Interpretations; Removal of Part 8, 21625-21628 [2012-8673]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 70 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Pursuant to requirements set forth in
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5
U.S.C. 601–612), the Agricultural
Marketing Service (AMS) has
considered the economic impact of this
rule on small entities. Accordingly,
AMS has prepared this final regulatory
flexibility analysis.
The purpose of the RFA is to fit
regulatory actions to the scale of
business subject to such actions in order
that small businesses will not be unduly
or disproportionately burdened.
Marketing orders issued pursuant to the
Act, and the rules issued thereunder, are
unique in that they are brought about
through group action of essentially
small entities acting on their own
There are approximately 1,500
producers of processed pears in the
regulated production area and
approximately 51 handlers of processed
pears subject to regulation under the
order. Small agricultural producers are
defined by the Small Business
Administration (SBA)(13 CFR 121.201)
as those having annual receipts of less
than $750,000, and small agricultural
service firms are defined as those whose
annual receipts are less than $7,000,000.
According to the Noncitrus Fruits and
Nuts 2010 Preliminary Summary issued
in January 2011 by the National
Agricultural Statistics Service, the total
farm-gate value of summer/fall
processed pears grown in Oregon and
Washington for 2010 was $76,427,000.
Based on the number of processed pear
producers in the Oregon and
Washington, the average gross revenue
for each producer can be estimated at
approximately $50,951. Furthermore,
based on Committee records, the
Committee has estimated that each of
the Northwest pear handlers currently
ship less than $7,000,000 worth of
processed pears on an annual basis.
From this information, it is concluded
that the majority of producers and
handlers of Oregon and Washington
processed pears may be classified as
small entities.
In addition, there are five processing
plants in the production area, with one
in Oregon and four in Washington. All
five processors would be considered
large entities under the SBA’s definition
of small businesses.
This rule continues in effect the
action that decreased the assessment
rate established for the Committee and
collected from handlers for the 2011–
2012 and subsequent fiscal periods from
$8.41 to $7.73 per ton for summer/fall
processed pears handled. The
Committee unanimously recommended
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2011–2012 expenditures of $926,933
and an assessment rate of $7.73 per ton
for summer/fall processed pears. The
assessment rate of $7.73 is $0.78 lower
than the previous rate. The Committee
recommended the assessment rate
decrease because the summer/fall
processed pear promotion budget was
The quantity of assessable processed
pears for the 2011–2012 fiscal period is
estimated at 120,000 tons. Thus, the
$7.73 rate should provide $927,600 in
assessment income. Income derived
from summer/fall processed pear
handler assessments, interest and other
income will be adequate to cover the
budgeted expenses.
This rule continues in effect the
action that decreased the assessment
obligation imposed on handlers.
Assessments are applied uniformly on
all handlers, and some of the costs may
be passed on to producers. However,
decreasing the assessment rate reduces
the burden on handlers, and may reduce
the burden on producers.
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1991 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), the order’s information
collection requirements have been
previously approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) and
assigned OMB No. 0581–0189, Generic
Fruit Crops. No changes in those
requirements as a result of this action
are anticipated. Should any changes
become necessary, they would be
submitted to OMB for approval.
This action imposes no additional
reporting or recordkeeping requirements
on either small or large OregonWashington processed pear handlers. As
with all Federal marketing order
programs, reports and forms are
periodically reviewed to reduce
information requirements and
duplication by industry and public
sector agencies. USDA has not
identified any relevant Federal rules
that duplicate, overlap, or conflict with
this rule.
In addition, the Committee’s meeting
was widely publicized throughout the
Oregon-Washington pear industry and
all interested persons were invited to
attend the meeting and participate in
Committee deliberations on all issues.
Like all Committee meetings, the June 2,
2011, meeting was a public meeting and
all entities, both large and small, were
able to express views on this issue.
Comments on the interim rule were
required to be received on or before
October 31, 2011. No comments were
received. Therefore, for the reasons
given in the interim rule, we are
adopting the interim rule as a final rule,
without change.
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To view the interim rule, go to:
This action also affirms information
contained in the interim rule concerning
Executive Orders 12866 and 12988, the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), and the E-Gov Act (44
U.S.C. 101).
After consideration of all relevant
material presented, it is found that
finalizing the interim rule, without
change, as published in the Federal
Register (76 FR 53811, August 30, 2011)
will tend to effectuate the declared
policy of the Act.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 927
Marketing agreements, Pears,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Accordingly, the interim rule
amending 7 CFR part 927 which was
published at 76 FR 53811 on August 30,
2011, is adopted as a final rule, without
Dated: April 5, 2012.
