Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Renewal With Changes to a Currently Approved Collection; the Registration of Money Services Business (MSB), FinCEN Report 107, To Incorporate Changes to the MSB Definitions and Add Provisions for Prepaid Access, 62149-62164 [2011-25607]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 194 / Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Notices
[FR Doc. 2011–25775 Filed 10–5–11; 8:45 am]
participate. Discovery will close on
November 29, 2011. Opening evidence
and argument from all PORs is due on
January 13, 2012. Reply evidence and
argument from all PORs is due on
February 27, 2012. Rebuttal evidence
and argument from all PORs is due on
March 13, 2012.
technology. A comment to OMB is most
effective if OMB receives it within 30
days of publication of this notice.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
29, 2011.
Walter Bohorfoush,
Director, Office of Systems Integration.
Surface Transportation Board
[Docket No. NOR 42129; Docket No. FD
American Chemistry Council, The
Chlorine Institute, Inc., the Fertilizer
Institute, and PPG Industries, Inc. v.
Alabama Gulf Coast Railway and
RailAmerica, Inc.; CF Industries, Inc. v.
Indiana & Ohio Railway, the Point
Comfort and Northern Railway, and the
Michigan Shore Railroad—Petition for
Declaratory Order
Surface Transportation Board,
Institution of declaratory order
proceeding; request for comments.
In response to a petition filed
by CF Industries, Inc. (CF) on May 17,
2011, the Board is instituting a
declaratory order proceeding under 49
U.S.C. 721 and 5 U.S.C. 554(e). CF
requests that the Board declare invalid
and unenforceable certain tariffs
addressing the movement of Toxic-byInhalation Hazardous materials and
Poison-by-Inhalation Hazardous
materials (TIH/PIH) issued by 3
subsidiaries of RailAmerica, Inc.
(RailAmerica): The Indiana & Ohio
Railway Company, the Point Comfort
and Northern Railway Company and the
Michigan Shore Railroad, Inc.
(collectively, the RailAmerica railroads).
This proceeding will also develop the
record with respect to a complaint filed
by another shipper and several trade
associations in Docket No. NOR 42129,
which raises similar issues regarding the
handling of TIH/PIH by another
RailAmerica subsidiary.1 The Board
seeks public comment on the issues
raised in both cases.
DATES: Any person who wishes to
participate in this proceeding as a party
of record (POR) must file, no later than
October 17, 2011, a notice of intent to
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
1 In Docket No. NOR 42129, the complainants are
American Chemistry Council, The Chlorine
Institute, Inc., The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), and
PPG Industries, Inc. (collectively, the NOR 42129
complainants), and the defendants are Alabama
Gulf Coast Railway LLC and RailAmerica
(collectively, the NOR 42129 defendants).
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Any filing submitted in this
proceeding must be submitted either via
the Board’s e-filing format or in the
traditional paper format. Any person
using e-filing should attach a document
and otherwise comply with the
instructions at the E-FILING link on the
Board’s Web site, at https:// Any person submitting
a filing in the traditional paper format
should send an original and 10 copies
(and also an electronic version),
referring Docket No. FD 35517, to:
Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423–
0001. In addition, 1 copy of each filing
in this proceeding must be sent (and
may be sent by e-mail if service by email is acceptable to the recipient) to
each of the following (1) Patrick E.
Groomes, Fulbright & Jaworski, L.L.P.,
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20004–2623, (representing
CF); (2) Louis E. Gitomer, Law Offices
of Louis E. Gitomer, 600 Baltimore
Avenue, Suite 301, Towson, MD 21204, (representing the
RailAmerica railroads and the
defendants in Docket No. NOR 42129);
(3) Paul M. Donovan, LaRoe, Winn,
Moerman & Donovan, 1250 Connecticut
Avenue, NW., Suite 200, Washington,
DC 20036,
(representing the complainants in
Docket No. NOR 42129); (4) Jeffrey O.
