Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations, 17062-17063 [2012-7030]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 57 / Friday, March 23, 2012 / Notices
Provider Med Management Prize ......................................
Video must describe how a professional healthcare provider engages in an activity to
help patients manage their blood pressure medication using health information
Submissions that meet category
requirements will be evaluated by an
internal panel of judges for Category
Prizes based on the following criteria (to
be equally weighted):
1. Quality of the Idea (Includes
elements such as the relevance and
originality of your use of health IT)
2. Implementation of the Idea
(Includes elements such as the quality
of the video content, narrative and
visual appearance)
3. Potential Impact on health IT
adoption (Includes whether the video is
compelling, instructive, and easy to
follow so that others can perform
similar activities using health
The one (1) Contestant whose
Submissions earns the highest overall
score in their respective category will
win, respectively, the prizes identified
below in Section 8. In the event of a tie,
winners will be selected based on their
score on the criteria described in (1),
then (2), and finally (3). If there is still
a tie then the winner will be selected
based on a vote by the judging panel.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 3719.
Dated: March 16, 2012.
Erin Poetter,
Consumer e-Health Policy Analyst, Office of
the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), Office of the
Secretary (OS).
[FR Doc. 2012–6979 Filed 3–22–12; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed projects or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:14 Mar 22, 2012
Jkt 226001
instruments, call 404–639–7570 and
send comments to Ron Otten, CDC at
1600 Clifton Road, MS–D74, Atlanta,
GA 30333 or send an email to
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Project
ROPS Attributes Identified by
Distribution Channel Intermediaries—
New—National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
It is commonly acknowledged that it
is in the public interest to develop more
effective ways of determining the
incentives, impediments and barriers to
the adoption of items of safety
equipment that are known to be
effective in reducing occupational
traumatic injury and death.
Despite the development of rollover
protective structures (ROPS), an item of
safety equipment which has proven
preventive effectiveness against the
leading cause of occupational fatality in
the Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing
industrial sector (tractor rollovers), the
incidence of fatal and nonfatal traumatic
occupational injury within the sector
remains elevated. Tractor rollovers
remain the leading cause of fatal injury
in this sector, occurring at a rate of 5.4
per every 100,000 workers (NSC). Some
125 fatalities occurred each year from
this cause, for the years 1992–2002; both
fatal injuries and nonfatal injuries were
overwhelmingly associated with the use
of tractors that were not protected by
The efficacy of rollover protective
structures in preventing injury and
PO 00000
Frm 00062
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
death from crushing injuries is well
established. Various research efforts
have been undertaken over a period of
time and in international venues,
especially the Scandinavian countries,
to confirm the role of ROPS in
preventing injury from this source. As a
result of these studies, the efficacy of
ROPS in preventing this type of injury
was widely accepted by manufacturers
internationally and in this country.
Beginning in the mid-1980’s,
manufacturers of farm tractors in this
country universally elected to protect
tractor operators through the
incorporation of integral ROPS within
the design and manufacture of all new
farm tractors sold for domestic use.
However, significant numbers of older,
unprotected farm tractors remain in use.
ROPS are available for many of these
unprotected tractors, as a retrofit item
manufactured by fabricators or by
original equipment manufacturers.
However, a number of tractors remain in
operation without rollover protective
structures, and operators of these
tractors are at an elevated risk of injury.
ROPS are generally provided to end
users by tractor parts dealers, who
constitute channel intermediaries
between the manufacturer and the
consumer. However, little is known
about the decision processes that tractor
parts dealers follow in deciding whether
or not to recommend, source or provide
this item of safety equipment to end
users. The current project will generate
ranking scores for the importance
accorded to various issues of concern to
tractor parts dealers; these mostimportant items were previously
developed through qualitative research
studies. The Northeast Equipment
Dealers’ Association (NEDA), a trade
group representing tractor parts dealers,
and which is active in 12 Northeast and
Mid-Atlantic U.S. States, will represent
the collective membership of the
distribution channel intermediaries.
Some 500 establishments hold
membership in NEDA, and each of these
establishments will be surveyed to
provide ranking criteria.
CDC requests OMB approval to collect
customized information, from 500
NEDA establishments, over a one-month
period. This information will be of two
kinds: Demographic information on the
client base served by the NEDA
establishment, and importance ranking
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 57 / Friday, March 23, 2012 / Notices
of issues related to the provision of
ROPS or the ROPS configuration itself,
as self-selected ranking criteria,
following the maximum difference
scaling methodology.