David R. Shipman,
Acting Administrator, Agricultural Marketing
[FR Doc. 2012–8638 Filed 4–10–12; 8:45 am]
10 CFR Part 8
RIN 3150–AJ02
Interpretations; Removal of Part 8
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Final rule.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is amending its regulations to remove its
published General Counsel
interpretations of various regulatory
provisions. These interpretations are
largely obsolete, having been
superseded by subsequent statutory and
regulatory changes, and this part of the
Commission’s regulations is no longer
DATES: Effective April 11, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2011–0180 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information for this final rule. You may
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 70 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
access information related to this final
rulemaking, which the NRC possesses
and is publicly available, by the
following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRC–2011–0180.
• NRC’s Public Document Room
(PDR): You may examine and purchase
copies of public documents at the NRC’s
PDR, Room O1–F21, One White Flint
North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland 20852.
Sean Croston, Office of the General
Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Mail Stop O15–D21,
Washington, DC 20555–0001, telephone:
301–415–2585, email:
NRC regulations provide the NRC
General Counsel with authority to issue
binding written interpretations of the
NRC’s regulations. Between 1956 and
1977, the General Counsel of the NRC
and its precursor, the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC), occasionally
published such interpretations in Title
10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR) part 8. These interpretations
have not been updated, and contained
various provisions that have since been
superseded by statutory and regulatory
To resolve these problems and
prevent any confusion resulting from
mistaken reliance upon outdated
interpretations, the NRC is now
removing and reserving 10 CFR part 8.
This action is consistent with Section 2
of Executive Order 13579 (76 FR 41587;
July 14, 2011), which calls upon
independent regulatory agencies to
repeal outmoded and unnecessary rules.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
I. Background
Less than one year after the Atomic
Energy Act of 1946 authorized the
creation of the NRC’s predecessor, the
AEC issued 10 CFR 40.50, ‘‘Valid
Interpretations’’ (12 FR 1855; March 20,
1947). Section 40.50 was the first AEC
regulation authorizing the agency’s
General Counsel to issue written
‘‘interpretations’’ of other AEC
regulations, which would be valid and
binding upon the Commission. The
current 10 CFR 40.6 is almost identical
to the original 10 CFR 40.50.
Following the enactment of 10 CFR
40.50, the AEC and then the NRC added
very similar regulations to most of its
parts in Title 10 of the CFR. Like the
current rules authorizing General
Counsel interpretations, these rules did
not specify where the General Counsel
would publish written interpretations.
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In 1956, AEC General Counsel
William Mitchell issued the first formal
General Counsel interpretation, 10 CFR
8.1, regarding inventions under Section
152 of the Atomic Energy Act (21 FR
1414; March 3, 1956).
Four years later, General Counsel L.K.
Olson issued the next formal
interpretation, published at 10 CFR 8.2,
which construed the Price-Anderson
Act, a provision that had been recently
added to the Atomic Energy Act in 1957
(25 FR 4075; May 7, 1960).
The AEC General Counsel Joseph
Hennessey then issued 10 CFR 8.3,
which related to the computation of
time when regulatory deadlines fell on
Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays (32 FR
11379; August 5, 1967). ‘‘Based upon
comments and further consideration,’’
the Commission revoked that
interpretation in 1978 (43 FR 17999;
April 26, 1978).
General Counsel Hennessey also
published 10 CFR 8.4, which addressed
whether states could regulate materials
covered under the Atomic Energy Act
on the basis of radiological health and
safety (34 FR 7273; May 3, 1969). When
faced with a later industry petition for
rulemaking, the Commission defended
this rule, asserting that the
interpretation remained ‘‘correct as it
stands’’ (67 FR 66075; October 30,
Lastly, the NRC General Counsel Peter
Strauss issued 10 CFR 8.5, which
interpreted contemporary illumination
and physical search requirements under
10 CFR 73.55 (42 FR 33265; June 30,
1977). Since the publication of 10 CFR
8.5 and revocation of 10 CFR 8.3 one
year later, the interpretations in 10 CFR
Part 8 have remained unchanged for
approximately thirty-three years.
II. Status of 10 CFR Part 8
The Administrator of the Office of
Management and Budget’s (OMB’s)
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, recently issued a Memorandum
to the Independent Regulatory Agencies
regarding ‘‘Executive Order 13579,
‘Regulation and Independent Regulatory
Agencies’ ’’ (July 22, 2011). This
Memorandum encouraged independent
agencies to identify ‘‘rules that are
obsolete, unnecessary, unjustified,
excessively burdensome, or counterproductive,’’ and to modify or repeal
them. Moreover, the Memorandum
advised that agencies ‘‘should focus on
the elimination of rules that are no
longer justified or necessary.’’ This is
consistent with the longstanding policy
of the Administrative Committee of the
Federal Register, which maintains that
each agency should ‘‘amend its
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regulations whenever the regulations are
rendered ineffective in whole or in part’’
(54 FR 9670; March 7, 1989).
i. 10 CFR 8.1
When the AEC issued its first General
Counsel interpretation, regarding the
status of licensee inventions with
respect to Section 152 of the Atomic
Energy Act, that statute was unclear. It
referred to inventions ‘‘made or
conceived under any contract,
subcontract, arrangement, or other
relationship with the Commission.’’
