Segun M. Rasaki, M.D.; Decision and Order, 29692-29694 [2012-12119]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2012 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
controlled substances and advised Ms.
O. that the needles and other medical
supplies should be declared bio-hazards
and removed by a professional disposal
firm. Id. Another portion of the report
lists the confiscated items and includes
five vials of injectable Diazepam 5mg/
ml (a schedule IV controlled substance),
11 vials of injectable midazolam 50mg/
10ml (also a schedule IV controlled
substance), 1 vial of ketamine 500gm/
10ml (a schedule III controlled
substance), as well as one partially used
vial of each of these drugs, and one vial
of brevital sodium (a schedule IV
controlled substance). Id. at 2. The
police report, however, contains no
further information explaining how the
determination was made that the vials
contained the above listed drugs. See
generally id. Nor does any other
evidence in the record establish how
this determination was made.
In addition, the record includes a
document which provides Master
Information for Registrant’s expired
registration and lists the same 1590
Harbor Cay Lane address as his mailing
address. GX 3. While this document
creates a reasonable suspicion that
Registrant brought the above items to
this address, the record contains no
further evidence sufficient to move
beyond suspicion and into the realm of
substantial evidence necessary to
establish this as a fact. See NLRB v.
Columbian E. & S. Co., 306 U.S. 292,
300 (1939) (‘‘Substantial evidence is
more than a scintilla, and must do more
than create a suspicion of the existence
of the fact to be established.’’). More
specifically, while the police report
notes that the home had ‘‘recently been
repossessed from’’ Registrant, no other
evidence establishes the declarant’s
basis of knowledge, let alone such facts
as the respective dates on which
Registrant vacated the premises and the
home was repossessed, whether the
home was secured after Registrant
vacated the premises and was in that
state when Ms. O. entered it and found
the items, and whether Registrant was
the only person who stayed in the home
and who had access to controlled
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3), the
Attorney General is authorized to
suspend or revoke a registration issued
under section 823 ‘‘upon a finding that
the registrant * * * has had his State
license * * * suspended [or] revoked
* * * by competent State authority and
is no longer authorized by State law to
engage in the * * * dispensing of
controlled substances.’’ Moreover, DEA
has repeatedly held that the possession
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of authority to dispense controlled
substances under the laws of the State
in which a practitioner engages in
professional practice is a fundamental
condition for obtaining and maintaining
a practitioner’s registration.
This rule derives from the text of two
provisions of the CSA. First, Congress
defined ‘‘the term ‘practitioner’ [to]
mean[] a * * * physician * * * or
other person licensed, registered or
otherwise permitted, by * * * the
jurisdiction in which he practices * * *
to distribute, dispense, [or] administer
* * * a controlled substance in the
course of professional practice.’’ 21
U.S.C. 802(21). Second, in setting the
requirements for obtaining a
practitioner’s registration, Congress
directed that ‘‘[t]he Attorney General
shall register practitioners * * * if the
applicant is authorized to dispense
* * * controlled substances under the
laws of the State in which he practices.’’
21 U.S.C. 823(f). Because Congress has
clearly mandated that a practitioner
possess state authority in order to be
deemed a practitioner under the Act,
DEA has held repeatedly that revocation
of a practitioner’s registration is the
appropriate sanction whenever he is no
longer authorized to dispense controlled
substances under the laws of the State
in which he practices medicine. See,
e.g., Calvin Ramsey, 76 FR 20034, 20036
(2011); Dominick A. Ricci, 58 FR 51104,
51105 (1993); Bobby Watts, 53 FR
11919, 11920 (1988).
As found above, on April 16, 2010,
the Florida Board of Medicine revoked
Registrant’s medical license and
accordingly, he is no longer authorized
under Florida law to dispense
controlled substances. Because
Registrant no longer satisfies the CSA’s
requirement for maintaining his
registrations, I will order that his
registrations be revoked and that any
pending applications be denied.
Pursuant to the authority vested in me
by 21 U.S.C. 823(f) and 824(a)(3), as
well as 28 CFR 0.100(b), I order that
DEA Certificates of Registration
FK1795624 and FK1794305, issued to
Matthew J. Kachinas, M.D., be, and they
hereby are, revoked. I further order that
any pending application of Matthew J.
