Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Permit Applications, 2311-2314 [2012-743]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2012 / Notices
Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20410;
email Colette Pollard at Colette.
Pollard@hud.gov. or telephone (202)
402–3400. This is not a toll-free number.
Copies of available documents
submitted to OMB may be obtained
from Ms. Pollard.
notice informs the public that the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development has submitted to OMB a
request for approval of the Information
collection described below. This notice
is soliciting comments from members of
the public and affecting agencies
concerning the proposed collection of
information to: (1) Evaluate whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) Evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (3) Enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) Minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond; including
through the use of appropriate
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
This notice also lists the following
Title of Proposal: Builder’s
Certification/Guarantee and New
Construction Subterranean Termite Soil
Treatment Record.
OMB Approval Number: 2502–0525.
Form Numbers: HUD–NPCA–99–A,
Description of the Need for the
Information and Its Proposed Use: The
collection of the requested information
requires that the sites for HUD-insured
structures must be free of termite
hazards. Builders certify and guarantee
that all required treatment for termites
are performed and there is no
infestation of treated areas for a year.
Also, pest control companies are
required to provide a record of any soil
treatment methods used to prevent
subterranean termite infestation. The
respondents for this collection are
builders, pest control companies,
mortgage lenders and homebuyers.
Frequency of Submission: On
Number of
Reporting Burden .....................................................................................
Total Estimated Burden Hours: 9,990.
Status: Extension without change of a
currently previously approved
Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 35, as
Dated: January 10, 2012.
Colette Pollard,
Departmental Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–708 Filed 1–13–12; 8:45 am]
public comment before issuing these
DATES: We must receive any written
comments on or before February 16,
ADDRESSES: Send written comments by
U.S. mail to the Regional Director, Attn:
Lisa Mandell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Ecological Services, 5600
American Blvd. West, Suite 990,
Bloomington, MN 55437–1458; or by
electronic mail to permitsR3ES@fws.gov.
Mandell, (612) 713–5343.
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.
We invite public comment on the
following permit applications for certain
activities with endangered species
authorized by section 10(a)(1)(A) of the
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and our
regulations governing the taking of
endangered species in the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17.
Submit your written data, comments, or
request for a copy of the complete
application to the address shown in
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on the following applications
to conduct certain activities with
endangered species. With some
exceptions, the Endangered Species Act
(Act) prohibits activities with
endangered and threatened species
unless a Federal permit allows such
activity. The Act requires that we invite
Permit Applications
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Katrina L. Schultes,
U.S.D.A., Forest Service, Nelsonville,
The applicant requests a renewed and
amended permit to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) in
the States of Ohio and Kentucky.
Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Permit Applications
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Hours per
Burden hours
Proposed activities are aimed at
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Bat Calls Identification,
Inc., Kansas City, MO.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats,
Ozark big-eared bats (Corynorhinus
townsendii ingens), Virginia big-eared
bats (Corynorhinus townsendii
virginianus), and gray bats (Myotis
grisescens) throughout the ranges of the
species. This includes proposed work in
the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. Proposed activities are
for the enhancement of survival of the
species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Maria Gabriella BidartBouzat, Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, OH.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal and amendment to take
(temporarily hold) Karner Blue Butterfly
(Lycaeides melissa samuelis) adults,
larvae, and eggs for scientific purposes.
Specimens (including eggs) will be
received in conjunction with permitted
reintroduction programs, and all larval
specimens surviving to adults will be
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2012 / Notices
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
released to the wild following
authorized activities. Research is
proposed for the recovery and
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Levi D. Miller, USDA–
Forest Service, Logan, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats
in the States of Ohio and Kentucky.
Proposed activities are aimed at
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Jason B. Whittle, Cuyahoga
Falls, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats
throughout the range of the species.
This includes proposed work in the
States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Michael D. Whitby, Ball
State University, Muncie, IN.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats
and gray bats throughout the States of
Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont,
Virginia, and West Virginia. Proposed
activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Mary B. Gilmore,
Cincinnati, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats
throughout the range of the species.
