Meeting for Software Developers on the Technical Specifications for Common Formats for Patient Safety Data Collection and Event Reporting, 9252-9254 [2012-2937]
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srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
OHRP and other offices or agencies
within HHS responsible for human
subjects protection. These evaluations
may include, but are not limited to, a
review of assurance systems, the
application of minimal research risk
standards, the granting of waivers,
education programs sponsored by
OHRP, and the ongoing monitoring and
oversight of institutional review boards
and the institutions that sponsor
Nominations: OHRP is requesting
nominations to fill four positions for
voting members of SACHRP. Two
positions will become vacant in July
and two in October, 2012. Nominations
of potential candidates for consideration
are being sought from a wide array of
fields, including, but not limited to:
public health and medicine, behavioral
and social sciences, health
administration, and biomedical ethics.
To qualify for consideration of
appointment to the Committee, an
individual must possess demonstrated
experience and expertise in any of the
several disciplines and fields pertinent
to human subjects protection or clinical
The individuals selected for
appointment to the Committee can be
invited to serve a term of up to four
years. Committee members receive a
stipend and reimbursement for per diem
and any travel expenses incurred for
attending Committee meetings or
conducting other business in the
interest of the Committee. Interested
applicants may self-nominate.
Nominations should be typewritten.
The following information should be
included in the package of material
submitted for each individual being
nominated for consideration: (1) A letter
of nomination that clearly states the
name and affiliation of the nominee, the
basis for the nomination (i.e., specific
attributes which qualify the nominee for
service in this capacity), and a statement
that the nominee is willing to serve as
a member of the Committee; (2) the
nominator’s name, address, daytime
telephone number, and the home or
work address, telephone number, and
email address of the individual being
nominated; and (3) a current copy of the
nominee’s curriculum vitae. Federal
employees should not be nominated for
consideration of appointment to this
The Department makes every effort to
ensure that the membership of HHS
Federal advisory committees is fairly
balanced in terms of points of view
represented and the committee’s
function. Every effort is made to ensure
that individuals from a broad
representation of geographic areas,
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women and men, ethnic and minority
groups, and the disabled are given
consideration for membership on HHS
Federal advisory committees.
Appointment to this Committee shall be
made without discrimination on the
basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, and
cultural, religious, or socioeconomic
Individuals who are selected to be
considered for appointment will be
required to provide detailed information
regarding their financial holdings,
consultancies, and research grants or
contracts. Disclosure of this information
is necessary in order to determine if the
selected candidate is involved in any
activity that may pose a potential
conflict with the official duties to be
performed as a member of SACHRP.
Dated: February 10, 2012.
Jerry Menikoff,
Director, Office for Human Research
Protections Executive Secretary, Secretary’s
Advisory Committee on Human Research
[FR Doc. 2012–3625 Filed 2–15–12; 8:45 am]
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Meeting for Software Developers on
the Technical Specifications for
Common Formats for Patient Safety
Data Collection and Event Reporting
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
The Patient Safety and
Quality Improvement Act of 2005, 42
U.S.C. 299b–21 to b–26, (Patient Safety
Act) provides for the formation of
Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs),
which collect, aggregate, and analyze
confidential information regarding the
quality and safety of health care
delivery. The Patient Safety Act (at 42
U.S.C. 299b–23) authorizes the
collection of this information in a
standardized manner, as explained in
the related Patient Safety and Quality
Improvement Final Rule, 42 CFR part 3
(Patient Safety Rule), published in the
Federal Register on November 21, 2008:
73 FR 70731–70814. AHRQ coordinates
the development of a set of common
definitions and reporting formats
(Common Formats) that allow health
care providers to voluntarily collect and
submit standardized information
regarding patient safety events. In order
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to support the Common Formats, AHRQ
has provided technical specifications to
promote standardization by ensuring
that data collected by PSOs and other
entities are clinically and electronically
comparable. More information on the
Common Formats, including the
technical specifications, can be obtained
through AHRQ’s PSO Web site: https://
The purpose of this notice is to
announce a meeting to discuss the
Common Formats technical
specifications. This meeting is designed
as an interactive forum where PSOs and
software developers can provide input
on these technical specifications. AHRQ
especially requests input from those
entities which have used AHRQ’s
technical specifications and
implemented, or plan to implement, the
formats electronically.
