Los Padres National Forest: California; Environmental Impact Statement for the Removal of the Noxious Weed Tamarisk on the Los Padres National Forest, 9200-9202 [2012-3534]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
Affected Public
number of
annually per
number of
hours per
Total annual
Leaders Non-response .................
Staff * .............................................
Subtotal Type II .............................
Estimated total
annual hours of
Type III Organization
Telephone Interviews
Leaders or Staff Completed ..........
Leaders or Staff Non-response ....
Subtotal Type III ....................
GRAND TOTAL ..............
Provision of Organizational Self-Evaluation Data
Type I, II, and III Organizations
Number of Organizations Providing Self-Evaluation Data.
Number of Organizations that
Refuse to Provide Self-Evaluation Data.
Total .......................................
* 100% response anticipated for this group.
Dated: February 7, 2012.
Audrey Rowe,
Food and Nutrition Service.
[FR Doc. 2012–3619 Filed 2–15–12; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Los Padres National Forest: California;
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Removal of the Noxious Weed
Tamarisk on the Los Padres National
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The USDA, Forest Service,
Los Padres National Forest, gives notice
of intent to conduct analysis and
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the removal of the
noxious weed Tamarisk across the Los
Padres National forest: This notice
announces the beginning of scoping,
describes the proposed action, decisions
to be made, and estimates the dates for
filing the draft and final EIS. This notice
also provides information concerning
public participation, and the names and
addresses of the Agency officials who
can provide information.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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16:31 Feb 15, 2012
Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis will be received for 45
days from publication in the Federal
Register. The draft environmental
impact statement is expected in summer
of 2012 and the final environmental
impact statement is expected late 2012.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Los Padres National Forest, 6755
Hollister Avenue, Suite 150, Goleta, CA
93117, attention: Lloyd Simpson, Forest
Botanist. Comments may also be sent
via e-mail to: commentspacificsouthwest-los-padresojai@fs.fed.us, or via facsimile to 805–
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action.
Questions about the proposed action
may be directed to Project Team Leader,
Lloyd Simpson, Los Padres National
Forest, Ojai Ranger District, 1190 E. Ojai
Ave., Ojai, CA 93023; or by telephone:
(805) 646–4348 ext. 316. E-mail:
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday.
Jkt 226001
PO 00000
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Purpose and Need for Action
There is a need to eradicate the
noxious weed tamarisk from Piru Creek,
Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River, Santa
Ynez River, Sisquoc River, and Arroyo
Seco River in order to restore and
maintain habitat for riparian dependent
species such as the federally listed
arroyo toad, California red-legged frog,
and steelhead trout. The purpose of this
project is to eradicate tamarisk in a
timely manner and with an approach
that is pest-specific, cost effective, and
safe for the human and aquatic
The project area is on the Los Padres
National Forest in portions of the Piru
Creek, Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River,
Santa Ynez River, Sisquoc River, and
Arroyo Seco River watersheds. The
analysis area covers 4,247 acres and 368
miles of perennial and intermittent
streams. Infestations of tamarisk
occurring in these streams and their
tributaries within the analysis area are
targeted for removal.
For fish and wildlife, direction is
provided to maintain fisheries habitat
for viable populations of native fish
species and to prevent the destruction
or adverse modification of habitat
essential to threatened, endangered, or
sensitive species. The Forest Plan states
that ‘‘management activities or practices
may occur in riparian areas as long as
habitat and species diversity of the area
is maintained in a healthy state’’ and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
that ‘‘habitat improvement will enhance
conditions for sensitive, threatened, and
endangered species.’’
Proposed Action
The Los Padres National Forest
(LPNF) proposes to control the invasive
species tamarisk in portions of the Piru
Creek, Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River,
Santa Ynez River, Sisquoc River, and
Arroyo Seco River watersheds. This
action will result in the improvement of
riparian ecosystems that have been
impacted by the invasion of tamarisk.
Tamarisk has replaced the native
riparian plant community of willows,
cottonwoods and other desirable native
riparian species. Its water-consuming
ability has reduced the surface water
available to wildlife. The best
management strategy is to enact control
measures now before the tamarisk
infestations become any larger.
