[FWS-R9-MB-2011-N215; 91400-5110-0000-7B; 91400-9410-0000-7B], 20408-20409 [2012-7998]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2012 / Notices
opportunity to test the conversion of
public housing and other HUD-assisted
properties to long-term, project-based
Section 8 rental assistance to achieve
certain goals, including the preservation
and improvement of these properties
through access by public housing
agencies (PHAs) and owners to private
debt and equity to address immediate
and long-term capital needs; the extent
to which residents have increased
housing choices after the conversion;
and the overall impact of conversion on
the subject properties. The March 8,
2012, notice advised that HUD posted
on its Web site the full details of the
demonstration in a Program Notice
entitled ‘‘Rental Assistance
Demonstration–Partial Implementation
and Request for Comments.’’ HUD refers
the reader to the March 8, 2012, Federal
Register notice for detailed information
about RAD, as well as to the Program
Notice, posted on HUD’s Web site at
www.hud.gov/rad. This notice extends
the due date for the submission of
public comments on the Program Notice
to April 23, 2012, and clarifies the scope
of the demonstration that took effect on
March 8, 2012.
emcdonald on DSK29S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
II. Extension of Public Comment Due
The March 8, 2012, notice solicited
public comment on the demonstration
and established a comment due date of
April 9, 2012. In order to ensure that
interested members of the public have
sufficient time to prepare and submit
comments, HUD is extending the due
date for the submission of comments on
the Program Notice until April 23, 2012.
III. Clarification of Demonstration
As provided in the March 8, 2012,
notice and in the Program Notice, RAD
consists of two components. The first
component, which is covered under
Sections I and II of the Program Notice
for PHAs and Mod Rehab owners,
respectively, allows projects funder
under HUD’s public housing and Mod
Rehab programs to convert to long-term
Section 8 rental assistance contracts.
Under this first component, PHAs and
Mod Rehab owners may apply to HUD
to convert to one of two forms of Section
8 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
contracts: Project-based vouchers (PBVs)
or project-based rental assistance
The second component, which is
covered under Section II of the Program
Notice, for owners of Mod Rehab
projects, and under Section III of the
Program Notice, for owners of Rent
Supplement (Rent Supp) and Rental
Assistance (RAP) projects, of the
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Program Notice, allows projects funded
under the Mod Rehab, Rent Supp and
RAP programs, with a contract
expiration or termination occurring after
October 1, 2006, and no later than
September 30, 2013, to convert tenant
protection vouchers (TPVs) to PBVs.
The ‘‘Effective Date’’ section of the
March 8, 2012, notice provided that the
conversion of Rent Supp and RAP
Properties under Section III of the
Program Notice were effective on March
8, 2012.
The March 8, 2012 notice, at 77 FR
14030, following the explanation of the
Section II and Section III provisions of
the second component stated,
inconsistent with the ‘‘Effective Date’’
provision, ‘‘These provisions are
effective immediately.’’
Accordingly, this notice clarifies the
scope of the sections of the
demonstration that are effective on
March 8, 2012, to eliminate any
confusion made by the statement at the
end of the explanation of the second
component at 77 FR 14030. The only
provisions that are effective
immediately are, as provided in the
‘‘Effective Date’’ section of the notice,
those of Section III of the Program
Notice for the conversion of Rent Supp
and RAP Properties. The Section II
provisions for properties funded under
Mod Rehab, which are part of the
discussion of the second component, are
not yet in effect.
Dated: March 30, 2012.
Deborah Hernandez,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
and Indian Housing.
Carol J. Galante,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Housing—
Federal Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 2012–8210 Filed 4–3–12; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R9–MB–2011–N215; 91400–
5110–0000–7B; 91400–9410–0000–7B]
Multistate Conservation Grant
Program; Priority List and Approval for
Conservation Projects
Fish and Wildlife Service,
Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of receipt of priority list
and approval of the projects.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), announce the
fiscal year 2012, priority list of wildlife
and sport fish conservation projects
from the Association of Fish and
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Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). As required
by the Wildlife and Sport Fish
Restoration Programs Improvement Act
of 2000, AFWA submits a list of projects
to us each year to consider for funding
under the Multistate Conservation Grant
program. We have reviewed the list and
have awarded the grants from the list.
ADDRESSES: John C. Stremple, Multistate
Conservation Grants Program
Coordinator, Wildlife and Sport Fish
Restoration Program, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax
Drive, Mail Stop MBSP–4020,
Arlington, VA 22203.
C. Stremple, at the above address, or at
(703) 358–2156 (phone) or John_
Stremple@fws.gov (email).
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
Programs Improvement Act of 2000
(Improvement Act, Pub. L. 106–408)
amended the Pittman-Robertson
Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669
et seq.) and the Dingell-Johnson Sport
Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et
seq.) and established the Multistate
Conservation Grant Program. The
Improvement Act authorizes us to
award grants of up to $3 million
annually from funds available under
each of the Restoration Acts, for a total
of up to $6 million annually. Projects
can be funded from both funds
depending on the project activities. We
may award grants to projects from a list
of priority projects recommended to us
by the Association of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies. The FWS Director, exercising
the authority of the Secretary of the
Interior, need not fund all projects on
the list, but all projects funded must be
on the list.
