Request for Nominations of Members To Serve on the Bureau of Indian Education Advisory Board for Exceptional Children, 63654-63656 [2011-26448]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 198 / Thursday, October 13, 2011 / Notices
Inspectable area
Inspectable item
40. Health and
Flammable Materials.
41. Health and
Hazards ............
Current 2.3 definition
Proposed definition
Flammable materials are
improperly stored, causing the potential risk of
fire or explosion.
Tripping .............
You see any physical defect that poses a tripping
risk, generally in walkways or other traveled
Note: This does not include
tripping hazards from
elevators that do not
level properly. For this
deficiency, see Elevator—Tripping, under
Health and Safety.
Flammable or combustible
materials are improperly
stored near a heat or
electrical source, causing
the potential risk of fire
or explosion.
Note: Flammable or combustible materials may
include but are not limited to Gasoline, Paint
Thinners, Kerosene, Propane, paper, boxes, etc.
You see any physical defect that poses a tripping
risk, generally in walkways or other traveled
areas. Typically, the defect must present at
least a three-quarter
inch deviation.
Note: This does not include
tripping hazards from
elevators that do not
level properly. For this
deficiency, see Elevator—Tripping, under
Health and Safety.
Dated: October 5, 2011.
L. Renee Orr,
Chief, Strategic Resources.
[FR Doc. 2011–26516 Filed 10–12–11; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[FR Doc. 2011–26503 Filed 10–12–11; 8:45 am]
Outer Continental Shelf Official
Protraction Diagram, Lease Maps, and
Supplemental Official Outer
Continental Shelf Block Diagrams
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Availability of revised North
American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27)
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Official
Protraction Diagram (OPD), Lease Maps,
and Supplemental Official OCS Block
Diagrams (SOBDs); Correction.
BOEM (formerly the Bureau
of Ocean Energy Management,
Regulation and Enforcement) published
a notice in the Federal Register (76 FR
54787) on September 2, 2011, entitled
‘‘OCS Official Protraction Diagram,
Lease Maps, and Supplemental Official
OCS Shelf Block Diagrams’’ that
contained an error. This notice corrects
the address of the Web site where the
revised maps can be found.
Steven Textoris, Acting Chief, Leasing
Division at (703) 787–1223 or via email
Correction: Copies of the revised OPD,
Lease Maps, and SOBDs are available
for download in .pdf format from
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:50 Oct 12, 2011
Jkt 226001
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Request for Nominations of Members
To Serve on the Bureau of Indian
Education Advisory Board for
Exceptional Children
Bureau of Indian Education,
ACTION: Notice of Request for
Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C.,
Appendix 2, and the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Improvement Act
(IDEA) of 2004, (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.)
the Bureau of Indian Education requests
nominations of individuals to serve on
the Advisory Board for Exceptional
Children (Advisory Board). There are
seven positions available. The Bureau of
Indian Education (BIE) will consider
nominations received in response to this
Request for Nominations, as well as
other sources. The SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section for this notice
provides Advisory Board and
membership criteria.
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Change rationale
This clarification adds a
Note to the definition to
provide guidance on
what may constitute
flammable materials.
This clarification adds language to provide a clear
understanding of how
large the deviation within
a walkway must be to be
considered a tripping
Nominations must be received
on or before November 14, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Please submit nominations
to Sue Bement, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), Bureau of Indian
Education, Albuquerque Service Center,
Division of Performance and
Accountability, P.O. Box 1088,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103–1088.
Bement, Education Specialist, telephone
(505) 563–5274.
Advisory Board was established in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, Public Law 92–463. The
following provides information about
the Advisory Board, the membership
and the nomination process.
Objective and Duties
(a) Members of the Advisory Board
will provide guidance, advice and
recommendations with respect to
special education and related services
for children with disabilities in Bureaufunded schools in accordance with the
requirements of IDEA of 2004.
