Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 8828-8837 [2012-3523]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
Dated: January 31, 2012.
Patricia L. Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,
Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2012–3509 Filed 2–14–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Guidance to Federal Financial
Assistance Recipients Regarding Title
VI Prohibition Against National Origin
Discrimination Affecting Limited
English Proficient Persons
Department of Defense, DoD.
Interim final guidance.
The Department of Defense
(DoD) publishes for public comment
Interim Final Guidance to Federal
Financial Assistance Recipients
Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against
National Origin Discrimination
Affecting Limited English Proficient
Persons (DoD Recipient LEP Guidance).
The DoD Recipient LEP Guidance is
based on the prohibition against
national origin discrimination in Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
affects limited English proficient
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 16, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Please submit only one set
of comments via one of the methods
• Fax: (703) 571–9338.
• Mail: DoD/ODMEO LEP Public
Comments, 4000 Defense Pentagon,
Room 5D641, Washington, DC 20301–
• Email:
James E. Love, (703) 571–9331.
Arrangements to receive the policy in an
alternative format may be made by
contacting the named individual.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq. (Title VI), and
DoD regulations implementing Title VI,
recipients of Federal financial assistance
from the DoD (‘‘recipients’’) have a
responsibility to ensure meaningful
access by persons with limited English
proficiency (LEP) to their programs and
activities. See 32 CFR 195.4. Executive
Order 13166, reprinted at 65 FR 50121
(August 16, 2000), directs each Federal
agency that extends assistance subject to
the requirements of Title VI to publish,
after review and approval by the
Department of Justice (DOJ), guidance
for its recipients clarifying that
obligation. The Executive Order also
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directs that all such guidance be
consistent with the compliance
standards and framework set forth by
On March 14, 2002, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Report to Congress titled ‘‘Assessment
of the Total Benefits and Costs of
Implementing Executive Order No.
13166: Improving Access to Services for
Persons with Limited English
Proficiency.’’ Among other things, the
Report recommended the adoption of
uniform guidance across all Federal
agencies, with flexibility to permit
tailoring to each agency’s specific
recipients. Consistent with this OMB
recommendation, the DOJ published
LEP Guidance for DOJ recipients which
was drafted and organized to also
function as a model for similar guidance
by other Federal grant agencies. See 67
FR 41455 (June 18, 2002). This interim
final DoD Guidance is based upon the
model of June 18, 2002, DOJ LEP
Guidance for Recipients.
The primary focus of this Guidance is
on entities that receive Federal financial
assistance from DoD, either directly or
indirectly, through a grant, cooperative
agreement, contract or subcontract, and
operate programs or activities or
portions of programs or activities in the
United States and its territories.
In connection with the issuance of
this Guidance, each DoD component is
encouraged to review their current
programs and activities to determine
whether they provide the type of
external assistance to a recipient which
is subject to Title VI. If Title VI is
determined to be applicable to one or
more program or activity, the
administering component should
consider developing a program-specific
Appendix to this Guidance. The
Appendix should explain how the
component’s recipients may ensure
meaningful linguistic access consistent
with the principles and compliance
standards set out in DoD’s LEP
Guidance for Recipients below. The
Appendix will be submitted to DOJ for
review and approval prior to
publication in the Federal Register.
It has been determined that the
Guidance does not constitute a
regulation subject to the rulemaking
requirements of the Administrative
Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 533. It has also
been determined that this Guidance is
not subject to the requirements of
Executive Order 12866.
The text of the complete proposed
Guidance document appears below.
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Dated: January 18, 2012.
Patricia L. Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,
Department of Defense.
I. Introduction
Most individuals living in the United
States read, write, speak and understand
English. There are many individuals,
however, for whom English is not their
primary language. For instance, based
on the 2000 census, over 26 million
individuals speak Spanish and almost 7
million individuals speak an Asian or
Pacific Island language at home. If these
individuals have a limited ability to
read, write, speak, or understand
English, they are limited English
proficient, or ‘‘LEP.’’ The 2000 census
indicates that 28.1% of all Spanishspeakers, 28.2% of all speakers of
Chinese languages, and 32.3% of all
Vietnamese-speakers reported that they
spoke English ‘‘not well’’ or ‘‘not at all.’’
Language for LEP individuals can be
a barrier to accessing important benefits
or services, understanding and
exercising important rights, complying
with applicable responsibilities, or
understanding other information
provided by federally funded programs
and activities. The Federal Government
funds an array of services that can be
made accessible to otherwise eligible
LEP persons. The Federal Government
is committed to improving the
accessibility of these programs and
activities to eligible LEP persons, a goal
that reinforces its equally important
commitment to promoting programs and
activities designed to help individuals
learn English. Recipients should not
overlook the long-term positive impacts
of incorporating or offering English as a
Second Language (ESL) programs in
parallel with language assistance
services. ESL courses can serve as an
important adjunct to a proper LEP plan.
However, the fact that ESL classes are
made available does not obviate the
statutory and regulatory requirement to
provide meaningful access for those
who are not yet English proficient.
Recipients of Federal financial
assistance have an obligation to reduce
language barriers that can preclude
meaningful access by LEP persons to
important government services.1
This policy Guidance clarifies
existing legal requirements for LEP
1 DoD recognizes that many recipients had
language assistance programs in place prior to the
issuance of Executive Order 13166. This Guidance
provides a uniform framework for a recipient to
integrate, formalize, and assess the continued
vitality of these existing and possibly additional
reasonable efforts based on the nature of its program
or activity, the current needs of the LEP population
it encounters, and its prior experience in providing
language services in the community it serves.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
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persons by providing a description of
the factors recipients should consider in
fulfilling their responsibilities to LEP
persons.2 These are the same criteria
DoD has been and will continue to use
in evaluating whether recipients are in
compliance with Title VI and Title VI
In certain circumstances, failure to
ensure that LEP persons can effectively
participate in or benefit from federally
assisted programs and activities may
violate the prohibition under Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.
2000d, and Title VI regulations against
national origin discrimination. The
purpose of this policy Guidance is to
assist recipients in fulfilling their
responsibility to provide meaningful
access to LEP persons under existing
As with most government initiatives,
this policy Guidance requires balancing
several principles. While this Guidance
discusses that balance in some detail, it
is important to note the basic principles
behind that balance. First, we must
ensure that federally assisted programs
aimed at the American public do not
leave some behind simply because they
face challenges communicating in
English. This is of particular importance
because, in many cases, LEP individuals
form a substantial portion of those
encountered in federally assisted
programs. Second, we must achieve this
goal while finding constructive methods
to reduce the costs of LEP requirements
on small businesses, small local
governments, or small non-profits that
receive Federal financial assistance.
In addition, many DoD recipients also
receive Federal financial assistance from
other Federal agencies, such as the
Department of Education or the
Department of Health and Human
Services. While guidance from those
Federal agencies is consistent with this
Guidance, recipients receiving
assistance from multiple agencies
should review those agencies’ guidance
documents at for a
more focused explanation of how the
standards apply in portions of programs
or activities that are the focus of funding
from those agencies.
There are many productive steps that
the Federal government, either
collectively or as individual grant
2 This policy guidance is not a regulation but
rather a guide. Title VI and its implementing
regulations require that recipients take responsible
steps to ensure meaningful access by LEP persons.
This Guidance provides an analytical framework
that recipients may use to determine how best to
comply with statutory and regulatory obligations to
provide meaningful access to the benefits, services,
information, and other important portions of their
programs and activities for individuals who are
limited English proficient.
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agencies, can take to help recipients
reduce the costs of language services
without sacrificing meaningful access
for LEP persons. Without these steps,
certain smaller grantees may well
choose not to participate in federally
assisted programs, threatening the
critical functions that the programs
strive to provide. To that end, the DoD
plans to continue to provide assistance
and guidance in this important area. In
addition, the DoD plans to work with
representatives of research and defenserelated institutions, grant organizations,
administrative agencies, other Federal
entities, and LEP persons to identify and
share model plans, examples of best
practices, and cost-saving approaches.
Moreover, DoD intends to explore how
language assistance measures, resources
and cost-containment approaches
developed with respect to its own
Federally conducted programs and
activities can be effectively shared or
otherwise made available to recipients,
particularly small businesses, small
local governments, and small nonprofits. An interagency working group
on LEP developed a Web site,, to assist in disseminating
this information to recipients, Federal
agencies, and the communities being
II. Legal Authority
Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d,
provides that no person shall ‘‘on the
ground of race, color, or national origin,
be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any program or
activity receiving Federal financial
assistance.’’ Section 602 of Title VI, 42
U.S.C. 2000d–1, authorizes and directs
Federal agencies that are empowered to
extend Federal financial assistance to
any program or activity ‘‘to effectuate
the provisions of [section 601] * * * by
issuing rules, regulations, or orders of
general applicability.’’
DoD regulations promulgated
pursuant to section 602 forbid recipients
from ‘‘utiliz[ing] criteria or methods of
administration which have the effect of
subjecting individuals to discrimination
because of their race, color, or national
origin, or have the effect of defeating or
substantially impairing accomplishment
of the objectives of the program as
respect individuals of a particular race,
color, or national origin.’’ 32 CFR
The Supreme Court, in Lau v. Nichols,
414 U.S. 563 (1974), interpreted
regulations promulgated by the former
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, including a regulation similar
to that of DOD, 45 CFR 80.3(b)(2), to
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hold that Title VI prohibits conduct that
has a disproportionate effect on LEP
persons because such conduct
constitutes national-origin
discrimination. In Lau, a San Francisco
school district that had a significant
number of non-English speaking
students of Chinese origin was required
to take reasonable steps to provide them
with a meaningful opportunity to
participate in federally funded
educational programs.
Executive Order 13166, ‘‘Improving
Access to Services for Persons with
Limited English Proficiency,’’ 65 FR
50121 (August 16, 2000) was issued on
August 11, 2000. Under that Executive
Order, every Federal agency that
provides financial assistance to nonFederal entities must publish guidance
on how their recipients can provide
meaningful access to LEP persons and
thus comply with Title VI regulations
forbidding funding recipients from
‘‘restrict[ing] an individual in any way
in the enjoyment of any advantage or
privilege enjoyed by others receiving
any service, financial aid, or other
benefit under the program’’ or from
‘‘utiliz[ing] criteria or methods of
administration which have the effect of
subjecting individuals to discrimination
because of their race, color, or national
origin, or have the effect of defeating or
substantially impairing accomplishment
of the objectives of the program as
respects individuals of a particular race,
color, or national origin.’’
On that same day, DOJ issued a
general guidance document addressed
to ‘‘Executive Agency Civil Rights
Officers’’ setting forth general principles
for agencies to apply in developing
guidance documents for recipients
pursuant to the Executive Order.
‘‘Enforcement of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 National Origin
Discrimination Against Persons With
Limited English Proficiency,’’ 65 FR
50123 (August 16, 2000) (‘‘DOJ LEP
Subsequently, Federal agencies raised
questions regarding the requirements of
the Executive Order, especially in light
of the Supreme Court’s decision in
Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275
(2001). On October 26, 2001, the Civil
Rights Division of DOJ issued a
memorandum clarifying and reaffirming
the DOJ LEP Guidance in light of
Sandoval.[1] The Assistant Attorney
General stated that because Sandoval
did not invalidate any Title VI
regulations that proscribe conduct that
has a disparate impact on covered
groups—the types of regulations that
form the legal basis for the part of
Executive Order 13166 that applies to
federally assisted programs and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
activities—the Executive Order remains
in force. Mindful of the limitations on
bringing a private action to enforce Title
VI regulations addressing disparate
impact, DoD is committed to vigorously
enforcing the requirements of Title VI
and its implementing regulations on
behalf of LEP beneficiaries and other
LEP persons encountered by DoD
assisted agencies and entities.
This Guidance document is thus
published at the direction of Executive
Order 13166 and pursuant to Title VI
and the Title VI regulations. It is
consistent with the relevant DOJ
Guidance. 67 FR 41455 (June 18, 2002)
(also available at
III. Who is covered?
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All entities that receive Federal
financial assistance from the DoD, either
directly or indirectly, through a grant,
cooperative agreement, contract or
subcontract, and operate programs or
activities or portions thereof in the
United States and its territories, are
covered by this Guidance. Title VI
applies to all Federal financial
assistance, which includes but is not
limited to awards and loans of Federal
funds, awards or donations of Federal
land or property, details of Federal or
Federally funded personnel, or any
agreement, arrangement or other
contract that has as one of its purposes
the provision of assistance.
Examples of recipients of DoD
assistance covered by this Guidance
include, but are not limited to:
— State and local government
agencies and any other entities that
receive DoD-donated land or land that is
sold at a below-market rate; and
— Organizations and institutions,
such as nonprofit organizations or
educational institutions, receiving
grants to conduct scientific, medical,
environmental or other research.
