Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 4002-4004 [2012-1596]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 17 / Thursday, January 26, 2012 / Notices
copies that contain sensitive
information are stored in secure
facilities in a locked drawer or file
cabinet behind a locked door. (7) Data
sets released by the U.S. Census Bureau
have been subjected to, and have
successfully met, criteria established by
an internal Disclosure Review Board to
ensure no individually identifiable data
are released. (8) Details from
confidential records can only be
released to the named persons, their
heirs, or legal representatives upon
submission of a notarized transcript
application. (9) Individual records are
confidential for 72 years (Title 44,
U.S.C. § 2108 (b)).
Records are retained indefinitely.
Records are stored at the Census
Bureau’s National Processing Center in
Jeffersonville, Indiana, and also are
provided to the National Archives and
Records Administration for permanent
retention. Records stored at the National
Archives and Records Administration
are not made public for 72 years.
Associate Director for Field
Operations, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600
Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC
Individuals covered by U.S. Census
Bureau decennial censuses.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(4) this
system of records is exempt from the
notification, access, and contest
requirements of the agency procedures
(under 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d), (e)(1),
(e)(4)(G), (H), and (I), and (f)). This
exemption is applicable as the data are
maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau
and required by Title 13 to be used
solely as statistical records and are not
used in whole or in part in making any
determination about an identifiable
individual. This exemption is made in
accordance with the Department’s rules,
which appear in 15 CFR part 4, subpart
B, and in accordance with agency rules
published in the rules section of this
Federal Register.
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17:14 Jan 25, 2012
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Dated: January 18, 2012.
Jonathan R. Cantor,
Chief Privacy Officer, Department of
[FR Doc. 2012–1592 Filed 1–25–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 111115678–1670–01]
RIN 0605–XA37
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
U.S. Census Bureau,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Amendment, Privacy
Act System of Records; COMMERCE/
CENSUS–3, Individual and Household
Statistical Surveys and Special Studies
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, Title
5 United States Code (U.S.C.) 552a(e)(4)
and (11); and Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular A–130,
Appendix I, ‘‘Federal Agency
Responsibilities for Maintaining
Records About Individuals,’’ the
Department of Commerce is issuing
notice of intent to amend the system of
Individual and Household Statistical
Surveys and Special Studies Records.
This amendment would change the
name of the system of records to
‘‘Special Censuses, Surveys, and Other
Studies;’’ amend certain provisions
concerning the purpose of the system of
records; update categories of individuals
and records covered by the system;
change procedures governing retrieval,
storage, retention, disposal, and
safeguards of the records in the system;
and make other minor administrative
updates. Accordingly, the system notice
for COMMERCE/CENSUS–3, Individual
and Household Statistical Surveys and
Special Studies Records published in
the Federal Register on November 01,
2002 (67 FR 66608) is amended as
below. We invite public comment on
the system amendment announced in
this publication.
DATES: Comment Date: To be
considered, written comments on the
proposed amended system must be
submitted on or before February 27,
Effective Date: Unless comments are
received, the amended system of records
will become effective as proposed on
the date of publication of a subsequent
notice in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Please address comments
to: Chief Privacy Officer, Room 8H115,
PO 00000
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U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC
update makes four program-related
changes. The first of four proposed
changes to program-related provisions
updates the purpose of the system of
records to include collection of
statistical data from respondents, as
well as the methodological research
previously included in the original
System of Record Notice (SORN). This
update is a result of a re-alignment of
the Census Bureau’s systems of records
to separate Census Bureau surveys
protected by Title 13 confidentiality
provisions from reimbursable surveys
not protected by Title 13 confidentiality
provisions. Census Bureau surveys
protected by Title 13 confidentiality are
now covered in this system of records,
and reimbursable surveys are covered in
COMMERCE/Census-7, ‘‘Other Agency
Surveys and Reimbursables.’’ The
second proposed change updates the
categories of individuals in the system
to include administrative records and
cognitive interviews. The third change
updates the categories of records in the
system to provide additional
information and details surrounding the
records. The last change updates the
policies and practices for storing,
retaining, disposing, and safeguarding
the records in the system to include
recordings of survey and cognitive
interviews and comprehensively cover
the safeguards provided at the U.S.
Census Bureau. The entire resulting
system of records notice, as amended,
appears below.
Special Censuses, Surveys, and Other
Bowie Computer Center, U.S. Census
Bureau, 17101 Melford Blvd., Bowie,
Maryland 20715, and U.S. Census
Bureau, National Processing Center,
1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville,
Indiana 47103; and National Archives
and Records Administration,
Washington National Records Center,
Washington, DC 20409.
