HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Improving Performance and Accountability; and Updating Property Standards, 78344-78382 [2011-31778]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
24 CFR Parts 91 and 92
[Docket No. FR–5563–P–01]
RIN 2501–AC94
HOME Investment Partnerships
Program: Improving Performance and
Accountability; and Updating Property
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
HUD’s HOME Investment
Partnerships Program (HOME program
or HOME) provides formula grants to
states and units of local government to
fund a wide range of activities directed
to producing or maintaining affordable
housing, both homes and rental
housing. This proposed rule would
amend the HOME regulations to address
many of the operational challenges
facing participating jurisdictions,
particularly challenges related to recent
housing market conditions and the
alignment of federal housing programs.
The proposed rule would also clarify
certain existing regulatory requirements
and establish new requirements
designed to enhance accountability by
States and units of local government in
the use of HOME funds, strengthen
performance standards and require more
timely housing production. The
proposed rule would also update
property standards applicable to
housing assisted by HOME funds.
DATES: Comment Due Date: February 14,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposed rule to the Regulations
Division, Office of General Counsel,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room
10276, Washington, DC 20410–0500.
Communications must refer to the above
docket number and title. There are two
methods for submitting public
comments. All submissions must refer
to the above docket number and title.
1. Submission of Comments by Mail.
Comments may be submitted by mail to
the Regulations Division, Office of
General Counsel, Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451
7th Street SW., Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410–0500.
2. Electronic Submission of
Comments. Interested persons may
submit comments electronically through
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
https://www.regulations.gov. HUD
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strongly encourages commenters to
submit comments electronically.
Electronic submission of comments
allows the commenter maximum time to
prepare and submit a comment, ensures
timely receipt by HUD, and enables
HUD to make them immediately
available to the public. Comments
submitted electronically through the
https://www.regulations.gov Web site can
be viewed by other commenters and
interested members of the public.
Commenters should follow the
instructions provided on that site to
submit comments electronically.
Note: To receive consideration as public
comments, comments must be submitted
through one of the two methods specified
above. Again, all submissions must refer to
the docket number and title of the rule.
No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile
(FAX) comments are not acceptable.
Public Inspection of Public
Comments. All properly submitted
comments and communications
submitted to HUD will be available for
public inspection and copying between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the above
address. Due to security measures at the
HUD Headquarters building, an
appointment to review the public
comments must be scheduled in
advance by calling the Regulations
Division at (202) 708–3055 (this is not
a toll-free number). Individuals with
speech or hearing impairments may
access this number via TTY by calling
the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–
8339. Copies of all comments submitted
are available for inspection and
downloading at www.regulations.gov.
Virginia Sardone, Deputy Director,
Office of Affordable Housing Programs,
Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Room 7164, Washington, DC
20410; telephone number (202) 708–
2684 (this is not a toll-free number).
Persons with hearing or speech
impairments may access this number
through TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
I. Background—The HOME Program
The HOME program was authorized
by Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez
National Affordable Housing Act (42
U.S.C. 12721 et seq.), known as NAHA,
and has been in operation for 20 years.
The HOME program provides grants to
states and local jurisdictions
(collectively, participating jurisdictions)
used, often in partnership with local
nonprofit groups, to fund a wide range
of activities that build, buy, and/or
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rehabilitate affordable housing for rent
or homeownership or to fund direct
rental assistance to low-income people.
HOME program funds are awarded
annually as formula grants to
participating jurisdictions. HUD
establishes a HOME Investment Trust
Fund for each grantee, providing a line
of credit that the jurisdiction may draw
upon as needed. The participating
jurisdictions are allowed to use their
HOME funds as grants, direct loans,
loan guarantees, or other forms of credit
enhancement, or as rental assistance or
security deposits.
The HOME program is the largest
federal block grant to States and local
governments that is designed
exclusively to create affordable housing
for low-income households. Each year,
the program allocates approximately $1
to $2 billion among the states and
hundreds of localities nationwide. The
program was designed to reinforce
several important values and principles
of community development. First, the
HOME program’s flexibility empowers
people and communities to design and
implement strategies tailored to their
own needs and priorities. Second, the
HOME program’s emphasis on
consolidated planning expands and
strengthens partnerships among all
levels of government and the
relationship with the private sector in
the development of affordable housing.
Third, the HOME program’s technical
assistance activities and set-aside for
qualified community-based nonprofit
housing groups helps to build the
capacity of these partners. Fourth, the
HOME program’s requirement that
participating jurisdictions match 25
cents of every dollar in program funds
helps to mobilize community resources
in support of affordable housing.
The regulations for the HOME
program are codified in 24 CFR part 92
and were last substantively revised by
final rule issued on September 16, 1996
(61 FR 48750). In the 15 years since the
promulgation of the 1996 final rule,
many HOME participating jurisdictions
have adopted more complex program
designs. They have encountered new
challenges in administering their
programs and in managing their growing
portfolios of older HOME projects.
These challenges include reduced
availability of states or local funding
sources, reduced private lending,
changes in housing property standards,
and energy codes and reductions in
states and local government workforces
throughout the Nation. These challenges
have been magnified by current housing
and credit market conditions. Since
establishment of the HOME program,
HUD has monitored participating
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
jurisdictions’ use of HOME funds and
measured participating jurisdictions’
performance. Through such monitoring
and audits by HUD’s Office of Inspector
General (OIG), HUD has identified and
corrected compliance problems and has
gained a fuller understanding of
regulatory provisions that need to be
strengthened or clarified to help avoid
noncompliance and maximize
HUD has invested significant time
and resources in helping participating
jurisdictions correct financial and
physical problems that threaten the
viability of some HOME-assisted rental
projects in their portfolios. HUD has
determined that participating
jurisdictions need additional tools and
flexibility to effectively address troubled
projects. Over the last several years,
HUD has developed numerous publicly
available reports that measure the
performance and effectiveness of each
participating jurisdiction. HUD’s review
of these reports has identified
performance and reporting problems
among participating jurisdictions that
cannot be addressed effectively under
the current regulations.
Accordingly, through this rule, HUD
proposes regulatory changes to address
many of the operational challenges
facing participating jurisdictions,
improve understanding of HOME
program requirements, update property
standards to which housing funded by
HOME funds must adhere, and
strengthen participating jurisdictions’
accountability for both compliance with
program requirements and performance.
II. This Proposed Rule
A. Changes to HUD’s Consolidated Plan
Action Plan Amendments (§§ 91.220,
This proposed rule would make
several changes to the action plan
sections of HUD’s Consolidated Plan
regulations in 24 CFR part 91, as well
as those in HUD’s HOME program
regulations in 24 CFR part 92.
Sections 91.220(l)(i) and (ii) of the
Consolidated Plan regulations and
§§ 92.205(b) and 92.254(a)(5) of the
HOME program regulations would be
revised to clarify that HUD’s approval
(or failure to disapprove) a consolidated
plan does not automatically approve
forms of investment of HOME funds
other than those described in
§ 92.205(b), or of resale or recapture
guidelines submitted by the
participating jurisdiction. Because the
HOME regulations at § 92.205(b)(1)
require that HUD determine that other
forms of investment proposed by a
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participating jurisdiction be consistent
with the purposes of 24 CFR part 92, the
other forms of investment must be
approved in writing by HUD separate
from the consolidated plan approval
letter. The consistency of other forms of
investment with HOME program
purposes is not indirectly established
simply by HUD’s approval of a
consolidated plan that proposes such
other forms of investment.
This proposed rule also amends
§ 91.220 to provide participating
jurisdictions with some flexibility in
determining the maximum purchase
price for single family housing assisted
with HOME funds for homebuyer
assistance or rehabilitation of owneroccupied single family housing. Section
215(b) of NAHA requires that the value
of homeownership units assisted with
HOME funds not exceed 95 percent of
the area median purchase price for
single family housing, as determined by
HUD. HUD’s current regulations at
§ 92.254(a)(2)(iii) permits participating
jurisdictions to use the single family
mortgage limits of the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) that are
established under section 203(b) of the
National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.
1709(b)) to determine the area median
purchase price. The proposed rule
would provide that a participating
jurisdiction that opts not to use the
HUD-issued 95 percent of median
purchase price for the purpose of
determining ‘‘modest housing’’ for
homebuyer assistance or rehabilitation
of owner-occupied single family
properties may instead calculate a limit
based upon recent sales within the
jurisdiction. The current regulations at
24 CFR 92.254(a)(2)(ii) require these
participating jurisdictions to submit the
limit and supporting sales price
documentation to HUD. However, the
regulations do not specify that this
information be submitted as part of the
consolidated plan annual action plan,
making it possible for the participating
jurisdiction to submit new limits at any
point in its program year. HUD has
concluded that it is most appropriate for
this calculation to be just prior to the
start of, and for the resulting value limit
to be made applicable to, a participating
jurisdiction’s program year.
Consequently, HUD proposes to amend
§§ 91.220(l)(2)(iv) and 91.320(k)(2)(iv) to
require such a participating jurisdiction
to include in its action plan its
calculation of 95 percent of the median
area purchase, in accordance with the
criteria and formula provided in
§ 92.254(a)(2)(iii).
The proposed rule would require
participating jurisdictions to include
more information about the expenditure
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of HOME program funds in their action
plans. The inclusion of more
information about the participating
jurisdiction’s planned expenditure of
HOME funds not only assists HUD in its
monitoring of the jurisdiction’s
expenditure of taxpayers’ funds, but
allows the citizens of the jurisdiction to
weigh in with their views on the
proposed expenditures as part of
citizens’ participation in the
development and review of the
consolidated plan. For example, the
participating jurisdiction would be
required under §§ 91.220(l)(2)(v) and
91.320(k)(2)(v) to describe the
applicants that are eligible to apply for
the HOME program, as well as the
jurisdiction’s process for soliciting and
funding applications or proposals.
Sections 91.220(l)(2)(vi) and
91.320(k)(2)(vi) of the proposed rule
would also permit the participating
jurisdiction to limit the beneficiaries or
give preferences in its programs to a
particular segment of the low-income
Participating jurisdictions have asked
if they could limit rental projects to
artists or nurses, or if they could limit
a homebuyer program to persons in a
specific occupation (e.g., artists, police
officers, or teachers). Under HUD’s
authority to determine appropriate
categories of persons to be targeted for
housing assistance under the HOME
program, the proposed rule would
expressly permit these limitations.
However, a participating jurisdiction
would not be permitted to limit
participation in a HOME-funded
program or occupancy in a HOMEassisted project solely to its own
employees of the jurisdiction because
doing so would create at least the
appearance of a conflict of interest and
would require that the participating
jurisdiction seek an exception to the
conflict-of-interest provisions pursuant
to 24 CFR 92.356(d) for every potential
beneficiary. A rental project could be
limited to a particular subpopulation
only if the jurisdiction described the
limitation or preference in its action
plan, and specifically authorized the
project owner to limit tenant selection
in its written agreement with the owner,
in accordance with the proposed
revisions at § 92.253(d). A limitation or
preference must not violate such
nondiscrimination laws as the Fair
Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601–19), title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42
U.S.C. 2000d—2000d–4)
(Nondiscrimination in Federally
Assisted Programs), the Age
Discrimination Act (42 U.S.C. 6101–
6107), section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (42
U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), and the
implementing regulations of these
B. Changes to the HOME Program
1. Definitions (§ 92.2)
For the convenience in use of the
HOME program regulations, HUD
proposes to add cross-references for the
definitions of ‘‘public housing,’’
‘‘Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) program,’’ and ‘‘Consolidated
Plan’’ in § 92.2. These terms are used in
the HOME regulations, and HUD
determined that it would be helpful to
readers to include cross-references to
where these terms are defined in HUD
Commitment. HUD proposes to make
several changes to the definition of
‘‘commitment’’ in § 92.2. This term is
currently defined to mean, generally,
that a participating jurisdiction has
executed a legally binding agreement
with a state recipient, a subrecipient, or
a contractor to use a specific amount of
HOME funds for a specified use or for
a specified local project.
First, a revision is proposed to
include an agreement with a state
recipient, a subrecipient, or a contractor
to use a specific amount of HOME funds
to provide downpayment assistance.
Participating jurisdictions commonly
fund such entities to produce affordable
housing, provide downpayment
assistance, or administer a tenant-based
rental assistance program, but the
regulation did not expressly include
them in the definition of
Second, the definition of commitment
is being revised to remove references to
reserving funds to community housing
development organizations (CHDOs), so
that such reservations, which are not
project-specific, would no longer be
considered a commitment under the
HOME regulation. This change is
discussed further below with other
proposed changes affecting funding for
CHDOs under subpart G of the HOME
program regulations.
HUD has encountered situations in
which participating jurisdictions have
produced agreements without dated
signatures as evidence of a commitment
before the 24-month deadline. The
HOME statute and regulations require
HOME funds to be committed within 24
months after the last day of the month
in which HUD notifies the participating
jurisdiction of HUD’s execution of the
HOME Investment Partnership
Agreement. The lack of a dated
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signature calls into question when the
commitment was made, therefore
making it difficult to determine whether
the funds have been committed within
the 24-month deadline. Accordingly, the
definition of ‘‘commitment’’ is proposed
to be amended to require that the
signature of each party to the agreement
must be dated. The definition is also
proposed to be amended to include a
cross-reference to the requirements for
written agreements in § 92.504(c), which
will help ensure that the agreements
evidencing commitment meet the
standards for written agreements as
provided in § 92.504(c).
HUD further proposes to revise the
definition of ‘‘commitment’’ to
expressly exclude: (1) An agreement
between a participating jurisdiction and
a subrecipient that the participating
jurisdiction controls, e.g., an agency
whose officials or employees are
officials or employees of the
participating jurisdiction, and (2) an
agreement between the jurisdiction that
is the lead member of the consortium
and local government that is a member
of the consortium. The existing
definition provides that a commitment
is a legally binding agreement between
the participating jurisdiction and
another entity to provide funds to
undertake specified HOME activities. In
both of these instances, the participating
jurisdiction is essentially entering into
an agreement not with a separate entity,
but with an entity that is part of the
participating jurisdiction, such that a
legally binding agreement with another
entity is not created.
Community housing development
organization. The definition of
‘‘community housing development
organization’’ (CHDO) in § 92.2 would
be amended to add a reference to the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
regulations that implement section
501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code,
which was inadvertently omitted from
the regulation.
The CHDO definition is also proposed
to be revised to clarify the relationship
between the CHDO and the organization
that may create the CHDO. New
paragraph (3)(iv) of the definition would
clarify that if a for-profit entity creates
or sponsors a nonprofit entity that seeks
designation as a CHDO, the officers and
employees of the for-profit entity would
be prohibited from serving as officers or
employees of the CHDO, and the
nonprofit entity would be prohibited
from using the office space of the forprofit entity. This requirement would
add to the existing regulatory provisions
that are intended to prevent the
nonprofit entity from being influenced
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by the profit motive of the for-profit
The proposed rule would also revise
paragraph (5) of the definition to clarify
that the CHDO must be separate from
and not under the control of a
governmental entity, in keeping with
the statutory requirement that a CHDO
maintain accountability to the lowincome community it serves through its
governing board make-up and
otherwise. A governmental entity would
still be permitted to create a CHDO, but
it would not be permitted to control the
CHDO by providing its employees to the
CHDO as staff or officers.
Paragraph (9) of the existing
definition of CHDO at § 92.2 permits a
nonprofit organization to meet the
demonstrated capacity requirement for
CHDO designation if the organization
has engaged a consultant who will carry
out activities while also training key
CHDO staff. This provision was
intended to facilitate capacity building
of community-based nonprofit
organizations transitioning into the role
of housing developer. HUD is concerned
that some CHDOs have continued to
rely on the use of expert consultants for
core development experience and have
not developed the internal capacity to
function effectively in the developer
role. This proposed rule would revise
paragraph (9) of the definition to
strengthen the requirement that CHDOs
must have paid employee staff with
housing development experience in
order to be designated as a CHDO.
Nonprofit organizations would no
longer be able to meet the demonstrated
capacity requirement through the use of
consultants and through a plan for staff
to be trained by the consultants.
The proposed rule would also provide
that the demonstrated capacity
requirement cannot be met through the
use of volunteers. The continued use of
consultants or volunteers to fill
occasional skill gaps or undertake
activities that are required only on a
periodic basis (e.g., project
underwriting) continues to be
appropriate, but cannot be the basis of
a determination that a CHDO has
demonstrated capacity to develop
affordable housing.
Homeownership. The proposed rule
would rearrange existing provisions in
the definition of ‘‘homeownership’’ in
§ 92.2 for improved organization of the
definition. In addition, the revised
definition would provide that a right to
possession under a contract for deed,
installment contract, or land sales
contract (pursuant to which the deed is
not given until the final payment is
made) is not homeownership. These
mechanisms, which are common in
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
certain areas of the country, are
financing arrangements through which
interested homebuyers enter into a
payment arrangement directly with the
seller. In most cases, there is no
language in the contract protecting the
homebuyer in the event of a late or
missed payment. Whereas mortgage
principal payments increase the
homeowner’s equity in the property
over time, and the title is transferred to
the homebuyer at the closing, payments
made under a land sales contract
arrangement typically do not constitute
equity, and the title is not required to
be transferred to the homebuyer until
the very last payment has been made.
Even in states that have statutes
recognizing the equitable interest of the
homebuyer, the protections given to
homebuyers under these financing
mechanisms are not equal to those given
to homebuyers who receive title to the
housing and finance the purchase
through a mortgage. For these reasons,
land sales contracts are not considered
to be an eligible form of homeownership
under the HOME program. HUD
encourages the use of HOME funds to
assist low-income households who have
entered into a contract for deed to
obtain equitable title to the property.
The definition of ‘‘homeownership’’
would also be revised to make explicit
that mutual or cooperative housing that
receives assistance through a LowIncome Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
program is not considered
homeownership housing under the
HOME program because a project
receiving LIHTC is a rental project.
Housing. HUD proposes to amend the
definition of ‘‘housing’’ in § 92.2 to
exclude all student housing. The current
regulations exclude only student
dormitories. However, the use of HOME
funds for student housing in any
configuration, is inconsistent with the
statutory purposes of the program. The
focus of the HOME program is
affordable housing for low-income
households, and student housing,
regardless of the configuration, does not
constitute affordable housing for lowincome households as contemplated by
the HOME statute. In addition, the
proposed rule would amend the
definition to clarify that dormitories,
including those for farmworkers, do not
constitute housing.
With respect to what constitutes
housing under the HOME program,
HUD has encountered cases where
participating jurisdictions have
proposed to use HOME funds for
buildings considered to be housing by
the participating jurisdiction, but that
do not constitute housing under the
HOME program. Examples of such uses
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are hospice buildings, nursing homes,
foster homes, halfway houses, and
residential treatment facilities. HUD
emphasizes that the mere fact that a
building physically resembles housing
or that a person lives in a building for
some period of time does not qualify
that building as housing for HOME
program purposes. The use of HOME
funds is statutorily limited to permanent
and transitional housing. No HOME
funds may be used for any activity that
does not qualify as permanent or
transitional housing. One indication
that the building is a facility, not
housing, is the lack of a lease for the
residents. All HOME-assisted rental
housing units must have leases for the
tenants that provide the HOME tenant
protections outlined in § 92.253(a).
Low-income families and very lowincome families. HUD proposes to
revise the definition of ‘‘low-income
families’’ and ‘‘very low-income
families’’ in § 92.2 to exclude students
from qualifying as a low-income or very
low-income family. Specifically, the
regulation would be revised to be
consistent with recent statutory changes
to the Housing Choice Voucher
program, which prohibit voucher
assistance to individuals who are
enrolled in an institution of higher
learning from qualifying as a lowincome family if the individual is under
24 years of age, is not a military veteran,
is unmarried, does not have a
dependent child, and is not otherwise
individually low-income or does not
have parents who are low-income.1 This
statutory change was made to the
Housing Choice Voucher program in
response to incidents of college students
who were obtaining federal housing
assistance but did not meet the lowincome eligibility requirements, and
were therefore depriving eligible
families from receiving voucher
assistance. Adoption, in the HOME
program, of the exclusion of assistance
to students would achieve the same
goals as those for which the prohibition
was put in place in the Housing Choice
Voucher program. Accordingly, in the
HOME program, students would be
prohibited from renting HOME-assisted
rental units, receiving HOME tenantbased rental assistance, or otherwise
participating in the HOME program
independent of their families.
Project completion. HUD proposes to
amend the definition of ‘‘project
completion’’ in § 92.2 to clarify the
1 HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program
regulations were amended by final rule published
on December 30, 2005 (70 FR 57743, as
subsequently amended on August 21, 2008 at 73 FR
49333), which implemented this prohibition
assistance, and which is codified at 24 CFR 5.612.
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conditions that must be met for projects
to be considered completed. This
change is made in response to questions
from participating jurisdictions
regarding the point at which they can
complete a project in the Integrated
Disbursement and Information System
(IDIS), the HOME data system. For
example, the rule will make clear that
a rental project may be designated as
completed in IDIS once construction or
rehabilitation is completed, but before
all units are occupied.
Program income. HUD proposes to
amend the definition of ‘‘program
income’’ in § 92.2 to clarify that program
income does not include gross income
from the use, rental, or sale of real
property received by the project owner,
developer, or sponsor, unless the funds
are paid by the project owner,
developer, or sponsor to the
participating jurisdiction, subrecipient,
or state recipient. The existing
regulations provide that program
includes ‘‘gross income from the use or
rental of real property, owned by the
participating jurisdiction, state
recipient, or a subrecipient, that was
acquired, rehabilitated, or constructed,
with HOME funds or matching
contributions, less costs incidental to
generation of the income. However,
gross income does not constitute
program income in the case of the use,
rental, or sale of real property when the
gross income is that received by the
project owner, developer, or sponsor.
Owners, developers, and sponsors of
housing are not the participating
jurisdiction, a state recipient, or a
subrecipient administering all or a
portion of the participating
jurisdiction’s HOME program.
Consequently, gross income received by
these entities is not program income by
the terms of the existing definition.
Reconstruction. The definition of
‘‘reconstruction’’ at § 92.2 is proposed to
be amended, based on difficulties
encountered by participating
jurisdictions attempting to rebuild
housing after disasters. The current
regulations state that housing can be
rebuilt under the reconstruction
category only if the housing was
standing on the site at the time of
project commitment. In the case of
disasters or fires, the housing may no
longer be standing on the site at the time
when the opportunity for project
commitment arises. Consequently, the
current regulations require such
reconstructed units to be classified as
new construction, resulting in longer
periods of affordability for rental
projects and the imposition of resale or
recapture provisions on displaced
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
HUD proposes to provide an
exception to the reconstruction
requirement that the housing must be
standing on a site at the time of project
commitment. The exception would
permit housing that was destroyed or
severely damaged and subsequently
demolished to be rebuilt on the same lot
under the reconstruction category, if the
HOME funds are committed within 12
months of the date of destruction or
damage. The one-year period for
committing HOME funds to reconstruct
a destroyed property by a disaster will
provide sufficient flexibility to respond
effectively to most natural disasters or
fires. This period could be extended by
waiver for good cause if the
circumstances or scale of a particular
disaster make the proposed time frames
Single room occupancy. The
definition of ‘‘single room occupancy
(SRO)’’ housing in § 92.2 is proposed to
be revised. The HOME regulations
provide participating jurisdictions with
flexibility with respect to classifying a
property as a SRO project or a group
home, depending on the physical
configuration of the project. Classifying
a project as a SRO results in larger
potential subsidies and higher gross rent
than could be obtained under a group
home designation, because the SRO
contains more than one unit and a group
home is only one unit. However, some
participating jurisdictions fail to take
their own zoning and building code
classifications into account when
making this determination for HOME.
This rule proposes to require that a
project could be designated as an SRO
for HOME purposes only if a project
having the characteristics of an SRO
would be consistent with the
participating jurisdiction’s applicable
building and zoning code
Subrecipient. HUD proposes to make
minor revisions to the definition of
‘‘subrecipient’’ in § 92.2. Participating
jurisdictions have stated that the roles of
subrecipients and developers in the
HOME program are not always clearly
distinguished. Language is therefore
proposed to be added to the definition
of ‘‘subrecipient’’ that would state that
HOME subrecipients receive funds to
carry out programs (e.g., downpayment
assistance programs, owner-occupied
rehabilitation programs, etc.), not to
undertake specific projects.
2. Program Requirements
a. Jointly Funded Projects of Contiguous
Jurisdictions (§ 92.201)
Section 218(a) of the NAHA (42
U.S.C. 12748(a)) prohibits a
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participating jurisdiction from investing
HOME funds in projects outside its
boundaries, except for projects located
in a contiguous jurisdiction that are
joint projects that serve the residents of
both jurisdictions. HUD has found that
participating jurisdictions would be
aided by HUD elaborating on what it
means to jointly fund a project. HUD
therefore proposes to revise § 92.201 to
provide that a jointly funded project is
one in which both jurisdictions make a
financial contribution to the project. A
financial contribution would be
permitted to take the form of a grant,
loan, or relief of a significant tax or fee
(such as waiver of impact fees, property
taxes, or other taxes or fees customarily
imposed on projects within the
jurisdiction) and must contribute to the
feasibility of the project.
b. Site and Neighborhood Standards
(§ 92.202)
This proposed rule includes a
conforming change that would update
the citation in § 92.202 to the site and
neighborhoods regulations, which were
moved to 24 CFR 983.57(e)(2) and (3).
c. Income Determinations (§ 92.203)
HUD proposes several changes related
to the calculation of the annual income
of a family or household for the purpose
of determining the family’s or
household’s eligibility for HOME
assistance. HUD proposes to revise
§ 92.203(a)(1)(i) and (a)(2) to require
that, when performing income
determinations for potential HOME
beneficiaries using source
documentation, the participating
jurisdiction must examine at least 3
months of earning documentation (e.g.,
wage statements, interest statements,
unemployment compensation). This
change would codify the existing
standard that is already outlined in the
Technical Guide for Determining
Income and Allowances for the HOME
Program. This guide allows
participating jurisdictions to calculate
income eligibility by examining
earnings over a 3-month period or
12-month period. While participating
jurisdictions would continue to be
allowed to select an earnings
examination period of more than 3
months, HUD proposes to codify the 3month standard as the minimum
earnings examination period that
participating jurisdictions must utilize.
A minimum examination period of 3
months should be sufficient to
accurately reflect the income eligibility
of applicants for HOME units.
HUD proposes to revise § 92.203(b)(2)
to eliminate the option currently
available to participating jurisdictions to
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use the definition of ‘‘annual income’’
that is based on income reported on the
Census long form. (See Form D–61B of
the U.S. Census Bureau.) This option
was rarely used by participating
jurisdictions because the other
definitions permitted by the
regulations—the 24 CFR part 5 ‘‘annual
income’’ definition and the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) ‘‘adjusted gross
income’’ definition- are broadly used in
other housing programs. Further, unlike
the other definitions of annual income
permitted under the HOME regulations,
there is not adequate, accessible
guidance available from the U.S. Census
Bureau regarding how a wide range of
situations that arise for HOME-assisted
households should be treated.
Participating jurisdictions would
continue to have the option of using
either the income definition in HUD’s
regulations at 24 CFR part 5 (often
referred to as the Section 8 definition)
or the definition of adjusted gross
income of the IRS.
HUD is also proposing to revise the
definition of annual income that is
based on the IRS definition of ‘‘adjusted
gross income.’’ This definition of annual
income would be redesignated as
§ 92.203(b)(2) and revised to require that
federal government cost-of-living
allowances that are not included in
adjusted gross income (e.g., for a federal
civilian employee or a federal court
employee who is stationed in Alaska,
Hawaii, or outside the United States) be
added to the adjusted gross income of
applicants for HOME assistance for the
purpose of determining income
eligibility. Currently, these employees
receive substantial cost-of-living
allowances that may not be subject to
federal tax and may not be included in
adjusted gross income. The result is that
when participating jurisdictions in these
areas use the adjusted gross income
definition for their HOME programs,
individuals who receive these special
federal cost of living allowances may
earn an actual income in excess of
HUD’s income limits and still qualify
for HOME assistance, while other
potential applicants for HOME
assistance who have lower actual
incomes are not qualified to participate
in the program because their incomes
exceed the maximum income limits for
HOME. This proposed change would
ensure that HOME assistance is targeted
to households that are actually lowincome and eliminate the potential for
disparate treatment of federal and
nonfederal workers in these areas.
HUD proposes to revise § 92.203(c) to
clarify that a participating jurisdiction
must designate and implement only one
definition of income for each HOME-
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
assisted program (e.g., downpayment
assistance program, rental housing
program) that it administers. For
example, a participating jurisdiction
may designate the IRS-adjusted gross
income definition as the definition for
its downpayment assistance program.
The participating jurisdiction would be
required to use that definition to
determine the income-eligibility of each
applicant for that program, to ensure
equitable treatment of all applicants.
The designation of the IRS adjusted
gross income definition for its
downpayment assistance program
would not preclude the participating
jurisdiction from designating a different
income definition for another of its
HOME-funded programs (e.g., the
participating jurisdiction could
designate the Part 5 annual income
definition for its rental housing or
tenant-based rental assistance program).
The revision would help to ensure that
all applicants for a local HOME-funded
program are treated equally.
HUD proposes to revise § 92.203(d)(1)
to clarify the applicability of annual
income determination requirements to
households that include nonrelated
individuals. The existing regulatory
provision requires that the
determination of annual income include
income from ‘‘all family members.’’
Participating jurisdictions have asked
HUD how to handle the income
determinations for households that are
composed of nonrelated individuals or
related individuals and one or more
nonrelated individuals. HUD therefore
proposes to update § 92.203(d)(1) to
provide that the determination of
annual income includes ‘‘all persons in
the household.’’
d. Eligible Activities: General (§ 92.205)
HUD is proposing to revise several
provisions of § 92.205.
The proposed rule would add
language to paragraph (a)(1) to clarify
that activities and costs are eligible for
HOME funding only if the housing
meets the property standards in § 92.251
upon project completion.
Paragraph (a)(2) of § 92.205 would be
revised to specify that the acquisition of
vacant land or demolition with HOME
funds may be undertaken only with
respect to a particular affordable
housing project for which construction
can reasonably be expected to start
within the time frames established in
paragraph (2) of the definition of
‘‘commitment’’ in § 92.2. Referring to
these time frames for commencement of
construction in the paragraph
establishing the acquisition of land or
demolition of existing structures to
facilitate development on land as
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eligible project costs will improve the
clarity of the regulation and emphasize
that HOME funds may not be used to
acquire property or demolish structures
on land for which there is not an
immediate planned HOME-eligible use.
HUD is aware of some situations in
which a participating jurisdiction
determined, after completion of a
HOME rental project, that the presence
of a live-in manager would improve
living conditions in a project or benefit
tenants in service-enriched housing. In
most rental projects, not all the units in
the project are designated as HOMEassisted, so designating a non-HOME
unit as a manager’s unit is a simple
matter. However, the existing HOME
regulations do not contemplate a
situation in which a participating
jurisdiction has designated all the units
in a project as HOME-assisted and
subsequently determines that there is a
need for a live-in manager. To address
such situations, HUD proposes to revise
paragraph (d) of § 92.205, which
addresses cost allocation and the
designation of HOME-assisted units in
multi-unit projects, to provide that after
project completion, the number of
HOME-assisted units in a project may be
reduced only in accordance with the
new regulatory provisions on troubled
projects in § 92.210. However, this
paragraph, as revised, would permit, in
a project consisting of all HOME units,
one unit to be converted to an on-site
manager’s unit if the participating
jurisdiction determines the conversion
will contribute to the stability of the
housing or effectiveness of the housing
program and that, notwithstanding the
loss of one HOME-assisted unit, the
costs charged to the HOME program do
not exceed the actual costs of the
HOME-assisted units, and the total
HOME investment to the project would
not exceed the maximum per-unit
HOME subsidy limit established in
§ 92.250(a) for the number of HOMEassisted units.
Costs paid with HOME funds are
eligible only if they result in a
completed HOME project that meets all
applicable HOME requirements (e.g.,
affordability provisions, income
targeting, property standards, etc.).
When HOME funds are expended for
projects that are not completed, for
whatever reason, the project is
considered terminated before
completion and the participating
jurisdiction must repay the HOME
funds. HUD proposes to add language to
paragraph (e) of § 92.205 regarding
terminated projects to better highlight
the relationship of the repayment
requirements of § 92.503 to terminated
projects in § 92.205(e).
