Procurement List; Proposed Addition, 75536-75537 [2011-30988]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Notices
requested because of the low likelihood
of encountering these species during the
cruise. As mentioned previously, the
survey would not occur in any areas
designated as critical habitat for ESAlisted species and would not adversely
impact marine mammal habitat.
For the 20 species for which take was
requested, the requested take numbers
are small (each, less than two and onehalf percent) relative to the population
size. The population estimates for the
species that may potentially be taken as
a result of L–DEO’s seismic survey were
presented earlier in this document. For
reasons described earlier in this
document, the maximum calculated
number of individual marine mammals
for each species that could potentially
be taken by harassment is small relative
to the overall population sizes (0.06
percent for Bryde’s whales, less than
0.01 percent for the endangered blue
whale, 0.17 percent for the endangered
sperm whale, and less than 2.5 percent
of the other 15 mammal populations or
Based on the analysis contained
herein of the likely effects of the
specified activity on marine mammals
and their habitat, and taking into
consideration the implementation of the
mitigation and monitoring measures,
NMFS finds that L–DEO’s planned
research activities (and the resultant
total taking from the marine geophysical
survey): (1) Will result in the incidental
take of small numbers of marine
mammals, by Level B harassment only;
(2) will have a negligible impact on the
affected species or stocks; and (3) will
have mitigated impacts to affected
species or stocks of marine mammals to
the lowest level practicable.
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Impact on Availability of Affected
Species or Stock for Taking for
Subsistence Uses
There are no relevant subsistence uses
of marine mammals implicated by this
Endangered Species Act
Of the species of marine mammals
that may occur in the survey area, six
are listed as endangered under the ESA,
including the humpback, sei, fin, blue,
and sperm whales and the Hawaiian
monk seal. However, L–DEO only
requested Level B incidental harassment
of two listed species: the humpback and
sperm whales. L–DEO did not request
take of endangered humpback, sei, or
fin, whales because of the low
likelihood of encountering these species
during the cruise. Under section 7 of the
ESA, NSF had initiated formal
consultation with the NMFS, Office of
Protected Resources, Endangered
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Species Act Interagency Cooperation
Division, on this seismic survey.
Because the actions of conducting the
seismic survey and issuing the IHA are
interrelated, NMFS’ Office of Protected
Resources, Permits and Conservation
Division, had initiated formal
consultation under section 7 of the ESA
with NMFS’ Office of Protected
Resources, Endangered Species Act
Interagency Cooperation Division, to
obtain a BiOp evaluating the effects of
issuing the IHA on threatened and
endangered marine mammals and, if
appropriate, authorizing incidental take.
November, 2011 NMFS issued a BiOp
and concluded that the action and
issuance of the IHA are not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
the humpback and sperm whales. The
BiOp also concluded that designated
critical habitat for these species does not
occur in the survey area and would not
be affected by the survey. L–DEO must
also comply with the Relevant Terms
and Conditions of the Incidental Take
Statement (ITS) corresponding to
NMFS’ Biological Opinion issued to
both NSF and NMFS’ Office of Protected
Resources. L–DEO must also comply
with the mitigation and monitoring
requirements included in the IHA in
order to be exempt under the ITS in the
BiOp from the prohibition on take of
listed endangered marine mammal
species otherwise prohibited by Section
9 of the ESA.
National Environmental Policy Act
To meet NMFS’ NEPA requirements
for the issuance of an IHA to L–DEO,
NMFS has prepared an Environmental
Assessment (EA) titled ‘‘Issuance of an
Incidental Harassment Authorization to
the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
to Take Marine Mammals by
Harassment Incidental to a Marine
Geophysical Survey in the Central
Pacific Ocean, November, 2011 through
January, 2012.’’ This EA incorporates
the NSF’s Environmental Analysis
Pursuant to Executive Order 12114
(NSF, 2010) and an associated report
(Report) prepared by LGL Limited
Environmental Research Associates
(LGL) for NSF, titled, ‘‘Environmental
Assessment of a Marine Geophysical
Survey by the R/V Marcus G. Langseth
in the Central Pacific Ocean, November–
December 2011,’’ by reference pursuant
to 40 CFR 1502.21 and NOAA
Administrative Order (NAO) 216–6
§ 5.09(d). NMFS provided relevant
environmental information to the public
through the notice for the proposed IHA
(76 FR 57959, September 19, 2011) and
has considered public comments
received in response prior to finalizing
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its EA and deciding whether or not to
issue a Finding of No Significant Impact
NMFS has concluded that issuance of
an IHA would not significantly affect
the quality of the human environment
and has issued a FONSI. Because the
NMFS has made a FONSI, it is not
necessary to prepare an environmental
impact statement for the issuance of an
IHA to L–DEO for this activity. The EA
and FONSI for this activity are available
upon request (see ADDRESSES).