Thus, General Counsel Mitchell felt it
necessary to announce whether agency
licensees had a ‘‘relationship with the
Commission’’ under that section.
But five years later, Congress
amended Section 152 to its current
form, eliminating the ‘‘other
relationship’’ language. The legislative
history makes it clear that the purpose
of this amendment was to ‘‘more clearly
define the applicability of Section 152’’
by eliminating its former ‘‘unclear’’
language. See 107 Cong. Rec. 15514
(Aug. 22, 1961) (statement of Rep.
Aspinall); S. Rep. No. 87–746 at 8 (Aug.
16, 1961). Therefore, § 8.1 is ‘‘no longer
justified or necessary,’’ as it interprets a
statutory provision that no longer exists.
ii. 10 CFR 8.2
The next General Counsel
interpretation, 10 CFR 8.2, has remained
unchanged since 1960. It comments on
the international application of the
Price-Anderson Act. The interpretation
relied on ‘‘Section 11o.’’ of the Atomic
Energy Act, which was the original
definition of ‘‘nuclear incident.’’ That
definition included occurrences causing
‘‘damage’’ without specifying the
location of that damage. But since the
issuance of § 8.2, that definition,
subsequently retitled as Section 11q.,
has been significantly amended to
explicitly cover damages ‘‘within or
outside the United States.’’ The
interpretation also relied on ‘‘Section
11u.’’ of the Atomic Energy Act, the
original definition of ‘‘public liability,’’
which has since been amended and
retitled as Section 11w.
Moreover, §§ 8.2(h)–(i) pointed to a
‘‘confusing’’ and ‘‘ambiguous’’
legislative history, ‘‘since the language
of the Act [at that time] draws no
distinction between damage received in
the United States and that received
abroad.’’ The interpretation concluded
that Price-Anderson insurance should
cover damage to Canada or Mexico
caused by a nuclear incident in the
United States.
However, as noted above, the crucial
definition of ‘‘nuclear incident’’ has
been updated since 1960. In its
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 70 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
amendments, Congress made it
absolutely clear that ‘‘nuclear incidents’’
under Price-Anderson would include
incidents in America causing damage
‘‘outside the United States.’’ There is no
longer any ambiguity, and thus no need
for the interpretation.
Section 8.2 is also confusing, because
it hinted at a potential controversy
involving ‘‘ambiguous’’ legislation
where there is none. The NRC
understands that some stakeholders still
rely on § 8.2 as valid guidance on the
scope of the Price-Anderson Act. The
NRC is attempting to end any such
confusion by removing this rule, which
has been rendered obsolete and is thus
‘‘no longer justified or necessary.’’
iii. 10 CFR 8.3
As indicated previously, the
Commission revoked the former General
Counsel interpretation at 10 CFR 8.3 in
iv. 10 CFR 8.4
Nine years ago, in response to a
petition for rulemaking, the Commission
reaffirmed the position set forth in 10
CFR 8.4, which discussed state
regulation of materials covered under
the Atomic Energy Act on the basis of
radiological health and safety (67 FR
66075; October 30, 2002). Although this
interpretation was never updated to
incorporate subsequent court decisions
and other events, the NRC continues to
adhere to the substance of the
interpretation in § 8.4. The removal of
10 CFR part 8 should not be read to
imply a change in the NRC’s substantive
position on this or any other issue.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
v. 10 CFR 8.5
The last General Counsel
interpretation, 10 CFR 8.5, referred to
the illumination and physical search
requirements contained in a previous
version of 10 CFR 73.55. However,
§ 73.55 has been amended at least 18
times since this interpretation was
issued in June 1977. The latest version
of § 73.55 bears little resemblance to the
version interpreted in § 8.5.
For example, the interpretation relied
on provisions in §§ 73.55(c)(4), (c)(5),
and (d)(1) that no longer exist.
Moreover, it cited forthcoming revisions
to a guidance document that was itself
superseded thirty years ago.
Unsurprisingly, the NRC staff recently
concluded that § 8.5 is no longer needed
from a technical perspective, and
recommended removing that provision.
Thus, it is clear that the interpretation
at § 8.5 has also been ‘‘rendered
ineffective’’ and should be removed.
