Endangered and Threatened Species; Range Extension for Endangered Central California Coast Coho Salmon, 19552-19563 [2012-7860]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 63 / Monday, April 2, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
Dated: March 26, 2012.
David L. Miller,
Associate Administrator, Federal Insurance
and Mitigation Administration, Department
of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
[FR Doc. 2012–7752 Filed 3–30–12; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 224
[Docket No. 100323162–2182–03]
RIN 0648–XV30
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Range Extension for Endangered
Central California Coast Coho Salmon
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
We, the National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS), are issuing a
final rule under the Endangered Species
Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended, that
redefines the geographic range of the
endangered Central California Coast
(CCC) coho salmon (Oncorhynchus
kisutch) Evolutionarily Significant Unit
(ESU) to include all naturally spawned
populations of coho salmon that occur
in Soquel and Aptos creeks. Information
supporting this boundary change
includes recent observations of coho
salmon in Soquel Creek, genetic
analysis of these fish indicating they are
derived from other nearby populations
in the ESU, and the presence of
freshwater habitat conditions and
watershed processes in Soquel and
Aptos Creeks that are similar to those
found in closely adjacent watersheds
that support coho salmon populations
that are part of the ESU. We have also
reassessed the status of this ESU
throughout its redefined range and
conclude that it continues to be
Effective June 1, 2012.
Assistant Regional
Administrator, Protected Resources
Division, Attn: Craig Wingert,
Southwest Region, National Marine
Fisheries Service, 501 W. Ocean Blvd.,
Suite 5200, Long Beach, CA, 90802–
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Craig Wingert, NMFS, Southwest
Region, (562) 980–4021; or Dwayne
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Meadows, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, (301) 427–8403.
The Central California Coast (CCC)
coho salmon Evolutionarily Significant
Unit (ESU) was listed as a threatened
species on October 31, 1996 (61 FR
56138) and subsequently reclassified as
an endangered species on June 28, 2005
(70 FR 37160). At the time it was
reclassified as endangered in 2005, the
ESU was defined to include all naturally
spawning populations of coho salmon
found in coastal watersheds from Punta
Gorda in northern California southward
to and including the San Lorenzo River
in central California, as well as four
artificially propagated stocks of coho
salmon. For more information on the
status, biology, and habitat of this coho
salmon ESU, see ‘‘Endangered and
Threatened Species: Final Listing
Determinations for 16 ESUs of West
Coast Salmonids and Final 4(d)
Protective Regulations for Threatened
Salmonid ESUs; Final Rule’’ (70 FR
37160; June 28, 2005) and ‘‘Final Rule
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Threatened Status for Central California
Coast Coho Salmon Evolutionarily
Significant Unit (ESU)’’ (61 FR 56138;
October 31, 1996).
The geographic boundaries of west
coast coho salmon ESUs ranging from
British Columbia to central California
were originally delineated as part of a
west coast status review for the species
(Weitkamp et al., 1995). In defining ESU
boundaries for west coast coho salmon,
NMFS considered a wide range of
information including genetic and life
history information for natural and
hatchery populations, and
environmental and habitat information
for those watersheds that supported
coho salmon either historically or at the
time of the review. Based on a
consideration of the best available
information at that time, Weitkamp et
al. (1995) concluded that the southern
boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU
was the San Lorenzo River in Santa
Cruz County, California. Weitkamp et
al. (1995) also recognized that coho
salmon could also occur in watersheds
south of the San Lorenzo River and,
therefore, concluded that any fish found
spawning south of the San Lorenzo
River that were not the result of nonnative stock transfers from outside the
ESU should be considered part of the
In 2003, NMFS received a petition to
delist those populations of the CCC
coho salmon ESU that spawn in coastal
streams south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay. The petition was
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eventually accepted by NMFS (75 FR
16745; April 2, 2010), which triggered a
formal status review focused on
determining whether the populations
south of the entrance to San Francisco
Bay were part of the ESU, what the
appropriate southern boundary of the
ESU should be, and the biological status
of any revised ESU. In conducting this
status review, new information became
available indicating that the range of the
ESU should be extended southward
(Spence et al., 2011). This information
included observations of coho salmon in
Soquel Creek in 2008, genetic analysis
of tissue samples indicating that the fish
from Soquel Creek were closely related
to nearby coho salmon populations in
the ESU, and the ecological similarity of
Soquel and Aptos creeks with other
nearby creeks that support coho salmon.
Based on this information, a review of
the biological status of coho salmon
populations within this ESU (Spence
and Williams, 2011), and a
consideration of the five factors listed
under Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA, we
proposed moving the southern
boundary of the ESU south from the San
Lorenzo River to include any coho
salmon found in Soquel and Aptos
creeks (76 FR 6383; February 4, 2011).
Summary of Peer Review and Public
Comments on Proposed CCC Coho
Salmon ESU Range Extension
Peer Review Comments
In December 2004, the Office of
Management (OMB) issued a Final
Information Quality Bulletin for Peer
Review establishing minimum
standards for peer review. Similarly, a
joint NMFS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS) Policy for Peer Review in
Endangered Species Act Activities
(59 FR 34270; July 1, 1994) requires us
to solicit independent expert review
from at least three qualified specialists
on proposed listing determinations.
Accordingly, we solicited reviews from
three scientific peer reviewers having
expertise with coho salmon in
California and received comments from
all three reviewers. We carefully
reviewed the peer review comments and
have addressed them as appropriate in
this final rule. A summary of the peer
review comments and our responses
follow below.
Issue: Proposed ESU Range Extension
Comment 1: Two of the peer
reviewers fully supported our proposal
to extend the southern boundary of the
CCC coho salmon ESU to include coho
salmon populations in Soquel and
Aptos creeks. The reviewers cited
information referenced in the proposed
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rule and its supporting reports (Spence
et al., 2011; Spence and Williams, 2011)
as supporting the range extension,
including: (1) The historic and recent
occurrence of coho salmon in Soquel
Creek, (2) the likely presence of coho
salmon in Aptos Creek historically, (3)
the similarity of freshwater habitat in
Soquel and Aptos creeks to that found
in the San Lorenzo River and other
nearby streams that also support coho
salmon or did in the past, and (4) the
proximity of Soquel and Aptos creeks to
nearby streams that support coho
Response: We agree with the
reviewers that the available evidence
presented in the proposed rule and the
supporting technical reports support our
proposal to extend the ESU’s range to
include coho salmon populations in
Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Comment 2: One peer reviewer
indicated that the streams immediately
south of Aptos Creek, including the
Pajaro, Salinas and Carmel rivers, are
not likely to have historically supported
sustainable coho salmon populations
because: (1) Their spawning and rearing
habitat is located much farther inland
compared with Aptos and Soquel creeks
(and other streams farther northward)
making adult and juvenile migration
difficult, (2) these habitats are likely to
lose their connectivity to the ocean
during periods of prolonged drought,
and (3) coho salmon would therefore be
unlikely to persist given their rigid 3year life cycle.
Response: We agree with the
reviewer’s comments and believe they
support our decision not to include the
Pajaro River in the proposed range
extension. The reviewer’s comments are
also consistent with the rationale that
led Spence et al. (2011) to conclude that
the Pajaro River should not be included
in any proposed range extension.
Comment 3: One reviewer agreed that
the available evidence supports
extending the range of the ESU
southward to include Soquel Creek, but
contended that Aptos Creek should not
be included in the proposed range
extension because there is no evidence
of recent or historic presence of coho
salmon spawning in that watershed.
Response: We disagree with the peer
reviewer on this issue. Spence et al.
(2011) explained at length why they
concluded that both Soquel and Aptos
creeks should be included in any range
extension for this ESU, and their
rationale was the basis for our proposal.
First, they found there was no strong
ecological reason that the distribution of
coho salmon would have historically
stopped at the San Lorenzo River (the
current southern boundary of the ESU)
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because there is no significant
ecological break along the coast before
the southern edge of the Santa Cruz
Mountains which marks the southern
boundary of the Coast Range Ecoregion.
Second, they indicated that Soquel and
Aptos creeks are in the Coast Range
Ecoregion, both are in very close
proximity to the San Lorenzo River
(approximately 7 and 10 km south,
respectively), and both historically
shared many habitat characteristics with
the San Lorenzo and other similar sized
coho salmon bearing streams to the
north. Third, they indicated that the
recent documentation of coho spawning
in Soquel Creek suggests it is possible
that coho salmon may also stray into
Aptos Creek (as well as Soquel Creek)
from populations in nearby watersheds
to the north because of their close
Based on the arguments presented in
Spence et al. (2011), our proposal to
extend the southern boundary of this
ESU to include both Soquel and Aptos
creeks was intended to ensure that any
coho salmon found in either watershed
in the future would be considered part
of this ESU, and therefore, subject to
protection under the ESA. Absent a
formal range extension that includes
Aptos Creek, we believe it would be
difficult to ensure that any coho salmon
found in that watershed would be
protected under the ESA in the future.
By formally including Aptos Creek in
the range extension, we have provided
the public and other entities with notice
(and comment opportunity) that any
coho salmon found there in the future
will be considered part of the ESU and
subject to protection under the ESA.
Comment 4: The same peer reviewer
that disagreed with our proposal to
include Aptos Creek in the proposed
range extension also questioned why
Spence et al. (2011) did not recommend
including the Pajaro River in the range
extension since it may have also
historically supported coho salmon just
as was the case for Aptos Creek.
Response: In evaluating the various
alternative southern watershed
boundaries for this ESU (e.g., San
Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, Aptos
Creek, and the Pajaro River), Spence et
al. (2011) considered three primary
factors: (1) Evidence of historical and
recent occurrence of coho in each
watershed, (2) the historical suitability
of freshwater habitats for coho salmon
in each watershed, and (3) the
geographic proximity of each watershed
to other known populations of coho
salmon. In making their
recommendation for a southern
boundary extension, Spence et al.
(2011) weighed all of the available
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information related to these factors and
concluded that the available evidence
did not support including the Pajaro
River in any range extension.
Their reasons for not recommending
inclusion of the Pajaro River in the
range extension were: (1) The lack of
recent or historical first hand accounts
of coho salmon in the watershed, (2) the
likelihood that environmental
conditions were not favorable for coho
salmon in the southern and eastern
portions of the watershed because of
habitat and environmental changes that
occur in watersheds south of the Santa
Cruz Mountains, (3) the high likelihood
that any suitable habitat for coho
salmon in the watershed (most likely in
areas draining the Santa Cruz
Mountains) would lose its connectivity
to the ocean, unlike Soquel and Aptos
creeks, during periods of drought,
thereby precluding successful adult and
juvenile migration to and from the
ocean, and (4) the relatively low
likelihood that coho salmon from
streams to the north would stray into
the watershed given its relative large
distance from Aptos Creek and the San
Lorenzo River (16 and 26 kilometers,
Issue: ESU Status and Characterization
Comment 5: One peer reviewer
commented that the long-term trend
analysis presented by Spence and
Williams (2011) for the abundance of
several coho salmon populations in this
ESU failed to emphasize the major
decline in abundance that began for
most of the populations starting in 2006.
The peer reviewer contended that the
main factor responsible for the
population declines that began in 2006
was a significant reduction in ocean
productivity that began in 2005 and
adversely impacted the ocean survival
of coho salmon.
Response: We agree with the peer
reviewer that the trend analysis
presented in Spence and Williams
(2011) does not reflect the significant
population declines that were observed
starting in 2006. Spence and Williams
(2011) did note that the poor returns
began in 2006, but did not attribute the
declines to any particular cause. We
agree with the peer reviewer that these
abrupt population declines beginning in
2006 were most likely caused by poor
ocean conditions that started in 2005.
Other salmon and steelhead populations
in California also exhibited major
declines in abundance during this
period that were attributed to poor
ocean productivity (Lindley et al.,
2009), and therefore, it is reasonable to
conclude that reductions in ocean
productivity were the primary cause of
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these coho salmon population declines
as well.
Comment 6: Each of the peer
reviewers agreed with Spence and
Williams (2011) that the extinction risk
of this ESU has increased since it was
last reviewed in 2005 and that our
proposal to list the ESU as endangered
was warranted.
Response: We agree with the peer
reviewers that extinction risk for this
ESU has increased substantially since it
was last reviewed in 2005 and that the
ESU therefore continues to warrant
listing as an endangered species under
the ESA.
Comment 7: One peer reviewer felt it
was inappropriate for the proposed rule
to characterize the 2008 discovery of
juvenile coho salmon in Soquel Creek
(and the associated spawning that
produced the juveniles) as a
‘‘population’’ of coho salmon because
we do not know if those juveniles will
produce returning adults that will
successfully spawn in the future leading
to a persistent population.
Response: We agree with the peer
reviewer that the proposed rule should
not have characterized the observation
of juvenile coho salmon in 2008 as a
‘‘coho salmon population’’ since this
presumes that a persistent population of
coho salmon has been established.
Accordingly, we have revised the final
rule where appropriate to indicate there
is documented evidence of coho salmon
spawning and rearing in Soquel Creek
rather than evidence of a newly
established coho salmon ‘‘population.’’
Comment 8: One peer reviewer
indicated that the technical reports
supporting the proposed range
extension (Spence et al., 2011; Spence
and Williams, 2011) were inconsistent
in how they described the number of
spawning events that may have
occurred in Soquel Creek in 2008.
Response: The peer reviewer
misinterpreted the description of how
many spawning events occurred in
Soquel Creek, and therefore, the reports
are not inconsistent. In Spence and
Williams (2011), the authors were
referring to genetic analysis of fish
collected in three watersheds, only one
of which was Soquel Creek. The method
of analysis used by the researchers
referenced in the report can only
provide a minimum number of
spawners and for two of the streams
(San Vincente and Alpine) the
methodology indicated there had been a
minimum of a single spawning pair. In
Soquel Creek, however, the analysis
indicated that there had been at least
three individuals involved in spawning,
which indicated that there were a
minimum of two spawning events.
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Spence et al. (2011) indicate that the
juveniles found in Soquel Creek were
the product of at least two reproductive
events, and therefore, the two reports
are consistent.
Public Comments
The proposed range extension for the
CCC coho salmon ESU was published
on February 4, 2011 (76 FR 6383) with
a 60-day public comment period. Based
on a request from one individual, we
extended the public comment period for
an additional 60 days, so the public
comment period finally closed on June
6, 2011. Two written comment
submittals were received on the
proposed action. One set of comments
was provided by the petitioner and
largely focused on the scientific issues
addressed in our 12-month finding on
that petition as well as our scientific
evaluation of the petition (Spence et al.,
2011). The other commenter provided
comments regarding the potential
economic consequences of the proposed
range extension. We carefully reviewed
the comments to identify those issues
that were within the scope of the
rulemaking and have addressed those
herein. A summary of those comments
and NMFS’ responses are presented
below by specific issue.
Issue: Scientific Information Used To
Support NMFS’ 12-Month Finding That
Coho Salmon Populations South of San
Francisco Bay Are Part of the CCC Coho
Salmon ESU and the Proposed Range
Comment 9: One commenter asserted
that the available scientific information
does not support NMFS’ 12-month
finding that coho salmon populations
south of the entrance to San Francisco
Bay are part of the CCC coho salmon
ESU or our proposal to extend the
geographic range of this ESU south to
include coho salmon populations in
Aptos and Soquel creeks. In making this
assertion, the commenter argued there
were gaps or other problems with the
scientific information used by NMFS in
making these determinations or that we
somehow misinterpreted the available
information. The scientific issues raised
by the commenter in support of this
assertion were: (1) NMFS’ use of
intrinsic potential modeling to evaluate
historical habitat potential in
watersheds south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay; (2) questions about
recent fish surveys conducted by the
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
(SWFSC) in watersheds south of San
Francisco; (3) the absence of genetic
data for coho salmon from the San
Lorenzo River; (4) inaccuracies in the
historical hatchery stocking information
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for coho salmon considered by NMFS;
(5) NMFS’ interpretation of
archeological data for coho salmon; and
(6) NMFS’s evaluation of coho salmon
habitat suitability in areas south and
immediately north of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay. A general response
to the commenter is provided here and
each of the points identified in this
comment to support the commenter’s
assertion are addressed in greater detail
in comments 10 through 15.