This information will allow CDC to
compile a systematic, quantifiable
inventory of preference data for a group
that is considered representative of
tractor parts dealers nationwide.
Additionally, this data will allow for
segmentation of response by groups
with particularized interests.
The survey pilot questionnaire will be
administered by the New York Center
for Agricultural Medicine and Health
(NYCAMH). Following the
administration of a pilot test
questionnaire to assess comprehension
and message comprehension, a finalized
questionnaire will be routinely
submitted to NEDA establishments by
electronic mail. The estimated burden
per response is 17 minutes. Each
respondent establishment will receive a
personalized advance notification email,
followed by an email with a link to the
CDC Web site.
CDC anticipates that routine
information collection will begin in
August 2012. Assuming full
participation, the total estimated burden
for the one-time retrospective data
collection is 148 hours which includes
500 respondents for the survey and 20
respondents from the pilot project. At a
reduced response rate of 80%, total
burden would be 450 participants for a
total of 134 hours, assuming
replacement and thus full participation
for pilot participants. There are no costs
to respondents other than their time.
Type of respondents
Tractor parts dealers .........................
Tractor parts dealers .........................
Total ...........................................
Centers for Disease Control and
Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act Review
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Total burden
(in hrs)
[FR Doc. 2012–7030 Filed 3–22–12; 8:45 am]
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–7570 or send an
email to Send written
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–5806. Written
comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.
Proposed Project
Medical Monitoring Project (MMP)—
0920–0740, exp. 5/31/2012—Extension
with change—National Center for HIV,
17:14 Mar 22, 2012
Avg. burden
per response
(in hrs)
Dated: March 19, 2012.
Ron A. Otten,
Director, Office of Scientific Integrity, Office
of the Associate Director for Science (OADS),
Office of the Director, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
No. of
responses per
No. of
Form name
Jkt 226001
Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention
(NCHHSTP), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
This proposed data collection
supplements the HIV/AIDS surveillance
programs in 23 selected state and local
health departments, which collect
information on persons diagnosed with,
living with, and dying from HIV
infection and AIDS and will incorporate
data elements from two data collections:
Supplement to HIV/AIDS Surveillance
(SHAS) project (0920–0262) and the
Adult/Adolescent Spectrum of HIV
Disease (ASD). Both projects stopped
data collection in 2004.
Although CDC receives surveillance
data from all U.S. states, these
supplemental surveillance data are
needed to make population-based
national estimates of key indicators,
related to the quality of HIV-related
ambulatory care, the severity of need for
HIV-related care and services, and HIVrelated behaviors and clinical outcomes.
This project collects data on behaviors
and clinical outcomes from a probability
sample of HIV-infected adults receiving
care in the U.S. Collection of data from
interviews with HIV-infected patients
provides information on patient
demographics, and the current levels of
behaviors that may facilitate HIV
transmission: Sexual and drug use
behaviors; patients’ access to, use of and
barriers to receiving HIV-related
secondary prevention services;
utilization of HIV-related medical
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
services; and adherence to drug
regimens. Collection of data from
patient medical records provides
information on: Demographics and
insurance status; the prevalence and
incidence of AIDS-defining
opportunistic illnesses and comorbidities related to HIV disease; the
receipt of prophylactic and
antiretroviral medications; and whether
patients are receiving screening and
treatment according to Public Health
Service guidelines. No other Federal
agency collects national populationbased behavioral and clinical
information from HIV-infected adults in
care. The data are expected to have
significant implications for policy,
program development, and resource
allocation at the state/local and national
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention requests approval for a
3-year extension with change for the
previously approved Medical
Monitoring Project (MMP) 0920–0740
exp. 5/31/2012). Data will be collected
through in-person and telephoneadministered, computer-assisted
interviews conducted by trained
interviewers in 23 Reporting Areas (16
states, Puerto Rico and 6 separately
funded cities), and through medical
record abstraction by trained
abstractors. The methods for the project
have been updated to include telephone
interviews as an interviewing option.
Otherwise, the project activities and
methods will remain the same as those
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 57 (Friday, March 23, 2012)]
[Pages 17062-17063]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-7030]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects.
To request more information on the proposed projects or to obtain a
copy of the data collection plans and instruments, call 404-639-7570
and send comments to Ron Otten, CDC at 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D74,
Atlanta, GA 30333 or send an email to
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other
forms of information technology. Written comments should be received
within 60 days of this notice.
