Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads; Technical Amendment, 59014-59023 [2011-24482]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
airspace at Burlington, VT (76 FR
38584) Docket No. FAA–2011–0243.
Interested parties were invited to
participate in this rulemaking effort by
submitting written comments on the
proposal to the FAA. No comments
were received. Subsequent to
publication, the FAA found that the
Burlington VORTAC is now recognized
as the Burlington VOR/DME. This rule
notes the change. Class E airspace
designations are published in paragraph
6005 of FAA Order 7400.9V dated
August 9, 2011, and effective September
15, 2011, which is incorporated by
reference in 14 CFR part 71.1. The Class
E airspace designations listed in this
document will be published
subsequently in the Order.
The Rule
This amendment to Title 14, Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71
amends the Class E airspace areas at
Burlington, VT, to support new
Standard Instrument Approach
Procedures at Burlington International
Airport. The existing Class E surface
area airspace and Class E airspace
designated as an extension are being
modified for the safety and management
of IFR operations at the airport. The
geographic coordinates for Burlington
International Airport in all Class E
airspace areas are being adjusted to be
in concert with the FAAs aeronautical
database. This action also changes the
name of the navigation aid from
Burlington VORTAC to Burlington
VOR/DME. This action enhances the
safety and management of IFR
operations at the airport.
The FAA has determined that this
regulation only involves an established
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current, is non-controversial and
unlikely to result in adverse or negative
comments. It, therefore, (1) is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
does not warrant preparation of a
Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated
impact is so minimal. Since this is a
routine matter that will only affect air
traffic procedures and air navigation, it
is certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code.
Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
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authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in subtitle
VII, part A, subpart I, section 40103.
Under that section, the FAA is charged
with prescribing regulations to assign
the use of airspace necessary to ensure
the safety of aircraft and the efficient
use of airspace. This regulation is
within the scope of that authority as it
amends controlled airspace at
Burlington International Airport,
Burlington, VT.
Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9V, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points,
dated August 9, 2011, effective
September 15, 2011, is amended as
Paragraph 6002 Class E airspace designated
as surface areas.
ANE VT E2 Burlington, VT [Amended]
Burlington International Airport, VT
(Lat. 44°28′19″ N., long. 73°09′12″ W.)
Burlington, VOR/DME
(Lat. 44°23′50″ N., long. 73°10′57″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from the
surface within a 5-mile radius of Burlington
International Airport, and within 2.4 miles
each side of the Burlington VOR/DME 201°
radial extending from the 5-mile radius of the
airport to 7 miles southwest of the Burlington
VOR/DME, and within 1.8 miles each side of
the Burlington International Airport 302°
bearing extending from the 5-mile radius of
the airport to 5.4 miles northwest of the
airport, and within 4 miles each side of the
Burlington International Airport 131° bearing
extending from the 5-mile radius to 16 miles
southeast of the airport. This Class E airspace
is effective during the specific dates and
times established in advance by a Notice to
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Airmen. The effective date and time will
thereafter be continuously published in the
Airport/Facility Directory.
Paragraph 6003 Class E airspace areas
designated as an extension.
ANE VT E3 Burlington, VT [Amended]
Burlington International Airport, VT
(Lat. 44°28′19″ N., long. 73°09′12″ W.)
Burlington, VOR/DME
(Lat. 44°23′50″ N., long. 73°10′57″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from the
surface within 2.4 miles on each side of the
Burlington VOR/DME 201° radial extending
from a 5-mile radius of the airport to 7 miles
southwest of the Burlington VOR/DME, and
within 1.8 miles each side of the Burlington
International Airport 302° bearing extending
from the 5-mile radius of the airport to 5.4
miles northwest of the airport and within 4
miles each side of the Burlington
International Airport 131° bearing extending
from the 5-mile radius of the airport to 16
miles southeast of the airport.
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
ANE VT E5 Burlington, VT [Amended]
Burlington International Airport, VT
(Lat. 44°28′19″ N., long. 73°09′12″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 23-mile radius
of Burlington International Airport;
excluding that airspace within the
Plattsburgh, NY, Class E airspace area.
Issued in College Park, Georgia, on August
29, 2011.
Mark D. Ward,
Manager, Operations Support Group, Eastern
Service Center, Air Traffic Organization.
[FR Doc. 2011–24349 Filed 9–22–11; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Part 1632
[CPSC Docket No. CPSC–2010–0105]
Standard for the Flammability of
Mattresses and Mattress Pads;
Technical Amendment
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘CPSC,’’ ‘‘Commission,’’
or ‘‘we’’) is amending its standard for
the flammability of mattresses and
mattress pads to revise the ignition
source specification in that standard.1
1 The Commission voted 5–0 to approve
publication of this final rule. Commissioner Nancy
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
The ignition source cigarette specified
for use in the mattress standard’s
performance tests is no longer
produced. The Commission is requiring
a standard reference material cigarette,
which was developed by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
as the ignition source for testing to the
mattress standard.
DATES: The rule will become effective
on September 23, 2012.
Allyson Tenney, Office of Compliance
and Field Operations, Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 4330 East
West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814–
4408; telephone (301) 504–7567;
A. Background
erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
1. The Current Standard and the Need
To Change the Ignition Source
The Standard for the Flammability of
Mattresses and Mattress Pads (‘‘the
Standard’’), 16 CFR part 1632, was
initially issued by the U.S. Department
of Commerce in 1972 under the
authority of the Flammable Fabrics Act
(‘‘FFA’’), 15 U.S.C. 1191 et seq. When
the Consumer Product Safety Act
(‘‘CPSA’’) created the Consumer Product
Safety Commission, it transferred to the
Commission the authority to issue
flammability standards under the FFA.
