Sunshine Act Meeting, 21601-21602 [2012-8668]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 10, 2012 / Notices
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Publication of FEDERAL REGISTER notice of hearing and opportunity to petition for leave to intervene, including order with instructions for access requests.
Deadline for submitting requests for access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI) with information:
supporting the standing of a potential party identified by name and address; describing the need for the information in order
for the potential party to participate meaningfully in an adjudicatory proceeding.
Deadline for submitting petition for intervention containing: (i) Demonstration of standing; (ii) all contentions whose formulation
does not require access to SUNSI (+25 Answers to petition for intervention; +7 requestor/petitioner reply).
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff informs the requestor of the staff’s determination whether the request for access
provides a reasonable basis to believe standing can be established and shows need for SUNSI. (NRC staff also informs
any party to the proceeding whose interest independent of the proceeding would be harmed by the release of the information.) If NRC staff makes the finding of need for SUNSI and likelihood of standing, NRC staff begins document processing
(preparation of redactions or review of redacted documents).
If NRC staff finds no ‘‘need’’ or no likelihood of standing, the deadline for requestor/petitioner to file a motion seeking a ruling
to reverse the NRC staff’s denial of access; NRC staff files copy of access determination with the presiding officer (or Chief
Administrative Judge or other designated officer, as appropriate). If NRC staff finds ‘‘need’’ for SUNSI, the deadline for any
party to the proceeding whose interest independent of the proceeding would be harmed by the release of the information to
file a motion seeking a ruling to reverse the NRC staff’s grant of access.
Deadline for NRC staff reply to motions to reverse NRC staff determination(s).
(Receipt +30) If NRC staff finds standing and need for SUNSI, deadline for NRC staff to complete information processing and
file motion for Protective Order and draft Non-Disclosure Affidavit. Deadline for applicant/licensee to file Non-Disclosure
Agreement for SUNSI.
If access granted: Issuance of presiding officer or other designated officer decision on motion for protective order for access
to sensitive information (including schedule for providing access and submission of contentions) or decision reversing a
final adverse determination by the NRC staff.
Deadline for filing executed Non-Disclosure Affidavits. Access provided to SUNSI consistent with decision issuing the protective order.
Deadline for submission of contentions whose development depends upon access to SUNSI. However, if more than 25 days
remain between the petitioner’s receipt of (or access to) the information and the deadline for filing all other contentions (as
established in the notice of hearing or opportunity for hearing), the petitioner may file its SUNSI contentions by that later
(Contention receipt +25) Answers to contentions whose development depends upon access to SUNSI.
(Answer receipt +7) Petitioner/Intervenor reply to answers.
Decision on contention admission.
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[FR Doc. 2012–8464 Filed 4–9–12; 8:45 am]
Week of April 16, 2012—Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of April 16, 2012.
Week of April 23, 2012—Tentative
9 a.m. Briefing on Part 35 Medical
Events Definitions—Permanent
Implant Brachytherapy (Public
Meeting), (Contact: Michael Fuller,
This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunshine Act Meeting
Regulatory Commission; [NRC–2012–
DATE: Weeks of April 9, 16, 23, 30, May
7, 14, 2012.
PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference
Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
STATUS: Public and Closed.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Week of April 9, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
9 a.m. Briefing on the Final Report of
the Blue Ribbon Commission on
America’s Nuclear Future (Public
Meeting), (Contact: Alicia Mullins,
This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:26 Apr 09, 2012
Jkt 226001
Week of April 30, 2012—Tentative
Monday, April 30, 2012
9:30 a.m. Briefing on Human Capital
and Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) (Public Meeting) (Contact:
Kristin Davis, 301–492–2208).
This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
Week of May 7, 2012—Tentative
Friday, May 11, 2012
9 a.m. Briefing on Potential Medical
Isotope Production Licensing Actions
(Public Meeting) (Contact: Jessie
Quichocho, 301–415–0209).
PO 00000
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This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
Week of May 14, 2012—Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of May 14, 2012.
*The schedule for Commission
meetings is subject to change on short
notice. To verify the status of meetings,
call (recording)—301–415–1292.
Contact person for more information:
Rochelle Bavol, 301–415–1651.
The NRC Commission Meeting
Schedule can be found on the Internet
The NRC provides reasonable
accommodation to individuals with
disabilities where appropriate. If you
need a reasonable accommodation to
participate in these public meetings, or
need this meeting notice or the
transcript or other information from the
public meetings in another format (e.g.
braille, large print), please notify Bill
Dosch, Chief, Work Life and Benefits
Branch, at 301–415–6200, TDD: 301–
415–2100, or by email at
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 69 / Tuesday, April 10, 2012 / Notices Determinations
on requests for reasonable
accommodation will be made on a caseby-case basis.
This notice is distributed
electronically to subscribers. If you no
longer wish to receive it, or would like
to be added to the distribution, please
contact the Office of the Secretary,
Washington, DC 20555 (301–415–1969),
or send an email to
Dated: April 5, 2012.
Kevin M. O’Neill,
Deputy Secretary.
Dated: April 5, 2012.
Rochelle C. Bavol,
Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.
Self-Regulatory Organizations; ICE
Clear Credit LLC; Notice of Filing of
Proposed Rule Change To Amend
Schedule 502 of the ICE Clear Credit
LLC Rules To Provide for Clearing of
the Markit CDX North American High
Yield Series 15 Credit Default Swap
Contracts Maturing on December 20,
[FR Doc. 2012–8668 Filed 4–6–12; 11:15 am]
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
the provisions of the Government in the
Sunshine Act, Public Law 94–409, that
the Securities and Exchange
Commission will hold a Closed Meeting
on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 2 p.m.
