Sunshine Act Meeting, 21109-21111 [2012-8541]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 68 / Monday, April 9, 2012 / Notices • Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Agency: DOL–ODEP. Title of Collection: Disability Employment Initiative Evaluation. OMB ICR Reference Number: 201104– 1230–001. Affected Public: Individuals or Households; Private Sector—Businesses or Other For-Profits and Not-For-Profit Institutions; and State, Local, and Tribal Governments. Total Estimated Number of Respondents: 72,927. Total Estimated Number of Responses: 435,824. Total Estimated Annual Burden Hours: 36,158. Total Estimated Annual Other Costs Burden: $0. Dated: April 3, 2012. Michel Smyth, Departmental Clearance Officer. [FR Doc. 2012–8455 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–27–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Senior Executive Service; Appointment of Members to the Performance Review Board Title 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4) provides that Notice of the Appointment of an individual to serve as a member of the Performance Review Board of the Senior Executive Service shall be published in the Federal Register. The following individual is hereby appointed to serve on the Department’s Performance Review Board: Irasema Garza. Ms. Kimberlee Proctor, Director, Office of Executive Resources, Room N–2453, U.S. Department of Labor, Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210, telephone: (202) 693–7800. pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dated: Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of February, 2012. Hilda L. Solis, Secretary of Labor. [FR Doc. 2012–8400 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–23–P VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:11 Apr 06, 2012 Jkt 226001 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 21109 MEETING SCHEDULE—Continued Time: * Sunshine Act Meeting The Legal Services Corporation’s Board of Directors and its six committees will meet April 15–16, 2012, in the order set out below. On Sunday, April 15, the first meeting will commence at 2:15 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, and each meeting thereafter will commence promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. On Monday, April 16, the Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee meeting will commence at 9:20 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, followed by the Operations & Regulations Committee meeting. Upon conclusion of the Board’s scheduled luncheon and a briefing by the Office of Inspector General, the Audit Committee meeting will take place, followed by the Board of Directors meeting. LOCATION: F. William McCalpin Conference Center, Legal Services Corporation Headquarters, 3333 K Street NW., Washington DC 20007. PUBLIC OBSERVATION: Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in directions provided below but are asked to keep their telephones muted to eliminate background noises. From time to time, the presiding Chair may solicit comments from the public. CALL-IN DIRECTIONS FOR OPEN SESSIONS: • Call toll-free number: 1–866–451– 4981; • When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 5907707348 • When connected to the call, please immediately ‘‘MUTE’’ your telephone. DATE AND TIME: MEETING SCHEDULE 4. Board of Directors * Please note that all times in this notice are in the Eastern Daylight Time. Open, except as noted below. Board of Directors—Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear briefings from management and LSC’s Inspector General, and to consider and act on the General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation involving LSC.** A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of the Board meeting. The transcript of any portions of the closed session falling within the relevant provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(10), and the corresponding provision of the Legal Services Corporation’s implementing regulations, 45 CFR 1622.5(h), will not be available for public inspection. A copy of the General Counsel’s Certification that in his opinion the closing is authorized by law will be available upon request. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: STATUS OF MEETING: April 15, 2012 Institutional Advancement Committee Agenda 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of January 21, 2012 3. Discussion of Committee 2012 goals 4. Discussion of Committee members’ self-evaluations 5. Public comment 6. Consider and act on other business 7. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting Board of Directors Agenda Time: * Sunday, April 15, 2012: 1. Institutional Advancement Committee ........................... 2. Board of Directors 3. Finance Committee 4. Governance & Performance Review Committee Monday, April 16, 2012: 1. Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee .................... 2. Operations & Regulations Committee 3. Audit Committee PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Open Session 2:15 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of agenda 3. Consider and act on a draft Strategic Plan for the Corporation 4. Consider and act on motion to recess the meeting until April 16th 9:20 a.m. ** Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act’s definition of the term ‘‘meeting’’ and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR 1622.2 & 1622.3. E:\FR\FM\09APN1.SGM 09APN1 21110 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 68 / Monday, April 9, 2012 / Notices Finance Committee Agenda 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of the minutes of the Committee’s meeting of January 20, 2012 3. Consider and act on the Revised Operating Budget for FY 2012 and recommend Resolution 2012–XXX to the full Board D David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 4. Presentation on LSC’s Financial Reports for the first five months of FY 2012 D David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 5. Report on FY 2012 appropriations process D Carol Bergman, Director, Office of Government Relations and Public Affairs 6. Discussion with Management regarding process and timetable for FY 2014 budget ‘‘mark’’ 7. Public comment 8. Consider and act on other business 9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting Governance & Performance Review Committee Agenda 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of January 20, 2012 3. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s telephonic meeting of February 15, 2012 4. Staff report on progress on implementation of GAO recommendations 5. Consider and act on the evaluation of officers of the Corporation D Victor Fortuno, Vice President for Legal Affairs, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary D David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 6. Consider and act on other business 7. Public Comment 8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting Monday, April 16, 2012 Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Agenda 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s telephonic meeting of March 9, 2012 3. Panel Presentation on the work of the District of Columbia Access to Justice Commission D Moderator—Peter B. Edelman, VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:11 Apr 06, 2012 Jkt 226001 Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Chair of the District of Columbia Access to Justice Commission D Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby, District of Columbia Court of Appeals D Andrew Marks, Partner, Crowell & Moring D Patricia Mullahy-Fugere, Executive Director of the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless 4. Consider and act on Management’s list of suggested topics for future Committee meetings 5. Public comment 6. Consider and act on other business 7. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting Operations & Regulations Committee 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s telephonic meeting of February 29, 2012 3. Staff report on open rulemaking on enforcement mechanisms D Mattie Cohan, Office of Legal Affairs 4. Consider and act on Board policy on LSC promulgations D Mattie Cohan, Office of Legal Affairs 5. Consider and act on Rulemaking Options Paper on possible amendment on LSC’s regulation on Subgrants, 45 CFR part 1627 6. Staff report on Board policies and protocols 7. Consider and act on revisions to Board’s contributions protocol 8. Public comment 9. Consider and act on other business 10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting Audit Committee Agenda 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s telephonic meeting of March 15, 2012 3. Review of Audit Committee charter and consider and act on possible changes thereto 4. Quarterly review of 403(b) plan performance D Traci Higgins, Director, Office of Human Resources 5. Briefing by Inspector General D Jeff Schanz, Inspector General 6. Briefing on Travel Procedures D David Richardson, Treasurer/ Comptroller 7. Public Comment 8. Consider and act on other business 9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Board of Directors Agenda Resumption of April 15, 2012 Board of Directors Open Session Meeting Open Session 5. Approval of Minutes of the Board’s Open Session Annual meeting of January 21, 2012 6. Chairman’s Report 7. Members’ Reports 8. President’s Report 9. Inspector General’s Report 10. Consider and act on the report of the Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee 11. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee 12. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee 13. Consider and act on the report of the Operations & Regulations Committee 14. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance Review Committee 15. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement Committee 16. Consider and act on resolution regarding new Ethics Officer designation 17. Public comment 18. Consider and act on other business 19. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session Closed Session 20. Approval of Minutes of the Board’s Closed Session Annual meeting of January 21, 2012 21. Briefing by Management 22. Briefing by the Inspector General 23. Consider and act on General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation involving LSC 24. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION: Katherine Ward, Executive Assistant to the Vice President & General Counsel, at (202) 295–1500. Questions may be sent by electronic mail to NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS: Non-confidential meeting materials will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at https:// board-meeting-notices/non-confidentialmaterials-be-considered-open-session. ACCESSIBILITY: LSC complies with the American’s with Disabilities Act and E:\FR\FM\09APN1.SGM 09APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 68 / Monday, April 9, 2012 / Notices Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in person or telephonically should contact Katherine Ward, at (202) 295–1500 or, at least 2 business days in advance of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled. Dated: April 4, 2012. Victor M. Fortuno, Vice President & General Counsel. [FR Doc. 2012–8541 Filed 4–5–12; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7050–01–P MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION [MCC 12–04] Report on Countries That Are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility in Fiscal Year 2012 and Countries That Would Be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions Millennium Challenge Corporation. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Section 608(d) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (the ‘‘Act’’) requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation to publish a report that identifies countries that are ‘‘candidate countries’’ for Millennium Challenge Account assistance during FY 2012. In December 2011, Congress enacted changes in MCC’s FY 2012 appropriation that redefined candidate countries for FY 2012 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112–74) (the ‘‘Appropriations Act’’).1 While this does not affect the compact or threshold program eligibility decisions made at the December 2011 MCC Board meeting, it does alter the income classification of some candidate countries. As such, it is necessary for MCC to revise its FY 2012 Candidate Country Report. This revised report incorporates the new definitions and the subsequent reclassification of countries. The report is set forth in full below and pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: 1 The changes to the Act enacted in the Appropriations Act only apply to the FY 2012 selection process. The relevant language would need to be included in next year’s appropriations act or in an amendment to the Act in order for these changes to continue beyond FY 2012. VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:11 Apr 06, 2012 Jkt 226001 updates the report published November 8, 2011 (76 FR 69291). Dated: April 3, 2012. Henry C. Pitney, Acting VP/General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Millennium Challenge Corporation. Report on Countries That Are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2012 and Countries That Would Be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions Summary This report to Congress is provided in accordance with section 608(a) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 7701, 7707(a) (the ‘‘Act’’). The Act authorizes the provision of Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) assistance for countries that enter into a Millennium Challenge Compact with the United States to support policies and programs that advance the progress of such countries to achieve lasting economic growth and poverty reduction. The Act requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to take a number of steps in selecting countries with which MCC will seek to enter into a compact, including (a) determining the countries that will be eligible for MCA assistance for fiscal year 2012 (FY 2012) based on a country’s demonstrated commitment to (i) just and democratic governance, (ii) economic freedom, and (iii) investments in its people; and (b) considering the opportunity to reduce poverty and generate economic growth in the country. These steps include the submission of reports to the congressional committees specified in the Act and the publication of notices in the Federal Register that identify: The countries that are ‘‘candidate countries’’ for MCA assistance for FY 2012 based on their per capita income levels and their eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law and countries that would be candidate countries but for specified legal prohibitions on assistance (section 608(a) of the Act); The criteria and methodology that the MCC Board of Directors (Board) will use to measure and evaluate the relative policy performance of the ‘‘candidate countries’’ consistent with the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of section 607 of the Act in order to determine ‘‘MCA eligible countries’’ from among the ‘‘candidate countries’’ (section 608(b) of the Act); and The list of countries determined by the Board to be ‘‘MCA eligible countries’’ for FY 2012, identification of such countries with which the Board will seek to enter into compacts, and a justification for such eligibility determination and selection for compact negotiation (section 608(d) of the Act). PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 21111 This report is the first of three required reports listed above. This report was initially published in September 2011. In December 2011, Congress enacted changes in MCC’s FY 2012 appropriation that redefined candidate countries for FY 2012 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112–74) (the ‘‘Appropriations Act’’).2 While this does not affect the compact or threshold program eligibility decisions made at the December 2011 MCC Board meeting, it does alter the income classification of some candidate countries. As such, it is necessary for MCC to revise its FY 2012 Candidate Country Report. This revised report incorporates the new definitions and the subsequent reclassification of countries. Candidate Countries for FY 2012 The Act requires the identification of all countries that are candidates for MCA assistance for FY 2012 and the identification of all countries that would be candidate countries but for specified legal prohibitions on assistance. Due to provisions in the Appropriations Act, the FY 2012 candidate pool must be structured differently than in past years. The new provisions define low income as the 75 poorest countries and provide for gradual graduation from the low income to lower middle income category. This year’s newly-issued candidate list will establish the baseline of those countries for purposes of determining income levels. The provisions of the Appropriations Act that supplant Sections 606 (a) and (b) of the Act provide that for FY 2012, a country shall be a candidate for MCA assistance if it: Meets one of the following tests: Has a per capita income that is not greater than the World Bank’s lower middle income country threshold for such fiscal year ($3,975 GNI per capita for FY12); and is among the 75 lowest per capita income countries, as identified by the World Bank; or Has a per capita income that is not greater than the World Bank’s lower middle income country threshold for such fiscal year ($3,975 GNI per capita for FY12); but is not among the 75 lowest per capita income countries as identified by the World Bank; and Is not ineligible to receive U.S. economic assistance under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, (the ‘‘Foreign Assistance Act’’), by reason of the application of the Foreign Assistance Act or any other provision of law. 2 The changes to the Act enacted in the Appropriations Act only apply to the FY 2012 selection process. The relevant language would need to be included in next year’s appropriations act or in an amendment to the Act in order for these changes to continue beyond FY 2012. E:\FR\FM\09APN1.SGM 09APN1


