Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region; Amendment 18, 65662-65673 [2011-27348]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 622
[Docket No. 110803468–1612–01]
RIN 0648–BB33
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of
Mexico, and South Atlantic; Coastal
Migratory Pelagic Resources in the
Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region;
Amendment 18
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
NMFS proposes regulations to
implement Amendment 18 to the
Fishery Management Plan for the
Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources in
the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region
(FMP), as prepared and submitted by
the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and South
Atlantic Fishery Management Councils
(Councils). If implemented, this rule
would remove species from the FMP;
modify the framework procedures;
establish two migratory groups for
cobia; establish annual catch limits
(ACLs), annual catch targets (ACTs), and
accountability measures (AMs) for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia.
In addition, Amendment 18 would set
allocations for Atlantic cobia and
establish control rules for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia.
The intent of this rule is to specify ACLs
for species not undergoing overfishing
while maintaining catch levels
consistent with achieving optimum
yield (OY) for the resource.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before November 21,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on the proposed rule identified by
‘‘NOAA–NMFS–2011–0202’’ by any of
the following methods:
• Electronic submissions: Submit
electronic comments via the Federal
e-Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Susan Gerhart, Southeast
Regional Office, NMFS, 263 13th
Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
Instructions: All comments received
are a part of the public record and will
generally be posted to https:// without change.
All Personal Identifying Information (for
example, name, address, etc.)
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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voluntarily submitted by the commenter
may be publicly accessible. Do not
submit Confidential Business
Information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
To submit comments through the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: https://, click on ‘‘submit a
comment,’’ then enter ‘‘NOAA–NMFS–
2011–0202’’ in the keyword search and
click on ‘‘search.’’ To view posted
comments during the comment period,
enter ‘‘NOAA–NMFS–2011–0202’’ in
the keyword search and click on
‘‘search.’’ NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter N/A in the required
field if you wish to remain anonymous).
You may submit attachments to
electronic comments in Microsoft Word,
Excel, WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file
formats only.
Comments received through means
not specified in this rule will not be
Electronic copies of documents
supporting this proposed rule, which
include a draft environmental
assessment and an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis (IRFA), may be
obtained from the Southeast Regional
Office Web site at https://
Susan Gerhart, telephone: 727–824–
5305, or e-mail:
coastal migratory pelagic (CMP) fishery
in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the
Atlantic is managed under the FMP. The
FMP was prepared by the Councils and
implemented through regulations at 50
CFR part 622 under the authority of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act).
The 2006 revisions to the MagnusonStevens Act require that by 2011, for
fisheries determined by the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary) to not be subject
to overfishing, ACLs and AMs must be
established at a level that prevents
overfishing and helps to achieve OY.
These mandates are intended to ensure
fishery resources are managed for the
greatest overall benefit to the nation,
particularly with respect to providing
food production and recreational
opportunities, and protecting marine
Currently two migratory groups of
king mackerel and Spanish mackerel are
established, Gulf migratory group and
Atlantic migratory group. The Gulf
Council determines management
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measures for the Gulf migratory groups
and the South Atlantic Council
determines management measures for
the Atlantic migratory groups.
Management Measures Contained in
This Proposed Rule
This rule would remove four species
from the FMP; modify the framework
procedures; establish two migratory
groups for cobia; establish ACLs, ACTs,
and AMs for each migratory group of
king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and
cobia. In addition, Amendment 18
would set allocations for Atlantic cobia
and establish control rules for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia.
Removal of Species From the FMP
Species currently in the FMP include
king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, cobia,
cero, little tunny, dolphin, and bluefish
(Gulf only). Dolphin in the Atlantic are
managed under a different FMP, and
bluefish in the Atlantic are managed by
the Mid-Atlantic Council. At present,
only king mackerel, Spanish mackerel,
and cobia have associated regulatory
text; the other species are in the FMP for
data collection purposes only.
This rule would remove cero, little
tunny, dolphin, and bluefish from the
FMP. The Councils and NMFS have
determined that these species are not in
need of Federal management at this
time. Although these species are
targeted in some areas, landings are
relatively low. In addition, the Councils
have never managed cero, little tunny,
dolphin, or bluefish under the FMP. The
species were originally included in the
FMP ‘‘for data collection purposes,’’ but
data collection on any species can be
required of fishermen and dealers that
hold Federal permits, regardless of the
presence of that species in an FMP. At
this time, the Southeast Fisheries
Science Center has no plans to remove
any species from their data collection
programs. If landings or effort change
for any of these species and the
Councils determine management at the
Federal level is needed, these species
could be added back into the FMP at a
later date.
Cobia Migratory Groups
Although there is mixing of cobia
from the Gulf and the Atlantic, the
preponderance of scientific data
indicate that there are at least two
separate migratory groups, if not two
separate stocks in the Gulf and Atlantic.
These two groups have separate
seasonal migrations and distinct life
history parameters. The Councils have
determined they should manage these
groups separately within their
individual areas of jurisdiction. This
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
rule would establish two migratory
groups for cobia, a Gulf migratory group
and an Atlantic migratory group. The
boundary would be the line of
demarcation between the Gulf EEZ and
the South Atlantic EEZ. ACLs and AMs
would be established separately for each
group by the responsible Council.
However, this rule would not change
the current possession limit of two cobia
per person per day for either
commercial or recreational fishermen.
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ACLs and AMs
In 2006, the Magnuson-Stevens Act
was re-authorized and included a
number of changes to improve the
conservation of managed fishery
resources. Included in these changes are
requirements that fishery management
councils establish both a mechanism for
specifying ACLs at a level such that
overfishing does not occur in a fishery
and AMs to mitigate any overages that
may occur. Guidance also requires
fishery management councils to
establish a control rule to determine
allowable biological catch (ABC).
The Councils accepted ABC control
rules for Gulf migratory groups of king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia,
and for the Atlantic migratory group of
cobia, based on the control rule
recommended by the Gulf Council’s
Scientific and Statistical Committee
(SSC). They accepted ABC control rules
for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel and Spanish mackerel based
on the control rule recommended by the
South Atlantic Council’s SSC. For all
species, this rule proposes ACLs equal
to the ABC. For purposes of tracking the
ACL, for king and Spanish mackerel,
landings will be evaluated based on the
commercial fishing year. Recreational
landings for all Atlantic species will be
evaluated based on a moving multi-year
average of landings, as described in the
Gulf Migratory Group King Mackerel
For Gulf migratory group king
mackerel this rule proposes separate
ACLs and AMs for the commercial and
recreational sectors based on sector
The commercial sector would close by
zone, subzone, or gear type when the
commercial quota for the applicable
zone, subzone, or gear type is reached
or is projected to be reached. In
addition, current trip limit adjustments
would remain in place. When the
commercial sector closes, harvest and
possession of king mackerel for the
applicable zone, subzone, or gear type
would be prohibited for persons aboard
a vessel for which a commercial permit
for king mackerel has been issued. If
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that vessel also has a valid charter
vessel/headboat permit on board for
CMP species and is operating as a
charter vessel or headboat, harvest and
possession of king mackerel would be
limited to the applicable bag limit. Also,
sale and purchase of king mackerel from
the closed zone, subzone, or gear type
would be prohibited, including king
mackerel taken under the bag or
possession limits.
For the recreational sector, the
Regional Administrator would have the
authority to revert the bag and
possession limit to zero if the
recreational allocation (recreational
ACL) is reached or projected to be
reached. This bag and possession limit
would also apply on board a vessel for
which a valid charter vessel/headboat
permit has been issued, without regard
to where such species were harvested,
i.e. in state or Federal waters.
Atlantic Migratory Group King Mackerel
For Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel, this rule proposes separate
ACLs for the commercial and
recreational sectors based on sector
allocations. This rule also proposes a
stock ACL and an ACT for the
recreational sector.
The commercial sector would close
when the commercial ACL is reached or
projected to be reached. When the
commercial sector closes, harvest and
possession of king mackerel would be
prohibited for persons aboard a vessel
for which a commercial permit for king
mackerel has been issued. If that vessel
also has a valid charter vessel/headboat
permit on board for CMP species and is
operating as a charter vessel or
headboat, harvest and possession of
king mackerel would be limited to the
applicable bag limit. Also, sale and
purchase of king mackerel would be
prohibited, including king mackerel
taken under the bag or possession
limits, without regard to where such
species were harvested, i.e. in state or
Federal waters.
For the recreational sector, if the stock
ACL is exceeded in any year, the bag
limit would be reduced the next fishing
year by the amount necessary to ensure
recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the
recreational ACL in the following
fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if
Atlantic migratory group king mackerel
are determined to be overfished and the
stock ACL is exceeded. The payback
would include a reduction in the sector
ACL for the following year, by the
amount of the overage by that sector in
the prior fishing year. Atlantic migratory
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group king mackerel are not considered
overfished at this time.
Gulf Migratory Group Spanish Mackerel
For Gulf migratory group Spanish
mackerel, this rule proposes stock ACLs
and AMs. Both the commercial and
recreational sectors would close when
the stock ACL is reached or projected to
be reached. Harvest, possession, sale,
and purchase of Spanish mackerel
would be prohibited, without regard to
where such species were harvested, i.e.
in state or Federal waters.
Atlantic Migratory Group Spanish
For Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel, this rule proposes separate
ACLs for the commercial and
recreational sectors based on sector
allocations. This rule also proposes an
ACT for the recreational sector.
The commercial sector would close
when the commercial quota is reached
or projected to be reached. In addition,
current trip limit adjustments would
remain in place. When the commercial
sector closes, harvest and possession of
Spanish mackerel would be prohibited
for persons aboard a vessel for which a
commercial permit for Spanish
mackerel has been issued. If that vessel
also has a valid charter vessel/headboat
permit on board for CMP species and is
operating as a charter vessel or
headboat, harvest and possession of
Spanish mackerel would be limited to
the applicable bag limit. Also, sale and
purchase of Spanish mackerel would be
prohibited, including Spanish mackerel
taken under the bag or possession
limits, without regard to where such
species were harvested, i.e. in state or
Federal waters.
For the recreational sector, if the stock
ACL is exceeded in any year, the bag
limit would be reduced the next fishing
year by the amount necessary to ensure
recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the
recreational ACL in the following
fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if the
Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel are determined to be
overfished and the stock ACL is
exceeded. The payback would include a
reduction in the sector ACL, for the
following year by the amount of the
overage by that sector in the prior
fishing year. Atlantic migratory group
Spanish mackerel are not considered
overfished at this time.
Gulf Migratory Group Cobia
For Gulf migratory group cobia, this
rule proposes stock ACLs and AMs. A
stock ACT is proposed that is 90 percent
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
of the ACL. Both the commercial and
recreational sectors would close when
the stock ACT is reached or projected to
be reached. Harvest, possession, sale,
and purchase of cobia would be
prohibited, without regard to where
such species were harvested, i.e. in state
or Federal waters.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Atlantic Migratory Group Cobia
For Atlantic migratory group cobia,
this rule proposes separate ACLs for the
commercial and recreational sectors
based on sector allocations. Because
sector allocations do not currently exist
for cobia, Amendment 18 proposes an
allocation of 8 percent of the ACL for
the commercial sector and 92 percent of
the ACL for the recreational sector,
based on landings. This rule also
proposes an ACT for the recreational
The commercial sector would close
when the commercial ACL is reached or
projected to be reached. Sale and
purchase of cobia would be prohibited,
including cobia taken under the
possession limit, without regard to
where such species were harvested, i.e.
in state or Federal waters.
For the recreational sector, if the stock
ACL is exceeded in any year, the fishing
season would be reduced the following
year by the amount necessary to ensure
that recreational landings may achieve
the recreational ACT, but do not exceed
the recreational ACL in the following
fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if
Atlantic migratory group cobia are
determined to be overfished and the
stock ACL is exceeded. The payback
would include a reduction in the sector
ACL for the following year by the
amount of the overage by that sector in
the prior fishing year. Atlantic migratory
group cobia are not considered
overfished at this time.
Modification of Generic Framework
To facilitate timely adjustments to
harvest parameters and other
management measures, the Councils
have added the ability to adjust ACLs
and AMs, and establish and adjust target
catch levels, including ACTs, to the
current framework procedures. These
adjustments or additions may be
accomplished through a regulatory
amendment which is less time-intensive
than an FMP amendment. By including
ACLs, AMs, and ACTs in the framework
procedures, the Councils and NMFS
would have the flexibility to more
promptly alter those harvest parameters
as new scientific information becomes
available. The proposed addition of
other management options into the
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framework procedures would also add
flexibility and the ability to more timely
respond to certain future Council
decisions through the framework
Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, the NMFS
Assistant Administrator has determined
that this proposed rule is consistent
with Amendment 18, other provisions
of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other
applicable law, subject to further
consideration after public comment.
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
NMFS prepared an IRFA, as required
by section 603 of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, for this rule. The IRFA
describes the economic impact this rule,
if adopted, would have on small
entities. A description of the rule, why
it is being considered, the objectives of,
and legal basis for this rule are
contained at the beginning of this
section in the preamble and in the
SUMMARY section of the preamble. A
copy of the full analysis is available
from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). A
summary of the IRFA follows.
The Magnuson-Stevens Act provides
the statutory basis for this rule. No
duplicative, overlapping, or conflicting
Federal rules have been identified.
This rule would affect all fishing in
the EEZ that is managed under the FMP
for Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources
in the Gulf and Atlantic. This includes
the EEZ in the Gulf and South Atlantic,
as well as the EEZ in the Mid-Atlantic
for king mackerel, Spanish mackerel,
and cobia. For purposes of fishery
management, Atlantic and Gulf
migratory groups have been designated
for each of the mackerels, and, under
this rule, cobia.
This rule would be expected to apply
to 1,000 to 2,000 commercial fishing
vessels and as many as 2,500 vessels
that have Federal permits to engage in
for-hire fishing for coastal migratory
pelagic species. The commercial fishing
vessels that would be expected to be
affected by this rule are estimated to
average $28,000 to $46,000 (2008
dollars) in gross revenue per vessel for
those fishing for king and Spanish
mackerel, and $16,000 to $277,000 for
vessels harvesting other CMP species
(the lower value is for vessels harvesting
cero while the upper value is for vessels
harvesting dolphin; this range
encompasses the vessels harvesting all
the remaining CMP species). The forhire vessels expected to be affected by
this rule are mostly charter boats, which
charge by the trip, often with six or
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fewer anglers (paying passengers), and a
smaller number of head boats, which
charge for each individual angler (only
15 percent of all of the CMP for-hire
vessels can carry more than six anglers).
