Workshop on Using Mode of Action To Support the Development of a Multipollutant Science Assessment, 26549-26550 [2012-10805]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
IR604–8), (5) [TC1507] Bacillus
thuringiensis Cry1F protein and the
genetic material (plasmid insert
PHI8999A) necessary for its production
in corn event DAS– ;15;7–1, and (6)
[MON810] Bacillus thuringiensis
Cry1Ab delta-endotoxin and the genetic
material necessary for its production
(Vestor PV–ZMCT01) in event MON 810
corn (OECD Unique Identifier: MON–
;;81;–6). The focus of the EUP are the
three breeding stacks: (1) MIR604 × 1507
× 59122 × MON 810, (2) MIR604 ×
59122 × MON810, and (3) MIR604
×1507. 0.0184 pounds (lbs.) of MON810
Cry1Ab, 0.0585 (lbs.) of Bt11 Cry1Ab,
5.513 (lbs.) of Cry34Ab1, 0.754 (lbs.) of
Cry35Ab1, 0.123 (lbs.) of Vip3Aa20,
0.147 (lbs.) of mCry3A, and 0.170 (lbs.)
of Cry1F, are authorized on, 2,672 PIP
acres. 664 acres of non-PIP and border
row corn are also authorized. Two
protocols will be conducted, including:
Insect resistance management and
efficacy/expression. The program is
authorized only in the States of
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia,
Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
Washington, and Wisconsin. The EUP is
effective from March 3, 2011, to June 30,
2012. One comment was received in
response to the January 26, 2011, notice
of receipt in the Federal Register, 76 FR
4683, FRL–8856–2. One comment was
received from an anonymous individual
who objected in general terms to EPA
granting this experimental use permit
with Bacillus thuringiensis-based plantincorporated protectants claiming that
insufficient safety testing has been
required. The Agency understands that
some individuals are opposed to all
biotechnology based pesticide use.
Pursuant to section 5 of the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act, EPA may issue a permit for
experimental use of a pesticide if the
Agency determines that such
experimental use may be conducted in
such a manner as to not result in
unreasonable adverse effects on the
environment. EPA has conducted a
comprehensive analysis of data and
information related to the requested
experimental uses and, based on that
analysis, EPA has determined that the
experimental uses, if conducted in
accordance with the terms of the permit,
will not result in unreasonable adverse
effects on the environment.
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136c.
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15:20 May 03, 2012
Jkt 226001
List of Subjects
Environmental protection,
Experimental use permits.
Dated: April 24, 2012.
Daniel J. Rosenblatt,
Acting Director, Registration Division, Office
of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012–10725 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
Notice of Proposed Administrative
Settlement Pursuant to the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice; request for public
In accordance with Section
122(h) of the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act, as
amended (‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C.
9622(i), notice is hereby given of a
proposed administrative settlement
concerning the City Storage Superfund
Site, located in Sulphur, Calcasieu
Parish, Louisiana.
The settlement requires the three (3)
settling parties to pay a total of $145,000
as payment of response costs to the
Hazardous Substances Superfund plus
$2,750.23 in calculated interest. The
settlement includes a covenant not to
sue pursuant to Section 107 of CERCLA,
42, U.S.C. 9607.
For thirty (30) days beginning on the
date of publication of this notice, the
Agency will receive written comments
relating to this notice and will receive
written comments relating to the
settlement. The Agency will consider all
comments received and may modify or
withdraw its consent to the settlement
if comments received disclose facts or
considerations which indicate that the
settlement is inappropriate, improper,
or inadequate. The Agency’s response to
any comments received will be available
for public inspection at 1445 Ross
Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before June 4, 2012.
ADDRESSES: The proposed settlement
and additional background information
relating to the settlement are available
for public inspection at 1445 Ross
Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733. A
copy of the proposed settlement may be
obtained from Lance Nixon at, 1445
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Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202–2733
or by calling (214) 665–2203. Comments
should reference the City Storage
Superfund Site, located in Sulphur,
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana and EPA
Docket Number 06–07–09, and should
be addressed to Lance Nixon at the
address listed above.
Gloria Moran, 1445 Ross Avenue,
Dallas, Texas 75202–2733 or call (214)
Dated: April 19, 2012.
Samuel Coleman,
Acting Regional Administrator (6RA).
[FR Doc. 2012–10807 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
Workshop on Using Mode of Action To
Support the Development of a
Multipollutant Science Assessment
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of Workshop.
