Notice of Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q) During the Week Ending March 3, 2012, 21145-21146 [2012-8453]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 68 / Monday, April 9, 2012 / Notices
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, by the use of electronic
means, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. All responses
to the notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will also
become a matter of public record.
Dated: Issued in Washington, DC, on
March 23, 2012.
Jeffrey B. Gaynes,
Assistant Director for Regulatory Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012–7657 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending March 24,
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under Subpart B
(formerly Subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et
seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the Answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: DOT–OST–2012–
Date Filed: March 19, 2012.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: April 9, 2012.
Description: Application of People
Express Airlines, Inc. (‘‘People
Express’’) requesting a certificate of
public convenience and necessity
authorizing People Express to engage in
interstate scheduled air transportation
of persons, property, and mail.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. 2012–8506 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:11 Apr 06, 2012
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Office of the Secretary
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending March 10,
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under Subpart B
(formerly Subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et
seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the Answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: DOT–OST–2012–
Date Filed: March 6, 2012.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: March 27, 2012.
Application of Dassault Falcon
Service (‘‘DFS’’) requesting a foreign air
carrier permit to the full extent
authorized by the Air Transport
Agreement Between the United States
and the European Community and the
Member states of the European
Community to enable it to engage in: (i)
Foreign charter air transportation of
persons and property from any point or
points behind any Member State of the
European Union via any point or points
in any Member State and via
intermediate points to any point or
points in the United States and beyond;
(ii) foreign charter air transportation of
persons and property between any point
or points in the United states and any
point or points in any member of the
European Common Aviation Area; (iii)
other charters, (iv) transportation
authorized by any additional route
rights made available to European
Community carrier in the future. DFS
further requests exemption authority to
the extent necessary to enable it to
provide the service described above
pending issuance of a foreign air carrier
permit and such additional or other
relief as the Department may deem
necessary or appropriate.
Docket Number: DOT–OST–2009–
PO 00000
Frm 00079
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Date Filed: March 9, 2012.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion To Modify
Scope: March 30, 2012.
Application of Premium Jet AG
(‘‘Premium Jet’’) requesting renewal and
amendment of its exemption and for a
foreign air carrier permit authorizing
Premium Jet to conduct: (i) Foreign
charter air transportation of persons,
property, and mail from points behind
Switzerland via Switzerland and
intermediate points to a point or points
in the United States and beyond; and (ii)
other charters.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. 2012–8447 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending March 3, 2012
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under Subpart B
(formerly Subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et
seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the Answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: DOT–OST–2012–
Date Filed: March 3, 2012.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: March 23, 2012.
Description: Application of All
Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. (‘‘ANA’’)
requesting an exemption and an
amended foreign air carrier permit ANA
to operate the following services: (i)
Scheduled foreign air transportation of
persons, property, and mail (separately
or in combination) from points behind
Japan via Japan and intermediate points
to a point or points in the United States
and beyond; (ii) charter foreign air
transportation of persons, property, and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 68 / Monday, April 9, 2012 / Notices
mail (separately or in combination)
between any point or points in Japan
and any point or points in the United
States and between any point or points
in the United States and any point or
points in any third country; and, (iii)
other charters.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. 2012–8453 Filed 4–6–12; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2011–0361]
Policy and Procedures Concerning the
Use of Airport Revenue: Petition of the
Clark County Department of Aviation
to Use a Weight-Based Air Service
Incentive Program
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Partial granting of petition;
Disposition of comments.
On April 14, 2011, the FAA
issued a Notice in the Federal Register
(76 FR 21,420, April 15, 2011) seeking
comment on a petition submitted by
Clark County Department of Aviation
(CCDOA), owner and operator of Las
Vegas McCarran International Airport
(Airport). The petition requested a
determination by the Federal Aviation
Administration (‘‘FAA’’) that its
proposed air service incentives program
(‘‘Incentives Program’’), intended to
induce increases in landed weight by air
carriers at McCarran International
Airport (the ‘‘Airport’’ or ‘‘LAS’’) in Las
Vegas, is consistent with Federal law
and policies on the use of airport
revenue and on airport rates and
charges. In its petition, CCDOA
proposed the FAA amend its
interpretation of ‘‘new air service’’ to
include ‘‘increases in landed weight.’’
The FAA has interpreted these
policies, and the underlying Federal
statutes, to permit a temporary waiver of
standard airport fees for carriers that
provide new air service at an airport, as
an incentive to begin or expand air
service. In September 2010, the agency
issued the Air Carrier Incentive Program
Guidebook to provide specific guidance
to airport operators on the use of air
service incentive programs. That
guidance restates FAA’s previously
issued opinions regarding what
constitutes new service as characterized
in the FAA’s Policy and Procedures
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:11 Apr 06, 2012
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Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue
(Revenue Use Policy) (64 FR 7,696 (Feb.