Moreno, Thompson Hine LLP, 1920 N
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20036,
(representing TFI); and (5) any other
person designated as a POR on the
service-list notice (as explained in the
Board’s decision served on September
30, 2011, in Docket Nos. FD 35517 and
NOR 42129 2).
Farr, (202) 245–0359.
Assistance for the hearing impaired is
available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at: 1–
Copies of written comments will be
available for viewing and self-copying at
the Board’s Public Docket Room, Room
131, and will be posted to the Board’s
Web site.
2 The service-list notice will be issued as soon
after October 17, 2011, as practicable.
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CF and
the NOR 42129 complainants challenge
certain requirements for rail
transportation of TIH/PIH promulgated
by RailAmerica and several of its
railroad subsidiaries. Under 5 U.S.C.
554(e), the Board has discretionary
authority to issue a declaratory order to
terminate a controversy or remove
uncertainty. A declaratory order
proceeding is thus instituted in this
docket to invite broad public comment
on the issues raised in Docket Nos. FD
35517 and NOR 42129. Any person
seeking to comment on CF’s petition in
Docket No. FD 35517 or the complaint
in Docket No. NOR 42129 may submit
written comments to the Board
(pursuant to the schedule and
procedures set forth in this notice)
regarding the reasonableness of the
challenged TIH/PIH transportation
requirements. For further information,
please see the Board’s decision served
on September 30, 2011, in Docket Nos.
FD 35517 and NOR 42129.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at https://
Decided: September 28, 2011.
By the Board, Chairman Elliott, Vice
Chairman Begeman, and Commissioner
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2011–25848 Filed 10–5–11; 8:45 am]
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request; Renewal With Changes to a
Currently Approved Collection; the
Registration of Money Services
Business (MSB), FinCEN Report 107,
To Incorporate Changes to the MSB
Definitions and Add Provisions for
Prepaid Access
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (‘‘FinCEN’’), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, FinCEN invites comment on a
proposed information collection
contained in a revised form, Registration
of Money Services Business, FinCEN
Form 107. The form will be used by
dealers in foreign exchange; check
cashers; issuers, sellers, and redeemers
of traveler’s checks and money orders;
providers of prepaid access; and money
transmitters to register with the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 194 / Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Notices
Department of the Treasury as required
by statute. This request for comments is
being made pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13, 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A).
DATES: Written comments are welcome
and must be received on or before
December 5, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be submitted to: Office of Regulatory
Policy and Programs Division, Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network,
Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box
39, Vienna, Virginia 22183, Attention:
PRA Comments—MSB Registration—
Form 107. Comments also may be
submitted by electronic mail to the
following Internet address:, again with a
caption, in the body of the text,
‘‘Attention: PRA Comments—MSB
Registration—Form 107.’’
Inspection of comments: Comments
may be inspected, between 10 a.m. and
4 p.m., in the FinCEN reading room in
Vienna, VA. Persons wishing to inspect
the comments submitted must request
an appointment with the Disclosure
Officer by telephoning (703) 905–5034
(Not a toll free call).
FinCEN Regulatory helpline at (800)
949–2732 and select Option 1.
Title: Registration of Money Services
OMB Number: 1506–0013.
Form Number: FinCEN Form 107.
Abstract: The statute generally
referred to as the ‘‘Bank Secrecy Act,’’
(‘‘BSA’’) Titles I and II of Public Law
91–508, as amended, codified at 12
U.S.C. 1829b, 12 U.S.C. 1951–1959, and
31 U.S.C. 5311–5330, authorizes the
Secretary of the Treasury, inter alia, to
issue regulations requiring records and
reports that are determined to have a
high degree of usefulness in criminal,
tax, and regulatory matters. Regulations
implementing Title II of the BSA
(codified at 31 U.S.C. 5311–5330)
appear at 31 CFR chapter X. The
authority of the Secretary to administer
the BSA has been delegated to the
Director of FinCEN.
Under 31 U.S.C. 5330 and its
implementing regulations, money
services businesses must register with
the Department of the Treasury,
maintain a list of their agents, and
renew their registration every two years.
