Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate, 2606 [2012-740]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 18, 2012 / Notices
December 1, 2011, the Union Pacific
Railroad (UP) has petitioned the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) for a
waiver of compliance from certain
provisions of the Federal railroad safety
regulations contained at 49 CFR
229.129(c)(7), requiring cab-mounted
horns to be tested with microphones at
4 feet above the height of the rail. FRA
assigned the petition Docket Number
UP’s request follows a similar CSX
Transportation (CSX) waiver request
that was approved by FRA. In its waiver
request (Docket Number FRA–2007–
28612), CSX requested permission to
test cab-mounted horns at 15 feet due to
the effects of the acoustic shadows and
ground reflection on the measurements
when using a microphone at the 4-foot
height. CSX also provided
documentation of a study that clear1y
demonstrated the effects of acoustic
shadows and ground reflection on
testing cab-mounted locomotive horns
at the 4-foot height, compared to the 15foot height. In the December 21, 2007,
decision letter (FRA–2007–28612–
0004), FRA granted CSX permission to
test cab-mounted horns at the 15-foot
A copy of the petition, as well as any
written communications concerning the
petition, is available for review online at
https://www.regulations.gov and in
person at the U.S. Department of
Transportation’s (DOT) Docket
Operations Facility, 1200 New Jersey
Ave. SE., W12–140, Washington, DC
20590. The Docket Operations Facility
is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal
Interested parties are invited to
participate in these proceedings by
submitting written views, data, or
comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in
connection with these proceedings since
the facts do not appear to warrant a
hearing. If any interested party desires
an opportunity for oral comment, they
should notify FRA, in writing, before
the end of the comment period and
specify the basis for their request.
All communications concerning these
proceedings should identify the
appropriate docket number and may be
submitted by any of the following
• Web site: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Operations Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:07 Jan 17, 2012
Jkt 226001
• Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Communications received by March
5, 2012 will be considered by FRA
before final action is taken. Comments
received after that date will be
considered as far as practicable.
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of any written
communications and comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477–78), or
online at https://www.dot.gov/
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 10,
Ron Hynes,
Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for
Regulatory and Legislative Operations.
[FR Doc. 2012–751 Filed 1–17–12; 8:45 am]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
[Docket ID PHMSA–2012–0004]
Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
ACTION: Notice of Minimum Annual
Percentage Rate for Random Drug
PHMSA has determined that
the minimum random drug testing rate
for covered employees will remain at 25
percent during calendar year 2012.
DATES: Effective January 1, 2012,
through December 31, 2012.
Stanley Kastanas, Program Manager,
Substance Abuse Prevention Program,
PHMSA, U.S. Department of
Transportation, telephone (202) 550–
0629 or email stanley.kastanas@dot.gov.
of gas, hazardous liquid, and carbon
dioxide pipelines and operators of
liquefied natural gas facilities must
select and test a percentage of covered
employees for random drug testing.
Pursuant to 49 CFR 199.105(c)(2), (3),
PO 00000
Frm 00099
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
and (4), the PHMSA Administrator’s
decision on whether to change the
minimum annual random drug testing
rate is based on the reported random
drug test positive rate for the pipeline
industry. The data considered by the
Administrator comes from operators’
annual submissions of Management
Information System (MIS) reports
required by 49 CFR 199.119(a). If the
reported random drug test positive rate
is less than one percent, the
Administrator may continue the
minimum random drug testing rate at 25
percent. In 2010, the random drug test
positive rate was less than one percent.
Therefore, the minimum random drug
testing rate will remain at 25 percent for
calendar year 2012.
On January 19, 2010, PHMSA
published an Advisory Bulletin (75 FR
2926) implementing the annual
collection of contractor MIS drug and
alcohol testing data. All applicable
§ 199.119 (drug testing) and § 199.229
(alcohol testing) MIS reporting operators
are responsible for the submission of all
contractor MIS reports to PHMSA, as
well as their own, by March 15, 2012.
Contractors with employees in safetysensitive positions who performed, as
defined in § 199.3 of 49 CFR Part 199,
covered functions, must submit these
reports only through the auspices of
each operator for whom these covered
employees performed those covered
functions (i.e., maintenance, operations
or emergency response).
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104,
60108, 60117, and 60118; 49 CFR 1.53.
Issued in Washington, DC on January 6,
Jeffrey D. Wiese,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2012–740 Filed 1–17–12; 8:45 am]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Unblocking of Specially Designated
Nationals and Blocked Persons
Pursuant to Executive Order 12978
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of the
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (‘‘OFAC’’) is publishing the
names of 15 individuals and 29 entities
whose property and interests in
property have been unblocked pursuant
to Executive Order 12978 of October 21,
1995, ‘‘Blocking Assets and Prohibiting
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 11 (Wednesday, January 18, 2012)]
[Page 2606]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-740]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
[Docket ID PHMSA-2012-0004]
Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing Rate
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),
ACTION: Notice of Minimum Annual Percentage Rate for Random Drug
SUMMARY: PHMSA has determined that the minimum random drug testing rate
for covered employees will remain at 25 percent during calendar year
DATES: Effective January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stanley Kastanas, Program Manager,
Substance Abuse Prevention Program, PHMSA, U.S. Department of
Transportation, telephone (202) 550-0629 or email
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Operators of gas, hazardous liquid, and
carbon dioxide pipelines and operators of liquefied natural gas
facilities must select and test a percentage of covered employees for
random drug testing. Pursuant to 49 CFR 199.105(c)(2), (3), and (4),
the PHMSA Administrator's decision on whether to change the minimum
annual random drug testing rate is based on the reported random drug
test positive rate for the pipeline industry. The data considered by
the Administrator comes from operators' annual submissions of
Management Information System (MIS) reports required by 49 CFR
199.119(a). If the reported random drug test positive rate is less than
one percent, the Administrator may continue the minimum random drug
testing rate at 25 percent. In 2010, the random drug test positive rate
was less than one percent. Therefore, the minimum random drug testing
rate will remain at 25 percent for calendar year 2012.
On January 19, 2010, PHMSA published an Advisory Bulletin (75 FR
2926) implementing the annual collection of contractor MIS drug and
alcohol testing data. All applicable Sec. 199.119 (drug testing) and
Sec. 199.229 (alcohol testing) MIS reporting operators are responsible
for the submission of all contractor MIS reports to PHMSA, as well as
their own, by March 15, 2012.
Contractors with employees in safety-sensitive positions who
performed, as defined in Sec. 199.3 of 49 CFR Part 199, covered
functions, must submit these reports only through the auspices of each
operator for whom these covered employees performed those covered
functions (i.e., maintenance, operations or emergency response).
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60117, and
60118; 49 CFR 1.53.
Issued in Washington, DC on January 6, 2012.
Jeffrey D. Wiese,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2012-740 Filed 1-17-12; 8:45 am]