EPA is announcing a
workshop, organized by EPA’s National
Center for Environmental Assessment
(NCEA) within the Office of Research
and Development, to explore the
possible ways by which mode-of-action
and toxicity pathways approaches may
contribute to interpretation of
cumulative human health risks of the
criteria air pollutants. The workshop
will be held on May 31, 2012, in
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
and will be open to attendance by
interested public observers on a firstcome, first-served basis up to the limits
of available space.
DATES: The workshop will be held on
May 31, 2012, beginning at 8:00 a.m.
and ending at 5:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held
in the auditorium of EPA’s main
campus, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
An EPA contractor, ICF International, is
providing logistical support for the
Questions regarding information,
registration, and logistics for the
workshop should be directed to
Whitney Kihlstrom, ICF International,
Conference Coordinator, 2222 East NC–
54, Suite 480, Durham, North Carolina
27713; telephone: 919–293–1646;
facsimile: 919–293–1645; email:
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
and reservations will be accepted on a
first-come, first-served basis.
[FR Doc. 2012–10805 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
I. Summary of Information About the
Questions regarding the scientific and
technical aspects of the workshop
should be directed to Dr. Beth Owens,
telephone: 919–541–0600; facsimile:
919–541–2895; email:
Dated: April 20, 2012.
Darrell A. Winner,
Acting Director, National Center for
Environmental Assessment.
Sections 108 and 109 of the Clean Air
Act require periodic review and, if
appropriate, revisions of the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) and the air quality criteria on
which they are based. As a part of this
process, NCEA reviews and integrates
scientific information from across
scientific disciplines in drawing
conclusions related to exposure and
health impacts of each of the criteria air
pollutants in the Integrated Science
Assessment (ISA). EPA is planning the
development of a companion
assessment to the ISAs, the
Multipollutant Science Assessment,
whereby the health effects of exposure
to a mixture of pollutants, principally
the criteria air pollutants, may be
systematically evaluated. To this end,
EPA conducted a workshop in February
2011, entitled Multipollutant Science
and Risk Analysis: Addressing Multiple
Pollutants in the NAAQS Review
Process. One of the sessions focused on
using mode-of-action and toxicity
pathways approaches to interpret health
evidence from toxicological and
controlled human exposure studies of
criteria air pollutants. NCEA is planning
to further discuss issues related to the
interpretation and organization of
evidence used to characterize health
effects resulting from exposure to realworld mixtures of air pollutants at the
one-day workshop on May 31, 2012.
The goal of the workshop is to explore
the possible ways by which mode-ofaction and toxicity pathways
approaches may contribute to
interpretation of cumulative human
health risks of the criteria air pollutants.
Discussion points will include current
EPA plans related to an approach in
which experimental health results are
organized around key events or
biological pathways that are linked to
endpoints and outcomes of interest. In
addition, discussion will focus on the
means by which information from
epidemiologic panel studies can be
integrated into this framework, as well
as how mixtures have been evaluated in
other media and by other groups.
II. Workshop Information
Members of the public may attend the
workshop as observers. Space is limited,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:20 May 03, 2012
Jkt 226001
[CG Docket No. 06–181; DA 12–514]
Notice of Need To File Updated
Information for Some Closed
Captioning Exemption Petitions
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
In this document, the
Commission, via the Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau)
alerts certain entities that filed petitions
for exemption from the Commission’s
closed captioning rules prior to the
passage of the Twenty-First Century
Communications and Video
Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA), of the
need to either (1) affirm that the
information provided in their
previously submitted petition is still
accurate and up-to-date, (2) update
previously submitted petitions with the
information indicated below, or (3)
withdraw their previously submitted
petitions. The intended action is to
ensure that information provided in
each petition is current and accurate.
DATES: Effective May 4, 2012, Petitions
subject to document DA 12–514 will be
dismissed on July 5, 2012, without
prejudice to filing a new petition for
exemption, if not affirmed, updated, or
withdrawn as set forth in document DA
Traci Randolph, Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, at (202)
418–0569 (voice), (202) 418–0537
(TTY); email:
summary of the Commission’s public
notice, document DA 12–514, released
April 2, 2012, in CG Docket No. 06–181.
The full text of document DA 12–514
and copies of any subsequently filed
documents in this matter will be
available for public inspection and
copying during regular business hours
at the FCC Reference Information
Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW.,
Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
Document DA 12–514 and copies of
subsequently filed documents in this
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matter may also be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copying and Printing, Inc. (BCPI),
at Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room
CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554.
