Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on the Bottineau Transitway Project From Minneapolis to Maple Grove in Hennepin County, MN, 1551-1554 [2012-264]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 10, 2012 / Notices Westside Connector in Provo, Utah County, Utah, project number FHWA– UT–EIS–10–01–F. Federal Lead Agency: (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Federal Highway Administration. Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning Project description: The Selected and Construction. The regulations Alternative (1860 South Alternative) implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on implements a transportation project Federal programs and activities apply to this consisting of: (1) A new arterial roadway program.) from the Interstate 15 interchange located at 1860 South/University Authority: 23 U.S.C. 315; 23 CFR 771.123. Avenue (the Interchange) to 3110 West Issued on: January 4, 2012. Street near the entrance to the Provo Jonathan D. McDade, Airport (Mike Jense Parkway) in Provo; (2) three-way intersections located at Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, Albany, New York. 500 West, 1100 West, and Mike Jense Parkway; (3) the typical cross-section for [FR Doc. 2012–296 Filed 1–9–12; 8:45 am] the roadway consists of a total of five BILLING CODE 4910–22–P travel lanes: two travel lanes in each direction, and a center turn lane DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION median, a 2-foot paved shoulder on each side, curb and gutter on the north side Federal Highway Administration of the roadway, and a 10-foot paved trail on the south side of the roadway Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions separated from the paved roadway by a on Proposed Highway in Utah 9-foot vegetated drainage swale (without curb and gutter); (4) three (3) parking AGENCY: Federal Highway pull-out locations are planned for trail Administration (FHWA), DOT. access. One of these, at 500 West, ACTION: Notice of Limitation on Claims for Judicial Review of Actions by FHWA replaces and improves an existing recreational access maintained by the and other Federal agencies. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; SUMMARY: This notice announces actions and an unpaved roadway accesses taken by the FHWA and other Federal would be provided for private and agencies that are final within the public land parcels south of the meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The roadway. The actions by the FHWA and other actions relate to a proposed Federal agencies, and the laws under transportation corridor project (Provo which such actions were taken, are Westside Connector) in Provo, Utah described in the FEIS for the project, County in the State of Utah. These approved on October 12, 2011, in the actions grant licenses, permits, and FHWA Record of Decision (ROD) issued approvals for the project. on January 3, 2012, and in other DATES: By this notice, the FHWA is documents in the FHWA administrative advising the public of final agency record. The FEIS, ROD, and other actions subject to 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). A documents in the FHWA administrative claim seeking judicial review of the record are available by contacting the FHWA actions on the highway project FHWA at the address provided above. will be barred unless the claim is filed The FHWA FEIS and ROD can be on or before July 8, 2012. If the Federal viewed and downloaded from the law that authorizes judicial review of a project Web site at https:// claim provides a time period of less than 180 days for filing such claim, then or viewed at public libraries in the project that shorter time period still applies. area. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For This notice applies to all Federal FHWA: Mr. Edward Woolford, agency decisions as of the issuance date Environmental Program Manager, of this notice and all laws under which Federal Highway Administration, 2520 such actions were taken, including but West 4700 South, Suite 9A, Salt Lake not limited to: City, Utah 84129; telephone (801) 955– 1. General: National Environmental 3524; email: Policy Act (NEPA) [42 U.S.C. 4321– The FHWA Utah Division’s regular 4351]; Federal-Aid Highway Act [23 business hours are Monday through U.S.C. 109 and 23 U.S.C. 128]; Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MST. 2. Air: Clean Air Act [42 U.S.C. 7401– SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is 7671(q)]; hereby given that the FHWA and other 3. Land: Section 4(f) of the Federal agencies have taken final agency Department of Transportation Act of actions by issuing licenses, permits, and 1966 [49 U.S.C. 303]; 4. Wildlife: Endangered Species Act approvals for the following highway [16 U.S.C. 1531–1544 and Section project in the State of Utah: the Provo mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES the PBA comport in all respects with Federal law. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:28 Jan 09, 2012 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 1551 1536]; Migratory Bird Treaty Act [16 U.S.C. 703–712]; 5. Historic and Cultural Resources: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended [16 U.S.C. 470(f) et seq.]; 6. Social and Economic: Civil Rights Act of 1964 [42 U.S.C. 2000(d)– 2000(d)(1)]; Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) [7 U.S.C. 4201–4209]; 7. Wetlands and Water Resources: Safe Drinking Water Act [42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.]; TEA–21 Wetlands Mitigation [23 U.S.C. 103(b)(6)(m), 133(b)(11)]; Flood disaster Protection Act [42 U.S.C. 4001–129]. Executive Orders: E.O. 11990, Protection of Wetlands; E.O. 11988, Floodplain Management; E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income Populations; E.O. 