Response: We convened a biological
review team (BRT) to thoroughly
evaluate all of the information in the
petition to delist coho salmon
populations south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay, as well as all other
relevant scientific data and information
concerning the issues raised in the
petition. Based on its review and
analysis, the BRT concluded that: (1)
Coho salmon populations south of the
entrance to San Francisco Bay were
native to the area and extant
populations are part of the CCC coho
salmon ESU; and (2) the southern
boundary of the ESU should be moved
farther south to include coho salmon
populations occurring in Soquel and
Aptos creeks (Spence et al., 2011). The
BRT’s review included an exhaustive
assessment of information in the
petition and other relevant information
including: Evidence about coho salmon
distribution in the historical literature;
archeological data for coho salmon from
native American Indian middens; the
suitability of freshwater habitat
conditions for coho salmon in coastal
watersheds immediately north and
south of San Francisco Bay; historical
hatchery stocking information for coho
salmon in watersheds south of San
Francisco Bay; comprehensive genetic
data collected for extant coho salmon
populations throughout the range of the
ESU including those south of San
Francisco Bay; and recent information
on the presence of coho salmon in
watersheds south of San Francisco Bay
including Soquel Creek. We believe that
the BRT used the best available
scientific information and that its
conclusions regarding coho salmon
populations south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay represent the most
scientifically defensible interpretation
of the available data. Our 12-month
finding and proposed range extension
were based upon the scientific
information and conclusions reached by
the BRT, and therefore, we believe these
decisions are scientifically defensible
and consistent with the best available
information. Responses to the issues
upon which the commenter based his
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assertion are provided in comments 10
through 15.
Comment 10: The commenter
criticized NMFS’ use of an intrinsic
habitat model to estimate potential coho
salmon habitat capacity in streams
south of the entrance to San Francisco
Bay. The commenter argued that the
model assumptions were unrealistic and
that the model was not properly
calibrated for stream habitat and coho
salmon populations south of San
Francisco Bay. For these reasons, the
commenter asserted that use of this
modeling resulted in an inaccurate
characterization of coho salmon
population structure south of San
Francisco Bay, an overestimation of the
historical habitat and abundance of
coho salmon populations in streams
south of San Francisco Bay, and an
underestimate of the extinction risk of
the populations south of San Francisco
Response: In developing the draft
recovery plan for the CCC coho salmon
ESU, NMFS established a technical
recovery team (TRT) to develop a
scientific foundation for the recovery
planning analysis. As part of its work,
the TRT used an intrinsic potential
habitat model to estimate habitat that
would potentially be available to
support individual coho salmon
populations that are part of this ESU if
the habitat was properly functioning
(Agrawal et al., 2005; Bjorkstedt et al.,
2005). The results of this analysis were
then used in the historical population
structure analysis and in estimating
adult spawner abundance levels that
could have been supported by the
habitat. This information was used to
develop viability criteria or recovery
targets for the ESU as a whole. The TRT
stated its working assumptions in using
this model and evaluated those
assumptions and the overall modeling
approach by comparing available
historical adult spawner estimates with
adult abundance estimates that were
derived from the intrinsic potential
habitat modeling (Spence et al., 2008).
The TRT noted that there was a high
degree of uncertainty regarding
available historical estimates of adult
abundance, but they noted these
estimates provided the only basis for
assessing whether the estimates derived
from the modeling were within a
plausible range for this and other ESUs
that were similarly evaluated (Bjorkstedt
et al., 2005). A comparison of projected
adult abundance levels derived from the
modeling with adult abundance levels
estimated in a 1965 statewide coho
salmon abundance assessment
(California Department of Fish and
Game (CDFG), 1965) led the TRT to
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conclude that the habitat model
predicted abundance levels that were
plausible (Spence et al., 2008).
For the area south of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay, the TRT compared
intrinsic habitat modeling population
estimates with coho salmon abundance
data collected by Shapovalov and Taft
(1954) in Waddell Creek. Shapovalov
and Taft (1954) estimated adult
abundance of coho salmon in Waddell
Creek over a nine year period covering
the spawning seasons from 1933–1942.
The average annual adult run size for
coho salmon during that period was
estimated to be 313 fish (range 111–
748). In comparison, the intrinsic
habitat modeling for the smallest
independent population in the area
south of San Francisco Bay yielded an
estimate of 365 potential adult
spawners. Because the habitat
conditions in Waddell Creek at the time
of the study were less than pristine due
to heavy timber harvest in the past, the
TRT concluded the modeled adult
abundance projection was realistic and
not an overestimate. Based on these and
other results presented by the TRT
(Agrawal et al., 2005; Bjorkstedt et al.,
2005), we believe the use of intrinsic
habitat modeling for streams south of
the entrance to San Francisco Bay is a
valid tool for assessing population
structure and developing population
viability criteria for coho salmon. For
these reasons we disagree with the
commenter that the intrinsic potential
habitat modeling overestimated historic
abundance levels and underestimated
extinction risk for watersheds south of
San Francisco Bay.
Comment 11: The commenter
indicated that coho salmon survey
information collected by the SWFSC in
streams south of San Francisco Bay from
2006–2008 and discussed in the BRT’s
report on the coho salmon delisting
petition (Spence et al., 2011) was
incomplete and difficult to interpret
because the survey objectives, methods
and detailed results were not presented.
The commenter argued this information
was relevant for evaluating the status of
coho populations south of the entrance
to San Francisco Bay and determining
whether they were part of the CCC coho
salmon ESU.
Response: The objectives of the
SWFSC ’s surveys from 2006–2008 were
three-fold: (1) To evaluate methods for
defining an appropriate sampling
protocol for species’ presence in areas
where it is known to be in low
abundance or patchily distributed; (2) to
develop statistical methods for
estimating occupancy rates of species
under such circumstances; and (3) to
develop a short time series on the status
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of coho salmon in the area south of San
Francisco between San Gregorio and
Aptos creeks, a range which spanned
three brood cycles. The genetic analysis
and the surveys completed in
connection with this study are final and
documented with detailed results; the
surveys and genetic analysis were
completed using standard NMFS
methodology but have not yet been
published (SWFSC, unpublished). As
such, we do not believe that the
information relied upon was incomplete
or difficult to interpret. Furthermore,
the information derived from these
completed aspects of the study is
scientifically credible and represents the
best available information on the status
and geographic range of coho salmon
south of San Francisco Bay. This final,
scientifically credible information
documents the presence of coho salmon
in Soquel Creek and the analysis of
genetic data from these fish. This
information was considered by the BRT
and was an important factor in their
recommendation to extend the southern
boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU
to include Soquel and Aptos creeks
(Spence et al., 2011). This information
was also considered by Spence and
Williams (2011) in their updated
assessment of the status of this ESU.
Information collected on the status of
coho salmon in these streams was
considered by the BRT and did provide
important information regarding the
southern boundary of the CCC coho
salmon ESU, as well as the current
status of coho salmon in the streams
south of San Francisco Bay (Spence and
Williams, 2011). As such, we believe
that our determination to extend the
geographic boundary of the ESU
southward to include Soquel and Aptos
creeks was founded on the best
scientific information available.
Comment 12: The commenter asserted
the BRT (Spence et al., 2011) failed to
report microsatellite DNA results for
coho salmon from the San Lorenzo
River and that the genetic database for
the CCC coho salmon ESU was therefore
incomplete. The commenter further
argued that NMFS’ conclusions
regarding the origin and ancestry of
coho salmon south of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay could be in error
because the genetic database did not
include data for fish from the San
Lorenzo River.
Response: We do not have any genetic
data for coho salmon from the San
Lorenzo River, and therefore, it could
not be included in the genetic data sets
analyzed by the BRT (Spence et al.,
2011). Coho salmon are rarely observed
in the San Lorenzo River, which has
contributed to the lack of genetic
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information for that watershed. The
SWFSC does have a limited number of
coho salmon tissue samples taken from
the San Lorenzo River, but they have
not been analyzed largely because of
uncertainties about their origin.
Although we do not have genetic data
for coho salmon from the San Lorenzo
River, there are comprehensive genetic
data from coho salmon populations in
other watersheds south of San Francisco
Bay, as well as watersheds north of San
Francisco Bay, and that information was
carefully analyzed by the BRT (Spence
et al., 2011). Based on the analysis of all
the available genetic data for coho
salmon in this ESU, the BRT concluded
that extant populations of coho salmon
south of San Francisco Bay are part of
the ESU and not the result of stock
transfers from populations outside the
ESU (Spence et al., 2011). We believe
the genetic data that the BRT analyzed
in its review of the southern boundary
of this ESU are scientifically credible,
that they represent the best available
information for coho salmon
populations throughout the geographic
range of this ESU including those
populations south of San Francisco Bay,
and that they support our determination
to extend the geographic boundary of
the ESU southward to include Soquel
and Aptos creeks.
Comment 13: The commenter asserted
that, in its review of the coho delisting
petition, the BRT did not use all
available historical records regarding
the artificial propagation and outplanting of coho salmon in streams
south of the entrance to San Francisco
Bay. The commenter provided
information regarding the history of
coho salmon out-planting in Waddell
and Scott creeks that he asserted were
in conflict with that reviewed by the
BRT. Waddell Creek is an important
watershed south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay in part because a major
study on the life history of coho salmon
and steelhead was initiated there by
Shapovalov and Taft (1954) around the
same time coho salmon were outplanted into the watershed. The
commenter suggested coho salmon were
planted in Waddell Creek in large
numbers between the early 1920s and
1933 (citing Streig (1991) and Bryant
(1994)) and by inference, implied that
planted fish contributed to the number
of adults observed in the Shapovalov
and Taft (1954) life history study.
Response: We reviewed the source
data cited by Streig (1991) and Bryant
(1994) as well as other sources of data,
and found no evidence of coho salmon
being out-planted into Waddell Creek
during the period from 1911 to 1941,
other than 15,000 fish that were released
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in 1933 and an undetermined number
that were released for an age validation
study in 1929. Both of these plantings
were considered by the BRT and
discussed in their report (Spence et al.,
2011). In evaluating the Streig (1991)
report, which was the basis for the
numbers presented in Bryant (1994), we
found discrepancies between reported
numbers and the original sources that
were cited. If other stocking information
was used in compiling the Streig (1991)
and Bryant (1994) reports, we have not
found that information, and therefore,
believe the data and analysis by the BRT
(Spence et al., 2011) are the most
scientifically defensible data available
for assessing the artificial propagation
and out-planting of coho salmon in
streams south of San Francisco Bay.
Moreover, regardless of the number of
fish out-planted into Waddell Creek or
any other watershed south of San
Francisco Bay, the BRT (Spence et al.,
2011) emphasized that the out-planted
coho salmon likely experienced very
low survival rates due to the common
practice at the time of releasing fish as
fry. Because of these low survival rates,
we believe the out-planting of
artificially propagated coho salmon into
Waddell Creek is unlikely to have
contributed substantially to the adult
coho salmon numbers reported by
Shapovalov and Taft (1954).
Comment 14: The commenter
disagreed with the BRT’s interpretation
of archeological data from a site at Ano
Nuevo State Reserve that was used to
support the determination that coho
salmon populations were native to
watersheds south of San Francisco Bay.
The commenter asserted that the coho
bones found there were from fish that
were of marine origin, rather than from
a stream at that site, and therefore,
argued that these data are inconclusive
and do not support the BRT’s statement
that coho salmon occurred as far south
as Santa Cruz county.
Response: The BRT reviewed the most
recent available archeological
information relevant to the southern
extent of the range of coho salmon
(Gobalet, in press), as well as earlier
literature by Gobalet (Gobalet, 1990;
Gobalet and Jones, 1995; and Gobalet et
al., 2004) that provide additional
information regarding the archeological
record for coho salmon in California.
The BRT acknowledged that evidence in
the archeological record for coho
salmon in California, particularly in
coastal areas, is sparse (Spence et al.
2011). However, the BRT considered the
information, analysis and conclusions
presented in Gobalet (in press) to be the
best available archeological information
relevant to determining the historical
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presence of coho salmon south of San
Francisco Bay, and their conclusion that
coho salmon occurred as far south as
Santa Cruz county is based on that
information. The commenter did not
provide any new information to support
his assertion that the coho salmon bones
found at the Ano Neuvo site were of
marine origin or that would alter our
view that these bones are from coho
salmon and constitute significant data
documenting the presence of coho
salmon in Santa Cruz County. We
believe the data presented in Gobalet (in
press) represents the best available
archeological information relevant to
determining the historical distribution
of coho salmon south of San Francisco
Bay. In summary, we believe the
available archeological information
reviewed by the BRT is scientifically
credible, that it represents the best
available information regarding the
historical distribution of coho salmon
south of San Francisco Bay, and that it
supports our 12-month finding that
coho salmon south of San Francisco are
part of the CCC coho salmon ESU.
Comment 15: The commenter asserted
that the BRT’s conclusion that
freshwater habitat conditions are
suitable for coho salmon in watersheds
both south and north of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay was incorrect and
that there are significant habitat
differences between the two areas that
preclude the persistence of coho salmon
in streams south of San Francisco. The
commenter provided information for
survival rates in streams in Oregon and
Washington that were published in 1982
and compared those data to survival
rates estimated by Shapovalov and Taft
(1954). The commenter also provided
information on flood flows recorded
during the Shapovalov and Taft (1954)
Response: The BRT carefully
reviewed contemporary freshwater
habitat data for streams north and south
of San Francisco Bay in its review of the
petition to delist coho salmon south of
San Francisco Bay (Spence et al., 2011).
Their review included substantial
information submitted by the petitioner
as a supplement to the original petition.
Following its review, the BRT
concluded that historical habitat
conditions in watersheds south of San
Francisco Bay were conducive to the
presence of persistent coho salmon
populations since the freshwater habitat
conditions south of San Francisco Bay
are not appreciably different from those
in watersheds immediately north of San
Francisco Bay, as described in their
report. The BRT also concluded that
current habitat conditions south of San
Francisco (as well as elsewhere in the
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range of the CCC coho salmon ESU) are
a challenge to coho salmon populations,
but that currently degraded habitat
conditions are mainly due to
anthropogenic effects, rather than any
inherent characteristics of the
watersheds themselves. We believe that
the freshwater habitat information
considered by the BRT represents the
best available information regarding the
suitability of habitat for coho salmon
south of San Francisco Bay. The
survival rate information provided by
the commenter concerned coho salmon
from a different eco-region under
different environmental conditions;
furthermore, the data cited by the
commenter were gathered in a time
period different from the one considered
in Shapalov and Taft. The data provided
by the commenter do not represent a
valid comparison of habitat conditions
from areas north and south of San
Francisco, and therefore, do not refute
the scientifically-credible conclusions of
the BRT. After considering the
information provided by the commenter
and its relevance, in addition to the
information and analysis found in
Spence et al., (2011), we believe that the
BRT’s conclusions concerning
freshwater habitat suitability for coho
salmon in watersheds both south and
north of the entrance to San Francisco
Bay were correct. The BRT’s
conclusions support both our finding
that coho salmon south of San Francisco
are part of the CCC coho salmon ESU
and our proposal to move the southern
boundary of the ESU south to include
Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Issue: Viability of Coho Populations
South of San Francisco Bay and Their
Contribution to the Evolutionary Legacy
of the CCC Coho Salmon ESU
Comment 16: One commenter
provided an analysis of data collected
by Shapovalov and Taft (1954) and
argued the results indicated coho
salmon populations south of San
Francisco were likely to go extinct and
that these and other populations south
of San Francisco are ‘‘sink’’ populations
that are ephemeral and do not
contribute to the evolutionary legacy of
the CCC coho salmon ESU. Based on
these reasons and the commenter’s
interpretation of NMFS’ ESU policy, the
commenter argues that coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco Bay
should not be part of the CCC coho
salmon ESU. A similar argument was
made in the petition to delist coho
salmon populations south of San
Francisco Bay.