Grantees under this program may use
funds for sport fisheries and wildlife
management and research projects,
boating access development, hunter
safety and education, aquatic education,
fish and wildlife habitat improvements,
and other purposes consistent with the
enabling legislation.
To be eligible for funding, a project
must benefit fish and/or wildlife
conservation in at least 26 States, or in
a majority of the States in any one FWS
Region, or it must benefit a regional
association of State fish and wildlife
agencies. We may award grants to a
State, a group of States, or one or more
nongovernmental organizations. For the
purpose of carrying out the National
Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and
Wildlife-Associated Recreation, we may
award grants to the FWS, if requested by
AFWA, or to a State or a group of States.
Also, AFWA requires all project
proposals to address its National
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2012 / Notices
Conservation Needs, which are
announced annually by AFWA at the
same time as its request for proposals.
Further, applicants must provide
certification that no activities conducted
under a Multistate Conservation grant
will promote or encourage opposition to
regulated hunting or trapping of wildlife
or to regulated angling or taking of fish.
Eligible project proposals are
reviewed and ranked by AFWA
Committees and interested
nongovernmental organizations that
represent conservation organizations,
sportsmen’s and women’s organizations,
and industries that support or promote
fishing, hunting, trapping, recreational
shooting, bowhunting, or archery.
AFWA’s Committee on National Grants
recommends a final list of priority
projects to the directors of State fish and
wildlife agencies for their approval by
majority vote. By statute, AFWA then
must transmit the final approved list to
the FWS for funding under the
Multistate Conservation Grant program
by October 1 of the fiscal year.
This year, we received a list of 12
recommended projects from AFWA. We
recommend all of them for funding in
fiscal year 2012. The list follows:
PR funding 1
DJ funding 2
Total 2012
grant request
12–034 ......
Multistate Conservation Grant Program
Coordination of Farm Bill Program Implementation to Optimize Fish and Wildlife
Benefits to the States.
Coordination of the Industry, Federal and
State Agency Coalition.
State Fish and Wildlife Agency Coordination and Administration.
State Fish and Wildlife Agency Director
Travel Coordination and Administration.
2011 Economic Impacts of Sportfishing ....
The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
Program 75th Anniversary.
Investigating Factors Related to Hunting
and Fishing License Sales Increases.
Longitudinal Evaluation of Hunting, Fishing, and Shooting Recruitment/Retention Programs.
Organizational Development Training for
Fish Habitat Partnerships to Increase
Trailblazer Adventure Program ..................
AFWA ...........................................
AFWA ...........................................
AFWA ...........................................
AFWA ...........................................
AFWA ...........................................
American Sportfishing Association
Wildlife Management Institute ......
American Sportfishing Association
National Fish Habitat Action Plan
U.S. Sportsman Alliance Foundation.
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
12–001 ......
12–008 ......
12–028 ......
12–029 ......
12–010 ......
12–022 ......
12–011 ......
12–017 ......
12–033 ......
12–021 ......
12–030 ......
1 PR
2 DJ
Conserving Fish Habitat from Whitewater
to Bluewater.
National Wild Turkey Federation
Funding: Pitman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration funds.
Funding: Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration funds.
Dated: December 28, 2011.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Bureau of Land Management
[LLCA9300000 L13400000.DS0000]
[FR Doc. 2012–7998 Filed 4–3–12; 8:45 am]
Notice of Amendment to the Notice of
Intent To Prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement for the Proposed
Desert Renewable Energy
Conservation Plan, Including Kern, Los
Angeles, San Bernardino, Inyo,
Riverside, Imperial, and San Diego
Counties; and Possible Land Use Plan
emcdonald on DSK29S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of intent.
In compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
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Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Central California District, Sacramento,
California and California Desert District,
Moreno Valley, California intend to
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) which may include
amendments to the California Desert
Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan, Bishop
Resource Management Plan (RMP),
Caliente/Bakersfield RMP, and Eastern
San Diego County RMP for the areas that
are within the planning boundary of the
proposed Desert Renewable Energy
Conservation Plan (DRECP). These
potential plan amendments will be
analyzed in the DRECP Draft EIS and
CDCA Plan Amendment (PA), as
noticed in the Federal Register on
November 20, 2009 (74 FR 60291) and
August 29, 2011 (76 FR 45606). By this
notice, the BLM is announcing the
beginning of the scoping process to
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 4, 2012)]
[Pages 20408-20409]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-7998]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R9-MB-2011-N215; 91400-5110-0000-7B; 91400-9410-0000-7B]
Multistate Conservation Grant Program; Priority List and Approval
for Conservation Projects
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of receipt of priority list and approval of the
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), announce the
fiscal year 2012, priority list of wildlife and sport fish conservation
projects from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). As
required by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs
Improvement Act of 2000, AFWA submits a list of projects to us each
year to consider for funding under the Multistate Conservation Grant
program. We have reviewed the list and have awarded the grants from the
ADDRESSES: John C. Stremple, Multistate Conservation Grants Program
Coordinator, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Mail Stop MBSP-4020,
Arlington, VA 22203.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John C. Stremple, at the above
address, or at (703) 358-2156 (phone) or John_Stremple@fws.gov
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
Programs Improvement Act of 2000 (Improvement Act, Pub. L. 106-408)
amended the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669
et seq.) and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C.