Currently, money services businesses
register by filing FinCEN Form 107,
which is being revised to incorporate
changes to the MSB definitions 1 and
provide for prepaid access program 2
1 See
76 FR 43585, dated July 21, 2011.
2 See 76 FR 45403, dated July 29, 2011.
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information. The information collected
on the form is required to comply with
31 U.S.C. 5330 and its implementing
regulations. The information will be
used to assist supervisory and law
enforcement agencies in the
enforcement of criminal, tax, and
regulatory laws and to prevent money
services businesses from being used by
those engaging in money laundering,
terrorist financing and other illicit
financial crimes. The collection of
information is mandatory.
Current Actions: The current FinCEN
Form 107 and instructions are being
revised to update the information
collection tool as follows:
Part I adds Item 1e, RMSB
Registration number for all but initial
Part II expands Item 3 into separate
fields to record last name/entity, adds a
check box to indicate ‘‘if entity,’’ adds
first name and middle initial boxes. In
Item 6, adds AKA to the DBA entry,
adds a box to indicate a foreign country,
adds a box to indicate the type of
taxpayer identification number (TIN),
adds a space for recording a Web site
(URL) address if available, and adds
spaces to identify the name and phone
number of the compliance contact
person for the MSB.
Part III repeats the same name entry
expansion, TIN and TIN type as in part
II. E-mail address and Web site info is
added and removes ID information box
23 on the current form.
Part IV adds a check box to indicate
foreign locations, adds to the MSB
services provided check boxes to
indicate seller of prepaid access and
provider of prepaid access, and updates
the existing terminology to match the
new MSB definitions. Added to part IV
is an entry to list financial services
being provided that are in addition to
those already indicated. Added in part
IV are a series of information boxes
regarding prepaid access that are to be
completed if the registrant is a provider
of prepaid access. This revision adds the
name of the prepaid program, the IIN/
BIN (first six numbers), the name of the
processor, and compliance point of
contact to include the phone number
and provides a check box to indicate if
the listed program is useable
internationally. This revision updates
part IV to clarify reporting the number
of U.S. agents providing MSB services.
Part V, Primary Transaction Account
for MSB Activities, adds depository
institution routing number, depository
institution IBAN if foreign, country
code, type of financial institution
(depository institution, non-depository
or foreign) in addition to existing
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Parts VI and VII change the name to
add, respectively, address and signature
of the Agent for Service of Process.
Type of Review: Renewal with change
of a currently approved collection
Affected public: Individuals, business
or other for-profit institutions, and notfor-profit institutions.
Frequency: Every two years.3
Estimated Burden: Reporting average
of 30 minutes per response;
recordkeeping average of 30 minutes per
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 22,150 hours.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) control number.
Records required to be retained under
the BSA must be retained for five years.
Generally, information collected
pursuant to the BSA is confidential, but
may be shared as provided by law with
regulatory and law enforcement
Request for Comments:
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; (e) estimates of capital or
start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance and purchase of services to
provide information; (f) whether it is a
business practice for providers of
prepaid access to contract with more
than one payment processor and if so,
please explain why and how many; and
(g) any other aspect of the revised form
and instructions.
Dated: September 26, 2011.
Nicholas Colucci,
Acting Director, Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network.
3 Per
31 CFR 1022.380(b)(2).
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 194 / Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 194 / Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Notices
VASRD Improvement Forum—
Updating Disability Criteria for the
Respiratory System, Cardiovascular
System, Hearing Impairment, and Ear,
Nose and Throat Diseases
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Notice of meeting.
