33%
to 46%, and upwind emissions of NOX are projected to
decrease by 28% to 48% on the 20% worst days compared to the 2002
baseline. These results are shown in Tables 11.4.2-2 and 11.4.2-3 of
the SIP submittal. As a result of this reduction in SO2 and
NOX emissions, the CMAQ regional visibility modeling results
project a 4% to 18% improvement in visibility in Oregon Class I areas
due to reductions in SO2 emissions, and projects a 27% to
58% improvement in visibility in the Oregon Class I areas from
reductions in NO2 emissions. See section 11.4.2 of the SIP
3. EPA's Determination Whether the SIP Meets 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)
In a previous action, EPA approved Oregon's determination of
baseline and natural visibility conditions in each Class I area in
Oregon. See 76 FR 38997. The linear progress from baseline visibility
to natural visibility in 2064 defines the URP. The `2018 URP' is the
rate of progress to be achieved by 2018 in order to stay on track to
achieve natural conditions by 2064. In reviewing the Oregon SIP
submittal, EPA independently evaluated whether there are reasonable
control measures available for sources located within Oregon's
regulatory jurisdiction that would achieve further progress toward
achieving the 2018 URP.
We began this evaluation using a screening methodology called ``Q/
d'' to determine which stationary (point) sources would be candidates
[[Page 30464]]
controls under reasonable progress. The value Q/d is the ratio of the
mathematical sum of actual SO2, NOX and PM
emissions in tpy, denoted as ``Q'', divided by the distance (in
kilometers, denoted as ``d'') of the point source to the nearest Class
I area. A high Q/d would indicate the likelihood of the source causing
or contributing to impairment in that Class I area.
To determine the Q/d value that would provide assurance that a
source would, or would not, cause or contribute to impairment in any
Class I area, we considered the modeled visibility impacts from the
CALPUFF modeling used to determine the BART-eligible sources subject to
BART in EPA Region 10 and the distance of the source to the nearest
Class I area. There were 19 BART-eligible sources used in this
analysis. See memorandum to the files from Keith Rose, EPA Region 10,
dated March 21, 2012, for this analysis. All sources with a Q/d ratio
of less than 26.1 had visibility impacts of less than 0.5 dv. The
resultant average of the range is about 0.3 dv, which is more
conservative than the 0.5 dv that was used in determining which sources
would be subject-to-BART under the federal BART regulations. Since the
threshold is more conservative than the subject-to-BART threshold, we
believe that a Q/d value of 20 is reasonable for determining which
point sources the State should consider for the reasonable progress
Next, EPA determined the Q/d ratio at all non-BART point sources in
Oregon based on information in the EPA National Emission Inventory
database for emissions for point sources in 2005. Based on the 2005 EPA
National Emission Inventory Database, six of the largest non-BART point
sources and their Q/d values are: Roseburg Forest Products (16.9 Q/d),
Co-Gen Co. LLC (15.5 Q/d), Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation (14.0
Q/d), Weyerhaeuser Company, Albany (13.1 Q/d), Boise Cascade
Corporation, La Grande (12.7 Q/d), and Boise Cascade Corporation, Elgin
(11.5 Q/d). Since all of these sources have Q/d values below 20, EPA
believes that their impacts on nearby Class I areas are expected to be
less than 0.5 dv. Thus, EPA agrees with Oregon's conclusion that
additional controls of non-BART point sources for reasonable progress
purposes are not reasonable in the first planning period, because even
though there are cost effective controls identified, visibility
improvement is anticipated to be relatively small.
EPA also considered control measures for anthropogenic fire
(prescribed forest fire and agricultural fire). Oregon already operates
a robust enhanced smoke management program for prescribed forest fire
and agricultural burning (see description of Oregon's smoke management
and agricultural burning programs in section G.5 below). There are no
other source categories of smoke that appear to emit visibility
impairing pollutants sufficient to warrant consideration for additional
control at this time.
In regard to the impact of offshore marine shipping emissions, ODEQ
did not consider potential improvements in visibility its Class I areas
due to amendments adopted by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) in October 2008. See These amendments, known as the Annex VI
amendments specify: (1) New fuel quality requirements for commercial
marine vessels beginning from July 2010, (2) Tier II and III
NOX emission standards for new commercial marine engines,
and (3) Tier I NOX requirements for existing pre-2000
commercial marine engines. The Annex VI amendments designate waters
within 200 miles of the North American coast as an emission control
area, including waters offshore of Oregon. Even though the effects of
IMO Annex VI amendments were not evaluated in the Oregon SIP submittal,
EPA believes that visibility impacts from marine vessel emissions will
decrease by 2018 when the requirements of the Annex VI amendments are
fully implemented. Because these reductions were not included in the
CMAQ or WEP analyses conducted by WRAP for Oregon, the specific
visibility improvements cannot be quantified at this time, but they
will likely result in further visibility improvements in the Oregon
Class I areas located near the coast and in the Cascade Mountains.