Response: The BRT that evaluated the
petition to delist coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco Bay
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addressed the viability of coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco Bay
and their contribution to the
evolutionary legacy of the species
(Spence et al., 2011). Based on the
BRT’s review of the best available
information (especially Bjorkstedt et al.,
2005), they concluded that populations
south of San Francisco Bay were most
likely a combination of independent
and dependent populations that
contributed to the overall functioning of
the CCC coho salmon ESU rather than
serving as‘‘sink’’ or ephemeral
populations. The BRT also noted that
even if the populations south of San
Francisco were ‘‘sink’’ populations they
could still contribute to the persistence
of the ESU as a whole based on the
current understanding of metapopulation function. For the reasons
stated in Spence et al. (2011), we reach
the same conclusions arrived at by the
BRT with regard to the populations
south of San Francisco Bay. Lastly, the
commenter’s argument that populations
south of San Francisco Bay do not
contribute to the evolutionary legacy of
the ESU, and therefore, should not be
included in the ESU, demonstrates a
lack of understanding of the
evolutionary legacy criterion in NMFS’
ESU policy for Pacific Salmon (56 FR
58612; November 20, 1991). The
commenter is attempting to apply the
evolutionary legacy criterion to
individual populations, which is
inappropriate. Under NMFS’ ESU
policy, the evolutionary legacy criterion
is applied to the group of populations
being considered as an ESU, rather to
individual populations. Accordingly,
we believe that our proposed
redefinition of the CCC coho salmon
ESU boundaries is based on the best
available information and the proper
interpretation and application of NMFS’
ESU policy for Pacific Salmon.
CCC coho salmon ESU and provide
them with protection under the ESA.
Response: Although we recognize that
ensuring the long-term persistence of
coho salmon in streams south of San
Francisco presents many difficulties and
uncertainties due to the current
extremely low population sizes, the
poor condition of the habitat in many
watersheds, changes in the productivity
of the California Current, and the
possible effects of climate change, coho
salmon populations south of San
Francisco Bay are critical to the longterm viability and recovery of the CCC
coho salmon ESU as a whole, and it is
both necessary and possible to restore
these populations (NMFS, 2010).
Moreover, once we identify an ESU that
meets the criteria of our ESU policy for
Pacific Salmon, and determine that that
ESU is threatened or endangered under
the ESA, we must list that ESU.
Issue: Climate Change and Long-Term
Sustainability of Coho Salmon
Populations South of San Francisco Bay
Issue: Economic Impacts of Proposed
CCC Coho Salmon ESU Range Extension
Comment 18: One commenter
asserted the proposed range extension of
the CCC coho salmon ESU failed to
consider the potential financial impacts
to landowners and other entities in
Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Response: Our proposal was to revise
the CCC Coho ESU boundaries in order
to formally recognize that the freshwater
range of coho salmon in this ESU
actually extends further south than was
previously thought. Unlike critical
habitat designations, section 4(b)(1)(A)
of the ESA explicitly prohibits us from
considering non-scientific information
(including potential economic impacts)
when making listing determinations. If
we determine that the existing critical
habitat designation for this ESU should
be revised in the future to include
freshwater habitat in Soquel and Aptos
creeks, then an economic analysis
appropriate to critical habitat
designations, as stated in the applicable
statutes, implementing regulations, and
executive orders, will be conducted.
Comment 17: One commenter
questioned the long-term sustainability
or viability of the coho salmon
populations in coastal streams south of
the entrance to San Francisco Bay in
light of potential future impacts to the
species and its habitat from climate
change, changes in sea level, changes in
the California Current and its
productivity, and other factors. Given
these factors, the commenter expressed
concern about the economic cost of
maintaining suitable habitat for coho
salmon populations in watersheds south
of San Francisco Bay and questioned the
need to include these populations in the
Revised Geographic Range of CCC Coho
Salmon ESU
The ESU boundaries for west coast
coho salmon, ranging from southern
British Columbia to Central California,
were first delineated in a 1994 status
review (Weitkamp et al., 1995). In
delineating these ESU boundaries, a
wide range of information pertaining to
West Coast coho salmon throughout its
range was considered, including
geographic variables, ecological and
habitat variables, genetic variation
among populations, and variation in life
history traits among populations. In the
1995 proposal to list the CCC coho
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salmon ESU (60 FR 38011), NMFS
indicated that the southern boundary of
the ESU was the San Lorenzo River in
Santa Cruz County based on the best
available information at that time.
The 1994 status review (Weitkamp et
al., 1995) recognized that the rivers
draining the Santa Cruz Mountains
south of San Francisco Bay formed a
cohesive group with respect to
environmental conditions, and
therefore, concluded that the Pajaro
River was likely the historical southern
limit of coho salmon in the area. In
determining where the southern
boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU
should be placed, the status review
analysis relied heavily on information
provided in a 1993 status review of coho
salmon in Scott and Waddell creeks
(Bryant, 1994), which indicated there
were no recent reports of coho salmon
in rivers south of the San Lorenzo River.
Faced with uncertainty about whether
any coho salmon populations were
present south of the San Lorenzo River
and the uncertain origin of coho salmon
in the San Lorenzo River, Weitkamp et
al. (1995) concluded that the San
Lorenzo River should be the southernmost basin in the ESU and that any coho
salmon found spawning south of the
San Lorenzo River that were not the
result of non-ESU origin stock transfers
should be considered part of the ESU.
In reviewing the petition to delist
coho salmon populations south of San
Francisco Bay, the BRT reviewed
recently collected information on the
distribution of coho salmon in this area
(Spence et al., 2011). Based on this new
information and other information
indicating that freshwater habitat
conditions and watershed processes in
Soquel and Aptos creeks were similar to
those found in nearby watersheds
within the ESU, the BRT recommended
that the southern boundary of the CCC
coho salmon ESU be moved southward
from the San Lorenzo River to include
coho salmon occurring in Soquel and
Aptos creeks. The new information
supporting this recommendation
included: (1) Observations of juvenile
coho salmon in Soquel Creek in 2008
and (2) genetic information obtained
from the juvenile coho salmon observed
in Soquel Creek indicating the fish were
closely related to populations in nearby
During the summer of 2008, juvenile
coho salmon were observed in Soquel
Creek by NMFS scientists for the first
time in many years. Soquel Creek enters
the Pacific Ocean about 6.5 km south of
the San Lorenzo River. A total of
approximately 170 juvenile fish were
observed in the East Branch of Soquel
Creek and some were photographed.
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These observations demonstrated that
suitable spawning and rearing habitat
for coho salmon occurs in Soquel Creek.
A total of 28 of these fish were captured
for tissue sampling and subsequent
genetic analysis. Genetic analyses of
these samples used 18 microsatellite
loci to genotype the fish, investigate the
origins of their parents, and to estimate
the minimum number of reproductive
events that contributed to the observed
juveniles. Standard genetic stock
identification techniques were used
with a baseline reference database that
included representative stocks from all
regional California groups of coho
salmon. The Soquel Creek fish were
compared to coho salmon from a south
of San Francisco Bay reference
population (Scott Creek in Santa Cruz
County, California) and it was
determined, with very high confidence,
that they were closely related. This
analysis demonstrated that the juvenile
fish observed in Soquel Creek were the
progeny of locally produced adults
returning to reproduce in nearby
streams, and that they were native to
streams draining the Santa Cruz
Mountains south of San Francisco Bay.
Genetic analysis of tissue samples
from these juveniles (Garza et al.,
unpublished as cited in Spence et al.,
2011) also revealed that they were
produced by a minimum of two
reproductive events in Soquel Creek,
rather than by a single pair of fish
randomly straying into the watershed.
The analysis only determined the
minimum number of spawning parents,
so it is possible that additional
reproductive events occurred in Soquel
Creek in 2008. This information strongly
supports our conclusion that the fish in
Soquel Creek are part of the CCC coho
salmon ESU.
In reviewing the ecological conditions
of streams south of San Francisco Bay
that originate from the Santa Cruz
Mountains, Spence et al. (2011) noted
that a significant ecological transition
occurs immediately south of the Santa
Cruz Mountains, with the northern edge
of the Salinas Valley marking the
boundary between an area with cool,
wet redwood forests to the north and an
area with warm, drier chaparral
landscapes to the south where small
relic redwood forests are primarily
confined to riparian areas near the coast.
The Soquel and Aptos watersheds occur
within the Coast Range Ecoregion,
which runs almost continuously from
the Oregon border to the southern
boundary of the Santa Cruz Mountains
(the northern edge of the Pajaro River
basin) and includes all the streams
originating from the Santa Cruz
Mountains south of San Francisco.
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Soquel and Aptos creeks exhibit
ecological, climatic, and habitat
attributes similar to streams historically
and/or presently occupied by coho
salmon elsewhere in this Ecoregion,
indicating they provide habitat that is
suitable for coho salmon.
Status of the CCC Coho Salmon ESU
Status reviews by Weitkamp et al.
(1995), Good et al. (2005), and Spence
and Williams (2011) have all concluded
that the CCC coho salmon ESU is in
danger of extinction. NMFS listed this
ESU as threatened in 1996 (61 FR
56138) and reclassified its status as
endangered in 2005 (71 FR 834). The
status reviews by Weitkamp et al. (1995)
and Good et al. (2005) cited concerns
over low abundance and long-term
downward trends in abundance
throughout the ESU, as well as the
extirpation or near extirpation of
populations across most of the southern
two-thirds of the ESU’s historical range,
including several major river basins.
They further cited as risk factors the
potential loss of genetic diversity
associated with the reduction in range
and the loss of one or more brood
lineages in some populations coupled
with the historical influence of hatchery
fish (Good et al., 2005).
As part of a recent 5-year status
review update for listed salmon and
steelhead in California, Spence and
Williams (2011) updated the biological
status of the CCC coho salmon ESU,
taking into consideration the recent
discovery of coho salmon in Soquel
Creek. Their review concluded that
despite the lack of long-term data on
coho salmon abundance, available
information from recent short-term
research and monitoring efforts
demonstrates that the status of coho
populations in this ESU has worsened
since it was reviewed in 2005 (Good et
al., 2005). For all available time series,
recent population trends were
downward, in many cases significantly
so, with particularly poor adult returns
from 2006 to 2010. Based on population
viability criteria that were developed to
support preparation of the draft
recovery plan for this ESU (Bjorkstedt et
al., 2005; Spence et al., 2008), all of its
independent populations in the ESU are
well below low-risk abundance targets
(e.g., Ten Mile River, Noyo River,
Albion River), and several are, if not
extirpated, below high-risk depensation
thresholds (e.g., San Lorenzo River,
Pescadero Creek, Gualala River).
Though population-level estimates of
abundance for most independent
populations are lacking, it does not
appear that any of the five diversity
strata identified by Bjorkstedt et al.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 63 / Monday, April 2, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
(2005) for this ESU currently support a
single viable population based on the
viability criteria developed by Spence et
al. (2008). Based on a consideration of
all new substantive information
regarding the biological status of this
ESU, including the recent discovery of
juvenile coho salmon in Soquel Creek,
Spence and Williams (2011) concluded
that the CCC coho salmon ESU
continues to be in danger of extinction
and that its overall extinction risk has
increased since 2005. We concur.
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Summary of Factors Affecting the
Revised CCC Coho Salmon ESU
A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat and Range
Our review of factors affecting the
CCC coho salmon ESU concluded that
logging, agriculture, mining activities,
urbanization, stream channelization,
dams, wetland loss, water withdrawals,
and unscreened diversions have
contributed to its decline. Land-use
activities associated with logging, road
construction, urban development,
mining, agriculture, and recreation have
significantly altered coho salmon
habitat quantity and quality (61 FR
56138, October 31, 1996; 70 FR 37150,
June 28, 2005). Impacts of these
activities include alteration of
streambank and channel morphology,
alteration of ambient stream water
temperatures, elimination of spawning
and rearing habitat, fragmentation of
available habitats, elimination of
downstream recruitment of spawning
gravels and large woody debris, removal
of riparian vegetation resulting in
increased stream bank erosion, and
degradation of water quality (61 FR
56138, October 31, 1966; 70 FR 37150,
June 28, 2005).
Land-use and extraction activities
leading to habitat modification can have
significant direct and indirect impacts
to coho salmon populations. Land-use
activities associated with residential
and commercial development, road
construction, use and maintenance,
recreation, and past logging practices
have significantly altered coho salmon
freshwater habitat quantity and quality
throughout this ESU, as well as in the
Aptos and Soquel watersheds.
Associated impacts of these activities
include alteration of streambank and
channel morphology, alteration of
ambient stream water temperatures,
degradation of water quality,
elimination of spawning and rearing
habitats, removal of instream large
woody debris that forms pool habitats
and overwintering refugia, removal of
riparian vegetation resulting in
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increased bank erosion, loss of
floodplain habitats and associated
refugia, and increased sedimentation
input into spawning and rearing areas
resulting in the loss of channel
complexity, pool habitat, and suitable
gravel substrate.
The loss and degradation of habitats
and instream flow conditions were
identified as threats to coho salmon in
Soquel and Aptos creeks in the draft
recovery plan for this ESU (NMFS,
2010). Although many historically
harmful practices have been halted,
particularly removal of large woody
debris by Santa Cruz County, much of
the historical damage to habitats
limiting coho salmon in these
watersheds remains to be addressed.
Habitat restoration activities and threat
abatement actions will likely require
more focused effort and time to stabilize
and improve habitat conditions in order
to improve the survival of coho salmon
in these watersheds. Additionally, some
land-use practices such as water
diversions, floodplain development,
unauthorized removal of inchannel
woody debris, quarrying, and road
maintenance practices continue to pose
risks to the survival of local coho
salmon populations. Insufficient flow
during the summer due to authorized
and unauthorized water diversions is
likely one of the most significant
limiting factors to coho salmon,
particularly on the lower mainstem of
Soquel Creek.
B. Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific, or Education
Commercial and recreational fisheries
are closed for coho salmon in California;
however, coho salmon in this ESU can
still be incidentally captured in fisheries
for other species. The impacts to coho
salmon of this type of incidental
bycatch are poorly understood, but may
be significant in watersheds where
population abundance is low.
Recreational fishing for steelhead is
allowed in Soquel and Aptos creeks,
and coho salmon, if present, may
unintentionally be caught by anglers
targeting steelhead. The risk of
unintentional capture is believed to be
higher in these watersheds than in many
other coastal streams with coho salmon
because the current State of California
fishing regulations allow catch and
release of steelhead based on calendar
dates regardless of river flow. Steelhead
fishing season opens on December 1,
which is a time of year when coho
salmon typically begin their upstream
migration and is typically one month
before the main steelhead migration.
Fishing for steelhead during low-flow
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periods may expose coho salmon adults
to increased rates of incidental capture
and injury.
At the time the CCC coho salmon ESU
was listed in 1996, collection for
scientific research and educational
programs was believed to have little or
no impact on California coho salmon
populations. In California, most
scientific collection permits are issued
by CDFG and NMFS to environmental
consultants, Federal resource agencies,
and educational institutions. Regulation
of take is achieved by conditioning
individual research permits (61 FR
56138, October 31, 1996). Given the
extremely low population levels
throughout this ESU, but especially in
watersheds south of San Francisco Bay,
any collections could have significant
impacts on local populations and need
to be carefully controlled and
monitored. In Soquel and Aptos creeks,
two researchers are currently sampling
juvenile salmonid populations using
electrofishing as part of their sampling
methodology. Only one researcher is
authorized to capture coho salmon and
the other must stop collections if
juvenile coho salmon are detected.
C. Disease or Predation
Relative to the effects of habitat
degradation, disease and predation were
not believed to be major factors
contributing to the decline of West
Coast coho salmon populations in
general or for this ESU in particular.
Nevertheless, disease and predation
could have substantial adverse impacts
in localized areas. Specific diseases
known to be present in the ESU and
affect salmonids are discussed in a
previous listing determination (69 FR
33102; June 14, 2004). No historical or
current information is available to
estimate infection levels or mortality
rates for coho salmon attributable to
these diseases.
