Independent Expenditures and Electioneering Communications by Corporations and Labor Organizations, 80803-80817 [2011-32632]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 76, No. 248
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
11 CFR Part 114
[Notice 2011–18]
Independent Expenditures and
Electioneering Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations
Federal Election Commission.
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Federal Election
Commission seeks comments on
proposed changes to its rules regarding
corporate and labor organization
funding of expenditures, independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications. These and other
proposed changes are in response to a
Petition for Rulemaking filed by the
James Madison Center for Free Speech
urging the Commission to amend its
regulations in response to the decision
of the Supreme Court in Citizens United
v. FEC. The Commission has made no
final decision on the issues presented in
this rulemaking.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 3, 2012. Reply
comments must be limited to the issues
raised in the initial comments and must
be received on or before February 17,
2012. The Commission will hold a
hearing on these proposed rules and any
modifications or amendments thereto
that may be proposed on March 7, 2012.
Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing
must file written comments by the due
date and must include a request to
testify in the written comments.
ADDRESSES: All comments must be in
writing. Comments may be submitted
electronically via the Commission’s
Web site at
Commenters are encouraged to submit
comments electronically to ensure
timely receipt and consideration.
Alternatively, comments may be
submitted in paper form. Paper
comments must be sent to the Federal
Election Commission, Attn.: Robert M.
Knop, Assistant General Counsel, 999 E
Street NW., Washington, DC 20463. All
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comments must include the full name
and postal service address of the
commenter, and of each commenter if
filed jointly, or they will not be
considered. The Commission will post
comments on its Web site at the
conclusion of the comment period.
Robert M. Knop, Assistant General
Counsel, or Attorneys Ms. Esther D.
Heiden, Mr. Theodore M. Lutz, or Ms.
Joanna S. Waldstreicher, 999 E Street
NW., Washington, DC 20463, (202) 694–
1650 or (800) 424–9530.
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,1
as amended, (‘‘the Act’’) prohibits
corporations and labor organizations
from using general treasury funds to
make contributions or expenditures in
connection with Federal elections. 2
U.S.C. 441b. The term ‘‘contribution or
expenditure’’ includes any ‘‘direct or
indirect payment, distribution, loan,
advance, deposit, or gift of money, or
any services, or anything of value * * *
to any candidate, campaign committee,
or political party or organization,’’ in
connection with any Federal election. 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2); 11 CFR 114.1(a)(1);
see also 2 U.S.C. 431(8)(A) and (9)(A);
11 CFR 100.52 and 100.111. The Act’s
prohibition on expenditures by
corporations and labor organizations
includes ‘‘independent expenditures,’’
which are expenditures expressly
advocating the election or defeat of a
clearly identified candidate that are not
made in concert or cooperation with, or
at the request or suggestion of, a clearly
identified candidate, the candidate’s
authorized political committee, or their
agents, or a political party committee
and its agents. 2 U.S.C. 431(17); 11 CFR
The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
of 2002 2 (‘‘BCRA’’) amended the Act to
also prohibit corporations and labor
organizations from using general
treasury funds to make electioneering
communications. 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2).
Electioneering communications are
broadcast, cable, or satellite
communications that refer to a clearly
identified candidate for Federal office,
are publicly distributed within sixty
days before a general election or thirty
days before a primary election, and are
1 Public Law 92–225, 86 Stat. 3 (1971); 2 U.S.C.
431 et seq.
2 Public Law 107–155, 116 Stat. 81 (2002).
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targeted to the relevant electorate. 2
U.S.C. 434(f)(3)(A)(i) and (f)(3)(C); 11
CFR 100.29(a)(1)–(3). The Commission’s
regulations prohibiting independent
expenditures and electioneering
communication made by corporations
and labor organizations are found at 11
CFR part 114. The Act and Commission
regulations also require entities that
make independent expenditures and
electioneering communications to report
certain information to the Commission,
which the Commission then places on
the public record. 2 U.S.C. 434(c) and
434(f); 11 CFR 104.20 and 109.10. In
addition, the Act and Commission
regulations require communications
expressly advocating the election or
defeat of a clearly identified candidate,
as well as electioneering
communications, to include disclaimers
stating who paid for the communication
and whether the communication was
authorized by a Federal candidate or a
Federal candidate’s authorized political
committee or its agents. 2 U.S.C.
441d(a); 11 CFR 110.11.
In Citizens United v. FEC, the
Supreme Court held that the two
statutory provisions prohibiting
corporations from making independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications violate the First
Amendment. 558 U.S. __, 130 S. Ct. 876
(2010). At the same time, the Supreme
Court reaffirmed the validity of the Act’s
reporting, disclosure, and disclaimer
requirements for independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications at 2 U.S.C. 434(f) and
441d(a)(3) and (d)(2). Id. at 913–16.3
The James Madison Center for Free
Speech filed a Petition for Rulemaking
urging the Commission to amend its
regulations to conform to the decision in
Citizens United. Specifically, the
Petition for Rulemaking asked the
3 Although Citizens United did not directly
address whether labor organizations also have a
First Amendment right to use their general treasury
funds for independent expenditures and
electioneering communications, the Act and
Commission regulations treat labor organizations in
a similar manner to corporations. See 2 U.S.C. 441b;
see generally CFR part 114; see also Advisory
Opinion 2010–11 (Commonsense Ten) at n.3. When
addressing corporations, the Court in Citizens
United often referred to labor organizations, and
provided no basis for treating labor organization
communications differently than corporate
communications under the First Amendment.
Therefore, the Commission proposes to make the
same regulatory changes discussed in this Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking for both corporations and
labor organizations.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Commission to remove 11 CFR 114.2,
114.4, 114.9, and 114.14 to the extent
that these regulations implement the
Act’s ban on the use of general treasury
funds by corporations and labor
organizations to make independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications. The Petition for
Rulemaking also asked the Commission
to remove 11 CFR 114.10, because that
regulation implements an exception to
the prohibition on independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications by corporations that is
no longer necessary after Citizens
United. Finally, the petitioners
requested that the Commission remove
11 CFR 114.15, because that regulation
relating to certain permissible
communications by corporations and
labor organizations is also no longer
necessary after Citizens United.
On June 21, 2011, the Commission
published a Notice of Availability
seeking public comment on the Petition
for Rulemaking. Notice of Availability
on Independent Expenditures and
Electioneering Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations,
76 FR 36001 (June 21, 2011). The
Commission received three comments
in response to the Notice of Availability.
Two commenters urged the
Commission to adopt the changes
recommended in the Petition for
Rulemaking. One of these two
comments urged the Commission to
repeal portions of 11 CFR 114.2, 114.3,
114.4, 114.9 and 114.14, insofar as these
regulations implement the 2 U.S.C. 441b
bans on independent expenditures and
electioneering communications. The
comment went on to request that the
Commission either clarify or repeal
sections 114.10 and 114.15. The other
comment supporting the petition asked
the Commission to remove portions of
sections 114.2, 114.3, 114.4, 114.9 and
114.14 to the extent that they are invalid
after the Court’s decision in Citizens
United. Both of these commenters
further stated that any NPRM issued in
response to the Citizens United decision
and the Petition for Rulemaking should
address only those regulations clearly
invalidated by the Court decision, and
should address no other issues.
One of the two commenters
supporting the petition stated that
further rulemaking is not appropriate at
this time because the Commission has
had only brief experience with the postCitizens United legal landscape. That
commenter suggested that the
Commission should wait until ‘‘expert
research’’ is conducted on a number of
issues before engaging in broader
rulemaking. Both commenters also
suggested that the Commission should
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limit its rulemaking to those regulations
directly affected by Citizens United so
that the Commission can reach
A third commenter urged the
Commission not to amend or remove its
regulations in response to the Petition
for Rulemaking or Citizens United. That
commenter noted that the Citizens
United decision was not unanimous and
suggested that the Court’s rationale was
incorrect. The commenter expressed
concern that the Court’s decision and
any subsequent rulemaking
implementing the decision would
reduce transparency of corporate
spending on Federal elections.
The Commission is issuing this Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking to address
certain regulations implicated by the
Citizens United decision and raised by
the Petition for Rulemaking, and the
comments received in response to its
Notice of Availability. The Commission
seeks comment on: (1) Eliminating the
prohibitions in 11 CFR 114.2 and 114.14
on the use of corporate and labor
organization general treasury funds to
finance independent expenditures and
electioneering communications; (2)
eliminating 11 CFR 114.15, which
permits corporations and labor
organizations to make electioneering
communications that are not the
functional equivalent of express
advocacy; (3) eliminating the
prohibitions in 11 CFR 114.3 and 114.4
regarding express advocacy in
communications to the general public
and revising the standards for voter
registration and get-out-the-vote
(‘‘GOTV’’) drives; (4) revising 11 CFR
114.9, which governs the use of
corporate and labor organization
facilities for political activity; and (5)
eliminating or amending the regulation
at 11 CFR 114.10, which governs the
making of independent expenditures
and electioneering communications by
qualified nonprofit corporations.
I. Background
The Act and Commission regulations
prohibit corporations and labor
organizations from using general
treasury funds to make expenditures,
including independent expenditures. 2
U.S.C. 441b(a) and (b)(2); 11 CFR
In enacting section 203 of BCRA,
Congress extended the Act’s
prohibitions on the use of general
treasury funds for corporate and labor
organization expenditures under 2
U.S.C. 441b to include electioneering
communications. 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2);
see also 2 U.S.C. 434(f)(3); 11 CFR
100.29, 104.3, 114.2, 114.10, and 114.14.
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In Citizens United, the Supreme Court
held that the Act’s prohibitions on
financing independent expenditures
and electioneering communications
with corporate general treasury funds
were unconstitutional. Citizens United,
a non-profit corporation, in January
2008 released a film in theaters and on
DVD about then-Senator Hillary Clinton,
who was a candidate in the Democratic
Party’s 2008 Presidential primary
elections. Citizens United wanted to pay
cable companies to make the film
available to digital cable subscribers for
free through video-on-demand, which
allows subscribers to view
programming, including movies.
Citizens United planned to make the
film available within thirty days of the
2008 primary elections.
Citizens United filed suit seeking a
preliminary injunction, arguing that the
ban on corporate electioneering
communications at 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)
was unconstitutional as applied to
payments to make the film available
through video-on-demand and that the
disclosure and disclaimer requirements
at 2 U.S.C. 434(f) and 441d were
unconstitutional as applied to payments
for the film and for three planned
advertisements for the movie. The
district court denied the request for a
preliminary injunction and granted the
Commission’s motion for summary
judgment. 530 F. Supp. 2d 274 (D.D.C.
The Supreme Court invalidated
section 441b’s restrictions on corporate
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications. 130
S.Ct. at 913. The Supreme Court held
that the prohibition on corporate
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications is a ban
on speech and concluded that section
441b was therefore ‘‘subject to strict
scrutiny.’’ Id. at 898.
The Court noted that ‘‘[p]olitical
speech is ‘indispensable to
decisionmaking in a democracy, and
this is no less true because the speech
comes from a corporation rather than an
individual.’’’ Id. at 904 (quoting First
Nat’l Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U.S.
765, 777 (1978)). The Court stated that
the anti-distortion rationale previously
used to justify restrictions on corporate
speech ‘‘interferes with the ‘open
marketplace of ideas’ protected by the
First Amendment.’’ Id. at 906.4 The
Supreme Court also disagreed that
corporate independent expenditures can
be limited because of an interest in
4 The Court therefore overruled its previous
decisions in Austin v. Michigan Chamber of
Commerce, 494 U.S. 652 (1990), and, in part,
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
protecting dissenting shareholders from
being compelled to fund corporate
political speech and held that such
disagreements may be corrected by
shareholders through the procedures of
corporate democracy. Id. at 911. ‘‘All
speakers, including individuals and the
media, use money amassed from the
economic marketplace to fund their
speech, and the First Amendment
protects the resulting speech.’’ Id. at
905. Accordingly, the Supreme Court
held that ‘‘the rule that political speech
cannot be limited based on a speaker’s
wealth is a necessary consequence of
the premise that the First Amendment
generally prohibits the suppression of
political speech based on the speaker’s
identity.’’ Id.
The Supreme Court further held that,
while the government has a compelling
interest in preventing corruption or the
appearance of corruption, ‘‘independent
expenditures, including those made by
corporations, do not give rise to
corruption or the appearance of
corruption.’’ Id. at 909. Thus, the Court
invalidated section 441b’s restrictions
on corporate independent expenditures
and electioneering communications. Id.
at 913.
Citizens United also challenged the
Act’s disclaimer and disclosure
provisions at sections 434(f) and 441d as
applied to the film and three
advertisements for the film. Under the
Act, electioneering communications
must include a statement identifying the
person responsible for payment for the
advertisement. 2 U.S.C. 441d(a). Also,
any person who spends more than
$10,000 on electioneering
communications within a calendar year
must file a disclosure statement with the
Commission identifying the person
making the electioneering
communication, the election to which
the communication pertains, and
providing information about certain
contributors who gave $1000 or more
within a specified time period. 2 U.S.C.
434(f)(2). The Court rejected the
challenge to the statutory requirement
and upheld the reporting provisions
because ‘‘transparency enables the
electorate to make informed decisions
and give proper weight to different
speakers and messages.’’ Citizens
United, 130 S. Ct. at 913–16. The Court
recognized that disclaimer and
disclosure requirements impose no
ceiling on campaign activities, do not
prevent anyone from speaking, and
advance the public’s ‘‘interest in
knowing who is speaking about a
candidate shortly before an election.’’
Id. at 914–15. ‘‘Prompt disclosure of
expenditures can provide shareholders
and citizens with the information
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needed to hold corporations and elected
officials accountable for their positions
and supporters.’’ Id. at 916.
II. Overview of Changes to 11 CFR Part
114: Corporate and Labor Organization
Commission regulations
implementing the statutory provisions
struck down by Citizens United are no
longer valid. The Commission
previously released a statement saying
that it would no longer enforce statutory
provisions or regulations prohibiting
corporations and labor organizations
from making independent expenditures
and electioneering communications.
FEC Statement on the Supreme Court’s
Decision in Citizens United v. FEC (Feb.
5, 2010) (available at https://
20100205CitizensUnited.shtml). These
regulations include portions of current
11 CFR part 114, which concern
corporate and labor organization
activity. In this rulemaking, the
Commission proposes to amend 11 CFR
114.2, 114.3, 114.4, and 114.10, and to
remove 11 CFR 114.14, and 114.15. The
Commission has not made any
determination as to which, if any, of the
proposed alternatives it should adopt in
its final rules.
The Commission proposes to change
11 CFR part 114 by: (1) Modifying
specific language within sections of part
114 that prohibit corporations and labor
organizations from using general
treasury funds to finance independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications, and (2) removing
language that may be superfluous, given
the permissible uses of general treasury
funds under Citizens United.
Among the Commission’s proposals
are alternatives for modifying current 11
CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i), which prohibits
corporations and labor organizations
from making expenditures, including
independent expenditures. The
Commission proposes to modify 11 CFR
114.2(b)(2)(i) in one of two ways: (1)
Narrow the prohibition to allow all
expenditures except those that are
coordinated with a candidate or a
political party committee, including
coordinated communications, or (2)
narrow the prohibition to allow only
communications that are not
coordinated with a candidate or a
political party committee, while
continuing to prohibit expenditures that
are not made for communications.
These alternative approaches would
also apply to the expenditure
prohibition for voter registration and
GOTV drives, discussed below in the
proposed changes to section 114.3 (with
respect to the restricted class) and
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section 114.4 (with respect to the
general public).
With respect to 11 CFR 114.4, the
Commission proposes to remove the
prohibition on making express advocacy
communications to those outside the
restricted class, but would maintain the
restrictions on coordinating with
candidates and political parties when
making communications to those
outside the restricted class. Regarding
11 CFR 114.9, the Commission seeks
comment on whether 11 CFR 114.9
should be revised and, if so, how.5
Additionally, the Commission seeks
comment on whether to repeal or revise
certain provisions of 11 CFR 114.10.
These provisions currently exempt
qualified nonprofit corporations
(‘‘QNC’’) from the pre-Citizens United
ban on corporate independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications. The proposed
revisions would apply to all
corporations and labor organizations,
not limited to QNCs, making
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications.6 The
existing provisions currently reference
other Commission regulations that
apply to QNCs making independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications, including references
to the reporting requirements for
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications under
11 CFR 104.4(a), 109.10(b), and
104.20(b), and the disclaimer provisions
of 11 CFR 110.11. The Commission
seeks comment on whether to remove
section 114.10 or to revise section
114.10 to expand these rules to apply to
all corporations and labor organizations
that make such independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications. Finally, the
Commission proposes to remove 11 CFR
114.14, and 114.15, which implement
exceptions to the general prohibition
against corporate and labor organization
funding of independent expenditures
and electioneering communications.