As explained in the EPA's RGP Guidance, the 2018 URP estimate is
not a presumptive target and the State's RPGs may be lesser, greater or
equivalent to the glide path. The glide path to 2064 represents a rate
of progress which states must use for analytical comparison to the
amount of progress they expect to achieve. EPA believes the RPGs
established by Oregon for the Class I areas in Oregon, although not
achieving the URP, are reasonable when considering that significant
visibility improvement is expected from BART controls for Boardman and
other point sources, additional controls on other point sources and
other source categories would not result in significant visibility
improvement, and the significant visibility impacts due to
uncontrollable natural fire and significant impacts from off shore
marine emissions. Consequently, we propose to find that the State has
demonstrated that its 2018 RPGs are reasonable and consistent with 40
CFR 51.308(d)(1) and 51.308(d)(1)(ii).
G. Long Term Strategy
The Long Term Strategy (LTS) required by 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3) is a
compilation of all existing and anticipated new air pollution control
measures. The LTS must include ``enforceable emission limitations,
compliance schedules, and other measures as necessary to achieve the
reasonable progress goals'' for all Class I areas within or affected by
emissions from the State. 40 CFR 51.308(d)(3). In developing its LTS,
Oregon considered all the factors required for developing a LTS
identified in the RHR. These factors included: (1) Ongoing Air
Pollution Control Programs, (2) Measures to Mitigate Impacts of
Construction Activities, (3) Emission Limitations and Schedules for
Compliance, (4) Source Retirement and Replacement Schedules, (5) Smoke
Management Techniques for Agricultural and Forestry Burning, and (6)
Enforceability of Emission Limitations and Control Measures. A summary
of how Oregon is addressing each of these factors in its LTS is
provided below.
1. Ongoing Air Pollution Control Programs
a. Prevention of Significant Deterioration/New Source Review Rules
In Oregon, a primary regulatory tool for addressing visibility
impairment from industrial sources is the Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) New Source Review rules. The SIP approved Oregon
PSD rules protect visibility in Class I areas from new industrial
sources, and major changes to existing sources, by requiring a
visibility impact assessment (OAR 340, Division 225). Specifically, OAR
340-225-0070 describes the process for conducting a visibility impact
assessment and review by ODEQ, as well as the process for conducting
modeling to determine visibility impacts, which is used to determine if
a source causes a significant impairment in any Class I area. Any new
major source or major modifications within a distance of 300 km of a
Class I area that are found through modeling to cause significant
visibility impairment will not be issued an air quality permit by
Oregon unless the impact is mitigated. The level of significance is
defined as an increase in
[[Page 30465]]
visibility impairment above natural background of 5%.
b. Reasonably Attributable Visibility Impairment BART
Oregon has adopted the RAVI BART requirements as part of the Oregon
Visibility Protection Plan. RAVI specifies that if the Federal Land
Manager certifies that visibility impairment exists in a federal Class
I area, Oregon would be required to analyze BART controls and identify
BART for any contributing source.
c. Oregon's Phase I Visibility Protection Program
In 1986, Oregon adopted EPA's Phase I Visibility rule into Oregon
Visibility Protection Plan (OAR 340-200-0040). This rule addresses
visibility impairment that is ``reasonably attributable'' to one or
small group of sources, in relatively close proximity to a Class I
area. The Oregon Visibility Protection Plan contains short and long-
term strategies to address reasonably attributable impairment,
including PSD new source review rules along with seasonal protection of
visibility during the summer months from prescribed forestry burning
and agricultural field burning. Air quality monitoring showed that
during the summer months in the northern and central Cascades,
visibility was frequently impaired by smoke or ``plume blight'' from
Willamette Valley agricultural open field burning and forest prescribed
burning. Monitoring also demonstrated that there was summer visibility
impairment in the Eagle Cap Wilderness area caused by Union County
agricultural open field burning, and that field burning in Jefferson
County was contributing to summer visibility impairment in the central
Oregon Cascade Class I areas. As a result, ODEQ adopted specific
visibility control strategies for these areas into the original plan.
