Restricted Areas and Danger Zones at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, 75453-75458 [2011-31017]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
Department of the Army, Corps of
33 CFR Part 334
Restricted Areas and Danger Zones at
Eglin Air Force Base, FL
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Department of Defense
ACTION: Final rule.
The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (Corps) is amending its
restricted area/danger zone regulations
to update and revise several existing
danger zone and restricted area
descriptions and restrictions, remove
one existing restricted area and establish
four new restricted areas within the
Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) facilities and
along the Eglin AFB facility shoreline in
Florida. The Eglin AFB and Eglin
Reservation span over 724 square miles
with over 150 miles of waterway
boundary. This amendment to the
existing regulation is necessary to
update Eglin AFB water safety and
water boundary security in order to
provide adequate protection to Eglin
AFB personnel and resources in concert
with changing mission goals and multiservice/agency special testing and
operation needs.
DATES: Effective Date: January 3, 2012.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Attn: CECW–CO (David B.
Olson), 441 G Street NW., Washington,
DC 20314–1000.
David Olson, Headquarters, Operations
and Regulatory Community of Practice,
Washington, DC at (202) 761–4922 or
Mr. Jon M. Griffin, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Jacksonville District,
Regulatory Division, at (904) 232–1680.
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Pursuant to its authorities under
Section 7 of the Rivers and Harbors Act
of 1917 (40 Stat 266; 33 U.S.C. 1) and
Chapter XIX of the Army
Appropriations Act of 1919 (40 Stat 892;
33 U.S.C. 3) the Corps is amending the
regulations in 33 CFR part 334 by
revising five existing danger zone and
restricted area descriptions and
restrictions, removing one existing
restricted area and establishing four new
restricted areas. The proposed
regulations were published in the
December 28, 2009, issue of the Federal
Register (74 FR 68552) and provided a
30-day comment period. The https:// docket number is
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General Comments and Responses
In response to the proposed rule,
comments were provided by eight
individuals. Seven of the commenters
voiced concerns ranging from the
establishment and use of the restricted
areas to the rulemaking process. The
eighth commenter said they have no
objection to the proposed regulations.
Most of the concerns raised were
related to the new restricted areas
proposed at the Camp Pinchot and
Poquito housing areas. Some of the
comments noted a concern that the
establishment of these restricted areas
would lead to a loss of property rights,
would generate navigational hazards in
Garnier Bayou and Poquito Bayou and
eliminate their ability to utilize the
waterways. Additionally, statements
were provided questioning whether or
not the proposed restricted areas would
really provide any security and making
allegations as to the perceived
underlying reason for the military’s
request for these restricted areas.
The regulations for restricted areas
only apply to areas of navigable waters
of the United States and the language in
this final rule has been revised to clearly
state this fact. Because the proposed
restricted areas are situated in navigable
waters of the United States along the
waterfront of existing Eglin AFB
residential areas, there will not be any
loss of property rights to the adjacent
landowners. Neither of these two
proposed restricted areas includes the
construction of any structures in
navigable waters, so there is no
possibility to create a navigational
hazard within these waterways. A
commenter suggested that the United
States Coast Guard perform a risk
assessment of the potential hazard to
navigation which might be generated by
the establishment of a restricted area in
Poquito Bayou. Because the proposed
restricted area does not propose any
changes to the number, size, or location
of any structures in the Bayou, there is
no possibility of creating a hazard to
navigation, therefore, a risk assessment
is not necessary. The language used in
the proposed rule indicated that the
restrictions associated with these
restricted areas would be in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week and that
entry into the restricted areas would
require the permission of the
Commander, Eglin AFB. These two
statements generated the concern that
the public would no longer be able to
utilize any portions of these waterways
at anytime. The language describing
each of the restricted areas clearly
delineates their location within the
larger waterbody and they will be
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shown on the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
navigational charts. The language
addressing utilization of the restricted
areas was revised to note that the public
is allowed full use of the restricted area
as long as there are no perceived threats
to the Eglin AFB facilities. The revised
language also makes it clear that at low
threat levels, anyone entering the
restricted areas would be subject to
identification checks by U.S. Air Force
patrol boats. At high threat levels, entry
into the restricted areas would require
the permission of the Commander, Eglin
AFB. It is not the Corps role to address
statements pertaining to the
effectiveness of these restricted areas.
The Corps has the authority to issue
these regulations in response to a
request by the Commander of a
Department of Defense facility, after
soliciting public comment and
evaluating the reasonably foreseeable
effects on the evaluation criteria in 33
CFR part 320, especially effects on
navigation and the food fishing
industry. The Commander of any
military facility has the responsibility to
provide appropriate protection to both
the facility and the personnel utilizing
the facility, and determine whether
restricted area regulations are needed to
help provide that protection. The
waterfront security analysis performed
by Eglin AFB indicated a need to
provide a level of protection to these
residential areas. The level of protection
required was determined by the Eglin
AFB security personnel.
One commenter noted that if the
public is going to be allowed access to
the restricted areas and if identification
checks are going to be required in those
areas, that should be noted in the
regulation. This commenter also said
that the proposed rule was unclear as to
the location of the restricted area in
section 334.740.
We have added language to the final
rule to clarify that the public may utilize
the restricted areas during periods of
low threat levels and that identification
checks may be conducted in the
restricted area. The language describing
the restricted area in section 334.740
notates the beginning point, the interim
points, and the termination point, as
well as the distance the restricted area
extends from the shoreline, clearly
delineating its location within the larger
waterbody. The boundaries of the
restricted area will be shown on the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration navigational charts.
Two commenters expressed concern
with the process used to disseminate the
proposed rule and to receive comments.
The process for establishing and
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
amending restricted area and danger
zone regulations follows standard
rulemaking procedures, including the
additional procedures provided at 33
CFR 334.4. In addition to publication of
the proposed rule in the December 28,
2009, issue of the Federal Register, the
Jacksonville District issued a local
public notice which was available on
the Jacksonville District Regulatory
Division web page.
In response to the comments received,
we have made the following changes to
the final rule:
We have modified the rule text to
clarify that the danger zone and
restricted area regulations apply only to
navigable water of the United States, as
defined by 33 CFR part 329.
Section 334.700(c)(2) was reworded to
clarify that enforcement of the
regulations in that section would be
accomplished in accordance with the
active security level as defined by the
Department of Defense Force Protection
Condition System.
Section 334.710(c) was rewritten by
redesignating the proposed paragraph
(c) as paragraph (c)(1) and adding
paragraph (c)(2). Paragraph (c)(1)
provides information pertaining to the
party/ies enforcing the regulation in this
section. Paragraph (c)(2) was added to
clarify that enforcement of the
regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the
active security level as defined by the
Department of Defense Force Protection
Condition System.
Section 334.720(c) was also rewritten
by designating proposed paragraph (c)
as paragraph (c)(1) and adding
paragraph (c)(2). Paragraph (c)(1)
provides information on the party/ies
enforcing the regulation in this section.
Paragraph (c)(2) was added to clarify
that enforcement of the regulations in
this section would be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
In section 334.730 several changes
were made. Paragraphs (a)(1) and
(a)(2)(i) were modified to clarify that
Harvey Lock, Louisiana is referenced
because it is the ‘‘zero mile’’ location
from which the mileage values denoted
in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway were
measured. Paragraph (a)(2)(i) was also
modified to correct one of the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway mileage values
from 334.6 to 204.6. Paragraph (a)(2)(iii)
was modified to expand a portion of the
restricted area to provide protection for
a fuel pier and associated mooring area
at Hurlburt Field. Paragraph (b)(1) was
subdivided to clarify the information
pertaining to the danger zone. Paragraph
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(b)(1)(i) provides information on how
the area is used and restrictions on entry
into the area when it is in use.
