Withdrawal of Proposed Rule and Closure of Petition for Rulemaking: Organization of Agreement States and Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, 3640-3646 [2012-1523]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 77, No. 16
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
10 CFR Part 31
[Docket No. PRM–31–5; NRC–2005–0018;
Withdrawal of Proposed Rule and
Closure of Petition for Rulemaking:
Organization of Agreement States and
Florida Department of Health, Bureau
of Radiation Control
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rule
and closure of petition for rulemaking.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is closing a petition for rulemaking
(PRM–31–5) submitted by the
Organization of Agreement States, Inc.
(OAS). The petition requested that the
NRC amend its regulations to strengthen
the regulation of radioactive materials
by requiring a specific license for
higher-activity devices that are currently
available under a general license, and
change the compatibility designation of
applicable regulations from category B
to category C. The petition also
addresses a request filed by the Florida
Department of Health, Bureau of
Radiation Control, to change the
compatibility category of a certain part
of the applicable regulation from
category B to category C. In response to
the petition, the NRC developed a
proposed rule that would have changed
the compatibility of the applicable
regulations, and would have limited the
quantity of byproduct material
contained in a generally-licensed device
to below one-tenth of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Category
3 thresholds. After further review, the
NRC has decided to withdraw the
proposed rule and to change the
compatibility designation of the
applicable regulations from category B
to category C.
DATES: The proposed rule to limit the
quantity of byproduct material
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contained in a generally licensed device
(74 FR 38372; August 3, 2009) is
withdrawn on January 25, 2012. The
docket for PRM–31–5 is closed on
January 25, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You can access publicly
available documents related to proposed
rule or the petition using the following
• NRC’s Public Document Room
(PDR): The public may examine and
have copied, for a fee, publicly available
documents at the NRC’s PDR, Room O–
1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland 20852.
• NRC’s Agencywide Document
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): Publicly available documents
created or received at the NRC are
available online at the NRC’s Library at
adams.html. From this page, the public
can gain entry into ADAMS, which
provides text and image files of the
NRC’s public documents. If you do not
have access to ADAMS or if there are
problems in accessing the documents
located in ADAMS, contact the NRC
PDR Reference staff at 1–(800) 397–
4209, (301) 415–4737, or by email to
• Federal Rulemaking Web Site:
Public comments and supporting
materials related to this document can
be found at https://www.regulations.gov
by searching on Docket ID NRC–2005–
0018 or NRC–2008–0272. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher, telephone: (301) 492–3668;
email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov.
Solomon Sahle, Office of Federal and
State Materials and Environmental
Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001, telephone (301) 415–
3781, email: Solomon.Sahle@nrc.gov.
The Petition
In its PRM, the OAS requested that
the NRC amend its regulations to
require specific licensing for devices
exceeding the registration quantity
limits in Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) 31.5(c)(13)(i).
Additionally, OAS requested that the
NRC revise the compatibility category of
10 CFR 31.6 from category B to category
C, which OAS believes would allow
States to better track service providers
and distributors of generally-licensed
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devices. In addition, the Florida
Department of Health, Bureau of
Radiation Control, submitted a separate
request to change the compatibility
category of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) from
category B to category C, which would
allow the State to continue to require
registration of other generally-licensed
devices in addition to those currently
registered by the NRC. Florida’s request
(ADAMS Accession No. ML052700236)
was included with the OAS petition
under PRM–31–5 (ADAMS Accession
No. ML051940187).
Public Comments on the Petition
The NRC published a Federal
Register notice requesting public
comment on PRM–31–5 on December
20, 2005 (70 FR 75423). The comment
period closed on March 6, 2006, and the
NRC received four comment letters from
States and industry. The commenters
had differing views on using the
registration levels to require general
licensees to become specific licensees,
and on changing the compatibility
Comments on requiring some general
licensees to become specific licensees.
Comment: One commenter supported
adding a requirement to specifically
license higher-activity-level devices that
are currently available under a general
license. The commenter argued that the
requirement would enhance security
and accountability of these devices, and
would prevent aggregation of
radioactive sources in the devices to
quantities of concern. The commenter
noted that the regulatory change to
require higher-activity-level, generallylicensed devices to have a specific
license was long overdue from a safety
and security perspective, and that the
rule would not impose a significant
burden to implement.
Comment: Three commenters did not
support requiring higher-activity-level,
generally-licensed devices to obtain a
specific license. The commenters
include an Agreement State and two
generally-licensed device manufacturers
and distributors. These commenters
believed that the general-license
regulatory approach should remain as
is. The Agreement State commenter
stated that, in its jurisdiction, generallylicensed devices are registered and
tracked to a very high standard. Another
commenter stated that the proposed
change would break with the
established procedures for device
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
review conducted during the deviceapproval process.
This commenter also stated that the
current criteria in 10 CFR 32.51 is used
to determine if a particular device
warrants being specifically or generally
licensed. These criteria take into
account additional factors other than the
activity of the source and include
requirements for prototype testing,
potential dose considerations, etc. This
commenter stated that the NRC and the
Agreement States have been using these
criteria for many years and that these
proposed changes would be inconsistent
with established policy. Another
commenter, who represents several
manufacturers, distributors, and
providers of services for radiological
devices, stated that there is no
demonstrated safety or security
justification for the changes requested in
the PRM. This commenter also stated
that the changes would not increase the
security or the safety of generallylicensed devices, and he is not aware of
any safety or security concerns that
could not be equally, and in some cases
better, addressed by the current
registration program. Under the current
registration process, general licensees
must submit signed annual reports to
the NRC or the Agreement State
detailing what devices they possess and
any changes from their previous reports.
Thus, each licensee has a designated
employee review their inventory and
compliance on an annual basis. This
process also allows the NRC or the
Agreement State to annually review the
general licensees. If there are unresolved
discrepancies between annual reports,
then the NRC or the Agreement State
can require immediate clarification by
the licensee. The commenter also stated
that under most fixed-gauge specific
licenses, there is a 5-year inspection
cycle with no interaction between the
NRC or the Agreement State and the
licensee during that period. Thus, there
would be a net decrease in oversight if
this proposal is adopted.
These commenters stated that the
registration program has been very
successful in maintaining awareness of
generally-licensed devices and they
would not be opposed to seeing the
registration and the annual reporting
requirements extended to all general
licensees, not limited to only certain
isotopes and activities.
NRC Response:
In response to the PRM, the NRC
developed a proposed rule that would
have implemented many of the
suggestions in the PRM (74 FR 38372;
August 3, 2009). The NRC received
public comments on the proposed rule,
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and considered those comments as part
of the development of a draft final rule.
The Commission reviewed the draft
final rule, and in the Staff Requirements
Memorandum (SRM) for the draft final
rule, dated December 2, 2010, the
Commission disapproved publication of
the final rule (ADAMS Accession No.
ML103360262). In their voting records,
several Commissioners, like some of the
commenters, noted that they did not see
a clear safety risk reduction or security
enhancement that would justify the
proposed threshold for requiring a
specific license, or sufficient
information on the aggregation of
generally-licensed devices for
malevolent purposes (ADAMS
Accession No. ML103370094).
Comments on the compatibility
Comment: Two commenters
supported changing the compatibility of
10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and 10 CFR 31.6
from category B to category C.
According to these commenters,
multiple Agreement States have long
required more stringent regulation of
generally-licensed devices than the
NRC. As early as 1963, States began to
establish additional regulatory
requirements, ranging from specific
licensing to registration of all generallylicensed devices, to address problems in
their States. For the NRC and the
Agreement States that did not have a
generally-licensed device registration
program, the general-license rule was a
step forward. However, for those
Agreement States that already had a
registration program or required a
specific license for generally-licensed
devices, the general-license rule was a
major step backward. The commenters
believe that the Commission’s decision
to broadly apply compatibility B to 10
CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6 threatens to
cancel long-standing State regulatory
programs and activities that have helped
to improve device accountability and
reduce the number of lost sources. The
commenters believe that the changes
requested in the petition are necessary
to enhance the security and
accountability of generally-licensed
devices. Further, the commenters
believe that the change in compatibility
category will provide those Agreement
States with more stringent regulatory
programs the flexibility to continue to
impose more stringent requirements
than the NRC.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters
that the category C designation will
allow Agreement States the flexibility to
enhance accountability, address issues
specific to their jurisdictions, continue
programs that have proven beneficial,
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and adopt requirements based on their
specific circumstances and needs.
Comment: Two commenters disagreed
with the proposal to revise the
compatibility of 10 CFR 31.6 from B to
One commenter stated that many
States have adopted equivalent
provisions to 10 CFR 31.6 in their
regulations; however, as a matter of
policy, these States still require
reciprocity for the servicing of
generally-licensed devices even if there
are no specifically-licensed materials or
activities involved. The purpose of this
policy is to track generally-licensed
device vendors in the same manner as
specific licensees working under
reciprocity. The commenter believes
that this policy is inconsistent with the
intent of the regulations, which are
supposed to make it easier for vendors
to service generally-licensed devices.