Including revenue from all activities,
charter boats are estimated to average
approximately $88,000 (2008 dollars) in
gross revenue per year, while the
headboat average is $461,000 (2008
The Small Business Administration
has established size criteria for all major
industry sectors in the U.S. including
fish harvesters. A business involved in
commercial finfish harvesting is
classified as a small business if it is
independently owned and operated, is
not dominant in its field of operation
(including its affiliates), and has
combined annual receipts not in excess
of $4.0 million (NAICS code 114111,
finfish fishing) for all its affiliated
operations worldwide. A for-hire
business involved in fish harvesting is
classified as a small business if it is
independently owned and operated, is
not dominant in its field of operation
(including its affiliates), and has
combined annual receipts not in excess
of $7.0 million (NAICS code 713990,
recreational industries). Based on the
average revenue estimates provided
above, all commercial and for-hire
fishing vessels expected to be directly
affected by this rule are determined for
the purpose of this analysis to be small
business entities.
All of the actions in this rule that
would be jointly applicable to the Gulf
and Atlantic migratory groups would be
administrative in nature or allow status
quo harvest behavior. As a result, none
of these actions would be expected to
result in any direct economic impacts
on small entities.
With the exception of the AMs for the
Gulf migratory groups of king mackerel,
Spanish mackerel, and cobia, the
actions in this rule applicable to the
Gulf migratory groups are either
administrative or allow status quo
harvests and fishing behavior. As a
result, these actions would not be
expected to result in any direct
economic impacts on small entities. The
proposed AMs for each species would
be expected to result in unquantifiable
short-term reductions in economic
benefits associated with the
implementation of harvest restrictions
necessary to correct for harvest
overages, should such overages be
forecast or occur. These impacts cannot
be quantified at this time because the
overages, and necessary corrections,
cannot be forecast. However, any
harvest corrections, and associated
reduction in short-term economic
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
benefits, would be expected to preserve
the long-term biological goals, and longterm economic benefits, associated with
the harvest of these stocks.
Because the majority of the actions in
this rule applicable to the Atlantic
migratory groups are either
administrative or allow status quo
harvests and fishing behavior, only
minimal economic effects would be
expected to occur. Only the Spanish
mackerel ACL and AMs for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia,
if implemented, would be expected to
result in adverse economic impacts. The
specification of the Spanish mackerel
ACL would be expected to result in a
reduction in ex-vessel revenue to
commercial fishermen due to a
reduction in the allowable commercial
harvest and the AM requirement that
harvest, possession, and sale of Spanish
mackerel be prohibited when the
commercial quota is met. The economic
activity associated with this reduction
in revenue is an estimated 17 harvester
and 10 dealer/processor full-time
equivalent jobs. The relative effect of
this estimated reduction per small entity
is unknown. For the 2004/2005 through
2008/2009 fishing years, an average of
349 vessels recorded Atlantic migratory
group Spanish mackerel harvests in the
Southeast Federal logbook program.
These vessels averaged approximately
$28,000 in ex-vessel revenue per vessel
per year from all species recorded in the
logbook. If divided among these vessels,
the estimated reduction in ex-revenue
for Spanish mackerel alone
(approximately $680,000) would equate
to a reduction in average vessel gross
revenue of approximately 7 percent.
These results do not include any
reduction in gross revenue for other
species if trips do not occur (are
cancelled) as a result of a prohibition on
Spanish mackerel commercial harvest.
Total vessel Federal logbook-recorded
landings of Spanish mackerel accounted
for approximately 57 percent
(approximately 2.03 million lb (0.9
million kg) of the total Atlantic
migratory group Spanish mackerel
harvest during this period
(approximately 3.57 million lb (1.62
million kg). A significant portion of the
difference between these harvest totals
may be attributed to harvest in Florida
waters where Federal permits and
logbooks are not required for Spanish
mackerel. The average annual revenue
profile of the vessels that harvested the
remaining portion of the species is
unknown. As a result, the total relative
effect of the projected reduction in exvessel revenue on the profit of small
entity commercial vessels is not known.
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Three alternatives, including 13
options or sub-options, were considered
for the action to modify the fishery
management unit (FMU). The proposed
action, which incorporates 7 of the 13
options and sub-options, would remove
cero, little tunny, and dolphin from the
FMP for both the Gulf and South
Atlantic regions, and remove bluefish
from the FMP for the Gulf region. The
no-action alternative, which would
retain the four subject species in the
FMP for data-collection purposes only,
was not adopted because it would not
satisfy the Magnuson-Stevens Act
guidelines, which do not allow species
to be retained in an FMU for data
collection purposes only. The third
alternative would add the four species
to the FMU and set ACLs and AMs for
each, following the stated geographic
designations. This alternative was not
adopted because the Councils
determined that these species no longer
require Federal management in the
respective regions. The proposed action
would not be expected to result in any
direct economic impact on small
Five alternatives, including three
options, were considered for the action
to modify the framework procedures.
The no-action alternative would not
change the framework procedures and
was not adopted because it is not
consistent with current assessment and
management methods. The remaining
alternatives were not adopted either
because they would have been more
restrictive in the items that could be
changed through framework procedures,
or because they would have given the
Councils and NMFS either too much or
too little authority to change
management outside of the plan
amendment process. The proposed
action is administrative in nature and
would not be expected to result in any
direct economic impact on small
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to establish separate Atlantic
and Gulf migratory groups of cobia. The
proposed action would separate cobia
into two groups at the Gulf and South
Atlantic jurisdictional boundary. The
no-action alternative would not split
cobia into two migratory groups, and
was not adopted because the Councils
determined that sufficient information
exists to demonstrate that there are at
least two different migratory groups and
regional management is appropriate.
The other alternative to the proposed
action would split the two migratory
groups at the Miami-Dade/Monroe
County line, and was not adopted
because it would not best meet the
Councils’ goals and objectives for the
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FMP. The proposed action is
administrative in nature and would not
be expected to result in any direct
economic impact on small entities.
Four alternatives were considered for
the action to set the ACL for Gulf
migratory group cobia. The proposed
action would establish a single stock
ACL and set the ACL equal to the ABC.
The no-action alternative was not
adopted because it would not establish
an ACL, as required by the MagnusonStevens Act. Another alternative would
also set the total ACL equal to the ABC,
but would specify sector ACLs. This
alternative was not adopted because
both sectors are currently managed
under the same harvest restrictions and
sector separation would not be expected
to be beneficial at this time. The
remaining alternatives and associated
options would establish a buffer
between the ACL and ABC and result in
lower stock or sector ACLs. These
alternatives and options were not
adopted because the Councils elected to
establish a buffer to the ABC for this
species through the ACT rather than the
Three alternatives, including four
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACT for Gulf migratory group
cobia. The proposed action would
specify a single stock ACT and set the
ACT equal to 90 percent of the ACL.
The no-action alternative would not
establish an ACT, but would be an
acceptable action because an ACT is not
required. This alternative was not
adopted because the Councils
determined that a buffer between the
ABC and allowable harvest was
appropriate for this stock and the
adoption of the no-action alternative
would be inconsistent with the
Councils’ decision to establish this
buffer through the ACT instead of the
ACL. The other options were not
adopted because they would establish
sector ACTs, which would be
inconsistent with the Councils’ decision
to establish a single stock ACL, and/or
they would specify a lower stock ACT
than the proposed action, and thereby
establish a larger buffer than is expected
to be necessary for this stock.
Three alternatives, including seven
options (options listed under the noaction alternative were not included in
this tabulation), were considered for the
action to set AMs for Gulf migratory
group cobia. The proposed action would
set an in-season AM and prohibit
harvest for the remainder of the fishing
year from the date the ACT is reached
or is projected to be reached. AMs for
the commercial harvest of this stock do
not currently exist under the status quo.
As a result, the no-action alternative
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
was not adopted because it would not
establish AMs that account for the
harvest from all sectors, as required by
the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Two options
to the proposed action would also
establish in-season AMs but would
trigger the AMs when 90 percent of the
ACT is reached or projected to be
reached. Both options would reduce the
possession limit to one fish per person
per day, but only one option would
prohibit possession of cobia and only
then if the ACL is reached and not the
ACT. These options were not adopted
because the option that would just
reduce the possession limit would
provide insufficient assurance that the
ACL would not be exceeded, while data
monitoring issues would likely render
the other option inoperable. The
remaining alternative and associated
four options to the proposed action
would establish post-season AMs, each
varying in method (overage payback,
reduction in possession limit, reduced
season) or period of assessment (the
overage assessment would be based on
multi-year averages). These options
were not adopted because the Councils
determined that in-season assessment
would be more effective in ensuring the
ACL is not exceeded. The proposed
action would not be expected to result
in any direct economic impact on small
entities because the proposed ACT (1.31
million lb (0.59 million kg)) exceeds the
estimated status-quo harvest (1.07
million lb (0.49 million kg)) for Gulf
migratory group cobia.
Five alternatives, including 12
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACL for Gulf migratory group
king mackerel. The proposed action
would set the aggregate (stock) ACL
equal to the ABC, and set sector ACLs
using current allocation percentages.
The no-action alternative would set the
stock ACL equal to the current total
allowable catch (TAC), and was not
adopted because the TAC is less than
the ABC and, as a result, this action
would have resulted in less economic
benefits than the proposed action. The
remaining three alternatives to the
proposed action would set the stock
ACL at 80–90 percent of ABC, and were
not adopted because each would have
allowed lower harvest, and associated
economic benefits, than the proposed
action, and the Councils have
determined that the condition of this
stock and level of management
uncertainty does not require a buffer
between the ACL and ABC. It is noted
that the proposed stock ACL would be
expected to allow continued average
annual harvest. As a result, the
proposed action would not be expected
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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to result in any direct economic impacts
on small entities.
Three alternatives, including 7
options or sub-options (options and suboptions listed under the no-action
alternative were not included in this
tabulation), were considered for the
action to set AMs for Gulf migratory
group king mackerel. The proposed
action, the no-action alternative, would
not set new AMs for this stock. The
alternatives, and associated options or
sub-options, to the proposed action can
be divided into two general categories;
alternatives that would change the
current in-season AMs (two options),
and alternatives that would set postseason AMs (two options encompassing
five sub-options). None of these options
or sub-options were adopted because
the Councils determined that current
regulations provide sufficient AMs for
the recreational and commercial sectors.
The proposed action is not expected to
have a direct economic impact on small
Four alternatives, including nine
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACL for Gulf migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The proposed action
would set the aggregate ACL equal to
the ABC and establish a stock ACL
encompassing harvest by both sectors.
The no-action alternative would
maintain an ACL equal to the current
TAC for Gulf migratory group Spanish
mackerel. This action was not adopted
because the ACL cannot exceed the ABC
and the status quo TAC is greater than
the proposed ABC. Compared with the
proposed action, some options would
establish sector ACLs. These options
were not adopted because the Councils
determined the establishment of sector
ACLs would unnecessarily restrict catch
and not allow the achievement of
optimum yield. The remaining two
alternatives, encompassing six options,
would specify a single, stock ACL as a
portion of ABC (80 percent or 90
percent of ABC, rather than 100
percent). These alternatives and options
would have resulted in reductions in
economic benefits relative to the
proposed action and were not adopted
because the Councils determined that a
buffer between the ACL and ABC was
not needed for this stock.
Three alternatives, including six
options or sub-options (options and suboptions listed under the no-action
alternative were not included in this
tabulation), were considered for the
action to set AMs for Gulf migratory
group Spanish mackerel. The proposed
action would establish in-season AMs
that would allow harvest to be
prohibited if the stock ACL is reached
or projected to be reached. The no-
PO 00000
Frm 00051
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
action alternative would maintain
current AMs for Gulf migratory group
Spanish mackerel and was not adopted
because the current AMs are
implemented by sector and are
inconsistent with the proposed action to
establish a stock ACL. One option to the
proposed action would establish inseason AMs that implement a
commercial trip limit and reduced
recreational bag limits if the stock ACL
is reached or projected to be reached.
This option was not adopted because it
would require multiple in-season
actions and may result in a lower
certainty that the ACL not be exceeded
compared to the proposed action
because harvest would not be
prohibited. The remaining alternative
and associated options would establish
post-season AMs. These options were
not adopted because they would be
expected to impose an increased and
unnecessary burden on fishermen and
the administration. The proposed action
is not expected to have an economic
impact on small entities because the
proposed stock ACL (5.15 million lb
(2.34 million kg)) is greater than the
5-year average (3.63 million lb (1.65
million kg)) or 10-year average (3.95
million lb (1.79 million kg) landings.
Five alternatives, including five
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic
migratory group king mackerel. The
proposed action would set the ACL and
OY equal to the ABC, with the ABC set
equal to the average of the current South
Atlantic Council’s SSC’s ABC
recommendations for the 2011–2013
seasons. This would result in an ACL of
10.46 million lb (4.75 million kg). The
no-action alternative was not adopted
because it would not have resulted in as
concise a rule for setting the ACL and
OY and would have resulted in a lower
ACL, 10.0 million lb (4.54 million kg),
than the proposed action. Two
alternatives to the proposed action
would have also set the ACL and OY
equal to the ABC but with the ABC
equal to, alternatively, the lowest and
highest SSC recommended ABCs for
2011–2013. These alternatives were not
adopted because they were determined
to be, alternatively, excessively or
insufficiently conservative compared to
the proposed action. The final
alternative to the proposed action,
which included five options, would
have set the ACL and OY equal to a
percentage of the ABC, varying from 65–
90 percent. These options were not
adopted because the Councils
determined that the status and
management certainty of the king
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
mackerel stock did not require a buffer
between the ACL or OY and the ABC.