Paragraph (b)(1)(ii) was added to note
that the danger zone and associated
restrictions are in effect 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Paragraph (b)(2)(i) was
modified to remove the existing
language stating that no person or vessel
shall enter the area without permission
of Eglin AFB or the Hurlburt Field
Commander. In response to comments,
the final rule clarifies that all persons,
vessels and other craft are permitted to
access the restricted areas defined in
paragraph (a)(2) during times of low
security threats and that they would be
subject to identification checks by the
U.S. Air Force patrol boats. With the
exception of the Gulf Intracoastal
Waterway, during times of high security
threats anyone wishing to enter, transit,
anchor or drift within the restricted
areas noted in paragraph (a)(2) must
have the permission of Eglin AFB or the
Hurlburt Field Commander or his/her
authorized representative. Paragraph (c)
was rewritten by designating the
proposed paragraph (c) as paragraph
(c)(1) and adding paragraph (c)(2).
Paragraph (c)(1) provides information
on the party/ies enforcing the regulation
of this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was
added to clarify that enforcement of the
regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the
active security level as defined by the
Department of Defense Force Protection
Condition System.
Section 334.740(b)(1) was modified to
remove the existing language stating
that no person or vessel shall enter the
area without permission. In response to
comments, the final rule clarifies that all
persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted to access the restricted area
defined in paragraph (a) of this section
during times of low security threats and
that they would be subject to
identification checks by the U.S. Air
Force patrol boats. During times of high
security threats anyone wishing to enter,
transit, anchor or drift within the
restricted area noted in paragraph (a) of
this section must have the permission of
the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing,
Eglin AFB or his/her authorized
representative. Paragraph (c)(2) was
reworded to clarify that enforcement of
the regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the
active security level as defined by the
Department of Defense Force Protection
Condition System.
For sections 334.742, 334.744 and
334.748, paragraph (b)(1) was modified
to remove the proposed language stating
that no person or vessel shall enter the
area without permission. In response to
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comments, the final rule clarifies that all
persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted to access the restricted areas
defined in paragraph (a) of each of these
sections during times of low security
threats and that they would be subject
to identification checks by the U.S. Air
Force patrol boats. During times of high
security threats anyone wishing to enter,
transit, anchor or drift within the
restricted areas noted in paragraph (a) of
each of these sections must have the
permission of the Commander, 96 Air
Base Wing, Eglin AFB or his/her
authorized representative. Paragraph (c)
was rewritten by designating the
proposed paragraph (c) as paragraph
(c)(1) and adding paragraph (c)(2).
Paragraph (c)(1) provides information
on the party/ies enforcing the regulation
of this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was
added to clarify that enforcement of the
regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the
active security level as defined by the
Department of Defense Force Protection
Condition System.
Section 334.750 has been removed
because the area it encompassed has
been incorporated into section 334.740.
Procedural Requirements
a. Review Under Executive Order
12866. This regulation is issued with
respect to a military function of the
Department of Defense and the
provisions of Executive Order 12866 do
not apply.
b. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act. The regulation has been
reviewed under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96–354) which
requires the preparation of a regulatory
flexibility analysis for any regulation
that will have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities (i.e., small businesses and small
governments). The Corps determined
that this regulation would have
practically no economic impact on the
public nor would it result in any
anticipated navigational hazard or
interference with existing waterway
traffic. This regulation will have no
significant economic impact on small
c. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act. This
regulation will not have a significant
impact on the quality of the human
environment and, therefore, preparation
of an environmental impact statement
will not be required. An environmental
assessment has been prepared. It may be
reviewed at the district office listed at
CONTACT section, above.
d. Unfunded Mandates Act. This
regulation does not impose an
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
enforceable duty among the private
sector and, therefore, is not a Federal
private sector mandate and is not
subject to the requirements of Section
202 or 205 of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act (Pub. L. 104–4, 109 Stat. 48,
2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.). We have also
found under Section 203 of the Act, that
small governments will not be
significantly or uniquely affected by this
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 334
Danger zones, Navigation (water),
Restricted areas, Waterways.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, the Corps amends 33 CFR
part 334 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 334
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 40 Stat. 266 (33 U.S.C. 1) and
40 Stat. 892 (33 U.S.C. 3).
2. Revise § 334.700 to read as follows:
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§ 334.700 Choctawhatchee Bay, aerial
gunnery ranges, Air Armament Center,
Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The danger zones. (1) Aerial
gunnery range in west part of
Choctawhatchee Bay. The danger zone
shall encompass all navigable waters of
the United States as defined at 33 CFR
part 329, including the waters of
Choctawhatchee Bay within an area
bounded by a line connecting the
following coordinates, excluding that
part of the area included within the
aerial gunnery range along the north
shore of Choctawhatchee Bay as
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
section: Commencing at the northeast
shore at latitude 30°28′09.11″ N,
longitude 086°29′02.30″ W; thence to
latitude 30°25′30″ N, longitude
086°21′30″ W; thence to latitude
30°23′34.72″ N, longitude 086°23′00.22″
W; then following the shoreline at the
mean high water line to latitude
30°24′09.45″ N, longitude 086°25′00.08″
W; thence to the southwest shore at
latitude 30°27′54.18″ N, longitude
086°29′18.32″ W; then following the
shoreline at the mean high water line
easterly to point of origin.
(2) Aerial gunnery range along north
shore of Choctawhatchee Bay. The
danger zone shall encompass all
navigable waters of the United States as
defined at 33 CFR part 329, including
the waters of Choctawhatchee Bay
within an area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing at the northwest shore at
latitude 30°27′26″ N, longitude
086°25′30″ W; thence to latitude
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30°26′00″ N, longitude 086°25′30″ W;
thence to latitude 30°26′57″ N,
longitude 086°20′35″ W; thence to
latitude 30°26′12″ N, longitude
086°20′35″ W; thence to latitude
30°26′29″ N, longitude 086°15′00″ W;
thence to the northeast shore at latitude
30°29′08.7″ N, longitude 086°15′00″ W;
then following the shoreline at the mean
high water line easterly to point of
(b) The regulations. (1) Aerial gunnery
range in west part of Choctawhatchee
Bay. The aerial gunnery range in the
west part of Choctawhatchee Bay (as
described in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section) may be used by persons and
watercraft except during periods when
firing is conducted. Use of the area will
be advertised in advance by Eglin AFB
Public Affairs. During periods of firing,
traverse of this area shall not be denied
to regular cargo-carrying or passengercarrying vessels or tows proceeding on
established routes. In case any such
vessel is within the area, the officer in
charge of gunnery operations will cause
the cessation or postponement of fire
until the vessel has cleared that part of
the area within the range of the weapons
being used. The vessel shall proceed on
its normal course and shall not delay its
(2) Aerial gunnery range along north
shore of Choctawhatchee Bay. No
person, vessel or other craft shall enter
or remain within the aerial gunnery
range along the north shore of
Choctawhatchee Bay (as described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section) during
times the area is active. Activation of
the area will be advertised in advance
by Eglin AFB Public Affairs.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 3. Revise § 334.710 to read as follows:
§ 334.710 The Narrows and Gulf of Mexico
adjacent to Santa Rosa Island,
Headquarters Air Armament Center, Eglin
Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The restricted area. The restricted
area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States as defined at
33 CFR part 329, including the waters
of The Narrows and the Gulf of Mexico
easterly of the periphery of a circular
area five nautical miles in radius,
centered at latitude 30°23′10.074″ N,
longitude 086°48′25.433″ W (USC&GS
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Station Tuck 3), within the segment of
a circle, three nautical miles in radius,
centered at latitude 30°24′00″ N,
longitude 086°41′47″ W.