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III. Publication of Part 8 Interpretations
Under the Administrative Procedure
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1)(D), all
‘‘interpretations of general applicability
formulated and adopted by the agency’’
must be ‘‘state[d] and currently
publish[ed] in the Federal Register for
the guidance of the public.’’ 1 All of the
General Counsel’s formal interpretations
in 10 CFR Part 8 were properly
published in the Federal Register. Other
agencies also continue to publish their
legal interpretations in the Federal
Register. See, e.g., Department of
Veterans Affairs, ‘‘Summary of
Precedent Opinions of the General
Counsel’’ (76 FR 4430; January 25,
2011); Department of Energy, ‘‘Office of
the General Counsel Ruling 1995–1
Concerning 10 CFR Parts 830 and 835’’
(61 FR 4209; February 5, 1996).
However, publication in the CFR is
another matter. Beginning with an
opinion by then-Judge Scalia, the Court
of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has
repeatedly held that under a provision
of the Federal Register Act, 44 U.S.C.
1510, ‘‘the Code of Federal Regulations
[may] contain only documents having
general applicability and legal effect.’’
Wilderness Society v. Norton, 434 F.3d
584, 596 (D.C. Cir. 2006), quoting Brock
v. Cathedral Bluffs Shale Oil Co., 796
F.2d 533, 539 (D.C. Cir. 1986). See also
American Mining Congress v. Mine
Safety & Health Admin., 995 F.2d 1106,
1109 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (‘‘44 U.S.C. 1510
limits publication in [the] [C]ode to
rules ‘having general applicability and
legal effect.’ ’’).
Moreover, the administrative
regulations implementing 44 U.S.C.
1510 confirm that the CFR should
‘‘contain * * * Federal regulation[s] of
general applicability and legal effect.’’
1 CFR 8.1. The key to this limitation on
publication in the CFR is ‘‘legal effect.’’
The D.C. Circuit long-ago established
that documents with ‘‘legal effect’’ are
those that ‘‘ha[ve] the force and effect of
statute.’’ Sheridan-Wyoming Coal Co. v.
Krug, 172 F.2d 282, 287 (D.C. Cir. 1949).
The interpretations in 10 CFR Part 8 do
not have the binding force and effect of
statute (67 FR 66076; October 30, 2002)
(agreeing that the NRC’s 10 CFR part 8
interpretations ‘‘presumably would not
be binding on a court’’). Likewise,
1 On the other hand, everyday interpretations of
particular applicability regarding specific factual
circumstances are not and need not be published
in the Federal Register. See U.S. Department of
Justice, Attorney General’s Manual on the
Administrative Procedure Act at 22–23 (1947) (‘‘An
advisory interpretation relating to a specific set of
facts is not subject to [the publication requirement].
For example, a reply from the agency’s general
counsel to an inquiry from a member of the public
as to the applicability of a statute to a specific set
of facts need not be published.’’).
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regulations define the term ‘‘Document
having general applicability and legal
effect’’ to mean ‘‘any document issued
under proper authority prescribing a
penalty or course of conduct, conferring
a right, privilege, authority, or
immunity, or imposing an obligation.’’ 1
CFR 1.1. Interpretive rules like those in
10 CFR part 8 do not meet this
definition, as the General Counsel’s
interpretations do not have ‘‘legal
effect’’ like the substantive regulations
published elsewhere in 10 CFR chapter
Therefore, the NRC has concluded
that it would be more prudent to remove
the obsolete interpretations in 10 CFR
Part 8 than to attempt to update these
provisions. Any future formal General
Counsel interpretations will be
published only in the Federal Register.
IV. Rulemaking Procedure
Because this rulemaking concerns
interpretive rules, the notice and
comment provisions of the
Administrative Procedure Act do not
apply under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A), and this
rule is immediately effective under 5
U.S.C. 553(d)(2). Additionally, the NRC
has determined that a postpromulgation comment period would
serve no public interest under 10 CFR
2.804(e)(2) because the interpretations
have been superseded by subsequent
statutory and regulatory changes.
V. Environmental Impact: Categorical
This final rule is the type of action
described in categorical exclusion 10
CFR 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, the NRC has
not prepared an environmental impact
statement or an environmental
assessment for this rule.
VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
This final rule does not contain
information collection requirements
and, therefore, is not subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond
to, a request for information or an
information collection requirement
unless the requesting document
displays a currently valid OMB control
VII. Regulatory Analysis
A regulatory analysis has not been
prepared for this final rule because the
NRC is eliminating regulations that have
been superseded by subsequent
statutory and regulatory actions, and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 70 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
this rule has no impact on health, safety,
or the environment. There is no cost to
licensees, the NRC, or other Federal
VIII. Backfit Analysis
The NRC has determined that the
backfit rule does not apply to this final
rule because removal of these
interpretations does not involve any
backfits as defined in 10 CFR
50.109(a)(1). Therefore, a backfit
analysis is not required for this rule.
