Enhancement of Electricity Market Surveillance and Analysis Through Ongoing Electronic Delivery of Data From Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, 66211-66220 [2011-27626]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the
authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the Federal Aviation
Administration proposes to amend part
39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations
(14 CFR part 39) as follows:
2. Section 39.13 is amended by
adding a new airworthiness directive to
read as follows:
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation: Docket No.
FAA–2011–1113; Directorate Identifier
Applicability: Model S–92A helicopters,
tail rotor blade assembly (blade), part
numbers (P/N) 92170–11000–044, –045, and
–046, with a serial number with a prefix of
‘‘A111’’ and a number equal to or less than
‘‘–00585,’’ installed, certificated in any
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless
accomplished previously.
To detect mislocated blade wire mesh and
to prevent spar delamination, loss of the
blade tip cap during a lightning strike, blade
imbalance, loss of a blade, and subsequent
loss of control of the helicopter, do the
(a) Within 60 days, inspect the upper and
lower airfoils of each tail rotor blade to
determine if the wire mesh is mislocated.
(1) Inspect by using either an eddy current
inspection in accordance with paragraphs
B.(1)(a) through B.(1)(o) or using the handsanding method and visually inspecting in
accordance with paragraphs B.(2)(a) through
B.(2)(d) of Sikorsky Special Service
Instructions SSI No. 92–021A, Revision A,
dated October 21, 2009, except you are not
required to contact or report nonconforming
blades to the manufacturer. If you sand and
visually inspect and confirm the correct
location of the wire mesh, touch-up and
repaint the sanded area.
(2) If there is a blade with a mislocated
wire mesh, before further flight, replace the
blade with an airworthy blade.
(b) To request a different method of
compliance or a different compliance time
for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR
39.19. Contact the Manager, Boston Aircraft
16:20 Oct 25, 2011
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[FR Doc. 2011–27669 Filed 10–25–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RM11–17–000]
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on October 7,
Lance T. Gant,
Acting Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
18 CFR Part 35
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
§ 39.13
Certification Office, FAA, Attn: Nicholas
Faust, Aviation Safety Engineer, Boston
Aircraft Certification Office, 12 New England
Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803,
telephone (781) 238–7763, fax (781) 238–
7170, for information about previously
approved alternative methods of compliance.
(c) The Joint Aircraft System/Component
(JASC) Code is 6410, Tail Rotor Blades.
Enhancement of Electricity Market
Surveillance and Analysis Through
Ongoing Electronic Delivery of Data
From Regional Transmission
Organizations and Independent
System Operators
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to revise its regulations to
require each regional transmission
organization (RTO) and independent
system operator (ISO) to electronically
deliver to the Commission, on an
ongoing basis, data related to the
markets that it administers. Ongoing
electronic delivery of data relating to
physical and virtual offers and bids,
market awards, resource outputs,
marginal cost estimates, shift factors,
financial transmission rights, internal
bilateral contracts, and interchange
pricing will facilitate the Commission’s
development and evaluation of its
policies and regulations and will
enhance Commission efforts to detect
anti-competitive or manipulative
behavior, or ineffective market rules,
thereby helping to ensure just and
reasonable rates.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
are due December 27, 2011.
Comments, identified by docket
number, may be filed in the following
• Electronic Filing through https://
www.ferc.gov. Documents created
electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native
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applications or print-to-PDF format and
not in a scanned format.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable
to file electronically may mail or handdeliver comments to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
see the Comment Procedures Section of
this document.
William Sauer (Technical Information),
Office of Enforcement, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426,
(202) 502–6639,
Christopher Daignault (Legal
Information), Office of the General
Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
8286, christopher.daignault@ferc.gov.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
October 20, 2011.
1. In this Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NOPR), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes, pursuant to sections 301(b)
and 307(a) of the Federal Power Act
(FPA),1 to amend its regulations to
require each regional transmission
organization (RTO) and independent
system operator (ISO) to electronically
deliver to the Commission, on an
ongoing basis, data related to the
markets that it administers. Ongoing
electronic delivery of data relating to
physical and virtual offers and bids,
market awards, resource outputs,
marginal cost estimates, shift factors,
financial transmission rights (FTR),
internal bilateral contracts, and
interchange pricing will facilitate the
Commission’s development and
evaluation of its policies and regulations
and will enhance Commission efforts to
detect anti-competitive or manipulative
behavior, or ineffective market rules,
thereby helping to ensure just and
reasonable rates.
I. Background
2. Wholesale electricity markets have
witnessed tremendous change in recent
years. In the decades after the 1935
enactment of the FPA, the industry was
characterized by self-sufficient,
vertically integrated utilities. Most
utilities built their own generation,
transmission, and distribution facilities
1 16
U.S.C. 825(b), 825f(a).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
and sold electricity to their own
wholesale and retail customers. During
this time, the Commission regulated
jurisdictional entities’ rates through
traditional cost-based ratemaking. Costbased rate regulation ensures that rates
are just and reasonable by
administratively determining an entity’s
cost of providing service. Changes in
national policy and other forces led to
increased coordination and competition
in the late 1960s and 1970s,2 and the
enactment of the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA).3 The
1980s and early 1990s experienced an
increased adoption of market-based
ratemaking and wholesale power sales
competition to promote efficiency and
to lower wholesale power prices.4
3. National policy fostered further
market evolution by encouraging
increased competition among generators
through the Energy Policy Act of 1992
(EPAct 1992).5 Specifically, EPAct 1992
eased regulatory restrictions so that
independent and affiliate generators
could more easily enter, and compete
in, wholesale electricity markets. EPAct
1992 also expanded the Commission’s
authority to address undue
2 Counted among such forces are the Northeast
blackout of 1965 and the responses to perceived
transmission system insufficiencies, as well as the
subsequent oil crisis of 1973. For a discussion of
developments following the 1965 blackout, see
William F. Fox, Jr., Federal Regulation of Energy
749, 755 (1983 & Supp. 1993), and Stephen Breyer
and Paul W. MacAvoy, The Federal Power
Commission and the Coordination Problem in the
Electrical Power Industry, 46 S. Cal. L. Rev. 661,
661 (1973).
3 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978,
Pub. L. No. 95–617, 92 Stat. 3117 (1978) (codified
as amended in scattered sections of 16 U.S.C.); see,
e.g., 16 U.S.C. 824a-3, 824i, 824j.
4 See, e.g., Louisville Gas & Elec. Co., 62 FERC
¶ 61,016, at 61,143 & n.16, 61,149 (1993) (accepting
non-traditional, market-based rates as consistent
with primary regulatory goal of ensuring lowest
reasonable cost energy to consumers, provided
service is reliable and the seller demonstrates a lack
of market power); Pac. Gas & Elec. Co., 38 FERC
¶ 61,242, at 61,790 (1987) (accepting proposed
competitive rates because ‘‘competition * * *
encourages utilities to make efficient decisions with
a minimum of regulatory intervention [and,
u]ltimately, consumers should benefit from lower
prices as competition improves efficiency.’’),
modifying on other ground, 47 FERC ¶ 61,121
(1989), modified, 50 FERC ¶ 61,339 (1990),
modified sub nom. W. Sys. Power Pool, 55 FERC
¶ 61,099, at 61,319 (addressing applicant’s failure
to eliminate anticompetitive effects by mitigating
market power), granting stay, 55 FERC ¶ 61,154,
reh’g granted in part, 55 FERC ¶ 61,495 (1991),
modified, 59 FERC ¶ 61,249 (1992); Pub. Serv. Co.
of New Mexico, 25 FERC ¶ 61,469, at 62,038 (1983)
(averring that ‘‘competition penalizes a seller that
is inefficient or has an unreasonable pricing
strategy[; consequently,] consumers * * * benefit
because the improvements in efficiency lead to
lower prices.’’); see also Heartland Energy Servs.,
Inc., 68 FERC ¶ 61,223 (1994) (reviewing early
Commission decisions granting market-based rate
5 Pub. L. No. 102–486, 106 Stat. 2776 (1992).
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discrimination in transmission access in
order to promote wholesale
competition. In subsequent orders, the
Commission found that the availability
of transmission service enhances
competition in power markets, by
increasing power supply options of
buyers and power sales options of
sellers, and leads to lower rates for
consumers.6 By the mid-1990s, the
Commission had determined that
additional measures were needed to
address undue discrimination in
transmission access and issued Order
Nos. 8887 and 889,8 which required
‘‘open access’’ transmission service. In
doing so, the Commission explained
that its action ‘‘remove[s] impediments
to competition in the wholesale power
marketplace and * * * bring[s] more
efficient, lower cost power to the
Nation’s electricity customers.’’ 9 The
Commission subsequently issued Order
No. 890,10 to further remedy undue
discrimination and thereby remove
barriers to competition.
4. In addition to addressing undue
discrimination in transmission access,
Order No. 888 encouraged the formation
of ISOs. The Commission posited that
‘‘ISOs have great potential to assist us
and the industry to help provide
regional efficiencies, to facilitate
economically efficient pricing, and,
especially in the context of power pools,
to remedy undue discrimination and
mitigate market power.’’ 11 To facilitate
ISO formation and foster independent
operation of the transmission grid, the
Commission suggested that utilities
6 Fla. Mun. Power Agency v. Fla. Power & Light
Co., 65 FERC ¶ 61,125, at 61,615, reh’g dismissed,
65 FERC ¶ 61,372 (1993), final order, 67 FERC
¶ 61,167 (1994), order on reh’g, 74 FERC ¶ 61,006
7 Promoting Wholesale Competition Through
Open Access Non-Discriminatory Transmission
Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded
Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities,
Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,036 (1996),
order on reh’g, Order No. 888–A, FERC Stats. &
Regs. ¶ 31,048, order on reh’g, Order No. 888–B, 81
FERC ¶ 61,248 (1997), order on reh’g, Order No.
888–C, 82 FERC ¶ 61,046 (1998), aff’d in relevant
part sub nom. Transmission Access Policy Study
Group v. FERC, 225 F.3d 667 (D.C. Cir. 2000), aff’d
sub nom. New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. 1 (2002).
8 Open Access Same-Time Information System
and Standards of Conduct, Order No. 889, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,035 (1996), order on reh’g, Order
No. 889–A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,049, reh’g
denied, Order No. 889–B, 81 FERC ¶ 61,253 (1997).
9 Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,036 at
10 Preventing Undue Discrimination and
Preference in Transmission Service, Order No. 890,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,241, order on reh’g, Order
No. 890–A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,261 (2007),
order on reh’g, Order No. 890–B, 123 FERC ¶ 61,299
(2008), order on reh’g, Order No. 890–C, 126 FERC
¶ 61,228 (2009), order on clarification, Order No.
890–D, 129 FERC ¶ 61,126 (2009).
11 Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,036 at
31,652; see also id. at 31,730–32.
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should voluntarily transfer operating
control of their transmission facilities to
an ISO. Four years later, in Order No.
2000,12 the Commission encouraged the
voluntary formation of RTOs to
administer the transmission grid on a
regional basis. To date, the Commission
has approved six RTOs and ISOs: PJM
Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM); New York
Independent System Operator, Inc.
(NYISO); Midwest Independent
Transmission System Operator, Inc.
(Midwest ISO); ISO New England Inc.
(ISO–NE); California Independent
System Operator Corporation (CAISO);
and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP).
Together, these six RTOs and ISOs serve
more than half of the United States’
wholesale electricity demand.13
5. The wholesale electricity markets
operated by Commission-approved
RTOs/ISOs have evolved since their
inception and will likely continue to do
so as advances in technology usher in
additional competing resources,
computational efficiencies, new
products, and new types of market
participants. Today, for example, market
participants include independent
generating resources, storage devices,
demand response and energy efficiency
providers, marketers and traders,
vertically integrated utilities, power
marketing administrations,
municipalities and cooperatives, among
6. Substantial changes also have
occurred with respect to the manner in
which electricity is bought and sold. For
example, when the
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) was
established in 2000, the vast majority of
electricity sales transacted on ICE
contained requirements for physical
delivery. Electricity bought or sold
without requirements for physical
delivery is commonly referred to as a
financial electricity product. Beginning
in 2004, the volume of financial
electricity products bought and sold on
ICE eclipsed that of electricity bought
and sold on ICE with physical delivery
requirements. The financial electricity
product volumes on ICE also surpassed
electricity volumes reported to the
Commission through Electric Quarterly
12 Regional Transmission Organizations, Order
No. 2000, 65 FR 809 (Jan. 6, 2000), FERC Stats. &
Regs. ¶ 31,089 (1999), order on reh’g, Order No.
2000–A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,092 (2000), aff’d
sub nom. Pub. Util. Dist. No. 1 of Snohomish
County, Washington v. FERC, 272 F.3d 607 (D.C.
Cir. 2001).
13 See ISO/RTO Council, Progress of Organized
Wholesale Electriciy Markets in North America 1
(2007), https://www.isorto.org/atf/cf/%7B5B4E85C67EAC-40A0-8DC3-003829518EBD%7D/
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Reports (EQR) in several markets.14
Given that financial electricity products
commonly settle using published prices
from Commission-jurisdictional
markets, changes in the prices of
physical electricity products impact the
values of both physical and financial
electricity products.