Proposed Project
ROPS Attributes Identified by Distribution Channel Intermediaries--
New--National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
It is commonly acknowledged that it is in the public interest to
develop more effective ways of determining the incentives, impediments
and barriers to the adoption of items of safety equipment that are
known to be effective in reducing occupational traumatic injury and
Despite the development of rollover protective structures (ROPS),
an item of safety equipment which has proven preventive effectiveness
against the leading cause of occupational fatality in the Agricultural,
Forestry and Fishing industrial sector (tractor rollovers), the
incidence of fatal and nonfatal traumatic occupational injury within
the sector remains elevated. Tractor rollovers remain the leading cause
of fatal injury in this sector, occurring at a rate of 5.4 per every
100,000 workers (NSC). Some 125 fatalities occurred each year from this
cause, for the years 1992-2002; both fatal injuries and nonfatal
injuries were overwhelmingly associated with the use of tractors that
were not protected by ROPS.
The efficacy of rollover protective structures in preventing injury
and death from crushing injuries is well established. Various research
efforts have been undertaken over a period of time and in international
venues, especially the Scandinavian countries, to confirm the role of
ROPS in preventing injury from this source. As a result of these
studies, the efficacy of ROPS in preventing this type of injury was
widely accepted by manufacturers internationally and in this country.
Beginning in the mid-1980's, manufacturers of farm tractors in this
country universally elected to protect tractor operators through the
incorporation of integral ROPS within the design and manufacture of all
new farm tractors sold for domestic use. However, significant numbers
of older, unprotected farm tractors remain in use. ROPS are available
for many of these unprotected tractors, as a retrofit item manufactured
by fabricators or by original equipment manufacturers. However, a
number of tractors remain in operation without rollover protective
structures, and operators of these tractors are at an elevated risk of
ROPS are generally provided to end users by tractor parts dealers,
who constitute channel intermediaries between the manufacturer and the
consumer. However, little is known about the decision processes that
tractor parts dealers follow in deciding whether or not to recommend,
source or provide this item of safety equipment to end users. The
current project will generate ranking scores for the importance
accorded to various issues of concern to tractor parts dealers; these
most-important items were previously developed through qualitative
research studies. The Northeast Equipment Dealers' Association (NEDA),
a trade group representing tractor parts dealers, and which is active
in 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic U.S. States, will represent the
collective membership of the distribution channel intermediaries. Some
500 establishments hold membership in NEDA, and each of these
establishments will be surveyed to provide ranking criteria.
CDC requests OMB approval to collect customized information, from
500 NEDA establishments, over a one-month period. This information will
be of two kinds: Demographic information on the client base served by
the NEDA establishment, and importance ranking
[[Page 17063]]
of issues related to the provision of ROPS or the ROPS configuration
itself, as self-selected ranking criteria, following the maximum
difference scaling methodology.
This information will allow CDC to compile a systematic,
quantifiable inventory of preference data for a group that is
considered representative of tractor parts dealers nationwide.
Additionally, this data will allow for segmentation of response by
groups with particularized interests.
The survey pilot questionnaire will be administered by the New York
Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH). Following the
administration of a pilot test questionnaire to assess comprehension
and message comprehension, a finalized questionnaire will be routinely
submitted to NEDA establishments by electronic mail. The estimated
burden per response is 17 minutes. Each respondent establishment will
receive a personalized advance notification email, followed by an email
with a link to the CDC Web site.
CDC anticipates that routine information collection will begin in
August 2012. Assuming full participation, the total estimated burden
for the one-time retrospective data collection is 148 hours which
includes 500 respondents for the survey and 20 respondents from the
pilot project. At a reduced response rate of 80%, total burden would be
450 participants for a total of 134 hours, assuming replacement and
thus full participation for pilot participants. There are no costs to
respondents other than their time.
Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
No. of Avg. burden
Type of respondents Form name No. of responses per per response Total burden
respondents respondent (in hrs) (in hrs)
Tractor parts dealers......... NIOSH/NYCAMH 450 1 17/60 128
Parts Dealers
Tractor parts dealers......... NIOSH/NYCAMH 20 1 17/60 6
Parts Dealers
Total..................... ................ .............. .............. .............. 134
Dated: March 19, 2012.
Ron A. Otten,
Director, Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the Associate
Director for Science (OADS), Office of the Director, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2012-7030 Filed 3-22-12; 8:45 am]