As a result of these determinations,
NMFS has issued an IHA to L–DEO for
the take of small numbers of marine
mammals, by Level B harassment,
incidental to conducting a marine
geophysical survey in the central Pacific
Ocean, November 2011 through January
2012, provided the previously
mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting requirements are incorporated.
Dated: November 28, 2011.
Angela Somma,
Acting Office Director, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2011–31056 Filed 12–1–11; 8:45 am]
Procurement List; Proposed Addition
Committee for Purchase From
People Who Are Blind or Severely
ACTION: Proposed Addition to the
Procurement List.
The Committee is proposing
to add a service to the Procurement List
that will be provided by a nonprofit
agency employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities.
Comments Must Be Received on or
Before: 1/2/2012.
ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase
From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, Jefferson Plaza 2, Suite 10800,
1421 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, Virginia 22202–3259.
COMMENTS CONTACT: Patricia Briscoe,
Telephone: (703) 603–7740, Fax: (703)
603–0655, or email
notice is published pursuant to 41 U.S.C
47(a)(2) and 41 CFR 51–2.3. Its purpose
is to provide interested persons an
opportunity to submit comments on the
proposed actions.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 232 / Friday, December 2, 2011 / Notices
If the Committee approves the
proposed addition, the entities of the
Federal Government identified in this
notice will be required to furnish the
service listed below from the nonprofit
agency employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities.
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
I certify that the following action will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The major factors considered for this
certification were:
1. If approved, the action will not
result in any additional reporting,
recordkeeping or other compliance
requirements for small entities other
than the small organization that will
provide the service to the Government.
2. If approved, the action will result
in authorizing small entities to provide
the service to the Government.
3. There are no known regulatory
alternatives which would accomplish
the objectives of the Javits-WagnerO’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46–48c) in
connection with the service proposed
for addition to the Procurement List.
Comments on this certification are
invited. Commenters should identify the
statement(s) underlying the certification
on which they are providing additional
End of Certification
The following service is proposed for
addition to the Procurement List for
production by the nonprofit agency
Service Type/Location: Grounds
Maintenance, Beale AFB, CA.
NPA: Crossroads Diversified Service, Inc.,
Sacramento, CA.
Contracting Activity: 9th Contracting
Squadron, Beale AFB, CA.
Patricia Briscoe,
Deputy Director, Business Operations, Pricing
and Information Management.
[FR Doc. 2011–30988 Filed 12–1–11; 8:45 am]
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Notice of Teleconference of the
Chronic Hazard Advisory Panel on
Phthalates and Phthalate Substitutes
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘CPSC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
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is announcing a teleconference of the
Chronic Hazard Advisory Panel (CHAP)
on phthalates and phthalate substitutes.
The Commission appointed this CHAP
on April 14, 2010, to study the effects
on children’s health of all phthalates
and phthalate alternatives, as used in
children’s toys and child care articles,
pursuant to section 108 of the Consumer
Product Safety Improvement Act of
2008 (CPSIA) (Pub. L. 110–314). The
CHAP will discuss its progress toward
completing its analysis of potential risks
from phthalates and phthalate
The teleconference will take
place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST
(15:30 to 17:00 GMT) on Monday,
December 19, 2011. Interested members
of the public may listen to the CHAP’s
discussion. Members of the public will
not have the opportunity to ask
questions, comment, or otherwise
participate in the teleconference.
Interested parties should contact the
CPSC project manager, Michael Babich,
by email ( for call-in
instructions no later than Wednesday,
December 14, 2011.
request access to the teleconference,
contact the project manager by email at, no later than
Wednesday, December 14, 2011. For all
other questions, contact: Michael
Babich, Directorate for Health Sciences,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone (301)
504–7253; email
108 of the CPSIA permanently prohibits
the sale of any ‘‘children’s toy or child
care article’’ containing more than 0.1
percent of each of three specified
phthalates: Di- (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and
benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP). Section
108 of the CPSIA also prohibits, on an
interim basis, the sale of any ‘‘children’s
toy that can be placed in a child’s
mouth’’ or ‘‘child care article’’
containing more than 0.1 percent of
each of three additional phthalates:
diisononyl phthalate (DINP), diisodecyl
phthalate (DIDP), and di-n-octyl
phthalate (DnOP).
