Rate for Use in Federal Debt Collection and Discount and Rebate Evaluation, 72498-72499 [2011-30160]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 226 / Wednesday, November 23, 2011 / Notices
OCC: Ira L. Mills or Mary H. Gottlieb,
OCC Clearance Officers, (202) 874–5090,
Legislative and Regulatory Activities
Division, Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency, 250 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20219.
Board: Cynthia Ayouch, Federal
Reserve Board Clearance Officer, (202)
452–3829, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 20th and C
Streets NW., Washington, DC 20551.
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
(TDD) users may call (202) 263–4869.
FDIC: Gary Kuiper, Counsel, (202)
898–3719, Legal Division, Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20429.
to extend for three years, without
revision, the following currently
approved collections of information:
Report Title: Country Exposure Report
and Country Exposure Information
Form Number: FFIEC 009 and FFIEC
Frequency of Response: Quarterly.
Affected Public: Business or other for
OMB Number: 1557–0100.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 16
(FFIEC 009), 9 (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Average Time per
Response: 70 burden hours (FFIEC 009),
5.25 burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
4,480 burden hours (FFIEC 009), 189
burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
OMB Number: 7100–0035.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 35
(FFIEC 009), 24 (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Average Time per
Response: 70 burden hours (FFIEC 009),
5.25 burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
9,800 burden hours (FFIEC 009), 504
burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
OMB Number: 3064–0017.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 21
(FFIEC 009), 10 (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Average Time per
Response: 70 burden hours (FFIEC 009),
5.25 burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
5,880 burden hours (FFIEC 009), 210
burden hours (FFIEC 009a).
General Description of Reports
These information collections are
mandatory: 12 U.S.C. 161 and 1817
(national banks), 12 U.S.C. 248(a),
1844(c), and 3906 (state member banks
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and bank holding companies); and 12
U.S.C. 1817 and 1820 (insured state
nonmember commercial and savings
banks). The FFIEC 009 information
collection is given confidential
treatment (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and (b)(8)).
The FFIEC 009a information collection
is not given confidential treatment.
The Country Exposure Report (FFIEC
009) is filed quarterly with the agencies
and provides information on
international claims of U.S. banks and
bank holding companies that is used for
supervisory and analytical purposes.
The information is used to monitor
country exposure of banks to determine
the degree of risk in their portfolios and
the possible impact on U.S. banks of
adverse developments in particular
countries. The Country Exposure
Information Report (FFIEC 009a) is a
supplement to the FFIEC 009 and
provides publicly available information
on material foreign country exposures
(all exposures to a country in excess of
1 percent of total assets or 20 percent of
capital, whichever is less) of U.S. banks
and bank holding companies that file
the FFIEC 009 report. As part of the
Country Exposure Information Report,
reporting institutions must also furnish
a list of countries in which they have
lending exposures above 0.75 percent of
total assets or 15 percent of total capital,
whichever is less.
Current Actions
The agencies are not planning any
revisions at this time. However, the
agencies expect to propose revisions in
the near future, including potential
changes to the Country Codes used in
the FFIEC 009 report in order to more
closely match the Country Codes on the
Department of the Treasury’s Treasury
International Capital (TIC) reports (OMB
Nos.: 1505–0016, 0017, 0018, 0019,
0020, and 0024).
Request for Comment
Comments are invited on:
a. Whether the information
collections are necessary for the proper
performance of the agencies’ functions,
including whether the information has
practical utility;
b. The accuracy of the agencies’
estimates of the burden of the
information collections, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
c. Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected;
d. Ways to minimize the burden of
information collections on respondents,
including through the use of automated
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collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and
e. Estimates of capital or start up costs
and costs of operation, maintenance,
and purchase of services to provide
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be shared among the
agencies. All comments will become a
matter of public record.
Dated: November 10, 2011.
Michele Meyer,
Assistant Director, Legislative and Regulatory
Activities Division, Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, November 17, 2011.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
Dated at Washington, DC, this 16th day of
November, 2011.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2011–30215 Filed 11–22–11; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 4810–33–P 6714–01–P 6210–01–P
Fiscal Service
Rate for Use in Federal Debt Collection
and Discount and Rebate Evaluation
Financial Management Service,
Fiscal Service, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
Pursuant to Section 11 of the
Debt Collection Act of 1982, as
amended, (31 U.S.C. 3717), the
Secretary of the Treasury is responsible
for computing and publishing the
percentage rate to be used in assessing
interest charges for outstanding debts
owed to the Government. Treasury’s
Cash Management Requirements (TFM
Volume I, Part 6, Chapter 8000)
prescribe use of this rate by agencies as
a comparison point in evaluating the
cost-effectiveness of a cash discount. In
addition, 5 CFR 1315.8 of the Prompt
Payment rule on ‘‘Rebates’’ requires that
this rate be used in determining when
agencies should pay purchase card
invoices when the card issuer offers a
rebate. Notice is hereby given that the
applicable rate is 1.00 percent for
calendar year 2012.