Successful invasive species control
programs are implemented at the
landscape level, particularly within
watersheds for species that colonize
stream courses. Partnerships are
especially important for accomplishing
weed control. Volunteers have worked
for many years on the Los Padres to
remove and control tamarisk. They will
continue to be part of this effort.
Tamarisk infestations have various
impacts on a number of federally listed
threatened (FT) and endangered (F–E)
species, as well as some Region 5 Forest
Service Sensitive (R5–S) species.
Federally listed endangered Least Bell’s
vireo and Southwestern Willow
Flycatcher have been known to nest in
large groves of habitat dominated by
tamarisk, but this is not likely in the Los
Padres NF given the scattered nature of
the present tamarisk populations.
However, it is well documented that
tamarisk removal will restore natural
habitat for these birds as well as arroyo
toad (F–E), California red-legged frog
(F–T), southwestern pond turtle (R5–S),
two-striped garter snake (R5–S) and
steelhead trout (both F–E and F–T)
This project is designed to eradicate
current infestations of Tamarisk
(Tamarix ramosissima, T chinensis, T
gallica, T parviflora) and to prevent its
further spread on National Forest
System land. Tamarisk is a nonnative
invasive tree-shrub that can grow in
dense patches, out-compete native
vegetation, change soil chemistry by
depositing salts in deep ground water
on the soil surface, and remove large
amounts of water from streams and
riparian areas via evapo-transpiration
through its foliage. This project covers
portions of the Piru Creek, Lockwood
Creek, Cuyama River, Santa Ynez River,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 226001
Sisquoc River, and Arroyo Seco River
The current tamarisk infestation
covers 368 miles or 4,247 acres of
riparian habitat on NFS lands. The goal
is to implement control measures now
before tamarisk becomes a larger
problem in riparian ecosystems.
The methods of tamarisk eradication
have several constraints in this project:
(1) Many treatment areas are very steep,
making access and logistics difficult.
There is no motorized access to most of
the project area, much of it is in
Congressionally designated Wilderness.
All supplies and equipment must either
be packed or flown in. Pile-burning cut
tamarisk stems is not feasible due to the
logistics of getting crews and
suppression resources down into the
canyons to do it. (2) There are few
suitable areas to relocate tamarisk stems
for disposal via burn piles. (3) There is
habitat known for Least Bell’s Vireo and
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, two
federally endangered birds in the Piru
creek watershed. The habitat area
contains scattered tamarisk within the
riparian vegetation.
The proposed action is a combination
of tamarisk treatment methods designed
to be as light on the land as possible and
at the same time cost and labor efficient.
The methods used will be a
combination of hand treatments,
herbicide applications, and biological
control. Tamarisk seedlings will be
removed by hand by pulling and placing
them where they cannot reestablish.
Herbicides are essential to meet the
project objectives. Tamarisk will resprout if simply cut down and/or
burned. Herbicide treatments are the
most effective and the most efficient
control method currently available.
Herbicide use will be consistent with
the Forest Service Pesticide Use Policy,
will be in compliance with state and
federal regulations, will follow Region 5
Best Management Practices for
Vegetation Manipulation, the Region 5
Supplement for Pesticide-Use
Management and Coordination, and the
Forest Plan guidance including the
Supplement to Soil and Water
Conservation Practices FSH 2509.22–
2005–1. A bio-control insect bred to
assist in the treatment and control of
tamarisk infestations is currently
available. While tamarisk distribution
across NFS land may be too spread out
to maintain effective populations of a
control insect, use of the insect may be
appropriate in areas where there is
higher tamarisk density.
Herbicide treatments will be restricted
to ground-based/hand applications only;
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Seedlings and young plants will be
hand-pulled where possible and
removed from the riparian area and
placed in the sun minimizing soil
contact with the roots. Experience with
hand pulling has shown that only plants
1 foot tall or less can be successfully
removed. We will begin removing the
younger plants on the boundaries of
infestations and do as much as we can
each year.