7. Recognizing the importance of
information relating to market trading
and market oversight, the Commission
issued Order No. 2001 15 and Order No.
697,16 establishing reporting
requirements for entities selling under
market-based rates. As one keen
observer stated, in this regard,
‘‘[i]nformation is the key to a viable
electricity market and to preventing
market manipulation.’’ 17 In addition,
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct
2005) 18 gave the Commission expanded
authority to address market
manipulation,19 including the ability to
assess civil fines and seek criminal
8. Independent market monitoring by
RTO/ISO market monitoring units
(MMU) is an important means to
14 See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
2008 State of the Markets Report (2009), available
at https://www.ferc.gov/market-oversight/st-mkt-ovr/
2008-som-final.pdf. We also note that financial
electricity products may be transacted (1) Through
exchanges besides ICE (e.g., NYMEX and Nodal
Exchange), (2) by voice brokers, (3) bilaterally, or
(4) by using other means.
15 Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements,
Order No. 2001, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,127, reh’g
denied, Order No. 2001–A, 100 FERC ¶ 61,074,
reh’g denied, Order No. 2001–B, 100 FERC
¶ 61,342, order directing filing, Order No. 2001–C,
101 FERC ¶ 61,314 (2002), order directing filing,
Order No. 2001–D, 102 FERC ¶ 61,334, order
refining filing requirements, Order No. 2001–E, 105
FERC ¶ 61,352 (2003), order on clarification, Order
No. 2001–F, 106 FERC ¶ 61,060 (2004), order
revising filing requirements, Order No. 2001–G, 120
FERC ¶ 61,270, order on reh’g and clarification,
Order No. 2001–H, 121 FERC ¶ 61,289 (2007), order
revising filing requirements, Order No. 2001–I,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,282 (2008).
16 Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of
Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by
Public Utilities, Order No. 697, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,252, clarified, 121 FERC ¶ 61,260 (2007), order
on reh’g, Order No. 697–A, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,268, clarified, 124 FERC ¶ 61,055, order on
reh’g, Order No. 697–B, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,285 (2008), order on reh’g, Order No. 697–C,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,291 (2009), order on reh’g,
Order No. 697–D, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,305
(2010), aff’d sub nom. Montana Consumer Counsel
v. FERC, No. 08–71827, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS
20724 (9th Cir. Oct. 13, 2011). In its decision
upholding Order No. 697, the Ninth Circuit Court
of Appeals noted that monitoring must be
accompanied by enforcement because ‘‘[w]ithout
enforcement, there is little reason to believe that
sellers will police themselves.’’ Montana Consumer
Counsel, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 20724 at *19 n.5.
17 Charles H. Koch, Jr., Collaborative Governance:
Lessons for Europe from U.S. Electricity
Restructuring, 61 Admin. L. Rev. 71, 97 (2009).
18 Public Law No. 109–58, 119 Stat. 594 (2005).
19 See, e.g., 16 U.S.C. 824v.
20 See 16 U.S.C. 825o (criminal penalties); 16
U.S.C. 825o–1 (civil fines).
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evaluate market developments and to
identify and deter market abuses and
manipulation. In Order No. 2000, the
Commission identified market
monitoring as a basic function of an
RTO.21 The Commission refined its
approach to MMUs in a 2005 policy
statement and in Order No. 719.22 In the
2005 Policy Statement, the Commission
outlined tasks for MMUs to perform in
order to enhance the competitive
structure of RTO/ISO markets.23
Subsequently, in Order No. 719, the
Commission further clarified
requirements for MMU functions,
independence, and information
9. The Commission has acknowledged
that MMUs perform a vital and
necessary function in market
oversight 25 but that they do not
supplant the Commission’s authority.26
Rather, MMUs are designed to provide
the Commission with an additional
means of detecting market power
abuses, market design flaws, and
opportunities for improvements in
market efficiency.27
II. Discussion
10. In this NOPR, the Commission
proposes to revise its regulations to
require each RTO and ISO to
electronically deliver to the
Commission, on an ongoing, non-public
basis, data related to the markets that it
administers; namely, data relating to
21 Prior to this first generic consideration of
MMUs in Order No. 2000, the Commission
addressed market monitoring in connection with
individual RTO/ISO proposals. See Pac. Gas & Elec.
Co., 77 FERC ¶ 61,265 (1996), order on reh’g, 81
FERC ¶ 61,122 (1997), order on clarification, 83
FERC ¶ 61,033 (1998) (requiring the ISO to file a
detailed monitoring plan and listing minimum
elements for such a plan); Pennsylvania-New JerseyMaryland Interconnection, 81 FERC ¶ 61,257 (1997)
(requiring PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. to develop a
market monitoring program to evaluate market
power and market design flaws).
22 Market Monitoring Units in Regional
Transmission Organizations and Independent
System Operators, 111 FERC ¶ 61,267 (2005) (2005
Policy Statement); Wholesale Competition in
Regions with Organized Electric Markets, Order No.
719, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,281 (2008), order on
reh’g, Order No. 719–A, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,292 (2009), order on reh’g, Order No. 719–B,
129 FERC ¶ 61,252 (2009).
23 2005 Policy Statement, 111 FERC ¶ 61,267 at
P 2.
24 Specifically, MMU functions consist of
evaluating existing and proposed market rules, tariff
provisions, and market design elements and
recommending changes, if applicable; reviewing
and reporting on the performance of wholesale
markets; and identifying and notifying the
Commission of behavior that may require
investigation. See Order No. 719, FERC Stats. &
Regs. ¶ 31,281 at P 354.
25 See, e.g., Order No. 719, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,281 at P 314.
26 Order No. 2000, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,089
at 31,156–57.
27 Id.
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physical and virtual offers and bids,
market awards, resource outputs,
marginal cost estimates, shift factors,
FTRs, internal bilateral contracts, and
interchange pricing. To facilitate such
ongoing, electronic delivery, the
Commission proposes that each RTO
and ISO use automated electronic
procedures to provide this data.
11. The Commission is statutorily
obligated to ensure that sales of
electricity in wholesale markets are
made at just and reasonable rates,28 and
to address market manipulation in
connection with the purchase or sale of
electricity subject to the Commission’s
jurisdiction.29 Toward that end, section
301(b) of the FPA provides that the
Commission shall at all times have
access to and the right to inspect and
examine all accounts and records of
public utilities.30 In this NOPR, and
pursuant to its authority under section
301(b), the Commission proposes to
seek ongoing electronic delivery of data
including accounts and records of the
RTOs/ISOs, which are public utilities.
12. Moreover, the Commission also
has authority pursuant to section 307(a)
of the FPA to investigate any facts,
conditions, practices, or matters it may
deem necessary or proper to determine
whether any person, electric utility,
transmitting utility, or other entity may
have violated or might violate the FPA
or the Commission’s regulations, or to
aid in the enforcement of the FPA or the
Commission regulations, or to obtain
information about wholesale power
sales or the transmission of power in
interstate commerce.31
13. As markets continue to evolve
with increased levels of sophistication,
the Commission must continue to
evaluate the type of data necessary to
ensure just and reasonable rates. The
Commission’s market monitoring and
surveillance capabilities and associated
data requirements must keep pace with
market developments and evolve along
with the markets. Further, the
Commission’s evaluation of the market
rules, regulations, and policies should
be informed by the data collection
proposed herein. Electronic delivery of
the types of data proposed herein will
help to bring the Commission’s access to
RTO/ISO data in sync with the types
and levels of activity in those markets
and help to ensure that rates are just and
14. Most of the data discussed in this
NOPR are already collected and stored
by the RTOs/ISOs in order to administer
28 See
16 U.S.C. 824d, 824e.
16 U.S.C. 824v.
30 16 U.S.C. 825(b).
31 16 U.S.C. 825f(a).
29 See
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
their markets. To the extent that an
RTO/ISO does not already collect
specific data, the Commission is not
proposing to require either the
collection of such data from market
participants or its electronic delivery to
the Commission. The Commission also
proposes that key identifiers and other
descriptive details necessary to
understand the data be included in the
data electronically delivered to the
Commission. Finally, the Commission
proposes that each RTO/ISO
electronically deliver the data to the
Commission using a common transfer
method and format (i.e., Secure File
Transfer Protocol and XML), which are
described below. The Commission is not
proposing that each RTO/ISO aggregate
or materially modify the data prior to
electronic delivery to the Commission.32
15. This NOPR proposes to require an
automated data delivery process, in
part, to minimize any burden on RTOs/
ISOs. The Commission currently can
request this data from individual RTOs
and ISOs on an ad hoc basis. Such
recurrent, periodic data requests may
require more Commission and RTO/ISO
resources than the proposed electronic
delivery of this data using an automated
16. Although the six RTOs/ISOs have
developed different wholesale
electricity market designs, there are
many similarities in the data that they
use to administer these markets.
Generally speaking, market participants
with their own supply resources or with
supply resources under contract submit
energy supply offers indicating the price
at which they are willing to supply
various quantities of energy. Loadserving entities submit demand bids
indicating the price at which they are
willing to buy various quantities of
energy. The supply offers pass through
market power screens. These screens are
used to determine whether the resources
can affect the market price and whether
the offers should be mitigated. If an
energy supply offer triggers the
application of mitigation, it is replaced
with a mitigated energy supply offer.
Generally, mitigated energy supply
offers are calculated using estimated
32 The Commission is currently considering
providing an XML Schema Definition (XSD) that
describes the structure of the XML document to be
electronically delivered to the Commission. XSD
defines those elements, attributes, data types, and
any default or fixed values in the XML. Depending
on how the requested data is stored by each RTO/
ISO, some data transformation may be required to
prepare XML that is consistent with the XSD. For
example, one RTO/ISO might store dates in MM–
DD–YYYY format while the rest use YYYY–MM–
DD format. As such, an XSD might specify that
dates in the XML be electronically delivered to the
Commission in YYYY–MM–DD format.
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marginal cost data, which approximate
generators’ costs under different
17. Similar to the process for
submitting energy offers and bids,
market participants with their own
supply resources or with supply
resources under contract also submit
offers to provide ancillary services and
capacity services.34 These offers
typically indicate a price at which a
market participant is willing to provide
the service and, like the energy supply
offers discussed above, are subject to
mitigation when appropriate.
18. Entities with or without physical
assets or load obligations may also
submit ‘‘virtual’’ supply offers and
demand bids in the RTO/ISO day-ahead
markets. These virtual offers and bids
contribute to price formation in RTO/
ISO markets. Further, entities located
outside of the RTO/ISO footprint may
submit supply offers and demand bids
in the form of interchange offers and
19. The RTOs/ISOs match the abovedescribed inputs through an intricate
process designed to use the lowest-cost
resources to meet demand.35 This
process yields pricing signals through
locational marginal pricing (LMP) that
determine which supply offers and
demand bids are selected (and which
would also inform long-term planning,
e.g., decisions on whether to enter and
exit markets). Supply offers that are
selected are required to provide a
specific amount of service. For example,
resources that are selected in the dayahead energy market will be given an
energy market award that specifies the
amount of energy a particular resource
is financially obligated to supply. These
market awards are determined by each
resource’s supply offer and the
corresponding day-ahead LMP. Finally,
the RTO/ISO provides dispatch
instructions for resources in real time.
Real-time compensation is determined
by the dispatch instructions, metered
output, and the corresponding LMP.
20. LMP is comprised of three
components: The system-wide price of
energy, transmission line losses, and the
congestion charge. The congestion
charge component of LMP is calculated
using shift factors when modeled flows
are above the intended physical
33 The estimated marginal cost data the
Commission proposes to receive through this NOPR
do not include individual generators’ actual costs,
revenues, or profits.
34 We note that currently CAISO and SPP do not
administer a centralized capacity market.
35 We note that other inputs, including generation
capabilities and other system costs, inter alia, are
used by RTOs/ISOs to arrive at the lowest-cost
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capability of given transmission
facilities. A shift factor reflects the
positive or negative percentage effect
that a one-megawatt change in
generation output or demand will have
on an identified constraint. These shift
factors are used to create a dispatch
strategy that is consistent with physical
and other reliability constraints. In other
words, shift factors allow RTOs/ISOs to
manage transmission constraints
through congestion charge price signals
that relate to a generator’s or load’s
influence on a specific constraint.
21. Prices in the RTO/ISO day-ahead
markets and real-time balancing markets
can be volatile depending on market
conditions. Products designed to hedge
RTO/ISO price volatility have provided
valuable tools for RTO/ISO market
participants to secure predictable
revenue streams or reduce price risk
associated with generation costs. These
price hedging tools have evolved
concurrently with changes in wholesale
electricity markets.