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In addition, the proposed changes to
§ 92.205(e) would also provide that
projects that are not completed within
4 years from the date of project
commitment are deemed terminated and
that the participating jurisdiction must
repay the funds. When committing
HOME funds to a project, the
participating jurisdiction must have a
reasonable expectation that construction
on the project will begin within 12
months. Since large, multi-phase
projects are usually funded as several
separate projects for HOME purposes,
most HOME projects should be
completed within 4 years after the date
of commitment. HUD’s experience is
that construction on large multi-unit
properties typically is completed within
2 to 3 years, barring unusual
circumstances. In the event that a
project is not completed within these
time frames, the participating
jurisdiction may request a 12-month
extension of the completion deadline by
submitting information about the status
of the project, steps being taken to
overcome any obstacles to completion,
proof of adequate funding to complete
the project, and a schedule with
milestones for completion of the project
for HUD’s review and approval.
e. Eligible Project Costs and Eligible
Administrative and Planning Costs
(§ 92.206)
HUD proposes to revise § 92.206(a) to
replace the term ‘‘housing’’ with the
term ‘‘project’’ in several sections of the
HOME program regulations. While
NAHA uses ‘‘housing’’ throughout,
HUD, participating jurisdictions, and
other HOME program practitioners
generally use the term ‘‘project’’ or
‘‘HOME-assisted project.’’
HUD also proposes to revise
§ 92.206(b)(1) to emphasize that it is
rehabilitation, rather than refinancing,
which is the primary activity that makes
refinancing an eligible cost under the
HOME program. This rule adds
language to § 92.206(b)(1) to condition
refinancing as an eligible cost to projects
in which the cost of the actual
rehabilitation is greater than the amount
of debt that is refinanced with HOME
HUD proposes to amend
§ 92.206(b)(2) to allow that the
eligibility of costs of refinancing
existing debt under paragraph (b)(2), as
well as the requirement for participating
jurisdictions to adopt accompanying
refinancing guidelines, are intended to
cover all rental housing—multifamily
and single family. The existing language
referenced only multifamily housing,
necessitating a waiver of the regulation
in one instance when a participating
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
jurisdiction wanted to provide HOME
funds to refinance single family rental
housing as part of a rehabilitation
HUD proposes to revise § 92.206(d)(1)
to permit HOME funds to be used to pay
for architectural and engineering costs
and other related professional services
that were incurred within 18 months of
the date that HOME funds were
committed to the project, provided that
the HOME written agreement with the
project owner authorizes such use of
funds. Participating jurisdictions
frequently have requested clarification
on the eligibility of soft costs incurred
prior to commitment of HOME funds.
Permitting predevelopment costs
incurred before commitment of HOME
funds will provide increased flexibility
to participating jurisdictions and
affordable housing developers planning
a project that is intended to eventually
receive HOME financing. The revision
would also permit participating
jurisdictions to reimburse these costs for
projects that are already under
construction when it becomes clear that
HOME financing is necessary to
complete the project. In addition, HUD
revises § 92.206(d)(3) to make clear that
energy audits are an eligible projectrelated soft cost. Note that the
environmental review requirements
must be met before HOME funds are
committed to the project. Pursuant to
HUD’s regulations in 24 CFR 58.22, in
instances where a developer applies for
HOME funds after construction has
begun, construction activities must
cease and may not resume until
environmental clearance is obtained.
The change would not permit HOME
funds to reimburse developers for
acquisition or construction costs
incurred before HOME funds were
committed to the project. HUD is
proposing that the reimbursement of
soft costs be limited to costs incurred
during the 18-month period before
commitment of HOME funds to a
project, to ensure that the costs are
associated with HOME funds and not
previously planned activities on the
HUD proposes to amend
§ 92.206(d)(3) to provide that eligible
costs of a project audit include the cost
of certification of costs performed by a
certified public accountant.
HUD proposes to amend
§§ 92.206(d)(6) and 92.207(b), both of
which address staff and overhead costs,
to prohibit participating jurisdictions,
state recipients, and subrecipients from
charging their administrative costs to
low-income beneficiaries. HUD has
encountered cases in which low-income
families are being charged construction
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management fees, loan processing fees,
loan servicing fees, and underwriting
fees. For example, participating
jurisdictions have been found to be
charging construction management fees
as high as several thousand dollars per
unit to low-income homeowners
participating in owner-occupied
rehabilitation programs. These fees are
sometimes added to amortizing loans,
increasing the monthly payment of lowincome beneficiaries. Such costs are
administrative costs of the participating
jurisdiction, state recipient, or
subrecipient and can be charged as
either program administrative costs or
project-related soft costs, without the
costs being passed on to low-income
beneficiaries. It is inappropriate to pass
such program administration costs along
to low-income beneficiaries, and this
change would prohibit the practice.
Note, however, that participating
jurisdictions, state recipients, and
subrecipients would not be prohibited
from charging reasonable and customary
fees commonly charged to a loan
applicant in unassisted real estate
transactions, such as the cost of credit
reports and appraisals fees that are
customarily charged by a lender as part
of a home purchase and paid to third
parties performing services on behalf of
the lender. Program participants,
including project owners, would still be
permitted to charge nominal application
fees to applicants for assistance,
pursuant to § 92.214(b).
f. Eligible Community Housing
Development Organization CHDO
Operating Expense and Capacity
Building Costs (§ 92.208)
Under § 92.208, as currently codified,
a participating jurisdiction may use up
to 5 percent of its fiscal year HOME
allocation for operating expenses of
CHDOs. HUD is proposing to add
language to § 92.208 to clarify that
CHDO operating funds are separate from
and not intended to supplant CHDO setaside funds provided under § 92.300(a).
HUD has found that some participating
jurisdictions have awarded operating
funds, which the regulation states are to
cover general operating costs such as
office rents and utilities, staff salaries,
and insurance, to CHDOs to pay for
project-related soft costs such as
architectural or engineering costs or in
lieu of developer’s fees. Such costs are
eligible to be paid with CHDO set-aside
g. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance:
Eligible Costs and Requirements
(§ 92.209)
HUD proposes several amendments to
the tenant-based rental assistance
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provisions of § 92.209. Language would
be added to § 92.209(a) to expressly
state that payment of utility deposits is
an eligible HOME cost in conjunction
with the provision of HOME tenantbased rental assistance or security
deposit assistance. HOME funds would
not be permitted to be used for programs
that provide only utility deposit
assistance, since such assistance does
not constitute tenant-based rental
assistance. This prohibition is
consistent with longstanding HUD
policy, but the current regulation does
not state that utility deposits in
connection with rental assistance or
security deposit assistance are eligible
HUD proposes to add language to
§ 92.209(c) to clarify that a participating
jurisdiction’s tenant selection policies
and criteria must be based on local
housing needs and priorities consistent
with the participating jurisdiction’s
consolidated plan. This is consistent
with the requirement in § 91.325(d)(1)
that a participating jurisdiction that
plans to use HOME funds for tenantbased rental assistance must certify that
the tenant-based rental assistance is an
essential part of its consolidated plan.
HUD proposes to revise § 92.209(c)(2)
to add provisions on using HOME funds
to target tenant-based assistance to
special needs populations and to
persons with disabilities. The rule
would clarify that a participating
jurisdiction may establish a preference
for individuals with special needs (e.g.,
homeless persons or elderly persons) or
persons with disabilities. In accordance
with the existing provision in
§ 92.209(c)(2)(ii), the participating
jurisdiction may provide a preference
for a specific category of individuals
with disabilities (e.g., persons with HIV/
AIDS or chronic mental illness) if the
specific category is identified in the
participating jurisdiction’s consolidated
plan as having unmet need and the
preference is needed to narrow the gap
in benefits and services received by
such persons. This proposed rule would
add a provision at § 92.209(c)(2)(i) to
specify that participation may be
limited to persons with a specific
disability if doing so is necessary to
provide housing, aid, benefit, or services
that are as effective as those provided to
others, in accordance with the
provisions in 24 CFR 8.4(b)(1)(iv). A
participating jurisdiction may not
require participation in medical or
disability-related services as a condition
of receiving or continuing to receive
HOME-funded tenant-based rental
HUD is also proposing to add new
paragraphs (c)(2)(iii) and (iv) to § 92.209
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
to specifically address the use of HOME
tenant-based rental assistance in selfsufficiency and homeownership
programs. (Existing paragraph (c)(2)(iii)
would be redesignated paragraph
(c)(2)(v) and revised as discussed
below.) Program policy relating to these
types of programs has been part of
HUD’s administrative guidance on the
program for many years, and the
proposed provision would not depart
from that administrative guidance.
A participating jurisdiction may use
HOME tenant-based rental assistance to
administer a self-sufficiency program in
which the family is required to
participate as a condition of selection
for tenant-based rental assistance.
Participating jurisdictions may not
require persons with disabilities to
participate in medical or disabilityrelated services as a part of a selfsufficiency program under which
HOME funds are provided for tenantbased rental assistance. The family’s
failure to continue participation in the
self-sufficiency program would not be
permitted as a basis for terminating the
assistance, but renewal of the assistance
would be permitted to be conditioned
on participation in the program. Most
tenant-based rental assistance contracts
have a 2-year term. However, shorter
terms can be established.
The new paragraphs to be added
would provide that the participating
jurisdiction may select tenants to
participate in a lease-purchase
homebuyer program. The HOME tenantbased rental assistance payment would
not be permitted to be used to
accumulate a downpayment or closing
costs for the purchase. The HOME
tenant-based rental assistance payment
must be used for the monthly rental
payment. However, all or a portion of
the homebuyer-tenant’s own monthly
contribution toward rent could be set
aside for this purpose.
An additional provision would be
added to redesignated § 92.209(c)(2)(v),
to specifically prohibit the exclusion of
persons who are given preferences for
HOME assistance from participating in
any other program of the jurisdiction.
Section 92.209(g) would be revised to
make explicit that all tenants must have
a lease and that the lease must comply
with the requirements that are already
cross-referenced in the existing
Section § 92.209(h) would be revised
to replace the existing description of
one alternative for establishing the
amount of rent for a unit with a crossreference to the regulations in 24 CFR
part 982, which govern the Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher program.
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Finally, a technical change would be
made to § 92.209(l) to clarify that the
provision applies whenever Section 8
assistance becomes available, rather
than just when it becomes available ‘‘to
a participating jurisdiction.’’
h. Troubled HOME-Assisted Rental
Housing Projects (§ 92.210)
HUD proposes to add a new § 92.210
to the HOME regulations to establish
provisions that would be applicable to
the efforts of participating jurisdictions
to preserve HOME-assisted housing
projects that have become financially
unviable and, as a result, are at risk of
failure or foreclosure. HUD has
provided expert work-out technical
assistance to a number of participating
jurisdictions with projects that became
troubled due to excessive debt,
unsustainably high operating costs, poor
physical conditions, or weak market
conditions, and that were then able to
avert foreclosure and were returned to
financial viability. These workouts
involved restructuring of private debt,
investment of additional owner equity,
and altering the terms of existing HOME
financing. Some cases also often
required HUD to grant waivers to permit
the investment of additional HOME
funds during the period of affordability
or to permit HOME funds to be used to
capitalize operating reserves. These
changes resulted in the number of
HOME-assisted units in a project being
preserved. HUD can foresee
circumstances where, to preserve
financial viability of a project, it may be
necessary to reduce the number of
HOME-assisted units in projects in
which more than the minimum number
of units required under § 92.205(d) were
designated as HOME-assisted or to
reduce a period of affordability that
exceeded the minimum period required
pursuant to § 92.252(e).
New § 92.210 would provide
participating jurisdictions with
flexibility to assist in averting
foreclosures and would enable HUD to
approve these actions without the
process required to grant waivers, which
can be time-consuming. However, new
§ 92.210 would limit total investment in
the project to the maximum per-unit
subsidy in § 92.250(a), and would
provide HUD with the option of
requiring an extension of the period of
affordability as a condition of permitting
the investment of additional HOME
funds in the project. New § 92.210
would also permit a reduction in the
number of HOME-assisted units, but
only if the project contains more than
the minimum number of units required
to be designated as HOME-assisted units
under § 92.205(d). HUD does not
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anticipate that it would delegate
authority to enter into the required
memoranda of agreement or to grant the
required approval outside of HUD
i. HOME Funds and Public Housing
(§ 92.213)
HUD is proposing to add a new
§ 92.213 to the HOME regulations to
address the use of HOME funds with
public housing funds. The use of HOME
funds in public housing projects, and, in
particular, the use of HOME funds in
HOPE VI projects is an area that would
benefit from further regulatory
elaboration, given that HOME funds and
public housing funds are each governed
by separate statutes.
NAHA prohibits the use of HOME
funds to provide assistance authorized
under section 9 of the United States
Housing Act of 1937 (Public Housing
Capital and Operating Funds). This
prohibition is reflected in paragraph (a)
of § 92.213, which prohibits the use of
HOME funds for public housing
modernization or operating assistance.
This provision also prohibits a HOMEassisted unit from receiving Operating
Fund or Capital Fund assistance under
Section 9 during the period of
affordability. With respect to the
development of new public housing,
paragraph (a) also makes clear that
HOME funds cannot be used for public
housing units, whether funded under
section 9 or another source.
Paragraph (b) of § 92.213 establishes
an exception to this prohibition that
permits the use of HOME funds to
develop a unit that receives funds for
development under section 24 (HOPE
VI), so long as no Capital Funds are
used to develop the unit.2 In projects
receiving HOME, HOPE VI, and Capital
funds for development of public
housing units, this separation of HOMEand HOPE VI-funded public housing
units from units receiving Capital Funds
under section 9 must be accomplished
through the cost allocation process for
multi-unit HOME projects that is
established at § 92.205(d). Participating
jurisdictions should note that, when
HOME funds are used in a public
housing unit, the HOME rent
requirements of § 92.252(a) and (b)
apply. Consequently, the gross rent
(tenant contribution and operating
subsidy) for any public housing unit
2 The exception to the prohibition on use of
HOME funds to develop a unit that receives funds
under section 24 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937
(the section that authorizes the HOPE VI programs)
was addressed in a 2002 legal opinion by HUD’s
Office of General Counsel and such opinion is part
of the docket file for this rulemaking, which can be
found at https://www.regulations.gov.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
that receives HOME funds that is
occupied by a household with an
income above 50 percent of area median
income may not exceed the High HOME
rent established under § 92.252(a).
The use of HOME funds in a project
triggers the requirements of § 92.353(e)
(Residential anti-displacement and
relocation assistance plan), particularly
the requirement for one-for-one
replacement of lower-income dwelling
units. These requirements, commonly
referred to as 104(d) (section 104(d) of
the Housing and Community
Development Act), are applicable to
HOME-funded projects that involve
demolition, but not to HOPE VI projects.
Consequently, the use of HOME funds
in a HOPE VI project may trigger the
104(d) requirements for an entire phase
of the project or for all phases of the
Paragraph (c) of § 92.213 makes clear
that HOME funds may be used to
develop or rehabilitate affordable
housing units that are not public
housing units in projects that also
contain public housing units funded by
Section 9, HOPE VI, or other funds.
Again, the units must be separated
through the cost allocation process
required under § 92.205(d). In such
projects, the HOME and public housing
units would have separate waiting lists
and rent structures. Note, however, that
the residential anti-displacement and
relocation assistance plan requirements
of § 92.353(e) are applicable to the entire
Under the proposed provision, HOME
funds would be permitted to be used in
a project that also contains public
housing units if the HOME funds are not
used in the public housing units.
j. Prohibited Activities and Fees
(§ 92.214)
HUD is proposing several revisions to
§ 92.214(b), including restructuring
paragraph (b) into two distinct
subparagraphs, in order to strengthen
and clarify the prohibition against
participating jurisdictions and other
program participants from charging fees
to cover their administrative costs,
especially fees charged directly to lowincome program beneficiaries. HUD has
found participating jurisdictions, state
recipients, and subrecipients charging
construction management, homebuyer
counseling, origination, and similar fees
to low-income families seeking HOME
assistance, often amounting to several
thousand dollars per family. The
proposed rule would clarify at
§ 92.214(b)(1) that these practices are
prohibited and would require
participating jurisdictions to extend the
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prohibition to recipients, subrecipients,
and program participants.
HUD also proposes to eliminate the
prohibition against participating
jurisdictions charging fees to cover the
cost of their ongoing monitoring and
physical inspection of HOME-projects
during their period of affordability. The
rule would add a new subparagraph at
§ 92.214(b)(1)(i), creating an exception
to the prohibition on participating
jurisdictions charging fees to cover
administrative costs to permit
participating jurisdictions to charge
owners of rental projects a reasonable
annual fee for compliance monitoring
during the period of affordability. HUD
recognizes that the cost of ongoing
monitoring of HOME-assisted rental
projects is not insignificant and that
many participating jurisdictions with
substantial portfolios of HOME-assisted
rental projects must find other sources
of funding to cover some of these
administrative costs. HUD is proposing
to permit participating jurisdictions to
charge annual monitoring fees to owners
of rental housing projects to which a
commitment of HOME funds is made on
or after the effective date of a final rule.
Imposition of such monitoring fees is
standard industry practice in other
programs that require ongoing
inspections, including in LIHTC
programs. Permitting these fees will
create an incentive for participating
jurisdictions to impose periods of
affordability on HOME-assisted projects
that are longer than the minimum
period required by § 92.252(e) by
eliminating the increased financial
burden of fulfilling the required
monitoring requirements.
In addition, HUD is proposing to
clarify at § 92.214(b)(1)(ii) the existing
exception for application fees charged
by a participating jurisdiction. HUD is
aware of cases in which application fees
charged by project owners for HOMEassisted rental units were prohibitive
such that they created an obstacle to
low-income families accessing benefits
intended for them. The provision would
clarify that application fees must not
create an undue impediment to the
participation in the participating
jurisdiction’s program by a low-income
family, a jurisdiction, or entity.
A new provision at § 92.214(b)(2)
would prohibit owners of HOMEassisted rental projects from charging
fees to tenants that are not reasonable or
customary. An example of such a fee is
a monthly fee for access to pay laundry
facilities. There are several proposed
exceptions to this prohibition, including
reasonable application fees, parking fees
in neighborhoods where such fees are
customary, and the cost of
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nonmandatory services such as meal or
bus service.
k. Match Credit (§ 92.221)
HUD proposes to add a new
paragraph (d) to § 92.221 that would
require that any contributions to HOMEassisted or HOME-eligible
homeownership projects must be valued
not at face value, but by the amount by
which they reduced the sales price to
the homebuyer. This would ensure that
match credit is not provided for the
value of contributions that are included
in the homebuyer’s mortgage (e.g.,
donated land or appliances).
l. Match Reduction (§ 92.222)
HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.222(b), which addresses a request
for a reduction of matching
requirements in the event of major
disaster. The revision would require
HUD to consider the extent of a
disaster’s fiscal impact on a
participating jurisdiction in determining
whether to grant the reduction, as well
as the amount and duration of any
match reduction. HUD anticipates that it
would develop and issue administrative
guidance for determining the
appropriate extent of match reduction.
m. Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Amount,
Underwriting, and Subsidy Layering
(§ 92.250)
This proposed rule would revise
§ 92.250(a) to clarify that the maximum
HOME per-unit subsidy may not be
increased above 240 percent of the base
limits authorized by section 221(d)(3)(ii)
of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.
17151(d)(3)(iii)). This clarification is
necessary because section 221 of the
General Provisions of Title II, Division
K of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2008 (Pub. L. 110–161, approved
December 26, 2007) increased the
maximum exceptions that HUD may
grant for the 221(d)(3) mortgage
insurance program to up to 315 percent
of the base limits. However, section
212(e) of NAHA, which establishes the
221(d)(3) mortgage insurance limits as
the per-unit cost limits for HOMEassisted units, was not amended. This
section of NAHA permits HUD to adjust
the HOME subsidy limit to reflect actual
costs up to, but not to exceed, 240
percent of the 221(d)(3) mortgage limit.
Consequently, a participating
jurisdiction’s maximum per-unit
subsidy limit for HOME can never
exceed 240 percent of the base limits for
the 221(d)(3) mortgage insurance
program even if the 221(d)(3) mortgage
limit approved for the area exceeds that
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
The current HOME regulations
require that participating jurisdictions
perform a subsidy layering analysis for
any project that receives HOME funding
in combination with other public
funding sources. HUD proposes to
amend § 92.250(b) to require
participating jurisdictions to evaluate
subsidy layering and conduct or
examine the underwriting of all
projects. Evaluation of subsidy layering
is simply a consideration of whether the
combination or total amount of
subsidies results in an undue or
excessive return to the owners; that is,
results in more federal assistance than is
needed for a project. However, subsidy
evaluation and underwriting of all
HOME projects are fundamental to
sound program administration and will
help ensure cost reasonableness and the
long-term viability of HOME-assisted
projects. The proposed rule would
amend this section by requiring subsidy
evaluation and underwriting of all
HOME projects, whether or not the
project is assisted with other
governmental assistance, in order to
make a determination regarding the
long-term viability of the project, as well
as the reasonableness of amount of
return to the owner. Participating
jurisdictions are expected to incorporate
sustainable underwriting practices (e.g.,
reserves for maintenance and
replacement, an analysis of costs and
vacancy rates of similar projects in the
area, etc.).
HUD also proposes to revise
§ 92.250(b) to require a participating
jurisdiction’s underwriting and subsidy
layering guidelines to include an
assessment of, at minimum, the market
conditions of the neighborhood in
which the project will be located, the
experience of the developer, the
financial capacity of the developer, and
firm financial commitments for the
project. These practices will enable
participating jurisdictions to better
target HOME funds to neighborhoods in
need of additional affordable housing,
determine whether homeownership or
rental development is more appropriate
to specific neighborhoods, and evaluate
the amount of subsidy appropriate to all
projects seeking HOME funding.
n. Property Standards (§ 92.251)
HUD is proposing several revisions to
the property standards applicable to
HOME-assisted properties. Given the
various building codes and standards
that may apply to HOME-assisted
projects, HUD has determined that this
regulatory section would benefit from
further elaboration. HUD is concerned
that there is misunderstanding about the
applicability of these codes and
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standards, which has resulted in
participating jurisdictions not ensuring
an adequate level of improvements to
HOME-assisted rental and homebuyer
housing, thus threatening the viability
of the project. In addition, many of the
codes cited in the existing HOME
regulations have been superseded and/
or updated. HUD also notes that
substantial interest has developed in the
housing industry in recent years in
improving energy and water efficiency
to conserve resources and reduce
operating costs. Therefore, HUD will
propose new standards for energy and
water efficiency in a separate proposed
rule. The sections that will cover energy
standards have been reserved in
§ 92.251 of this proposed rule.
The proposed changes to § 92.251
would reorganize the section and create
separate requirements for projects
involving: (1) New construction in
§ 92.251(a), and (2) rehabilitation in
§ 92.251(b). The paragraph on new
construction, found in § 92.251(a),
would be updated to reflect that the
three former model code issuing groups
(Building Officials and Code
Administrators International, Inc.,
International Conference of Building
Officials, and Southern Building Code
Congress International, Inc.) created the
International Code Council in 1994 to
develop a single set of comprehensive
and coordinated national model
construction codes. The proposed rule
would require that, in the absence of an
applicable state or local code for new
construction, HOME-assisted projects
must meet the International Code
Council’s International Residential Code
or International Building Code,
whichever is applicable to the type of
housing being developed. It would also
continue to include requirements for
compliance with lead hazard reduction
and accessibility requirements.
Participating jurisdictions would be
required to have written standards for
methods and materials to be used, to
conduct inspections to ensure that work
is performed in compliance with
requirements, and to ensure that
progress payments are consistent with
the amount of work completed.
The property standard requirements
for rehabilitation, which would be in
§ 92.251(b), are also proposed to be
substantially revised. HUD has found
that many jurisdictions lack specific
rehabilitation codes. In jurisdictions
that have rehabilitation codes, the codes
frequently do not provide a standard for
determining what rehabilitation work is
needed, but instead set forth the
requirements for methods and materials
to be used in rehabilitation work being
undertaken. Because there is no
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published rehabilitation standard that
fully meets the goals of the HOME
program and there is no ‘‘one-size-fitsall’’ standard that is appropriate to all
participating jurisdictions, the proposed
rule would require at § 92.251(b) that
each participating jurisdiction must
establish and comply with its own
rehabilitation standards.
These rehabilitation standards would
provide the basis for determining what
work is needed and, and along with the
participating jurisdiction’s construction
requirements (materials and methods),
provide the basis for inspecting the
project. Further, to ensure that the
housing is free of all known health and
safety defects and in good repair, the
proposed rule would require that each
participating jurisdiction’s
rehabilitation standards, at a minimum,
ensure that, upon project completion,
all units would pass an inspection that
addresses all of the inspectable items
included in the Federal Register notice
setting forth the Physical Condition
Scoring Process under HUD’s Uniform
Physical Condition Standards (UPCS)
for public housing, which is published
pursuant to 24 CFR 5.705. See
Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the
notice published November 26, 2001 (66
FR 59084), which is available on HUD’s
Web site at https://portal.hud.gov/
huddoc?id=DOC_26169.pdf. The
Uniform Physical Condition Standards,
set forth in 24 CFR part 5, subpart G,
which includes the inspection
procedures in 24 CFR 5.701, have been
in place and utilized in the majority of
HUD’s housing programs, as provided in
24 CFR 5.701, since 1998. This is a
process well-familiar to HUD housing
providers participating in these
The participating jurisdictions would
also be required to specify a useful life
for each major system (structural
support, roofing, cladding, and
weatherproofing (e.g., windows, doors,
siding, gutters), plumbing, electrical and
heating, ventilation, air conditioning) of
rental housing. The amount of HOME
funding for rehabilitation activities that
is typically required for replacement of
major systems requires a minimum
affordability period of 15 years (see
§ 92.252). Under the rehabilitation
standards for rental housing, the
proposed rule would require that the
remaining useful life of each major
system be, at a minimum, 15 years after
project completion, or the major system
must be rehabilitated or replaced to
have a minimum useful life of 15 years.
In addition to establishing rehabilitation
standards, when awarding funds for the
rehabilitation of multifamily projects,
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
the participating jurisdiction must
require a capital needs assessment for
all multifamily rental projects of 26 total
units or more. A capital needs
assessment would determine the longterm physical needs of the project.
For owner-occupied housing
undergoing rehabilitation with HOME
funds, the participating jurisdiction
would be required to ensure that each
major system have a required remaining
useful life of at least 5 years at the time
the project is completed; major systems
with a useful life of less than 5 years
after project completion must be
rehabilitated or replaced as part of the
rehabilitation activity to meet this
requirement. Although periods of
affordability are not imposed on owneroccupied units receiving HOME-funded
rehabilitation, this requirement would
help to ensure housing stability for the
low-income household for a period at
least equal to the shortest period of
affordability imposed on HOME-assisted
rental housing or homebuyer housing.
Lead-based paint requirements would
continue to apply.
Where applicable, the housing would
be required to be improved to mitigate
the impact of disasters such as
earthquake, hurricane, flooding, and
fires. A new paragraph,
§ 92.251(b)(2)(viii) is proposed to clarify
that discretionary housing
improvements beyond those required to
meet property standards may include
modest amenities and aesthetic features
that are in keeping with housing of
similar type in the community and must
avoid luxury improvements, such as airjet tubs, saunas, outdoor spas, and
granite countertops, to name a few.
HUD is also concerned that some
participating jurisdictions may not be
properly inspecting HOME-assisted
projects to ensure that the projects are
in compliance with property standards.
HUD’s compliance monitoring has
shown that some participating
jurisdictions are not performing
required inspections or developing work
write-ups in connection with HOMEfunded rehabilitation. Therefore, HUD
also proposes to add new paragraphs to
§ 92.251(b)(3) and (4) to provide
additional detail on required
inspections and work write-ups.
Currently, participating jurisdictions are
required to have written standards for
rehabilitation work that prescribe the
materials and methods to be used. The
new regulatory language would make
clear that a participating jurisdiction
must inspect the property and prepare
a work write-up for the project that
describes the work needed to bring the
project up to the participating
jurisdiction’s rehabilitation standards.
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The participating jurisdiction must have
written construction progress inspection
procedures (including a description of
how and by whom the inspections will
be carried out) and detailed inspection
checklists reflecting all aspects of the
property standards.
HUD has become aware of many
rental projects acquired with HOME
assistance that were not in good repair
at the time of their acquisition and
subsequently became physically or
financially troubled during the period of
affordability required by § 92.252(e).
When HOME funds are used to
purchase existing rental housing, such
housing must be in good condition;
otherwise, it must be rehabilitated with
HOME funds at the time the project is
acquired with HOME funds. In
accordance with § 92.214(a)(6), during
the period of affordability established in
§ 92.252(e), additional HOME funds
may be expended on a HOME-assisted
project only during the first year after
project completion. Consequently, it is
imperative that HOME-assisted
affordable housing be in standard
condition at the time of project
completion so that its financial viability
is not jeopardized.
Section 92.251(c) of the proposed rule
would set forth property standards for
existing housing in standard condition
that is acquired using HOME funds. If
the housing was newly constructed or
rehabilitated less than one year before
HOME funds are used to acquire the
housing as rental housing, the housing
would be required to meet the property
standards in § 92.251(a). Builder
warranties typically cover deficiencies
during the first 12 months of completion
in new construction or rehabilitation
projects, and should reasonably be
expected to meet the established
property standards. The participating
jurisdiction would be required to
document this compliance based upon a
review of approved building plans and
Certificates of Occupancy, and a current
inspection that is conducted no earlier
than 30 days before the commitment of
HOME assistance. It is a typical and
prudent business practice when
acquiring any property, be it market-rate
or assisted, to obtain a physical
Other existing housing that is
acquired with HOME funds would be
required to meet the requirements of
§ 92.251(b). The participating
jurisdiction would be required to
document this compliance based upon a
current inspection conducted no earlier
than 30 days before the date of
commitment of HOME assistance, in
accordance with the inspection
procedures that the participating
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jurisdiction established pursuant to this
section. Existing housing that does not
meet these standards would be required
to be rehabilitated.
o. Qualification as Affordable Housing:
Rental Housing (§ 92.252)
HUD proposes to revise § 92.252 to
require that HOME-assisted rental units
be occupied by an initial tenant within
a specified period from the date of
project completion. If units have not
been leased to an eligible tenant within
that time, HUD will require the
participating jurisdiction to provide
information about current marketing
efforts and, if appropriate, a plan for
marketing the unit so that it is leased as
quickly as possible. If there is adequate
market demand for the unit as indicated
by the market assessment proposed to
be required pursuant to § 92.250(b) and
adequate marketing to the eligible
population is undertaken, then a unit
should be occupied within a specified
period of time from the date of project
completion. The proposed rule
currently includes a placeholder of what
this specified time will be. It will be a
period that is no less than 90 days but
no more than 6 months. As provided
below, HUD is specifically seeking
comment on what is an appropriate time
period within this range set by HUD.
HUD seeks to impose a defined period
and not a range as the proposed
regulatory text now provides. Whatever
the time period established for initial
occupancy, if efforts to market the unit
are unsuccessful and a unit is not
occupied by an initial tenant after 18
months, HUD would require repayment
of HOME funds invested in the units.
Specific solicitation of comment. HUD
specifically seeks comment on the time
frames to be established in its proposal
that participating jurisdictions be
required to ensure that initial
occupancy of a HOME-assisted rental
unit occurs following project
completion and that they repay HOME
funds invested in rental units that have
not been initially occupied within 18
HUD proposes several other revisions
to § 92.252. A sentence would be added
to the introductory paragraph to make
explicit that leases are required for all
HOME-assisted rental units, consistent
with the clarification in § 92.209(g)
discussed above. The proposed rule
would also incorporate the ‘‘High
HOME rent’’ (i.e., ‘‘maximum HOME
rent’’) and ‘‘Low HOME rent’’ (i.e.,
‘‘additional requirements’’) terminology,
which is commonly used by HUD,
participating jurisdictions, and other
HOME program participants including
owners, developers, and property
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
managers, into paragraphs (a) and (b) for
Paragraph (a) would be revised to
specifically state that HOME rent limits
include both rent and utilities or utility
HUD proposes to add language to
paragraph (b)(2) to make clear that
participating jurisdictions may
designate more than the minimum 20
percent of units in a project as Low
HOME rent units. HUD has received
many questions from participating
jurisdictions and potential owners or
developers regarding this issue. This is
a common practice in HOME projects,
particularly in projects that also receive
project-based rental assistance, because
it permits the owner to charge projectbased assistance rents, which typically
exceed both the HOME high and low
HOME rents, and makes serving
extremely low-income households with
HOME funds more economically
feasible. In such projects, such as
Section 202 projects for the elderly or
permanent supportive housing for the
homeless, the participating jurisdiction
may want to designate all HOMEassisted units as low HOME units to
take advantage of project-based rental
subsidy to serve an extremely lowincome population.
The substance of existing paragraph
(c), which addresses initial rent
schedules and utility allowances, would
be moved to paragraph (d), and
redesignated paragraph (d) would be
revised to outline the applicable rent
limits for Single Room Occupancy
(SRO) units assisted with HOME.
Recognizing that a zero-bedroom rent
was not appropriate for all SROs
depending on the amenities located
within the unit, HUD established these
rent limitations in administrative
guidance in 1994.
