Notification of Two Public Teleconferences of the Science Advisory Board Ecological Processes and Effects Committee, 4319-4320 [2012-1823]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 18 / Friday, January 27, 2012 / Notices
Coronado National Forest, Pima
County, AZ, Comment Period Ends:
01/31/2012, Contact: Bev Everson
(520) 388–8300. This document is
available on the Internet at: https://
RosemontDEISmain.htm. Revision to
FR Publication 10/21/2011; Extending
Comment Period from 1/18/2012 to 1/
EIS No. 20110420, Draft Supplement,
USACE, TX, Clear Creek Reevaluation
Study Project, Flood Risk
Management and Ecosystem
Restoration, Brazoria, Fort Bend,
Galveston and Harris Counties, TX,
Comment Period Ends: 01/30/2012,
Contact: Andrea Catanzaro (409) 766–
6346. Revision to FR Notice Published
12/16/2012; Extending Comment
Period from 01/30/2012 to 02/14/
Dated: January 24, 2012.
Cliff Rader,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. 2012–1814 Filed 1–26–12; 8:45 am]
Notification of Two Public
Teleconferences of the Science
Advisory Board Ecological Processes
and Effects Committee
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA or Agency) Science
Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office
announces two public teleconferences
of the SAB Ecological Processes and
Effects Committee (EPEC). The SAB
EPEC will provide advice on the EPA
Risk Assessment Forum (RAF)
document, ‘‘Integrating Ecological
Assessment and Decision-Making at
EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological Assessment
Action Plan (August, 11, 2011).’’
DATES: The SAB Ecological Processes
and Effects Committee will conduct
public teleconferences on February 22,
2012 and February 23, 2012. The
teleconferences will begin at 12:00 noon
and end at 4 p.m. (Eastern Time) on
each day.
ADDRESSES: The public teleconferences
will be conducted by telephone only.
member of the public wishing further
information regarding the public
teleconferences may contact Dr. Thomas
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Armitage, Designated Federal Officer
(DFO), SAB Staff Office, by telephone/
voice mail at (202) 564–2155 or via
email at
General information concerning the EPA
Science Advisory Board can be found at
the EPA SAB Web site at https://
Background: The SAB was established
pursuant to the Environmental
Research, Development, and
Demonstration Authorization Act
(ERDAA) codified at 42 U.S.C. 4365, to
provide independent scientific and
technical peer review, advice,
consultation and recommendations to
the EPA Administrator on the technical
basis for EPA actions. As a Federal
Advisory Committee, the SAB conducts
business in accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (5
U.S.C. App. 2) and related regulations.
Pursuant to FACA and EPA policy,
notice is hereby given that the SAB
EPEC, augmented with other experts,
will hold two public teleconferences to
provide advice through the chartered
SAB on the EPA Risk Assessment
Forum (RAF) document, ‘‘Integrating
Ecological Assessment and DecisionMaking at EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological
Assessment Action Plan (August, 11,
2011).’’ The SAB Committee will
comply with the provisions of FACA
and all appropriate SAB Staff Office
procedural policies.
In response to recommendations in a
2007 SAB Report, ‘‘Advice to EPA on
Advancing the Science and Application
of Ecological Risk Assessment in
Environmental Decision-Making’’ (EPA–
SAB–08–002), the EPA Risk Assessment
Forum in the Office of the Science
Advisor held an EPA ecological
assessment colloquium and developed
an action plan titled, ‘‘Integrating
Ecological Assessment and DecisionMaking at EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological
Assessment Action Plan (August, 11,
2011).’’ The action plan proposes
initiatives to improve the quality, scope,
and application of the EPA’s ecological
assessments. Initiatives outlined in the
action plan address high priority
recommendations in the EPA
colloquium report, ‘‘Integrating
Ecological Assessment and DecisionMaking at EPA: A Path Forward’’ (EPA/
100/R–10/004). EPA’s Office of the
Science Advisor has requested that the
SAB Ecological Processes and Effects
Committee review the Agency’s
ecological assessment action plan and
related background documents, and
provide advice on the technical merit
and implementation of proposed
initiatives. The SAB EPEC will be
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augmented with experts who
participated in the SAB 2007 review.