The second commenter stated that the
change in compatibility would be overly
burdensome and financially detrimental
to both manufacturers and licensees that
possess generally-licensed devices.
According to this commenter, under the
current designation of compatibility
category B, device manufacturers and
service providers are basically working
under one set of nationwide regulations.
The commenter believes that this
situation is far superior to the confusing
alternative that would be caused by
changing the compatibility of 10 CFR
31.6 to category C. Working under one
set of regulations is significantly easier
to comply with than working under as
many as thirty sets of constantly
changing regulations. The commenter
believes that this possibility indicates
that there are transboundary
implications associated with this
change. Further, the commenter stated
that current 10 CFR 31.6 grants a general
license, and changing the compatibility
designations from category B to C would
allow Agreement States to charge fees
for reciprocal recognition of licenses
from other Agreement States and the
NRC. The commenter believes that
general licensees would then pass the
cost of these fees on to customers.
According to the commenter, the overall
purpose of the Atomic Energy Act and
the NRC’s regulations is to safeguard the
public. Changing 10 CFR 31.6 from
compatibility category B to C will not
enhance either the radiological safety or
security of byproduct material. The
current compliance level with 10 CFR
31.6 for manufacturers and service
providers is very high because the
regulations are concise and easy to
understand. This commenter believes
that a change in the compatibility could
result in a significantly more confusing
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
situation and a decrease in the overall
compliance with the regulations.
NRC Response:
The NRC disagrees with the
commenters. Changing the compatibility
designation of these regulations will not
result in increased cost and burden to
licensees operating in multiple
jurisdictions. The NRC is confident that
the Agreement States will exercise this
new flexibility in a responsible manner
that will continue to allow device
manufacturers and service providers to
work in multiple jurisdictions without
undue burden or cost.
The commenter is correct that the
purpose of the Atomic Energy Act is to
ensure the protection of public health
and safety. The Atomic Energy Act also
establishes the Agreement State
program, which allows States to assume
regulatory authority over the licensing
of certain radioactive materials that are
used within their borders. As part of the
implementation of this program, the
NRC established ‘‘compatibility
categories’’ for its regulations, which
determine the degree of flexibility that
States have in adopting their
regulations. The compatibility category
determination for each regulation
involves careful review by the NRC to
ensure that the national regulatory
program is consistent. Where the NRC
believes that there are transboundary
implications associated with a
regulation, the regulation is assigned to
compatibility category B, which requires
Agreement States to adopt essentially
identical requirements. Where the NRC
believes that there are not
transboundary implications, but that the
essential objectives of the regulation
need to be adopted, the regulation is
assigned to compatibility category C.
When adopting compatibility-category-C
regulations, the Agreement States can
adopt regulations that are more stringent
than the NRC’s regulations. After
extensive review, the NRC has
determined that the compatibility
changes requested in the PRM do not
appear to raise significant
transboundary issues. Based upon this
determination, the NRC has decided to
assign these regulations to compatibility
category C.
In its SRM adopting these
compatibility changes, the Commission
acknowledged that these compatibility
changes could result in transboundary
problems, if there are unforeseen
implementation problems. As directed
by the Commission, the staff plans to:
(1) Report back within 18 months on
which Agreement States, if any, acted to
modify their programs as a result of the
change in compatibility category, (2)
discuss how the programs were
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modified, (3) analyze the impacts to
regulated entities, particularly those
operating in more than one State; and
(4) suggest corrective actions, if
necessary (ADAMS Accession No.
The Proposed Rule
After considering the OAS petition
and Florida Department of Health
request, the NRC decided to grant the
petition (i.e., the NRC agreed to start a
rulemaking that would consider the
issues raised in the petition; granting a
petition does not mean that the NRC
will adopt any or all of the requests in
a petition) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML072640423). On August 3, 2009, the
NRC published a proposed rule,
‘‘Limiting the Quantity of Byproduct
Material in a Generally Licensed
Device’’ (74 FR 38372). This proposed
rule would have improved the safety
and security of devices currently
authorized under a general license by
requiring a subset of these devices to be
specifically licensed. The rulemaking
would have amended the NRC’s
regulations to limit the quantity of
certain byproduct material allowed in a
generally-licensed device to below onetenth of the IAEA’s Category 3
thresholds; licensees with devices
containing byproduct material at or
above this limit would be required to
obtain a specific license. The NRC also
proposed to change the compatibility
category of 10 CFR 31.5(a), 10 CFR 31.5
(c)(13)(i), and 10 CFR 31.6 from category
B to C.
Public Comments on the Proposed Rule
The comment period for the proposed
rule ended on October 19, 2009, and 55
comment letters were received. The
commenters on the proposed rule
included Federal agencies, States,
licensees, industry organizations,
environmental advocacy groups, and
The comments addressed the
following areas: (1) The general
provisions of the proposed rule; (2)
alternatives to the proposed rule; (3)
alternative threshold values; (4)
proposed changes in compatibility
categories from B to C, and discussion
of any transboundary issues related to
this approach; and (5) the additional
revision to 10 CFR 31.5, which would
have prohibited specific licensees from
possessing a device under a general
license. A discussion of each major
comment area is summarized as follows:
Comments on the general provisions
of the proposed rule.
Comments: Twenty commenters
supported the provisions of the
proposed rule that would have
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established a threshold value of onetenth of Category 3 for material in
generally-licensed devices. These 20
commenters included the OAS and 9
individual Agreement States. About the
same number of commenters did not
support any threshold value for
generally-licensed devices; some of
these commenters believe that the
general license regulatory approach
should remain as is, while others
offered suggestions for modifying the
general license program to achieve the
objectives of the proposed rule.
The commenters who supported the
proposed rule argued that the proposed
rule would increase the safety and
security of the sources, by protecting
against aggregation of sources to
quantities of concern.
These commenters noted that the
regulatory change to limit the quantity
of byproduct material in a generallylicensed device was long overdue from
a safety and security perspective, and
that the rule would not impose a
significant burden to implement.
Finally, the commenters stated that the
one-tenth of Category 3 threshold was a
reasonable compromise between the
need for increased safety and security
and the burden imposed by these
requirements on affected licensees.
Some of the commenters who
opposed the proposed rule questioned
whether the NRC had a technical basis
to support limiting the material in a
generally-licensed device for safety and
security reasons. In particular, they
argued that there was no credible risk of
aggregating generally-licensed devices
that are used by industry for
manufacturing process control
applications. Also, they stated that it
was unrealistic to believe that these
devices and their sources would be
removed from their assemblies. They
noted, for example, that these sources
are important and vital to the operation
of a manufacturing facility. They also
argued that the sources are: (1) Firmly
mounted in process equipment; (2)
surrounded by mechanical components
moving at a high rate of speed with
restricted access; and (3) within a
security perimeter, which includes
safeguards against entry by
unauthorized people.
These commenters also believe that
implementation of the proposed rule
would cause a significant cost increase
because of the additional requirements
associated with a specific license,
including training, administration,
annual fees, and hiring of a radiation
safety officer. Another comment from an
industry trade group noted that small
companies with few customers spread
across a large number of States would
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
find it prohibitively expensive to
conduct business in States that require
specific licenses.
Many of the commenters stated that it
was unnecessary to require generallylicensed devices to be specifically
licensed if they were at or above the
threshold level in the proposed rule.
These commenters suggested
alternatives to enhance the current
general license program:
(1) A combination of features such as:
(a) Maintaining the existing general
license framework, while requiring
additional hardening and design
features in the devices to make it
difficult to remove the sources from the
devices; (b) imposing new security
requirements in the regulations and in
the device registries that would apply to
users of the devices; (c) requiring
regulators to periodically inspect the
generally-licensed devices that meet or
exceed the one-tenth of Category 3
threshold values; and (d) requiring
device leak tests and shutter checks at
3- or 6-month intervals to improve
source accountability;
(2) Strengthening the current general
license regulations by: (a) Adding an
annual physical inventory requirement
for all licensees who possess a
generally-licensed device under 10 CFR
31.5; (b) adding a requirement for
generation and retention of written
records of the physical inventories for
review during regulator inspections; and
(c) adding a requirement for general
licensees to report their physical
inventory results to the regulator;
(3) Amending 10 CFR 31.5(a) to
exclude all portable devices, to require
a specific license for portable devices
regardless of their activity level; and
(4) Offering manufacturers and
distributors a Master Materials License
or a single licensing mechanism that
would be valid for work in different
regulatory jurisdictions.
