Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR) for a Permit Application for a Proposed Aggregate Terminal Project on Pier D in the Port of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA, 63911-63912 [2011-26660]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 199 / Friday, October 14, 2011 / Notices
threatened and/or endangered species.
The proposed project would involve the
discharge of fill material into
approximately 28.77 acres of waters of
the United States, and the preservation
of 11.04 acres of waters of the U.S. The
proposed project would also involve the
placement of fill material into 13.61
acres of isolated waters. The proposed
project may also have indirect impacts
on other waters of the U.S.
DATES: The Corps will conduct a public
scoping meeting that will be held on
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 from
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The scoping meeting will be
held at Rancho Cordova City Hall,
located at 2729 Prospect Park Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.
Lisa Gibson, (916) 557–5288, e-mail:
parties are invited to submit written
comments on the permit application on
or before December 13, 2011. Scoping
comments should be submitted within
the next 60 days, but may be submitted
at any time prior to publication of the
Draft EIS. To submit comments on this
notice or for questions about the
proposed action and the Draft EIS,
please contact: Lisa M. Gibson, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, 650 Capitol
Mall, Suite 5–200, Sacramento, CA
95814–4708. Parties interested in being
added to the Corps’ electronic mail (email) notification list for the proposed
project can e-mail a request to and
indicate which list you would like your
e-mail address to be added. Please refer
to Identification Number SPK–2004–
00790 in any correspondence.
The proposed Excelsior Estates
Project site is located in unincorporated
eastern Sacramento County. The site is
bordered on the north by Keifer
Boulevard, on the south by Jackson
Highway and on the west by Excelsior
Road. The proposed project site is
located within portions of Sections 23,
24, 25 and 26, Township 8 North, Range
6 East, Latitude 38.52393° North,
Longitude 121.27833° West, Mount
Diablo Meridian.
Approximately 39.81 acres of waters
of the United States are present within
the proposed project area. These waters
include 21.99 acres of vernal pools, 5.27
acres of seasonal wetlands, 11.08 acres
of perennial marsh, 1.19 acres of
intermittent drainage, including
Morrison Creek, and 0.28 acres of
ditches. These areas are subject to the
Corps’ jurisdiction. The site also
contains 13.61 acres of isolated aquatic
habitat, which are not subject to Corps
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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jurisdiction but will be evaluated in the
EIS, including 5.80 acres of vernal
pools, 2.51 acres of seasonal wetlands,
0.23 acres of ephemeral drainage, a 5.04
acre stock pond and 0.03 acres of
ditches. Approximately 630 acres of the
862 acre project site has been designated
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) as critical habitat for the
Federally listed vernal pool fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta lynchi), vernal pool
tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi),
Sacramento Orcutt grass (Orcuttia
viscida) and slender Orcutt grass
(Orcuttia tenuis).
The EIS will include alternatives to
the Proposed Action that will meet
NEPA requirements for a reasonable
range of alternatives, and will also meet
the requirements of CWA Section
404(b)(1) Guidelines. The alternatives to
be evaluated within the EIS have not yet
been developed, but will, at a minimum,
include the No Action Alternative, the
Proposed Project Alternative, additional
on-site alternatives, and off-site
Sacramento County will be the lead
agency responsible for compliance with
the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) and will prepare an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The
Corps is anticipating that Sacramento
County will agree to develop a joint EIS/
EIR with the Corps.
The Corps’ public involvement
program includes several opportunities
to provide verbal and written comments
on the proposed Excelsior Estates
Project through the EIS process.
Affected federal, state, and local
agencies, Native American tribes, and
other interested private organizations
and parties are invited to participate.
Potentially significant issues to be
analyzed in depth in the EIS include
loss of waters of the United States
(including wetlands), and impacts
related to cultural resources, biological
resources, including Federally listed
threatened and/or endangered species,
air quality, hydrology and water quality,
noise, traffic, aesthetics, utilities and
service systems, and socioeconomic
The Corps will initiate formal
consultation with the USFWS under
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act
for impacts to listed species that may
result from the proposed project. The
Corps will also consult with the State
Historic Preservation Office under
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act for properties listed or
potentially eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places, as
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The Draft EIS is expected to be made
available to the public in the summer of
September 16, 2011.
William J. Leady,
Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer.