Kachinas, M.D., to renew or modify
either registration, be, and it hereby is,
denied. This Order is effective June 18,
Dated: May 4, 2012.
Michele M. Leonhart,
[FR Doc. 2012–12096 Filed 5–17–12; 8:45 am]
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Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. 12–28]
Segun M. Rasaki, M.D.; Decision and
On January 27, 2012, Administrative
Law Judge (ALJ) Timothy D. Wing
issued the attached recommended
decision. Neither party filed exceptions
to the decision. Having reviewed the
entire record, I have decided to adopt
the ALJ’s rulings, findings of fact,
conclusions of law, and recommended
To make clear, DEA’s longstanding
rule that a practitioner may not hold a
registration if he lacks authority under
state law to dispense controlled
substances and that the loss of such
authority subjects a practitioner’s
registration to revocation is not based
solely on 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3), which is
a grant of authority to either suspend or
revoke a registration ‘‘upon a finding’’
that a registrant ‘‘has had his State
license or registration suspended,
revoked, or denied by competent State
authority and is no longer authorized by
State law to engage in the * * *
dispensing of controlled substances.’’
As explained in numerous cases, DEA’s
rule derives primarily from two other
provisions of the CSA, 21 U.S.C.
802(21), which defines the term
‘‘practitioner,’’ and 21 U.S.C. 823(f),
which sets forth the requirements for
obtaining a registration as a practitioner.
More specifically, the CSA defines
‘‘the term ‘practitioner’ [to] mean[ ] a
* * * physician * * * or other person
licensed, registered or otherwise
permitted, by * * * the jurisdiction in
which he practices * * * to distribute,
dispense, [or] administer * * * a
controlled substance in the course of
professional practice.’’ 21 U.S.C.
802(21). Consistent with this definition,
Congress, in setting the requirements for
obtaining a practitioner’s registration,
provided that ‘‘[t]he Attorney General
shall register practitioners * * * if the
applicant is authorized to dispense
* * * controlled substances under the
laws of the State in which he practices.’’
21 U.S.C. 823(f). Accordingly, because
one cannot obtain a practitioner’s
registration unless one holds authority
under state law to dispense controlled
substances, and because where a
registered practitioner’s state authority
has been revoked or suspended, the
practitioner no longer meets the
statutory definition of a practitioner,
DEA has repeatedly held that the
possession of authority to dispense
controlled substances under the laws of
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2012 / Notices
the State in which a practitioner engages
in professional practice is a
fundamental condition for both
obtaining and maintaining a
practitioner’s registration. See ALJ at 4
(citing cases).1 So too, ‘‘revocation is
warranted even where a practitioner’s
state authority has been summarily
suspended and the State has yet to
provide the practitioner with a hearing
to challenge the State’s action at which
he may ultimately prevail.’’ Kamal
Tiwari, M.D., 76 FR 71604, 71606
(2011); see also Bourne Pharmacy, Inc.,
72 FR 18273, 18274 (2007); Anne Lazar
Thorn, 62 FR 12847 (1997).
Accordingly, I adopt the ALJ’s
recommended order.
Pursuant to the authority vested in me
by 21 U.S.C. 823(f) and 824(a), as well
as 28 CFR 0.100(b), I order that DEA
Certificate of Registration BR9738595,
issued to Segun M. Rasaki, M.D., be, and
it hereby is, revoked. I further order that
any pending application of Segun M.
Rasaki, M.D., to renew or modify his
registration, be, and it hereby is, denied.
This Order is effective immediately.2
Dated: May 4, 2012.
Michele M. Leonhart,
Paul E. Soeffing, Esq., for the
Brian J. Lutz, Esq., for Respondent
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Recommended Ruling, Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Decision of the
Administrative Law Judge
Timothy D. Wing, Administrative Law
Judge. This proceeding is an
adjudication governed by the
Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.
§ 551 et seq., to determine whether a
practitioner’s Certificate of Registration
(COR) with the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA, Government or
Agency) should be revoked. Without
this registration, Segun M. Rasaki, M.D.