Title VI prohibits discrimination in
any program or activity that receives
Federal financial assistance. In most
cases, when a recipient receives Federal
financial assistance for a particular
program or activity, all operations of the
recipient are covered by Title VI, not
just the part of the program that uses the
Federal assistance. Thus, all parts of the
recipient’s operations would be covered
by Title VI, even if the Federal
assistance were used only by one part.3
Sub-recipients likewise are covered
3 However, if a Federal agency were to decide to
terminate Federal funds based on noncompliance
with Title VI or its regulations, only funds directed
to the particular program or activity that is out of
compliance would be terminated. 42 U.S.C. 2000d–
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when Federal funds are passed through
from one recipient to a sub-recipient.
Finally, some recipients operate in
jurisdictions in which English has been
declared the official language.
Nonetheless, these recipients continue
to be subject to Federal nondiscrimination requirements, including
those applicable to the provision of
federally assisted services to persons
with limited English proficiency.
IV. Who is a limited English proficient
Individuals who do not speak English
as their primary language and who have
a limited ability to read, write, speak, or
understand English can be limited
English proficient, or ‘‘LEP,’’ entitled to
language assistance with respect to a
particular type of service, benefit, or
Examples of populations likely to
include LEP persons who are
encountered and/or served by DoD
recipients and should be considered
when planning language services
include, but are not limited to:
—Persons who are included in DoDfunded medical studies;
—Persons who participate in support
groups that are funded by DoD;
—Persons who encounter or who are
eligible to receive benefits or services
from a state or local agency that is a
recipient of DoD assistance;
—Persons who encounter or are eligible
to participate in portions of programs
or activities of an institution of higher
learning that receives DoD assistance;
—Persons who are served by programs
or activities run by recipients of DoDdonated land;
—Persons who attend community
meetings or other public meetings
organized by DoD recipients; 4
—Other LEP persons who encounter or
are eligible to receive benefits or
services from DoD recipients; and
—Parents and family members of the
V. How does a recipient determine the
extent of its obligation to provide LEP
Recipients are required to take
reasonable steps to ensure meaningful
access to their programs and activities
by LEP persons. While designed to be a
flexible and fact-dependent standard,
the starting point is an individualized
4 For additional guidance on providing
meaningful access to LEP individuals at public
hearings or meetings, see Department of Housing
and Urban Development Notice of Guidance to
Federal Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI
Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination
Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 68 FR
70980 (Dec. 19, 2003) (available at https://
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assessment that balances the following
four factors: (1) The number or
proportion of LEP persons eligible to be
served or likely to be encountered by
the program or activity or portion
thereof; (2) the frequency with which
LEP individuals come in contact with
the program or activity or portion
thereof; (3) the nature and importance of
the program, activity, service, benefit, or
information provided by the recipient to
people’s lives; and (4) the resources
available to the grantee/recipient and
costs. As indicated above, the intent of
this Guidance is to suggest a balance
that ensures meaningful access by LEP
persons to critical services while not
imposing undue burdens on small
business, small local governments, or
small nonprofits.
After applying the above four-factor
analysis, a recipient may conclude that
different language assistance measures
are sufficient for the different types of
encounters. For instance, some portions
of a recipient’s program or activity will
be more important than others and/or
have greater impact on or contact with
LEP persons, and thus may require more
in the way of language assistance. The
flexibility that recipients have in
addressing the needs of the LEP
populations they serve does not
diminish, and should not be used to
minimize, the obligation that those
needs be addressed. DOD recipients
should apply the following four factors
to the various kinds of contacts that they
have with the public to assess language
needs and decide what reasonable steps
they should take to ensure meaningful
access for LEP persons.
(1) The Number or Proportion of LEP
Persons Served or Encountered in the
Eligible Service Population
One factor in determining what
language services recipients should
provide is the number or proportion of
LEP persons from a particular language
group served or encountered in the
eligible service population. The greater
the number or proportion of these LEP
persons, the more likely language
services are needed. Ordinarily, persons
‘‘eligible to be served or likely to be
encountered by’’ a recipient’s program
or activity are those who are served or
encountered in the eligible service
population. This population will be
program-specific, and includes persons
who are in the geographic area that has
been approved by a Federal grant
agency as the recipient’s service area.
However, where, for instance, a regional
office of a nonprofit that provides
support services for cancer survivors
serves a large LEP population, the
appropriate service area is most likely
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the regional office of the nonprofit
organization, and not the entire
population served by the non-profit.
Where no service area has previously
been approved, the relevant service area
may be that which is approved by state
or local authorities or designated by the
recipient itself, provided that these
designations do not themselves
discriminatorily exclude certain
populations. In addition, there may be
circumstances in which recipients
appropriately identify English language
skills as an eligibility criterion, such as
in the case of a university English
language masters program. But other
portions of the program, such as a
university daycare or clinic open to the
public, or various public community
events, cultural exchanges, campus
security, or other portions of a
recipient’s operations, may have a more
significant LEP population that may be
encountered or is eligible to participate.
When considering the number or
proportion of LEP individuals in a
service area, recipients should consider
LEP parent(s) when their Englishproficient or LEP minor children and
dependents encounter the recipient’s
program or activity.
Recipients should first examine their
prior experiences with LEP encounters
and determine the breadth and scope of
language services that were needed. In
conducting this analysis, it is important
to include language minority
populations that are eligible for their
programs or activities but may be
underserved because of existing
language barriers.
Other data in addition to prior
experiences should be consulted to
refine or validate a recipient’s prior
experience, including the latest census
data for the area served, data from
school systems and from community
organizations, and data from state and
local governments.5 Community
agencies, school systems, religious
organizations, legal aid entities, and
others can often assist in identifying
populations for whom outreach is
needed and who would benefit from the
5 The focus of the analysis is on lack of English
proficiency, not the ability to speak more than one
language. Note that demographic data may indicate
the most frequently spoken languages other than
English and the percentage of people who speak
that language who speak or understand English less
than well. Some of the most commonly spoken
languages other than English may be spoken by
people who are also overwhelmingly proficient in
English. Thus, they may not be the languages
spoken most frequently by limited English
proficient individuals. When using demographic
data, it is important to focus in on the languages
spoken by those who are not proficient in English.
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recipients’ programs and activities were
language services provided.
(2) The Frequency With Which LEP
Individuals Come in Contact With the
Recipients should assess, as
accurately as possible, the frequency
with which they have or should have
contact with an LEP individual from
different language groups seeking
assistance. The more frequent the
contact with a particular language
group, the more likely that enhanced
language services in that language are
needed. The steps that are reasonable
for a recipient that serves an LEP person
on a one-time basis will be very
different than those expected from a
recipient that serves LEP persons daily.
It is also advisable to consider the
frequency of different types of language
contacts. For example, frequent contacts
with Spanish-speaking people who are
LEP may require certain assistance in
Spanish. Less frequent contact with
different language groups may suggest a
different and less intensified solution. If
an LEP individual accesses a program or
service on a daily basis, a recipient has
greater duties than if the same
individual’s program or activity contact
is unpredictable or infrequent. But even
recipients that serve LEP persons on an
unpredictable or infrequent basis should
use this balancing analysis to determine
what to do if an LEP individual seeks
services under the program in question.
This plan need not be intricate. It may
be as simple as being prepared to use
one of the commercially-available
telephonic interpretation services to
obtain immediate interpreter services. In
applying this standard, recipients
should take care to consider whether
appropriate outreach to LEP persons
could increase the frequency of contact
with LEP language groups.
(3) The Nature and Importance of the
Program, Activity, or Service Provided
by the Program
The more important the activity,
information, service, or program, or the
greater the possible consequences of the
contact to the LEP individuals, the more
likely language services are needed. A
recipient needs to determine whether
denial or delay of access to services or
information could have serious,
economic, safety, education or even lifethreatening implications for the LEP
individual. For instance, the obligations
of a federally assisted entity providing
medical advice or services differ from
those of a federally assisted program
providing purely recreational activities
(however, if a language barrier could
result in denial or delay of access to
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important benefits, services, or
information, or have a serious
implication for a LEP person who
participates in the recreational activity,
the legal obligation to provide language
services in that circumstance would be
higher). Decisions by a Federal, state, or
local entity to make an activity
compulsory or required in order to
maintain or receive an important benefit
or service or preserve a right, such as
access to medical care, appeals
procedures, or compliance with rules
and responsibilities, can serve as strong
evidence of the program’s importance.
(4) The Resources Available to the
Recipient and Costs
A recipient’s level of resources and
the costs that would be imposed on it
may have an impact on the nature of the
steps it should take. Smaller recipients
with more limited budgets are not
expected to provide the same level of
language services as larger recipients
with larger budgets. In addition,
‘‘reasonable steps’’ may cease to be
reasonable where the costs imposed
substantially exceed the benefits.
Resource and cost issues, however,
can often be reduced by technological
advances; the sharing of language
assistance materials and services among
and between recipients, advocacy
groups, and Federal grant agencies; and
reasonable business practices. Where
appropriate, training bilingual staff to
act as interpreters and translators,
information sharing through industry
groups, telephonic and video
conferencing interpretation services,
pooling resources and standardizing
documents to reduce translation needs,
using qualified translators and
interpreters to ensure that documents
need not be ‘‘fixed’’ later and that
inaccurate interpretations do not cause
delay or other costs, centralizing
interpreter and translator services to
achieve economies of scale, or the
formalized use of qualified community
volunteers, for example, may help
reduce costs.6
Recipients should carefully explore
the most cost-effective means of
delivering competent and accurate
language services before limiting
services due to resource concerns. Large
entities and those entities serving a
significant number or proportion of LEP
persons should ensure that their
resource limitations are wellsubstantiated before using this factor as
a reason to limit language assistance.
Such recipients may find it useful to be
6 Small recipients with limited resources may
find that entering into a telephonic interpretation
service contract will prove cost effective.
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able to articulate, through
documentation or in some other
reasonable manner, their process for
determining that language services
would be limited based on resources or
This four-factor analysis necessarily
implicates the ‘‘mix’’ of LEP services
required. Recipients have two main
ways to provide language services: Oral
interpretation either in person or via
telephone interpretation service
(hereinafter ‘‘interpretation’’) and
written translation (hereinafter
‘‘translation’’). Oral interpretation can
range from on-site interpreters for
critical services provided to a high
volume of LEP persons to access
through commercially-available
telephonic interpretation services.
Written translation, likewise, can range
from translation of an entire document
to translation of a short description of
the document. In some cases, language
services should be made available on an
expedited basis while in others the LEP
individual may be referred to another
office of the recipient for language
The correct mix should be based on
what is both necessary and reasonable
in light of the four-factor analysis. For
instance, a job training center that was
created three years ago after DoD
donated land from a former military
base serves a large Hispanic population.
The job training center may need
immediate oral interpreters to be
available and should give serious
consideration to hiring some bilingual
staff if they have not done so already.
By contrast, the center may be able to
rely on a telephonic interpretation
service to assist those LEP individuals
who speak a language that is not
commonly encountered by the center.
Regardless of the type of language
service provided, quality and accuracy
of those services can be critical in order
to avoid serious consequences to the
LEP person and to the recipient.
Recipients have substantial flexibility in
determining the appropriate mix.
VI. Selecting Language Assistance
Academic institutions, nonprofit
organizations, and other recipients of
DoD funds have a long history of
interacting with people with varying
language backgrounds and capabilities.
In fact, many DoD recipients choose not
only to provide interpretation and
translation services, but also to provide
English-language training for LEP
individuals. This approach is consistent
with the purpose of Executive Order
13166. DoD’s goal is to continue to
encourage these efforts and to encourage
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the sharing of such promising practices
among recipients, as well as to ensure
meaningful linguistic access for LEP
Recipients have two main ways to
provide language services: oral and
written language services. Quality and
accuracy of the language service is
critical in order to avoid serious
consequences to the LEP person and to
the recipient.
A. Oral Language Services
Interpretation is the act of listening to
something in one language (source
language) and orally translating it into
another language (target language).
Where interpretation is needed and is
reasonable, recipients should consider
some or all of the following options for
providing competent interpreters in a
timely manner:
—When providing oral assistance,
recipients should ensure competency
of the language service provider, no
matter which of the strategies
outlined below are used. Competency
requires more than self-identification
as bilingual. Some bilingual staff and
community volunteers, for instance,
may be able to communicate
effectively in a different language
when communicating information
directly in that language, but not be
competent to interpret in and out of
English. Likewise, they may not be
able to do written translations.
—Competency to interpret, however,
does not necessarily mean formal
certification as an interpreter,
although certification is helpful.
When using interpreters, recipients
should ensure that they:
—Demonstrate proficiency in and
ability to communicate information
accurately in both English and in the
other language and identify and
employ the appropriate mode of
interpreting (e.g., consecutive,
simultaneous, summarization, or sight
—Have knowledge in both languages of
any specialized terms or concepts
peculiar to the entity’s program or
activity and of any particularized
vocabulary and phraseology used by
the LEP person;7 and understand and
7 Many languages have ‘‘regionalisms,’’ or
differences in usage. For instance, a word that may
be understood to mean something in Spanish for
someone from Cuba may not be so understood by
someone from Mexico. In addition, because there
may be languages which do not have an appropriate
direct interpretation of some terms, the interpreter
or translator should be so aware and be able to
provide the most appropriate interpretation. The
interpreter should make the recipient aware of the
issue and the interpreter and recipient can then
work to develop a consistent and appropriate set of
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follow confidentiality and
impartiality rules to the same extent
the recipient employee for whom they
are interpreting and/or to the extent
their position requires;
—Understand and adhere to their role as
interpreters without deviating into a
role as counselor, legal advisor, or
other roles, particularly in a formal
context such as a hearing.