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments; E.O. 13112, Invasive Species. Nothing in this notice creates a cause of action under these Executive Orders. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning and Construction. The regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on Federal programs and activities apply to this program.) Authority: 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). Issued on: January 4, 2012. James C. Christian, Division Administrator, Salt Lake City. [FR Doc. 2012–292 Filed 1–9–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–RY–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Transit Administration Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on the Bottineau Transitway Project From Minneapolis to Maple Grove in Hennepin County, MN Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). AGENCY: The FTA, as the lead federal agency, the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA), and the Metropolitan Council intend to prepare an EIS for the proposed Bottineau Transitway project located along the Bottineau Transitway Corridor in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The proposed transitway, approximately 13 miles long, would connect downtown Minneapolis with North Minneapolis SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 1552 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 10, 2012 / Notices and the northwest suburbs of the Twin Cities. The transitway would originate in Minneapolis near the existing Target Field Station, where several existing transit lines converge, and would extend to the following suburbs: Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, Crystal, New Hope, Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, and Osseo. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with Section 102(2)C of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] parts 1500–08), as well as provisions of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU). The purpose of this notice is to alert interested parties of the intent to prepare the EIS; provide information on the proposed transit project; invite public participation in the EIS process, including comments on the scope of the EIS proposed in this notice; and serve as an announcement of public and agency scoping meetings. DATES: Written comments on the scope of the EIS should be sent to Brent Rusco, Bottineau Transitway Project Manager, on or before February 17, 2012. See ADDRESSES below for the locations to which written comments may be submitted. Public scoping meetings will be held on the following dates, in order to solicit input on the scope of the EIS: • January 23, 2012, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Theodore Wirth Chalet, 1301 Theodore Wirth Parkway, Minneapolis, Minnesota. • January 24, 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Brooklyn Park City Hall, 5200 85th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. • January 25, 2012, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Urban Research and Outreach/Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota. • January 31, 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Robbinsdale City Hall, 4100 Lakeview Avenue North, Robbinsdale, Minnesota. An interagency scoping meeting for agencies with interest in the project will be held on the following date: • January 19, 2012, from 9 to 11 a.m., at the Kimley-Horn and Associates office, 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 238N, St. Paul, Minnesota. All the scoping meetings will be accessible to persons with disabilities. If special translation or signing services or other special accommodations are needed, please contact Brent Rusco (see ADDRESSES below) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Project information outlining the project purpose and need, VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:28 Jan 09, 2012 Jkt 226001 as well as alternatives proposed for analysis, will be available in the form of a scoping information packet, at the meetings and on the project Web site: Paper copies of the information may also be obtained from Brent Rusco [see ADDRESSES below]. ADDRESSES: Comments on the scope of the EIS will be accepted at the scoping meetings, or written comments should be sent to Brent Rusco, Bottineau Transitway Project Manager, Hennepin County, 701 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55415, Phone: (612) 543–0579, Email:, Fax: (612) 348–9710. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lois Kimmelman, Environmental Protection Specialist, FTA Region V, Chicago, Illinois, (312) 353–4060; or Bill Wheeler, Community Planner, FTA Region V, Chicago, Illinois, (312) 353– 2639. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Scoping The FTA, HCRRA, and the Metropolitan Council invite all interested individuals and organizations, public agencies, and Native American Tribes to comment on the scope of the EIS for the proposed Bottineau Transitway, including the project’s purpose and need, the alternatives to be studied, the environmental impacts to be evaluated, and the evaluation methods to be used. Comments should address: (1) Feasible alternatives that may better achieve the project’s purpose and need with fewer adverse impacts, and (2) any significant impacts relating to the alternatives. ‘‘Scoping,’’ as described in the regulations implementing NEPA (Title 40 of CFR 1501.7) has specific and fairly limited objectives, one of which is to identify the significant issues associated with alternatives that will be examined in detail in the document, while simultaneously limiting consideration and development of issues that are not truly significant. It