(b) The regulations. The area will be
used intermittently during daylight
hours. During periods of use the entry
into the area will be prohibited to all
persons and navigation. Notifications
will be via Eglin AFB water patrol and
published in local news media in
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 4. Revise § 334.720 to read as follows:
§ 334.720 Gulf of Mexico, south from
Choctawhatchee Bay; Missile test area.
(a) The danger zone. The danger zone
shall encompass all navigable waters of
the United States as defined at 33 CFR
part 329, including the waters of the
Gulf of Mexico south from
Choctawhatchee Bay within an area
described as follows: Beginning at a
point five nautical miles southeasterly
from USC&GS Station Tuck 3, at
latitude 30°23′10.074″ N, longitude
086°48′25.433″ W, three nautical miles
offshore of Santa Rosa Island; thence
easterly three nautical miles offshore
and parallel to shore, to a point south
of Apalachicola Bay, Florida at latitude
29°32′00″ N, longitude 085°00′00″ W;
thence southeasterly to latitude
29°17′30″ N, longitude 084°40′00″ W;
thence southwesterly to latitude
28°40′00″ N, longitude 084°49′00″ W;
thence southeasterly to latitude
28°10′00″ N, longitude 084°30′00″ W;
thence 270° true to longitude 086°48′00″
W; thence due north along longitude
086°48′00″ W to the intersection of the
line with a circle of five nautical miles
radius centered on USC&GS Station
Tuck 3, at latitude 30°23′10.074″ N,
longitude 086°48′25.433″ W, thence
northeasterly along the arc of the circle
to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations. (1) The area will
be used intermittently during daylight
hours for a week or 10 days at a time.
Firing will take place once or twice a
day for periods ordinarily of not more
than one hour. Advance notice of such
firings will be published in local
(2) During periods of firing, passage
through the area will not be denied to
cargo-carrying or passenger-carrying
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
vessels or tows proceeding on
established routes. In case any such
vessel is within the danger zone, the
officer in charge of firing operations will
cause the cessation or postponement of
fire until the vessel has cleared the
portion of the danger area involved. The
entire area involved will be under
constant observation of both surface
patrol vessels and air patrol planes prior
to and during periods of firing and
notice will be given to vessels and tows
of intention to fire by buzzing low over
the vessel, upon which signal vessels
and tows shall proceed on their
established course promptly and clear
the area as soon as possible.
(3) All persons and vessels, except
those identified in paragraph (b)(2) of
this section, will be warned to leave the
immediate danger area during firing
periods by surface patrol craft. Upon
being so warned, such persons and
vessels shall clear the area immediately.
Such periods normally will not exceed
two hours.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 5. Revise § 334.730 to read as follows:
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§ 334.730 Waters of Santa Rosa Sound
and Gulf of Mexico adjacent to Santa Rosa
Island, Armament Center, Eglin Air Force
Base, Fla.
(a) The areas. (1) The danger zone.
The danger zone shall encompass all
navigable waters of the United States as
defined at 33 CFR part 329, including
the waters of Santa Rosa Sound and
Gulf of Mexico within a circle one
nautical mile in radius, centered at
latitude 30°23′10.074″ N, longitude
086°48′25.433″ W (USC&GS Station
Tuck 3). The portion of the area in Santa
Rosa Sound includes the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway between miles
209.6 and 211.4 as measured from the
Harvey Lock, Louisiana, ‘‘zero mile’’
(2) The restricted areas. (i) Area 1.
The restricted area shall encompass all
navigable waters of the United States as
defined at 33 CFR part 329, including
the waters of Santa Rosa Sound and
Gulf of Mexico, surrounding the danger
zone described in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section, within a circle five nautical
miles in radius centered at latitude
30°23′10.074″ N, longitude
086°48′25.433″ W (USC&GS Station
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Tuck 3). The portion of the area in Santa
Rosa Sound includes the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway between mile
designation 204.6 and 216.4 as
measured from the Harvey Lock,
Louisiana, ‘‘zero mile’’ location.
(ii) Area 2. Santa Rosa Island, North
Side. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States as defined at 33 CFR part
329 within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°24′06.58″ N, longitude
086°40′25.00″ W; thence to latitude
30°24′08.08″ N, longitude 086°40′25.00″
W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of
150 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°23′12.34″ N, longitude 086°50′57.62″
W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30°23′10.85″
N, longitude 086°50′57.62″ W. The area
also includes all contiguous inland
navigable waters which lie within the
land boundaries of Eglin AFB.
(iii) Area 3. Choctawhatchee Bay,
North side—Hurlburt Field. The
restricted area shall encompass all
navigable waters of the United States as
defined at 33 CFR part 329 within the
area bounded by a line connecting the
following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°24′28.30″ N, longitude
086°40′54.91″ W; thence to latitude
30°24′26.32″ N, longitude 086°40′54.91″
W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of
200 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°24′20.92″ N, longitude 086°41′45.96″
W; thence directly to latitude
30°24′23.31″ N, longitude 086°42′00.20″
W; thence directly to latitude
30°24′28.83″ N, longitude 086°42′07.42″
W; thence directly to latitude
30°24′25.98″ N, longitude 086°42′17.12″
W; thence directly to longitude
30°24′26.31″ N, longitude 086°42′19.82″
W; then the line meanders irregularly
following the shoreline at a distance of
200 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°24′28.80″ N, longitude 086°42′53.83″
W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30°24′30.79″
N, longitude 086°42′53.83″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) The danger
zone. (i) Experimental test operations
will be conducted by the U.S. Air Force
(USAF) within the danger zone. During
periods when experimental test
operations are underway, no person,
vessel or other watercraft shall enter or
navigate the waters of the danger zone.
(ii) The area identified in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section and the associated
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restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1)(i) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. The area is
used on an intermittent basis and,
generally, any test operations shall not
exceed one hour and shall not occur
more than twice weekly.
(2) The restricted areas. (i) All
persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted access to the restricted areas
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
section. Any person or vessel within the
restricted areas will be subject to
identification checks by USAF patrol
boats. During times of high security
threats against Eglin AFB or Hurlburt
Field, all entry, transit, anchoring or
drifting within the restricted areas
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
section for any reason is not allowed
without permission of Eglin AFB or the
Hurlburt Field Commander or his/her
authorized representative, except to
navigate the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
Such vessels and other watercraft shall
confine their movements to the waters
within the limits of the Intracoastal
Waterway and shall make the passage as
promptly as possible under normal
vessel speed.