5 While the Commission proposes to retain the
reporting requirements currently at 11 CFR
114.3(b), which require corporations and labor
organizations to report disbursements for
communications containing express advocacy made
to the restricted class, it recognizes that a
communication containing express advocacy may
now be made both to the general public and the
restricted class, thereby triggering different
thresholds for reporting obligations.
6 Corporations that are foreign nationals,
government contractors, or national banks, and
corporations that are organized by authority of any
law of Congress continue to be prohibited from
making independent expenditures or electioneering
communications. 2 U.S.C. 441b, 441c and 441e.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
III. Proposed 11 CFR 114.2(b)—
Prohibitions on Certain Expenditures
The Commission regulation at 11 CFR
114.2(b) implements 2 U.S.C. 441b(a) by
prohibiting corporations and labor
organizations from making
expenditures, including independent
expenditures.7 This rule also prohibits
corporations and labor organizations
from making payments for
electioneering communications unless
certain criteria are met. The Supreme
Court’s decision in Citizens United
invalidated the prohibitions on
corporate independent expenditures
and electioneering communications in 2
U.S.C. 441b(a).8 Accordingly, certain
portions of 11 CFR 114.2(b) are no
longer valid. The Commission therefore
proposes to revise this regulation to
remove the prohibitions on independent
expenditures and electioneering
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A. 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i)—Prohibition on
Corporate and Labor Organization
Current 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i)
prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from making
‘‘expenditures,’’ as defined in 11 CFR
part 100, subpart D. With certain
exceptions, this prohibition applies to
7 An ‘‘independent expenditure’’ is defined by the
Act as ‘‘an expenditure by a person— (A) expressly
advocating the election or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate; and (B) that is not made in
concert or cooperation with or at the request or
suggestion of such candidate, the candidate’s
authorized political committee, or their agents, or
a political party committee or its agents.’’ 2 U.S.C.
431(17); see also 11 CFR 100.16(a). Express
advocacy is defined in 11 CFR 100.22 as ‘‘any
communication that—(a) Uses phrases such as
‘‘vote for the President,’’ ‘‘re-elect your
Congressman,’’ ‘‘support the Democratic nominee,’’
‘‘cast your ballot for the Republican challenger for
U.S. Senate in Georgia,’’ ‘‘Smith for Congress,’’ ‘‘Bill
McKay in ’94,’’ ‘‘vote Pro-Life’’ or ‘‘vote ProChoice’’ accompanied by a listing of clearly
identified candidates described as Pro-Life or ProChoice, vote against Old Hickory,’’ ‘‘defeat’’
accompanied by a picture of one or more
candidate(s), ‘‘reject the incumbent,’’ or
communications of campaign slogan(s) or
individual word(s), which in context can have no
other reasonable meaning than to urge the election
or defeat of one or more clearly identified
candidate(s), such as posters, bumper stickers,
advertisements, etc. which say ‘‘Nixon’s the One,’’
‘‘Carter ’76,’’ ‘‘Reagan/Bush’’ or ‘‘Mondale!’’; or (b)
When taken as a whole and with limited reference
to external events, such as the proximity to the
election, could only be interpreted by a reasonable
person as containing advocacy of the election or
defeat of one or more clearly identified candidate(s)
because—(1) The electoral portion of the
communication is unmistakable, unambiguous, and
suggestive of only one meaning; and (2) Reasonable
minds could not differ as to whether it encourages
actions to elect or defeat one or more clearly
identified candidate(s) or encourages some other
kind of action.’’
8 See discussion above regarding the applicability
of the Citizens United holding to labor
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all expenditures, whether they are
independent, coordinated, or any other
form of expenditure, including in-kind
The Commission is considering two
alternatives for revising 11 CFR
114.2(b)(2)(i). Both alternatives would
permit corporations and labor
organizations to make expenditures
from their general treasury funds for
communications that are not
coordinated with a candidate or
political party, and both alternatives
would maintain the prohibition on
corporate and labor organization
expenditures for all activities that are
coordinated with a candidate or
political party as defined in 11 CFR
109.20 or 109.21. The alternatives differ
in that Alternative A would permit
corporations and labor organizations to
make all types of expenditures from
their general treasuries for any noncoordinated activities, whether or not
they are communications, while
Alternative B would maintain the
prohibition on non-expressive
expenditures by corporations and labor
organizations regardless of whether they
are coordinated with a candidate or
political party.
Alternative A proposes treating all
expenditures the same on the ground
that Citizens United did not distinguish
among different types of expenditures
so long as they are made independently
of any campaign or political party. By
contrast, Alternative B suggests
distinguishing between expenditures for
communications and other types of
expenditures, on the ground that the
Court’s holding in Citizens United
struck down prohibitions on political
speech as inconsistent with the First
Amendment, but did not address noncommunicative conduct because
‘‘independent expenditures’’ are defined
as communications. The Commission
invites comment on which of the two
approaches reflects the more
appropriate response to Citizens United
and why. In considering both
alternatives, the Commission seeks
comment on whether it should
distinguish between communicative and
non-communicative expenditures and
how. For example, how should the
Commission treat corporate or labor
organization expenditures for
transporting voters to polling places as
part of a non-coordinated get-out-the9 An in-kind contribution is an expenditure. 11
CFR 100.111(e)(1). All corporate and labor
organization contributions, including in-kind
contributions, continue to be prohibited after
Citizens United. Coordinated communications and
coordinated expenditures continue to be prohibited
because they are a form of in-kind contribution. 11
CFR 109.20(b) and 109.21(b).
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vote (‘‘GOTV’’) campaign supporting or
opposing a specific candidate which
includes both communicative and noncommunicative elements? Such
expenses might include the driver’s
salary, vehicle rental, and fuel, and, if
workers were brought in from another
geographical area to assist in the efforts,
the payment for their travel, lodging,
and food costs.
Alternative A—Permit Corporations and
Labor Organizations To Make
Expenditures Except for Coordinated
Expenditures and Coordinated
Alternative A would remove the
existing broad prohibition on corporate
and labor organization expenditures
from general treasury funds and replace
it with a regulation specifically
prohibiting only (a) expenditures that
are coordinated with a candidate or a
political party committee and (b)
coordinated communications.
Alternative A would permit
independent corporate and labor
organization communications that
contain express advocacy, which is one
component of the statutory and
regulatory definition of an
‘‘independent expenditure’’ (e.g., a
television advertisement that urges its
audience to vote for a clearly identified
Senate candidate), and those that do not
contain express advocacy (e.g., a mass
mailing that exhorts readers to vote for
unspecified candidates who support a
particular cause). Expenditures that are
not for communications would also be
permitted under Alternative A as long
as these expenditures are not in-kind
contributions, such as expenditures that
are coordinated with candidates or
political party committees. Permissible
expenditures would include: (a)
Payment for transportation of volunteers
to campaign events, (b) payment for
expenses of voter registration drives, (c)
the provision of food to campaign
volunteers, or (d) the provision of
babysitting services to enable voters
supporting a particular candidate or
political party to vote.
The Commission seeks comment on
Alternative A. Does Alternative A
eliminate too much or too little of the
prohibition on corporate and labor
organization expenditures? Does
Alternative A provide clear guidance on
the types of expenditures corporations
and labor organizations may make in
accordance with Citizens United?
The Commission also seeks comment
on whether Alternative A should
distinguish between expenditures for
communications and other types of noncoordinated expenditures. If spending
by corporations or labor organizations—
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
whether for communicative or noncommunicative expenditures—is
neither coordinated with a federal
candidate or political party nor is an inkind contribution, can it be banned
post-Citizens United? Does Alternative
A’s removal of the ban on noncoordinated corporate and labor
organization expenditures accurately
reflect the Court’s holding and
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Alternative B—Permit Corporations and
Labor Organizations To Make
Independent Expenditures But Not
Coordinated Communications or NonCommunicative Expenditures
Alternative B would amend the
prohibition on corporate and labor
organization expenditures to permit
independent expenditures from general
treasury funds for non-coordinated
communications, but would continue to
prohibit non-communicative
expenditures (including in-kind
contributions) and coordinated
communications. Alternative B would
distinguish expenditures for
communications from other types of
expenditures. Under Alternative B,
corporations and labor organizations
would be permitted to make
expenditures from general treasury
funds solely for ‘‘political speech
presented to the electorate that is not
coordinated with a candidate.’’ Citizens
United, 130 S. Ct. at 910. Coordinated
communications as well as all noncommunicative expenditures would
continue to be prohibited.
The Commission seeks comment on
whether the decision in Citizens United
should be read to apply to noncommunicative activities, and whether
Alternative B is consistent with Citizens
United. Is Alternative B specific enough
as to the types of expenditures
corporations and labor organizations
may make? To what extent does the Act
contemplate the distinction between
speech and non-speech expenditures?
Would maintaining the ban on nonspeech expenditures further the
government’s interest in preventing
corruption or the appearance of
B. 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(ii) and (b)(3)—
Prohibition on Corporate and Labor
Organization Express Advocacy
Communications and Electioneering
Communications to Those Outside the
Restricted Class
Currently, 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(ii)
prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from ‘‘making
expenditures with respect to a Federal
election * * * for communications to
those outside the restricted class that
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expressly advocate the election or defeat
of one or more clearly identified
candidate(s) or the candidates of a
clearly identified political party.’’
Because the Supreme Court held in
Citizens United that corporations and
labor organizations have a constitutional
right to make expenditures for
communications containing express
advocacy to those not in their restricted
classes, the Commission proposes to
remove paragraph (b)(2)(ii).
Similarly, 11 CFR 114.2(b)(3)
prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from making payments for
electioneering communications to those
outside their restricted classes unless
permissible under 11 CFR 114.10 or
114.15.10 Because Citizens United held
that corporations may make
electioneering communications,
including to audiences outside their
restricted classes, the Commission
proposes to remove paragraph (b)(3) of
section 114.2. The Commission seeks
comment on this proposal.
IV. Proposed 11 CFR 114.3—
Disbursements for Communications to
the Restricted Class by Corporations
and Labor Organizations in Connection
With a Federal Election
Current 11 CFR 114.3 implements
certain statutory exceptions to the
general ban on contributions and
expenditures by corporations and labor
organizations. Before Citizens United
was decided, corporations and labor
organizations could make
communications containing express
advocacy only to their restricted classes.
2 U.S.C. 441b(a) and (b)(2)(A). Section
114.3 implements these provisions of
the Act, and sets out the requirements
and restrictions on those
communications to the restricted class,
including publications; candidate and
party appearances; phone banks; and
voter registration and GOTV drives.
The Commission’s current regulations
at 11 CFR 114.4 set out the restrictions
and prohibitions for communications by
corporations and labor organizations
beyond the restricted class. The Act
establishes specific reporting
requirements for communications made
by corporations and labor organizations
to their restricted class and exempts
10 This provision does not apply to State party
committees and State candidate committees that
incorporate under 26 U.S.C. 527(e)(1), provided
that: (1) The committee is not a political committee
as defined in 11 CFR 100.5; (2) the committee
incorporated for liability purposes only; (3) the
committee does not use any funds donated by
corporations or labor organizations to make
electioneering communications; and (4) the
committee complies with the reporting
requirements for electioneering communications at
11 CFR part 104.
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disbursements for such communications
from the definition of expenditure,
whether or not the communications
contain express advocacy. 2 U.S.C.
431(9)(B)(iii). The Commission proposes
to maintain the current structure in
which 11 CFR 114.3 addresses
disbursements for communications
made to the restricted class and 11 CFR
114.4 addresses disbursements for
communications made to those outside
the restricted class, with certain
proposed changes discussed below. The
Commission requests comment on this
approach. Should the Commission
maintain the separate regulations as
they are now, or divide them in a
different way? Would combining 11
CFR 114.3 and 114.4 be more readily
understandable to the public now that
corporations and labor organizations
can make express advocacy
communications beyond the restricted
A. 11 CFR 114.3(b)—Reporting of
Disbursements for Express Advocacy
1. Reporting of Disbursements for
Express Advocacy Communications
Solely to the Restricted Class Under
Current 11 CFR 114.3(b)
The proposed rules would not change
the requirement, currently at 11 CFR
114.3(b), that corporations and labor
organizations report disbursements for
communications containing express
advocacy made to the restricted class in
accordance with 11 CFR 100.134 and
104.6. The Act exempts express
advocacy communications made by
corporations and labor organizations to
their restricted class from the definition
of ‘‘expenditure.’’ 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii).
However, the Act requires that
corporations and labor organizations
that make disbursements for express
advocacy communications to the
restricted class in excess of $2,000 for
any election file quarterly reports in an
election year and pre-election reports
for any general election. 2 U.S.C.
431(9)(B)(iii), 434(a)(4)(A)(i) and (ii).
This statutory requirement is
implemented in the Commission
regulations at current 11 CFR
100.134(a), 104.6(a), and 114.3(b).
2. Reporting of Disbursements for
Express Advocacy Communications
Beyond the Restricted Class
As discussed in Section VII.B below,
proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b) would
require corporations and labor
organizations that make independent
expenditures for communications to
persons outside the restricted class to
report these independent expenditures
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
under 2 U.S.C. 434(c). This provision
requires that ‘‘every person (other than
a political committee) who makes
independent expenditures in an
aggregate amount or value in excess of
$250 during a calendar year’’ report
such expenditures to the Commission.
The Commission does not propose to
change the language of current 11 CFR
114.3(b) because Citizens United upheld
disclosure requirements, and did not
affect the provision of the Act at 2
U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii) that exempts
disbursements for express advocacy
communications to the restricted class
from the definition of ‘‘expenditure’’
and establishes the reporting
requirement for such communications.
The Commission requests comment on
this approach.
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3. Reporting of Express Advocacy
Communications Both to the Restricted
Class and Outside the Restricted Class
Prior to Citizens United, corporations
and labor organizations were prohibited
from making payments for independent
expenditures directed to individuals
outside of the restricted class. Now that
the Court has struck down the
prohibition on independent
expenditures, the Commission seeks
comment on how a corporation or labor
organization should report spending for
communications containing express
advocacy directed both to the restricted
class and outside the restricted class. If
a corporation or labor organization
makes a single disbursement for a
communication containing express
advocacy that is made both to the
general public, which is an independent
expenditure, and the restricted class,
which is exempt from the definition of
expenditure, should the fact that the
communication went outside the
restricted class result in the entire
disbursement being treated as an
independent expenditure, subject to the
relevant reporting requirements?
Alternatively, should the corporation or
labor organization allocate the expense
between the cost of the communication
made to the restricted class and the cost
of the communication made outside the
restricted class and report the allocated
expenses separately under the two
reporting regimes?
B. Proposed 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4)—Voter
Registration and Get-Out-the-Vote
Current 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) provides
that a corporation or a labor
organization may conduct voter
registration and GOTV drives ‘‘aimed at
its restricted class.’’ Section 114.3(c)(4)
states that voter registration and GOTV
drives include providing transportation
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to the place of registration and to the
polls. The current provision further
permits such drives to include
communications containing express
advocacy, ‘‘such as urging individuals
to register with a particular political
party or to vote for a particular
candidate.’’ 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4).
However, the current provision
prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from withholding or
refusing to give information and other
assistance regarding registering or
voting ‘‘on the basis of support for or
opposition to particular candidates, or a
particular political party.’’ Id.
The Commission is proposing two
alternatives to revise paragraph (c)(4).
Alternative A would also remove the
existing requirement that corporations
or labor organizations may not withhold
or refuse to give information or other
assistance on the basis of support for, or
opposition to, particular candidates or a
particular political party, but maintain
the exemption from the definition of
‘‘contribution or expenditure’’ under 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B) for voter
registration and GOTV drives that meet
that requirement. Alternative B would
not make any changes to current 11 CFR
114.3(c)(4) except the technical change,
and therefore retain the current
prohibition on withholding or refusing
to give information and other assistance
regarding registering or voting ‘‘on the
basis of support for or opposition to
particular candidates, or a particular
political party.’’ The Commission
invites comment on which, if either, of
the two proposals better comports with
Citizens United and the Act.
