Modification of Temporary Denial Order Making Temporary Denial of Export Privileges Applicable to Related Persons, 22756-22759 [2012-9154]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 17, 2012 / Notices
Industrial Park, Best Road and Shank
Road, Brawley (formerly Site 2b); Site
10: (78.11 acres)—Desert Real Estate
parcels, Cole Road and Sunset
Boulevard, Calexico (formerly part of
Site 3b); Site 11: (35.47 acres)—Portico
Industrial Park, Cole Road and
Enterprise Boulevard, Calexico
(formerly part of Site 3b); Site 12: (59.49
acres)—Kloke Tract, Cole Road, Portico
Boulevard and Weakley Road, Calexico
(formerly part of Site 3b); Site 13: (57.45
acres)—Las Palmas/Estrada Business
Park, Estrada Boulevard and Arguelles
Street, Calexico (formerly part of Site
3b); and, Site 14: (7.54 acres)—Calexico
Industrial Park, 190 East Cole Road and
2360, 2420, 2430, 4360 M.L. King
Avenue, Calexico (formerly part of Site
For further information, contact
Christopher Kemp at, or (202)
Dated: April 11, 2012.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012–9236 Filed 4–16–12; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Industry and Security
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Modification of Temporary Denial
Order Making Temporary Denial of
Export Privileges Applicable to Related
Mahan Airways, Mahan Tower, No. 21,
Azadegan St., M.A. Jenah Exp. Way,
Tehran, Iran.
Zarand Aviation, a/k/a GIE Zarand Aviation,
42 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France;
112 Avenue Kleber, 75116 Paris, France.
Gatewick LLC, a/k/a Gatewick Freight &
Cargo Services, a/k/a/ Gatewick Aviation
Services, G#22 Dubai Airport Free Zone,
P.O. Box 393754, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates; and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates; and
Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz Building, Al
Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates.
Pejman Mahmood Kosarayanifard, a/k/a
Kosarian Fard, P.O. Box 52404, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Mahmoud Amini, G#22 Dubai Airport Free
Zone, P.O. Box 393754, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates; and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates; and
Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz Building, Al
Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates.
Kerman Aviation, a/k/a GIE Kerman
Aviation, 42 Avenue Montaigne 75008,
Paris, France.
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Sirjanco Trading, P.O. Box 8709, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Ali Eslamian, 4th Floor, 33 Cavendish
Square, London, W1G0PW, United
Kingdom; and
2 Bentinck Close, Prince Albert Road St.
Johns Wood, London NW87RY, United
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, 19th Floor
Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik Zayed Road,
Dubai 40594, United Arab Emirates.
Skyco (UK) Ltd., 4th Floor, 33 Cavendish
Square, London, W1G 0PV, United
Equipco (UK) Ltd., 2 Bentinck Close, Prince
Albert Road, London, NW8 7RY, United
Pursuant to Section 766.23 of the
Export Administration Regulations, 15
CFR Parts 730–774 (2011) (‘‘EAR’’ or the
‘‘Regulations’’), including the provision
on notice and an opportunity to
respond, I hereby grant the request of
the Office of Export Enforcement
(‘‘OEE’’) to modify the February 15,
2012 Renewal Order Temporarily
Denying the Export Privileges of Mahan
Airways, Zarand Aviation, Gatewick
LLC, Pejman Mahmood Kosarayanifard,
Mahmoud Amini, Kerman Aviation,
Sirjanco Trading LLC and Ali
Eslamian.1 Specifically, I find it
necessary to add the following persons
as related persons in order to prevent
evasion of the TDO:
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, 19th
Floor Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik
Zayed Road, Dubai 40594, United
Arab Emirates.
Skyco (UK) Ltd., 4th Floor, 33
Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PV,
United Kingdom.
Equipco (UK) Ltd., 2 Bentinck Close,
Prince Albert Road, London, NW8
7RY, United Kingdom.
I. Procedural History
On March 17, 2008, Darryl W.
Jackson, the then-Assistant Secretary of
Commerce for Export Enforcement
(‘‘Assistant Secretary’’), signed a TDO
denying Mahan Airways’ export
privileges for a period of 180 days on
the grounds that its issuance was
necessary in the public interest to
prevent an imminent violation of the
Regulations. The TDO also named as
denied persons Blue Airways, of
Yerevan, Armenia (‘‘Blue Airways of
Armenia’’), as well as the ‘‘Balli Group
Respondents,’’ namely, Balli Group
PLC, Balli Aviation, Balli Holdings,
Vahid Alaghband, Hassan Alaghband,
Blue Sky One Ltd., Blue Sky Two Ltd.,
Blue Sky Three Ltd., Blue Sky Four Ltd.,
1 The February 15, 2012 TDO Renewal Order was
published in the Federal Register on February 23,
2012. See 77 FR 10719.
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Blue Sky Five Ltd., and Blue Sky Six
Ltd., all of the United Kingdom. The
TDO was issued ex parte pursuant to
Section 766.24(a), and went into effect
on March 21, 2008, the date it was
published in the Federal Register.2
On July 1, 2011, the TDO was
modified by adding Zarand Aviation as
a denied person in order to prevent an
imminent violation involving an Airbus
A310 aircraft owned by Zarand Aviation
being operated on behalf of Mahan
Airways in violation of the Regulations
and the TDO. Additionally, the August
24, 2011 TDO Renewal Order added
Kerman Aviation, Sirjanco Trading LLC,
and Ali Eslamian to the TDO as denied
persons in order to prevent evasion of
the TDO given that they are related
persons to Mahan Airways.
II. Addition of Related Persons
A. Legal Standard
Section 766.23 of the Regulations
provides that ‘‘[i]n order to prevent
evasion, certain types of orders under
this part may be made applicable not
only to the respondent, but also to other
persons then or thereafter related to the
respondent by ownership, control,
position of responsibility, affiliation, or
other connection in the conduct of trade
or business. Orders that may be made
applicable to related persons include
those that deny or affect export
privileges, including temporary denial
orders * * * .’’ 15 CFR 766.23(a).