The High HOME rent for a SRO unit
with no sanitary or food preparation
facilities or only one of the two is based
on 75 percent of a zero-bedroom fair
market rent (FMR). Because this rent is
already very low, HUD did not apply
the Low HOME rent provisions to these
units, although the income targeting (20
percent of units occupied by persons
with incomes at or below 50 percent of
area median income, as determined by
HUD) does apply to SRO projects with
five or more HOME-assisted units. The
High HOME rent for a SRO unit that has
both sanitary and food preparation
facilities is the zero-bedroom FMR for
the area. The Low HOME rent
provisions of paragraph (b) apply to
these units. HUD proposes to codify this
longstanding policy, without change, in
the HOME regulations.
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Redesignated paragraph (d) would
also be revised to specifically reference
the HUD Utility Schedule Model. This
model was developed by HUD and
enables the user to calculate utility
schedules by housing type after
inputting utility rate information. The
IRS uses this model to determine
utilities for its LIHTC program. The
model can be found at: https://
utilmodel.html. The provisions on
nondiscrimination against rental
assistance subsidy holders in existing
§ 92.252(d) would be moved to
§ 92.253(d)(4).
HUD is proposing to add a sentence
to § 92.252(e) specifically stating that
the termination of affordability
restrictions under paragraph (e) does not
relieve a participating jurisdiction of its
repayment obligation for housing that
did not remain affordable for the
required period under § 92.503(b). To
increase local administrative flexibility,
this paragraph would also be amended
to specifically authorize use agreements
to impose affordability restrictions, in
addition to those currently included in
the regulations (i.e., deed restrictions
and covenants running with the land).
HUD also proposes to add language
clarifying that affordability restrictions
must be recorded in accordance with
state recordation laws.
HUD is proposing to add a sentence
to § 92.252(f)(2) to require that a
participating jurisdiction must review
and approve the rents for its HOMEassisted rental projects each year to
ensure that they comply with the HOME
limits and do not result in undue
increases from the previous year.
Participating jurisdictions are currently
required to provide the published
maximum HOME rents to project
owners and then to examine reports
submitted by owners outlining for each
HOME unit the rent being charged and
the income of the tenant. The additional
step codifies existing practice of most
participating jurisdictions, which do not
permit HOME project owners to raise
rents without approval or to charge the
maximum permissible HOME rent.
HUD is proposing to add language to
§ 92.252(j) to specify that the written
agreement between the participating
jurisdiction and a project owner must
state whether HOME rental units will be
fixed or floating during the period of
affordability. The existing regulations
state that the designation of whether
units will be fixed or floating must be
made at the time of commitment (i.e.,
the point at which the written
agreement is signed). However, HUD
has found that participating
jurisdictions are not always
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documenting the determination or
including the specific designation in its
written agreement, sometimes resulting
in uncertainty among owners.
HUD is proposing to add two new
paragraphs to § 92.252 to make the
regulations more user-friendly for
persons attempting to locate
requirements related to rental housing.
First, a new § 92.252(k) that crossreferences the tenant selection
requirements located in § 92.253(d)
would be added. Second, a new
paragraph (l) would be added to
§ 92.252 that cross-references
participating jurisdictions’ ongoing
responsibilities for on-site inspections,
and financial oversight located in
§ 92.504(d) would also be added.
p. Tenant Protections and Selection
(§ 92.253)
The HOME statute provides for
mandatory tenant protections for
families occupying HOME-assisted
rental housing or receiving HOMEfunded tenant-based rental assistance
and establishes a minimum lease
period. These provisions are
promulgated at § 92.253(a) of the
existing HOME regulations and are
required to be integrated into leases
used for HOME-assisted unit or leases
executed by recipients of HOME-funded
tenant-based rental assistance. Similar
to other regulatory changes already
discussed in the preamble that
emphasize the importance of
documenting compliance with HOME
program requirements, HUD proposes to
revise § 92.253(a) to clarify that there
must be a written lease for all HOMEassisted rental units and units rented by
HOME tenant-based rental assistance
HUD proposes a new paragraph
§ 92.253(b)(9) that would clarify that
supportive services related to a
disability cannot be mandatory for
tenants of HOME-assisted units by
adding this prohibition to the list of
prohibited lease terms for HOME units.
This clarification is consistent with
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability
in federally funded programs and
activities and HUD’s implementing
regulations at 24 CFR part 8. In adding
this provision, HUD is better integrating
the part 8 requirements into the HOME
Section 92.253(c) would be revised to
provide that a tenant’s failure to follow
a transitional housing services plan is a
permissible basis for terminating a
tenancy or refusing to renew a lease.
The provision is needed in order to
ensure that transitional housing can be
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
made available to individuals who use
the transitional housing for its intended
purpose. Section 92.253(c) would be
revised to make explicit that increase in
a tenant’s income does not constitute
good cause for termination or refusal to
renew. This revision will minimize the
possibility that a misunderstanding of
the HOME regulations will create
disincentives for tenants of HOMEassisted units to increase their incomes
for fear of losing their housing.
HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.253(d) to address the use of HOME
funds for special needs populations,
including persons with disabilities. One
change would provide that the owner’s
tenant selection policies must comply
with requirements governing how and
when HOME funds may be used for
special needs populations, and that
such policies must limit the housing to
low- and very low-income families. The
new regulatory provisions would also
provide that the owner of HOMEassisted rental housing may limit
eligibility or give a preference to a
particular segment of the population
only if permitted in its written
agreement with the participating
Section 92.253(d)(3)(i) would provide
that any limitation or preference must
not violate nondiscrimination
requirements listed in § 92.350, and
would clarify that a limitation or
preference does not violate
nondiscrimination requirements if the
housing also receives funding from a
federal program that limits eligibility to
a particular segment of the population.
Examples of such programs include the
Housing Opportunity for Persons with
AIDS program, HUD’s homeless
programs, HUD’s Section 202
supportive housing for the elderly, and
HUD’s Section 811 housing for persons
with disabilities. Section 92.253(d)(3)(ii)
would provide that preferences may be
given to disabled families who need
services offered at a project, if certain
conditions are met. In particular, the
preference must be limited to the
population of families (including
individuals) with disabilities that
interfere with their ability to obtain and
maintain housing; such families will not
be able to obtain and maintain
themselves in housing without
appropriate supportive services; and
such services are provided in a
nonsegregated setting.
Generally, separate or different
housing or services for individuals with
disabilities are not permitted. However,
24 CFR 8.4 permits different or separate
housing, aid benefits, or services to
individuals with disabilities or to any
class of individuals with disabilities
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from that provided to others in
extremely limited circumstances: That
is, when necessary to provide qualified
individuals with disabilities with
housing, aid, benefits, or services that
are as effective as those provided to
others. Even when separate housing or
services are permitted, individuals with
disabilities cannot be denied the
opportunity to participate in programs
that are not separate or different.
q. Qualification as Affordable Housing:
Homeownership (§ 92.254)
As discussed earlier in this preamble,
section 215(b) of NAHA requires that
the initial purchase price of
homeownership units assisted with
HOME funds not exceed 95 percent of
the area median purchase price for
single family housing, as determined by
HUD. The existing regulation at
§ 92.254(a)(2)(iii) permits participating
jurisdictions to use the FHA Single
Family Mortgage Limits under section
203(b) of the National Housing Act (12
U.S.C. 1709(b)) as the 95 percent of
median purchase price or afterrehabilitation value limit for HOMEassisted homeownership housing. The
regulation also permits a participating
jurisdiction to determine its own 95
percent of area median value limit using
a prescribed methodology.
Historically, HUD has based the
annual FHA Single Family Mortgage
Limits on 95 percent of area median
purchase prices, except that there are
national floor and ceiling loan amounts
for low- and high-cost areas, which are
percentages of conforming loan limits.
Over time, statutory changes have
increased the FHA section 203(b) floor,
rendering the section 203(b) limits a less
reliable surrogate for participating
jurisdictions’ 95 percent of area median
purchase prices. As a consequence of
these changes, HUD issued an interim
policy in March 2008, permitting
participating jurisdictions to use the
Single Family Mortgage Limits issued in
February 2008, before the passage of the
Economic Stimulus Act, as the 95
percent of area median purchase price
limit for HOME-assisted
homeownership units until HUD could
promulgate regulatory changes. (See
volumes/vol9no3.cfm.) At the same
time, HUD posted the actual 95 percent
of median purchase price for each
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and
county in the country so that
participating jurisdictions could become
familiar with the true 95 percent figure
for their housing market.
HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.254(a)(2)(iii) so that participating
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jurisdictions would no longer be
permitted to use the FHA Single Family
Mortgage Limit as a surrogate for 95
percent of area median purchase price.
Once the proposed regulatory change is
effective, HUD will calculate 95 percent
of median purchase price for the area
and provide the limits to participating
jurisdictions annually. A participating
jurisdiction would continue to have the
option to determine its own 95 percent
of area median value limit using the
methodology in the regulation, which
remains unchanged.
HUD proposes to make an exception
to this limitation for new construction
homeownership units, in response to
concerns expressed by State
participating jurisdictions and
nonmetropolitan or rural communities.
These communities point out that 95
percent of area median purchase price
figures in their communities are
extremely low, due to the age, size, and
poor condition of their housing stock;
the relatively small number of sales of
existing housing that take place; and the
small number of new housing units that
are produced and sold annually.
HUD recognizes that the 95 percent of
area median purchase price limits in
these areas are so low that imposing
them would make construction of new,
standard single family units
economically infeasible with HOME
funds. However, HUD’s data also show
that the actual 95 percent of area
median purchase price in many MSAs,
primarily in the Midwest and South,
while higher than those in many
nonmetropolitan areas, are also too low
to make the use of HOME funds for new
construction of homeownership units
economic. For instance, HUD’s 2011, 95
percent of median purchase price
figures for Omaha, Nebraska-Council
Bluffs, Iowa MSA, Saginaw, Michigan
MSA, and Kansas City, Kansas-Kansas
City, Missouri MSA, are $60,653,
$71,250, and $87,673, respectively.
Nationally, there are hundreds of
communities in which the use of HOME
funds for new construction of
homeownership units could be
accomplished only through the write-off
of large HOME development subsidies
by participating jurisdictions. Further,
imposition of an artificially low
purchase price limit in these areas
would result in homebuyers realizing
large amounts of unrestricted equity
attributable to HOME funds, due to the
difference between the actual value of
the housing and the purchase price cap.
Section 215(b)(1) of NAHA permits
HUD to make adjustments to the 95
percent of the area median purchase
price, including ‘‘for new and old
housing’’ as the Secretary determines to
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
be appropriate. Consequently, HUD is
proposing to amend § 92.254(a)(2)(iii) to
provide an exception to the new HUDissued 95 percent of median purchase
price limits to permit participating
jurisdictions to use the greater of the
HUD-issued 95 percent of area median
purchase price limit or the Bureau of the
Census’s median sales price for single
family houses sold outside of MSA. The
Census Bureau produces this figure
annually. The 2010 figure, which would
apply to the HOME program for 2011 if
this proposed provision were in effect,
is $179,900.
Specific solicitation of comment. HUD
specifically requests comment regarding
the use of this figure as the sales price
limitation for newly constructed HOME
units. Additional information regarding
how this figure is derived is available at:
characteristicsdoc.html#source. The
HUD-issued actual 95 percent of median
purchase price limits for all MSAs and
counties can be found in column L of
the spreadsheet posted at: https://
HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.254(a)(3) to specify that the
participating jurisdiction must include
the income of all persons residing in the
housing when determining the income
eligibility of the family. The same
change would be made in paragraph
(b)(2) of this section for purposes of
rehabilitation not involving acquisition.
The change would also require the
housing to be rented to an eligible
tenant in accordance with § 92.252 if the
housing were not acquired by an eligible
homeowner within 6 months of the date
of project completion.
In response to the national foreclosure
crisis, HUD is proposing to add several
new requirements with respect to
HOME-assisted homebuyer programs.
These changes are intended to ensure
that homebuyers are well-prepared for
the responsibilities of homeownership
and receive financing that optimizes the
sustainability of their homeownership,
and to prevent them from becoming
targets of predatory lenders as part of
the initial purchase or a later
refinancing of the housing. Specifically,
HUD proposes to revise § 92.254(a)(3) to
require that all homebuyers receiving
HOME assistance or purchasing units
developed with HOME funds receive
housing counseling.
A 2008 national study of outcomes for
HOME-assisted homebuyers found that
83 percent of participating jurisdictions
that provide HOME-funded
homeownership assistance also provide
homebuyer counseling (see https://
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hsgfin/addi.html.) This change would
ensure that all HOME-assisted
homebuyers receive some counseling
before purchasing a home. The
counseling could be provided by the
participating jurisdiction, an
organization under contract to
participating jurisdiction, or a qualified
third party independent of the
participating jurisdiction (e.g., a HUDapproved housing counseling agency).
The regulation would not specify the
extent of the required counseling, but
the counseling should be
comprehensive by including postpurchase counseling, if feasible. The
Dodd-Frank Wall-Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (Pub. L. 111–
203, approved July 21, 2010) in section
1442 requires HUD to ensure that
homeownership counseling provided
through any HUD-funded program cover
specific topics related to the selection,
financing, ownership, and resale of a
home. HUD will conduct separate
rulemaking to establish the minimum
requirements for homebuyer counseling
provided in connection with HUDadministered or -funded programs.
A new paragraph (f) would be added
to this section requiring participating
jurisdictions that use HOME funds for
homebuyer assistance to develop and
follow written policies for: (1)
Underwriting standards for
homeownership assistance that take into
account housing debt, overall household
debt, the appropriateness of the amount
of assistance, recurring household
expenses, assets available to acquire the
housing, and financial resources to
sustain homeownership; (2) antipredatory lending measures; and (3)
measures that ensure that the terms of
any loans that refinance debt to which
HOME loans are subordinated are
Section 92.254(a)(5) would be revised
to require the participating jurisdiction
to obtain HUD’s specific approval of its
resale and recapture requirements.
Section 215(b)(3) of NAHA requires
HUD to determine that a participating
jurisdiction’s resale or recapture
provisions are ‘‘appropriate’’ or
consistent with HOME statute and
regulations. These provisions are
currently required to be submitted as
part of the participating jurisdiction’s
annual action plan. HUD has found that
participating jurisdictions frequently
provide insufficient detail about the
proposed resale or recapture provisions
to permit HUD to make the required
determination or to enable interested
citizens to obtain a full understanding of
the affordability restrictions to be
imposed on the homebuyer program.
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Requiring that HUD issue specific,
written approval of resale or recapture
provisions, as opposed to an implicit
approval as part of the consolidated
plan or annual action plan approval,
will emphasize that the participating
jurisdiction is submitting the provisions
for HUD’s approval and must provide
sufficient detail to enable HUD to assess
their appropriateness.
The proposed rule would also amend
§ 92.254(a)(5)(i) to require the
participating jurisdiction’s resale
requirements to specifically define ‘‘fair
return on investment’’ and
‘‘affordability to a reasonable range of
low-income buyers,’’ and to address
how it will make the housing affordable
if the resale price that is needed for a
fair return on investment is too high to
be within the affordable range. Section
215(b)(3)(A) of NAHA specifically
requires resale provisions to provide a
fair return and remain affordable for a
reasonable range of low-income buyers.
Requiring participating jurisdictions to
develop specific standards for these
requirements will improve their ability
to design resale requirements that meet
statutory and regulatory requirements.
HUD proposes to amend
§ 92.254(a)(5)(ii) to permit a subsequent
low-income purchaser of a HOMEassisted homeownership unit to assume
the HOME loan and recapture obligation
entered into by the original buyer. The
current regulations governing recapture
provisions permit the HOME-assisted
homebuyer to sell his or her unit during
the period of affordability to any willing
buyer at the prevailing market price.
When a HOME-assisted unit is sold
during the period of affordability, the
participating jurisdiction exercises its
recapture provisions and collects all or
a portion of the original HOME subsidy
regardless. Sometimes, a subsequent
buyer who is low-income may require
downpayment or other acquisition
assistance to purchase the HOME
assisted unit and the participating
jurisdiction provides HOME assistance
to the subsequent homebuyers and
imposes new recapture provisions. To
enhance administrative simplicity and
encourage the efficient use of funds,
some participating jurisdictions have
expressed a desire to permit subsequent
low-income purchasers of a HOMEassisted homebuyer unit under a
recapture agreement to assume the
remaining HOME loan and period of
affordability. This proposed rule change
would establish this as an option when
the subsequent homebuyer qualifies as
low-income, but would not eliminate
the initial homebuyer’s right to sell to a
willing buyer at any income level.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
HUD proposes to amend the HOME
regulation at § 92.254(c) to permit
rehabilitation assistance to be provided
in three different situations to persons
whose interest in the housing they
occupy does not meet the requirements
of ‘‘homeownership’’ as defined in
§ 92.2. In each case, there have been
many instances in which an otherwise
eligible low-income household was
denied HOME funds for rehabilitation.
The proposed changes are intended to
remove regulatory impediments to
participation in the HOME program. For
each situation, the participating
jurisdiction would have the right to
establish the terms of assistance. The
first of these exceptions is inherited
property with multiple owners (often
referred to as heir property)—housing
for which title has been passed to
several—heirs by inheritance, but in
which not all heirs. (The occupant of
the housing has a divided ownership
interest.) This most often occurs when
siblings inherit a family home that is
occupied by one sibling. Rather than
sell the home and split the proceeds, the
siblings continue to hold the property in
divided ownership, but permit a lowincome sibling to occupy the property.
The regulation would be amended to
permit participating jurisdictions to
provide rehabilitation assistance to the
owner-occupant, if the occupant meets
the following conditions: the occupant
is low-income, occupies the housing as
his or her principal residence, and pays
all the costs associated with ownership
and maintenance of the housing (e.g.,
mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities).
The second exception would address
cases involving a life estate. Under a life
estate, the occupant of the property has
the right to live in the housing for the
remainder of his or her life and does not
pay rent. HUD has encountered
situations in which a disabled adult
occupies a dwelling owned by another
family member under a life estate, or in
which a deceased spouse leaves a
property to the children of a previous
marriage but permits the other spouse to
occupy the property for the remainder
of his or her life. In the latter situation,
the life estate holder is responsible for
expenses related to the dwelling (e.g.,
property taxes, insurance) and for
maintenance and upkeep of the
property. The regulation would be
revised to permit participating
jurisdictions to provide rehabilitation
assistance to the person holding the life
estate, if the person is low-income and
occupies the housing as his or her
principal residence.
The third exception would address
cases involving an inter vivos trust, also
known as a living trust. A living trust is
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created when the owner of property
conveys his or her property to a trust for
his or her own benefit or for that of a
third party (the beneficiaries). The trust
holds legal title and the beneficiary
holds equitable title. The person may
name himself or herself as the
beneficiary. The trustee is under a
fiduciary responsibility to hold and
manage the trust assets for the
beneficiary. HUD has found that this is
a very common estate-planning tool,
even among the low-income elderly
who wish their heirs to avoid probate.
Currently, HUD must grant a waiver of
the provision that an individual hold
title to the property to permit these
individuals to receive rehabilitation
assistance. The regulation would be
revised to permit participating
jurisdictions to provide rehabilitation
assistance to a property if all
beneficiaries of the trust qualify as a
low-income family and occupy the
property as their principal residence
(except that contingent beneficiaries,
who receive no benefit from the trust
nor have any control over the trust
assets until the beneficiary is deceased,
need not be low-income). The trust
would be required to be valid and
enforceable and to ensure that each
beneficiary has the legal right to occupy
the property for the remainder of his or
her life.
HUD recognizes that many
participating jurisdictions provide
HOME funds to for-profit and nonprofit
organizations as a contractor or
subrecipient respectively, so that those
organizations may provide the
homeownership assistance (e.g.,
downpayment assistance) to eligible
families in conjunction with first
mortgage financing funded by the same
entity. However, HUD is concerned that
these organizations may have a financial
incentive to provide the first mortgage
and, as a result, such organizations
could provide HOME assistance to
families that are not low-income
families or for units that do not meet
minimum standards.
In order to put safeguards in place to
prevent potential abuses, and to counter
the built-in incentives for the lender to
provide HOME assistance in such cases,
a § 92.254(e) would be added to require
the participating jurisdiction to verify
that the family is low-income and to
inspect the housing for compliance with
the property standards in § 92.251. The
for-profit or nonprofit organization
would not be permitted to charge fees
(e.g., origination fees or points) to the
family for the HOME homeownership
assistance the organization provides,
although reasonable administrative
costs could be charged to the HOME
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program as a project cost. In addition,
the participating jurisdiction would be
required to determine that the fees and
other amounts charged to the family by
the lender for the first mortgage
financing are reasonable, based upon
industry practice in the area, in order to
ensure that the organization is not
effectively charging fees for HOME
funds disguised as mortgage-related
fees. If a participating jurisdiction
requires lenders to pay a fee to
participate in the HOME program, the
amount would be program income to
the HOME program.
r. Converting Rental Units to
Homeownership Units for Existing
Tenants (§ 92.255)
Section 92.55 permits rental units to
be converted to homeownership units
for existing tenants. This provision was
added to the HOME regulations to
facilitate efforts of in-place tenants to
purchase the rental unit in which they
reside. However, some HOME program
participants have interpreted this
section to permit conversion of an entire
HOME-assisted multifamily rental
project to condominium ownership
during the period of affordability. HUD
has encountered situations in which
program participants have attempted to
convert existing HOME rental housing
into homeownership and sought to evict
tenants who were unable or unwilling to
buy the units they occupied. HUD
proposes to revise this paragraph to
provide that tenants’ refusal to purchase
their rental housing unit does not
constitute grounds for eviction or for
failure to renew the lease, in order to
ensure that the rights of HOME tenants
are clearly understood.
s. Set-Aside for CHDOs (§ 92.300)
In this section, HUD proposes changes
to redefine ‘‘reservation of funds’’ and to
more thoroughly address the standards
which a project must meet to qualify for
CHDO set-aside funds. In § 92.300(a)(1),
HUD would redefine reservation of
funds to a CHDO as occurring when a
participating jurisdiction enters into a
written agreement with the CHDO
committing the funds to a specific
project to be owned, developed, or
sponsored by the CHDO. This change
would make participating jurisdictions
more accountable for ensuring that
CHDOs perform in accordance with the
HOME program requirements.
With respect to the CHDO set-aside,
NAHA requires participating
jurisdictions to provide a minimum of
15 percent of their HOME allocations for
housing that is owned, developed, or
sponsored by community housing
development organizations. In 1994,
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
HUD first provided guidance for what is
considered housing owned, developed,
or sponsored by CHDOs. HUD continues
to receive questions about whether
specific projects may be funded with the
CHDO set-aside funds or must be
funded with other HOME dollars.
Frequently, the proposed projects do not
meet standards in established in HUD’s
administrative guidance for housing that
is owned, developed, or sponsored by a
CHDO. Generally, such projects did not
meet the standards because the role of
the CHDO in the development process
was too limited or the organization did
not meet the definition of a CHDO at
§ 92.2.
HUD is proposing two changes to the
regulations to address these situations.
To ensure that participating
jurisdictions provide CHDO set-aside
funds only to organizations that qualify
as CHDOs, HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.300 to require participating
jurisdictions to certify that the
organization meets the definition of
‘‘community housing development
organization.’’ A participating
jurisdiction would also be required to
document that the organization has the
capacity to own, develop, or sponsor
housing, as required by the revised
definition of CHDO in § 92.2, each time
it commits CHDO funds to an
organization. The certification and
documentation requirement would
apply to commitments of funds to any
CHDO after the effective date of the final
As discussed later in this preamble,
the proposed rule would also alter
minimum requirements for reserving
funds to a CHDO. The concept of
reservation of CHDO funds would
change from being a general agreement
to provide funds for a project to be
identified at a future time to the
execution of a written agreement
between the participating jurisdiction
and the CHDO committing the funds to
a specific local project in accordance
with paragraph (2) of the definition of
‘‘commitment’’ in § 92.2.
HUD is proposing to codify
definitions of housing that is owned,
developed, or sponsored by a CHDO
currently established in HUD’s
administrative guidance into the
regulation in § 92.300(a)(2) through
(a)(6), with only minimal revisions.
Paragraph (a)(2) of § 92.300 would
provide the minimum standard for a
project to be considered to be ‘‘owned’’
by the CHDO. Housing meets the
‘‘owned’’ standard if the CHDO is the
owner (in fee simple absolute) of
multifamily or single housing that will
be rented to low-income families in
accordance with § 92.252.
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Paragraph (a)(3) would provide the
minimum standards for a project to be
considered to be ‘‘developed’’ by the
CHDO. Housing would meet the
‘‘developed’’ standard, if the CHDO is
the owner (in fee simple absolute) and
developer of: (1) New single family
housing that is or will be constructed or
(2) existing single family substandard
housing that is or will be acquired and
rehabilitated for sale to low-income
families in accordance with § 92.254.
To be the developer, the CHDO would
be required to arrange financing of the
project and be in sole charge of
construction. The CHDO would be
permitted to provide direct
homeownership assistance (e.g.,
downpayment assistance) when the
CHDO sells this housing to low-income
families without being considered a
subrecipient of HOME funds, subject to
the condition that the HOME funding
for downpayment assistance is not
greater than 10 percent of the amount of
HOME funds for development of the
The participating jurisdiction would
be required to determine and set forth
in its written agreement with the CHDO
either the actual sales prices or the
method by which the sales prices for the
housing will be established and whether
the proceeds from the sale of the
housing must be returned to the
participating jurisdiction or may be
retained by the CHDO. While the
proceeds the participating jurisdiction
permits the CHDO to retain would not
be subject to the requirements of 24 CFR
part 92, the participating jurisdiction
would be required to specify in the
written agreement with the CHDO
whether the proceeds are to be used for
HOME-eligible or other housing
activities to benefit low-income
families. However, funds recaptured
because the housing no longer meets the
affordability requirements under
§ 92.254(a)(5)(ii) would then be subject
to the requirements of this part in
accordance with § 92.503.
Paragraph (a)(4) would provide the
minimum standards for a rental project
to be considered ‘‘sponsored’’ by the
CHDO. Rental housing would meet the
‘‘sponsored’’ standard if it is rental
housing that is owned (in fee simple
absolute) by a subsidiary of a CHDO, a
limited partnership of which the CHDO
or its subsidiary is the sole general
partner, or a limited liability company
of which the CHDO or its subsidiary is
the sole managing member. The
subsidiary of the CHDO would be
permitted to be for-profit or nonprofit
organization and would be required to
be wholly owned by the CHDO.
Paragraph (a)(4) would provide that, if
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the limited partnership or limited
liability company agreement permits the
CHDO to be removed as general partner
or sole managing member, the
agreement would have to require that
the removal be ‘‘for cause’’ and that the
CHDO must be replaced with another
CHDO. In addition, the HOME funds
would be required to be provided to the
CHDO, its subsidiary, the limited
partnership, or the limited liability
Paragraph (a)(5) would clarify that
HUD also recognizes as ‘‘sponsorship’’
of HOME-assisted rental housing,
situations in which the CHDO owns and
develops the housing and agrees to
convey the housing to a private
nonprofit organization (that is not
created by a governmental entity) at a
predetermined time after completion of
the development of the project. Such
arrangements typically occur when the
CHDO has the development expertise
and the nonprofit organization has the
capacity to own and operate the
housing. Because the CHDO is the
owner and developer, the CHDO would
be required to own the property before
the development phase of the project.
The CHDO sponsor would be required
to select the nonprofit organization
before the CHDO enters into the
agreement with the participating
jurisdiction that commits HOME funds
to the CHDO project. The nonprofit
organization would assume the CHDO’s
HOME obligation (including any
repayment of loans) for the project at a
specified time after completion of
development. If the property is not
transferred to the nonprofit
organization, the CHDO sponsor would
remain liable for the HOME assistance
and the HOME project.
Paragraph (a)(6) would be revised to
provide that it is the participating
jurisdiction that determines the form of
assistance (e.g., a grant or loan) to the
Finally, minor conforming changes
would be made to paragraph (e), in
accordance with the proposed
requirement for a written agreement
between the participating jurisdiction
and the CHDO, and paragraph (f) would
be revised to clarify that the
participating jurisdiction is responsible
for ensuring that CHDOs do not receive
more than the permitted amount in
operating funds.
t. Other Federal Requirements
1. Affirmative Marketing; Minority
Outreach Program (§ 92.351)
HUD is proposing to revise § 92.351
by removing the provision that
affirmative marketing requirements do
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
not apply to tenants with tenant-based
rental assistance. In all cases, HOMEassisted rental housing must be
affirmatively marketed without regard to
whether the potential tenant has rental
assistance. Accordingly, HUD proposes
to eliminate this exception to
affirmative marketing. In addition, HUD
is proposing to expand the applicability
to affirmative marketing requirements
and procedures to include HOMEfunded programs, such as tenant-based
rental assistance and down-payment
assistance programs.
Corresponding changes would also be
made to the provisions on written
agreements (§ 92.504) and applicability
of affirmative marketing requirements
(§ 92.614) for funds remaining under the
American Dream Downpayment
Finally, § 92.351 would be revised to
clarify that participating jurisdictions
must not only adopt, but also follow
their affirmative marketing procedures,
and that the requirements apply to
subrecipients as well as owners.
2. Environmental Review (§ 92.352)
HUD proposes to revise § 92.352 to
address the applicability of the
environmental review regulations in 24
CFR parts 50 and 58. This change would
clarify that the applicability of
environmental review regulations is
based on the type of HOME project (new
construction, rehabilitation, acquisition)
or activity (tenant-based rental
assistance), not the particular cost paid
with HOME funds. For example, if the
project is a new construction project,
but the HOME funds will be used for
acquisition of vacant land for the
project, the environmental review is
based on new construction of housing,
as well as the acquisition of the land.
3. Labor (§ 92.352)
Section 92.354(a)(3) would be revised
to remove reference to HUD Handbook
1344.1, Federal Labor Standards
Compliance in Housing and Community
Development Programs. The monitoring
and oversight responsibilities of
participating jurisdictions, which were
addressed in the handbook, have been
incorporated in the regulations to
ensure that it is clear that participating
jurisdictions retain these
responsibilities. While the procedures
and processing provisions of the
handbook remain applicable to
participating jurisdictions, the
regulation’s reference to the handbook is
not needed.
4. Conflict of Interest (§ 92.356)
While not required by statute, for
many years HUD has, by regulation,
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prohibited conflicts of interest in the
use of HOME funds. HUD proposes to
revise the conflict of interest provisions
of § 92.356(b) by clarifying that the
covered conflict involves a financial
benefit or interest and that covered
familial relationships are limited to
immediate family members. Because the
existing language of this paragraph
differs somewhat from the
corresponding regulation for the CDBG
program, some program participants
have been reading the HOME regulation
more broadly than intended.
The HOME regulation currently
defines prohibited conflicts to include
situations where a covered person may
obtain ‘‘a financial interest or benefit
from a HOME-assisted activity, or have
an interest in any contract, subcontract
or agreement with respect to a HOMEassisted activity.’’ The regulation
provides no further definition of what
type of ‘‘benefit’’ or ‘‘interest in any
contract, subcontract or agreement’’ is
prohibited. This lack of detail led to
many questions and ambiguity as to the
circumstances that would constitute a
prohibited conflict.
One problematic area has been with
respect to public officials participating
in the affairs of local nonprofit
organizations. It is common for state and
local governments to designate elected
or appointed officials to serve on the
boards of nonprofit organizations that
may provide affordable housing within
their communities. In such situations,
the question arises whether the
provision of HOME funds to a nonprofit
organization constitutes a conflict when
a public official serves on the nonprofit
group’s board. If the public official is
not receiving a salary or any other
compensation for serving on the board,
the official’s interest would only be a
personal one. However, HUD has found
that this kind of public participation
often is beneficial and should not be
Currently, under the CDBG conflictof-interest regulations, interests or
benefits of a personal nature do not
create prohibited conflicts of interest.
HUD believes that the HOME conflict
rules should also be expressly limited to
the prohibition of situations that
provide a financial interest or benefit.
Accordingly, this rule proposes to add
‘‘financial’’ to qualify the terms
‘‘benefit’’ and ‘‘interest.’’ Similar
questions have surfaced with respect to
the phrase ‘‘family or business ties.’’ For
some communities with histories of
extended family relationships, it could
be difficult to avoid a conflict. The
proposed rule adds the word
‘‘immediate’’ to be consistent with the
phrase ‘‘immediate family,’’ as used in
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the CDBG conflict regulation and the
procurement conflict provisions in 24
CFR 85.36.
In addition, HUD proposes to revise
§ 92.356(f)(1) by prohibiting an
immediate family members of an officer,
employee, agent, elected or appointed
official or consultant of an owner,
developer, or sponsor from occupying a
HOME-assisted affordable housing unit
in a project. A developer or owner
(including their employees, agents,
consultants, and officers) will generally
have a financial interest or benefit from
a HOME-assisted activity; for example,
developer’s fees. To address this
situation, the HOME rule established
specific conflict provisions in paragraph
(f) to guard against owners and
developers receiving an unfair
advantage in the occupancy of HOMEassisted affordable housing. The range
of situations in which a conflict may
arise under paragraph (f) includes, for
example, a nonprofit group receives
HOME funds to construct rental housing
as an owner, and then the executive
director gives its employees first choice
to occupy a rental unit.