Some commenters who supported the
proposed rule suggested alternative
threshold values for material in a
generally-licensed device. These
alternatives included: (1) Setting a
threshold at IAEA Category 3; (2)
considering the aggregate level of
byproduct material at a site; (3) applying
the threshold to the current activity
level of the source instead of the
licensed activity; and (4) setting a
threshold below one-tenth of Category 3,
such as the registration levels in 10 CFR
NRC Response:
The NRC has decided not to adopt a
final rule and is withdrawing the
proposed rule. The Commission
disapproved the staff’s proposal to limit
the quantity of byproduct material
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contained in generally-licensed devices
under 10 CFR Part 31 to one-tenth of the
IAEA Category 3 threshold. The
Commission determined that there is
not a clear safety risk reduction or
security enhancement that would justify
the proposed threshold for requiring a
specific license and there is insufficient
information to determine that the
aggregation of generally-licensed
devices for malevolent purposes is a
likely scenario.
Comments on changing the
compatibility of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i)
and 10 CFR 31.6 from category B to
category C.
The NRC received 20 comments on
the proposal to change the compatibility
of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and 31.6 from
category B to category C. The OAS and
13 Agreement States supported the
proposal; 5 commenters (2 Agreement
States and 3 companies that
manufacture, distribute, and service
generally-licensed devices) opposed the
proposal; and 1 Agreement State
supported the compatibility change to
10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and opposed the
compatibility change to 10 CFR 31.6.
Commenters who supported the changes
noted that the changes in the
compatibility categories would allow
States to continue to impose more
rigorous requirements on their
licensees. Many of these States
commented that they would not support
the proposed rule without an
accompanying change in compatibility.
The commenters who opposed the
proposed compatibility changes noted
that current regulations are very clear
and that compatibility B ensures a
single national standard for generallylicensed devices. These commenters
noted that the change in compatibility
could result in different sets of rules and
guidelines in every State, and would
allow Agreement States to arbitrarily set
limits on the activity levels of generallylicensed devices that are not based on
the risk to public health and safety.
Some commenters stated that a change
in compatibility would have a
significant adverse impact on
companies that service generallylicensed devices.
More detailed comment summaries,
along with the NRC’s responses, are
included below.
Comment: The NRC should be
adopting more stringent compatibility
for its generally-licensed device
regulations, which would allow
installers and service providers to do
their jobs without additional restrictions
imposed by the States.
NRC Response:
The NRC appreciates the commenter’s
concern, but does not believe that
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compatibility B is necessary in this case.
Under the Agreement State program, the
NRC has relinquished its regulatory
authority over certain radioactive
materials in each Agreement State. As
part of its oversight of the program, the
NRC has established compatibility
categories that allow it to ensure that
there is a consistent national program in
place, while also providing Agreement
States with the flexibility to adopt
different requirements when possible. In
this case, the NRC has concluded that
the additional requirements that would
be imposed by Agreement State
regulators are not a threat to a consistent
national program. However, the NRC
does recognize that there is the
possibility for the Agreement States to
adopt regulations in this area that would
negatively affect a national program.
The NRC is therefore planning to look
at any modifications that the Agreement
States make in response to this
compatibility change, analyze the
impacts to the regulated entities and
suggest corrective actions, if necessary
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: One commenter argued
that the change in compatibility would
result in no increase in security, safety,
or accountability.
NRC Response:
The change in compatibility does not
have to result in an increase to security,
safety, or accountability. The purpose of
the compatibility is to ensure that there
is a consistent national regulatory
program across the Agreement States
and NRC states. In some cases, it’s not
necessary for the NRC and the
Agreement States to have identical
regulations. In this case, the NRC has
determined that these regulations do not
involve the transboundary issues that
would trigger concern about a consistent
national program. The NRC has
therefore determined that compatibility
category C is acceptable. This
compatibility designation will allow
Agreement States to adopt more
stringent regulations.
Comment: A number of commenters
argued that less restrictive compatibility
will result in severe transboundary
effects, which could drive some
companies out of business. Less
restrictive compatibility will make it
more difficult for small companies that
work in multiple States to stay in
business. Also, the administrative
burden of complying with different
rules in each state and having to apply
for reciprocal recognition before
entering a State could become ‘‘an
administrative nightmare.’’
An Agreement State and an industry
commenter expressed opposition to the
change in compatibility. One State
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
expressed concerns similar to some
industry commenters that the
compatibility change to 10 CFR 31.5(a)
could result in 36 different sets of
requirements, which would ‘‘make
compliance extremely difficult for any
company that does not confine its
activities to NRC jurisdiction or a
particular Agreement State.’’ Further,
this commenter is concerned that the
change in compatibility to 10 CFR 31.6
could result in improper disposal of
generally-licensed devices because
Agreement States might start to impose
reciprocity or licensing fees for out-ofState general licensees that want to do
business in the Agreement State.
In 2000, as part of the general-licenserule amendments, the NRC evaluated
the compatibility of these regulations
and concluded that this rule should not
be open to the type of broad
interpretation that would be allowed by
a compatibility C designation (65 FR
79184–79185; December 18, 2000). The
justification for this conclusion was the
transboundary implications of allowing
States to impose more strict criteria on
generally-licensed devices under their
NRC Response:
The 2000 general-license-rule
amendments, which then designated the
requirements in 10 CFR 31.5 and 10
CFR 31.6 as compatibility category B,
were based on the concern that
essentially identical regulations were
needed to ensure reciprocal recognition
of licenses and licensing requirements
among Agreement States and the NRC.
The commenter indicated that
individual State variations in the
regulations do not add any increase in
safety or security at any level and only
make more complicated and costly the
compliance process for the general
licensees, distributors, and service
providers. After evaluating the post2000 general-license-rule amendments,
the NRC has reassessed its position.
Since 2000, Agreement States have
taken a variety of actions that are not
consistent with the rule, despite its
designation as compatibility category B.
As a result, different practices already
exist in different Agreement States;
however, the NRC has not observed any
transboundary problems from these
different practices that would indicate
compatibility category B is necessary.
Further, complexity and cost are not
aspects of determining significant
transboundary health and safety impacts
under the Commission’s 1997 Policy
Statement for Adequacy and
Compatibility (62 FR 46517). The NRC
disagrees with the commenter and
believes it is appropriate to change the
compatibility category to C for 10 CFR
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31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6. This action
acknowledges the current practice of
many Agreement States to continue the
practices they have already
implemented and take additional steps
they deem appropriate based on local
The NRC does, however, recognize
that if many more States change their
regulations, there could potentially be
transboundary impacts. As directed by
the Commission, the NRC plans to
determine the degree to which the
Agreement States modify their programs
as a result of the change in compatibility
category and to analyze any
transboundary impacts to regulated
entities, particularly those operating on
a multistate basis. The NRC may take
corrective actions, if any are needed
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: Another commenter is
concerned that changing the existing
regulations to compatibility C could ‘‘be
a step backward’’ and could result in
arbitrary limits on generally-licensed
devices that are not based on public
health and safety.
NRC Response:
The NRC has a program in place,
Integrated Materials Performance
Evaluation Program (IMPEP), which
allows the NRC to evaluate the status of
an Agreement State’s program. If the
NRC determines that a program is
deficient, they will work with the
Agreement State to correct the
Comment: One commenter is
concerned that the change in
compatibility could limit the ability of
service providers to provide timely
repairs, which could affect production
at plants that rely on generally-licensed
devices (delays range from three to five
days, depending on the State).
NRC Response:
The NRC shares the commenter’s
concerns and will be evaluating any
regulatory changes that the Agreement
States make in response to this change
in compatibility. The NRC will gather
data and may take action, if necessary
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: One commenter asked that,
if the change in compatibility is
adopted, the NRC offer manufacturers
and distributors the option to obtain a
Master Materials License that would be
valid for work in any NRC State or
Agreement State.
NRC Response:
The NRC cannot issue a Master
Materials License to non-federal
licensees; the NRC only issues these
licenses to Federal organizations.
Comment: One commenter argued
that some Agreement States want the
revised compatibility designation
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because they believe that they will be
able to generate more fees through
reciprocal recognition and inspection,
without any clear benefit to health and
NRC Response:
The NRC disagrees with the comment.
The commenter did not provide any
support for its statement and the NRC is
not aware of any statements by
Agreement State employees or
representatives that would support this
Comment: A number of Agreement
States supported some or all of the
compatibility changes. One State
supported only the change to 10 CFR
31.5(c)(13)(i), but noted that due to
recent issues with tritium exit signs, the
NRC might want to revise the list of
isotopes that require registration.