DATES: The rate will be in effect for the
period beginning on January 1, 2012,
and ending on December 31, 2012.
Inquiries should be directed to the
Agency Enterprise Solutions Division,
Financial Management Service,
Department of the Treasury, 401 14th
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 226 / Wednesday, November 23, 2011 / Notices
Street SW., Washington, DC 20227
(Telephone: (202) 874–9428).
reflects the current value of funds to the
Treasury for use in connection with
Federal Cash Management systems and
is based on investment rates set for
purposes of Public Law 95–147, 91 Stat.
1227. Computed each year by averaging
Treasury Tax and Loan (TT&L)
investment rates for the 12-month
period ending every September 30,
rounded to the nearest whole
percentage, for applicability effective
each January 1, the rate is subject to
quarterly revisions if the annual
average, on a moving basis, changes by
2 percentage points. The rate in effect
for the calendar year 2012 reflects the
average investment rates for the 12month period that ended September 30,
Dated: November 9, 2011.
Sheryl R. Morrow,
Assistant Commissioner, Payment
[FR Doc. 2011–30160 Filed 11–22–11; 8:45 am]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Actions Taken Pursuant to Executive
Order 13382 Related to the Islamic
Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
The Treasury Department’s
Office of Foreign Assets Control
(‘‘OFAC’’) is publishing on OFAC’s list
of Specially Designated Nationals and
Blocked Persons the names of six
newly-designated entities whose
property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to Executive Order
13382 of June 28, 2005, ‘‘Blocking
Property of Weapons of Mass
Destruction Proliferators and Their
The designation by the Director
of OFAC, pursuant to Executive Order
13382, of the six entities identified in
this notice was effective on October 27,
Assistant Director, Sanctions
Compliance & Evaluation, tel.: (202)
622–2490, Office of Foreign Assets
Control; Assistant Director for Policy,
tel.: (202) 622–4855, Office of Foreign
Assets Control; or Chief Counsel
(Foreign Assets Control), tel.: (202) 622–
2410, Office of the General Counsel,
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Department of the Treasury,
Washington, DC 20220.
Electronic and Facsimile Availability
This document and additional
information concerning OFAC are
available from OFAC’s Web site
enforcement/ofac) or via facsimile
through a 24-hour fax-on demand
service, tel.: (202) 622–0077.
On June 28, 2005, the President,
invoking the authority, inter alia, of the
International Emergency Economic
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–1706)
(‘‘IEEPA’’), issued Executive Order
13382 (70 FR 38567, July 1, 2005) (the
‘‘Order’’), effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern
daylight time on June 29, 2005. In the
Order, the President took additional
steps with respect to the national
emergency described and declared in
Executive Order 12938 of November 14,
1994, regarding the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and the
means of delivering them.
Section 1 of the Order blocks, with
certain exceptions, all property and
interests in property that are in the
United States, or that hereafter come
within the United States or that are or
hereafter come within the possession or
control of United States persons, of: (1)
The persons listed in the Annex to the
Order; (2) any foreign person
determined by the Secretary of State, in
consultation with the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Attorney General, and
other relevant agencies, to have
engaged, or attempted to engage, in
activities or transactions that have
materially contributed to, or pose a risk
of materially contributing to, the
proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction or their means of delivery
(including missiles capable of delivering
such weapons), including any efforts to
manufacture, acquire, possess, develop,
transport, transfer or use such items, by
any person or foreign country of
proliferation concern; (3) any person
determined by the Secretary of the
Treasury, in consultation with the
Secretary of State, the Attorney General,
and other relevant agencies, to have
provided, or attempted to provide,
financial, material, technological or
other support for, or goods or services
in support of, any activity or transaction
described in clause (2) above or any
person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to the
Order; and (4) any person determined
by the Secretary of the Treasury, in
consultation with the Secretary of State,
the Attorney General, and other relevant
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agencies, to be owned or controlled by,
or acting or purporting to act for or on
behalf of, directly or indirectly, any
person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to the
On October 27, 2011, the Director of
OFAC, in consultation with the
Departments of State, Justice, and other
relevant agencies, designated six entities
whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to
Executive Order 13382.