Availability of the review materials:
The agenda and material in support of
this meeting will be available on the
SAB Web site at
sab. For technical questions and
information concerning EPA’s review
document, ‘‘Integrating Ecological
Assessment and Decision-Making at
EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological Assessment
Action Plan (August, 11, 2011),’’ please
contact Mr. Lawrence Martin of EPA’s
Risk Assessment Forum by phone (202)
564–6497 or via email at
Procedures for Providing Public Input:
Public comment for consideration by
EPA’s federal advisory committees and
panels has a different purpose from
public comment provided to EPA
program offices. Therefore, the process
for submitting comments to a federal
advisory committee is different from the
process used to submit comments to an
EPA program office. Federal advisory
committees and panels, including
scientific advisory committees, provide
independent advice to EPA. Members of
the public can submit relevant
comments pertaining to EPA’s charge,
meeting materials and/or the group
conducting the activity. Input from the
public to the SAB will have the most
impact if it consists of comments that
provide specific scientific or technical
information or analysis for the SAB
Committee to consider or if it relates to
the clarity or accuracy of the technical
information. Members of the public
wishing to provide comment on the
February 22, 2012 public teleconference
should contact the Designated Federal
Officer for the relevant advisory
committee directly. Oral Statements: In
general, individuals or groups
requesting an oral presentation will be
limited to five minutes per speaker.
Interested parties should contact Dr.
Thomas Armitage, DFO, in writing
(preferably via email), at the contact
information noted above, by February
15, 2012 to be placed on the list of
public speakers for February 22, 2012.
Written Statements: Written statements
should be received in the SAB Staff
Office by February 15, 2012 so that the
information may be made available to
the SAB Committee for their
consideration. Written statements
should be supplied to the DFO in
electronic format via email (acceptable
file formats: Adobe Acrobat PDF,
WordPerfect, MS Word, MS PowerPoint,
or Rich Text files in IBM–PC/Windows
98/2000/XP format). It is the SAB Staff
Office general policy to post written
comments on the Web page for the
advisory meeting or teleconference.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 18 / Friday, January 27, 2012 / Notices
Submitters are requested to provide an
unsigned version of each document
because the SAB Staff Office does not
publish documents with signatures on
its Web sites. Members of the public
should be aware that their personal
contact information, if included in any
written comments, may be posted to the
SAB Web site. Copyrighted material will
not be posted without explicit
permission of the copyright holder.
Accessibility: For information on
access or services for individuals with
disabilities, please contact Dr. Thomas
Armitage at the phone number or email
address noted above, preferably at least
ten days prior to the teleconference, to
give EPA as much time as possible to
process your request.
Dated: January 20, 2012.
Vanessa T. Vu,
Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff
[FR Doc. 2012–1823 Filed 1–26–12; 8:45 am]
Proposed Consent Decree, Clean Air
Act Citizen Suit
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Consent
Decree; Request for Public Comment.
In accordance with section
113(g) of the Clean Air Act, as amended
(‘‘CAA’’ or the ‘‘Act’’), 42 U.S.C.
7413(g), notice is hereby given of a
proposed consent decree to address a
lawsuit filed by Sierra Club and Medical
Advocates for Healthy Air (collectively
‘‘Plaintiffs’’) in the United States District
Court for the Northern District of
California: Sierra Club, et al. v. Jackson,
No. C11–cv–03106–JSW (N.D. CA). On
June 23, 2011, Plaintiffs filed a
complaint alleging that EPA failed to
perform a mandatory duty under section
110(k)(2) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C.
7410(k)(2) to take timely final action on
the RACT demonstration that was
submitted to EPA on June 18, 2009
(‘‘2009 RACT SIP’’) by the California Air
Resources Board and the San Joaquin
Valley Unified Air Pollution Control
District (the ‘‘District’’), and that EPA
found complete on December 11, 2009.
The proposed consent decree
establishes deadlines for EPA to take
DATES: Written comments on the
proposed consent decree must be
received by February 27, 2012.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID number EPA–
HQ–OGC–2012–0037, online at (EPA’s preferred
method); by email to; by mail to EPA
Docket Center, Environmental
Protection Agency, Mailcode: 2822T,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20460–0001; or by
hand delivery or courier to EPA Docket
Center, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW., Washington,
DC, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. Comments on a disk or CD–
ROM should be formatted in Word or
ASCII file, avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption,
and may be mailed to the mailing
address above.