(b) The Advisory Board will:
(1) Provide advice and
recommendations for the coordination
of services within the BIE and with
other local, state and Federal agencies;
(2) Provide advice and
recommendations on a broad range of
policy issues dealing with the provision
of educational services to American
Indian children with disabilities;
(3) Serve as advocates for American
Indian students with special education
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 198 / Thursday, October 13, 2011 / Notices
needs by providing advice and
recommendations regarding best
practices, effective program
coordination strategies, and
recommendations for improved
educational programming;
(4) Provide advice and
recommendations for the preparation of
information required to be submitted to
the Secretary of Education under 20
U.S.C. 1411(h)(2)(D);
(5) Provide advice and recommend
policies concerning effective inter/intraagency collaboration, including
modifications to regulations, and the
elimination of barriers to inter/intraagency programs and activities; and
(6) Report and direct all
correspondence to the Assistant
Secretary—Indian Affairs through the
Director, BIE with a courtesy copy to the
(a) As required by 20 U.S.C.
1411(h)(6), the Advisory Board shall be
composed of 15 individuals involved in
or concerned with the education and
provision of services to Indian infants,
toddlers, children, and youth with
disabilities. The Advisory Board
composition will reflect a broad range of
viewpoints and will include at least one
(1) member representing each of the
following interests: Indians with
disabilities; teachers of children with
disabilities; Indian parents or guardians
of children with disabilities; service
providers; state education officials; local
education officials; state interagency
coordinating Councils (for states having
Indian reservations); Tribal
representatives or Tribal organization
representatives; and other members
representing the various divisions and
entities of the BIE.
(b) The Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs may provide the Secretary of the
Interior recommendations for the
chairperson; however, the chairperson
and other board members will be
appointed by the Secretary of the
Interior. Advisory Board members shall
serve staggered terms of 2 or 3 years
from the date of their appointment.
Federally recognized Tribes, as well as
from state directors of special education
(within the 23 states in which Bureaufunded schools are located) concerned
with the education of Indian children
with disabilities as described above.
(b) Nominees should have expertise
and knowledge of the issues and/or
needs of American Indian children with
disabilities. Such knowledge and
expertise are needed to provide advice
and recommendations to the BIE
regarding the needs of American Indian
children with disabilities.
(c) A summary of the candidate’s
qualifications (resume or curriculum
vitae) must be submitted with the
nomination application below.
Nominees must have the ability to
attend Advisory Board meetings, carry
out Advisory Board assignments,
participate in teleconferences, and work
in groups.
(d) The Department of the Interior is
committed to equal opportunity in the
workplace and seeks diverse Advisory
Board membership, which is bound by
the Indian Preference Act of 1990 (25
U.S.C. 472).
(a) Members of the Advisory Board
will not receive compensation, but will
be reimbursed for travel, including
subsistence, and other necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of
their duties in the same manner as
persons employed intermittently in
Government Service under 5 U.S.C.
(b) A member may not participate in
matters that will directly affect, or
appear to affect, the financial interests
of the member or the member’s spouse
or minor children, unless authorized by
the appropriate ethics official.
Compensation from employment does
not constitute a financial interest of the
member so long as the matter before the
committee will not have a special or
distinct effect on the member or the
member’s employer, other than as part
of a class. The provisions of this
paragraph do not affect any other
statutory or regulatory ethical
obligations to which a member may be
(c) The Advisory Board meets at least
twice a year, budget permitting, but
additional meetings may be held as
deemed necessary by the Assistant
Secretary—Indian Affairs or DFO.
(d) All Advisory Board meetings are
open to the public in accordance with
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Please fill out this form completely
and include a copy of your resume or
curriculum vitae.)
Nomination Information
(a) Nominations are requested from
individuals, organizations, and
Note: Additional pages may be added for
further explanation of any item. Reference
the corresponding item number for which the
additional explanation is made.
Basis for Nominations
If you wish to nominate someone for
appointment to the Advisory Board,
please do not make the nomination until
the person has been contacted and has
agreed to have his/her name submitted
to BIE for this purpose.