The Veterans Benefits
Administration (VBA) and Veterans
Health Administration (VHA) will cohost the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) Schedule for Rating Disabilities
(VASRD) Improvement Forum—
Updating Disability Criteria for the
Respiratory System, Cardiovascular
System, Hearing Impairment, and Ear,
Nose and Throat Diseases. The purpose
of this VASRD Improvement Forum is to
capture public comment and current
medical science information from
presentations made by subject matter
experts. VA plans to use this
information to update the sections of the
VASRD that pertain to the following
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four body systems: (1) Respiratory
System (38 CFR 4.96–4.97), (2) the
Cardiovascular System (38 CFR 4.100–
4.104), (3) the Impairment of Auditory
Acuity (38 CFR 4.85 and 4.86) and (4)
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases (38 CFR
4.87 and 4.97 currently under Schedule
of Respiratory System). Specifically,
diagnostic code descriptors and
evaluation criteria will be discussed.
Contingent upon available capacity and
time, individuals wishing to make oral
statements will be accommodated on a
first-come, first-served basis.
DATES: The plenary session on Tuesday,
October 11, 2011, will cover hearing
impairment and diseases of the ear, nose
and throat and auditory acuity. The
plenary session on Thursday, October
13, 2011, will cover the respiratory
system. The plenary session on
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, will cover
the cardiovascular system. All plenary
sessions will be held at the VHA New
York Harbor Health Care System,
Manhattan Campus from 8:30 a.m.–4:30
p.m. Work group meetings for the
corresponding VASRD systems will be
held the day following the plenary
sessions from 8:30–4:30 p.m. at the VBA
New York Regional Office. The
Auditory Acuity and Ear, Nose and
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Throat Diseases Work Group meeting
will take place on Wednesday, October
12, 2011, the Respiratory System Work
Group will meet on Friday, October 14,
2011, and on Wednesday, October 19
and Thursday, October 20, 2011, the
Cardiovascular Work Group will meet.
The plenary sessions will be
held at the VHA New York Harbor
Healthcare System, Manhattan Campus,
located at 423 East 23 Street, New York,
NY 10010, and the work group meetings
will occur at the VBA New York
Regional office located at 245 West
Houston Street, New York, NY 10014.
Nick Olmos-Lau, M.D., Regulation Staff
(211D), Compensation Service,
Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC
20420. Anyone wishing to attend these
meetings or seeking additional
information may also contact Dr. OlmosLau at (202) 461–9695 or
Dated: September 29, 2011.
John R. Gingrich,
Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2011–25780 Filed 10–5–11; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2011–25607 Filed 10–5–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 194 (Thursday, October 6, 2011)]
[Pages 62149-62164]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-25607]
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Renewal With Changes to a
Currently Approved Collection; the Registration of Money Services
Business (MSB), FinCEN Report 107, To Incorporate Changes to the MSB
Definitions and Add Provisions for Prepaid Access
AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (``FinCEN''), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, FinCEN invites comment on a proposed information
collection contained in a revised form, Registration of Money Services
Business, FinCEN Form 107. The form will be used by dealers in foreign
exchange; check cashers; issuers, sellers, and redeemers of traveler's
checks and money orders; providers of prepaid access; and money
transmitters to register with the
[[Page 62150]]
Department of the Treasury as required by statute. This request for
comments is being made pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104-13, 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A).
DATES: Written comments are welcome and must be received on or before
December 5, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be submitted to: Office of
Regulatory Policy and Programs Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network, Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 39, Vienna, Virginia
22183, Attention: PRA Comments--MSB Registration--Form 107. Comments
also may be submitted by electronic mail to the following Internet
address:, again with a caption, in the body of
the text, ``Attention: PRA Comments--MSB Registration--Form 107.''
Inspection of comments: Comments may be inspected, between 10 a.m.
and 4 p.m., in the FinCEN reading room in Vienna, VA. Persons wishing
to inspect the comments submitted must request an appointment with the
Disclosure Officer by telephoning (703) 905-5034 (Not a toll free
(800) 949-2732 and select Option 1.
Title: Registration of Money Services Business.
OMB Number: 1506-0013.
Form Number: FinCEN Form 107.