IX. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
In accordance with the CRA, the NRC
has determined that this action is not a
major rule and has verified this
determination with OMB’s Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs.
List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 8
Intergovernmental relations,
Inventions and patents, Nuclear power
plants and reactors.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble and under the authority of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended;
the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974,
as amended; and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553,
the NRC is removing and reserving 10
CFR part 8.
■ 1. 10 CFR part 8 is hereby removed
and reserved.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day
of April 2012.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Michael F. Weber,
Acting Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2012–8673 Filed 4–10–12; 8:45 am]
12 CFR Part 1301
RIN 4030–AA02
Implementation of the Freedom of
Information Act
Financial Stability Oversight
ACTION: Final rule.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
The Financial Stability
Oversight Council (the ‘‘Council’’ or
‘‘FSOC’’) issues this rule to implement
provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act (the ‘‘FOIA’’). This final
rule implements the requirements of the
FOIA by setting forth procedures for
requesting access to, and making
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disclosures of, information contained in
Council records.
DATES: Effective date: May 11, 2012.
Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant
Secretary, Financial Stability Oversight
Council, at (202) 622–0502.
I. Background
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, Public
Law 111–203 (the ‘‘Act’’) establishes the
Council, which, among other functions,
is responsible for identifying and
responding to threats to the financial
stability of the United States. Section
112(d)(5)(C) of the Act provides that the
FOIA, ‘‘including the exceptions
thereunder, shall apply to any data or
information submitted under this
subsection and subtitle B.’’
On March 28, 2011 (76 FR 17038), the
Council published a proposed rule that
would implement the requirements of
the FOIA as they apply to the Council.
The proposed rule, among other things,
described how information would be
made available and the timing and
procedures for public requests. See the
March 28, 2011 notice for a description
of the proposed rule.
II. This Final Rule and Discussion of
Public Comments
The comment period closed on May
27, 2011, and the Council received
comments from nine entities on the
proposed rule. Comments were received
from an insurance company, trade
associations, a federal government
agency, and consumer groups. This
section of the preamble sets out
significant comments raised, along with
FSOC’s responses to these comments,
and identifies where the Council has
made changes to the regulations.
Several commenters indicated that it
was unclear whether FOIA requests
could be submitted by electronic means.
In response, the regulation has been
modified throughout to clarify that
FOIA requests may be submitted via the
Internet and that online methods may be
used throughout the FOIA process.
Although it is likely that the Council
will initially rely on a Web form to
enable electronic receipt of FOIA
requests, the Council anticipates that,
eventually, email requests also could be
Section 1301.2, as proposed, stated
that, even though a FOIA exemption
might apply, the Council could make
discretionary disclosures if not
precluded by law. Some commenters
expressed concern that this provision
would give the Council unfettered
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discretion and would result in the
unnecessary disclosure of sensitive
information. The Council is sympathetic
to these concerns and, as suggested by
the commenters, has modified the
language to make clear that the Council
will make discretionary disclosures after
weighing the particular facts and
circumstances of each request. In
considering requests under the FOIA,
the Council will carefully consider the
balance between protecting sensitive
information in accordance with the
FOIA, and the public interest in
disclosure. It will also take steps to
assure consistent handling of multiple
requesters for the same information.
Some commenters expressed concern
about what they perceived as overlystrict procedural requirements in
§ 1301.5. The Council has revised this
section of the rule to explicitly afford
greater latitude for accepting and
processing requests that contain one or
more technical deficiencies. In
particular, § 1301.5(d), as added in the
final rule, provides that the Council may
not reject a request solely because the
request contains one or more technical
deficiencies. Moreover, the regulation
now more clearly states that requesters
will be notified when their requests fail
to meet the requirements that allow for
adequate and timely processing.
Some commenters suggested that
§ 1301.5 should also be modified to
make clear that fee waiver requests do
not necessarily need to be included with
the original FOIA request. Rather,
commenters urged the Council to allow
fee-waiver requests to be submitted at
any time prior to the processing of the
FOIA request. Accordingly, the Council
modified § 1301.5(b)(7) to allow a
requester to seek a fee waiver at a later
Regarding the procedures in § 1301.6
governing records originating from other
agencies, some commenters suggested
that referrals to other agencies be
prohibited whereas others suggested
that such referrals be required in all
cases. The referral procedures as
originally proposed are consistent with
the statute and with case law, and FSOC
has determined to retain those
procedures. However, FSOC has
modified § 1301.6 to more clearly
describe how it will treat documents
originated by federal agencies and state
In § 1301.8, governing the format of
the agency’s response to FOIA requests
and its description of the records
withheld, some commenters objected to
the use of the word ‘‘amount’’ rather
than ‘‘volume,’’ suggesting that FSOC
would only be providing information
regarding redactions within documents
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 70 (Wednesday, April 11, 2012)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 21625-21628]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-8673]
10 CFR Part 8
RIN 3150-AJ02
Interpretations; Removal of Part 8
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is amending its regulations to remove its published General Counsel
interpretations of various regulatory provisions. These interpretations
are largely obsolete, having been superseded by subsequent statutory
and regulatory changes, and this part of the Commission's regulations
is no longer necessary.