While quality and accuracy of
language services is critical, the quality
and accuracy of language services is
nonetheless part of the appropriate mix
of LEP services required. The quality
and accuracy of language services
provided during the medical screening
of a LEP individual must be
extraordinarily high, while the quality
and accuracy of language services
provided at a university’s social
program need not meet the same
exacting standards.
Finally, when interpretation is needed
and is reasonable, it should be provided
in a timely manner. To be meaningfully
effective, language assistance should be
timely. While there is no single
definition for ‘‘timely’’ applicable to all
types of interactions at all times by all
types of recipients, one clear guide is
that the language assistance should be
provided at a time and place that avoids
the effective denial of the service,
benefit, or right at issue or the
imposition of an undue burden on or
delay in important rights, benefits, or
services to the LEP person. For example,
when the timeliness of services is
important, such as with certain
activities of DOD recipients providing
health, economic, educational, and
safety services on DOD-donated land, a
recipient would likely not be providing
meaningful access if it had one bilingual
staffer available one day a week to
provide the service. Such conduct
would likely result in delays for LEP
persons that would be significantly
greater than those for English proficient
persons. Conversely, where access to or
exercise of a service, benefit, or right is
not effectively precluded by a
reasonable delay, language assistance
can likely be delayed for a reasonable
Hiring Bilingual Staff. When
particular languages are encountered
often, hiring bilingual staff offers one of
the best and often most economical,
options. Recipients can, for example, fill
public contact positions, such as
receptionists, guards, or social workers,
with staff who are bilingual and
competent to communicate directly
with LEP persons in their language. If
descriptions of these terms in that language that can
be used again, when appropriate.
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bilingual staff are also used to interpret
between English speakers and LEP
persons, or to orally interpret written
documents from English into another
language, they should be competent in
the skill of interpreting. Being bilingual
does not necessarily mean that a person
has the ability to interpret. In addition,
there may be times when the role of the
bilingual employee may conflict with
the role of an interpreter. Effective
management strategies, including any
appropriate adjustments in assignments
and protocols for using bilingual staff,
can ensure that bilingual staff are fully
and appropriately utilized. When
bilingual staff cannot meet all of the
language service obligations of the
recipient, the recipient should turn to
other options.
Hiring Staff Interpreters. Hiring
interpreters may be most helpful where
there is a frequent need for interpreting
services in one or more languages.
Depending on the facts, sometimes it
may be necessary and reasonable to
provide on-site interpreters to provide
accurate and meaningful
communication with an LEP person.
Contracting for Interpreters. Contract
interpreters may be a cost-effective
option when there is no regular need for
a particular language skill. In addition
to commercial and other private
providers, many community-based
organizations and mutual assistance
associations provide interpretation
services for particular languages.
Contracting with and providing training
regarding the recipient’s programs and
processes to these organizations can be
a cost-effective option for providing
language services to LEP persons from
those language groups.
Using Telephone Interpreter Lines.
Telephone interpreter service lines often
offer speedy interpreting assistance in
many different languages. They may be
particularly appropriate where the mode
of communicating with an English
proficient person would also be over the
phone. Although telephonic
interpretation services are useful in
many situations, it is important to
ensure that, when using such services,
the interpreters used are competent to
interpret any technical or legal terms
specific to a particular program that may
be important parts of the conversation.
Nuances in language and non-verbal
communication can often assist an
interpreter and cannot be recognized
over the phone. Video teleconferencing
may sometimes help to resolve this
issue where appropriate or necessary. In
addition, where documents are being
discussed, it is important to give
telephonic interpreters adequate
opportunity to review the document
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prior to the discussion and any
logistical problems should be addressed.
Using Community Volunteers. In
addition to consideration of bilingual
staff, staff interpreters, or contract
interpreters (either in-person or by
telephone) as options to ensure
meaningful access by LEP persons, use
of recipient-coordinated community
volunteers, working with, for instance,
community-based organizations may
provide a cost-effective supplemental
language assistance strategy under
appropriate circumstances. They may be
particularly useful in providing
language access for a recipient’s less
critical programs and activities. To the
extent the recipient relies on
community volunteers, it is often best to
use volunteers who are trained in the
information or services of the program
and can communicate directly with LEP
persons in their language. Just as with
all interpreters, community volunteers
used to interpret between English
speakers and LEP persons, or to orally
translate documents, should be
competent in the skill of interpreting
and knowledgeable about applicable
confidentiality and impartiality rules.
Recipients should consider formal
arrangements with community-based
organizations that provide volunteers to
address these concerns and to help
ensure that services are available more
Use of Family and Friends and
Informal Interpreters. Although
recipients should not plan to rely on an
LEP person’s family members, friends,
or other informal interpreters to provide
meaningful access to important
programs and activities, where LEP
persons so desire, they should be
permitted to use, at their own expense,
an interpreter of their own choosing
(whether a professional interpreter,
family member, friend, or other person)
in place of or as a supplement to the free
language services expressly offered by
the recipient. LEP persons may feel
more comfortable when a trusted family
member or friend acts as an interpreter.
The recipient should take care to ensure
that the LEP person’s choice is
voluntary, that the LEP person is aware
of the possible problems if the preferred
interpreter is a minor child, and that the
LEP person knows that a competent
interpreter could be provided by the
recipient at no cost. In addition, in
exigent circumstances that are not
reasonably foreseeable, temporary use of
interpreters not provided by the
recipient may be necessary. However,
with proper planning and
implementation, recipients should be
able to avoid most such situations.
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Recipients, however, should take
special care to ensure that informal
interpreters are appropriate in light of
the circumstances and subject matter of
the program, service or activity,
including protection of the recipient’s
own administrative or enforcement
interest in accurate interpretation. In
many circumstances, family members
(especially children), friends, or other
informal interpreters are not competent
to provide quality and accurate
interpretations. Issues of confidentiality,
privacy, or conflict of interest may also
arise. LEP individuals may feel
uncomfortable revealing or describing
sensitive, confidential, or potentially
embarrassing information to a family
member, friend, or member of the local
community. In addition, such informal
interpreters may have a personal
connection to the LEP person or an
undisclosed conflict of interest. For
these reasons, when oral language
services are necessary, recipients should
generally offer competent interpreter
services free of cost to the LEP person.
For DoD recipient programs and
activities, this is particularly true in
situations in which health, safety,
economic livelihood, or access to
important benefits and services are at
stake, or when mistakes in
interpretation or translation could have
other serious consequences to the LEP
While issues of competency,
confidentiality, and conflict of interest
in the use of family members, friends,
or other informal interpreters often
make their use inappropriate, the use of
these individuals as interpreters may be
an appropriate option where proper
application of the four factors would
lead to a conclusion that recipientprovided services are not necessary. An
example of this is a voluntary
educational tour of a DoD facility
offered to the public. There, the
importance and nature of the activity
may be relatively low and unlikely to
implicate issues of confidentiality,
conflict of interest, or the need for
accuracy. In addition, the resources
needed and costs of providing language
services may be high, and the number
or proportion and frequency of LEP
encounters may be quite low. In such a
setting, an LEP person’s use of family,
friends, or others to interpret may be
appropriate. However, children should
not be used as interpreters.
B. Written Language Services
Translation is the replacement of a
written text from one language (source
language) into an equivalent written text
in another language (target language).
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What Documents Should be
Translated? After applying the fourfactor analysis, a recipient may
determine that an effective LEP plan for
its particular program or activity
includes the translation of vital written
materials into the language of each
frequently-encountered LEP group
eligible to be served and/or likely to be
affected by the recipient’s program.
Such written materials could include,
for example:
——Consent, application, and
complaint forms;
——Intake forms with the potential for
important consequences;
——Written notices of rights, denial,
loss, or decreases in benefits or
services, and other hearings;
——Notices advising LEP persons of
free language assistance;
——Written tests that do not assess
English language competency, but test
competency for a particular license,
job, or skill for which knowing
English is not required;
——Applications to participate in a
recipient’s program or activity or to
receive recipient benefits or services.
Whether or not a document (or the
information it solicits) is ‘‘vital’’ may
depend upon the importance of the
program, information, encounter, or
service involved, and the consequence
to the LEP person if the information in
question is not provided accurately or in
a timely manner. For instance, a flyer
announcing a soccer program run by a
city agency at a former military base that
was donated to that agency would not
generally be considered vital, whereas
written information about the
application process for new affordable
housing provided by the agency at that
same base should likely be considered
vital. Where appropriate, recipients are
encouraged to create a plan for
consistently determining, over time and
across its various activities, what
documents are ‘‘vital’’ to the meaningful
access of the LEP populations they
Categorizing a document as vital or
non-vital is sometimes difficult,
especially in the case of outreach
materials like brochures or other
information on rights and services.
Awareness of rights or services is an
important part of ‘‘meaningful access.’’
Lack of awareness that a particular
program, right, or service exists may
effectively deny LEP individuals
meaningful access. Thus, where a
recipient is engaged in community
outreach activities in furtherance of its
activities, it should regularly assess the
needs of the populations frequently
encountered or affected by the program
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or activity to determine whether certain
critical outreach materials should be
translated. Community organizations
may be helpful in determining what
outreach materials may be most helpful
to translate. In addition, the recipient
should consider whether translations of
outreach material may be made more
effective when done in tandem with
other outreach methods, including
utilizing the ethnic media, schools, and
religious and community organizations
to spread a message.
Sometimes a document includes both
vital and non-vital information. This
may be the case when the document is
very large. It may also be the case when
the title and a phone number for
obtaining more information on the
contents of the document in frequentlyencountered languages other than
English is critical, but the document is
sent out to the general public and
cannot reasonably be translated into
many languages and/or the language of
the recipient is not known. Thus, vital
information may include, for instance,
the provision of information in
appropriate languages other than
English regarding where a LEP person
might obtain an interpretation or
translation of the document.
Into What Languages Should
Documents be Translated? The
languages spoken by the LEP
individuals with whom the recipient
has contact determine the languages
into which vital documents should be
translated. A distinction should be
made, however, between languages that
are frequently encountered by a
recipient and less commonlyencountered languages. Many recipients
serve communities in large cities or
across the country. They regularly serve
LEP persons who speak dozens and
sometimes over 100 different languages.
To translate all written materials into all
of those languages is unrealistic, for
although recent technological advances
have made it easier for recipients to
store and share translated documents,
such an undertaking could incur
substantial costs and require substantial
resources. Nevertheless, wellsubstantiated claims of lack of resources
to translate all vital documents into
dozens of languages do not necessarily
relieve the recipient of the obligation to
translate those documents into at least
several of the more frequentlyencountered languages and to set
benchmarks for continued translations
into the remaining languages over time.
As a result, the extent of the recipient’s
obligation to provide written
translations of documents should be
determined by the recipient on a caseby-case basis, looking at the totality of
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the circumstances in light of the fourfactor analysis. Because translation is a
one-time expense, consideration should
be given to whether the upfront cost of
translating a document (as opposed to
oral interpretation) should be amortized
over the likely lifespan of the document
when applying this four-factor analysis.
Safe Harbor. Many recipients would
like to ensure with greater certainty that
they comply with their obligations to
provide written translations in
languages other than English.
Paragraphs (a) and (b) below outline the
circumstances that can provide a ‘‘safe
harbor’’ for recipients regarding the
requirements for translation of written
materials. A ‘‘safe harbor’’ means that if
a recipient provides written translations
under these circumstances, such action
will be considered strong evidence of
compliance with the recipient’s writtentranslation obligations.
The failure to provide written
translations under the circumstances
outlined in paragraphs (a) and (b) does
not mean there is non-compliance.
Rather, they provide a common starting
point for recipients to consider whether
and at what point the importance of the
service, benefit, or activity involved; the
nature of the information sought; and
the number or proportion of LEP
persons served call for written
translations of commonly-used forms
into frequently-encountered languages
other than English. Thus, these
paragraphs merely provide a guide for
recipients that would like greater
certainty of compliance than can be
provided by a fact-intensive, four-factor
Example: Even if the safe harbors are
not used, if written translation of a
certain document(s) would be so
burdensome as to defeat the legitimate
objectives of its program, the translation
of the written materials is not necessary.
Other ways of providing meaningful
access, such as effective oral
interpretation of certain vital
documents, might be acceptable under
such circumstances.
When determining whether to provide
translated documents or oral language
services, recipients should consider the
literacy rates of the LEP communities
they serve. For example, certain
languages (e.g., Hmong) until recently
have been oral and not written, thus a
high percentage of such LEP speakers
may be unable to read translated
documents or written instructions. Data
analysis, utilizing information from a
range of community groups and other
sources, may provide a recipient with
insight into whether translation of vital
documents meets the goal of providing
meaningful access, or whether it makes
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more sense to focus those resources on
oral, and, where appropriate, graphicsor visually-based information exchange.