Four alternatives were considered for
the action to set the recreational sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel. The proposed action for this
sector would set the ACT based on the
uncertainty associated with the estimate
of the ACL and would result in a
recreational sector ACT of 6.11 million
lb (2.77 million kg), which would be
less than the proposed recreational
sector ACL, but greater than current
average annual harvests. As a result, no
reduction in current recreational harvest
or associated economic benefits or
impacts on small entities would be
expected to occur. The no-action
alternative would not set a recreational
sector ACT and was not adopted
because the Councils determined that
the management uncertainty associated
with the recreational harvest of this
stock is sufficient to require a buffer
between allowable harvest and the ACL.
The two remaining alternatives to the
proposed action would set the
recreational sector ACT based on
alternative fixed percentages of the ACL.
Neither of these alternatives was
adopted because they would result in an
ACT that was less reflective of the
uncertainty associated with the
estimation of the ACL than the proposed
action. As applied to the proposed
estimate of the ACL, each of these
alternatives would also result in a lower
recreational harvest, and reduced
economic benefits, than the proposed
Four alternatives, including ten
options, were considered for the action
to set AMs for Atlantic migratory group
king mackerel. The proposed action
includes seven of the options spread
over three alternatives. The proposed
action would continue in-season quota
monitoring and closure if the
commercial sector ACL is met or
projected to be met, as occurs under the
status quo. In addition, the proposed
action would adopt post-season
adjustments. These adjustments include
post-season reductions in bag limits for
the recreational sector based on moving
multi-year average harvests, to assure
that the recreational sector ACL is not
exceeded. Post-season bag limits would
only be reduced if the stock ACL (both
sectors) is exceeded. Post-season
overage payback would be required for
both sectors, where appropriate, if the
stock is overfished and the stock ACL is
exceeded. The no-action alternative
would continue the current quota
monitoring for the commercial sector,
and closure when appropriate; it also
includes authority under the framework
procedures for the Regional
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Administrator (RA) to implement
several actions, including reduction of
the recreational bag limit to zero, if the
recreational allocation has been met or
is projected to be met. This alternative
was not adopted because it would not
have been as flexible as the proposed
action in factoring in the status of the
stock, the total harvest, and annual
harvest variability by the recreational
sector into the AM decision. One option
to the proposed action would have
reduced the length of the subsequent
recreational fishing season instead of a
reduction in the bag limit in the event
of a recreational overage. This
alternative was not adopted because
allowing the sector to continue harvest
all year under a reduced bag limit, as
would be allowed under the proposed
action, would be expected to result in
more economic benefits than a closed
season. The remaining options to the
proposed action would have imposed
sector paybacks regardless of stock
status. These options were not adopted
because each would be expected to
result in unnecessary reductions in
economic benefits.
Three alternatives, including five
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic
migratory group Spanish mackerel. The
proposed action would set the ACL and
OY equal to the ABC. The no-action
alternative was not adopted because it
would not have resulted in as concise a
procedure as the proposed action to
determine the ACL based on the ABC,
and the resultant ACL would exceed the
proposed ABC, which would be
inconsistent with the Magnuson-Stevens
Act National Standard 1 guidelines
(74 FR 3178, January 16, 2009). The
third alternative to the proposed action,
which included five options, would
have set the ACL equal to a percentage
of the ABC, varying from
75–95 percent. These options were not
adopted because they would be
inconsistent with the Councils’
determination that specification of a
buffer for this stock could be adequately
accomplished through the proposed
Four alternatives were considered for
the action to set a recreational sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The proposed action
would be based on the uncertainty
associated with the estimate of the
sector ACL and would result in a
recreational sector ACT of 2.32 million
lb (1.05 million kg), which would be
less than the proposed recreational
sector ACL, but greater than current
average annual harvests. As a result, no
reduction in current harvest or
associated economic benefits or impacts
PO 00000
Frm 00052
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
on small entities in the recreational
sector would be expected to occur. The
no-action alternative would not set a
recreational sector ACT and was not
adopted because the Council
determined that the management
uncertainty associated with the
recreational harvest of this stock
requires a buffer between allowable
harvest and the ACL. The two remaining
alternatives to the proposed action
would set the recreational sector ACT
based on alternative fixed percentages of
the ACL. Neither of these alternatives
was adopted because they would result
in an ACT that was less reflective of the
uncertainty associated with the
estimation of the ACL than the proposed
action. As applied to the proposed
estimate of the ACL, each of these
alternatives would also result in a lower
recreational harvest and reduced
economic benefits than the proposed
Four alternatives, including nine
options, were considered to set AMs for
Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel. The proposed action includes
six of the options spread over three
alternatives. The proposed action would
implement enhanced quota monitoring
for the commercial sector, should inseason closure be necessary, and would
adopt post-season adjustments for the
recreational sector based on moving
multi-year average harvests, including a
reduction in the bag limit to assure that
the sector ACL is not exceeded, if the
stock ACL is exceeded. The proposed
action would also require sector overage
payback, where appropriate, if the stock
is overfished and the stock ACL is
exceeded. The no-action alternative
would continue the current quota
monitoring and staged trip limits for the
commercial sector in place of sector
closure. It also includes authority under
the framework procedures for the RA to
implement several actions, including
reduction of the recreational bag limit to
zero, if the recreational allocation has
been met or is projected to be met. This
alternative was not adopted because it
would not have been as flexible as the
proposed action in factoring in the
status of the stock, the total harvest, and
annual harvest variability by the
recreational sector into the AM
decision. This alternative was also not
adopted because it would not provide
for in-season closure for the commercial
sector. In the event of a sector overage,
one option to the proposed action
would have reduced the length of the
subsequent recreational fishing season
(no reduction in the bag limit) to assure
that the sector ACL is not exceeded.
This option was not adopted because it
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
would result in lower economic benefits
than the proposed action. The
remaining two options to the proposed
action would have imposed sector
paybacks regardless of stock status.
These options were not adopted because
each would be expected to result in
unnecessary reductions in economic
Three alternatives, including five
options, were considered for the action
to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic
migratory group cobia. The proposed
action would set the ACL and OY equal
to the ABC. The no-action alternative
was not adopted because it would not
set the ACL or OY, as required by the
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The
third alternative to the proposed action,
which included five options, would
have set the ACL and OY equal to a
percentage of the ABC, varying from 75–
95 percent. These options were not
adopted because they would be
inconsistent with the Councils’
determination that specification of a
buffer for this stock could be adequately
accomplished through the proposed
Four alternatives were considered for
the action to set a recreational sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group cobia.
The proposed action for the recreational
sector would set the ACT based on the
uncertainty associated with the estimate
of the ACL and would result in a
recreational sector ACT of 1,184,688 lb
(537,365 kg), which would be less than
the proposed sector ACL but equal to
current average annual harvests. As a
result, no reduction in current
recreational harvest or associated
economic benefits or impacts on small
entities would be expected to occur. The
no-action alternative would not set a
recreational sector ACT and was not
adopted because the Councils
determined that the management
uncertainty associated with the
recreational harvest of this stock
requires a buffer between allowable
harvest and the sector ACL. The two
remaining alternatives to the proposed
action would set the recreational sector
ACT based on alternative fixed
percentages of the ACL. Neither of these
alternatives was adopted because they
would result in an ACT that was less
reflective of the uncertainty associated
with the estimation of the ACL than the
proposed action.
Five alternatives, including seven
options, were considered for the action
to set AMs for Atlantic migratory group
cobia. The proposed action includes five
of the options spread over three
alternatives and would: Implement inseason quota monitoring for the
commercial sector; adopt post-season
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adjustments for the recreational sector
based on moving multi-year average
harvests, including a reduction in the
season length to assure that the sector
ACL is not exceeded if the stock ACL is
exceeded; and require sector overage
payback, where appropriate, but only if
the stock is overfished and the stock
ACL is exceeded. The no-action
alternative would continue the current
authority to revert the recreational and
commercial possession limit to zero if
the sectors have met or are projected to
meet their allocation. This alternative
was not adopted because it would not
be as flexible as the proposed action in
factoring the status of the stock, the total
harvest, and annual harvest variability
by the recreational sector into the AM
decision. One alternative to the
proposed action would explicitly
prohibit the purchase and sale of cobia
if the commercial quota is met or
projected to be met, though this would
be functionally equivalent to the status
quo as a zero possession limit would
preclude purchase or sale. This
alternative would not establish
additional AMs for the recreational
sector, resulting in current recreational
AMs remaining in effect. Thus, this
alternative would be functionally
equivalent to the status quo.
Nevertheless, this alternative was not
adopted because it, like the no-action
alternative, would not be as flexible as
the proposed action in factoring the
status of the stock, the total harvest, and
annual harvest variability by the
recreational sector into the AM
decision. The remaining options to the
proposed action would have imposed
sector paybacks regardless of stock
status. These options were not adopted
because each would be expected to
result in unnecessary reductions in
economic benefits.
Additional actions and alternatives
were considered in the amendment but
are not included in this rule because
they would either establish management
reference points or the proposed action
would not result in any regulatory
change. These actions and alternatives
are discussed in the following
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to establish an ABC control
rule for Gulf migratory group cobia. The
proposed action would determine the
appropriate level of risk and/or buffer to
set between the overfishing limit (OFL)
and ABC based on a tiered approach
that considers new information
available on the stock and identified
through updated stock assessments. The
no-action alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC
control rule, as recommended by the
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The
second alternative to the proposed
action was not adopted because it
would establish an ABC control rule
that sets the ABC using a static
definition which would not allow for
changes in the level of risk based on
updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the
proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to establish an ABC control
rule for Gulf migratory king mackerel.
The proposed action would determine
the appropriate level of risk and/or
buffer to set between the OFL and ABC
based on a tiered approach that would
consider new information available on
the stock and identified through
updated stock assessments. The noaction alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC
control rule, as recommended by the
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The
second alternative to the proposed
action was not adopted because it
would establish an ABC control rule
that sets the ABC using a static
definition which would not allow for
changes in the level of risk based on
updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the
proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to set an ACT for Gulf
migratory group king mackerel. The
proposed action, the no-action
alternative, would not set an aggregate
ACT. The remaining alternatives and
associated options would all set the
aggregate ACT equal to a portion of the
ACL, varying from 85–90 percent, with
or without sector ACTs. These
alternatives and options were not
adopted because each would have
allowed lower harvest, and associated
economic benefits, than the proposed
action and the Councils determined that
the condition of this stock and level of
management uncertainty did not require
a buffer between the ACT and ACL.
Four options would have set ACTs that
would not be consistent with the
Councils’ decision to set ACLs in
accordance with current allocation
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to establish an ABC control
rule for Gulf migratory group Spanish
mackerel. The proposed action would
determine the appropriate level of risk
and/or buffer to set between the OFL
and ABC based on a tiered approach
that considers new information
available on the stock and identified
through updated stock assessments. The
no-action alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC
control rule, as recommended by the
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The
second alternative to the proposed
action was not adopted because it
would establish an ABC control rule
that sets the ABC using a static
definition which would not allow for
changes in the level of risk based on
updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the
proposed action.
Four alternatives, including six
options, were considered for the action
to set an ACT for Gulf migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The proposed action,
the no-action alternative, would not set
an ACT for Gulf migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The alternatives to
the proposed action, and associated
options, would implement a stock ACT
lower than the ACL and result in lower
harvest, and associated economic
benefits, than the proposed action.
These alternatives and options were not
adopted because the Councils
determined that a buffer between the
ACT and ACL was not needed for this
stock. Some options would have set
ACTs that are not consistent the
Councils’ decision to specify a single
(stock) ACL.
Four alternatives, including three
options, were considered for the action
to establish an ABC control rule for
Atlantic migratory group king mackerel.
The proposed action would determine
the appropriate level of risk and/or
buffer to set between the OFL and ABC
based on a tiered approach that
considers new information available on
the stock and identified through
updated stock assessments. The noaction alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC
control rule, as recommended by the
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The
remaining alternatives and associated
options to the proposed action were not
adopted because they would establish
an ABC control rule that sets the ABC
using a static definition which would
not allow for changes in the level of risk
based on updated stock assessments
and, therefore, would not be as flexible
as the proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to set the commercial sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel. The no-action alternative is
the proposed action for this sector and
would not set a commercial sector ACT
for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel. Two alternatives to this
proposed action would set ACTs that
establish a buffer between the
commercial sector ACT and the
commercial sector ACL, resulting in
lower allowable harvest and reduced
economic benefits than the proposed
action. Neither of these two alternatives
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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was adopted because the Councils
determined that management
uncertainty for this sector of this stock
does not require a harvest buffer
between the ACT and ACL.
Two alternatives were considered for
the action to establish an ABC control
rule for Atlantic migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The proposed action
would determine the appropriate level
of risk and/or buffer to set between the
OFL and ABC based on a tiered
approach that considers new
information available on the stock and
identified through updated stock
assessments. The no-action alternative
was not adopted because it would not
establish an ABC control rule, as
recommended by the Magnuson-Stevens
Act guidelines.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to set a commercial sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group
Spanish mackerel. The no-action
alternative is the proposed action for
this sector and would not set a
commercial sector ACT for Atlantic
migratory group Spanish mackerel.
Under this proposed action, commercial
sector harvest would be limited to the
ACL, which is less than the current
harvest and would be expected to result
in a reduction in short-term economic
benefits under the proposed AMs. Two
alternatives to the proposed action
would set ACTs that establish a buffer
between the commercial sector ACT and
the commercial sector ACL, resulting in
an allowable harvest that is further
below the current harvest than the
proposed action and would be expected
to result in a greater reduction in
harvests and associated economic
benefits than the proposed action.
Neither of these alternatives was
adopted because the Councils
determined that management
uncertainty for this sector of this stock
does not require a harvest buffer
between the ACT and ACL.
Five alternatives were considered for
the action to change the management
measures for the Atlantic migratory
group Spanish mackerel. The proposed
action, the no-action alternative, would
not make any changes in the
management measures for this stock.
The four alternatives to the proposed
action would have increased the
restrictions on recreational harvests
through reduced bag limits and/or
vessel limits. These alternatives were
not adopted because current harvest
would not need to be reduced under the
proposed allowable recreational harvest
for this stock. As a result, increased
restrictions on recreational harvest
would be expected to unnecessarily
PO 00000
Frm 00054
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
reduce economic benefits to fishery
participants and associated businesses.