(Respondent) would be unable to
lawfully possess, prescribe, dispense or
otherwise handle controlled substances.
I. Procedural Posture
The Administrator, DEA, issued an
Order to Show Cause and Immediate
Suspension of Registration (OSC/IS)
relating to Certificate of Registration
(COR) BR9738595, served on
Respondent on December 21, 2011. On
January 19, 2012, Respondent, through
1 This citation is to the slip opinion as issued by
the ALJ.
2 For the same reasons which led me to order the
Immediate Suspension of Respondent’s registration,
I conclude that the public interest necessitates that
this Order be effective immediately. See 21 CFR
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counsel, filed a request for hearing with
the DEA Office of Administrative Law
Judges (OALJ) in the above-captioned
On January 20, 2012, I issued an
Order for Prehearing Statements,
ordering that the parties file their
respective prehearing statements no
later than January 27, 2012.
On January 24, 2012, the Government
filed a Motion for Summary Disposition
on the grounds that Respondent is not
duly authorized to handle controlled
substances in the State of Indiana, the
jurisdiction in which he is registered
with the Drug Enforcement
Administration. (Mot. Summ. Disp. at
1.) The Government attached a letter
issued by the Director of the Medical
Licensing Board of Indiana stating that
Respondent’s state controlled substance
registration has been placed on
suspended status pursuant to Ind. Code
§ 35–48–3–5(e). That section provides as
(e) If the Drug Enforcement
Administration terminates, denies,
suspends or revokes a federal
registration for the manufacture,
distribution, or dispensing of controlled
substances, a registration issued by the
board under this chapter is
automatically suspended.
Because the State of Indiana
automatically suspended Respondent’s
state controlled substance registration
based solely on the OSC/IS issued by
DEA, I ordered that ‘‘counsel for each
party shall file a written statement
addressing the due process implications
of granting summary disposition in this
matter, specifically indicating whether
the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana
has provided or will provide
Respondent with a hearing.’’ (Memo &
Order at 2 (citing Barry M. Schultz,
M.D., 76 Fed. Reg. 78,695, 78,696–97
(DEA 2011) (discussing a respondent’s
right to hearing and due process))).
On January 26, 2012, the Government
filed a written statement addressing
Respondent’s right to due process before
the Board. On January 27, 2012,
Respondent filed a response to the
Government’s motion for summary
disposition, in which he also addressed
his due process rights.
Disp. at 1.) The Government contends
that such state authority is a necessary
condition for maintaining a DEA COR
and, therefore, asks that I grant its
motion and forward the matter to the
Administrator. (Id. at 2–3.) In support of
its motion, the Government cites
Agency precedent and attaches the
January 3, 2012 letter issued by the
The Government asserts that
Respondent’s due process rights are not
violated, noting that Respondent ‘‘can
avail himself of a hearing at the state
level . . . pursuant to Ind. Code § 35–48–
3–5(f).’’ (Gov’t Written Stmt. Ordered by
ALJ at 2.) In support of this assertion,
the Government cites Agency precedent
and state law, and attaches
Respondent’s request for hearing before
the Board.
II. The Parties’ Contentions
A. Respondent’s State Authority
Under 21 U.S.C. § 824(a)(3), a
practitioner’s loss of state authority to
engage in the practice of medicine and
to handle controlled substances is
grounds to revoke a practitioner’s
registration. Accordingly, this Agency
has consistently held that a person may
not hold a DEA registration if he is
without appropriate authority under the
A. The Government
In support of its Motion for Summary
Disposition, the Government asserts that
on January 3, 2012, the Medical
Licensing Board of Indiana (the Board)
issued a letter to Respondent notifying
him that his state controlled substance
registration was suspended as of
December 22, 2011. (Gov’t Mot. Summ.
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B. Respondent
Respondent does not dispute that his
state controlled substance registration is
currently suspended, but rather
concedes that it was suspended ‘‘as a
result of the DEA’s immediate
suspension’’ of his DEA registration.