[FR Doc. 2011–26587 Filed 10–13–11; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army, Corps of
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement/
Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/
DEIR) for a Permit Application for a
Proposed Aggregate Terminal Project
on Pier D in the Port of Long Beach,
Los Angeles County, CA
Department of the Army—U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (Corps) is considering a
permit application from Eagle Rock
Aggregates, Inc., a division of Polaris
Minerals Corporation, to develop an
aggregate receiving and storage terminal
on privately held land within the Port
of Long Beach (Port). The Proposed
Action would be subject to the Corps
permitting authority under Section 10 of
the River and Harbors Act and include
the following in-water and land-based
elements: dredging, wharf
improvements, installation of truck
scales and conveyor system for
The primary Federal concerns are the
dredging and wharf improvements
within waters of the United States and
the potential impacts to the natural and
human environment. Therefore, in
accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
Corps is requiring the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
prior to consideration of any permit
action. The Corps may ultimately make
a determination to permit or deny the
Proposed Action, or permit or deny
alternatives to the Proposed Action.
Pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the
Port will serve as the lead agency for the
preparation of an Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) for its consideration of
development approvals within its
jurisdiction. The Corps and the Port
have agreed to jointly prepare a DEIS/
DEIR in order to optimize efficiency and
avoid duplication. The DEIS/DEIR is
intended to be sufficient in scope to
address the Federal, state, and local
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 199 / Friday, October 14, 2011 / Notices
requirements and environmental issues
concerning the proposed activities and
permit approvals.
Questions about the Proposed Action
and DEIS/DEIS should be directed to
Antal Szijj, Corps of Engineers, at (805)
585–2147. Comments regarding the
scope of the DEIS/DEIR should be
addressed to: U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Los Angeles District, Ventura
Field Office, ATTN: Antal Szijj, 2151
Allesandro Drive, Suite 110, Ventura,
CA 93001. Alternatively, comments can
be e-mailed to Comments
should also be sent to Richard D.
Cameron, Director of Environmental
Planning, Port of Long Beach, 925
Harbor Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90802.
1. Project Site and Background
Information. The Proposed Project site
is located at Berth D–44 on Pier D in the
Port of the Beach (Port). The site is
currently owned by L.G. Everist, Inc.
and would be leased to Eagle Rock
Aggregates for terminal development
and operation. The site, located at 1925
Pier D Street, is bounded by Channel 3
to and SSA Matson to the north, G.P.
Gypsum to the east, berths D–41, D–42,
and D–43 to the west, and Pier D Street
to the south. The site was previously
used as an aggregate import terminal by
Connolly-Pacific Company who
operated the terminal from 2000 until
2009. The terminal received pre-sorted
aggregate that was barged by dieselpowered tugs boats, where it was offloaded and stockpiled by conveyor
2. Proposed Action. The Project
applicant, Eagle Rock Aggregates,
proposes to construct a sand, gravel and
granite aggregate receiving, storage, and
distribution terminal. The Project site is
8.3 acres in size, of which the Project
footprint would occupy 7.25 acres. The
proposed dredging and wharf
modifications would prepare the site to
accept Panamax-class vessels which
would deliver aggregate material to the
site. The Proposed Project would be
dredged to -44 feet Mean Lower Low
Water (MLLW) over the majority of the
dredge footprint. In addition, Eagle Rock
Aggregates would conduct advanced
maintenance dredging of an additional 2
feet (to -46 MLLW) to mitigate future
accumulation of sediments, which are
likely to accrete once the facility is
operational. The total proposed dredge
volume is approximately 6,000 cubic
yards. Eagle Rock Aggregates has
coordinated with the Dredge Material
Management Team/Contaminated
Sediments Task Force on disposal
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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options. The dredge material is
scheduled for disposal in the Port’s
confined disposal facility associated
with the Middle Harbor Redevelopment
Project, which has been approved by the
Corps under a separate permit (Corps
File No. SPL–2004–01053–AOA).
Wharf improvements would include
the construction of a berthing system
consisting of 28 steel piles driven into
the adjacent uplands to provide anchor
points for two V-shaped stiff-legs that
would extend overwater to support the
Panamax-class vessels, followed by
concrete forming and the installation of
additional steel legs and land-based
conveyor system. These improvements,
along with the land-based installation of
scales and conveyor equipment would
prepare the site to receive aggregate via
vessel and transport via trucks from the
site. No discharge of fill material into
waters of the U.S. is proposed.
3. Issues. There are several potential
issue that will be addressed in the DEIS/
DEIR. Additional issues may be
identified during the scoping process.
Issues initially identified as potentially
significant include:
1. Air pollutant emissions from
construction and operation, including a
health risk analysis.