DATES: The meeting will be held from 10
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on April 12, 2012.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, 7400
Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD
Susan Grinder, Center for Quality
Improvement and Patient Safety, AHRQ,
540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850;
Telephone (toll free): (866) 403–3697;
Telephone (local): (301) 427–1111; TTY
(toll free): (866) 438–7231; TTY (local):
(301) 427–1130; Email:
If sign language interpretation or other
reasonable accommodation for a
disability is needed, please contact the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Office of Equal Employment
Opportunity and Disability Management
at (301) 827–4840, no later than March
28, 2012.
The Patient Safety Act and Patient
Safety Rule establish a framework by
which doctors, hospitals, skilled
nursing facilities, and other health care
providers may voluntarily report
information regarding patient safety
events and quality of care. Information
that is assembled and developed by
providers for reporting to PSOs and the
information received and analyzed by
PSOs—called ‘‘patient safety work
product’’—is privileged and
confidential. Patient safety work
product is used to identify events,
patterns of care, and unsafe conditions
that increase risks and hazards to
patients. Definitions and other details
about PSOs and patient safety work
product are included in the Patient
Safety Rule.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
The Patient Safety Act and Patient
Safety Rule require PSOs, to the extent
practical and appropriate, to collect
patient safety work product from
providers in a standardized manner in
order to permit valid comparisons of
similar cases among similar providers.
The collection of patient safety work
product allows the aggregation of
sufficient data to identify and address
underlying causal factors of patient
safety problems. Both the Patient Safety
Act and Patient Safety Rule, including
any relevant guidance, can be accessed
electronically at: https://
In collaboration with the interagency
Federal Patient Safety Workgroup
(PSWG), the National Quality Forum
(NQF) and the public, AHRQ has
developed Common Formats for two
settings of care—acute care hospitals
and skilled nursing facilities—in order
to facilitate standardized data
collection. The term ‘‘Common
Formats’’ refers to the common
definitions and reporting formats that
allow health care providers to collect
and submit standardized information
regarding patient safety events. AHRQ’s
Common Formats include:
• Event descriptions (descriptions of
patient safety events and unsafe
conditions to be reported),
• Specifications for patient safety
aggregate reports and individual event
• Delineation of data elements to be
collected for different types of events to
populate the reports,
• A user’s guide and quick guide, and
• Technical specifications for
electronic data collection and reporting.
AHRQ convenes the PSWG to assist
AHRQ with developing and maintaining
the Common Formats. The PSWG
includes major health agencies within
the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS)—the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, Food
and Drug Administration, Health
Resources and Services Administration,
Indian Health Service, National
Institutes of Health, National Library of
Medicine, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, Office of Public Health and
Science, and Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services
Administration—as well as the
Department of Defense and Department
of Veterans Affairs.
When developing Common Formats,
AHRQ first reviews existing patient
safety event reporting systems from a
variety of health care organizations. In
collaboration with the PSWG and
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Federal subject matter experts, AHRQ
drafts and releases beta versions of the
Common Formats for public review and
Through a contract with AHRQ, NQF
solicits feedback on the beta (and
subsequent) versions of the Common
Formats from private sector
organizations and individuals. The
NQF, a nonprofit organization that
focuses on health care quality, then
convenes an expert panel to review the
comments received and provide
feedback to AHRQ. Based upon the
expert panel’s feedback, AHRQ, in
conjunction with the PSWG, further
revises the Common Formats.
The technical specifications promote
standardization of collected patient
safety event information by specifying
rules for data collection and submission,
as well as by providing guidance for
how and when to create data elements,
their valid values, conditional and go-to
logic, and reports. These specifications
will ensure that data collected by PSOs
and other entities have comparable
clinical meaning.
The technical specifications also
provide direction to software
developers, so that the Common
Formats can be implemented
electronically, and to PSOs, so that the
Common Formats can be submitted
electronically to the PSO Privacy
Protection Center (PSO PPC) for data deidentification and transmission to the
Network of Patient Safety Databases
Most recently, AHRQ and the PSWG
released the beta version of the Venous
Thromboembolism (VTE) format for
reporting of VTE-related patient safety
events as announced in the Federal
Register on November 1, 2011: 76 FR
The Software Developer’s meeting
will focus on discussion of an
anticipated Spring release—Hospital
Common Formats 1.2—and the
technical specifications, which provide
direction to software developers that
plan to implement the Common Formats
electronically. The technical
specifications are a critical component
that allow for the aggregation of patient
safety event data.