Habitat conditions such as low water
flows and high water temperatures can
exacerbate susceptibility to infectious
diseases (69 FR 33102). The large
quantity of water diverted from Soquel
Creek, which results in decreased
summer flows, may increase the
susceptibility of rearing coho salmon to
disease and predation. Avian predators
have been shown to impact some
juvenile salmonids in freshwater and
near shore environments. In Scott Creek,
which is near Soquel and Aptos creeks,
NMFS staff (Hayes, personnel
communication) have documented
substantial predation impacts on outmigrating salmonid smolts, based on the
discovery of pit tags in gull nesting
areas. Predation may significantly
influence salmonid abundance in some
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local populations when other prey
species are absent and physical
conditions lead to the concentration of
adults and juveniles (Cooper and
Johnson, 1992). Low flow conditions in
these watersheds may enhance
predation opportunities, particularly in
streams where adult coho salmon may
congregate at the mouth of streams
waiting for high flows for access (CDFG,
1995). These types of conditions could
significantly impact coho salmon in
Soquel Creek because of the low
abundance of fish in that watershed.
Marine predation (i.e., seals and sea
lions) is a concern in some areas given
the dwindling abundance of coho
salmon across the range of this ESU;
however, such predation is generally
considered by most investigators and
the BRT to be an insignificant
contributor to the population declines
that have been observed in Central
D. Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
At the time this ESU was originally
listed, most Federal and non-Federal
regulatory efforts were not found to
adequately protect coho salmon due to
a variety of factors including uncertain
funding and implementation, the
voluntary nature of many programs, or
simply their ineffectiveness. Detailed
information on regulatory mechanisms
and other protective efforts for coho
salmon is provided in NMFS’ Draft
Recovery Plan for this ESU (NMFS,
2010) and the 1996 and 2005 final
listing determinations for this ESU.
Since the original listing determination
for this ESU in 1996, few significant
improvements in regulatory
mechanisms have been made aside from
efforts implemented under the ESA (i.e.,
NMFS’ efforts under section 7 of the
ESA and the designation of critical
habitat for this ESU). A variety of State
and Federal regulatory mechanisms
exist to protect coho salmon habitat, but
they have not been adequately
implemented (61 FR 56138; October 31,
1996). Overall, we believe that most
current regulatory mechanisms and/or
other protective efforts are not
sufficiently certain to be implemented
and/or are not effective in reducing
threats to coho salmon in this ESU (70
FR 37160; June 28, 2005).
In Soquel and Aptos creeks, one
recent beneficial regulatory change has
been the termination of funding for
Santa Cruz County’s in-stream wood
removal program in 2009. Curtailment
of this program is expected to
eventually result in improvements to
summer and winter rearing habitat for
coho salmon in the County. Problems
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with other regulatory efforts, including
poor oversight and enforcement of State
water law pertaining to permitted and
unpermitted diversions, are a significant
concern in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
E. Other Natural or Human-Made
Factors Affecting Its Continued
Long-term trends in rainfall and
marine productivity associated with
atmospheric conditions in the North
Pacific Ocean have a major influence on
coho salmon production on the West
Coast. Natural climatic conditions may
have exacerbated or mitigated the
problems associated with degraded and
altered freshwater and estuarine habitats
that coho salmon depend upon (69 FR
33102). Detailed discussions of these
factors can be found the 1996 and 2005
listing determinations for this ESU (61
FR 56138, October 31, 1996 and 70 FR
37160, June 28, 2005, respectively). No
significant changes to this listing factor
have occurred since the original listing,
although the risk of climate change may
well have increased.
The best available scientific
information indicates that the Earth’s
climate is warming, driven by the
accumulation of greenhouse gasses in
the atmosphere (Oreskes, 2004; Battin et
al., 2007; Lindley et al., 2007). Because
coho salmon depend upon freshwater
streams and the ocean during their life
cycle, most if not all populations in this
ESU, including those in Soquel and
Aptos creeks, are likely to be impacted
by climate change in the decades ahead,
though the type and magnitude of these
impacts are difficult to predict at this
Final Determination
Based on a consideration of the best
available information, including new
information on the presence of coho
salmon in Soquel Creek, genetic data
indicating the fish from Soquel Creek
are closely related to fish from nearby
watersheds, the similarity of habitat in
Soquel and Aptos creeks to that in
nearby watersheds presently or
historically supporting coho salmon,
and the proximity of Soquel and Aptos
creeks to nearby watersheds supporting
coho salmon, we conclude that the
southern boundary of the CCC coho
salmon ESU should be moved
southward to include Soquel and Aptos
creeks in Santa Cruz County, California.
Based on an updated status assessment
of coho salmon populations throughout
the range of the ESU, including the
recent discovery of juvenile coho
salmon in Soquel Creek, and
consideration of the factors affecting
this species throughout the range of the
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ESU, we conclude that the redefined
ESU continues to be an endangered
Section 9 Take Prohibitions and Other
The CCC coho salmon ESU is an
endangered species and Section 9 of the
ESA prohibits certain activities that
directly or indirectly affect endangered
species. The section 9(a) prohibitions
apply to all individuals, organizations,
and agencies subject to U.S. jurisdiction.
Section 9 prohibitions apply
automatically to endangered species
such as the CCC coho salmon ESU,
throughout its range. As a result of this
range extension, the section 9 take
prohibitions now will apply to all
naturally produced coho salmon in
Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Section 7(a) of the ESA, as amended,
requires Federal agencies to evaluate
their actions with respect to any species
that is listed as endangered or
threatened and with respect to its
critical habitat, if any is designated.
Regulations implementing this
interagency cooperation provision of the
ESA are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 7(a)(4) of the ESA requires
Federal agencies to confer with us on
any action that is likely to jeopardize
the continued existence of a species
proposed for listing or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
proposed critical habitat. If a species is
subsequently listed, section 7(a)(2)
requires Federal agencies to ensure that
activities they authorize, fund, or carry
out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of the species or
destroy or adversely modify its critical
habitat. If a Federal action may affect a
listed species or its critical habitat, the
responsible Federal agency must enter
into consultation with us under the
provisions of section 7(a)(2). Federal
agencies and actions that may be
affected by the revision of the CCC coho
salmon ESU include the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers and its issuance of
permits under the Clean Water Act.
Sections 10(a)(1)(A) and 10(a)(1)(B) of
the ESA provide us with authority to
grant exceptions to the ESA’s ‘‘take’’
prohibitions. Section 10(a)(1)(A)
scientific research and enhancement
permits may be issued to entities
(Federal and non-Federal) for scientific
purposes or to enhance the propagation
or survival of the affected species.
NMFS has issued section 10(a)(1)(A)
research/enhancement permits for listed
salmonids, including CCC coho salmon,
to conduct activities such as trapping
and tagging and other research and
monitoring activities.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 63 / Monday, April 2, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take
permits may be issued to non-Federal
entities conducting activities that may
incidentally take listed species so long
as the taking is incidental to, and not
the purpose of, the carrying out of an
otherwise lawful activity. The types of
activities potentially requiring a section
10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit
include, but are not limited to, stateregulated angling, academic research
not receiving Federal authorization or
funding, road building, timber
management, grazing, and diverting
water onto private lands.
NMFS’ Policies on Endangered and
Threatened Fish and Wildlife
NMFS and the FWS published a
policy in the Federal Register on July 1,
1994 (59 FR 34272) indicating that both
agencies would identify, to the
maximum extent practicable at the time
a species is listed, those activities that
would or would not constitute a
violation of section 9 of the ESA. The
intent of this policy is to increase public
awareness of the effect of this listing on
proposed and ongoing activities within
the species range. Based on the best
available information, we believe that
the following actions are unlikely to
result in a violation of section 9 for coho
salmon in this ESU, including Soquel
and Aptos creeks:
1. Any incidental take of listed fish
from this ESU resulting from an
otherwise lawful activity conducted in
accordance with the conditions of an
incidental take permit issued by NMFS
under section 10 of the ESA;
2. Any action authorized, funded, or
carried out by a Federal agency that is
likely to adversely affect listed fish from
this ESU when the action is conducted
in accordance with the terms and
conditions of an incidental take
statement issued by NMFS under
section 7 of the ESA;
3. Any action carried out for scientific
purposes or to enhance the propagation
or survival of listed fish from this ESU
that is conducted in accordance with
the conditions of a permit issued by
NMFS under section 10 of the ESA
Activities that are likely to result in a
violation of section 9 prohibitions
against the ‘‘taking’’ of fish from this
ESU include, but are not limited to, the
1. Unauthorized killing, collecting,
handling, or harassing of individual fish
from this ESU;
2. Land-use activities that adversely
affect habitats supporting coho salmon,
such as logging, development, road
construction in riparian areas and in
areas susceptible to mass wasting and
surface erosion;
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3. Destruction/alteration of the
habitats supporting coho salmon, such
as removal of large woody debris and
‘‘sinker logs’’ or riparian shade canopy,
dredging, discharge of fill material,
sandbar breaching, draining, ditching,
diverting, blocking, or altering stream
channels or surface or ground water
4. Discharges or dumping of toxic
chemicals or other pollutants (e.g.,
sewage, oil, gasoline) into waters or
riparian areas supporting coho salmon
in the ESU;
5. Violation of discharge permits into
the ESU;
6. Application of pesticides affecting
water quality or riparian areas
supporting coho salmon in the ESU;
7. Introduction of non-native species
likely to prey on coho salmon within
the ESU or displace them from their
Other activities not identified here
will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
to determine if violation of section 9 of
the ESA may be likely to result from
such activities. Questions regarding
whether specific activities may
constitute a violation of the section 9
take prohibition, and general inquiries
regarding prohibitions and permits,
should be directed to NMFS (see
ADDRESSES). We do not consider these
lists to be exhaustive and we provide
them as general information to the
Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for
peer review establishing minimum peer
review standards, a transparent process
for public disclosure of peer review
planning, and opportunities for public
participation. The OMB Bulletin,
implemented under the Information
Quality Act, is intended to enhance the
quality and credibility of the Federal
Government’s scientific information and
applies to influential or highly
influential scientific information
disseminated on or after June 16, 2005.
To satisfy our requirements under the
OMB Bulletin, we obtained independent
peer review of the scientific information
compiled in the BRT report (Spence et
al., 2011) that supports the proposed
range extension and the continued
listing of the CCC coho salmon ESU as
an endangered species. The peer
reviewers provided only limited, minor
comments which were addressed in the
final BRT report.
A joint NMFS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife
policy (59 FR 34270; July 1, 1994)
requires us to solicit independent expert
review from at least three qualified
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specialists on proposed listing
determinations such as this range
extension. Accordingly, we solicited
reviews from three scientific peer
reviewers having expertise with coho
salmon in California and received
comments from all three reviewers. We
carefully reviewed the peer review
comments and have addressed them as
appropriate in this final rule (see
summary of peer review comments
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3
of the ESA as: ‘‘(i) The specific areas
within the geographic area occupied by
the species, at the time it is listed in
accordance with the provisions of
section 4 of this Act, on which are
found those physical and biological
features (I) essential to the conservation
of the species and (II) which may
require special management
considerations or protection; and (ii)
specific areas outside the geographical
area occupied by the species at the time
it is listed in accordance with the
provisions of section 4 of this Act, upon
a determination by the Secretary that
such areas are essential for the
conservation of the species’’ (16 U.S.C.
1532(5)(A)). Conservation means the use
of all methods and procedures needed
to bring the species to the point at
which listing under the ESA is no
longer necessary. Section 4(b)(2)
requires that designation of critical
habitat be based on the best scientific
data available, after taking into
consideration the economic, national
security, and other relevant impacts of
specifying any particular area as critical
Once critical habitat is designated,
section 7 of the ESA requires Federal
agencies to ensure that they do not fund,
authorize, or carry out any actions that
are likely to destroy or adversely modify
that habitat. This requirement is in
addition to the section 7 requirement
that Federal agencies ensure that their
actions do not jeopardize the continued
existence of the listed species.
Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA requires
that, to the maximum extent prudent
and determinable, NMFS designate
critical habitat concurrently with a
determination that a species is
endangered or threatened. Critical
habitat for the CCC coho salmon ESU
was designated on May 5, 1999 (64 FR
24049) and presently includes all river
reaches accessible to coho salmon in
rivers between Punta Gorda and the San
Lorenzo River. Within these streams,
critical habitat includes all waterways,
substrate and adjacent riparian habitat
below longstanding, natural impassable
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 63 / Monday, April 2, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
barriers and some specific dams. Critical
habitat is not presently being proposed
for designation in Soquel and Aptos
creek watersheds. Prior to making any
determination regarding the designation
of critical habitat in these watersheds,
we will complete an analysis to
determine if habitat in Soquel and
Aptos creeks should be designated and
whether any modification of the existing
critical habitat designation is warranted.
Following completion of this analysis,
NMFS may initiate rulemaking to
designate critical habitat in these
watersheds. Any such proposed rule
will provide an opportunity for public
comments and a public hearing, if
decision and the opinion in Pacific
Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2nd
829 (6th Cir. 1981), we have concluded
that ESA listing actions are not subject
to the environmental assessment
requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act (See NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6).
National Environmental Policy Act
Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive
Order 12866, and Paperwork Reduction
As noted in the Conference Report on
the 1982 Amendments to the ESA,
economic impacts cannot be considered
when assessing the status of a species.
Therefore, the economic analysis
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act are not applicable to the
ESA listing process. Thus, this final rule
is also exempt from review under
Executive Order 12866. This final rule
does not contain a collection-ofinformation requirement for the
purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in
section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered
when assessing species for listing. Based
on this limitation of criteria for a listing
In keeping with the intent of the
Administration and Congress to provide
continuing and meaningful dialogue on
issues of mutual State and Federal
A complete list of all references cited
herein is available upon request (see
ADDRESSES section).
Species 1
Central California
Coast coho.
Scientific name
U.S.A., CA, including all naturally spawning
populations of coho salmon from Punta
Gorda in northern California south to and
including Aptos Creek in central California,
as well as populations in tributaries to San
Francisco Bay, excluding the SacramentoSan Joaquin River system, as well as
three artificial propagation programs: the
Don Clausen Fish Hatchery Captive
Broodstock Program, Scott Creek/King
Fisher Flats Conservation Program, and
the Scott Creek Captive Broodstock Program.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 224
Endangered marine and anadromous
Dated: March 27, 2012.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 224 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 224
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1531–1543 and 16
U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. Revise the entry for ‘‘Central
California Coast coho,’’ in § 224.101(a)
to read as follows:
§ 224.101 Enumeration of endangered
marine and anadromous species.
(a) * * *
Citation(s) for listing
Where listed
Common name
interest, development of this rule
included coordination with the State of
California through the CDFG.
1 Species
Citations(s) for critical
habitat Designations
64 FR 24049; May 5,
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 63 / Monday, April 2, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
under the Fishery Management Plan for
Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of
Mexico (FMP). The Gulf of Mexico
Fishery Management Council (Council)
prepared the FMP and NMFS
implements the FMP under the
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) by
regulations at 50 CFR part 622.
[FR Doc. 2012–7860 Filed 3–30–12; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 622
[Docket Nos. 100610255–0257–01 and
RIN 0648–XB074
2012 Accountability Measures for Gulf
of Mexico Commercial Greater
Amberjack and Closure of the
Commercial Sector for Greater
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule; closure.
NMFS implements
accountability measures (AMs) for
commercial greater amberjack in the
Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) for the 2012
fishing year through this temporary final
rule, and announces the closure of the
2012 commercial sector for greater
amberjack of the Gulf reef fish fishery.
This rule reduces the 2012 commercial
quota for greater amberjack to 237,438 lb
(107,700 kg), based on the 2011 quota
overage. The commercial fishing season
opened on January 1, 2012 and is closed
March 1–May 31. The season is
scheduled to re-open on June 1,
however, NMFS has determined that the
2012 adjusted commercial quota for
Gulf greater amberjack was harvested in
January and February of 2012.
Therefore, the commercial sector for
greater amberjack will remain closed for
the remainder of the 2012 fishing year.