Other States noted that their
regulations were more rigorous than the
NRC’s general-license requirements, and
that this difference has not resulted in
any transboundary issues. Further, these
commenters believe that the revised
compatibility would allow for better
tracking of generally-licensed devices,
and that the more strict requirements
result in increased health and safety.
Finally, these states argue that the
change in compatibility will allow
States with more rigorous requirements
to leave those requirements in place.
Other Agreement States simply noted
their agreement with the NRC’s
proposed compatibility change. Another
State noted that allowing states to adopt
more strict licensing requirements might
allow the NRC to make a better
informed decision about using IAEA
Category 4 as the threshold for general
licensees. The OAS even indicated it
would not support the proposed rule
without the change in compatibility.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters.
The change in compatibility will allow
the Agreement States to adopt
regulations that are stricter than the
NRC’s regulations, while the regulatory
floor established by the NRC will
continue to ensure that there is
reasonable assurance of public health
and safety.
Comment: Some commenter’s
suggested that the NRC amend 10 CFR
31.5 to require specific licenses for
portable gauges and leave the
compatibility category as B, which they
believed would address the concerns of
many States because a number of these
States do not allow portable gauges to be
held under a general license.
NRC Response:
The Commission has decided not to
adopt the proposed rule. Further, the
NRC appreciates the commenter’s
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
concern about the compatibility change.
The NRC staff will monitor the
compatibility changes to ensure that
there aren’t unforeseen transboundary
problems. If the NRC discovers that the
compatibility change has caused
transboundary problems, such as
reciprocity problems for licensees that
operate in multiple jurisdictions, the
staff will provide that information to the
Commission as part of its 18-month
report (ADAMS Accession No.
Comment: With regard to
transboundary issues, several
Agreement States indicated that there
would be no significant transboundary
issues in changing the compatibility
category from B to C. Some of these
commenters said that for many years,
under the current general license
regulatory framework, there have been
no transboundary issues resulting from
their State having more rigorous
requirements than neighboring States
for generally-licensed devices. One
Agreement State indicated that it has
never authorized out-of-State generallylicensed devices under reciprocal
recognition in accordance with its State
One commenter stated that
transboundary issues would only occur
if some States choose to specifically
license portable devices. The
commenter stated that there would be a
significant effect on the movement of
these devices because licensees would
need to pay fees and could be subject to
reciprocity inspections. Other
commenters, primarily manufacturers
and service providers, believed that
there would be significant
transboundary issues in changing
compatibility from category B to
category C and supported the retention
of category B.
NRC Response:
The NRC is unaware of any significant
transboundary issues with the current
system. Although the change in
compatibility may require a change in
licensing process for some companies
(including any reciprocity changes and
fee payments), these actions are not
considered a significant transboundary
issue since a similar nationwide system
is already used for specific licensees.
However, the NRC plans to assess the
degree to which the Agreement States
modify their programs as a result of the
change in compatibility category and
analyze any transboundary impacts to
regulated entities, particularly those
operating on a multistate basis. The
NRC may take corrective actions if
needed (ADAMS Accession No.
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18:18 Jan 24, 2012
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Comments on the proposal to prohibit
specific licensees from possessing
generally licensed devices.
Comment: The NRC did not receive
any comments that supported the
proposal to prohibit specific licensees
from possessing a generally-licensed
device. One commenter opposed this
proposal because current regulations
already include incentives for licensees
to transfer their generally-licensed
devices to a specific license. The
transfer process takes significant time
and effort by both the licensee and the
regulator and can make the specific
license cumbersome to maintain and
enforce due to the large number of lowactivity sealed sources. Several
commenters believe that the proposal
would be unfair to specific licensees
because it is likely that companies that
possess generally-licensed devices and
do not have a specific license would
continue operations under the general
license, while companies with both
generally-licensed devices and a
specific license would be required to
move their generally-licensed devices to
their specific license. This change
would arbitrarily impose more stringent
regulations on specific licensees.
Comments from universities and
research and development specific
licensees argued that the proposal
would place a substantial burden on
them, requiring the revision of device
authorizations by the responsible
Radiation Safety Committee for a very
large number of generally-licensed
devices subject to 10 CFR 31.5. The
commenters noted that placing these
generally-licensed devices under the
authority of a specific license would
require the users of those devices to
have a minimum amount of
documented training and experience,
and could require personnel radiation
monitoring because some specific
licensees require dosimetry for all users.
The commenters also argued that the
users of these generally-licensed devices
are students and researchers who
continuously change; and these new
requirements would require additional
training and documentation that is not
necessary under the current generallicense program. The commenters
believe that there would be no reduction
in the hazard to workers or students due
to the transfer of these devices to the
broad-scope specific license. Several
Agreement States, research
organizations, and large corporations
supported the existing regulations,
which allow licensees the flexibility to
decide whether they want to add
generally-licensed devices to their
specific licenses. A number of
universities stated that they would
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prefer to keep the numerous generallylicensed devices used in health care and
research environments under the
requirements of a general license.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters
that the proposal to amend 10 CFR
31.5(b)(3) could cause confusion. The
NRC intended to preserve the flexibility
that licensees currently have to decide
whether to transfer generally-licensed
devices under the authority of a specific
license for a site, but to specify that if
generally-licensed devices were
transferred to a specific license then the
terms and conditions of the specific
license would apply to the generallylicensed devices. The NRC agrees with
the commenters and has decided not to
adopt this proposed change to amend 10
CFR 31.5(b)(3). This amendment would
be too burdensome on numerous
licensees with little or no improvement
in the accountability of the sources in
those generally-licensed devices.
Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule
On December 2, 2010, the
Commission disapproved publication of
the final rule, which would have limited
the quantity of byproduct material in a
generally-licensed device to below onetenth of IAEA’s Category 3 threshold
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
The Commission that there is not a clear
safety risk reduction or security
enhancement that would justify the
proposed rule and that the current
safety and security requirements for
these generally-licensed devices are
adequate (ADAMS Accession No.
ML103370094). Consequently, the NRC
is withdrawing the proposed rule.
Agreement State Compatibility
On December 2, 2010, the
Commission approved revising the
compatibility designation of all 10 CFR
31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6 from B to C
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
The Commission recognized the desire
on the part of the States to exercise
greater control over the actions of their
licensees and to enhance regulation for
higher activity generally-licensed
devices (ADAMS Accession No.
ML103370094). The current
compatibility designation for these
sections is category B. This designation
was primarily based on transboundary
implications. Despite this designation,
many Agreement States have
implemented more strict regulation of
generally-licensed devices. These
regulations include registration with
annual reporting requirements and
periodic inspection, expanded
registration of more types of generallylicensed devices, specific licensing of
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 / Proposed Rules
certain generally-licensed devices, and
specific licensing of all generallylicensed devices currently registered by
the NRC.
The NRC believes that the change to
compatibility category C will allow
Agreement States the flexibility to
enhance accountability; retain use of
tools to track the location and
movement of devices, manufacturers
and service providers within the State
limit; address issues specific to their
jurisdictions; continue programs that
have proven beneficial; and to adopt
requirements based on their specific
circumstances and needs. As directed
by the Commission, the NRC staff will
assess the degree to which the
Agreement States modify their programs
as a result of the change in compatibility
category and analyze any transboundary
impacts to regulated entities,
particularly those operating on a
multistate basis. If transbounday
problems are identified, the staff will
suggest any corrective actions that might
be necessary (ADAMS Accession No.
ML103360262). The Commission also
plans to consider proposed updates to
the Policy Statement on Adequacy and
Compatibility of Agreement State
Programs and associated guidance
documents to include both safety and
source security considerations in the
determination process.
Closure of the Petition for Rulemaking
In its SRM, the Commission
addressed all of the issues raised in the
PRM: The Commission disapproved
publication of the final rule and
approved the change in compatibility
for 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6. The
NRC is closing this PRM because all of
the petitioners’ requests have been
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
15 CFR Part 922
[Docket No. 100908440–1615–01]
RIN 0648–BA24
Proposed Expansion of Fagatele Bay
National Marine Sanctuary, Regulatory
Changes, and Sanctuary Name Change
Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean
Service (NOS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Re-opening of public comment
On October 21, 2011, NOAA
published a proposed rule in the
Federal Register to revise the
regulations for the Fagatele Bay National
Marine Sanctuary (76 FR 65566). This
notice re-opens the public comment
period stated in that proposed rule until
March 9, 2012.
DATES: NOAA will accept public
comments on the proposed rule
published at 76 FR 65566 (October 21,
2011) through March 9, 2012.
ADDRESSES: The instructions for
submitting comments are detailed in the
proposed rule published on October 21,
2011 (76 FR 65566).
Gene Brighouse at (684) 633–7792.
Dated: January 17, 2012.