777 et seq.) and established the Multistate Conservation Grant Program.
The Improvement Act authorizes us to award grants of up to $3 million
annually from funds available under each of the Restoration Acts, for a
total of up to $6 million annually. Projects can be funded from both
funds depending on the project activities. We may award grants to
projects from a list of priority projects recommended to us by the
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The FWS Director, exercising
the authority of the Secretary of the Interior, need not fund all
projects on the list, but all projects funded must be on the list.
Grantees under this program may use funds for sport fisheries and
wildlife management and research projects, boating access development,
hunter safety and education, aquatic education, fish and wildlife
habitat improvements, and other purposes consistent with the enabling
To be eligible for funding, a project must benefit fish and/or
wildlife conservation in at least 26 States, or in a majority of the
States in any one FWS Region, or it must benefit a regional association
of State fish and wildlife agencies. We may award grants to a State, a
group of States, or one or more nongovernmental organizations. For the
purpose of carrying out the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and
Wildlife-Associated Recreation, we may award grants to the FWS, if
requested by AFWA, or to a State or a group of States. Also, AFWA
requires all project proposals to address its National
[[Page 20409]]
Conservation Needs, which are announced annually by AFWA at the same
time as its request for proposals. Further, applicants must provide
certification that no activities conducted under a Multistate
Conservation grant will promote or encourage opposition to regulated
hunting or trapping of wildlife or to regulated angling or taking of
Eligible project proposals are reviewed and ranked by AFWA
Committees and interested nongovernmental organizations that represent
conservation organizations, sportsmen's and women's organizations, and
industries that support or promote fishing, hunting, trapping,
recreational shooting, bowhunting, or archery. AFWA's Committee on
National Grants recommends a final list of priority projects to the
directors of State fish and wildlife agencies for their approval by
majority vote. By statute, AFWA then must transmit the final approved
list to the FWS for funding under the Multistate Conservation Grant
program by October 1 of the fiscal year.
This year, we received a list of 12 recommended projects from AFWA.
We recommend all of them for funding in fiscal year 2012. The list
Multistate Conservation Grant Program--FY 2012 Cycle Recommended Projects
Total 2012
ID Title Submitter PR funding \1\ DJ funding \2\ grant request
12-034........ Multistate Conservation AFWA................ $145,260.00 $145,260.00 $290,520.00
Grant Program
12-001........ Coordination of Farm Bill AFWA................ 156,600.00 52,200.00 208,800.00
Program Implementation to
Optimize Fish and
Wildlife Benefits to the
12-008........ Coordination of the AFWA................ 152,775.00 50,925.00 203,700.00
Industry, Federal and
State Agency Coalition.
12-028........ State Fish and Wildlife AFWA................ 299,359.80 299,359.80 598,719.60
Agency Coordination and
12-029........ State Fish and Wildlife AFWA................ 64,075.00 64,075.00 128,150.00
Agency Director Travel
Coordination and
12-010........ 2011 Economic Impacts of American 0.0 82,503.00 82,503.00
Sportfishing. Sportfishing
12-022........ The Wildlife and Sport Wildlife Management 50,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00
Fish Restoration Program Institute.
75th Anniversary.
12-011........ Investigating Factors American 92,886.15 92,886.15 185,772.30
Related to Hunting and Sportfishing
Fishing License Sales Association.
12-017........ Longitudinal Evaluation of National Wild Turkey 173,172.38 173,172.38 346,344.76
Hunting, Fishing, and Federation.
Shooting Recruitment/
Retention Programs.
12-033........ Organizational Development National Fish 0 100,000.00 100,000.00
Training for Fish Habitat Habitat Action Plan
Partnerships to Increase Board.
12-021........ Trailblazer Adventure U.S. Sportsman 40,000.00 40,000.00 80,000.00
Program. Alliance Foundation.
12-030........ Conserving Fish Habitat Atlantic States 0 261,440.38 261,440.38
from Whitewater to Marine Fisheries
Bluewater. Commission.
1,174,128.33 1,411,821.71 2,585,950.04
\1\ PR Funding: Pitman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration funds.
\2\ DJ Funding: Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration funds.
Dated: December 28, 2011.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2012-7998 Filed 4-3-12; 8:45 am]