While the current regulations prohibit
officers or employees of the owner or
developer of HOME-assisted housing to
reside in or purchase HOME units
unless the participating jurisdiction
provides a written exception based
upon specified regulatory criteria, this
prohibition does not extend to their
immediate family members. In other
words, the executive director of the
nonprofit owner in the above example
rents the first unit to his child, sibling,
or parent. Similar to the employment
context, in HUD’s view, this situation
also conveys an unfair advantage for
occupying HOME-assisted affordable
housing. While there may be some
instances where it is not inappropriate
for immediate family members of the
owners or developer of HOME-assisted
housing to purchase or occupy a HOME
unit, to ensure complete transparency
these instances should be subject to the
same exception process used for
employees or officers of the owners or
developers themselves.
u. Program Administration
1. The HOME Investment Trust Fund
(§ 92.500)
HUD proposes to amend § 92.500(c) to
require that participating jurisdictions’
local HOME accounts be interestbearing. NAHA states that participating
jurisdictions must expend HOME funds
for an eligible project cost within 15
days of the date of drawing HOME
funds from the Federal HOME
Investment Trust Fund and depositing
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
them in its local HOME Investment
Trust Fund account. Requiring that this
local account be interest-bearing will
ensure that participating jurisdictions
maximize these funds, as well as the
accumulation of HOME program
income, since, by virtue of being
deposited in the local HOME
Investment Trust Fund account by
ensuring some level of return on the
funds in the account.
NAHA requires each participating
jurisdiction to reserve 15 percent of
their HOME allocations to CHDOs.
However, some participating
jurisdictions encounter challenges in
finding CHDOs with the adequate
capacity to plan, undertake, and
complete development of affordable
housing, or to improve the capacity of
existing CHDOs. To avoid losing CHDO
set-aside funds to deobligation at the
end of 24 months, many participating
jurisdictions reserve funds to CHDOs. In
some cases, these reservations never
result in project commitments,
expenditures, or completed projects.
The reserved funds remain reserved to
nonperforming organizations—in many
cases for years—but the low-income
communities the CHDOs are intended to
serve never realize any benefit in the
form of standard, affordable housing
units. As long as the participating
jurisdiction’s rate of expenditure for
other HOME funds is adequate, the
unspent CHDO funds are not subject to
deobligation until they expire at the end
of 8 years under the provisions of the
National Defense Authorization Act.
To provide an incentive for
participating jurisdictions to proactively
manage CHDO set-aside funds by
moving them from nonperforming
CHDOs to performing CHDOs before
they expire, this proposed rule would
add a new paragraph at § 92.502(d)(1)(C)
that establishes a separate 5-year
expenditure deadline for community
housing development organization setaside funds. The 5-year deadline for
expending CHDO set-aside funds
parallels the existing regulatory 5-year
deadline for expenditure of other HOME
2. Program Disbursement and
Information System (§ 92.502)
HUD proposes to add a provision to
§ 92.502(a) that would clarify that
participating jurisdictions are required
to report all program income earned on
HOME funds in the Integrated
Disbursement and Information System
(IDIS). HUD has found that some
participating jurisdictions are not
consistently reporting program income
they earn in IDIS and are not always
expending program income before
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drawing down additional HOME funds
from their HOME Treasury Accounts.
Additionally, § 92.502(e) would
clarify that even though other
participants may be permitted to access
HUD’s disbursement and information
system, only participating jurisdictions
and State recipients (if permitted by the
State) may request disbursement. This
change would codify HUD’s
longstanding IDIS administrative
3. Repayments (§ 92.503)
Section 92.503 would be revised to
provide that when repayment of HOME
funds is required, HUD will instruct a
participating jurisdiction whether to
repay funds to the HOME Investment
Trust Fund Treasury account or the
local account.
4. Participating Jurisdiction
Responsibilities; Written Agreements;
On-Site Inspection (§ 92.504)
HUD is proposing several revisions to
§ 92.504 to reflect programmatic
changes proposed by this rule to
strengthen the performance of
participating jurisdictions, and help
ensure that participating jurisdictions
are able to require other HOME program
participants to comply with applicable
Specifically, § 92.504(a) would be
revised to require participating
jurisdictions to develop and follow
written policies, procedures, and
systems, including a system for
assessing risk of activities and projects
and a system for monitoring entities, to
ensure that the requirements of this part
are met. While the existence of such
written policies and procedures does
not guarantee that a participating
jurisdiction’s program will be compliant
and efficient, HUD’s monitoring has
shown that the absence of or failure to
follow systemic program procedures for
assessing risk and monitoring
participating entities is strongly
correlated with poor performance and
noncompliance with HOME regulations.
The proposed rule would also make
explicit that State recipients are
included in the entities that must be
evaluated annually, and it would clarify
that the evaluation must include a
review of each entity’s compliance with
HOME program requirements.
Many participating jurisdictions have
requested HUD’s assistance in
improving the written agreements that
they use when awarding HOME funds to
program participants, so that the
agreements are comprehensive with
respect to compliance with all aspects of
HOME regulations and effective
management and enforcement tools.
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HUD shares this interest in making
HOME written agreements better
compliance, management, and
enforcement tools for participating
The proposed rule would make
several revisions to § 92.504(c), which
sets forth the provisions that are
required to be contained in participating
jurisdictions’ written agreements with
participants in their HOME programs,
including state recipients, subrecipients,
owners, developers, sponsors,
contractors, and CHDOs. The proposed
changes would require the inclusion of
provisions in order to ensure that
participating jurisdictions are able to
meet their obligations to ensure
participants’ compliance with existing
requirements, as well as requirements
that would be added under this
proposed rule.
Under § 92.504(c)(1), agreements
between state participating jurisdictions
and state recipients would include a
provision to carry out the existing
requirement in § 92.201(b)(3)(i). Under
the existing requirement, states must
require the state recipient to comply
with either requirements established by
the State or, alternatively, may require
the state recipient to establish and
comply with its own requirements to
comply with part 92. The proposed
revision would specify that under either
alternative, the requirements must
include provisions for income
determinations, underwriting and
subsidy layering review, rehabilitation
standards, refinancing standards,
homebuyer program policies, and
Section 92.504(c)(1)(i) would be
revised to require agreements with state
recipients to include greater detail about
the state recipients’ use of HOME funds,
including amounts and uses for specific
programs and activities, the number of
housing projects to be funded, and any
requirements for matching
contributions. Under § 92.504(c)(1), the
agreement would be required to specify
whether repaid and recaptured HOME
funds must be returned to the state or
retained by the state recipient and
expended on eligible activities.
Section 92.504(c)(1)(xi) would be
revised to clarify that the written
agreement required under that
paragraph as a condition of providing
HOME funds to other entities and
persons must be in place before the
HOME funds are provided, and new
§ 92.504(c)(1)(xiii) would require
inclusion of a provision to implement
the prohibition on charging fees in
§ 92.214(b), as proposed to be revised
under this rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Section 92.504(c)(2) would be revised
to include requirements in agreements
with subrecipients reflecting those that
this rule would require in agreements
with state recipients, as described
above. In addition, agreements with
subrecipients would be required to
provide requirements that they must
follow to enable participating
jurisdictions to carry out their
environmental review responsibilities
before HOME funds are committed to a
HUD further proposes to revise
§ 92.504(c)(3), which enumerates the
requirements for written agreements
between participating jurisdictions and
project owners, developers, and
sponsors, clarifying that the preliminary
award of HOME funds (i.e., early awards
of HOME funds before other necessary
sources of financing have been secured)
does not constitute a ‘‘commitment’’
pursuant to the definition at § 92.2 and
may not be entered into IDIS until a
legally binding written agreement
containing all required provisions is
Section 92.504(c)(3)(i) would specify
that the agreements must also include
the address of the project and other
information specific to the project that
is the subject of the agreement.
Section 92.504(c)(3)(ii) would be
revised to specify that affordability
requirements must be imposed by legal
restrictions and mechanisms under
which the participating jurisdiction may
require and seek specific performance
under state law. For homeownership
projects, agreements would have to
specify sales prices and the required
disposition of sales proceeds.
Agreements would also be required to
specify the number and size of HOME
assistance units, to provide whether the
units are to be fixed or ‘‘floating,’’ and
to require provision of the address of
each unit to the participating
jurisdiction by the time of project
completion. Such agreements would be
required under revised § 92.504(c)(3)(v)
to specify that owners of rental housing
must report annually information on
rents, occupancy, the status of floating
units, and the financial condition of the
rental project.
Revised § 92.504(c)(3)(xi) would
require inclusion of a provision to
implement the prohibition on charging
fees in § 92.214(b), as proposed to be
revised under this rule. If a nonprofit
owner is a CHDO, the agreement would
also have to require compliance with
§ 92.303, which governs tenant
grievances and tenant participation in
management decisions.
A new paragraph (c)(6) would be
added to § 92.504 that would enumerate
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the required provisions for written
agreements providing operating expense
funds to CHDOs, pursuant to § 92.208.
The new paragraph would require the
agreement to describe the uses of
operating funds and, if the CHDO is not
also receiving HOME funds for a project
that it is to own, develop, or sponsor,
also to state the expectation that such
funds will be provided to the CHDO
within 24 months, as also required in
§ 92.300(e).
HUD is proposing to revise
§ 92.504(d) to make clear that the
participating jurisdiction must inspect
each HOME project at the time of
completion and during the period of
affordability to determine compliance
with the property standards applicable
under § 92.251. Several participating
jurisdictions have told HUD that they
can effectively monitor their HOME
rental projects through risk-based onsite monitoring plans that they use for
rental housing developed through other
funding sources. HUD is proposing
changes to the inspection schedule and
sample of inspected HOME-assisted
units that will provide flexibility to
participating jurisdictions with respect
to the frequency of inspections.
Specific solicitation of comment. HUD
specifically requests public comment
from states and other affected members
of the public about the criteria used in
and characteristics of an effective riskbased system for on-site monitoring by
HUD is also proposing to add a new
paragraph at § 92.504(d)(2) to require
participating jurisdictions to examine, at
least annually during the HOME period
of affordability, the financial condition
of rental projects with at least 10
HOME-assisted units. These provisions
would be added to increase the
likelihood that participating
jurisdictions become aware to financial
problems early enough to attempt to
successfully correct problems or
conduct a financial workout to sustain
the viability of the project. HUD
proposes to require this review to
projects with 10 or more HOME-assisted
units, so as to reduce the financial and
administrative burden of these reviews
on participating jurisdictions and to
focus attention on projects which have
large HOME investments. HUD
recommends that participating
jurisdictions perform such reviews
periodically on smaller projects.
Specific solicitation of comment. HUD
specifically seeks comment on its
proposal that participating jurisdictions
perform such reviews regularly. HUD is
particularly interested in input
regarding the unit-threshold for
triggering annual reviews and whether it
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would be appropriate to establish a
regulatory requirement for less frequent
financial reviews of smaller projects.
HUD’s proposed addition of a new
section on troubled projects at § 92.210
is a companion to this new requirement
and is intended to facilitate
participating jurisdictions’ efforts to
return financially troubled projects to
5. Applicability of Uniform
Administrative Requirements (§ 92.505)
Section 92.505(a) and (b) would be
revised to add a reference to the
regulations implementing OMB Circular
No. A–87 (2 CFR part 225) and OMB
Circular No. A–122 (2 CFR part 230).
Circular A–87 is entitled ‘‘Cost
Principles for States, Local, and Indian
Tribal Governments.’’ Circular A–122 is
entitled ‘‘Cost Principles for Non-Profit
Organizations.’’ The provisions of these
cost principle circulates are codified in
the governmentwide regulations found
at 2 CFR part 225 and 2 CFR part 230,
respectively. The circulars can also be
found on OMB’s Web site at https://
6. Recordkeeping (§ 92.508)
HUD is proposing to make revisions
throughout § 92.508 to require
participating jurisdictions to maintain
records pertaining to new requirements
that would be established in this rule.
7. Corrective and Remedial Actions
(§ 92.551)
Section 92.551(c) would be amended
by revising and adding to the remedial
actions available for imposition on a
participating jurisdiction. The current
provision for requiring matching
contributions would be expanded to
include establishment of a remedial
plan to make up a matching
contributions deficit.
Two new remedial actions, which—
are establishing procedures to ensure
compliance with HOME requirements,
and forming a consortium with the
urban county—would also be added.
The existing provision under which
HUD may change the method of
payment from advance to
reimbursement would be expanded to
require submission of supporting
documentation before payment is made.
Finally, the proposed change would
provide that HUD may determine the
participating jurisdiction to be high risk
and impose special conditions or
restrictions in accordance with 24 CFR
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
8. Hearing Proceedings (§ 92.552)
Section 92.552(b) would be revised to
remove the reference that it is
specifically subpart B of 24 CFR part 26
that governs hearing proceedings.
9. Other Federal Requirements
(§ 92.614)
HUD makes a minor technical change
to § 92.614. HUD moves the reference to
the affirmative marketing requirements
in § 92.351(a) from § 92.614(b) to
§ 92.614(b).
III. Findings and Certifications
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) reviewed this rule under
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review. This rule was
determined to be a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’, as defined in section
3(f) of the Order (although not an
economically significant regulatory
action under the Order). The docket file
is available for public inspection in the
Regulations Division, Office of General
Counsel, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW.,
Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410–
0500. Due to security measures at the
HUD Headquarters building, please
schedule an appointment to review the
docket file by calling the Regulations
Division at (202) 708–3055 (this is not
a toll-free number).
Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements contained in this rule have
been submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501–3520). In accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act, an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information, unless the
collection displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
The burden of the information
collections in this rule is estimated as
Number of
Information collection
Total ..............................................................................
§ 91.320 (Action Plan) ..........................................................
§ 92.205(e) (Terminated Projects) .......................................
§ 92.252 (Qualification as affordable housing: Rental
Housing) ...........................................................................
§ 92.254(f) (Homeownership) ...............................................
§ 92.351 (Affirmative Marketing) ..........................................
§ 92.504 (Participating Jurisdiction Inspection) ...................
§ 92.508 (Recordkeeping—Subsidy Layering and Underwriting—§ 92.250) .............................................................
In accordance with 5 CFR
1320.8(d)(1), HUD is soliciting
comments from members of the public
and affected agencies concerning this
collection of information to:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; e.g., permitting the
electronic submission of responses.
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments regarding the
information collection requirements in
this rule. Comments must refer to the
proposal by name and docket number
(FR–5563) and must be sent to:
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Total annual
Frm 00021
Total annual
64, 018
HUD Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503, Fax: (202)
Reports Liaison Officer, Office of
Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th
Street SW., Room 7233, Washington,
DC 20410.
Interested persons may submit
comments regarding the information
collection requirements electronically
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
at https://www.regulations.gov. HUD
strongly encourages commenters to
submit comments electronically.
Electronic submission of comments
allows the commenter maximum time to
prepare and submit a comment, ensures
timely receipt by HUD, and enables
HUD to make them immediately
available to the public. Comments
submitted electronically through https://
www.regulations.gov can be viewed by
other commenters and interested
members of the public. Commenters
should follow the instructions provided
PO 00000
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per response
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on that site to submit comments
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) generally requires an
agency to conduct a regulatory
flexibility analysis of any rule subject to
notice and comment rulemaking
requirements, unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. This rule
solely addresses the allocation and use
of formula grant funds by state and local
jurisdictions (participating jurisdictions)
under the HOME program. As discussed
in the preamble, this proposed rule
updates the regulations governing the
HOME program, which have not been
updated in 15 years. The proposed rule
does not alter the allocation of funds
under the HOME program, but is
directed to revising the HOME program
regulations to reflect changes in the
housing market that have occurred over
the last 15 years, to clarify and enhance
the roles and responsibilities and
accountability of participating
jurisdictions, and strengthen HUD’s
own oversight of the program. The
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
program is a voluntary grant program
and the regulations are designed to
ensure the use of HOME program grant
funds by participating jurisdictions and
their subrecipients in a manner
consistent with statutory requirement
and objectives, and with HUD’s mission.
Accordingly, HUD has determined that
this rule would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
Notwithstanding HUD’s
determination that this rule will not
have a significant effect on a substantial
number of small entities, HUD
specifically invites comments regarding
any less burdensome alternatives to this
rule that will meet HUD’s objectives as
described in this preamble.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
Executive Order 13132 (entitled
‘‘Federalism’’) prohibits an agency from
publishing any rule that has federalism
implications if the rule either (1)
imposes substantial direct compliance
costs on state and local governments
and is not required by statute, or (2)
preempts state law, unless the agency
meets the consultation and funding
requirements of section 6 of the Order.
This proposed rule does not have
federalism implications and would not
impose substantial direct compliance
costs on state and local governments nor
preempt state law within the meaning of
the Order.
Environmental Review
A Finding of No Significant Impact
with respect to the environment has
been made in accordance with HUD
regulations in 24 CFR part 50 that
implement section 102(2)(C) of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). The
Finding is available for public
inspection during regular business
hours in the Regulations Division,
Office of General Counsel, Department
of Housing and Urban Development,
451 7th Street SW., Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410–0500. Due to
security measures at the HUD
Headquarters building, please schedule
an appointment to review the Finding
by calling the Regulations Division at
(202) 402–3055 (this is not a toll-free
number). Individuals with speech or
hearing impairments may access this
number via TTY by calling the Federal
Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 establishes
requirements for federal agencies to
assess the effects of their regulatory
actions on state, local, and tribal
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governments and the private sector.
This rule will not impose any federal
mandates on any state, local, or tribal
governments or the private sector within
the meaning of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995.
List of Subjects
24 CFR Part 91
Aged, Grant programs—housing and
community development, Homeless,
Individuals with disabilities, Low and
moderate income housing, and
Reporting and recordkeeping
24 CFR Part 92
Administrative practice and
procedure, Grant programs—housing
and community development, Low and
moderate income housing,
Manufactured homes, Rent subsidies,
and Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, HUD proposes to amend 24
CFR parts 91and 92 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 30
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), 3601–3619,
5301–5315, 11331–11388, 12701–12711,
12741–12756, and 12901–12912.
2. In § 91.220, revise paragraphs
(l)(2)(i) and (ii), redesignate existing
paragraph (l)(2)(iv) as paragraph
(l)(2)(vii), and add new paragraphs
(l)(2)(iv), (v), and (vi), to read as follows:
§ 91.220
Action plan.
(l) * * *
(2) HOME. (i) For HOME funds, a
participating jurisdiction shall describe
other forms of investment that are not
described in § 92.205(b). HUD’s specific
written approval to the jurisdiction is
required for other forms of investment,
as provided in § 92.205(b). Approval of
the consolidated plan or action plan
under § 91.500 or the failure to
disapprove the consolidated plan or
action plan does not satisfy the
requirement for specific HUD approval
for other forms of investment.
(ii) If the participating jurisdiction
intends to use HOME funds for
homebuyers, it must set forth the
guidelines for resale or recapture, and
obtain HUD’s specific, written approval,
as required in § 92.254. Approval of the
consolidated plan or action plan under
§ 91.500 or the failure to disapprove the
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consolidated plan or action does not
satisfy the requirement for specific HUD
approval for other forms of investment.
(iv) If the participating jurisdiction
intends to use HOME funds for
homebuyer assistance or for
rehabilitation of owner-occupied single
family housing and does not use the
Single Family 95 percent Median Area
Purchase Price Limit for the area
provided by HUD, it must determine 95
percent of the median area purchase
price and set forth the information in
accordance with § 92.254(a)(2)(iii).
(v) The jurisdiction must describe
eligible applicants and describe its
process for soliciting and funding
applications or proposals.
(vi) The participating jurisdiction may
limit the beneficiaries or give
preferences to a particular segment of
the low-income population only if
described in the action plan.
(A) Any limitation or preference must
not violate nondiscrimination
requirements in 24 CFR 92.350, and the
participating jurisdiction must not limit
or give preferences to students.
(B) A limitation or preference may
include, in addition to targeting tenantbased rental assistance to persons with
special needs, as provided in 24 CFR
92.209(c)(2), limiting beneficiaries or
giving preferences to such professions
as police officers, teachers, or artists.
(C) The participating jurisdiction
must not limit beneficiaries or give a
preference to all employees of the
(D) The participating jurisdiction may
permit rental housing owners to limit
tenants or give a preference in
accordance with 24 CFR 92.253(d) only
if such limitation or preference is
described in the action plan.
3. In § 91.320, revise paragraphs
(k)(2)(i) and (ii), redesignate existing
paragraph (k)(2)(iv) as paragraph
(k)(2)(vii), and add new paragraphs
(k)(2)(iv), (v), and (vi) to read as follows:
§ 91.320
Action plan.
(k) * * *
(2) HOME. (i) The State shall describe
other forms of investment that are not
described in 24 CFR 92.205(b). HUD’s
specific written approval is required for
other forms of investment, as provided
in § 92.205(b). Approval of the
consolidated plan or action plan under
§ 91.500 or the failure to disapprove the
consolidated plan or action plan does
not satisfy the requirement for specific
HUD approval for other forms of
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(ii) If the State intends to use HOME
funds for homebuyers, it must set forth
the guidelines for resale or recapture,
and obtain HUD’s specific, written
approval, as required in 24 CFR 92.254.
Approval of the consolidated plan or
action plan under § 91.500 or the failure
to disapprove the consolidated plan or
action does not satisfy the requirement
for specific HUD approval for other
forms of investment.
(iv) If the participating jurisdiction
intends to use HOME funds for
homebuyer assistance or for
rehabilitation of owner-occupied single
family housing and does not use the
Single Family Median Area Purchase
Price Limit for the area provided by
HUD, it must determine 95 percent of
the median area purchase price and set
forth the information in accordance
with § 92.254(a)(2)(iii).
(v) The State must describe eligible
applicants and describe its process for
soliciting and funding applications or
(vi) The participating jurisdiction may
limit the beneficiaries or give
preferences to a particular segment of
the low-income population only if
described in the action plan.
(A) Any limitation or preference must
not violate nondiscrimination
requirements in § 92.350 of this chapter,
and the participating jurisdiction must
not limit or give preferences to students.
(B) A limitation or preference may
include, in addition to targeting tenantbased rental assistance to persons with
special needs as provided in 24 CFR
92.209(c)(2), limiting beneficiaries or
giving preferences to persons in certain
occupations, such as police officers,
firefighters, or teachers.
(C) The participating jurisdiction
must not limit beneficiaries or give a
preference to all employees of the
(D) The participating jurisdiction may
permit rental housing owners to limit
tenants or give a preference in
accordance with 24 CFR 92.253(d) only
if such limitation or preference is
described in the action plan.
4. The authority citation for part 92
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 12701–
5. In § 92.2:
a. Revise the introductory text;
b. Add, in alphabetical order, the
definition of CDBG program;
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c. Revise paragraph (1) of the
definition of Commitment;
d. Revise paragraphs (3)(ii) and (iii);
add paragraph (3)(iv); and revise
paragraphs (4), (5), and (9) of the
definition of Community housing
development organization;
e. Add, in alphabetical order, the
definition of Consolidated plan;
f. Revise the definitions of
Homeownership, Housing, and Lowincome families;
g. Add a definition of Observed
deficiency (OD);
h. Revise paragraph (2) of the
definition of Program income; and
i. Revise the definitions of Project
completion, Reconstruction, Single
room occupancy (SRO) housing, and
j. Add a definition of Uniform
Physical Condition Standards (UPCS);
k. Revise the definition of Very lowincome families.
The revisions and additions read as
§ 92.2
The terms ‘‘1937 Act’’, ‘‘ALJ’’, ‘‘Fair
Housing Act’’, ‘‘HUD’’, ‘‘Indian Housing
Authority (IHA)’’, ‘‘Public housing’’,
‘‘Public Housing Agency (PHA)’’, and
‘‘Secretary’’ are defined in 24 CFR
CDBG program means the Community
Development Block Grant program
under 24 CFR part 570.
Commitment * * *
(1) The participating jurisdiction has
executed a legally binding written
agreement (that includes the date of the
signature of each person signing the
agreement) with a State recipient, a
subrecipient, or a contractor to use a
specific amount of HOME funds to
produce affordable housing, provide
downpayment assistance, or provide
tenant-based rental assistance; or has
met the requirements to commit to a
specific local project, as defined in
paragraph (2) of this definition. (See
§ 92.504(c) for minimum requirements
for a written agreement.) An agreement
between the participating jurisdiction
and a subrecipient that is controlled by
the participating jurisdiction (e.g., an
agency whose officials or employees are
official or employees of the participating
jurisdiction) does not constitute a
commitment. An agreement between the
representative unit and a member unit
of general local government of a
consortium does not constitute a
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Community housing development
organization * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) The for-profit entity may not have
the right to appoint more than one-third
of the membership of the organization’s
governing body. Board members
appointed by the for-profit entity may
not appoint the remaining two-thirds of
the board members;
(iii) The community housing
development organization must be free
to contract for goods and services from
vendors of its own choosing; and
(iv) The officers and employees of the
for-profit entity may not be officers or
employees of the community housing
development organization, and the
community housing development
organization may not use office space of
the for-profit entity.
(4) Has a tax exemption ruling from
the Internal Revenue Service under
section 501(c)(3) or (4) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (26 CFR
1.501(c)(3)–1 or 1.501(c)(4)–1));
(5) Is not a governmental entity
(including the participating jurisdiction,
other jurisdiction, Indian tribe, public
housing authority, Indian housing
authority, housing finance agency, or
redevelopment authority) and is not
controlled by a governmental entity. An
organization that is created by a
governmental entity may qualify as a
community housing development
organization; however, the
governmental entity may not have the
right to appoint more than one-third of
the membership of the organization’s
governing body and no more than onethird of the board members may be
public officials or employees of
recipient governmental entity. Board
members appointed by a governmental
entity may not appoint the remaining
two-thirds of the board members. The
officers or employees of a governmental
entity may not be officers or employees
of a community housing development
organization, and the community
housing development organization may
not use office space of a governmental
(9) Has a demonstrated capacity for
carrying out housing projects assisted
with HOME funds. An organization
satisfies this requirement by having paid
employees with housing development
experience. A nonprofit organization
does not meet the test of demonstrated
capacity based on any person who is a
volunteer or whose services are donated
by another organization; and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Consolidated plan means the plan
submitted and approved in accordance
with 24 CFR part 91.
Homeownership means ownership in
fee simple title in a 1- to 4-unit dwelling
or in a condominium unit, or equivalent
form of ownership approved by HUD.
(1) The land may be owned in fee
simple or the homeowner may have a
99- year ground lease.
(i) For housing located in the insular
areas, the ground lease must be 40 years
or more.
(ii) For housing located on trust or
restricted Indian lands, the ground lease
must be 50 years or more.
(2) Right to possession under a
contract for deed, installment contract,
or land contract (pursuant to which the
deed is not given until the final
payment is made) is not an equivalent
form of ownership.
(3) The ownership interest may be
subject only to the restrictions on resale
required under § 92.254(a); mortgages,
deeds of trust, or other liens or
instruments securing debt on the
property as approved by the
participating jurisdiction; or any other
restrictions or encumbrances that do not
impair the good and marketable nature
of title to the ownership interest.
(4) The participating jurisdiction must
determine whether or not ownership or
membership in a cooperative or mutual
housing project constitutes
homeownership under State law;
however, if the cooperative or mutual
housing project receives Low Income
Housing Tax Credits, the ownership or
membership does not constitute
Housing includes manufactured
housing and manufactured housing lots,
permanent housing for disabled
homeless persons, transitional housing,
single-room occupancy housing, and
group homes. Housing also includes
elder cottage housing opportunity
(ECHO) units that are small, freestanding, barrier-free, energy-efficient,
removable, and designed to be installed
adjacent to existing single-family
dwellings. Housing does not include
emergency shelters (including shelters
for disaster victims) or facilities such as
nursing homes, convalescent homes,
hospitals, residential treatment
facilities, correctional facilities, halfway
houses, housing for students, or
dormitories (including farmworker
Low-income families means families
whose annual incomes do not exceed 80
percent of the median income for the
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area, as determined by HUD, with
adjustments for smaller and larger
families, except that HUD may establish
income ceilings higher or lower than 80
percent of the median for the area on the
basis of HUD findings that such
variations are necessary because of
prevailing levels of construction costs or
fair market rents, or unusually high or
low family incomes. An individual does
not qualify as a low-income family if the
individual is enrolled as a student at an
institution of higher education, as
defined under section 102 of the Higher
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002);
is under 24 years of age; is not a veteran
of the United States military; is
unmarried; does not have a dependent
child; and is not otherwise individually
low-income or does not have parents
who qualify as low-income.
Observed deficiency (OD) means any
deficiency identified during an on-site
inspection of each inspectable item for
each inspected area. The participating
jurisdiction may establish its own
standards for an observed deficiency for
each inspectable item, except that at a
minimum, the participating
jurisdiction’s standards must identify
each deficiency (regardless of the level
of severity) for each inspectable item
and inspected area included in the most
recent Uniform Physical Condition
Standards (UPCS) Dictionary of
Definitions established by HUD
pursuant to 24 CFR 5.703 and 5.705, or
such other requirements that HUD may
Program income * * *
(2) Gross income from the use or
rental of real property, owned by the
participating jurisdiction, State
recipient, or a subrecipient, that was
acquired, rehabilitated, or constructed,
with HOME funds or matching
contributions, less costs incidental to
generation of the income (Program
income does not include gross income
from the use, rental or sale of real
property received by the project owner,
developer, or sponsor, unless the funds
are paid by the project owner,
developer, or sponsor to the
participating jurisdiction, subrecipient
or State recipient);
Project completion means that all
necessary title transfer requirements and
construction work have been performed;
the project complies with the
requirements of this part (including the
property standards under § 92.251); the
final drawdown has been disbursed for
the project; and the project completion
information has been entered into the
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disbursement and information system
established by HUD, except that with
respect to rental housing project
completion, for the purposes of
§ 92.502(d) of this part, project
completion occurs upon completion of
construction and prior to occupancy.
For tenant-based rental assistance,
project completion means the final
drawdown has been disbursed for the
Reconstruction means the rebuilding,
on the same lot, of housing standing on
a site at the time of project commitment,
except that housing that was destroyed
may be rebuilt on the same lot if HOME
funds are committed within 6 months of
the date of destruction. The number of
housing units on the lot may not be
decreased or increased as part of a
reconstruction project, but the number
of rooms per unit may be increased or
decreased. Reconstruction also includes
replacing an existing substandard unit
of manufactured housing with a new or
standard unit of manufactured housing.
Reconstruction is rehabilitation for
purposes of this part.
Single room occupancy (SRO) housing
means housing (consisting of singleroom dwelling units) that is the primary
residence of its occupant or occupants.
The unit must contain either food
preparation or sanitary facilities (and
may contain both) if the project consists
of new construction, conversion of
nonresidential space, or reconstruction.
For acquisition or rehabilitation of an
existing residential structure or hotel,
neither food preparation nor sanitary
facilities are required to be in the unit.
If the units do not contain sanitary
facilities, the building must contain
sanitary facilities that are shared by
tenants. A project’s designation as an
SRO must be consistent with the
building’s zoning and building code
Subrecipient means a public agency
or nonprofit organization selected by the
participating jurisdiction to administer
all or some of the participating
jurisdiction’s HOME programs to
produce affordable housing, provide
downpayment assistance, or provide
tenant-based rental assistance. A public
agency or nonprofit organization that
receives HOME funds solely as a
developer or owner of a housing project
is not a subrecipient. The participating
jurisdiction’s selection of a subrecipient
is not subject to the procurement
procedures and requirements.
Uniform Physical Condition
Standards (UPCS) means uniform
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
national standards established by HUD
pursuant to § 5.703 of this title for
housing that is decent, safe, sanitary,
and in good repair. Standards are
established for inspectable items for
each of the following areas: site,
building exterior, building systems,
dwelling units, and common areas.
Very low-income families means lowincome families whose annual incomes
do not exceed 50 percent of the median
family income for the area, as
determined by HUD with adjustments
for smaller and larger families, except
that HUD may establish income ceilings
higher or lower than 50 percent of the
median for the area on the basis of HUD
findings that such variations are
necessary because of prevailing levels of
construction costs or fair market rents,
or unusually high or low family
incomes. An individual does not qualify
as a very low-income family if the
individual is enrolled as a student at an
institution of higher education, as
defined under section 102 of the Higher
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002);
is under 24 years of age; is not a veteran
of the United States military; is
unmarried; does not have a dependent
child; and is not otherwise individually
very low-income or does not have
parents who qualify as very low-income.
6. In § 92.201, revise paragraph (a)(2)
to read as follows:
§ 92.201
Distribution of assistance.