Safe Harbor. The following actions
will be considered strong evidence of
compliance with the recipient’s writtentranslation obligations:
(a) The DoD recipient provides
written translations of vital documents
for each eligible LEP language group
that constitutes five percent or 1,000,
whichever is less, of the population of
persons eligible to be served or likely to
be affected or encountered. Translation
of other documents, if needed, can be
provided orally; or
(b) If there are fewer than 50 persons
in a language group that reaches the five
percent trigger in (a), the recipient does
not translate vital written materials but
provides written notice in the primary
language of the LEP language group of
the right to receive competent oral
interpretation of those written materials,
free of cost.
These safe harbor provisions apply to
the translation of written documents
only. They do not affect the requirement
to provide meaningful access to LEP
individuals through competent oral
interpreters where oral language
services are needed and are reasonable.
For example, even when there is only
one LEP individual who is participating
in a medical study, vital information
should be provided orally in a language
that person understands, even if it is not
translated in writing.
Competence of Translators. As with
oral interpreters, translators of written
documents should be competent. Many
of the same considerations apply.
However, the skill of translating is very
different from the skill of interpreting,
and a person who is a competent
interpreter may or may not be
competent to translate.
Particularly where legal or other vital
documents are being translated,
competence can often be achieved by
use of certified translators. Certification
or accreditation may not always be
possible or necessary.8 Competence can
often be ensured by having a second,
independent translator ‘‘check’’ the
work of the primary translator.
Alternatively, one translator can
translate the document, and a second,
independent translator could translate it
back into English to check that the
appropriate meaning has been
conveyed. This is called ‘‘back
8 For those languages in which no formal
accreditation currently exists, a particular level of
membership in a professional translation
association can provide some indicator of
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Translators should understand the
expected reading level of the audience
and, where appropriate, have
fundamental knowledge about the target
language group’s vocabulary and
phraseology. Sometimes direct
translation of materials results in a
translation that is written at a much
more difficult level than the English
language version or has no relevant
equivalent meaning. Community
organizations may be able to help
consider whether a document is written
at an appropriate level for the audience.
Also, there may be languages which do
not have an appropriate direct
translation of some terms. The translator
should make the recipient aware of this.
Recipients can then work with
translators to develop a consistent and
appropriate set of descriptions of these
terms in that language that can be used
again, when appropriate. Likewise,
consistency in the words and phrases
used to translate terms of art, legal, or
other technical concepts helps avoid
confusion by LEP individuals and may
reduce costs. Creating or using alreadycreated glossaries of commonly-used
terms may be useful for LEP persons
and translators and cost effective for the
recipient. Providing translators with
examples of previous accurate
translations of similar material by the
recipient, other recipients, or Federal
agencies may be helpful.
While quality and accuracy of
translation services is critical, the
quality and accuracy of translation
services is nonetheless part of the
appropriate mix of LEP services
required. For instance, documents that
are simple and have no legal or other
consequence for LEP persons who rely
on them may call for translators that are
less skilled than important documents
with legal or other information upon
which reliance has important
consequences (including, e.g.,
information or documents of DoD
recipients regarding certain health,
economic, education, and safety
services). The permanent nature of
written translations, however, imposes
additional responsibility on the
recipient to ensure that the quality and
accuracy permit meaningful access by
LEP persons.
VII. Elements of Effective Plan on
Language Assistance for LEP Persons
After completing the four-factor
analysis and deciding what language
assistance services are appropriate, a
recipient should develop an
implementation plan to address the
identified needs of the LEP populations
they serve. Recipients have considerable
flexibility in developing this plan. The
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development and maintenance of a
periodically-updated written plan on
language assistance for LEP persons
(‘‘LEP plan’’) for use by recipient
employees serving the public will likely
be the most appropriate and costeffective means of documenting
compliance and providing a framework
for the provision of timely and
reasonable language assistance.
Moreover, such written plans would
likely provide additional benefits to a
recipient’s managers in the areas of
training, administration, planning, and
budgeting. These benefits should lead
most recipients to document in a
written LEP plan their language
assistance services, and how staff and
LEP persons can access those services.
Despite these benefits, certain DoD
recipients, such as recipients serving
very few LEP persons and recipients
with very limited resources, may choose
not to develop a written LEP plan.
However, the absence of a written LEP
plan does not obviate the underlying
obligation to ensure meaningful access
by LEP persons to a recipient’s program
or activities. Accordingly, in the event
that a recipient elects not to develop a
written plan, it should consider
alternative ways to articulate in some
other reasonable manner a plan for
providing meaningful access. Entities
having significant contact with LEP
persons, such as schools, religious
organizations, community groups, and
groups working with new immigrants
can be very helpful in providing
important input into this planning
process from the beginning.
The following five steps may be
helpful in designing an LEP plan and
are typically part of effective
implementation plans.
(1) Identifying LEP Individuals Who
Need Language Assistance
The first two factors in the four-factor
analysis require an assessment of the
number or proportion of LEP
individuals eligible to be served or
encountered and the frequency of
encounters. This requires recipients to
identify LEP persons with whom it has
One way to determine the language of
communication is to use language
identification cards (or ‘‘I speak cards’’),
which invite LEP persons to identify
their language needs to staff. Such
cards, for instance, might say ‘‘I speak
Spanish’’ in both Spanish and English,
‘‘I speak Vietnamese’’ in both English
and Vietnamese, etc. To reduce costs of
compliance, the Federal government has
made a set of these cards available on
the Internet. The Census Bureau ‘‘I
speak card’’ can be found and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
downloaded at
crt/cor/13166.htm and
When records are normally kept of past
interactions with members of the public,
the language of the LEP person can be
included as part of the record. In
addition to helping employees identify
the language of LEP persons they
encounter, this process will help in
future applications of the first two
factors of the four-factor analysis. In
addition, posting notices in commonly
encountered languages notifying LEP
persons of language assistance will
encourage them to self-identify.
(2) Language Assistance Measures
An effective LEP plan would likely
include information about the ways in
which language assistance will be
provided. For instance, recipients may
want to include information on at least
the following:
—Types of language services available.
—How staff can obtain those services.
—How to respond to LEP callers.
—How to respond to written
communications from LEP persons.
—How to respond to LEP individuals
who have in-person contact with
recipient staff.
—How to ensure competency of
interpreters and translation services.
(3) Training Staff
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Staff should know their obligations to
provide meaningful access to
information and services for LEP
persons. An effective LEP plan would
likely include training to ensure that:
—Staff know about LEP policies and
—Staff having contact with the public
(or those in a recipient’s custody) are
trained to work effectively with inperson and telephone interpreters.
Recipients may want to include this
training as part of the orientation for
new employees. It is important to
ensure that all employees in public
contact positions (or having contact
with those in a recipient’s custody) are
properly trained. Recipients have
flexibility in deciding the manner in
which the training is provided. The
more frequent the contact with LEP
persons, the greater the need will be for
in-depth training. Staff with little or no
contact with LEP persons may only have
to be aware of an LEP plan. However,
management staff, even if they do not
interact regularly with LEP persons,
should be fully aware of and understand
the plan so they can reinforce its
importance and ensure its
implementation by staff.
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(4) Providing Notice to LEP Persons
Once an agency has decided, based on
the four factors, that it will provide
language services, it is important for the
recipient to let LEP persons know that
those services are available and that
they are free of charge. Recipients
should provide this notice in a language
LEP persons will understand. Examples
of notification that recipients should
consider include:
Posting signs in intake areas and other
entry points. When language assistance
is needed to ensure meaningful access
to information and services, it is
important to provide notice in
appropriate languages in intake areas or
initial points of contact so that LEP
persons can learn how to access those
language services. This is particularly
true in areas with high volumes of LEP
persons seeking access to certain health,
educational, safety, or economic
services or activities run by DOD
recipients. For instance, signs in intake
offices could state that free language
assistance is available. The signs should
be translated into the most common
languages encountered. They should
explain how to get the language help.9
—Stating in outreach documents that
language services are available from
the agency. Announcements could be
in, for instance, brochures, booklets,
and in outreach and recruitment
information. These statements should
be translated into the most common
languages and could be ‘‘tagged’’ onto
the front of common documents.
—Working with community-based
organizations and other stakeholders
to inform LEP individuals of the
recipients’ services, including the
availability of language assistance
—Using a telephone voice mail menu.
The menu could be in the most
common languages encountered. It
should provide information about
available language assistance services
and how to get them.
—Including notices in local newspapers
in languages other than English.
—Providing notices on non-Englishlanguage radio and television stations
about the available language
assistance services and how to get
—Presentations and/or notices at
schools and religious organizations.
9 The Social Security Administration has made
such signs available at
multilanguage/langlist1.htm. These signs could, for
example, be modified for recipient use.
PO 00000
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(5) Monitoring and Updating the LEP
Recipients should, where appropriate,
have a process for determining, on an
ongoing basis, whether new documents,
programs, services, and activities need
to be made accessible for LEP
individuals, and they may want to
provide notice of any changes in
services to the LEP public and to
employees. In addition, recipients
should consider whether changes in
demographics, types of services, or
other needs require annual reevaluation
of their LEP plan. Less frequent
reevaluation may be more appropriate
where demographics, services, and
needs are more static. One good way to
evaluate the LEP plan is to seek
feedback from the community.
In their reviews, recipients may want
to consider assessing changes in:
—Current LEP populations in service
area or population affected or
—Frequency of encounters with LEP
language groups.
—Nature and importance of activities to
LEP persons.
—Availability of resources, including
technological advances and sources of
additional resources, and the costs
—Whether existing assistance is
meeting the needs of LEP persons.
—Whether staff knows and understands
the LEP plan and how to implement
—Whether identified sources for
assistance are still available and
In addition to these five elements,
effective plans set clear goals,
management accountability, and
opportunities for community input and
planning throughout the process.
VIII. Voluntary Compliance Effort
The goal for Title VI and Title VI
regulatory enforcement is to achieve
voluntary compliance. The requirement
to provide meaningful access to LEP
persons is enforced and implemented by
DoD through the procedures identified
in the Title VI regulations. These
procedures include complaint
investigations, compliance reviews,
efforts to secure voluntary compliance,
and technical assistance.
The Title VI regulations provide that
DoD will investigate whenever it
receives a complaint, report, or other
information that alleges or indicates
possible noncompliance with Title VI or
its regulations. If the investigation
results in a finding of compliance, DoD
will inform the recipient in writing of
this determination, including the basis
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
for the determination. The DoD uses
voluntary mediation to resolve most
complaints. However, if a case is fully
investigated and results in a finding of
noncompliance, DoD must inform the
recipient of the noncompliance through
a Letter of Findings that sets out the
areas of noncompliance and the steps
that must be taken to correct the
noncompliance. It must attempt to
secure voluntary compliance through
informal means. If the matter cannot be
resolved informally, DoD must secure
compliance through the termination of
Federal assistance after the DoD
recipient has been given an opportunity
for an administrative hearing and/or by
referring the matter to a DOJ litigation
section to seek injunctive relief or
pursue other enforcement proceedings.
The DoD engages in voluntary
compliance efforts and provides
technical assistance to recipients at all
stages of an investigation. During these
efforts, DoD proposes reasonable
timetables for achieving compliance and
consults with and assists recipients in
exploring cost-effective ways of coming
into compliance. In determining a
recipient’s compliance with the Title VI
regulations, the DoD’s primary concern
is to ensure that the recipient’s policies
and procedures provide meaningful
access for LEP persons to the recipient’s
programs and activities.
While all recipients must work
toward building systems that will
ensure access for LEP individuals, DoD
acknowledges that the implementation
of a comprehensive system to serve LEP
individuals is a process and that a
system will evolve over time as it is
implemented and periodically
reevaluated. As recipients take
reasonable steps to provide meaningful
access to federally assisted programs
and activities for LEP persons, DoD will
look favorably on intermediate steps
recipients take that are consistent with
this Guidance, and that, as part of a
broader implementation plan or
schedule, move their service delivery
system toward providing full access to
LEP persons. This does not excuse
noncompliance but instead recognizes
that full compliance in all areas of a
recipient’s activities and for all potential
language minority groups may
reasonably require a series of
implementing actions over a period of
time. However, in developing any
phased implementation schedule, DoD
recipients should ensure that the
provision of appropriate assistance for
significant LEP populations or with
respect to activities having a significant
impact on the health, safety, legal rights,
education, economic status, or
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:09 Feb 14, 2012
Jkt 226001
livelihood of beneficiaries is addressed
first. Recipients are encouraged to
document their efforts to provide LEP
persons with meaningful access to
federally assisted programs and
[FR Doc. 2012–3523 Filed 2–14–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Publication of Housing Price Inflation
Adjustment Under 50 U.S.C. App. § 531
Office of the Under Secretary
for Personnel and Readiness, DoD.