B. OEE’s Request To Add Mahan Air
General Trading LLC, Skyco (UK) Ltd.,
and Equipco (UK) Ltd. to the TDO via
the Related Person Provision of Section
766.23 of the Regulations
OEE has requested that Mahan Air
General Trading LLC, Skyco (UK) Ltd.,
and Equipco (UK) Ltd. be added as
related persons to Mahan Airways,
Zarand Aviation and/or Ali Eslamian, as
further discussed below, in order to
prevent evasion of the TDO. As noted
above, each entity was provided written
notice of OEE’s intent to add them to the
TDO pursuant to Section 766.23. No
response was received from Mahan Air
General Trading LLC. Skyco (UK) Ltd.
and Equipco (UK) Ltd., as discussed
further below, submitted written
responses, through the same U.S.
2 The TDO was subsequently renewed in
accordance with Section 766.24(d) of the
Regulations on September 17, 2008, March 16,
2009, September 11, 2009, March 9, 2010,
September 3, 2010, February 25, 2011, August 24,
2011, and most recently on February 15, 2012. Each
renewal order was published in the Federal
Register. As of March 9, 2010, the Balli Group
Respondents and Blue Airways were no longer
subject to the TDO.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 17, 2012 / Notices
trade or business, and that it is
necessary to add Mahan Air General
Trading to the TDO in order to prevent
evasion of the TDO.
counsel, opposing their respective
additions to the TDO.
C. The Evidence, Respondent’s
Contentions, and Findings Under
Section 766.23
1. Mahan Air General Trading LLC
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
In accordance with Section 766.23 of
the Regulations, OEE provided Mahan
Air General Trading with notice, via a
notice letter sent on January 27, 2012, of
its intent to seek an order adding Mahan
Air General Trading to the TDO as a
related person to Mahan Airways and
Zarand Aviation in order to prevent
evasion of the TDO. No response has
been received from Mahan Air General
Mahan Air General Trading’s articles
of incorporation list Mahan Airways’
Managing Director, Hamid Arabnejad, as
an owner. In addition, French corporate
registration documents list Mahan Air
General Trading as a Groupement
D’interet Economique (‘‘Economic
Interest Group’’) member of both Zarand
Aviation and Kerman Aviation, entities
which were added to the TDO on July
1, 2011 and August 24, 2011,
respectively. Zarand Aviation and
Kerman Aviation each owns an Airbus
A310 aircraft 3 that bears the livery and
logo of Mahan Airways and operates on
flights into and out of Iran in violation
of the Regulations and the TDO. After
Zarand Aviation and Kerman Aviation
were added to the TDO, both aircraft
were de-registered in France and
subsequently registered in Iran with,
respectively, Iranian tail numbers EP–
MHH and EP-MHI. Both aircraft remain
active in Mahan Airways’ fleet.
Mahan Air General Trading also
shares the same Dubai address and fax
number with Sirjanco Trading LLC,
another denied party related to Mahan
Airways that acquires and resells
aircraft parts and components. Sirjanco
is owned in part by Ghulam Redha
Khodra Mahmoudi a/k/a Gholemreza
Mahmoudi, a Mahan Airways’
shareholder and its Vice-President for
Business Development.
In sum, I find that Mahan Air General
Trading is related to Mahan Airways
and Zarand Aviation by ownership,
control, position of responsibility, and/
or other connection in the conduct of
3 The Airbus A310 aircraft are powered with U.S.origin engines. The engines are subject to the EAR
and classified under ECCN 9A991.d. The aircraft
contain controlled U.S.-origin items valued at more
than 10 percent of the total value of the aircraft and
as a result are subject to the EAR. They are
classified as ECCN 9A991.b. The reexport of these
aircraft to Iran would require U.S. Government
authorization pursuant to Section 746.7 of the
Regulations, as would the reexport of the aircraft
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2. Skyco (UK) Ltd. (‘‘Skyco’’)
In accordance with Section 766.23 of
the Regulations, OEE provided Skyco
with notice, via a notice letter send on
January 27, 2012, of its intent to seek an
order adding Skyco to the TDO as a
related person to Mahan Airways in
order to prevent evasion of the TDO.
Skyco opposed its addition to the TDO,
via a letter dated February 17, 2012.
Skyco, through counsel, argues that it is
not related to Mahan Airways within
the meaning of Section 766.23 and that
BIS has not demonstrated that its
addition is needed to prevent evasion of
the TDO.
As discussed in the August 24, 2011
TDO Renewal Order, a copy of which
accompanied OEE’s notice letter,
Skyco’s corporate registration lists
Gholemreza Mahmoudi, who is
discussed above, and Ali Eslamian, a
named party under the TDO since
August 24, 2011, as directors of Skyco.
Mr. Eslamian also is listed as Skyco’s
corporate secretary.
Mr. Mahmoudi’s positions in both
Mahan Airways and Skyco establish
that Skyco is a related person to Mahan
under Section 766.23 of the Regulations.
In addition, Mr. Eslamian previously
has admitted during testimony in
litigation in the United Kingdom
between Mahan Airways and the Balli
Group that he formed Skyco with
Mahan Airways’ Managing Director
Hamid Arabnejad and Mr. Mahmoudi to
carry out transactions on behalf of
Mahan Airways.4 Mr. Eslamian
admitted to OEE in July 2009 and again
in June 2011 that Skyco buys and sells
aircraft, aircraft engines, and other
aviation related services, and that Skyco
was established to supply Mahan with
parts that Mahan otherwise couldn’t get
because of the embargo.
Skyco’s response to the notice letter
does not address these relationships
between it and Mahan Airways, whether
as to or via Mr. Mahmoudi or Mr.
Eslamian. Skyco generally contends,
instead, that it is not related to Mahan
Airways and that it has not been
provided an opportunity to challenge
OEE’s ‘‘information that suggests that
Skyco may evade the TDO.’’ Skyco
Response Letter, at 1–2.
Contrary to these assertions, OEE has
demonstrated that Skyco is a related
4 As discussed in the August 24, 2011 Renewal
Order, this litigation related to the ownership of
three of the U.S.-origin Boeing 747s that had been
unlawfully reexported to Iran and led to the initial
issuance of the TDO.