The technical specifications consist of
the following:
• Data dictionary—defines data
elements and their attributes (data
element name, answer values, field
length, guide for use, etc.) included in
Common Formats;
• Clinical document architecture
(CDA) implementation guide—provides
instructions for developing a file to
transmit the Common Formats Patient
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Safety data from the PSO to the PSO
PPC using the Common Formats;
• Validation rules and errors
document—specifies and defines the
validation rules that will be applied to
the Common Formats data elements
submitted to the PSO PPC;
• Common Formats flow charts—
diagrams the valid paths to complete
generic and event specific formats (a
complete event report);
• Local specifications—provides
specifications for processing, linking
and reporting on events and details
specifications for reports; and
• Metadata registry—includes
descriptive facts about information
contained in the data dictionary to
illustrate how such data corresponds
with similar data elements used by
other Federal agencies and standards
development organizations [e.g., HL—7,
International Standards Organization
Agenda, Registration and Other
Information About the Meeting
On Thursday, April 12, 2012, the
meeting will convene at 10 a.m. with an
overview of the Common Formats,
including the Hospital Common
Formats Version 1.2 technical
specifications, and next steps for
upcoming Common Formats releases.
AHRQ staff and contractors will review
database functionality, which is
available through the PSO PPC, for
PSOs to generate aggregate reports with
technical specifications. Finally, the
meeting will review data submission
both by PSOs and by vendors on behalf
of a PSO. Throughout the meeting there
will be interactive discussion to allow
meeting participants not only to provide
input, but also to respond to the input
provided by others. A more specific
proposed agenda will be posted before
the meeting at
AHRQ requests that interested
persons register with the PSO PPC on
the Internet at
0cQkQx/4W to participate in the
meeting. The contact at the PSO PPC is
Rhonda Davis who can be reached by
telephone at (866) 571–7712 and by
email at supportpsoppc.ORG.
Additional logistical information for the
meeting is also available from the PSO
PPC. The meeting space will
accommodate approximately 150
participants. Interested persons are
encouraged to register as soon as
possible for the meeting. Non-registered
individuals will be able to attend the
meeting in person if space is available.
Prior to the meeting, AHRQ invites
review of the technical specifications for
Common Formats. The formats can be
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
accessed through AHRQ’s PSO Web site
at https://www.pso.AHRQ.GOV/formats/
commonfmt.htm. AHRQ is committed to
continuing refinement of the Common
Formats, and welcomes questions from
prospective meeting participants and
interested individuals on the technical
specifications. These questions should
be emailed to support@psoppc.ORG no
later than March 21, 2012. AHRQ will
use the input received at this meeting to
further update and refine the Common
A summary of the meeting will be
provided upon request. If you are
unable to participate in the meeting and
would like a copy of the summary,
please send an email to
supportpsoppc.ORG and it will be sent
as soon as it is available after the
Dated: January 25, 2012.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
[FR Doc. 2012–2937 Filed 2–15–12; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Advisory Board on Radiation and
Worker Health (ABRWH or Advisory
Board), National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), and pursuant to the
requirements of 42 CFR 83.15(a), the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), announces the
following meeting of the
aforementioned committee:
Board Public Meeting Times and
Dates (All times are Pacific Time): 9:45
a.m.–5 p.m., February 28, 2012. 8:15
a.m.–6 p.m., February 29, 2012.
Public Comment Times and Dates (All
times are Pacific Time): 5 p.m.–6:30
p.m.,* February 28, 2012.
* Please note that the public comment
periods may end before the times
indicated, following the last call for
comments. Members of the public who
wish to provide public comments
should plan to attend public comment
sessions at the start times listed.
Place: Waterfront Hotel, 10
Washington Street, Oakland, California
94607, Telephone: (510) 836–3800, Fax:
(510) 832–5695, Audio Conference Call
via FTS Conferencing, the USA toll-free
number is 1–866–659–0537 with a pass
code of 9933701.