(ii) The areas identified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(2)(i) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 6. Revise § 334.740 to read as follows:
§ 334.740 North Shore Choctawhatchee
Bay, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States as defined at 33 CFR part
329 within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°28′59.90″ N, longitude
086°29′08.88″ W; thence to latitude
30°28′59.61″ N, longitude 086°29′01.81″
W; thence to latitude 30°29′08.01″ N,
longitude 086°28′47.78″ W; then
following the mean high water line at a
distance of 1,000 feet to a point at
latitude 30°26′48.60″ N, longitude
086°32′31.95″ W, thence proceeding
directly to a point on the shoreline at
latitude 30°26′53.58″ N, longitude
086°32′41.81″ W. The area also includes
all contiguous inland navigable waters
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
that lie within the land boundaries of
Eglin AFB.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons,
vessels and other craft are permitted
access to the restricted area described in
paragraph (a) of this section. Any person
or vessel within the restricted area will
be subject to identification checks by
U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against
Eglin AFB, all entry, transit, anchoring
or drifting within the restricted area
described in paragraph (a) of this
section for any reason is not allowed
without the permission of the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, and his/her authorized
(2) The area identified in paragraph
(a) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section are in effect
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 7. Add § 334.742 to read as follows:
erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 334.742 Eglin Camp Pinchot, Fla., at
Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.; Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States, as defined at 33 CFR part
329, within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°28′18.68″ N, longitude
086°35′38.66″ W; thence to latitude
30°28′20.80″ N, longitude 086°35′36.25″
W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of
300 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°28′06.02″ N, longitude 086°35′39.18″
W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30°28′07.47″
N, longitude 086°35′42.17″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons,
vessels and other craft are permitted
access to the restricted area described in
paragraph (a) of this section. Any person
or vessel within the restricted area will
be subject to identification checks by
U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against
Eglin AFB, all entry, transit, anchoring
or drifting within the restricted area
described in paragraph (a) of this
section for any reason is not allowed
without the permission of the
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Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or his/
her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph
(a) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 8. Add § 334.744 to read as follows:
§ 334.744 Eglin Poquito Housing at Eglin
Air Force Base, Fla.; Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States, as defined at 33 CFR part
329, within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°27′11.68″ N, longitude
086°34′32.87″ W; thence to latitude
30°27′11.86″ N, longitude 086°34′34.59″
W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of
150 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°27′31.25″ N, longitude 086°34′38.56″
W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30°27′34.07″
N, longitude 086°34′35.67″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons,
vessels and other craft are permitted
access to the restricted area described in
paragraph (a) of this section. Any person
or vessel within the restricted area will
be subject to identification checks by
U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against
Eglin AFB, all entry, transit, anchoring
or drifting within the restricted area
described in paragraph (a) of this
section for any reason is not allowed
without the permission of the
Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or his/
her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph
(a) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
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Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
■ 9. Add § 334.746 to read as follows:
§ 334.746 U.S. Coast Guard, Destin Station
at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.; Restricted
(a) The area. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States, as defined at 33 CFR part
329, within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°23′33.45″ N, longitude
86°31′37.51″ W; thence to latitude
30°23′35.67″ N, longitude 86°31′37.31″
W; thence to latitude 30°23′33.68″ N,
longitude 86°31′30.98″ W; thence to
latitude 30°23′32.00″ N, longitude
86°31′28.80″ W; thence proceeding
directly to a point on the shoreline at
latitude 30°23′30.14″ N, longitude
86°31′30.21″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) No person or
vessel shall enter the area without the
permission of the Commander, U.S.
Coast Guard, Destin Station, Florida, or
his/her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph
(a) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in
this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Destin
Station, and such agencies as he/she
may designate.
■ 10. Add § 334.748 to read as follows:
§ 334.748 Wynnhaven Beach, Fla., at Eglin
AFB; Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the
United States, as defined at 33 CFR part
329, within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at
latitude 30°24′35.06″ N, longitude
086°46′20.31″ W; thence to latitude
30°24′33.57″ N, longitude 086°46′20.31″
W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of
150 feet seaward from the mean high
water line to a point at latitude
30°24′34.81″ N, longitude 086°46′09.19″
W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30°24′36.30″
N, longitude 086°46′09.19″ W.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons,
vessels and other craft are permitted
access to the restricted area described in
paragraph (a) of this section. Any person
or vessel within the restricted area will
be subject to identification checks by
U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against
Eglin AFB, all entry, transit, anchoring
or drifting within the restricted area
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
described in paragraph (a) of this
section for any reason is not allowed
without the permission of the
Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or his/
her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph
(a) of this section and the associated
restrictions described in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section are in effect 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations
in this section shall be enforced by the
Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin
AFB, Florida and such agencies as he/
she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in
this section will be accomplished in
accordance with the active security
level as defined by the Department of
Defense Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) System.
§ 334.750
11. Remove § 334.750.
Dated: November 29, 2011.
Michael G. Ensch,
Chief, Operations and Regulatory Directorate
of Civil Works.
[FR Doc. 2011–31017 Filed 12–1–11; 8:45 am]
38 CFR Part 9
RIN 2900–AO20
Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance
Traumatic Injury Protection Program—
Genitourinary Losses
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Interim final rule.
The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) is issuing this interim final
rule that amends the regulations
governing the Servicemembers’ Group
Life Insurance Traumatic Injury
Protection (TSGLI) program by adding
certain genitourinary (GU) system losses
to the TSGLI Schedule of Losses and
defining terms relevant to these new
losses. This amendment is necessary to
make qualifying GU losses a basis for
paying GU-injured Servicemembers
TSGLI benefits. The intended effect is to
expand the list of losses for which
TSGLI payments can be made.
DATES: Effective Date: This interim final
rule is effective December 2, 2011.
Comments must be received on or
before January 31, 2012.
Applicability Date: VA will apply this
rule to injuries incurred on or after
October 7, 2001.
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Written comments may be
submitted through https://www.; by mail or handdelivery to: Director, Regulations
Management (02REG), Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave.
NW., Room 1068, Washington, DC
20420; or by fax to (202) 273–9026.
Comments should indicate that they are
submitted in response to ‘‘RIN 2900–
AO20—Servicemembers’ Group Life
Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection
Program—Genitourinary Losses.’’
Copies of comments received will be
available for public inspection in the
Office of Regulations Management,
Room 1063B, between the hours of
8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday (except holidays). Please call
(202) 461–4902 for an appointment.
(This is not a toll-free number.) In
addition, during the comment period,
comments are available to view online
through the Federal Docket Management
System (FDMS) at https://www.
Monica Keitt, Attorney/Advisor,
Department of Veterans Affairs Regional
Office and Insurance Center (310/290B),
5000 Wissahickon Avenue, P.O. Box
8079, Philadelphia, PA 19101, (215)
842–2000, ext. 2905. (This is not a tollfree number.)
established the Servicemembers’ Group
Life Insurance Traumatic Injury
Protection (TSGLI) program to provide
financial assistance to severely injured
Servicemembers who suffer a traumatic
injury directly resulting in a TSGLI
scheduled loss. See Emergency
Supplemental Appropriations Act for
Defense, the Global War on Terror, and
Tsunami Relief, 2005, Public Law 109–
13, sec. 1032, 119 Stat. 231, 257. Until
now, injuries to the genitourinary (GU)
system were not specifically included in
the TSGLI Schedule of Losses at 38 CFR
9.20(f), although Servicemembers who
sustain GU system injuries often are
eligible for TSGLI payments for other
losses under the Schedule incurred as a
result of the same traumatic event that
caused the GU loss. For example, a
Servicemember who suffers GU injuries
may be eligible for a TSGLI payment if
hospitalized for 15 consecutive days. 38
CFR 9.20(f)(20).