22. In the RTO/ISO markets, market
participants can limit price risk using
several tools, notably, virtual offers and
bids, FTRs, and internal bilateral
contracts. Virtual offers and bids
(collectively, virtuals) allow market
participants the opportunity, among
other things, to transfer price risk
between day-ahead and real-time
markets within an RTO/ISO. When
virtuals are scheduled in the day-ahead
market, the financial commitment is
established at published day-ahead
prices, and virtuals are automatically
liquidated with the opposite buy/sell
position, in most cases at real-time
prices. Virtuals are not backed by
physical assets. If a load-serving entity
determines that it might need to
purchase supply from real-time
markets,36 the load-serving entity could
use virtuals to ‘‘lock-in’’ a day-ahead
23. FTRs provide market participants
with a mechanism to hedge
transmission costs under LMP-based
market designs. In general, load-serving
entities in RTOs/ISOs are allocated
either FTRs or transmission rights
convertible into FTRs. This allocation is
often based on usage during an
historical period. Allocated FTRs are
limited to load-serving entities and to
those who funded construction of
specific transmission facilities. Other
FTRs are auctioned, and such FTRs
generally can be purchased by
creditworthy entities. Moreover, FTRs
36 A load-serving entity might determine such a
need to purchase supply, for example, because of
potential weather-related events or generator
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
can be resold outside of the RTO/ISO
auction and allocation procedures.
Transactions occurring outside of the
RTO/ISO allocation and auction
procedures are commonly referred to as
secondary market transactions.
24. Finally, internal bilateral contracts
allow market participants to hedge
energy costs under LMP-based market
designs. In RTOs/ISOs, market
participants can enter into bilateral
agreements and use the RTO/ISO to
perform settlement functions. These
internal bilateral contracts typically rely
on a bilaterally negotiated price rather
than the potentially more volatile RTO/
ISO LMP-based energy price, and they
allow market participants the
opportunity to transfer risks relating to
energy costs among market participants.
Thus, a load-serving entity may enter
into an internal bilateral contract with a
supplier to settle its energy costs at a
predetermined rate rather than at the
applicable LMP. If the market
participant reports this internal bilateral
contract to the RTO/ISO, the RTO/ISO
would then account for this agreement
in its settlement process.
25. RTO/ISO price-hedging products
have been created outside of the RTO/
ISO markets as well. Electricity futures
were first traded on NYMEX in March
1996.37 Electricity futures, which are
traded on organized exchanges, and
electricity forwards, which are traded
outside of organized exchanges, are
transactions that typically specify a
quantity of physical electricity to be
delivered at a specific time and place in
the future at an agreed-upon price.38 A
generation owner can sell output from
its facility at a pre-determined price by
entering into futures or forward
transactions even as the RTO/ISO price
26. In recent years, other products for
hedging RTO/ISO prices have
developed, such as electricity swaps.
Swaps are similar to electricity futures
and forwards, but swaps are financial
transactions that do not require physical
delivery. Electricity swaps can be
bought or sold at a given ‘‘fixed’’ price
and subsequently settle at a ‘‘floating’’
published daily electricity price; this is
typically referred to as a ‘‘fixed-forfloating’’ swap. Swaps can act as a
hedge when used alongside physical
electricity sales, by guaranteeing the
generation owner an agreed upon price,
notwithstanding fluctuation in the
published electricity price. Specifically,
if the published daily electricity price is
37 S.J. Deng and S.S. Oren, Electricity derivatives
and risk management, 31 Energy 940, 943 (2006),
available at https://www.sciencedirect.com.
38 See id. at 942–43.
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higher than the agreed upon price, the
generation owner pays the difference to
the counter-party to the swap but still
receives the agreed upon price.39 This
effectively guarantees a predictable
revenue stream to the generation owner.
RTO/ISO posted prices are one of the
commonly referenced settlement values
used in electricity swaps.
27. To the extent that any market
participant is willing to manipulate the
market, that market participant would
have an incentive to manipulate RTO/
ISO prices that are used to settle values
for electricity products, including
financial products such as electricity
swaps. The likelihood of an attempt at
market manipulation can be reduced if
the perceived cost of manipulation
exceeds the perceived benefit. For
example, a market participant may wish
to drive up an RTO/ISO price because
that market participant also holds an
electricity swap that benefits from a
higher RTO/ISO price. In that vein, the
market participant may offer supply into
the RTO/ISO market at levels above its
own marginal costs, driving up an RTO/
ISO price by requiring a higher-priced
unit to be selected. That market
participant would receive less revenue
from the RTO/ISO due to the lost sales
opportunity from its own higher-priced
offer not being selected. However, in
this example, the market participant
may be able to more than offset the
reduction in revenue through the benefit
of its electricity swap associated with
the higher RTO/ISO price.
28. Given the history of electricity
markets it regulates, the Commission
expects that such markets will continue
to evolve, that new physical and
financial products will be formed, and
that increasingly complex manipulative
or other anti-competitive strategies may
be created.
A. Market Monitoring and Surveillance
29. To keep pace with market
developments, the Commission is
proposing to establish ongoing,
electronic delivery of data from each
RTO and ISO to enhance its market
monitoring and surveillance efforts. By
seeking electronic delivery of the data
outlined in this NOPR, the Commission
39 For example, Generator sells to the RTO/ISO at
a market-based rate, which varies according to the
market. As a hedge, Generator sells a financial swap
to Counter-party at $30/MWh. If the published
electricity price that Generator receives on day one
is $20/MWh, Counter-party pays Generator the
difference, i.e., $10 ($30 minus $20). Thus,
Generator receives the agreed upon price of $30/
MWh. Conversely, if the published electricity price
that Generator receives on day two is $45/MWh,
Generator owes Counter-party the difference, i.e.,
$15 ($45 minus $30). Thus, Generator again
receives the agreed upon price of $30/MWh.
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does not seek to displace or modify any
of the existing market monitoring
functions performed by MMUs. Nor do
we intend our proposal to be perceived
as an implicit criticism of the MMUs’
performance. Instead, this data will help
the Commission detect anti-competitive
or manipulative behavior, or ineffective
market rules, and thus help ensure just
and reasonable rates.
30. Among other objectives, the
Commission will use the data it
proposes to receive as part of automated
screens and other analyses designed to
detect attempts to manipulate RTO/ISO
pricing for the purpose of benefiting
products that settle using RTO/ISO
pricing and to detect abuses involving
interchange transactions. Supply offer,
demand bid, virtual, and FTR data will
assist the Commission in understanding
how market participants are positioning
themselves in RTO/ISO markets. For
example, market participants attempting
to move RTO/ISO settlement pricing
might offer supply into the RTO/ISO
market at uncompetitive prices.
Likewise, market participants could
target specific LMP prices using virtual
offers and bids. Because congestion
impacts are often spread across many
price nodes (and result in many
different LMPs) through shift factors,
these virtual offers and bids need not be
placed at the specific price node for
which a market participant might be
attempting to move the LMP. Estimated
marginal cost and shift factor data will
enhance the Commission’s ability to
identify such behavior that may be
designed to impact RTO/ISO pricing.
Moreover, interchange pricing data will
assist the Commission’s efforts to
identify anomalous or uneconomic
electricity interchange schedules;
electricity schedules between markets
that are not consistent with pricing
signals could be a source of market
inefficiency or raise other anticompetitive concerns.
31. Securing data concerning the
markets that the RTOs/ISOs administer
is part of the Commission’s broader
effort to enhance its market monitoring
and surveillance capabilities.
Specifically, in a recently issued NOPR
on Commission access to electronic tag
(e-Tag) data,40 the Commission
proposed to make e-Tag data available
to the Commission to assist in
monitoring the market and preventing
manipulation, among other things. In
yet another NOPR, the Commission
proposed to require additional contract
and transaction data from those who file
40 Availability of E–Tag Information to
Commission Staff, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 32,675 (2011).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
EQRs and to extend the EQR filing
requirements to wholesale market
participants which fall outside the
Commission’s FPA section 205
jurisdiction.41 The Commission stated
that these proposals would strengthen
the Commission’s ability to identify
potential exercises of market power or
manipulation. We believe that the same
is true here.
32. Utilizing the data the Commission
proposes to receive in this NOPR and
the two NOPRs addressed above could
greatly enhance the Commission’s
market monitoring and surveillance
capabilities. The data will permit the
Commission to improve its screening of
market participants for illicit behavior,
making such conduct more difficult to
mask. In addition, the data the
Commission proposes to collect in these
NOPRs could provide a better picture of
legitimate market activity and lessen the
possibility that market monitoring and
surveillance screens will result in error.
B. Commission Policies and Regulations
33. In overseeing wholesale electricity
markets, the Commission evaluates, in
response to submissions or on its own
motion, existing market designs and the
effectiveness of market rules. The
Commission proposes to use RTO/ISO
market data to more effectively carry out
these functions. Electronic delivery of
this data will enable the Commission to
better identify ineffective market rules
and better inform Commission policies
and decision-making, and thus help
prevent anti-competitive behavior and
ensure just and reasonable rates.
34. We believe that electronic delivery
of RTO/ISO market data will provide
the Commission with empirical
information that will augment ongoing
industry outreach in determining the
effectiveness of the Commissionapproved market rules and the
efficiency of existing market designs in
producing just and reasonable rates.
Electronic delivery of the market data
sought would allow the Commission to
perform better ongoing analysis as
markets evolve and new resources begin
participating in these markets. For
example, the market data sought should
enable the Commission to assess both
the scheduling practices of renewable
resources and how renewable energy
schedules compare with actual real-time
performance. Because of its unique
position, the Commission will be able to
perform such analysis across the RTO/
ISO markets. This cross-market analysis
41 Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of
Section 220 of The Federal Power Act, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 32,676
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will enhance the Commission’s ongoing
efforts to assess the performance of
different market designs and rules.
35. In seeking electronic delivery of
this data, the Commission emphasizes
that it does not seek to displace existing
MMU efforts to evaluate market rules
and market designs nor is it proposing
to modify any of the market monitoring
functions performed by MMUs. Rather,
the Commission is seeking to augment
the assessments currently being
performed by MMUs, thus strengthening
the Commission’s regulatory capabilities
through the ongoing electronic delivery
of RTO/ISO market data.
C. Requested Data
36. As part of this rulemaking, the
Commission proposes to require
ongoing electronic delivery of, the data
(e.g., the information to be included in
the datasets) described below. The
Commission invites comment on these
data requirements:
1. Supply offers and demand bids for
energy and ancillary services—The
Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on supply offers
and demand bids submitted to RTO/ISO
markets. This dataset would include all
offers and bids for energy and ancillary
services. This dataset would also
include offers and bids submitted for
interchange transactions, as well as
those submitted without economic
consideration, i.e., self schedules.
2. Virtual offers and bids—The
Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on virtual
supply offers and virtual demand bids
submitted to RTO/ISO markets.
3. Energy/ancillary service awards—
The Commission is proposing that
RTOs/ISOs provide their data on market
awards for energy and ancillary
services. This dataset would include the
quantity and price of all market awards
for energy and ancillary services. The
dataset would also identify resources
that are self-scheduled.
4. Capacity market offers,
designations, and prices—For RTOs/
ISOs with centralized capacity markets,
the Commission is proposing to require
RTOs/ISOs to provide their data on
capacity offers as well as capacity
market outcomes or designations. This
dataset would identify capacity
resources, the amount of procured
capacity, and the applicable capacity
market price.
5. Resource output—The Commission
is proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide
their data on resource output data used
in market settlements. This dataset
would include details used in market
settlements, including RTO/ISO
dispatch instructions (i.e., the output
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that a dispatched resource is expected to
produce in real-time) for energy or
ancillary services, or whether resources
are operating at self-scheduled output
levels, and measured output levels.
6. Marginal cost estimates—The
Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on marginal cost
estimates; such estimates are typically
generated for the potential replacement
of supply offers in market power
mitigation procedures. This dataset
would include all marginal cost
estimates that have been developed, and
not just those estimates that were used
to generate mitigated supply offers. The
Commission is seeking just the resulting
marginal cost estimates themselves,
however, and is not proposing that
RTOs/ISOs provide the inputs that
allow for calculation of those estimates.
Further, the Commission is not seeking
other operating information regarding
individual generators’ actual costs,
revenues, or profits.
7. Day-ahead shift factors—The
Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on shift factors
calculated for use in the day-ahead
market. This would include generation
shift factors, which are factors to be
applied to a generator’s expected change
in output to determine the amount of
flow contribution that that change in
output will impose on an identified
transmission facility or flowgate, and
load shift factors, which are factors to be
applied to a load’s expected change in
demand to determine the amount of
flow contribution that that change in
demand will impose on an identified
transmission facility or flowgate. This
dataset would not be limited to binding
constraints, but should also include all
shift factors calculated to address nonbinding constraints.
8. FTR data—The Commission is
proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide their
data on FTR transactions that may not
be publicly posted in all RTO/ISO
markets. Specifically, the Commission is
proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide data
detailing how all FTRs and allocated
rights were acquired, either through
RTO/ISO allocation or auction
procedures; data detailing whether the
acquired allocation positions were
converted from positions that collect
auction revenue into positions that
collect congestion revenue; and data
detailing secondary market transactions
to the extent that they are available to
the RTO/ISO.
9. Internal Bilateral Contracts—The
Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on the
settlement of internal bilateral contracts
for energy.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
10. Pricing data for interchange
transactions—The Commission is
proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide their
data on pricing information for
scheduled interchanges. Scheduled
interchanges include any transaction
between two or more Balancing
Authority Areas. To enhance the
Commission’s market monitoring and
surveillance efforts, the Commission is
proposing that eTag IDs be included,
when applicable, in addition to other
interchange pricing details and
transaction identification.