2. Marine water resources, including
potential impacts on marine biological
3. Traffic, including navigational
issues, and transportation related
4. Cumulative impacts.
In addition, the DEIS/DEIR will
address other issues relating to the
Corps’ permit action including, but not
limited to greenhouse gas emissions,
aesthetics, water quality, noise and
cumulative effects.
4. Alternatives. Alternatives initially
being considered for the Proposed
Project include the following:
(1) Aggregate receiving and storage
terminal utilizing Panamax-class
vessels, with dredging and wharf
modifications (Preferred Alternative);
(2) Aggregate receiving and storage
terminal where vessel discharges
aggregate material to barges prior to
reaching the project site, without
dredging or wharf improvements (No
Federal Action).
Additional alternatives are currently
being considered for the Proposed
Project. These alternatives with be
further formulated and developed
during the scoping process and an
appropriate range of alternatives will be
included in the DEIS/DEIR.
5. Scoping Process. The Corps and the
Port will jointly conduct a scoping
meeting for the Proposed Project.
English and Spanish translation, as well
PO 00000
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as sign language translation services,
will be provided at the meeting. The
public scoping meeting will be held to
receive public comment and assess
public concerns regarding the
appropriate scope of the DEIS/DEIR.
Participation in the public meeting by
Federal, state, and local agencies and
other interested organizations and
persons is encouraged. The Corps will
also be coordinating with the U.S. Fish
& Wildlife under the Fish & Wildlife
Coordination Act and Endangered
Species Act, and with the National
Marine Fisheries Service under the
Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Act.
Additionally the DEIS/DEIR will assess
the consistency of the proposed Action
with the Coastal Zone Management Act
and potential water quality impacts
pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean
Water Act. The public scoping meeting
for the DEIS/DEIR will be held at the
Long Beach City Council Chambers, 333
West Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach,
California on November 2, 2011, and
will start at 6 pm. Written comments
will be accepted until November 16,
6. Availability of the DEIS/DEIR. The
joint lead agencies expect the DEIS/
DEIR to be published and circulated in
early 2012. A Public Hearing will also
be held during the public comment
period for the DEIS/DEIR.
Dated: October 5, 2011.
David J. Castanon,
Chief, Regulatory Division, Los Angeles
[FR Doc. 2011–26660 Filed 10–13–11; 8:45 am]
Proposed Agency Information
U.S. Department of Energy.
Notice and Request for
The Department of Energy
(DOE) invites public comment on a
proposed collection of information that
DOE is developing for submission to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 199 (Friday, October 14, 2011)]
[Pages 63911-63912]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-26660]
Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement/Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/DEIR) for a Permit
Application for a Proposed Aggregate Terminal Project on Pier D in the
Port of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, CA
AGENCY: Department of the Army--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is considering a
permit application from Eagle Rock Aggregates, Inc., a division of
Polaris Minerals Corporation, to develop an aggregate receiving and
storage terminal on privately held land within the Port of Long Beach
(Port). The Proposed Action would be subject to the Corps permitting
authority under Section 10 of the River and Harbors Act and include the
following in-water and land-based elements: dredging, wharf
improvements, installation of truck scales and conveyor system for
The primary Federal concerns are the dredging and wharf
improvements within waters of the United States and the potential
impacts to the natural and human environment. Therefore, in accordance
with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Corps is
requiring the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
prior to consideration of any permit action. The Corps may ultimately
make a determination to permit or deny the Proposed Action, or permit
or deny alternatives to the Proposed Action.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the
Port will serve as the lead agency for the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for its consideration of development
approvals within its jurisdiction. The Corps and the Port have agreed
to jointly prepare a DEIS/DEIR in order to optimize efficiency and
avoid duplication. The DEIS/DEIR is intended to be sufficient in scope
to address the Federal, state, and local
[[Page 63912]]
requirements and environmental issues concerning the proposed
activities and permit approvals.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions about the Proposed Action
and DEIS/DEIS should be directed to Antal Szijj, Corps of Engineers, at
(805) 585-2147. Comments regarding the scope of the DEIS/DEIR should be
addressed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District,
Ventura Field Office, ATTN: Antal Szijj, 2151 Allesandro Drive, Suite
110, Ventura, CA 93001. Alternatively, comments can be e-mailed to Comments should also be sent to Richard
D. Cameron, Director of Environmental Planning, Port of Long Beach, 925
Harbor Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90802.
1. Project Site and Background Information. The Proposed Project
site is located at Berth D-44 on Pier D in the Port of the Beach
(Port). The site is currently owned by L.G. Everist, Inc. and would be
leased to Eagle Rock Aggregates for terminal development and operation.