DATES: Effective April 11, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2011-0180 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of information for this final rule. You may
[[Page 21626]]
access information related to this final rulemaking, which the NRC
possesses and is publicly available, by the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2011-0180.
NRC's Public Document Room (PDR): You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sean Croston, Office of the General
Counsel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop O15-D21,
Washington, DC 20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-2585, email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Various NRC regulations provide the NRC
General Counsel with authority to issue binding written interpretations
of the NRC's regulations. Between 1956 and 1977, the General Counsel of
the NRC and its precursor, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC),
occasionally published such interpretations in Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) part 8. These interpretations have not
been updated, and contained various provisions that have since been
superseded by statutory and regulatory changes.
To resolve these problems and prevent any confusion resulting from
mistaken reliance upon outdated interpretations, the NRC is now
removing and reserving 10 CFR part 8. This action is consistent with
Section 2 of Executive Order 13579 (76 FR 41587; July 14, 2011), which
calls upon independent regulatory agencies to repeal outmoded and
unnecessary rules.
I. Background
Less than one year after the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 authorized
the creation of the NRC's predecessor, the AEC issued 10 CFR 40.50,
``Valid Interpretations'' (12 FR 1855; March 20, 1947). Section 40.50
was the first AEC regulation authorizing the agency's General Counsel
to issue written ``interpretations'' of other AEC regulations, which
would be valid and binding upon the Commission. The current 10 CFR 40.6
is almost identical to the original 10 CFR 40.50.
Following the enactment of 10 CFR 40.50, the AEC and then the NRC
added very similar regulations to most of its parts in Title 10 of the
CFR. Like the current rules authorizing General Counsel
interpretations, these rules did not specify where the General Counsel
would publish written interpretations.
In 1956, AEC General Counsel William Mitchell issued the first
formal General Counsel interpretation, 10 CFR 8.1, regarding inventions
under Section 152 of the Atomic Energy Act (21 FR 1414; March 3, 1956).
Four years later, General Counsel L.K. Olson issued the next formal
interpretation, published at 10 CFR 8.2, which construed the Price-
Anderson Act, a provision that had been recently added to the Atomic
Energy Act in 1957 (25 FR 4075; May 7, 1960).
The AEC General Counsel Joseph Hennessey then issued 10 CFR 8.3,
which related to the computation of time when regulatory deadlines fell
on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays (32 FR 11379; August 5, 1967).
``Based upon comments and further consideration,'' the Commission
revoked that interpretation in 1978 (43 FR 17999; April 26, 1978).
General Counsel Hennessey also published 10 CFR 8.4, which
addressed whether states could regulate materials covered under the
Atomic Energy Act on the basis of radiological health and safety (34 FR
7273; May 3, 1969). When faced with a later industry petition for
rulemaking, the Commission defended this rule, asserting that the
interpretation remained ``correct as it stands'' (67 FR 66075; October
30, 2002).
Lastly, the NRC General Counsel Peter Strauss issued 10 CFR 8.5,
which interpreted contemporary illumination and physical search
requirements under 10 CFR 73.55 (42 FR 33265; June 30, 1977). Since the
publication of 10 CFR 8.5 and revocation of 10 CFR 8.3 one year later,
the interpretations in 10 CFR Part 8 have remained unchanged for
approximately thirty-three years.
II. Status of 10 CFR Part 8 Interpretations
The Administrator of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB's)
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, recently issued a
Memorandum to the Independent Regulatory Agencies regarding ``Executive
Order 13579, `Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies' '' (July
22, 2011). This Memorandum encouraged independent agencies to identify
``rules that are obsolete, unnecessary, unjustified, excessively
burdensome, or counter-productive,'' and to modify or repeal them.