(Resp’t Resp. to Gov’t Mot. Summ. Disp.
at 1.) Respondent concedes that ‘‘[a]fter
speaking with the Indiana Professional
Licensing Agency and the Indiana Board
of Pharmacy[, Respondent] will be
afforded a hearing on the reinstatement
of his state Controlled Substances
Registration.’’ (Id.) Nonetheless,
Respondent contends that if the
Government’s motion for summary
disposition is granted, he will not be
afforded any due process in the present
case. Thus, Respondent requests that his
DEA hearing be postponed ‘‘to allow for
the state administrative process to be
completed as this is the only way that
the respondent will be afforded due
process to address the merits of his
suspension.’’ (Id.)
III. Discussion
At issue is whether Respondent may
maintain his DEA COR given that
Indiana, the State in which Respondent
maintains his DEA COR, has suspended
Respondent’s state controlled substance
registration, and whether Respondent
has been or will be afforded adequate
due process.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2012 / Notices
laws of the state in which he does
business. See Scott Sandarg, D.M.D., 74
Fed. Reg. 17,528 (DEA 2009); David W.
Wang, M.D., 72 Fed. Reg. 54,297 (DEA
2007); Sheran Arden Yeates, M.D., 71
Fed. Reg. 39,130 (DEA 2006); Dominick
A. Ricci, M.D., 58 Fed. Reg. 51,104 (DEA
1993); Bobby Watts M.D., 53 Fed. Reg.
11,919 (DEA 1988).
Summary disposition in a DEA
revocation case is warranted even if the
period of suspension of a respondent’s
state medical license is temporary, or
even if there is the potential for
reinstatement of state authority because
‘‘revocation is also appropriate when a
state license had been suspended, but
with the possibility of future
reinstatement.’’ Stuart A. Bergman,
M.D., 70 Fed. Reg. 33,193 (DEA 2005);
Roger A. Rodriguez, M.D., 70 Fed. Reg.
33,206 (DEA 2005).
It is well-settled that when no
question of fact is involved, or when the
material facts are agreed upon, a
plenary, adversarial administrative
proceeding is not required, under the
rationale that Congress does not intend
administrative agencies to perform
meaningless tasks. See Layfe Robert
Anthony, M.D., 67 FR 35,582 (DEA
2002); Michael G. Dolin, M.D., 65 Fed.
Reg. 5661 (DEA 2000); see also Philip E.
Kirk, M.D., 48 Fed. Reg. 32,887 (DEA
1983), aff’d sub nom. Kirk v. Mullen,
749 F.2d 297 (6th Cir. 1984). Accord
Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Auth. v.
EPA, 35 F.3d 600, 605 (1st Cir. 1994).
In the instant case, the Government
asserts, and Respondent concedes, that
Respondent’s Indiana controlled
substance registration is suspended.
This allegation is confirmed by the
January 3, 2012 letter from the Board to
Respondent. I therefore find there is no
genuine dispute as to any material fact,
and that substantial evidence shows that
Respondent is presently without state
authority to handle controlled
substances in Illinois.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
B. Respondent’s Right to Due Process
‘‘[W]here the state has revoked a
registrant’s license to handle controlled
substances, summary revocation of the
registrant’s DEA registration is only
appropriate if the registrant will be
afforded a state hearing on the merits of
the state revocation or suspension.’’
Schultz, 76 Fed. Reg. at 78,697; cf.
Odette Louise Campbell, M.D., No. 09–
62 (DEA May 11, 2010) (order
remanding for further proceedings
where it did not appear that state law
provided registrant with opportunity to
challenge merits of state suspension
based solely upon DEA immediate
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In the present case, the Board
suspended Respondent’s state
controlled substance registration based
upon Ind. Code § 35–48–3–5(e), which
(e) If the Drug Enforcement
Administration terminates, denies,
suspends or revokes a federal
registration for the manufacture,
distribution, or dispensing of controlled
substances, a registration issued by the
board under this chapter is
automatically suspended.
Section 35–48–3–5(f) further provides,
however, that ‘‘[t]he board may reinstate
a registration that has been suspended
under subsection (e), after a hearing, if
the board is satisfied that the applicant
is able to manufacture, distribute, or
dispense controlled substances with
reasonable skill and safety to the public
* * *.’’ Thus, Respondent is entitled to
a hearing to challenge the Board’s
automatic suspension of his state
controlled substance registration.