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person to Mahan Airways and Skyco’s
due process argument is unavailing. The
relationship between Skyco and Mahan
Airways is demonstrated by evidence
provided by Mr. Eslamian or is
information within Skyco’s possession,
custody, or control or otherwise known
or available to Skyco. This evidence
alone provides sufficient reason to
believe that the TDO should be made
applicable to Skyco to prevent evasion
of the TDO. There is, of course,
additional evidence indisputably
showing that Skyco was created and has
acted or operated for the purpose of
facilitating Mahan Airways’ activities in
violation of the Regulations and the
TDO. This evidence similarly has been
provided by Skyco via Mr. Eslamian or
was previously known or available to
Skyco. Moreover, with or without that
piece of evidence, my determination
would here would be the same.
Based on the above, I find that Skyco
is related to Mahan Airways by position
of responsibility, control, and/or other
connection in the conduct of trade, and
that it is necessary to add Skyco to the
TDO as a related person in order to
prevent evasion of the Order.
Skyco also has argued that BIS has
never suggested that Skyco may have
violated the Regulations and that the
interview Mr. Eslamian provided to BIS
Special Agents on June 23, 2011, and
other asserted cooperation undermines
OEE’s TDO request. Skyco Response
Letter, at 1–2. The former contention is
belied by, inter alia, the August 24, 2011
and February 15, 2012 Renewal Orders.
The latter contention seeks to challenge
BIS’s investigative judgment and
prosecutorial discretion, and can also be
read as an attempt, contrary to Section
766.24 of the Regulations, to indirectly
challenge the August 24, 2011 and
February 15, 2012 Renewal Orders. As
such, the argument is not a proper basis
of opposition under Section 766.23. To
the extent it was deemed otherwise, I
would reject the contention based on
the record here. Indeed, among other
things, the same cooperation argument
has been made by Equipco based on the
same meeting between Mr. Eslamian
and the BIS Special Agents in June
2011. But neither Skyco nor Equipco,
which share the same counsel, address
the more recent activities led by Mr.
Eslamian, as discussed in the February
15, 2012 Renewal Order and further
discussed below, regarding the
attempted acquisition of aircraft subject
to the EAR in violation of the
Regulations and the TDO.
3. Equipco (UK) Ltd. (‘‘Equipco’’)
In accordance with Section 766.23 of
the Regulations, OEE provided Equipco
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 17, 2012 / Notices
with notice, via a notice letter sent on
January 27, 2012, of its intent to seek an
order adding Equipco as a related
person to Mahan Airways and/or Ali
Eslamian in order to prevent evasion of
the TDO. Equipco opposed its addition
to the TDO, via a letter dated February
17, 2012. Equipco argues that it is not
related to Mahan Airways within the
meaning of Section 766.23, that Section
766.23 does not permit its addition to
the TDO based on the fact that it is
related to Mr. Eslamian, and that BIS
has not demonstrated that its addition is
needed to prevent evasion of the Order.
Equipco is owned and operated by
Mr. Eslamian, and does not dispute that
it is related to him. Equipco is
represented by the same counsel as
Skyco, as noted above, and makes
essentially the same contentions as
Skyco, except that it makes the
additional argument that Section 766.23
does not permit its addition to the TDO
based on its relationship with Mr.
I will not repeat in this section my
discussion of the overlapping arguments
made by Skyco and Equipco. As to
Equipco’s additional argument, Equipco
contends that under Section 766.23, BIS
must have evidence that the ‘‘person is
‘related to [the person or entity named
in the existing TDO] by ownership,
position of responsibility, affiliation or
other connection in the conduct of trade
or business * * * ’ ’’ Equipco Response
Letter, at 1 (bracketed text supplied by
Equipco). Equipco does not explain how
or why this contention supports its
position, and in actuality the contention
supports the contrary conclusion, that
is, that BIS is not prohibited or
precluded from adding Skyco to the
TDO based on its relationship with Mr.
Eslamian, a denied person under the
TDO, simply because he was initially
added to the TDO as a related person.
Equipco’s proposed interpretation
would run counter to the purpose of
Section 766.23, which is to prevent
evasion of the TDO, whether by Mr.
Eslamian or other persons or entities.
That purpose would be undermined if
parties to the TDO could effectively
evade it by shifting their activities from
one entity to another.
Moreover, the record here
demonstrates that there is a connection
in the conduct of trade or business
between Equipco and Mahan Airways.
As detailed in the February 15, 2012
TDO renewal order, Eslamian/Equipco
engaged in negotiations with a Brazilian
airline as recently as December 2011, in
an attempt to acquire an aircraft engine
and two Airbus A320 that are subject to
the Regulations. In conversations with
the Brazilian Airline, Eslamian stated
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that the items are being acquired on
behalf of ‘‘a very dear customer of
another company of ours, Skyco UK
Ltd.’’ These negotiations continued after
Eslamian’s addition to the TDO on
August 24, 2011, and demonstrate his
willingness to use his company Equipco
to carry out activities for or on behalf of
denied persons in violation of the
Regulations and the TDO. Eslamian
remains positioned to participate in or
facilitate Mahan Airway’s unlawful
acquisition and use of aircraft, aircraft
engines and related aircraft services.
As discussed in the August 24, 2011
and February 12, 2012 Renewal Orders,
Mr. Eslamian has a longstanding
business relationship with Mahan
Airways’ senior officers and was
involved in Mahan Airways’ original
conspiracy to acquire U.S.-origin 747s.
He was originally approached by Mr.
Arabnejad (Mahan Airways’ Managing
Director) and Mr. Mahmoudi (a Mahan
Airways’ shareholder and its Vice
President for Business Development),
who were seeking to establish a
company in the United Kingdom for the
purpose of making arrangements for
them which Mahan Air was unable to
do directly. Eslamian, along with
Arabnejad and Mahmoudi, subsequently
formed Skyco, where Eslamian has
admitted to being a shareholder and
managing director. Additionally,
Eslamian inspected the 747s that Mahan
was seeking to illegally acquire. At the
request of Mahan Airways, he also
attended the initial meetings between
Mahan Airways and the Balli Group
principals during which it was
proposed that the Balli Group or Balli
entities would act as a front for Mahan
Airways in Mahan’s scheme to acquire
U.S.-origin aircraft. Furthermore, during
his June 2011 meeting with BIS Special
Agents, which his counsel attended, Mr.