This includes proposed work in the
States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Davey Resource Group,
Kent, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and release) Indiana bats
within Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Timothy C. Carter, Ball
State University, Muncie, IN.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal and amendment to take
(capture and release) Indiana bats and
gray bats throughout the States of
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and
Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for
the enhancement of survival of the
species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Mark Hove, University of
Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
The applicant requests a permit to
take (capture and hold) mussel
specimens occurring in the Mississippi
and St. Croix River watersheds for
scientific research. Proposed research
activities are in the interest of recovery
of the species, and the applicant may
capture any of the following listed or
proposed species: Winged mapleleaf
(Quadrula fragosa), Higgins’ eye
pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsi),
Sheepnose (Plethobasus cyphyus),
Snuffbox (Epioblasma triquetra), and
Spectaclecase (Cumberlandia
monodonta). Proposed recovery
research will occur in the Mississippi
River basin, in the States of Minnesota
and Wisconsin.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Environmental Solutions
and Innovations, Inc., Cincinnati, OH.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats, gray bats, Virginia bigeared bats, Ozark big-eared bats,
Running buffalo clover (Trifolium
stoloniferum), Northeastern bulrush
(Scirpus ancistrocheatus), and the
following mussel species:
Alasmidonta atropurpurea ........................................................................................................................
Alasmidonta heterodon .............................................................................................................................
Cyprogenia stegaria ...................................................................................................................................
Cumberlandia monodonta ........................................................................................................................
Dromus dromas ..........................................................................................................................................
Epioblasma brevidens ................................................................................................................................
Epioblasma capsaeformis ..........................................................................................................................
Epioblasma florentina florentina ..............................................................................................................
Epioblasma florentina walkeri ..................................................................................................................
Epioblasma obliquata obliquata ...............................................................................................................
Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua .............................................................................................................
Epioblasma torulosa rangiana ..................................................................................................................
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa ...................................................................................................................
Epioblasma triquetra .................................................................................................................................
Hemistena lata ...........................................................................................................................................
Lampsilis abrupta ......................................................................................................................................
Leptodea leptodon .....................................................................................................................................
Obovaria retusa ..........................................................................................................................................
Pegias fibula ...............................................................................................................................................
Plethobasus cicatricosus ............................................................................................................................
Plethobasus cooperianus ...........................................................................................................................
Plethobasus cyphyus .................................................................................................................................
Pleurobema clava .......................................................................................................................................
Pleurobema collina ....................................................................................................................................
Pleurobema plenum ...................................................................................................................................
Potamilus capax ........................................................................................................................................
Quadrula cylindrical strigillata ................................................................................................................
Quadrula fragosa .......................................................................................................................................
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Cumberland elktoe
Dwarf wedgemussel
Dromedary pearlymussel
Cumberland combshell
Oyster mussel
Yellow blossom
Tan riffleshell
Purple catspaw
White catspaw
Northern riffleshell
Tubercled-blossom pearlymussel
Cracking pearlymussel
Pink mucket
Ring pink
Littlewing pearlymussel
White wartyback pearlymussel
Orangefoot pimpleback
James spiny mussel
Rough pigtoe
Fat pocketbook
Rough rabbitsfoot
Winged mapleleaf
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2012 / Notices
Villosa fabalis ............................................................................................................................................
Villosa trabilis ............................................................................................................................................
As part of the same application, the
applicant also requests a permit renewal
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Rayed bean
Cumberland bean
to take (capture and release) the
following fish species:
Cyprinella caerulea ....................................................................................................................................
Etheostoma sellare .....................................................................................................................................
Percina rex .................................................................................................................................................
Phoxinus cumberlandensis .......................................................................................................................