37. The data that the Commission is
proposing to receive electronically in
this NOPR are limited to physical and
virtual offers and bids, market awards,
resource outputs, marginal cost
estimates, shift factors, FTRs, internal
bilateral contracts, and interchange
pricing. These datasets would include
descriptive information such as market
participant names, unique identifiers,
pricing points, and other information
that the Commission considers
necessary and appropriate to
understand and analyze the data
described in this NOPR. Markets are not
static, however, and, as markets
continue to evolve, the Commission
may initiate a new rulemaking process
in the future to reassess the data
necessary for its market monitoring and
surveillance efforts and for its policy
and decision-making needs.
38. The Commission proposes that
RTOs/ISOs be required to electronically
deliver the data discussed in this NOPR
to the Commission within seven days
after each RTO/ISO creates the datasets
in a market run or otherwise. For
example, day-ahead offers and bids,
market awards, resource outputs, dayahead shift factors, internal bilateral
contracts, and day-ahead interchange
pricing data would be required to be
electronically delivered within seven
days after the completion of each dayahead market run. Real-time offers and
bids and real-time interchange pricing
data would be required to be
electronically delivered within seven
days after the completion of each realtime market run. For data that are
updated less frequently, including
capacity market results, estimated
marginal costs, and FTR data, each
RTO/ISO would be expected to
electronically deliver that data within
seven days after it is created or updated
by the RTO/ISO. For the initial delivery
of data under this proposal, however,
the Commission proposes that each
RTO/ISO would be required to
electronically deliver all such data fortyfive days after the effective date of any
final rule in this proceeding. Finally, if
the RTO/ISO makes later corrections to
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the data (after they have been delivered
to the Commission), the RTO/ISO would
be expected to electronically deliver the
corrected data to the Commission
within seven days after the correction
has been made. The Commission invites
comments with respect to the timeframe
in which the data described in this
NOPR should be electronically
delivered to the Commission.
39. The Commission proposes to
locate the requirement to electronically
deliver this data on an ongoing basis
within section 35.28(g) of our
regulations. Further, the Commission
proposes to direct each RTO/ISO to
submit a compliance filing amending its
open access transmission tariff to reflect
this requirement within forty-five days
after the effective date of any final rule
in this proceeding.
D. Data Formatting and Web-Based
40. In order to facilitate the
Commission’s efforts described above,
the Commission is proposing to require
each RTO and ISO to use consistent
formatting and delivery methods to
electronically deliver the data described
in this NOPR to the Commission.
Consistent formatting and delivery
methods will enable the Commission to
develop routine data procedures to link
RTO/ISO and other market data, thus
enabling automated analytic techniques.
41. In regard to data formatting, the
Commission is proposing to require that
any data outlined in this NOPR be in an
XML format that is consistent for all
RTOs/ISOs when electronically
delivered to the Commission. As stated
above, the Commission is not proposing
that each RTO/ISO materially modify
the data prior to electronic delivery to
the Commission.42
42. In Order No. 714,43 the
Commission adopted XML format for
entities to use when making tariff
related filings, based upon industry
agreement.44 XML is also commonly
used by RTOs/ISOs to deliver data to
market participants through Open
Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) and other purposes. Data not
formatted in XML may also be extracted
directly from a database into an XMLformatted file using automated
procedures. However, the Commission
also recognizes that XML, which was
adopted by the industry as the most
effective format to use when
electronically filing tariffs, may not be
42 See
supra P 14.
Tariff Filings, Order No. 714, 73 FR
57515, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,276 (2008).
44 Order No. 714, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,276 at
P 30.
43 Electronic
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the preferred format to use when
electronically delivering RTO/ISO data.
Accordingly, we seek comment on this
43. In regard to the data delivery
method, the Commission is proposing
that each RTO and ISO use a secure data
delivery method to provide data to the
Commission due to the commerciallysensitive nature of the market data
described in this NOPR. Specifically,
the Commission is proposing that any
RTO/ISO market data be electronically
delivered using the Secure File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP). Delivery by SFTP is
similar to delivery by File Transfer
Protocol or ‘‘FTP,’’ a widely-used filesharing protocol; except that all
communications transmitted using
SFTP are encrypted. Access to the
server where the data is electronically
delivered will only be granted to each
applicable RTO and ISO and to the
44. Accordingly, and as part of our
consideration of the range of possible
formats and delivery methods that
RTOs/ISOs may use to electronically
deliver data to the Commission, the
Commission invites comments with
respect to efficient and secure ways to
provide the Commission with RTO/ISO
data. The Commission also invites
comment on the time and resources that
may be needed by RTOs/ISOs for the
initial implementation and ongoing
compliance with the proposed
requirements of this rule. Finally, the
Commission invites comment on
whether a phased implementation
approach should be undertaken, and, if
so, what a potential phased approach
should entail.
E. Non-Public Data
45. Much of the information that the
Commission expects to receive in this
proposal is, by its nature, commerciallysensitive.45 Disclosure of such
information could result in competitive
harm to market participants and the
market as a whole.46 Accordingly, the
45 In the past, the Commission has granted
requests for privileged or confidential treatment of
similar non-public data. See, e.g., N.Y. Indep. Sys.
Operator, Inc., 131 FERC ¶ 61,169, at P 15 (2010)
(granting such treatment for data relating to specific
generator or other equipment details, transmission
system information, bidding strategies, generator
reference levels, generator costs, guarantee
payments, and the associated relevant time
periods); see also So. Cal. Edison Co., 135 FERC
¶ 61,201, at P 20; Hydrogen Energy Cal. LLC, 135
FERC ¶ 61,068, at P 25 (2011); N.Y. Indep. Sys.
Operator, Inc., 130 FERC ¶ 61,029, at P 3 (2010).
46 Section 301(b) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. 825(b),
provides that no member, officer, or employee of
the Commission may divulge any fact or
information that may come to his knowledge during
the course of examination of books or other
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
outside of a rulemaking proceeding with
similar protections for confidential or
otherwise protected information.
Commission proposes that the data
sought in this proceeding is to be kept
non-public and not be made publicly
available,47 except as may be directed
by the Commission, or a court with
appropriate jurisdiction.48
46. To the extent the data collected
pursuant to this rulemaking are used,
for example, to support proposed
market rule changes, the analysis relied
upon by the Commission will be
publicly available except that
confidential market information and
other protected or confidential
information will remain non-public.
Also, the Commission may direct its
staff to publicly issue a staff report
III. Information Collection Statement
47. The collections of information
contained in this proposed rule have
been submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review under section 3507(d) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3507(d). The Commission solicits
comments on the Commission’s need for
this information, whether the
information will have practical utility,
the accuracy of the provided burden
estimates, ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
Implementing burden
Data collection, proposed FERC–921
Number of
Burden hrs.
be collected, and any suggested methods
for minimizing respondents’ burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques. Respondents
subject to the filing requirements of this
rule will not be penalized for failing to
respond to these collections of
information unless the collections of
information display a valid OMB
Control number.
48. The proposed rule does not
require market participants other than
the RTOs/ISOs to report information to
the Commission.
49. The Commission’s estimated
reporting burden related to the proposed
rule in Docket RM11–17–000 follow.
Annual recurring operating
Cost per
Burden hrs.
Cost per
Average annual burden
(implementation cost
averaged over 3 yrs.)
Burden hrs.
for all
Cost for all
Compliance filing ..........
Web-Based Delivery ....
Grand Total, Average Annual Estimates .................
50. The Commission recognizes that
there will be an initial implementation
burden associated with providing the
Commission with RTO/ISO data. This
includes submitting a compliance filing
to the Commission, which the
Commission estimates as a burden of
7 hours per RTO/ISO, and
implementing a process to automatically
upload data to an SFTP site for
Commission use (including
development, testing and production).
The Commission estimates a burden of
1040 hours per RTO/ISO for the
development, testing and production of
an automated process to provide the
Commission with the data described in
this NOPR. In this regard, though, RTO/
ISO markets have already developed
capabilities necessary to handle RTO/
ISO data in an automated manner. For
instance, through their Open Access
Same-time Information Systems
(OASIS), RTOs/ISOs already make
certain market data publically available
in XML format using automated
procedures. Likewise, some RTOs/ISOs
have developed procedures similar to
those proposed in this NOPR to deliver
data to their MMUs.
51. For the recurring effort involved
in electronically delivering RTO/ISO
data to the Commission, the
Commission anticipates that the
additional burden associated with this
rule will be minimal. Any recurring
burden would be associated with
addressing updates to RTO/ISO data as
the data that they process changes and
due to occasional errors in the data
handling or data upload process.
accounts, except as may be directed by the
Commission or by a court.
47 We note that, notwithstanding that the
Commission may have data available to it,
complainants still must bear the burden of making
a prima facie case; complainants must do more than
make unsubstantiated allegations. Interstate Power
& Light Co. v. ITC Midwest, LLC, 135 FERC
¶ 61,162, at P 18 (2011); see also UNITIL Power
Corp. v. Pub. Serv. Co. of N.H., 62 FERC P 61,055,
at 61,287 (1993) (‘‘The question we must answer at
this stage of the proceeding is whether UNITIL has
presented sufficient evidence of PSNH’s costs so
that we may assess whether a trial-type, evidentiary
hearing is warranted.’’); Houlton Water Co. v. Me.
Pub. Serv. Co., 55 FERC P 61,037, at 61,110 (1991)
(‘‘Maine Public correctly states that a customer
seeking a section 206 investigation of existing rates
must provide some basis to question the
reasonableness of the overall rate level, taking into
account changes in all cost components and not just
[the item being challenged].’’).
48 We note that the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) allows persons to file requests to obtain data
from the Commission. However, commerciallysensitive data, like that described in this NOPR, is
covered by exemption 4 of FOIA, which protects
‘‘trade secrets and commercial or financial
information obtained from a person [that is]
privileged or confidential.’’ 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)
(2006), amended by OPEN Government Act of 2007,
Pub. L. No. 110–175, 121 Stat. 2524 (2007); accord
18 CFR 388.107(d).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:20 Oct 25, 2011
Jkt 226001
PO 00000
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Information Collection Costs: The
Commission has estimated the cost of
compliance per RTO/ISO to be $102,614
in the initial year of implementation
and $3,879 in subsequent years. The
Commission expects that the
compliance filing will be completed by
RTO/ISO legal staff and has estimated
an hourly rate at $250/hour. The
Commission estimates that a variety of
staff, including legal, database
administrators and IT and information
security specialists, will be required to
electronically deliver to the Commission
the RTO/ISO data described in this
NOPR. The Commission estimated the
average hourly cost for this task to be
$96.98/hour (including legal staff at
$250/hour, information systems
manager at $105.35/hour, database
administrator at $55.61/hour, and
information security analyst at $57.67/
Title: Proposed FERC–921.50.
Action: Proposed collection.
OMB Control No.: To be determined.
Respondents for this Rulemaking:
RTOs and ISOs.
Frequency of Information: Initial
implementation, compliance filing, and
automated daily updates.
52. Necessity of Information: As
wholesale electricity markets continue
to develop and evolve, new
opportunities arise for anti-competitive
or manipulative behavior. The
Commission’s market monitoring and
surveillance capabilities and associated
data requirements must keep pace with
market developments and evolve along
with the markets. The data discussed in
this NOPR will allow the Commission to
more effectively identify and address
such behavior; to identify ineffective
market rules; to better inform
Commission policies and regulations;
and thus to help ensure just and
reasonable rates.
53. Internal Review: The Commission
has made a preliminary determination
that the proposed revisions are
necessary to keep pace with ever49 Hourly average wage is an average and was
calculated using Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),
Occupational Employment Statistics data for May
2010 (at https://www.bls.gov/oes/) for the database
administrator and information security analysts.
The average hourly figure for legal staff and
information systems manager is a composite from
BLS and other resources. The following weightings
were applied to estimate the average hourly cost:
Legal staff (1⁄6), information systems manager (1⁄6),
database administrator (1⁄3), and information
security analyst (1⁄3).
50 OATT compliance filings (like the one-time
compliance filing here) are normally included
under FERC–516 (OMB Control No. 1902–0096).
However, the reporting requirements (including the
compliance filing) contained in this proposed rule
in Docket No. RM11–17 will be covered by a
proposed FERC–921.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:20 Oct 25, 2011
Jkt 226001
changing possibilities for anticompetitive or manipulative behavior
and to better inform Commission
policies and regulations, and thus to
ensure that rates are just and reasonable.
The Commission has assured itself, by
means of its internal review, that there
is specific, objective support for the
burden estimate associated with the
information requirements.
54. Interested persons may obtain
information on the reporting
requirements by contacting the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Office
of the Executive Director, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426
[Attention: Ellen Brown, e-mail:
DataClearance@ferc.gov, phone: (202)
502–8663, fax: (202) 273–0873].
55. Comments concerning the
information collections proposed in this
NOPR and the associated burden
estimates, should be sent to the
Commission in this docket and may also
be sent to the Office of Management and
Budget, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC
20503 [Attention: Desk Officer for the
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission]. For security reasons,
comments should be sent by e-mail to
OMB at the following e-mail address:
oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Please
reference FERC–921 and the docket
number of this proposed rulemaking
(Docket No. RM11–17–000) in your
IV. Environmental Analysis
56. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
environment.51 The Commission has
categorically excluded certain actions
from these requirements as not having a
significant effect on the human
environment.52 The actions proposed
here fall within a categorical exclusion
in the Commission’s regulations, i.e.,
they involve information gathering,
analysis, and dissemination.53
Therefore, environmental analysis is
unnecessary and has not been
V. Regulatory Flexibility Act
57. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 54 generally requires a
description and analysis of final rules
51 Regulations
Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act, Order No. 486, 52 FR
47,897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783
52 18 CFR 380.4.