This system covers the population of
the United States. Survey respondents
typically are individuals aged 15 years
old or over. Data collected directly from
respondents may be supplemented with
data from administrative record files
received from other federal, state, or
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 17 / Thursday, January 26, 2012 / Notices
local agencies, or commercial sources.
These files are collected and processed
under the Statistical Administrative
Records system. Administrative record
files are from agencies including, the
Departments of Agriculture, Education,
Health and Human Services, Homeland
Security, Housing and Urban
Development, Labor, Treasury, Veterans
Affairs, and from the Office of Personnel
Management, the Social Security
Administration, the Selective Service
System, and the U.S. Postal Service.
Comparable data may also be sought
from State agencies and commercial
sources. Please see the COMMERCE/
CENSUS–8, Statistical Administrative
Records System SORN for more
information. Additionally, subjects of
cognitive interviews (to test
understanding of a new survey form, for
example) are covered in this system of
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Records in this system of records
consist of working statistical files (i.e.,
those files being analyzed to produce
survey results), survey data files (i.e.,
those files containing answers directly
from the respondent), and/or data
contact files (i.e., those files used for
contacting respondents). Records in this
system of records may contain
information such as: Respondent
contact information—telephone
number, email address; Demographic
information—date of birth, sex, race,
ethnicity, household and family
characteristics, mobility status,
education, marital status, tribal
affiliation, veteran’s status, disability
status; Geographical information—
address and geographic codes; Health
information—health problems, type of
provider, services provided, cost of
services, quality indicators; Economic
information—housing and institutional
characteristics, income, occupation,
employment and unemployment
information, health insurance coverage,
federal and state program participation,
assets and wealth; Activity and event
related information—commuting, travel,
childcare, recreation, consumer
expenditures, community service, drug
and alcohol use, and crime
victimization; Field Representative (FR)
related information—U.S. Census
Bureau FR code, which is used only as
an administrative control item for each
record. Some records in this system of
records may be obtained from datasets
maintained by the COMMERCE/
CENSUS–8, Statistical Administrative
Records System where direct identifiers
have been replaced with a unique nonidentifying code prior to delivery to this
system of records, and, therefore are not
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:14 Jan 25, 2012
Jkt 226001
on the working statistical files. These
categories of records are maintained on
unique data sets that are extracted or
combined on an as needed basis using
the unique non-identifying codes but
with the original identifiers removed.
These records may contain:
Demographic information—date of
birth, sex, race, ethnicity, household
and family characteristics, education,
marital status, Tribal affiliation, and
veteran’s status; Geographical
information—address and geographic
codes; Mortality information—cause of
death and hospitalization information;
Health information—type of provider,
services provided, cost of services, and
quality indicators; Economic
information—housing characteristics,
income, occupation, employment and
unemployment information, health
insurance coverage, Federal program
participation, assets, and wealth.
Another category of records contains
two types of records that are maintained
on unique data sets that are extracted or
combined on an as-needed basis using
the unique non-identifying codes but
with some name information retained.
One type of records contains: Business
information—business name, revenues,
number of employees, and industry
codes in support of economic statistical
products. The other type contains:
Respondent contact information—name,
address, telephone number, age, and sex
in support of survey and census data
collection efforts. See the COMMERCE/
CENSUS–8, Statistical Administrative
Records System SORN for more
information. However, for limited shortterm projects, some records obtained
from datasets maintained by the
COMMERCE/CENSUS–8, Statistical
Administrative Records System may
contain some direct identifiers (such as
name, Social Security Number (SSN))
that have been retained in working
statistical files for this collection. These
short-term projects must present project
and use proposal documentation to a
team of high level managers, and obtain
approval to use direct identifiers in
these working statistical files.
Additionally, direct identifiers collected
from survey respondents are routinely
maintained on data contact files in order
to facilitate respondent contact or to
pre-load data for a data collection
Title 13 U.S.C. 8(b), 182, and 196
provide the authority for the U.S.
Census Bureau to conduct statistical
PO 00000
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The purpose of this system of records
is to collect statistical information from
respondents through survey instruments
or other means and to conduct
methodological research on improving
various aspects of surveys authorized by
Title 13, U.S.C. 8(b), 182, and 196, such
as: survey sampling frame design;
sample selection algorithms;
questionnaire development, design, and
testing; usability testing of computer
software and equipment; post data
collection processing; data quality
review; and non-response research.