Proposed work would take place in
the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri,
Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont,
Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Proposed activities include presence/
absence surveys, habitat evaluation, and
other activity designed to enhance the
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Western Ecosystems
Technology, Inc.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats, gray bats, Ozark big-eared
bats, and Virginia big-eared bats within
Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and
Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for
the enhancement of survival of the
species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Illinois State Museum,
Research and Collection Center,
Springfield, IL.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release;
collect) Hine’s emerald dragonfly
(Somatochlora hineana) adults and
larvae for scientific study in the interest
of recovery of the species. Proposed
activities may occur throughout the
range of the species in Alabama,
Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware,
District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and
Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for
the recovery and enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: The Ohio Department of
Transportation, Columbus, OH.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats and American burying
beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) within
the State of Ohio. Proposed activities are
for the enhancement of survival of the
species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: ABR, Inc. Environmental
Research & Services
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats within the States of
Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Redwing Ecological
Services, Inc.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats, gray bats, Ozark big-eared
bats, and Virginia big-eared bats within
the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi,
Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont,
Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Bernardin, Lochmueller
and Associates, Inc., Evansville, IN.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats within the State of Indiana.
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Blue shiner
Maryland darter
Roanoke logperch
Blackside Dace
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Lewis Environmental
Consulting, LLC, Murray, KY.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release) the
following mussel species: Clubshell,
Northern riffleshell, Orange-footed
pimpleback pearlymussel, Pink mucket
pearlymussel, Rough pigtoe, Purple cat’s
paw pearlymussel, White cat’s paw
pearlymussel, Fanshell, Fat pocketbook,
Higgins’ eye pearlymussel, Winged
mapleleaf, Scaleshell, Ring pink, and
White wartyback. Proposed activities
may occur within the States of Alabama,
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi,
Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, West Virginia, and
Wisconsin, and are for the enhancement
of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Dr. Steve Taylor, Illinois
Natural History Survey, Center for
Biodiversity, Champaign, IL.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take Illinois Cave Amphipod
(Gammarus acherondytes) for scientific
research within the State of Illinois.
Proposed activities are to monitor and
evaluate the recovery of the population
and enhance the survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: John A. Vucetich,
Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release) the
Gray Wolf (Canus lupus) within the Isle
Royale National Park, State of Michigan.
Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Rod D. McClanahan, Anna,
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats, gray bats, Virginia big-
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 17, 2012 / Notices
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
eared bats, Ozark big-eared bats, and
Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys
sabrinus) throughout the States of
Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi,
Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont,
Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
The proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species
in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Civil & Environmental
Consultants, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats and gray bats throughout
the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia,
and West Virginia. The proposed
activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number:
Applicant: Dr. Michael A. Hoggarth,
Westerville, OH.
The applicant requests a permit
renewal to take (capture and release) the
following mussel species: Clubshell,
Cracking pearlymussel, Cumberland
bean, Cumberland combshell,
Cumberland elktoe, Dromedary
pearlymussel, Dwarf wedgemussel,
Fanshell, Fat Pocketbook, James
spinymussel, Littlewing pearlymussel,
Oyster mussel, Orange-footed
pimpleback pearlymussel, Pink mucket
pearlymussel, Purple catspaw
pearlymussel, Rabbitsfoot, Rayed bean,
Ring pink, Rough pigtoe, Scaleshell,
Sheepnose, Spectaclecase, Snuffbox
mussel, Tan riffleshell, White catspaw,
and White wartyback. Proposed
activities may occur within the States of
Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West
Virginia, and are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Public Comments
We seek public review and comments
on these permit applications. Please
refer to the permit number when you
submit comments. Comments and
materials we receive are available for
public inspection, by appointment,
during normal business hours at the
address shown in the ADDRESSES
section. Before including your address,
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phone number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
National Environmental Policy Act
In compliance with NEPA (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.), we have made an initial
determination that the proposed
activities in these permits are
categorically excluded from the
requirement to prepare an
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement (516
DM 6 Appendix 1, 1.4C(1)).
Dated: January 3, 2012.
Lynn Lewis,
Assistant Regional Director, Ecological
Services, Region 3.
[FR Doc. 2012–743 Filed 1–13–12; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species; Receipt of
Applications for Permit
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications
for permit.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on the following applications
to conduct certain activities with
endangered species. With some
exceptions, the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) prohibits activities with listed
species unless Federal authorization is
acquired that allows such activities.