is during the NEPA scoping process that potentially significant environmental impacts— those that give rise to the need to prepare an EIS—should be identified. Impacts that are deemed not to be significant need not be developed extensively in the context of the EIS, thereby keeping the EIS focused on impacts of consequence consistent with the ultimate objectives of the NEPA implementing regulations: ‘‘to make the environmental impact statement process more useful to decision makers and the public; and to reduce paperwork and PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 the accumulation of extraneous background data, in order to emphasize the need to focus on real environmental issues and alternatives * * * [by requiring] impact statements to be concise, clear, and to the point, and supported by evidence that agencies have made the necessary environmental analyses.’’ (Executive Order 11991 of May 24, 1977.) Once the scope of the EIS is defined, and significant environmental issues to be addressed have been identified, an annotated outline of the EIS will be prepared that: (1) Documents the results of the scoping process, (2) contributes to the transparency of the process, and (3) provides a clear roadmap for concise development of the EIS. Purpose and Need for the Project The purpose of the Bottineau Transitway is to provide transit service which will satisfy the long-term regional mobility and local accessibility needs for businesses and the traveling public. Residents and businesses in the Bottineau Transitway project area need access to the region’s activity centers to fully participate in the region’s economy. Access to jobs in Minneapolis, St. Paul, the University of Minnesota, and the growing Minneapolis suburbs is crucial. Traffic congestion is expected to intensify in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area through 2030 and beyond, and it cannot be addressed by highway construction alone. Current transit service in the Bottineau Transitway offers a limited number of viable alternatives to personal vehicles. Without major transit investments, it will be difficult to effectively meet the transportation needs of people and businesses in the corridor, manage highway traffic congestion in the project area, and achieve the region’s 2030 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) goal of doubling transit ridership by 2030. Five factors contribute to the need for the Bottineau Transitway project: • Growing travel demand resulting from continuing growth in population and employment. • Increasing traffic congestion and limited funding. • Growing numbers of people who depend on transit. • Limited transit service to suburban jobs (reverse commute opportunities) and travel-time competitive transit options. • Regional objectives for growth. Project Location of Environmental Setting The project is located in Hennepin County, Minnesota, and includes E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 10, 2012 / Notices mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, and its northwest suburbs, including Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, Crystal, New Hope, Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, and Osseo. Possible Alternatives The Bottineau Transitway Alternatives Analysis (AA) Study was completed by HCRRA in March 2010. The AA Study evaluated a no-build alternative and a broad range of build alternatives, including an enhanced bus/transportation system management alternative, as well as commuter rail, light rail transit (LRT), and bus rapid transit (BRT) alternatives. The study progressively narrowed down the build alternatives to a set of 21 alternatives which underwent detailed evaluation. The AA Study is posted on the project Web site. The following alternatives are currently under consideration for further study in the EIS: No-Build Alternative. The No-Build alternative serves as the baseline against which environmental effects of the Bottineau Transitway build alternatives are measured. It is defined as the existing transportation system in the Bottineau Transitway Corridor, plus any committed transportation improvements in the region, i.e., those roadway, transit facility, and service improvements that are planned, programmed, and included in the TPP, and that are to be implemented by the year 2030. The NoBuild Alternative does not include the Bottineau Transitway project. It does include major regional transit projects such as the Green Line (Central Corridor LRT and Southwest Transitway LRT), Red Line (Cedar Avenue BRT), and the Orange Line (I–35W BRT), as well as minor transit service expansions and/or adjustments in order to continue existing Metropolitan Council service policies. Enhanced Bus/Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative. The TSM alternative is defined as enhancements and upgrades to the existing transportation system in the Bottineau Transitway Corridor, such that the project’s purpose and need would be met as much as possible without a major capital investment. The TSM alternative could include bus route restructuring, scheduling improvements, new express and limited-stop services, intersection improvements, and other focused infrastructure improvements that would heighten the functioning of the current transit system. The specific combination of improvements to be incorporated into this alternative will be developed during EIS process. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:28 Jan 09, 2012 Jkt 226001 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Alternatives. All LRT alternatives would include several station stops between downtown Minneapolis and the Maple Grove/ Brooklyn Park area. These alternatives, which would follow West Broadway, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail corridor, and Olson Memorial Highway and/or Penn Avenue, would include tracks, stations and support facilities, as well as transit service for LRT and connecting bus routes. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Alternative. The BRT alternative would include a busway in its own dedicated space (guideway) with several stations between downtown Minneapolis and the Brooklyn Park area. This alternative, which would follow West Broadway, the BNSF rail corridor, and Olson Memorial Highway, would include all facilities associated with the construction and operation of BRT, including right-of-way, travel lanes, stations, and support facilities, as well as transit service for BRT and connecting bus routes. Possible Effects The purpose of the EIS process is to study, in a public setting, the potentially significant effects of the proposed project on the quality of the human environment. Primary areas of investigation for this project include, but are not limited to: Land use and economic development; land acquisition, displacements, and relocation; neighborhood cohesion and environmental justice; historic resources; parklands; visual and aesthetic qualities; air quality; water quality, wetlands, and floodplains; wildlife/endangered species and ecosystems; noise; vibration; hazardous materials affected by demolition and construction activities; traffic circulation and transportation linkages; parking; pedestrian and bicycle connections; energy use; and safety and security. Effects will be evaluated in the context of both short-term construction and long-term operation of the proposed project. Direct project effects as well as indirect and cumulative effects on the environment will be addressed. The environmental analysis may reveal that the proposed project will not affect, or affect substantially, many of the primary areas of investigation. However, if any adverse impacts are identified, measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate those adverse effects will be proposed. Procedures for Public and Agency Involvement The regulations implementing NEPA, as well as provisions of SAFETEA–LU, PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 1553 call for public involvement in the EIS process. Section 6002 of SAFETEA–LU (23 U.S.C. 139) requires that FTA, HCRRA, and the Metropolitan Council do the following: (1) Extend an invitation to other federal and nonfederal agencies and Native American tribes that may have an interest in the proposed project to become ‘‘participating agencies;’’ (2) provide an opportunity for involvement by participating agencies and the public to help define the purpose and need for proposed project, as well as the range of alternatives for consideration in the EIS; and (3) establish a plan for coordinating public and agency participation in, and comment on) the environmental review process. An invitation to become a participating or cooperating agency, with scoping materials appended, will be extended to other federal and nonfederal agencies and Native American tribes that may have an interest in the proposed project. It is possible that FTA, HCRRA, and the Metropolitan Council will not be able to identify all federal and non-federal agencies and Native American tribes that may have such an interest. Any federal or nonfederal agency or Native American tribes interested in the proposed project that does not receive an invitation to become a participating agency should notify at the earliest opportunity the Project Manager identified above under ADDRESSES. A comprehensive public involvement program for public and agency involvement will be developed for the project and posted on the project Web site. The public involvement program includes a full range of activities including maintaining the project Web site, and outreach to local officials, community and civic groups, and the general public. Paperwork Reduction The Paperwork Reduction Act seeks, in part, to minimize the cost to the taxpayer of the creation, collection, maintenance, use, dissemination, and disposition of information. Consistent with this goal and with principles of economy and efficiency in government, it is FTA policy to limit insofar as possible distribution of complete printed sets of environmental documents. Accordingly, unless a specific request for a complete printed set of environmental documents is received before the document is printed, at the latest, FTA and its grantees will distribute only the executive summary of environmental documents in printed form together with a compact disc (CD) that contains the complete environmental document. A complete E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1 1554 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 6 / Tuesday, January 10, 2012 / Notices mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES printed set of the environmental documents will be available for review at the grantee’s offices and elsewhere; an electronic copy of the complete environmental document will also be available on the grantee’s Web site. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:28 Jan 09, 2012 Jkt 226001 Other The EIS will be prepared in accordance with NEPA and its implementing regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts 1500–1508), and with the FTA/Federal Highway Administration PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 regulations ‘‘Environmental Impact and Related Procedures’’ (23 CFR part 771). Issued on: January 5, 2012. Marisol Simon, Regional Administrator, FTA, Region V. [FR Doc. 2012–264 Filed 1–9–12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 6 (Tuesday, January 10, 2012)]
[Pages 1551-1554]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-264]