(a) * * *
(2) The participating jurisdiction may
only invest its HOME funds in eligible
projects within its boundaries, or in
jointly funded projects within the
boundaries of contiguous local
jurisdictions which serve residents from
both jurisdictions. For a project to be
jointly funded, both jurisdictions must
make a financial contribution to the
project. A jurisdiction’s financial
contribution may take the form of a
grant or loan (including a loan of funds
that comes from other federal sources
and that are in the jurisdiction’s control,
such as CDBG program funds) or relief
of a significant tax or fee (such as waiver
of impact fees, property taxes, or other
taxes or fees customarily imposed on
projects within the jurisdiction).
7. In § 92.202, revise paragraph (b) to
read as follows:
§ 92.202
Site and neighborhood standards.
(b) New rental housing. In carrying
out the site and neighborhood
requirements with respect to new
construction of rental housing, a
participating jurisdiction is responsible
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for making the determination that
proposed sites for new construction
meet the requirements in 24 CFR
983.57(e)(2) and (3).
8. In § 92.203, revise paragraphs
(a)(1)(i), (a)(2), (b), (c), and (d)(1) to read
as follows:
§ 92.203
Income determinations.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Examine at least 3 months of
source documents evidencing annual
income (e.g., wage statement, interest
statement, unemployment
compensation statement) for the family.
(2) For all other families (i.e.,
homeowners receiving rehabilitation
assistance, homebuyers, and recipients
of HOME tenant-based rental
assistance), the participating
jurisdiction must determine annual
income by examining at least 3 months
of source documents evidencing annual
income (e.g., wage statement, interest
statement, unemployment
compensation statement) for the family.
(b) When determining whether a
family is income eligible, the
participating jurisdiction must use one
of the following two definitions of
‘‘annual income’’:
(1) Annual income as defined at 24
CFR 5.609 (except when determining
the income of a homeowner for an
owner-occupied rehabilitation project,
the value of the homeowner’s principal
residence may be excluded from the
calculation of Net Family Assets, as
defined in 24 CFR 5.603); or
(2) Adjusted gross income as defined
for purposes of reporting under Internal
Revenue Service Form 1040 series for
individual Federal annual income tax
purposes, except that government
cost-of-living allowances that not are
included in income (e.g., for a Federal
civilian employee or a federal court
employee who is stationed in Alaska,
Hawaii, or outside the United States)
must be added to adjusted gross income.
(c) Although the participating
jurisdiction may use either of the
definitions of ‘‘annual income’’
permitted in paragraph (b) of this
section to calculate adjusted income, it
must apply exclusions from income
established at 24 CFR 5.611. The HOME
rents for very low-income families
established under § 92.252(b)(2) are
based on adjusted income. In addition,
the participating jurisdiction may base
the amount of tenant-based rental
assistance on the adjusted income of the
family. The participating jurisdiction
may use only one definition for each
HOME-assisted program (e.g.,
downpayment assistance program,
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rental housing program) that it
(d)(1) The participating jurisdiction
must calculate the annual income of the
family by projecting the prevailing rate
of income of the family at the time the
participating jurisdiction determines
that the family is income eligible.
Annual income shall include income
from all persons in the household.
Income or asset enhancement derived
from the HOME-assisted project shall
not be considered in calculating annual
9. In § 92.205, revise paragraphs (a)(1),
(a)(2), (b)(1), (d), and (e) to read as
§ 92.205
Eligible activities: General.
(a) * * *
(1) HOME funds may be used by a
participating jurisdiction to provide
incentives to develop and support
affordable rental housing and
homeownership affordability through
the acquisition (including assistance to
homebuyers), new construction,
reconstruction, or rehabilitation of
nonluxury housing with suitable
amenities, including real property
acquisition, site improvements,
conversion, demolition, and other
expenses, including financing costs,
relocation expenses of any displaced
persons, families, businesses, or
organizations; to provide tenant-based
rental assistance, including security
deposits; to provide payment of
reasonable administrative and planning
costs; and to provide for the payment of
operating expenses of community
housing development organizations.
The housing must be permanent or
transitional housing. The specific
eligible costs for these activities are set
forth in §§ 92.206 through 92.209. The
activities and costs are eligible only if
the housing meets the property
standards in § 92.251 upon project
(2) Acquisition of vacant land or
demolition must be undertaken only
with respect to a particular housing
project intended to provide affordable
housing within the time frames
established in paragraph (2) of the
definition of ‘‘commitment’’ in § 92.2.
(b) * * *
(1) A participating jurisdiction may
invest HOME funds as equity
investments, interest-bearing loans or
advances, non-interest-bearing loans or
advances, interest subsidies consistent
with the purposes of this part, deferred
payment loans, grants, or other forms of
assistance that HUD determines to be
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
consistent with the purposes of this part
and specifically approves in writing.
Each participating jurisdiction has the
right to establish the terms of assistance,
subject to the requirements of this part.
(d) Multi-unit projects. HOME funds
may be used to assist one or more
housing units in a multi-unit project.
(1) Only the actual HOME eligible
development costs of the assisted units
may be charged to the HOME program.
If the assisted and nonassisted units are
not comparable, the actual costs may be
determined based on a method of cost
allocation. If the assisted and nonassisted units are comparable in terms
of size, features, and number of
bedrooms, the actual cost of the HOMEassisted units can be determined by
prorating the total HOME eligible
development costs of the project so that
the proportion of the total development
costs charged to the HOME program
does not exceed the proportion of the
HOME-assisted units in the project.
(2) After project completion, the
number of units designated as HOMEassisted may be reduced only in
accordance with § 92.210, except that in
a project consisting of all HOMEassisted units, one unit may be
subsequently converted to an on-site
manager’s unit if the participating
jurisdiction determines that the
conversion will contribute to the
stability or effectiveness of the housing
and that, notwithstanding the loss of
one HOME-assisted unit, the costs
charged to the HOME program do not
exceed the actual costs of the HOMEassisted units and do not exceed the
subsidy limit in § 92.250(b).
(e) Terminated projects. A HOME
assisted project that is terminated before
completion, either voluntarily or
involuntary, constitutes an ineligible
activity, and any HOME funds invested
in the project must be repaid to the
participating jurisdiction’s HOME
Investment Trust Fund in accordance
with § 92.503(b) (except for projectspecific assistance to community
housing development organizations as
provided in § 92.301(a)(3) and (b)(3)).
(1) A project that does not meet the
requirements for affordable housing
must be terminated and must repay all
HOME funds invested in the project to
the participating jurisdiction’s HOME
Investment Trust Fund in accordance
with § 92.503(b).
(2) If a participating jurisdiction does
not complete a project within 4 years of
the date of commitment of funds, the
project is considered to be terminated
and the participating jurisdiction must
repay all funds invested in the project
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to the participating jurisdiction’s HOME
Investment Trust Fund in accordance
with § 92.503(b). The participating
jurisdiction may request a one-year
extension of this deadline in writing, by
submitting information about the status
of the project, steps being taken to
overcome any obstacles to completion,
proof of adequate funding to complete
the project, and a schedule with
milestones for completion of the project
for HUD’s review and approval.
10. In § 92.206, revise paragraphs
(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3) introductory text,
(a)(4), (b) introductory text, (b)(1), (b)(2)
introductory text, (b)(2)(vi), (d)(1),
(d)(3), and (d)(6) to read as follows:
§ 92.206
Eligible project costs.
(a) * * *
(1) For new construction projects,
costs to meet the new construction
standards in § 92.251;
(2) For rehabilitation, costs to meet
the property standards for rehabilitation
projects in § 92.251;
(3) For both new construction and
rehabilitation projects, costs:
(4) For both new construction and
rehabilitation of multifamily rental
housing projects, costs to construct or
rehabilitate laundry and community
facilities that are located within the
same building as the housing and which
are for the use of the project residents
and their guests.
(b) Refinancing costs. The cost to
refinance existing debt secured by a
housing project that is being
rehabilitated with HOME funds. These
costs include the following:
(1) For single-family (one- to fourfamily) owner-occupied housing, when
loaning HOME funds to rehabilitate the
housing, if the refinancing is necessary
to reduce the overall housing costs to
the borrower and make the housing
more affordable and if the rehabilitation
cost is greater than the amount of debt
that is refinanced.
(2) For single family or multifamily
projects, when loaning HOME funds to
rehabilitate the units if refinancing is
necessary to permit or continue
affordability under § 92.252. The
participating jurisdiction must establish
refinancing guidelines and state them in
its consolidated plan described in 24
CFR part 91. Regardless of the amount
of HOME funds invested, the minimum
affordability period shall be 15 years.
The guidelines shall describe the
conditions under which the
participating jurisdictions will refinance
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existing debt. At minimum, the
guidelines must:
(vi) State that HOME funds cannot be
used to refinance single family or
multifamily housing loans made or
insured by any Federal program,
including CDBG.
(d) * * *
(1) Architectural, engineering, or
related professional services required to
prepare plans, drawings, specifications,
or work write-ups. The costs may be
paid if they were incurred not more
than 18 months before the date that
HOME funds are committed to the
project and the participating jurisdiction
expressly permits HOME funds to be
used to pay the costs in the written
agreement committing the funds.
(3) Costs of a project audit, including
certification of costs performed by a
certified public accountant, that the
participating jurisdiction may require
with respect to the development of the
(6) Staff and overhead costs of the
participating jurisdiction directly
related to carrying out the project, such
as work specifications preparation, loan
processing inspections, and other
services related to assisting potential
owners, tenants, and homebuyers, e.g.,
housing counseling, may be charged to
project costs only if the project is
funded and the individual becomes the
owner or tenant of the HOME-assisted
project. For multi-unit projects, such
costs must be allocated among HOMEassisted units in a reasonable manner
and documented. Although these costs
may be charged as project costs, they
must not be charged to or paid by lowincome families.
11. In § 92.207, revise paragraph (b) to
read as follows:
§ 92.207 Eligible administrative and
planning costs.
(b) Staff and overhead. Staff and
overhead costs of the participating
jurisdiction directly related to carrying
out the project, such as work
specifications preparation, loan
processing, inspections, lead-based
paint inspections (visual assessments,
inspections, and risk assessments) and
other services related to assisting
potential owners, tenants, and
homebuyers (e.g., housing counseling);
and staff and overhead costs directly
related to providing advisory and other
relocation services to persons displaced
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
by the project, including timely written
notices to occupants, referrals to
comparable and suitable replacement
property, property inspections,
counseling, and other assistance
necessary to minimize hardship. These
costs may be charged as administrative
costs or as project costs under
§ 92.206(d)(6) and (f)(2), at the
discretion of the participating
jurisdiction; however, these costs
cannot be charged to or paid by the lowincome families.
12. In § 92.208, revise paragraph (a) to
read as follows:
§ 92.208 Eligible community housing
development organization (CHDO)
operating expense and capacity building
(a) Up to 5 percent of a participating
jurisdiction’s fiscal year HOME
allocation may be used for the operating
expenses of community housing
development organizations (CHDOs).
This amount is in addition to amounts
set aside for housing projects that are
owned, developed, or sponsored by
CHDOs as described in § 92.300(a).
These funds may not be used to pay
operating expenses incurred by a CHDO
acting as a subrecipient or contractor
under the HOME Program. Operating
expenses means reasonable and
necessary costs for the operation of the
community housing development
organization. Such costs include
salaries, wages, and other employee
compensation and benefits; employee
education, training, and travel; rent;
utilities; communication costs; taxes;
insurance; equipment; materials; and
supplies. The requirements and
limitations on the receipt of these funds
by CHDOs are set forth in § 92.300(e)
and (f).
13. In § 92.209, revise paragraphs (a),
(c) introductory text, (c)(2), (g), (h)(3)(ii),
and (l) to read as follows:
§ 92.209 Tenant-based rental assistance:
Eligible costs and requirements.
(a) Eligible costs. Eligible costs are the
rental assistance and security deposit
payments made to provide tenant-based
rental assistance for a family pursuant to
this section. Eligible costs also include
utility deposit assistance, but only if
this assistance is provided with tenantbased rental assistance or security
deposit payment. Administration of
tenant-based rental assistance is eligible
only under general management
oversight and coordination at
§ 92.207(a).
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(c) Tenant selection. The participating
jurisdiction must select low-income
families in accordance with written
tenant selection policies and criteria
that are based on local housing needs
and priorities established in the
participating jurisdiction’s consolidated
(2) Targeted assistance. (i) The
participating jurisdiction may establish
a preference for individuals with special
needs (e.g., homeless persons or elderly
persons) or persons with disabilities.
The participating jurisdiction may offer,
in conjunction with a tenant-based
rental assistance program, particular
types of nonmandatory services that
may be most appropriate for persons
with a special need or a particular
disability. Generally, tenant-based rental
assistance and the related services
should be made available to all persons
with special needs or disabilities who
can benefit from such services.
Participation may be limited to persons
with a specific disability if necessary to
provide as effective housing, aid,
benefit, or services as those provided to
others in accordance with 24 CFR
(ii) The participating jurisdiction may
also provide a preference for a specific
category of individuals with disabilities
(e.g., persons with HIV/AIDS or chronic
mental illness) if the specific category is
identified in the participating
jurisdiction’s consolidated plan as
having unmet need and the preference
is needed to narrow the gap in benefits
and services received by such persons.
(iii) Self-sufficiency program. The
participating jurisdiction may require
the family to participate in a selfsufficiency program as a condition of
selection for assistance. The family’s
failure to continue participation in the
self-sufficiency program is not a basis
for terminating the assistance; however,
renewal of the assistance may be
conditioned on participation in the
program. Tenants living in a HOMEassisted rental project who receive
tenant-based rental assistance as
relocation assistance must not be
required to participate in a selfsufficiency program as a condition of
receiving assistance.
(iv) Homebuyer program. HOME
tenant-based rental assistance may assist
a tenant who has been identified as a
potential low-income homebuyer
through a lease-purchase agreement,
with monthly rental payments for a
period up to 36 months (i.e., 24 months,
with a 12-month renewal in accordance
with paragraph (e) of this section). The
HOME tenant-based rental assistance
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payment may not be used to accumulate
a downpayment or closing costs for the
purchase; however, all or a portion of
the homebuyer-tenant’s monthly
contribution toward rent may be set
aside for this purpose. If a participating
jurisdiction determines that the tenant
has met the lease-purchase criteria and
is ready to assume ownership, HOME
funds may be provided for
downpayment assistance in accordance
with the requirements of this part.
(v) Preferences cannot be
administered in a manner that limits the
opportunities of persons on any basis
prohibited by the laws listed under 24
CFR 5.105(a). For example, a
participating jurisdiction may not
determine that persons given a
preference under the program are
therefore prohibited from applying for
or participating in other programs or
forms of assistance. Persons who are
eligible for a preference must have the
opportunity to participate in all
programs of the participating
jurisdiction, including programs that are
not separate or different.
(g) Tenant protections. The tenant
must have a lease that complies with the
requirements in § 92.253 (a) and (b).
(h) * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) The Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher Program (24 CFR part 982).
(l) Use of Section 8 assistance. In any
case where assistance under section 8 of
the 1937 Act becomes available,
recipients of tenant-based rental
assistance under this part will qualify
for tenant selection preferences to the
same extent as when they received the
tenant-based rental assistance under this
14. Add § 92.210 to read as follows:
§ 92.210 Troubled HOME-assisted rental
housing projects.
(a) The provisions of this section
apply only to an existing HOMEassisted rental project that, within the
HOME period of affordability, is no
longer financially viable. For purposes
of this section, a HOME assisted rental
project is no longer financially viable if
its operating costs significantly exceed
its operating revenue. HUD may
approve one or both of the actions
described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of
this section to strategically preserve a
rental project after consideration of
market needs, available resources, and
the likelihood of long-term viability of
the project.
(b) Notwithstanding § 92.214, HUD
may permit, pursuant to a written
memorandum of agreement, a
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
participating jurisdiction to invest
additional HOME funds in the existing
HOME-assisted rental project. The total
HOME funding for the project (original
investment plus additional investment)
must not exceed the per-unit subsidy
limit in § 92.250(a). The use of HOME
funds may include, but is not limited to,
rehabilitation of the HOME units and
recapitalization of project reserves for
the HOME units (to fund capital costs).
If additional HOME funds are invested,
HUD may require the period of
affordability to be extended, based on
such considerations as the amount of
additional HOME funds or additional
(c) HUD may, through written
approval, permit the participating
jurisdiction to reduce the number of
HOME-assisted units, if the project
contains more than the minimum
number of units required to be
designated as HOME-assisted under
§ 92.205(d). In determining whether to
permit a reduction in the number of
HOME-assisted units, HUD will take
into account the required period of
affordability and the amount of HOME
assistance provided to the project.
15. Add § 92.213 to read as follows:
§ 92.213
HOME Funds and Public Housing.
(a) General Rule. HOME funds may
not be used for public housing units.
HOME-assisted housing units may not
receive Operating Fund or Capital Fund
assistance under section 9 of the 1937
Act during the HOME period of
(b) Exception. HOME funds may be
used for the development of public
housing units, if the units are developed
under section 24 of the 1937 Act (HOPE
VI) and no Capital Fund assistance
under section 9(d) of the Act is used for
the development of the unit. Units
developed with both HOME and HOPE
VI may receive operating assistance
under section 9 of the 1937 Act. Units
developed with HOME and HOPE VI
funds under this paragraph may
subsequently receive Capital Funds for
rehabilitation or modernization.
(c) Using HOME Funds in Public
Housing Projects. Consistent with
§ 92.205(d), HOME funds may be used
for affordable housing units in a project
that also contains public housing units,
provided that the HOME funds are not
used for the public housing units
(except as provided in paragraph (b) of
this section) and HOME funds are used
only for eligible costs in accordance
with this part.
16. In § 92.214, revise the section
heading and paragraphs (a)(4) and (b) to
read as follows:
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§ 92.214
Prohibited activities and fees.
(a) * * *
(4) Provide assistance for uses
authorized under section 9 of the 1937
Act (Public Housing Capital and
Operating Funds);
(b)(1) Participating jurisdictions may
not charge (and must prohibit State
recipients, subrecipients, and other
program participants from charging)
servicing, origination, or other fees for
the purpose of covering costs of
administering the HOME program (e.g.,
fees on low-income families for
construction management or for
inspections for compliance with
property standards) (see § 92.206(d)(6)
and § 92.207), except that participating
(i) May charge owners of rental
projects reasonable annual fees for
compliance monitoring during the
period of affordability; and
(ii) May charge nominal application
fees (although these fees are not an
eligible HOME cost) to project owners to
discourage frivolous applications. The
amount of application fees must be
appropriate to the type of application
and may not create an undue
impediment to a low-income family’s,
subrecipient’s, State recipient’s, or other
entity’s participation in the
participating jurisdiction’s program. All
such fees are applicable credits under 2
CFR 225 (OMB Circular A–87, entitled
‘‘Cost Principles for State, Local, and
Indian Tribal Governments’’).
(2) The participating jurisdiction must
prohibit project owners from charging
fees that are not customarily charged in
rental housing (e.g., laundry room
access fees), except that rental project
owners may:
(i) Charge reasonable application fees
to prospective tenants;
(ii) May charge parking fees to tenants
only if such fees are customary for
rental housing projects in the
neighborhood; and
(iii) May charge fees for services such
as bus transportation or meals, as long
as such services are voluntary.
17. In § 92.221, add paragraph (d) to
read as follows:
§ 92.221
Match credit.
(d) Match credit for affordable
homeownership housing. Contributions
to homeownership housing may be
credited as a match only to the extent
that the sales price of the housing is
reduced by the amount of the
18. In § 92.222, revise paragraph (b) to
read as follows:
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§ 92.222 Reduction of matching
contribution requirement.
(b) Reduction of match for
participating jurisdictions in disaster
areas. If a participating jurisdiction is
located in an area in which a
declaration of major disaster is made
pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121–5206),
the participating jurisdiction may
request a reduction of its matching
(1) In determining whether to grant
the request and the amount and
duration of the reduction, if any, HUD
must consider the fiscal impact of the
disaster on the participating
(i) For a local participating
jurisdiction, the HUD Field office may
reduce the matching requirement
specified in § 92.218 by up to 100
percent for the fiscal year in which the
declaration of major disaster is made
and the following fiscal year.
(ii) For a State participating
jurisdiction, the HUD Field office may
reduce the matching requirement
specified in § 92.218, by up to 100
percent for the fiscal year in which the
declaration of major disaster is made
and the following fiscal year with
respect to any HOME funds expended in
an area to which the declaration of a
major disaster applies.
(2) At its discretion and upon request
of the participating jurisdiction, the
HUD Field Office may extend the
reduction for an additional year.
19. Revise § 92.250 to read as follows:
§ 92.250 Maximum per-unit subsidy
amount, underwriting, and subsidy layering.
(a) Maximum per-unit subsidy
amount. The total amount of HOME
funds and ADDI funds that a
participating jurisdiction may invest on
a per-unit basis in affordable housing
may not exceed the per-unit dollar
limitations established under section
221(d)(3)(ii) of the National Housing Act
(12 U.S.C.17151(d)(3)(ii)) for elevatortype projects that apply to the area in
which the housing is located. HUD will
allow the per-unit subsidy amount to be
increased on a programwide basis to an
amount, up to 240 percent of the
original per unit limits, to the extent
that the costs of multifamily housing
construction exceed the section
221(d)(3)(ii) limit.
(b) Underwriting and subsidy
layering. Before committing funds to a
project, the participating jurisdiction
must evaluate the project in accordance
with guidelines that it has adopted for
determining a reasonable level of profit
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
or return on owner’s or developer’s
investment in a project and must not
invest any more HOME funds, alone or
in combination with other governmental
assistance, than is necessary to provide
quality affordable housing that is
financially viable for a reasonable
period (at minimum, the period of
affordability in § 92.252 or § 92.254) and
that will not provide a profit or return
on the owner’s or developer’s
investment that exceeds the
participating jurisdiction’s established
standards for the size, type, and
complexity of the project. The
participating jurisdiction’s guidelines
must require the participating
jurisdiction to undertake:
(1) An examination of the sources and
uses of funds for the project and a
determination that the costs are
reasonable; and
(2) An assessment, at minimum, of the
market conditions of the neighborhood
in which the project will be located, the
experience of the developer, the
financial capacity of the developer, and
firm financial commitments for the
20. Revise § 92.251 to read as follows:
§ 92.251
Property standards.
(a) New construction projects. (1)
State and local codes, ordinances, and
zoning requirements. Housing that is
newly constructed with HOME funds
must meet all applicable State and local
codes, ordinances, and zoning
requirements. HOME-assisted new
construction projects must meet State or
local residential and building codes, as
applicable or, in the absence of a State
or local building code, the International
Residential Code or International
Building Code (as applicable to the type
of housing) of the International Code
Council. The housing must meet the
applicable requirements upon project
(2) HUD requirements. All new
construction projects must also meet the
requirements described in paragraphs
(a)(2)(i) through (vii) of this section:
(i) Lead-based paint. The housing
must meet the lead-based paint
requirements at 24 CFR part 35.
(ii) Accessibility. The housing must
meet the accessibility requirements of
part 8 of this title, which implements
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 (29 U.S.C. 794). Covered
multifamily dwellings, as defined at 24
CFR 100.201, must also meet the design
and construction requirements at 24
CFR 100.205, which implements the
Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601–3619).
(iii) [Reserved.]
(iv) Disaster mitigation. Where
relevant, the housing must be
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constructed to mitigate the impact of
potential disasters (e.g., earthquakes,
hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires), in
accordance with State and local codes,
ordinances, or other State and local
requirements, or such other
requirements as HUD may establish.
(v) Written standards for methods and
materials, plans, specifications, work
write-ups, and cost estimates. The
participating jurisdiction must establish
written standards for methods and
materials to be used for new
construction. The participating
jurisdiction must ensure that plans and
specifications for new construction that
describe the work to be undertaken are
in compliance with State and local
codes, ordinances, requirements, and
the participating jurisdiction’s standards
for methods and materials. The
participating jurisdiction must review
and approve a written cost estimate for
construction after a determination that
costs are reasonable.
(vi) Construction progress inspections.
The participating jurisdiction must
conduct progress and final inspections
of construction to ensure that work is
done in accordance with approved
standards for methods and materials,
plans, specifications, and work writeups. The participating jurisdiction must
establish written procedures for initial,
progress, and final inspections of
construction, including the following:
Detailed inspection checklists,
description of how and by whom
inspections will be carried out,
procedures for training and certifying
qualified inspectors, and frequency of
(vii) Payment schedule. The
participating jurisdiction must have
procedures to ensure that progress
payments are consistent with the
amount of work performed and that
final payment does not occur until
project completion.
(b) Rehabilitation projects. All
rehabilitation that is performed using
HOME funds must meet the
requirements of this paragraph (b).
(1) State and local codes, ordinances,
and zoning requirements. Housing that
is rehabilitated with HOME funds must
meet all applicable State and local
codes, ordinances, and requirements.
The housing must meet the applicable
requirements upon project completion.
(2) Rehabilitation standards. The
participating jurisdiction must establish
rehabilitation standards for all HOMEassisted housing rehabilitation
activities. The housing must meet the
participating jurisdiction’s
rehabilitation standards upon project
completion. The participating
jurisdiction’s description of its
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standards must be in sufficient detail to
establish the basis for a uniform
inspection of the property. At a
minimum, the standards of the
participating jurisdictions must be such
that, upon completion, the HUDassisted project and units will have no
observed deficiencies, using the most
recent physical inspection procedures
prescribed by HUD pursuant to 24 CFR
5.705 for public housing under the
Uniform Physical Condition Standards.
For multifamily housing projects of 26
or more total units, the participating
jurisdiction must determine all work
that will be performed in the
rehabilitation of the housing and the
long-term physical needs of the project
through a capital needs assessment of
the project. The rehabilitation standards
must address each of the following:
(i) Written standards for methods and
materials. The participating jurisdiction
must establish written standards for
methods and materials to be used for
rehabilitation work, whether or not
there are applicable State or local
rehabilitation codes.
(ii) Health and safety. The housing
must be free of all health and safety
defects. The participating jurisdiction’s
standards must identify life-threatening
deficiencies that must be addressed
(iii) Major systems. For rental
housing, upon project completion, each
of the following major systems must
have a remaining useful life for a
minimum of 15 years or for such longer
period specified by the participating
jurisdiction, or the major systems must
be rehabilitated or replaced as part of
the rehabilitation work: structural
support; roofing; cladding and
weatherproofing (e.g., windows, doors,
siding, gutters); plumbing; electrical;
and heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning. For multifamily housing
projects of 26 units or more, the
participating jurisdiction must
determine the useful life of major
systems through a capital needs
assessment of the project. For owneroccupied housing, upon project
completion, each of the following major
systems must have a remaining useful
life for a minimum of 5 years or for such
longer period specified by the
participating jurisdiction, or the major
systems must be rehabilitated or
replaced as part of the rehabilitation
work: Structural support; roofing;
cladding and weatherproofing (e.g.,
windows, doors, siding, gutters);
plumbing; electrical; and heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning.
(iv) Lead-based paint. The housing
must meet the lead-based paint
requirements at 24 CFR part 35.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(v) Accessibility. The housing must
meet the accessibility requirements in
24 CFR part 8, which implements
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 (29 U.S.C. 794). Covered
multifamily dwellings, as defined at 24
CFR 100.201, must also meet the design
and construction requirements at 24
CFR 100.205, which implements the
Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601–3619).
Rehabilitation may include
improvements that are not required by
regulation or statute that permit use by
a person with disabilities.
(vi) [Reserved]
(vii) Disaster mitigation. Where
relevant, the housing must be improved
to mitigate the impact of potential
disasters (e.g., earthquake, hurricanes,
flooding, wildfires) in accordance with
State and local codes, ordinances, and
(viii) Other improvements.
Discretionary housing improvements
beyond those described in paragraphs
(b)(2)(i) through (vii) of this section may
include modest amenities and aesthetic
features that are in keeping with
housing of similar type in the
community and must avoid luxury
improvements, as defined by the
participating jurisdiction.
(3) Work write-ups and cost estimates.
The participating jurisdiction must
ensure that a work write-up that
describes the work to be undertaken is
in compliance with State and local
codes, ordinances, requirements, and
the participating jurisdiction’s standards
for methods and materials. The
participating jurisdiction must review
and approve a written cost estimate for
construction after a determination that
costs are reasonable.
(4) Construction progress inspections.
The participating jurisdiction must
establish written inspection procedures
for initial, progress, and final
inspections during construction (see
§ 92.504(d) for the participating
jurisdiction’s ongoing responsibilities
for on-site inspections during the
affordability period), including detailed
inspection checklists, description of
how and by whom inspections will be
carried out, and procedures for training
and certifying qualified inspectors.
(5) Frequency of inspections. The
participating jurisdiction must conduct
an initial property inspection to identify
the deficiencies that must be addressed.
The participating jurisdiction must
conduct progress and final inspections
to ensure that work is done in
accordance with approved standards for
methods and materials, and with work
write-ups. In accordance with
§ 92.504(d), the participating
jurisdiction must comply with ongoing
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responsibilities for on-site inspections
during the affordability period.
(6) Payment schedule. The
participating jurisdiction must have
procedures to ensure that progress
payments are consistent with the
amount of work performed and that
final payment does not occur until all of
the required work is completed.
(c) Acquisition of standard housing.
(1) Existing housing that is acquired
with HOME assistance for rental
housing, and that was newly
constructed or rehabilitated less than 12
months before the date of commitment
of HOME funds, must meet the property
standards of paragraph (a) or paragraph
(b) of this section, as applicable, of this
section for new construction and
rehabilitation projects. The participating
jurisdiction must document this
compliance based upon a review of
approved building plans and
Certificates of Occupancy, and an
inspection that is conducted no earlier
than 30 days before the commitment of
HOME assistance.
(2) All other existing housing that is
acquired with HOME assistance for
rental housing must meet the
rehabilitation property standards
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section. The participating jurisdiction
must document this compliance based
upon an inspection that is conducted no
earlier than 30 days before the
commitment of HOME assistance, in
accordance with the inspection
procedures that the participating
jurisdiction established pursuant to this
section. If the property does not meet
these standards, the property must be
rehabilitated to meet the standards of
paragraph (b) of this section.
(3) For acquisition projects that are
homebuyer projects, before the transfer
of the housing to the homebuyer, the
participating jurisdiction must inspect
the housing and notify the prospective
homebuyer of the work needed to cure
any defects, and the time by which
defects must be cured and applicable
property standards met. The housing
must be free from all health and safety
defects before occupancy and must meet
the property standards of this section
not later than 6 months after the date of
transfer of ownership. The participating
jurisdiction must inspect the housing to
verify that the defects were corrected
and the standards are met.
(d) All housing occupied by tenants
receiving HOME tenant-based rental
assistance must meet the standards in
24 CFR 982.401, or the successor
requirements as established by HUD.
(e) Manufactured housing.
Construction of all manufactured
housing must meet the Manufactured
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Home Construction and Safety
Standards codified at 24 CFR part 3280.
These standards preempt State and local
codes covering the same aspects of
performance for such housing.
Participating jurisdictions providing
HOME assistance to install
manufactured housing units must
comply with applicable State and local
laws or codes. In the absence of such
laws or codes, the installation must
comply with the manufacturer’s written
instructions for installation of
manufactured housing units.
Manufactured housing must be on a
permanent foundation. Manufactured
housing that is rehabilitated using
HOME funds must meet the property
standards requirements in paragraph (b)
of this section, as applicable. The
participating jurisdiction must
document this compliance in
accordance with the inspection
procedures that the participating
jurisdiction has established pursuant to
§ 92.251, as applicable.
(f) Ongoing property condition
standards: Rental housing. (1) Ongoing
property standards. The participating
jurisdiction must establish property
standards for rental housing (including
manufactured housing) that apply
throughout the affordability period. The
standards must ensure that owners
maintain the housing as decent, safe,
and sanitary housing in good repair. The
participating jurisdiction’s description
of its property standards must be in
sufficient detail to establish the basis for
a uniform inspection of HOME rental
projects. The participating jurisdiction’s
ongoing property standards must
address each of the following:
(i) Compliance with State and local
codes, ordinances, and requirements.
The housing must meet all applicable
State and local code requirements and
ordinances. At a minimum, the
participating jurisdiction’s ongoing
property standards must include all
inspectable items in the most recent
notice setting forth the physical
inspection procedures prescribed by
HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 5.705 for
public housing under the Uniform
Physical Condition Standards. The
participating jurisdiction’s property
standards are not required to use any
scoring, item weight, or level of
criticality in the notice.
(ii) Health and safety. The housing
must be free of all health and safety
defects. The standards must identify
life-threatening deficiencies that the
owner must immediately correct and the
time frames for addressing these
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(iii) Lead-based paint. The housing
must meet the lead-based paint
requirements in 24 CFR part 35.
(2) Inspection procedures. The
participating jurisdiction must have
written inspection procedures for
ongoing property inspections, in
accordance with § 92.504(d). These
procedures must include: Detailed
inspection checklists, description of
how frequently the property inspections
will be undertaken, description of how
and by whom inspections will be
carried out, and procedures for training
and certifying qualified inspectors.