Large tamarisk within 10 horizontal
feet of standing or running water will be
treated with imazapyr (Habitat or
similar formulation). Treatment type
will depend on size of the individual
tamarisk plant and the access available
to do the treatment. Cut plant material
will be removed from the waterway but
left in small piles as wildlife habitat.
Treatment methods are:
Cut Stump Treatment: Tree trunks are
cut near ground level with handsaws or
chainsaws and then stumps are hand
coated with the herbicide, surfactant
and colorant using sponge brushes. The
mixture is quickly absorbed by the
plant’s phloem and transported to the
root; if the herbicide mixture is applied
immediately (2–10 minutes), 85–95%
control is possible.
Frill Treatment: With this method, a
hatchet is used to cut downward into
the water-conducting tissue (phloem) of
standing trees. This treatment would be
done using a Hypo-Hatchet to directly
inject a pre-set amount of herbicide
directly into the tree. Usually one
injection is made for every inch of stem
diameter evenly spaced around the
For plants beyond the 10 horizontal
feet of standing or running water,
another herbicide, triclopyr (Garlon 4 or
similar formulation) may be used.
Triclopyr is not labeled for use around
water and would only be used on
upland plants. Treatments would be
similar to imazapyr and based on plant
size. Cut material will be disposed of in
the same way as the cut riparian
tamarisk described earlier.
Resource Protection Measures
The following resource protection
measures would be employed under all
action alternatives:
Water Quality: Water quality would
be protected following measures
described in the Best Management
Practices. Best Management Practices
would be implemented during all
activities associated with this proposed
action. Best Management Practices
(BMPs) are measures developed
cooperatively with the Forest Service
and the California State Water Quality
Control Board to control non-point
source pollution on National Forest
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
System lands. Many BMPs are available
for use and can be tailored to
accommodate site-specific conditions. A
monitoring protocol for this project will
be included in the project
implementation plan.
Wildlife and Fisheries: A biological
assessment/evaluation of all threatened,
endangered, and sensitive wildlife and
fish species that potentially occur in the
project would be drafted to provide an
assessment of the impacts of the
proposed action. The best management
practices above will minimize or
eliminate the exposure of wildlife and
fisheries to pesticides. The primary
effect on federally listed or Forest
Service sensitive species will be the
physical presence to work crews in
occupied habitat. The following
resource protection measures would be
carried out during project
implementation to protect federally
listed and R5 Forest Service sensitive
• To avoid trampling of arroyo toads
and California red-legged frogs, a
qualified biologist would conduct a
training session for all project personnel
prior to conducting the proposed action
in habitat for arroyo toads and
California red-legged frogs. At a
minimum, the training would include a
description of the arroyo toad and its
habitat, the general provisions of the
Endangered Species Act; the necessity
for adhering to the provisions of the Act;
the penalties associated with violating
the provisions of the Act; the general
measures that are being implemented to
conserve the listed species as they relate
to the project; and the access routes to
and from project site boundaries within
which the treatments may be
• In arroyo toad and California redlegged frog habitat, all routes to
treatment sites would be identified by a
qualified biologist and used repeatedly
by workers to minimize trampling of
arroyo toads and vegetation.
• Applicators would avoid walking or
stepping in water, to the maximum
extent possible. They would also avoid
spilling herbicide on footwear and
clothing to prevent inadvertent
contamination if contact with water
• All access routes and treatment
sites within arroyo toad and California
red-legged frog habitat would be
thoroughly searched for the presence of
arroyo toads and California red-legged
frog by a qualified biologist, prior to the
onset of project activities at each site.
This should occur within two weeks of
work commencement.
• Arroyo toads and California redlegged frog found within the treatment
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Jkt 226001
sites shall be carefully moved outside
the immediate work area and released
by a qualified biologist permitted by
USFWS to handle these species.
Animals found within access routes
may be moved to appropriate habitat if
their avoidance is not practicable. If
project activities cease for more than
three days within any one treatment
site, access routes and treatment areas
would be searched again for arroyo
toads and California red-legged frog
prior to the start of the day’s work.
Information that includes the date, time
of capture, specific location of capture,
approximate size, age and health of the
individual would be recorded.