53 See 18 CFR 380.4(a)(5).
54 5 U.S.C. 601–612.
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
that will have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The RFA mandates
consideration of regulatory alternatives
that accomplish the stated objectives of
a rule and that minimize any significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The Small
Business Administration’s (SBA) Office
of Size Standards is responsible for the
definition of a small business.55 The
SBA has established a size standard for
utilities, stating that a firm is small if,
including its affiliates, it is primarily
engaged in the transmission, generation
and/or distribution of electric energy for
sale and its total electric output for the
preceding twelve months did not exceed
four million megawatt hours.56 RTOs
and ISOs are not small entities, and they
are the only entities impacted directly
by this proposed rule.
58. CAISO is a nonprofit organization
with over 54,000 megawatts of capacity
and over 25,000 circuit miles of
transmission lines.
59. NYISO is a nonprofit organization
that oversees wholesale electricity
markets serving 19.2 million customers.
NYISO manages a nearly 11,000-mile
network of high-voltage transmission
60. PJM is comprised of more than
700 members including power
generators, transmission owners,
electricity distributers, power marketers,
and large industrial customers and
serves 13 states and the District of
61. SPP is comprised of 63 members
serving 6.2 million households in nine
states and has 48,930 miles of
transmission lines.
62. Midwest ISO is a nonprofit
organization with over 145,000
megawatts of installed generation.
Midwest ISO has over 57,600 miles of
transmission lines and serves 13 states
and one Canadian province.
63. ISO–NE is a regional transmission
organization serving six states in New
England. The system is comprised of
more than 8,000 miles of high-voltage
transmission lines and over 300
64. The Commission believes this
proposed rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities, and therefore
no regulatory flexibility analysis is
VI. Comment Procedures
65. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
55 13
56 13
CFR 121.101.
CFR 121.201 (Sector 22, Utilities).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 207 / Wednesday, October 26, 2011 / Proposed Rules
notice to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due December 27, 2011.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM11–17–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
66. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
Web site at https://www.ferc.gov. The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software should be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
67. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically must send
an original copy of their comments to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
68. All comments will be placed in
the Commission’s public files and may
be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
VII. Document Availability
69. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the Internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https://
www.ferc.gov) and in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room during normal
business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time) at 888 First Street, NE.,
Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426.
70. From the Commission’s Home
Page on the Internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of
this document is available on eLibrary
both in PDF and Microsoft Word format
for viewing, printing, and/or
downloading. To access this document
in eLibrary, type the docket number
excluding the last three digits of this
document in the docket number field.
71. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the Commission’s Web site
during normal business hours from the
Commission’s Online Support at 202–
502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676)
or e-mail at ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov,
or the Public Reference Room at 202–
502–8371, TTY 202–502–8659. E-mail
the Public Reference Room at
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:01 Oct 25, 2011
Jkt 226001
List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 35
Electric power rates, Electric utilities,
Reporting and recordkeeping
By direction of the Commission.
Commissioner Spitzer is not participating.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Commission proposes to revise Chapter
I, Title 18 of the Code of Federal
Regulations to read as follows:
1. The authority for part 35 continues
to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r, 2601–
2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352.
2. In § 35.28, paragraphs (g)(4)
through (g)(6) are redesignated as
paragraphs (g)(5) through (g)(7) and a
new paragraph (g)(4) is added to read as
§ 35.28. Non-discriminatory open access
transmission tariff.
(g) Tariffs and operations of
Commission-approved independent
system operators and regional
transmission organizations.
(4) Electronic delivery of data. Each
Commission-approved regional
transmission organization and
independent system operator must
electronically deliver to the
Commission, on an ongoing basis and in
a form and manner acceptable to the
Commission, data related to the markets
that the regional transmission
organization or independent system
operator administers.
[FR Doc. 2011–27626 Filed 10–25–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM11–20–000]
Automatic Underfrequency Load
Shedding and Load Shedding Plans
Reliability Standards
October 20, 2011.
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Under section 215 of the
Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to approve Reliability
Standards PRC–006–1 (Automatic
Underfrequency Load Shedding) and
EOP–003–2 (Load Shedding Plans),
developed and submitted to the
Commission for approval by the North
American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC), the Electric
Reliability Organization certified by the
Commission. The proposed Reliability
Standards establish design and
documentation requirements for
automatic underfrequency load
shedding programs that arrest declining
frequency and assist recovery of
frequency following system events
leading to frequency degradation. The
Commission also proposes to approve
the related Violation Risk Factors and
Violation Severity Levels,
implementation plan, and effective date
proposed by NERC.
DATES: Comments are due December 27,
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways:
• Electronic Filing through https://
www.ferc.gov. Documents created
electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native
applications or print-to-PDF format and
not in a scanned format.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable
to file electronically may mail or handdeliver comments to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
see the Comment Procedures Section of
this document.
Stephanie Schmidt (Technical
Information), Office of Electric
Reliability, Division of Reliability
Standards, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–6568,
Matthew Vlissides (Legal
Information), Office of the General
Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–8408,
1. Under section 215 of the Federal
Power Act (FPA),1 the Commission
proposes to approve proposed
Reliability Standards PRC–006–1
1 16
U.S.C. 824o (2006).
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 207 (Wednesday, October 26, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 66211-66220]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-27626]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 35
[Docket No. RM11-17-000]
Enhancement of Electricity Market Surveillance and Analysis
Through Ongoing Electronic Delivery of Data From Regional Transmission
Organizations and Independent System Operators
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
otice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes
to revise its regulations to require each regional transmission
organization (RTO) and independent system operator (ISO) to
electronically deliver to the Commission, on an ongoing basis, data
related to the markets that it administers. Ongoing electronic delivery
of data relating to physical and virtual offers and bids, market
awards, resource outputs, marginal cost estimates, shift factors,
financial transmission rights, internal bilateral contracts, and
interchange pricing will facilitate the Commission's development and
evaluation of its policies and regulations and will enhance Commission
efforts to detect anti-competitive or manipulative behavior, or
ineffective market rules, thereby helping to ensure just and reasonable
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule are due December 27, 2011.
Comments, identified by docket number, may be filed in the
following ways:
Electronic Filing through https://www.ferc.gov. Documents
created electronically using word processing software should be filed
in native applications or print-to-PDF format and not in a scanned
Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable to file electronically
may mail or hand-deliver comments to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: For detailed instructions on submitting comments and
additional information on the rulemaking process, see the Comment
Procedures Section of this document.
William Sauer (Technical Information), Office of Enforcement, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502-6639, william.sauer@ferc.gov.
Christopher Daignault (Legal Information), Office of the General
Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8286, christopher.daignault@ferc.gov.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
October 20, 2011.
1. In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes, pursuant to sections
301(b) and 307(a) of the Federal Power Act (FPA),\1\ to amend its
regulations to require each regional transmission organization (RTO)
and independent system operator (ISO) to electronically deliver to the
Commission, on an ongoing basis, data related to the markets that it
administers. Ongoing electronic delivery of data relating to physical
and virtual offers and bids, market awards, resource outputs, marginal
cost estimates, shift factors, financial transmission rights (FTR),
internal bilateral contracts, and interchange pricing will facilitate
the Commission's development and evaluation of its policies and
regulations and will enhance Commission efforts to detect anti-
competitive or manipulative behavior, or ineffective market rules,
thereby helping to ensure just and reasonable rates.
\1\ 16 U.S.C. 825(b), 825f(a).
I. Background
2. Wholesale electricity markets have witnessed tremendous change
in recent years. In the decades after the 1935 enactment of the FPA,
the industry was characterized by self-sufficient, vertically
integrated utilities. Most utilities built their own generation,
transmission, and distribution facilities
[[Page 66212]]
and sold electricity to their own wholesale and retail customers.
During this time, the Commission regulated jurisdictional entities'
rates through traditional cost-based ratemaking. Cost-based rate
regulation ensures that rates are just and reasonable by
administratively determining an entity's cost of providing service.
Changes in national policy and other forces led to increased
coordination and competition in the late 1960s and 1970s,\2\ and the
enactment of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA).\3\ The
1980s and early 1990s experienced an increased adoption of market-based
ratemaking and wholesale power sales competition to promote efficiency
and to lower wholesale power prices.\4\
\2\ Counted among such forces are the Northeast blackout of 1965
and the responses to perceived transmission system insufficiencies,
as well as the subsequent oil crisis of 1973. For a discussion of
developments following the 1965 blackout, see William F. Fox, Jr.,
Federal Regulation of Energy 749, 755 (1983 & Supp. 1993), and
Stephen Breyer and Paul W. MacAvoy, The Federal Power Commission and
the Coordination Problem in the Electrical Power Industry, 46 S.
Cal. L. Rev. 661, 661 (1973).
\3\ Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, Pub. L. No.
95-617, 92 Stat. 3117 (1978) (codified as amended in scattered
sections of 16 U.S.C.); see, e.g., 16 U.S.C. 824a-3, 824i, 824j.
\4\ See, e.g., Louisville Gas & Elec. Co., 62 FERC ] 61,016, at
61,143 & n.16, 61,149 (1993) (accepting non-traditional, market-
based rates as consistent with primary regulatory goal of ensuring
lowest reasonable cost energy to consumers, provided service is
reliable and the seller demonstrates a lack of market power); Pac.
Gas & Elec. Co., 38 FERC ] 61,242, at 61,790 (1987) (accepting
proposed competitive rates because ``competition * * * encourages
utilities to make efficient decisions with a minimum of regulatory
intervention [and, u]ltimately, consumers should benefit from lower
prices as competition improves efficiency.''), modifying on other
ground, 47 FERC ] 61,121 (1989), modified, 50 FERC ] 61,339 (1990),
modified sub nom. W. Sys. Power Pool, 55 FERC ] 61,099, at 61,319
(addressing applicant's failure to eliminate anticompetitive effects
by mitigating market power), granting stay, 55 FERC ] 61,154, reh'g
granted in part, 55 FERC ] 61,495 (1991), modified, 59 FERC ] 61,249
(1992); Pub. Serv. Co. of New Mexico, 25 FERC ] 61,469, at 62,038
(1983) (averring that ``competition penalizes a seller that is
inefficient or has an unreasonable pricing strategy[; consequently,]
consumers * * * benefit because the improvements in efficiency lead
to lower prices.''); see also Heartland Energy Servs., Inc., 68 FERC
] 61,223 (1994) (reviewing early Commission decisions granting
market-based rate authority).
3. National policy fostered further market evolution by encouraging
increased competition among generators through the Energy Policy Act of
1992 (EPAct 1992).\5\ Specifically, EPAct 1992 eased regulatory
restrictions so that independent and affiliate generators could more
easily enter, and compete in, wholesale electricity markets. EPAct 1992
also expanded the Commission's authority to address undue
discrimination in transmission access in order to promote wholesale
competition. In subsequent orders, the Commission found that the
availability of transmission service enhances competition in power
markets, by increasing power supply options of buyers and power sales
options of sellers, and leads to lower rates for consumers.\6\ By the
mid-1990s, the Commission had determined that additional measures were
needed to address undue discrimination in transmission access and
issued Order Nos. 888\7\ and 889,\8\ which required ``open access''
transmission service. In doing so, the Commission explained that its
action ``remove[s] impediments to competition in the wholesale power
marketplace and * * * bring[s] more efficient, lower cost power to the
Nation's electricity customers.'' \9\ The Commission subsequently
issued Order No. 890,\10\ to further remedy undue discrimination and
thereby remove barriers to competition.
\5\ Pub. L. No. 102-486, 106 Stat. 2776 (1992).
\6\ Fla. Mun. Power Agency v. Fla. Power & Light Co., 65 FERC ]
61,125, at 61,615, reh'g dismissed, 65 FERC ] 61,372 (1993), final
order, 67 FERC ] 61,167 (1994), order on reh'g, 74 FERC ] 61,006
\7\ Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-
Discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities; Recovery
of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities,
Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,036 (1996), order on reh'g,
Order No. 888-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,048, order on reh'g, Order
No. 888-B, 81 FERC ] 61,248 (1997), order on reh'g, Order No. 888-C,
82 FERC ] 61,046 (1998), aff'd in relevant part sub nom.
Transmission Access Policy Study Group v. FERC, 225 F.3d 667 (D.C.
Cir. 2000), aff'd sub nom. New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. 1 (2002).
\8\ Open Access Same-Time Information System and Standards of
Conduct, Order No. 889, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,035 (1996), order
on reh'g, Order No. 889-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,049, reh'g
denied, Order No. 889-B, 81 FERC ] 61,253 (1997).
\9\ Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,036 at 31,634.
\10\ Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in
Transmission Service, Order No. 890, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,241,
order on reh'g, Order No. 890-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,261
(2007), order on reh'g, Order No. 890-B, 123 FERC ] 61,299 (2008),
order on reh'g, Order No. 890-C, 126 FERC ] 61,228 (2009), order on
clarification, Order No. 890-D, 129 FERC ] 61,126 (2009).