These included smoke management requirements to avoid Class I
visibility impacts from Willamette Valley, Jefferson County and Union
County open field burning, and from forest prescribed burning in parts
of Western Oregon. The Jefferson and Union County smoke management
programs adopted provisions to avoid any burning upwind of nearby Class
I areas. The Oregon Department of Forestry Smoke Management Program was
revised to shift prescribed burning in Western Oregon from the summer
to the spring and fall, as part of an effort to eliminate burning
during the summer. Oregon also explained that it made additional
revisions and improvements to the Visibility Protection Plan in 2002 as
part of the Oregon Visibility Protection Plan Reasonable Progress
Report, March 5, 2002. See SIP Submittal section for
additional discussion of the Oregon Phase I Visibility Protection
d. Implementation of State and Federal Mobile Source regulations
Mobile source annual emissions show a major decrease in
NOX and SO2 in Oregon from 2002 to 2018, due to
numerous ``on the books'' federal mobile source regulations for on-road
mobile sources as well as non-road mobile sources and equipment. These
rules are expected to reduce SO2 emissions as well as
NOX and PM emissions. In 2005, Oregon adopted California's
emissions standards for light and medium duty vehicles as the Oregon
Low Emission Vehicle Program. This program took effect beginning with
2009 model year vehicles. Although the primary purpose was to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, these rules will also decrease NOX
and PM emissions from light and medium duty vehicles. In 2007, the
Oregon Legislature authorized a clean diesel program that included
funding for a grant/loan program to retrofit existing diesel engines
with exhaust controls, repowering non-road diesel engines with
biodiesel, and scrapping older engines. ODEQ projects that with normal
turnover bringing new, cleaner engines into the fleet, there will be a
60% reduction in diesel PM2.5 emissions by 2018.
e. On-Going Implementation of Programs To Meet PM10 NAAQS
In Oregon there are six communities that are PM10
maintenance areas and two communities that are nonattainment areas
under the PM10 NAAQS. All of these communities are located
within 20 to 50 miles of one or more Class I area, and have the
potential to impact visibility in these Class I areas. As a result of
being designated as PM10 nonattainment areas, these
communities have made significant reductions in PM10
emissions in the last 10 years by adopting control strategies to reduce
PM10 emissions from sources such as residential woodstoves
and outdoor burning. For example, ODEQ's federally enforceable wood-
heating rules (OAR 340, Division 262) require woodstove curtailment
programs in each of these communities, and specify that only certified
woodstoves be sold in the state. Oregon's wood-heating rules have been
very effective in reducing PM10 levels during the heating
months in these communities.
2. Measures To Mitigate the Impacts of Construction Activities
Oregon's rules addressing impacts from construction activities are
primarily found in the OAR 340, Division 208. OAR 340-208-0210
addresses ``fugitive emissions'' from a variety of sources, and would
be the most applicable regulation to construction activities. This
regulation requires ``reasonable precautions'' be taken to prevent
particulate matter from becoming airborne from activities such as
construction projects. Actions that can be taken to control particulate
emissions include the use of water or chemicals to control dust from
demolition, construction operations, unpaved roads at construction
sites, and material stockpiles, and containment of sandblasting
3. Emission Limitations and Schedules of Compliance
Emission limits and compliance schedules for stationary sources are
specified under Oregon and federal regulations in accordance with the
CAA. Additionally as discussed above, the emission limits and schedules
of compliance for those sources with BART limits, and sources taking
FEPLs, are described in Chapter 10 of the SIP submittal and in our
previous action approving these limits and schedules.
4. Source Retirement and Replacement Schedules
Oregon's LTS contains an evaluation of non-BART sources, as
described below. This evaluation will include a review of all existing
industrial sources to identify scheduled shutdowns, retirements in
upcoming years, or replacement schedules, such as planned installation
of new control equipment to meet other regulations or routine equipment
replacement or modernization.
5. Smoke Management Techniques for Agricultural and Forestry Burning
Smoke from agricultural and forestry burning are major contributors
to visibility impairment in Oregon Class I areas. Organic and elemental
carbon particulates are the dominant pollutant species contributing to
haze in Oregon Class I areas on the 20% worst days. Much of these
particulates are from wildfires, which fluctuates significantly from
year to year, but there is also a significant contribution from
controlled agricultural and forestry burning. Of the controlled
burning, prescribed forestry burning represents the largest source, at
approximately 58% of the total burning in the state, and agricultural
[[Page 30466]]
(including open field burning) is approximately 11%.