None. The data will be used only for
statistical purposes. No disclosures
which permit the identification of
individual respondents, and no
determinations affecting individual
respondents are made.
Records (including, but not limited to,
sound files of survey or cognitive
interviews or electronic datasets) will be
stored in a secure computerized system
and on magnetic media; output data will
be electronic files or paper copies. Paper
copies or magnetic media will be stored
in a secure area within a locked drawer
or cabinet. Data sets may be accessed
only by authorized personnel. Control
lists will be used to limit access to those
employees with a need to know; rights
will be granted based on job functions.
A limited number of sworn U.S.
Census Bureau staff will be permitted to
retrieve records containing direct
identifiers (such as a name or SSN).
Staff producing final statistical products
will have access only to data sets from
which direct identifiers have been
deleted and replaced by unique nonidentifying codes internal to the U.S.
Census Bureau.
The U.S. Census Bureau is committed
to respecting respondent privacy and
protecting confidentiality. Through the
Data Stewardship Program, we have
implemented management, operational,
and technical controls and practices to
ensure high-level data protection to
respondents of our census and surveys.
(1) An unauthorized browsing policy
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 17 / Thursday, January 26, 2012 / Notices
protects respondent information from
casual or inappropriate use by any
person with access to Title 13 protected
data. (2) All employees permitted to
access the system are subject to the
restriction, penalties, and prohibitions
of 13 U.S.C. 9 and 214, as modified by
Title 18 U.S.C. 3551, et seq.; the Privacy
Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(4)); and
when applicable, Title 26 U.S.C. 7213,
7213A, and 7431; as well as any
additional restrictions imposed by
statutory authority of a sponsor. (3) All
U.S. Census Bureau employees and
persons with special sworn status will
be regularly advised of regulations
issued pursuant to Title 13 U.S.C.
governing the confidentiality of the
data, and will be required to complete
an annual Title 13 awareness program;
and those who have access to Federal
Tax Information data will be regularly
advised of regulations issued pursuant
to Title 26 U.S.C. governing the
confidentiality of the data, and will be
required to complete an annual Title 26
awareness program. (4) All computer
systems that maintain sensitive
information are in compliance with the
Federal Information Security
Management Act, which includes
auditing and controls over access to
restricted data. (5) The use of unsecured
telecommunications to transmit
individually identifiable information is
prohibited. (6) Paper copies that contain
sensitive information are stored in
secure facilities in a locked drawer or
file cabinet behind a locked door. (7)
Additional data files containing direct
identifiers will be maintained solely for
the purpose of data collection activities,
such as respondent contact and preloading an instrument for a continued
interview, and will not be transferred to,
or maintained on, working statistical
files. (8) Any publications based on this
system will be cleared for release under
the direction of the U.S. Census
Bureau’s Disclosure Review Board,
which will confirm that all the required
disclosure avoidance procedures have
been implemented and no information
that identifies any individual is
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Records are to be retained in
accordance with the General Records
Schedule and U.S. Census Bureau’s
records control schedules that are
approved by the National Archives and
Records Administration. Generally,
records are retained for less than 10
years, unless a longer period is
necessary for statistical purposes or for
permanent archival retention.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 226001
Associate Director for Demographic
Programs, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600
Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC
Individuals and populations covered
by selected administrative records
systems and U.S. Census Bureau
surveys and special censuses.
Pursuant to Title 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(4),
this system of records is exempted from
the notification, access, and contest
requirements of the agency procedures
(under 5 Title U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d),
(e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (H), and (I), and (f)).
This exemption is applicable as the data
are maintained by the U.S. Census
Bureau and required by Title 13 to be
used solely as statistical records and are
not used in whole or in part in making
any determination about an identifiable
individual. This exemption is made in
accordance with the Department’s rules,
which appear in 15 CFR part 4 subpart
B, and in accordance with agency rules
published in the rules section of this
Federal Register.
Dated: January 18, 2012.
Jonathan R. Cantor,
Chief Privacy Officer, Department of
[FR Doc. 2012–1596 Filed 1–25–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 111115679–1674–01]
RIN 0605–XA38
Privacy Act of 1974; Altered System of
U.S. Census Bureau,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Amendment, Privacy
Act System of Records; COMMERCE/
CENSUS–4, Minority-Owned Business
Enterprises Survey Records.