Eslamian admitted his longstanding
business relationship and connections
to senior Mahan Airways officers and/
or directors, including Mr. Arabnejad
and Mr. Mahmoudi. Eslamian was able
to provide detailed insight into how
Mahan Airways maintains and repairs
its aircraft through the use of facilities
in third countries.
Given Mr. Eslamian’s role at Equipco,
the indisputable evidence of his longrunning and extensive ties to Mahan
Airways, and his demonstrated
willingness to use Equipco (and other
entities he owns, controls or manages in
whole or part) as a vehicle to evade the
Regulations and the TDO, I find without
merit Equipco’s argument that it cannot
be added to the TDO consistent with
Section 766.23.
Based on the above, I find that
Equipco is connected to Mahan Airways
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in the conduct of trade or business and
thus is a related person to Mahan
Airways, and that Equipco is related to
Ali Eslamian by ownership, control, and
position of responsibility. I also find
whether considering both its
relationship to both Mahan Airways and
Mr. Eslamian, or only it relationship
with Mahan, that Equipco should be
added to the TDO in order to prevent its
In sum, under the applicable standard
set forth in Section 766.23 of the
Regulations and my review of the record
here, I find that the evidence presented
by OEE convincingly demonstrates that
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, Skyco
(UK) Ltd. and Equipco (UK) Ltd, are
related to, as applicable, Mahan
Airways, Zarand Aviation and/or Ali
Eslamian, and that adding them to the
TDO is necessary to prevent its evasion.
IV. Order
It is therefore ordered:
First, that MAHAN AIRWAYS, Mahan
Tower, No. 21, Azadegan St., M.A.
Jenah Exp. Way, Tehran, Iran; ZARAND
AVIATION, 42 Avenue Montaigne,
75008 Paris, France, and 112 Avenue
Kleber, 75116 Paris, France; GATEWICK
Airport Free Zone, P.O. Box 393754,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and P.O.
Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, and Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz
Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates; PEJMAN
A KOSARIAN FARD, P.O. Box 52404,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and
Airport Free Zone, P.O. Box 393754,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and P.O.
Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, and Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz
Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates; MAHAN
Floor Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik
Zayed Road, Dubai 40594, United Arab
Emirates; SKYCO (UK) LTD., 4th Floor,
33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G
0PV, United Kingdom; and EQUIPCO
(UK) LTD., 2 Bentinck Close, Prince
Albert Road, London, NW8 7RY, United
Kingdom and when acting for or on
their behalf, any successors or assigns,
agents, or employees (each a ‘‘Denied
Person’’ and collectively the ‘‘Denied
Persons’’) may not, directly or
indirectly, participate in any way in any
transaction involving any commodity,
software or technology (hereinafter
collectively referred to as ‘‘item’’)
exported or to be exported from the
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 17, 2012 / Notices
United States that is subject to the
Export Administration Regulations
(‘‘EAR’’), or in any other activity subject
to the EAR including, but not limited to:
A. Applying for, obtaining, or using
any license, License Exception, or
export control document;
B. Carrying on negotiations
concerning, or ordering, buying,
receiving, using, selling, delivering,
storing, disposing of, forwarding,
transporting, financing, or otherwise
servicing in any way, any transaction
involving any item exported or to be
exported from the United States that is
subject to the EAR, or in any other
activity subject to the EAR; or
C. Benefiting in any way from any
transaction involving any item exported
or to be exported from the United States
that is subject to the EAR, or in any
other activity subject to the EAR.
Second, that no person may, directly
or indirectly, do any of the following:
A. Export or reexport to or on behalf
of a Denied Person any item subject to
the EAR;
B. Take any action that facilitates the
acquisition or attempted acquisition by
a Denied Person of the ownership,
possession, or control of any item
subject to the EAR that has been or will
be exported from the United States,
including financing or other support
activities related to a transaction
whereby a Denied Person acquires or
attempts to acquire such ownership,
possession or control;
C. Take any action to acquire from or
to facilitate the acquisition or attempted
acquisition from a Denied Person of any
item subject to the EAR that has been
exported from the United States;
D. Obtain from a Denied Person in the
United States any item subject to the
EAR with knowledge or reason to know
that the item will be, or is intended to
be, exported from the United States; or
E. Engage in any transaction to service
any item subject to the EAR that has
been or will be exported from the
United States and which is owned,
possessed or controlled by a Denied
Person, or service any item, of whatever
origin, that is owned, possessed or
controlled by a Denied Person if such
service involves the use of any item
subject to the EAR that has been or will
be exported from the United States. For
purposes of this paragraph, servicing
means installation, maintenance, repair,
modification or testing.
Third, that, after notice and
opportunity for comment as provided in
section 766.23 of the EAR, any other
person, firm, corporation, or business
organization related to a Denied Person
by affiliation, ownership, control, or
position of responsibility in the conduct
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of trade or related services may also be
made subject to the provisions of this
Fourth, that this Order does not
prohibit any export, reexport, or other
transaction subject to the EAR where the
only items involved that are subject to
the EAR are the foreign-produced direct
product of U.S.-origin technology.
In accordance with the provisions of
Sections 766.23(c) of the EAR, Zarand
Aviation, at any time, may appeal this
Order by filing a full written statement
in support of the appeal with the Office
of the Administrative Law Judge, U.S.
Coast Guard ALJ Docketing Center, 40
South Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland
A copy of this Order shall be sent to
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, Skyco
(UK) Ltd., and Equipco (UK) Ltd. and
shall be published in the Federal
Register. This Order is effective
immediately and shall remain in effect
until August 13, 2012, unless renewed
in accordance with Section 766.24(d) of
the Regulations.