In Oregon, prescribed forest burning and agricultural burning is
regulated under the Oregon Smoke Management Plan. On November 2, 2007,
the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) adopted revisions to this plan
which included new visibility protection provisions that incorporated
references to the Oregon Regional Haze Plan and the Enhanced Smoke
Management Program (ESMP) criteria in the RHR section 309. Oregon's
current smoke management programs, operated by Oregon Department of
Agriculture (ODA) and ODF, includes the following ESMP elements: (1)
Taking actions to minimize smoke emissions, (2) burning only during
appropriate weather conditions in order to avoid smoke impacts in urban
areas, (3) encourages using alternatives to fire, and includes a
comprehensive reference manual of alternatives to prescribed fire, (4)
a requirement that burning permits must be obtained prior to burning,
and (5) a burn authorization process that involves the issuance of
smoke management forecasts and burning instructions. Agricultural
burning in the Willamette Valley is further controlled under a smoke
management program operated by ODA. Field burning in Jefferson and
Union counties is controlled through smoke management programs
established by county ordinance and operated at that level. These
county programs have requirements to avoid burning upwind of nearby
Class I areas when smoke would impair visibility.
6. Enforceability of Emission Limitations and Control Measures
Oregon has ensured that all emission limitations and control
measures used to meet reasonable progress goals are enforceable, and
pursuant to OAR 340-200-0040, are included in the State of Oregon Clean
Air Act Implementation Plan. ODEQ has adopted the Oregon Regional Haze
Plan, including the Oregon BART rules, into the SIP submittal, which
ensures that all elements in the plan are enforceable.
In addition to six factors discussed above, Oregon indicated a
number of additional measures it intends to take in the future as part
of its long term strategy. As described in additional detail in the SIP
submittal section 12.6, the State intends to: (1) Further evaluate
controls for Non-BART Sources, (2) evaluate prescribed burning
contribution to haze and possible controls, (3) evaluate the
contribution from general outdoor open burning, and (4) evaluate the
contribution from rangeland burning. EPA acknowledges these additional
measures and analysis that Oregon is planning to conduct, but is not
necessary to take these specific activities into account at this time
in evaluating whether the enforceable measures contained in the State's
LTS satisfy the RHR requirement.
EPA is proposing to find that Oregon adequately addressed the RHR
requirements in developing its LTS. The LTS provides sufficient
documentation to ensure that Oregon will meet its emission reduction
obligations for all Class I areas it affects in the first planning
period. Oregon relied on monitoring, emission inventories and modeling
information from the WRAP as the technical basis for its LTS.
Coordination and consultation occurred with other states through the
WRAP, in which all western states participated in developing the
technical analysis upon which their SIPs are based. Oregon's analysis
included all anthropogenic sources of visibility impairment including
major and minor stationary sources, mobile sources, and area sources.
The anticipated net effect on visibility over the first planning period
due to changes in point, area, and mobile source emissions is an
improvement in visibility in all Class I areas in Oregon on the worst
20% days, and no degradation of visibility on the 20% best days.
H. Monitoring Strategy and Other Implementation Plan Requirements
The primary monitoring network for regional haze in Oregon is the
IMPROVE network. There are currently IMPROVE sites in the Mt. Hood
Wilderness area, Three Sister Wilderness area, Crater Lake National
Park, Kalmiopsis Wilderness area, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness area,
and Hells Canyon Wilderness area. IMPROVE monitoring data from 2000-
2004 serves as the baseline for the regional haze program, and is
relied upon in the Oregon Regional Haze submittal. Oregon commits to
rely on the IMPROVE network for complying with the regional haze
monitoring requirement in EPA's RHR for the current and future regional
haze implementation periods. See section 4.4 of the SIP submittal. Data
produced by the IMPROVE monitoring network will be used for preparing
the five-year progress reports and the 10-year SIP revisions, each of
which relies on analysis of the preceding five years of data.
I. Consultation With States and Federal Land Managers
Through the WRAP, member states and Tribes worked extensively with
the FLMs from the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture to
develop technical analyses that support the regional haze SIPs for the
WRAP states. The proposed Regional Haze plan for Oregon was provided to
the FLM for comment on November 11, 2008, the start of a 60-day comment
period. See section 13.1 of the SIP submittal. Oregon also consulted
with the States of Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and California.
Oregon commits to continued consultation with the FLMs and the
other states as part of the continued implementation of the plan and
for future progress reports and revisions. This continuing consultation
process will provide the opportunity for on-going opportunities to
address a host of items including, for example, the implementation of
emission control programs, changes to the monitoring strategy or
monitoring locations, status of state actions to meet commitments for
future assessments or rulemaking, and work on the five-year reviews and
ten-year revisions. Additionally, Oregon consulted with the tribes
during development of their plan through the WRAP activities and direct
outreach to the tribes.