Moreover, the Memorandum advised that agencies ``should focus on the
elimination of rules that are no longer justified or necessary.'' This
is consistent with the longstanding policy of the Administrative
Committee of the Federal Register, which maintains that each agency
should ``amend its regulations whenever the regulations are rendered
ineffective in whole or in part'' (54 FR 9670; March 7, 1989).
i. 10 CFR 8.1
When the AEC issued its first General Counsel interpretation,
regarding the status of licensee inventions with respect to Section 152
of the Atomic Energy Act, that statute was unclear. It referred to
inventions ``made or conceived under any contract, subcontract,
arrangement, or other relationship with the Commission.'' Thus, General
Counsel Mitchell felt it necessary to announce whether agency licensees
had a ``relationship with the Commission'' under that section.
But five years later, Congress amended Section 152 to its current
form, eliminating the ``other relationship'' language. The legislative
history makes it clear that the purpose of this amendment was to ``more
clearly define the applicability of Section 152'' by eliminating its
former ``unclear'' language. See 107 Cong. Rec. 15514 (Aug. 22, 1961)
(statement of Rep. Aspinall); S. Rep. No. 87-746 at 8 (Aug. 16, 1961).
Therefore, Sec. 8.1 is ``no longer justified or necessary,'' as it
interprets a statutory provision that no longer exists.
ii. 10 CFR 8.2
The next General Counsel interpretation, 10 CFR 8.2, has remained
unchanged since 1960. It comments on the international application of
the Price-Anderson Act. The interpretation relied on ``Section 11o.''
of the Atomic Energy Act, which was the original definition of
``nuclear incident.'' That definition included occurrences causing
``damage'' without specifying the location of that damage. But since
the issuance of Sec. 8.2, that definition, subsequently retitled as
Section 11q., has been significantly amended to explicitly cover
damages ``within or outside the United States.'' The interpretation
also relied on ``Section 11u.'' of the Atomic Energy Act, the original
definition of ``public liability,'' which has since been amended and
retitled as Section 11w.
Moreover, Sec. Sec. 8.2(h)-(i) pointed to a ``confusing'' and
``ambiguous'' legislative history, ``since the language of the Act [at
that time] draws no distinction between damage received in the United
States and that received abroad.'' The interpretation concluded that
Price-Anderson insurance should cover damage to Canada or Mexico caused
by a nuclear incident in the United States.
However, as noted above, the crucial definition of ``nuclear
incident'' has been updated since 1960. In its
[[Page 21627]]
amendments, Congress made it absolutely clear that ``nuclear
incidents'' under Price-Anderson would include incidents in America
causing damage ``outside the United States.'' There is no longer any
ambiguity, and thus no need for the interpretation.
Section 8.2 is also confusing, because it hinted at a potential
controversy involving ``ambiguous'' legislation where there is none.
The NRC understands that some stakeholders still rely on Sec. 8.2 as
valid guidance on the scope of the Price-Anderson Act. The NRC is
attempting to end any such confusion by removing this rule, which has
been rendered obsolete and is thus ``no longer justified or
iii. 10 CFR 8.3
As indicated previously, the Commission revoked the former General
Counsel interpretation at 10 CFR 8.3 in 1978.
iv. 10 CFR 8.4
Nine years ago, in response to a petition for rulemaking, the
Commission reaffirmed the position set forth in 10 CFR 8.4, which
discussed state regulation of materials covered under the Atomic Energy
Act on the basis of radiological health and safety (67 FR 66075;
October 30, 2002). Although this interpretation was never updated to
incorporate subsequent court decisions and other events, the NRC
continues to adhere to the substance of the interpretation in Sec.
8.4. The removal of 10 CFR part 8 should not be read to imply a change
in the NRC's substantive position on this or any other issue.
v. 10 CFR 8.5
The last General Counsel interpretation, 10 CFR 8.5, referred to
the illumination and physical search requirements contained in a
previous version of 10 CFR 73.55. However, Sec. 73.55 has been amended
at least 18 times since this interpretation was issued in June 1977.
The latest version of Sec. 73.55 bears little resemblance to the
version interpreted in Sec. 8.5.
For example, the interpretation relied on provisions in Sec. Sec.
73.55(c)(4), (c)(5), and (d)(1) that no longer exist. Moreover, it
cited forthcoming revisions to a guidance document that was itself
superseded thirty years ago. Unsurprisingly, the NRC staff recently
concluded that Sec. 8.5 is no longer needed from a technical
perspective, and recommended removing that provision. Thus, it is clear
that the interpretation at Sec. 8.5 has also been ``rendered
ineffective'' and should be removed.
III. Publication of Part 8 Interpretations
Under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1)(D), all
``interpretations of general applicability formulated and adopted by
the agency'' must be ``state[d] and currently publish[ed] in the
Federal Register for the guidance of the public.'' \1\ All of the
General Counsel's formal interpretations in 10 CFR Part 8 were properly
published in the Federal Register. Other agencies also continue to
publish their legal interpretations in the Federal Register. See, e.g.,
Department of Veterans Affairs, ``Summary of Precedent Opinions of the
General Counsel'' (76 FR 4430; January 25, 2011); Department of Energy,
``Office of the General Counsel Ruling 1995-1 Concerning 10 CFR Parts
830 and 835'' (61 FR 4209; February 5, 1996).