These actions are necessary to reduce
overfishing of the Gulf greater amberjack
DATES: This rule is effective April 2,
2012, through December 31, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the final rule for
Amendment 30A, the Final
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (FSEIS) for Amendment 30A,
and other supporting documentation
may be obtained from Rich Malinowski,
NMFS, Southeast Regional Office, 263
13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL
33701; telephone: 727–824–5305.
Malinowski, telephone: 727–824–5305,
email Rich.Malinowski@noaa.gov.
manages the reef fish fishery of the Gulf
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
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The 2006 reauthorization of the
Magnuson-Stevens Act established new
requirements including annual catch
limits (ACLs) and AMs to end
overfishing and prevent overfishing
from occurring. AMs are management
controls to prevent ACLs from being
exceeded, and correct or mitigate
overages of the ACL if they occur.
Section 303(a)(15) of the MagnusonStevens Act mandates the establishment
of ACLs at a level such that overfishing
does not occur in the fishery, including
measures to ensure accountability.
On July 3, 2008, NMFS issued a final
rule (73 FR 38139) to implement
Amendment 30A to the FMP.
Amendment 30A established
commercial and recreational quotas for
Gulf greater amberjack and AMs that
would go into effect if the commercial
and recreational quotas for greater
amberjack are exceeded. In accordance
with regulations at 50 CFR
622.49(a)(1)(i), when the applicable
commercial quota is reached, or
projected to be reached, the Assistant
Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA,
(AA), will file a notification with the
Office of the Federal Register to close
the commercial sector for the remainder
of the fishing year. If despite such
closure, commercial landings exceed the
quota, the AA will reduce the quota the
year following an overage by the amount
of the overage of the prior fishing year.
Management Measures Contained in
this Temporary Rule
Finalized 2011 commercial landings
data indicated the adjusted 2011
commercial quota of 342,091 lb (155,170
kg) was exceeded by 78 percent, or
265,562 lb (120,457 kg). Therefore, the
reduced 2012 commercial quota for Gulf
greater amberjack is 237,438 lb (107,700
kg) (i.e., 503,000-lb (228,157-kg)
commercial quota minus the overage of
265,562 lb (120,457 kg)). The NMFS
Southeast Fisheries Science Center
estimated that the commercial sector
landed 221,789 lb (100,601 kg) of greater
amberjack during the months of January
and February of 2012, and projects
subsequent updates to the landings data
will meet the adjusted 2012 commercial
PO 00000
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sector quota for greater amberjack of
237,438 lb (107,700 kg).
Accordingly, NMFS is closing
commercial sector harvest of greater
amberjack in the Gulf EEZ for the
remainder of the 2012 fishing year. The
operator of a vessel with a valid
commercial vessel permit for Gulf reef
fish having greater amberjack aboard
must have landed, bartered, traded, or
sold such greater amberjack prior to
12:01 a.m., local time, March 1, 2012.
During the closure, all commercial
harvest or possession of greater
amberjack in or from the Gulf EEZ, and
the sale or purchase of greater amberjack
taken from the EEZ is prohibited. The
prohibition on sale or purchase does not
apply to sale or purchase of greater
amberjack that were harvested, landed
ashore, and sold prior to 12:01 a.m.,
local time, March 1, 2012, and were
held in cold storage by a dealer or
processor. In addition to the Gulf EEZ
closure, a person on board a vessel for
which a commercial vessel permit for
Gulf reef fish has been issued must
comply with these closure provisions
regardless of where the Gulf greater
amberjack are harvested, i.e., in State or
Federal waters. This closure is intended
to prevent overfishing of Gulf greater
amberjack and increase the likelihood
that the 2012 commercial quota will not
be exceeded.
The 2013 commercial quota for
greater amberjack will return to the
quota of 503,000 lb (228,157 kg)
specified at 50 CFR 622.42(a)(1)(v)
unless AMs are implemented due to a
quota overage and NMFS specifies a
reduced quota through notification in
the Federal Register, or the Council
takes subsequent regulatory action to
adjust the quota.
The Regional Administrator,
Southeast Region, NMFS, (RA) has
determined this temporary rule is
necessary for the conservation and
management of the Gulf greater
amberjack component of the Gulf reef
fish fishery and is consistent with the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, the FMP, and
other applicable laws.
The temporary rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
These measures are exempt from the
procedures of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act because the temporary rule is issued
without opportunity for prior notice and
NMFS prepared a Final
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
for Amendment 30A. A notice of
availability for the FEIS was published
on April 18, 2008 (73 FR 21124). A copy
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 63 (Monday, April 2, 2012)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 19552-19563]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-7860]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 224
[Docket No. 100323162-2182-03]
RIN 0648-XV30
Endangered and Threatened Species; Range Extension for Endangered
Central California Coast Coho Salmon
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: We, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), are issuing
a final rule under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as
amended, that redefines the geographic range of the endangered Central
California Coast (CCC) coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) to include all naturally spawned
populations of coho salmon that occur in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Information supporting this boundary change includes recent
observations of coho salmon in Soquel Creek, genetic analysis of these
fish indicating they are derived from other nearby populations in the
ESU, and the presence of freshwater habitat conditions and watershed
processes in Soquel and Aptos Creeks that are similar to those found in
closely adjacent watersheds that support coho salmon populations that
are part of the ESU. We have also reassessed the status of this ESU
throughout its redefined range and conclude that it continues to be
DATES: Effective June 1, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Assistant Regional Administrator, Protected Resources
Division, Attn: Craig Wingert, Southwest Region, National Marine
Fisheries Service, 501 W. Ocean Blvd., Suite 5200, Long Beach, CA,
(562) 980-4021; or Dwayne Meadows, NMFS, Office of Protected Resources,
(301) 427-8403.
The Central California Coast (CCC) coho salmon Evolutionarily
Significant Unit (ESU) was listed as a threatened species on October
31, 1996 (61 FR 56138) and subsequently reclassified as an endangered
species on June 28, 2005 (70 FR 37160). At the time it was reclassified
as endangered in 2005, the ESU was defined to include all naturally
spawning populations of coho salmon found in coastal watersheds from
Punta Gorda in northern California southward to and including the San
Lorenzo River in central California, as well as four artificially
propagated stocks of coho salmon. For more information on the status,
biology, and habitat of this coho salmon ESU, see ``Endangered and
Threatened Species: Final Listing Determinations for 16 ESUs of West
Coast Salmonids and Final 4(d) Protective Regulations for Threatened
Salmonid ESUs; Final Rule'' (70 FR 37160; June 28, 2005) and ``Final
Rule Endangered and Threatened Species; Threatened Status for Central
California Coast Coho Salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU)''
(61 FR 56138; October 31, 1996).
The geographic boundaries of west coast coho salmon ESUs ranging
from British Columbia to central California were originally delineated
as part of a west coast status review for the species (Weitkamp et al.,
1995). In defining ESU boundaries for west coast coho salmon, NMFS
considered a wide range of information including genetic and life
history information for natural and hatchery populations, and
environmental and habitat information for those watersheds that
supported coho salmon either historically or at the time of the review.
Based on a consideration of the best available information at that
time, Weitkamp et al. (1995) concluded that the southern boundary of
the CCC coho salmon ESU was the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County,
California. Weitkamp et al. (1995) also recognized that coho salmon
could also occur in watersheds south of the San Lorenzo River and,
therefore, concluded that any fish found spawning south of the San
Lorenzo River that were not the result of non-native stock transfers
from outside the ESU should be considered part of the ESU.
In 2003, NMFS received a petition to delist those populations of
the CCC coho salmon ESU that spawn in coastal streams south of the
entrance to San Francisco Bay. The petition was eventually accepted by
NMFS (75 FR 16745; April 2, 2010), which triggered a formal status
review focused on determining whether the populations south of the
entrance to San Francisco Bay were part of the ESU, what the
appropriate southern boundary of the ESU should be, and the biological
status of any revised ESU. In conducting this status review, new
information became available indicating that the range of the ESU
should be extended southward (Spence et al., 2011). This information
included observations of coho salmon in Soquel Creek in 2008, genetic
analysis of tissue samples indicating that the fish from Soquel Creek
were closely related to nearby coho salmon populations in the ESU, and
the ecological similarity of Soquel and Aptos creeks with other nearby
creeks that support coho salmon. Based on this information, a review of
the biological status of coho salmon populations within this ESU
(Spence and Williams, 2011), and a consideration of the five factors
listed under Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA, we proposed moving the
southern boundary of the ESU south from the San Lorenzo River to
include any coho salmon found in Soquel and Aptos creeks (76 FR 6383;
February 4, 2011).
Summary of Peer Review and Public Comments on Proposed CCC Coho Salmon
ESU Range Extension
Peer Review Comments
In December 2004, the Office of Management (OMB) issued a Final
Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review establishing minimum
standards for peer review. Similarly, a joint NMFS/U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS) Policy for Peer Review in Endangered Species Act
Activities (59 FR 34270; July 1, 1994) requires us to solicit
independent expert review from at least three qualified specialists on
proposed listing determinations. Accordingly, we solicited reviews from
three scientific peer reviewers having expertise with coho salmon in
California and received comments from all three reviewers. We carefully
reviewed the peer review comments and have addressed them as
appropriate in this final rule. A summary of the peer review comments
and our responses follow below.
Issue: Proposed ESU Range Extension
Comment 1: Two of the peer reviewers fully supported our proposal
to extend the southern boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU to include
coho salmon populations in Soquel and Aptos creeks. The reviewers cited
information referenced in the proposed
[[Page 19553]]
rule and its supporting reports (Spence et al., 2011; Spence and
Williams, 2011) as supporting the range extension, including: (1) The
historic and recent occurrence of coho salmon in Soquel Creek, (2) the
likely presence of coho salmon in Aptos Creek historically, (3) the
similarity of freshwater habitat in Soquel and Aptos creeks to that
found in the San Lorenzo River and other nearby streams that also
support coho salmon or did in the past, and (4) the proximity of Soquel
and Aptos creeks to nearby streams that support coho salmon.
Response: We agree with the reviewers that the available evidence
presented in the proposed rule and the supporting technical reports
support our proposal to extend the ESU's range to include coho salmon
populations in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Comment 2: One peer reviewer indicated that the streams immediately
south of Aptos Creek, including the Pajaro, Salinas and Carmel rivers,
are not likely to have historically supported sustainable coho salmon
populations because: (1) Their spawning and rearing habitat is located
much farther inland compared with Aptos and Soquel creeks (and other
streams farther northward) making adult and juvenile migration
difficult, (2) these habitats are likely to lose their connectivity to
the ocean during periods of prolonged drought, and (3) coho salmon
would therefore be unlikely to persist given their rigid 3-year life
Response: We agree with the reviewer's comments and believe they
support our decision not to include the Pajaro River in the proposed
range extension. The reviewer's comments are also consistent with the
rationale that led Spence et al. (2011) to conclude that the Pajaro
River should not be included in any proposed range extension.
Comment 3: One reviewer agreed that the available evidence supports
extending the range of the ESU southward to include Soquel Creek, but
contended that Aptos Creek should not be included in the proposed range
extension because there is no evidence of recent or historic presence
of coho salmon spawning in that watershed.
Response: We disagree with the peer reviewer on this issue. Spence
et al. (2011) explained at length why they concluded that both Soquel
and Aptos creeks should be included in any range extension for this
ESU, and their rationale was the basis for our proposal. First, they
found there was no strong ecological reason that the distribution of
coho salmon would have historically stopped at the San Lorenzo River
(the current southern boundary of the ESU) because there is no
significant ecological break along the coast before the southern edge
of the Santa Cruz Mountains which marks the southern boundary of the
Coast Range Ecoregion. Second, they indicated that Soquel and Aptos
creeks are in the Coast Range Ecoregion, both are in very close
proximity to the San Lorenzo River (approximately 7 and 10 km south,
respectively), and both historically shared many habitat
characteristics with the San Lorenzo and other similar sized coho
salmon bearing streams to the north. Third, they indicated that the
recent documentation of coho spawning in Soquel Creek suggests it is
possible that coho salmon may also stray into Aptos Creek (as well as
Soquel Creek) from populations in nearby watersheds to the north
because of their close proximity.
Based on the arguments presented in Spence et al. (2011), our
proposal to extend the southern boundary of this ESU to include both
Soquel and Aptos creeks was intended to ensure that any coho salmon
found in either watershed in the future would be considered part of
this ESU, and therefore, subject to protection under the ESA. Absent a
formal range extension that includes Aptos Creek, we believe it would
be difficult to ensure that any coho salmon found in that watershed
would be protected under the ESA in the future. By formally including
Aptos Creek in the range extension, we have provided the public and
other entities with notice (and comment opportunity) that any coho
salmon found there in the future will be considered part of the ESU and
subject to protection under the ESA.
Comment 4: The same peer reviewer that disagreed with our proposal
to include Aptos Creek in the proposed range extension also questioned
why Spence et al. (2011) did not recommend including the Pajaro River
in the range extension since it may have also historically supported
coho salmon just as was the case for Aptos Creek.
Response: In evaluating the various alternative southern watershed
boundaries for this ESU (e.g., San Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, Aptos
Creek, and the Pajaro River), Spence et al. (2011) considered three
primary factors: (1) Evidence of historical and recent occurrence of
coho in each watershed, (2) the historical suitability of freshwater
habitats for coho salmon in each watershed, and (3) the geographic
proximity of each watershed to other known populations of coho salmon.
In making their recommendation for a southern boundary extension,
Spence et al. (2011) weighed all of the available information related
to these factors and concluded that the available evidence did not
support including the Pajaro River in any range extension.
Their reasons for not recommending inclusion of the Pajaro River in
the range extension were: (1) The lack of recent or historical first
hand accounts of coho salmon in the watershed, (2) the likelihood that
environmental conditions were not favorable for coho salmon in the
southern and eastern portions of the watershed because of habitat and
environmental changes that occur in watersheds south of the Santa Cruz
Mountains, (3) the high likelihood that any suitable habitat for coho
salmon in the watershed (most likely in areas draining the Santa Cruz
Mountains) would lose its connectivity to the ocean, unlike Soquel and
Aptos creeks, during periods of drought, thereby precluding successful
adult and juvenile migration to and from the ocean, and (4) the
relatively low likelihood that coho salmon from streams to the north
would stray into the watershed given its relative large distance from
Aptos Creek and the San Lorenzo River (16 and 26 kilometers,
Issue: ESU Status and Characterization
Comment 5: One peer reviewer commented that the long-term trend
analysis presented by Spence and Williams (2011) for the abundance of
several coho salmon populations in this ESU failed to emphasize the
major decline in abundance that began for most of the populations
starting in 2006. The peer reviewer contended that the main factor
responsible for the population declines that began in 2006 was a
significant reduction in ocean productivity that began in 2005 and
adversely impacted the ocean survival of coho salmon.
Response: We agree with the peer reviewer that the trend analysis
presented in Spence and Williams (2011) does not reflect the
significant population declines that were observed starting in 2006.
Spence and Williams (2011) did note that the poor returns began in
2006, but did not attribute the declines to any particular cause. We
agree with the peer reviewer that these abrupt population declines
beginning in 2006 were most likely caused by poor ocean conditions that
started in 2005. Other salmon and steelhead populations in California
also exhibited major declines in abundance during this period that were
attributed to poor ocean productivity (Lindley et al., 2009), and
therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that reductions in ocean
productivity were the primary cause of
[[Page 19554]]
these coho salmon population declines as well.
Comment 6: Each of the peer reviewers agreed with Spence and
Williams (2011) that the extinction risk of this ESU has increased
since it was last reviewed in 2005 and that our proposal to list the
ESU as endangered was warranted.
Response: We agree with the peer reviewers that extinction risk for
this ESU has increased substantially since it was last reviewed in 2005
and that the ESU therefore continues to warrant listing as an
endangered species under the ESA.
Comment 7: One peer reviewer felt it was inappropriate for the
proposed rule to characterize the 2008 discovery of juvenile coho
salmon in Soquel Creek (and the associated spawning that produced the
juveniles) as a ``population'' of coho salmon because we do not know if
those juveniles will produce returning adults that will successfully
spawn in the future leading to a persistent population.