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, Title
5 United States Code (U.S.C.) 552a(e)(4)
and (11); and Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular A–130,
Appendix I, ‘‘Federal Agency
Responsibilities for Maintaining
PO 00000
Frm 00007
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Records About Individuals’’, the
Department of Commerce is issuing
notice of intent to amend the system of
records entitled COMMERCE/CENSUS–
4, ‘‘Minority-Owned Business
Enterprises Survey Records.’’ This
amendment would change the name of
the system of records to ‘‘Economic
Survey Collection;’’ would amend
certain provisions concerning the
purpose of the system of the records,
categories of records covered by the
system, routine uses of records
maintained in the system, retrievability,
and safeguards of records in the
systems; and would make other minor
administrative updates. Accordingly,
the COMMERCE/CENSUS–4, MinorityOwned Business Enterprises Survey
Records notice published in the Federal
Register on November 1, 2002 (67 FR
66609) is amended as below. We invite
public comment on the proposed
change in this publication.
DATES: Comment Date: To be
considered, written comments on the
proposed amended system must be
submitted on or before February 27,
Effective Date: Unless comments
dictate otherwise, the amended system
of records will become effective as
proposed on the date of publication of
a subsequent notice in the Federal
ADDRESSES: Please address comments
to: Chief Privacy Officer, Room 8H115,
U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC
update makes five program-related
changes. The first of five proposed
changes updates the name and purpose
of the system of records to expand the
scope to include all economic programs,
as well as surveys, such as the Survey
of Business Owners and Survey of
Construction. This update is a result of
a System of Records Notice (SORN) realignment to cover all economic
censuses and surveys authorized by,
and kept confidential in accordance
with Title 13; this SORN also includes
government and building permit
economic surveys that utilize public
data sources, and, therefore, are not kept
confidential in accordance with Title
13. The second proposed change
updates the categories of individuals in
the system to include the universe of
small business owners in the U.S., as
well as individuals engaged in business
activity. The third proposed change
updates the categories of records in the
system to include selected
administrative records from other
federal, state, and local government
agencies, or commercial sources,
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 17 (Thursday, January 26, 2012)]
[Pages 4002-4004]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-1596]
[Docket No. 111115678-1670-01]
RIN 0605-XA37
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Amendment, Privacy Act System of Records; COMMERCE/
CENSUS-3, Individual and Household Statistical Surveys and Special
Studies Records.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, Title
5 United States Code (U.S.C.) 552a(e)(4) and (11); and Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Appendix I, ``Federal
Agency Responsibilities for Maintaining Records About Individuals,''
the Department of Commerce is issuing notice of intent to amend the
system of records COMMERCE/CENSUS-3, Individual and Household
Statistical Surveys and Special Studies Records. This amendment would
change the name of the system of records to ``Special Censuses,
Surveys, and Other Studies;'' amend certain provisions concerning the
purpose of the system of records; update categories of individuals and
records covered by the system; change procedures governing retrieval,
storage, retention, disposal, and safeguards of the records in the
system; and make other minor administrative updates. Accordingly, the
system notice for COMMERCE/CENSUS-3, Individual and Household
Statistical Surveys and Special Studies Records published in the
Federal Register on November 01, 2002 (67 FR 66608) is amended as
below. We invite public comment on the system amendment announced in
this publication.
DATES: Comment Date: To be considered, written comments on the proposed
amended system must be submitted on or before February 27, 2012.
Effective Date: Unless comments are received, the amended system of
records will become effective as proposed on the date of publication of
a subsequent notice in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Please address comments to: Chief Privacy Officer, Room
8H115, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-3700.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This update makes four program-related
changes. The first of four proposed changes to program-related
provisions updates the purpose of the system of records to include
collection of statistical data from respondents, as well as the
methodological research previously included in the original System of
Record Notice (SORN). This update is a result of a re-alignment of the
Census Bureau's systems of records to separate Census Bureau surveys
protected by Title 13 confidentiality provisions from reimbursable
surveys not protected by Title 13 confidentiality provisions. Census
Bureau surveys protected by Title 13 confidentiality are now covered in
this system of records, and reimbursable surveys are covered in
COMMERCE/Census-7, ``Other Agency Surveys and Reimbursables.'' The
second proposed change updates the categories of individuals in the
system to include administrative records and cognitive interviews. The
third change updates the categories of records in the system to provide
additional information and details surrounding the records. The last
change updates the policies and practices for storing, retaining,
disposing, and safeguarding the records in the system to include
recordings of survey and cognitive interviews and comprehensively cover
the safeguards provided at the U.S. Census Bureau. The entire resulting
system of records notice, as amended, appears below.