4. In addition to addressing undue discrimination in transmission
access, Order No. 888 encouraged the formation of ISOs. The Commission
posited that ``ISOs have great potential to assist us and the industry
to help provide regional efficiencies, to facilitate economically
efficient pricing, and, especially in the context of power pools, to
remedy undue discrimination and mitigate market power.'' \11\ To
facilitate ISO formation and foster independent operation of the
transmission grid, the Commission suggested that utilities should
voluntarily transfer operating control of their transmission facilities
to an ISO. Four years later, in Order No. 2000,\12\ the Commission
encouraged the voluntary formation of RTOs to administer the
transmission grid on a regional basis. To date, the Commission has
approved six RTOs and ISOs: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM); New York
Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO); Midwest Independent
Transmission System Operator, Inc. (Midwest ISO); ISO New England Inc.
(ISO-NE); California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO);
and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP). Together, these six RTOs and ISOs
serve more than half of the United States' wholesale electricity
\11\ Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,036 at 31,652; see
also id. at 31,730-32.
\12\ Regional Transmission Organizations, Order No. 2000, 65 FR
809 (Jan. 6, 2000), FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,089 (1999), order on
reh'g, Order No. 2000-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,092 (2000), aff'd
sub nom. Pub. Util. Dist. No. 1 of Snohomish County, Washington v.
FERC, 272 F.3d 607 (D.C. Cir. 2001).
\13\ See ISO/RTO Council, Progress of Organized Wholesale
Electriciy Markets in North America 1 (2007), https://www.isorto.org/atf/cf/%7B5B4E85C6-7EAC-40A0-8DC3-003829518EBD%7D/IRC_State_of_the_Markets_Report_103007.pdf.
5. The wholesale electricity markets operated by Commission-
approved RTOs/ISOs have evolved since their inception and will likely
continue to do so as advances in technology usher in additional
competing resources, computational efficiencies, new products, and new
types of market participants. Today, for example, market participants
include independent generating resources, storage devices, demand
response and energy efficiency providers, marketers and traders,
vertically integrated utilities, power marketing administrations,
municipalities and cooperatives, among others.
6. Substantial changes also have occurred with respect to the
manner in which electricity is bought and sold. For example, when the
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) was established in 2000, the vast
majority of electricity sales transacted on ICE contained requirements
for physical delivery. Electricity bought or sold without requirements
for physical delivery is commonly referred to as a financial
electricity product. Beginning in 2004, the volume of financial
electricity products bought and sold on ICE eclipsed that of
electricity bought and sold on ICE with physical delivery requirements.
The financial electricity product volumes on ICE also surpassed
electricity volumes reported to the Commission through Electric
[[Page 66213]]
Reports (EQR) in several markets.\14\ Given that financial electricity
products commonly settle using published prices from Commission-
jurisdictional markets, changes in the prices of physical electricity
products impact the values of both physical and financial electricity
\14\ See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 2008 State of the
Markets Report (2009), available at https://www.ferc.gov/market-oversight/st-mkt-ovr/2008-som-final.pdf. We also note that financial
electricity products may be transacted (1) Through exchanges besides
ICE (e.g., NYMEX and Nodal Exchange), (2) by voice brokers, (3)
bilaterally, or (4) by using other means.
7. Recognizing the importance of information relating to market
trading and market oversight, the Commission issued Order No. 2001 \15\
and Order No. 697,\16\ establishing reporting requirements for entities
selling under market-based rates. As one keen observer stated, in this
regard, ``[i]nformation is the key to a viable electricity market and
to preventing market manipulation.'' \17\ In addition, the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) \18\ gave the Commission expanded
authority to address market manipulation,\19\ including the ability to
assess civil fines and seek criminal penalties.\20\
\15\ Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,127, reh'g denied, Order No. 2001-A, 100
FERC ] 61,074, reh'g denied, Order No. 2001-B, 100 FERC ] 61,342,
order directing filing, Order No. 2001-C, 101 FERC ] 61,314 (2002),
order directing filing, Order No. 2001-D, 102 FERC ] 61,334, order
refining filing requirements, Order No. 2001-E, 105 FERC ] 61,352
(2003), order on clarification, Order No. 2001-F, 106 FERC ] 61,060
(2004), order revising filing requirements, Order No. 2001-G, 120
FERC ] 61,270, order on reh'g and clarification, Order No. 2001-H,
121 FERC ] 61,289 (2007), order revising filing requirements, Order
No. 2001-I, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,282 (2008).
\16\ Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy,
Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities, Order No. 697,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,252, clarified, 121 FERC ] 61,260 (2007),
order on reh'g, Order No. 697-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,268,
clarified, 124 FERC ] 61,055, order on reh'g, Order No. 697-B, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ] 31,285 (2008), order on reh'g, Order No. 697-C,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,291 (2009), order on reh'g, Order No. 697-
D, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,305 (2010), aff'd sub nom. Montana
Consumer Counsel v. FERC, No. 08-71827, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 20724
(9th Cir. Oct. 13, 2011). In its decision upholding Order No. 697,
the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals noted that monitoring must be
accompanied by enforcement because ``[w]ithout enforcement, there is
little reason to believe that sellers will police themselves.''
Montana Consumer Counsel, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 20724 at *19 n.5.
\17\ Charles H. Koch, Jr., Collaborative Governance: Lessons for
Europe from U.S. Electricity Restructuring, 61 Admin. L. Rev. 71, 97
\18\ Public Law No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 594 (2005).
\19\ See, e.g., 16 U.S.C. 824v.
\20\ See 16 U.S.C. 825o (criminal penalties); 16 U.S.C. 825o-1
(civil fines).
8. Independent market monitoring by RTO/ISO market monitoring units
(MMU) is an important means to evaluate market developments and to
identify and deter market abuses and manipulation. In Order No. 2000,
the Commission identified market monitoring as a basic function of an
RTO.\21\ The Commission refined its approach to MMUs in a 2005 policy
statement and in Order No. 719.\22\ In the 2005 Policy Statement, the
Commission outlined tasks for MMUs to perform in order to enhance the
competitive structure of RTO/ISO markets.\23\ Subsequently, in Order
No. 719, the Commission further clarified requirements for MMU
functions, independence, and information sharing.\24\
\21\ Prior to this first generic consideration of MMUs in Order
No. 2000, the Commission addressed market monitoring in connection
with individual RTO/ISO proposals. See Pac. Gas & Elec. Co., 77 FERC
] 61,265 (1996), order on reh'g, 81 FERC ] 61,122 (1997), order on
clarification, 83 FERC ] 61,033 (1998) (requiring the ISO to file a
detailed monitoring plan and listing minimum elements for such a
plan); Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, 81 FERC ]
61,257 (1997) (requiring PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. to develop a
market monitoring program to evaluate market power and market design
\22\ Market Monitoring Units in Regional Transmission
Organizations and Independent System Operators, 111 FERC ] 61,267
(2005) (2005 Policy Statement); Wholesale Competition in Regions
with Organized Electric Markets, Order No. 719, FERC Stats. & Regs.
] 31,281 (2008), order on reh'g, Order No. 719-A, FERC Stats. &
Regs. ] 31,292 (2009), order on reh'g, Order No. 719-B, 129 FERC ]
61,252 (2009).
\23\ 2005 Policy Statement, 111 FERC ] 61,267 at P 2.
\24\ Specifically, MMU functions consist of evaluating existing
and proposed market rules, tariff provisions, and market design
elements and recommending changes, if applicable; reviewing and
reporting on the performance of wholesale markets; and identifying
and notifying the Commission of behavior that may require
investigation. See Order No. 719, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,281 at P
9. The Commission has acknowledged that MMUs perform a vital and
necessary function in market oversight \25\ but that they do not
supplant the Commission's authority.\26\ Rather, MMUs are designed to
provide the Commission with an additional means of detecting market
power abuses, market design flaws, and opportunities for improvements
in market efficiency.\27\
\25\ See, e.g., Order No. 719, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,281 at P
\26\ Order No. 2000, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,089 at 31,156-57.
\27\ Id.
II. Discussion
10. In this NOPR, the Commission proposes to revise its regulations
to require each RTO and ISO to electronically deliver to the
Commission, on an ongoing, non-public basis, data related to the
markets that it administers; namely, data relating to physical and
virtual offers and bids, market awards, resource outputs, marginal cost
estimates, shift factors, FTRs, internal bilateral contracts, and
interchange pricing. To facilitate such ongoing, electronic delivery,
the Commission proposes that each RTO and ISO use automated electronic
procedures to provide this data.
11. The Commission is statutorily obligated to ensure that sales of
electricity in wholesale markets are made at just and reasonable
rates,\28\ and to address market manipulation in connection with the
purchase or sale of electricity subject to the Commission's
jurisdiction.\29\ Toward that end, section 301(b) of the FPA provides
that the Commission shall at all times have access to and the right to
inspect and examine all accounts and records of public utilities.\30\
In this NOPR, and pursuant to its authority under section 301(b), the
Commission proposes to seek ongoing electronic delivery of data
including accounts and records of the RTOs/ISOs, which are public
\28\ See 16 U.S.C. 824d, 824e.
\29\ See 16 U.S.C. 824v.
\30\ 16 U.S.C. 825(b).
12. Moreover, the Commission also has authority pursuant to section
307(a) of the FPA to investigate any facts, conditions, practices, or
matters it may deem necessary or proper to determine whether any
person, electric utility, transmitting utility, or other entity may
have violated or might violate the FPA or the Commission's regulations,
or to aid in the enforcement of the FPA or the Commission regulations,
or to obtain information about wholesale power sales or the
transmission of power in interstate commerce.\31\
\31\ 16 U.S.C. 825f(a).
13. As markets continue to evolve with increased levels of
sophistication, the Commission must continue to evaluate the type of
data necessary to ensure just and reasonable rates. The Commission's
market monitoring and surveillance capabilities and associated data
requirements must keep pace with market developments and evolve along
with the markets. Further, the Commission's evaluation of the market
rules, regulations, and policies should be informed by the data
collection proposed herein. Electronic delivery of the types of data
proposed herein will help to bring the Commission's access to RTO/ISO
data in sync with the types and levels of activity in those markets and
help to ensure that rates are just and reasonable.
14. Most of the data discussed in this NOPR are already collected
and stored by the RTOs/ISOs in order to administer
[[Page 66214]]
their markets. To the extent that an RTO/ISO does not already collect
specific data, the Commission is not proposing to require either the
collection of such data from market participants or its electronic
delivery to the Commission. The Commission also proposes that key
identifiers and other descriptive details necessary to understand the
data be included in the data electronically delivered to the
Commission. Finally, the Commission proposes that each RTO/ISO
electronically deliver the data to the Commission using a common
transfer method and format (i.e., Secure File Transfer Protocol and
XML), which are described below. The Commission is not proposing that
each RTO/ISO aggregate or materially modify the data prior to
electronic delivery to the Commission.\32\
\32\ The Commission is currently considering providing an XML
Schema Definition (XSD) that describes the structure of the XML
document to be electronically delivered to the Commission. XSD
defines those elements, attributes, data types, and any default or
fixed values in the XML. Depending on how the requested data is
stored by each RTO/ISO, some data transformation may be required to
prepare XML that is consistent with the XSD. For example, one RTO/
ISO might store dates in MM-DD-YYYY format while the rest use YYYY-
MM-DD format. As such, an XSD might specify that dates in the XML be
electronically delivered to the Commission in YYYY-MM-DD format.
15. This NOPR proposes to require an automated data delivery
process, in part, to minimize any burden on RTOs/ISOs. The Commission
currently can request this data from individual RTOs and ISOs on an ad
hoc basis. Such recurrent, periodic data requests may require more
Commission and RTO/ISO resources than the proposed electronic delivery
of this data using an automated process.
16. Although the six RTOs/ISOs have developed different wholesale
electricity market designs, there are many similarities in the data
that they use to administer these markets. Generally speaking, market
participants with their own supply resources or with supply resources
under contract submit energy supply offers indicating the price at
which they are willing to supply various quantities of energy. Load-
serving entities submit demand bids indicating the price at which they
are willing to buy various quantities of energy. The supply offers pass
through market power screens. These screens are used to determine
whether the resources can affect the market price and whether the
offers should be mitigated. If an energy supply offer triggers the
application of mitigation, it is replaced with a mitigated energy
supply offer. Generally, mitigated energy supply offers are calculated
using estimated marginal cost data, which approximate generators' costs
under different conditions.\33\
\33\ The estimated marginal cost data the Commission proposes to
receive through this NOPR do not include individual generators'
actual costs, revenues, or profits.
17. Similar to the process for submitting energy offers and bids,
market participants with their own supply resources or with supply
resources under contract also submit offers to provide ancillary
services and capacity services.\34\ These offers typically indicate a
price at which a market participant is willing to provide the service
and, like the energy supply offers discussed above, are subject to
mitigation when appropriate.
\34\ We note that currently CAISO and SPP do not administer a
centralized capacity market.