DATES: We must receive comments or
requests for documents on or before
February 16, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Brenda Tapia, Division of
Management Authority, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax
Drive, Room 212, Arlington, VA 22203;
fax (703) 358–2280; or email DMAFR@
Brenda Tapia, (703) 358–2104
(telephone); (703) 358–2280 (fax);
DMAFR@fws.gov (email).
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I. Public Comment Procedures
A. How do I request copies of
applications or comment on submitted
Send your request for copies of
applications or comments and materials
concerning any of the applications to
the contact listed under ADDRESSES.
Please include the Federal Register
notice publication date, the PRTnumber, and the name of the applicant
in your request or submission. We will
not consider requests or comments sent
to an email or address not listed under
ADDRESSES. If you provide an email
address in your request for copies of
applications, we will attempt to respond
to your request electronically.
Please make your requests or
comments as specific as possible. Please
confine your comments to issues for
which we seek comments in this notice,
and explain the basis for your
comments. Include sufficient
information with your comments to
allow us to authenticate any scientific or
commercial data you include.
The comments and recommendations
that will be most useful and likely to
influence agency decisions are: (1)
Those supported by quantitative
information or studies; and (2) Those
that include citations to, and analyses
of, the applicable laws and regulations.
We will not consider or include in our
administrative record comments we
receive after the close of the comment
period (see DATES) or comments
delivered to an address other than those
listed above (see ADDRESSES).
B. May I review comments submitted by
Comments, including names and
street addresses of respondents, will be
available for public review at the
address listed under ADDRESSES. The
public may review documents and other
information applicants have sent in
support of the application unless our
allowing viewing would violate the
Privacy Act or Freedom of Information
Act. Before including your address,
phone number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
II. Background
To help us carry out our conservation
responsibilities for affected species, and
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 10 (Tuesday, January 17, 2012)]
[Pages 2311-2314]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-743]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R3-ES-2011-N278; FXES11130300000F3-123-FF03E00000]
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Permit
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities
with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species
Act (Act) prohibits activities with endangered and threatened species
unless a Federal permit allows such activity. The Act requires that we
invite public comment before issuing these permits.
DATES: We must receive any written comments on or before February 16,
ADDRESSES: Send written comments by U.S. mail to the Regional Director,
Attn: Lisa Mandell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological
Services, 5600 American Blvd. West, Suite 990, Bloomington, MN 55437-
1458; or by electronic mail to permitsR3ES@fws.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Mandell, (612) 713-5343.
We invite public comment on the following permit applications for
certain activities with endangered species authorized by section
10(a)(1)(A) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and our regulations
governing the taking of endangered species in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17. Submit your written data, comments, or
request for a copy of the complete application to the address shown in
Permit Applications
Permit Application Number: TE217351.
Applicant: Katrina L. Schultes, U.S.D.A., Forest Service,
Nelsonville, OH.
The applicant requests a renewed and amended permit to take
(capture and release) Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) in the States of
Ohio and Kentucky. Proposed activities are aimed at enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE60958A.
Applicant: Bat Calls Identification, Inc., Kansas City, MO.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats, Ozark big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens),
Virginia big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus), and gray
bats (Myotis grisescens) throughout the ranges of the species. This
includes proposed work in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West
Virginia, and Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE43555A.
Applicant: Maria Gabriella Bidart-Bouzat, Bowling Green State
University, Bowling Green, OH.
The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to take
(temporarily hold) Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis)
adults, larvae, and eggs for scientific purposes. Specimens (including
eggs) will be received in conjunction with permitted reintroduction
programs, and all larval specimens surviving to adults will be
[[Page 2312]]
released to the wild following authorized activities. Research is
proposed for the recovery and enhancement of survival of the species in
the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE60999A.
Applicant: Levi D. Miller, USDA-Forest Service, Logan, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. Proposed activities
are aimed at enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE62286A.