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Status: Open to the public, limited
only by the space available. The meeting
space accommodates approximately 150
Background: The Advisory Board was
established under the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act of 2000 to advise the
President on a variety of policy and
technical functions required to
implement and effectively manage the
new compensation program. Key
functions of the Advisory Board include
providing advice on the development of
probability of causation guidelines
which have been promulgated by the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) as a final rule, advice on
methods of dose reconstruction which
have also been promulgated by HHS as
a final rule, advice on the scientific
validity and quality of dose estimation
and reconstruction efforts being
performed for purposes of the
compensation program, and advice on
petitions to add classes of workers to the
Special Exposure Cohort (SEC).
In December 2000, the President
delegated responsibility for funding,
staffing, and operating the Advisory
Board to HHS, which subsequently
delegated this authority to the CDC.
NIOSH implements this responsibility
for CDC. The charter was issued on
August 3, 2001, renewed at appropriate
intervals, and will expire on August 3,
Purpose: This Advisory Board is
charged with (a) providing advice to the
Secretary, HHS, on the development of
guidelines under Executive Order
13179; (b) providing advice to the
Secretary, HHS, on the scientific
validity and quality of dose
reconstruction efforts performed for this
program; and (c) upon request by the
Secretary, HHS, advise the Secretary on
whether there is a class of employees at
any Department of Energy facility who
were exposed to radiation but for whom
it is not feasible to estimate their
radiation dose, and on whether there is
reasonable likelihood that such
radiation doses may have endangered
the health of members of this class.
Matters To Be Discussed: The agenda
for the Advisory Board meeting
includes: NIOSH Program Update;
Department of Labor (DOL) Program
Update; Department of Energy (DOE)
Program Update; NIOSH 10-Year
Program Review Implementation; Status
of Activities for Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory and Stanford Linear
Accelerator; SEC petitions for: Electro
Metallurgical (Niagara Falls, NY),
Hangar 481 (Kirtland Air Force Base);
Weldon Spring Plant (Weldon Spring,
MO), Sandia National Laboratories,
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Clinton Engineering Works (Oak Ridge,
TN), Feed Materials Production Center
(Fernald, Ohio), and Brookhaven
National Laboratory; SEC Petition Status
Updates; and Board Work Sessions.
The agenda is subject to change as
priorities dictate.
In the event an individual cannot
attend, written comments may be
submitted in accordance with the
redaction policy provided below. Any
written comments received will be
provided at the meeting and should be
submitted to the contact person below
well in advance of the meeting.
Policy on Redaction of Board Meeting
Transcripts (Public Comment): (1) If a
person making a comment gives his or
her name, no attempt will be made to
redact that name. (2) NIOSH will take
reasonable steps to ensure that
individuals making public comment are
aware of the fact that their comments
(including their name, if provided) will
appear in a transcript of the meeting
posted on a public Web site. Such
reasonable steps include: (a) A
statement read at the start of each public
comment period stating that transcripts
will be posted and names of speakers
will not be redacted; (b) A printed copy
of the statement mentioned in (a) above
will be displayed on the table where
individuals sign up to make public
comments; (c) A statement such as
outlined in (a) above will also appear
with the agenda for a Board Meeting
when it is posted on the NIOSH Web
site; (d) A statement such as in (a) above
will appear in the Federal Register
Notice that announces Board and
Subcommittee meetings. (3) If an
individual in making a statement
reveals personal information (e.g.,
medical information) about themselves
that information will not usually be
redacted. The NIOSH FOIA coordinator
will, however, review such revelations
in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act and the Federal
Advisory Committee Act and if deemed
appropriate, will redact such
information. (4) All disclosures of
information concerning third parties
will be redacted. (5) If it comes to the
attention of the DFO that an individual
wishes to share information with the
Board but objects to doing so in a public
forum, the Designated Federal Officer
will work with that individual, in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, to find a way that the
Board can hear such comments.