Five alternatives, including three
options, were considered for the action
to establish an ABC control rule for
Atlantic migratory group cobia. The
proposed action would adopt the Gulf
Council’s SSC-recommended ABC
control rule, which is essentially the
same as the South Atlantic Council’s
SSC-recommended control rule. This
action would determine the appropriate
level of risk and/or buffer to set between
the OFL and ABC based on a tiered
approach that considers new
information available on the stock, as
identified through updated stock
assessments. As applied to this stock,
this approach would set the ABC equal
to the mean plus 1.5 times the standard
deviation of the most recent 10 years of
landings data. The no-action alternative
was not adopted because it would not
establish an ABC control rule, as
recommended by the Magnuson-Stevens
Act guidelines. The remaining two
alternatives and associated options to
the proposed action were not adopted
because they would establish an ABC
control rule that sets the ABC using a
static definition which would not allow
for changes in the level of risk based on
updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the
proposed action. Additionally,
application of the rule specified by
these alternatives and options would
require an estimate of the OFL, which
is considered unknown by the SSC.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to define sector allocations
for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The
proposed action would define
allocations based on weighted averages
of 2000–2008 and 2006–2008 harvest
data. The no-action alternative would
not define sector allocations and was
not adopted because it would not be
consistent with the proposed actions to
establish sector ACLs, ACTs
(recreational sector only), and AMs. The
second alternative to the proposed
action would only use 2006–2008 data
to determine the allocations and was not
adopted because of the potential that
this specification may not contain
adequate consideration of historic
landings. This alternative and the
proposed action would result in
identical allocations.
Three alternatives were considered for
the action to set a commercial sector
ACT for Atlantic migratory group cobia.
The no-action alternative is the
proposed action for this sector and
would not set a commercial sector ACT
for Atlantic migratory group cobia. Two
alternatives to this proposed action
would set ACTs that establish a buffer
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
between the commercial sector ACT and
the commercial sector ACL, resulting in
lower allowable harvest and reduced
economic benefits. Neither of these
alternatives was adopted because the
Councils determined that management
uncertainty for this sector of this stock
does not require a harvest buffer
between the ACT and ACL.
Six alternatives were considered for
the action to change the management
measures for the Atlantic migratory
group cobia. The proposed action, the
no-action alternative, would not make
any changes in the management
measures for this stock. The five
alternatives, and associated options, to
the proposed action would have
increased restrictions on either
commercial or recreational harvests
through reduced possession limits per
trip, person, or day. These alternatives
were not adopted because current
harvest would not need to be reduced
under the proposed allowable sector
harvests for this stock. As a result,
increased restrictions on harvest would
be expected to unnecessarily reduce
economic benefits to fishery
participants and associated businesses.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 622
Fisheries, Fishing, Puerto Rico,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Virgin Islands.
Dated: October 18, 2011.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 622 is proposed
to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 622
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 622.1
§ 622.4
2. In § 622.1, in Table 1, remove
footnotes 2 and 3 and redesignate
footnotes 4 through 6 as footnotes 2
through 4.
3. In § 622.2, the definitions for
‘‘coastal migratory pelagic fish’’,
‘‘dolphin’’, and ‘‘migratory group’’ are
revised to read as follows:
§ 622.2
Definitions and acronyms.
Coastal migratory pelagic fish means
a whole fish, or a part thereof, of one or
more of the following species:
(1) Cobia, Rachycentron canadum.
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(2) King mackerel, Scomberomorus
(3) Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus
Dolphin means a whole fish, or a part
thereof, of the species Coryphaena
equiselis or C. hippurus.
Migratory group, for king mackerel,
Spanish mackerel, and cobia, means a
group of fish that may or may not be a
separate genetic stock, but that is treated
as a separate stock for management
purposes. King mackerel, Spanish
mackerel, and cobia are divided into
migratory groups—the boundaries
between these groups are as follows:
(1) King mackerel—(i) Summer
separation. From April 1 through
October 31, the boundary separating the
Gulf and Atlantic migratory groups of
king mackerel is 25°48′ N. lat., which is
a line directly west from the Monroe/
Collier County, FL, boundary to the
outer limit of the EEZ.
(ii) Winter separation. From
November 1 through March 31, the
boundary separating the Gulf and
Atlantic migratory groups of king
mackerel is 29°25′ N. lat., which is a
line directly east from the Volusia/
Flagler County, FL, boundary to the
outer limit of the EEZ.
(2) Spanish mackerel. The boundary
separating the Gulf and Atlantic
migratory groups of Spanish mackerel is
25°20.4′ N. lat., which is a line directly
east from the Miami-Dade/Monroe
County, FL, boundary to the outer limit
of the EEZ.
(3) Cobia. The boundary separating
the Gulf and Atlantic migratory groups
of cobia is the line of demarcation
between the Atlantic Ocean and the
Gulf of Mexico, as specified in
§ 600.105(c) of this chapter.
4. In § 622.4, revise the first sentence
of paragraph (a)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
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Permits and fees.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(iv) Spanish mackerel. For a person
aboard a vessel to be eligible for
exemption from the bag limits, a
commercial vessel permit for Spanish
mackerel must have been issued to the
vessel and must be on board. * * *
5. In § 622.41, remove paragraph
(c)(1)(vi) and redesignate paragraph
(c)(1)(vii) as paragraph (c)(1)(vi); revise
paragraph (c)(1)(v) and newly
redesignated paragraph (c)(1)(vi) to read
as follows:
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§ 622.41
Species specific limitations.
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(v) Cobia in the Mid-Atlantic and
South Atlantic EEZ—automatic reel,
bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, and
pelagic longline.
(vi) Cobia in the Gulf EEZ—all gear
except drift gillnet and long gillnet.
6. In § 622.42, revise paragraph (c) to
read as follows:
§ 622.42
(c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish.
King and Spanish mackerel quotas
apply to persons who fish under
commercial vessel permits for king or
Spanish mackerel, as required under
§ 622.4(a)(2)(iii) or (iv). Cobia quotas
apply to persons who fish for cobia and
sell their catch. A fish is counted against
the quota for the area where it is caught.
(1) Migratory groups of king
mackerel—(i) Gulf migratory group. For
the 2012 to 2013 fishing year, the quota
for the Gulf migratory group of king
mackerel is 3.808 million lb (1.728
million kg). For the 2013 to 2014 fishing
year and subsequent fishing years, the
quota for the Gulf migratory group of
king mackerel is 3.456 million lb (1.568
million kg). The Gulf migratory group is
divided into eastern and western zones
separated by 87°31.1′ W. long., which is
a line directly south from the Alabama/
Florida boundary. Quotas for the eastern
and western zones are as follows:
(A) Eastern zone. The eastern zone is
divided into subzones with quotas as
(1) Florida east coast subzone. For the
2012 to 2013 fishing year, the quota is
1,215,228 lb (551,218 kg). For the 2013
to 2014 fishing year and subsequent
fishing years, the quota is 1,102,896 lb
(500,265 kg).
(2) Florida west coast subzone. (i)
Southern. For the 2012 to 2013 fishing
year, the quota is 1,215,228, (515,218
kg). For the 2013 to 2014 fishing year
and subsequent fishing years, the quota
is 1,102,896 lb (500,265 kg), which is
further divided into a quota for vessels
fishing with hook-and-line and a quota
for vessels fishing with run-around
gillnets. For the 2012 to 2013 fishing
year, the hook-and-line quota is 607,614
lb (275,609 kg) and the run-around
gillnet quota is 607,614 lb (275,609 kg).
For the 2013 to 2014 fishing year and
subsequent fishing years, the hook-andline quota is 551,448 lb (250,133 kg) and
the run-around gillnet quota is 551,448
lb (250,133 kg).
(ii) Northern. For the 2012 to 2013
fishing year, the quota is 197,064 lb
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(89,387 kg). For the 2013 to 2014 fishing
year and subsequent fishing years, the
quota is 178,848 lb (81,124 kg).
(3) Description of Florida subzones.
From November 1 through March 31,
the Florida east coast subzone is that
part of the eastern zone south of 29°25′
N. lat. (a line directly east from the
Flagler/Volusia County, FL, boundary)
and north of 25°20.4′ N. lat. (a line
directly east from the Miami-Dade/
Monroe County, FL, boundary). From
April 1 through October 31, the Florida
east coast subzone is no longer part of
the Gulf migratory group king mackerel
area; it is part of the Atlantic migratory
group king mackerel area. The Florida
west coast subzone is that part of the
eastern zone south and west of 25°20.4′
N. lat. The Florida west coast subzone
is further divided into southern and
northern subzones. From November 1
through March 31, the southern subzone
is that part of the Florida west coast
subzone that extends south and west
from 25°20.4′ N. lat., north to 26°19.8′
N. lat. (a line directly west from the Lee/
Collier County, FL, boundary). From
April 1 through October 31, the
southern subzone is that part of the
Florida west coast subzone that is
between 26°19.8′ N. lat. and 25°48′ N.
lat. (a line directly west from the
Monroe/Collier County, FL, boundary).
The northern subzone is that part of the
Florida west coast subzone that is
between 26°19.8′ N. lat. north and west
to 87°31.1′ W. long. (a line directly
south from the Alabama/Florida
boundary) year round.
(B) Western zone. For the 2012 to
2013 fishing year, the quota is 1,180,480
lb (535,457 kg). For the 2013 to 2014
fishing year and subsequent fishing
years, the quota is 1,071,360 lb (485,961
(ii) Atlantic migratory group. The
quota for the Atlantic migratory group of
king mackerel is 3.88 million lb (1.76
million kg). No more than 0.40 million
lb (0.18 million kg) may be harvested by
purse seines.
(2) Migratory groups of Spanish
mackerel—(i) Gulf migratory group.
(ii) Atlantic migratory group. The
quota for the Atlantic migratory group of
Spanish mackerel is 3.13 million lb
(1.42 million kg).
(3) Migratory groups of cobia—(i) Gulf
migratory group. [Reserved]
(ii) Atlantic migratory group. The
quota for the Atlantic migratory group of
cobia is 125,712 lb (57,022 kg).
7. In § 622.43, revise the heading of
paragraph (a), add a sentence at the end
of the introductory paragraph in
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paragraph (a), revise the heading of
paragraph (a)(3), remove the
introductory paragraph in paragraph
(a)(3), revise paragraph (a)(3)(iii), revise
paragraph (b)(1), and revise paragraph
(c) to read as follows:
§ 622.43
(a) Quota closures. * * * (See
§ 622.49 for closure provisions when an
ACL is reached or projected to be
(3) Coastal migratory pelagic fish.
(iii) The sale or purchase of king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, or cobia of
the closed species, migratory group,
subzone, or gear type, is prohibited,
including any king or Spanish mackerel
taken under the bag limits, or cobia
taken under the limited-harvest species
possession limit specified in
§ 622.32(c)(1).
(b) * * *
(1) The prohibition on sale/purchase
during a closure for Gulf reef fish,
coastal migratory pelagic fish, royal red
shrimp, or specified snapper-grouper
species in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(3)(iii),
(a)(4), or (a)(5) and (a)(6), respectively,
of this section does not apply to the
indicated species that were harvested,
landed ashore, and sold prior to the
effective date of the closure and were
held in cold storage by a dealer or
(c) Reopening. When a sector has been
closed based on a projection of the
quota specified in § 622.42, or the ACL
specified in § 622.49, being reached and
subsequent data indicate that the quota
or ACL was not reached, the Assistant
Administrator may file a notification to
that effect with the Office of the Federal
Register. Such notification may reopen
the sector to provide an opportunity for
the quota or ACL to be harvested.
8. In § 622.48, revise paragraph (c) to
read as follows:
§ 622.48 Adjustment to management
(c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish. For
a species or species group: reporting and
monitoring requirements, permitting
requirements, bag and possession limits
(including a bag limit of zero), size
limits, vessel trip limits, closed seasons
or areas and reopenings, annual catch
limits (ACLs), annual catch targets
(ACTs), quotas (including a quota of
zero), accountability measures (AMs),
MSY (or proxy), OY, TAC, management
parameters such as overfished and
overfishing definitions, gear restrictions
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(ranging from regulation to complete
prohibition), gear markings and
identification, vessel markings and
identification, allowable biological
catch (ABC) and ABC control rules,
rebuilding plans, sale and purchase
restrictions, transfer at sea provisions,
and restrictions relative to conditions of
harvested fish (maintaining fish in
whole condition, use as bait).
9. In § 622.49, revise the section
heading and add paragraph (c) to read
as follows:
§ 622.49 Annual catch limits (ACLs) and
accountability measures (AMs).
(c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish—(1)
Gulf migratory group king mackerel—(i)
Commercial sector. If commercial
landings, as estimated by the SRD, reach
or are projected to reach the applicable
quota specified in § 622.42(c)(1)(i)
(commercial ACL), the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
Federal Register to close the commercial
sector for that zone, subzone, or gear
type for the remainder of the fishing
(ii) Recreational sector. If recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD, reach
or are projected to reach the recreational
ACL of 8.092 million lb (3.670 million
kg), the AA will file a notification with
the Office of the Federal Register to
implement a bag and possession limit
for Gulf migratory group king mackerel
of zero, unless the best scientific
information available determines that a
bag limit reduction is unnecessary. This
bag and possession limit would also
apply in the Gulf on board a vessel for
which a valid Federal charter vessel/
headboat permit for coastal migratory
pelagic fish has been issued, without
regard to where such species were
harvested, i.e. in State or Federal waters.
(iii) For purposes of tracking the ACL,
recreational landings will be monitored
based on the commercial fishing year,
July 1 through June 1.
(2) Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel—(i) Commercial sector—(A) If
commercial landings, as estimated by
the SRD, reach or are projected to reach
the quota specified in § 622.42(c)(1)(ii)
(commercial ACL), the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
Federal Register to close the commercial
sector for the remainder of the fishing
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(2)(i)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group king mackerel
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
are overfished, based on the most recent
status of U.S. Fisheries Report to
Congress, the AA will file a notification
with the Office of the Federal Register,
at or near the beginning of the following
fishing year to reduce the commercial
quota (commercial ACL) for that
following year by the amount of any
commercial sector overage in the prior
fishing year.