Moreover, section 108 of the CPSIA
requires the Commission to convene a
CHAP ‘‘to study the effects on children’s
health of all phthalates and phthalate
alternatives as used in children’s toys
and child care articles.’’ The CPSIA
requires the CHAP to complete an
examination of the full range of
phthalates that are used in products for
children and:
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• Examine all of the potential health
effects (including endocrine-disrupting
effects) of the full range of phthalates;
• Consider the potential health effects
of each of these phthalates, both in
isolation and in combination with other
• Examine the likely levels of
children’s, pregnant women’s, and
others’ exposure to phthalates, based
upon a reasonable estimation of normal
and foreseeable use and abuse of such
• Consider the cumulative effect of
total exposure to phthalates, both from
children’s products and from other
sources, such as personal care products;
• Review all relevant data, including
the most recent, best-available, peerreviewed, scientific studies of these
phthalates and phthalate alternatives
that employ objective data-collection
practices or employ other objective
• Consider the health effects of
phthalates not only from ingestion, but
also as a result of dermal, hand-tomouth, or other exposure;
• Consider the level at which there is
a reasonable certainty of no harm to
children, pregnant women, or other
susceptible individuals and their
offspring, considering the best available
science, and using sufficient safety
factors to account for uncertainties
regarding exposure and susceptibility of
children, pregnant women, and other
potentially susceptible individuals; and
• Consider possible similar health
effects of phthalate alternatives used in
children’s toys and child care articles.
The CPSIA contemplates completion
of the CHAP’s examination within 18
months of the panel’s appointment on
April 14, 2010. The CHAP must review
prior work on phthalates by the
Commission, but it is not to be
considered determinative because the
CHAP’s examination must be conducted
de novo.
The CHAP must make
recommendations to the Commission
regarding any phthalates (or
combinations of phthalates), in addition
to those identified in section 108 of the
CPSIA or phthalate alternatives that the
panel determines should be prohibited
from use in children’s toys or child care
articles or otherwise restricted. The
CHAP members were selected by the
Commission from scientists nominated
by the National Academy of Sciences.
See 15 U.S.C. 2077, 2030(b).
The CHAP met previously in April,
July, and December 2010, and in March,
July, and November 2011, at the CPSC’s
offices in Bethesda, MD, and by
teleconference in November 2010 and
September 2011. The CHAP heard
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 232 (Friday, December 2, 2011)]
[Pages 75536-75537]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-30988]
Procurement List; Proposed Addition
AGENCY: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely
ACTION: Proposed Addition to the Procurement List.
SUMMARY: The Committee is proposing to add a service to the Procurement
List that will be provided by a nonprofit agency employing persons who
are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Comments Must Be Received on or Before: 1/2/2012.
ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, Jefferson Plaza 2, Suite 10800, 1421 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, Virginia 22202-3259.
For Further Information or To Submit Comments Contact: Patricia
Briscoe, Telephone: (703) 603-7740, Fax: (703) 603-0655, or email
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published pursuant to 41
U.S.C 47(a)(2) and 41 CFR 51-2.3. Its purpose is to provide interested
persons an opportunity to submit comments on the proposed actions.
[[Page 75537]]
If the Committee approves the proposed addition, the entities of
the Federal Government identified in this notice will be required to
furnish the service listed below from the nonprofit agency employing
persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
I certify that the following action will not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small entities. The major factors
considered for this certification were:
1. If approved, the action will not result in any additional
reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements for small
entities other than the small organization that will provide the
service to the Government.
2. If approved, the action will result in authorizing small
entities to provide the service to the Government.
3. There are no known regulatory alternatives which would
accomplish the objectives of the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46-
48c) in connection with the service proposed for addition to the
Procurement List.
Comments on this certification are invited. Commenters should
identify the statement(s) underlying the certification on which they
are providing additional information.
End of Certification
The following service is proposed for addition to the Procurement
List for production by the nonprofit agency listed:
Service Type/Location: Grounds Maintenance, Beale AFB, CA.
NPA: Crossroads Diversified Service, Inc., Sacramento, CA.
Contracting Activity: 9th Contracting Squadron, Beale AFB, CA.
Patricia Briscoe,
Deputy Director, Business Operations, Pricing and Information
[FR Doc. 2011-30988 Filed 12-1-11; 8:45 am]