Dated: April 9, 2012.
David W. Mills,
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export
[FR Doc. 2012–9154 Filed 4–16–12; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Southeast Region
Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation
Outreach Survey
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before June 18, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
Internet at
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
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Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Stacey Horstman, (727) 824–
5312 or
I. Abstract
This request is for a revision of a
current information collection.
The objective of these surveys is to
assess the level of awareness on issues
related to regulations preventing
feeding/harassment of wild bottlenose
dolphins, which are protected under the
Marine Mammal Protection Act. In
particular, the surveys are designed to
determine what commercial businesses
and the general public know about
specific regulations prohibiting feeding
and harassment of bottlenose dolphins,
and how they gained their knowledge
and/or perceptions on the topic. The
first survey was conducted in Panama
City, Florida, where numerous
incidences of dolphin harassment and
feeding are continually documented.
Revision: The intent is to use this
survey in one to two other geographic
areas of the southeast region that are
also ‘‘hot-spots’’ for dolphin harassment
and feeding activities to gain a similar
understanding and ensure outreach
messages are appropriate for intended
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) will request information from
local residents, tourists, and commercial
businesses through a one-time survey in
the geographic location identified in the
revision supporting statement. This
information, upon receipt, will be used
to develop effective and better-targeted
outreach efforts in order to enhance
bottlenose dolphin conservation in the
southeast United States.
II. Method of Collection
Participants voluntarily complete
paper questionnaires and methods of
submittal include on-site, mail, and
facsimile transmission of paper forms.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0648–0594.
Form Number: None.
Type of Review: Regular submission
(revision of a current information
Affected Public: Individuals; business
or other for-profits organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Response: 20
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 400.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 74 (Tuesday, April 17, 2012)]
[Pages 22756-22759]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-9154]
Bureau of Industry and Security
Modification of Temporary Denial Order Making Temporary Denial
of Export Privileges Applicable to Related Persons
Mahan Airways, Mahan Tower, No. 21, Azadegan St., M.A. Jenah Exp.
Way, Tehran, Iran.
Zarand Aviation, a/k/a GIE Zarand Aviation, 42 Avenue Montaigne,
75008 Paris, France; and
112 Avenue Kleber, 75116 Paris, France.
Gatewick LLC, a/k/a Gatewick Freight & Cargo Services, a/k/a/
Gatewick Aviation Services, G22 Dubai Airport Free Zone,
P.O. Box 393754, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and
Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Pejman Mahmood Kosarayanifard, a/k/a Kosarian Fard, P.O. Box 52404,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mahmoud Amini, G22 Dubai Airport Free Zone, P.O. Box
393754, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and
Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Kerman Aviation, a/k/a GIE Kerman Aviation, 42 Avenue Montaigne
75008, Paris, France.
Sirjanco Trading, P.O. Box 8709, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Ali Eslamian, 4th Floor, 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G0PW, United
Kingdom; and
2 Bentinck Close, Prince Albert Road St. Johns Wood, London NW87RY,
United Kingdom.
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, 19th Floor Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik
Zayed Road, Dubai 40594, United Arab Emirates.
Skyco (UK) Ltd., 4th Floor, 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PV,
United Kingdom.
Equipco (UK) Ltd., 2 Bentinck Close, Prince Albert Road, London, NW8
7RY, United Kingdom.
Pursuant to Section 766.23 of the Export Administration
Regulations, 15 CFR Parts 730-774 (2011) (``EAR'' or the
``Regulations''), including the provision on notice and an opportunity
to respond, I hereby grant the request of the Office of Export
Enforcement (``OEE'') to modify the February 15, 2012 Renewal Order
Temporarily Denying the Export Privileges of Mahan Airways, Zarand
Aviation, Gatewick LLC, Pejman Mahmood Kosarayanifard, Mahmoud Amini,
Kerman Aviation, Sirjanco Trading LLC and Ali Eslamian.\1\
Specifically, I find it necessary to add the following persons as
related persons in order to prevent evasion of the TDO:
\1\ The February 15, 2012 TDO Renewal Order was published in the
Federal Register on February 23, 2012. See 77 FR 10719.
Mahan Air General Trading LLC, 19th Floor Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik
Zayed Road, Dubai 40594, United Arab Emirates.
Skyco (UK) Ltd., 4th Floor, 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PV,
United Kingdom.
Equipco (UK) Ltd., 2 Bentinck Close, Prince Albert Road, London, NW8
7RY, United Kingdom.
I. Procedural History
On March 17, 2008, Darryl W. Jackson, the then-Assistant Secretary
of Commerce for Export Enforcement (``Assistant Secretary''), signed a
TDO denying Mahan Airways' export privileges for a period of 180 days
on the grounds that its issuance was necessary in the public interest
to prevent an imminent violation of the Regulations. The TDO also named
as denied persons Blue Airways, of Yerevan, Armenia (``Blue Airways of
Armenia''), as well as the ``Balli Group Respondents,'' namely, Balli
Group PLC, Balli Aviation, Balli Holdings, Vahid Alaghband, Hassan
Alaghband, Blue Sky One Ltd., Blue Sky Two Ltd., Blue Sky Three Ltd.,
Blue Sky Four Ltd., Blue Sky Five Ltd., and Blue Sky Six Ltd., all of
the United Kingdom. The TDO was issued ex parte pursuant to Section
766.24(a), and went into effect on March 21, 2008, the date it was
published in the Federal Register.\2\
\2\ The TDO was subsequently renewed in accordance with Section
766.24(d) of the Regulations on September 17, 2008, March 16, 2009,
September 11, 2009, March 9, 2010, September 3, 2010, February 25,
2011, August 24, 2011, and most recently on February 15, 2012. Each
renewal order was published in the Federal Register. As of March 9,
2010, the Balli Group Respondents and Blue Airways were no longer
subject to the TDO.
On July 1, 2011, the TDO was modified by adding Zarand Aviation as
a denied person in order to prevent an imminent violation involving an
Airbus A310 aircraft owned by Zarand Aviation being operated on behalf
of Mahan Airways in violation of the Regulations and the TDO.