Daniel J. Basta,
Director, Office of National Marine
[FR Doc. 2012–1499 Filed 1–24–12; 8:45 am]
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd
day of December 2011.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
R.W. Borchardt,
Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2012–1523 Filed 1–24–12; 8:45 am]
Products Containing Imidazolines
Equivalent to 0.08 Milligrams or More
16 CFR Part 1700
[CPSC Docket No. CPSC–2012–0005]
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘CPSC,’’ ‘‘Commission,’’
or ‘‘we’’) is proposing a rule to require
child-resistant (‘‘CR’’) packaging for any
over-the-counter or prescription product
containing the equivalent of 0.08
milligrams or more of an imidazoline, a
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Sfmt 4702
class of drugs that includes
tetrahydrozoline, naphazoline,
oxymetazoline, and xylometazoline, in a
single package. Imidazolines are a
family of drugs that are vasoconstrictors
indicated for nasal congestion and/or
ophthalmic irritation. Products
containing imidazolines can cause
serious adverse reactions, such as
central nervous system (‘‘CNS’’)
depression, decreased heart rate, and
depressed ventilation in children
treated with these drugs or who
accidentally ingest them. Based on the
scientific data, the Commission
preliminarily finds that availability of
0.08 milligrams or more of an
imidazoline in a single package, by
reason of its packaging, is such that
special packaging is required to protect
children under 5 years old from serious
personal injury or illness due to
handling, using, or ingesting such a
substance. We are taking this action
under the Poison Prevention Packaging
Act of 1970 (‘‘PPPA’’).1
DATES: Written comments must be
received by April 9, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2012–
0005, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions
Submit electronic comments in the
following way:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
To ensure timely processing of
comments, the Commission is no longer
accepting comments submitted by
electronic mail (email) except through
Written Submissions
Submit written submissions in the
following way:
Mail/Hand delivery/Courier (for
paper, disk, or CD–ROM submissions),
preferably in five copies, to: Office of the
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Room 802, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone (301) 504–7923.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice of
proposed rulemaking. All comments
received may be posted without change,
including any personal identifiers,
contact information, or other personal
information provided, to https://
www.regulations.gov. Do not submit
confidential business information, trade
1 The Commission voted 4–0 to publish this
notice in the Federal Register. Commissioner
Robert S. Adler issued a statement, which can be
found at https://www.cpsc.gov/pr/statements.html.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 16 (Wednesday, January 25, 2012)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3640-3646]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-1523]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 16 / Wednesday, January 25, 2012 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 3640]]
10 CFR Part 31
[Docket No. PRM-31-5; NRC-2005-0018; NRC-2008-0272]
Withdrawal of Proposed Rule and Closure of Petition for
Rulemaking: Organization of Agreement States and Florida Department of
Health, Bureau of Radiation Control
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rule and closure of petition for
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is closing a petition for rulemaking (PRM-31-5) submitted by the
Organization of Agreement States, Inc. (OAS). The petition requested
that the NRC amend its regulations to strengthen the regulation of
radioactive materials by requiring a specific license for higher-
activity devices that are currently available under a general license,
and change the compatibility designation of applicable regulations from
category B to category C. The petition also addresses a request filed
by the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, to
change the compatibility category of a certain part of the applicable
regulation from category B to category C. In response to the petition,
the NRC developed a proposed rule that would have changed the
compatibility of the applicable regulations, and would have limited the
quantity of byproduct material contained in a generally-licensed device
to below one-tenth of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Category 3 thresholds. After further review, the NRC has decided to
withdraw the proposed rule and to change the compatibility designation
of the applicable regulations from category B to category C.
DATES: The proposed rule to limit the quantity of byproduct material
contained in a generally licensed device (74 FR 38372; August 3, 2009)
is withdrawn on January 25, 2012. The docket for PRM-31-5 is closed on
January 25, 2012.
ADDRESSES: You can access publicly available documents related to
proposed rule or the petition using the following methods:
NRC's Public Document Room (PDR): The public may examine
and have copied, for a fee, publicly available documents at the NRC's
PDR, Room O-1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System
(ADAMS): Publicly available documents created or received at the NRC
are available online at the NRC's Library at https://www.nrc.gov/NRC/reading-rm/adams.html. From this page, the public can gain entry into
ADAMS, which provides text and image files of the NRC's public
documents. If you do not have access to ADAMS or if there are problems
in accessing the documents located in ADAMS, contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff at 1-(800) 397-4209, (301) 415-4737, or by email to
Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Public comments and
supporting materials related to this document can be found at https://www.regulations.gov by searching on Docket ID NRC-2005-0018 or NRC-
2008-0272. Address questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher,
telephone: (301) 492-3668; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Solomon Sahle, Office of Federal and
State Materials and Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, telephone (301) 415-
3781, email: Solomon.Sahle@nrc.gov.
The Petition
In its PRM, the OAS requested that the NRC amend its regulations to
require specific licensing for devices exceeding the registration
quantity limits in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR)
31.5(c)(13)(i). Additionally, OAS requested that the NRC revise the
compatibility category of 10 CFR 31.6 from category B to category C,
which OAS believes would allow States to better track service providers
and distributors of generally-licensed devices. In addition, the
Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, submitted a
separate request to change the compatibility category of 10 CFR
31.5(c)(13)(i) from category B to category C, which would allow the
State to continue to require registration of other generally-licensed
devices in addition to those currently registered by the NRC. Florida's
request (ADAMS Accession No. ML052700236) was included with the OAS
petition under PRM-31-5 (ADAMS Accession No. ML051940187).
Public Comments on the Petition
The NRC published a Federal Register notice requesting public
comment on PRM-31-5 on December 20, 2005 (70 FR 75423). The comment
period closed on March 6, 2006, and the NRC received four comment
letters from States and industry. The commenters had differing views on
using the registration levels to require general licensees to become
specific licensees, and on changing the compatibility categories.
Comments on requiring some general licensees to become specific
Comment: One commenter supported adding a requirement to
specifically license higher-activity-level devices that are currently
available under a general license. The commenter argued that the
requirement would enhance security and accountability of these devices,
and would prevent aggregation of radioactive sources in the devices to
quantities of concern. The commenter noted that the regulatory change
to require higher-activity-level, generally-licensed devices to have a
specific license was long overdue from a safety and security
perspective, and that the rule would not impose a significant burden to
Comment: Three commenters did not support requiring higher-
activity-level, generally-licensed devices to obtain a specific
license. The commenters include an Agreement State and two generally-
licensed device manufacturers and distributors. These commenters
believed that the general-license regulatory approach should remain as
is. The Agreement State commenter stated that, in its jurisdiction,
generally-licensed devices are registered and tracked to a very high
standard. Another commenter stated that the proposed change would break
with the established procedures for device
[[Page 3641]]
review conducted during the device-approval process.
This commenter also stated that the current criteria in 10 CFR
32.51 is used to determine if a particular device warrants being
specifically or generally licensed. These criteria take into account
additional factors other than the activity of the source and include
requirements for prototype testing, potential dose considerations, etc.
This commenter stated that the NRC and the Agreement States have been
using these criteria for many years and that these proposed changes
would be inconsistent with established policy. Another commenter, who
represents several manufacturers, distributors, and providers of
services for radiological devices, stated that there is no demonstrated
safety or security justification for the changes requested in the PRM.
This commenter also stated that the changes would not increase the
security or the safety of generally-licensed devices, and he is not
aware of any safety or security concerns that could not be equally, and
in some cases better, addressed by the current registration program.
Under the current registration process, general licensees must submit
signed annual reports to the NRC or the Agreement State detailing what
devices they possess and any changes from their previous reports. Thus,
each licensee has a designated employee review their inventory and
compliance on an annual basis. This process also allows the NRC or the
Agreement State to annually review the general licensees. If there are
unresolved discrepancies between annual reports, then the NRC or the
Agreement State can require immediate clarification by the licensee.
The commenter also stated that under most fixed-gauge specific
licenses, there is a 5-year inspection cycle with no interaction
between the NRC or the Agreement State and the licensee during that
period. Thus, there would be a net decrease in oversight if this
proposal is adopted.
These commenters stated that the registration program has been very
successful in maintaining awareness of generally-licensed devices and
they would not be opposed to seeing the registration and the annual
reporting requirements extended to all general licensees, not limited
to only certain isotopes and activities.
NRC Response:
In response to the PRM, the NRC developed a proposed rule that
would have implemented many of the suggestions in the PRM (74 FR 38372;
August 3, 2009). The NRC received public comments on the proposed rule,
and considered those comments as part of the development of a draft
final rule.