1. Full Name:
2. Mailing Address:
3. City:
4. State:
6. Primary Contact Phone Number:
5. Zip Code:
7. Secondary Contact Phone Number:
8. Place of Employment:
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
9. Work Address:
10. City:
11. State:
13. Employment Title:
14. Work Telefax Number:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:50 Oct 12, 2011
15. E-mail address:
Jkt 226001
PO 00000
Frm 00056
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
12. Zip Code:
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 198 / Thursday, October 13, 2011 / Notices
Note to Review Committee: Prior to submitting this nomination application, the above named individual must be contacted regarding appointment to the Advisory Board. Do not make a nomination until this person has been contacted and has agreed to have his/her name submitted to
the Bureau of Indian Education.
16. If appointed, this person will
represent one of the following categories
(check all applicable):
ll Indian persons with disabilities
ll Teachers of children with
ll Indian parents or guardians of
children with disabilities
ll Service providers
ll State Education Officials
ll Local Education Officials
ll State Interagency Coordinating
Councils (for states having Indian
ll Tribal representatives or tribal
organization representatives
ll Bureau employees concerned with
the education of children with
17. What role would you recommend
this nominee serve?
ll Advisory Board Chairperson
ll Advisory Board Member
18. Nominee’s experience with BIE
funded schools: (check all applicable)
ll BIE Day School
ll BIE Boarding School
ll Off-Reservation Boarding School
ll Tribal Contract School
ll Tribal Grant School
ll Cooperative School
19. List nominee’s experiences related
to the education of Indian infants,
toddlers, children and youth with
disabilities, in the past 10 years. Include
time frames of experience or
employment, position titles, location of
employment or organization
involvement and a brief description of
duties. (Attach additional pages if
20. Provide a list of current
memberships or current affiliations with
professional education organizations,
particularly special education
organizations. Identify organization
offices held if applicable. (Attach
additional pages if necessary.)
21. Identify special interests,
activities, awards (professional,
educational and community) related to
the education of disabled Indian
children (infants, toddlers, children
and/or youth). (Attach additional pages
if necessary.)
22. Nominee recommended by:
Name of Indian tribe, organization, individual (include position title) making nomination:
Address of Indian tribe, organization, individual making nomination:
Zip Code:
Phone (Area code + Number):
Telefax (Area code + Number):
Signature of Authorizing Official:
Date of Signature:
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Paperwork Reduction Act
This information collection has been
assigned OMB Control No. 1076–0179,
with an expiration of September 30,
2014. This information is being
collected to select individuals to serve
on a Federal advisory committee, the
Advisory Board for Exceptional
Children. Response to this request is
required to obtain a benefit. You are not
required to respond to this collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
This information will be used to
determine the eligibility and the ranking
of the nominee. Public reporting burden
for this form is estimated to average 1
hour per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, gathering
and maintaining data, and completing
and reviewing the form. Direct
comments regarding the burden
estimate or any other aspect of this form
to Information Collection Clearance
Officer—Indian Affairs, U.S.
Department of the Interior, 1849 C
Street, NW., MS–4141, Washington, DC
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:50 Oct 12, 2011
Jkt 226001
Dated: October 6, 2011.
Paul Tsosie,
Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary—Indian
East Main Street, Canon City, CO has
been cancelled. Notice of the meeting
appeared in the Federal Register March
18, 2011.
[FR Doc. 2011–26448 Filed 10–12–11; 8:45 am]
The meeting was scheduled for
October 19, 2011, 9:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Brown, Front Range RAC Coordinator,
BLM Colorado State Office, 2850
Youngfield St., Lakewood, CO 80215.
Phone: (303) 239–3668. E-mail:
Bureau of Land Management
Front Range Resource Advisory
Council Meeting Cancellation
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of public meeting
In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), notice
is hereby given that the Front Range
Resource Advisory Council meeting
scheduled for October 19, 2011 at the
BLM Royal Gorge Field Office, 3028
The 15member Council advises the Secretary
of the Interior, through the BLM, on a
variety of planning and management
issues associated with public land
management in the BLM Front Range
District. Future meetings will be
announced through a separate Federal
Register notice.
Dated: October 5, 2011.
John Mehlhoff,
Acting State Director.