Alternative A—Remove Requirement
That Corporations and Labor
Organizations Not Withhold or Refuse
To Provide Assistance on the Basis of
Support for, or Opposition to, Particular
Candidates or a Particular Party
This alternative would remove the
prohibition on withholding or refusing
to provide information or other
assistance regarding registering or
voting based on support for or
opposition to particular candidates, or a
particular party. Instead, Alternative A
would prohibit corporations and labor
organizations from conducting voter
registration or GOTV drives only if the
activity is coordinated with a candidate
or political party. As discussed in
Section III.A above, one approach to
revising the Commission’s regulations
would be to eliminate the existing broad
prohibition on corporate and labor
organization expenditures, and instead
prohibit only those expenditures that
are coordinated with a candidate or a
political party committee. Similarly,
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Alternative A would permit
corporations and labor organizations to
conduct voter registration and GOTV
drives without restriction, so long as
they were not coordinated with a
candidate or political party.
Alternative A, however, would adhere
to the statutory exception to the
definition of ‘‘contribution or
expenditure’’ for nonpartisan voter
registration and GOTV drives. See 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B). Under existing
regulations, corporations and labor
organizations do not have to report to
the Commission disbursements for voter
registration and GOTV drives that meet
the conditions of the statutory
exception, since such disbursements are
neither contributions nor expenditures.
While voter registration and GOTV
drives are permissible under Alternative
A, regardless of whether the drives meet
the conditions of the statutory
exception, corporations or labor
organizations conducting drives that
meet those conditions are not required
to report disbursements for those drives.
Thus, Alternative A would specify that
disbursements for voter registration and
GOTV drives are not contributions or
expenditures if the drives are conducted
in such a manner that the corporation or
labor organization does not withhold or
refuse to provide information or other
assistance regarding registering or
voting on the basis of support for or
opposition to particular candidates or a
particular political party, consistent
with the statutory exception in 2 U.S.C.
The Commission requests comment
on this proposal. Is Alternative A
consistent with Citizens United? Does
the proposal eliminate too much or too
little in implementing the remaining
prohibitions on corporate and labor
organization expenditures? Is this
consistent with the uniform treatment of
all expenditures under Alternative A?
Should this reporting regime inform the
Commission’s choice of alternatives for
amending section 114.4?
In Citizens United, the Court rejected
an ‘‘intricate case-by-case
determination’’ to determine whether
political speech is banned, given that a
corporation has a constitutional right to
speak. 130 S. Ct. at 892. By not weighing
the expressive elements of expenditures,
does Alternative A avoid the need for
such ‘‘intricate case-by-case
Alternative B—Retain Existing
Regulation at 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4)
Alternative B would make no changes
to the existing regulation at 11 CFR
114.3(c)(4) other than the technical
change discussed above. As discussed
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
in Section III.A above, one alternative
for revising the Commission’s
regulations to comply with the decision
in Citizens United would be to
specifically exclude expenditures for
communications (i.e., ‘‘independent
expenditures’’) from the broader
prohibition on expenditures, while still
prohibiting corporate and labor
organization expenditures such as inkind contributions, coordinated
expenditures, or expenditures that do
not involve communications. Like
proposed Alternative B for 11 CFR
114.2(b)(2)(i) discussed above,
Alternative B for 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4)
would also distinguish between speech
and non-speech activity.
In promulgating the current regulation
at 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4), the Commission
distinguished between the ‘‘‘pure
speech’ aspects of the drives [that] may
be partisan,’’ and the non-speech
activity aspects of the drives that ‘‘must
be conducted in a nonpartisan manner.’’
1977 E&J at 105 (1977). The
Commission’s implementation of the
nonpartisan requirement of 2 U.S.C.
441b(b)(2)(B) reflects this distinction
between ‘‘pure speech’’ and non-speech
elements of voter registration and GOTV
drives. Because Alternative B takes the
approach that Citizens United did not
overturn the prohibition on corporate
and labor organization disbursements
that do not involve political speech in
the form of independent expenditures
and electioneering communications,
under Alternative B the Commission
would continue to regulate the nonspeech aspects of voter registration and
GOTV drives in order to implement 2
U.S.C. 441b. These expenses might
include, for example, the driver’s salary,
vehicle rental and fuel, and travel,
lodging, and food costs in instances
where volunteers or workers were
brought in from other locations to
participate in a voter registration or
GOTV drive. These expenses might also
include office leasing and other general
office costs, as well as child care costs
for voter registration and GOTV workers
and for voters.
In Alternative B, as in Alternative A,
a corporation or labor organization
would continue to be able to make voter
registration or GOTV communications,
including express advocacy, to its
restricted class under 11 CFR
114.3(c)(4). Furthermore, in Alternative
B, as in Alternative A, voter registration
and GOTV drives conducted in
accordance with proposed 11 CFR
114.3(c)(4) would remain exempt from
the definition of ‘‘expenditure’’ under 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B). However,
Alternative B would maintain the
prohibition on withholding or refusing
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to provide information or other
assistance regarding registering or
voting based on support for or
opposition to particular candidates, or a
particular party. Additionally, under
Alternative B, corporations and labor
organizations would remain prohibited
from engaging in non-communicative
activities related to voter registration
and GOTV drives other than those
conducted in accordance with proposed
11 CFR 114.3(c)(4).
The Commission also notes the
significance of this reporting regime for
the Commission’s choice of alternatives
for amending section 114.4, discussed
below. Corporations and labor
organizations are not required to report
disbursements associated with
qualifying voter registration or GOTV
drives, such as driver salaries and the
cost of fuel, while persons who file
reports with the Commission must
report all expenditures for
communications (both independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications). Does the statute
implicitly distinguish between
communications and voter registration
and GOTV drives?
The Commission requests comments
on this approach. Is Alternative B
consistent with the holding in Citizens
United? Is it appropriate to interpret
Citizens United’s holding as related only
to pure speech and therefore not to
extend these holdings to these types of
non-communicative conduct?
Alternatively, do all aspects of voter
registration and GOTV drives possess
inherently communicative qualities that
would prohibit such regulation? The
Commission seeks comment on where
voter registration and GOTV drives fall
on the spectrum ranging from speech to
V. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4—
Disbursements for Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations
Beyond the Restricted Class in
Connection With a Federal Election
Current 11 CFR 114.4 sets out a
number of exceptions to the
prohibitions on corporations and labor
organizations making expenditures. The
regulation permits certain
communications and activities directed
outside the restricted class, both to
employees outside the restricted class
and the general public. This section also
permits certain communications made
to those outside the restricted class to be
coordinated, to a limited extent, with
candidates. Specifically, section
114.4(b) covers candidate and party
appearances on corporate or labor
organization premises or at a meeting,
convention, or other function that is
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attended by employees outside the
restricted class.
Current section 114.4(c) identifies the
types of communications that
corporations and labor organizations
can make to the general public, namely:
(1) Voter registration and voting
communications; (2) official registration
and voting information; (3) voting
records; (4) voter guides; (5)
endorsements; (6) candidate
appearances on educational institution
premises; and (7) electioneering
communications, and the relevant
requirements and restrictions that apply
to each. The proposed changes to 11
CFR 114.4 would eliminate the
prohibition on express advocacy
communications made outside the
restricted class, but would maintain the
restrictions on coordination with
candidates and political parties in
communications outside the restricted
A. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(a)—General
Current 11 CFR 114.4(a) provides that
any communications that a corporation
or labor organization makes to the
general public may also be made to the
restricted class and to its employees
outside the restricted class. Paragraph
(a) also provides that communications
described in section 114.4 may be
coordinated with candidates and
political committees only to the extent
permitted in section 114.4. The
Commission is proposing minor changes
to the language of paragraph (a) to
clarify the meaning of the provisions.
B. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)—
Communications by a Corporation or
Labor Organization to the General
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c) addresses
communications by corporations and
labor organizations to the general
public, and currently includes specific
provisions on seven types of
communications, listed above, that
corporations and labor organizations
may make to the general public. Each of
the provisions within paragraph (c)
prohibits coordinating the
communication with a candidate or a
candidate’s committee or agent, with the
exception of paragraph (c)(7) addressing
candidate appearances on incorporated
non-profit educational institution
premises and paragraph (c)(8) regarding
electioneering communications. The
Commission proposes to restructure
paragraph (c) by adding to paragraph
(c)(1) a general prohibition on a
corporation or labor organization acting
in cooperation, consultation, or concert
with or at the request or suggestion of
a candidate, a candidate’s committee or
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
agent, or a political party committee or
its agent regarding the preparation,
contents, and distribution of any of the
specific types of communications
described at proposed 11 CFR
114.4(c)(2) through (c)(6). This language
would replace the separate prohibitions
on coordination contained in each of the
specific paragraphs at current 11 CFR
114.4(c)(2) through (c)(6). The
Commission seeks comment on this
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1. Removal of Express Advocacy
Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(1) would
remove the current language specifically
permitting qualified nonprofit
corporations (‘‘QNCs’’) under 11 CFR
114.10(c) to include express advocacy in
any communication made to the general
public. See Section VII, below. After
Citizens United, all corporations and
labor organizations may include express
advocacy in any communication made
to the general public so long as the
communication is not coordinated with
candidates or political parties. Hence,
this language is now superfluous.
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) through
(c)(6) govern several types of
communications that corporations and
labor organizations may make to the
general public and set out the
conditions under which corporations
and labor organizations may make them.
These communications are: voter
registration and GOTV communications;
official voter registration and voting
information; voting records; voter
guides; and endorsements. Proposed 11
CFR 114.4(c)(1) would include a
reference to proposed 11 CFR 114.10 to
make clear that corporations and labor
organizations are no longer limited to
the specific types of communications
listed in these paragraphs. Nonetheless,
the Commission proposes to retain these
paragraphs to provide specific
information about some of the types of
election-related communications that
corporations and labor organizations
may make. All five of these paragraphs
currently prohibit corporations or labor
organizations from expressly advocating
the election or defeat of clearly
identified candidates in these
communications. Proposed 11 CFR
114.4(c)(2) through (6) would eliminate
the prohibition on express advocacy
contained in each of the current
paragraphs when these communications
are not coordinated with any candidate
or political party. The Commission
requests comment on these proposed
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2. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2)—Voter
Registration and GOTV
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) contains a
list of media through which
corporations and labor organizations
may make voter registration and voting
communications to the general public.
The list currently includes: posters,
billboards, broadcasting media,
newspapers, newsletters, brochures, and
‘‘similar means of communication with
the general public.’’ 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2).
The Commission proposes to add mail,
Internet communications, emails, text
messages, and telephone calls to the list.
These changes are intended to reflect
additional common means of political
communication. The Commission
requests comment on these proposed
additions. Are there any other methods
of communications that should
specifically be included in the list?
Alternatively, is a list of media through
which corporations and labor
organizations may make registration and
voting communications to the general
public necessary at all or, should the
Commission modify the regulation
simply to state generically that such
communications to the general public
are permissible?
3. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(5)—Voter
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(5) sets forth
certain requirements for and restrictions
on the preparation and distribution of
voter guides by corporations and labor
organizations to the general public. This
provision currently requires that voter
guides present the positions of two or
more candidates on campaign issues. It
further requires that all candidates for a
particular seat or office be given an
equal opportunity to respond, and
prohibits the corporation or labor
organization from giving greater
prominence to any one candidate or
substantially more space for a
candidate’s responses, and from
including an electioneering message in
the voter guide or accompanying
materials. Paragraph (c)(5) would be
revised by eliminating the requirement
that the voter guide contain the
positions of two or more candidates, or
that all candidates for a particular office
or seat be permitted to respond. The
prohibitions on giving one candidate
more prominence or space on
electioneering communications would
also be removed. The Commission
proposes these deletions to conform its
voter guide rules to the holding in
Citizens United that corporations and
labor organizations may expressly
advocate the election or defeat of
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candidates in communications to the
general public and may make
electioneering communications so long
as such communications are not
coordinated with candidates. The
Commission requests comments on
these proposed changes.
4. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6)—
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6) permits
corporations and labor organization to
endorse candidates, and sets out certain
requirements and restrictions on such
endorsements. Current 11 CFR
114.4(c)(6) permits a corporation or
labor organization to communicate the
endorsement only to its restricted class
through specific types of publications,
and prohibits these publications from
being distributed to the general public
other than at a de minimis level. Current
11 CFR 114.4(c)(6) then sets out the
circumstances under which a
corporation and labor organization may
announce an endorsement to the general
public. The Commission proposes to
remove these restrictions on the manner
of announcing a corporation or labor
organization’s endorsement of a
candidate in proposed 11 CFR
114.4(c)(6) consistent with Citizens
United. The Commission requests
comments on these proposed deletions.
5. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8)—
Electioneering Communications
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) permits
corporations and labor organizations to
make electioneering communications to
the general public only to the extent
permitted under current 11 CFR 114.15.
Section 114.15 permits corporations and
labor organizations to make
electioneering communications, unless
the communication is susceptible of no
reasonable interpretation other than as
an appeal to vote for or against a clearly
identified Federal candidate. As noted
below, the Commission proposes to
remove Section 114.15.
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) further
permits QNCs to make electioneering
communications to the general public in
accordance with current 11 CFR 114.10.
Section 114.10(d)(2), in turn, permits
QNCs to make any electioneering
communication. Because Citizens
United struck down the prohibition on
corporations and labor organizations
making electioneering communications,
the exception to the prohibition on
electioneering communications at 11
CFR 114.4(c)(8) is superfluous.
Therefore, the Commission proposes to
eliminate current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) in
its entirety. The Commission seeks
comment on this approach.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
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C. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(d)—Voter
Registration and GOTV Drives
Current 11 CFR 114.4(d) permits
corporations and labor organizations to
conduct voter registration and GOTV
drives aimed at the general public. It
states that registration and GOTV drives
include providing transportation to the
place of registration and to the polls.
The current provision prohibits such
drives from including communications
containing express advocacy and states
that the drives may not be coordinated
with any candidate or political party.
The current provision also prohibits
corporations or labor organizations (1)
from withholding or refusing to give
information and other assistance
regarding registering or voting on the
basis of support for, or opposition to,
particular candidates or a particular
political party; (2) from directing the
drives primarily at individuals based on
registration with a particular party; and
(3) from paying individuals conducting
such drives on the basis of number of
individuals registered or transported to
the polls who support a particular
candidate or candidates or political
In light of Citizens United, the
Commission is proposing two
alternatives to revise 11 CFR 114.4(d).
Both Alternatives A and B would
remove the prohibition on
communications expressly advocating
the election or defeat of candidates or
political parties made in connection
with a voter registration or GOTV drive.
Alternative A, however, as discussed in
more detail below, would also remove
all of the existing requirements and
prohibitions regarding voter registration
and GOTV drives, with the exception of
the prohibition on coordination with
candidates or political parties.
Alternative A would maintain the
exemption from the definition of
‘‘expenditure’’ under 2 U.S.C.
431(9)(B)(ii) and 11 CFR 100.133 for
voter registration and GOTV drives that
meet the existing requirements and
prohibitions. In contrast, as discussed in
more detail below, Alternative B would
retain current 11 CFR 114.4(d), except
that it would remove the prohibition on
express advocacy currently at 11 CFR
114.4(d)(1). The Commission invites
comment on which, if either, of the two
proposals better comports with Citizens
United and why.
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Alternative A—Remove All Restrictions
on Voter Registration and GOTV Drives
Except for the Prohibition on
Coordinating With Candidates and
Political Parties
This alternative would remove all the
requirements for and restrictions on
voter registration and GOTV drives at
current 11 CFR 114.4(d)(3) through (6),
while retaining the prohibition on
coordinating drives with candidates or
political parties, currently at 11 CFR
114.4(d)(2). As discussed in Sections
III.A and IV.E above, one approach to
revising the Commission’s regulations to
make them consistent with Citizens
United would be to eliminate the
existing broad prohibition on corporate
and labor organization expenditures,
and instead prohibit only those
expenditures that are coordinated with
a candidate or a political party
committee, including coordinated
communications, or in-kind
contributions. Similarly, Alternative A
would permit corporations and labor
organizations to conduct voter
registration and GOTV drives without
restriction, as long as they were not
coordinated with a candidate or
political party.
Alternative A, however, would
maintain the statutory exemption from
the definition of ‘‘expenditure’’ at 2
U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(ii) for voter registration
and GOTV drives. Under the
Commission’s existing rules,
corporations and labor organizations do
not have to report to the Commission
disbursements for voter registration and
GOTV drives that meet the conditions of
the statutory exception because such
disbursements are neither contributions
nor expenditures. While voter
registration and GOTV drives are
permissible under Alternative A
regardless of whether the drives meet
the conditions of the statutory
exception, corporations or labor
organizations conducting drives that
meet those conditions are not required
to report disbursements for those drives.
Proposed Alternative A would state that
disbursements for voter registration and
GOTV drives are not expenditures if the
drive meets the requirements for, and
restrictions on, voter registration and
GOTV drives that are currently located
at 11 CFR 114.4(d)(1) and (3)–(6). These
requirements would include the
prohibition on express advocacy, as
well as the prohibition on withholding
or refusing to provide information or
other assistance regarding registration or
voting on the basis of support for, or
opposition to, particular candidates or a
particular political party.