16, 1999)). Since the inception of the
Revenue Use Policy in 1999, the FAA
has defined new air service as: (a)
Service to an airport destination not
currently served, (b) nonstop service
where no nonstop service is currently
offered, (c) new entrant carrier, and/or
(d) increased frequency of flights to a
specific destination. The FAA’s
interpretation has not permitted an
airport operator to offer an incentive
program that provides discounts based
on increased aircraft weight or an
increased number of seats on existing
flights. CCDOA proposes an incentive
program that would reward air carriers
for an increase in landed weight. An
increase in landed weight could result
from an increase in the size of aircraft
used, or ‘‘upgauging,’’ on existing
flights, consolidation of existing flights,
and/or added flights. CCDOA requests
that the FAA amend existing guidance
to make clear that its proposed incentive
plan is consistent with Federal law and
existing agency policies on the use of
airport revenue and on airport rates and
This notice responds to the comments
received and grants a portion of the
petition as written.
ADDRESSES: Comments received on the
petition [identified by Docket Number
FAA–2011–0361] are available for
public review in the Docket Operations,
Room W12–140 on the ground floor of
the West Building, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Also, you may review public dockets on
the Internet at https://
Kevin Willis, Manager, Airport
Compliance Division, ACO–100, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20591, telephone (202)
267–3085; facsimile: (202) 267–5257.
I. The Petition
On February 14, 2011, the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) received
a letter and a 13-page memorandum
from counsel for CCDOA, the owner and
operator of McCarran International
Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada,
requesting a determination from the
FAA that CCDOAs proposed air service
incentive program does not conflict
with Federal obligations
In brief, CCDOA stated that the
‘‘objective of the proposed Incentives
Program is to provide an incentive at the
PO 00000
Frm 00080
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margin to promote additions to
scheduled air service seat capacity.’’
The program provides, subject to certain
terms and exceptions, that:
* * * all monthly scheduled service
landed weight, by airline, in excess of that
operated in the same month of the prior year,
would receive a credit of up to 100% of the
landing fee (currently $2.26 per 1,000 pounds
of landed weight) paid on the incremental
landed weight.
In addition to new flights, the credit
would apply to existing flights for
which an increase in aircraft size
resulted in an increase in landed
In its petition, CCDOA makes the
argument that upgauging should be an
eligible incentive because it is
considered new service. CCDOA reasons
in its petition, ‘‘Air travelers, as well as
airports, reasonably regard an upgrade
in the size of equipment used on a flight
to constitute ‘‘new service(s).’’ CCDOA
stated the Revenue Use Policy does not
provide for nor does it exclude
upgauging as a form of new air service.
Finally, the CCDOA argued the
proposed petition is not contradictory to
statute, grant assurance obligations, and
the FAA’s Revenue Use Policy.
The FAA published the Petition and
sought comments on it prior to issuing
a determination.
II. Discussion
A. Summary of Comments
In addition to the CCDOA’s
comments, seven comments were
received in the docket. Five comments
generally supported the petition; two
opposed it. The four airport operator
commenters generally supported the
petition or greater flexibility for
operators to design air service incentive
programs. Of the two airline
commenters, ATA opposed the petition,
while British Airways supported it. One
citizen opposed the petition because it
would not result in savings for
Comments in Support of the Petition
In its petition, the CCDOA states it is:
concerned with a temporary, but
precipitous, drop in air service at (LAS) that
has not rebounded as quickly as at other
airports. Landed weight at LAS was down
approximately 17% from Calendar Year 2007
through the 12-month period ending in
September 2010. While some individual
carriers have expanded operations, these
initiatives have fallen well short of restoring
McCarran operations to previous levels. This
drop-off in operations has meant that the
Airport’s airside and terminal facilities are
not optimally utilized. The shortfall in traffic
has also caused a significant drop in Airport
revenue, particularly non-aeronautical
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 68 (Monday, April 9, 2012)]
[Pages 21145-21146]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-8453]
Office of the Secretary
Notice of Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed Under Subpart B
(Formerly Subpart Q) During the Week Ending March 3, 2012
The following Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience
and Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier Permits were filed under Subpart
B (formerly Subpart Q) of the Department of Transportation's Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to Modify Scope are set forth below
for each application. Following the Answer period DOT may process the
application by expedited procedures. Such procedures may consist of the
adoption of a show-cause order, a tentative order, or in appropriate
cases a final order without further proceedings.
Docket Number: DOT-OST-2012-0032.
Date Filed: March 3, 2012.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: March 23, 2012.
Description: Application of All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. (``ANA'')
requesting an exemption and an amended foreign air carrier permit ANA
to operate the following services: (i) Scheduled foreign air
transportation of persons, property, and mail (separately or in
combination) from points behind Japan via Japan and intermediate points
to a point or points in the United States and beyond; (ii) charter
foreign air transportation of persons, property, and
[[Page 21146]]
mail (separately or in combination) between any point or points in
Japan and any point or points in the United States and between any
point or points in the United States and any point or points in any
third country; and, (iii) other charters.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations, Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. 2012-8453 Filed 4-6-12; 8:45 am]