Customers may contact BCPI at its Web
site:, or by
calling (202) 488–5300. Document DA
12–514 and the Appendix listing
Unresolved Petitions for Individual
Closed Captioning Exemptions can also
be downloaded in Word or Portable
Document Format (PDF) at: https://
From October 2005 through August
2006, the Commission received
approximately 600 petitions for
individual closed captioning
exemptions under section 713(d)(3) of
the Act. In 2006, the Commission’s
Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau (Bureau) granted two of these
petitions in the Anglers Order, 21 FCC
Rcd 10094, and during the weeks that
followed, granted an additional 303
petitions in reliance on the reasoning of
the Anglers Order. In 2006, the
Commission received an Application for
Review that challenged the exemptions
granted in and those that relied on the
Anglers Order. On October 20, 2011, the
FCC granted the Application for Review,
and in the Anglers Reversal MO&O,
published at 76 FR 67376, November 1,
2011; 76 FR 67377, November 1, 2011;
and at 76 FR 67397, November 1, 2011,
reversed these exemptions. The Anglers
Reversal MO&O also set forth guidance
on the information and documentation
that closed captioning petitions should
contain, along with standards that the
Bureau should use to determine when a
closed captioning exemption is
At issue in document DA 12–514 are
the unresolved petitions for exemption
that are not subject to the Anglers
Reversal MO&O, and that were filed
before passage of the CVAA. Although
some of these petitions were previously
placed on public notice, no decision to
grant or to deny was ever made
regarding these petitions. The Bureau is
now ready to apply the standards
restored by the Anglers Reversal MO&O
to resolve the claims for an exemption
by these petitioners. However, the
Bureau realizes that considerable time
has passed since many of these petitions
were first filed, and that various
circumstances including, but not
limited to, the financial status of the
petitioners and the cost of captioning,
may have changed.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 87 (Friday, May 4, 2012)]
[Pages 26549-26550]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-10805]
Workshop on Using Mode of Action To Support the Development of a
Multipollutant Science Assessment
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of Workshop.
SUMMARY: EPA is announcing a workshop, organized by EPA's National
Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) within the Office of
Research and Development, to explore the possible ways by which mode-
of-action and toxicity pathways approaches may contribute to
interpretation of cumulative human health risks of the criteria air
pollutants. The workshop will be held on May 31, 2012, in Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina and will be open to attendance by
interested public observers on a first-come, first-served basis up to
the limits of available space.
DATES: The workshop will be held on May 31, 2012, beginning at 8:00
a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held in the auditorium of EPA's main
campus, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina. An EPA contractor, ICF International, is providing logistical
support for the workshop.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions regarding information,
registration, and logistics for the workshop should be directed to
Whitney Kihlstrom, ICF International, Conference Coordinator, 2222 East
NC-54, Suite 480, Durham, North Carolina 27713; telephone: 919-293-
1646; facsimile: 919-293-1645; email:
[[Page 26550]]
Questions regarding the scientific and technical aspects of the
workshop should be directed to Dr. Beth Owens, telephone: 919-541-0600;
facsimile: 919-541-2895; email:
I. Summary of Information About the Workshop
Sections 108 and 109 of the Clean Air Act require periodic review
and, if appropriate, revisions of the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS) and the air quality criteria on which they are based.
As a part of this process, NCEA reviews and integrates scientific
information from across scientific disciplines in drawing conclusions
related to exposure and health impacts of each of the criteria air
pollutants in the Integrated Science Assessment (ISA). EPA is planning
the development of a companion assessment to the ISAs, the
Multipollutant Science Assessment, whereby the health effects of
exposure to a mixture of pollutants, principally the criteria air
pollutants, may be systematically evaluated. To this end, EPA conducted
a workshop in February 2011, entitled Multipollutant Science and Risk
Analysis: Addressing Multiple Pollutants in the NAAQS Review Process.
One of the sessions focused on using mode-of-action and toxicity
pathways approaches to interpret health evidence from toxicological and
controlled human exposure studies of criteria air pollutants. NCEA is
planning to further discuss issues related to the interpretation and
organization of evidence used to characterize health effects resulting
from exposure to real-world mixtures of air pollutants at the one-day
workshop on May 31, 2012. The goal of the workshop is to explore the
possible ways by which mode-of-action and toxicity pathways approaches
may contribute to interpretation of cumulative human health risks of
the criteria air pollutants. Discussion points will include current EPA
plans related to an approach in which experimental health results are
organized around key events or biological pathways that are linked to
endpoints and outcomes of interest. In addition, discussion will focus
on the means by which information from epidemiologic panel studies can
be integrated into this framework, as well as how mixtures have been
evaluated in other media and by other groups.
II. Workshop Information
Members of the public may attend the workshop as observers. Space
is limited, and reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-
served basis.
Dated: April 20, 2012.
Darrell A. Winner,
Acting Director, National Center for Environmental Assessment.
[FR Doc. 2012-10805 Filed 5-3-12; 8:45 am]