ACTION: Notice.
The Servicemembers Civil
Relief Act, as codified at 50 U.S.C. App.
§ 531, prohibits a landlord from evicting
a Service member (or the Service
member’s family) from a residence
during a period of military service
except by court order. The law as
originally passed by Congress applied to
dwellings with monthly rents of $2400
or less. The law requires the Department
of Defense to adjust this amount
annually to reflect inflation and to
publish the new amount in the Federal
Register. We have applied the inflation
index required by the statute. The
maximum monthly rental amount for 50
U.S.C. App. § 531 (a)(1)(A)(ii) as of
January 1, 2012, will be $3,047.45.
DATES: Effective Date: January 1, 2011.
Major Shawn McKelvy, Office of the
Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness, (703) 697–
Patricia Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,
Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2012–3524 Filed 2–14–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Termination of the Department of
Defense Web-Based TRICARE
Assistance Program Demonstration
Department of Defense, DoD.
Notice of demonstration
This notice is to advise
interested parties of the termination of
the Military Health System (MHS)
demonstration project, under authority
of Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1092,
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
entitled Web-Based TRICARE
Assistance Program (TRIAP). The
demonstration project uses existing
health care support contracts (HCSC) to
allow web-based behavioral health and
related services including non-medical
counseling and advice services to active
duty service members (ADSM), their
families and members and their
dependents enrolled in TRICARE
Reserve Select, and those eligible for the
Transition Assistance Management
Program (TAMP) who reside in the
continental United States.
DATES: The demonstration will
terminate on March 31, 2012.
Activity (TMA), Health Plan Operations,
5111 Leesburg Pike, Suite 810, Falls
Church, VA 22041.
questions pertaining to this
demonstration project, please contact
Mr. Richard Hart at (703) 681–0047.
demonstration was effective August 1,
2009, as referenced in the original
Federal Register Notice, 74 FR 36676,
July 24, 2009. The demonstration was
extended to March 31, 2011, as
referenced by Federal Register Notice,
75 FR 15693, March 30, 2010 and again
extended to March 31, 2012 as
referenced by Federal Register Notice,
76 FR 12073, March 4, 2011. The
demonstration provides capability for
short-term, problem solving counseling
between eligible beneficiaries and
licensed counselors utilizing video
technology and software such as Skype
or iChat. TRIAP services are available
24/7 and ADSMs, their spouses of any
age, and other family members 18 years
of age or older who reside in the United
States are eligible to participate.
Enrollees in TRICARE Reserve Select
and the Transitional Assistance
Management Program may also use the
program. TRIAP is based on commercial
employee assistance models and
provides counseling in a virtual face-toface environment. There is no diagnosis
made, there are no limits to usage, and
no notification about those seeking
counseling are made to their primary
care managers or others, unless required
by the counselor’s licensure (e.g.,
spouse abuse). Participant
confidentiality is protected, as no
medical record entry is made.
Monthly measures of Web-based
behavioral health care access were
collected and analyzed from each
TRICARE region with the intent to
inform Department leaders whether this
type of program is a valid mechanism to
improve access. Only 5109 calls were
recorded in the two-year period from
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 31 (Wednesday, February 15, 2012)]
[Pages 8828-8837]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-3523]
Office of the Secretary
Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding
Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting
Limited English Proficient Persons
AGENCY: Department of Defense, DoD.
ACTION: Interim final guidance.
SUMMARY: The Department of Defense (DoD) publishes for public comment
Interim Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients
Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination
Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons (DoD Recipient LEP
Guidance). The DoD Recipient LEP Guidance is based on the prohibition
against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, as affects limited English proficient persons.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 16, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Please submit only one set of comments via one of the
methods described.
Fax: (703) 571-9338.
Mail: DoD/ODMEO LEP Public Comments, 4000 Defense
Pentagon, Room 5D641, Washington, DC 20301-4000.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James E. Love, (703) 571-9331.
Arrangements to receive the policy in an alternative format may be made
by contacting the named individual.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq. (Title VI), and DoD regulations
implementing Title VI, recipients of Federal financial assistance from
the DoD (``recipients'') have a responsibility to ensure meaningful
access by persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) to their
programs and activities. See 32 CFR 195.4. Executive Order 13166,
reprinted at 65 FR 50121 (August 16, 2000), directs each Federal agency
that extends assistance subject to the requirements of Title VI to
publish, after review and approval by the Department of Justice (DOJ),
guidance for its recipients clarifying that obligation. The Executive
Order also directs that all such guidance be consistent with the
compliance standards and framework set forth by DOJ.
On March 14, 2002, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a Report to Congress titled ``Assessment of the Total Benefits and
Costs of Implementing Executive Order No. 13166: Improving Access to
Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency.'' Among other
things, the Report recommended the adoption of uniform guidance across
all Federal agencies, with flexibility to permit tailoring to each
agency's specific recipients. Consistent with this OMB recommendation,
the DOJ published LEP Guidance for DOJ recipients which was drafted and
organized to also function as a model for similar guidance by other
Federal grant agencies. See 67 FR 41455 (June 18, 2002). This interim
final DoD Guidance is based upon the model of June 18, 2002, DOJ LEP
Guidance for Recipients.
The primary focus of this Guidance is on entities that receive
Federal financial assistance from DoD, either directly or indirectly,
through a grant, cooperative agreement, contract or subcontract, and
operate programs or activities or portions of programs or activities in
the United States and its territories.
In connection with the issuance of this Guidance, each DoD
component is encouraged to review their current programs and activities
to determine whether they provide the type of external assistance to a
recipient which is subject to Title VI. If Title VI is determined to be
applicable to one or more program or activity, the administering
component should consider developing a program-specific Appendix to
this Guidance. The Appendix should explain how the component's
recipients may ensure meaningful linguistic access consistent with the
principles and compliance standards set out in DoD's LEP Guidance for
Recipients below. The Appendix will be submitted to DOJ for review and
approval prior to publication in the Federal Register.
It has been determined that the Guidance does not constitute a
regulation subject to the rulemaking requirements of the Administrative
Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 533. It has also been determined that this
Guidance is not subject to the requirements of Executive Order 12866.
The text of the complete proposed Guidance document appears below.
Dated: January 18, 2012.
Patricia L. Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
I. Introduction
Most individuals living in the United States read, write, speak and
understand English. There are many individuals, however, for whom
English is not their primary language. For instance, based on the 2000
census, over 26 million individuals speak Spanish and almost 7 million
individuals speak an Asian or Pacific Island language at home. If these
individuals have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand
English, they are limited English proficient, or ``LEP.'' The 2000
census indicates that 28.1% of all Spanish-speakers, 28.2% of all
speakers of Chinese languages, and 32.3% of all Vietnamese-speakers
reported that they spoke English ``not well'' or ``not at all.''
Language for LEP individuals can be a barrier to accessing
important benefits or services, understanding and exercising important
rights, complying with applicable responsibilities, or understanding
other information provided by federally funded programs and activities.
The Federal Government funds an array of services that can be made
accessible to otherwise eligible LEP persons. The Federal Government is
committed to improving the accessibility of these programs and
activities to eligible LEP persons, a goal that reinforces its equally
important commitment to promoting programs and activities designed to
help individuals learn English. Recipients should not overlook the
long-term positive impacts of incorporating or offering English as a
Second Language (ESL) programs in parallel with language assistance
services. ESL courses can serve as an important adjunct to a proper LEP
plan. However, the fact that ESL classes are made available does not
obviate the statutory and regulatory requirement to provide meaningful
access for those who are not yet English proficient. Recipients of
Federal financial assistance have an obligation to reduce language
barriers that can preclude meaningful access by LEP persons to
important government services.\1\
\1\ DoD recognizes that many recipients had language assistance
programs in place prior to the issuance of Executive Order 13166.
This Guidance provides a uniform framework for a recipient to
integrate, formalize, and assess the continued vitality of these
existing and possibly additional reasonable efforts based on the
nature of its program or activity, the current needs of the LEP
population it encounters, and its prior experience in providing
language services in the community it serves.
This policy Guidance clarifies existing legal requirements for LEP
[[Page 8829]]
persons by providing a description of the factors recipients should
consider in fulfilling their responsibilities to LEP persons.\2\ These
are the same criteria DoD has been and will continue to use in
evaluating whether recipients are in compliance with Title VI and Title
VI regulations.
\2\ This policy guidance is not a regulation but rather a guide.
Title VI and its implementing regulations require that recipients
take responsible steps to ensure meaningful access by LEP persons.
This Guidance provides an analytical framework that recipients may
use to determine how best to comply with statutory and regulatory
obligations to provide meaningful access to the benefits, services,
information, and other important portions of their programs and
activities for individuals who are limited English proficient.
In certain circumstances, failure to ensure that LEP persons can
effectively participate in or benefit from federally assisted programs
and activities may violate the prohibition under Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and Title VI regulations against
national origin discrimination. The purpose of this policy Guidance is
to assist recipients in fulfilling their responsibility to provide
meaningful access to LEP persons under existing law.
As with most government initiatives, this policy Guidance requires
balancing several principles. While this Guidance discusses that
balance in some detail, it is important to note the basic principles
behind that balance. First, we must ensure that federally assisted
programs aimed at the American public do not leave some behind simply
because they face challenges communicating in English. This is of
particular importance because, in many cases, LEP individuals form a
substantial portion of those encountered in federally assisted
programs. Second, we must achieve this goal while finding constructive
methods to reduce the costs of LEP requirements on small businesses,
small local governments, or small non-profits that receive Federal
financial assistance.
In addition, many DoD recipients also receive Federal financial
assistance from other Federal agencies, such as the Department of
Education or the Department of Health and Human Services. While
guidance from those Federal agencies is consistent with this Guidance,
recipients receiving assistance from multiple agencies should review
those agencies' guidance documents at for a more
focused explanation of how the standards apply in portions of programs
or activities that are the focus of funding from those agencies.
There are many productive steps that the Federal government, either
collectively or as individual grant agencies, can take to help
recipients reduce the costs of language services without sacrificing
meaningful access for LEP persons. Without these steps, certain smaller
grantees may well choose not to participate in federally assisted
programs, threatening the critical functions that the programs strive
to provide. To that end, the DoD plans to continue to provide
assistance and guidance in this important area. In addition, the DoD
plans to work with representatives of research and defense-related
institutions, grant organizations, administrative agencies, other
Federal entities, and LEP persons to identify and share model plans,
examples of best practices, and cost-saving approaches. Moreover, DoD
intends to explore how language assistance measures, resources and
cost-containment approaches developed with respect to its own Federally
conducted programs and activities can be effectively shared or
otherwise made available to recipients, particularly small businesses,
small local governments, and small non-profits. An interagency working
group on LEP developed a Web site,, to assist in
disseminating this information to recipients, Federal agencies, and the
communities being served.
II. Legal Authority
Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.
2000d, provides that no person shall ``on the ground of race, color, or
national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or
activity receiving Federal financial assistance.'' Section 602 of Title
VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d-1, authorizes and directs Federal agencies that are
empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any program or
activity ``to effectuate the provisions of [section 601] * * * by
issuing rules, regulations, or orders of general applicability.''
DoD regulations promulgated pursuant to section 602 forbid
recipients from ``utiliz[ing] criteria or methods of administration
which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination
because of their race, color, or national origin, or have the effect of
defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives
of the program as respect individuals of a particular race, color, or
national origin.'' 32 CFR 195.4(b)(2).
The Supreme Court, in Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974),
interpreted regulations promulgated by the former Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare, including a regulation similar to that of DOD,
45 CFR 80.3(b)(2), to hold that Title VI prohibits conduct that has a
disproportionate effect on LEP persons because such conduct constitutes
national-origin discrimination. In Lau, a San Francisco school district
that had a significant number of non-English speaking students of
Chinese origin was required to take reasonable steps to provide them
with a meaningful opportunity to participate in federally funded
educational programs.
Executive Order 13166, ``Improving Access to Services for Persons
with Limited English Proficiency,'' 65 FR 50121 (August 16, 2000) was
issued on August 11, 2000. Under that Executive Order, every Federal
agency that provides financial assistance to non-Federal entities must
publish guidance on how their recipients can provide meaningful access
to LEP persons and thus comply with Title VI regulations forbidding
funding recipients from ``restrict[ing] an individual in any way in the
enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others receiving any
service, financial aid, or other benefit under the program'' or from
``utiliz[ing] criteria or methods of administration which have the
effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their
race, color, or national origin, or have the effect of defeating or
substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the program
as respects individuals of a particular race, color, or national
On that same day, DOJ issued a general guidance document addressed
to ``Executive Agency Civil Rights Officers'' setting forth general
principles for agencies to apply in developing guidance documents for
recipients pursuant to the Executive Order. ``Enforcement of Title VI
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 National Origin Discrimination Against
Persons With Limited English Proficiency,'' 65 FR 50123 (August 16,
2000) (``DOJ LEP Guidance'').