PO 00000
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[FR Doc. 2011–26447 Filed 10–12–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 198 (Thursday, October 13, 2011)]
[Pages 63654-63656]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-26448]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Request for Nominations of Members To Serve on the Bureau of
Indian Education Advisory Board for Exceptional Children
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Education, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Request for Nominations.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C.,
Appendix 2, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement
Act (IDEA) of 2004, (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.) the Bureau of Indian
Education requests nominations of individuals to serve on the Advisory
Board for Exceptional Children (Advisory Board). There are seven
positions available. The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) will consider
nominations received in response to this Request for Nominations, as
well as other sources. The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for this
notice provides Advisory Board and membership criteria.
DATES: Nominations must be received on or before November 14, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Please submit nominations to Sue Bement, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), Bureau of Indian Education, Albuquerque Service Center,
Division of Performance and Accountability, P.O. Box 1088, Albuquerque,
New Mexico 87103-1088.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sue Bement, Education Specialist,
telephone (505) 563-5274.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Advisory Board was established in
accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463.
The following provides information about the Advisory Board, the
membership and the nomination process.
Objective and Duties
(a) Members of the Advisory Board will provide guidance, advice and
recommendations with respect to special education and related services
for children with disabilities in Bureau-funded schools in accordance
with the requirements of IDEA of 2004.
(b) The Advisory Board will:
(1) Provide advice and recommendations for the coordination of
services within the BIE and with other local, state and Federal
(2) Provide advice and recommendations on a broad range of policy
issues dealing with the provision of educational services to American
Indian children with disabilities;
(3) Serve as advocates for American Indian students with special
[[Page 63655]]
needs by providing advice and recommendations regarding best practices,
effective program coordination strategies, and recommendations for
improved educational programming;
(4) Provide advice and recommendations for the preparation of
information required to be submitted to the Secretary of Education
under 20 U.S.C. 1411(h)(2)(D);
(5) Provide advice and recommend policies concerning effective
inter/intra-agency collaboration, including modifications to
regulations, and the elimination of barriers to inter/intra-agency
programs and activities; and
(6) Report and direct all correspondence to the Assistant
Secretary--Indian Affairs through the Director, BIE with a courtesy
copy to the DFO.
(a) As required by 20 U.S.C. 1411(h)(6), the Advisory Board shall
be composed of 15 individuals involved in or concerned with the
education and provision of services to Indian infants, toddlers,
children, and youth with disabilities. The Advisory Board composition
will reflect a broad range of viewpoints and will include at least one
(1) member representing each of the following interests: Indians with
disabilities; teachers of children with disabilities; Indian parents or
guardians of children with disabilities; service providers; state
education officials; local education officials; state interagency
coordinating Councils (for states having Indian reservations); Tribal
representatives or Tribal organization representatives; and other
members representing the various divisions and entities of the BIE.
(b) The Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs may provide the
Secretary of the Interior recommendations for the chairperson; however,
the chairperson and other board members will be appointed by the
Secretary of the Interior. Advisory Board members shall serve staggered
terms of 2 or 3 years from the date of their appointment.
(a) Members of the Advisory Board will not receive compensation,
but will be reimbursed for travel, including subsistence, and other
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in the
same manner as persons employed intermittently in Government Service
under 5 U.S.C. 5703.
(b) A member may not participate in matters that will directly
affect, or appear to affect, the financial interests of the member or
the member's spouse or minor children, unless authorized by the
appropriate ethics official. Compensation from employment does not
constitute a financial interest of the member so long as the matter
before the committee will not have a special or distinct effect on the
member or the member's employer, other than as part of a class. The
provisions of this paragraph do not affect any other statutory or
regulatory ethical obligations to which a member may be subject.
(c) The Advisory Board meets at least twice a year, budget
permitting, but additional meetings may be held as deemed necessary by
the Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs or DFO.
(d) All Advisory Board meetings are open to the public in
accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act regulations.
Nomination Information
(a) Nominations are requested from individuals, organizations, and
Federally recognized Tribes, as well as from state directors of special
education (within the 23 states in which Bureau-funded schools are
located) concerned with the education of Indian children with
disabilities as described above.
