Public Notice for Release of Aeronautical Property at Erie International Airport (ERI), Erie, PA, 82347-82348 [2011-33562]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Notices
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108–25), as
amended by the Tom Lantos and Henry
J. Hyde United States Global Leadership
Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008
(Pub. L. 110–293), Executive Order
12163, as amended by Executive Order
13361, and Delegation of Authority 293–
1, I hereby determine that assistance by
the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria to the
Autonomous Government of Southern
Sudan through the Southern Sudan
Country Coordinating Mechanism is
justified for humanitarian reasons, and
hereby waive, with respect to such
assistance provided in the year
preceding FY 2010, the application of
Section 202(d)(4)(A)(ii) of the Act.
This determination shall be reported
to Congress and published in the
Federal Register.
in width and approximately 800 linear
feet long consisting mostly of natural
growth grass and vegetation bounded by
Asbury Rd to the east. More specifically,
the 0.72 acre parcel is located upon
Parcel 4 and 5 of the airport property.
The County Index Nos. are (33)039–
147.00–001.00 and (33)039–148.00–
001.00. The airport is requesting
approval to sell this land to the
PennDOT in a permanent right-of-way
easement for roadway drainage
improvements along the right-of-way
boundary between Asbury Road and the
airport property boundary. This area is
not needed for aeronautical use and its
use as PennDOT Right-of-Way does not
limit or restrict the use of dedicated
airport land for current or foreseeable
aeronautical activities. Approval of this
action will allow for the sale of the 0.72
acre right-of-way easement to PennDOT.
Dated: December 13, 2011.
Eric P. Goosby,
Ambassador, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator.
(2) Release of Land for Drainage
Easement—0.014 Acres
[FR Doc. 2011–33611 Filed 12–29–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Release of
Aeronautical Property at Erie
International Airport (ERI), Erie, PA
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) DOT.
ACTION: Request for public comment.
The Federal Aviation
Administration is requesting public
comment on the Erie Regional Airport
Authority’s request to release airport
property for use by the Pennsylvania
Department of Transportation
(PennDOT) to construct and maintain
additional roadway and drainage
facilities along the west side of Asbury
Road. The request contains five (5)
components consisting of a permanent
release of land, release of land for
drainage easement, release of land for
temporary construction easement,
release of land for substitute right-ofway, and release of land for permanent
gas line easement.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
(1) Permanent Release of Land
(PennDOT Right-of-Way)—0.72 Acres
The parcel is located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek
Township, Erie County, PA. The
property is currently depicted on the
Airport Layout Plan of record as airport
property and consists of a narrow strip
of land varying from 22 feet to 48 feet
VerDate Mar<15>2010
19:02 Dec 29, 2011
Jkt 226001
The easement is located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek
Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.014
acre parcel is located on Parcel 1 and 5
of the airport property, Erie County
Index No. 039–147.00–001.00. The
Airport Authority is requesting release
of this land for purposes of providing a
drainage easement for construction,
inspection, maintenance, repair,
reconstruction, and alteration of the
highway drainage facilities for Asbury
Road. The easement area is on Parcel 5
and consists of undeveloped land with
natural growth grass and vegetation.
Asbury Road is being widened to
accommodate additional anticipated
traffic volume related to increased
commercial development in and around
the airport. This will result in an
increase in impervious surface making it
necessary to install new stormwater
management facilities. As such, a
drainage easement will be required for
PennDOT to maintain stormwater
facilities not located within the
PennDOT Right-of-Way. The airport will
be permitted to use this property, but
will not be able to place any structures,
create any adverse impacts to the flow
of stormwater, or connect any pipes or
drainage into the PennDOT system
without written consent from PennDOT.
This area is not needed for aeronautical
use and its use as PennDOT easement
does not limit or restrict the use of
dedicated airport land for current or
foreseeable aeronautical activities.
Approval of this action will allow for
the sale of the 0.014 acre drainage
easement to PennDOT.
PO 00000
Frm 00080
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(3) Release of Land for Temporary
Construction Easement—0.078 Acres
The easement is located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek
Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.078
acre area is located on Parcels 1 and 5
of the airport property, Erie County
Index No. (33) 039–147.00–001.00. The
Airport Authority is requesting release
of this land for purposes of providing
easement for construction activities
outside the PennDOT Right-of-Way.