Response: We agree with the peer reviewer that the proposed rule
should not have characterized the observation of juvenile coho salmon
in 2008 as a ``coho salmon population'' since this presumes that a
persistent population of coho salmon has been established. Accordingly,
we have revised the final rule where appropriate to indicate there is
documented evidence of coho salmon spawning and rearing in Soquel Creek
rather than evidence of a newly established coho salmon ``population.''
Comment 8: One peer reviewer indicated that the technical reports
supporting the proposed range extension (Spence et al., 2011; Spence
and Williams, 2011) were inconsistent in how they described the number
of spawning events that may have occurred in Soquel Creek in 2008.
Response: The peer reviewer misinterpreted the description of how
many spawning events occurred in Soquel Creek, and therefore, the
reports are not inconsistent. In Spence and Williams (2011), the
authors were referring to genetic analysis of fish collected in three
watersheds, only one of which was Soquel Creek. The method of analysis
used by the researchers referenced in the report can only provide a
minimum number of spawners and for two of the streams (San Vincente and
Alpine) the methodology indicated there had been a minimum of a single
spawning pair. In Soquel Creek, however, the analysis indicated that
there had been at least three individuals involved in spawning, which
indicated that there were a minimum of two spawning events. Spence et
al. (2011) indicate that the juveniles found in Soquel Creek were the
product of at least two reproductive events, and therefore, the two
reports are consistent.
Public Comments
The proposed range extension for the CCC coho salmon ESU was
published on February 4, 2011 (76 FR 6383) with a 60-day public comment
period. Based on a request from one individual, we extended the public
comment period for an additional 60 days, so the public comment period
finally closed on June 6, 2011. Two written comment submittals were
received on the proposed action. One set of comments was provided by
the petitioner and largely focused on the scientific issues addressed
in our 12-month finding on that petition as well as our scientific
evaluation of the petition (Spence et al., 2011). The other commenter
provided comments regarding the potential economic consequences of the
proposed range extension. We carefully reviewed the comments to
identify those issues that were within the scope of the rulemaking and
have addressed those herein. A summary of those comments and NMFS'
responses are presented below by specific issue.
Issue: Scientific Information Used To Support NMFS' 12-Month Finding
That Coho Salmon Populations South of San Francisco Bay Are Part of the
CCC Coho Salmon ESU and the Proposed Range Extension
Comment 9: One commenter asserted that the available scientific
information does not support NMFS' 12-month finding that coho salmon
populations south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay are part of the
CCC coho salmon ESU or our proposal to extend the geographic range of
this ESU south to include coho salmon populations in Aptos and Soquel
creeks. In making this assertion, the commenter argued there were gaps
or other problems with the scientific information used by NMFS in
making these determinations or that we somehow misinterpreted the
available information. The scientific issues raised by the commenter in
support of this assertion were: (1) NMFS' use of intrinsic potential
modeling to evaluate historical habitat potential in watersheds south
of the entrance to San Francisco Bay; (2) questions about recent fish
surveys conducted by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) in
watersheds south of San Francisco; (3) the absence of genetic data for
coho salmon from the San Lorenzo River; (4) inaccuracies in the
historical hatchery stocking information for coho salmon considered by
NMFS; (5) NMFS' interpretation of archeological data for coho salmon;
and (6) NMFS's evaluation of coho salmon habitat suitability in areas
south and immediately north of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. A
general response to the commenter is provided here and each of the
points identified in this comment to support the commenter's assertion
are addressed in greater detail in comments 10 through 15.
Response: We convened a biological review team (BRT) to thoroughly
evaluate all of the information in the petition to delist coho salmon
populations south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay, as well as all
other relevant scientific data and information concerning the issues
raised in the petition. Based on its review and analysis, the BRT
concluded that: (1) Coho salmon populations south of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay were native to the area and extant populations are
part of the CCC coho salmon ESU; and (2) the southern boundary of the
ESU should be moved farther south to include coho salmon populations
occurring in Soquel and Aptos creeks (Spence et al., 2011). The BRT's
review included an exhaustive assessment of information in the petition
and other relevant information including: Evidence about coho salmon
distribution in the historical literature; archeological data for coho
salmon from native American Indian middens; the suitability of
freshwater habitat conditions for coho salmon in coastal watersheds
immediately north and south of San Francisco Bay; historical hatchery
stocking information for coho salmon in watersheds south of San
Francisco Bay; comprehensive genetic data collected for extant coho
salmon populations throughout the range of the ESU including those
south of San Francisco Bay; and recent information on the presence of
coho salmon in watersheds south of San Francisco Bay including Soquel
Creek. We believe that the BRT used the best available scientific
information and that its conclusions regarding coho salmon populations
south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay represent the most
scientifically defensible interpretation of the available data. Our 12-
month finding and proposed range extension were based upon the
scientific information and conclusions reached by the BRT, and
therefore, we believe these decisions are scientifically defensible and
consistent with the best available information. Responses to the issues
upon which the commenter based his
[[Page 19555]]
assertion are provided in comments 10 through 15.
Comment 10: The commenter criticized NMFS' use of an intrinsic
habitat model to estimate potential coho salmon habitat capacity in
streams south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. The commenter
argued that the model assumptions were unrealistic and that the model
was not properly calibrated for stream habitat and coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco Bay. For these reasons, the
commenter asserted that use of this modeling resulted in an inaccurate
characterization of coho salmon population structure south of San
Francisco Bay, an overestimation of the historical habitat and
abundance of coho salmon populations in streams south of San Francisco
Bay, and an underestimate of the extinction risk of the populations
south of San Francisco Bay.
Response: In developing the draft recovery plan for the CCC coho
salmon ESU, NMFS established a technical recovery team (TRT) to develop
a scientific foundation for the recovery planning analysis. As part of
its work, the TRT used an intrinsic potential habitat model to estimate
habitat that would potentially be available to support individual coho
salmon populations that are part of this ESU if the habitat was
properly functioning (Agrawal et al., 2005; Bjorkstedt et al., 2005).
The results of this analysis were then used in the historical
population structure analysis and in estimating adult spawner abundance
levels that could have been supported by the habitat. This information
was used to develop viability criteria or recovery targets for the ESU
as a whole. The TRT stated its working assumptions in using this model
and evaluated those assumptions and the overall modeling approach by
comparing available historical adult spawner estimates with adult
abundance estimates that were derived from the intrinsic potential
habitat modeling (Spence et al., 2008). The TRT noted that there was a
high degree of uncertainty regarding available historical estimates of
adult abundance, but they noted these estimates provided the only basis
for assessing whether the estimates derived from the modeling were
within a plausible range for this and other ESUs that were similarly
evaluated (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005). A comparison of projected adult
abundance levels derived from the modeling with adult abundance levels
estimated in a 1965 statewide coho salmon abundance assessment
(California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), 1965) led the TRT to
conclude that the habitat model predicted abundance levels that were
plausible (Spence et al., 2008).
For the area south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay, the TRT
compared intrinsic habitat modeling population estimates with coho
salmon abundance data collected by Shapovalov and Taft (1954) in
Waddell Creek. Shapovalov and Taft (1954) estimated adult abundance of
coho salmon in Waddell Creek over a nine year period covering the
spawning seasons from 1933-1942. The average annual adult run size for
coho salmon during that period was estimated to be 313 fish (range 111-
748). In comparison, the intrinsic habitat modeling for the smallest
independent population in the area south of San Francisco Bay yielded
an estimate of 365 potential adult spawners. Because the habitat
conditions in Waddell Creek at the time of the study were less than
pristine due to heavy timber harvest in the past, the TRT concluded the
modeled adult abundance projection was realistic and not an
overestimate. Based on these and other results presented by the TRT
(Agrawal et al., 2005; Bjorkstedt et al., 2005), we believe the use of
intrinsic habitat modeling for streams south of the entrance to San
Francisco Bay is a valid tool for assessing population structure and
developing population viability criteria for coho salmon. For these
reasons we disagree with the commenter that the intrinsic potential
habitat modeling overestimated historic abundance levels and
underestimated extinction risk for watersheds south of San Francisco
Comment 11: The commenter indicated that coho salmon survey
information collected by the SWFSC in streams south of San Francisco
Bay from 2006-2008 and discussed in the BRT's report on the coho salmon
delisting petition (Spence et al., 2011) was incomplete and difficult
to interpret because the survey objectives, methods and detailed
results were not presented. The commenter argued this information was
relevant for evaluating the status of coho populations south of the
entrance to San Francisco Bay and determining whether they were part of
the CCC coho salmon ESU.
Response: The objectives of the SWFSC 's surveys from 2006-2008
were three-fold: (1) To evaluate methods for defining an appropriate
sampling protocol for species' presence in areas where it is known to
be in low abundance or patchily distributed; (2) to develop statistical
methods for estimating occupancy rates of species under such
circumstances; and (3) to develop a short time series on the status of
coho salmon in the area south of San Francisco between San Gregorio and
Aptos creeks, a range which spanned three brood cycles. The genetic
analysis and the surveys completed in connection with this study are
final and documented with detailed results; the surveys and genetic
analysis were completed using standard NMFS methodology but have not
yet been published (SWFSC, unpublished). As such, we do not believe
that the information relied upon was incomplete or difficult to
interpret. Furthermore, the information derived from these completed
aspects of the study is scientifically credible and represents the best
available information on the status and geographic range of coho salmon
south of San Francisco Bay. This final, scientifically credible
information documents the presence of coho salmon in Soquel Creek and
the analysis of genetic data from these fish. This information was
considered by the BRT and was an important factor in their
recommendation to extend the southern boundary of the CCC coho salmon
ESU to include Soquel and Aptos creeks (Spence et al., 2011). This
information was also considered by Spence and Williams (2011) in their
updated assessment of the status of this ESU. Information collected on
the status of coho salmon in these streams was considered by the BRT
and did provide important information regarding the southern boundary
of the CCC coho salmon ESU, as well as the current status of coho
salmon in the streams south of San Francisco Bay (Spence and Williams,
2011). As such, we believe that our determination to extend the
geographic boundary of the ESU southward to include Soquel and Aptos
creeks was founded on the best scientific information available.
Comment 12: The commenter asserted the BRT (Spence et al., 2011)
failed to report microsatellite DNA results for coho salmon from the
San Lorenzo River and that the genetic database for the CCC coho salmon
ESU was therefore incomplete. The commenter further argued that NMFS'
conclusions regarding the origin and ancestry of coho salmon south of
the entrance to San Francisco Bay could be in error because the genetic
database did not include data for fish from the San Lorenzo River.
Response: We do not have any genetic data for coho salmon from the
San Lorenzo River, and therefore, it could not be included in the
genetic data sets analyzed by the BRT (Spence et al., 2011). Coho
salmon are rarely observed in the San Lorenzo River, which has
contributed to the lack of genetic
[[Page 19556]]
information for that watershed. The SWFSC does have a limited number of
coho salmon tissue samples taken from the San Lorenzo River, but they
have not been analyzed largely because of uncertainties about their
Although we do not have genetic data for coho salmon from the San
Lorenzo River, there are comprehensive genetic data from coho salmon
populations in other watersheds south of San Francisco Bay, as well as
watersheds north of San Francisco Bay, and that information was
carefully analyzed by the BRT (Spence et al., 2011). Based on the
analysis of all the available genetic data for coho salmon in this ESU,
the BRT concluded that extant populations of coho salmon south of San
Francisco Bay are part of the ESU and not the result of stock transfers
from populations outside the ESU (Spence et al., 2011). We believe the
genetic data that the BRT analyzed in its review of the southern
boundary of this ESU are scientifically credible, that they represent
the best available information for coho salmon populations throughout
the geographic range of this ESU including those populations south of
San Francisco Bay, and that they support our determination to extend
the geographic boundary of the ESU southward to include Soquel and
Aptos creeks.
Comment 13: The commenter asserted that, in its review of the coho
delisting petition, the BRT did not use all available historical
records regarding the artificial propagation and out-planting of coho
salmon in streams south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. The
commenter provided information regarding the history of coho salmon
out-planting in Waddell and Scott creeks that he asserted were in
conflict with that reviewed by the BRT. Waddell Creek is an important
watershed south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay in part because a
major study on the life history of coho salmon and steelhead was
initiated there by Shapovalov and Taft (1954) around the same time coho
salmon were out-planted into the watershed. The commenter suggested
coho salmon were planted in Waddell Creek in large numbers between the
early 1920s and 1933 (citing Streig (1991) and Bryant (1994)) and by
inference, implied that planted fish contributed to the number of
adults observed in the Shapovalov and Taft (1954) life history study.
Response: We reviewed the source data cited by Streig (1991) and
Bryant (1994) as well as other sources of data, and found no evidence
of coho salmon being out-planted into Waddell Creek during the period
from 1911 to 1941, other than 15,000 fish that were released in 1933
and an undetermined number that were released for an age validation
study in 1929. Both of these plantings were considered by the BRT and
discussed in their report (Spence et al., 2011). In evaluating the
Streig (1991) report, which was the basis for the numbers presented in
Bryant (1994), we found discrepancies between reported numbers and the
original sources that were cited. If other stocking information was
used in compiling the Streig (1991) and Bryant (1994) reports, we have
not found that information, and therefore, believe the data and
analysis by the BRT (Spence et al., 2011) are the most scientifically
defensible data available for assessing the artificial propagation and
out-planting of coho salmon in streams south of San Francisco Bay.
Moreover, regardless of the number of fish out-planted into Waddell
Creek or any other watershed south of San Francisco Bay, the BRT
(Spence et al., 2011) emphasized that the out-planted coho salmon
likely experienced very low survival rates due to the common practice
at the time of releasing fish as fry. Because of these low survival
rates, we believe the out-planting of artificially propagated coho
salmon into Waddell Creek is unlikely to have contributed substantially
to the adult coho salmon numbers reported by Shapovalov and Taft
Comment 14: The commenter disagreed with the BRT's interpretation
of archeological data from a site at A[ntilde]o Nuevo State Reserve
that was used to support the determination that coho salmon populations
were native to watersheds south of San Francisco Bay. The commenter
asserted that the coho bones found there were from fish that were of
marine origin, rather than from a stream at that site, and therefore,
argued that these data are inconclusive and do not support the BRT's
statement that coho salmon occurred as far south as Santa Cruz county.
Response: The BRT reviewed the most recent available archeological
information relevant to the southern extent of the range of coho salmon
(Gobalet, in press), as well as earlier literature by Gobalet (Gobalet,
1990; Gobalet and Jones, 1995; and Gobalet et al., 2004) that provide
additional information regarding the archeological record for coho
salmon in California. The BRT acknowledged that evidence in the
archeological record for coho salmon in California, particularly in
coastal areas, is sparse (Spence et al. 2011). However, the BRT
considered the information, analysis and conclusions presented in
Gobalet (in press) to be the best available archeological information
relevant to determining the historical presence of coho salmon south of
San Francisco Bay, and their conclusion that coho salmon occurred as
far south as Santa Cruz county is based on that information. The
commenter did not provide any new information to support his assertion
that the coho salmon bones found at the A[ntilde]o Neuvo site were of
marine origin or that would alter our view that these bones are from
coho salmon and constitute significant data documenting the presence of
coho salmon in Santa Cruz County. We believe the data presented in
Gobalet (in press) represents the best available archeological
information relevant to determining the historical distribution of coho
salmon south of San Francisco Bay. In summary, we believe the available
archeological information reviewed by the BRT is scientifically
credible, that it represents the best available information regarding
the historical distribution of coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay,
and that it supports our 12-month finding that coho salmon south of San
Francisco are part of the CCC coho salmon ESU.
Comment 15: The commenter asserted that the BRT's conclusion that
freshwater habitat conditions are suitable for coho salmon in
watersheds both south and north of the entrance to San Francisco Bay
was incorrect and that there are significant habitat differences
between the two areas that preclude the persistence of coho salmon in
streams south of San Francisco. The commenter provided information for
survival rates in streams in Oregon and Washington that were published
in 1982 and compared those data to survival rates estimated by
Shapovalov and Taft (1954). The commenter also provided information on
flood flows recorded during the Shapovalov and Taft (1954) study.