The Commission reviewed the draft final rule, and in the Staff
Requirements Memorandum (SRM) for the draft final rule, dated December
2, 2010, the Commission disapproved publication of the final rule
(ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262). In their voting records, several
Commissioners, like some of the commenters, noted that they did not see
a clear safety risk reduction or security enhancement that would
justify the proposed threshold for requiring a specific license, or
sufficient information on the aggregation of generally-licensed devices
for malevolent purposes (ADAMS Accession No. ML103370094).
Comments on the compatibility change.
Comment: Two commenters supported changing the compatibility of 10
CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and 10 CFR 31.6 from category B to category C.
According to these commenters, multiple Agreement States have long
required more stringent regulation of generally-licensed devices than
the NRC. As early as 1963, States began to establish additional
regulatory requirements, ranging from specific licensing to
registration of all generally-licensed devices, to address problems in
their States. For the NRC and the Agreement States that did not have a
generally-licensed device registration program, the general-license
rule was a step forward. However, for those Agreement States that
already had a registration program or required a specific license for
generally-licensed devices, the general-license rule was a major step
backward. The commenters believe that the Commission's decision to
broadly apply compatibility B to 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6 threatens
to cancel long-standing State regulatory programs and activities that
have helped to improve device accountability and reduce the number of
lost sources. The commenters believe that the changes requested in the
petition are necessary to enhance the security and accountability of
generally-licensed devices. Further, the commenters believe that the
change in compatibility category will provide those Agreement States
with more stringent regulatory programs the flexibility to continue to
impose more stringent requirements than the NRC.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters that the category C designation
will allow Agreement States the flexibility to enhance accountability,
address issues specific to their jurisdictions, continue programs that
have proven beneficial, and adopt requirements based on their specific
circumstances and needs.
Comment: Two commenters disagreed with the proposal to revise the
compatibility of 10 CFR 31.6 from B to C.
One commenter stated that many States have adopted equivalent
provisions to 10 CFR 31.6 in their regulations; however, as a matter of
policy, these States still require reciprocity for the servicing of
generally-licensed devices even if there are no specifically-licensed
materials or activities involved. The purpose of this policy is to
track generally-licensed device vendors in the same manner as specific
licensees working under reciprocity. The commenter believes that this
policy is inconsistent with the intent of the regulations, which are
supposed to make it easier for vendors to service generally-licensed
The second commenter stated that the change in compatibility would
be overly burdensome and financially detrimental to both manufacturers
and licensees that possess generally-licensed devices. According to
this commenter, under the current designation of compatibility category
B, device manufacturers and service providers are basically working
under one set of nationwide regulations. The commenter believes that
this situation is far superior to the confusing alternative that would
be caused by changing the compatibility of 10 CFR 31.6 to category C.
Working under one set of regulations is significantly easier to comply
with than working under as many as thirty sets of constantly changing
regulations. The commenter believes that this possibility indicates
that there are transboundary implications associated with this change.
Further, the commenter stated that current 10 CFR 31.6 grants a general
license, and changing the compatibility designations from category B to
C would allow Agreement States to charge fees for reciprocal
recognition of licenses from other Agreement States and the NRC. The
commenter believes that general licensees would then pass the cost of
these fees on to customers. According to the commenter, the overall
purpose of the Atomic Energy Act and the NRC's regulations is to
safeguard the public. Changing 10 CFR 31.6 from compatibility category
B to C will not enhance either the radiological safety or security of
byproduct material. The current compliance level with 10 CFR 31.6 for
manufacturers and service providers is very high because the
regulations are concise and easy to understand. This commenter believes
that a change in the compatibility could result in a significantly more
[[Page 3642]]
situation and a decrease in the overall compliance with the
NRC Response:
The NRC disagrees with the commenters. Changing the compatibility
designation of these regulations will not result in increased cost and
burden to licensees operating in multiple jurisdictions. The NRC is
confident that the Agreement States will exercise this new flexibility
in a responsible manner that will continue to allow device
manufacturers and service providers to work in multiple jurisdictions
without undue burden or cost.
The commenter is correct that the purpose of the Atomic Energy Act
is to ensure the protection of public health and safety. The Atomic
Energy Act also establishes the Agreement State program, which allows
States to assume regulatory authority over the licensing of certain
radioactive materials that are used within their borders. As part of
the implementation of this program, the NRC established ``compatibility
categories'' for its regulations, which determine the degree of
flexibility that States have in adopting their regulations. The
compatibility category determination for each regulation involves
careful review by the NRC to ensure that the national regulatory
program is consistent. Where the NRC believes that there are
transboundary implications associated with a regulation, the regulation
is assigned to compatibility category B, which requires Agreement
States to adopt essentially identical requirements. Where the NRC
believes that there are not transboundary implications, but that the
essential objectives of the regulation need to be adopted, the
regulation is assigned to compatibility category C. When adopting
compatibility-category-C regulations, the Agreement States can adopt
regulations that are more stringent than the NRC's regulations. After
extensive review, the NRC has determined that the compatibility changes
requested in the PRM do not appear to raise significant transboundary
issues. Based upon this determination, the NRC has decided to assign
these regulations to compatibility category C.
In its SRM adopting these compatibility changes, the Commission
acknowledged that these compatibility changes could result in
transboundary problems, if there are unforeseen implementation
problems. As directed by the Commission, the staff plans to: (1) Report
back within 18 months on which Agreement States, if any, acted to
modify their programs as a result of the change in compatibility
category, (2) discuss how the programs were modified, (3) analyze the
impacts to regulated entities, particularly those operating in more
than one State; and (4) suggest corrective actions, if necessary (ADAMS
Accession No. ML103360262).
The Proposed Rule
After considering the OAS petition and Florida Department of Health
request, the NRC decided to grant the petition (i.e., the NRC agreed to
start a rulemaking that would consider the issues raised in the
petition; granting a petition does not mean that the NRC will adopt any
or all of the requests in a petition) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML072640423). On August 3, 2009, the NRC published a proposed rule,
``Limiting the Quantity of Byproduct Material in a Generally Licensed
Device'' (74 FR 38372). This proposed rule would have improved the
safety and security of devices currently authorized under a general
license by requiring a subset of these devices to be specifically
licensed. The rulemaking would have amended the NRC's regulations to
limit the quantity of certain byproduct material allowed in a
generally-licensed device to below one-tenth of the IAEA's Category 3
thresholds; licensees with devices containing byproduct material at or
above this limit would be required to obtain a specific license. The
NRC also proposed to change the compatibility category of 10 CFR
31.5(a), 10 CFR 31.5 (c)(13)(i), and 10 CFR 31.6 from category B to C.
Public Comments on the Proposed Rule
The comment period for the proposed rule ended on October 19, 2009,
and 55 comment letters were received. The commenters on the proposed
rule included Federal agencies, States, licensees, industry
organizations, environmental advocacy groups, and individuals.
The comments addressed the following areas: (1) The general
provisions of the proposed rule; (2) alternatives to the proposed rule;
(3) alternative threshold values; (4) proposed changes in compatibility
categories from B to C, and discussion of any transboundary issues
related to this approach; and (5) the additional revision to 10 CFR
31.5, which would have prohibited specific licensees from possessing a
device under a general license. A discussion of each major comment area
is summarized as follows:
Comments on the general provisions of the proposed rule.
Comments: Twenty commenters supported the provisions of the
proposed rule that would have established a threshold value of one-
tenth of Category 3 for material in generally-licensed devices. These
20 commenters included the OAS and 9 individual Agreement States. About
the same number of commenters did not support any threshold value for
generally-licensed devices; some of these commenters believe that the
general license regulatory approach should remain as is, while others
offered suggestions for modifying the general license program to
achieve the objectives of the proposed rule.
The commenters who supported the proposed rule argued that the
proposed rule would increase the safety and security of the sources, by
protecting against aggregation of sources to quantities of concern.
These commenters noted that the regulatory change to limit the
quantity of byproduct material in a generally-licensed device was long
overdue from a safety and security perspective, and that the rule would
not impose a significant burden to implement. Finally, the commenters
stated that the one-tenth of Category 3 threshold was a reasonable
compromise between the need for increased safety and security and the
burden imposed by these requirements on affected licensees.
Some of the commenters who opposed the proposed rule questioned
whether the NRC had a technical basis to support limiting the material
in a generally-licensed device for safety and security reasons. In
particular, they argued that there was no credible risk of aggregating
generally-licensed devices that are used by industry for manufacturing
process control applications. Also, they stated that it was unrealistic
to believe that these devices and their sources would be removed from
their assemblies. They noted, for example, that these sources are
important and vital to the operation of a manufacturing facility. They
also argued that the sources are: (1) Firmly mounted in process
equipment; (2) surrounded by mechanical components moving at a high
rate of speed with restricted access; and (3) within a security
perimeter, which includes safeguards against entry by unauthorized
These commenters also believe that implementation of the proposed
rule would cause a significant cost increase because of the additional
requirements associated with a specific license, including training,
administration, annual fees, and hiring of a radiation safety officer.