• Treatments will be conducted
during low stream flow or no stream
flow periods of the year to avoid
potential impacts to steelhead trout or
their spawning redds during the late fall
to early winter months.
• If workers encounter aquatic
wildlife species other than arroyo toads
and California red-legged frog during
project implementation they will allow
the animal(s) to flee to safe areas out of
the work sites or physically move the
animals to safe locations.
Sensitive Plants: A biological
assessment/evaluation of all threatened,
endangered, and sensitive plant species
that potentially occur in the project
would be drafted to provide an
assessment of the impacts of the
proposed action. Best Management
practices above and the highly targeted
application methods being used in this
project will minimize the exposure of
Forest Service sensitive plant species to
Noxious Weeds: Require cleaning of
any tools carried into or out of the
project area to reduce the risk of
noxious weed spread.
Heritage Resources: Areas requiring
flagging and avoidance would be
identified by a qualified heritage
resources manager to the project planner
prior to any implementation of project
Possible Alternatives
A full range of alternatives will be
considered including action and noaction. Alternatives responding to issues
generated during the scoping process
and interdisciplinary team project
development will also be developed and
considered. All alternatives will comply
with the Los Padres National Forest
Land Management Plan.
Responsible Official
Peggy Hernandez, Forest Supervisor,
Los Padres National Forest, Goleta
California, is the responsible official for
the EIS and its Record of Decision. As
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the Responsible Official, the Forest
Supervisor will document the decision
and reason for the decision in the
Record of Decision. The decision will be
subject to Forest Service Appeals
Regulations (36 CFR part 215).
Nature of Decision to be Made
The Responsible Official will make a
decision considering the following:
1. Whether the proposed action will
proceed as proposed, with
modifications, or not at all.
2. What associated mitigation
measures and monitoring requirements
will be required.
Preliminary Issues
Preliminary issues identified include
the following:
1. Hand removal is not controlling the
current infestations of Tamarisk and
herbicides are needed.
2. Use of herbicides and the need to
protect water quality and public safety.
3. Presence of listed threatened and
endangered species, their habitat, and/
or mapped critical habitat.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the
scoping process, which guides the
development of the environmental
impact statement.
The Forest Supervisor is seeking
public and agency comment on the
proposed action to identify issues that
arise from the proposed action. The
issues may lead to other alternatives, or
additional mitigation measure and
monitoring requirements. In addition to
this notice, public scoping letters will
be mailed to interested parties.
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such a way they are useful to the
Agency’s preparation of the
environmental impact statement. The
submission of timely and specific
comments can affect a reviewer’s ability
to participate in subsequent
administrative appeal of judicial review.
Dated: February 1, 2012.
Peggy Hernandez,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2012–3534 Filed 2–15–12; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Commerce will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for clearance the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 32 (Thursday, February 16, 2012)]
[Pages 9200-9202]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-3534]
Forest Service
Los Padres National Forest: California; Environmental Impact
Statement for the Removal of the Noxious Weed Tamarisk on the Los
Padres National Forest
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The USDA, Forest Service, Los Padres National Forest, gives
notice of intent to conduct analysis and prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) for the removal of the noxious weed Tamarisk
across the Los Padres National forest: This notice announces the
beginning of scoping, describes the proposed action, decisions to be
made, and estimates the dates for filing the draft and final EIS. This
notice also provides information concerning public participation, and
the names and addresses of the Agency officials who can provide
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis will be received
for 45 days from publication in the Federal Register. The draft
environmental impact statement is expected in summer of 2012 and the
final environmental impact statement is expected late 2012.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Los Padres National Forest, 6755
Hollister Avenue, Suite 150, Goleta, CA 93117, attention: Lloyd
Simpson, Forest Botanist. Comments may also be sent via e-mail to:
comments-pacificsouthwest-los-padres-ojai@fs.fed.us, or via facsimile
to 805-646-0408.
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions about the proposed action
may be directed to Project Team Leader, Lloyd Simpson, Los Padres
National Forest, Ojai Ranger District, 1190 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai, CA
93023; or by telephone: (805) 646-4348 ext. 316. E-mail: comments-pacificsouthwest-los-padres-ojai@fs.fed.us.