Subsequently, Federal agencies raised questions regarding the
requirements of the Executive Order, especially in light of the Supreme
Court's decision in Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275 (2001). On
October 26, 2001, the Civil Rights Division of DOJ issued a memorandum
clarifying and reaffirming the DOJ LEP Guidance in light of
Sandoval.[1] The Assistant Attorney General stated that because
Sandoval did not invalidate any Title VI regulations that proscribe
conduct that has a disparate impact on covered groups--the types of
regulations that form the legal basis for the part of Executive Order
13166 that applies to federally assisted programs and
[[Page 8830]]
activities--the Executive Order remains in force. Mindful of the
limitations on bringing a private action to enforce Title VI
regulations addressing disparate impact, DoD is committed to vigorously
enforcing the requirements of Title VI and its implementing regulations
on behalf of LEP beneficiaries and other LEP persons encountered by DoD
assisted agencies and entities.
This Guidance document is thus published at the direction of
Executive Order 13166 and pursuant to Title VI and the Title VI
regulations. It is consistent with the relevant DOJ Guidance. 67 FR
41455 (June 18, 2002) (also available at
III. Who is covered?
All entities that receive Federal financial assistance from the
DoD, either directly or indirectly, through a grant, cooperative
agreement, contract or subcontract, and operate programs or activities
or portions thereof in the United States and its territories, are
covered by this Guidance. Title VI applies to all Federal financial
assistance, which includes but is not limited to awards and loans of
Federal funds, awards or donations of Federal land or property, details
of Federal or Federally funded personnel, or any agreement, arrangement
or other contract that has as one of its purposes the provision of
Examples of recipients of DoD assistance covered by this Guidance
include, but are not limited to:
-- State and local government agencies and any other entities that
receive DoD-donated land or land that is sold at a below-market rate;
-- Organizations and institutions, such as nonprofit organizations
or educational institutions, receiving grants to conduct scientific,
medical, environmental or other research.
Title VI prohibits discrimination in any program or activity that
receives Federal financial assistance. In most cases, when a recipient
receives Federal financial assistance for a particular program or
activity, all operations of the recipient are covered by Title VI, not
just the part of the program that uses the Federal assistance. Thus,
all parts of the recipient's operations would be covered by Title VI,
even if the Federal assistance were used only by one part.\3\ Sub-
recipients likewise are covered when Federal funds are passed through
from one recipient to a sub-recipient.
\3\ However, if a Federal agency were to decide to terminate
Federal funds based on noncompliance with Title VI or its
regulations, only funds directed to the particular program or
activity that is out of compliance would be terminated. 42 U.S.C.
Finally, some recipients operate in jurisdictions in which English
has been declared the official language. Nonetheless, these recipients
continue to be subject to Federal non-discrimination requirements,
including those applicable to the provision of federally assisted
services to persons with limited English proficiency.
IV. Who is a limited English proficient individual?
Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and
who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English
can be limited English proficient, or ``LEP,'' entitled to language
assistance with respect to a particular type of service, benefit, or
Examples of populations likely to include LEP persons who are
encountered and/or served by DoD recipients and should be considered
when planning language services include, but are not limited to:
--Persons who are included in DoD-funded medical studies;
--Persons who participate in support groups that are funded by DoD;
--Persons who encounter or who are eligible to receive benefits or
services from a state or local agency that is a recipient of DoD
--Persons who encounter or are eligible to participate in portions of
programs or activities of an institution of higher learning that
receives DoD assistance;
--Persons who are served by programs or activities run by recipients of
DoD-donated land;
--Persons who attend community meetings or other public meetings
organized by DoD recipients; \4\
\4\ For additional guidance on providing meaningful access to
LEP individuals at public hearings or meetings, see Department of
Housing and Urban Development Notice of Guidance to Federal
Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against
National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient
Persons, 68 FR 70980 (Dec. 19, 2003) (available at
--Other LEP persons who encounter or are eligible to receive benefits
or services from DoD recipients; and
--Parents and family members of the above.
V. How does a recipient determine the extent of its obligation to
provide LEP services?
Recipients are required to take reasonable steps to ensure
meaningful access to their programs and activities by LEP persons.
While designed to be a flexible and fact-dependent standard, the
starting point is an individualized assessment that balances the
following four factors: (1) The number or proportion of LEP persons
eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by the program or
activity or portion thereof; (2) the frequency with which LEP
individuals come in contact with the program or activity or portion
thereof; (3) the nature and importance of the program, activity,
service, benefit, or information provided by the recipient to people's
lives; and (4) the resources available to the grantee/recipient and
costs. As indicated above, the intent of this Guidance is to suggest a
balance that ensures meaningful access by LEP persons to critical
services while not imposing undue burdens on small business, small
local governments, or small nonprofits.
After applying the above four-factor analysis, a recipient may
conclude that different language assistance measures are sufficient for
the different types of encounters. For instance, some portions of a
recipient's program or activity will be more important than others and/
or have greater impact on or contact with LEP persons, and thus may
require more in the way of language assistance. The flexibility that
recipients have in addressing the needs of the LEP populations they
serve does not diminish, and should not be used to minimize, the
obligation that those needs be addressed. DOD recipients should apply
the following four factors to the various kinds of contacts that they
have with the public to assess language needs and decide what
reasonable steps they should take to ensure meaningful access for LEP
(1) The Number or Proportion of LEP Persons Served or Encountered in
the Eligible Service Population
One factor in determining what language services recipients should
provide is the number or proportion of LEP persons from a particular
language group served or encountered in the eligible service
population. The greater the number or proportion of these LEP persons,
the more likely language services are needed. Ordinarily, persons
``eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by'' a recipient's
program or activity are those who are served or encountered in the
eligible service population. This population will be program-specific,
and includes persons who are in the geographic area that has been
approved by a Federal grant agency as the recipient's service area.
However, where, for instance, a regional office of a nonprofit that
provides support services for cancer survivors serves a large LEP
population, the appropriate service area is most likely
[[Page 8831]]
the regional office of the nonprofit organization, and not the entire
population served by the non-profit. Where no service area has
previously been approved, the relevant service area may be that which
is approved by state or local authorities or designated by the
recipient itself, provided that these designations do not themselves
discriminatorily exclude certain populations. In addition, there may be
circumstances in which recipients appropriately identify English
language skills as an eligibility criterion, such as in the case of a
university English language masters program. But other portions of the
program, such as a university daycare or clinic open to the public, or
various public community events, cultural exchanges, campus security,
or other portions of a recipient's operations, may have a more
significant LEP population that may be encountered or is eligible to
participate. When considering the number or proportion of LEP
individuals in a service area, recipients should consider LEP parent(s)
when their English-proficient or LEP minor children and dependents
encounter the recipient's program or activity.
Recipients should first examine their prior experiences with LEP
encounters and determine the breadth and scope of language services
that were needed. In conducting this analysis, it is important to
include language minority populations that are eligible for their
programs or activities but may be underserved because of existing
language barriers.
Other data in addition to prior experiences should be consulted to
refine or validate a recipient's prior experience, including the latest
census data for the area served, data from school systems and from
community organizations, and data from state and local governments.\5\
Community agencies, school systems, religious organizations, legal aid
entities, and others can often assist in identifying populations for
whom outreach is needed and who would benefit from the recipients'
programs and activities were language services provided.
\5\ The focus of the analysis is on lack of English proficiency,
not the ability to speak more than one language. Note that
demographic data may indicate the most frequently spoken languages
other than English and the percentage of people who speak that
language who speak or understand English less than well. Some of the
most commonly spoken languages other than English may be spoken by
people who are also overwhelmingly proficient in English. Thus, they
may not be the languages spoken most frequently by limited English
proficient individuals. When using demographic data, it is important
to focus in on the languages spoken by those who are not proficient
in English.
(2) The Frequency With Which LEP Individuals Come in Contact With the
Recipients should assess, as accurately as possible, the frequency
with which they have or should have contact with an LEP individual from
different language groups seeking assistance. The more frequent the
contact with a particular language group, the more likely that enhanced
language services in that language are needed. The steps that are
reasonable for a recipient that serves an LEP person on a one-time
basis will be very different than those expected from a recipient that
serves LEP persons daily. It is also advisable to consider the
frequency of different types of language contacts. For example,
frequent contacts with Spanish-speaking people who are LEP may require
certain assistance in Spanish. Less frequent contact with different
language groups may suggest a different and less intensified solution.
If an LEP individual accesses a program or service on a daily basis, a
recipient has greater duties than if the same individual's program or
activity contact is unpredictable or infrequent. But even recipients
that serve LEP persons on an unpredictable or infrequent basis should
use this balancing analysis to determine what to do if an LEP
individual seeks services under the program in question. This plan need
not be intricate. It may be as simple as being prepared to use one of
the commercially-available telephonic interpretation services to obtain
immediate interpreter services. In applying this standard, recipients
should take care to consider whether appropriate outreach to LEP
persons could increase the frequency of contact with LEP language
(3) The Nature and Importance of the Program, Activity, or Service
Provided by the Program
The more important the activity, information, service, or program,
or the greater the possible consequences of the contact to the LEP
individuals, the more likely language services are needed. A recipient
needs to determine whether denial or delay of access to services or
information could have serious, economic, safety, education or even
life-threatening implications for the LEP individual. For instance, the
obligations of a federally assisted entity providing medical advice or
services differ from those of a federally assisted program providing
purely recreational activities (however, if a language barrier could
result in denial or delay of access to important benefits, services, or
information, or have a serious implication for a LEP person who
participates in the recreational activity, the legal obligation to
provide language services in that circumstance would be higher).
Decisions by a Federal, state, or local entity to make an activity
compulsory or required in order to maintain or receive an important
benefit or service or preserve a right, such as access to medical care,
appeals procedures, or compliance with rules and responsibilities, can
serve as strong evidence of the program's importance.
(4) The Resources Available to the Recipient and Costs
A recipient's level of resources and the costs that would be
imposed on it may have an impact on the nature of the steps it should
take. Smaller recipients with more limited budgets are not expected to
provide the same level of language services as larger recipients with
larger budgets. In addition, ``reasonable steps'' may cease to be
reasonable where the costs imposed substantially exceed the benefits.
Resource and cost issues, however, can often be reduced by
technological advances; the sharing of language assistance materials
and services among and between recipients, advocacy groups, and Federal
grant agencies; and reasonable business practices. Where appropriate,
training bilingual staff to act as interpreters and translators,
information sharing through industry groups, telephonic and video
conferencing interpretation services, pooling resources and
standardizing documents to reduce translation needs, using qualified
translators and interpreters to ensure that documents need not be
``fixed'' later and that inaccurate interpretations do not cause delay
or other costs, centralizing interpreter and translator services to
achieve economies of scale, or the formalized use of qualified
community volunteers, for example, may help reduce costs.\6\
\6\ Small recipients with limited resources may find that
entering into a telephonic interpretation service contract will
prove cost effective.
Recipients should carefully explore the most cost-effective means
of delivering competent and accurate language services before limiting
services due to resource concerns. Large entities and those entities
serving a significant number or proportion of LEP persons should ensure
that their resource limitations are well-substantiated before using
this factor as a reason to limit language assistance. Such recipients
may find it useful to be
[[Page 8832]]
able to articulate, through documentation or in some other reasonable
manner, their process for determining that language services would be
limited based on resources or costs.
This four-factor analysis necessarily implicates the ``mix'' of LEP
services required. Recipients have two main ways to provide language
services: Oral interpretation either in person or via telephone
interpretation service (hereinafter ``interpretation'') and written
translation (hereinafter ``translation''). Oral interpretation can
range from on-site interpreters for critical services provided to a
high volume of LEP persons to access through commercially-available
telephonic interpretation services. Written translation, likewise, can
range from translation of an entire document to translation of a short
description of the document. In some cases, language services should be
made available on an expedited basis while in others the LEP individual
may be referred to another office of the recipient for language
The correct mix should be based on what is both necessary and
reasonable in light of the four-factor analysis. For instance, a job
training center that was created three years ago after DoD donated land
from a former military base serves a large Hispanic population. The job
training center may need immediate oral interpreters to be available
and should give serious consideration to hiring some bilingual staff if
they have not done so already. By contrast, the center may be able to
rely on a telephonic interpretation service to assist those LEP
individuals who speak a language that is not commonly encountered by
the center. Regardless of the type of language service provided,
quality and accuracy of those services can be critical in order to
avoid serious consequences to the LEP person and to the recipient.
Recipients have substantial flexibility in determining the appropriate
VI. Selecting Language Assistance Services
Academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and other
recipients of DoD funds have a long history of interacting with people
with varying language backgrounds and capabilities. In fact, many DoD
recipients choose not only to provide interpretation and translation
services, but also to provide English-language training for LEP
individuals. This approach is consistent with the purpose of Executive
Order 13166. DoD's goal is to continue to encourage these efforts and
to encourage the sharing of such promising practices among recipients,
as well as to ensure meaningful linguistic access for LEP individuals.
Recipients have two main ways to provide language services: oral
and written language services. Quality and accuracy of the language
service is critical in order to avoid serious consequences to the LEP
person and to the recipient.