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The Commission requests comment
on this proposal. Is this alternative
appropriately consistent with Citizens
United? Does the proposal eliminate too
much or too little in implementing the
remaining prohibitions on corporate and
labor organization expenditures?
Alternative B—Retain Existing
Regulation at 11 CFR 114.4(d) Except for
the Prohibition on Express Advocacy
Alternative B would make no changes
to the existing regulation at 11 CFR
114.4(d), except to remove the
prohibition on corporations and labor
organizations making communications
expressly advocating the election or
defeat of clearly identified candidates
currently at 11 CFR 114.4(d)(1). As
discussed in Sections III.A and IV.E
above, Alternative B would exclude
expenditures for communications from
the prohibition on expenditures, while
still prohibiting other corporate and
labor organization expenditures, such as
in-kind contributions, coordinated
expenditures, and expenditures that are
not for communications.
After Citizens United, corporations
and labor organizations are no longer
prohibited from making independent
expenditures for communications.
Because Alternative B is based on the
interpretation that Citizens United did
not disturb the prohibition on corporate
and labor organization expenditures that
do not involve communications,
Alternative B would continue to
implement the Act’s restrictions on the
non-speech aspects of voter registration
and GOTV drives, such as the costs
associated with driving voters to
registration sites or the polls or
‘‘providing babysitting services to
enable voters to go to the polls.’’ 1977
E&J at 106. Therefore, under Alternative
B, three current prohibitions would
remain in effect: (1) Directing voter
drives at individuals based on party
affiliation; (2) withholding or refusing to
provide information or other assistance
regarding registration or voting on the
basis of support for, or opposition to,
particular candidates or a particular
political party; and (3) paying
individuals conducting voter drives
based on the number of individuals
registered or transported who support a
particular candidate or political party.
Voter registration and GOTV drives
conducted in accordance with proposed
Alternative B would remain exempt
from the definition of ‘‘expenditure’’
under 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(ii).
The current rule at 11 CFR 114.4, like
the rule at 114.3, recognizes the
distinction between expenditures for
communications and for noncommunicative activities. Current
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
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114.4(c)(2) specifically allows for voter
registration or GOTV communications
to the general public, provided that the
communications do not contain express
advocacy, while current 114.4(d),
following 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B),
exempts voter registration and GOTV
drives conducted in a nonpartisan
manner from the definition of
‘‘expenditure.’’ In Alternative B, as in
Alternative A, a corporation or labor
organization would be able to make
voter registration or GOTV
communications, including express
advocacy, to the general public under
proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2).
Furthermore, under both Alternative A
and Alternative B, voter registration and
GOTV drives conducted in accordance
with proposed 11 CFR 114.4(d) would
remain exempt from the definition of
‘‘expenditure’’ in 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B).
However, under Alternative B,
corporations and labor organizations
would continue to be prohibited from
engaging in non-communicative
activities related to voter registration
and GOTV drives other than those
conducted in accordance with proposed
11 CFR 114.4(d).
The Commission requests comments
on this proposal. Is this alternative
consistent with Citizens United? Does
the proposal eliminate too much or too
little in implementing the remaining
prohibitions on corporate and labor
organization expenditures?
VI. Proposed 11 CFR 114.9—Use of
Corporate and Labor Organization
The use of corporate or labor
organization facilities in connection
with Federal elections is generally
treated as both a contribution and an
expenditure under the Act. Section
114.9 establishes certain limited
exceptions to this requirement for
minimal usage of these facilities by
certain individuals, and also requires
corporations and labor organization to
obtain reimbursement from individuals
who use their facilities in connection
with Federal elections for more than
minimal usage. 1977 E&J at 115; see also
Explanation and Justification for Final
Rules for Internet Communications, 71
FR 18589, 18611 (Apr. 12, 2006);
Advisory Opinion 1985–26 (General
Mills) (concluding that, under 114.9(c),
an employee’s failure to reimburse a
corporation for the corporation’s
distribution of campaign materials
could result in prohibited corporate
expenditure). Citizens United
invalidated the prohibition on corporate
and labor organization independent
expenditures at 2 U.S.C. 441b(a). The
Citizens United decision did not address
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the prohibition on contributions by
corporations and labor organizations at
2 U.S.C. 441b.
The Commission seeks comment on
whether 11 CFR 114.9 should be revised
in light of the Citizens United decision.
If so, how should the Commission revise
the regulation? To what extent should
11 CFR 114.9 be revised, if at all, to
account for the continued validity of the
contribution ban at 2 U.S.C. 441b?
VII. Proposed Revision of 11 CFR
114.10—Corporations and Labor
Organizations Making Independent
Expenditures and Electioneering
The Commission promulgated 11 CFR
114.10 primarily in response to the
Supreme Court’s decision in MCFL v.
FEC, 479 U.S. 238 (1986). In MCFL, the
Court considered the application of the
independent expenditure prohibition in
2 U.S.C. 441b to MCFL, a nonprofit
corporation organized to promote
certain ideological views. The Court
concluded that, because MCFL did not
have the potential to corrupt the
electoral process, it did not implicate
the concerns that prompted regulation
of corporations by Congress. See MCFL,
479 U.S. at 259. In response to MCFL,
the Commission adopted 11 CFR 114.10,
creating a regulatory exception to the
independent expenditure ban in section
441b for organizations with the same
characteristics as MCFL, referred to as
‘‘qualified nonprofit corporations’’ or
‘‘QNCs.’’ After Congress enacted BCRA’s
electioneering communications
provisions in 2002, the Commission
added an exception in 11 CFR 114.10
for QNCs making electioneering
communications. Because Citizens
United struck down the statutory bans
on independent expenditures and
electioneering communications for all
corporations and labor organizations,
the regulatory exceptions for QNCs are
now superfluous.
To determine if the Commission
should revise 11 CFR 114.10, or remove
the provision in its entirety, the
Commission seeks comments on a
proposal to remove current paragraphs
(a) through (c) and (e)(1), as these
regulations specifically apply only to
QNCs. The Commission proposes to
redesignate the provision currently at 11
CFR 114.10(d) and revise it to recognize
explicitly the right of all corporations
and labor organizations to make
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications. The
Commission further proposes to retain
and redesignate the regulations at 11
CFR 114.10(e)(2) through (i), and would
expand them to apply to all
corporations and labor organizations
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that make independent expenditures
and electioneering communications.
These provisions include: (1) The
reporting requirements for QNCs
making independent expenditures or
electioneering communications at 11
CFR 114.10(e); (2) the solicitation
disclaimer requirement at 11 CFR
114.10(f); (3) the non-authorization
disclaimer requirement at 11 CFR
114.10(g); (4) the provision in 11 CFR
114.10(h) permitting QNCs to establish
segregated bank accounts for
disbursements for electioneering
communications; and (5) 11 CFR
114.10(i), which states that nothing in
section 114.10 authorizes any
organization exempt from taxation
under 26 U.S.C. 501(a) to carry out any
activity that it is prohibited from
undertaking by the Internal Revenue
Code. The Commission seeks comment
as to whether maintaining any or all of
these regulations is necessary or
A. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(a)—
Independent Expenditures and
Electioneering Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations
Current 11 CFR 114.10(d) specifically
permits QNCs to make independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications. Because Citizens
United made independent expenditures
and electioneering communications
permissible for all corporations and
labor organizations, proposed 11 CFR
114.10(a) would expand certain
provisions of current 11 CFR 114.10(d)
to cover all corporations and labor
organizations. As discussed above, the
Commission seeks comments on
whether it would be helpful for
corporations and labor organizations to
have a regulation explicitly permitting
them to make independent expenditures
and electioneering communications.
Should the regulation instead more
broadly state that corporations and labor
organizations may make any
communication in connection with an
election so long as it is not a
coordinated communication under 11
CFR 109.21? Alternatively, would it be
sufficient to remove the current
prohibitions in 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2) and
(b)(3) on corporations and labor
organizations making disbursements for
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications from
general treasury funds?
B. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b)—
Reporting Independent Expenditures
and Electioneering Communications
Current 11 CFR 114.10(e)(2) sets forth
the reporting requirements for QNCs
making independent expenditures and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
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electioneering communications.
Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b) would
expand this language to include
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications made by
all corporations and labor organizations.
Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b)(1) would
state that corporations and labor
organizations that make independent
expenditures aggregating in excess of
$250 with respect to a given election in
a calendar year must file reports
according to 11 CFR 104.4(a) and
109.10(b) through (e). Section 104.4(a)
requires that ‘‘every person that is not a
political committee must report
independent expenditures in
accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f)
of this section and 11 CFR 109.10’’
(emphasis added).
Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b)(2) would
state that corporations or labor
organizations that make electioneering
communications aggregating in excess
of $10,000 in a calendar year must file
statements as required by 11 CFR
104.20(b). Section 104.20(b), in turn,
requires that ‘‘every person who has
made an electioneering communication
* * * aggregating in excess of $10,000
during any calendar year’’ file a
statement on FEC Form 9, disclosing
information set out in paragraph (c) of
that section (emphasis added). Given
that the definition of ‘‘person’’ already
covers corporations and labor
organizations, is it necessary or helpful
to have an additional regulation that
specifically states that corporations and
labor organizations are subject to these
requirements? See 2 U.S.C. 431(11); 11
CFR 100.10.
C. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(c)—
Solicitation; Disclosure of Use of
Contributions for Political Purposes
Current 11 CFR 114.10(f) requires that
solicitations for donations by QNCs
disclose to potential donors that their
donations may be used for political
purposes, such as supporting or
opposing candidates.
Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(c) would
maintain this requirement, and would
expand it to cover solicitations for
donations that may be used for political
purposes where the solicitations are
made by any corporation or labor
The requirement at current section
114.10(f) derives from the Supreme
Court’s decision in MCFL. Explanation
and Justification for Final Rules on
Express Advocacy; Independent
Expenditures; Corporate and Labor
Organization Expenditures, 60 FR
35292, 35303 (July 6, 1995). In holding
the prohibition on independent
expenditures unconstitutional as
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applied to QNCs, the Supreme Court
reasoned that ‘‘[t]he rationale for
regulation is not compelling with
respect to independent expenditures by
[MCFL]’’ because ‘‘[i]ndividuals who
contribute to appellee are fully aware of
its political purposes, and in fact
contribute precisely because they
support those purposes.’’ MCFL, 479
U.S. at 260–61. ‘‘Given a contributor’s
awareness of the political activity of
[MCFL], as well as the readily available
remedy of refusing further donations,
the interest [of] protecting contributors
is simply insufficient to support
§ 441b’s restriction on the independent
spending of MCFL.’’ Id. at 262
(emphasis added).
In Citizens United, the Court upheld
the disclaimer requirements of 2 U.S.C.
441d(d)(2) and the disclosure
requirements of 2 U.S.C. 434(f). In
analyzing the disclaimer requirements,
the Court recognized that ‘‘[t]he
disclaimers required by [BCRA] § 311
‘provide the electorate with
information,’ McConnell, 540 U.S. at
196, and thereby ‘insure that the voters
are fully informed’ about the person or
group who is speaking, Buckley, 424
U.S. at 76.’’ Citizens United, 130 S. Ct.
at 915 (additional citation omitted).
Regarding disclosure requirements, the
Court cited its previous explanation that
‘‘disclosure is a less restrictive
alternative to more comprehensive
regulations of speech.’’ Id. The Court
further recognized that ‘‘disclosure
permits citizens and shareholders to
react to the [political] speech of
corporate entities in a proper way. This
transparency enables the electorate to
make informed decisions and give
proper weight to different speakers and
messages.’’ Id. at 916.
Although the Supreme Court’s
decision in Citizens United to strike
down the independent expenditure and
electioneering communications ban in
section 441b appears to have rendered
the QNC exception unnecessary, is the
solicitation disclosure requirement in
MCFL still important in ensuring that
those solicited have the information
necessary to make informed decisions
about how their donations may be used?
The Commission seeks comment as to
whether any or all of these proposed
regulations are necessary. If the
statutory basis for such a requirement
remains sound, does language in the
Court’s opinion in Citizens United
regarding disclosure and disclaimers
mean that the Commission may and
should continue to have a specific
requirement that QNCs provide
disclosure to potential donors and
contributors? If so, should the rules at
current 11 CFR 114.10(c) defining
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‘‘QNC’’ be retained so that these entities
will be apprised of this requirement?
Should the Commission establish a
broader disclosure requirement so that
all corporations and labor organizations
must disclose to those they solicit that
any money given to the corporation or
labor organization may be used for
political purposes, such as making
communications supporting or opposing
candidates? Should the Commission
require corporations and labor
organizations to state in such
disclosures that the funds received may
be used specifically for independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications, as opposed to for
‘‘political purposes’’ generally?
Because Citizens United struck down
the statutory bans on independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications for all corporations
and labor organizations, is the
regulatory requirement that QNC
include a solicitation disclaimer now
superfluous? Should the Commission
remove 11 CFR 114.10(f) in its entirety
instead of revising it?
D. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(d)—NonAuthorization Notice
Current 11 CFR 114.10(g) requires that
QNCs comply with the disclaimer
requirements of 11 CFR 110.11. The
Court in Citizens United upheld the
disclaimer provisions of 2 U.S.C. 441d.
130 S. Ct. at 914–16. Section 441d(a)
requires that certain communications
include statements identifying the
person who paid for the communication
and whether the communication is
authorized by any candidate or
candidate’s committee, and sets out the
requirements for such statements. These
communications include all public
communications by any person that
expressly advocate the election or defeat
of a clearly identified candidate, and all
electioneering communications by any
person. 2 U.S.C. 441d(a). The Act
defines ‘‘person’’ to include
corporations and labor organizations. 2
U.S.C. 431(11).
Section 110.11 implements the
requirements of 2 U.S.C. 441d. Because
the requirements of 2 U.S.C. 441d and
11 CFR 110.11 apply to public
communications containing express
advocacy and electioneering
communications made by any person,
the provision applies equally to
corporations and labor organizations.
Therefore, if a corporation or labor
organization makes an independent
expenditure or electioneering
communication as permitted after
Citizens United, the communication
must include a statement identifying,
among other things, the name and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
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address of the corporation or labor
organization that paid for the
communication. Proposed 11 CFR
114.10(d) would follow current 11 CFR
114.10(g), but would expand it to
require that all corporations and labor
organizations comply with 11 CFR
110.11. Although the requirements at 2
U.S.C. 441d and 11 CFR 110.11 already
apply to corporations and labor
organizations because they are
considered ‘‘persons’’ under the Act,
should proposed section 114.10(d)
explicitly state that all corporations and
labor organizations must comply with
the requirements of 11 CFR 110.11?
E. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(e)—
Segregated Bank Account
The Commission proposes a
regulation to state affirmatively that a
corporation or labor organization may
establish a segregated bank account for
funds to be used for the making of
electioneering communications. This
regulation would not affect other
restrictions and limitations applicable to
those that make electioneering
communications. Current 11 CFR
114.10(h) states that a QNC may, but is
not required to, establish a segregated
bank account into which it deposits
only funds donated or otherwise
provided by individuals, as described in
11 CFR part 104, and from which it
makes disbursements for electioneering
communications. Proposed 11 CFR
114.10(e) would adopt this language and
expand it to state that all corporations
or labor organizations may establish
such accounts.11 The current regulation
at 11 CFR 114.10(h) implements 2
U.S.C. 434(f)(2)(E) and (F), which sets
out the reporting requirements for every
person making disbursements for
electioneering communications paid out
of segregated bank accounts. Aside from
this reporting requirement, however, the
Act does not otherwise affirmatively
state that a person may establish such a
segregated account. Furthermore, 11
CFR 114.10(h) is the only place in the
current regulations that affirmatively
states that a person may, but is not
required to, set up such a segregated
bank account, and this regulation is
limited to QNCs.
The Commission requests comment
on the proposed regulation that would
affirmatively state that any corporation
or labor organization may, but is not
required to, set up a segregated bank
account for the purpose of making
electioneering communications, as
11 This provision applies to corporation and labor
organizations but not to political committees,
because, by definition, political committees do not
make electioneering communications. 2 U.S.C.
434(f)(3); see also 11 CFR 104.20(b).
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requirement. Explanation and
Justification for Final Rules on
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of
2002 Reporting, 68 FR 404, 413 (Jan. 3,
2003). In doing so, the Commission
interpreted the statute to treat funds
provided for the purpose of making
electioneering communications as
‘‘donations,’’ rather than as
‘‘contributions’’ under the Act. Id.