(3) Corrective and remedial actions.
The participating jurisdiction must have
procedures for ensuring that timely
corrective and remedial actions are
taken by the project owner to address
identified deficiencies.
21. In § 92.252:
a. Revise the introductory text,
paragraph (a) introductory text,
paragraph (b) introductory text,
paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f)(2), paragraph
(g) heading, and paragraph (j); and
b. Add paragraphs (k) and (l).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 92.252 Qualification as affordable
housing: Rental housing.
The HOME-assisted units in a rental
housing project must be occupied only
by households that are eligible as lowincome families and must meet the
requirements of this section to qualify as
affordable housing. If multifamily
housing is not occupied by eligible
tenants within the time period to be
specified by HUD following the date of
project completion, HUD will require
the participating jurisdiction to submit
marketing information and, if
appropriate, submit a marketing plan.
HUD will require repayment of HOME
funds invested in any housing unit that
has not been rented to eligible tenants
18 months after the date of project
completion. The affordability
requirements also apply to the HOMEassisted nonowner-occupied units in
single-family housing purchased with
HOME funds in accordance with
§ 92.254. The tenant must have a written
lease that complies with § 92.253.
(a) Rent limitation. HUD provides the
following maximum HOME rent limits.
The rent limits apply to the rent plus
the utilities or the utility allowance. The
maximum HOME rents (High HOME
Rents) are the lesser of:
(b) Additional rent limitations (Low
HOME Rents). The participating
jurisdiction may designate (in its
written agreement with the project
owner) more than the minimum HOME
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units in a rental housing project,
regardless of project size, to have Low
HOME Rents that meet the requirements
of this paragraph (b). In rental projects
with five or more HOME-assisted rental
units, at least 20 percent of the HOMEassisted units must be occupied by very
low-income families and meet one of
the following rent requirements:
(c) Additional rent limitations for SRO
projects. (1) For SRO units that have
both sanitary and food preparation
facilities, the fair market rent is based
on the zero-bedroom fair market rent.
The project must meet the requirements
of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(2) For SRO units that have no
sanitary or food preparation facilities or
only one of the two, the fair market rent
is based on 75 percent of the zerobedroom fair market rent. The project is
not required to have low HOME rents in
accordance with paragraph (b)(1) or (2)
of this section, but must meet the
occupancy requirements of paragraph
(b) of this section.
(d) Initial rent schedule and utility
allowances. (1) The participating
jurisdiction must establish maximum
monthly allowances for utilities and
services (excluding telephone) and
update the allowances annually. The
participating jurisdiction must use the
HUD Utility Schedule Model or
otherwise determine the utility
allowance for the project based on the
type of utilities used at the project.
(2) The participating jurisdiction must
review and approve rents proposed by
the owner for units, subject to the
maximum rent limitations in paragraphs
(a) or (b) of this section. For all units
subject to the maximum rent limitations
in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section
for which the tenant is paying utilities
and services, the participating
jurisdiction must ensure that the rents
do not exceed the maximum rent minus
the monthly allowances for utilities and
(e) Periods of affordability. The
HOME-assisted units must meet the
affordability requirements for not less
than the applicable period specified in
the following table, beginning after
project completion.
(1) The affordability requirements:
(i) Apply without regard to the term
of any loan or mortgage, repayment of
the HOME investment, or the transfer of
(ii) Must be imposed by deed
restrictions, use restrictions, covenants
running with the land, or other
mechanisms approved by HUD and
under which the participating
jurisdiction may require specific
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performance, except that the
participating jurisdiction may provide
that the affordability restrictions may
terminate upon foreclosure or transfer in
lieu of foreclosure; and
(iii) Must be recorded in accordance
with State recordation laws.
(2) The participating jurisdiction may
use purchase options, rights of first
refusal or other preemptive rights to
purchase the housing before foreclosure
or deed in lieu of foreclosure in order
to preserve affordability.
(3) The affordability restrictions shall
be revived according to the original
terms if, during the original affordability
period, the owner of record before the
foreclosure, or deed in lieu of
foreclosure, or any entity that includes
the former owner or those with whom
the former owner has or had family or
business ties, obtains an ownership
interest in the project or property.
(4) The termination of the restrictions
on the project does not terminate the
participating jurisdiction’s repayment
obligation under § 92.503(b).
Rental housing activity
Rehabilitation or acquisition
of existing housing per unit
amount of HOME funds:
Under $15,000 ..................
$15,000 to $40,000 ..............
Over $40,000 or rehabilitation involving refinancing ..
New construction or acquisition of newly constructed
housing ..............................
period of
in years
(f) * * *
(2) The participating jurisdiction must
provide project owners with
information on updated HOME rent
limits so that rents may be adjusted (not
to exceed the maximum HOME rent
limits in paragraph (f)(1) of this section)
in accordance with the written
agreement between the participating
jurisdiction and the owner. Owners
must annually provide the participating
jurisdiction with information on rents
and occupancy of HOME-assisted units
to demonstrate compliance with this
section. The participating jurisdiction
must review rents for compliance and
approve or disapprove them every year.
(g) Adjustment of HOME rent limits
for an existing project.
(j) Fixed and floating HOME units. In
a project containing HOME-assisted and
other units, the participating
jurisdiction may designate fixed or
floating HOME units. This designation
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
must be made at the time of project
commitment in the written agreement
between the participating jurisdiction
and the owner, and the HOME units
must be identified not later than the
time of project completion. Fixed units
remain the same throughout the period
of affordability. Floating units are
changed to maintain conformity with
the requirements of this section during
the period of affordability so that the
total number of housing units meeting
the requirements of this section remains
the same, and each substituted unit is
comparable in terms of size, features,
and number of bedrooms to the
originally designated HOME-assisted
(k) Tenant selection. The tenants must
be selected in accordance with
§ 92.253(d).
(l) Ongoing responsibilities. The
participating jurisdiction’s
responsibilities for on-site inspections
and financial oversight of rental projects
are set forth in § 92.504(d).
22. In § 92.253, revise the section
heading and paragraphs (a), (c), and (d),
and add paragraph (b)(9), to read as
§ 92.253
Tenant protections and selection.
(a) Lease. There must be a written
lease between the tenant and the owner
of rental housing assisted with HOME
funds that is for a period of not less than
one year, unless by mutual agreement
between the tenant and the owner a
shorter period is specified.
(b) * * *
(9) Mandatory supportive services.
Agreement by the tenant (other than a
tenant in transitional housing) to accept
supportive services that are offered.
(c) Termination of tenancy. An owner
may not terminate the tenancy or refuse
to renew the lease of a tenant of rental
housing assisted with HOME funds,
except for serious or repeated violation
of the terms and conditions of the lease;
for violation of applicable Federal,
State, or local law; for completion of the
tenancy period for transitional housing
or failure to follow a transitional
housing services plan; or for other good
cause. Good cause does not include an
increase in the tenant’s income. To
terminate or refuse to renew tenancy,
the owner must serve written notice
upon the tenant specifying the grounds
for the action at least 30 days before the
termination of tenancy.
(d) Tenant selection. An owner of
rental housing assisted with HOME
funds must comply with the affirmative
marketing requirements established by
the participating jurisdiction pursuant
to § 92.351(a). The owner must adopt
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and follow written tenant selection
policies and criteria that:
(1) Limit the housing to very lowincome and low-income families;
(2) Are reasonably related to the
applicants’ ability to perform the
obligations of the lease (i.e., to pay the
rent, not to damage the housing; not to
interfere with the rights and quiet
enjoyment of other tenants);
(3) Limit eligibility or give a
preference to a particular segment of the
population if permitted in its written
agreement with the participating
jurisdiction (and only if the limitation
or preference is described in the
participating jurisdiction’s consolidated
(i) Any limitation or preference must
not violate nondiscrimination
requirements in § 92.350 of this part. A
limitation or preference does not violate
nondiscrimination requirements if the
housing also receives funding from a
Federal program that limits eligibility to
a particular segment of the population
(e.g., the Housing Opportunity for
Persons with AIDS program under 24
CFR part 574, the Shelter Plus Care
program under 24 CFR part 582, the
Supportive Housing program under 24
CFR part 583, supportive housing for
the elderly or persons with disabilities
under 24 CFR part 891), and the limit
or preference is tailored to serve that
segment of the population.
(ii) A project may have a limitation or
preference for persons with disabilities
who need services offered at a project
only if:
(A) The limitation or preference is
limited to the population of families
(including individuals) with disabilities
that significantly interfere with their
ability to obtain and maintain housing;
(B) Such families will not be able to
obtain or maintain themselves in
housing without appropriate supportive
services; and
(C) Such services cannot be provided
in a nonsegregated setting. The families
must not be required to accept the
services offered at the project. In
advertising the project, the owner may
advertise the project as offering services
for a particular type of disability;
however, the project must be open to all
otherwise eligible persons with
disabilities who may benefit from the
services provided in the project.
(4) Do not exclude an applicant with
a certificate or voucher under the
Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance:
Housing Choice Voucher Program (24
CFR part 982) or an applicant
participating in a HOME tenant-based
rental assistance program because of the
status of the prospective tenant as a
holder of such certificate, voucher, or
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comparable HOME tenant-based
assistance document.
(5) Provide for the selection of tenants
from a written waiting list in the
chronological order of their application,
insofar as is practicable; and
(6) Give prompt written notification to
any rejected applicant of the grounds for
any rejection.
23. In § 92.254, revise paragraph
(a)(2)(iii), (a)(3), (a)(5) introductory text,
(a)(5)(i) introductory text, (a)(5)(ii)
introductory text, (b)(2), and (c), and
add paragraphs (e) and (f) to read as
§ 92.254 Qualification as affordable
housing: Homeownership.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) If a participating jurisdiction
intends to use HOME funds for
homebuyer assistance or for the
rehabilitation of owner-occupied singlefamily properties, the participating
jurisdiction must use the HOME
affordable homeownership limits
provided by HUD ((i.e., 95 percent of the
median purchase price for the area,
except that the affordable
homeownership limit for newly
constructed HOME-assisted housing
need not be lower than the 95th
percentile of the U.S. median purchase
price for new construction for
nonmetropolitan areas, as provided by
HUD) or it may determine 95 percent of
the median area purchase price for
single family housing in the jurisdiction
annually, as follows. The participating
jurisdiction must set forth the price for
different types of single family housing
for the jurisdiction. The participating
jurisdiction may determine separate
limits for existing housing and newly
constructed housing. For housing
located outside of metropolitan areas, a
State may aggregate sales data from
more than one county, if the counties
are contiguous and similarly situated.
The following information must be
included in the annual action plan of
the Consolidated Plan submitted to
HUD for review and updated in each
action plan.
(A) The 95 percent of median area
purchase price must be established in
accordance with a market analysis that
ensured that a sufficient number of
recent housing sales are included in the
(B) Sales must cover the requisite
number of months based on volume: For
500 or more sales per month, a onemonth reporting period; for 250 through
499 sales per month, a 2-month
reporting period; for less than 250 sales
per month, at least a 3-month reporting
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
period. The data must be listed in
ascending order of sales price.
(C) The address of the listed
properties must include the location
within the participating jurisdiction.
Lot, square, and subdivision data may
be substituted for the street address.
(D) The housing sales data must
reflect all, or nearly all, of the onefamily house sales in the entire
participating jurisdiction.
(E) To determine the median, take the
middle sale on the list if an odd number
of sales, and if an even number, take the
higher of the middle numbers and
consider it the median. After identifying
the median sales price, the amount
should be multiplied by 0.95 to
determine the 95 percent of the median
area purchase price.
(3) The housing must be acquired by
a homebuyer whose family qualifies as
a low-income family, and the housing
must be the principal residence of the
family throughout the period described
in paragraph (a)(4) of this section. If the
housing is not acquired by an eligible
homebuyer within 6 months of the date
of project completion, the housing must
be rented to an eligible tenant in
accordance with § 92.252. In
determining the income eligibility of the
family, the participating jurisdiction
must include the income of all persons
living in the housing. The homebuyer
must receive housing counseling.
(5) Resale and recapture. To ensure
affordability, the participating
jurisdiction must impose either resale or
recapture requirements, at its option.
The participating jurisdiction must
establish the resale or recapture
requirements that comply with the
standards of this section and set forth
the requirements in its consolidated
plan. HUD must determine that they are
appropriate and must specifically
approve them in writing.
(i) Resale. Resale requirements must
ensure, if the housing does not continue
to be the principal residence of the
family for the duration of the period of
affordability, that the housing is made
available for subsequent purchase only
to a buyer whose family qualifies as a
low-income family and will use the
property as the family’s principal
residence. The resale requirement must
also ensure that the price at resale
provides the original HOME-assisted
owner a fair return on investment
(including the homeowner’s investment
and any capital improvement) and
ensure that the housing will remain
affordable to a reasonable range of lowincome homebuyers. The participating
jurisdiction must specifically define
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‘‘fair return on investment’’ and
‘‘affordability to a reasonable range of
low-income homebuyers,’’ and
specifically address how it will make
the housing affordable to a low-income
homebuyer in the event that the resale
price necessary to provide fair return is
not affordable to the subsequent buyer.
The period of affordability is based on
the total amount of HOME funds
invested in the housing.
(ii) Recapture. Recapture provisions
must ensure that the participating
jurisdiction recoups all or a portion of
the HOME assistance to the
homebuyers, if the housing does not
continue to be the principal residence of
the family for the duration of the period
of affordability. The participating
jurisdiction may structure its recapture
provisions based on its program design
and market conditions. The period of
affordability is based upon the total
amount of HOME funds subject to
recapture described in paragraph
(a)(5)(ii)(A)(5) of this section. Recapture
provisions may permit the subsequent
homebuyer to assume the HOME
assistance (subject to the HOME
requirements for the remainder of the
period of affordability) if the subsequent
homebuyer is low-income.
(b) * * *
(2) The housing is the principal
residence of an owner whose family
qualifies as a low-income family at the
time HOME funds are committed to the
housing. In determining the income
eligibility of the family, the
participating jurisdiction must include
the income of all persons living in the
(c) Ownership interest. The ownership
in the housing assisted under this
section must meet the definition of
‘‘homeownership’’ in § 92.2, except that
housing that is rehabilitated pursuant to
paragraph (b) of this section may also
include inherited property with
multiple owners, life estates, and living
trusts under the following conditions.
The participating jurisdiction has the
right to establish the terms of assistance.
(1) Inherited property. Inherited
property with multiple owners: Housing
for which title has been passed to
several individuals by inheritance, but
not all heirs reside in the housing,
sharing ownership with other
nonresident heirs. (The occupant of the
housing has a divided ownership
interest.) The participating jurisdiction
may assist the owner-occupant if the
occupant is low-income, occupies the
housing as his or her principal
residence, and pays all the costs
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associated with ownership and
maintenance of the housing (e.g.,
mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities).
(2) Life estate. The person who has the
life estate has the right to live in the
housing for the remainder of his or her
life and does not pay rent. The
participating jurisdiction may assist the
person holding the life estate if the
person is low-income and occupies the
housing as his or her principal
(3) Inter vivos trust, also known as a
living trust. A living trust is created
when the owner of property conveys his
or her property to a trust for his or her
own benefit or for that of a third party
(the beneficiaries). The trust holds legal
title and the beneficiary holds equitable
title. The person may name him or
herself as the beneficiary. The trustee is
under a fiduciary responsibility to hold
and manage the trust assets for the
beneficiary. The participating
jurisdiction may assist if all
beneficiaries of the trust qualify as a
low-income family and occupy the
property as their principal residence
(except that contingent beneficiaries,
who receive no benefit from the trust
nor have any control over the trust
assets until the beneficiary is deceased,
need not be low-income). The trust must
be valid and enforceable and ensure that
each beneficiary has the legal right to
occupy the property for the remainder
of his or her life.
(e) Providing homeownership
assistance through lenders. Subject to
the requirements of this paragraph (e),
the participating jurisdiction may
provide homeownership assistance
through for-profit or nonprofit lending
institutions that provide the first
mortgage loan to a low-income family.
(1) The homeownership assistance
may be provided only as specified in a
written agreement between the
participating jurisdiction and the
lender. The written agreement must
specify the forms and amounts of
homeownership assistance that the
participating jurisdiction authorizes the
lender to provide to families and any
conditions that apply to the provision of
such homeownership assistance.
(2) Prior to the lender providing any
homeownership assistance to a family,
the participating jurisdiction must
verify that the family is low-income and
must inspect the housing for
compliance with the property standards
in § 92.251.
(3) No fees (e.g., origination fees or
points) may be charged to a family for
the HOME homeownership assistance
provided pursuant to this paragraph (e),
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
and the participating jurisdiction must
determine that the fees and other
amounts charged to the family by the
lender for the first mortgage financing
are reasonable. Reasonable
administrative costs may be charged to
the HOME program as a project cost. If
the participating jurisdiction requires
lenders to pay a fee to participate in the
HOME program, the fee is program
income to the HOME program.
(f) Homebuyer program policies. The
participating jurisdiction must have and
follow written policies for:
(1) Underwriting standards for
homeownership assistance that evaluate
housing debt and overall debt of the
family, the appropriateness of the
amount of assistance, monthly expenses
of the family, assets available to acquire
the housing, and financial resources to
sustain homeownership;
(2) Anti-predatory lending, and
(3) Refinancing loans to which HOME
loans are subordinated to ensure that
the terms of the new loan are
24. Revise § 92.255 to read as follows:
§ 92.255 Converting rental units to
homeownership units for existing tenants.
(a) The participating jurisdiction may
permit the owner of HOME-assisted
rental units to convert the rental units
to homeownership units by selling,
donating, or otherwise conveying the
units to the existing tenants to enable
the tenants to become homeowners in
accordance with the requirements of
§ 92.254. However, refusal by the tenant
to purchase the housing does not
constitute grounds for eviction or for
failure to renew the lease.
(b) If no additional HOME funds are
used to enable the tenants to become
homeowners, the homeownership units
are subject to a minimum period of
affordability equal to the remaining
affordable period if the units continued
as rental units. If additional HOME
funds are used to directly assist the
tenants to become homeowners, the
minimum period of affordability is the
affordability period under § 92.254(a)(4),
based on the amount of direct
homeownership assistance provided.
25. In § 92.300, revise paragraphs (a),
(e), and (f) to read as follows:
§ 92.300 Set-aside for community housing
development organizations (CHDOs).
(a) Within 24 months after the date
that HUD notifies the participating
jurisdiction of HUD’s execution of the
HOME Investment Partnerships
Agreement, the participating
jurisdiction must reserve not less than
15 percent of the HOME allocation for
investment only in housing to be
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developed, sponsored, or owned by
community housing development
organizations. For a State, the HOME
allocation includes funds reallocated
under § 92.451(c)(2)(i) and, for a unit of
general local government, includes
funds transferred from a State under
§ 92.102(b). The participating
jurisdiction must certify the
organization as meeting the definition of
‘‘community housing development
organization’’ and must document that
the organization has capacity to own,
develop, or sponsor housing each time
it commits funds to the organization.
For purposes of this paragraph:
(1) Funds are reserved when a
participating jurisdiction enters into a
written agreement with the community
housing development organization (or
project owner as described in paragraph
(a)(4) of this section) committing the
funds to a specific local project in
accordance with paragraph (2) of the
definition of ‘‘commitment’’ in § 92.2.
(2) Housing is ‘‘owned’’ by the
community housing development
organization if the community housing
development organization is the owner
in fee simple absolute of multifamily or
single family housing that is or will be
rented to low-income families in
accordance with § 92.252.
(3) Housing is ‘‘developed’’ by the
community development housing
organization if the community housing
development organization is the owner
(in fee simple absolute) and developer
of new housing that is or will be
constructed or existing substandard
housing that is or will be acquired and
rehabilitated for sale to low-income
families in accordance with § 92.254.
(i) To be the ‘‘developer,’’ the
community development housing
organization must arrange financing of
the project and be in sole charge of
construction. The community housing
development organization may provide
direct homeownership assistance (e.g.,
downpayment assistance) when it sells
the housing to low-income families and
the community housing development
organization will not be considered a
subrecipient, provided that the HOME
funds for downpayment assistance are
not greater than 10 percent of the
amount of HOME funds for
development of the housing.
(ii) The participating jurisdiction
must determine and set forth in its
written agreement with the community
housing development organization the
actual sales prices of the housing or the
method by which the sales prices for the
housing will be established and whether
the proceeds must be returned to the
participating jurisdiction or may be
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retained by the community housing
development organization.
(A) While proceeds that the
participating jurisdiction permits the
community housing development
organization to retain are not subject to
the requirements of this part, the
participating jurisdiction must specify
in the written agreement with the
community housing development
organization whether the proceeds are
to be used for HOME-eligible activities
or other housing activities to benefit
low-income families.
(B) Funds that are recaptured because
the housing no longer meets the
affordability requirements under
§ 92.254(a)(5)(ii) are subject to the
requirements of this part in accordance
with § 92.503.
(4) Housing is ‘‘sponsored’’ by the
community development housing
organization if it is rental housing
owned (in fee simple absolute) by a
subsidiary of a community housing
development organization, a limited
partnership of which the community
housing development organization or its
subsidiary is the sole general partner, or
a limited liability company of which the
community housing development
organization or its subsidiary is the sole
managing member.
(i) The subsidiary of the community
housing development organization may
be a for-profit or nonprofit organization
and must be wholly owned by the
community housing development
organization. If the limited partnership
or limited liability company agreement
permits the community housing
development organization to be
removed as general partner or sole
managing member, the applicable
agreement must provide that the
removal must be for cause and that the
community housing development
organization must be replaced with
another community housing
development organization.
(ii) The HOME funds must be
provided to the entity that owns the
(5) HOME-assisted rental housing is
also ‘‘sponsored’’ by a community
housing development organization if the
community housing development
organization owns and develops the
rental housing project that it agrees to
convey to a private nonprofit
organization at a predetermined time
after completion of the development of
the project. Sponsored rental housing,
as provided in this paragraph (a)(5), is
subject to the following requirements:
(i) The private nonprofit organization
may not be created by a governmental
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(ii) The HOME funds must be
invested in the project that is owned by
the community housing development
(iii) Because the community housing
development organization owns and
develops the housing, the community
housing development organization must
own the property before the
development phase of the project.
(iv) Before commitment of HOME
funds, the community housing
development organization sponsor must
select the nonprofit organization that
will obtain ownership of the property.
(A) The nonprofit organization
assumes the community housing
development organization’s HOME
obligations (including any repayment of
loans) for the project at a specified time
after completion of development.
(B) If the housing is not transferred to
the nonprofit organization, the
community housing development
organization sponsor remains liable for
the HOME assistance and the HOME
(6) The participating jurisdiction
determines the form of assistance (e.g.,
grant or loan) that the community
housing development organization
(e) If funds for operating expenses are
provided under § 92.208 to a
community housing development
organization that is not also receiving
funds under paragraph (a) of this section
for housing to be developed, sponsored,
or owned by the community housing
development organization, the
participating jurisdiction’s written
agreement with the community housing
development organization must provide
that the community housing
development organization is expected to
receive funds under paragraph (a) of this
section for a project within 24 months
of the date of receiving the funds for
operating expenses, and specifies the
terms and conditions upon which this
expectation is based.
(f) The participating jurisdiction must
ensure that a community housing
development organization does not
receive HOME funding for any fiscal
year in an amount that provides more
than 50 percent or $50,000, whichever
is greater, of the community housing
development organization’s total
operating expenses in that fiscal year.
This also includes organizational
support and housing education
provided under section 233(b)(1), (2),
and (6) of the Act, as well as funds for
operating expenses provided under
§ 92.208.
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26. In § 92.351, revise paragraphs
(a)(1) and (a)(2)(ii) through (iv) to read
as follows:
§ 92.351 Affirmative marketing; minority
outreach program.
(a) Affirmative marketing. (1) Each
participating jurisdiction must adopt
and follow affirmative marketing
procedures and requirements for rental
and homebuyer projects containing five
or more HOME-assisted housing units.
Affirmative marketing requirements and
procedures also apply to all HOMEfunded programs, including, but not
limited to, tenant-based rental
assistance and downpayment assistance
programs. Affirmative marketing steps
consist of actions to provide information
and otherwise attract eligible persons in
the housing market area to the available
housing without regard to race, color,
national origin, sex, religion, familial
status, or disability
(2) * * *
(ii) Requirements and practices each
subrecipient and owner must adhere to
in order to carry out the participating
jurisdiction’s affirmative marketing
procedures and requirements (e.g., use
of commercial media, use of community
contacts, use of the Equal Housing
Opportunity logotype or slogan, and
display of fair housing poster);
(iii) Procedures to be used by
subrecipients and owners to inform and
solicit applications from persons in the
housing market area who are not likely
to apply for the housing program or the
housing without special outreach (e.g.,
through the use of community
organizations, places of worship,
employment centers, fair housing
groups, or housing counseling agencies);
(iv) Records that will be kept
describing actions taken by the
participating jurisdiction and by
subrecipients and owners to
affirmatively market the program and
units and records to assess the results of
these actions; and
27. In § 92.352, revise paragraph (a) to
read as follows:
§ 92.352
Environmental review.
(a) General. The environmental effects
of each activity carried out with HOME
funds must be assessed in accordance
with the provisions of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321) and the related
authorities listed in HUD’s
implementing regulations at 24 CFR
parts 50 and 58. The applicability of the
provisions of 24 CFR part 50 or part 58
is based on the HOME project (new
construction, rehabilitation, acquisition)
or activity (tenant-based rental
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assistance) as a whole, not on the type
of the cost paid with HOME funds.
28. In § 92.354, paragraphs (a)(1) and
(3) are revised to read as follows:
§ 92.354
(a) * * *
(1) Every contract for the construction
(rehabilitation or new construction) of
housing that includes 12 or more units
assisted with HOME funds must contain
a provision requiring the payment of not
less than the wages prevailing in the
locality, as predetermined by the
Secretary of Labor pursuant to the
Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141), to all
laborers and mechanics employed in the
development of any part of the housing.
Such contracts must also be subject to
the overtime provisions, as applicable,
of the Contract Work Hours and Safety
Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701).
(3) Participating jurisdictions,
contractors, subcontractors, and other
participants must comply with
regulations issued under these acts and
with other Federal laws and regulations
pertaining to labor standards, as
applicable. Participating jurisdictions
shall be responsible for ensuring
compliance by contractors and
subcontractors with labor standards
described in this section. In accordance
with procedures specified by HUD,
participating jurisdictions shall:
(i) Ensure that bid and contract
documents contain required labor
standards provisions and the
appropriate Department of Labor wage
(ii) Conduct on-site inspections and
employee interviews;
(iii) Collect and review certified
weekly payroll reports;
(iv) Correct all labor standards
violations promptly;
(v) Maintain documentation of
administrative and enforcement
activities; and
(vi) Require certification as to
compliance with the provisions of this
section before making any payment
under such contracts.
29. In § 92.356, paragraphs (b) and
(f)(1) are revised to read as follows:
§ 92.356
Conflict of interest.
(b) Conflicts prohibited. No persons
described in paragraph (c) of this
section who exercise or have exercised
any functions or responsibilities with
respect to activities assisted with HOME
funds or who are in a position to
participate in a decision-making process
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
or gain inside information with regard
to these activities may obtain a financial
interest or financial benefit from a
HOME-assisted activity, or have a
financial interest in any contract,
subcontract, or agreement with respect
to the HOME-assisted activity, or the
proceeds from such activity, either for
themselves or those with whom they
have business or immediate family ties,
during their tenure or for one year
(f) * * *
(1) No owner, developer, or sponsor of
a project assisted with HOME funds (or
officer, employee, agent, elected or
appointed official, or consultant of the
owner, developer, or sponsor or
immediate family member or immediate
family member of an officer, employee,
agent, elected or appointed official, or
consultant of the owner, developer, or
sponsor) whether private, for-profit or
nonprofit (including a community
housing development organization
(CHDO) when acting as an owner,
developer, or sponsor) may occupy a
HOME-assisted affordable housing unit
in a project. This provision does not
apply to an individual who receives
HOME funds to acquire or rehabilitate
his or her principal residence or to an
employee or agent of the owner or
developer of a rental housing project
who occupies a housing unit as the
project manager or maintenance worker.
30. In § 92.500, paragraphs (c)(1) and
(d)(1)(A) and (C) are revised to read as
§ 92.500
The HOME Investment Trust
(c) * * *
(1) The local account of the HOME
Investment Trust Fund includes
deposits of HOME funds disbursed from
the Treasury account; the deposit of any
State funds (other than HOME funds
transferred pursuant to § 92.102(b)(2)) or
local funds that enable the jurisdiction
to meet the participating threshold
amount in § 92.102, any program
income (from both the allocated funds
and matching contributions in
accordance with the definition of
program income), and any repayments
or recaptured funds as required by
§ 92.503. The local account must be
(d)(1) * * *
(A) Any funds in the United States
Treasury account that are required to be
reserved (i.e., 15 percent of the funds)
by a participating jurisdiction under
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§ 92.300 that are not committed to a
community housing development
organization project within 24 months
after the last day of the month in which
HUD notifies the participating
jurisdiction of HUD’s execution of the
HOME Investment Partnership
(C) Any funds in the United States
Treasury account that are not expended
within 5 years after the last day of the
month in which HUD notifies the
participating jurisdiction of HUD’s
execution of the HOME Investment
Partnership Agreement and any funds in
the United States Treasury account that
were committed to community housing
development organization projects that
are not expended within 5 years after
the last day of the month in which HUD
notifies the participating jurisdiction of
HUD’s execution of the HOME
Investment Partnership Agreement; and
31. In § 92.502, paragraphs (a), (b)(2),
and (e) are revised to read as follows:
§ 92.502 Program disbursement and
information system.
(a) General. The HOME Investment
Trust Fund account established in the
United States Treasury is managed
through a computerized disbursement
and information system established by
HUD. The system disburses HOME
funds that are allocated or reallocated,
and collects and reports information on
the use of HOME funds in the United
States Treasury account. (For purposes
of reporting in the Integrated
Disbursement and Information System,
a HOME project is an activity.) The
participating jurisdiction must report all
program income in HUD’s computerized
disbursement and information system.
(b) * * *
(2) If the project set-up information is
not completed within 20 days of the
project set-up, the project may be
cancelled by the system. In addition, a
project that has been committed in the
system for 12 months without an initial
disbursement of funds may be cancelled
by the system.
(e) Access by other participants.
Access to the disbursement and
information system by other entities
participating in the HOME program
(e.g., State recipients) will be governed
by procedures established by HUD.
Only participating jurisdictions and
State recipients (if permitted by the
State) may request disbursement.
32. In § 92.503, paragraph (b)(3) is
revised to read as follows:
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§ 92.503 Program income, repayments,
and recaptured funds.
(b) * * *
(3) HUD will instruct the participating
jurisdiction to either repay the funds to
the HOME Investment Trust Fund
Treasury account or the local account.
Generally, if the HOME funds were
disbursed from the participating
jurisdiction’s HOME Investment Trust
Fund Treasury account, they must be
repaid to the Treasury account. If the
HOME funds were disbursed from the
participating jurisdiction’s HOME
Investment Trust Fund local account,
they must be repaid to the local account.
If the jurisdiction is not a participating
jurisdiction at the time the repayment is
made, the funds must be remitted to
HUD, and reallocated in accordance
with § 92.454.
33. In § 92.504:
a. Paragraph (a) is revised;
b. Paragraphs (c)(1) introductory text,
(c)(1)(i), (ii), (vii), and (xi) are revised;
c. Paragraph (c)(1)(xiii) is added;
d. Paragraphs (c)(2) introductory text,
(c)(2)(i), (iv), (v), and (x) are revised;
e. Paragraph (c)(2)(xi) is added;
f. Paragraphs (c)(3) introductory text,
(c)(3)(i) through (iv), (c)(3)(v)(A), (vi),
(vii), and (x) are revised;
g. Paragraph (c)(3)(xi) is added;
h. Paragraph (c)(4) introductory text is
i. Paragraph (c)(6) is added and
j. Paragraph (d) is revised.
The revisions and additions read as
§ 92.504 Participating jurisdiction
responsibilities; written agreements; on-site
(a) Responsibilities. The participating
jurisdiction is responsible for managing
the day-to-day operations of its HOME
program, ensuring that HOME funds are
used in accordance with all program
requirements and written agreements,
and taking appropriate action when
performance problems arise. The use of
State recipients, subrecipients, or
contractors does not relieve the
participating jurisdiction of this
responsibility. The performance and
compliance of each contractor, State
recipient, and subrecipient must be
reviewed at least annually. The
participating jurisdiction must have and
follow written policies, procedures, and
systems, including a system for
assessing risk of activities and projects
and a system for monitoring entities
consistent with this section, to ensure
that the requirements of this part are
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(c) * * *
(1) State recipient. The provisions in
the written agreement between the State
and a State recipient will depend on the
program functions that the State
specifies the State recipient will carry
out in accordance with § 92.201(b). In
accordance with § 92.201, the written
agreement must either require the State
recipient to comply with the
requirements established by the State or
require the State recipient to establish
its own requirements to comply with
this part, including requirements for
income determinations and
underwriting subsidy layering
guidelines, rehabilitation standards,
refinancing guidelines, homebuyer
program policies, and affordability.