Federal Transit Administration

Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on the 
Bottineau Transitway Project From Minneapolis to Maple Grove in 
Hennepin County, MN

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement 


SUMMARY: The FTA, as the lead federal agency, the Hennepin County 
Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA), and the Metropolitan Council 
intend to prepare an EIS for the proposed Bottineau Transitway project 
located along the Bottineau Transitway Corridor in Hennepin County, 
Minnesota. The proposed transitway, approximately 13 miles long, would 
connect downtown Minneapolis with North Minneapolis

[[Page 1552]]

and the northwest suburbs of the Twin Cities. The transitway would 
originate in Minneapolis near the existing Target Field Station, where 
several existing transit lines converge, and would extend to the 
following suburbs: Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, Crystal, New Hope, 
Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, and Osseo. The EIS will be prepared in 
accordance with Section 102(2)C of the National Environmental Policy 
Act of 1969 (NEPA) and pursuant to the Council on Environmental 
Quality's regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] parts 1500-
08), as well as provisions of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). 
The purpose of this notice is to alert interested parties of the intent 
to prepare the EIS; provide information on the proposed transit 
project; invite public participation in the EIS process, including 
comments on the scope of the EIS proposed in this notice; and serve as 
an announcement of public and agency scoping meetings.

DATES: Written comments on the scope of the EIS should be sent to Brent 
Rusco, Bottineau Transitway Project Manager, on or before February 17, 
2012. See ADDRESSES below for the locations to which written comments 
may be submitted. Public scoping meetings will be held on the following 
dates, in order to solicit input on the scope of the EIS:
     January 23, 2012, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Theodore 
Wirth Chalet, 1301 Theodore Wirth Parkway, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
     January 24, 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Brooklyn Park City 
Hall, 5200 85th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
     January 25, 2012, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Urban 
Research and Outreach/Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Avenue 
North, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
     January 31, 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Robbinsdale 
City Hall, 4100 Lakeview Avenue North, Robbinsdale, Minnesota.
    An interagency scoping meeting for agencies with interest in the 
project will be held on the following date:
     January 19, 2012, from 9 to 11 a.m., at the Kimley-Horn 
and Associates office, 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 238N, St. 
Paul, Minnesota.
    All the scoping meetings will be accessible to persons with 
disabilities. If special translation or signing services or other 
special accommodations are needed, please contact Brent Rusco (see 
ADDRESSES below) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Project 
information outlining the project purpose and need, as well as 
alternatives proposed for analysis, will be available in the form of a 
scoping information packet, at the meetings and on the project Web 
site: Paper copies of the information 
may also be obtained from Brent Rusco [see ADDRESSES below].

ADDRESSES: Comments on the scope of the EIS will be accepted at the 
scoping meetings, or written comments should be sent to Brent Rusco, 
Bottineau Transitway Project Manager, Hennepin County, 701 Fourth 
Avenue South, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55415, Phone: (612) 543-0579, 
Email:, Fax: (612) 348-9710.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lois Kimmelman, Environmental 
Protection Specialist, FTA Region V, Chicago, Illinois, (312) 353-4060; 
or Bill Wheeler, Community Planner, FTA Region V, Chicago, Illinois, 
(312) 353-2639.



    The FTA, HCRRA, and the Metropolitan Council invite all interested 
individuals and organizations, public agencies, and Native American 
Tribes to comment on the scope of the EIS for the proposed Bottineau 
Transitway, including the project's purpose and need, the alternatives 
to be studied, the environmental impacts to be evaluated, and the 
evaluation methods to be used. Comments should address: (1) Feasible 
alternatives that may better achieve the project's purpose and need 
with fewer adverse impacts, and (2) any significant impacts relating to 
the alternatives.
    ``Scoping,'' as described in the regulations implementing NEPA 
(Title 40 of CFR 1501.7) has specific and fairly limited objectives, 
one of which is to identify the significant issues associated with 
alternatives that will be examined in detail in the document, while 
simultaneously limiting consideration and development of issues that 
are not truly significant. It is during the NEPA scoping process that 
potentially significant environmental impacts--those that give rise to 
the need to prepare an EIS--should be identified. Impacts that are 
deemed not to be significant need not be developed extensively in the 
context of the EIS, thereby keeping the EIS focused on impacts of 
consequence consistent with the ultimate objectives of the NEPA 
implementing regulations: ``to make the environmental impact statement 
process more useful to decision makers and the public; and to reduce 
paperwork and the accumulation of extraneous background data, in order 
to emphasize the need to focus on real environmental issues and 
alternatives * * * [by requiring] impact statements to be concise, 
clear, and to the point, and supported by evidence that agencies have 
made the necessary environmental analyses.'' (Executive Order 11991 of 
May 24, 1977.)
    Once the scope of the EIS is defined, and significant environmental 
issues to be addressed have been identified, an annotated outline of 
the EIS will be prepared that: (1) Documents the results of the scoping 
process, (2) contributes to the transparency of the process, and (3) 
provides a clear roadmap for concise development of the EIS.