A recent Department of Defense (DoD)
report showed that, from 2009 to 2010,
the proportion of war casualties who
arrived at Landstuhl Regional Medical
Center in Germany suffering from GU
injuries increased from 4.8 percent to
9.1 percent. DoD also found that
approximately 570 Servicemembers
sustained GU injuries involving the
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genitalia between October 7, 2001, and
May 2, 2011. Joint Theater Trauma
Registry Ad Hoc Report for October 7,
2001, to May 2, 2011, Institute for
Surgical Research (May 5, 2011). In
addition, the United States Army
Institute of Surgical Research at Fort
Sam Houston found that 5 percent of
Servicemembers on the Joint Theater
Trauma Registry who were admitted as
a result of trauma in overseas
contingency operations between
October 2001 and January 2008 had one
or more GU injuries. Faye B. Serkin et
al., Combat Urologic Trauma In US
Military Overseas Contingency
Operations, 69 J. Trauma Suppl. 1 S175
(2010). Recent consultation with
medical experts at the National Naval
Medical Center (NNMC) in Bethesda,
Maryland, and Brooke Army Medical
Center (BAMC) in San Antonio, Texas,
where many injured Servicemembers
are treated, revealed that there has been
a recent increase in the number of GU
injuries experienced by
Servicemembers. As a result, the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs has
decided to add certain GU system losses
to the TSGLI Schedule of Losses for
which a TSGLI benefit is payable.
In the TSGLI Schedule of Losses
codified at 38 CFR 9.20(f), VA is
redesignating current paragraphs (19)
and (20) as paragraphs (20) and (21),
respectively, and adding GU system
losses as the new paragraph (19). The
medical experts report that, generally,
GU injuries treated at NNMC and BAMC
involve severe damage to the perineum
consisting of complete loss of the
genitalia or significant damage resulting
in partial or complete loss of GU
functional capacity. The NNMC and
BAMC medical experts also stated that
erectile dysfunction is common in male
Servicemembers whom they have
treated following severe GU injuries.
BAMC specialists noted that the
majority of the recent GU injuries
treated at their facility are the result of
dismounted complex blast injuries,
which have increased recently because
military personnel in combat zones are
now conducting more walking patrols,
which place them outside the protection
of their armored vehicles. VA is
therefore adding anatomical loss and
loss of use of the penis as a scheduled
loss for which $50,000 in TSGLI
benefits is payable.
VA is defining ‘‘anatomical loss of the
penis’’ in new § 9.20(e)(6)(xxi) as
amputation of the glans penis or any
portion of the shaft of the penis above
the glans penis (i.e., closer to the body),
or damage to the glans penis or shaft of
the penis that requires reconstructive
surgery. Because this definition and
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 232 (Friday, December 2, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 75453-75458]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-31017]
[[Page 75453]]
Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
33 CFR Part 334
Restricted Areas and Danger Zones at Eglin Air Force Base, FL
AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is amending its
restricted area/danger zone regulations to update and revise several
existing danger zone and restricted area descriptions and restrictions,
remove one existing restricted area and establish four new restricted
areas within the Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) facilities and along the
Eglin AFB facility shoreline in Florida. The Eglin AFB and Eglin
Reservation span over 724 square miles with over 150 miles of waterway
boundary. This amendment to the existing regulation is necessary to
update Eglin AFB water safety and water boundary security in order to
provide adequate protection to Eglin AFB personnel and resources in
concert with changing mission goals and multi-service/agency special
testing and operation needs.
DATES: Effective Date: January 3, 2012.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Attn: CECW-CO (David B.
Olson), 441 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000.
Operations and Regulatory Community of Practice, Washington, DC at
(202) 761-4922 or Mr. Jon M. Griffin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Jacksonville District, Regulatory Division, at (904) 232-1680.
Pursuant to its authorities under Section 7 of the Rivers and
Harbors Act of 1917 (40 Stat 266; 33 U.S.C. 1) and Chapter XIX of the
Army Appropriations Act of 1919 (40 Stat 892; 33 U.S.C. 3) the Corps is
amending the regulations in 33 CFR part 334 by revising five existing
danger zone and restricted area descriptions and restrictions, removing
one existing restricted area and establishing four new restricted
areas. The proposed regulations were published in the December 28,
2009, issue of the Federal Register (74 FR 68552) and provided a 30-day
comment period. The docket number is COE-
General Comments and Responses
In response to the proposed rule, comments were provided by eight
individuals. Seven of the commenters voiced concerns ranging from the
establishment and use of the restricted areas to the rulemaking
process. The eighth commenter said they have no objection to the
proposed regulations.
Most of the concerns raised were related to the new restricted
areas proposed at the Camp Pinchot and Poquito housing areas. Some of
the comments noted a concern that the establishment of these restricted
areas would lead to a loss of property rights, would generate
navigational hazards in Garnier Bayou and Poquito Bayou and eliminate
their ability to utilize the waterways. Additionally, statements were
provided questioning whether or not the proposed restricted areas would
really provide any security and making allegations as to the perceived
underlying reason for the military's request for these restricted
The regulations for restricted areas only apply to areas of
navigable waters of the United States and the language in this final
rule has been revised to clearly state this fact. Because the proposed
restricted areas are situated in navigable waters of the United States
along the waterfront of existing Eglin AFB residential areas, there
will not be any loss of property rights to the adjacent landowners.
Neither of these two proposed restricted areas includes the
construction of any structures in navigable waters, so there is no
possibility to create a navigational hazard within these waterways. A
commenter suggested that the United States Coast Guard perform a risk
assessment of the potential hazard to navigation which might be
generated by the establishment of a restricted area in Poquito Bayou.
Because the proposed restricted area does not propose any changes to
the number, size, or location of any structures in the Bayou, there is
no possibility of creating a hazard to navigation, therefore, a risk
assessment is not necessary. The language used in the proposed rule
indicated that the restrictions associated with these restricted areas
would be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and that entry into
the restricted areas would require the permission of the Commander,
Eglin AFB. These two statements generated the concern that the public
would no longer be able to utilize any portions of these waterways at
anytime. The language describing each of the restricted areas clearly
delineates their location within the larger waterbody and they will be
shown on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
navigational charts. The language addressing utilization of the
restricted areas was revised to note that the public is allowed full
use of the restricted area as long as there are no perceived threats to
the Eglin AFB facilities. The revised language also makes it clear that
at low threat levels, anyone entering the restricted areas would be
subject to identification checks by U.S. Air Force patrol boats. At
high threat levels, entry into the restricted areas would require the
permission of the Commander, Eglin AFB. It is not the Corps role to
address statements pertaining to the effectiveness of these restricted
areas. The Corps has the authority to issue these regulations in
response to a request by the Commander of a Department of Defense
facility, after soliciting public comment and evaluating the reasonably
foreseeable effects on the evaluation criteria in 33 CFR part 320,
especially effects on navigation and the food fishing industry. The
Commander of any military facility has the responsibility to provide
appropriate protection to both the facility and the personnel utilizing
the facility, and determine whether restricted area regulations are
needed to help provide that protection. The waterfront security
analysis performed by Eglin AFB indicated a need to provide a level of
protection to these residential areas. The level of protection required
was determined by the Eglin AFB security personnel.
One commenter noted that if the public is going to be allowed
access to the restricted areas and if identification checks are going
to be required in those areas, that should be noted in the regulation.
This commenter also said that the proposed rule was unclear as to the
location of the restricted area in section 334.740.
We have added language to the final rule to clarify that the public
may utilize the restricted areas during periods of low threat levels
and that identification checks may be conducted in the restricted area.