Furthermore, not only has Respondent
requested such a hearing, but he
concedes that the Board has confirmed
that he will be afforded such a hearing.
Because Respondent is afforded
adequate due process under state law,
and because ‘‘DEA does not have
statutory authority under the Controlled
Substances Act to maintain a
registration if the registrant is without
state authority to handle controlled
substances in the state in which he
practices,’’ Sheran Arden Yeates, M.D.,
71 Fed. Reg. 39,130, 39,131 (DEA 2006),
I conclude that summary disposition is
appropriate. See Kamal Tiwari, M.D., 76
Fed. Reg. 71,604 (DEA 2011) (summarily
revoking the respondents’ DEA
registrations for lack of state authority
where the state summarily suspended
the registrants’ state controlled
substance registrations based upon
DEA’s immediate suspension, noting
that the registrants ‘‘are entitled to a
hearing to challenge the underlying
allegations before the State board’’). It is
ORDERED that the hearing in this
case, scheduled to commence on
February 21, 2012, is hereby
CANCELLED; and it is further
ORDERED that all proceedings before
the undersigned are STAYED pending
the Agency’s issuance of a final order.
Recommended Decision
I grant the Government’s Motion for
Summary Disposition and recommend
that Respondent’s DEA COR BR9738595
be revoked and any pending
applications for renewal or modification
be denied.
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Dated: January 27, 2012
Timothy D. Wing,
Administrative Law Judge.
[FR Doc. 2012–12119 Filed 5–17–12; 8:45 am]
Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. 12–19]
Richard H. NG, D.O.; Decision and
On December 23, 2011,
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)
Timothy D. Wing issued the attached
recommended decision. Neither party
filed exceptions to the decision. Having
reviewed the entire record, I have
decided to adopt the ALJ’s rulings,
findings of fact, conclusions of law, and
recommended Order.
To make clear, DEA’s longstanding
rule that a practitioner may not hold a
registration if he lacks authority under
state law to dispense controlled
substances and that the loss of such
authority subjects a practitioner’s
registration to revocation is not based
solely on 21 U.S.C. 824(a)(3), which is
a grant of authority to either suspend or
revoke a registration ‘‘upon a finding’’
that a registrant ‘‘has had his State
license or registration suspended,
revoked, or denied by competent State
authority and is no longer authorized by
State law to engage in the * * *
dispensing of controlled substances.’’
As explained in numerous cases, DEA’s
rule derives primarily from two other
provisions of the CSA, 21 U.S.C.
802(21), which defines the term
‘‘practitioner,’’ and 21 U.S.C. 823(f),
which sets forth the requirements for
obtaining a registration as a practitioner.
More specifically, the CSA defines
‘‘the term ‘practitioner’ [to] mean [] a
* * * physician * * * or other person
licensed, registered or otherwise
permitted, by * * * the jurisdiction in
which he practices * * * to distribute,
dispense, [or] administer * * * a
controlled substance in the course of
professional practice.’’ 21 U.S.C.
802(21). Consistent with this definition,
Congress, in setting the requirements for
obtaining a practitioner’s registration,
provided that ‘‘[t]he Attorney General
shall register practitioners * * * if the
applicant is authorized to dispense
* * * controlled substances under the
laws of the State in which he practices.’’
21 U.S.C. 823(f). Accordingly, because
one cannot obtain a practitioner’s
registration unless one holds authority
under state law to dispense controlled
substances, and because where a
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 97 (Friday, May 18, 2012)]
[Pages 29692-29694]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12119]
Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. 12-28]
Segun M. Rasaki, M.D.; Decision and Order
On January 27, 2012, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Timothy D. Wing
issued the attached recommended decision. Neither party filed
exceptions to the decision. Having reviewed the entire record, I have
decided to adopt the ALJ's rulings, findings of fact, conclusions of
law, and recommended Order.