Should this same interpretation of
section 434(f) apply to corporate and
labor organization funds provided to
other persons for the purpose of making
electioneering communications? If such
funds are donations, they would not
F. Proposed 11 CFR 114.10(f)—Activities
violate the prohibition on corporate and
Prohibited by the Internal Revenue Code
labor organization contributions in
Current 11 CFR 114.10(i) states that
section 441b(a) of the Act. The
nothing in section 114.10 shall be
Commission seeks comment on whether
construed to authorize any organization there should be a distinction drawn
exempt from taxation under 26 U.S.C.
between the treatment of funds
501(a) to carry out any activity that it is
provided by individuals to other persons
prohibited from undertaking by the
for electioneering communications as
Internal Revenue Code. The
donations in 11 CFR 104.20(c)(7) and
Commission proposes to move this
the treatment of funds provided by
provision to new section 114.10(f). The
corporations and labor organizations to
language referring specifically to QNCs
other persons for electioneering
would be removed, for the reasons
communications as contributions in 2
discussed above. The Commission
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2). If so, why, and if not,
requests comments on this proposed
why not?
In addition to current section 114.14,
the Commission seeks comment on the
VIII. Proposed Removal of 11 CFR
proposed removal of section 114.15,
114.14 and 114.15
which provides a safe harbor for certain
The Commission proposes to remove
electioneering communications made by
existing 11 CFR 114.14 and 114.15 in
corporations and labor organizations. If
their entirety. Together, these sections
the prohibition in section 114.14 is
prohibit corporations and labor
removed as proposed, should any
organizations from providing general
portion of section 114.15 be retained? Is
treasury funds to other persons to make
section 114.15 relevant to any remaining
electioneering communications that are
valid Commission regulations, such that
the functional equivalent of express
they should not be removed? The
Commission notes that, if the
The Court held in Citizens United that Commission decides to remove section
corporations may make electioneering
114.15, references to this section in
communications. Because 11 CFR
other rules will need to be deleted. If the
114.14 is a prophylactic regulation
Commission decides to remove section
designed to prohibit corporations and
114.15, should the Commission
labor organizations from doing through
consider revising other relevant crossother persons what the corporation or
labor organization could not do directly,
the decision in Citizens United could be Certification of No Effect Pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 605(b) (Regulatory Flexibility
interpreted to have rendered
unnecessary the prohibition in 11 CFR
The Commission certifies that the
114.14. The Commission therefore seeks
attached proposed rules, if adopted,
comment on whether it should remove
would not have a significant economic
the prohibition in this section.
impact on a substantial number of small
In considering this issue, the
entities. There are two bases for this
Commission notes that section 434(f) of
certification. First, there are few small
the Act requires that entities making
entities that would be affected by these
electioneering communications report
proposed rules. The Commission’s
certain information to the Commission,
proposed revisions may affect some forincluding the identification of persons
profit corporations, labor organizations,
who have provided funds to segregated
bank accounts for the purpose of making individuals, and some non-profit
organizations. Individuals and labor
such communications. 2 U.S.C. 434(f).
organizations are not ‘‘small entities’’
The Commission promulgated 11 CFR
104.20(c)(7) to implement this statutory under 5 U.S.C. 601(6). Many non-profit
described in 2 U.S.C. 434(f)(2)(E). Is
such a regulation necessary, given that
the reporting requirements in the Act
already contemplate the existence of
such a segregated bank account? Should
the Commission adopt a broader
regulation that would permit, but not
require, any person (other than a
political committee) to set up such an
account? Alternatively, should the
Commission require corporations and
labor organizations that make
independent expenditures and
electioneering communications to use a
segregated bank account?
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
organizations that might use general
treasury funds to make independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications are not ‘‘small
organizations’’ under 5 U.S.C. 601(4)
because they are not financed by a small
identifiable group of individuals, but
rather rely on contributions from a large
number of individuals to fund
operations and activities.
Second, the proposed rules would not
have a significant economic impact on
the small entities affected by this
rulemaking. Overall, the proposed rules
would relieve a funding restriction that
the current rules place on some
corporations and labor organizations.
The proposed rules would allow small
entities to engage in activity they were
previously prohibited from funding
with corporation or labor organization
funds. Thus, while one effect of the
proposed rule would be to increase
substantially the number of corporations
and labor organizations that use general
treasury funds to make independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications, these entities will do
so voluntarily and not because of any
new Federal requirement to do so.
Although they would incur some costs
in complying with the obligation to
report independent expenditures and
electioneering communications, these
costs would not be very great and thus
would not have a significant economic
impact on the small entities affected by
this rulemaking. In fact, the obligation
for corporations and labor organizations
to report electioneering communications
should not be burdensome because the
trigger to report electioneering
communications remains high. Further,
because qualified non-profit
corporations would continue to be able
to make independent expenditures and
electioneering communications just as
they have done before, their reporting
obligations will not change or become
more burdensome because of this
rulemaking. Therefore, the attached rule
would not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
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List of Subjects in 11 CFR Part 114
Business and industry, elections,
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, the Federal Election
Commission proposes to amend
Subchapter A of Chapter I of Title 11 of
the Code of Federal Regulations as
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1. The authority citation for part 114
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 2 U.S.C. 431(8), 431(9), 432,
434, 437d(a)(8), 438(a)(8), 441b.
2. Section 114.2 is amended by
revising the section heading and
paragraph (b)(2), and removing
paragraph (b)(3), to read as follows:
§ 114.2 Prohibitions on contributions and
(b) * * *
Alternative A for paragraph (b)(2).
(2) Corporations and labor
organizations are prohibited from
making coordinated expenditures as
defined in 11 CFR 109.20 and
coordinated communications as defined
in 11 CFR 109.21.
Alternative B for paragraph (b)(2).
(2) Corporations and labor
organizations are prohibited from
making expenditures as defined in 11
CFR part 100, subpart D, except for
payments for communications that are
not coordinated communications as
defined in 11 CFR 109.21.
3. In § 114.3, paragraph (c)(4) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 114.3 Disbursements for
communications to the restricted class in
connection with a Federal election.
(c) * * *
Alternative A for paragraph (c)(4).
(4) Registration and get-out-the-vote
(i) Voter registration and get-out-thevote drives permitted. A corporation or
labor organization may conduct
registration and get-out-the-vote drives
aimed at its restricted class. Registration
and get-out-the-vote drives include
providing transportation to the place of
registration and to the polls. The
corporation or labor organization must
not act in cooperation, consultation, or
concert with or at the request or
suggestion of any candidates,
candidates’ committees or agents, or
political party regarding the planning,
organization, timing, or administration
of a voter registration or get-out-the-vote
(ii) Disbursements for certain voter
registration and get-out-the-vote drives
not expenditures or contributions.
Disbursements for voter registration and
get-out-the-vote drives are not
contributions or expenditures, provided
that the drive is conducted so that
information and other assistance
regarding registering or voting,
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including transportation and other
services offered, is not withheld or
refused on the basis of support for or
opposition to particular candidates, or a
particular political party. See 2 U.S.C.
441b(b)(2)(B). Such drives may include
communications containing express
advocacy, such as urging individuals to
register with a particular party or to vote
for a particular candidate or candidates.
Alternative B for paragraph (c)(4).
(4) Registration and get-out-the-vote
drives. A corporation or a labor
organization may conduct registration
and get-out-the-vote drives aimed at its
restricted class. Registration and get-outthe-vote drives include providing
transportation to the place of
registration and to the polls. Such drives
may include communications
containing express advocacy, such as
urging individuals to register with a
particular party or to vote for a
particular candidate or candidates.
Information and other assistance
regarding registering or voting,
including transportation and other
services offered, shall not be withheld
or refused on the basis of support for or
opposition to particular candidates, or a
particular political party.
4. Section 114.4 is amended by
revising the section heading, paragraphs
(a), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3)(i), (c)(4), (c)(5),
(c)(6) and (d), and by removing
paragraphs (c)(3)(iv), (c)(3)(v), and (c)(8)
to read as follows:
§ 114.4 Disbursements for
communications by corporations and labor
organizations beyond the restricted class in
connection with a Federal election.
(a) General. A corporation or labor
organization may communicate beyond
the restricted class in accordance with
this section. Communications that a
corporation or labor organization may
make only to its employees (including
its restricted class) and their families,
but not to the general public, are set
forth in paragraph (b) of this section.
Any communications that a corporation
or labor organization may make to the
general public are set forth in paragraph
(c) of this section, and may also be made
to the corporation’s or labor
organization’s restricted class and to
other employees and their families.
Communications that a corporation or
labor organization may make only to its
restricted class are set forth at 11 CFR
114.3. The activities described in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section
may be coordinated with candidates and
political committees only to the extent
permitted by this section. See 11 CFR
100.16, 109.21, and 114.2(c) regarding
independent expenditures and
coordination with candidates.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Incorporated membership organizations,
incorporated trade associations,
incorporated cooperatives, and
corporations without capital stock will
be treated as corporations for the
purpose of this section.
(c) Communications by a corporation
or labor organization to the general
(1) General. A corporation or labor
organization may make independent
expenditures or electioneering
communications pursuant to 11 CFR
114.10. This section addresses specific
communications, described in
paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(7) of this
section, a corporation or labor
organization may make to the general
public. The general public includes
anyone who is not in the corporation’s
or labor organization’s restricted class.
The corporation or labor organization
must not act in cooperation,
consultation, or concert with or at the
request or suggestion of any candidates,
candidates’ committees or agents, or
political party committee or party
committee’s agent regarding the
preparation, contents and distribution of
any of the communications described in
paragraphs (c)(2) through (7) of this
(2) Voter registration and get-out-thevote communications. A corporation or
labor organization may make voter
registration and get-out-the-vote
communications to the general public.
A corporation or labor organization may
make communications permitted under
this paragraph (c)(2) through posters,
billboards, broadcasting media,
newspapers, newsletters, brochures,
mail, Internet communications, emails,
text messages, telephone calls, or
similar means of communication with
the general public.
(3) Official registration and voting
(i) A corporation or labor organization
may distribute to the general public, or
reprint in whole and distribute to the
general public, any registration or voting
information, such as instructional
materials, that has been produced by the
official election administrators.
(4) Voting records. A corporation or
labor organization may prepare and
distribute to the general public the
voting records of Members of Congress.
(5) Voter guides. A corporation or
labor organization may prepare and
distribute to the general public voter
guides, including voter guides obtained
from a nonprofit organization that is
described in 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) or
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18:47 Dec 23, 2011
Jkt 226001
(6) Endorsements. A corporation or
labor organization may endorse a
candidate, and may communicate the
endorsement to its restricted class or to
the general public. The Internal
Revenue Code and regulations
promulgated thereunder should be
consulted regarding restrictions or
prohibitions on endorsements by
nonprofit corporations described in 26
U.S.C. 501(c)(3).
Alternative A for paragraph (d).
(d) Voter registration and get-out-thevote drives.
(1) Voter registration and get-out-thevote drives permitted. A corporation or
labor organization may support or
conduct voter registration and get-outthe-vote drives that are aimed at
employees outside its restricted class
and the general public. The corporation
or labor organization must not act in
cooperation, consultation, or concert
with or at the request or suggestion of
any candidates, candidates’ committees
or agents, or political party regarding
the planning, organization, timing, or
administration of a voter registration or
get-out-the-vote drive. Voter registration
and get-out-the-vote drives include
providing transportation to the polls or
to the place of registration.
(2) Disbursements for certain voter
registration and get-out-the-vote drives
not expenditures. Voter registration or
get-out-the-vote drives that are
conducted in accordance with
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (d)(2)(v) of
this section are not expenditures.
(i) The corporation or labor
organization shall not make any
communication expressly advocating
the election or defeat of any clearly
identified candidate(s) or candidates of
a clearly identified political party as
part of the voter registration or get-outthe-vote drive.
(ii) The voter registration drive shall
not be directed primarily to individuals
previously registered with, or intending
to register with, the political party
favored by the corporation or labor
organization. The get-out-the-vote drive
shall not be directed primarily to
individuals currently registered with the
political party favored by the
corporation or labor organization.
(iii) These services shall be made
available without regard to the voter’s
political preference. Information and
other assistance regarding registering or
voting, including transportation and
other services offered, shall not be
withheld or refused on the basis of
support for or opposition to particular
candidates or a particular political
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(iv) Individuals conducting the voter
registration or get-out-the-vote drive
shall not be paid on the basis of the
number of individuals registered or
transported who support one or more
particular candidates or political party.
(v) The corporation or labor
organization shall notify those receiving
information or assistance of the
requirements of paragraph (d)(4) of this
section. The notification shall be made
in writing at the time of the registration
or get-out-the-vote drive.
Alternative B for paragraph (d).
(d) Voter registration and get-out-thevote drives. A corporation or labor
organization may support or conduct
voter registration and get-out-the-vote
drives that are aimed at employees
outside its restricted class and the
general public in accordance with the
conditions set forth in paragraphs (d)(1)
through (d)(5) of this section. Voter
registration and get-out-the-vote drives
include providing transportation to the
polls or to the place of registration.
(1) The corporation or labor
organization must not act in
cooperation, consultation, or concert
with or at the request or suggestion of
any candidates, candidates’ committees
or agents, or political party regarding
the planning, organization, timing, or
administration of a voter registration or
get-out-the-vote drive.
(2) The voter registration drive shall
not be directed primarily to individuals
previously registered with, or intending
to register with, the political party
favored by the corporation or labor
organization. The get-out-the-vote drive
shall not be directed primarily to
individuals currently registered with the
political party favored by the
corporation or labor organization.
(3) These services shall be made
available without regard to the voter’s
political preference. Information and
other assistance regarding registering or
voting, including transportation and
other services offered, shall not be
withheld or refused on the basis of
support for or opposition to particular
candidates or a particular political
(4) Individuals conducting the voter
registration or get-out-the-vote drive
shall not be paid on the basis of the
number of individuals registered or
transported who support one or more
particular candidates or political party.
(5) The corporation or labor
organization shall notify those receiving
information or assistance of the
requirements of paragraph (d)(3) of this
section. The notification shall be made
in writing at the time of the registration
or get-out-the-vote drive.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 / Proposed Rules
5. Section 114.10 is revised to read as
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 114.10 Corporations and labor
organizations making independent
expenditures and electioneering
[FR Doc. 2011–32632 Filed 12–23–11; 8:45 am]
(a) General. Corporations and labor
organizations may make independent
expenditures, as defined in 11 CFR
100.16, and electioneering
communications, as defined in 11 CFR
(b) Reporting independent
expenditures and electioneering
communications. (1) Corporations and
labor organizations that make
independent expenditures aggregating
in excess of $250 with respect to a given
election in a calendar year shall file
reports as required by 11 CFR 104.4(a)
and 11 CFR 109.10(b) through (e).
(2) Corporations and labor
organizations that make electioneering
communications aggregating in excess
of $10,000 in a calendar year shall file
the statements required by 11 CFR
(c) Solicitation; disclosure of use of
contributions for political purposes.
Whenever a corporation or labor
organization solicits donations that may
be used for political purposes, the
solicitation shall inform potential
donors that their donations may be used
for political purposes, such as
supporting or opposing candidates.
(d) Non-authorization notice.
Corporations or labor organizations
making independent expenditures or
electioneering communications shall
comply with the requirements of 11 CFR
(e) Segregated bank account. A
corporation or labor organization may,
but is not required to, establish a
segregated bank account into which it
deposits only funds donated or
otherwise provided by individuals, as
described in 11 CFR part 104, from
which it makes disbursements for
electioneering communications.
(f) Activities prohibited by the Internal
Revenue Code. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to authorize any
organization exempt from taxation
under 26 U.S.C. 501(a) to carry out any
activity that it is prohibited from
undertaking by the Internal Revenue
Code, 26 U.S.C. 501 et seq.
§§ 114.14 and 114.15
6. Sections 114.14 and 114.15 are
Dated: December 15, 2011.
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Jkt 226001
On behalf of the Commission.
Cynthia L. Bauerly,
Chair, Federal Election Commission.
12 CFR Part 615
RIN 3052–AC54
Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan
Policies and Operations, and Funding
Operations; Liquidity and Funding
Farm Credit Administration.
Proposed rule.
The Farm Credit
Administration (FCA, we or us)
proposes to amend its liquidity
regulation. The purpose of the proposed
rule is to strengthen liquidity risk
management at Farm Credit System
(FCS or System) banks, improve the
quality of assets in the liquidity reserve,
and bolster the ability of System banks
to fund their obligations and continue
their operations during times of
economic, financial, or market
Comments should be received on
or before February 27, 2012.