(i) Use of the HOME funds. The
agreement must describe the amount
and use of the HOME funds to
administer one or more programs to
produce affordable housing, provide
downpayment assistance, or provide
tenant-based rental assistance, including
the type and number of housing projects
to be funded (e.g. the number of singlefamily homeowner loans to be made or
number of homebuyers to receive
downpayment assistance), tasks to be
performed, a schedule for completing
the tasks (including a schedule for
committing funds to projects), a budget
for each program, and any requirement
for matching contributions. These items
must be in sufficient detail to provide a
sound basis for the State to effectively
monitor performance under the
(ii) Affordability. The agreement must
require housing assisted with HOME
funds to meet the affordability
requirements of § 92.252 or § 92.254, as
applicable, and must require repayment
of the funds if the housing does not
meet the affordability requirements for
the specified time period. The
agreement must state if repayment of
HOME funds or recaptured HOME
funds must be remitted to the State or
retained by the State recipient for
additional eligible activities.
(vii) Affirmative marketing. The
agreement must specify the State
recipient’s affirmative marketing
responsibilities in accordance with
§ 92.351.
(xi) Written agreement. Before the
State recipient provides funds to forprofit owners or developers, nonprofit
owners or developers, subrecipients,
homeowners, homebuyers, tenants (or
landlords) receiving tenant-based rental
assistance, or contractors who are
providing services to the State recipient,
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the State recipient must have a written
agreement with such entities that meets
the requirements of this section.
(xiii) Fees. The agreement must
prohibit the State recipient and
subrecipients from charging servicing,
origination, processing, inspection, or
other fees for the costs of administering
a HOME program.
(2) Subrecipient. A subrecipient is a
public agency or nonprofit organization
selected by the participating jurisdiction
to administer all or some of the
participating jurisdiction’s HOME
programs to produce affordable housing,
provide downpayment assistance, or
provide tenant-based rental assistance.
The agreement must set forth and
require the subrecipient to follow the
participating jurisdiction’s
requirements, including requirements
for income determinations,
underwriting and subsidy layering
guidelines, rehabilitation standards,
refinancing guidelines, homebuyer
program policies, and affordability
requirements. The agreement between
the participating jurisdiction and the
subrecipient must include:
(i) Use of the HOME funds. The
agreement must describe the amount
and use of the HOME funds for one or
more programs, including the type and
number of housing projects to be funded
(e.g., the number of single-family
homeowners loans to be made or the
number of homebuyers to receive
downpayment assistance), tasks to be
performed, a schedule for completing
the tasks (including a schedule for
committing funds to projects), a budget,
any requirement for matching
contributions and the period of the
agreement. These items must be in
sufficient detail to provide a sound basis
for the participating jurisdiction to
effectively monitor performance under
the agreement.
(iv) Other program requirements. The
agreement must require the subrecipient
to carry out each activity in compliance
with all Federal laws and regulations
described in subpart H of this part,
except that the subrecipient does not
assume the participating jurisdiction’s
responsibilities for environmental
review under § 92.352 and the
intergovernmental review process in
§ 92.357 does not apply. The agreement
must set forth the requirements the
subrecipient must follow to enable the
participating jurisdiction to carry
environmental review responsibilities
before HOME funds are committed to a
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(v) Affirmative marketing. The
agreement must specify the
subrecipient’s affirmative marketing
responsibilities in accordance with
§ 92.351.
(x) Written agreement. Before the
subrecipient provides HOME funds to
for-profit owners or developers,
nonprofit owners or developers or
sponsors, subrecipients, homeowners,
homebuyers, tenants (or landlords)
receiving tenant-based rental assistance,
or contractors, the subrecipient must
have a written agreement that meets the
requirements of this section. The
agreement must state if repayment of
HOME funds or recaptured HOME
funds must be remitted to the
participating jurisdiction or retained by
the subrecipient for additional eligible
(xi) Fees. The agreement must
prohibit the subrecipient from charging
servicing, origination, or other fees for
the costs of administering the HOME
(3) For-profit or nonprofit housing
owner, sponsor, or developer (other than
single-family owner-occupant). The
participating jurisdiction may
preliminarily award HOME funds for a
proposed project, contingent on
conditions such as obtaining other
financing for the project. This
preliminary award is not a commitment
to a project. The written agreement
committing the HOME funds to the
project must meet the requirements of
‘‘commit to a specific local project’’ in
the definition of ‘‘commitment’’ in
§ 92.2 and contain the following:
(i) Use of the HOME funds. The
agreement between the participating
jurisdiction and a for-profit or nonprofit
housing owner, sponsor, or developer
must describe the address of the project,
the use of the HOME funds and other
funds for the project, including the tasks
to be performed for the project, a
schedule for completing the tasks and
the project, and a complete budget.
These items must be in sufficient detail
to provide a sound basis for the
participating jurisdiction to effectively
monitor performance under the
agreement to achieve project completion
and compliance with the HOME
(ii) Affordability. The agreement must
require housing assisted with HOME
funds to meet the affordability
requirements of § 92.252 or § 92.254, as
applicable, and must require repayment
of the funds if the housing does not
meet the affordability requirements for
the specified time period. The
affordability requirements in § 92.252
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
must be imposed by deed restrictions,
covenants running with the land, use
restrictions, or other mechanisms
approved by HUD under which the
participating jurisdiction may require
specific performance.
(A) If the owner or developer is
undertaking rental projects, the
agreement must establish the initial
rents and the procedures for rent
increases the number of HOME units,
the size of the HOME units, and the
designation of the HOME units as fixed
or floating, and the requirement to
provide the address (e.g., street address
and apartment number) of each HOME
unit no later than the time of project
(B) If the owner or developer is
undertaking a homeownership project
for sale to homebuyers in accordance
with § 92.254(a), the agreement must set
forth the resale or recapture
requirements that must be imposed on
the housing, the sales price or the basis
upon which the sales price will be
determined, and the disposition of the
sales proceeds. Recaptured funds must
be returned to the participating
(iii) Project requirements. The
agreement must require compliance
with project requirements in subpart F
of this part, as applicable in accordance
with the type of project assisted. The
agreement may permit the owner to
limit eligibility or give a preference to
a particular segment of the population
in accordance with § 92.253(d).
(iv) Property standards. The
agreement must require the housing to
meet the property standards in § 92.251,
upon project completion. The agreement
must also require owners of rental
housing assisted with HOME funds to
maintain the housing compliance with
§ 92.251 for the duration of the
affordability period.
(v) * * *
(A) The agreement must specify the
owner or developer’s affirmative
marketing responsibilities as
enumerated by the participating
jurisdiction in accordance with
§ 92.351.
(vi) Records and reports. The
agreement must specify the particular
records that must be maintained and the
information or reports that must be
submitted in order to assist the
participating jurisdiction in meeting its
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements. The owner of rental
housing must annually provide the
participating jurisdiction with
information on rents and occupancy of
HOME-assisted units to demonstrate
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compliance with § 92.252. If the rental
housing project has floating HOME
units, the owner must provide the
participating jurisdiction with
information regarding unit substitution
and filling vacancies so that the project
remains in compliance with HOME
rental occupancy requirements. The
agreement must specify the reporting
requirements (including copies of
financial statements) to enable the
participating jurisdiction to determine
the financial condition (and continued
financial viability) of the rental project.
(vii) Enforcement of the agreement.
The agreement must provide for a
means of enforcement of the affordable
housing requirements by the
participating jurisdiction and the
intended beneficiaries. This means of
enforcement may include liens on real
property, deed restrictions, or covenants
running with the land. The affordability
requirements in § 92.252 must be
imposed by deed restrictions, covenants
running with the land, use restrictions,
or other mechanisms approved by HUD
under which the participating
jurisdiction may require specific
performance. In addition, the agreement
must specify remedies for breach of the
provisions of the agreement.
(x) Community housing development
organization provisions. If the nonprofit
owner or developer is a community
housing development organization and
is using set-aside funds under § 92.300,
the agreement must include the
appropriate provisions under §§ 92.300,
92.301, and 92.303. If the community
development organization is receiving
HOME funds as a developer of
homeownership housing, the agreement
must specify if the organization may
retain proceeds from the sale of the
housing and whether the proceeds are to
be used for HOME-eligible or other
housing activities to benefit low-income
families. Recaptured funds are subject to
the requirements of § 92.503. If the
community housing development
organization is receiving assistance for
operating expenses, see paragraph (c)(6)
of this section.
(xi) Fees. The agreement must
prohibit project owners from charging
origination fees, parking fees, laundry
room access fees, and other fees;
however, rental project owners may
charge reasonable application fees to
prospective tenants.
(4) Contractor. The participating
jurisdiction selects a contractor through
applicable procurement procedures and
requirements. The contractor provides
goods or services in accordance with a
written agreement (the contract). For
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contractors who are administering all or
some of the participating jurisdiction’s
HOME programs or specific services for
one or more programs, the contract must
include at a minimum the following
(6) Community housing development
organization receiving assistance for
operating expenses. The agreement
must describe the use of HOME funds
for operating expenses; e.g., salaries,
wages, and other employee
compensation and benefits; employee
education, training, and travel; rent;
utilities; communication costs; taxes;
insurance; equipment; and materials
and supplies. If the community housing
development organization is not also
receiving funds for a housing project to
be developed, sponsored, or owned by
the community housing development
organization, the agreement must
provide that the community housing
development organization is expected to
receive funds for a project within 24
months of the date of receiving the
funds for operating expenses, and must
specify the terms and conditions upon
which this expectation is based and the
consequences of failure to receive
funding for a project.
(d) On-site inspections and financial
oversight. (1) Inspections. The
participating jurisdiction must inspect
each project at project completion and
during the period of affordability to
determine that the project meets the
property standards of § 92.251.
(i) Completion inspections. At
completion of the project, the
participating jurisdiction must perform
an on-site inspection of HOME-assisted
housing to determine that all contracted
work has been completed and that the
project complies with the property
standards of § 92.251.
(ii) Ongoing periodic inspections of
HOME-assisted rental housing. During
the period of affordability, the
participating jurisdiction must perform
on-site inspections of HOME-assisted
rental housing to determine compliance
with the property standards of § 92.251
and to verify the information submitted
by the owners in accordance with the
requirements of § 92.252. The
inspections must be in accordance with
the inspection procedures that the
participating jurisdiction establishes to
meet the inspection requirements of
§ 92.251.
(A) The on-site inspections must
occur 12 months after project
completion and at least once every 3
years thereafter during the period of
(B) If there are observed deficiencies
for any of the inspectable items in the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
property standards established by the
participating jurisdiction, in accordance
with the inspection requirements of
§ 92.251, a follow-up on-site inspection
to verify that deficiencies are corrected
must occur within 12 months, or within
a reasonable time frames established by
the participating jurisdiction depending
on the severity of the deficiency. Health
and safety deficiencies must be
corrected immediately, in accordance
with § 92.251. The participating
jurisdiction must adopt a more frequent
inspection schedule for properties that
have been found to have health and
safety deficiencies.
(C) The property owner must annually
certify to the participating jurisdiction
that each building and all HOMEassisted units in the project is suitable
for occupancy, taking into account State
and local health, safety, and other
applicable codes, ordinances, and
requirements, and the ongoing property
standards established by the
participating jurisdiction to meet the
requirements of § 92.251.
(D) Inspections must be based on a
statistically valid sample of units. The
participating jurisdiction must select the
sample. For projects with one to four
HOME-assisted units, the inspectable
items (site, building exterior, building
systems, and common areas) for each
building with HOME-assisted units and
100 percent of the HOME-assisted units
must be inspected. For projects with
more than four HOME-assisted units,
the inspectable items (site, building
exterior, building systems, and common
areas) for each building with HOMEassisted units and at least 20 percent of
the HOME-assisted units in each
building, but not less than four HOMEassisted units in each project and one
HOME-assisted unit in each building,
must be inspected.
(iii) Annual inspections: Tenantbased rental assistance (TBRA). All
housing occupied by tenants receiving
HOME tenant-based rental assistance
must meet the standards in § 982.401 of
this title. The participating jurisdiction
must perform annual on-site inspections
of rental housing occupied by tenants
receiving HOME-assisted TBRA to
determine compliance with these
(2) Financial oversight. During the
period of affordability, the participating
jurisdiction must examine regularly (at
least annually) the financial condition
of HOME-assisted rental housing to
determine the continued financial
viability of the housing and must take
actions to correct problems, to the
extent feasible.
34. Revise § 92.505 to read as follows:
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§ 92.505 Applicability of uniform
administrative requirements.
(a) Governmental entities. The
requirements of 2 CFR part 225 (OMB
Circular No. A–87) and the following
requirements of 24 CFR part 85 apply to
the participating jurisdictions, State
recipients, and governmental
subrecipients receiving HOME funds:
§§ 85.6, 85.12, 85.20, 85.22, 85.26, 85.32
through 85.34, 85.36, 85.44, 85.51, and
(b) Nonprofit organizations. The
requirements of 2 CFR part 230 (OMB
Circular No. A–122) and the following
requirements of 24 CFR part 84 apply to
subrecipients receiving HOME funds
that are nonprofit organizations that are
not governmental subrecipients: §§ 84.2,
84.5, 84.13 through 84.16, 84.21, 84.22,
84.26 through 84.28, 84.30, 84.31, 84.34
through 84.37, 84.40 through 84.48,
84.51, 84.60 through 84.62, 84.72, and
34. In § 92.508:
a. Paragraphs (a)(2)(ii), (iii), and (viii)
are revised;
b. Paragraphs (a)(3)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(vi), and (xiii) are revised;
c. Paragraph (a)(3)(xiv) is added; and
d. Paragraphs (a)(4)(i) and (iii) and
(a)(6)(i) are revised.
The revisions and addition read as
§ 92.508
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) The forms of HOME assistance
used in the program, including any
forms of investment described in the
Consolidated Plan under 24 CFR part 91
that are not identified in § 92.205(b),
and which are specifically approved by
(iii) The underwriting and subsidy
layering guidelines adopted in
accordance with § 92.250 that support
the participating jurisdiction’s
Consolidated Plan certification.
(viii) If HOME funds are used for
acquisition of housing for
homeownership, the resale or recapture
guidelines established in accordance
with § 92.254(a)(5), as set forth in the
Consolidated Plan.
(3) * * *
(i) A full description of each project
assisted with HOME funds, including
the location (address of each unit), form
of HOME assistance, and the units or
tenants assisted with HOME funds.
(ii) The source and application of
funds for each project, including
supporting documentation in
accordance with 24 CFR 85.20; and
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records to document the eligibility and
permissibility of the project costs,
including the documentation of the
actual HOME-eligible development
costs of each HOME-assisted unit
(through allocation of costs, if
permissible under § 92.205(d)) where
HOME funds are used to assist less than
all of the units in a multi-unit project.
(iii) Records demonstrating that each
rental housing or homeownership
project meets the minimum per-unit
subsidy amount of § 92.205(c), the
maximum per-unit subsidy amount of
§ 92.250(a), and the subsidy layering
and underwriting evaluation adopted in
accordance with § 92.250(b).
(iv) Records (e.g., inspection reports)
demonstrating that each project meets
the property standards of § 92.251 at
project completion. In addition, during
the period of affordability, records for
rental projects demonstrating
compliance with the property standards
and financial reviews and actions
pursuant to § 92.504(d).
(vi) Records demonstrating that each
tenant-based rental assistance project
meets the written tenant selection
policies and criteria of § 92.209(c),
including any targeting requirements,
the rent reasonableness requirements of
§ 92.209(f), the maximum subsidy
provisions of § 92.209(h), HQS
inspection reports, and calculation of
the HOME subsidy.
(xiii) Records demonstrating that a
site and neighborhood standards review
was conducted for each project which
includes new construction of rental
housing assisted under this part to
determine that the site meets the
requirements of 24 CFR 983.57(e)(2) and
(e)(3), in accordance with § 92.202.
(xiv) Records (written agreements)
demonstrating compliance with the
written agreements requirements in
§ 92.504.
(4) * * *
(i) Written agreements committing
HOME funds to CHDO projects in
accordance with § 92.300(a).
(iii) The name and qualifications of
each CHDO and amount of HOME
CHDO set-aside funds committed.
(6) Program administration records.
(i) Written policies, procedures, and
systems, including a system for
assessing risk of activities and projects
and a system for monitoring entities
consistent with this section, to ensure
that the requirements of this part are
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 / Proposed Rules
36. In § 92.551, paragraph (c)(1)(vii) is
redesignated paragraph (c)(1)(viii) and
revised, new paragraphs (c)(1)(vii) and
(c)(1)(ix) are added, and paragraph (c)(2)
is revised to read as follows:
§ 92.551
Corrective and remedial actions.
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(vii) Establishing procedures to ensure
compliance with HOME requirements;
(viii) Making matching contributions
as draws are made from the
participating jurisdiction’s HOME
Investment Trust Fund United States
Treasury Account and establishing a
remedial plan to make up the matching
contributions deficit; and
(ix) If the participating jurisdiction is
a metropolitan city, forming a
consortium with the urban county if the
urban county is willing to carry out the
HOME program in the metropolitan city.
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(2) HUD may also change the method
of payment from an advance to
reimbursement basis and may require
supporting documentation to be
submitted for HUD review for each
payment request before payment is
made; determine the participating
jurisdiction to be high risk and impose
special conditions or restrictions on the
next year’s allocation in accordance
with 24 CFR 85.12; and take other
remedies that may be legally available.
37. In § 92.552, paragraph (b) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 92.552 Notice and opportunity for
hearing; sanctions.
(b) Proceedings. When HUD proposes
to take action pursuant to this section,
the respondent in the proceedings will
be the participating jurisdiction or, at
HUD’s option, the State recipient.
Proceedings will be conducted in
accordance with 24 CFR part 26.
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38. 38. In § 92.614:
a. Paragraphs (a)(3) through (6) are
redesignated as paragraphs (a)(5)
through (7), respectively;
b. New paragraph (a)(3) is added;
c. Paragraph (b)(1) is removed; and
d. Paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) are
redesignated paragraphs (b)(1) and (2),
The addition reads as follows:
§ 92.614
Other Federal requirements.
(a) * * *
(3) Affirmative marketing. The
affirmative marketing requirements
contained in § 92.351(a).
Dated: November 30, 2011.
Shaun Donovan,
[FR Doc. 2011–31778 Filed 12–15–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 242 (Friday, December 16, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 78344-78382]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-31778]
[[Page 78343]]
Vol. 76
No. 242
December 16, 2011
Part II
Department of Housing and Urban Development
24 CFR Parts 91 and 92
HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Improving Performance and
Accountability; and Updating Property Standards; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 76 , No. 242 / Friday, December 16, 2011 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 78344]]
24 CFR Parts 91 and 92
[Docket No. FR-5563-P-01]
RIN 2501-AC94
HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Improving Performance and
Accountability; and Updating Property Standards
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: HUD's HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME program or
HOME) provides formula grants to states and units of local government
to fund a wide range of activities directed to producing or maintaining
affordable housing, both homes and rental housing. This proposed rule
would amend the HOME regulations to address many of the operational
challenges facing participating jurisdictions, particularly challenges
related to recent housing market conditions and the alignment of
federal housing programs. The proposed rule would also clarify certain
existing regulatory requirements and establish new requirements
designed to enhance accountability by States and units of local
government in the use of HOME funds, strengthen performance standards
and require more timely housing production. The proposed rule would
also update property standards applicable to housing assisted by HOME
DATES: Comment Due Date: February 14, 2012
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding
this proposed rule to the Regulations Division, Office of General
Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410-0500. Communications must refer
to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for
submitting public comments. All submissions must refer to the above
docket number and title.
1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by
mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department
of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410-0500.
2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit
comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
https://www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to
submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments
allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment,
ensures timely receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately
available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the
https://www.regulations.gov Web site can be viewed by other commenters
and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the
instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically.
Note: To receive consideration as public comments, comments must
be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again,
all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the
No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (FAX) comments are not acceptable.
Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted
comments and communications submitted to HUD will be available for
public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the
above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters
building, an appointment to review the public comments must be
scheduled in advance by calling the Regulations Division at (202) 708-
3055 (this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with speech or
hearing impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Copies of all comments
submitted are available for inspection and downloading at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Virginia Sardone, Deputy Director,
Office of Affordable Housing Programs, Office of Community Planning and
Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th
Street SW., Room 7164, Washington, DC 20410; telephone number (202)
708-2684 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or
speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the
toll-free Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
I. Background--The HOME Program
The HOME program was authorized by Title II of the Cranston-
Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12721 et seq.),
known as NAHA, and has been in operation for 20 years. The HOME program
provides grants to states and local jurisdictions (collectively,
participating jurisdictions) used, often in partnership with local
nonprofit groups, to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy,
and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or to
fund direct rental assistance to low-income people. HOME program funds
are awarded annually as formula grants to participating jurisdictions.
HUD establishes a HOME Investment Trust Fund for each grantee,
providing a line of credit that the jurisdiction may draw upon as
needed. The participating jurisdictions are allowed to use their HOME
funds as grants, direct loans, loan guarantees, or other forms of
credit enhancement, or as rental assistance or security deposits.
The HOME program is the largest federal block grant to States and
local governments that is designed exclusively to create affordable
housing for low-income households. Each year, the program allocates
approximately $1 to $2 billion among the states and hundreds of
localities nationwide. The program was designed to reinforce several
important values and principles of community development. First, the
HOME program's flexibility empowers people and communities to design
and implement strategies tailored to their own needs and priorities.
Second, the HOME program's emphasis on consolidated planning expands
and strengthens partnerships among all levels of government and the
relationship with the private sector in the development of affordable
housing. Third, the HOME program's technical assistance activities and
set-aside for qualified community-based nonprofit housing groups helps
to build the capacity of these partners. Fourth, the HOME program's
requirement that participating jurisdictions match 25 cents of every
dollar in program funds helps to mobilize community resources in
support of affordable housing.
The regulations for the HOME program are codified in 24 CFR part 92
and were last substantively revised by final rule issued on September
16, 1996 (61 FR 48750). In the 15 years since the promulgation of the
1996 final rule, many HOME participating jurisdictions have adopted
more complex program designs. They have encountered new challenges in
administering their programs and in managing their growing portfolios
of older HOME projects. These challenges include reduced availability
of states or local funding sources, reduced private lending, changes in
housing property standards, and energy codes and reductions in states
and local government workforces throughout the Nation. These challenges
have been magnified by current housing and credit market conditions.
Since establishment of the HOME program, HUD has monitored
[[Page 78345]]
jurisdictions' use of HOME funds and measured participating
jurisdictions' performance. Through such monitoring and audits by HUD's
Office of Inspector General (OIG), HUD has identified and corrected
compliance problems and has gained a fuller understanding of regulatory
provisions that need to be strengthened or clarified to help avoid
noncompliance and maximize effectiveness.
HUD has invested significant time and resources in helping
participating jurisdictions correct financial and physical problems
that threaten the viability of some HOME-assisted rental projects in
their portfolios. HUD has determined that participating jurisdictions
need additional tools and flexibility to effectively address troubled
projects. Over the last several years, HUD has developed numerous
publicly available reports that measure the performance and
effectiveness of each participating jurisdiction. HUD's review of these
reports has identified performance and reporting problems among
participating jurisdictions that cannot be addressed effectively under
the current regulations.
Accordingly, through this rule, HUD proposes regulatory changes to
address many of the operational challenges facing participating
jurisdictions, improve understanding of HOME program requirements,
update property standards to which housing funded by HOME funds must
adhere, and strengthen participating jurisdictions' accountability for
both compliance with program requirements and performance.
II. This Proposed Rule
A. Changes to HUD's Consolidated Plan Regulations
Action Plan Amendments (Sec. Sec. 91.220, 91.320)
This proposed rule would make several changes to the action plan
sections of HUD's Consolidated Plan regulations in 24 CFR part 91, as
well as those in HUD's HOME program regulations in 24 CFR part 92.
Sections 91.220(l)(i) and (ii) of the Consolidated Plan regulations
and Sec. Sec. 92.205(b) and 92.254(a)(5) of the HOME program
regulations would be revised to clarify that HUD's approval (or failure
to disapprove) a consolidated plan does not automatically approve forms
of investment of HOME funds other than those described in Sec.
92.205(b), or of resale or recapture guidelines submitted by the
participating jurisdiction. Because the HOME regulations at Sec.
92.205(b)(1) require that HUD determine that other forms of investment
proposed by a participating jurisdiction be consistent with the
purposes of 24 CFR part 92, the other forms of investment must be
approved in writing by HUD separate from the consolidated plan approval
letter. The consistency of other forms of investment with HOME program
purposes is not indirectly established simply by HUD's approval of a
consolidated plan that proposes such other forms of investment.
This proposed rule also amends Sec. 91.220 to provide
participating jurisdictions with some flexibility in determining the
maximum purchase price for single family housing assisted with HOME
funds for homebuyer assistance or rehabilitation of owner-occupied
single family housing. Section 215(b) of NAHA requires that the value
of homeownership units assisted with HOME funds not exceed 95 percent
of the area median purchase price for single family housing, as
determined by HUD. HUD's current regulations at Sec. 92.254(a)(2)(iii)
permits participating jurisdictions to use the single family mortgage
limits of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) that are established
under section 203(b) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1709(b)) to
determine the area median purchase price. The proposed rule would
provide that a participating jurisdiction that opts not to use the HUD-
issued 95 percent of median purchase price for the purpose of
determining ``modest housing'' for homebuyer assistance or
rehabilitation of owner-occupied single family properties may instead
calculate a limit based upon recent sales within the jurisdiction. The
current regulations at 24 CFR 92.254(a)(2)(ii) require these
participating jurisdictions to submit the limit and supporting sales
price documentation to HUD. However, the regulations do not specify
that this information be submitted as part of the consolidated plan
annual action plan, making it possible for the participating
jurisdiction to submit new limits at any point in its program year. HUD
has concluded that it is most appropriate for this calculation to be
just prior to the start of, and for the resulting value limit to be
made applicable to, a participating jurisdiction's program year.
Consequently, HUD proposes to amend Sec. Sec. 91.220(l)(2)(iv) and
91.320(k)(2)(iv) to require such a participating jurisdiction to
include in its action plan its calculation of 95 percent of the median
area purchase, in accordance with the criteria and formula provided in
Sec. 92.254(a)(2)(iii).
The proposed rule would require participating jurisdictions to
include more information about the expenditure of HOME program funds in
their action plans. The inclusion of more information about the
participating jurisdiction's planned expenditure of HOME funds not only
assists HUD in its monitoring of the jurisdiction's expenditure of
taxpayers' funds, but allows the citizens of the jurisdiction to weigh
in with their views on the proposed expenditures as part of citizens'
participation in the development and review of the consolidated plan.
For example, the participating jurisdiction would be required under
Sec. Sec. 91.220(l)(2)(v) and 91.320(k)(2)(v) to describe the
applicants that are eligible to apply for the HOME program, as well as
the jurisdiction's process for soliciting and funding applications or
proposals. Sections 91.220(l)(2)(vi) and 91.320(k)(2)(vi) of the
proposed rule would also permit the participating jurisdiction to limit
the beneficiaries or give preferences in its programs to a particular
segment of the low-income population.
Participating jurisdictions have asked if they could limit rental
projects to artists or nurses, or if they could limit a homebuyer
program to persons in a specific occupation (e.g., artists, police
officers, or teachers). Under HUD's authority to determine appropriate
categories of persons to be targeted for housing assistance under the
HOME program, the proposed rule would expressly permit these
limitations. However, a participating jurisdiction would not be
permitted to limit participation in a HOME-funded program or occupancy
in a HOME-assisted project solely to its own employees of the
jurisdiction because doing so would create at least the appearance of a
conflict of interest and would require that the participating
jurisdiction seek an exception to the conflict-of-interest provisions
pursuant to 24 CFR 92.356(d) for every potential beneficiary. A rental
project could be limited to a particular subpopulation only if the
jurisdiction described the limitation or preference in its action plan,
and specifically authorized the project owner to limit tenant selection
in its written agreement with the owner, in accordance with the
proposed revisions at Sec. 92.253(d). A limitation or preference must
not violate such nondiscrimination laws as the Fair Housing Act (42
U.S.C. 3601-19), title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.
2000d--2000d-4) (Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs), the
Age Discrimination Act (42 U.S.C. 6101-6107), section 504 of the
[[Page 78346]]
Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), and the Americans with Disabilities Act
(42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), and the implementing regulations of these
B. Changes to the HOME Program Regulations
1. Definitions (Sec. 92.2)
For the convenience in use of the HOME program regulations, HUD
proposes to add cross-references for the definitions of ``public
housing,'' ``Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program,'' and
``Consolidated Plan'' in Sec. 92.2. These terms are used in the HOME
regulations, and HUD determined that it would be helpful to readers to
include cross-references to where these terms are defined in HUD
Commitment. HUD proposes to make several changes to the definition
of ``commitment'' in Sec. 92.2. This term is currently defined to
mean, generally, that a participating jurisdiction has executed a
legally binding agreement with a state recipient, a subrecipient, or a
contractor to use a specific amount of HOME funds for a specified use
or for a specified local project.
First, a revision is proposed to include an agreement with a state
recipient, a subrecipient, or a contractor to use a specific amount of
HOME funds to provide downpayment assistance. Participating
jurisdictions commonly fund such entities to produce affordable
housing, provide downpayment assistance, or administer a tenant-based
rental assistance program, but the regulation did not expressly include
them in the definition of ``commitment.''
Second, the definition of commitment is being revised to remove
references to reserving funds to community housing development
organizations (CHDOs), so that such reservations, which are not
project-specific, would no longer be considered a commitment under the
HOME regulation. This change is discussed further below with other
proposed changes affecting funding for CHDOs under subpart G of the
HOME program regulations.
HUD has encountered situations in which participating jurisdictions
have produced agreements without dated signatures as evidence of a
commitment before the 24-month deadline. The HOME statute and
regulations require HOME funds to be committed within 24 months after
the last day of the month in which HUD notifies the participating
jurisdiction of HUD's execution of the HOME Investment Partnership
Agreement. The lack of a dated signature calls into question when the
commitment was made, therefore making it difficult to determine whether
the funds have been committed within the 24-month deadline.
Accordingly, the definition of ``commitment'' is proposed to be amended
to require that the signature of each party to the agreement must be
dated. The definition is also proposed to be amended to include a
cross-reference to the requirements for written agreements in Sec.
92.504(c), which will help ensure that the agreements evidencing
commitment meet the standards for written agreements as provided in
Sec. 92.504(c).
HUD further proposes to revise the definition of ``commitment'' to
expressly exclude: (1) An agreement between a participating
jurisdiction and a subrecipient that the participating jurisdiction
controls, e.g., an agency whose officials or employees are officials or
employees of the participating jurisdiction, and (2) an agreement
between the jurisdiction that is the lead member of the consortium and
local government that is a member of the consortium. The existing
definition provides that a commitment is a legally binding agreement
between the participating jurisdiction and another entity to provide
funds to undertake specified HOME activities. In both of these
instances, the participating jurisdiction is essentially entering into
an agreement not with a separate entity, but with an entity that is
part of the participating jurisdiction, such that a legally binding
agreement with another entity is not created.
Community housing development organization. The definition of
``community housing development organization'' (CHDO) in Sec. 92.2
would be amended to add a reference to the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) regulations that implement section 501(c)(4) of the Internal
Revenue Code, which was inadvertently omitted from the regulation.
The CHDO definition is also proposed to be revised to clarify the
relationship between the CHDO and the organization that may create the
CHDO. New paragraph (3)(iv) of the definition would clarify that if a
for-profit entity creates or sponsors a nonprofit entity that seeks
designation as a CHDO, the officers and employees of the for-profit
entity would be prohibited from serving as officers or employees of the
CHDO, and the nonprofit entity would be prohibited from using the
office space of the for-profit entity. This requirement would add to
the existing regulatory provisions that are intended to prevent the
nonprofit entity from being influenced by the profit motive of the for-
profit entity.
The proposed rule would also revise paragraph (5) of the definition
to clarify that the CHDO must be separate from and not under the
control of a governmental entity, in keeping with the statutory
requirement that a CHDO maintain accountability to the low-income
community it serves through its governing board make-up and otherwise.
A governmental entity would still be permitted to create a CHDO, but it
would not be permitted to control the CHDO by providing its employees
to the CHDO as staff or officers.