This request for release of land from the
Erie Regional Airport Authority is
temporary and the land will revert back
to the airport upon completion of the
construction activities. The primary
purpose of this temporary land release
is to allow for the adjustment of the
existing driveways on Parcel 1 of the
airport to tie into Asbury Road. Parcel
5 is also temporarily impacted while
Stormwater Management facilities are
being constructed. The impacted land,
currently consisting of asphalt paved
driveways in Parcel 1 and undeveloped
grass and vegetation on Parcel 5, will be
restored to similar condition upon
completion of the construction work.
This area is not needed for aeronautical
use and its use as a temporary
construction easement does not limit or
restrict the use of dedicated airport land
for current or foreseeable aeronautical
activities. Approval of this action will
allow for the granting of the temporary
easement consisting of 0.078 acres to
(4) Release of Land for Substitute Rightof-Way Utility Easement—0.198 Acres
The easement is located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek
Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.198
acre area is located along the west side
of Asbury Road and is situated on Parcel
5 of the airport property on County
Index No. (33) 039–147.00–001.00. The
property to be released is a strip of land
of natural growth grass and vegetation
approximately 20′ wide and running
parallel along the west side of Asbury
Road. The release will provide a
replacement utility easement for
Millcreek Township Water and Sewer
Authority to construct, inspect,
maintain, repair and reconstruct water
line facilities along Asbury Road. The
existing utility easement is located on
airport property. Asbury Road is being
widened by PennDOT to accommodate
additional traffic volume related to
increased commercial development in
the vicinity of the airport. As part of the
roadway project, a new water main will
need to be constructed outside the
limits of the pavement of the widened
Asbury Road. This easement will
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Notices
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
provide a substitute Right-of-Way
Easement for locating the replacement
water main. This area is not needed for
aeronautical use and its use as a
temporary construction easement does
not limit or restrict the use of dedicated
airport land for current or foreseeable
aeronautical activities. Approval of this
action will allow for the granting of the
substitute water line easement
consisting of 0.198 acres to the
Millcreek Township Water and Sewer
Authority for the replacement water
(5) Release of Land for Replacement
Gas Line Easement—Net Change 0.00
The existing and replacement
easement are located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek
Township, Erie County, PA. The
existing easement is located along the
west side of Asbury Road and is situated
on Parcels 4 and 5 of the airport
property on County Index No. (33) 039–
147.00–001.00. This replacement gas
line easement will provide a
replacement utility easement for
National Fuel Gas (NGS) to construct,
inspect, maintain, repair and
reconstruct a gas line utility along
Asbury Road. The existing utility
easement is currently located on airport
property. Asbury Road is being widened
by PennDOT to accommodate additional
traffic volume related to increased
commercial development in the vicinity
of the airport. As part of the roadway
project, a new replacement gas line
utility will need to be constructed
outside the limits of the widened
Asbury Road. This easement will
provide a substitute Right-of-Way
Easement for locating the replacement
National Fuel Gas line. This easement
area is not needed for aeronautical use
and its use as a replacement utility
easement does not limit or restrict the
use of dedicated airport land for current
or foreseeable aeronautical activities.
Approval of this action will allow for
the granting of of the substitute Gas Line
easement to National Fuel Gas (NFG) for
installing the relocated replacement gas
Documents reflecting the airport
sponsor’s request are available, by
appointment only, for inspection at the
Erie International Airport Executive
Director’s office and the FAA Harrisburg
Airport District Office.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before December 31, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Documents are available for
review at the Airport Manager’s office:
Christopher L. Rodgers, Airport
Executive Director, Erie Regional
VerDate Mar<15>2010
19:02 Dec 29, 2011
Jkt 226001
Airport Authority, 4411 W. 12th St.,
Erie, PA 16505, (814) 833–4258.
and at the FAA Harrisburg Airports
District Office:
Oscar D. Sanchez, Program Manager,
Harrisburg Airports District Office,
3905 Hartzdale Dr., Suite 508, Camp
Hill, PA 17011, (717) 730–2830.