To make clear, DEA's longstanding rule that a practitioner may not
hold a registration if he lacks authority under state law to dispense
controlled substances and that the loss of such authority subjects a
practitioner's registration to revocation is not based solely on 21
U.S.C. 824(a)(3), which is a grant of authority to either suspend or
revoke a registration ``upon a finding'' that a registrant ``has had
his State license or registration suspended, revoked, or denied by
competent State authority and is no longer authorized by State law to
engage in the * * * dispensing of controlled substances.'' As explained
in numerous cases, DEA's rule derives primarily from two other
provisions of the CSA, 21 U.S.C. 802(21), which defines the term
``practitioner,'' and 21 U.S.C. 823(f), which sets forth the
requirements for obtaining a registration as a practitioner.
More specifically, the CSA defines ``the term `practitioner' [to]
mean[ ] a * * * physician * * * or other person licensed, registered or
otherwise permitted, by * * * the jurisdiction in which he practices *
* * to distribute, dispense, [or] administer * * * a controlled
substance in the course of professional practice.'' 21 U.S.C. 802(21).
Consistent with this definition, Congress, in setting the requirements
for obtaining a practitioner's registration, provided that ``[t]he
Attorney General shall register practitioners * * * if the applicant is
authorized to dispense * * * controlled substances under the laws of
the State in which he practices.'' 21 U.S.C. 823(f). Accordingly,
because one cannot obtain a practitioner's registration unless one
holds authority under state law to dispense controlled substances, and
because where a registered practitioner's state authority has been
revoked or suspended, the practitioner no longer meets the statutory
definition of a practitioner, DEA has repeatedly held that the
possession of authority to dispense controlled substances under the
laws of
[[Page 29693]]
the State in which a practitioner engages in professional practice is a
fundamental condition for both obtaining and maintaining a
practitioner's registration. See ALJ at 4 (citing cases).\1\ So too,
``revocation is warranted even where a practitioner's state authority
has been summarily suspended and the State has yet to provide the
practitioner with a hearing to challenge the State's action at which he
may ultimately prevail.'' Kamal Tiwari, M.D., 76 FR 71604, 71606
(2011); see also Bourne Pharmacy, Inc., 72 FR 18273, 18274 (2007); Anne
Lazar Thorn, 62 FR 12847 (1997). Accordingly, I adopt the ALJ's
recommended order.
\1\ This citation is to the slip opinion as issued by the ALJ.
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by 21 U.S.C. 823(f) and
824(a), as well as 28 CFR 0.100(b), I order that DEA Certificate of
Registration BR9738595, issued to Segun M. Rasaki, M.D., be, and it
hereby is, revoked. I further order that any pending application of
Segun M. Rasaki, M.D., to renew or modify his registration, be, and it
hereby is, denied. This Order is effective immediately.\2\
\2\ For the same reasons which led me to order the Immediate
Suspension of Respondent's registration, I conclude that the public
interest necessitates that this Order be effective immediately. See
21 CFR 1316.67.
Dated: May 4, 2012.
Michele M. Leonhart,
Paul E. Soeffing, Esq., for the Government
Brian J. Lutz, Esq., for Respondent
Recommended Ruling, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision
of the Administrative Law Judge
Timothy D. Wing, Administrative Law Judge. This proceeding is an
adjudication governed by the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.
Sec. 551 et seq., to determine whether a practitioner's Certificate of
Registration (COR) with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA,
Government or Agency) should be revoked. Without this registration,
Segun M. Rasaki, M.D. (Respondent) would be unable to lawfully possess,
prescribe, dispense or otherwise handle controlled substances.
I. Procedural Posture
The Administrator, DEA, issued an Order to Show Cause and Immediate
Suspension of Registration (OSC/IS) relating to Certificate of
Registration (COR) BR9738595, served on Respondent on December 21,
2011. On January 19, 2012, Respondent, through counsel, filed a request
for hearing with the DEA Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) in
the above-captioned matter.
On January 20, 2012, I issued an Order for Prehearing Statements,
ordering that the parties file their respective prehearing statements
no later than January 27, 2012.
On January 24, 2012, the Government filed a Motion for Summary
Disposition on the grounds that Respondent is not duly authorized to
handle controlled substances in the State of Indiana, the jurisdiction
in which he is registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration.