Additionally, the August 24, 2011 TDO Renewal Order added Kerman
Aviation, Sirjanco Trading LLC, and Ali Eslamian to the TDO as denied
persons in order to prevent evasion of the TDO given that they are
related persons to Mahan Airways.
II. Addition of Related Persons
A. Legal Standard
Section 766.23 of the Regulations provides that ``[i]n order to
prevent evasion, certain types of orders under this part may be made
applicable not only to the respondent, but also to other persons then
or thereafter related to the respondent by ownership, control, position
of responsibility, affiliation, or other connection in the conduct of
trade or business. Orders that may be made applicable to related
persons include those that deny or affect export privileges, including
temporary denial orders * * * .'' 15 CFR 766.23(a).
B. OEE's Request To Add Mahan Air General Trading LLC, Skyco (UK) Ltd.,
and Equipco (UK) Ltd. to the TDO via the Related Person Provision of
Section 766.23 of the Regulations
OEE has requested that Mahan Air General Trading LLC, Skyco (UK)
Ltd., and Equipco (UK) Ltd. be added as related persons to Mahan
Airways, Zarand Aviation and/or Ali Eslamian, as further discussed
below, in order to prevent evasion of the TDO. As noted above, each
entity was provided written notice of OEE's intent to add them to the
TDO pursuant to Section 766.23. No response was received from Mahan Air
General Trading LLC. Skyco (UK) Ltd. and Equipco (UK) Ltd., as
discussed further below, submitted written responses, through the same
[[Page 22757]]
counsel, opposing their respective additions to the TDO.
C. The Evidence, Respondent's Contentions, and Findings Under Section
1. Mahan Air General Trading LLC
In accordance with Section 766.23 of the Regulations, OEE provided
Mahan Air General Trading with notice, via a notice letter sent on
January 27, 2012, of its intent to seek an order adding Mahan Air
General Trading to the TDO as a related person to Mahan Airways and
Zarand Aviation in order to prevent evasion of the TDO. No response has
been received from Mahan Air General Trading.
Mahan Air General Trading's articles of incorporation list Mahan
Airways' Managing Director, Hamid Arabnejad, as an owner. In addition,
French corporate registration documents list Mahan Air General Trading
as a Groupement D'interet Economique (``Economic Interest Group'')
member of both Zarand Aviation and Kerman Aviation, entities which were
added to the TDO on July 1, 2011 and August 24, 2011, respectively.
Zarand Aviation and Kerman Aviation each owns an Airbus A310 aircraft
\3\ that bears the livery and logo of Mahan Airways and operates on
flights into and out of Iran in violation of the Regulations and the
TDO. After Zarand Aviation and Kerman Aviation were added to the TDO,
both aircraft were de-registered in France and subsequently registered
in Iran with, respectively, Iranian tail numbers EP-MHH and EP-MHI.
Both aircraft remain active in Mahan Airways' fleet.
\3\ The Airbus A310 aircraft are powered with U.S.-origin
engines. The engines are subject to the EAR and classified under
ECCN 9A991.d. The aircraft contain controlled U.S.-origin items
valued at more than 10 percent of the total value of the aircraft
and as a result are subject to the EAR. They are classified as ECCN
9A991.b. The reexport of these aircraft to Iran would require U.S.
Government authorization pursuant to Section 746.7 of the
Regulations, as would the reexport of the aircraft engines.
Mahan Air General Trading also shares the same Dubai address and
fax number with Sirjanco Trading LLC, another denied party related to
Mahan Airways that acquires and resells aircraft parts and components.
Sirjanco is owned in part by Ghulam Redha Khodra Mahmoudi a/k/a
Gholemreza Mahmoudi, a Mahan Airways' shareholder and its Vice-
President for Business Development.
In sum, I find that Mahan Air General Trading is related to Mahan
Airways and Zarand Aviation by ownership, control, position of
responsibility, and/or other connection in the conduct of trade or
business, and that it is necessary to add Mahan Air General Trading to
the TDO in order to prevent evasion of the TDO.
2. Skyco (UK) Ltd. (``Skyco'')
In accordance with Section 766.23 of the Regulations, OEE provided
Skyco with notice, via a notice letter send on January 27, 2012, of its
intent to seek an order adding Skyco to the TDO as a related person to
Mahan Airways in order to prevent evasion of the TDO. Skyco opposed its
addition to the TDO, via a letter dated February 17, 2012. Skyco,
through counsel, argues that it is not related to Mahan Airways within
the meaning of Section 766.23 and that BIS has not demonstrated that
its addition is needed to prevent evasion of the TDO.
As discussed in the August 24, 2011 TDO Renewal Order, a copy of
which accompanied OEE's notice letter, Skyco's corporate registration
lists Gholemreza Mahmoudi, who is discussed above, and Ali Eslamian, a
named party under the TDO since August 24, 2011, as directors of Skyco.
Mr. Eslamian also is listed as Skyco's corporate secretary.
Mr. Mahmoudi's positions in both Mahan Airways and Skyco establish
that Skyco is a related person to Mahan under Section 766.23 of the
Regulations. In addition, Mr. Eslamian previously has admitted during
testimony in litigation in the United Kingdom between Mahan Airways and
the Balli Group that he formed Skyco with Mahan Airways' Managing
Director Hamid Arabnejad and Mr. Mahmoudi to carry out transactions on
behalf of Mahan Airways.\4\ Mr. Eslamian admitted to OEE in July 2009
and again in June 2011 that Skyco buys and sells aircraft, aircraft
engines, and other aviation related services, and that Skyco was
established to supply Mahan with parts that Mahan otherwise couldn't
get because of the embargo.
\4\ As discussed in the August 24, 2011 Renewal Order, this
litigation related to the ownership of three of the U.S.-origin
Boeing 747s that had been unlawfully reexported to Iran and led to
the initial issuance of the TDO.
Skyco's response to the notice letter does not address these
relationships between it and Mahan Airways, whether as to or via Mr.