Applicant: Jason B. Whittle, Cuyahoga Falls, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats throughout the range of the species. This includes
proposed work in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West
Virginia. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of survival of
the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE62297A.
Applicant: Michael D. Whitby, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats and gray bats throughout the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky,
Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North
Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia,
and West Virginia. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE62311A.
Applicant: Mary B. Gilmore, Cincinnati, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats throughout the range of the species. This includes
proposed work in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West
Virginia. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of survival of
the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE235639.
Applicant: Davey Resource Group, Kent, OH.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and release)
Indiana bats within Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
and West Virginia. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE02560A.
Applicant: Timothy C. Carter, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to take
(capture and release) Indiana bats and gray bats throughout the States
of Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and
Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of survival of
the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE62334A.
Applicant: Mark Hove, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
The applicant requests a permit to take (capture and hold) mussel
specimens occurring in the Mississippi and St. Croix River watersheds
for scientific research. Proposed research activities are in the
interest of recovery of the species, and the applicant may capture any
of the following listed or proposed species: Winged mapleleaf (Quadrula
fragosa), Higgins' eye pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsi), Sheepnose
(Plethobasus cyphyus), Snuffbox (Epioblasma triquetra), and
Spectaclecase (Cumberlandia monodonta). Proposed recovery research will
occur in the Mississippi River basin, in the States of Minnesota and
Permit Application Number: TE02373A.
Applicant: Environmental Solutions and Innovations, Inc.,
Cincinnati, OH.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats, gray bats, Virginia big-eared bats, Ozark big-
eared bats, Running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum),
Northeastern bulrush (Scirpus ancistrocheatus), and the following
mussel species:
Alasmidonta atropurpurea..................... Cumberland elktoe
Alasmidonta heterodon........................ Dwarf wedgemussel
Cyprogenia stegaria.......................... Fanshell
Cumberlandia monodonta....................... Spectaclecase
Dromus dromas................................ Dromedary pearlymussel
Epioblasma brevidens......................... Cumberland combshell
Epioblasma capsaeformis...................... Oyster mussel
Epioblasma florentina florentina............. Yellow blossom
Epioblasma florentina walkeri................ Tan riffleshell
Epioblasma obliquata obliquata............... Purple catspaw
Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua.............. White catspaw
Epioblasma torulosa rangiana................. Northern riffleshell
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa................. Tubercled-blossom pearlymussel
Epioblasma triquetra......................... Snuffbox
Hemistena lata............................... Cracking pearlymussel
Lampsilis abrupta............................ Pink mucket
Leptodea leptodon............................ Scaleshell
Obovaria retusa.............................. Ring pink
Pegias fibula................................ Littlewing pearlymussel
Plethobasus cicatricosus..................... White wartyback pearlymussel
Plethobasus cooperianus...................... Orangefoot pimpleback
Plethobasus cyphyus.......................... Sheepnose
Pleurobema clava............................. Clubshell
Pleurobema collina........................... James spiny mussel
Pleurobema plenum............................ Rough pigtoe
Potamilus capax.............................. Fat pocketbook
Quadrula cylindrical strigillata............. Rough rabbitsfoot
Quadrula fragosa............................. Winged mapleleaf
[[Page 2313]]
Villosa fabalis.............................. Rayed bean
Villosa trabilis............................. Cumberland bean
As part of the same application, the applicant also requests a
permit renewal to take (capture and release) the following fish
Cyprinella caerulea.......................... Blue shiner
Etheostoma sellare........................... Maryland darter
Percina rex.................................. Roanoke logperch
Phoxinus cumberlandensis..................... Blackside Dace
Proposed work would take place in the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi,
Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North
Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Proposed
activities include presence/absence surveys, habitat evaluation, and
other activity designed to enhance the survival of the species in the
Permit Application Number: TE234121.
Applicant: Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats, gray bats, Ozark big-eared bats, and Virginia
big-eared bats within Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of survival
of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE10891A.