The language describing the restricted area in section 334.740 notates
the beginning point, the interim points, and the termination point, as
well as the distance the restricted area extends from the shoreline,
clearly delineating its location within the larger waterbody. The
boundaries of the restricted area will be shown on the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration navigational charts.
Two commenters expressed concern with the process used to
disseminate the proposed rule and to receive comments. The process for
establishing and
[[Page 75454]]
amending restricted area and danger zone regulations follows standard
rulemaking procedures, including the additional procedures provided at
33 CFR 334.4. In addition to publication of the proposed rule in the
December 28, 2009, issue of the Federal Register, the Jacksonville
District issued a local public notice which was available on the
Jacksonville District Regulatory Division web page.
In response to the comments received, we have made the following
changes to the final rule:
We have modified the rule text to clarify that the danger zone and
restricted area regulations apply only to navigable water of the United
States, as defined by 33 CFR part 329.
Section 334.700(c)(2) was reworded to clarify that enforcement of
the regulations in that section would be accomplished in accordance
with the active security level as defined by the Department of Defense
Force Protection Condition System.
Section 334.710(c) was rewritten by redesignating the proposed
paragraph (c) as paragraph (c)(1) and adding paragraph (c)(2).
Paragraph (c)(1) provides information pertaining to the party/ies
enforcing the regulation in this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was added to
clarify that enforcement of the regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition System.
Section 334.720(c) was also rewritten by designating proposed
paragraph (c) as paragraph (c)(1) and adding paragraph (c)(2).
Paragraph (c)(1) provides information on the party/ies enforcing the
regulation in this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was added to clarify that
enforcement of the regulations in this section would be accomplished in
accordance with the active security level as defined by the Department
of Defense Force Protection Condition System.
In section 334.730 several changes were made. Paragraphs (a)(1) and
(a)(2)(i) were modified to clarify that Harvey Lock, Louisiana is
referenced because it is the ``zero mile'' location from which the
mileage values denoted in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway were measured.
Paragraph (a)(2)(i) was also modified to correct one of the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway mileage values from 334.6 to 204.6. Paragraph
(a)(2)(iii) was modified to expand a portion of the restricted area to
provide protection for a fuel pier and associated mooring area at
Hurlburt Field. Paragraph (b)(1) was subdivided to clarify the
information pertaining to the danger zone. Paragraph (b)(1)(i) provides
information on how the area is used and restrictions on entry into the
area when it is in use. Paragraph (b)(1)(ii) was added to note that the
danger zone and associated restrictions are in effect 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Paragraph (b)(2)(i) was modified to remove the existing
language stating that no person or vessel shall enter the area without
permission of Eglin AFB or the Hurlburt Field Commander. In response to
comments, the final rule clarifies that all persons, vessels and other
craft are permitted to access the restricted areas defined in paragraph
(a)(2) during times of low security threats and that they would be
subject to identification checks by the U.S. Air Force patrol boats.
With the exception of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, during times of
high security threats anyone wishing to enter, transit, anchor or drift
within the restricted areas noted in paragraph (a)(2) must have the
permission of Eglin AFB or the Hurlburt Field Commander or his/her
authorized representative. Paragraph (c) was rewritten by designating
the proposed paragraph (c) as paragraph (c)(1) and adding paragraph
(c)(2). Paragraph (c)(1) provides information on the party/ies
enforcing the regulation of this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was added to
clarify that enforcement of the regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition System.
Section 334.740(b)(1) was modified to remove the existing language
stating that no person or vessel shall enter the area without
permission. In response to comments, the final rule clarifies that all
persons, vessels and other craft are permitted to access the restricted
area defined in paragraph (a) of this section during times of low
security threats and that they would be subject to identification
checks by the U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During times of high
security threats anyone wishing to enter, transit, anchor or drift
within the restricted area noted in paragraph (a) of this section must
have the permission of the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB or
his/her authorized representative. Paragraph (c)(2) was reworded to
clarify that enforcement of the regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition System.
For sections 334.742, 334.744 and 334.748, paragraph (b)(1) was
modified to remove the proposed language stating that no person or
vessel shall enter the area without permission. In response to
comments, the final rule clarifies that all persons, vessels and other
craft are permitted to access the restricted areas defined in paragraph
(a) of each of these sections during times of low security threats and
that they would be subject to identification checks by the U.S. Air
Force patrol boats. During times of high security threats anyone
wishing to enter, transit, anchor or drift within the restricted areas
noted in paragraph (a) of each of these sections must have the
permission of the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB or his/her
authorized representative. Paragraph (c) was rewritten by designating
the proposed paragraph (c) as paragraph (c)(1) and adding paragraph
(c)(2). Paragraph (c)(1) provides information on the party/ies
enforcing the regulation of this section. Paragraph (c)(2) was added to
clarify that enforcement of the regulations in this section would be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition System.
Section 334.750 has been removed because the area it encompassed
has been incorporated into section 334.740.
Procedural Requirements
a. Review Under Executive Order 12866. This regulation is issued
with respect to a military function of the Department of Defense and
the provisions of Executive Order 12866 do not apply.
b. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The regulation has
been reviewed under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354)
which requires the preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis for
any regulation that will have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities (i.e., small businesses and small
governments). The Corps determined that this regulation would have
practically no economic impact on the public nor would it result in any
anticipated navigational hazard or interference with existing waterway
traffic. This regulation will have no significant economic impact on
small entities.
c. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act. This
regulation will not have a significant impact on the quality of the
human environment and, therefore, preparation of an environmental
impact statement will not be required. An environmental assessment has
been prepared. It may be reviewed at the district office listed at the
end of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, above.
d. Unfunded Mandates Act. This regulation does not impose an
[[Page 75455]]
enforceable duty among the private sector and, therefore, is not a
Federal private sector mandate and is not subject to the requirements
of Section 202 or 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Pub. L. 104-
4, 109 Stat. 48, 2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.). We have also found under
Section 203 of the Act, that small governments will not be
significantly or uniquely affected by this regulation.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 334
Danger zones, Navigation (water), Restricted areas, Waterways.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Corps amends 33 CFR
part 334 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 334 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 40 Stat. 266 (33 U.S.C. 1) and 40 Stat. 892 (33
U.S.C. 3).
2. Revise Sec. 334.700 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.700 Choctawhatchee Bay, aerial gunnery ranges, Air Armament
Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The danger zones. (1) Aerial gunnery range in west part of
Choctawhatchee Bay. The danger zone shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329, including
the waters of Choctawhatchee Bay within an area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates, excluding that part of the area
included within the aerial gunnery range along the north shore of
Choctawhatchee Bay as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section:
Commencing at the northeast shore at latitude 30[deg]28'09.11'' N,
longitude 086[deg]29'02.30'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]25'30'' N,
longitude 086[deg]21'30'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]23'34.72'' N,
longitude 086[deg]23'00.22'' W; then following the shoreline at the
mean high water line to latitude 30[deg]24'09.45'' N, longitude
086[deg]25'00.08'' W; thence to the southwest shore at latitude
30[deg]27'54.18'' N, longitude 086[deg]29'18.32'' W; then following the
shoreline at the mean high water line easterly to point of origin.
(2) Aerial gunnery range along north shore of Choctawhatchee Bay.