Mahmoudi or Mr. Eslamian. Skyco generally contends, instead, that it is
not related to Mahan Airways and that it has not been provided an
opportunity to challenge OEE's ``information that suggests that Skyco
may evade the TDO.'' Skyco Response Letter, at 1-2.
Contrary to these assertions, OEE has demonstrated that Skyco is a
related person to Mahan Airways and Skyco's due process argument is
unavailing. The relationship between Skyco and Mahan Airways is
demonstrated by evidence provided by Mr. Eslamian or is information
within Skyco's possession, custody, or control or otherwise known or
available to Skyco. This evidence alone provides sufficient reason to
believe that the TDO should be made applicable to Skyco to prevent
evasion of the TDO. There is, of course, additional evidence
indisputably showing that Skyco was created and has acted or operated
for the purpose of facilitating Mahan Airways' activities in violation
of the Regulations and the TDO. This evidence similarly has been
provided by Skyco via Mr. Eslamian or was previously known or available
to Skyco. Moreover, with or without that piece of evidence, my
determination would here would be the same.
Based on the above, I find that Skyco is related to Mahan Airways
by position of responsibility, control, and/or other connection in the
conduct of trade, and that it is necessary to add Skyco to the TDO as a
related person in order to prevent evasion of the Order.
Skyco also has argued that BIS has never suggested that Skyco may
have violated the Regulations and that the interview Mr. Eslamian
provided to BIS Special Agents on June 23, 2011, and other asserted
cooperation undermines OEE's TDO request. Skyco Response Letter, at 1-
2. The former contention is belied by, inter alia, the August 24, 2011
and February 15, 2012 Renewal Orders. The latter contention seeks to
challenge BIS's investigative judgment and prosecutorial discretion,
and can also be read as an attempt, contrary to Section 766.24 of the
Regulations, to indirectly challenge the August 24, 2011 and February
15, 2012 Renewal Orders. As such, the argument is not a proper basis of
opposition under Section 766.23. To the extent it was deemed otherwise,
I would reject the contention based on the record here. Indeed, among
other things, the same cooperation argument has been made by Equipco
based on the same meeting between Mr. Eslamian and the BIS Special
Agents in June 2011. But neither Skyco nor Equipco, which share the
same counsel, address the more recent activities led by Mr. Eslamian,
as discussed in the February 15, 2012 Renewal Order and further
discussed below, regarding the attempted acquisition of aircraft
subject to the EAR in violation of the Regulations and the TDO.
3. Equipco (UK) Ltd. (``Equipco'')
In accordance with Section 766.23 of the Regulations, OEE provided
[[Page 22758]]
with notice, via a notice letter sent on January 27, 2012, of its
intent to seek an order adding Equipco as a related person to Mahan
Airways and/or Ali Eslamian in order to prevent evasion of the TDO.
Equipco opposed its addition to the TDO, via a letter dated February
17, 2012. Equipco argues that it is not related to Mahan Airways within
the meaning of Section 766.23, that Section 766.23 does not permit its
addition to the TDO based on the fact that it is related to Mr.
Eslamian, and that BIS has not demonstrated that its addition is needed
to prevent evasion of the Order.
Equipco is owned and operated by Mr. Eslamian, and does not dispute
that it is related to him. Equipco is represented by the same counsel
as Skyco, as noted above, and makes essentially the same contentions as
Skyco, except that it makes the additional argument that Section 766.23
does not permit its addition to the TDO based on its relationship with
Mr. Eslamian.
I will not repeat in this section my discussion of the overlapping
arguments made by Skyco and Equipco. As to Equipco's additional
argument, Equipco contends that under Section 766.23, BIS must have
evidence that the ``person is `related to [the person or entity named
in the existing TDO] by ownership, position of responsibility,
affiliation or other connection in the conduct of trade or business * *
* ' '' Equipco Response Letter, at 1 (bracketed text supplied by
Equipco). Equipco does not explain how or why this contention supports
its position, and in actuality the contention supports the contrary
conclusion, that is, that BIS is not prohibited or precluded from
adding Skyco to the TDO based on its relationship with Mr. Eslamian, a
denied person under the TDO, simply because he was initially added to
the TDO as a related person. Equipco's proposed interpretation would
run counter to the purpose of Section 766.23, which is to prevent
evasion of the TDO, whether by Mr. Eslamian or other persons or
entities. That purpose would be undermined if parties to the TDO could
effectively evade it by shifting their activities from one entity to
Moreover, the record here demonstrates that there is a connection
in the conduct of trade or business between Equipco and Mahan Airways.
As detailed in the February 15, 2012 TDO renewal order, Eslamian/
Equipco engaged in negotiations with a Brazilian airline as recently as
December 2011, in an attempt to acquire an aircraft engine and two
Airbus A320 that are subject to the Regulations. In conversations with
the Brazilian Airline, Eslamian stated that the items are being
acquired on behalf of ``a very dear customer of another company of
ours, Skyco UK Ltd.'' These negotiations continued after Eslamian's
addition to the TDO on August 24, 2011, and demonstrate his willingness
to use his company Equipco to carry out activities for or on behalf of
denied persons in violation of the Regulations and the TDO. Eslamian
remains positioned to participate in or facilitate Mahan Airway's
unlawful acquisition and use of aircraft, aircraft engines and related
aircraft services.
As discussed in the August 24, 2011 and February 12, 2012 Renewal
Orders, Mr. Eslamian has a longstanding business relationship with
Mahan Airways' senior officers and was involved in Mahan Airways'
original conspiracy to acquire U.S.-origin 747s. He was originally
approached by Mr. Arabnejad (Mahan Airways' Managing Director) and Mr.
Mahmoudi (a Mahan Airways' shareholder and its Vice President for
Business Development), who were seeking to establish a company in the
United Kingdom for the purpose of making arrangements for them which
Mahan Air was unable to do directly. Eslamian, along with Arabnejad and
Mahmoudi, subsequently formed Skyco, where Eslamian has admitted to
being a shareholder and managing director. Additionally, Eslamian
inspected the 747s that Mahan was seeking to illegally acquire. At the
request of Mahan Airways, he also attended the initial meetings between
Mahan Airways and the Balli Group principals during which it was
proposed that the Balli Group or Balli entities would act as a front
for Mahan Airways in Mahan's scheme to acquire U.S.-origin aircraft.