Commissioners, Counsel to the
Commissioners, the Secretary to the
Commission, and recording secretaries
will attend the Closed Meeting. Certain
staff members who have an interest in
the matters also may be present.
The General Counsel of the
Commission, or his designee, has
certified that, in his opinion, one or
more of the exemptions set forth in 5
U.S.C. 552b(c)(3), (5), (7), 9(B) and (10)
and 17 CFR 200.402(a)(3), (5), (7), 9(ii)
and (10), permit consideration of the
scheduled matters at the Closed
Commissioner Aguilar, as duty
officer, voted to consider the items
listed for the Closed Meeting in a closed
The subject matter of the Closed
Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April
12, 2012 will be:
Institution and settlement of
injunctive actions; institution and
settlement of administrative
proceedings; and other matters relating
to enforcement proceedings.
At times, changes in Commission
priorities require alterations in the
scheduling of meeting items.
For further information and to
ascertain what, if any, matters have been
added, deleted or postponed, please
The Office of the Secretary at (202)
16:26 Apr 09, 2012
Jkt 226001
[Release No. 34–66732; File No. SR–ICC–
April 4, 2012.
Sunshine Act Meeting
VerDate Mar<15>2010
[FR Doc. 2012–8714 Filed 4–6–12; 4:15 pm]
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder 2
notice is hereby given that on March 27,
2012, ICE Clear Credit LLC (‘‘ICC’’) filed
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the
proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III below, which Items
have been prepared by ICC. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
I. Self-regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The purpose of proposed rule change
is to provide for the clearance of the
Markit CDX North American High Yield
Series 15 credit default swap (‘‘CDS’’)
contracts with a three year maturity,
maturing on December 20, 2013
(‘‘Additional Index’’). ICC currently
clears Markit CDX North American High
Yield CDS contracts with five year
maturities. The Additional Index does
not require any changes to the body of
the ICC Rules. ICC will clear the
Additional Index pursuant to ICC’s
existing rules. Also, clearing the
Additional Index does not require any
changes to the ICC risk management
framework including the ICC margin
methodology, guaranty fund
methodology, pricing parameters and
pricing model. The only change being
submitted is the inclusion of the
Additional Index to Schedule 502 of the
ICC Rules.
1 15
2 17
PO 00000
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
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II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, ICC
included statements concerning the
purpose of and basis for the proposed
rule change and discussed any
comments it received on the proposed
rule change. The text of these statements
may be examined at the places specified
in Item IV below. ICC has prepared
summaries, set forth in sections (A), (B),
and (C) below, of the most significant
aspects of these statements.
(A) Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
ICC believes that the clearing of the
Additional Index will facilitate the
prompt and accurate settlement of
commodity-based swaps and contribute
to the safeguarding of securities and
funds associated with commodity-based
swap transactions.
(B) Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
ICC does not believe the proposed
rule change would have any impact, or
impose any burden, on competition.
(C) Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants or Others
Written comments relating to the
proposed rule change have not been
solicited or received. ICC will notify the
Commission of any written comments
received by ICC.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)
of the Act and paragraph (f) of Rule 19b4 thereunder. At any time within 60
days of the filing of the proposed rule
change, the Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest, for the protection of
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 69 (Tuesday, April 10, 2012)]
[Pages 21601-21602]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-8668]
Sunshine Act Meeting
AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETINGS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission; [NRC-2012-
DATE: Weeks of April 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 2012.
PLACE: Commissioners' Conference Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
STATUS: Public and Closed.
Week of April 9, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
9 a.m. Briefing on the Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on
America's Nuclear Future (Public Meeting), (Contact: Alicia Mullins,
This meeting will be webcast live at the Web
Week of April 16, 2012--Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for the week of April 16, 2012.
Week of April 23, 2012--Tentative
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
9 a.m. Briefing on Part 35 Medical Events Definitions--Permanent
Implant Brachytherapy (Public Meeting), (Contact: Michael Fuller, 301-
This meeting will be webcast live at the Web
Week of April 30, 2012--Tentative
Monday, April 30, 2012
9:30 a.m. Briefing on Human Capital and Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) (Public Meeting) (Contact: Kristin Davis, 301-492-2208).
This meeting will be webcast live at the Web
Week of May 7, 2012--Tentative
Friday, May 11, 2012
9 a.m. Briefing on Potential Medical Isotope Production Licensing
Actions (Public Meeting) (Contact: Jessie Quichocho, 301-415-0209).
This meeting will be webcast live at the Web
Week of May 14, 2012--Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for the week of May 14, 2012.
* * * * *
*The schedule for Commission meetings is subject to change on short
notice. To verify the status of meetings, call (recording)--301-415-
1292. Contact person for more information: Rochelle Bavol, 301-415-
* * * * *
The NRC Commission Meeting Schedule can be found on the Internet
* * * * *
The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with
disabilities where appropriate. If you need a reasonable accommodation
to participate in these public meetings, or need this meeting notice or
the transcript or other information from the public meetings in another
format (e.g. braille, large print), please notify Bill Dosch, Chief,
Work Life and Benefits Branch, at 301-415-6200, TDD: 301-415-2100, or
by email at
[[Page 21602]] Determinations on requests for reasonable
accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.
* * * * *
This notice is distributed electronically to subscribers. If you no
longer wish to receive it, or would like to be added to the
distribution, please contact the Office of the Secretary, Washington,
DC 20555 (301-415-1969), or send an email to
Dated: April 5, 2012.
Rochelle C. Bavol,
Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012-8668 Filed 4-6-12; 11:15 am]