(ii) Recreational sector. (A) If the sum
of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, the
AA will file a notification with the
Office of the Federal Register, at or near
the beginning of the following fishing
year to reduce the bag limit by the
amount necessary to ensure recreational
landings may achieve the recreational
annual catch target (ACT), but do not
exceed the recreational ACL, in the
following fishing year. The recreational
ACT is 6.11 million lb (2.77 million kg).
The recreational ACL is 6.58 million lb
(2.99 million lb)
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group king mackerel
are overfished, based on the most recent
status of U.S. Fisheries Report to
Congress, the AA will file a notification
with the Office of the Federal Register,
at or near the beginning of the following
fishing year to reduce the recreational
ACL and ACT for that following year by
the amount of any recreational sector
overage in the prior fishing year.
(C) For purposes of tracking the ACL,
recreational landings will be evaluated
based on the commercial fishing year,
March through February. Recreational
landings will be evaluated relative to
the ACL based on a moving multi-year
average of landings, as described in the
(iii) The stock ACL for Atlantic
migratory group king mackerel is
10.46 million lb (4.75 million kg).
(3) Gulf migratory group Spanish
mackerel—(i) If the sum of the
commercial and recreational landings,
as estimated by the SRD, reaches or is
projected to reach the stock ACL, as
specified in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this
section, the AA will file a notification
with the Office of the Federal Register
to close the commercial and recreational
sectors for the remainder of the fishing
year. On and after the effective date of
such a notification, all sale and
purchase of Gulf migratory group
Spanish mackerel is prohibited and the
harvest and possession limit of this
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species in or from the Gulf EEZ is zero.
This possession limit also applies in the
Gulf on board a vessel for which a valid
Federal charter vessel/headboat permit
for coastal migratory pelagic fish has
been issued, without regard to where
such species were harvested, i.e. in State
or Federal waters.
(ii) For purposes of tracking the ACL,
recreational landings will be evaluated
based on the commercial fishing year,
April through March.
(iii) The stock ACL for Gulf migratory
group Spanish mackerel is 5.15 million
lb (4.75 million kg).
(4) Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel—(i) Commercial sector—(A) If
commercial landings, as estimated by
the SRD, reach or are projected to reach
the quota specified in § 622.42(c)(2)(ii)
(commercial ACL), the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
Federal Register to close the commercial
sector for the remainder of the fishing
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(4)(i)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel are overfished, based on the
most recent status of U.S. Fisheries
Report to Congress, the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
Federal Register, at or near the
beginning of the following fishing year
to reduce the commercial quota
(commercial ACL) for that following
year by the amount of any commercial
sector overage in the prior fishing year.
(ii) Recreational sector. (A) If the sum
of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section, the
AA will file a notification with the
Office of the Federal Register, at or near
the beginning of the following fishing
year to reduce the bag limit by the
amount necessary to ensure recreational
landings may achieve the recreational
ACT, but do not exceed the recreational
ACL, in the following fishing year. The
recreational ACT is 2.32 million lb
(1.05 million kg). The recreational ACL
is 2.56 million lb (1.16 million kg).
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(4)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel are overfished, based on the
most recent status of U.S. Fisheries
Report to Congress, the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
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Federal Register, at or near the
beginning of the following fishing year
to reduce the recreational ACT for that
following year by the amount of any
recreational sector overage in the prior
fishing year.
(C) For purposes of tracking the ACL
and ACT, recreational landings will be
evaluated based on the commercial
fishing year, March through February.
Recreational landings will be evaluated
relative to the ACL based on a moving
multi-year average of landings, as
described in the FMP.
(iii) The stock ACL for Atlantic
migratory group Spanish mackerel is
5.69 million lb (2.58 million kg).
(5) Gulf migratory group cobia—(i) If
the sum of the commercial and
recreational landings, as estimated by
the SRD, reaches or is projected to reach
the stock ACT, as specified in paragraph
(c)(5)(ii) of this section, the AA will file
a notification with the Office of the
Federal Register to close the commercial
and recreational sectors for the
remainder of the fishing year. On and
after the effective date of such a
notification, all sale and purchase of
Gulf migratory group cobia is prohibited
and the harvest and possession limit of
this species in or from the Gulf EEZ is
zero. This bag and possession limit also
applies in the Gulf on board a vessel for
which a valid Federal charter vessel/
headboat permit for coastal migratory
pelagic fish has been issued, without
regard to where such species were
harvested, i.e. in state or Federal water.
(ii) The stock ACT for Gulf migratory
group cobia is 1.31 million lb
(0.59 million kg). The stock ACL for
Gulf migratory group cobia is 1.46
million lb (0.66 million kg).
(6) Atlantic migratory group cobia—(i)
Commercial sector—(A) If commercial
landings, as estimated by the SRD, reach
or are projected to reach the quota
specified in § 622.42(c)(3)(ii)
(commercial ACL), the AA will file a
notification with the Office of the
Federal Register to close the commercial
sector for the remainder of the fishing
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(6)(i)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(6)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group cobia are
overfished, based on the most recent
status of U.S. Fisheries Report to
Congress, the AA will file a notification
with the Office of the Federal Register,
at or near the beginning of the following
fishing year to reduce the commercial
quota (commercial ACL) for that
following year by the amount of any
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 205 / Monday, October 24, 2011 / Proposed Rules
commercial sector overage in the prior
fishing year.
(ii) Recreational sector. (A) If the sum
of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(6)(iii) of this section, the
AA will file a notification with the
Office of the Federal Register, at or near
the beginning of the following fishing
year to reduce the length of the
following recreational fishing season by
the amount necessary to ensure
recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the
recreational ACL in the following
fishing year. Further, during that
following year, if necessary, the AA may
file additional notification with the
Office of the Federal Register to readjust
the reduced fishing season to ensure
recreational harvest achieves but does
not exceed the intended harvest level.
The recreational ACT is 1,184,688 lb
(537,365 kg). The recreational ACL is
1,445,687 (655,753 kg).
(B) In addition to the measures
specified in paragraph (c)(6)(ii)(A), if the
sum of the commercial and recreational
landings, as estimated by the SRD,
exceeds the stock ACL, as specified in
paragraph (c)(6)(iii) of this section, and
Atlantic migratory group cobia are
overfished, based on the most recent
status of U.S. Fisheries Report to
Congress, the AA will file a notification
with the Office of the Federal Register,
at or near the beginning of the following
fishing year to reduce the recreational
ACL and ACT for that following year by
the amount of any recreational sector
overage in the prior fishing year.
(C) Recreational landings will be
evaluated relative to the ACL based on
a moving multi-year average of landings,
as described in the FMP.
(iii) The stock ACL for Atlantic
migratory group cobia is 1,571,399 lb
(712,775 kg).
[FR Doc. 2011–27348 Filed 10–21–11; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
50 CFR Part 635
RIN 0648–BB29
Stock status determinations;
Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);
request for comments; correction.
26021)—on page 62334, in Table 2,
column 1, row 1—the date ‘‘October 12,
2011’’ is corrected to read as follows:
‘‘October 11, 2011.’’
This document corrects an
October 7, 2011, notice that announced
the stock status of several Atlantic shark
stocks and announced NMFS’ intent to
amend the 2006 Consolidated Highly
Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery
Management Plan (FMP) via the
rulemaking process to rebuild these
shark stocks and end overfishing, as
necessary. The notice provided an
incorrect date for a scoping meeting
held in Galloway, NJ. This document
provides the correct date. The address
and time for the scoping meeting remain
the same. Although the meeting already
occurred, it is important that the date be
accurate for HMS’ records.
DATES: The correct date for the
Galloway, NJ, scoping meeting is
Tuesday, October 11, 2011.
ADDRESSES: The scoping meeting was
held at the Dolce Seaview Resort at 401
South New York Road, Galloway, New
Jersey 08205.
Karyl Brewster-Geisz or Peter Cooper at
(301) 427–8503, or Jackie Wilson at
(240) 338–3936.
Dated: October 19, 2011.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
NMFS announced the stock status of
sandbar, dusky, and Atlantic and Gulf of
Mexico blacknose shark stocks in a
Federal Register notice on October 7,
2011 (76 FR 62331). The notice also
announced NMFS’ intent to undertake
rulemaking to rebuild and/or end
overfishing of these Atlantic shark
stocks and to prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the
potential effects on the human and
natural environment resulting from this
rulemaking. The notice also announced
that NMFS is in the scoping phase of the
rulemaking process and notified the
public of five public scoping meetings
and one conference call to provide the
opportunity for public comment on
potential shark management measures.
Further details regarding the public
scoping meetings are provided in the
October 7, 2011, notice and are not
repeated here.
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
Atlantic Shark Management Measures;
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Need for Correction
In the original Federal Register
notice, the date for the Galloway, NJ,
public scoping meeting contains an
error and is in need of correction.
Accordingly, in the October 7, 2011
(76 FR 62331) notice (Doc. 2011–
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[FR Doc. 2011–27476 Filed 10–21–11; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 101206604–1620–01]
RIN 0648–BA55
Fisheries Off West Coast States; West
Coast Salmon Fisheries; Amendment
16 to the Salmon Fishery Management
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
comments; notice of availability of a
draft environmental assessment.
NMFS proposes regulations to
implement Amendment 16 to the Pacific
Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan
for Commercial and Recreational
Salmon Fisheries off the Coasts of
Washington, Oregon, and California
(Salmon FMP). Amendment 16, which
was transmitted by the Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council) on
September 12, 2011, to the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary) for review and
approval, brings the Salmon FMP into
compliance with the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (MSA) as reauthorized in 2006, and
the corresponding revised National
Standard 1 Guidelines (NS1Gs) to end
and prevent overfishing. This document
also announces the availability for
public review and comment of a draft
environmental assessment (EA)
analyzing the environmental impacts of
implementing Amendment 16.
DATES: Written comments on this
proposed rule must be received on or
before November 18, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by NOAA–NMFS–2011–0227,
by any one of the following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal https:// To submit
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 205 (Monday, October 24, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 65662-65673]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-27348]
[[Page 65662]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 622
[Docket No. 110803468-1612-01]
RIN 0648-BB33
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic;
Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic
Region; Amendment 18
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: NMFS proposes regulations to implement Amendment 18 to the
Fishery Management Plan for the Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources in
the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region (FMP), as prepared and submitted
by the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and South Atlantic Fishery Management
Councils (Councils). If implemented, this rule would remove species
from the FMP; modify the framework procedures; establish two migratory
groups for cobia; establish annual catch limits (ACLs), annual catch
targets (ACTs), and accountability measures (AMs) for king mackerel,
Spanish mackerel, and cobia. In addition, Amendment 18 would set
allocations for Atlantic cobia and establish control rules for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia. The intent of this rule is to
specify ACLs for species not undergoing overfishing while maintaining
catch levels consistent with achieving optimum yield (OY) for the
DATES: Written comments must be received on or before November 21,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the proposed rule identified by
``NOAA-NMFS-2011-0202'' by any of the following methods:
Electronic submissions: Submit electronic comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Susan Gerhart, Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, 263
13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.
Instructions: All comments received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted to without
change. All Personal Identifying Information (for example, name,
address, etc.) voluntarily submitted by the commenter may be publicly
accessible. Do not submit Confidential Business Information or
otherwise sensitive or protected information.
To submit comments through the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal:, click on ``submit a comment,'' then enter ``NOAA-
NMFS-2011-0202'' in the keyword search and click on ``search.'' To view
posted comments during the comment period, enter ``NOAA-NMFS-2011-
0202'' in the keyword search and click on ``search.'' NMFS will accept
anonymous comments (enter N/A in the required field if you wish to
remain anonymous). You may submit attachments to electronic comments in
Microsoft Word, Excel, WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
Comments received through means not specified in this rule will not
be considered.
Electronic copies of documents supporting this proposed rule, which
include a draft environmental assessment and an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis (IRFA), may be obtained from the Southeast
Regional Office Web site at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Gerhart, telephone: 727-824-
5305, or e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The coastal migratory pelagic (CMP) fishery
in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the Atlantic is managed under the FMP.
The FMP was prepared by the Councils and implemented through
regulations at 50 CFR part 622 under the authority of the Magnuson-
Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
The 2006 revisions to the Magnuson-Stevens Act require that by
2011, for fisheries determined by the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary)
to not be subject to overfishing, ACLs and AMs must be established at a
level that prevents overfishing and helps to achieve OY. These mandates
are intended to ensure fishery resources are managed for the greatest
overall benefit to the nation, particularly with respect to providing
food production and recreational opportunities, and protecting marine
Currently two migratory groups of king mackerel and Spanish
mackerel are established, Gulf migratory group and Atlantic migratory
group. The Gulf Council determines management measures for the Gulf
migratory groups and the South Atlantic Council determines management
measures for the Atlantic migratory groups.
Management Measures Contained in This Proposed Rule
This rule would remove four species from the FMP; modify the
framework procedures; establish two migratory groups for cobia;
establish ACLs, ACTs, and AMs for each migratory group of king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia. In addition, Amendment 18 would
set allocations for Atlantic cobia and establish control rules for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia.
Removal of Species From the FMP
Species currently in the FMP include king mackerel, Spanish
mackerel, cobia, cero, little tunny, dolphin, and bluefish (Gulf only).
Dolphin in the Atlantic are managed under a different FMP, and bluefish
in the Atlantic are managed by the Mid-Atlantic Council. At present,
only king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia have associated
regulatory text; the other species are in the FMP for data collection
purposes only.
This rule would remove cero, little tunny, dolphin, and bluefish
from the FMP. The Councils and NMFS have determined that these species
are not in need of Federal management at this time. Although these
species are targeted in some areas, landings are relatively low. In
addition, the Councils have never managed cero, little tunny, dolphin,
or bluefish under the FMP. The species were originally included in the
FMP ``for data collection purposes,'' but data collection on any
species can be required of fishermen and dealers that hold Federal
permits, regardless of the presence of that species in an FMP. At this
time, the Southeast Fisheries Science Center has no plans to remove any
species from their data collection programs. If landings or effort
change for any of these species and the Councils determine management
at the Federal level is needed, these species could be added back into
the FMP at a later date.