Furthermore, during his June 2011 meeting with BIS Special Agents,
which his counsel attended, Mr. Eslamian admitted his longstanding
business relationship and connections to senior Mahan Airways officers
and/or directors, including Mr. Arabnejad and Mr. Mahmoudi. Eslamian
was able to provide detailed insight into how Mahan Airways maintains
and repairs its aircraft through the use of facilities in third
Given Mr. Eslamian's role at Equipco, the indisputable evidence of
his long-running and extensive ties to Mahan Airways, and his
demonstrated willingness to use Equipco (and other entities he owns,
controls or manages in whole or part) as a vehicle to evade the
Regulations and the TDO, I find without merit Equipco's argument that
it cannot be added to the TDO consistent with Section 766.23.
Based on the above, I find that Equipco is connected to Mahan
Airways in the conduct of trade or business and thus is a related
person to Mahan Airways, and that Equipco is related to Ali Eslamian by
ownership, control, and position of responsibility. I also find whether
considering both its relationship to both Mahan Airways and Mr.
Eslamian, or only it relationship with Mahan, that Equipco should be
added to the TDO in order to prevent its evasion.
In sum, under the applicable standard set forth in Section 766.23
of the Regulations and my review of the record here, I find that the
evidence presented by OEE convincingly demonstrates that Mahan Air
General Trading LLC, Skyco (UK) Ltd. and Equipco (UK) Ltd, are related
to, as applicable, Mahan Airways, Zarand Aviation and/or Ali Eslamian,
and that adding them to the TDO is necessary to prevent its evasion.
IV. Order
It is therefore ordered:
First, that MAHAN AIRWAYS, Mahan Tower, No. 21, Azadegan St., M.A.
Jenah Exp. Way, Tehran, Iran; ZARAND AVIATION, A/K/A GIE ZARAND
AVIATION, 42 Avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France, and 112 Avenue
Kleber, 75116 Paris, France; GATEWICK LLC, A/K/A GATEWICK FREIGHT &
Airport Free Zone, P.O. Box 393754, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz
Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai, United Arab Emirates;
Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and MAHMOUD AMINI, G22 Dubai
Airport Free Zone, P.O. Box 393754, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and
P.O. Box 52404, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Mohamed Abdulla Alqaz
Building, Al Maktoum Street, Al Rigga, Dubai, United Arab Emirates;
MAHAN AIR GENERAL TRADING LLC, 19th Floor Al Moosa Tower One, Sheik
Zayed Road, Dubai 40594, United Arab Emirates; SKYCO (UK) LTD., 4th
Floor, 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PV, United Kingdom; and
EQUIPCO (UK) LTD., 2 Bentinck Close, Prince Albert Road, London, NW8
7RY, United Kingdom and when acting for or on their behalf, any
successors or assigns, agents, or employees (each a ``Denied Person''
and collectively the ``Denied Persons'') may not, directly or
indirectly, participate in any way in any transaction involving any
commodity, software or technology (hereinafter collectively referred to
as ``item'') exported or to be exported from the
[[Page 22759]]
United States that is subject to the Export Administration Regulations
(``EAR''), or in any other activity subject to the EAR including, but
not limited to:
A. Applying for, obtaining, or using any license, License
Exception, or export control document;
B. Carrying on negotiations concerning, or ordering, buying,
receiving, using, selling, delivering, storing, disposing of,
forwarding, transporting, financing, or otherwise servicing in any way,
any transaction involving any item exported or to be exported from the
United States that is subject to the EAR, or in any other activity
subject to the EAR; or
C. Benefiting in any way from any transaction involving any item
exported or to be exported from the United States that is subject to
the EAR, or in any other activity subject to the EAR.
Second, that no person may, directly or indirectly, do any of the
A. Export or reexport to or on behalf of a Denied Person any item
subject to the EAR;
B. Take any action that facilitates the acquisition or attempted
acquisition by a Denied Person of the ownership, possession, or control
of any item subject to the EAR that has been or will be exported from
the United States, including financing or other support activities
related to a transaction whereby a Denied Person acquires or attempts
to acquire such ownership, possession or control;
C. Take any action to acquire from or to facilitate the acquisition
or attempted acquisition from a Denied Person of any item subject to
the EAR that has been exported from the United States;
D. Obtain from a Denied Person in the United States any item
subject to the EAR with knowledge or reason to know that the item will
be, or is intended to be, exported from the United States; or
E. Engage in any transaction to service any item subject to the EAR
that has been or will be exported from the United States and which is
owned, possessed or controlled by a Denied Person, or service any item,
of whatever origin, that is owned, possessed or controlled by a Denied
Person if such service involves the use of any item subject to the EAR
that has been or will be exported from the United States. For purposes
of this paragraph, servicing means installation, maintenance, repair,
modification or testing.
Third, that, after notice and opportunity for comment as provided
in section 766.23 of the EAR, any other person, firm, corporation, or
business organization related to a Denied Person by affiliation,
ownership, control, or position of responsibility in the conduct of
trade or related services may also be made subject to the provisions of
this Order.
Fourth, that this Order does not prohibit any export, reexport, or
other transaction subject to the EAR where the only items involved that
are subject to the EAR are the foreign-produced direct product of U.S.-
origin technology.
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 766.23(c) of the EAR,
Zarand Aviation, at any time, may appeal this Order by filing a full
written statement in support of the appeal with the Office of the
Administrative Law Judge, U.S. Coast Guard ALJ Docketing Center, 40
South Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4022.
A copy of this Order shall be sent to Mahan Air General Trading
LLC, Skyco (UK) Ltd., and Equipco (UK) Ltd. and shall be published in
the Federal Register. This Order is effective immediately and shall
remain in effect until August 13, 2012, unless renewed in accordance
with Section 766.24(d) of the Regulations.
Dated: April 9, 2012.
David W. Mills,
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2012-9154 Filed 4-16-12; 8:45 am]