ADDRESSES: We offer a variety of
methods for you to submit your
comments. For accuracy and efficiency,
commenters are encouraged to submit
comments by email or through the
FCA’s Web site. As facsimiles (fax) are
difficult for us to process and achieve
compliance with section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act, we are no longer
accepting comments submitted by fax.
Regardless of the method you use,
please do not submit your comment
multiple times via different methods.
You may submit comments by any of
the following methods:
• Email: Send us an email at
• FCA Web site:
Select ‘‘Public Comments’’ and follow
the directions for ‘‘Submitting a
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Gary K. Van Meter, Director,
Office of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive,
McLean, VA 22102–5090.
You may review copies of comments
we receive at our office in McLean,
Virginia, or from our Web site at Once you are in the
Web site, select ‘‘Public Commenters,’’
then ‘‘Public Comments,’’ and follow
PO 00000
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the directions for ‘‘Reading Submitted
Public Comments.’’ We will show your
comments as submitted, but for
technical reasons we may omit items
such as logos and special characters.
Identifying information that you
provide, such as phone numbers and
addresses, will be publicly available.
However, we will attempt to remove
email addresses to help reduce Internet
David J. Lewandrowski, Senior Policy
Analyst, Office of Regulatory Policy,
Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm
Credit Drive, McLean, VA, (703) 883–
4498, TTY (703) 883–4434; or
Richard A. Katz, Senior Counsel,
Office of General Counsel, Farm Credit
Administration, McLean, VA 22102–
5090, (703) 883–4020, TTY (703) 883–
I. Objectives
The objectives of the proposed rule
are to:
• Improve the capacity of FCS banks
to pay their obligations and fund their
operations by maintaining adequate
liquidity to withstand various market
disruptions and adverse financial or
economic conditions;
• Strengthen liquidity management at
all FCS banks;
• Enhance the marketability of assets
that System banks hold in their liquidity
• Require that cash and highly liquid
investments comprise the first 30 days
of the 90-day liquidity reserve;
• Establish a supplemental liquidity
buffer that a bank can draw upon during
an emergency and that is sufficient to
cover the bank’s liquidity needs beyond
the 90-day liquidity reserve; and
• Strengthen each bank’s Contingency
Funding Plan (CFP).
II. Background
The FCS is a nationwide network of
borrower-owned financial cooperatives
that lend to farmers, ranchers, aquatic
producers and harvesters, agricultural
cooperatives, rural utilities, farm-related
service businesses, and rural
homeowners. By law, FCS institutions
are instrumentalities of the United
States,1 and Government-sponsored
enterprises (GSEs).2 According to
section 1.1(a) of the Farm Credit Act of
1971, as amended, (Act), Congress
established the System for the purpose
1 See sections 1.3(a), 2.0(a), 2.10(a), 3.0, 4.25, and
8.1(a)(1) of the Act; 12 U.S.C. 2011(a), 2071(a),
2091(a), 2121, 2211, and 2279aa–1.
2 See Public Law 101–73, sec. 1404(e)(1)(A), 103
Stat. 183, 552–53 (Aug. 9, 1989).
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 248 (Tuesday, December 27, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 80803-80817]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-32632]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 248 / Tuesday, December 27, 2011 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 80803]]
11 CFR Part 114
[Notice 2011-18]
Independent Expenditures and Electioneering Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations
AGENCY: Federal Election Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Federal Election Commission seeks comments on proposed
changes to its rules regarding corporate and labor organization funding
of expenditures, independent expenditures and electioneering
communications. These and other proposed changes are in response to a
Petition for Rulemaking filed by the James Madison Center for Free
Speech urging the Commission to amend its regulations in response to
the decision of the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC. The
Commission has made no final decision on the issues presented in this
DATES: Comments must be received on or before February 3, 2012. Reply
comments must be limited to the issues raised in the initial comments
and must be received on or before February 17, 2012. The Commission
will hold a hearing on these proposed rules and any modifications or
amendments thereto that may be proposed on March 7, 2012. Anyone
wishing to testify at the hearing must file written comments by the due
date and must include a request to testify in the written comments.
ADDRESSES: All comments must be in writing. Comments may be submitted
electronically via the Commission's Web site at Commenters are encouraged to submit comments electronically to
ensure timely receipt and consideration. Alternatively, comments may be
submitted in paper form. Paper comments must be sent to the Federal
Election Commission, Attn.: Robert M. Knop, Assistant General Counsel,
999 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20463. All comments must include the
full name and postal service address of the commenter, and of each
commenter if filed jointly, or they will not be considered. The
Commission will post comments on its Web site at the conclusion of the
comment period.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Robert M. Knop, Assistant General
Counsel, or Attorneys Ms. Esther D. Heiden, Mr. Theodore M. Lutz, or
Ms. Joanna S. Waldstreicher, 999 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20463,
(202) 694-1650 or (800) 424-9530.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Election Campaign Act of
1971,\1\ as amended, (``the Act'') prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from using general treasury funds to make contributions
or expenditures in connection with Federal elections. 2 U.S.C. 441b.
The term ``contribution or expenditure'' includes any ``direct or
indirect payment, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of
money, or any services, or anything of value * * * to any candidate,
campaign committee, or political party or organization,'' in connection
with any Federal election. 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2); 11 CFR 114.1(a)(1); see
also 2 U.S.C. 431(8)(A) and (9)(A); 11 CFR 100.52 and 100.111. The
Act's prohibition on expenditures by corporations and labor
organizations includes ``independent expenditures,'' which are
expenditures expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate that are not made in concert or cooperation with,
or at the request or suggestion of, a clearly identified candidate, the
candidate's authorized political committee, or their agents, or a
political party committee and its agents. 2 U.S.C. 431(17); 11 CFR
\1\ Public Law 92-225, 86 Stat. 3 (1971); 2 U.S.C. 431 et seq.
The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 \2\ (``BCRA'') amended
the Act to also prohibit corporations and labor organizations from
using general treasury funds to make electioneering communications. 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2). Electioneering communications are broadcast, cable,
or satellite communications that refer to a clearly identified
candidate for Federal office, are publicly distributed within sixty
days before a general election or thirty days before a primary
election, and are targeted to the relevant electorate. 2 U.S.C.
434(f)(3)(A)(i) and (f)(3)(C); 11 CFR 100.29(a)(1)-(3). The
Commission's regulations prohibiting independent expenditures and
electioneering communication made by corporations and labor
organizations are found at 11 CFR part 114. The Act and Commission
regulations also require entities that make independent expenditures
and electioneering communications to report certain information to the
Commission, which the Commission then places on the public record. 2
U.S.C. 434(c) and 434(f); 11 CFR 104.20 and 109.10. In addition, the
Act and Commission regulations require communications expressly
advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, as
well as electioneering communications, to include disclaimers stating
who paid for the communication and whether the communication was
authorized by a Federal candidate or a Federal candidate's authorized
political committee or its agents. 2 U.S.C. 441d(a); 11 CFR 110.11.
\2\ Public Law 107-155, 116 Stat. 81 (2002).
In Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court held that the two
statutory provisions prohibiting corporations from making independent
expenditures and electioneering communications violate the First
Amendment. 558 U.S. ----, 130 S. Ct. 876 (2010). At the same time, the
Supreme Court reaffirmed the validity of the Act's reporting,
disclosure, and disclaimer requirements for independent expenditures
and electioneering communications at 2 U.S.C. 434(f) and 441d(a)(3) and
(d)(2). Id. at 913-16.\3\
\3\ Although Citizens United did not directly address whether
labor organizations also have a First Amendment right to use their
general treasury funds for independent expenditures and
electioneering communications, the Act and Commission regulations
treat labor organizations in a similar manner to corporations. See 2
U.S.C. 441b; see generally CFR part 114; see also Advisory Opinion
2010-11 (Commonsense Ten) at n.3. When addressing corporations, the
Court in Citizens United often referred to labor organizations, and
provided no basis for treating labor organization communications
differently than corporate communications under the First Amendment.
Therefore, the Commission proposes to make the same regulatory
changes discussed in this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for both
corporations and labor organizations.
The James Madison Center for Free Speech filed a Petition for
Rulemaking urging the Commission to amend its regulations to conform to
the decision in Citizens United. Specifically, the Petition for
Rulemaking asked the
[[Page 80804]]
Commission to remove 11 CFR 114.2, 114.4, 114.9, and 114.14 to the
extent that these regulations implement the Act's ban on the use of
general treasury funds by corporations and labor organizations to make
independent expenditures and electioneering communications. The
Petition for Rulemaking also asked the Commission to remove 11 CFR
114.10, because that regulation implements an exception to the
prohibition on independent expenditures and electioneering
communications by corporations that is no longer necessary after
Citizens United. Finally, the petitioners requested that the Commission
remove 11 CFR 114.15, because that regulation relating to certain
permissible communications by corporations and labor organizations is
also no longer necessary after Citizens United.
On June 21, 2011, the Commission published a Notice of Availability
seeking public comment on the Petition for Rulemaking. Notice of
Availability on Independent Expenditures and Electioneering
Communications by Corporations and Labor Organizations, 76 FR 36001
(June 21, 2011). The Commission received three comments in response to
the Notice of Availability.
Two commenters urged the Commission to adopt the changes
recommended in the Petition for Rulemaking. One of these two comments
urged the Commission to repeal portions of 11 CFR 114.2, 114.3, 114.4,
114.9 and 114.14, insofar as these regulations implement the 2 U.S.C.
441b bans on independent expenditures and electioneering
communications. The comment went on to request that the Commission
either clarify or repeal sections 114.10 and 114.15. The other comment
supporting the petition asked the Commission to remove portions of
sections 114.2, 114.3, 114.4, 114.9 and 114.14 to the extent that they
are invalid after the Court's decision in Citizens United. Both of
these commenters further stated that any NPRM issued in response to the
Citizens United decision and the Petition for Rulemaking should address
only those regulations clearly invalidated by the Court decision, and
should address no other issues.
One of the two commenters supporting the petition stated that
further rulemaking is not appropriate at this time because the
Commission has had only brief experience with the post-Citizens United
legal landscape. That commenter suggested that the Commission should
wait until ``expert research'' is conducted on a number of issues
before engaging in broader rulemaking. Both commenters also suggested
that the Commission should limit its rulemaking to those regulations
directly affected by Citizens United so that the Commission can reach
A third commenter urged the Commission not to amend or remove its
regulations in response to the Petition for Rulemaking or Citizens
United. That commenter noted that the Citizens United decision was not
unanimous and suggested that the Court's rationale was incorrect. The
commenter expressed concern that the Court's decision and any
subsequent rulemaking implementing the decision would reduce
transparency of corporate spending on Federal elections.
The Commission is issuing this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to
address certain regulations implicated by the Citizens United decision
and raised by the Petition for Rulemaking, and the comments received in
response to its Notice of Availability. The Commission seeks comment
on: (1) Eliminating the prohibitions in 11 CFR 114.2 and 114.14 on the
use of corporate and labor organization general treasury funds to
finance independent expenditures and electioneering communications; (2)
eliminating 11 CFR 114.15, which permits corporations and labor
organizations to make electioneering communications that are not the
functional equivalent of express advocacy; (3) eliminating the
prohibitions in 11 CFR 114.3 and 114.4 regarding express advocacy in
communications to the general public and revising the standards for
voter registration and get-out-the-vote (``GOTV'') drives; (4) revising
11 CFR 114.9, which governs the use of corporate and labor organization
facilities for political activity; and (5) eliminating or amending the
regulation at 11 CFR 114.10, which governs the making of independent
expenditures and electioneering communications by qualified nonprofit
I. Background
The Act and Commission regulations prohibit corporations and labor
organizations from using general treasury funds to make expenditures,
including independent expenditures. 2 U.S.C. 441b(a) and (b)(2); 11 CFR
In enacting section 203 of BCRA, Congress extended the Act's
prohibitions on the use of general treasury funds for corporate and
labor organization expenditures under 2 U.S.C. 441b to include
electioneering communications. 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2); see also 2 U.S.C.
434(f)(3); 11 CFR 100.29, 104.3, 114.2, 114.10, and 114.14.
In Citizens United, the Supreme Court held that the Act's
prohibitions on financing independent expenditures and electioneering
communications with corporate general treasury funds were
unconstitutional. Citizens United, a non-profit corporation, in January
2008 released a film in theaters and on DVD about then-Senator Hillary
Clinton, who was a candidate in the Democratic Party's 2008
Presidential primary elections. Citizens United wanted to pay cable
companies to make the film available to digital cable subscribers for
free through video-on-demand, which allows subscribers to view
programming, including movies. Citizens United planned to make the film
available within thirty days of the 2008 primary elections.
Citizens United filed suit seeking a preliminary injunction,
arguing that the ban on corporate electioneering communications at 2
U.S.C. 441b(b)(2) was unconstitutional as applied to payments to make
the film available through video-on-demand and that the disclosure and
disclaimer requirements at 2 U.S.C. 434(f) and 441d were
unconstitutional as applied to payments for the film and for three
planned advertisements for the movie. The district court denied the
request for a preliminary injunction and granted the Commission's
motion for summary judgment. 530 F. Supp. 2d 274 (D.D.C. 2008).
The Supreme Court invalidated section 441b's restrictions on
corporate independent expenditures and electioneering communications.
130 S.Ct. at 913. The Supreme Court held that the prohibition on
corporate independent expenditures and electioneering communications is
a ban on speech and concluded that section 441b was therefore ``subject
to strict scrutiny.'' Id. at 898.
The Court noted that ``[p]olitical speech is `indispensable to
decisionmaking in a democracy, and this is no less true because the
speech comes from a corporation rather than an individual.''' Id. at
904 (quoting First Nat'l Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 435 U.S. 765, 777
(1978)). The Court stated that the anti-distortion rationale previously
used to justify restrictions on corporate speech ``interferes with the
`open marketplace of ideas' protected by the First Amendment.'' Id. at
906.\4\ The Supreme Court also disagreed that corporate independent
expenditures can be limited because of an interest in
[[Page 80805]]
protecting dissenting shareholders from being compelled to fund
corporate political speech and held that such disagreements may be
corrected by shareholders through the procedures of corporate
democracy. Id. at 911. ``All speakers, including individuals and the
media, use money amassed from the economic marketplace to fund their
speech, and the First Amendment protects the resulting speech.'' Id. at
905. Accordingly, the Supreme Court held that ``the rule that political
speech cannot be limited based on a speaker's wealth is a necessary
consequence of the premise that the First Amendment generally prohibits
the suppression of political speech based on the speaker's identity.''
\4\ The Court therefore overruled its previous decisions in
Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 U.S. 652 (1990), and, in
part, McConnell.
The Supreme Court further held that, while the government has a
compelling interest in preventing corruption or the appearance of
corruption, ``independent expenditures, including those made by
corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of
corruption.'' Id. at 909. Thus, the Court invalidated section 441b's
restrictions on corporate independent expenditures and electioneering
communications. Id. at 913.
Citizens United also challenged the Act's disclaimer and disclosure
provisions at sections 434(f) and 441d as applied to the film and three
advertisements for the film. Under the Act, electioneering
communications must include a statement identifying the person
responsible for payment for the advertisement. 2 U.S.C. 441d(a). Also,
any person who spends more than $10,000 on electioneering
communications within a calendar year must file a disclosure statement
with the Commission identifying the person making the electioneering
communication, the election to which the communication pertains, and
providing information about certain contributors who gave $1000 or more
within a specified time period. 2 U.S.C. 434(f)(2). The Court rejected
the challenge to the statutory requirement and upheld the reporting
provisions because ``transparency enables the electorate to make
informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and
messages.'' Citizens United, 130 S. Ct. at 913-16. The Court recognized
that disclaimer and disclosure requirements impose no ceiling on
campaign activities, do not prevent anyone from speaking, and advance
the public's ``interest in knowing who is speaking about a candidate
shortly before an election.'' Id. at 914-15. ``Prompt disclosure of
expenditures can provide shareholders and citizens with the information
needed to hold corporations and elected officials accountable for their
positions and supporters.'' Id. at 916.
II. Overview of Changes to 11 CFR Part 114: Corporate and Labor
Organization Activity
Commission regulations implementing the statutory provisions struck
down by Citizens United are no longer valid. The Commission previously
released a statement saying that it would no longer enforce statutory
provisions or regulations prohibiting corporations and labor
organizations from making independent expenditures and electioneering
communications. FEC Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision in
Citizens United v. FEC (Feb. 5, 2010) (available at These regulations
include portions of current 11 CFR part 114, which concern corporate
and labor organization activity. In this rulemaking, the Commission
proposes to amend 11 CFR 114.2, 114.3, 114.4, and 114.10, and to remove
11 CFR 114.14, and 114.15. The Commission has not made any
determination as to which, if any, of the proposed alternatives it
should adopt in its final rules.