[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 68 (Monday, April 9, 2012)]
[Pages 21109-21111]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-8541]



Sunshine Act Meeting

DATE AND TIME: The Legal Services Corporation's Board of Directors and 
its six committees will meet April 15-16, 2012, in the order set out 
below. On Sunday, April 15, the first meeting will commence at 2:15 
p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, and each meeting thereafter will commence 
promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. On 
Monday, April 16, the Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal 
Services Committee meeting will commence at 9:20 a.m., Eastern Daylight 
Time, followed by the Operations & Regulations Committee meeting. Upon 
conclusion of the Board's scheduled luncheon and a briefing by the 
Office of Inspector General, the Audit Committee meeting will take 
place, followed by the Board of Directors meeting.

LOCATION:  F. William McCalpin Conference Center, Legal Services 
Corporation Headquarters, 3333 K Street NW., Washington DC 20007.

PUBLIC OBSERVATION:  Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all 
committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the 
public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the 
public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in 
directions provided below but are asked to keep their telephones muted 
to eliminate background noises. From time to time, the presiding Chair 
may solicit comments from the public.

     Call toll-free number: 1-866-451-4981;
     When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 
     When connected to the call, please immediately ``MUTE'' 
your telephone.

                            Meeting Schedule
                                                                Time: *
Sunday, April 15, 2012:
  1. Institutional Advancement Committee....................   2:15 p.m.
  2. Board of Directors
  3. Finance Committee
  4. Governance & Performance Review Committee
Monday, April 16, 2012:
  1. Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal           9:20 a.m.
   Services Committee.......................................
  2. Operations & Regulations Committee
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Board of Directors
* Please note that all times in this notice are in the Eastern Daylight

STATUS OF MEETING: Open, except as noted below.
    Board of Directors--Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of 
Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear 
briefings from management and LSC's Inspector General, and to consider 
and act on the General Counsel's report on potential and pending 
litigation involving LSC.**

    ** Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of 
briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act's definition of the 
term ``meeting'' and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine 
Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 
552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR 1622.2 & 1622.3.

    A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of 
the Board meeting. The transcript of any portions of the closed session 
falling within the relevant provisions of the Government in the 
Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(10), and the corresponding provision of 
the Legal Services Corporation's implementing regulations, 45 CFR 
1622.5(h), will not be available for public inspection. A copy of the 
General Counsel's Certification that in his opinion the closing is 
authorized by law will be available upon request.


April 15, 2012

Institutional Advancement Committee


1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of January 21, 2012
3. Discussion of Committee 2012 goals
4. Discussion of Committee members' self-evaluations
5. Public comment
6. Consider and act on other business
7. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

Board of Directors


Open Session
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of agenda
3. Consider and act on a draft Strategic Plan for the Corporation
4. Consider and act on motion to recess the meeting until April 16th

[[Page 21110]]

Finance Committee


1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of the minutes of the Committee's meeting of January 20, 
3. Consider and act on the Revised Operating Budget for FY 2012 and 
recommend Resolution 2012-XXX to the full Board
    [ssquf] David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
4. Presentation on LSC's Financial Reports for the first five months of 
FY 2012
    [ssquf] David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
5. Report on FY 2012 appropriations process
    [ssquf] Carol Bergman, Director, Office of Government Relations and 
Public Affairs
6. Discussion with Management regarding process and timetable for FY 
2014 budget ``mark''
7. Public comment
8. Consider and act on other business
9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