Response: The BRT carefully reviewed contemporary freshwater
habitat data for streams north and south of San Francisco Bay in its
review of the petition to delist coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay
(Spence et al., 2011). Their review included substantial information
submitted by the petitioner as a supplement to the original petition.
Following its review, the BRT concluded that historical habitat
conditions in watersheds south of San Francisco Bay were conducive to
the presence of persistent coho salmon populations since the freshwater
habitat conditions south of San Francisco Bay are not appreciably
different from those in watersheds immediately north of San Francisco
Bay, as described in their report. The BRT also concluded that current
habitat conditions south of San Francisco (as well as elsewhere in the
[[Page 19557]]
range of the CCC coho salmon ESU) are a challenge to coho salmon
populations, but that currently degraded habitat conditions are mainly
due to anthropogenic effects, rather than any inherent characteristics
of the watersheds themselves. We believe that the freshwater habitat
information considered by the BRT represents the best available
information regarding the suitability of habitat for coho salmon south
of San Francisco Bay. The survival rate information provided by the
commenter concerned coho salmon from a different eco-region under
different environmental conditions; furthermore, the data cited by the
commenter were gathered in a time period different from the one
considered in Shapalov and Taft. The data provided by the commenter do
not represent a valid comparison of habitat conditions from areas north
and south of San Francisco, and therefore, do not refute the
scientifically-credible conclusions of the BRT. After considering the
information provided by the commenter and its relevance, in addition to
the information and analysis found in Spence et al., (2011), we believe
that the BRT's conclusions concerning freshwater habitat suitability
for coho salmon in watersheds both south and north of the entrance to
San Francisco Bay were correct. The BRT's conclusions support both our
finding that coho salmon south of San Francisco are part of the CCC
coho salmon ESU and our proposal to move the southern boundary of the
ESU south to include Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Issue: Viability of Coho Populations South of San Francisco Bay and
Their Contribution to the Evolutionary Legacy of the CCC Coho Salmon
Comment 16: One commenter provided an analysis of data collected by
Shapovalov and Taft (1954) and argued the results indicated coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco were likely to go extinct and that
these and other populations south of San Francisco are ``sink''
populations that are ephemeral and do not contribute to the
evolutionary legacy of the CCC coho salmon ESU. Based on these reasons
and the commenter's interpretation of NMFS' ESU policy, the commenter
argues that coho salmon populations south of San Francisco Bay should
not be part of the CCC coho salmon ESU. A similar argument was made in
the petition to delist coho salmon populations south of San Francisco
Response: The BRT that evaluated the petition to delist coho salmon
populations south of San Francisco Bay addressed the viability of coho
salmon populations south of San Francisco Bay and their contribution to
the evolutionary legacy of the species (Spence et al., 2011). Based on
the BRT's review of the best available information (especially
Bjorkstedt et al., 2005), they concluded that populations south of San
Francisco Bay were most likely a combination of independent and
dependent populations that contributed to the overall functioning of
the CCC coho salmon ESU rather than serving as``sink'' or ephemeral
populations. The BRT also noted that even if the populations south of
San Francisco were ``sink'' populations they could still contribute to
the persistence of the ESU as a whole based on the current
understanding of meta-population function. For the reasons stated in
Spence et al. (2011), we reach the same conclusions arrived at by the
BRT with regard to the populations south of San Francisco Bay. Lastly,
the commenter's argument that populations south of San Francisco Bay do
not contribute to the evolutionary legacy of the ESU, and therefore,
should not be included in the ESU, demonstrates a lack of understanding
of the evolutionary legacy criterion in NMFS' ESU policy for Pacific
Salmon (56 FR 58612; November 20, 1991). The commenter is attempting to
apply the evolutionary legacy criterion to individual populations,
which is inappropriate. Under NMFS' ESU policy, the evolutionary legacy
criterion is applied to the group of populations being considered as an
ESU, rather to individual populations. Accordingly, we believe that our
proposed redefinition of the CCC coho salmon ESU boundaries is based on
the best available information and the proper interpretation and
application of NMFS' ESU policy for Pacific Salmon.
Issue: Climate Change and Long-Term Sustainability of Coho Salmon
Populations South of San Francisco Bay
Comment 17: One commenter questioned the long-term sustainability
or viability of the coho salmon populations in coastal streams south of
the entrance to San Francisco Bay in light of potential future impacts
to the species and its habitat from climate change, changes in sea
level, changes in the California Current and its productivity, and
other factors. Given these factors, the commenter expressed concern
about the economic cost of maintaining suitable habitat for coho salmon
populations in watersheds south of San Francisco Bay and questioned the
need to include these populations in the CCC coho salmon ESU and
provide them with protection under the ESA.
Response: Although we recognize that ensuring the long-term
persistence of coho salmon in streams south of San Francisco presents
many difficulties and uncertainties due to the current extremely low
population sizes, the poor condition of the habitat in many watersheds,
changes in the productivity of the California Current, and the possible
effects of climate change, coho salmon populations south of San
Francisco Bay are critical to the long-term viability and recovery of
the CCC coho salmon ESU as a whole, and it is both necessary and
possible to restore these populations (NMFS, 2010). Moreover, once we
identify an ESU that meets the criteria of our ESU policy for Pacific
Salmon, and determine that that ESU is threatened or endangered under
the ESA, we must list that ESU.
Issue: Economic Impacts of Proposed CCC Coho Salmon ESU Range Extension
Comment 18: One commenter asserted the proposed range extension of
the CCC coho salmon ESU failed to consider the potential financial
impacts to landowners and other entities in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Response: Our proposal was to revise the CCC Coho ESU boundaries in
order to formally recognize that the freshwater range of coho salmon in
this ESU actually extends further south than was previously thought.
Unlike critical habitat designations, section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA
explicitly prohibits us from considering non-scientific information
(including potential economic impacts) when making listing
determinations. If we determine that the existing critical habitat
designation for this ESU should be revised in the future to include
freshwater habitat in Soquel and Aptos creeks, then an economic
analysis appropriate to critical habitat designations, as stated in the
applicable statutes, implementing regulations, and executive orders,
will be conducted.
Revised Geographic Range of CCC Coho Salmon ESU
The ESU boundaries for west coast coho salmon, ranging from
southern British Columbia to Central California, were first delineated
in a 1994 status review (Weitkamp et al., 1995). In delineating these
ESU boundaries, a wide range of information pertaining to West Coast
coho salmon throughout its range was considered, including geographic
variables, ecological and habitat variables, genetic variation among
populations, and variation in life history traits among populations. In
the 1995 proposal to list the CCC coho
[[Page 19558]]
salmon ESU (60 FR 38011), NMFS indicated that the southern boundary of
the ESU was the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County based on the
best available information at that time.
The 1994 status review (Weitkamp et al., 1995) recognized that the
rivers draining the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco Bay
formed a cohesive group with respect to environmental conditions, and
therefore, concluded that the Pajaro River was likely the historical
southern limit of coho salmon in the area. In determining where the
southern boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU should be placed, the
status review analysis relied heavily on information provided in a 1993
status review of coho salmon in Scott and Waddell creeks (Bryant,
1994), which indicated there were no recent reports of coho salmon in
rivers south of the San Lorenzo River. Faced with uncertainty about
whether any coho salmon populations were present south of the San
Lorenzo River and the uncertain origin of coho salmon in the San
Lorenzo River, Weitkamp et al. (1995) concluded that the San Lorenzo
River should be the southern-most basin in the ESU and that any coho
salmon found spawning south of the San Lorenzo River that were not the
result of non-ESU origin stock transfers should be considered part of
the ESU.
In reviewing the petition to delist coho salmon populations south
of San Francisco Bay, the BRT reviewed recently collected information
on the distribution of coho salmon in this area (Spence et al., 2011).
Based on this new information and other information indicating that
freshwater habitat conditions and watershed processes in Soquel and
Aptos creeks were similar to those found in nearby watersheds within
the ESU, the BRT recommended that the southern boundary of the CCC coho
salmon ESU be moved southward from the San Lorenzo River to include
coho salmon occurring in Soquel and Aptos creeks. The new information
supporting this recommendation included: (1) Observations of juvenile
coho salmon in Soquel Creek in 2008 and (2) genetic information
obtained from the juvenile coho salmon observed in Soquel Creek
indicating the fish were closely related to populations in nearby
During the summer of 2008, juvenile coho salmon were observed in
Soquel Creek by NMFS scientists for the first time in many years.
Soquel Creek enters the Pacific Ocean about 6.5 km south of the San
Lorenzo River. A total of approximately 170 juvenile fish were observed
in the East Branch of Soquel Creek and some were photographed. These
observations demonstrated that suitable spawning and rearing habitat
for coho salmon occurs in Soquel Creek. A total of 28 of these fish
were captured for tissue sampling and subsequent genetic analysis.
Genetic analyses of these samples used 18 microsatellite loci to
genotype the fish, investigate the origins of their parents, and to
estimate the minimum number of reproductive events that contributed to
the observed juveniles. Standard genetic stock identification
techniques were used with a baseline reference database that included
representative stocks from all regional California groups of coho
salmon. The Soquel Creek fish were compared to coho salmon from a south
of San Francisco Bay reference population (Scott Creek in Santa Cruz
County, California) and it was determined, with very high confidence,
that they were closely related. This analysis demonstrated that the
juvenile fish observed in Soquel Creek were the progeny of locally
produced adults returning to reproduce in nearby streams, and that they
were native to streams draining the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San
Francisco Bay.
Genetic analysis of tissue samples from these juveniles (Garza et
al., unpublished as cited in Spence et al., 2011) also revealed that
they were produced by a minimum of two reproductive events in Soquel
Creek, rather than by a single pair of fish randomly straying into the
watershed. The analysis only determined the minimum number of spawning
parents, so it is possible that additional reproductive events occurred
in Soquel Creek in 2008. This information strongly supports our
conclusion that the fish in Soquel Creek are part of the CCC coho
salmon ESU.
In reviewing the ecological conditions of streams south of San
Francisco Bay that originate from the Santa Cruz Mountains, Spence et
al. (2011) noted that a significant ecological transition occurs
immediately south of the Santa Cruz Mountains, with the northern edge
of the Salinas Valley marking the boundary between an area with cool,
wet redwood forests to the north and an area with warm, drier chaparral
landscapes to the south where small relic redwood forests are primarily
confined to riparian areas near the coast. The Soquel and Aptos
watersheds occur within the Coast Range Ecoregion, which runs almost
continuously from the Oregon border to the southern boundary of the
Santa Cruz Mountains (the northern edge of the Pajaro River basin) and
includes all the streams originating from the Santa Cruz Mountains
south of San Francisco. Soquel and Aptos creeks exhibit ecological,
climatic, and habitat attributes similar to streams historically and/or
presently occupied by coho salmon elsewhere in this Ecoregion,
indicating they provide habitat that is suitable for coho salmon.
Status of the CCC Coho Salmon ESU
Status reviews by Weitkamp et al. (1995), Good et al. (2005), and
Spence and Williams (2011) have all concluded that the CCC coho salmon
ESU is in danger of extinction. NMFS listed this ESU as threatened in
1996 (61 FR 56138) and reclassified its status as endangered in 2005
(71 FR 834). The status reviews by Weitkamp et al. (1995) and Good et
al. (2005) cited concerns over low abundance and long-term downward
trends in abundance throughout the ESU, as well as the extirpation or
near extirpation of populations across most of the southern two-thirds
of the ESU's historical range, including several major river basins.
They further cited as risk factors the potential loss of genetic
diversity associated with the reduction in range and the loss of one or
more brood lineages in some populations coupled with the historical
influence of hatchery fish (Good et al., 2005).
As part of a recent 5-year status review update for listed salmon
and steelhead in California, Spence and Williams (2011) updated the
biological status of the CCC coho salmon ESU, taking into consideration
the recent discovery of coho salmon in Soquel Creek. Their review
concluded that despite the lack of long-term data on coho salmon
abundance, available information from recent short-term research and
monitoring efforts demonstrates that the status of coho populations in
this ESU has worsened since it was reviewed in 2005 (Good et al.,
2005). For all available time series, recent population trends were
downward, in many cases significantly so, with particularly poor adult
returns from 2006 to 2010. Based on population viability criteria that
were developed to support preparation of the draft recovery plan for
this ESU (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005; Spence et al., 2008), all of its
independent populations in the ESU are well below low-risk abundance
targets (e.g., Ten Mile River, Noyo River, Albion River), and several
are, if not extirpated, below high-risk depensation thresholds (e.g.,
San Lorenzo River, Pescadero Creek, Gualala River). Though population-
level estimates of abundance for most independent populations are
lacking, it does not appear that any of the five diversity strata
identified by Bjorkstedt et al.
[[Page 19559]]
(2005) for this ESU currently support a single viable population based
on the viability criteria developed by Spence et al. (2008). Based on a
consideration of all new substantive information regarding the
biological status of this ESU, including the recent discovery of
juvenile coho salmon in Soquel Creek, Spence and Williams (2011)
concluded that the CCC coho salmon ESU continues to be in danger of
extinction and that its overall extinction risk has increased since
2005. We concur.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Revised CCC Coho Salmon ESU
A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Its Habitat and Range
Our review of factors affecting the CCC coho salmon ESU concluded
that logging, agriculture, mining activities, urbanization, stream
channelization, dams, wetland loss, water withdrawals, and unscreened
diversions have contributed to its decline. Land-use activities
associated with logging, road construction, urban development, mining,
agriculture, and recreation have significantly altered coho salmon
habitat quantity and quality (61 FR 56138, October 31, 1996; 70 FR
37150, June 28, 2005). Impacts of these activities include alteration
of streambank and channel morphology, alteration of ambient stream
water temperatures, elimination of spawning and rearing habitat,
fragmentation of available habitats, elimination of downstream
recruitment of spawning gravels and large woody debris, removal of
riparian vegetation resulting in increased stream bank erosion, and
degradation of water quality (61 FR 56138, October 31, 1966; 70 FR
37150, June 28, 2005).
Land-use and extraction activities leading to habitat modification
can have significant direct and indirect impacts to coho salmon
populations. Land-use activities associated with residential and
commercial development, road construction, use and maintenance,
recreation, and past logging practices have significantly altered coho
salmon freshwater habitat quantity and quality throughout this ESU, as
well as in the Aptos and Soquel watersheds. Associated impacts of these
activities include alteration of streambank and channel morphology,
alteration of ambient stream water temperatures, degradation of water
quality, elimination of spawning and rearing habitats, removal of
instream large woody debris that forms pool habitats and overwintering
refugia, removal of riparian vegetation resulting in increased bank
erosion, loss of floodplain habitats and associated refugia, and
increased sedimentation input into spawning and rearing areas resulting
in the loss of channel complexity, pool habitat, and suitable gravel
The loss and degradation of habitats and instream flow conditions
were identified as threats to coho salmon in Soquel and Aptos creeks in
the draft recovery plan for this ESU (NMFS, 2010). Although many
historically harmful practices have been halted, particularly removal
of large woody debris by Santa Cruz County, much of the historical
damage to habitats limiting coho salmon in these watersheds remains to
be addressed. Habitat restoration activities and threat abatement
actions will likely require more focused effort and time to stabilize
and improve habitat conditions in order to improve the survival of coho
salmon in these watersheds. Additionally, some land-use practices such
as water diversions, floodplain development, unauthorized removal of
inchannel woody debris, quarrying, and road maintenance practices
continue to pose risks to the survival of local coho salmon
populations. Insufficient flow during the summer due to authorized and
unauthorized water diversions is likely one of the most significant
limiting factors to coho salmon, particularly on the lower mainstem of
Soquel Creek.
B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Education Purposes
Commercial and recreational fisheries are closed for coho salmon in
California; however, coho salmon in this ESU can still be incidentally
captured in fisheries for other species. The impacts to coho salmon of
this type of incidental bycatch are poorly understood, but may be
significant in watersheds where population abundance is low.