Applicant: Illinois State Museum, Research and Collection Center,
Springfield, IL.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release; collect) Hine's emerald dragonfly (Somatochlora hineana)
adults and larvae for scientific study in the interest of recovery of
the species. Proposed activities may occur throughout the range of the
species in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of
Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for the recovery and enhancement
of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE02651A.
Applicant: The Ohio Department of Transportation, Columbus, OH.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats and American burying beetle (Nicrophorus
americanus) within the State of Ohio. Proposed activities are for the
enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE224720.
Applicant: ABR, Inc. Environmental Research & Services
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats within the States of Connecticut, Delaware,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Proposed activities
are for the enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE151107.
Applicant: Redwing Ecological Services, Inc.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats, gray bats, Ozark big-eared bats, and Virginia
big-eared bats within the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of survival
of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE06845A.
Applicant: Bernardin, Lochmueller and Associates, Inc., Evansville,
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats within the State of Indiana. Proposed activities
are for the enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE181256.
Applicant: Lewis Environmental Consulting, LLC, Murray, KY.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) the following mussel species: Clubshell, Northern riffleshell,
Orange-footed pimpleback pearlymussel, Pink mucket pearlymussel, Rough
pigtoe, Purple cat's paw pearlymussel, White cat's paw pearlymussel,
Fanshell, Fat pocketbook, Higgins' eye pearlymussel, Winged mapleleaf,
Scaleshell, Ring pink, and White wartyback. Proposed activities may
occur within the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, and are for the
enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE006012.
Applicant: Dr. Steve Taylor, Illinois Natural History Survey,
Center for Biodiversity, Champaign, IL.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take Illinois Cave
Amphipod (Gammarus acherondytes) for scientific research within the
State of Illinois. Proposed activities are to monitor and evaluate the
recovery of the population and enhance the survival of the species in
the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE212420.
Applicant: John A. Vucetich, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) the Gray Wolf (Canus lupus) within the Isle Royale National
Park, State of Michigan. Proposed activities are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE06797A.
Applicant: Rod D. McClanahan, Anna, IL.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats, gray bats, Virginia big-
[[Page 2314]]
eared bats, Ozark big-eared bats, and Northern flying squirrel
(Glaucomys sabrinus) throughout the States of Alabama, Arkansas,
Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont,
Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The proposed activities are for
the enhancement of survival of the species in the wild.
Permit Application Number: TE07358A.
Applicant: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Indianapolis,
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) Indiana bats and gray bats throughout the States of Alabama,
Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. The proposed
activities are for the enhancement of survival of the species in the
Permit Application Number: TE194099.
Applicant: Dr. Michael A. Hoggarth, Westerville, OH.
The applicant requests a permit renewal to take (capture and
release) the following mussel species: Clubshell, Cracking
pearlymussel, Cumberland bean, Cumberland combshell, Cumberland elktoe,
Dromedary pearlymussel, Dwarf wedgemussel, Fanshell, Fat Pocketbook,
James spinymussel, Littlewing pearlymussel, Oyster mussel, Orange-
footed pimpleback pearlymussel, Pink mucket pearlymussel, Purple
catspaw pearlymussel, Rabbitsfoot, Rayed bean, Ring pink, Rough pigtoe,
Scaleshell, Sheepnose, Spectaclecase, Snuffbox mussel, Tan riffleshell,
White catspaw, and White wartyback. Proposed activities may occur
within the States of Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, and are for the enhancement of
survival of the species in the wild.
Public Comments
We seek public review and comments on these permit applications.
Please refer to the permit number when you submit comments. Comments
and materials we receive are available for public inspection, by
appointment, during normal business hours at the address shown in the
ADDRESSES section. Before including your address, phone number, email
address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire comment--including your personal
identifying information--may be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal
identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
In compliance with NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), we have made an
initial determination that the proposed activities in these permits are
categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental
assessment or environmental impact statement (516 DM 6 Appendix 1,
Dated: January 3, 2012.
Lynn Lewis,
Assistant Regional Director, Ecological Services, Region 3.
[FR Doc. 2012-743 Filed 1-13-12; 8:45 am]