Governance & Performance Review Committee


1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of January 20, 2012
3. Approval of minutes of the Committee's telephonic meeting of 
February 15, 2012
4. Staff report on progress on implementation of GAO recommendations
5. Consider and act on the evaluation of officers of the Corporation
    [ssquf] Victor Fortuno, Vice President for Legal Affairs, General 
Counsel & Corporate Secretary
    [ssquf] David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
6. Consider and act on other business
7. Public Comment
8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

Monday, April 16, 2012

Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee


1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's telephonic meeting of March 
9, 2012
3. Panel Presentation on the work of the District of Columbia Access to 
Justice Commission
    [ssquf] Moderator--Peter B. Edelman, Professor of Law, Georgetown 
University Law Center, Chair of the District of Columbia Access to 
Justice Commission
    [ssquf] Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby, District of Columbia Court of 
    [ssquf] Andrew Marks, Partner, Crowell & Moring
    [ssquf] Patricia Mullahy-Fugere, Executive Director of the 
Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
4. Consider and act on Management's list of suggested topics for future 
Committee meetings
5. Public comment
6. Consider and act on other business
7. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

Operations & Regulations Committee

1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's telephonic meeting of 
February 29, 2012
3. Staff report on open rulemaking on enforcement mechanisms
    [ssquf] Mattie Cohan, Office of Legal Affairs
4. Consider and act on Board policy on LSC promulgations
    [ssquf] Mattie Cohan, Office of Legal Affairs
5. Consider and act on Rulemaking Options Paper on possible amendment 
on LSC's regulation on Subgrants, 45 CFR part 1627
6. Staff report on Board policies and protocols
7. Consider and act on revisions to Board's contributions protocol
8. Public comment
9. Consider and act on other business
10. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

Audit Committee


1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's telephonic meeting of March 
15, 2012
3. Review of Audit Committee charter and consider and act on possible 
changes thereto
4. Quarterly review of 403(b) plan performance
    [ssquf] Traci Higgins, Director, Office of Human Resources
5. Briefing by Inspector General
    [ssquf] Jeff Schanz, Inspector General
6. Briefing on Travel Procedures
    [ssquf] David Richardson, Treasurer/Comptroller
7. Public Comment
8. Consider and act on other business
9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

Board of Directors


Resumption of April 15, 2012 Board of Directors Open Session Meeting
Open Session
5. Approval of Minutes of the Board's Open Session Annual meeting of 
January 21, 2012
6. Chairman's Report
7. Members' Reports
8. President's Report
9. Inspector General's Report
10. Consider and act on the report of the Promotion & Provision for the 
Delivery of Legal Services Committee
11. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee
12. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee
13. Consider and act on the report of the Operations & Regulations 
14. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance 
Review Committee
15. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement 
16. Consider and act on resolution regarding new Ethics Officer 
17. Public comment
18. Consider and act on other business
19. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of 
the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session
Closed Session
20. Approval of Minutes of the Board's Closed Session Annual meeting of 
January 21, 2012
21. Briefing by Management
22. Briefing by the Inspector General
23. Consider and act on General Counsel's report on potential and 
pending litigation involving LSC
24. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting

CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION: Katherine Ward, Executive Assistant to 
the Vice President & General Counsel, at (202) 295-1500. Questions may 
be sent by electronic mail to

NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS: Non-confidential meeting materials 
will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in 
advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at

ACCESSIBILITY: LSC complies with the American's with Disabilities Act 

[[Page 21111]]

Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting 
notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to 
accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other 
accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in 
person or telephonically should contact Katherine Ward, at (202) 295-
1500 or, at least 2 business days in 
advance of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, 
LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot 
guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled.

    Dated: April 4, 2012.
Victor M. Fortuno,
Vice President & General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2012-8541 Filed 4-5-12; 4:15 pm]
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