A. Oral Language Services (Interpretation)
Interpretation is the act of listening to something in one language
(source language) and orally translating it into another language
(target language). Where interpretation is needed and is reasonable,
recipients should consider some or all of the following options for
providing competent interpreters in a timely manner:
--When providing oral assistance, recipients should ensure competency
of the language service provider, no matter which of the strategies
outlined below are used. Competency requires more than self-
identification as bilingual. Some bilingual staff and community
volunteers, for instance, may be able to communicate effectively in a
different language when communicating information directly in that
language, but not be competent to interpret in and out of English.
Likewise, they may not be able to do written translations.
--Competency to interpret, however, does not necessarily mean formal
certification as an interpreter, although certification is helpful.
When using interpreters, recipients should ensure that they:
--Demonstrate proficiency in and ability to communicate information
accurately in both English and in the other language and identify and
employ the appropriate mode of interpreting (e.g., consecutive,
simultaneous, summarization, or sight translation);
--Have knowledge in both languages of any specialized terms or concepts
peculiar to the entity's program or activity and of any particularized
vocabulary and phraseology used by the LEP person;\7\ and understand
and follow confidentiality and impartiality rules to the same extent
the recipient employee for whom they are interpreting and/or to the
extent their position requires;
\7\ Many languages have ``regionalisms,'' or differences in
usage. For instance, a word that may be understood to mean something
in Spanish for someone from Cuba may not be so understood by someone
from Mexico. In addition, because there may be languages which do
not have an appropriate direct interpretation of some terms, the
interpreter or translator should be so aware and be able to provide
the most appropriate interpretation. The interpreter should make the
recipient aware of the issue and the interpreter and recipient can
then work to develop a consistent and appropriate set of
descriptions of these terms in that language that can be used again,
when appropriate.
--Understand and adhere to their role as interpreters without deviating
into a role as counselor, legal advisor, or other roles, particularly
in a formal context such as a hearing.
While quality and accuracy of language services is critical, the
quality and accuracy of language services is nonetheless part of the
appropriate mix of LEP services required. The quality and accuracy of
language services provided during the medical screening of a LEP
individual must be extraordinarily high, while the quality and accuracy
of language services provided at a university's social program need not
meet the same exacting standards.
Finally, when interpretation is needed and is reasonable, it should
be provided in a timely manner. To be meaningfully effective, language
assistance should be timely. While there is no single definition for
``timely'' applicable to all types of interactions at all times by all
types of recipients, one clear guide is that the language assistance
should be provided at a time and place that avoids the effective denial
of the service, benefit, or right at issue or the imposition of an
undue burden on or delay in important rights, benefits, or services to
the LEP person. For example, when the timeliness of services is
important, such as with certain activities of DOD recipients providing
health, economic, educational, and safety services on DOD-donated land,
a recipient would likely not be providing meaningful access if it had
one bilingual staffer available one day a week to provide the service.
Such conduct would likely result in delays for LEP persons that would
be significantly greater than those for English proficient persons.
Conversely, where access to or exercise of a service, benefit, or right
is not effectively precluded by a reasonable delay, language assistance
can likely be delayed for a reasonable period.
Hiring Bilingual Staff. When particular languages are encountered
often, hiring bilingual staff offers one of the best and often most
economical, options. Recipients can, for example, fill public contact
positions, such as receptionists, guards, or social workers, with staff
who are bilingual and competent to communicate directly with LEP
persons in their language. If
[[Page 8833]]
bilingual staff are also used to interpret between English speakers and
LEP persons, or to orally interpret written documents from English into
another language, they should be competent in the skill of
interpreting. Being bilingual does not necessarily mean that a person
has the ability to interpret. In addition, there may be times when the
role of the bilingual employee may conflict with the role of an
interpreter. Effective management strategies, including any appropriate
adjustments in assignments and protocols for using bilingual staff, can
ensure that bilingual staff are fully and appropriately utilized. When
bilingual staff cannot meet all of the language service obligations of
the recipient, the recipient should turn to other options.
Hiring Staff Interpreters. Hiring interpreters may be most helpful
where there is a frequent need for interpreting services in one or more
languages. Depending on the facts, sometimes it may be necessary and
reasonable to provide on-site interpreters to provide accurate and
meaningful communication with an LEP person.
Contracting for Interpreters. Contract interpreters may be a cost-
effective option when there is no regular need for a particular
language skill. In addition to commercial and other private providers,
many community-based organizations and mutual assistance associations
provide interpretation services for particular languages. Contracting
with and providing training regarding the recipient's programs and
processes to these organizations can be a cost-effective option for
providing language services to LEP persons from those language groups.
Using Telephone Interpreter Lines. Telephone interpreter service
lines often offer speedy interpreting assistance in many different
languages. They may be particularly appropriate where the mode of
communicating with an English proficient person would also be over the
phone. Although telephonic interpretation services are useful in many
situations, it is important to ensure that, when using such services,
the interpreters used are competent to interpret any technical or legal
terms specific to a particular program that may be important parts of
the conversation. Nuances in language and non-verbal communication can
often assist an interpreter and cannot be recognized over the phone.
Video teleconferencing may sometimes help to resolve this issue where
appropriate or necessary. In addition, where documents are being
discussed, it is important to give telephonic interpreters adequate
opportunity to review the document prior to the discussion and any
logistical problems should be addressed.
Using Community Volunteers. In addition to consideration of
bilingual staff, staff interpreters, or contract interpreters (either
in-person or by telephone) as options to ensure meaningful access by
LEP persons, use of recipient-coordinated community volunteers, working
with, for instance, community-based organizations may provide a cost-
effective supplemental language assistance strategy under appropriate
circumstances. They may be particularly useful in providing language
access for a recipient's less critical programs and activities. To the
extent the recipient relies on community volunteers, it is often best
to use volunteers who are trained in the information or services of the
program and can communicate directly with LEP persons in their
language. Just as with all interpreters, community volunteers used to
interpret between English speakers and LEP persons, or to orally
translate documents, should be competent in the skill of interpreting
and knowledgeable about applicable confidentiality and impartiality
rules. Recipients should consider formal arrangements with community-
based organizations that provide volunteers to address these concerns
and to help ensure that services are available more regularly.
Use of Family and Friends and Informal Interpreters. Although
recipients should not plan to rely on an LEP person's family members,
friends, or other informal interpreters to provide meaningful access to
important programs and activities, where LEP persons so desire, they
should be permitted to use, at their own expense, an interpreter of
their own choosing (whether a professional interpreter, family member,
friend, or other person) in place of or as a supplement to the free
language services expressly offered by the recipient. LEP persons may
feel more comfortable when a trusted family member or friend acts as an
interpreter. The recipient should take care to ensure that the LEP
person's choice is voluntary, that the LEP person is aware of the
possible problems if the preferred interpreter is a minor child, and
that the LEP person knows that a competent interpreter could be
provided by the recipient at no cost. In addition, in exigent
circumstances that are not reasonably foreseeable, temporary use of
interpreters not provided by the recipient may be necessary. However,
with proper planning and implementation, recipients should be able to
avoid most such situations.
Recipients, however, should take special care to ensure that
informal interpreters are appropriate in light of the circumstances and
subject matter of the program, service or activity, including
protection of the recipient's own administrative or enforcement
interest in accurate interpretation. In many circumstances, family
members (especially children), friends, or other informal interpreters
are not competent to provide quality and accurate interpretations.
Issues of confidentiality, privacy, or conflict of interest may also
arise. LEP individuals may feel uncomfortable revealing or describing
sensitive, confidential, or potentially embarrassing information to a
family member, friend, or member of the local community. In addition,
such informal interpreters may have a personal connection to the LEP
person or an undisclosed conflict of interest. For these reasons, when
oral language services are necessary, recipients should generally offer
competent interpreter services free of cost to the LEP person. For DoD
recipient programs and activities, this is particularly true in
situations in which health, safety, economic livelihood, or access to
important benefits and services are at stake, or when mistakes in
interpretation or translation could have other serious consequences to
the LEP person.
While issues of competency, confidentiality, and conflict of
interest in the use of family members, friends, or other informal
interpreters often make their use inappropriate, the use of these
individuals as interpreters may be an appropriate option where proper
application of the four factors would lead to a conclusion that
recipient-provided services are not necessary. An example of this is a
voluntary educational tour of a DoD facility offered to the public.
There, the importance and nature of the activity may be relatively low
and unlikely to implicate issues of confidentiality, conflict of
interest, or the need for accuracy. In addition, the resources needed
and costs of providing language services may be high, and the number or
proportion and frequency of LEP encounters may be quite low. In such a
setting, an LEP person's use of family, friends, or others to interpret
may be appropriate. However, children should not be used as
B. Written Language Services (Translation)
Translation is the replacement of a written text from one language
(source language) into an equivalent written text in another language
(target language).
[[Page 8834]]
What Documents Should be Translated? After applying the four-factor
analysis, a recipient may determine that an effective LEP plan for its
particular program or activity includes the translation of vital
written materials into the language of each frequently-encountered LEP
group eligible to be served and/or likely to be affected by the
recipient's program.
Such written materials could include, for example:
----Consent, application, and complaint forms;
----Intake forms with the potential for important consequences;
----Written notices of rights, denial, loss, or decreases in benefits
or services, and other hearings;
----Notices advising LEP persons of free language assistance;
----Written tests that do not assess English language competency, but
test competency for a particular license, job, or skill for which
knowing English is not required;
----Applications to participate in a recipient's program or activity or
to receive recipient benefits or services.
Whether or not a document (or the information it solicits) is
``vital'' may depend upon the importance of the program, information,
encounter, or service involved, and the consequence to the LEP person
if the information in question is not provided accurately or in a
timely manner. For instance, a flyer announcing a soccer program run by
a city agency at a former military base that was donated to that agency
would not generally be considered vital, whereas written information
about the application process for new affordable housing provided by
the agency at that same base should likely be considered vital. Where
appropriate, recipients are encouraged to create a plan for
consistently determining, over time and across its various activities,
what documents are ``vital'' to the meaningful access of the LEP
populations they serve.
Categorizing a document as vital or non-vital is sometimes
difficult, especially in the case of outreach materials like brochures
or other information on rights and services. Awareness of rights or
services is an important part of ``meaningful access.'' Lack of
awareness that a particular program, right, or service exists may
effectively deny LEP individuals meaningful access. Thus, where a
recipient is engaged in community outreach activities in furtherance of
its activities, it should regularly assess the needs of the populations
frequently encountered or affected by the program or activity to
determine whether certain critical outreach materials should be
translated. Community organizations may be helpful in determining what
outreach materials may be most helpful to translate. In addition, the
recipient should consider whether translations of outreach material may
be made more effective when done in tandem with other outreach methods,
including utilizing the ethnic media, schools, and religious and
community organizations to spread a message.
Sometimes a document includes both vital and non-vital information.
This may be the case when the document is very large. It may also be
the case when the title and a phone number for obtaining more
information on the contents of the document in frequently-encountered
languages other than English is critical, but the document is sent out
to the general public and cannot reasonably be translated into many
languages and/or the language of the recipient is not known. Thus,
vital information may include, for instance, the provision of
information in appropriate languages other than English regarding where
a LEP person might obtain an interpretation or translation of the
Into What Languages Should Documents be Translated? The languages
spoken by the LEP individuals with whom the recipient has contact
determine the languages into which vital documents should be
translated. A distinction should be made, however, between languages
that are frequently encountered by a recipient and less commonly-
encountered languages. Many recipients serve communities in large
cities or across the country. They regularly serve LEP persons who
speak dozens and sometimes over 100 different languages. To translate
all written materials into all of those languages is unrealistic, for
although recent technological advances have made it easier for
recipients to store and share translated documents, such an undertaking
could incur substantial costs and require substantial resources.
Nevertheless, well-substantiated claims of lack of resources to
translate all vital documents into dozens of languages do not
necessarily relieve the recipient of the obligation to translate those
documents into at least several of the more frequently-encountered
languages and to set benchmarks for continued translations into the
remaining languages over time. As a result, the extent of the
recipient's obligation to provide written translations of documents
should be determined by the recipient on a case-by-case basis, looking
at the totality of the circumstances in light of the four-factor
analysis. Because translation is a one-time expense, consideration
should be given to whether the upfront cost of translating a document
(as opposed to oral interpretation) should be amortized over the likely
lifespan of the document when applying this four-factor analysis.
Safe Harbor. Many recipients would like to ensure with greater
certainty that they comply with their obligations to provide written
translations in languages other than English. Paragraphs (a) and (b)
below outline the circumstances that can provide a ``safe harbor'' for
recipients regarding the requirements for translation of written
materials. A ``safe harbor'' means that if a recipient provides written
translations under these circumstances, such action will be considered
strong evidence of compliance with the recipient's written-translation
The failure to provide written translations under the circumstances
outlined in paragraphs (a) and (b) does not mean there is non-
compliance. Rather, they provide a common starting point for recipients
to consider whether and at what point the importance of the service,
benefit, or activity involved; the nature of the information sought;
and the number or proportion of LEP persons served call for written
translations of commonly-used forms into frequently-encountered
languages other than English. Thus, these paragraphs merely provide a
guide for recipients that would like greater certainty of compliance
than can be provided by a fact-intensive, four-factor analysis.