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action
There is a need to eradicate the noxious weed tamarisk from Piru
Creek, Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River, Santa Ynez River, Sisquoc River,
and Arroyo Seco River in order to restore and maintain habitat for
riparian dependent species such as the federally listed arroyo toad,
California red-legged frog, and steelhead trout. The purpose of this
project is to eradicate tamarisk in a timely manner and with an
approach that is pest-specific, cost effective, and safe for the human
and aquatic environments.
The project area is on the Los Padres National Forest in portions
of the Piru Creek, Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River, Santa Ynez River,
Sisquoc River, and Arroyo Seco River watersheds. The analysis area
covers 4,247 acres and 368 miles of perennial and intermittent streams.
Infestations of tamarisk occurring in these streams and their
tributaries within the analysis area are targeted for removal.
For fish and wildlife, direction is provided to maintain fisheries
habitat for viable populations of native fish species and to prevent
the destruction or adverse modification of habitat essential to
threatened, endangered, or sensitive species. The Forest Plan states
that ``management activities or practices may occur in riparian areas
as long as habitat and species diversity of the area is maintained in a
healthy state'' and
[[Page 9201]]
that ``habitat improvement will enhance conditions for sensitive,
threatened, and endangered species.''
Proposed Action
The Los Padres National Forest (LPNF) proposes to control the
invasive species tamarisk in portions of the Piru Creek, Lockwood
Creek, Cuyama River, Santa Ynez River, Sisquoc River, and Arroyo Seco
River watersheds. This action will result in the improvement of
riparian ecosystems that have been impacted by the invasion of
Tamarisk has replaced the native riparian plant community of
willows, cottonwoods and other desirable native riparian species. Its
water-consuming ability has reduced the surface water available to
wildlife. The best management strategy is to enact control measures now
before the tamarisk infestations become any larger.
Successful invasive species control programs are implemented at the
landscape level, particularly within watersheds for species that
colonize stream courses. Partnerships are especially important for
accomplishing weed control. Volunteers have worked for many years on
the Los Padres to remove and control tamarisk. They will continue to be
part of this effort.
Tamarisk infestations have various impacts on a number of federally
listed threatened (FT) and endangered (F-E) species, as well as some
Region 5 Forest Service Sensitive (R5-S) species. Federally listed
endangered Least Bell's vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher have
been known to nest in large groves of habitat dominated by tamarisk,
but this is not likely in the Los Padres NF given the scattered nature
of the present tamarisk populations. However, it is well documented
that tamarisk removal will restore natural habitat for these birds as
well as arroyo toad (F-E), California red-legged frog (F-T),
southwestern pond turtle (R5-S), two-striped garter snake (R5-S) and
steelhead trout (both F-E and F-T) stocks.
This project is designed to eradicate current infestations of
Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima, T chinensis, T gallica, T parviflora)
and to prevent its further spread on National Forest System land.
Tamarisk is a nonnative invasive tree-shrub that can grow in dense
patches, out-compete native vegetation, change soil chemistry by
depositing salts in deep ground water on the soil surface, and remove
large amounts of water from streams and riparian areas via evapo-
transpiration through its foliage. This project covers portions of the
Piru Creek, Lockwood Creek, Cuyama River, Santa Ynez River, Sisquoc
River, and Arroyo Seco River watersheds.
The current tamarisk infestation covers 368 miles or 4,247 acres of
riparian habitat on NFS lands. The goal is to implement control
measures now before tamarisk becomes a larger problem in riparian
The methods of tamarisk eradication have several constraints in
this project: (1) Many treatment areas are very steep, making access
and logistics difficult. There is no motorized access to most of the
project area, much of it is in Congressionally designated Wilderness.
All supplies and equipment must either be packed or flown in. Pile-
burning cut tamarisk stems is not feasible due to the logistics of
getting crews and suppression resources down into the canyons to do it.
(2) There are few suitable areas to relocate tamarisk stems for
disposal via burn piles. (3) There is habitat known for Least Bell's
Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, two federally endangered
birds in the Piru creek watershed. The habitat area contains scattered
tamarisk within the riparian vegetation.