The Commission proposes to change 11 CFR part 114 by: (1) Modifying
specific language within sections of part 114 that prohibit
corporations and labor organizations from using general treasury funds
to finance independent expenditures and electioneering communications,
and (2) removing language that may be superfluous, given the
permissible uses of general treasury funds under Citizens United.
Among the Commission's proposals are alternatives for modifying
current 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i), which prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from making expenditures, including independent
expenditures. The Commission proposes to modify 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i)
in one of two ways: (1) Narrow the prohibition to allow all
expenditures except those that are coordinated with a candidate or a
political party committee, including coordinated communications, or (2)
narrow the prohibition to allow only communications that are not
coordinated with a candidate or a political party committee, while
continuing to prohibit expenditures that are not made for
communications. These alternative approaches would also apply to the
expenditure prohibition for voter registration and GOTV drives,
discussed below in the proposed changes to section 114.3 (with respect
to the restricted class) and section 114.4 (with respect to the general
With respect to 11 CFR 114.4, the Commission proposes to remove the
prohibition on making express advocacy communications to those outside
the restricted class, but would maintain the restrictions on
coordinating with candidates and political parties when making
communications to those outside the restricted class. Regarding 11 CFR
114.9, the Commission seeks comment on whether 11 CFR 114.9 should be
revised and, if so, how.\5\ Additionally, the Commission seeks comment
on whether to repeal or revise certain provisions of 11 CFR 114.10.
These provisions currently exempt qualified nonprofit corporations
(``QNC'') from the pre-Citizens United ban on corporate independent
expenditures and electioneering communications. The proposed revisions
would apply to all corporations and labor organizations, not limited to
QNCs, making independent expenditures and electioneering
communications.\6\ The existing provisions currently reference other
Commission regulations that apply to QNCs making independent
expenditures or electioneering communications, including references to
the reporting requirements for independent expenditures and
electioneering communications under 11 CFR 104.4(a), 109.10(b), and
104.20(b), and the disclaimer provisions of 11 CFR 110.11. The
Commission seeks comment on whether to remove section 114.10 or to
revise section 114.10 to expand these rules to apply to all
corporations and labor organizations that make such independent
expenditures or electioneering communications. Finally, the Commission
proposes to remove 11 CFR 114.14, and 114.15, which implement
exceptions to the general prohibition against corporate and labor
organization funding of independent expenditures and electioneering
\5\ While the Commission proposes to retain the reporting
requirements currently at 11 CFR 114.3(b), which require
corporations and labor organizations to report disbursements for
communications containing express advocacy made to the restricted
class, it recognizes that a communication containing express
advocacy may now be made both to the general public and the
restricted class, thereby triggering different thresholds for
reporting obligations.
\6\ Corporations that are foreign nationals, government
contractors, or national banks, and corporations that are organized
by authority of any law of Congress continue to be prohibited from
making independent expenditures or electioneering communications. 2
U.S.C. 441b, 441c and 441e.
[[Page 80806]]
III. Proposed 11 CFR 114.2(b)--Prohibitions on Certain Expenditures
The Commission regulation at 11 CFR 114.2(b) implements 2 U.S.C.
441b(a) by prohibiting corporations and labor organizations from making
expenditures, including independent expenditures.\7\ This rule also
prohibits corporations and labor organizations from making payments for
electioneering communications unless certain criteria are met. The
Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United invalidated the
prohibitions on corporate independent expenditures and electioneering
communications in 2 U.S.C. 441b(a).\8\ Accordingly, certain portions of
11 CFR 114.2(b) are no longer valid. The Commission therefore proposes
to revise this regulation to remove the prohibitions on independent
expenditures and electioneering communications.
\7\ An ``independent expenditure'' is defined by the Act as ``an
expenditure by a person-- (A) expressly advocating the election or
defeat of a clearly identified candidate; and (B) that is not made
in concert or cooperation with or at the request or suggestion of
such candidate, the candidate's authorized political committee, or
their agents, or a political party committee or its agents.'' 2
U.S.C. 431(17); see also 11 CFR 100.16(a). Express advocacy is
defined in 11 CFR 100.22 as ``any communication that--(a) Uses
phrases such as ``vote for the President,'' ``re-elect your
Congressman,'' ``support the Democratic nominee,'' ``cast your
ballot for the Republican challenger for U.S. Senate in Georgia,''
``Smith for Congress,'' ``Bill McKay in '94,'' ``vote Pro-Life'' or
``vote Pro-Choice'' accompanied by a listing of clearly identified
candidates described as Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, vote against Old
Hickory,'' ``defeat'' accompanied by a picture of one or more
candidate(s), ``reject the incumbent,'' or communications of
campaign slogan(s) or individual word(s), which in context can have
no other reasonable meaning than to urge the election or defeat of
one or more clearly identified candidate(s), such as posters, bumper
stickers, advertisements, etc. which say ``Nixon's the One,''
``Carter '76,'' ``Reagan/Bush'' or ``Mondale!''; or (b) When taken
as a whole and with limited reference to external events, such as
the proximity to the election, could only be interpreted by a
reasonable person as containing advocacy of the election or defeat
of one or more clearly identified candidate(s) because--(1) The
electoral portion of the communication is unmistakable, unambiguous,
and suggestive of only one meaning; and (2) Reasonable minds could
not differ as to whether it encourages actions to elect or defeat
one or more clearly identified candidate(s) or encourages some other
kind of action.''
\8\ See discussion above regarding the applicability of the
Citizens United holding to labor organizations.
A. 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i)--Prohibition on Corporate and Labor
Organization Expenditures
Current 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i) prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from making ``expenditures,'' as defined in 11 CFR part
100, subpart D. With certain exceptions, this prohibition applies to
all expenditures, whether they are independent, coordinated, or any
other form of expenditure, including in-kind contributions.\9\
\9\ An in-kind contribution is an expenditure. 11 CFR
100.111(e)(1). All corporate and labor organization contributions,
including in-kind contributions, continue to be prohibited after
Citizens United. Coordinated communications and coordinated
expenditures continue to be prohibited because they are a form of
in-kind contribution. 11 CFR 109.20(b) and 109.21(b).
The Commission is considering two alternatives for revising 11 CFR
114.2(b)(2)(i). Both alternatives would permit corporations and labor
organizations to make expenditures from their general treasury funds
for communications that are not coordinated with a candidate or
political party, and both alternatives would maintain the prohibition
on corporate and labor organization expenditures for all activities
that are coordinated with a candidate or political party as defined in
11 CFR 109.20 or 109.21. The alternatives differ in that Alternative A
would permit corporations and labor organizations to make all types of
expenditures from their general treasuries for any non-coordinated
activities, whether or not they are communications, while Alternative B
would maintain the prohibition on non-expressive expenditures by
corporations and labor organizations regardless of whether they are
coordinated with a candidate or political party.
Alternative A proposes treating all expenditures the same on the
ground that Citizens United did not distinguish among different types
of expenditures so long as they are made independently of any campaign
or political party. By contrast, Alternative B suggests distinguishing
between expenditures for communications and other types of
expenditures, on the ground that the Court's holding in Citizens United
struck down prohibitions on political speech as inconsistent with the
First Amendment, but did not address non-communicative conduct because
``independent expenditures'' are defined as communications. The
Commission invites comment on which of the two approaches reflects the
more appropriate response to Citizens United and why. In considering
both alternatives, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should
distinguish between communicative and non-communicative expenditures
and how. For example, how should the Commission treat corporate or
labor organization expenditures for transporting voters to polling
places as part of a non-coordinated get-out-the-vote (``GOTV'')
campaign supporting or opposing a specific candidate which includes
both communicative and non-communicative elements? Such expenses might
include the driver's salary, vehicle rental, and fuel, and, if workers
were brought in from another geographical area to assist in the
efforts, the payment for their travel, lodging, and food costs.
Alternative A--Permit Corporations and Labor Organizations To Make
Expenditures Except for Coordinated Expenditures and Coordinated
Alternative A would remove the existing broad prohibition on
corporate and labor organization expenditures from general treasury
funds and replace it with a regulation specifically prohibiting only
(a) expenditures that are coordinated with a candidate or a political
party committee and (b) coordinated communications. Alternative A would
permit independent corporate and labor organization communications that
contain express advocacy, which is one component of the statutory and
regulatory definition of an ``independent expenditure'' (e.g., a
television advertisement that urges its audience to vote for a clearly
identified Senate candidate), and those that do not contain express
advocacy (e.g., a mass mailing that exhorts readers to vote for
unspecified candidates who support a particular cause). Expenditures
that are not for communications would also be permitted under
Alternative A as long as these expenditures are not in-kind
contributions, such as expenditures that are coordinated with
candidates or political party committees. Permissible expenditures
would include: (a) Payment for transportation of volunteers to campaign
events, (b) payment for expenses of voter registration drives, (c) the
provision of food to campaign volunteers, or (d) the provision of
babysitting services to enable voters supporting a particular candidate
or political party to vote.
The Commission seeks comment on Alternative A. Does Alternative A
eliminate too much or too little of the prohibition on corporate and
labor organization expenditures? Does Alternative A provide clear
guidance on the types of expenditures corporations and labor
organizations may make in accordance with Citizens United?
The Commission also seeks comment on whether Alternative A should
distinguish between expenditures for communications and other types of
non-coordinated expenditures. If spending by corporations or labor
[[Page 80807]]
whether for communicative or non-communicative expenditures--is neither
coordinated with a federal candidate or political party nor is an in-
kind contribution, can it be banned post-Citizens United? Does
Alternative A's removal of the ban on non-coordinated corporate and
labor organization expenditures accurately reflect the Court's holding
and rationale?
Alternative B--Permit Corporations and Labor Organizations To Make
Independent Expenditures But Not Coordinated Communications or Non-
Communicative Expenditures
Alternative B would amend the prohibition on corporate and labor
organization expenditures to permit independent expenditures from
general treasury funds for non-coordinated communications, but would
continue to prohibit non-communicative expenditures (including in-kind
contributions) and coordinated communications. Alternative B would
distinguish expenditures for communications from other types of
expenditures. Under Alternative B, corporations and labor organizations
would be permitted to make expenditures from general treasury funds
solely for ``political speech presented to the electorate that is not
coordinated with a candidate.'' Citizens United, 130 S. Ct. at 910.
Coordinated communications as well as all non-communicative
expenditures would continue to be prohibited.
The Commission seeks comment on whether the decision in Citizens
United should be read to apply to non-communicative activities, and
whether Alternative B is consistent with Citizens United. Is
Alternative B specific enough as to the types of expenditures
corporations and labor organizations may make? To what extent does the
Act contemplate the distinction between speech and non-speech
expenditures? Would maintaining the ban on non-speech expenditures
further the government's interest in preventing corruption or the
appearance of corruption?
B. 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(ii) and (b)(3)--Prohibition on Corporate and
Labor Organization Express Advocacy Communications and Electioneering
Communications to Those Outside the Restricted Class
Currently, 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(ii) prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from ``making expenditures with respect to a Federal
election * * * for communications to those outside the restricted class
that expressly advocate the election or defeat of one or more clearly
identified candidate(s) or the candidates of a clearly identified
political party.'' Because the Supreme Court held in Citizens United
that corporations and labor organizations have a constitutional right
to make expenditures for communications containing express advocacy to
those not in their restricted classes, the Commission proposes to
remove paragraph (b)(2)(ii).
Similarly, 11 CFR 114.2(b)(3) prohibits corporations and labor
organizations from making payments for electioneering communications to
those outside their restricted classes unless permissible under 11 CFR
114.10 or 114.15.\10\ Because Citizens United held that corporations
may make electioneering communications, including to audiences outside
their restricted classes, the Commission proposes to remove paragraph
(b)(3) of section 114.2. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal.
\10\ This provision does not apply to State party committees and
State candidate committees that incorporate under 26 U.S.C.
527(e)(1), provided that: (1) The committee is not a political
committee as defined in 11 CFR 100.5; (2) the committee incorporated
for liability purposes only; (3) the committee does not use any
funds donated by corporations or labor organizations to make
electioneering communications; and (4) the committee complies with
the reporting requirements for electioneering communications at 11
CFR part 104.
IV. Proposed 11 CFR 114.3--Disbursements for Communications to the
Restricted Class by Corporations and Labor Organizations in Connection
With a Federal Election
Current 11 CFR 114.3 implements certain statutory exceptions to the
general ban on contributions and expenditures by corporations and labor
organizations. Before Citizens United was decided, corporations and
labor organizations could make communications containing express
advocacy only to their restricted classes. 2 U.S.C. 441b(a) and
(b)(2)(A). Section 114.3 implements these provisions of the Act, and
sets out the requirements and restrictions on those communications to
the restricted class, including publications; candidate and party
appearances; phone banks; and voter registration and GOTV drives.
The Commission's current regulations at 11 CFR 114.4 set out the
restrictions and prohibitions for communications by corporations and
labor organizations beyond the restricted class. The Act establishes
specific reporting requirements for communications made by corporations
and labor organizations to their restricted class and exempts
disbursements for such communications from the definition of
expenditure, whether or not the communications contain express
advocacy. 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii). The Commission proposes to maintain
the current structure in which 11 CFR 114.3 addresses disbursements for
communications made to the restricted class and 11 CFR 114.4 addresses
disbursements for communications made to those outside the restricted
class, with certain proposed changes discussed below. The Commission
requests comment on this approach. Should the Commission maintain the
separate regulations as they are now, or divide them in a different
way? Would combining 11 CFR 114.3 and 114.4 be more readily
understandable to the public now that corporations and labor
organizations can make express advocacy communications beyond the
restricted class?
A. 11 CFR 114.3(b)--Reporting of Disbursements for Express Advocacy
1. Reporting of Disbursements for Express Advocacy Communications
Solely to the Restricted Class Under Current 11 CFR 114.3(b)
The proposed rules would not change the requirement, currently at
11 CFR 114.3(b), that corporations and labor organizations report
disbursements for communications containing express advocacy made to
the restricted class in accordance with 11 CFR 100.134 and 104.6. The
Act exempts express advocacy communications made by corporations and
labor organizations to their restricted class from the definition of
``expenditure.'' 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii). However, the Act requires
that corporations and labor organizations that make disbursements for
express advocacy communications to the restricted class in excess of
$2,000 for any election file quarterly reports in an election year and
pre-election reports for any general election. 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii),
434(a)(4)(A)(i) and (ii). This statutory requirement is implemented in
the Commission regulations at current 11 CFR 100.134(a), 104.6(a), and
2. Reporting of Disbursements for Express Advocacy Communications
Beyond the Restricted Class
As discussed in Section VII.B below, proposed 11 CFR 114.10(b)
would require corporations and labor organizations that make
independent expenditures for communications to persons outside the
restricted class to report these independent expenditures
[[Page 80808]]
under 2 U.S.C. 434(c). This provision requires that ``every person
(other than a political committee) who makes independent expenditures
in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $250 during a calendar
year'' report such expenditures to the Commission.
The Commission does not propose to change the language of current
11 CFR 114.3(b) because Citizens United upheld disclosure requirements,
and did not affect the provision of the Act at 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(iii)
that exempts disbursements for express advocacy communications to the
restricted class from the definition of ``expenditure'' and establishes
the reporting requirement for such communications. The Commission
requests comment on this approach.
3. Reporting of Express Advocacy Communications Both to the Restricted
Class and Outside the Restricted Class
Prior to Citizens United, corporations and labor organizations were
prohibited from making payments for independent expenditures directed
to individuals outside of the restricted class. Now that the Court has
struck down the prohibition on independent expenditures, the Commission
seeks comment on how a corporation or labor organization should report
spending for communications containing express advocacy directed both
to the restricted class and outside the restricted class. If a
corporation or labor organization makes a single disbursement for a
communication containing express advocacy that is made both to the
general public, which is an independent expenditure, and the restricted
class, which is exempt from the definition of expenditure, should the
fact that the communication went outside the restricted class result in
the entire disbursement being treated as an independent expenditure,
subject to the relevant reporting requirements? Alternatively, should
the corporation or labor organization allocate the expense between the
cost of the communication made to the restricted class and the cost of
the communication made outside the restricted class and report the
allocated expenses separately under the two reporting regimes?
B. Proposed 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4)--Voter Registration and Get-Out-the-Vote
Current 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) provides that a corporation or a labor
organization may conduct voter registration and GOTV drives ``aimed at
its restricted class.'' Section 114.3(c)(4) states that voter
registration and GOTV drives include providing transportation to the
place of registration and to the polls. The current provision further
permits such drives to include communications containing express
advocacy, ``such as urging individuals to register with a particular
political party or to vote for a particular candidate.'' 11 CFR
114.3(c)(4). However, the current provision prohibits corporations and
labor organizations from withholding or refusing to give information
and other assistance regarding registering or voting ``on the basis of
support for or opposition to particular candidates, or a particular
political party.'' Id.