Example: Even if the safe harbors are not used, if written
translation of a certain document(s) would be so burdensome as to
defeat the legitimate objectives of its program, the translation of the
written materials is not necessary. Other ways of providing meaningful
access, such as effective oral interpretation of certain vital
documents, might be acceptable under such circumstances.
When determining whether to provide translated documents or oral
language services, recipients should consider the literacy rates of the
LEP communities they serve. For example, certain languages (e.g.,
Hmong) until recently have been oral and not written, thus a high
percentage of such LEP speakers may be unable to read translated
documents or written instructions. Data analysis, utilizing information
from a range of community groups and other sources, may provide a
recipient with insight into whether translation of vital documents
meets the goal of providing meaningful access, or whether it makes
[[Page 8835]]
more sense to focus those resources on oral, and, where appropriate,
graphics- or visually-based information exchange.
Safe Harbor. The following actions will be considered strong
evidence of compliance with the recipient's written-translation
(a) The DoD recipient provides written translations of vital
documents for each eligible LEP language group that constitutes five
percent or 1,000, whichever is less, of the population of persons
eligible to be served or likely to be affected or encountered.
Translation of other documents, if needed, can be provided orally; or
(b) If there are fewer than 50 persons in a language group that
reaches the five percent trigger in (a), the recipient does not
translate vital written materials but provides written notice in the
primary language of the LEP language group of the right to receive
competent oral interpretation of those written materials, free of cost.
These safe harbor provisions apply to the translation of written
documents only. They do not affect the requirement to provide
meaningful access to LEP individuals through competent oral
interpreters where oral language services are needed and are
reasonable. For example, even when there is only one LEP individual who
is participating in a medical study, vital information should be
provided orally in a language that person understands, even if it is
not translated in writing.
Competence of Translators. As with oral interpreters, translators
of written documents should be competent. Many of the same
considerations apply. However, the skill of translating is very
different from the skill of interpreting, and a person who is a
competent interpreter may or may not be competent to translate.
Particularly where legal or other vital documents are being
translated, competence can often be achieved by use of certified
translators. Certification or accreditation may not always be possible
or necessary.\8\ Competence can often be ensured by having a second,
independent translator ``check'' the work of the primary translator.
Alternatively, one translator can translate the document, and a second,
independent translator could translate it back into English to check
that the appropriate meaning has been conveyed. This is called ``back
\8\ For those languages in which no formal accreditation
currently exists, a particular level of membership in a professional
translation association can provide some indicator of
Translators should understand the expected reading level of the
audience and, where appropriate, have fundamental knowledge about the
target language group's vocabulary and phraseology. Sometimes direct
translation of materials results in a translation that is written at a
much more difficult level than the English language version or has no
relevant equivalent meaning. Community organizations may be able to
help consider whether a document is written at an appropriate level for
the audience. Also, there may be languages which do not have an
appropriate direct translation of some terms. The translator should
make the recipient aware of this. Recipients can then work with
translators to develop a consistent and appropriate set of descriptions
of these terms in that language that can be used again, when
appropriate. Likewise, consistency in the words and phrases used to
translate terms of art, legal, or other technical concepts helps avoid
confusion by LEP individuals and may reduce costs. Creating or using
already-created glossaries of commonly-used terms may be useful for LEP
persons and translators and cost effective for the recipient. Providing
translators with examples of previous accurate translations of similar
material by the recipient, other recipients, or Federal agencies may be
While quality and accuracy of translation services is critical, the
quality and accuracy of translation services is nonetheless part of the
appropriate mix of LEP services required. For instance, documents that
are simple and have no legal or other consequence for LEP persons who
rely on them may call for translators that are less skilled than
important documents with legal or other information upon which reliance
has important consequences (including, e.g., information or documents
of DoD recipients regarding certain health, economic, education, and
safety services). The permanent nature of written translations,
however, imposes additional responsibility on the recipient to ensure
that the quality and accuracy permit meaningful access by LEP persons.
VII. Elements of Effective Plan on Language Assistance for LEP Persons
After completing the four-factor analysis and deciding what
language assistance services are appropriate, a recipient should
develop an implementation plan to address the identified needs of the
LEP populations they serve. Recipients have considerable flexibility in
developing this plan. The development and maintenance of a
periodically-updated written plan on language assistance for LEP
persons (``LEP plan'') for use by recipient employees serving the
public will likely be the most appropriate and cost-effective means of
documenting compliance and providing a framework for the provision of
timely and reasonable language assistance. Moreover, such written plans
would likely provide additional benefits to a recipient's managers in
the areas of training, administration, planning, and budgeting. These
benefits should lead most recipients to document in a written LEP plan
their language assistance services, and how staff and LEP persons can
access those services. Despite these benefits, certain DoD recipients,
such as recipients serving very few LEP persons and recipients with
very limited resources, may choose not to develop a written LEP plan.
However, the absence of a written LEP plan does not obviate the
underlying obligation to ensure meaningful access by LEP persons to a
recipient's program or activities. Accordingly, in the event that a
recipient elects not to develop a written plan, it should consider
alternative ways to articulate in some other reasonable manner a plan
for providing meaningful access. Entities having significant contact
with LEP persons, such as schools, religious organizations, community
groups, and groups working with new immigrants can be very helpful in
providing important input into this planning process from the
The following five steps may be helpful in designing an LEP plan
and are typically part of effective implementation plans.
(1) Identifying LEP Individuals Who Need Language Assistance
The first two factors in the four-factor analysis require an
assessment of the number or proportion of LEP individuals eligible to
be served or encountered and the frequency of encounters. This requires
recipients to identify LEP persons with whom it has contact.
One way to determine the language of communication is to use
language identification cards (or ``I speak cards''), which invite LEP
persons to identify their language needs to staff. Such cards, for
instance, might say ``I speak Spanish'' in both Spanish and English,
``I speak Vietnamese'' in both English and Vietnamese, etc. To reduce
costs of compliance, the Federal government has made a set of these
cards available on the Internet. The Census Bureau ``I speak card'' can
be found and
[[Page 8836]]
downloaded at and
When records are normally kept of past interactions with members of the
public, the language of the LEP person can be included as part of the
record. In addition to helping employees identify the language of LEP
persons they encounter, this process will help in future applications
of the first two factors of the four-factor analysis. In addition,
posting notices in commonly encountered languages notifying LEP persons
of language assistance will encourage them to self-identify.
(2) Language Assistance Measures
An effective LEP plan would likely include information about the
ways in which language assistance will be provided. For instance,
recipients may want to include information on at least the following:
--Types of language services available.
--How staff can obtain those services.
--How to respond to LEP callers.
--How to respond to written communications from LEP persons.
--How to respond to LEP individuals who have in-person contact with
recipient staff.
--How to ensure competency of interpreters and translation services.
(3) Training Staff
Staff should know their obligations to provide meaningful access to
information and services for LEP persons. An effective LEP plan would
likely include training to ensure that:
--Staff know about LEP policies and procedures.
--Staff having contact with the public (or those in a recipient's
custody) are trained to work effectively with in-person and telephone
Recipients may want to include this training as part of the
orientation for new employees. It is important to ensure that all
employees in public contact positions (or having contact with those in
a recipient's custody) are properly trained. Recipients have
flexibility in deciding the manner in which the training is provided.
The more frequent the contact with LEP persons, the greater the need
will be for in-depth training. Staff with little or no contact with LEP
persons may only have to be aware of an LEP plan. However, management
staff, even if they do not interact regularly with LEP persons, should
be fully aware of and understand the plan so they can reinforce its
importance and ensure its implementation by staff.
(4) Providing Notice to LEP Persons
Once an agency has decided, based on the four factors, that it will
provide language services, it is important for the recipient to let LEP
persons know that those services are available and that they are free
of charge. Recipients should provide this notice in a language LEP
persons will understand. Examples of notification that recipients
should consider include:
Posting signs in intake areas and other entry points. When language
assistance is needed to ensure meaningful access to information and
services, it is important to provide notice in appropriate languages in
intake areas or initial points of contact so that LEP persons can learn
how to access those language services. This is particularly true in
areas with high volumes of LEP persons seeking access to certain
health, educational, safety, or economic services or activities run by
DOD recipients. For instance, signs in intake offices could state that
free language assistance is available. The signs should be translated
into the most common languages encountered. They should explain how to
get the language help.\9\
\9\ The Social Security Administration has made such signs
available at These
signs could, for example, be modified for recipient use.
--Stating in outreach documents that language services are available
from the agency. Announcements could be in, for instance, brochures,
booklets, and in outreach and recruitment information. These statements
should be translated into the most common languages and could be
``tagged'' onto the front of common documents.
--Working with community-based organizations and other stakeholders to
inform LEP individuals of the recipients' services, including the
availability of language assistance services.
--Using a telephone voice mail menu. The menu could be in the most
common languages encountered. It should provide information about
available language assistance services and how to get them.
--Including notices in local newspapers in languages other than
--Providing notices on non-English-language radio and television
stations about the available language assistance services and how to
get them.
--Presentations and/or notices at schools and religious organizations.
(5) Monitoring and Updating the LEP Plan
Recipients should, where appropriate, have a process for
determining, on an ongoing basis, whether new documents, programs,
services, and activities need to be made accessible for LEP
individuals, and they may want to provide notice of any changes in
services to the LEP public and to employees. In addition, recipients
should consider whether changes in demographics, types of services, or
other needs require annual reevaluation of their LEP plan. Less
frequent reevaluation may be more appropriate where demographics,
services, and needs are more static. One good way to evaluate the LEP
plan is to seek feedback from the community.
In their reviews, recipients may want to consider assessing changes
--Current LEP populations in service area or population affected or
--Frequency of encounters with LEP language groups.
--Nature and importance of activities to LEP persons.
--Availability of resources, including technological advances and
sources of additional resources, and the costs imposed.
--Whether existing assistance is meeting the needs of LEP persons.
--Whether staff knows and understands the LEP plan and how to implement
--Whether identified sources for assistance are still available and
In addition to these five elements, effective plans set clear
goals, management accountability, and opportunities for community input
and planning throughout the process.
VIII. Voluntary Compliance Effort
The goal for Title VI and Title VI regulatory enforcement is to
achieve voluntary compliance. The requirement to provide meaningful
access to LEP persons is enforced and implemented by DoD through the
procedures identified in the Title VI regulations. These procedures
include complaint investigations, compliance reviews, efforts to secure
voluntary compliance, and technical assistance.
The Title VI regulations provide that DoD will investigate whenever
it receives a complaint, report, or other information that alleges or
indicates possible noncompliance with Title VI or its regulations. If
the investigation results in a finding of compliance, DoD will inform
the recipient in writing of this determination, including the basis
[[Page 8837]]
for the determination. The DoD uses voluntary mediation to resolve most
complaints. However, if a case is fully investigated and results in a
finding of noncompliance, DoD must inform the recipient of the
noncompliance through a Letter of Findings that sets out the areas of
noncompliance and the steps that must be taken to correct the
noncompliance. It must attempt to secure voluntary compliance through
informal means. If the matter cannot be resolved informally, DoD must
secure compliance through the termination of Federal assistance after
the DoD recipient has been given an opportunity for an administrative
hearing and/or by referring the matter to a DOJ litigation section to
seek injunctive relief or pursue other enforcement proceedings. The DoD
engages in voluntary compliance efforts and provides technical
assistance to recipients at all stages of an investigation. During
these efforts, DoD proposes reasonable timetables for achieving
compliance and consults with and assists recipients in exploring cost-
effective ways of coming into compliance. In determining a recipient's
compliance with the Title VI regulations, the DoD's primary concern is
to ensure that the recipient's policies and procedures provide
meaningful access for LEP persons to the recipient's programs and
While all recipients must work toward building systems that will
ensure access for LEP individuals, DoD acknowledges that the
implementation of a comprehensive system to serve LEP individuals is a
process and that a system will evolve over time as it is implemented
and periodically reevaluated. As recipients take reasonable steps to
provide meaningful access to federally assisted programs and activities
for LEP persons, DoD will look favorably on intermediate steps
recipients take that are consistent with this Guidance, and that, as
part of a broader implementation plan or schedule, move their service
delivery system toward providing full access to LEP persons. This does
not excuse noncompliance but instead recognizes that full compliance in
all areas of a recipient's activities and for all potential language
minority groups may reasonably require a series of implementing actions
over a period of time. However, in developing any phased implementation
schedule, DoD recipients should ensure that the provision of
appropriate assistance for significant LEP populations or with respect
to activities having a significant impact on the health, safety, legal
rights, education, economic status, or livelihood of beneficiaries is
addressed first. Recipients are encouraged to document their efforts to
provide LEP persons with meaningful access to federally assisted
programs and activities.
[FR Doc. 2012-3523 Filed 2-14-12; 8:45 am]