Oscar D. Sanchez, Program Manager,
Harrisburg Airports District Office
(location listed above).
invites public comment on the request
to release for sale or easement current
airport property at the Erie International
Airport at fair market value under the
provisions of Section 47125(a) of Title
49 U.S.C.
The following is a brief overview of
the request:
The Erie International Airport (ERI)
has requested the sale of Right-of-Way
and easements of airport property, along
the airport’s western boundary with
Asbury Rd. The Erie Regional Airport
Authority (ERAA), as owner of the Erie
International Airport (ERI), have been
approached by the Pennsylvania
Department of Transportation
(PennDOT) with a request for Right-ofway, drainage, construction and utility
easement acquisition to support a State
roadway widening project of Asbury
Road. As part of this roadway widening
project, PennDOT is required to obtain
additional Right-of-Way on the west
side of Asbury Road to construct and
maintain additional roadway and
drainage facilities. Drainage easements
will also be needed for the maintenance
of the drainage facilities outside the
PennDOT Right-of-Way. Temporary
construction easements will be needed
for the connection of existing driveways
and drainage facilities to the new
roadway construction. A substitute
utility easement needs to be granted to
The Millcreek Water and Sewer
Authority for the relocation of the
existing water main, which will need to
be brought outside the widened Asbury
Road. In addition, National Fuel Gas
(NFG) is requesting a permanent
easement to relocate and maintain a
replacement gas line. The current NFG
gas line is located on airport property
within an existing easement. The
proposed relocated line will be located
on airport property with a similar
replacement easement.
Portions of this airport-owned land
were acquired with the assistance of a
Federal Aviation Agency Grant issued
on June 7, 1962 for purchase of Parcels
4 and 5 by the Erie Municipal Airport
Authority. There are no known adverse
impacts to the operation of the airport
PO 00000
Frm 00081
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
and the land is not needed for any
foreseeable future aeronautical
development as shown on the approved
Erie International Airport Layout Plan
(ALP). Any proceeds from the sale of the
right of way and easements are to
remain on the airport for capital
development and to cover the operating
costs of the Airport.
Any person may inspect the request
by appointment at the FAA office
address listed above. Interested persons
are invited to comment on the proposed
change in use of the property. All
comments will be considered by the
FAA to the extent practicable.
Issued in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, on
December 1, 2011.
Lori K. Pagnanelli,
Manager, Harrisburg Airports District Office.
[FR Doc. 2011–33562 Filed 12–29–11; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
[Docket No. AB 290 (Sub-No. 328X)]
Norfolk Southern Railway Company—
Abandonment Exemption—in Marietta,
Lancaster County, PA
Norfolk Southern Railway Company
(NSR) has filed a verified notice of
exemption under 49 CFR part 1152
subpart F—Exempt Abandonments to
abandon 2.0 miles of rail line extending
from milepost Borough of Marietta,
Lancaster County, Pa. MU 83.9 (near S.
Bridge Street) to milepost MU 85.9
(south of the intersection of Railroad
Ave. and Old River Road), in the
Borough of Marietta, Lancaster County,
Pa. The line traverses United States
Postal Service Zip Code 17547.
NSR has certified that: (1) No local
traffic has moved over the line for at
least 2 years; (2) no overhead traffic has
moved over the line for at least 2 years
and that overhead traffic, if there were
any, could be rerouted over other lines;
(3) no formal complaint filed by a user
of rail service on the line (or by a state
or local government entity acting on
behalf of such user) regarding cessation
of service over the line either is pending
with the Surface Transportation Board
(Board) or with any U.S. District Court
or has been decided in favor of
complainant within the 2-year period;
and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR
1105.7(c) (environmental report), 49
CFR 1105.11 (transmittal letter), 49 CFR
1105.12 (newspaper publication), and
49 CFR 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to
governmental agencies) have been met.
As a condition to this exemption, any
employee adversely affected by the
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 251 (Friday, December 30, 2011)]
[Pages 82347-82348]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-33562]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Release of Aeronautical Property at Erie
International Airport (ERI), Erie, PA
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) DOT.
ACTION: Request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration is requesting public
comment on the Erie Regional Airport Authority's request to release
airport property for use by the Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation (PennDOT) to construct and maintain additional roadway
and drainage facilities along the west side of Asbury Road. The request
contains five (5) components consisting of a permanent release of land,
release of land for drainage easement, release of land for temporary
construction easement, release of land for substitute right-of-way, and
release of land for permanent gas line easement.