Another comment from an industry trade group noted that small companies
with few customers spread across a large number of States would
[[Page 3643]]
find it prohibitively expensive to conduct business in States that
require specific licenses.
Many of the commenters stated that it was unnecessary to require
generally-licensed devices to be specifically licensed if they were at
or above the threshold level in the proposed rule. These commenters
suggested alternatives to enhance the current general license program:
(1) A combination of features such as: (a) Maintaining the existing
general license framework, while requiring additional hardening and
design features in the devices to make it difficult to remove the
sources from the devices; (b) imposing new security requirements in the
regulations and in the device registries that would apply to users of
the devices; (c) requiring regulators to periodically inspect the
generally-licensed devices that meet or exceed the one-tenth of
Category 3 threshold values; and (d) requiring device leak tests and
shutter checks at 3- or 6-month intervals to improve source
(2) Strengthening the current general license regulations by: (a)
Adding an annual physical inventory requirement for all licensees who
possess a generally-licensed device under 10 CFR 31.5; (b) adding a
requirement for generation and retention of written records of the
physical inventories for review during regulator inspections; and (c)
adding a requirement for general licensees to report their physical
inventory results to the regulator;
(3) Amending 10 CFR 31.5(a) to exclude all portable devices, to
require a specific license for portable devices regardless of their
activity level; and
(4) Offering manufacturers and distributors a Master Materials
License or a single licensing mechanism that would be valid for work in
different regulatory jurisdictions.
Some commenters who supported the proposed rule suggested
alternative threshold values for material in a generally-licensed
device. These alternatives included: (1) Setting a threshold at IAEA
Category 3; (2) considering the aggregate level of byproduct material
at a site; (3) applying the threshold to the current activity level of
the source instead of the licensed activity; and (4) setting a
threshold below one-tenth of Category 3, such as the registration
levels in 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i).
NRC Response:
The NRC has decided not to adopt a final rule and is withdrawing
the proposed rule. The Commission disapproved the staff's proposal to
limit the quantity of byproduct material contained in generally-
licensed devices under 10 CFR Part 31 to one-tenth of the IAEA Category
3 threshold. The Commission determined that there is not a clear safety
risk reduction or security enhancement that would justify the proposed
threshold for requiring a specific license and there is insufficient
information to determine that the aggregation of generally-licensed
devices for malevolent purposes is a likely scenario.
Comments on changing the compatibility of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and
10 CFR 31.6 from category B to category C.
The NRC received 20 comments on the proposal to change the
compatibility of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and 31.6 from category B to
category C. The OAS and 13 Agreement States supported the proposal; 5
commenters (2 Agreement States and 3 companies that manufacture,
distribute, and service generally-licensed devices) opposed the
proposal; and 1 Agreement State supported the compatibility change to
10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i) and opposed the compatibility change to 10 CFR
31.6. Commenters who supported the changes noted that the changes in
the compatibility categories would allow States to continue to impose
more rigorous requirements on their licensees. Many of these States
commented that they would not support the proposed rule without an
accompanying change in compatibility. The commenters who opposed the
proposed compatibility changes noted that current regulations are very
clear and that compatibility B ensures a single national standard for
generally-licensed devices. These commenters noted that the change in
compatibility could result in different sets of rules and guidelines in
every State, and would allow Agreement States to arbitrarily set limits
on the activity levels of generally-licensed devices that are not based
on the risk to public health and safety. Some commenters stated that a
change in compatibility would have a significant adverse impact on
companies that service generally-licensed devices.
More detailed comment summaries, along with the NRC's responses,
are included below.
Comment: The NRC should be adopting more stringent compatibility
for its generally-licensed device regulations, which would allow
installers and service providers to do their jobs without additional
restrictions imposed by the States.
NRC Response:
The NRC appreciates the commenter's concern, but does not believe
that compatibility B is necessary in this case. Under the Agreement
State program, the NRC has relinquished its regulatory authority over
certain radioactive materials in each Agreement State. As part of its
oversight of the program, the NRC has established compatibility
categories that allow it to ensure that there is a consistent national
program in place, while also providing Agreement States with the
flexibility to adopt different requirements when possible. In this
case, the NRC has concluded that the additional requirements that would
be imposed by Agreement State regulators are not a threat to a
consistent national program. However, the NRC does recognize that there
is the possibility for the Agreement States to adopt regulations in
this area that would negatively affect a national program. The NRC is
therefore planning to look at any modifications that the Agreement
States make in response to this compatibility change, analyze the
impacts to the regulated entities and suggest corrective actions, if
necessary (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: One commenter argued that the change in compatibility
would result in no increase in security, safety, or accountability.
NRC Response:
The change in compatibility does not have to result in an increase
to security, safety, or accountability. The purpose of the
compatibility is to ensure that there is a consistent national
regulatory program across the Agreement States and NRC states. In some
cases, it's not necessary for the NRC and the Agreement States to have
identical regulations. In this case, the NRC has determined that these
regulations do not involve the transboundary issues that would trigger
concern about a consistent national program. The NRC has therefore
determined that compatibility category C is acceptable. This
compatibility designation will allow Agreement States to adopt more
stringent regulations.
Comment: A number of commenters argued that less restrictive
compatibility will result in severe transboundary effects, which could
drive some companies out of business. Less restrictive compatibility
will make it more difficult for small companies that work in multiple
States to stay in business. Also, the administrative burden of
complying with different rules in each state and having to apply for
reciprocal recognition before entering a State could become ``an
administrative nightmare.''
An Agreement State and an industry commenter expressed opposition
to the change in compatibility. One State
[[Page 3644]]
expressed concerns similar to some industry commenters that the
compatibility change to 10 CFR 31.5(a) could result in 36 different
sets of requirements, which would ``make compliance extremely difficult
for any company that does not confine its activities to NRC
jurisdiction or a particular Agreement State.'' Further, this commenter
is concerned that the change in compatibility to 10 CFR 31.6 could
result in improper disposal of generally-licensed devices because
Agreement States might start to impose reciprocity or licensing fees
for out-of-State general licensees that want to do business in the
Agreement State.
In 2000, as part of the general-license-rule amendments, the NRC
evaluated the compatibility of these regulations and concluded that
this rule should not be open to the type of broad interpretation that
would be allowed by a compatibility C designation (65 FR 79184-79185;
December 18, 2000). The justification for this conclusion was the
transboundary implications of allowing States to impose more strict
criteria on generally-licensed devices under their jurisdiction.
NRC Response:
The 2000 general-license-rule amendments, which then designated the
requirements in 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6 as compatibility category
B, were based on the concern that essentially identical regulations
were needed to ensure reciprocal recognition of licenses and licensing
requirements among Agreement States and the NRC. The commenter
indicated that individual State variations in the regulations do not
add any increase in safety or security at any level and only make more
complicated and costly the compliance process for the general
licensees, distributors, and service providers. After evaluating the
post-2000 general-license-rule amendments, the NRC has reassessed its
position. Since 2000, Agreement States have taken a variety of actions
that are not consistent with the rule, despite its designation as
compatibility category B. As a result, different practices already
exist in different Agreement States; however, the NRC has not observed
any transboundary problems from these different practices that would
indicate compatibility category B is necessary. Further, complexity and
cost are not aspects of determining significant transboundary health
and safety impacts under the Commission's 1997 Policy Statement for
Adequacy and Compatibility (62 FR 46517). The NRC disagrees with the
commenter and believes it is appropriate to change the compatibility
category to C for 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6. This action acknowledges
the current practice of many Agreement States to continue the practices
they have already implemented and take additional steps they deem
appropriate based on local circumstances.
The NRC does, however, recognize that if many more States change
their regulations, there could potentially be transboundary impacts. As
directed by the Commission, the NRC plans to determine the degree to
which the Agreement States modify their programs as a result of the
change in compatibility category and to analyze any transboundary
impacts to regulated entities, particularly those operating on a
multistate basis. The NRC may take corrective actions, if any are
needed (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: Another commenter is concerned that changing the existing
regulations to compatibility C could ``be a step backward'' and could
result in arbitrary limits on generally-licensed devices that are not
based on public health and safety.
NRC Response:
The NRC has a program in place, Integrated Materials Performance
Evaluation Program (IMPEP), which allows the NRC to evaluate the status
of an Agreement State's program. If the NRC determines that a program
is deficient, they will work with the Agreement State to correct the
Comment: One commenter is concerned that the change in
compatibility could limit the ability of service providers to provide
timely repairs, which could affect production at plants that rely on
generally-licensed devices (delays range from three to five days,
depending on the State).