\1\ On the other hand, everyday interpretations of particular
applicability regarding specific factual circumstances are not and
need not be published in the Federal Register. See U.S. Department
of Justice, Attorney General's Manual on the Administrative
Procedure Act at 22-23 (1947) (``An advisory interpretation relating
to a specific set of facts is not subject to [the publication
requirement]. For example, a reply from the agency's general counsel
to an inquiry from a member of the public as to the applicability of
a statute to a specific set of facts need not be published.'').
However, publication in the CFR is another matter. Beginning with
an opinion by then-Judge Scalia, the Court of Appeals for the D.C.
Circuit has repeatedly held that under a provision of the Federal
Register Act, 44 U.S.C. 1510, ``the Code of Federal Regulations [may]
contain only documents having general applicability and legal effect.''
Wilderness Society v. Norton, 434 F.3d 584, 596 (D.C. Cir. 2006),
quoting Brock v. Cathedral Bluffs Shale Oil Co., 796 F.2d 533, 539
(D.C. Cir. 1986). See also American Mining Congress v. Mine Safety &
Health Admin., 995 F.2d 1106, 1109 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (``44 U.S.C. 1510
limits publication in [the] [C]ode to rules `having general
applicability and legal effect.' '').
Moreover, the administrative regulations implementing 44 U.S.C.
1510 confirm that the CFR should ``contain * * * Federal regulation[s]
of general applicability and legal effect.'' 1 CFR 8.1. The key to this
limitation on publication in the CFR is ``legal effect.''
The D.C. Circuit long-ago established that documents with ``legal
effect'' are those that ``ha[ve] the force and effect of statute.''
Sheridan-Wyoming Coal Co. v. Krug, 172 F.2d 282, 287 (D.C. Cir. 1949).
The interpretations in 10 CFR Part 8 do not have the binding force and
effect of statute (67 FR 66076; October 30, 2002) (agreeing that the
NRC's 10 CFR part 8 interpretations ``presumably would not be binding
on a court''). Likewise, regulations define the term ``Document having
general applicability and legal effect'' to mean ``any document issued
under proper authority prescribing a penalty or course of conduct,
conferring a right, privilege, authority, or immunity, or imposing an
obligation.'' 1 CFR 1.1. Interpretive rules like those in 10 CFR part 8
do not meet this definition, as the General Counsel's interpretations
do not have ``legal effect'' like the substantive regulations published
elsewhere in 10 CFR chapter I.
Therefore, the NRC has concluded that it would be more prudent to
remove the obsolete interpretations in 10 CFR Part 8 than to attempt to
update these provisions. Any future formal General Counsel
interpretations will be published only in the Federal Register.
IV. Rulemaking Procedure
Because this rulemaking concerns interpretive rules, the notice and
comment provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act do not apply
under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A), and this rule is immediately effective under
5 U.S.C. 553(d)(2). Additionally, the NRC has determined that a post-
promulgation comment period would serve no public interest under 10 CFR
2.804(e)(2) because the interpretations have been superseded by
subsequent statutory and regulatory changes.
V. Environmental Impact: Categorical Exclusion
This final rule is the type of action described in categorical
exclusion 10 CFR 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, the NRC has not prepared an
environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment for this
VI. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
This final rule does not contain information collection
requirements and, therefore, is not subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a request for information or an information collection
requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
VII. Regulatory Analysis
A regulatory analysis has not been prepared for this final rule
because the NRC is eliminating regulations that have been superseded by
subsequent statutory and regulatory actions, and
[[Page 21628]]
this rule has no impact on health, safety, or the environment. There is
no cost to licensees, the NRC, or other Federal agencies.
VIII. Backfit Analysis
The NRC has determined that the backfit rule does not apply to this
final rule because removal of these interpretations does not involve
any backfits as defined in 10 CFR 50.109(a)(1). Therefore, a backfit
analysis is not required for this rule.
IX. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
In accordance with the CRA, the NRC has determined that this action
is not a major rule and has verified this determination with OMB's
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 8
Intergovernmental relations, Inventions and patents, Nuclear power
plants and reactors.
For the reasons set out in the preamble and under the authority of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; the Energy Reorganization
Act of 1974, as amended; and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553, the NRC is removing
and reserving 10 CFR part 8.
1. 10 CFR part 8 is hereby removed and reserved.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day of April 2012.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Michael F. Weber,
Acting Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2012-8673 Filed 4-10-12; 8:45 am]