(Mot. Summ. Disp. at 1.) The Government attached a letter issued by the
Director of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana stating that
Respondent's state controlled substance registration has been placed on
suspended status pursuant to Ind. Code Sec. 35-48-3-5(e). That section
provides as follows:
(e) If the Drug Enforcement Administration terminates, denies,
suspends or revokes a federal registration for the manufacture,
distribution, or dispensing of controlled substances, a registration
issued by the board under this chapter is automatically suspended.
Because the State of Indiana automatically suspended Respondent's
state controlled substance registration based solely on the OSC/IS
issued by DEA, I ordered that ``counsel for each party shall file a
written statement addressing the due process implications of granting
summary disposition in this matter, specifically indicating whether the
Medical Licensing Board of Indiana has provided or will provide
Respondent with a hearing.'' (Memo & Order at 2 (citing Barry M.
Schultz, M.D., 76 Fed. Reg. 78,695, 78,696-97 (DEA 2011) (discussing a
respondent's right to hearing and due process))).
On January 26, 2012, the Government filed a written statement
addressing Respondent's right to due process before the Board. On
January 27, 2012, Respondent filed a response to the Government's
motion for summary disposition, in which he also addressed his due
process rights.
II. The Parties' Contentions
A. The Government
In support of its Motion for Summary Disposition, the Government
asserts that on January 3, 2012, the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana
(the Board) issued a letter to Respondent notifying him that his state
controlled substance registration was suspended as of December 22,
2011. (Gov't Mot. Summ. Disp. at 1.) The Government contends that such
state authority is a necessary condition for maintaining a DEA COR and,
therefore, asks that I grant its motion and forward the matter to the
Administrator. (Id. at 2-3.) In support of its motion, the Government
cites Agency precedent and attaches the January 3, 2012 letter issued
by the Board.
The Government asserts that Respondent's due process rights are not
violated, noting that Respondent ``can avail himself of a hearing at
the state level . . . pursuant to Ind. Code Sec. 35-48-3-5(f).''
(Gov't Written Stmt. Ordered by ALJ at 2.) In support of this
assertion, the Government cites Agency precedent and state law, and
attaches Respondent's request for hearing before the Board.
B. Respondent
Respondent does not dispute that his state controlled substance
registration is currently suspended, but rather concedes that it was
suspended ``as a result of the DEA's immediate suspension'' of his DEA
registration. (Resp't Resp. to Gov't Mot. Summ. Disp. at 1.) Respondent
concedes that ``[a]fter speaking with the Indiana Professional
Licensing Agency and the Indiana Board of Pharmacy[, Respondent] will
be afforded a hearing on the reinstatement of his state Controlled
Substances Registration.'' (Id.) Nonetheless, Respondent contends that
if the Government's motion for summary disposition is granted, he will
not be afforded any due process in the present case. Thus, Respondent
requests that his DEA hearing be postponed ``to allow for the state
administrative process to be completed as this is the only way that the
respondent will be afforded due process to address the merits of his
suspension.'' (Id.)
III. Discussion
At issue is whether Respondent may maintain his DEA COR given that
Indiana, the State in which Respondent maintains his DEA COR, has
suspended Respondent's state controlled substance registration, and
whether Respondent has been or will be afforded adequate due process.
A. Respondent's State Authority
Under 21 U.S.C. Sec. 824(a)(3), a practitioner's loss of state
authority to engage in the practice of medicine and to handle
controlled substances is grounds to revoke a practitioner's
registration. Accordingly, this Agency has consistently held that a
person may not hold a DEA registration if he is without appropriate
authority under the
[[Page 29694]]
laws of the state in which he does business. See Scott Sandarg, D.M.D.,
74 Fed. Reg. 17,528 (DEA 2009); David W. Wang, M.D., 72 Fed. Reg.
54,297 (DEA 2007); Sheran Arden Yeates, M.D., 71 Fed. Reg. 39,130 (DEA
2006); Dominick A. Ricci, M.D., 58 Fed. Reg. 51,104 (DEA 1993); Bobby
Watts M.D., 53 Fed. Reg. 11,919 (DEA 1988).