Purpose and Need for the Project

    The purpose of the Bottineau Transitway is to provide transit 
service which will satisfy the long-term regional mobility and local 
accessibility needs for businesses and the traveling public. Residents 
and businesses in the Bottineau Transitway project area need access to 
the region's activity centers to fully participate in the region's 
economy. Access to jobs in Minneapolis, St. Paul, the University of 
Minnesota, and the growing Minneapolis suburbs is crucial. Traffic 
congestion is expected to intensify in the Twin Cities Metropolitan 
Area through 2030 and beyond, and it cannot be addressed by highway 
construction alone. Current transit service in the Bottineau Transitway 
offers a limited number of viable alternatives to personal vehicles. 
Without major transit investments, it will be difficult to effectively 
meet the transportation needs of people and businesses in the corridor, 
manage highway traffic congestion in the project area, and achieve the 
region's 2030 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) goal of doubling transit 
ridership by 2030.
    Five factors contribute to the need for the Bottineau Transitway 
     Growing travel demand resulting from continuing growth in 
population and employment.
     Increasing traffic congestion and limited funding.
     Growing numbers of people who depend on transit.
     Limited transit service to suburban jobs (reverse commute 
opportunities) and travel-time competitive transit options.
     Regional objectives for growth.

Project Location of Environmental Setting

    The project is located in Hennepin County, Minnesota, and includes

[[Page 1553]]

downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, and its northwest suburbs, including 
Robbinsdale, Golden Valley, Crystal, New Hope, Brooklyn Park, Maple 
Grove, and Osseo.

Possible Alternatives

    The Bottineau Transitway Alternatives Analysis (AA) Study was 
completed by HCRRA in March 2010. The AA Study evaluated a no-build 
alternative and a broad range of build alternatives, including an 
enhanced bus/transportation system management alternative, as well as 
commuter rail, light rail transit (LRT), and bus rapid transit (BRT) 
alternatives. The study progressively narrowed down the build 
alternatives to a set of 21 alternatives which underwent detailed 
evaluation. The AA Study is posted on the project Web site.
    The following alternatives are currently under consideration for 
further study in the EIS:
    No-Build Alternative. The No-Build alternative serves as the 
baseline against which environmental effects of the Bottineau 
Transitway build alternatives are measured. It is defined as the 
existing transportation system in the Bottineau Transitway Corridor, 
plus any committed transportation improvements in the region, i.e., 
those roadway, transit facility, and service improvements that are 
planned, programmed, and included in the TPP, and that are to be 
implemented by the year 2030. The No-Build Alternative does not include 
the Bottineau Transitway project. It does include major regional 
transit projects such as the Green Line (Central Corridor LRT and 
Southwest Transitway LRT), Red Line (Cedar Avenue BRT), and the Orange 
Line (I-35W BRT), as well as minor transit service expansions and/or 
adjustments in order to continue existing Metropolitan Council service 
    Enhanced Bus/Transportation Systems Management (TSM) Alternative. 
The TSM alternative is defined as enhancements and upgrades to the 
existing transportation system in the Bottineau Transitway Corridor, 
such that the project's purpose and need would be met as much as 
possible without a major capital investment. The TSM alternative could 
include bus route restructuring, scheduling improvements, new express 
and limited-stop services, intersection improvements, and other focused 
infrastructure improvements that would heighten the functioning of the 
current transit system. The specific combination of improvements to be 
incorporated into this alternative will be developed during EIS 
    Light Rail Transit (LRT) Alternatives. All LRT alternatives would 
include several station stops between downtown Minneapolis and the 
Maple Grove/Brooklyn Park area. These alternatives, which would follow 
West Broadway, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail corridor, 
and Olson Memorial Highway and/or Penn Avenue, would include tracks, 
stations and support facilities, as well as transit service for LRT and 
connecting bus routes.
    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Alternative. The BRT alternative would 
include a busway in its own dedicated space (guideway) with several 
stations between downtown Minneapolis and the Brooklyn Park area. This 
alternative, which would follow West Broadway, the BNSF rail corridor, 
and Olson Memorial Highway, would include all facilities associated 
with the construction and operation of BRT, including right-of-way, 
travel lanes, stations, and support facilities, as well as transit 
service for BRT and connecting bus routes.