(b) Nominees should have expertise and knowledge of the issues and/
or needs of American Indian children with disabilities. Such knowledge
and expertise are needed to provide advice and recommendations to the
BIE regarding the needs of American Indian children with disabilities.
(c) A summary of the candidate's qualifications
(r[eacute]sum[eacute] or curriculum vitae) must be submitted with the
nomination application below. Nominees must have the ability to attend
Advisory Board meetings, carry out Advisory Board assignments,
participate in teleconferences, and work in groups.
(d) The Department of the Interior is committed to equal
opportunity in the workplace and seeks diverse Advisory Board
membership, which is bound by the Indian Preference Act of 1990 (25
U.S.C. 472).
Basis for Nominations
If you wish to nominate someone for appointment to the Advisory
Board, please do not make the nomination until the person has been
contacted and has agreed to have his/her name submitted to BIE for this
(Please fill out this form completely and include a copy of your
r[eacute]sum[eacute] or curriculum vitae.)
Note: Additional pages may be added for further explanation of
any item. Reference the corresponding item number for which the
additional explanation is made.
1. Full Name:
2. Mailing Address: 3. City: 4. State: 5. Zip
........... ........... ..........
6. Primary Contact Phone Number: 7. Secondary Contact Phone Number:
( ) ( )
8. Place of Employment:
9. Work Address: 10. City: 11. State: 12. Zip
........... ........... ..........
13. Employment Title:
14. Work Telefax Number: 15. E-mail address:
[[Page 63656]]
( )
Note to Review Committee: Prior to submitting this nomination
application, the above named individual must be contacted regarding
appointment to the Advisory Board. Do not make a nomination until this
person has been contacted and has agreed to have his/her name
submitted to the Bureau of Indian Education.
16. If appointed, this person will represent one of the following
categories (check all applicable):
---- Indian persons with disabilities
---- Teachers of children with disabilities
---- Indian parents or guardians of children with disabilities
---- Service providers
---- State Education Officials
---- Local Education Officials
---- State Interagency Coordinating Councils (for states having Indian
---- Tribal representatives or tribal organization representatives
---- Bureau employees concerned with the education of children with
17. What role would you recommend this nominee serve?
---- Advisory Board Chairperson
---- Advisory Board Member
18. Nominee's experience with BIE funded schools: (check all
---- BIE Day School
---- BIE Boarding School
---- Off-Reservation Boarding School
---- Tribal Contract School
---- Tribal Grant School
---- Cooperative School
19. List nominee's experiences related to the education of Indian
infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities, in the past 10
years. Include time frames of experience or employment, position
titles, location of employment or organization involvement and a brief
description of duties. (Attach additional pages if necessary.)
20. Provide a list of current memberships or current affiliations
with professional education organizations, particularly special
education organizations. Identify organization offices held if
applicable. (Attach additional pages if necessary.)
21. Identify special interests, activities, awards (professional,
educational and community) related to the education of disabled Indian
children (infants, toddlers, children and/or youth). (Attach additional
pages if necessary.)
22. Nominee recommended by:
Name of Indian tribe, organization, individual (include position title)
making nomination:
Address of Indian tribe, organization, individual making nomination:
City: State: Zip Code:
................. .................
Signature of Authorizing Official:
Date of Signature: Phone (Area code Telefax (Area
+ Number): code + Number):
Paperwork Reduction Act
This information collection has been assigned OMB Control No. 1076-
0179, with an expiration of September 30, 2014. This information is
being collected to select individuals to serve on a Federal advisory
committee, the Advisory Board for Exceptional Children. Response to
this request is required to obtain a benefit. You are not required to
respond to this collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. This information will be used to
determine the eligibility and the ranking of the nominee. Public
reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hour per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and
maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct
comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form
to Information Collection Clearance Officer--Indian Affairs, U.S.
Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS-4141, Washington, DC
Dated: October 6, 2011.
Paul Tsosie,
Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2011-26448 Filed 10-12-11; 8:45 am]