Summary disposition in a DEA revocation case is warranted even if
the period of suspension of a respondent's state medical license is
temporary, or even if there is the potential for reinstatement of state
authority because ``revocation is also appropriate when a state license
had been suspended, but with the possibility of future reinstatement.''
Stuart A. Bergman, M.D., 70 Fed. Reg. 33,193 (DEA 2005); Roger A.
Rodriguez, M.D., 70 Fed. Reg. 33,206 (DEA 2005).
It is well-settled that when no question of fact is involved, or
when the material facts are agreed upon, a plenary, adversarial
administrative proceeding is not required, under the rationale that
Congress does not intend administrative agencies to perform meaningless
tasks. See Layfe Robert Anthony, M.D., 67 FR 35,582 (DEA 2002); Michael
G. Dolin, M.D., 65 Fed. Reg. 5661 (DEA 2000); see also Philip E. Kirk,
M.D., 48 Fed. Reg. 32,887 (DEA 1983), aff'd sub nom. Kirk v. Mullen,
749 F.2d 297 (6th Cir. 1984). Accord Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Auth.
v. EPA, 35 F.3d 600, 605 (1st Cir. 1994).
In the instant case, the Government asserts, and Respondent
concedes, that Respondent's Indiana controlled substance registration
is suspended. This allegation is confirmed by the January 3, 2012
letter from the Board to Respondent. I therefore find there is no
genuine dispute as to any material fact, and that substantial evidence
shows that Respondent is presently without state authority to handle
controlled substances in Illinois.
B. Respondent's Right to Due Process
``[W]here the state has revoked a registrant's license to handle
controlled substances, summary revocation of the registrant's DEA
registration is only appropriate if the registrant will be afforded a
state hearing on the merits of the state revocation or suspension.''
Schultz, 76 Fed. Reg. at 78,697; cf. Odette Louise Campbell, M.D., No.
09-62 (DEA May 11, 2010) (order remanding for further proceedings where
it did not appear that state law provided registrant with opportunity
to challenge merits of state suspension based solely upon DEA immediate
In the present case, the Board suspended Respondent's state
controlled substance registration based upon Ind. Code Sec. 35-48-3-
5(e), which states:
(e) If the Drug Enforcement Administration terminates, denies,
suspends or revokes a federal registration for the manufacture,
distribution, or dispensing of controlled substances, a registration
issued by the board under this chapter is automatically suspended.
Section 35-48-3-5(f) further provides, however, that ``[t]he board may
reinstate a registration that has been suspended under subsection (e),
after a hearing, if the board is satisfied that the applicant is able
to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled substances with
reasonable skill and safety to the public * * *.'' Thus, Respondent is
entitled to a hearing to challenge the Board's automatic suspension of
his state controlled substance registration. Furthermore, not only has
Respondent requested such a hearing, but he concedes that the Board has
confirmed that he will be afforded such a hearing.
Because Respondent is afforded adequate due process under state
law, and because ``DEA does not have statutory authority under the
Controlled Substances Act to maintain a registration if the registrant
is without state authority to handle controlled substances in the state
in which he practices,'' Sheran Arden Yeates, M.D., 71 Fed. Reg.
39,130, 39,131 (DEA 2006), I conclude that summary disposition is
appropriate. See Kamal Tiwari, M.D., 76 Fed. Reg. 71,604 (DEA 2011)
(summarily revoking the respondents' DEA registrations for lack of
state authority where the state summarily suspended the registrants'
state controlled substance registrations based upon DEA's immediate
suspension, noting that the registrants ``are entitled to a hearing to
challenge the underlying allegations before the State board''). It is
ORDERED that the hearing in this case, scheduled to commence on
February 21, 2012, is hereby CANCELLED; and it is further
ORDERED that all proceedings before the undersigned are STAYED
pending the Agency's issuance of a final order.
Recommended Decision
I grant the Government's Motion for Summary Disposition and
recommend that Respondent's DEA COR BR9738595 be revoked and any
pending applications for renewal or modification be denied.
Dated: January 27, 2012
Timothy D. Wing,
Administrative Law Judge.
[FR Doc. 2012-12119 Filed 5-17-12; 8:45 am]