System Name:
Special Censuses, Surveys, and Other Studies.
Security Classification: None.
System Location:
Bowie Computer Center, U.S. Census Bureau, 17101 Melford Blvd.,
Bowie, Maryland 20715, and U.S. Census Bureau, National Processing
Center, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47103; and
National Archives and Records Administration, Washington National
Records Center, Washington, DC 20409.
Categories of Individuals Covered by the System:
This system covers the population of the United States. Survey
respondents typically are individuals aged 15 years old or over. Data
collected directly from respondents may be supplemented with data from
administrative record files received from other federal, state, or
[[Page 4003]]
local agencies, or commercial sources. These files are collected and
processed under the Statistical Administrative Records system.
Administrative record files are from agencies including, the
Departments of Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services,
Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Treasury,
Veterans Affairs, and from the Office of Personnel Management, the
Social Security Administration, the Selective Service System, and the
U.S. Postal Service. Comparable data may also be sought from State
agencies and commercial sources. Please see the COMMERCE/CENSUS-8,
Statistical Administrative Records System SORN for more information.
Additionally, subjects of cognitive interviews (to test understanding
of a new survey form, for example) are covered in this system of
Categories of Records in the System:
Records in this system of records consist of working statistical
files (i.e., those files being analyzed to produce survey results),
survey data files (i.e., those files containing answers directly from
the respondent), and/or data contact files (i.e., those files used for
contacting respondents). Records in this system of records may contain
information such as: Respondent contact information--telephone number,
email address; Demographic information--date of birth, sex, race,
ethnicity, household and family characteristics, mobility status,
education, marital status, tribal affiliation, veteran's status,
disability status; Geographical information--address and geographic
codes; Health information--health problems, type of provider, services
provided, cost of services, quality indicators; Economic information--
housing and institutional characteristics, income, occupation,
employment and unemployment information, health insurance coverage,
federal and state program participation, assets and wealth; Activity
and event related information--commuting, travel, childcare,
recreation, consumer expenditures, community service, drug and alcohol
use, and crime victimization; Field Representative (FR) related
information--U.S. Census Bureau FR code, which is used only as an
administrative control item for each record. Some records in this
system of records may be obtained from datasets maintained by the
COMMERCE/CENSUS-8, Statistical Administrative Records System where
direct identifiers have been replaced with a unique non-identifying
code prior to delivery to this system of records, and, therefore are
not on the working statistical files. These categories of records are
maintained on unique data sets that are extracted or combined on an as
needed basis using the unique non-identifying codes but with the
original identifiers removed. These records may contain: Demographic
information--date of birth, sex, race, ethnicity, household and family
characteristics, education, marital status, Tribal affiliation, and
veteran's status; Geographical information--address and geographic
codes; Mortality information--cause of death and hospitalization
information; Health information--type of provider, services provided,
cost of services, and quality indicators; Economic information--housing
characteristics, income, occupation, employment and unemployment
information, health insurance coverage, Federal program participation,
assets, and wealth. Another category of records contains two types of
records that are maintained on unique data sets that are extracted or
combined on an as-needed basis using the unique non-identifying codes
but with some name information retained. One type of records contains:
Business information--business name, revenues, number of employees, and
industry codes in support of economic statistical products. The other
type contains: Respondent contact information--name, address, telephone
number, age, and sex in support of survey and census data collection
efforts. See the COMMERCE/CENSUS-8, Statistical Administrative Records
System SORN for more information. However, for limited short-term
projects, some records obtained from datasets maintained by the
COMMERCE/CENSUS-8, Statistical Administrative Records System may
contain some direct identifiers (such as name, Social Security Number
(SSN)) that have been retained in working statistical files for this
collection. These short-term projects must present project and use
proposal documentation to a team of high level managers, and obtain
approval to use direct identifiers in these working statistical files.
Additionally, direct identifiers collected from survey respondents are
routinely maintained on data contact files in order to facilitate
respondent contact or to pre-load data for a data collection
Authorities for Maintenance of the System:
Title 13 U.S.C. 8(b), 182, and 196 provide the authority for the
U.S. Census Bureau to conduct statistical surveys.
The purpose of this system of records is to collect statistical
information from respondents through survey instruments or other means
and to conduct methodological research on improving various aspects of
surveys authorized by Title 13, U.S.C. 8(b), 182, and 196, such as:
survey sampling frame design; sample selection algorithms;
questionnaire development, design, and testing; usability testing of
computer software and equipment; post data collection processing; data
quality review; and non-response research.