Cobia Migratory Groups
Although there is mixing of cobia from the Gulf and the Atlantic,
the preponderance of scientific data indicate that there are at least
two separate migratory groups, if not two separate stocks in the Gulf
and Atlantic. These two groups have separate seasonal migrations and
distinct life history parameters. The Councils have determined they
should manage these groups separately within their individual areas of
jurisdiction. This
[[Page 65663]]
rule would establish two migratory groups for cobia, a Gulf migratory
group and an Atlantic migratory group. The boundary would be the line
of demarcation between the Gulf EEZ and the South Atlantic EEZ. ACLs
and AMs would be established separately for each group by the
responsible Council. However, this rule would not change the current
possession limit of two cobia per person per day for either commercial
or recreational fishermen.
ACLs and AMs
In 2006, the Magnuson-Stevens Act was re-authorized and included a
number of changes to improve the conservation of managed fishery
resources. Included in these changes are requirements that fishery
management councils establish both a mechanism for specifying ACLs at a
level such that overfishing does not occur in a fishery and AMs to
mitigate any overages that may occur. Guidance also requires fishery
management councils to establish a control rule to determine allowable
biological catch (ABC).
The Councils accepted ABC control rules for Gulf migratory groups
of king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia, and for the Atlantic
migratory group of cobia, based on the control rule recommended by the
Gulf Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC). They
accepted ABC control rules for Atlantic migratory group king mackerel
and Spanish mackerel based on the control rule recommended by the South
Atlantic Council's SSC. For all species, this rule proposes ACLs equal
to the ABC. For purposes of tracking the ACL, for king and Spanish
mackerel, landings will be evaluated based on the commercial fishing
year. Recreational landings for all Atlantic species will be evaluated
based on a moving multi-year average of landings, as described in the
Gulf Migratory Group King Mackerel
For Gulf migratory group king mackerel this rule proposes separate
ACLs and AMs for the commercial and recreational sectors based on
sector allocations.
The commercial sector would close by zone, subzone, or gear type
when the commercial quota for the applicable zone, subzone, or gear
type is reached or is projected to be reached. In addition, current
trip limit adjustments would remain in place. When the commercial
sector closes, harvest and possession of king mackerel for the
applicable zone, subzone, or gear type would be prohibited for persons
aboard a vessel for which a commercial permit for king mackerel has
been issued. If that vessel also has a valid charter vessel/headboat
permit on board for CMP species and is operating as a charter vessel or
headboat, harvest and possession of king mackerel would be limited to
the applicable bag limit. Also, sale and purchase of king mackerel from
the closed zone, subzone, or gear type would be prohibited, including
king mackerel taken under the bag or possession limits.
For the recreational sector, the Regional Administrator would have
the authority to revert the bag and possession limit to zero if the
recreational allocation (recreational ACL) is reached or projected to
be reached. This bag and possession limit would also apply on board a
vessel for which a valid charter vessel/headboat permit has been
issued, without regard to where such species were harvested, i.e. in
state or Federal waters.
Atlantic Migratory Group King Mackerel
For Atlantic migratory group king mackerel, this rule proposes
separate ACLs for the commercial and recreational sectors based on
sector allocations. This rule also proposes a stock ACL and an ACT for
the recreational sector.
The commercial sector would close when the commercial ACL is
reached or projected to be reached. When the commercial sector closes,
harvest and possession of king mackerel would be prohibited for persons
aboard a vessel for which a commercial permit for king mackerel has
been issued. If that vessel also has a valid charter vessel/headboat
permit on board for CMP species and is operating as a charter vessel or
headboat, harvest and possession of king mackerel would be limited to
the applicable bag limit. Also, sale and purchase of king mackerel
would be prohibited, including king mackerel taken under the bag or
possession limits, without regard to where such species were harvested,
i.e. in state or Federal waters.
For the recreational sector, if the stock ACL is exceeded in any
year, the bag limit would be reduced the next fishing year by the
amount necessary to ensure recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the recreational ACL in the
following fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel are determined to be overfished and the stock ACL is exceeded.
The payback would include a reduction in the sector ACL for the
following year, by the amount of the overage by that sector in the
prior fishing year. Atlantic migratory group king mackerel are not
considered overfished at this time.
Gulf Migratory Group Spanish Mackerel
For Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel, this rule proposes stock
ACLs and AMs. Both the commercial and recreational sectors would close
when the stock ACL is reached or projected to be reached. Harvest,
possession, sale, and purchase of Spanish mackerel would be prohibited,
without regard to where such species were harvested, i.e. in state or
Federal waters.
Atlantic Migratory Group Spanish Mackerel
For Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel, this rule proposes
separate ACLs for the commercial and recreational sectors based on
sector allocations. This rule also proposes an ACT for the recreational
The commercial sector would close when the commercial quota is
reached or projected to be reached. In addition, current trip limit
adjustments would remain in place. When the commercial sector closes,
harvest and possession of Spanish mackerel would be prohibited for
persons aboard a vessel for which a commercial permit for Spanish
mackerel has been issued. If that vessel also has a valid charter
vessel/headboat permit on board for CMP species and is operating as a
charter vessel or headboat, harvest and possession of Spanish mackerel
would be limited to the applicable bag limit. Also, sale and purchase
of Spanish mackerel would be prohibited, including Spanish mackerel
taken under the bag or possession limits, without regard to where such
species were harvested, i.e. in state or Federal waters.
For the recreational sector, if the stock ACL is exceeded in any
year, the bag limit would be reduced the next fishing year by the
amount necessary to ensure recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the recreational ACL in the
following fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if the Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel are determined to be overfished and the stock ACL is exceeded.
The payback would include a reduction in the sector ACL, for the
following year by the amount of the overage by that sector in the prior
fishing year. Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel are not
considered overfished at this time.
Gulf Migratory Group Cobia
For Gulf migratory group cobia, this rule proposes stock ACLs and
AMs. A stock ACT is proposed that is 90 percent
[[Page 65664]]
of the ACL. Both the commercial and recreational sectors would close
when the stock ACT is reached or projected to be reached. Harvest,
possession, sale, and purchase of cobia would be prohibited, without
regard to where such species were harvested, i.e. in state or Federal
Atlantic Migratory Group Cobia
For Atlantic migratory group cobia, this rule proposes separate
ACLs for the commercial and recreational sectors based on sector
allocations. Because sector allocations do not currently exist for
cobia, Amendment 18 proposes an allocation of 8 percent of the ACL for
the commercial sector and 92 percent of the ACL for the recreational
sector, based on landings. This rule also proposes an ACT for the
recreational sector.
The commercial sector would close when the commercial ACL is
reached or projected to be reached. Sale and purchase of cobia would be
prohibited, including cobia taken under the possession limit, without
regard to where such species were harvested, i.e. in state or Federal
For the recreational sector, if the stock ACL is exceeded in any
year, the fishing season would be reduced the following year by the
amount necessary to ensure that recreational landings may achieve the
recreational ACT, but do not exceed the recreational ACL in the
following fishing year.
A payback would be assessed if Atlantic migratory group cobia are
determined to be overfished and the stock ACL is exceeded. The payback
would include a reduction in the sector ACL for the following year by
the amount of the overage by that sector in the prior fishing year.
Atlantic migratory group cobia are not considered overfished at this
Modification of Generic Framework Procedures
To facilitate timely adjustments to harvest parameters and other
management measures, the Councils have added the ability to adjust ACLs
and AMs, and establish and adjust target catch levels, including ACTs,
to the current framework procedures. These adjustments or additions may
be accomplished through a regulatory amendment which is less time-
intensive than an FMP amendment. By including ACLs, AMs, and ACTs in
the framework procedures, the Councils and NMFS would have the
flexibility to more promptly alter those harvest parameters as new
scientific information becomes available. The proposed addition of
other management options into the framework procedures would also add
flexibility and the ability to more timely respond to certain future
Council decisions through the framework procedures.
Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the
NMFS Assistant Administrator has determined that this proposed rule is
consistent with Amendment 18, other provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, and other applicable law, subject to further consideration after
public comment.
This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
NMFS prepared an IRFA, as required by section 603 of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, for this rule. The IRFA describes the economic impact
this rule, if adopted, would have on small entities. A description of
the rule, why it is being considered, the objectives of, and legal
basis for this rule are contained at the beginning of this section in
the preamble and in the SUMMARY section of the preamble. A copy of the
full analysis is available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). A summary of the
IRFA follows.
The Magnuson-Stevens Act provides the statutory basis for this
rule. No duplicative, overlapping, or conflicting Federal rules have
been identified.
This rule would affect all fishing in the EEZ that is managed under
the FMP for Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources in the Gulf and
Atlantic. This includes the EEZ in the Gulf and South Atlantic, as well
as the EEZ in the Mid-Atlantic for king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and
cobia. For purposes of fishery management, Atlantic and Gulf migratory
groups have been designated for each of the mackerels, and, under this
rule, cobia.
This rule would be expected to apply to 1,000 to 2,000 commercial
fishing vessels and as many as 2,500 vessels that have Federal permits
to engage in for-hire fishing for coastal migratory pelagic species.
The commercial fishing vessels that would be expected to be affected by
this rule are estimated to average $28,000 to $46,000 (2008 dollars) in
gross revenue per vessel for those fishing for king and Spanish
mackerel, and $16,000 to $277,000 for vessels harvesting other CMP
species (the lower value is for vessels harvesting cero while the upper
value is for vessels harvesting dolphin; this range encompasses the
vessels harvesting all the remaining CMP species). The for-hire vessels
expected to be affected by this rule are mostly charter boats, which
charge by the trip, often with six or fewer anglers (paying
passengers), and a smaller number of head boats, which charge for each
individual angler (only 15 percent of all of the CMP for-hire vessels
can carry more than six anglers). Including revenue from all
activities, charter boats are estimated to average approximately
$88,000 (2008 dollars) in gross revenue per year, while the headboat
average is $461,000 (2008 dollars).
The Small Business Administration has established size criteria for
all major industry sectors in the U.S. including fish harvesters. A
business involved in commercial finfish harvesting is classified as a
small business if it is independently owned and operated, is not
dominant in its field of operation (including its affiliates), and has
combined annual receipts not in excess of $4.0 million (NAICS code
114111, finfish fishing) for all its affiliated operations worldwide. A
for-hire business involved in fish harvesting is classified as a small
business if it is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in
its field of operation (including its affiliates), and has combined
annual receipts not in excess of $7.0 million (NAICS code 713990,
recreational industries). Based on the average revenue estimates
provided above, all commercial and for-hire fishing vessels expected to
be directly affected by this rule are determined for the purpose of
this analysis to be small business entities.
All of the actions in this rule that would be jointly applicable to
the Gulf and Atlantic migratory groups would be administrative in
nature or allow status quo harvest behavior. As a result, none of these
actions would be expected to result in any direct economic impacts on
small entities.
With the exception of the AMs for the Gulf migratory groups of king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia, the actions in this rule
applicable to the Gulf migratory groups are either administrative or
allow status quo harvests and fishing behavior. As a result, these
actions would not be expected to result in any direct economic impacts
on small entities. The proposed AMs for each species would be expected
to result in unquantifiable short-term reductions in economic benefits
associated with the implementation of harvest restrictions necessary to
correct for harvest overages, should such overages be forecast or
occur. These impacts cannot be quantified at this time because the
overages, and necessary corrections, cannot be forecast. However, any
harvest corrections, and associated reduction in short-term economic
[[Page 65665]]
benefits, would be expected to preserve the long-term biological goals,
and long-term economic benefits, associated with the harvest of these
Because the majority of the actions in this rule applicable to the
Atlantic migratory groups are either administrative or allow status quo
harvests and fishing behavior, only minimal economic effects would be
expected to occur. Only the Spanish mackerel ACL and AMs for king
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia, if implemented, would be
expected to result in adverse economic impacts. The specification of
the Spanish mackerel ACL would be expected to result in a reduction in
ex-vessel revenue to commercial fishermen due to a reduction in the
allowable commercial harvest and the AM requirement that harvest,
possession, and sale of Spanish mackerel be prohibited when the
commercial quota is met. The economic activity associated with this
reduction in revenue is an estimated 17 harvester and 10 dealer/
processor full-time equivalent jobs. The relative effect of this
estimated reduction per small entity is unknown. For the 2004/2005
through 2008/2009 fishing years, an average of 349 vessels recorded
Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel harvests in the Southeast
Federal logbook program. These vessels averaged approximately $28,000
in ex-vessel revenue per vessel per year from all species recorded in
the logbook. If divided among these vessels, the estimated reduction in
ex-revenue for Spanish mackerel alone (approximately $680,000) would
equate to a reduction in average vessel gross revenue of approximately
7 percent. These results do not include any reduction in gross revenue
for other species if trips do not occur (are cancelled) as a result of
a prohibition on Spanish mackerel commercial harvest. Total vessel
Federal logbook-recorded landings of Spanish mackerel accounted for
approximately 57 percent (approximately 2.03 million lb (0.9 million
kg) of the total Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel harvest
during this period (approximately 3.57 million lb (1.62 million kg). A
significant portion of the difference between these harvest totals may
be attributed to harvest in Florida waters where Federal permits and
logbooks are not required for Spanish mackerel. The average annual
revenue profile of the vessels that harvested the remaining portion of
the species is unknown. As a result, the total relative effect of the
projected reduction in ex-vessel revenue on the profit of small entity
commercial vessels is not known.
Three alternatives, including 13 options or sub-options, were
considered for the action to modify the fishery management unit (FMU).
The proposed action, which incorporates 7 of the 13 options and sub-
options, would remove cero, little tunny, and dolphin from the FMP for
both the Gulf and South Atlantic regions, and remove bluefish from the
FMP for the Gulf region. The no-action alternative, which would retain
the four subject species in the FMP for data-collection purposes only,
was not adopted because it would not satisfy the Magnuson-Stevens Act
guidelines, which do not allow species to be retained in an FMU for
data collection purposes only. The third alternative would add the four
species to the FMU and set ACLs and AMs for each, following the stated
geographic designations. This alternative was not adopted because the
Councils determined that these species no longer require Federal
management in the respective regions. The proposed action would not be
expected to result in any direct economic impact on small entities.