The Commission is proposing two alternatives to revise paragraph
(c)(4). Alternative A would also remove the existing requirement that
corporations or labor organizations may not withhold or refuse to give
information or other assistance on the basis of support for, or
opposition to, particular candidates or a particular political party,
but maintain the exemption from the definition of ``contribution or
expenditure'' under 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B) for voter registration and
GOTV drives that meet that requirement. Alternative B would not make
any changes to current 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) except the technical change,
and therefore retain the current prohibition on withholding or refusing
to give information and other assistance regarding registering or
voting ``on the basis of support for or opposition to particular
candidates, or a particular political party.'' The Commission invites
comment on which, if either, of the two proposals better comports with
Citizens United and the Act.
Alternative A--Remove Requirement That Corporations and Labor
Organizations Not Withhold or Refuse To Provide Assistance on the Basis
of Support for, or Opposition to, Particular Candidates or a Particular
This alternative would remove the prohibition on withholding or
refusing to provide information or other assistance regarding
registering or voting based on support for or opposition to particular
candidates, or a particular party. Instead, Alternative A would
prohibit corporations and labor organizations from conducting voter
registration or GOTV drives only if the activity is coordinated with a
candidate or political party. As discussed in Section III.A above, one
approach to revising the Commission's regulations would be to eliminate
the existing broad prohibition on corporate and labor organization
expenditures, and instead prohibit only those expenditures that are
coordinated with a candidate or a political party committee. Similarly,
Alternative A would permit corporations and labor organizations to
conduct voter registration and GOTV drives without restriction, so long
as they were not coordinated with a candidate or political party.
Alternative A, however, would adhere to the statutory exception to
the definition of ``contribution or expenditure'' for nonpartisan voter
registration and GOTV drives. See 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B). Under
existing regulations, corporations and labor organizations do not have
to report to the Commission disbursements for voter registration and
GOTV drives that meet the conditions of the statutory exception, since
such disbursements are neither contributions nor expenditures. While
voter registration and GOTV drives are permissible under Alternative A,
regardless of whether the drives meet the conditions of the statutory
exception, corporations or labor organizations conducting drives that
meet those conditions are not required to report disbursements for
those drives. Thus, Alternative A would specify that disbursements for
voter registration and GOTV drives are not contributions or
expenditures if the drives are conducted in such a manner that the
corporation or labor organization does not withhold or refuse to
provide information or other assistance regarding registering or voting
on the basis of support for or opposition to particular candidates or a
particular political party, consistent with the statutory exception in
2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B).
The Commission requests comment on this proposal. Is Alternative A
consistent with Citizens United? Does the proposal eliminate too much
or too little in implementing the remaining prohibitions on corporate
and labor organization expenditures? Is this consistent with the
uniform treatment of all expenditures under Alternative A? Should this
reporting regime inform the Commission's choice of alternatives for
amending section 114.4?
In Citizens United, the Court rejected an ``intricate case-by-case
determination'' to determine whether political speech is banned, given
that a corporation has a constitutional right to speak. 130 S. Ct. at
892. By not weighing the expressive elements of expenditures, does
Alternative A avoid the need for such ``intricate case-by-case
Alternative B--Retain Existing Regulation at 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4)
Alternative B would make no changes to the existing regulation at
11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) other than the technical change discussed above. As
[[Page 80809]]
in Section III.A above, one alternative for revising the Commission's
regulations to comply with the decision in Citizens United would be to
specifically exclude expenditures for communications (i.e.,
``independent expenditures'') from the broader prohibition on
expenditures, while still prohibiting corporate and labor organization
expenditures such as in-kind contributions, coordinated expenditures,
or expenditures that do not involve communications. Like proposed
Alternative B for 11 CFR 114.2(b)(2)(i) discussed above, Alternative B
for 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) would also distinguish between speech and non-
speech activity.
In promulgating the current regulation at 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4), the
Commission distinguished between the ```pure speech' aspects of the
drives [that] may be partisan,'' and the non-speech activity aspects of
the drives that ``must be conducted in a nonpartisan manner.'' 1977 E&J
at 105 (1977). The Commission's implementation of the nonpartisan
requirement of 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B) reflects this distinction between
``pure speech'' and non-speech elements of voter registration and GOTV
drives. Because Alternative B takes the approach that Citizens United
did not overturn the prohibition on corporate and labor organization
disbursements that do not involve political speech in the form of
independent expenditures and electioneering communications, under
Alternative B the Commission would continue to regulate the non-speech
aspects of voter registration and GOTV drives in order to implement 2
U.S.C. 441b. These expenses might include, for example, the driver's
salary, vehicle rental and fuel, and travel, lodging, and food costs in
instances where volunteers or workers were brought in from other
locations to participate in a voter registration or GOTV drive. These
expenses might also include office leasing and other general office
costs, as well as child care costs for voter registration and GOTV
workers and for voters.
In Alternative B, as in Alternative A, a corporation or labor
organization would continue to be able to make voter registration or
GOTV communications, including express advocacy, to its restricted
class under 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4). Furthermore, in Alternative B, as in
Alternative A, voter registration and GOTV drives conducted in
accordance with proposed 11 CFR 114.3(c)(4) would remain exempt from
the definition of ``expenditure'' under 2 U.S.C. 441b(b)(2)(B).
However, Alternative B would maintain the prohibition on withholding or
refusing to provide information or other assistance regarding
registering or voting based on support for or opposition to particular
candidates, or a particular party. Additionally, under Alternative B,
corporations and labor organizations would remain prohibited from
engaging in non-communicative activities related to voter registration
and GOTV drives other than those conducted in accordance with proposed
11 CFR 114.3(c)(4).
The Commission also notes the significance of this reporting regime
for the Commission's choice of alternatives for amending section 114.4,
discussed below. Corporations and labor organizations are not required
to report disbursements associated with qualifying voter registration
or GOTV drives, such as driver salaries and the cost of fuel, while
persons who file reports with the Commission must report all
expenditures for communications (both independent expenditures and
electioneering communications). Does the statute implicitly distinguish
between communications and voter registration and GOTV drives?
The Commission requests comments on this approach. Is Alternative B
consistent with the holding in Citizens United? Is it appropriate to
interpret Citizens United's holding as related only to pure speech and
therefore not to extend these holdings to these types of non-
communicative conduct? Alternatively, do all aspects of voter
registration and GOTV drives possess inherently communicative qualities
that would prohibit such regulation? The Commission seeks comment on
where voter registration and GOTV drives fall on the spectrum ranging
from speech to conduct.
V. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4--Disbursements for Communications by
Corporations and Labor Organizations Beyond the Restricted Class in
Connection With a Federal Election
Current 11 CFR 114.4 sets out a number of exceptions to the
prohibitions on corporations and labor organizations making
expenditures. The regulation permits certain communications and
activities directed outside the restricted class, both to employees
outside the restricted class and the general public. This section also
permits certain communications made to those outside the restricted
class to be coordinated, to a limited extent, with candidates.
Specifically, section 114.4(b) covers candidate and party appearances
on corporate or labor organization premises or at a meeting,
convention, or other function that is attended by employees outside the
restricted class.
Current section 114.4(c) identifies the types of communications
that corporations and labor organizations can make to the general
public, namely: (1) Voter registration and voting communications; (2)
official registration and voting information; (3) voting records; (4)
voter guides; (5) endorsements; (6) candidate appearances on
educational institution premises; and (7) electioneering
communications, and the relevant requirements and restrictions that
apply to each. The proposed changes to 11 CFR 114.4 would eliminate the
prohibition on express advocacy communications made outside the
restricted class, but would maintain the restrictions on coordination
with candidates and political parties in communications outside the
restricted class.
A. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(a)--General
Current 11 CFR 114.4(a) provides that any communications that a
corporation or labor organization makes to the general public may also
be made to the restricted class and to its employees outside the
restricted class. Paragraph (a) also provides that communications
described in section 114.4 may be coordinated with candidates and
political committees only to the extent permitted in section 114.4. The
Commission is proposing minor changes to the language of paragraph (a)
to clarify the meaning of the provisions.
B. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)--Communications by a Corporation or Labor
Organization to the General Public
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c) addresses communications by corporations
and labor organizations to the general public, and currently includes
specific provisions on seven types of communications, listed above,
that corporations and labor organizations may make to the general
public. Each of the provisions within paragraph (c) prohibits
coordinating the communication with a candidate or a candidate's
committee or agent, with the exception of paragraph (c)(7) addressing
candidate appearances on incorporated non-profit educational
institution premises and paragraph (c)(8) regarding electioneering
communications. The Commission proposes to restructure paragraph (c) by
adding to paragraph (c)(1) a general prohibition on a corporation or
labor organization acting in cooperation, consultation, or concert with
or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, a candidate's committee
[[Page 80810]]
agent, or a political party committee or its agent regarding the
preparation, contents, and distribution of any of the specific types of
communications described at proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) through (c)(6).
This language would replace the separate prohibitions on coordination
contained in each of the specific paragraphs at current 11 CFR
114.4(c)(2) through (c)(6). The Commission seeks comment on this
1. Removal of Express Advocacy Prohibition
Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(1) would remove the current language
specifically permitting qualified nonprofit corporations (``QNCs'')
under 11 CFR 114.10(c) to include express advocacy in any communication
made to the general public. See Section VII, below. After Citizens
United, all corporations and labor organizations may include express
advocacy in any communication made to the general public so long as the
communication is not coordinated with candidates or political parties.
Hence, this language is now superfluous.
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) through (c)(6) govern several types of
communications that corporations and labor organizations may make to
the general public and set out the conditions under which corporations
and labor organizations may make them. These communications are: voter
registration and GOTV communications; official voter registration and
voting information; voting records; voter guides; and endorsements.
Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(1) would include a reference to proposed 11
CFR 114.10 to make clear that corporations and labor organizations are
no longer limited to the specific types of communications listed in
these paragraphs. Nonetheless, the Commission proposes to retain these
paragraphs to provide specific information about some of the types of
election-related communications that corporations and labor
organizations may make. All five of these paragraphs currently prohibit
corporations or labor organizations from expressly advocating the
election or defeat of clearly identified candidates in these
communications. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) through (6) would eliminate
the prohibition on express advocacy contained in each of the current
paragraphs when these communications are not coordinated with any
candidate or political party. The Commission requests comment on these
proposed deletions.
2. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2)--Voter Registration and GOTV
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2) contains a list of media through which
corporations and labor organizations may make voter registration and
voting communications to the general public. The list currently
includes: posters, billboards, broadcasting media, newspapers,
newsletters, brochures, and ``similar means of communication with the
general public.'' 11 CFR 114.4(c)(2). The Commission proposes to add
mail, Internet communications, emails, text messages, and telephone
calls to the list. These changes are intended to reflect additional
common means of political communication. The Commission requests
comment on these proposed additions. Are there any other methods of
communications that should specifically be included in the list?
Alternatively, is a list of media through which corporations and labor
organizations may make registration and voting communications to the
general public necessary at all or, should the Commission modify the
regulation simply to state generically that such communications to the
general public are permissible?
3. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(5)--Voter Guides
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(5) sets forth certain requirements for and
restrictions on the preparation and distribution of voter guides by
corporations and labor organizations to the general public. This
provision currently requires that voter guides present the positions of
two or more candidates on campaign issues. It further requires that all
candidates for a particular seat or office be given an equal
opportunity to respond, and prohibits the corporation or labor
organization from giving greater prominence to any one candidate or
substantially more space for a candidate's responses, and from
including an electioneering message in the voter guide or accompanying
materials. Paragraph (c)(5) would be revised by eliminating the
requirement that the voter guide contain the positions of two or more
candidates, or that all candidates for a particular office or seat be
permitted to respond. The prohibitions on giving one candidate more
prominence or space on electioneering communications would also be
removed. The Commission proposes these deletions to conform its voter
guide rules to the holding in Citizens United that corporations and
labor organizations may expressly advocate the election or defeat of
candidates in communications to the general public and may make
electioneering communications so long as such communications are not
coordinated with candidates. The Commission requests comments on these
proposed changes.
4. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6)--Endorsements
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6) permits corporations and labor
organization to endorse candidates, and sets out certain requirements
and restrictions on such endorsements. Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6)
permits a corporation or labor organization to communicate the
endorsement only to its restricted class through specific types of
publications, and prohibits these publications from being distributed
to the general public other than at a de minimis level. Current 11 CFR
114.4(c)(6) then sets out the circumstances under which a corporation
and labor organization may announce an endorsement to the general
public. The Commission proposes to remove these restrictions on the
manner of announcing a corporation or labor organization's endorsement
of a candidate in proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(6) consistent with Citizens
United. The Commission requests comments on these proposed deletions.
5. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8)--Electioneering Communications
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) permits corporations and labor
organizations to make electioneering communications to the general
public only to the extent permitted under current 11 CFR 114.15.
Section 114.15 permits corporations and labor organizations to make
electioneering communications, unless the communication is susceptible
of no reasonable interpretation other than as an appeal to vote for or
against a clearly identified Federal candidate. As noted below, the
Commission proposes to remove Section 114.15.
Current 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) further permits QNCs to make
electioneering communications to the general public in accordance with
current 11 CFR 114.10. Section 114.10(d)(2), in turn, permits QNCs to
make any electioneering communication. Because Citizens United struck
down the prohibition on corporations and labor organizations making
electioneering communications, the exception to the prohibition on
electioneering communications at 11 CFR 114.4(c)(8) is superfluous.
Therefore, the Commission proposes to eliminate current 11 CFR
114.4(c)(8) in its entirety. The Commission seeks comment on this
[[Page 80811]]
C. Proposed 11 CFR 114.4(d)--Voter Registration and GOTV Drives
Current 11 CFR 114.4(d) permits corporations and labor
organizations to conduct voter registration and GOTV drives aimed at
the general public. It states that registration and GOTV drives include
providing transportation to the place of registration and to the polls.
The current provision prohibits such drives from including
communications containing express advocacy and states that the drives
may not be coordinated with any candidate or political party. The
current provision also prohibits corporations or labor organizations
(1) from withholding or refusing to give information and other
assistance regarding registering or voting on the basis of support for,
or opposition to, particular candidates or a particular political
party; (2) from directing the drives primarily at individuals based on
registration with a particular party; and (3) from paying individuals
conducting such drives on the basis of number of individuals registered
or transported to the polls who support a particular candidate or
candidates or political party.
In light of Citizens United, the Commission is proposing two
alternatives to revise 11 CFR 114.4(d). Both Alternatives A and B would
remove the prohibition on communications expressly advocating the
election or defeat of candidates or political parties made in
connection with a voter registration or GOTV drive. Alternative A,
however, as discussed in more detail below, would also remove all of
the existing requirements and prohibitions regarding voter registration
and GOTV drives, with the exception of the prohibition on coordination
with candidates or political parties. Alternative A would maintain the
exemption from the definition of ``expenditure'' under 2 U.S.C.
431(9)(B)(ii) and 11 CFR 100.133 for voter registration and GOTV drives
that meet the existing requirements and prohibitions. In contrast, as
discussed in more detail below, Alternative B would retain current 11
CFR 114.4(d), except that it would remove the prohibition on express
advocacy currently at 11 CFR 114.4(d)(1). The Commission invites
comment on which, if either, of the two proposals better comports with
Citizens United and why.
Alternative A--Remove All Restrictions on Voter Registration and GOTV
Drives Except for the Prohibition on Coordinating With Candidates and
Political Parties
This alternative would remove all the requirements for and
restrictions on voter registration and GOTV drives at current 11 CFR
114.4(d)(3) through (6), while retaining the prohibition on
coordinating drives with candidates or political parties, currently at
11 CFR 114.4(d)(2). As discussed in Sections III.A and IV.E above, one
approach to revising the Commission's regulations to make them
consistent with Citizens United would be to eliminate the existing
broad prohibition on corporate and labor organization expenditures, and
instead prohibit only those expenditures that are coordinated with a
candidate or a political party committee, including coordinated
communications, or in-kind contributions. Similarly, Alternative A
would permit corporations and labor organizations to conduct voter
registration and GOTV drives without restriction, as long as they were
not coordinated with a candidate or political party.
Alternative A, however, would maintain the statutory exemption from
the definition of ``expenditure'' at 2 U.S.C. 431(9)(B)(ii) for voter
registration and GOTV drives. Under the Commission's existing rules,
corporations and labor organizations do not have to report to the
Commission disbursements for voter registration and GOTV drives that
meet the conditions of the statutory exception because such
disbursements are neither contributions nor expenditures. While voter