The list of additional designees is as
Galliot Maritime Inc, c/o Ocean
Business Plaza Building, Torre Banesco
Floor 14, Office Number 1404, Calle
Aquino de la Guardia and Calle 47,
Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama; c/o
Hafiz Darya Shipping Co, No. 60,
Ehteshamiyeh Square, 7th Neyestan
Street, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Iran;
Email Address info@vme.com.pa; alt.
Email Address info@hdslines.com; RUC
# 1873702–1–717632 (Panama); Web
site www.vme.com.pa; alt. Web site
www.hdslines.com; Telephone:
5078306525; Alt Telephone:
982126100733; Fax: 5078306526; Alt
Fax: 982120100734 [NPWMD].
Indus Maritime Inc, c/o Ocean
Business Plaza Building, Torre Banesco
Floor 14, Office Number 1404, Calle
Aquino de la Guardia and Calle 47,
Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama; c/o
Hafiz Darya Shipping Co, No. 60,
Ehteshamiyeh Square, 7th Neyestan
Street, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Iran;
Email Address info@vme.com.pa; alt.
Email Address info@hdslines.com; RUC
# 1873701–1–717631 (Panama); Web
site www.vme.com.pa; alt. Web site
www.hdslines.com; Telephone:
5078306525; Alt Telephone:
982126100733; Fax: 5078306526; Alt
Fax: 982120100734 [NPWMD].
Kaveri Maritime Inc, c/o Ocean
Business Plaza Building, Torre Banesco
Floor 14, Office Number 1404, Calle
Aquino de la Guardia and Calle 47,
Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama; c/o
Hafiz Darya Shipping Co, No. 60,
Ehteshamiyeh Square, 7th Neyestan
Street, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Iran;
Email Address info@vme.com.pa; alt.
Email Address info@hdslines.com; RUC
# 1873621–1–717620 (Panama); Web
site www.vme.com.pa; alt. Web site
www.hdslines.com; Telephone:
5078306525; Alt Telephone:
982126100733; Fax: 5078306526; Alt
Fax: 982120100734 [NPWMD].
Melodious Maritime Inc, c/o Ocean
Business Plaza Building, Torre Banesco
Floor 14, Office Number 1404, Calle
Aquino de la Guardia and Calle 47,
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 226 (Wednesday, November 23, 2011)]
[Pages 72498-72499]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-30160]
Fiscal Service
Rate for Use in Federal Debt Collection and Discount and Rebate
AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 11 of the Debt Collection Act of 1982, as
amended, (31 U.S.C. 3717), the Secretary of the Treasury is responsible
for computing and publishing the percentage rate to be used in
assessing interest charges for outstanding debts owed to the
Government. Treasury's Cash Management Requirements (TFM Volume I, Part
6, Chapter 8000) prescribe use of this rate by agencies as a comparison
point in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a cash discount. In
addition, 5 CFR 1315.8 of the Prompt Payment rule on ``Rebates''
requires that this rate be used in determining when agencies should pay
purchase card invoices when the card issuer offers a rebate. Notice is
hereby given that the applicable rate is 1.00 percent for calendar year
DATES: The rate will be in effect for the period beginning on January
1, 2012, and ending on December 31, 2012.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Inquiries should be directed to the
Agency Enterprise Solutions Division, Financial Management Service,
Department of the Treasury, 401 14th
[[Page 72499]]
Street SW., Washington, DC 20227 (Telephone: (202) 874-9428).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The rate reflects the current value of funds
to the Treasury for use in connection with Federal Cash Management
systems and is based on investment rates set for purposes of Public Law
95-147, 91 Stat. 1227. Computed each year by averaging Treasury Tax and
Loan (TT&L) investment rates for the 12-month period ending every
September 30, rounded to the nearest whole percentage, for
applicability effective each January 1, the rate is subject to
quarterly revisions if the annual average, on a moving basis, changes
by 2 percentage points. The rate in effect for the calendar year 2012
reflects the average investment rates for the 12-month period that
ended September 30, 2011.
Dated: November 9, 2011.
Sheryl R. Morrow,
Assistant Commissioner, Payment Management.
[FR Doc. 2011-30160 Filed 11-22-11; 8:45 am]