Recreational fishing for steelhead is allowed in Soquel and Aptos
creeks, and coho salmon, if present, may unintentionally be caught by
anglers targeting steelhead. The risk of unintentional capture is
believed to be higher in these watersheds than in many other coastal
streams with coho salmon because the current State of California
fishing regulations allow catch and release of steelhead based on
calendar dates regardless of river flow. Steelhead fishing season opens
on December 1, which is a time of year when coho salmon typically begin
their upstream migration and is typically one month before the main
steelhead migration. Fishing for steelhead during low-flow periods may
expose coho salmon adults to increased rates of incidental capture and
At the time the CCC coho salmon ESU was listed in 1996, collection
for scientific research and educational programs was believed to have
little or no impact on California coho salmon populations. In
California, most scientific collection permits are issued by CDFG and
NMFS to environmental consultants, Federal resource agencies, and
educational institutions. Regulation of take is achieved by
conditioning individual research permits (61 FR 56138, October 31,
1996). Given the extremely low population levels throughout this ESU,
but especially in watersheds south of San Francisco Bay, any
collections could have significant impacts on local populations and
need to be carefully controlled and monitored. In Soquel and Aptos
creeks, two researchers are currently sampling juvenile salmonid
populations using electrofishing as part of their sampling methodology.
Only one researcher is authorized to capture coho salmon and the other
must stop collections if juvenile coho salmon are detected.
C. Disease or Predation
Relative to the effects of habitat degradation, disease and
predation were not believed to be major factors contributing to the
decline of West Coast coho salmon populations in general or for this
ESU in particular. Nevertheless, disease and predation could have
substantial adverse impacts in localized areas. Specific diseases known
to be present in the ESU and affect salmonids are discussed in a
previous listing determination (69 FR 33102; June 14, 2004). No
historical or current information is available to estimate infection
levels or mortality rates for coho salmon attributable to these
Habitat conditions such as low water flows and high water
temperatures can exacerbate susceptibility to infectious diseases (69
FR 33102). The large quantity of water diverted from Soquel Creek,
which results in decreased summer flows, may increase the
susceptibility of rearing coho salmon to disease and predation. Avian
predators have been shown to impact some juvenile salmonids in
freshwater and near shore environments. In Scott Creek, which is near
Soquel and Aptos creeks, NMFS staff (Hayes, personnel communication)
have documented substantial predation impacts on out-migrating salmonid
smolts, based on the discovery of pit tags in gull nesting areas.
Predation may significantly influence salmonid abundance in some
[[Page 19560]]
local populations when other prey species are absent and physical
conditions lead to the concentration of adults and juveniles (Cooper
and Johnson, 1992). Low flow conditions in these watersheds may enhance
predation opportunities, particularly in streams where adult coho
salmon may congregate at the mouth of streams waiting for high flows
for access (CDFG, 1995). These types of conditions could significantly
impact coho salmon in Soquel Creek because of the low abundance of fish
in that watershed. Marine predation (i.e., seals and sea lions) is a
concern in some areas given the dwindling abundance of coho salmon
across the range of this ESU; however, such predation is generally
considered by most investigators and the BRT to be an insignificant
contributor to the population declines that have been observed in
Central California.
D. Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
At the time this ESU was originally listed, most Federal and non-
Federal regulatory efforts were not found to adequately protect coho
salmon due to a variety of factors including uncertain funding and
implementation, the voluntary nature of many programs, or simply their
ineffectiveness. Detailed information on regulatory mechanisms and
other protective efforts for coho salmon is provided in NMFS' Draft
Recovery Plan for this ESU (NMFS, 2010) and the 1996 and 2005 final
listing determinations for this ESU. Since the original listing
determination for this ESU in 1996, few significant improvements in
regulatory mechanisms have been made aside from efforts implemented
under the ESA (i.e., NMFS' efforts under section 7 of the ESA and the
designation of critical habitat for this ESU). A variety of State and
Federal regulatory mechanisms exist to protect coho salmon habitat, but
they have not been adequately implemented (61 FR 56138; October 31,
1996). Overall, we believe that most current regulatory mechanisms and/
or other protective efforts are not sufficiently certain to be
implemented and/or are not effective in reducing threats to coho salmon
in this ESU (70 FR 37160; June 28, 2005).
In Soquel and Aptos creeks, one recent beneficial regulatory change
has been the termination of funding for Santa Cruz County's in-stream
wood removal program in 2009. Curtailment of this program is expected
to eventually result in improvements to summer and winter rearing
habitat for coho salmon in the County. Problems with other regulatory
efforts, including poor oversight and enforcement of State water law
pertaining to permitted and unpermitted diversions, are a significant
concern in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
E. Other Natural or Human-Made Factors Affecting Its Continued
Long-term trends in rainfall and marine productivity associated
with atmospheric conditions in the North Pacific Ocean have a major
influence on coho salmon production on the West Coast. Natural climatic
conditions may have exacerbated or mitigated the problems associated
with degraded and altered freshwater and estuarine habitats that coho
salmon depend upon (69 FR 33102). Detailed discussions of these factors
can be found the 1996 and 2005 listing determinations for this ESU (61
FR 56138, October 31, 1996 and 70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005,
respectively). No significant changes to this listing factor have
occurred since the original listing, although the risk of climate
change may well have increased.
The best available scientific information indicates that the
Earth's climate is warming, driven by the accumulation of greenhouse
gasses in the atmosphere (Oreskes, 2004; Battin et al., 2007; Lindley
et al., 2007). Because coho salmon depend upon freshwater streams and
the ocean during their life cycle, most if not all populations in this
ESU, including those in Soquel and Aptos creeks, are likely to be
impacted by climate change in the decades ahead, though the type and
magnitude of these impacts are difficult to predict at this time.
Final Determination
Based on a consideration of the best available information,
including new information on the presence of coho salmon in Soquel
Creek, genetic data indicating the fish from Soquel Creek are closely
related to fish from nearby watersheds, the similarity of habitat in
Soquel and Aptos creeks to that in nearby watersheds presently or
historically supporting coho salmon, and the proximity of Soquel and
Aptos creeks to nearby watersheds supporting coho salmon, we conclude
that the southern boundary of the CCC coho salmon ESU should be moved
southward to include Soquel and Aptos creeks in Santa Cruz County,
California. Based on an updated status assessment of coho salmon
populations throughout the range of the ESU, including the recent
discovery of juvenile coho salmon in Soquel Creek, and consideration of
the factors affecting this species throughout the range of the ESU, we
conclude that the redefined ESU continues to be an endangered species.
Section 9 Take Prohibitions and Other Protections
The CCC coho salmon ESU is an endangered species and Section 9 of
the ESA prohibits certain activities that directly or indirectly affect
endangered species. The section 9(a) prohibitions apply to all
individuals, organizations, and agencies subject to U.S. jurisdiction.
Section 9 prohibitions apply automatically to endangered species such
as the CCC coho salmon ESU, throughout its range. As a result of this
range extension, the section 9 take prohibitions now will apply to all
naturally produced coho salmon in Soquel and Aptos creeks.
Section 7(a) of the ESA, as amended, requires Federal agencies to
evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is listed as
endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical habitat, if
any is designated. Regulations implementing this interagency
cooperation provision of the ESA are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 7(a)(4) of the ESA requires Federal agencies to confer with us
on any action that is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a
species proposed for listing or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of proposed critical habitat. If a species is subsequently
listed, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure that
activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of the species or destroy or
adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a
listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency
must enter into consultation with us under the provisions of section
7(a)(2). Federal agencies and actions that may be affected by the
revision of the CCC coho salmon ESU include the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and its issuance of permits under the Clean Water Act.
Sections 10(a)(1)(A) and 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA provide us with
authority to grant exceptions to the ESA's ``take'' prohibitions.
Section 10(a)(1)(A) scientific research and enhancement permits may be
issued to entities (Federal and non-Federal) for scientific purposes or
to enhance the propagation or survival of the affected species. NMFS
has issued section 10(a)(1)(A) research/enhancement permits for listed
salmonids, including CCC coho salmon, to conduct activities such as
trapping and tagging and other research and monitoring activities.
[[Page 19561]]
Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permits may be issued to non-
Federal entities conducting activities that may incidentally take
listed species so long as the taking is incidental to, and not the
purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity. The types
of activities potentially requiring a section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental
take permit include, but are not limited to, state-regulated angling,
academic research not receiving Federal authorization or funding, road
building, timber management, grazing, and diverting water onto private
NMFS' Policies on Endangered and Threatened Fish and Wildlife
NMFS and the FWS published a policy in the Federal Register on July
1, 1994 (59 FR 34272) indicating that both agencies would identify, to
the maximum extent practicable at the time a species is listed, those
activities that would or would not constitute a violation of section 9
of the ESA. The intent of this policy is to increase public awareness
of the effect of this listing on proposed and ongoing activities within
the species range. Based on the best available information, we believe
that the following actions are unlikely to result in a violation of
section 9 for coho salmon in this ESU, including Soquel and Aptos
1. Any incidental take of listed fish from this ESU resulting from
an otherwise lawful activity conducted in accordance with the
conditions of an incidental take permit issued by NMFS under section 10
of the ESA;
2. Any action authorized, funded, or carried out by a Federal
agency that is likely to adversely affect listed fish from this ESU
when the action is conducted in accordance with the terms and
conditions of an incidental take statement issued by NMFS under section
7 of the ESA;
3. Any action carried out for scientific purposes or to enhance the
propagation or survival of listed fish from this ESU that is conducted
in accordance with the conditions of a permit issued by NMFS under
section 10 of the ESA
Activities that are likely to result in a violation of section 9
prohibitions against the ``taking'' of fish from this ESU include, but
are not limited to, the following:
1. Unauthorized killing, collecting, handling, or harassing of
individual fish from this ESU;
2. Land-use activities that adversely affect habitats supporting
coho salmon, such as logging, development, road construction in
riparian areas and in areas susceptible to mass wasting and surface
3. Destruction/alteration of the habitats supporting coho salmon,
such as removal of large woody debris and ``sinker logs'' or riparian
shade canopy, dredging, discharge of fill material, sandbar breaching,
draining, ditching, diverting, blocking, or altering stream channels or
surface or ground water flow;
4. Discharges or dumping of toxic chemicals or other pollutants
(e.g., sewage, oil, gasoline) into waters or riparian areas supporting
coho salmon in the ESU;
5. Violation of discharge permits into the ESU;
6. Application of pesticides affecting water quality or riparian
areas supporting coho salmon in the ESU;
7. Introduction of non-native species likely to prey on coho salmon
within the ESU or displace them from their habitat.
Other activities not identified here will be reviewed on a case-by-
case basis to determine if violation of section 9 of the ESA may be
likely to result from such activities. Questions regarding whether
specific activities may constitute a violation of the section 9 take
prohibition, and general inquiries regarding prohibitions and permits,
should be directed to NMFS (see ADDRESSES). We do not consider these
lists to be exhaustive and we provide them as general information to
the public.
Peer Review
In December 2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Final Information Quality Bulletin for peer review establishing
minimum peer review standards, a transparent process for public
disclosure of peer review planning, and opportunities for public
participation. The OMB Bulletin, implemented under the Information
Quality Act, is intended to enhance the quality and credibility of the
Federal Government's scientific information and applies to influential
or highly influential scientific information disseminated on or after
June 16, 2005. To satisfy our requirements under the OMB Bulletin, we
obtained independent peer review of the scientific information compiled
in the BRT report (Spence et al., 2011) that supports the proposed
range extension and the continued listing of the CCC coho salmon ESU as
an endangered species. The peer reviewers provided only limited, minor
comments which were addressed in the final BRT report.
A joint NMFS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife policy (59 FR 34270; July 1,
1994) requires us to solicit independent expert review from at least
three qualified specialists on proposed listing determinations such as
this range extension. Accordingly, we solicited reviews from three
scientific peer reviewers having expertise with coho salmon in
California and received comments from all three reviewers. We carefully
reviewed the peer review comments and have addressed them as
appropriate in this final rule (see summary of peer review comments
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the ESA as: ``(i) The
specific areas within the geographic area occupied by the species, at
the time it is listed in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of
this Act, on which are found those physical and biological features (I)
essential to the conservation of the species and (II) which may require
special management considerations or protection; and (ii) specific
areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species at the time
it is listed in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of this
Act, upon a determination by the Secretary that such areas are
essential for the conservation of the species'' (16 U.S.C. 1532(5)(A)).
Conservation means the use of all methods and procedures needed to
bring the species to the point at which listing under the ESA is no
longer necessary. Section 4(b)(2) requires that designation of critical
habitat be based on the best scientific data available, after taking
into consideration the economic, national security, and other relevant
impacts of specifying any particular area as critical habitat.
Once critical habitat is designated, section 7 of the ESA requires
Federal agencies to ensure that they do not fund, authorize, or carry
out any actions that are likely to destroy or adversely modify that
habitat. This requirement is in addition to the section 7 requirement
that Federal agencies ensure that their actions do not jeopardize the
continued existence of the listed species.
Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA requires that, to the maximum extent
prudent and determinable, NMFS designate critical habitat concurrently
with a determination that a species is endangered or threatened.
Critical habitat for the CCC coho salmon ESU was designated on May 5,
1999 (64 FR 24049) and presently includes all river reaches accessible
to coho salmon in rivers between Punta Gorda and the San Lorenzo River.
Within these streams, critical habitat includes all waterways,
substrate and adjacent riparian habitat below longstanding, natural
[[Page 19562]]
barriers and some specific dams. Critical habitat is not presently
being proposed for designation in Soquel and Aptos creek watersheds.
Prior to making any determination regarding the designation of critical
habitat in these watersheds, we will complete an analysis to determine
if habitat in Soquel and Aptos creeks should be designated and whether
any modification of the existing critical habitat designation is
warranted. Following completion of this analysis, NMFS may initiate
rulemaking to designate critical habitat in these watersheds. Any such
proposed rule will provide an opportunity for public comments and a
public hearing, if requested.
A complete list of all references cited herein is available upon
request (see ADDRESSES section).
National Environmental Policy Act
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered when assessing species for listing.
Based on this limitation of criteria for a listing decision and the
opinion in Pacific Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 675 F. 2nd 829 (6th Cir.
1981), we have concluded that ESA listing actions are not subject to
the environmental assessment requirements of the National Environmental
Policy Act (See NOAA Administrative Order 216-6).
Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 12866, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on the 1982 Amendments to the
ESA, economic impacts cannot be considered when assessing the status of
a species. Therefore, the economic analysis requirements of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act are not applicable to the ESA listing
process. Thus, this final rule is also exempt from review under
Executive Order 12866. This final rule does not contain a collection-
of-information requirement for the purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
In keeping with the intent of the Administration and Congress to
provide continuing and meaningful dialogue on issues of mutual State
and Federal interest, development of this rule included coordination
with the State of California through the CDFG.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 224
Endangered marine and anadromous species.
Dated: March 27, 2012.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National
Marine Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 224 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 224 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1531-1543 and 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. Revise the entry for ``Central California Coast coho,'' in Sec.
224.101(a) to read as follows:
Sec. 224.101 Enumeration of endangered marine and anadromous species.
* * * * *
(a) * * *
Species \1\ Citation(s) for Citations(s) for
--------------------------------------------------- Where listed listing critical habitat
Common name Scientific name determinations Designations
* * * * * * *
Central California Coast coho.. Oncorhynchus U.S.A., CA, including [INSERT FR 64 FR 24049; May
kitsutch. all naturally CITATION & April 5, 1999.
spawning populations 2, 2012.
of coho salmon from
Punta Gorda in
northern California
south to and
including Aptos Creek
in central
California, as well
as populations in
tributaries to San
Francisco Bay,
excluding the
Joaquin River system,
as well as three
propagation programs:
the Don Clausen Fish
Hatchery Captive
Broodstock Program,
Scott Creek/King
Fisher Flats
Conservation Program,
and the Scott Creek
Captive Broodstock
* * * * * * *
\1\ Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement,
see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56
FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
[[Page 19563]]
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2012-7860 Filed 3-30-12; 8:45 am]