The danger zone shall encompass all navigable waters of the United
States as defined at 33 CFR part 329, including the waters of
Choctawhatchee Bay within an area bounded by a line connecting the
following coordinates: Commencing at the northwest shore at latitude
30[deg]27'26'' N, longitude 086[deg]25'30'' W; thence to latitude
30[deg]26'00'' N, longitude 086[deg]25'30'' W; thence to latitude
30[deg]26'57'' N, longitude 086[deg]20'35'' W; thence to latitude
30[deg]26'12'' N, longitude 086[deg]20'35'' W; thence to latitude
30[deg]26'29'' N, longitude 086[deg]15'00'' W; thence to the northeast
shore at latitude 30[deg]29'08.7'' N, longitude 086[deg]15'00'' W; then
following the shoreline at the mean high water line easterly to point
of origin.
(b) The regulations. (1) Aerial gunnery range in west part of
Choctawhatchee Bay. The aerial gunnery range in the west part of
Choctawhatchee Bay (as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section)
may be used by persons and watercraft except during periods when firing
is conducted. Use of the area will be advertised in advance by Eglin
AFB Public Affairs. During periods of firing, traverse of this area
shall not be denied to regular cargo-carrying or passenger-carrying
vessels or tows proceeding on established routes. In case any such
vessel is within the area, the officer in charge of gunnery operations
will cause the cessation or postponement of fire until the vessel has
cleared that part of the area within the range of the weapons being
used. The vessel shall proceed on its normal course and shall not delay
its progress.
(2) Aerial gunnery range along north shore of Choctawhatchee Bay.
No person, vessel or other craft shall enter or remain within the
aerial gunnery range along the north shore of Choctawhatchee Bay (as
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section) during times the area is
active. Activation of the area will be advertised in advance by Eglin
AFB Public Affairs.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
3. Revise Sec. 334.710 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.710 The Narrows and Gulf of Mexico adjacent to Santa Rosa
Island, Headquarters Air Armament Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The restricted area. The restricted area shall encompass all
navigable waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329,
including the waters of The Narrows and the Gulf of Mexico easterly of
the periphery of a circular area five nautical miles in radius,
centered at latitude 30[deg]23'10.074'' N, longitude
086[deg]48'25.433'' W (USC&GS Station Tuck 3), within the segment of a
circle, three nautical miles in radius, centered at latitude
30[deg]24'00'' N, longitude 086[deg]41'47'' W.
(b) The regulations. The area will be used intermittently during
daylight hours. During periods of use the entry into the area will be
prohibited to all persons and navigation. Notifications will be via
Eglin AFB water patrol and published in local news media in advance.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
4. Revise Sec. 334.720 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.720 Gulf of Mexico, south from Choctawhatchee Bay; Missile
test area.
(a) The danger zone. The danger zone shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329, including
the waters of the Gulf of Mexico south from Choctawhatchee Bay within
an area described as follows: Beginning at a point five nautical miles
southeasterly from USC&GS Station Tuck 3, at latitude
30[deg]23'10.074'' N, longitude 086[deg]48'25.433'' W, three nautical
miles offshore of Santa Rosa Island; thence easterly three nautical
miles offshore and parallel to shore, to a point south of Apalachicola
Bay, Florida at latitude 29[deg]32'00'' N, longitude 085[deg]00'00'' W;
thence southeasterly to latitude 29[deg]17'30'' N, longitude
084[deg]40'00'' W; thence southwesterly to latitude 28[deg]40'00'' N,
longitude 084[deg]49'00'' W; thence southeasterly to latitude
28[deg]10'00'' N, longitude 084[deg]30'00'' W; thence 270[deg] true to
longitude 086[deg]48'00'' W; thence due north along longitude
086[deg]48'00'' W to the intersection of the line with a circle of five
nautical miles radius centered on USC&GS Station Tuck 3, at latitude
30[deg]23'10.074'' N, longitude 086[deg]48'25.433'' W, thence
northeasterly along the arc of the circle to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations. (1) The area will be used intermittently
during daylight hours for a week or 10 days at a time. Firing will take
place once or twice a day for periods ordinarily of not more than one
hour. Advance notice of such firings will be published in local
(2) During periods of firing, passage through the area will not be
denied to cargo-carrying or passenger-carrying
[[Page 75456]]
vessels or tows proceeding on established routes. In case any such
vessel is within the danger zone, the officer in charge of firing
operations will cause the cessation or postponement of fire until the
vessel has cleared the portion of the danger area involved. The entire
area involved will be under constant observation of both surface patrol
vessels and air patrol planes prior to and during periods of firing and
notice will be given to vessels and tows of intention to fire by
buzzing low over the vessel, upon which signal vessels and tows shall
proceed on their established course promptly and clear the area as soon
as possible.
(3) All persons and vessels, except those identified in paragraph
(b)(2) of this section, will be warned to leave the immediate danger
area during firing periods by surface patrol craft. Upon being so
warned, such persons and vessels shall clear the area immediately. Such
periods normally will not exceed two hours.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
5. Revise Sec. 334.730 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.730 Waters of Santa Rosa Sound and Gulf of Mexico adjacent
to Santa Rosa Island, Armament Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
(a) The areas. (1) The danger zone. The danger zone shall encompass
all navigable waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part
329, including the waters of Santa Rosa Sound and Gulf of Mexico within
a circle one nautical mile in radius, centered at latitude
30[deg]23'10.074'' N, longitude 086[deg]48'25.433'' W (USC&GS Station
Tuck 3). The portion of the area in Santa Rosa Sound includes the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway between miles 209.6 and 211.4 as measured from
the Harvey Lock, Louisiana, ``zero mile'' location.
(2) The restricted areas. (i) Area 1. The restricted area shall
encompass all navigable waters of the United States as defined at 33
CFR part 329, including the waters of Santa Rosa Sound and Gulf of
Mexico, surrounding the danger zone described in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section, within a circle five nautical miles in radius centered at
latitude 30[deg]23'10.074'' N, longitude 086[deg]48'25.433'' W (USC&GS
Station Tuck 3). The portion of the area in Santa Rosa Sound includes
the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway between mile designation 204.6 and 216.4
as measured from the Harvey Lock, Louisiana, ``zero mile'' location.
(ii) Area 2. Santa Rosa Island, North Side. The restricted area
shall encompass all navigable waters of the United States as defined at
33 CFR part 329 within the area bounded by a line connecting the
following coordinates: Commencing from the shoreline at latitude
30[deg]24'06.58'' N, longitude 086[deg]40'25.00'' W; thence to latitude
30[deg]24'08.08'' N, longitude 086[deg]40'25.00'' W; then the line
meanders irregularly, following the shoreline at a distance of 150 feet
seaward from the mean high water line to a point at latitude
30[deg]23'12.34'' N, longitude 086[deg]50'57.62'' W, thence proceeding
directly to a point on the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]23'10.85'' N,
longitude 086[deg]50'57.62'' W. The area also includes all contiguous
inland navigable waters which lie within the land boundaries of Eglin
(iii) Area 3. Choctawhatchee Bay, North side--Hurlburt Field. The
restricted area shall encompass all navigable waters of the United
States as defined at 33 CFR part 329 within the area bounded by a line
connecting the following coordinates:
Commencing from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]24'28.30'' N,
longitude 086[deg]40'54.91'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]24'26.32'' N,
longitude 086[deg]40'54.91'' W; then the line meanders irregularly,
following the shoreline at a distance of 200 feet seaward from the mean
high water line to a point at latitude 30[deg]24'20.92'' N, longitude
086[deg]41'45.96'' W; thence directly to latitude 30[deg]24'23.31'' N,
longitude 086[deg]42'00.20'' W; thence directly to latitude
30[deg]24'28.83'' N, longitude 086[deg]42'07.42'' W; thence directly to
latitude 30[deg]24'25.98'' N, longitude 086[deg]42'17.12'' W; thence
directly to longitude 30[deg]24'26.31'' N, longitude 086[deg]42'19.82''
W; then the line meanders irregularly following the shoreline at a
distance of 200 feet seaward from the mean high water line to a point
at latitude 30[deg]24'28.80'' N, longitude 086[deg]42'53.83'' W, thence
proceeding directly to a point on the shoreline at latitude
30[deg]24'30.79'' N, longitude 086[deg]42'53.83'' W.