The proposed action is a combination of tamarisk treatment methods
designed to be as light on the land as possible and at the same time
cost and labor efficient. The methods used will be a combination of
hand treatments, herbicide applications, and biological control.
Tamarisk seedlings will be removed by hand by pulling and placing them
where they cannot reestablish. Herbicides are essential to meet the
project objectives. Tamarisk will re-sprout if simply cut down and/or
burned. Herbicide treatments are the most effective and the most
efficient control method currently available. Herbicide use will be
consistent with the Forest Service Pesticide Use Policy, will be in
compliance with state and federal regulations, will follow Region 5
Best Management Practices for Vegetation Manipulation, the Region 5
Supplement for Pesticide-Use Management and Coordination, and the
Forest Plan guidance including the Supplement to Soil and Water
Conservation Practices FSH 2509.22-2005-1. A bio-control insect bred to
assist in the treatment and control of tamarisk infestations is
currently available. While tamarisk distribution across NFS land may be
too spread out to maintain effective populations of a control insect,
use of the insect may be appropriate in areas where there is higher
tamarisk density.
Herbicide treatments will be restricted to ground-based/hand
applications only; NO AERIAL SPRAYING is being proposed.
Seedlings and young plants will be hand-pulled where possible and
removed from the riparian area and placed in the sun minimizing soil
contact with the roots. Experience with hand pulling has shown that
only plants 1 foot tall or less can be successfully removed. We will
begin removing the younger plants on the boundaries of infestations and
do as much as we can each year.
Large tamarisk within 10 horizontal feet of standing or running
water will be treated with imazapyr (Habitat or similar formulation).
Treatment type will depend on size of the individual tamarisk plant and
the access available to do the treatment. Cut plant material will be
removed from the waterway but left in small piles as wildlife habitat.
Treatment methods are:
Cut Stump Treatment: Tree trunks are cut near ground level with
handsaws or chainsaws and then stumps are hand coated with the
herbicide, surfactant and colorant using sponge brushes. The mixture is
quickly absorbed by the plant's phloem and transported to the root; if
the herbicide mixture is applied immediately (2-10 minutes), 85-95%
control is possible.
Frill Treatment: With this method, a hatchet is used to cut
downward into the water-conducting tissue (phloem) of standing trees.
This treatment would be done using a Hypo-Hatchet to directly inject a
pre-set amount of herbicide directly into the tree. Usually one
injection is made for every inch of stem diameter evenly spaced around
the circumference.
For plants beyond the 10 horizontal feet of standing or running
water, another herbicide, triclopyr (Garlon 4 or similar formulation)
may be used. Triclopyr is not labeled for use around water and would
only be used on upland plants. Treatments would be similar to imazapyr
and based on plant size. Cut material will be disposed of in the same
way as the cut riparian tamarisk described earlier.
Resource Protection Measures
The following resource protection measures would be employed under
all action alternatives:
Water Quality: Water quality would be protected following measures
described in the Best Management Practices. Best Management Practices
would be implemented during all activities associated with this
proposed action. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are measures
developed cooperatively with the Forest Service and the California
State Water Quality Control Board to control non-point source pollution
on National Forest
[[Page 9202]]
System lands. Many BMPs are available for use and can be tailored to
accommodate site-specific conditions. A monitoring protocol for this
project will be included in the project implementation plan.
Wildlife and Fisheries: A biological assessment/evaluation of all
threatened, endangered, and sensitive wildlife and fish species that
potentially occur in the project would be drafted to provide an
assessment of the impacts of the proposed action. The best management
practices above will minimize or eliminate the exposure of wildlife and
fisheries to pesticides. The primary effect on federally listed or
Forest Service sensitive species will be the physical presence to work
crews in occupied habitat. The following resource protection measures
would be carried out during project implementation to protect federally
listed and R5 Forest Service sensitive species:
To avoid trampling of arroyo toads and California red-
legged frogs, a qualified biologist would conduct a training session
for all project personnel prior to conducting the proposed action in
habitat for arroyo toads and California red-legged frogs. At a minimum,
the training would include a description of the arroyo toad and its
habitat, the general provisions of the Endangered Species Act; the
necessity for adhering to the provisions of the Act; the penalties
associated with violating the provisions of the Act; the general
measures that are being implemented to conserve the listed species as
they relate to the project; and the access routes to and from project
site boundaries within which the treatments may be accomplished.