The site, located at 1925 Pier D Street, is bounded by Channel 3 to and
SSA Matson to the north, G.P. Gypsum to the east, berths D-41, D-42,
and D-43 to the west, and Pier D Street to the south. The site was
previously used as an aggregate import terminal by Connolly-Pacific
Company who operated the terminal from 2000 until 2009. The terminal
received pre-sorted aggregate that was barged by diesel-powered tugs
boats, where it was off-loaded and stockpiled by conveyor systems.
2. Proposed Action. The Project applicant, Eagle Rock Aggregates,
proposes to construct a sand, gravel and granite aggregate receiving,
storage, and distribution terminal. The Project site is 8.3 acres in
size, of which the Project footprint would occupy 7.25 acres. The
proposed dredging and wharf modifications would prepare the site to
accept Panamax-class vessels which would deliver aggregate material to
the site. The Proposed Project would be dredged to -44 feet Mean Lower
Low Water (MLLW) over the majority of the dredge footprint. In
addition, Eagle Rock Aggregates would conduct advanced maintenance
dredging of an additional 2 feet (to -46 MLLW) to mitigate future
accumulation of sediments, which are likely to accrete once the
facility is operational. The total proposed dredge volume is
approximately 6,000 cubic yards. Eagle Rock Aggregates has coordinated
with the Dredge Material Management Team/Contaminated Sediments Task
Force on disposal options. The dredge material is scheduled for
disposal in the Port's confined disposal facility associated with the
Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project, which has been approved by the
Corps under a separate permit (Corps File No. SPL-2004-01053-AOA).
Wharf improvements would include the construction of a berthing
system consisting of 28 steel piles driven into the adjacent uplands to
provide anchor points for two V-shaped stiff-legs that would extend
overwater to support the Panamax-class vessels, followed by concrete
forming and the installation of additional steel legs and land-based
conveyor system. These improvements, along with the land-based
installation of scales and conveyor equipment would prepare the site to
receive aggregate via vessel and transport via trucks from the site. No
discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. is proposed.
3. Issues. There are several potential issue that will be addressed
in the DEIS/DEIR. Additional issues may be identified during the
scoping process. Issues initially identified as potentially significant
1. Air pollutant emissions from construction and operation,
including a health risk analysis.
2. Marine water resources, including potential impacts on marine
biological resources.
3. Traffic, including navigational issues, and transportation
related impacts.
4. Cumulative impacts.
In addition, the DEIS/DEIR will address other issues relating to
the Corps' permit action including, but not limited to greenhouse gas
emissions, aesthetics, water quality, noise and cumulative effects.
4. Alternatives. Alternatives initially being considered for the
Proposed Project include the following:
(1) Aggregate receiving and storage terminal utilizing Panamax-
class vessels, with dredging and wharf modifications (Preferred
(2) Aggregate receiving and storage terminal where vessel
discharges aggregate material to barges prior to reaching the project
site, without dredging or wharf improvements (No Federal Action).
Additional alternatives are currently being considered for the
Proposed Project. These alternatives with be further formulated and
developed during the scoping process and an appropriate range of
alternatives will be included in the DEIS/DEIR.
5. Scoping Process. The Corps and the Port will jointly conduct a
scoping meeting for the Proposed Project. English and Spanish
translation, as well as sign language translation services, will be
provided at the meeting. The public scoping meeting will be held to
receive public comment and assess public concerns regarding the
appropriate scope of the DEIS/DEIR. Participation in the public meeting
by Federal, state, and local agencies and other interested
organizations and persons is encouraged. The Corps will also be
coordinating with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife under the Fish & Wildlife
Coordination Act and Endangered Species Act, and with the National
Marine Fisheries Service under the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Act.
Additionally the DEIS/DEIR will assess the consistency of the proposed
Action with the Coastal Zone Management Act and potential water quality
impacts pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The public
scoping meeting for the DEIS/DEIR will be held at the Long Beach City
Council Chambers, 333 West Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California on
November 2, 2011, and will start at 6 pm. Written comments will be
accepted until November 16, 2011.
6. Availability of the DEIS/DEIR. The joint lead agencies expect
the DEIS/DEIR to be published and circulated in early 2012. A Public
Hearing will also be held during the public comment period for the
Dated: October 5, 2011.
David J. Castanon,
Chief, Regulatory Division, Los Angeles District.
[FR Doc. 2011-26660 Filed 10-13-11; 8:45 am]