(1) Permanent Release of Land (PennDOT Right-of-Way)--0.72 Acres
The parcel is located at Erie International Airport (ERI) in
Millcreek Township, Erie County, PA. The property is currently depicted
on the Airport Layout Plan of record as airport property and consists
of a narrow strip of land varying from 22 feet to 48 feet in width and
approximately 800 linear feet long consisting mostly of natural growth
grass and vegetation bounded by Asbury Rd to the east. More
specifically, the 0.72 acre parcel is located upon Parcel 4 and 5 of
the airport property. The County Index Nos. are (33)039-147.00-001.00
and (33)039-148.00-001.00. The airport is requesting approval to sell
this land to the PennDOT in a permanent right-of-way easement for
roadway drainage improvements along the right-of-way boundary between
Asbury Road and the airport property boundary. This area is not needed
for aeronautical use and its use as PennDOT Right-of-Way does not limit
or restrict the use of dedicated airport land for current or
foreseeable aeronautical activities. Approval of this action will allow
for the sale of the 0.72 acre right-of-way easement to PennDOT.
(2) Release of Land for Drainage Easement--0.014 Acres
The easement is located at Erie International Airport (ERI) in
Millcreek Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.014 acre parcel is located
on Parcel 1 and 5 of the airport property, Erie County Index No. 039-
147.00-001.00. The Airport Authority is requesting release of this land
for purposes of providing a drainage easement for construction,
inspection, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, and alteration of the
highway drainage facilities for Asbury Road. The easement area is on
Parcel 5 and consists of undeveloped land with natural growth grass and
vegetation. Asbury Road is being widened to accommodate additional
anticipated traffic volume related to increased commercial development
in and around the airport. This will result in an increase in
impervious surface making it necessary to install new stormwater
management facilities. As such, a drainage easement will be required
for PennDOT to maintain stormwater facilities not located within the
PennDOT Right-of-Way. The airport will be permitted to use this
property, but will not be able to place any structures, create any
adverse impacts to the flow of stormwater, or connect any pipes or
drainage into the PennDOT system without written consent from PennDOT.
This area is not needed for aeronautical use and its use as PennDOT
easement does not limit or restrict the use of dedicated airport land
for current or foreseeable aeronautical activities. Approval of this
action will allow for the sale of the 0.014 acre drainage easement to
(3) Release of Land for Temporary Construction Easement--0.078 Acres
The easement is located at Erie International Airport (ERI) in
Millcreek Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.078 acre area is located on
Parcels 1 and 5 of the airport property, Erie County Index No. (33)
039-147.00-001.00. The Airport Authority is requesting release of this
land for purposes of providing easement for construction activities
outside the PennDOT Right-of-Way. This request for release of land from
the Erie Regional Airport Authority is temporary and the land will
revert back to the airport upon completion of the construction
activities. The primary purpose of this temporary land release is to
allow for the adjustment of the existing driveways on Parcel 1 of the
airport to tie into Asbury Road. Parcel 5 is also temporarily impacted
while Stormwater Management facilities are being constructed. The
impacted land, currently consisting of asphalt paved driveways in
Parcel 1 and undeveloped grass and vegetation on Parcel 5, will be
restored to similar condition upon completion of the construction work.
This area is not needed for aeronautical use and its use as a temporary
construction easement does not limit or restrict the use of dedicated
airport land for current or foreseeable aeronautical activities.
Approval of this action will allow for the granting of the temporary
easement consisting of 0.078 acres to PennDOT.
(4) Release of Land for Substitute Right-of-Way Utility Easement--0.198
The easement is located at Erie International Airport (ERI) in
Millcreek Township, Erie County, PA. The 0.198 acre area is located
along the west side of Asbury Road and is situated on Parcel 5 of the
airport property on County Index No. (33) 039-147.00-001.00. The
property to be released is a strip of land of natural growth grass and
vegetation approximately 20' wide and running parallel along the west
side of Asbury Road. The release will provide a replacement utility
easement for Millcreek Township Water and Sewer Authority to construct,
inspect, maintain, repair and reconstruct water line facilities along
Asbury Road. The existing utility easement is located on airport
property. Asbury Road is being widened by PennDOT to accommodate
additional traffic volume related to increased commercial development
in the vicinity of the airport. As part of the roadway project, a new
water main will need to be constructed outside the limits of the
pavement of the widened Asbury Road. This easement will
[[Page 82348]]
provide a substitute Right-of-Way Easement for locating the replacement
water main. This area is not needed for aeronautical use and its use as
a temporary construction easement does not limit or restrict the use of
dedicated airport land for current or foreseeable aeronautical
activities. Approval of this action will allow for the granting of the
substitute water line easement consisting of 0.198 acres to the
Millcreek Township Water and Sewer Authority for the replacement water
(5) Release of Land for Replacement Gas Line Easement--Net Change 0.00
The existing and replacement easement are located at Erie
International Airport (ERI) in Millcreek Township, Erie County, PA. The
existing easement is located along the west side of Asbury Road and is
situated on Parcels 4 and 5 of the airport property on County Index No.