(b) The regulations. (1) The danger zone. (i) Experimental test
operations will be conducted by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) within the
danger zone. During periods when experimental test operations are
underway, no person, vessel or other watercraft shall enter or navigate
the waters of the danger zone.
(ii) The area identified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section and
the associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this
section are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The area is used
on an intermittent basis and, generally, any test operations shall not
exceed one hour and shall not occur more than twice weekly.
(2) The restricted areas. (i) All persons, vessels and other craft
are permitted access to the restricted areas described in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section. Any person or vessel within the restricted
areas will be subject to identification checks by USAF patrol boats.
During times of high security threats against Eglin AFB or Hurlburt
Field, all entry, transit, anchoring or drifting within the restricted
areas described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section for any reason is
not allowed without permission of Eglin AFB or the Hurlburt Field
Commander or his/her authorized representative, except to navigate the
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Such vessels and other watercraft shall
confine their movements to the waters within the limits of the
Intracoastal Waterway and shall make the passage as promptly as
possible under normal vessel speed.
(ii) The areas identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and
the associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this
section are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
6. Revise Sec. 334.740 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.740 North Shore Choctawhatchee Bay, Eglin Air Force Base,
(a) The area. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States as defined at 33 CFR part 329 within the
area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing
from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]28'59.90'' N, longitude
086[deg]29'08.88'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]28'59.61'' N, longitude
086[deg]29'01.81'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]29'08.01'' N, longitude
086[deg]28'47.78'' W; then following the mean high water line at a
distance of 1,000 feet to a point at latitude 30[deg]26'48.60'' N,
longitude 086[deg]32'31.95'' W, thence proceeding directly to a point
on the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]26'53.58'' N, longitude
086[deg]32'41.81'' W. The area also includes all contiguous inland
navigable waters
[[Page 75457]]
that lie within the land boundaries of Eglin AFB.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted access to the restricted area described in paragraph (a) of
this section. Any person or vessel within the restricted area will be
subject to identification checks by U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against Eglin AFB, all entry, transit,
anchoring or drifting within the restricted area described in paragraph
(a) of this section for any reason is not allowed without the
permission of the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, and his/her
authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph (a) of this section and the
associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
7. Add Sec. 334.742 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.742 Eglin Camp Pinchot, Fla., at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.;
Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, within the
area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing
from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]28'18.68'' N, longitude
086[deg]35'38.66'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]28'20.80'' N, longitude
086[deg]35'36.25'' W; then the line meanders irregularly, following the
shoreline at a distance of 300 feet seaward from the mean high water
line to a point at latitude 30[deg]28'06.02'' N, longitude
086[deg]35'39.18'' W, thence proceeding directly to a point on the
shoreline at latitude 30[deg]28'07.47'' N, longitude 086[deg]35'42.17''
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted access to the restricted area described in paragraph (a) of
this section. Any person or vessel within the restricted area will be
subject to identification checks by U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against Eglin AFB, all entry, transit,
anchoring or drifting within the restricted area described in paragraph
(a) of this section for any reason is not allowed without the
permission of the Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or his/her authorized
(2) The area identified in paragraph (a) of this section and the
associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
8. Add Sec. 334.744 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.744 Eglin Poquito Housing at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.;
Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, within the
area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing
from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]27'11.68'' N, longitude
086[deg]34'32.87'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]27'11.86'' N, longitude
086[deg]34'34.59'' W; then the line meanders irregularly, following the
shoreline at a distance of 150 feet seaward from the mean high water
line to a point at latitude 30[deg]27'31.25'' N, longitude
086[deg]34'38.56'' W, thence proceeding directly to a point on the
shoreline at latitude 30[deg]27'34.07'' N, longitude 086[deg]34'35.67''
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted access to the restricted area described in paragraph (a) of
this section. Any person or vessel within the restricted area will be
subject to identification checks by U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against Eglin AFB, all entry, transit,
anchoring or drifting within the restricted area described in paragraph
(a) of this section for any reason is not allowed without the
permission of the Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or his/her authorized
(2) The area identified in paragraph (a) of this section and the
associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
9. Add Sec. 334.746 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.746 U.S. Coast Guard, Destin Station at Eglin Air Force
Base, Fla.; Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, within the
area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing
from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]23'33.45'' N, longitude
86[deg]31'37.51'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]23'35.67'' N, longitude
86[deg]31'37.31'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]23'33.68'' N, longitude
86[deg]31'30.98'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]23'32.00'' N, longitude
86[deg]31'28.80'' W; thence proceeding directly to a point on the
shoreline at latitude 30[deg]23'30.14'' N, longitude 86[deg]31'30.21''
(b) The regulations. (1) No person or vessel shall enter the area
without the permission of the Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Destin
Station, Florida, or his/her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph (a) of this section and the
associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. The regulations in this section shall be enforced
by the Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Destin Station, and such agencies
as he/she may designate.
10. Add Sec. 334.748 to read as follows:
Sec. 334.748 Wynnhaven Beach, Fla., at Eglin AFB; Restricted Area.
(a) The area. The restricted area shall encompass all navigable
waters of the United States, as defined at 33 CFR part 329, within the
area bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates: Commencing
from the shoreline at latitude 30[deg]24'35.06'' N, longitude
086[deg]46'20.31'' W; thence to latitude 30[deg]24'33.57'' N, longitude
086[deg]46'20.31'' W; then the line meanders irregularly, following the
shoreline at a distance of 150 feet seaward from the mean high water
line to a point at latitude 30[deg]24'34.81'' N, longitude
086[deg]46'09.19'' W, thence proceeding directly to a point on the
shoreline at latitude 30[deg]24'36.30'' N, longitude 086[deg]46'09.19''
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels and other craft are
permitted access to the restricted area described in paragraph (a) of
this section. Any person or vessel within the restricted area will be
subject to identification checks by U.S. Air Force patrol boats. During
times of high security threats against Eglin AFB, all entry, transit,
anchoring or drifting within the restricted area
[[Page 75458]]
described in paragraph (a) of this section for any reason is not
allowed without the permission of the Commander, Eglin AFB, Florida, or
his/her authorized representative.
(2) The area identified in paragraph (a) of this section and the
associated restrictions described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section
are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(c) Enforcement. (1) The regulations in this section shall be
enforced by the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB, Florida and
such agencies as he/she may designate.
(2) Enforcement of the regulations in this section will be
accomplished in accordance with the active security level as defined by
the Department of Defense Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System.
Sec. 334.750 [Removed]
11. Remove Sec. 334.750.
Dated: November 29, 2011.
Michael G. Ensch,
Chief, Operations and Regulatory Directorate of Civil Works.
[FR Doc. 2011-31017 Filed 12-1-11; 8:45 am]