Contact Person for More Information:
Theodore Katz, M.P.A., Executive
Secretary, NIOSH, CDC, 1600 Clifton
Road NE., MS E–20, Atlanta, Georgia
30333, Telephone: (513) 533–6800, toll
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 32 (Thursday, February 16, 2012)]
[Pages 9252-9254]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-2937]
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Meeting for Software Developers on the Technical Specifications
for Common Formats for Patient Safety Data Collection and Event
AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, 42
U.S.C. 299b-21 to b-26, (Patient Safety Act) provides for the formation
of Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs), which collect, aggregate, and
analyze confidential information regarding the quality and safety of
health care delivery. The Patient Safety Act (at 42 U.S.C. 299b-23)
authorizes the collection of this information in a standardized manner,
as explained in the related Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Final Rule, 42 CFR part 3 (Patient Safety Rule), published in the
Federal Register on November 21, 2008: 73 FR 70731-70814. AHRQ
coordinates the development of a set of common definitions and
reporting formats (Common Formats) that allow health care providers to
voluntarily collect and submit standardized information regarding
patient safety events. In order to support the Common Formats, AHRQ has
provided technical specifications to promote standardization by
ensuring that data collected by PSOs and other entities are clinically
and electronically comparable. More information on the Common Formats,
including the technical specifications, can be obtained through AHRQ's
PSO Web site: https://www.PSO.AHRQ.GOV/.
The purpose of this notice is to announce a meeting to discuss the
Common Formats technical specifications. This meeting is designed as an
interactive forum where PSOs and software developers can provide input
on these technical specifications. AHRQ especially requests input from
those entities which have used AHRQ's technical specifications and
implemented, or plan to implement, the formats electronically.
DATES: The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on April 12,
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, 7400
Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Grinder, Center for Quality
Improvement and Patient Safety, AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD
20850; Telephone (toll free): (866) 403-3697; Telephone (local): (301)
427-1111; TTY (toll free): (866) 438-7231; TTY (local): (301) 427-1130;
If sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodation
for a disability is needed, please contact the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and
Disability Management at (301) 827-4840, no later than March 28, 2012.
The Patient Safety Act and Patient Safety Rule establish a
framework by which doctors, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and
other health care providers may voluntarily report information
regarding patient safety events and quality of care. Information that
is assembled and developed by providers for reporting to PSOs and the
information received and analyzed by PSOs--called ``patient safety work
product''--is privileged and confidential. Patient safety work product
is used to identify events, patterns of care, and unsafe conditions
that increase risks and hazards to patients. Definitions and other
details about PSOs and patient safety work product are included in the
Patient Safety Rule.
[[Page 9253]]
The Patient Safety Act and Patient Safety Rule require PSOs, to the
extent practical and appropriate, to collect patient safety work
product from providers in a standardized manner in order to permit
valid comparisons of similar cases among similar providers. The
collection of patient safety work product allows the aggregation of
sufficient data to identify and address underlying causal factors of
patient safety problems. Both the Patient Safety Act and Patient Safety
Rule, including any relevant guidance, can be accessed electronically
In collaboration with the interagency Federal Patient Safety
Workgroup (PSWG), the National Quality Forum (NQF) and the public, AHRQ
has developed Common Formats for two settings of care--acute care
hospitals and skilled nursing facilities--in order to facilitate
standardized data collection. The term ``Common Formats'' refers to the
common definitions and reporting formats that allow health care
providers to collect and submit standardized information regarding
patient safety events. AHRQ's Common Formats include:
Event descriptions (descriptions of patient safety events
and unsafe conditions to be reported),
Specifications for patient safety aggregate reports and
individual event summaries,
Delineation of data elements to be collected for different
types of events to populate the reports,
A user's guide and quick guide, and
Technical specifications for electronic data collection
and reporting.
AHRQ convenes the PSWG to assist AHRQ with developing and
maintaining the Common Formats. The PSWG includes major health agencies
within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)--the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Food and Drug Administration, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Indian Health Service, National Institutes of Health,
National Library of Medicine, Office of the National Coordinator for
Health Information Technology, Office of Public Health and Science, and
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration--as well as
the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs.
When developing Common Formats, AHRQ first reviews existing patient
safety event reporting systems from a variety of health care
organizations. In collaboration with the PSWG and Federal subject
matter experts, AHRQ drafts and releases beta versions of the Common
Formats for public review and comment.