Abstract: The statute generally referred to as the ``Bank Secrecy
Act,'' (``BSA'') Titles I and II of Public Law 91-508, as amended,
codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b, 12 U.S.C. 1951-1959, and 31 U.S.C. 5311-
5330, authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, inter alia, to issue
regulations requiring records and reports that are determined to have a
high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, and regulatory matters.
Regulations implementing Title II of the BSA (codified at 31 U.S.C.
5311-5330) appear at 31 CFR chapter X. The authority of the Secretary
to administer the BSA has been delegated to the Director of FinCEN.
Under 31 U.S.C. 5330 and its implementing regulations, money
services businesses must register with the Department of the Treasury,
maintain a list of their agents, and renew their registration every two
years. Currently, money services businesses register by filing FinCEN
Form 107, which is being revised to incorporate changes to the MSB
definitions \1\ and provide for prepaid access program \2\ information.
The information collected on the form is required to comply with 31
U.S.C. 5330 and its implementing regulations. The information will be
used to assist supervisory and law enforcement agencies in the
enforcement of criminal, tax, and regulatory laws and to prevent money
services businesses from being used by those engaging in money
laundering, terrorist financing and other illicit financial crimes. The
collection of information is mandatory.
\1\ See 76 FR 43585, dated July 21, 2011.
\2\ See 76 FR 45403, dated July 29, 2011.
Current Actions: The current FinCEN Form 107 and instructions are
being revised to update the information collection tool as follows:
Part I adds Item 1e, RMSB Registration number for all but initial
Part II expands Item 3 into separate fields to record last name/
entity, adds a check box to indicate ``if entity,'' adds first name and
middle initial boxes. In Item 6, adds AKA to the DBA entry, adds a box
to indicate a foreign country, adds a box to indicate the type of
taxpayer identification number (TIN), adds a space for recording a Web
site (URL) address if available, and adds spaces to identify the name
and phone number of the compliance contact person for the MSB.
Part III repeats the same name entry expansion, TIN and TIN type as
in part II. E-mail address and Web site info is added and removes ID
information box 23 on the current form.
Part IV adds a check box to indicate foreign locations, adds to the
MSB services provided check boxes to indicate seller of prepaid access
and provider of prepaid access, and updates the existing terminology to
match the new MSB definitions. Added to part IV is an entry to list
financial services being provided that are in addition to those already
indicated. Added in part IV are a series of information boxes regarding
prepaid access that are to be completed if the registrant is a provider
of prepaid access. This revision adds the name of the prepaid program,
the IIN/BIN (first six numbers), the name of the processor, and
compliance point of contact to include the phone number and provides a
check box to indicate if the listed program is useable internationally.
This revision updates part IV to clarify reporting the number of U.S.
agents providing MSB services.
Part V, Primary Transaction Account for MSB Activities, adds
depository institution routing number, depository institution IBAN if
foreign, country code, type of financial institution (depository
institution, non-depository or foreign) in addition to existing
Parts VI and VII change the name to add, respectively, address and
signature of the Agent for Service of Process.
Type of Review: Renewal with change of a currently approved
collection report.
Affected public: Individuals, business or other for-profit
institutions, and not-for-profit institutions.
Frequency: Every two years.\3\
\3\ Per 31 CFR 1022.380(b)(2).
Estimated Burden: Reporting average of 30 minutes per response;
recordkeeping average of 30 minutes per response.
Estimated number of respondents: 44,300.
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 22,150 hours.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of
information displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number. Records required to be retained under the BSA must be
retained for five years. Generally, information collected pursuant to
the BSA is confidential, but may be shared as provided by law with
regulatory and law enforcement authorities.
Request for Comments:
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of
the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
respondents, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology; (e) estimates of
capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance and
purchase of services to provide information; (f) whether it is a
business practice for providers of prepaid access to contract with more
than one payment processor and if so, please explain why and how many;
and (g) any other aspect of the revised form and instructions.
Dated: September 26, 2011.
Nicholas Colucci,
Acting Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
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[FR Doc. 2011-25607 Filed 10-5-11; 8:45 am]