Possible Effects

    The purpose of the EIS process is to study, in a public setting, 
the potentially significant effects of the proposed project on the 
quality of the human environment. Primary areas of investigation for 
this project include, but are not limited to: Land use and economic 
development; land acquisition, displacements, and relocation; 
neighborhood cohesion and environmental justice; historic resources; 
parklands; visual and aesthetic qualities; air quality; water quality, 
wetlands, and floodplains; wildlife/endangered species and ecosystems; 
noise; vibration; hazardous materials affected by demolition and 
construction activities; traffic circulation and transportation 
linkages; parking; pedestrian and bicycle connections; energy use; and 
safety and security. Effects will be evaluated in the context of both 
short-term construction and long-term operation of the proposed 
project. Direct project effects as well as indirect and cumulative 
effects on the environment will be addressed. The environmental 
analysis may reveal that the proposed project will not affect, or 
affect substantially, many of the primary areas of investigation. 
However, if any adverse impacts are identified, measures to avoid, 
minimize, or mitigate those adverse effects will be proposed.

Procedures for Public and Agency Involvement

    The regulations implementing NEPA, as well as provisions of 
SAFETEA-LU, call for public involvement in the EIS process. Section 
6002 of SAFETEA-LU (23 U.S.C. 139) requires that FTA, HCRRA, and the 
Metropolitan Council do the following: (1) Extend an invitation to 
other federal and non-federal agencies and Native American tribes that 
may have an interest in the proposed project to become ``participating 
agencies;'' (2) provide an opportunity for involvement by participating 
agencies and the public to help define the purpose and need for 
proposed project, as well as the range of alternatives for 
consideration in the EIS; and (3) establish a plan for coordinating 
public and agency participation in, and comment on) the environmental 
review process. An invitation to become a participating or cooperating 
agency, with scoping materials appended, will be extended to other 
federal and non-federal agencies and Native American tribes that may 
have an interest in the proposed project. It is possible that FTA, 
HCRRA, and the Metropolitan Council will not be able to identify all 
federal and non-federal agencies and Native American tribes that may 
have such an interest. Any federal or non-federal agency or Native 
American tribes interested in the proposed project that does not 
receive an invitation to become a participating agency should notify at 
the earliest opportunity the Project Manager identified above under 
    A comprehensive public involvement program for public and agency 
involvement will be developed for the project and posted on the project 
Web site. The public involvement program includes a full range of 
activities including maintaining the project Web site, and outreach to 
local officials, community and civic groups, and the general public.

Paperwork Reduction

    The Paperwork Reduction Act seeks, in part, to minimize the cost to 
the taxpayer of the creation, collection, maintenance, use, 
dissemination, and disposition of information. Consistent with this 
goal and with principles of economy and efficiency in government, it is 
FTA policy to limit insofar as possible distribution of complete 
printed sets of environmental documents. Accordingly, unless a specific 
request for a complete printed set of environmental documents is 
received before the document is printed, at the latest, FTA and its 
grantees will distribute only the executive summary of environmental 
documents in printed form together with a compact disc (CD) that 
contains the complete environmental document. A complete

[[Page 1554]]

printed set of the environmental documents will be available for review 
at the grantee's offices and elsewhere; an electronic copy of the 
complete environmental document will also be available on the grantee's 
Web site.


    The EIS will be prepared in accordance with NEPA and its 
implementing regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality 
(40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and with the FTA/Federal Highway 
Administration regulations ``Environmental Impact and Related 
Procedures'' (23 CFR part 771).

    Issued on: January 5, 2012.
Marisol Simon,
Regional Administrator, FTA, Region V.
[FR Doc. 2012-264 Filed 1-9-12; 8:45 am]
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