Routine Uses of Records Maintained in the System, Including Categories
of Users and the Purposes Of Such Uses:
None. The data will be used only for statistical purposes. No
disclosures which permit the identification of individual respondents,
and no determinations affecting individual respondents are made.
Disclosure to Consumer Reporting Agencies:
Policies and Practices for Storing, Retrieving, Accessing, Retaining,
and Disposing of Records in the System:
Records (including, but not limited to, sound files of survey or
cognitive interviews or electronic datasets) will be stored in a secure
computerized system and on magnetic media; output data will be
electronic files or paper copies. Paper copies or magnetic media will
be stored in a secure area within a locked drawer or cabinet. Data sets
may be accessed only by authorized personnel. Control lists will be
used to limit access to those employees with a need to know; rights
will be granted based on job functions.
A limited number of sworn U.S. Census Bureau staff will be
permitted to retrieve records containing direct identifiers (such as a
name or SSN). Staff producing final statistical products will have
access only to data sets from which direct identifiers have been
deleted and replaced by unique non-identifying codes internal to the
U.S. Census Bureau.
The U.S. Census Bureau is committed to respecting respondent
privacy and protecting confidentiality. Through the Data Stewardship
Program, we have implemented management, operational, and technical
controls and practices to ensure high-level data protection to
respondents of our census and surveys. (1) An unauthorized browsing
[[Page 4004]]
protects respondent information from casual or inappropriate use by any
person with access to Title 13 protected data. (2) All employees
permitted to access the system are subject to the restriction,
penalties, and prohibitions of 13 U.S.C. 9 and 214, as modified by
Title 18 U.S.C. 3551, et seq.; the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(4)); and when applicable, Title 26 U.S.C. 7213, 7213A, and
7431; as well as any additional restrictions imposed by statutory
authority of a sponsor. (3) All U.S. Census Bureau employees and
persons with special sworn status will be regularly advised of
regulations issued pursuant to Title 13 U.S.C. governing the
confidentiality of the data, and will be required to complete an annual
Title 13 awareness program; and those who have access to Federal Tax
Information data will be regularly advised of regulations issued
pursuant to Title 26 U.S.C. governing the confidentiality of the data,
and will be required to complete an annual Title 26 awareness program.
(4) All computer systems that maintain sensitive information are in
compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act, which
includes auditing and controls over access to restricted data. (5) The
use of unsecured telecommunications to transmit individually
identifiable information is prohibited. (6) Paper copies that contain
sensitive information are stored in secure facilities in a locked
drawer or file cabinet behind a locked door. (7) Additional data files
containing direct identifiers will be maintained solely for the purpose
of data collection activities, such as respondent contact and pre-
loading an instrument for a continued interview, and will not be
transferred to, or maintained on, working statistical files. (8) Any
publications based on this system will be cleared for release under the
direction of the U.S. Census Bureau's Disclosure Review Board, which
will confirm that all the required disclosure avoidance procedures have
been implemented and no information that identifies any individual is
Retention and Disposal:
Records are to be retained in accordance with the General Records
Schedule and U.S. Census Bureau's records control schedules that are
approved by the National Archives and Records Administration.
Generally, records are retained for less than 10 years, unless a longer
period is necessary for statistical purposes or for permanent archival
System Manager and Address:
Associate Director for Demographic Programs, U.S. Census Bureau,
4600 Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC 20233-8000.
Notification Procedure:
Record Access Procedures:
Contesting Record Procedures:
Record Source Categories:
Individuals and populations covered by selected administrative
records systems and U.S. Census Bureau surveys and special censuses.
Exemptions Claimed for this System:
Pursuant to Title 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(4), this system of records is
exempted from the notification, access, and contest requirements of the
agency procedures (under 5 Title U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d), (e)(1),
(e)(4)(G), (H), and (I), and (f)). This exemption is applicable as the
data are maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau and required by Title 13
to be used solely as statistical records and are not used in whole or
in part in making any determination about an identifiable individual.
This exemption is made in accordance with the Department's rules, which
appear in 15 CFR part 4 subpart B, and in accordance with agency rules
published in the rules section of this Federal Register.
Dated: January 18, 2012.
Jonathan R. Cantor,
Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Commerce.
[FR Doc. 2012-1596 Filed 1-25-12; 8:45 am]