Tierney, Air and Radiation Law Office
(2344A), Office of General Counsel, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
DC 20460; telephone: (202) 564–5598;
fax number (202) 564–5603; email
full, promulgating a FIP rule, or
approving a SIP rule in part and
promulgating a FIP as necessary to fully
satisfy the RACT requirement in CAA
section 182(b)(2) and (f). Following
signature on each notice described
above, EPA shall deliver such notices to
the Office of the Federal Register for
publication. After EPA fulfills its
obligations under the decree, the parties
shall file a joint request to the Court to
dismiss this matter with prejudice.
For a period of thirty (30) days
following the date of publication of this
notice, the Agency will accept written
comments relating to the proposed
consent decree from persons who were
not named as parties or intervenors to
the litigation in question. EPA or the
Department of Justice may withdraw or
withhold consent to the proposed
consent decree if the comments disclose
facts or considerations that indicate that
such consent is inappropriate,
improper, inadequate, or inconsistent
with the requirements of the Act. Unless
EPA or the Department of Justice
determines that consent to this consent
decree should be withdrawn, the terms
of the decree will be affirmed.
I. Additional Information About the
Proposed Consent Decree
The proposed consent decree would
resolve a lawsuit seeking to compel the
Administrator to take timely final action
under section 110(k) of the CAA on the
Valley’s 2009 RACT SIP on a specific
timetable, and to promulgate a
substitute FIP providing for the
implementation of RACT on existing
sources of volatile organic compounds
and oxides of nitrogen in the Valley on
a specific timetable where EPA has not
approved a SIP for a specific source
category. On December 15, 2011, EPA
signed a final rule approving in part and
disapproving in part the 2009 RACT
SIP. See 77 FR 1417 (January 10, 2012).
The proposed consent decree requires
that for each source category for which
EPA’s final action on the 2009 RACT
SIP identifies a RACT deficiency, EPA
shall sign no later than September 15,
2012, a notice or notices approving a
SIP rule in full, promulgating a FIP rule,
or approving a SIP rule in part and
promulgating a FIP as necessary to fully
satisfy the RACT requirement in CAA
section 182(b)(2) and (f). In addition, the
proposed consent decree requires that
for each source category described
above for which EPA has not approved
a SIP rule but has signed for publication
in the Federal Register a proposed FIP
rule by September 15, 2012, EPA shall
sign no later than April 15, 2013, a
notice or notices approving a SIP rule in
II. Additional Information About
Commenting on the Proposed Consent
A. How can I get a copy of the consent
The official public docket for this
action (identified by Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OGC–2012–0037) contains a
copy of the proposed consent decree.
The official public docket is available
for public viewing at the Office of
Environmental Information (OEI) Docket
in the EPA Docket Center, EPA West,
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.
NW., Washington, DC. The EPA Docket
Center Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
and the telephone number for the OEI
Docket is (202) 566–1752.
An electronic version of the public
docket is available through You may use to submit or view
public comments, access the index
listing of the contents of the official
public docket, and to access those
documents in the public docket that are
available electronically. Once in the
system, key in the appropriate docket
identification number then select
It is important to note that EPA’s
policy is that public comments, whether
submitted electronically or in paper,
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[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 18 (Friday, January 27, 2012)]
[Pages 4319-4320]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-1823]
Notification of Two Public Teleconferences of the Science
Advisory Board Ecological Processes and Effects Committee
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) Science
Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office announces two public teleconferences
of the SAB Ecological Processes and Effects Committee (EPEC). The SAB
EPEC will provide advice on the EPA Risk Assessment Forum (RAF)
document, ``Integrating Ecological Assessment and Decision-Making at
EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological Assessment Action Plan (August, 11, 2011).''
DATES: The SAB Ecological Processes and Effects Committee will conduct
public teleconferences on February 22, 2012 and February 23, 2012. The
teleconferences will begin at 12:00 noon and end at 4 p.m. (Eastern
Time) on each day.
ADDRESSES: The public teleconferences will be conducted by telephone
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Any member of the public wishing
further information regarding the public teleconferences may contact
Dr. Thomas Armitage, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), SAB Staff
Office, by telephone/voice mail at (202) 564-2155 or via email at General information concerning the EPA Science
Advisory Board can be found at the EPA SAB Web site at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background: The SAB was established pursuant
to the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration
Authorization Act (ERDAA) codified at 42 U.S.C. 4365, to provide
independent scientific and technical peer review, advice, consultation
and recommendations to the EPA Administrator on the technical basis for
EPA actions. As a Federal Advisory Committee, the SAB conducts business
in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (5 U.S.C.