Paragraph (9) of the existing definition of CHDO at Sec. 92.2
permits a nonprofit organization to meet the demonstrated capacity
requirement for CHDO designation if the organization has engaged a
consultant who will carry out activities while also training key CHDO
staff. This provision was intended to facilitate capacity building of
community-based nonprofit organizations transitioning into the role of
housing developer. HUD is concerned that some CHDOs have continued to
rely on the use of expert consultants for core development experience
and have not developed the internal capacity to function effectively in
the developer role. This proposed rule would revise paragraph (9) of
the definition to strengthen the requirement that CHDOs must have paid
employee staff with housing development experience in order to be
designated as a CHDO. Nonprofit organizations would no longer be able
to meet the demonstrated capacity requirement through the use of
consultants and through a plan for staff to be trained by the
The proposed rule would also provide that the demonstrated capacity
requirement cannot be met through the use of volunteers. The continued
use of consultants or volunteers to fill occasional skill gaps or
undertake activities that are required only on a periodic basis (e.g.,
project underwriting) continues to be appropriate, but cannot be the
basis of a determination that a CHDO has demonstrated capacity to
develop affordable housing.
Homeownership. The proposed rule would rearrange existing
provisions in the definition of ``homeownership'' in Sec. 92.2 for
improved organization of the definition. In addition, the revised
definition would provide that a right to possession under a contract
for deed, installment contract, or land sales contract (pursuant to
which the deed is not given until the final payment is made) is not
homeownership. These mechanisms, which are common in
[[Page 78347]]
certain areas of the country, are financing arrangements through which
interested homebuyers enter into a payment arrangement directly with
the seller. In most cases, there is no language in the contract
protecting the homebuyer in the event of a late or missed payment.
Whereas mortgage principal payments increase the homeowner's equity in
the property over time, and the title is transferred to the homebuyer
at the closing, payments made under a land sales contract arrangement
typically do not constitute equity, and the title is not required to be
transferred to the homebuyer until the very last payment has been made.
Even in states that have statutes recognizing the equitable interest of
the homebuyer, the protections given to homebuyers under these
financing mechanisms are not equal to those given to homebuyers who
receive title to the housing and finance the purchase through a
mortgage. For these reasons, land sales contracts are not considered to
be an eligible form of homeownership under the HOME program. HUD
encourages the use of HOME funds to assist low-income households who
have entered into a contract for deed to obtain equitable title to the
The definition of ``homeownership'' would also be revised to make
explicit that mutual or cooperative housing that receives assistance
through a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is not
considered homeownership housing under the HOME program because a
project receiving LIHTC is a rental project.
Housing. HUD proposes to amend the definition of ``housing'' in
Sec. 92.2 to exclude all student housing. The current regulations
exclude only student dormitories. However, the use of HOME funds for
student housing in any configuration, is inconsistent with the
statutory purposes of the program. The focus of the HOME program is
affordable housing for low-income households, and student housing,
regardless of the configuration, does not constitute affordable housing
for low-income households as contemplated by the HOME statute. In
addition, the proposed rule would amend the definition to clarify that
dormitories, including those for farmworkers, do not constitute
With respect to what constitutes housing under the HOME program,
HUD has encountered cases where participating jurisdictions have
proposed to use HOME funds for buildings considered to be housing by
the participating jurisdiction, but that do not constitute housing
under the HOME program. Examples of such uses are hospice buildings,
nursing homes, foster homes, halfway houses, and residential treatment
facilities. HUD emphasizes that the mere fact that a building
physically resembles housing or that a person lives in a building for
some period of time does not qualify that building as housing for HOME
program purposes. The use of HOME funds is statutorily limited to
permanent and transitional housing. No HOME funds may be used for any
activity that does not qualify as permanent or transitional housing.
One indication that the building is a facility, not housing, is the
lack of a lease for the residents. All HOME-assisted rental housing
units must have leases for the tenants that provide the HOME tenant
protections outlined in Sec. 92.253(a).
Low-income families and very low-income families. HUD proposes to
revise the definition of ``low-income families'' and ``very low-income
families'' in Sec. 92.2 to exclude students from qualifying as a low-
income or very low-income family. Specifically, the regulation would be
revised to be consistent with recent statutory changes to the Housing
Choice Voucher program, which prohibit voucher assistance to
individuals who are enrolled in an institution of higher learning from
qualifying as a low-income family if the individual is under 24 years
of age, is not a military veteran, is unmarried, does not have a
dependent child, and is not otherwise individually low-income or does
not have parents who are low-income.\1\ This statutory change was made
to the Housing Choice Voucher program in response to incidents of
college students who were obtaining federal housing assistance but did
not meet the low-income eligibility requirements, and were therefore
depriving eligible families from receiving voucher assistance.
Adoption, in the HOME program, of the exclusion of assistance to
students would achieve the same goals as those for which the
prohibition was put in place in the Housing Choice Voucher program.
Accordingly, in the HOME program, students would be prohibited from
renting HOME-assisted rental units, receiving HOME tenant-based rental
assistance, or otherwise participating in the HOME program independent
of their families.
\1\ HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program regulations were
amended by final rule published on December 30, 2005 (70 FR 57743,
as subsequently amended on August 21, 2008 at 73 FR 49333), which
implemented this prohibition assistance, and which is codified at 24
CFR 5.612.
Project completion. HUD proposes to amend the definition of
``project completion'' in Sec. 92.2 to clarify the conditions that
must be met for projects to be considered completed. This change is
made in response to questions from participating jurisdictions
regarding the point at which they can complete a project in the
Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), the HOME data
system. For example, the rule will make clear that a rental project may
be designated as completed in IDIS once construction or rehabilitation
is completed, but before all units are occupied.
Program income. HUD proposes to amend the definition of ``program
income'' in Sec. 92.2 to clarify that program income does not include
gross income from the use, rental, or sale of real property received by
the project owner, developer, or sponsor, unless the funds are paid by
the project owner, developer, or sponsor to the participating
jurisdiction, subrecipient, or state recipient. The existing
regulations provide that program includes ``gross income from the use
or rental of real property, owned by the participating jurisdiction,
state recipient, or a subrecipient, that was acquired, rehabilitated,
or constructed, with HOME funds or matching contributions, less costs
incidental to generation of the income. However, gross income does not
constitute program income in the case of the use, rental, or sale of
real property when the gross income is that received by the project
owner, developer, or sponsor. Owners, developers, and sponsors of
housing are not the participating jurisdiction, a state recipient, or a
subrecipient administering all or a portion of the participating
jurisdiction's HOME program. Consequently, gross income received by
these entities is not program income by the terms of the existing
Reconstruction. The definition of ``reconstruction'' at Sec. 92.2
is proposed to be amended, based on difficulties encountered by
participating jurisdictions attempting to rebuild housing after
disasters. The current regulations state that housing can be rebuilt
under the reconstruction category only if the housing was standing on
the site at the time of project commitment. In the case of disasters or
fires, the housing may no longer be standing on the site at the time
when the opportunity for project commitment arises. Consequently, the
current regulations require such reconstructed units to be classified
as new construction, resulting in longer periods of affordability for
rental projects and the imposition of resale or recapture provisions on
displaced owner-occupants.
[[Page 78348]]
HUD proposes to provide an exception to the reconstruction
requirement that the housing must be standing on a site at the time of
project commitment. The exception would permit housing that was
destroyed or severely damaged and subsequently demolished to be rebuilt
on the same lot under the reconstruction category, if the HOME funds
are committed within 12 months of the date of destruction or damage.
The one-year period for committing HOME funds to reconstruct a
destroyed property by a disaster will provide sufficient flexibility to
respond effectively to most natural disasters or fires. This period
could be extended by waiver for good cause if the circumstances or
scale of a particular disaster make the proposed time frames
Single room occupancy. The definition of ``single room occupancy
(SRO)'' housing in Sec. 92.2 is proposed to be revised. The HOME
regulations provide participating jurisdictions with flexibility with
respect to classifying a property as a SRO project or a group home,
depending on the physical configuration of the project. Classifying a
project as a SRO results in larger potential subsidies and higher gross
rent than could be obtained under a group home designation, because the
SRO contains more than one unit and a group home is only one unit.
However, some participating jurisdictions fail to take their own zoning
and building code classifications into account when making this
determination for HOME. This rule proposes to require that a project
could be designated as an SRO for HOME purposes only if a project
having the characteristics of an SRO would be consistent with the
participating jurisdiction's applicable building and zoning code
Subrecipient. HUD proposes to make minor revisions to the
definition of ``subrecipient'' in Sec. 92.2. Participating
jurisdictions have stated that the roles of subrecipients and
developers in the HOME program are not always clearly distinguished.
Language is therefore proposed to be added to the definition of
``subrecipient'' that would state that HOME subrecipients receive funds
to carry out programs (e.g., downpayment assistance programs, owner-
occupied rehabilitation programs, etc.), not to undertake specific
2. Program Requirements
a. Jointly Funded Projects of Contiguous Jurisdictions (Sec. 92.201)
Section 218(a) of the NAHA (42 U.S.C. 12748(a)) prohibits a
participating jurisdiction from investing HOME funds in projects
outside its boundaries, except for projects located in a contiguous
jurisdiction that are joint projects that serve the residents of both
jurisdictions. HUD has found that participating jurisdictions would be
aided by HUD elaborating on what it means to jointly fund a project.
HUD therefore proposes to revise Sec. 92.201 to provide that a jointly
funded project is one in which both jurisdictions make a financial
contribution to the project. A financial contribution would be
permitted to take the form of a grant, loan, or relief of a significant
tax or fee (such as waiver of impact fees, property taxes, or other
taxes or fees customarily imposed on projects within the jurisdiction)
and must contribute to the feasibility of the project.
b. Site and Neighborhood Standards (Sec. 92.202)
This proposed rule includes a conforming change that would update
the citation in Sec. 92.202 to the site and neighborhoods regulations,
which were moved to 24 CFR 983.57(e)(2) and (3).
c. Income Determinations (Sec. 92.203)
HUD proposes several changes related to the calculation of the
annual income of a family or household for the purpose of determining
the family's or household's eligibility for HOME assistance. HUD
proposes to revise Sec. 92.203(a)(1)(i) and (a)(2) to require that,
when performing income determinations for potential HOME beneficiaries
using source documentation, the participating jurisdiction must examine
at least 3 months of earning documentation (e.g., wage statements,
interest statements, unemployment compensation). This change would
codify the existing standard that is already outlined in the Technical
Guide for Determining Income and Allowances for the HOME Program. This
guide allows participating jurisdictions to calculate income
eligibility by examining earnings over a 3-month period or 12-month
period. While participating jurisdictions would continue to be allowed
to select an earnings examination period of more than 3 months, HUD
proposes to codify the 3-month standard as the minimum earnings
examination period that participating jurisdictions must utilize. A
minimum examination period of 3 months should be sufficient to
accurately reflect the income eligibility of applicants for HOME units.
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.203(b)(2) to eliminate the option
currently available to participating jurisdictions to use the
definition of ``annual income'' that is based on income reported on the
Census long form. (See Form D-61B of the U.S. Census Bureau.) This
option was rarely used by participating jurisdictions because the other
definitions permitted by the regulations--the 24 CFR part 5 ``annual
income'' definition and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ``adjusted
gross income'' definition- are broadly used in other housing programs.
Further, unlike the other definitions of annual income permitted under
the HOME regulations, there is not adequate, accessible guidance
available from the U.S. Census Bureau regarding how a wide range of
situations that arise for HOME-assisted households should be treated.
Participating jurisdictions would continue to have the option of using
either the income definition in HUD's regulations at 24 CFR part 5
(often referred to as the Section 8 definition) or the definition of
adjusted gross income of the IRS.
HUD is also proposing to revise the definition of annual income
that is based on the IRS definition of ``adjusted gross income.'' This
definition of annual income would be redesignated as Sec. 92.203(b)(2)
and revised to require that federal government cost-of-living
allowances that are not included in adjusted gross income (e.g., for a
federal civilian employee or a federal court employee who is stationed
in Alaska, Hawaii, or outside the United States) be added to the
adjusted gross income of applicants for HOME assistance for the purpose
of determining income eligibility. Currently, these employees receive
substantial cost-of-living allowances that may not be subject to
federal tax and may not be included in adjusted gross income. The
result is that when participating jurisdictions in these areas use the
adjusted gross income definition for their HOME programs, individuals
who receive these special federal cost of living allowances may earn an
actual income in excess of HUD's income limits and still qualify for
HOME assistance, while other potential applicants for HOME assistance
who have lower actual incomes are not qualified to participate in the
program because their incomes exceed the maximum income limits for
HOME. This proposed change would ensure that HOME assistance is
targeted to households that are actually low-income and eliminate the
potential for disparate treatment of federal and nonfederal workers in
these areas.
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.203(c) to clarify that a
participating jurisdiction must designate and implement only one
definition of income for each HOME-
[[Page 78349]]
assisted program (e.g., downpayment assistance program, rental housing
program) that it administers. For example, a participating jurisdiction
may designate the IRS-adjusted gross income definition as the
definition for its downpayment assistance program. The participating
jurisdiction would be required to use that definition to determine the
income-eligibility of each applicant for that program, to ensure
equitable treatment of all applicants. The designation of the IRS
adjusted gross income definition for its downpayment assistance program
would not preclude the participating jurisdiction from designating a
different income definition for another of its HOME-funded programs
(e.g., the participating jurisdiction could designate the Part 5 annual
income definition for its rental housing or tenant-based rental
assistance program). The revision would help to ensure that all
applicants for a local HOME-funded program are treated equally.
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.203(d)(1) to clarify the
applicability of annual income determination requirements to households
that include nonrelated individuals. The existing regulatory provision
requires that the determination of annual income include income from
``all family members.'' Participating jurisdictions have asked HUD how
to handle the income determinations for households that are composed of
nonrelated individuals or related individuals and one or more
nonrelated individuals. HUD therefore proposes to update Sec.
92.203(d)(1) to provide that the determination of annual income
includes ``all persons in the household.''
d. Eligible Activities: General (Sec. 92.205)
HUD is proposing to revise several provisions of Sec. 92.205.
The proposed rule would add language to paragraph (a)(1) to clarify
that activities and costs are eligible for HOME funding only if the
housing meets the property standards in Sec. 92.251 upon project
Paragraph (a)(2) of Sec. 92.205 would be revised to specify that
the acquisition of vacant land or demolition with HOME funds may be
undertaken only with respect to a particular affordable housing project
for which construction can reasonably be expected to start within the
time frames established in paragraph (2) of the definition of
``commitment'' in Sec. 92.2. Referring to these time frames for
commencement of construction in the paragraph establishing the
acquisition of land or demolition of existing structures to facilitate
development on land as eligible project costs will improve the clarity
of the regulation and emphasize that HOME funds may not be used to
acquire property or demolish structures on land for which there is not
an immediate planned HOME-eligible use.
HUD is aware of some situations in which a participating
jurisdiction determined, after completion of a HOME rental project,
that the presence of a live-in manager would improve living conditions
in a project or benefit tenants in service-enriched housing. In most
rental projects, not all the units in the project are designated as
HOME-assisted, so designating a non-HOME unit as a manager's unit is a
simple matter. However, the existing HOME regulations do not
contemplate a situation in which a participating jurisdiction has
designated all the units in a project as HOME-assisted and subsequently
determines that there is a need for a live-in manager. To address such
situations, HUD proposes to revise paragraph (d) of Sec. 92.205, which
addresses cost allocation and the designation of HOME-assisted units in
multi-unit projects, to provide that after project completion, the
number of HOME-assisted units in a project may be reduced only in
accordance with the new regulatory provisions on troubled projects in
Sec. 92.210. However, this paragraph, as revised, would permit, in a
project consisting of all HOME units, one unit to be converted to an
on-site manager's unit if the participating jurisdiction determines the
conversion will contribute to the stability of the housing or
effectiveness of the housing program and that, notwithstanding the loss
of one HOME-assisted unit, the costs charged to the HOME program do not
exceed the actual costs of the HOME-assisted units, and the total HOME
investment to the project would not exceed the maximum per-unit HOME
subsidy limit established in Sec. 92.250(a) for the number of HOME-
assisted units.
Costs paid with HOME funds are eligible only if they result in a
completed HOME project that meets all applicable HOME requirements
(e.g., affordability provisions, income targeting, property standards,
etc.). When HOME funds are expended for projects that are not
completed, for whatever reason, the project is considered terminated
before completion and the participating jurisdiction must repay the
HOME funds. HUD proposes to add language to paragraph (e) of Sec.
92.205 regarding terminated projects to better highlight the
relationship of the repayment requirements of Sec. 92.503 to
terminated projects in Sec. 92.205(e).
In addition, the proposed changes to Sec. 92.205(e) would also
provide that projects that are not completed within 4 years from the
date of project commitment are deemed terminated and that the
participating jurisdiction must repay the funds. When committing HOME
funds to a project, the participating jurisdiction must have a
reasonable expectation that construction on the project will begin
within 12 months. Since large, multi-phase projects are usually funded
as several separate projects for HOME purposes, most HOME projects
should be completed within 4 years after the date of commitment. HUD's
experience is that construction on large multi-unit properties
typically is completed within 2 to 3 years, barring unusual
circumstances. In the event that a project is not completed within
these time frames, the participating jurisdiction may request a 12-
month extension of the completion deadline by submitting information
about the status of the project, steps being taken to overcome any
obstacles to completion, proof of adequate funding to complete the
project, and a schedule with milestones for completion of the project
for HUD's review and approval.
e. Eligible Project Costs and Eligible Administrative and Planning
Costs (Sec. 92.206)
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.206(a) to replace the term
``housing'' with the term ``project'' in several sections of the HOME
program regulations. While NAHA uses ``housing'' throughout, HUD,
participating jurisdictions, and other HOME program practitioners
generally use the term ``project'' or ``HOME-assisted project.''
HUD also proposes to revise Sec. 92.206(b)(1) to emphasize that it
is rehabilitation, rather than refinancing, which is the primary
activity that makes refinancing an eligible cost under the HOME
program. This rule adds language to Sec. 92.206(b)(1) to condition
refinancing as an eligible cost to projects in which the cost of the
actual rehabilitation is greater than the amount of debt that is
refinanced with HOME funds.
HUD proposes to amend Sec. 92.206(b)(2) to allow that the
eligibility of costs of refinancing existing debt under paragraph
(b)(2), as well as the requirement for participating jurisdictions to
adopt accompanying refinancing guidelines, are intended to cover all
rental housing--multifamily and single family. The existing language
referenced only multifamily housing, necessitating a waiver of the
regulation in one instance when a participating
[[Page 78350]]
jurisdiction wanted to provide HOME funds to refinance single family
rental housing as part of a rehabilitation project.
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.206(d)(1) to permit HOME funds to
be used to pay for architectural and engineering costs and other
related professional services that were incurred within 18 months of
the date that HOME funds were committed to the project, provided that
the HOME written agreement with the project owner authorizes such use
of funds. Participating jurisdictions frequently have requested
clarification on the eligibility of soft costs incurred prior to
commitment of HOME funds. Permitting predevelopment costs incurred
before commitment of HOME funds will provide increased flexibility to
participating jurisdictions and affordable housing developers planning
a project that is intended to eventually receive HOME financing. The
revision would also permit participating jurisdictions to reimburse
these costs for projects that are already under construction when it
becomes clear that HOME financing is necessary to complete the project.
In addition, HUD revises Sec. 92.206(d)(3) to make clear that energy
audits are an eligible project-related soft cost. Note that the
environmental review requirements must be met before HOME funds are
committed to the project. Pursuant to HUD's regulations in 24 CFR
58.22, in instances where a developer applies for HOME funds after
construction has begun, construction activities must cease and may not
resume until environmental clearance is obtained. The change would not
permit HOME funds to reimburse developers for acquisition or
construction costs incurred before HOME funds were committed to the
project. HUD is proposing that the reimbursement of soft costs be
limited to costs incurred during the 18-month period before commitment
of HOME funds to a project, to ensure that the costs are associated
with HOME funds and not previously planned activities on the site.
HUD proposes to amend Sec. 92.206(d)(3) to provide that eligible
costs of a project audit include the cost of certification of costs
performed by a certified public accountant.
HUD proposes to amend Sec. Sec. 92.206(d)(6) and 92.207(b), both
of which address staff and overhead costs, to prohibit participating
jurisdictions, state recipients, and subrecipients from charging their
administrative costs to low-income beneficiaries. HUD has encountered
cases in which low-income families are being charged construction
management fees, loan processing fees, loan servicing fees, and
underwriting fees. For example, participating jurisdictions have been
found to be charging construction management fees as high as several
thousand dollars per unit to low-income homeowners participating in
owner-occupied rehabilitation programs. These fees are sometimes added
to amortizing loans, increasing the monthly payment of low-income
beneficiaries. Such costs are administrative costs of the participating
jurisdiction, state recipient, or subrecipient and can be charged as
either program administrative costs or project-related soft costs,
without the costs being passed on to low-income beneficiaries. It is
inappropriate to pass such program administration costs along to low-
income beneficiaries, and this change would prohibit the practice.
Note, however, that participating jurisdictions, state recipients,
and subrecipients would not be prohibited from charging reasonable and
customary fees commonly charged to a loan applicant in unassisted real
estate transactions, such as the cost of credit reports and appraisals
fees that are customarily charged by a lender as part of a home
purchase and paid to third parties performing services on behalf of the
lender. Program participants, including project owners, would still be
permitted to charge nominal application fees to applicants for
assistance, pursuant to Sec. 92.214(b).
f. Eligible Community Housing Development Organization CHDO Operating
Expense and Capacity Building Costs (Sec. 92.208)
Under Sec. 92.208, as currently codified, a participating
jurisdiction may use up to 5 percent of its fiscal year HOME allocation
for operating expenses of CHDOs. HUD is proposing to add language to
Sec. 92.208 to clarify that CHDO operating funds are separate from and
not intended to supplant CHDO set-aside funds provided under Sec.
92.300(a). HUD has found that some participating jurisdictions have
awarded operating funds, which the regulation states are to cover
general operating costs such as office rents and utilities, staff
salaries, and insurance, to CHDOs to pay for project-related soft costs
such as architectural or engineering costs or in lieu of developer's
fees. Such costs are eligible to be paid with CHDO set-aside funds.
g. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance: Eligible Costs and Requirements
(Sec. 92.209)
HUD proposes several amendments to the tenant-based rental
assistance provisions of Sec. 92.209. Language would be added to Sec.
92.209(a) to expressly state that payment of utility deposits is an
eligible HOME cost in conjunction with the provision of HOME tenant-
based rental assistance or security deposit assistance. HOME funds
would not be permitted to be used for programs that provide only
utility deposit assistance, since such assistance does not constitute
tenant-based rental assistance. This prohibition is consistent with
longstanding HUD policy, but the current regulation does not state that
utility deposits in connection with rental assistance or security
deposit assistance are eligible costs.
HUD proposes to add language to Sec. 92.209(c) to clarify that a
participating jurisdiction's tenant selection policies and criteria
must be based on local housing needs and priorities consistent with the
participating jurisdiction's consolidated plan. This is consistent with
the requirement in Sec. 91.325(d)(1) that a participating jurisdiction
that plans to use HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance must
certify that the tenant-based rental assistance is an essential part of
its consolidated plan.
HUD proposes to revise Sec. 92.209(c)(2) to add provisions on
using HOME funds to target tenant-based assistance to special needs
populations and to persons with disabilities. The rule would clarify
that a participating jurisdiction may establish a preference for
individuals with special needs (e.g., homeless persons or elderly
persons) or persons with disabilities. In accordance with the existing
provision in Sec. 92.209(c)(2)(ii), the participating jurisdiction may
provide a preference for a specific category of individuals with
disabilities (e.g., persons with HIV/AIDS or chronic mental illness) if
the specific category is identified in the participating jurisdiction's
consolidated plan as having unmet need and the preference is needed to
narrow the gap in benefits and services received by such persons. This
proposed rule would add a provision at Sec. 92.209(c)(2)(i) to specify
that participation may be limited to persons with a specific disability
if doing so is necessary to provide housing, aid, benefit, or services
that are as effective as those provided to others, in accordance with
the provisions in 24 CFR 8.4(b)(1)(iv). A participating jurisdiction
may not require participation in medical or disability-related services
as a condition of receiving or continuing to receive HOME-funded
tenant-based rental assistance.
HUD is also proposing to add new paragraphs (c)(2)(iii) and (iv) to
Sec. 92.209
[[Page 78351]]
to specifically address the use of HOME tenant-based rental assistance
in self-sufficiency and homeownership programs. (Existing paragraph
(c)(2)(iii) would be redesignated paragraph (c)(2)(v) and revised as
discussed below.) Program policy relating to these types of programs
has been part of HUD's administrative guidance on the program for many
years, and the proposed provision would not depart from that
administrative guidance.
A participating jurisdiction may use HOME tenant-based rental
assistance to administer a self-sufficiency program in which the family
is required to participate as a condition of selection for tenant-based
rental assistance. Participating jurisdictions may not require persons
with disabilities to participate in medical or disability-related
services as a part of a self-sufficiency program under which HOME funds
are provided for tenant-based rental assistance. The family's failure
to continue participation in the self-sufficiency program would not be
permitted as a basis for terminating the assistance, but renewal of the
assistance would be permitted to be conditioned on participation in the
program. Most tenant-based rental assistance contracts have a 2-year
term. However, shorter terms can be established.
The new paragraphs to be added would provide that the participating
jurisdiction may select tenants to participate in a lease-purchase
homebuyer program. The HOME tenant-based rental assistance payment
would not be permitted to be used to accumulate a downpayment or
closing costs for the purchase. The HOME tenant-based rental assistance
payment must be used for the monthly rental payment. However, all or a
portion of the homebuyer-tenant's own monthly contribution toward rent
could be set aside for this purpose.
An additional provision would be added to redesignated Sec.
92.209(c)(2)(v), to specifically prohibit the exclusion of persons who
are given preferences for HOME assistance from participating in any
other program of the jurisdiction.
Section 92.209(g) would be revised to make explicit that all
tenants must have a lease and that the lease must comply with the
requirements that are already cross-referenced in the existing
Section Sec. 92.209(h) would be revised to replace the existing
description of one alternative for establishing the amount of rent for
a unit with a cross- reference to the regulations in 24 CFR part 982,
which govern the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.
Finally, a technical change would be made to Sec. 92.209(l) to
clarify that the provision applies whenever Section 8 assistance
becomes available, rather than just when it becomes available ``to a
participating jurisdiction.''
h. Troubled HOME-Assisted Rental Housing Projects (Sec. 92.210)
HUD proposes to add a new Sec. 92.210 to the HOME regulations to
establish provisions that would be applicable to the efforts of
participating jurisdictions to preserve HOME-assisted housing projects
that have become financially unviable and, as a result, are at risk of
failure or foreclosure. HUD has provided expert work-out technical
assistance to a number of participating jurisdictions with projects
that became troubled due to excessive debt, unsustainably high
operating costs, poor physical conditions, or weak market conditions,
and that were then able to avert foreclosure and were returned to
financial viability. These workouts involved restructuring of private
debt, investment of additional owner equity, and altering the terms of
existing HOME financing. Some cases also often required HUD to grant
waivers to permit the investment of additional HOME funds during the
period of affordability or to permit HOME funds to be used to
capitalize operating reserves. These changes resulted in the number of
HOME-assisted units in a project being preserved. HUD can foresee
circumstances where, to preserve financial viability of a project, it
may be necessary to reduce the number of HOME-assisted units in
projects in which more than the minimum number of units required under
Sec. 92.205(d) were designated as HOME-assisted or to reduce a period
of affordability that exceeded the minimum period required pursuant to
Sec. 92.252(e).
New Sec. 92.210 would provide participating jurisdictions with
flexibility to assist in averting foreclosures and would enable HUD to
approve these actions without the process required to grant waivers,
which can be time-consuming. However, new Sec. 92.210 would limit
total investment in the project to the maximum per-unit subsidy in
Sec. 92.250(a), and would provide HUD with the option of requiring an
extension of the period of affordability as a condition of permitting
the investment of additional HOME funds in the project. New Sec.
92.210 would also permit a reduction in the number of HOME-assisted
units, but only if the project contains more than the minimum number of
units required to be designated as HOME-assisted units under Sec.
92.205(d). HUD does not anticipate that it would delegate authority to
enter into the required memoranda of agreement or to grant the required
approval outside of HUD Headquarters.
i. HOME Funds and Public Housing (Sec. 92.213)
HUD is proposing to add a new Sec. 92.213 to the HOME regulations
to address the use of HOME funds with public housing funds. The use of
HOME funds in public housing projects, and, in particular, the use of
HOME funds in HOPE VI projects is an area that would benefit from
further regulatory elaboration, given that HOME funds and public
housing funds are each governed by separate statutes.
NAHA prohibits the use of HOME funds to provide assistance
authorized under section 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937
(Public Housing Capital and Operating Funds). This prohibition is
reflected in paragraph (a) of Sec. 92.213, which prohibits the use of
HOME funds for public housing modernization or operating assistance.
This provision also prohibits a HOME-assisted unit from receiving
Operating Fund or Capital Fund assistance under Section 9 during the
period of affordability. With respect to the development of new public
housing, paragraph (a) also makes clear that HOME funds cannot be used
for public housing units, whether funded under section 9 or another
Paragraph (b) of Sec. 92.213 establishes an exception to this
prohibition that permits the use of HOME funds to develop a unit that
receives funds for development under section 24 (HOPE VI), so long as
no Capital Funds are used to develop the unit.\2\ In projects receiving
HOME, HOPE VI, and Capital funds for development of public housing
units, this separation of HOME- and HOPE VI-funded public housing units
from units receiving Capital Funds under section 9 must be accomplished
through the cost allocation process for multi-unit HOME projects that
is established at Sec. 92.205(d). Participating jurisdictions should
note that, when HOME funds are used in a public housing unit, the HOME
rent requirements of Sec. 92.252(a) and (b) apply. Consequently, the
gross rent (tenant contribution and operating subsidy) for any public
housing unit
[[Page 78352]]
that receives HOME funds that is occupied by a household with an income
above 50 percent of area median income may not exceed the High HOME
rent established under Sec. 92.252(a).
\2\ The exception to the prohibition on use of HOME funds to
develop a unit that receives funds under section 24 of the U.S.
Housing Act of 1937 (the section that authorizes the HOPE VI
programs) was addressed in a 2002 legal opinion by HUD's Office of
General Counsel and such opinion is part of the docket file for this
rulemaking, which can be found at https://www.regulations.gov.
The use of HOME funds in a project triggers the requirements of
Sec. 92.353(e) (Residential anti-displacement and relocation
assistance plan), particularly the requirement for one-for-one
replacement of lower-income dwelling units. These requirements,
commonly referred to as 104(d) (section 104(d) of the Housing and
Community Development Act), are applicable to HOME-funded projects that
involve demolition, but not to HOPE VI projects. Consequently, the use
of HOME funds in a HOPE VI project may trigger the 104(d) requirements
for an entire phase of the project or for all phases of the project.
Paragraph (c) of Sec. 92.213 makes clear that HOME funds may be
used to develop or rehabilitate affordable housing units that are not
public housing units in projects that also contain public housing units
funded by Section 9, HOPE VI, or other funds. Again, the units must be
separated through the cost allocation process required under Sec.
92.205(d). In such projects, the HOME and public housing units would
have separate waiting lists and rent structures. Note, however, that
the residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan
requirements of Sec. 92.353(e) are applicable to the entire project.
Under the proposed provision, HOME funds would be permitted to be
used in a project that also contains public housing units if the HOME
funds are not used in the public housing units.
j. Prohibited Activities and Fees (Sec. 92.214)
HUD is proposing several revisions to Sec. 92.214(b), including
restructuring paragraph (b) into two distinct subparagraphs, in order
to strengthen and clarify the prohibition against participating
jurisdictions and other program participants from charging fees to
cover their administrative costs, especially fees charged directly to
low-income program beneficiaries. HUD has found participating
jurisdictions, state recipients, and subrecipients charging
construction management, homebuyer counseling, origination, and similar
fees to low-income families seeking HOME assistance, often amounting to
several thousand dollars per family. The proposed rule would clarify at
Sec. 92.214(b)(1) that these practices are prohibited and would
require participating jurisdictions to extend the prohibition to
recipients, subrecipients, and program participants.
HUD also proposes to eliminate the prohibition against
participating jurisdictions charging fees to cover the cost of their
ongoing monitoring and physical inspection of HOME-projects during
their period of affordability. The rule would add a new subparagraph at
Sec. 92.214(b)(1)(i), creating an exception to the prohibition on
participating jurisdictions charging fees to cover administrative costs
to permit participating jurisdictions to charge owners of rental
projects a reasonable annual fee for compliance monitoring during the
period of affordability. HUD recognizes that the cost of ongoing
monitoring of HOME-assisted rental projects is not insignificant and
that many participating jurisdictions with substantial portfolios of
HOME-assisted rental projects must find other sources of funding to
cover some of these administrative costs. HUD is proposing to permit
participating jurisdictions to charge annual monitoring fees to owners
of rental housing projects to which a commitment of HOME funds is made
on or after the effective date of a final rule. Imposition of such
monitoring fees is standard industry practice in other programs that
require ongoing inspections, including in LIHTC prog