J. Periodic SIP Revisions and Five-Year Progress Reports
Section 51.308(f) of the RHR requires that the regional haze plans
be revised and submitted to EPA by July 31, 2018 and every 10 years
thereafter. 40 CFR 51.308(g) requires the state to submit a progress
report to EPA every five years evaluating progress towards the
reasonable progress goals for each Class I area in the State and each
Class I area located outside the State which may be affected by
emissions from within the State. Oregon has committed to evaluate and
reassess its Regional Haze plan and to provide a Regional Haze SIP
revision by July 31, 2018 for the next 10 year planning cycle. See
section 13.5 of the SIP submittal. Oregon has also committed to
submitting the five-year review and report on the Regional Haze plan.
See section 13.1 of the SIP submittal.
IV. What action is EPA proposing?
On June 21, 2011, EPA approved portions of the Oregon Regional Haze
Plan submitted December 10, 2010, as supplemented on February 1, 2011,
including the Oregon's emission inventory, determination of baseline
and natural conditions and the BART controls and emission limits.
Today, for the reasons explained above, EPA is proposing to approve the
remaining parts of the Oregon Regional Haze submittal as meeting the
[[Page 30467]]
set forth in section 169A and 169B of the Act and in 40 CFR 51.300-308
regarding regional haze.
V. Oregon Notice Provision
Oregon Revised Statute 468.126, prohibits ODEQ from imposing a
penalty for violation of an air, water, or solid waste permit unless
the source has been provided five days' advanced written notice of the
violation and has not come into compliance or submitted a compliance
schedule within that five-day period. By its terms, the statute does
not apply to Oregon's Title V program or to any program if application
of the notice provision would disqualify the program from Federal
delegation. Oregon has previously confirmed that, because application
of the notice provision would preclude EPA approval of the Oregon SIP,
no advance notice is required for violation of SIP requirements.
VI. Scope of Action
Oregon has not demonstrated authority to implement and enforce the
Oregon Administrative rules within ``Indian Country'' as defined in 18
U.S.C. 1151. ``Indian country'' is defined under 18 U.S.C. 1151 as: (1)
All land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the
jurisdiction of the United States Government, notwithstanding the
issuance of any patent, and including rights-of-way running through the
reservation, (2) all dependent Indian communities within the borders of
the United States, whether within the original or subsequently acquired
territory thereof, and whether within or without the limits of a State,
and (3) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been
extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. Under
this definition, EPA treats as reservations trust lands validly set
aside for the use of a Tribe even if the trust lands have not been
formally designated as a reservation. Therefore, this SIP approval does
not extend to ``Indian Country'' in Oregon. See CAA sections
110(a)(2)(A) (SIP shall include enforceable emission limits),
110(a)(2)(E)(i) (State must have adequate authority under State law to
carry out SIP), and 172(c)(6) (nonattainment SIPs shall include
enforceable emission limits).
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Under the Clean Air Act, the Administrator is required to approve a
SIP submission that complies with the provisions of the Act and
applicable Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).
Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state
choices, provided that they meet the criteria of the Clean Air Act.
Accordingly, this proposed action merely approves state law as meeting
Federal requirements and does not impose additional requirements beyond
those imposed by state law. For that reason, this proposed action:
Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993);
Does not impose an information collection burden under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
Is certified as not having a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
Does not have Federalism implications as specified in
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
Is not an economically significant regulatory action based
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997);
Is not a significant regulatory action subject to
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
Is not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent
with the Clean Air Act; and
Does not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to
address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental
effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In addition,
this rule does not have tribal implications as specified by Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), because the rule neither
imposes substantial direct compliance costs on tribal governments, nor
preempts tribal law. Therefore, the requirements of sections 5(b) and
5(c) of the Executive Order do not apply to this rule. Consistent with
EPA policy, EPA nonetheless provided a consultation opportunity to
Tribes in Idaho, Oregon and Washington in letters dated January 14,
2011. EPA received one request for consultation, and we have followed-
up with that Tribe.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Air pollution control, Environmental protection, Intergovernmental
relations, Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Visibility, and Volatile
organic compounds.
Dated: May 14, 2012.
Michelle L. Pirzadeh,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 10.
[FR Doc. 2012-12490 Filed 5-22-12; 8:45 am]