App. 2) and related regulations. Pursuant to FACA and EPA policy,
notice is hereby given that the SAB EPEC, augmented with other experts,
will hold two public teleconferences to provide advice through the
chartered SAB on the EPA Risk Assessment Forum (RAF) document,
``Integrating Ecological Assessment and Decision-Making at EPA, 2011
RAF Ecological Assessment Action Plan (August, 11, 2011).'' The SAB
Committee will comply with the provisions of FACA and all appropriate
SAB Staff Office procedural policies.
In response to recommendations in a 2007 SAB Report, ``Advice to
EPA on Advancing the Science and Application of Ecological Risk
Assessment in Environmental Decision-Making'' (EPA-SAB-08-002), the EPA
Risk Assessment Forum in the Office of the Science Advisor held an EPA
ecological assessment colloquium and developed an action plan titled,
``Integrating Ecological Assessment and Decision-Making at EPA, 2011
RAF Ecological Assessment Action Plan (August, 11, 2011).'' The action
plan proposes initiatives to improve the quality, scope, and
application of the EPA's ecological assessments. Initiatives outlined
in the action plan address high priority recommendations in the EPA
colloquium report, ``Integrating Ecological Assessment and Decision-
Making at EPA: A Path Forward'' (EPA/100/R-10/004). EPA's Office of the
Science Advisor has requested that the SAB Ecological Processes and
Effects Committee review the Agency's ecological assessment action plan
and related background documents, and provide advice on the technical
merit and implementation of proposed initiatives. The SAB EPEC will be
augmented with experts who participated in the SAB 2007 review.
Availability of the review materials: The agenda and material in
support of this meeting will be available on the SAB Web site at For technical questions and information concerning
EPA's review document, ``Integrating Ecological Assessment and
Decision-Making at EPA, 2011 RAF Ecological Assessment Action Plan
(August, 11, 2011),'' please contact Mr. Lawrence Martin of EPA's Risk
Assessment Forum by phone (202) 564-6497 or via email at
Procedures for Providing Public Input: Public comment for
consideration by EPA's federal advisory committees and panels has a
different purpose from public comment provided to EPA program offices.
Therefore, the process for submitting comments to a federal advisory
committee is different from the process used to submit comments to an
EPA program office. Federal advisory committees and panels, including
scientific advisory committees, provide independent advice to EPA.
Members of the public can submit relevant comments pertaining to EPA's
charge, meeting materials and/or the group conducting the activity.
Input from the public to the SAB will have the most impact if it
consists of comments that provide specific scientific or technical
information or analysis for the SAB Committee to consider or if it
relates to the clarity or accuracy of the technical information.
Members of the public wishing to provide comment on the February 22,
2012 public teleconference should contact the Designated Federal
Officer for the relevant advisory committee directly. Oral Statements:
In general, individuals or groups requesting an oral presentation will
be limited to five minutes per speaker. Interested parties should
contact Dr. Thomas Armitage, DFO, in writing (preferably via email), at
the contact information noted above, by February 15, 2012 to be placed
on the list of public speakers for February 22, 2012. Written
Statements: Written statements should be received in the SAB Staff
Office by February 15, 2012 so that the information may be made
available to the SAB Committee for their consideration. Written
statements should be supplied to the DFO in electronic format via email
(acceptable file formats: Adobe Acrobat PDF, WordPerfect, MS Word, MS
PowerPoint, or Rich Text files in IBM-PC/Windows 98/2000/XP format). It
is the SAB Staff Office general policy to post written comments on the
Web page for the advisory meeting or teleconference.
[[Page 4320]]
Submitters are requested to provide an unsigned version of each
document because the SAB Staff Office does not publish documents with
signatures on its Web sites. Members of the public should be aware that
their personal contact information, if included in any written
comments, may be posted to the SAB Web site. Copyrighted material will
not be posted without explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Accessibility: For information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities, please contact Dr. Thomas Armitage at
the phone number or email address noted above, preferably at least ten
days prior to the teleconference, to give EPA as much time as possible
to process your request.
Dated: January 20, 2012.
Vanessa T. Vu,
Director, EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office.
[FR Doc. 2012-1823 Filed 1-26-12; 8:45 am]