NRC Response:
The NRC shares the commenter's concerns and will be evaluating any
regulatory changes that the Agreement States make in response to this
change in compatibility. The NRC will gather data and may take action,
if necessary (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: One commenter asked that, if the change in compatibility
is adopted, the NRC offer manufacturers and distributors the option to
obtain a Master Materials License that would be valid for work in any
NRC State or Agreement State.
NRC Response:
The NRC cannot issue a Master Materials License to non-federal
licensees; the NRC only issues these licenses to Federal organizations.
Comment: One commenter argued that some Agreement States want the
revised compatibility designation because they believe that they will
be able to generate more fees through reciprocal recognition and
inspection, without any clear benefit to health and safety.
NRC Response:
The NRC disagrees with the comment. The commenter did not provide
any support for its statement and the NRC is not aware of any
statements by Agreement State employees or representatives that would
support this claim.
Comment: A number of Agreement States supported some or all of the
compatibility changes. One State supported only the change to 10 CFR
31.5(c)(13)(i), but noted that due to recent issues with tritium exit
signs, the NRC might want to revise the list of isotopes that require
Other States noted that their regulations were more rigorous than
the NRC's general-license requirements, and that this difference has
not resulted in any transboundary issues. Further, these commenters
believe that the revised compatibility would allow for better tracking
of generally-licensed devices, and that the more strict requirements
result in increased health and safety. Finally, these states argue that
the change in compatibility will allow States with more rigorous
requirements to leave those requirements in place.
Other Agreement States simply noted their agreement with the NRC's
proposed compatibility change. Another State noted that allowing states
to adopt more strict licensing requirements might allow the NRC to make
a better informed decision about using IAEA Category 4 as the threshold
for general licensees. The OAS even indicated it would not support the
proposed rule without the change in compatibility.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters. The change in compatibility
will allow the Agreement States to adopt regulations that are stricter
than the NRC's regulations, while the regulatory floor established by
the NRC will continue to ensure that there is reasonable assurance of
public health and safety.
Comment: Some commenter's suggested that the NRC amend 10 CFR 31.5
to require specific licenses for portable gauges and leave the
compatibility category as B, which they believed would address the
concerns of many States because a number of these States do not allow
portable gauges to be held under a general license.
NRC Response:
The Commission has decided not to adopt the proposed rule. Further,
the NRC appreciates the commenter's
[[Page 3645]]
concern about the compatibility change. The NRC staff will monitor the
compatibility changes to ensure that there aren't unforeseen
transboundary problems. If the NRC discovers that the compatibility
change has caused transboundary problems, such as reciprocity problems
for licensees that operate in multiple jurisdictions, the staff will
provide that information to the Commission as part of its 18-month
report (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comment: With regard to transboundary issues, several Agreement
States indicated that there would be no significant transboundary
issues in changing the compatibility category from B to C. Some of
these commenters said that for many years, under the current general
license regulatory framework, there have been no transboundary issues
resulting from their State having more rigorous requirements than
neighboring States for generally-licensed devices. One Agreement State
indicated that it has never authorized out-of-State generally-licensed
devices under reciprocal recognition in accordance with its State
One commenter stated that transboundary issues would only occur if
some States choose to specifically license portable devices. The
commenter stated that there would be a significant effect on the
movement of these devices because licensees would need to pay fees and
could be subject to reciprocity inspections. Other commenters,
primarily manufacturers and service providers, believed that there
would be significant transboundary issues in changing compatibility
from category B to category C and supported the retention of category
NRC Response:
The NRC is unaware of any significant transboundary issues with the
current system. Although the change in compatibility may require a
change in licensing process for some companies (including any
reciprocity changes and fee payments), these actions are not considered
a significant transboundary issue since a similar nationwide system is
already used for specific licensees. However, the NRC plans to assess
the degree to which the Agreement States modify their programs as a
result of the change in compatibility category and analyze any
transboundary impacts to regulated entities, particularly those
operating on a multistate basis. The NRC may take corrective actions if
needed (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262).
Comments on the proposal to prohibit specific licensees from
possessing generally licensed devices.
Comment: The NRC did not receive any comments that supported the
proposal to prohibit specific licensees from possessing a generally-
licensed device. One commenter opposed this proposal because current
regulations already include incentives for licensees to transfer their
generally-licensed devices to a specific license. The transfer process
takes significant time and effort by both the licensee and the
regulator and can make the specific license cumbersome to maintain and
enforce due to the large number of low-activity sealed sources. Several
commenters believe that the proposal would be unfair to specific
licensees because it is likely that companies that possess generally-
licensed devices and do not have a specific license would continue
operations under the general license, while companies with both
generally-licensed devices and a specific license would be required to
move their generally-licensed devices to their specific license. This
change would arbitrarily impose more stringent regulations on specific
Comments from universities and research and development specific
licensees argued that the proposal would place a substantial burden on
them, requiring the revision of device authorizations by the
responsible Radiation Safety Committee for a very large number of
generally-licensed devices subject to 10 CFR 31.5. The commenters noted
that placing these generally-licensed devices under the authority of a
specific license would require the users of those devices to have a
minimum amount of documented training and experience, and could require
personnel radiation monitoring because some specific licensees require
dosimetry for all users. The commenters also argued that the users of
these generally-licensed devices are students and researchers who
continuously change; and these new requirements would require
additional training and documentation that is not necessary under the
current general-license program. The commenters believe that there
would be no reduction in the hazard to workers or students due to the
transfer of these devices to the broad-scope specific license. Several
Agreement States, research organizations, and large corporations
supported the existing regulations, which allow licensees the
flexibility to decide whether they want to add generally-licensed
devices to their specific licenses. A number of universities stated
that they would prefer to keep the numerous generally-licensed devices
used in health care and research environments under the requirements of
a general license.
NRC Response:
The NRC agrees with the commenters that the proposal to amend 10
CFR 31.5(b)(3) could cause confusion. The NRC intended to preserve the
flexibility that licensees currently have to decide whether to transfer
generally-licensed devices under the authority of a specific license
for a site, but to specify that if generally-licensed devices were
transferred to a specific license then the terms and conditions of the
specific license would apply to the generally-licensed devices. The NRC
agrees with the commenters and has decided not to adopt this proposed
change to amend 10 CFR 31.5(b)(3). This amendment would be too
burdensome on numerous licensees with little or no improvement in the
accountability of the sources in those generally-licensed devices.
Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule
On December 2, 2010, the Commission disapproved publication of the
final rule, which would have limited the quantity of byproduct material
in a generally-licensed device to below one-tenth of IAEA's Category 3
threshold (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262). The Commission that there
is not a clear safety risk reduction or security enhancement that would
justify the proposed rule and that the current safety and security
requirements for these generally-licensed devices are adequate (ADAMS
Accession No. ML103370094). Consequently, the NRC is withdrawing the
proposed rule.
Agreement State Compatibility
On December 2, 2010, the Commission approved revising the
compatibility designation of all 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6 from B to
C (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262). The Commission recognized the
desire on the part of the States to exercise greater control over the
actions of their licensees and to enhance regulation for higher
activity generally-licensed devices (ADAMS Accession No. ML103370094).
The current compatibility designation for these sections is category B.
This designation was primarily based on transboundary implications.
Despite this designation, many Agreement States have implemented more
strict regulation of generally-licensed devices. These regulations
include registration with annual reporting requirements and periodic
inspection, expanded registration of more types of generally-licensed
devices, specific licensing of
[[Page 3646]]
certain generally-licensed devices, and specific licensing of all
generally-licensed devices currently registered by the NRC.
The NRC believes that the change to compatibility category C will
allow Agreement States the flexibility to enhance accountability;
retain use of tools to track the location and movement of devices,
manufacturers and service providers within the State limit; address
issues specific to their jurisdictions; continue programs that have
proven beneficial; and to adopt requirements based on their specific
circumstances and needs. As directed by the Commission, the NRC staff
will assess the degree to which the Agreement States modify their
programs as a result of the change in compatibility category and
analyze any transboundary impacts to regulated entities, particularly
those operating on a multistate basis. If transbounday problems are
identified, the staff will suggest any corrective actions that might be
necessary (ADAMS Accession No. ML103360262). The Commission also plans
to consider proposed updates to the Policy Statement on Adequacy and
Compatibility of Agreement State Programs and associated guidance
documents to include both safety and source security considerations in
the determination process.
Closure of the Petition for Rulemaking
In its SRM, the Commission addressed all of the issues raised in
the PRM: The Commission disapproved publication of the final rule and
approved the change in compatibility for 10 CFR 31.5 and 10 CFR 31.6.
The NRC is closing this PRM because all of the petitioners' requests
have been resolved.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd day of December 2011.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
R.W. Borchardt,
Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2012-1523 Filed 1-24-12; 8:45 am]