Through a contract with AHRQ, NQF solicits feedback on the beta
(and subsequent) versions of the Common Formats from private sector
organizations and individuals. The NQF, a nonprofit organization that
focuses on health care quality, then convenes an expert panel to review
the comments received and provide feedback to AHRQ. Based upon the
expert panel's feedback, AHRQ, in conjunction with the PSWG, further
revises the Common Formats.
The technical specifications promote standardization of collected
patient safety event information by specifying rules for data
collection and submission, as well as by providing guidance for how and
when to create data elements, their valid values, conditional and go-to
logic, and reports. These specifications will ensure that data
collected by PSOs and other entities have comparable clinical meaning.
The technical specifications also provide direction to software
developers, so that the Common Formats can be implemented
electronically, and to PSOs, so that the Common Formats can be
submitted electronically to the PSO Privacy Protection Center (PSO PPC)
for data de-identification and transmission to the Network of Patient
Safety Databases (NPSD).
Most recently, AHRQ and the PSWG released the beta version of the
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) format for reporting of VTE-related
patient safety events as announced in the Federal Register on November
1, 2011: 76 FR 67456-67457.
The Software Developer's meeting will focus on discussion of an
anticipated Spring release--Hospital Common Formats 1.2--and the
technical specifications, which provide direction to software
developers that plan to implement the Common Formats electronically.
The technical specifications are a critical component that allow for
the aggregation of patient safety event data.
The technical specifications consist of the following:
Data dictionary--defines data elements and their
attributes (data element name, answer values, field length, guide for
use, etc.) included in Common Formats;
Clinical document architecture (CDA) implementation
guide--provides instructions for developing a file to transmit the
Common Formats Patient Safety data from the PSO to the PSO PPC using
the Common Formats;
Validation rules and errors document--specifies and
defines the validation rules that will be applied to the Common Formats
data elements submitted to the PSO PPC;
Common Formats flow charts--diagrams the valid paths to
complete generic and event specific formats (a complete event report);
Local specifications--provides specifications for
processing, linking and reporting on events and details specifications
for reports; and
Metadata registry--includes descriptive facts about
information contained in the data dictionary to illustrate how such
data corresponds with similar data elements used by other Federal
agencies and standards development organizations [e.g., HL--7,
International Standards Organization (ISO)].
Agenda, Registration and Other Information About the Meeting
On Thursday, April 12, 2012, the meeting will convene at 10 a.m.
with an overview of the Common Formats, including the Hospital Common
Formats Version 1.2 technical specifications, and next steps for
upcoming Common Formats releases. AHRQ staff and contractors will
review database functionality, which is available through the PSO PPC,
for PSOs to generate aggregate reports with technical specifications.
Finally, the meeting will review data submission both by PSOs and by
vendors on behalf of a PSO. Throughout the meeting there will be
interactive discussion to allow meeting participants not only to
provide input, but also to respond to the input provided by others. A
more specific proposed agenda will be posted before the meeting at
AHRQ requests that interested persons register with the PSO PPC on
the Internet at to participate in the
meeting. The contact at the PSO PPC is Rhonda Davis who can be reached
by telephone at (866) 571-7712 and by email at supportpsoppc.ORG.
Additional logistical information for the meeting is also available
from the PSO PPC. The meeting space will accommodate approximately 150
participants. Interested persons are encouraged to register as soon as
possible for the meeting. Non-registered individuals will be able to
attend the meeting in person if space is available.
Prior to the meeting, AHRQ invites review of the technical
specifications for Common Formats. The formats can be
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accessed through AHRQ's PSO Web site at https://www.pso.AHRQ.GOV/formats/commonfmt.htm. AHRQ is committed to continuing refinement of
the Common Formats, and welcomes questions from prospective meeting
participants and interested individuals on the technical
specifications. These questions should be emailed to support@psoppc.ORG
no later than March 21, 2012. AHRQ will use the input received at this
meeting to further update and refine the Common Formats.
A summary of the meeting will be provided upon request. If you are
unable to participate in the meeting and would like a copy of the
summary, please send an email to supportpsoppc.ORG and it will be sent
as soon as it is available after the meeting.
Dated: January 25, 2012.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
[FR Doc. 2012-2937 Filed 2-15-12; 8:45 am]