18. Entities with or without physical assets or load obligations
may also submit ``virtual'' supply offers and demand bids in the RTO/
ISO day-ahead markets. These virtual offers and bids contribute to
price formation in RTO/ISO markets. Further, entities located outside
of the RTO/ISO footprint may submit supply offers and demand bids in
the form of interchange offers and bids.
19. The RTOs/ISOs match the above-described inputs through an
intricate process designed to use the lowest-cost resources to meet
demand.\35\ This process yields pricing signals through locational
marginal pricing (LMP) that determine which supply offers and demand
bids are selected (and which would also inform long-term planning,
e.g., decisions on whether to enter and exit markets). Supply offers
that are selected are required to provide a specific amount of service.
For example, resources that are selected in the day-ahead energy market
will be given an energy market award that specifies the amount of
energy a particular resource is financially obligated to supply. These
market awards are determined by each resource's supply offer and the
corresponding day-ahead LMP. Finally, the RTO/ISO provides dispatch
instructions for resources in real time. Real-time compensation is
determined by the dispatch instructions, metered output, and the
corresponding LMP.
\35\ We note that other inputs, including generation
capabilities and other system costs, inter alia, are used by RTOs/
ISOs to arrive at the lowest-cost solution.
20. LMP is comprised of three components: The system-wide price of
energy, transmission line losses, and the congestion charge. The
congestion charge component of LMP is calculated using shift factors
when modeled flows are above the intended physical capability of given
transmission facilities. A shift factor reflects the positive or
negative percentage effect that a one-megawatt change in generation
output or demand will have on an identified constraint. These shift
factors are used to create a dispatch strategy that is consistent with
physical and other reliability constraints. In other words, shift
factors allow RTOs/ISOs to manage transmission constraints through
congestion charge price signals that relate to a generator's or load's
influence on a specific constraint.
21. Prices in the RTO/ISO day-ahead markets and real-time balancing
markets can be volatile depending on market conditions. Products
designed to hedge RTO/ISO price volatility have provided valuable tools
for RTO/ISO market participants to secure predictable revenue streams
or reduce price risk associated with generation costs. These price
hedging tools have evolved concurrently with changes in wholesale
electricity markets.
22. In the RTO/ISO markets, market participants can limit price
risk using several tools, notably, virtual offers and bids, FTRs, and
internal bilateral contracts. Virtual offers and bids (collectively,
virtuals) allow market participants the opportunity, among other
things, to transfer price risk between day-ahead and real-time markets
within an RTO/ISO. When virtuals are scheduled in the day-ahead market,
the financial commitment is established at published day-ahead prices,
and virtuals are automatically liquidated with the opposite buy/sell
position, in most cases at real-time prices. Virtuals are not backed by
physical assets. If a load-serving entity determines that it might need
to purchase supply from real-time markets,\36\ the load-serving entity
could use virtuals to ``lock-in'' a day-ahead price.
\36\ A load-serving entity might determine such a need to
purchase supply, for example, because of potential weather-related
events or generator malfunction.
23. FTRs provide market participants with a mechanism to hedge
transmission costs under LMP-based market designs. In general, load-
serving entities in RTOs/ISOs are allocated either FTRs or transmission
rights convertible into FTRs. This allocation is often based on usage
during an historical period. Allocated FTRs are limited to load-serving
entities and to those who funded construction of specific transmission
facilities. Other FTRs are auctioned, and such FTRs generally can be
purchased by creditworthy entities. Moreover, FTRs
[[Page 66215]]
can be resold outside of the RTO/ISO auction and allocation procedures.
Transactions occurring outside of the RTO/ISO allocation and auction
procedures are commonly referred to as secondary market transactions.
24. Finally, internal bilateral contracts allow market participants
to hedge energy costs under LMP-based market designs. In RTOs/ISOs,
market participants can enter into bilateral agreements and use the
RTO/ISO to perform settlement functions. These internal bilateral
contracts typically rely on a bilaterally negotiated price rather than
the potentially more volatile RTO/ISO LMP-based energy price, and they
allow market participants the opportunity to transfer risks relating to
energy costs among market participants. Thus, a load-serving entity may
enter into an internal bilateral contract with a supplier to settle its
energy costs at a predetermined rate rather than at the applicable LMP.
If the market participant reports this internal bilateral contract to
the RTO/ISO, the RTO/ISO would then account for this agreement in its
settlement process.
25. RTO/ISO price-hedging products have been created outside of the
RTO/ISO markets as well. Electricity futures were first traded on NYMEX
in March 1996.\37\ Electricity futures, which are traded on organized
exchanges, and electricity forwards, which are traded outside of
organized exchanges, are transactions that typically specify a quantity
of physical electricity to be delivered at a specific time and place in
the future at an agreed-upon price.\38\ A generation owner can sell
output from its facility at a pre-determined price by entering into
futures or forward transactions even as the RTO/ISO price varies.
\37\ S.J. Deng and S.S. Oren, Electricity derivatives and risk
management, 31 Energy 940, 943 (2006), available at https://www.sciencedirect.com.
\38\ See id. at 942-43.
26. In recent years, other products for hedging RTO/ISO prices have
developed, such as electricity swaps. Swaps are similar to electricity
futures and forwards, but swaps are financial transactions that do not
require physical delivery. Electricity swaps can be bought or sold at a
given ``fixed'' price and subsequently settle at a ``floating''
published daily electricity price; this is typically referred to as a
``fixed-for-floating'' swap. Swaps can act as a hedge when used
alongside physical electricity sales, by guaranteeing the generation
owner an agreed upon price, notwithstanding fluctuation in the
published electricity price. Specifically, if the published daily
electricity price is higher than the agreed upon price, the generation
owner pays the difference to the counter-party to the swap but still
receives the agreed upon price.\39\ This effectively guarantees a
predictable revenue stream to the generation owner. RTO/ISO posted
prices are one of the commonly referenced settlement values used in
electricity swaps.
\39\ For example, Generator sells to the RTO/ISO at a market-
based rate, which varies according to the market. As a hedge,
Generator sells a financial swap to Counter-party at $30/MWh. If the
published electricity price that Generator receives on day one is
$20/MWh, Counter-party pays Generator the difference, i.e., $10 ($30
minus $20). Thus, Generator receives the agreed upon price of $30/
MWh. Conversely, if the published electricity price that Generator
receives on day two is $45/MWh, Generator owes Counter-party the
difference, i.e., $15 ($45 minus $30). Thus, Generator again
receives the agreed upon price of $30/MWh.
27. To the extent that any market participant is willing to
manipulate the market, that market participant would have an incentive
to manipulate RTO/ISO prices that are used to settle values for
electricity products, including financial products such as electricity
swaps. The likelihood of an attempt at market manipulation can be
reduced if the perceived cost of manipulation exceeds the perceived
benefit. For example, a market participant may wish to drive up an RTO/
ISO price because that market participant also holds an electricity
swap that benefits from a higher RTO/ISO price. In that vein, the
market participant may offer supply into the RTO/ISO market at levels
above its own marginal costs, driving up an RTO/ISO price by requiring
a higher-priced unit to be selected. That market participant would
receive less revenue from the RTO/ISO due to the lost sales opportunity
from its own higher-priced offer not being selected. However, in this
example, the market participant may be able to more than offset the
reduction in revenue through the benefit of its electricity swap
associated with the higher RTO/ISO price.
28. Given the history of electricity markets it regulates, the
Commission expects that such markets will continue to evolve, that new
physical and financial products will be formed, and that increasingly
complex manipulative or other anti-competitive strategies may be
A. Market Monitoring and Surveillance
29. To keep pace with market developments, the Commission is
proposing to establish ongoing, electronic delivery of data from each
RTO and ISO to enhance its market monitoring and surveillance efforts.
By seeking electronic delivery of the data outlined in this NOPR, the
Commission does not seek to displace or modify any of the existing
market monitoring functions performed by MMUs. Nor do we intend our
proposal to be perceived as an implicit criticism of the MMUs'
performance. Instead, this data will help the Commission detect anti-
competitive or manipulative behavior, or ineffective market rules, and
thus help ensure just and reasonable rates.
30. Among other objectives, the Commission will use the data it
proposes to receive as part of automated screens and other analyses
designed to detect attempts to manipulate RTO/ISO pricing for the
purpose of benefiting products that settle using RTO/ISO pricing and to
detect abuses involving interchange transactions. Supply offer, demand
bid, virtual, and FTR data will assist the Commission in understanding
how market participants are positioning themselves in RTO/ISO markets.
For example, market participants attempting to move RTO/ISO settlement
pricing might offer supply into the RTO/ISO market at uncompetitive
prices. Likewise, market participants could target specific LMP prices
using virtual offers and bids. Because congestion impacts are often
spread across many price nodes (and result in many different LMPs)
through shift factors, these virtual offers and bids need not be placed
at the specific price node for which a market participant might be
attempting to move the LMP. Estimated marginal cost and shift factor
data will enhance the Commission's ability to identify such behavior
that may be designed to impact RTO/ISO pricing. Moreover, interchange
pricing data will assist the Commission's efforts to identify anomalous
or uneconomic electricity interchange schedules; electricity schedules
between markets that are not consistent with pricing signals could be a
source of market inefficiency or raise other anti-competitive concerns.
31. Securing data concerning the markets that the RTOs/ISOs
administer is part of the Commission's broader effort to enhance its
market monitoring and surveillance capabilities. Specifically, in a
recently issued NOPR on Commission access to electronic tag (e-Tag)
data,\40\ the Commission proposed to make e-Tag data available to the
Commission to assist in monitoring the market and preventing
manipulation, among other things. In yet another NOPR, the Commission
proposed to require additional contract and transaction data from those
who file
[[Page 66216]]
EQRs and to extend the EQR filing requirements to wholesale market
participants which fall outside the Commission's FPA section 205
jurisdiction.\41\ The Commission stated that these proposals would
strengthen the Commission's ability to identify potential exercises of
market power or manipulation. We believe that the same is true here.
\40\ Availability of E-Tag Information to Commission Staff,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 32,675 (2011).
\41\ Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220
of The Federal Power Act, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FERC Stats.
& Regs. ] 32,676 (2011).
32. Utilizing the data the Commission proposes to receive in this
NOPR and the two NOPRs addressed above could greatly enhance the
Commission's market monitoring and surveillance capabilities. The data
will permit the Commission to improve its screening of market
participants for illicit behavior, making such conduct more difficult
to mask. In addition, the data the Commission proposes to collect in
these NOPRs could provide a better picture of legitimate market
activity and lessen the possibility that market monitoring and
surveillance screens will result in error.
B. Commission Policies and Regulations
33. In overseeing wholesale electricity markets, the Commission
evaluates, in response to submissions or on its own motion, existing
market designs and the effectiveness of market rules. The Commission
proposes to use RTO/ISO market data to more effectively carry out these
functions. Electronic delivery of this data will enable the Commission
to better identify ineffective market rules and better inform
Commission policies and decision-making, and thus help prevent anti-
competitive behavior and ensure just and reasonable rates.
34. We believe that electronic delivery of RTO/ISO market data will
provide the Commission with empirical information that will augment
ongoing industry outreach in determining the effectiveness of the
Commission-approved market rules and the efficiency of existing market
designs in producing just and reasonable rates. Electronic delivery of
the market data sought would allow the Commission to perform better
ongoing analysis as markets evolve and new resources begin
participating in these markets. For example, the market data sought
should enable the Commission to assess both the scheduling practices of
renewable resources and how renewable energy schedules compare with
actual real-time performance. Because of its unique position, the
Commission will be able to perform such analysis across the RTO/ISO
markets. This cross-market analysis will enhance the Commission's
ongoing efforts to assess the performance of different market designs
and rules.
35. In seeking electronic delivery of this data, the Commission
emphasizes that it does not seek to displace existing MMU efforts to
evaluate market rules and market designs nor is it proposing to modify
any of the market monitoring functions performed by MMUs. Rather, the
Commission is seeking to augment the assessments currently being
performed by MMUs, thus strengthening the Commission's regulatory
capabilities through the ongoing electronic delivery of RTO/ISO market
C. Requested Data
36. As part of this rulemaking, the Commission proposes to require
ongoing electronic delivery of, the data (e.g., the information to be
included in the datasets) described below. The Commission invites
comment on these data requirements:
1. Supply offers and demand bids for energy and ancillary
services--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide their data
on supply offers and demand bids submitted to RTO/ISO markets. This
dataset would include all offers and bids for energy and ancillary
services. This dataset would also include offers and bids submitted for
interchange transactions, as well as those submitted without economic
consideration, i.e., self schedules.
2. Virtual offers and bids--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on virtual supply offers and virtual demand
bids submitted to RTO/ISO markets.
3. Energy/ancillary service awards--The Commission is proposing
that RTOs/ISOs provide their data on market awards for energy and
ancillary services. This dataset would include the quantity and price
of all market awards for energy and ancillary services. The dataset
would also identify resources that are self-scheduled.
4. Capacity market offers, designations, and prices--For RTOs/ISOs
with centralized capacity markets, the Commission is proposing to
require RTOs/ISOs to provide their data on capacity offers as well as
capacity market outcomes or designations. This dataset would identify
capacity resources, the amount of procured capacity, and the applicable
capacity market price.
5. Resource output--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/ISOs
provide their data on resource output data used in market settlements.