Five alternatives, including three options, were considered for the
action to modify the framework procedures. The no-action alternative
would not change the framework procedures and was not adopted because
it is not consistent with current assessment and management methods.
The remaining alternatives were not adopted either because they would
have been more restrictive in the items that could be changed through
framework procedures, or because they would have given the Councils and
NMFS either too much or too little authority to change management
outside of the plan amendment process. The proposed action is
administrative in nature and would not be expected to result in any
direct economic impact on small entities.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to establish
separate Atlantic and Gulf migratory groups of cobia. The proposed
action would separate cobia into two groups at the Gulf and South
Atlantic jurisdictional boundary. The no-action alternative would not
split cobia into two migratory groups, and was not adopted because the
Councils determined that sufficient information exists to demonstrate
that there are at least two different migratory groups and regional
management is appropriate. The other alternative to the proposed action
would split the two migratory groups at the Miami-Dade/Monroe County
line, and was not adopted because it would not best meet the Councils'
goals and objectives for the FMP. The proposed action is administrative
in nature and would not be expected to result in any direct economic
impact on small entities.
Four alternatives were considered for the action to set the ACL for
Gulf migratory group cobia. The proposed action would establish a
single stock ACL and set the ACL equal to the ABC. The no-action
alternative was not adopted because it would not establish an ACL, as
required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Another alternative would also
set the total ACL equal to the ABC, but would specify sector ACLs. This
alternative was not adopted because both sectors are currently managed
under the same harvest restrictions and sector separation would not be
expected to be beneficial at this time. The remaining alternatives and
associated options would establish a buffer between the ACL and ABC and
result in lower stock or sector ACLs. These alternatives and options
were not adopted because the Councils elected to establish a buffer to
the ABC for this species through the ACT rather than the ACL.
Three alternatives, including four options, were considered for the
action to set the ACT for Gulf migratory group cobia. The proposed
action would specify a single stock ACT and set the ACT equal to 90
percent of the ACL. The no-action alternative would not establish an
ACT, but would be an acceptable action because an ACT is not required.
This alternative was not adopted because the Councils determined that a
buffer between the ABC and allowable harvest was appropriate for this
stock and the adoption of the no-action alternative would be
inconsistent with the Councils' decision to establish this buffer
through the ACT instead of the ACL. The other options were not adopted
because they would establish sector ACTs, which would be inconsistent
with the Councils' decision to establish a single stock ACL, and/or
they would specify a lower stock ACT than the proposed action, and
thereby establish a larger buffer than is expected to be necessary for
this stock.
Three alternatives, including seven options (options listed under
the no-action alternative were not included in this tabulation), were
considered for the action to set AMs for Gulf migratory group cobia.
The proposed action would set an in-season AM and prohibit harvest for
the remainder of the fishing year from the date the ACT is reached or
is projected to be reached. AMs for the commercial harvest of this
stock do not currently exist under the status quo. As a result, the no-
action alternative
[[Page 65666]]
was not adopted because it would not establish AMs that account for the
harvest from all sectors, as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Two
options to the proposed action would also establish in-season AMs but
would trigger the AMs when 90 percent of the ACT is reached or
projected to be reached. Both options would reduce the possession limit
to one fish per person per day, but only one option would prohibit
possession of cobia and only then if the ACL is reached and not the
ACT. These options were not adopted because the option that would just
reduce the possession limit would provide insufficient assurance that
the ACL would not be exceeded, while data monitoring issues would
likely render the other option inoperable. The remaining alternative
and associated four options to the proposed action would establish
post-season AMs, each varying in method (overage payback, reduction in
possession limit, reduced season) or period of assessment (the overage
assessment would be based on multi-year averages). These options were
not adopted because the Councils determined that in-season assessment
would be more effective in ensuring the ACL is not exceeded. The
proposed action would not be expected to result in any direct economic
impact on small entities because the proposed ACT (1.31 million lb
(0.59 million kg)) exceeds the estimated status-quo harvest (1.07
million lb (0.49 million kg)) for Gulf migratory group cobia.
Five alternatives, including 12 options, were considered for the
action to set the ACL for Gulf migratory group king mackerel. The
proposed action would set the aggregate (stock) ACL equal to the ABC,
and set sector ACLs using current allocation percentages. The no-action
alternative would set the stock ACL equal to the current total
allowable catch (TAC), and was not adopted because the TAC is less than
the ABC and, as a result, this action would have resulted in less
economic benefits than the proposed action. The remaining three
alternatives to the proposed action would set the stock ACL at 80-90
percent of ABC, and were not adopted because each would have allowed
lower harvest, and associated economic benefits, than the proposed
action, and the Councils have determined that the condition of this
stock and level of management uncertainty does not require a buffer
between the ACL and ABC. It is noted that the proposed stock ACL would
be expected to allow continued average annual harvest. As a result, the
proposed action would not be expected to result in any direct economic
impacts on small entities.
Three alternatives, including 7 options or sub-options (options and
sub-options listed under the no-action alternative were not included in
this tabulation), were considered for the action to set AMs for Gulf
migratory group king mackerel. The proposed action, the no-action
alternative, would not set new AMs for this stock. The alternatives,
and associated options or sub-options, to the proposed action can be
divided into two general categories; alternatives that would change the
current in-season AMs (two options), and alternatives that would set
post-season AMs (two options encompassing five sub-options). None of
these options or sub-options were adopted because the Councils
determined that current regulations provide sufficient AMs for the
recreational and commercial sectors. The proposed action is not
expected to have a direct economic impact on small entities.
Four alternatives, including nine options, were considered for the
action to set the ACL for Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. The
proposed action would set the aggregate ACL equal to the ABC and
establish a stock ACL encompassing harvest by both sectors. The no-
action alternative would maintain an ACL equal to the current TAC for
Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. This action was not adopted
because the ACL cannot exceed the ABC and the status quo TAC is greater
than the proposed ABC. Compared with the proposed action, some options
would establish sector ACLs. These options were not adopted because the
Councils determined the establishment of sector ACLs would
unnecessarily restrict catch and not allow the achievement of optimum
yield. The remaining two alternatives, encompassing six options, would
specify a single, stock ACL as a portion of ABC (80 percent or 90
percent of ABC, rather than 100 percent). These alternatives and
options would have resulted in reductions in economic benefits relative
to the proposed action and were not adopted because the Councils
determined that a buffer between the ACL and ABC was not needed for
this stock.
Three alternatives, including six options or sub-options (options
and sub-options listed under the no-action alternative were not
included in this tabulation), were considered for the action to set AMs
for Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. The proposed action would
establish in-season AMs that would allow harvest to be prohibited if
the stock ACL is reached or projected to be reached. The no-action
alternative would maintain current AMs for Gulf migratory group Spanish
mackerel and was not adopted because the current AMs are implemented by
sector and are inconsistent with the proposed action to establish a
stock ACL. One option to the proposed action would establish in-season
AMs that implement a commercial trip limit and reduced recreational bag
limits if the stock ACL is reached or projected to be reached. This
option was not adopted because it would require multiple in-season
actions and may result in a lower certainty that the ACL not be
exceeded compared to the proposed action because harvest would not be
prohibited. The remaining alternative and associated options would
establish post-season AMs. These options were not adopted because they
would be expected to impose an increased and unnecessary burden on
fishermen and the administration. The proposed action is not expected
to have an economic impact on small entities because the proposed stock
ACL (5.15 million lb (2.34 million kg)) is greater than the 5-year
average (3.63 million lb (1.65 million kg)) or 10-year average (3.95
million lb (1.79 million kg) landings.
Five alternatives, including five options, were considered for the
action to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel. The proposed action would set the ACL and OY equal to the
ABC, with the ABC set equal to the average of the current South
Atlantic Council's SSC's ABC recommendations for the 2011-2013 seasons.
This would result in an ACL of 10.46 million lb (4.75 million kg). The
no-action alternative was not adopted because it would not have
resulted in as concise a rule for setting the ACL and OY and would have
resulted in a lower ACL, 10.0 million lb (4.54 million kg), than the
proposed action. Two alternatives to the proposed action would have
also set the ACL and OY equal to the ABC but with the ABC equal to,
alternatively, the lowest and highest SSC recommended ABCs for 2011-
2013. These alternatives were not adopted because they were determined
to be, alternatively, excessively or insufficiently conservative
compared to the proposed action. The final alternative to the proposed
action, which included five options, would have set the ACL and OY
equal to a percentage of the ABC, varying from 65-90 percent. These
options were not adopted because the Councils determined that the
status and management certainty of the king
[[Page 65667]]
mackerel stock did not require a buffer between the ACL or OY and the
Four alternatives were considered for the action to set the
recreational sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group king mackerel. The
proposed action for this sector would set the ACT based on the
uncertainty associated with the estimate of the ACL and would result in
a recreational sector ACT of 6.11 million lb (2.77 million kg), which
would be less than the proposed recreational sector ACL, but greater
than current average annual harvests. As a result, no reduction in
current recreational harvest or associated economic benefits or impacts
on small entities would be expected to occur. The no-action alternative
would not set a recreational sector ACT and was not adopted because the
Councils determined that the management uncertainty associated with the
recreational harvest of this stock is sufficient to require a buffer
between allowable harvest and the ACL. The two remaining alternatives
to the proposed action would set the recreational sector ACT based on
alternative fixed percentages of the ACL. Neither of these alternatives
was adopted because they would result in an ACT that was less
reflective of the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the ACL
than the proposed action. As applied to the proposed estimate of the
ACL, each of these alternatives would also result in a lower
recreational harvest, and reduced economic benefits, than the proposed
Four alternatives, including ten options, were considered for the
action to set AMs for Atlantic migratory group king mackerel. The
proposed action includes seven of the options spread over three
alternatives. The proposed action would continue in-season quota
monitoring and closure if the commercial sector ACL is met or projected
to be met, as occurs under the status quo. In addition, the proposed
action would adopt post-season adjustments. These adjustments include
post-season reductions in bag limits for the recreational sector based
on moving multi-year average harvests, to assure that the recreational
sector ACL is not exceeded. Post-season bag limits would only be
reduced if the stock ACL (both sectors) is exceeded. Post-season
overage payback would be required for both sectors, where appropriate,
if the stock is overfished and the stock ACL is exceeded. The no-action
alternative would continue the current quota monitoring for the
commercial sector, and closure when appropriate; it also includes
authority under the framework procedures for the Regional Administrator
(RA) to implement several actions, including reduction of the
recreational bag limit to zero, if the recreational allocation has been
met or is projected to be met. This alternative was not adopted because
it would not have been as flexible as the proposed action in factoring
in the status of the stock, the total harvest, and annual harvest
variability by the recreational sector into the AM decision. One option
to the proposed action would have reduced the length of the subsequent
recreational fishing season instead of a reduction in the bag limit in
the event of a recreational overage. This alternative was not adopted
because allowing the sector to continue harvest all year under a
reduced bag limit, as would be allowed under the proposed action, would
be expected to result in more economic benefits than a closed season.
The remaining options to the proposed action would have imposed sector
paybacks regardless of stock status. These options were not adopted
because each would be expected to result in unnecessary reductions in
economic benefits.
Three alternatives, including five options, were considered for the
action to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic migratory group Spanish
mackerel. The proposed action would set the ACL and OY equal to the
ABC. The no-action alternative was not adopted because it would not
have resulted in as concise a procedure as the proposed action to
determine the ACL based on the ABC, and the resultant ACL would exceed
the proposed ABC, which would be inconsistent with the Magnuson-Stevens
Act National Standard 1 guidelines (74 FR 3178, January 16, 2009). The
third alternative to the proposed action, which included five options,
would have set the ACL equal to a percentage of the ABC, varying from
75-95 percent. These options were not adopted because they would be
inconsistent with the Councils' determination that specification of a
buffer for this stock could be adequately accomplished through the
proposed ACT.
Four alternatives were considered for the action to set a
recreational sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel.
The proposed action would be based on the uncertainty associated with
the estimate of the sector ACL and would result in a recreational
sector ACT of 2.32 million lb (1.05 million kg), which would be less
than the proposed recreational sector ACL, but greater than current
average annual harvests. As a result, no reduction in current harvest
or associated economic benefits or impacts on small entities in the
recreational sector would be expected to occur. The no-action
alternative would not set a recreational sector ACT and was not adopted
because the Council determined that the management uncertainty
associated with the recreational harvest of this stock requires a
buffer between allowable harvest and the ACL. The two remaining
alternatives to the proposed action would set the recreational sector
ACT based on alternative fixed percentages of the ACL. Neither of these
alternatives was adopted because they would result in an ACT that was
less reflective of the uncertainty associated with the estimation of
the ACL than the proposed action. As applied to the proposed estimate
of the ACL, each of these alternatives would also result in a lower
recreational harvest and reduced economic benefits than the proposed
Four alternatives, including nine options, were considered to set
AMs for Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel. The proposed action
includes six of the options spread over three alternatives. The
proposed action would implement enhanced quota monitoring for the
commercial sector, should in-season closure be necessary, and would
adopt post-season adjustments for the recreational sector based on
moving multi-year average harvests, including a reduction in the bag
limit to assure that the sector ACL is not exceeded, if the stock ACL
is exceeded. The proposed action would also require sector overage
payback, where appropriate, if the stock is overfished and the stock
ACL is exceeded. The no-action alternative would continue the current
quota monitoring and staged trip limits for the commercial sector in
place of sector closure. It also includes authority under the framework
procedures for the RA to implement several actions, including reduction
of the recreational bag limit to zero, if the recreational allocation
has been met or is projected to be met. This alternative was not
adopted because it would not have been as flexible as the proposed
action in factoring in the status of the stock, the total harvest, and
annual harvest variability by the recreational sector into the AM
decision. This alternative was also not adopted because it would not
provide for in-season closure for the commercial sector. In the event
of a sector overage, one option to the proposed action would have
reduced the length of the subsequent recreational fishing season (no
reduction in the bag limit) to assure that the sector ACL is not
exceeded. This option was not adopted because it
[[Page 65668]]
would result in lower economic benefits than the proposed action. The
remaining two options to the proposed action would have imposed sector
paybacks regardless of stock status. These options were not adopted
because each would be expected to result in unnecessary reductions in
economic benefits.