(33) 039-147.00-001.00. This replacement gas line easement will provide
a replacement utility easement for National Fuel Gas (NGS) to
construct, inspect, maintain, repair and reconstruct a gas line utility
along Asbury Road. The existing utility easement is currently located
on airport property. Asbury Road is being widened by PennDOT to
accommodate additional traffic volume related to increased commercial
development in the vicinity of the airport. As part of the roadway
project, a new replacement gas line utility will need to be constructed
outside the limits of the widened Asbury Road. This easement will
provide a substitute Right-of-Way Easement for locating the replacement
National Fuel Gas line. This easement area is not needed for
aeronautical use and its use as a replacement utility easement does not
limit or restrict the use of dedicated airport land for current or
foreseeable aeronautical activities. Approval of this action will allow
for the granting of of the substitute Gas Line easement to National
Fuel Gas (NFG) for installing the relocated replacement gas line.
Documents reflecting the airport sponsor's request are available,
by appointment only, for inspection at the Erie International Airport
Executive Director's office and the FAA Harrisburg Airport District
DATES: Comments must be received on or before December 31, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Documents are available for review at the Airport Manager's
Christopher L. Rodgers, Airport Executive Director, Erie Regional
Airport Authority, 4411 W. 12th St., Erie, PA 16505, (814) 833-4258.
and at the FAA Harrisburg Airports District Office:
Oscar D. Sanchez, Program Manager, Harrisburg Airports District Office,
3905 Hartzdale Dr., Suite 508, Camp Hill, PA 17011, (717) 730-2830.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Oscar D. Sanchez, Program Manager,
Harrisburg Airports District Office (location listed above).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FAA invites public comment on the
request to release for sale or easement current airport property at the
Erie International Airport at fair market value under the provisions of
Section 47125(a) of Title 49 U.S.C.
The following is a brief overview of the request:
The Erie International Airport (ERI) has requested the sale of
Right-of-Way and easements of airport property, along the airport's
western boundary with Asbury Rd. The Erie Regional Airport Authority
(ERAA), as owner of the Erie International Airport (ERI), have been
approached by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
with a request for Right-of-way, drainage, construction and utility
easement acquisition to support a State roadway widening project of
Asbury Road. As part of this roadway widening project, PennDOT is
required to obtain additional Right-of-Way on the west side of Asbury
Road to construct and maintain additional roadway and drainage
facilities. Drainage easements will also be needed for the maintenance
of the drainage facilities outside the PennDOT Right-of-Way. Temporary
construction easements will be needed for the connection of existing
driveways and drainage facilities to the new roadway construction. A
substitute utility easement needs to be granted to The Millcreek Water
and Sewer Authority for the relocation of the existing water main,
which will need to be brought outside the widened Asbury Road. In
addition, National Fuel Gas (NFG) is requesting a permanent easement to
relocate and maintain a replacement gas line. The current NFG gas line
is located on airport property within an existing easement. The
proposed relocated line will be located on airport property with a
similar replacement easement.
Portions of this airport-owned land were acquired with the
assistance of a Federal Aviation Agency Grant issued on June 7, 1962
for purchase of Parcels 4 and 5 by the Erie Municipal Airport
Authority. There are no known adverse impacts to the operation of the
airport and the land is not needed for any foreseeable future
aeronautical development as shown on the approved Erie International
Airport Layout Plan (ALP). Any proceeds from the sale of the right of
way and easements are to remain on the airport for capital development
and to cover the operating costs of the Airport.
Any person may inspect the request by appointment at the FAA office
address listed above. Interested persons are invited to comment on the
proposed change in use of the property. All comments will be considered
by the FAA to the extent practicable.
Issued in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, on December 1, 2011.
Lori K. Pagnanelli,
Manager, Harrisburg Airports District Office.
[FR Doc. 2011-33562 Filed 12-29-11; 8:45 am]