This dataset would include details used in market settlements,
including RTO/ISO dispatch instructions (i.e., the output that a
dispatched resource is expected to produce in real-time) for energy or
ancillary services, or whether resources are operating at self-
scheduled output levels, and measured output levels.
6. Marginal cost estimates--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on marginal cost estimates; such estimates are
typically generated for the potential replacement of supply offers in
market power mitigation procedures. This dataset would include all
marginal cost estimates that have been developed, and not just those
estimates that were used to generate mitigated supply offers. The
Commission is seeking just the resulting marginal cost estimates
themselves, however, and is not proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide the
inputs that allow for calculation of those estimates. Further, the
Commission is not seeking other operating information regarding
individual generators' actual costs, revenues, or profits.
7. Day-ahead shift factors--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide their data on shift factors calculated for use in the day-
ahead market. This would include generation shift factors, which are
factors to be applied to a generator's expected change in output to
determine the amount of flow contribution that that change in output
will impose on an identified transmission facility or flowgate, and
load shift factors, which are factors to be applied to a load's
expected change in demand to determine the amount of flow contribution
that that change in demand will impose on an identified transmission
facility or flowgate. This dataset would not be limited to binding
constraints, but should also include all shift factors calculated to
address non-binding constraints.
8. FTR data--The Commission is proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide
their data on FTR transactions that may not be publicly posted in all
RTO/ISO markets. Specifically, the Commission is proposing that RTOs/
ISOs provide data detailing how all FTRs and allocated rights were
acquired, either through RTO/ISO allocation or auction procedures; data
detailing whether the acquired allocation positions were converted from
positions that collect auction revenue into positions that collect
congestion revenue; and data detailing secondary market transactions to
the extent that they are available to the RTO/ISO.
9. Internal Bilateral Contracts--The Commission is proposing that
RTOs/ISOs provide their data on the settlement of internal bilateral
contracts for energy.
[[Page 66217]]
10. Pricing data for interchange transactions--The Commission is
proposing that RTOs/ISOs provide their data on pricing information for
scheduled interchanges. Scheduled interchanges include any transaction
between two or more Balancing Authority Areas. To enhance the
Commission's market monitoring and surveillance efforts, the Commission
is proposing that eTag IDs be included, when applicable, in addition to
other interchange pricing details and transaction identification.
37. The data that the Commission is proposing to receive
electronically in this NOPR are limited to physical and virtual offers
and bids, market awards, resource outputs, marginal cost estimates,
shift factors, FTRs, internal bilateral contracts, and interchange
pricing. These datasets would include descriptive information such as
market participant names, unique identifiers, pricing points, and other
information that the Commission considers necessary and appropriate to
understand and analyze the data described in this NOPR. Markets are not
static, however, and, as markets continue to evolve, the Commission may
initiate a new rulemaking process in the future to reassess the data
necessary for its market monitoring and surveillance efforts and for
its policy and decision-making needs.
38. The Commission proposes that RTOs/ISOs be required to
electronically deliver the data discussed in this NOPR to the
Commission within seven days after each RTO/ISO creates the datasets in
a market run or otherwise. For example, day-ahead offers and bids,
market awards, resource outputs, day-ahead shift factors, internal
bilateral contracts, and day-ahead interchange pricing data would be
required to be electronically delivered within seven days after the
completion of each day-ahead market run. Real-time offers and bids and
real-time interchange pricing data would be required to be
electronically delivered within seven days after the completion of each
real-time market run. For data that are updated less frequently,
including capacity market results, estimated marginal costs, and FTR
data, each RTO/ISO would be expected to electronically deliver that
data within seven days after it is created or updated by the RTO/ISO.
For the initial delivery of data under this proposal, however, the
Commission proposes that each RTO/ISO would be required to
electronically deliver all such data forty-five days after the
effective date of any final rule in this proceeding. Finally, if the
RTO/ISO makes later corrections to the data (after they have been
delivered to the Commission), the RTO/ISO would be expected to
electronically deliver the corrected data to the Commission within
seven days after the correction has been made. The Commission invites
comments with respect to the timeframe in which the data described in
this NOPR should be electronically delivered to the Commission.
39. The Commission proposes to locate the requirement to
electronically deliver this data on an ongoing basis within section
35.28(g) of our regulations. Further, the Commission proposes to direct
each RTO/ISO to submit a compliance filing amending its open access
transmission tariff to reflect this requirement within forty-five days
after the effective date of any final rule in this proceeding.
D. Data Formatting and Web-Based Delivery
40. In order to facilitate the Commission's efforts described
above, the Commission is proposing to require each RTO and ISO to use
consistent formatting and delivery methods to electronically deliver
the data described in this NOPR to the Commission. Consistent
formatting and delivery methods will enable the Commission to develop
routine data procedures to link RTO/ISO and other market data, thus
enabling automated analytic techniques.
41. In regard to data formatting, the Commission is proposing to
require that any data outlined in this NOPR be in an XML format that is
consistent for all RTOs/ISOs when electronically delivered to the
Commission. As stated above, the Commission is not proposing that each
RTO/ISO materially modify the data prior to electronic delivery to the
\42\ See supra P 14.
42. In Order No. 714,\43\ the Commission adopted XML format for
entities to use when making tariff related filings, based upon industry
agreement.\44\ XML is also commonly used by RTOs/ISOs to deliver data
to market participants through Open Access Same-Time Information
Systems (OASIS) and other purposes. Data not formatted in XML may also
be extracted directly from a database into an XML-formatted file using
automated procedures. However, the Commission also recognizes that XML,
which was adopted by the industry as the most effective format to use
when electronically filing tariffs, may not be the preferred format to
use when electronically delivering RTO/ISO data. Accordingly, we seek
comment on this issue.
\43\ Electronic Tariff Filings, Order No. 714, 73 FR 57515, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ] 31,276 (2008).
\44\ Order No. 714, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,276 at P 30.
43. In regard to the data delivery method, the Commission is
proposing that each RTO and ISO use a secure data delivery method to
provide data to the Commission due to the commercially-sensitive nature
of the market data described in this NOPR. Specifically, the Commission
is proposing that any RTO/ISO market data be electronically delivered
using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Delivery by SFTP is
similar to delivery by File Transfer Protocol or ``FTP,'' a widely-used
file-sharing protocol; except that all communications transmitted using
SFTP are encrypted. Access to the server where the data is
electronically delivered will only be granted to each applicable RTO
and ISO and to the Commission.
44. Accordingly, and as part of our consideration of the range of
possible formats and delivery methods that RTOs/ISOs may use to
electronically deliver data to the Commission, the Commission invites
comments with respect to efficient and secure ways to provide the
Commission with RTO/ISO data. The Commission also invites comment on
the time and resources that may be needed by RTOs/ISOs for the initial
implementation and ongoing compliance with the proposed requirements of
this rule. Finally, the Commission invites comment on whether a phased
implementation approach should be undertaken, and, if so, what a
potential phased approach should entail.
E. Non-Public Data
45. Much of the information that the Commission expects to receive
in this proposal is, by its nature, commercially-sensitive.\45\
Disclosure of such information could result in competitive harm to
market participants and the market as a whole.\46\ Accordingly, the
[[Page 66218]]
Commission proposes that the data sought in this proceeding is to be
kept non-public and not be made publicly available,\47\ except as may
be directed by the Commission, or a court with appropriate
\45\ In the past, the Commission has granted requests for
privileged or confidential treatment of similar non-public data.
See, e.g., N.Y. Indep. Sys. Operator, Inc., 131 FERC ] 61,169, at P
15 (2010) (granting such treatment for data relating to specific
generator or other equipment details, transmission system
information, bidding strategies, generator reference levels,
generator costs, guarantee payments, and the associated relevant
time periods); see also So. Cal. Edison Co., 135 FERC ] 61,201, at P
20; Hydrogen Energy Cal. LLC, 135 FERC ] 61,068, at P 25 (2011);
N.Y. Indep. Sys. Operator, Inc., 130 FERC ] 61,029, at P 3 (2010).
\46\ Section 301(b) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. 825(b), provides that
no member, officer, or employee of the Commission may divulge any
fact or information that may come to his knowledge during the course
of examination of books or other accounts, except as may be directed
by the Commission or by a court.
\47\ We note that, notwithstanding that the Commission may have
data available to it, complainants still must bear the burden of
making a prima facie case; complainants must do more than make
unsubstantiated allegations. Interstate Power & Light Co. v. ITC
Midwest, LLC, 135 FERC ] 61,162, at P 18 (2011); see also UNITIL
Power Corp. v. Pub. Serv. Co. of N.H., 62 FERC P 61,055, at 61,287
(1993) (``The question we must answer at this stage of the
proceeding is whether UNITIL has presented sufficient evidence of
PSNH's costs so that we may assess whether a trial-type, evidentiary
hearing is warranted.''); Houlton Water Co. v. Me. Pub. Serv. Co.,
55 FERC P 61,037, at 61,110 (1991) (``Maine Public correctly states
that a customer seeking a section 206 investigation of existing
rates must provide some basis to question the reasonableness of the
overall rate level, taking into account changes in all cost
components and not just [the item being challenged].'').
\48\ We note that the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows
persons to file requests to obtain data from the Commission.
However, commercially-sensitive data, like that described in this
NOPR, is covered by exemption 4 of FOIA, which protects ``trade
secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a
person [that is] privileged or confidential.'' 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)
(2006), amended by OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-175,
121 Stat. 2524 (2007); accord 18 CFR 388.107(d).
46. To the extent the data collected pursuant to this rulemaking
are used, for example, to support proposed market rule changes, the
analysis relied upon by the Commission will be publicly available
except that confidential market information and other protected or
confidential information will remain non-public. Also, the Commission
may direct its staff to publicly issue a staff report outside of a
rulemaking proceeding with similar protections for confidential or
otherwise protected information.
III. Information Collection Statement
47. The collections of information contained in this proposed rule
have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review under section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3507(d). The Commission solicits comments on the Commission's
need for this information, whether the information will have practical
utility, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected,
and any suggested methods for minimizing respondents' burden, including
the use of automated information techniques. Respondents subject to the
filing requirements of this rule will not be penalized for failing to
respond to these collections of information unless the collections of
information display a valid OMB Control number.
48. The proposed rule does not require market participants other
than the RTOs/ISOs to report information to the Commission.
49. The Commission's estimated reporting burden related to the
proposed rule in Docket RM11-17-000 follow.
Implementing burden Annual recurring operating Average annual burden
-------------------------------- burden (implementation cost averaged
-------------------------------- over 3 yrs.)
Data collection, proposed FERC-921 Number of -------------------------------
respondents Burden hrs. Cost per Burden hrs. Cost per Burden hrs.
per respondent respondent per respondent respondent for all Cost for all
respondents respondents
Compliance filing....................... 6 7 $1,750 .............. .............. 14 $3,500
Web-Based Delivery...................... 6 1,040 100,864 40 $3,879 2,320 225,003
Grand Total, Average Annual 6 .............. .............. .............. .............. 2,334 228,503
50. The Commission recognizes that there will be an initial
implementation burden associated with providing the Commission with
RTO/ISO data. This includes submitting a compliance filing to the
Commission, which the Commission estimates as a burden of 7 hours per
RTO/ISO, and implementing a process to automatically upload data to an
SFTP site for Commission use (including development, testing and
production). The Commission estimates a burden of 1040 hours per RTO/
ISO for the development, testing and production of an automated process
to provide the Commission with the data described in this NOPR. In this
regard, though, RTO/ISO markets have already developed capabilities
necessary to handle RTO/ISO data in an automated manner. For instance,
through their Open Access Same-time Information Systems (OASIS), RTOs/
ISOs already make certain market data publically available in XML
format using automated procedures. Likewise, some RTOs/ISOs have
developed procedures similar to those proposed in this NOPR to deliver
data to their MMUs.
51. For the recurring effort involved in electronically delivering
RTO/ISO data to the Commission, the Commission anticipates that the
additional burden associated with this rule will be minimal. Any
recurring burden would be associated with addressing updates to RTO/ISO
data as the data that they process changes and due to occasional errors
in the data handling or data upload process.
[[Page 66219]]
Information Collection Costs: The Commission has estimated the cost
of compliance per RTO/ISO to be $102,614 in the initial year of
implementation and $3,879 in subsequent years. The Commission expects
that the compliance filing will be completed by RTO/ISO legal staff and
has estimated an hourly rate at $250/hour. The Commission estimates
that a variety of staff, including legal, database administrators and
IT and information security specialists, will be required to
electronically deliver to the Commission the RTO/ISO data described in
this NOPR. The Commission estimated the average hourly cost for this
task to be $96.98/hour (including legal staff at $250/hour, information
systems manager at $105.35/hour, database administrator at $55.61/hour,
and information security analyst at $57.67/hour).\49\
\49\ Hourly average wage is an average and was calculated using
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Occupational Employment Statistics
data for May 2010 (at https://www.bls.gov/oes/) for the database
administrator and information security analysts. The average hourly
figure for legal staff and information systems manager is a
composite from BLS and other resources. The following weightings
were applied to estimate the average hourly cost: Legal staff (\1/
6\), information systems manager (\1/6\), database administrator
(\1/3\), and information security analyst (\1/3\).