Three alternatives, including five options, were considered for the
action to set the ACL and OY for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The
proposed action would set the ACL and OY equal to the ABC. The no-
action alternative was not adopted because it would not set the ACL or
OY, as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The third
alternative to the proposed action, which included five options, would
have set the ACL and OY equal to a percentage of the ABC, varying from
75-95 percent. These options were not adopted because they would be
inconsistent with the Councils' determination that specification of a
buffer for this stock could be adequately accomplished through the
proposed ACT.
Four alternatives were considered for the action to set a
recreational sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The
proposed action for the recreational sector would set the ACT based on
the uncertainty associated with the estimate of the ACL and would
result in a recreational sector ACT of 1,184,688 lb (537,365 kg), which
would be less than the proposed sector ACL but equal to current average
annual harvests. As a result, no reduction in current recreational
harvest or associated economic benefits or impacts on small entities
would be expected to occur. The no-action alternative would not set a
recreational sector ACT and was not adopted because the Councils
determined that the management uncertainty associated with the
recreational harvest of this stock requires a buffer between allowable
harvest and the sector ACL. The two remaining alternatives to the
proposed action would set the recreational sector ACT based on
alternative fixed percentages of the ACL. Neither of these alternatives
was adopted because they would result in an ACT that was less
reflective of the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the ACL
than the proposed action.
Five alternatives, including seven options, were considered for the
action to set AMs for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The proposed
action includes five of the options spread over three alternatives and
would: Implement in-season quota monitoring for the commercial sector;
adopt post-season adjustments for the recreational sector based on
moving multi-year average harvests, including a reduction in the season
length to assure that the sector ACL is not exceeded if the stock ACL
is exceeded; and require sector overage payback, where appropriate, but
only if the stock is overfished and the stock ACL is exceeded. The no-
action alternative would continue the current authority to revert the
recreational and commercial possession limit to zero if the sectors
have met or are projected to meet their allocation. This alternative
was not adopted because it would not be as flexible as the proposed
action in factoring the status of the stock, the total harvest, and
annual harvest variability by the recreational sector into the AM
decision. One alternative to the proposed action would explicitly
prohibit the purchase and sale of cobia if the commercial quota is met
or projected to be met, though this would be functionally equivalent to
the status quo as a zero possession limit would preclude purchase or
sale. This alternative would not establish additional AMs for the
recreational sector, resulting in current recreational AMs remaining in
effect. Thus, this alternative would be functionally equivalent to the
status quo. Nevertheless, this alternative was not adopted because it,
like the no-action alternative, would not be as flexible as the
proposed action in factoring the status of the stock, the total
harvest, and annual harvest variability by the recreational sector into
the AM decision. The remaining options to the proposed action would
have imposed sector paybacks regardless of stock status. These options
were not adopted because each would be expected to result in
unnecessary reductions in economic benefits.
Additional actions and alternatives were considered in the
amendment but are not included in this rule because they would either
establish management reference points or the proposed action would not
result in any regulatory change. These actions and alternatives are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to establish an
ABC control rule for Gulf migratory group cobia. The proposed action
would determine the appropriate level of risk and/or buffer to set
between the overfishing limit (OFL) and ABC based on a tiered approach
that considers new information available on the stock and identified
through updated stock assessments. The no-action alternative was not
adopted because it would not establish an ABC control rule, as
recommended by the Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The second
alternative to the proposed action was not adopted because it would
establish an ABC control rule that sets the ABC using a static
definition which would not allow for changes in the level of risk based
on updated stock assessments and, therefore, would not be as flexible
as the proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to establish an
ABC control rule for Gulf migratory king mackerel. The proposed action
would determine the appropriate level of risk and/or buffer to set
between the OFL and ABC based on a tiered approach that would consider
new information available on the stock and identified through updated
stock assessments. The no-action alternative was not adopted because it
would not establish an ABC control rule, as recommended by the
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The second alternative to the proposed
action was not adopted because it would establish an ABC control rule
that sets the ABC using a static definition which would not allow for
changes in the level of risk based on updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to set an ACT for
Gulf migratory group king mackerel. The proposed action, the no-action
alternative, would not set an aggregate ACT. The remaining alternatives
and associated options would all set the aggregate ACT equal to a
portion of the ACL, varying from 85-90 percent, with or without sector
ACTs. These alternatives and options were not adopted because each
would have allowed lower harvest, and associated economic benefits,
than the proposed action and the Councils determined that the condition
of this stock and level of management uncertainty did not require a
buffer between the ACT and ACL. Four options would have set ACTs that
would not be consistent with the Councils' decision to set ACLs in
accordance with current allocation percentages.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to establish an
ABC control rule for Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. The
proposed action would determine the appropriate level of risk and/or
buffer to set between the OFL and ABC based on a tiered approach that
considers new information available on the stock and identified through
updated stock assessments. The no-action alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC control rule, as recommended by
[[Page 65669]]
Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The second alternative to the proposed
action was not adopted because it would establish an ABC control rule
that sets the ABC using a static definition which would not allow for
changes in the level of risk based on updated stock assessments and,
therefore, would not be as flexible as the proposed action.
Four alternatives, including six options, were considered for the
action to set an ACT for Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. The
proposed action, the no-action alternative, would not set an ACT for
Gulf migratory group Spanish mackerel. The alternatives to the proposed
action, and associated options, would implement a stock ACT lower than
the ACL and result in lower harvest, and associated economic benefits,
than the proposed action. These alternatives and options were not
adopted because the Councils determined that a buffer between the ACT
and ACL was not needed for this stock. Some options would have set ACTs
that are not consistent the Councils' decision to specify a single
(stock) ACL.
Four alternatives, including three options, were considered for the
action to establish an ABC control rule for Atlantic migratory group
king mackerel. The proposed action would determine the appropriate
level of risk and/or buffer to set between the OFL and ABC based on a
tiered approach that considers new information available on the stock
and identified through updated stock assessments. The no-action
alternative was not adopted because it would not establish an ABC
control rule, as recommended by the Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines.
The remaining alternatives and associated options to the proposed
action were not adopted because they would establish an ABC control
rule that sets the ABC using a static definition which would not allow
for changes in the level of risk based on updated stock assessments
and, therefore, would not be as flexible as the proposed action.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to set the
commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group king mackerel. The
no-action alternative is the proposed action for this sector and would
not set a commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group king
mackerel. Two alternatives to this proposed action would set ACTs that
establish a buffer between the commercial sector ACT and the commercial
sector ACL, resulting in lower allowable harvest and reduced economic
benefits than the proposed action. Neither of these two alternatives
was adopted because the Councils determined that management uncertainty
for this sector of this stock does not require a harvest buffer between
the ACT and ACL.
Two alternatives were considered for the action to establish an ABC
control rule for Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel. The
proposed action would determine the appropriate level of risk and/or
buffer to set between the OFL and ABC based on a tiered approach that
considers new information available on the stock and identified through
updated stock assessments. The no-action alternative was not adopted
because it would not establish an ABC control rule, as recommended by
the Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to set a
commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel.
The no-action alternative is the proposed action for this sector and
would not set a commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group
Spanish mackerel. Under this proposed action, commercial sector harvest
would be limited to the ACL, which is less than the current harvest and
would be expected to result in a reduction in short-term economic
benefits under the proposed AMs. Two alternatives to the proposed
action would set ACTs that establish a buffer between the commercial
sector ACT and the commercial sector ACL, resulting in an allowable
harvest that is further below the current harvest than the proposed
action and would be expected to result in a greater reduction in
harvests and associated economic benefits than the proposed action.
Neither of these alternatives was adopted because the Councils
determined that management uncertainty for this sector of this stock
does not require a harvest buffer between the ACT and ACL.
Five alternatives were considered for the action to change the
management measures for the Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel.
The proposed action, the no-action alternative, would not make any
changes in the management measures for this stock. The four
alternatives to the proposed action would have increased the
restrictions on recreational harvests through reduced bag limits and/or
vessel limits. These alternatives were not adopted because current
harvest would not need to be reduced under the proposed allowable
recreational harvest for this stock. As a result, increased
restrictions on recreational harvest would be expected to unnecessarily
reduce economic benefits to fishery participants and associated
Five alternatives, including three options, were considered for the
action to establish an ABC control rule for Atlantic migratory group
cobia. The proposed action would adopt the Gulf Council's SSC-
recommended ABC control rule, which is essentially the same as the
South Atlantic Council's SSC-recommended control rule. This action
would determine the appropriate level of risk and/or buffer to set
between the OFL and ABC based on a tiered approach that considers new
information available on the stock, as identified through updated stock
assessments. As applied to this stock, this approach would set the ABC
equal to the mean plus 1.5 times the standard deviation of the most
recent 10 years of landings data. The no-action alternative was not
adopted because it would not establish an ABC control rule, as
recommended by the Magnuson-Stevens Act guidelines. The remaining two
alternatives and associated options to the proposed action were not
adopted because they would establish an ABC control rule that sets the
ABC using a static definition which would not allow for changes in the
level of risk based on updated stock assessments and, therefore, would
not be as flexible as the proposed action. Additionally, application of
the rule specified by these alternatives and options would require an
estimate of the OFL, which is considered unknown by the SSC.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to define sector
allocations for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The proposed action
would define allocations based on weighted averages of 2000-2008 and
2006-2008 harvest data. The no-action alternative would not define
sector allocations and was not adopted because it would not be
consistent with the proposed actions to establish sector ACLs, ACTs
(recreational sector only), and AMs. The second alternative to the
proposed action would only use 2006-2008 data to determine the
allocations and was not adopted because of the potential that this
specification may not contain adequate consideration of historic
landings. This alternative and the proposed action would result in
identical allocations.
Three alternatives were considered for the action to set a
commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group cobia. The no-action
alternative is the proposed action for this sector and would not set a
commercial sector ACT for Atlantic migratory group cobia. Two
alternatives to this proposed action would set ACTs that establish a
[[Page 65670]]
between the commercial sector ACT and the commercial sector ACL,
resulting in lower allowable harvest and reduced economic benefits.
Neither of these alternatives was adopted because the Councils
determined that management uncertainty for this sector of this stock
does not require a harvest buffer between the ACT and ACL.
Six alternatives were considered for the action to change the
management measures for the Atlantic migratory group cobia. The
proposed action, the no-action alternative, would not make any changes
in the management measures for this stock. The five alternatives, and
associated options, to the proposed action would have increased
restrictions on either commercial or recreational harvests through
reduced possession limits per trip, person, or day. These alternatives
were not adopted because current harvest would not need to be reduced
under the proposed allowable sector harvests for this stock. As a
result, increased restrictions on harvest would be expected to
unnecessarily reduce economic benefits to fishery participants and
associated businesses.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 622
Fisheries, Fishing, Puerto Rico, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Virgin Islands.
Dated: October 18, 2011.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 622 is
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 622 continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Sec. 622.1 [Amended]
2. In Sec. 622.1, in Table 1, remove footnotes 2 and 3 and
redesignate footnotes 4 through 6 as footnotes 2 through 4.
3. In Sec. 622.2, the definitions for ``coastal migratory pelagic
fish'', ``dolphin'', and ``migratory group'' are revised to read as
Sec. 622.2 Definitions and acronyms.
* * * * *
Coastal migratory pelagic fish means a whole fish, or a part
thereof, of one or more of the following species:
(1) Cobia, Rachycentron canadum.
(2) King mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla.
(3) Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus.
* * * * *
Dolphin means a whole fish, or a part thereof, of the species
Coryphaena equiselis or C. hippurus.
* * * * *
Migratory group, for king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia,
means a group of fish that may or may not be a separate genetic stock,
but that is treated as a separate stock for management purposes. King
mackerel, Spanish mackerel, and cobia are divided into migratory
groups--the boundaries between these groups are as follows:
(1) King mackerel--(i) Summer separation. From April 1 through
October 31, the boundary separating the Gulf and Atlantic migratory
groups of king mackerel is 25[deg]48' N. lat., which is a line directly
west from the Monroe/Collier County, FL, boundary to the outer limit of
the EEZ.
(ii) Winter separation. From November 1 through March 31, the
boundary separating the Gulf and Atlantic migratory groups of king
mackerel is 29[deg]25' N. lat., which is a line directly east from the
Volusia/Flagler County, FL, boundary to the outer limit of the EEZ.
(2) Spanish mackerel. The boundary separating the Gulf and Atlantic
migratory groups of Spanish mackerel is 25[deg]20.4' N. lat., which is
a line directly east from the Miami-Dade/Monroe County, FL, boundary to
the outer limit of the EEZ.
(3) Cobia. The boundary separating the Gulf and Atlantic migratory
groups of cobia is the line of demarcation between the Atlantic Ocean
and the Gulf of Mexico, as specified in Sec. 600.105(c) of this
* * * * *
4. In Sec. 622.4, revise the first sentence of paragraph
(a)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
Sec. 622.4 Permits and fees.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(iv) Spanish mackerel. For a person aboard a vessel to be eligible
for exemption from the bag limits, a commercial vessel permit for
Spanish mackerel must have been issued to the vessel and must be on
board. * * *
* * * * *
5. In Sec. 622.41, remove paragraph (c)(1)(vi) and redesignate
paragraph (c)(1)(vii) as paragraph (c)(1)(vi); revise paragraph
(c)(1)(v) and newly redesignated paragraph (c)(1)(vi) to read as
Sec. 622.41 Species specific limitations.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(v) Cobia in the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic EEZ--automatic
reel, bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, and pelagic longline.
(vi) Cobia in the Gulf EEZ--all gear except drift gillnet and long
* * * * *
6. In Sec. 622.42, revise paragraph (c) to read as follows:
Sec. 622.42 Quotas.
* * * * *
(c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish. King and Spanish mackerel
quotas apply to persons who fish under commercial vessel permits for
king or Spanish mackerel, as required under Sec. 622.4(a)(2)(iii) or
(iv). Cobia quotas apply to persons who f