In arroyo toad and California red-legged frog habitat, all
routes to treatment sites would be identified by a qualified biologist
and used repeatedly by workers to minimize trampling of arroyo toads
and vegetation.
Applicators would avoid walking or stepping in water, to
the maximum extent possible. They would also avoid spilling herbicide
on footwear and clothing to prevent inadvertent contamination if
contact with water occurs.
All access routes and treatment sites within arroyo toad
and California red-legged frog habitat would be thoroughly searched for
the presence of arroyo toads and California red-legged frog by a
qualified biologist, prior to the onset of project activities at each
site. This should occur within two weeks of work commencement.
Arroyo toads and California red-legged frog found within
the treatment sites shall be carefully moved outside the immediate work
area and released by a qualified biologist permitted by USFWS to handle
these species. Animals found within access routes may be moved to
appropriate habitat if their avoidance is not practicable. If project
activities cease for more than three days within any one treatment
site, access routes and treatment areas would be searched again for
arroyo toads and California red-legged frog prior to the start of the
day's work. Information that includes the date, time of capture,
specific location of capture, approximate size, age and health of the
individual would be recorded.
Treatments will be conducted during low stream flow or no
stream flow periods of the year to avoid potential impacts to steelhead
trout or their spawning redds during the late fall to early winter
If workers encounter aquatic wildlife species other than
arroyo toads and California red-legged frog during project
implementation they will allow the animal(s) to flee to safe areas out
of the work sites or physically move the animals to safe locations.
Sensitive Plants: A biological assessment/evaluation of all
threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant species that potentially
occur in the project would be drafted to provide an assessment of the
impacts of the proposed action. Best Management practices above and the
highly targeted application methods being used in this project will
minimize the exposure of Forest Service sensitive plant species to
Noxious Weeds: Require cleaning of any tools carried into or out of
the project area to reduce the risk of noxious weed spread.
Heritage Resources: Areas requiring flagging and avoidance would be
identified by a qualified heritage resources manager to the project
planner prior to any implementation of project work.
Possible Alternatives
A full range of alternatives will be considered including action
and no-action. Alternatives responding to issues generated during the
scoping process and interdisciplinary team project development will
also be developed and considered. All alternatives will comply with the
Los Padres National Forest Land Management Plan.
Responsible Official
Peggy Hernandez, Forest Supervisor, Los Padres National Forest,
Goleta California, is the responsible official for the EIS and its
Record of Decision. As the Responsible Official, the Forest Supervisor
will document the decision and reason for the decision in the Record of
Decision. The decision will be subject to Forest Service Appeals
Regulations (36 CFR part 215).
Nature of Decision to be Made
The Responsible Official will make a decision considering the
1. Whether the proposed action will proceed as proposed, with
modifications, or not at all.
2. What associated mitigation measures and monitoring requirements
will be required.
Preliminary Issues
Preliminary issues identified include the following:
1. Hand removal is not controlling the current infestations of
Tamarisk and herbicides are needed.
2. Use of herbicides and the need to protect water quality and
public safety.
3. Presence of listed threatened and endangered species, their
habitat, and/or mapped critical habitat.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the scoping process, which guides
the development of the environmental impact statement.
The Forest Supervisor is seeking public and agency comment on the
proposed action to identify issues that arise from the proposed action.
The issues may lead to other alternatives, or additional mitigation
measure and monitoring requirements. In addition to this notice, public
scoping letters will be mailed to interested parties.
It is important that reviewers provide their comments at such times
and in such a way they are useful to the Agency's preparation of the
environmental impact statement. The submission of timely and specific
comments can affect a reviewer's ability to participate in subsequent
administrative appeal of judicial review.
Dated: February 1, 2012.
Peggy Hernandez,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2012-3534 Filed 2-15-12; 8:45 am]