The Standard sets forth a test to
determine the ignition resistance of a
mattress or mattress pad when exposed
to a lighted cigarette. Lighted cigarettes
are placed at specified locations on the
surface of a mattress (or mattress pad).
The Standard establishes pass/fail
criteria for the tests. Currently, the
Standard specifies the ignition source
for these tests by its physical properties.
These properties were originally
selected to represent an unfiltered Pall
Mall cigarette, which was identified as
the most severe smoldering ignition
In January 2008, we learned that the
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
planned to stop producing unfiltered
Pall Mall cigarettes (although it would
continue to make a reduced ignition
propensity or ‘‘RIP’’ version). CPSC
staff, mattress manufacturers, and
testing organizations were concerned
about testing to the Standard if the
specified ignition source cigarettes were
unavailable. Under an Interagency
Agreement (‘‘IAG’’) with the CPSC, the
A. Nord filed a statement concerning this action
which may be viewed on the Commission’s Web
site at or
obtained from the Commission’s Office of the
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National Institute of Standards and
Technology (‘‘NIST’’) developed a
standard reference material (‘‘SRM’’)
cigarette that could be used as the
ignition source in the Standard.
2. NIST’s Research
Currently, the Standard requires that
the ignition source for testing mattresses
‘‘shall be cigarettes without filter tips
made from natural tobacco, 85 ± 2 mm
long with a tobacco packing density of
0.270 ± 0.02 g/cm3 and a total weight of
1.1 ± 0.1 g.’’ 16 CFR 1632.4(a)(2). This
specification was intended to describe a
conventional unfiltered Pall Mall
cigarette that was available when the
Standard was developed. According to
research conducted by NIST’s
predecessor, the National Bureau of
Standards, in the 1970s, this
specification was chosen in order to
replicate the most severe smoldering
ignition source for testing mattresses
and mattress pads. (See Loftus, Joseph
J., ‘‘Results of Temperature
Measurements Made on Burning
Cigarettes and Their Use as a Standard
Ignition Source for Mattress Testing,’’
NBS Memo Report, National Bureau of
Standards, June 18, 1971: and Loftus,
Joseph J., ‘‘Back-Up Report for the
Proposed Standard for the Flammability
(Cigarette Ignition Resistance) of
Upholstered Furniture,’’ PFF 6–76,
NBSIR 78–1438, National Bureau of
Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, June
In January 2008, when we learned
that R.J. Reynolds intended to stop
producing the unfiltered Pall Mall
cigarettes, we sought an alternate
ignition source that would have the
same burning characteristics as the
ignition source specified in the
Standard. Our intention has been to find
a replacement ignition source that
would replicate the level of safety of the
ignition source specified in the
Standard and would provide
consistency in testing. Under this
approach, the Standard would maintain
the same level of safety, neither more
nor less stringent. In August 2008, we
entered into an IAG with NIST to
develop a new cigarette ignition source
SRM that would fit these parameters.
There are no cigarette ignition test
data to characterize the ignition
propensity of cigarettes from 1972,
when the Standard was promulgated. In
the absence of such data, and consistent
with the intent of the original Standard,
NIST sought to identify the highest
ignition strength cigarette. NIST
evaluated Pall Mall cigarettes of
different vintages (1992 through 2008)
to determine the ignition strengths of
the cigarettes that had been used to test
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soft furnishings, such as mattresses. The
NIST research strongly indicated that
the SRM is equivalent in ignition
strength to the previous highest known
strength unfiltered Pall Mall cigarette.
In June 2009, NIST provided us with
a report on its research, ‘‘NIST
Technical Note 1627: Modification of
ASTM E 2187 for Measuring the Ignition
Propensity of Conventional Cigarettes’’
(Ref. 1). We used NIST’s research as the
basis to establish specific parameters for
a new ignition source to be specified in
the Standard.
After developing a standard
procedure for determining the ignition
strength of cigarettes and assessing
different vintage cigarettes, NIST
recommended that the new SRM
cigarette meet the following
• Nominal length: 83 mm ± 2mm;
• Tobacco packing density: 0.270 g/
cm3 ± 0.020g/cm3;
• Mass: 1.1 g ± 0.1 g;
• Ignition Strength: 70 Percent Full
Length Burn (PFLB) to 95 PFLB using
ASTM E 2187, as modified in Section
4.2 of NIST Technical Note 1627; and
• Non-‘‘Fire-Safe Cigarette’’ (FSC)
The first three descriptors are
consistent with the physical
requirements listed in the Standard for
the ignition source. The recommended
ignition strength range reflects the three
oldest vintages of the Pall Mall cigarette
tested by NIST. These vintages reflect
the intent of the Standard to represent
a worst-case ignition source.
B. Statutory Provisions
The FFA sets forth the process by
which we can issue or amend a
flammability standard. In accordance
with those provisions, we are revising
the ignition source specification in the
Standard to require that the SRM
cigarette developed by NIST be used as
the ignition source for testing under the
Standard. As required by the FFA, we
published a proposed rule containing
the text of the ignition source revision,
alternatives considered, and a
preliminary regulatory analysis. 15
U.S.C. 1193(i). 75 FR 67047 (Nov. 1,
2010). To issue a final rule, the
Commission must prepare a final
regulatory analysis and make certain
findings concerning any relevant
voluntary standard, the relationship of
costs and benefits of the rule (in this
case, the ignition source revision), and
the burden imposed by the rule. Id.
1193(j). In addition, the Commission
must find that the rule: (1) Is needed to
adequately protect the public against the
risk of the occurrence of fire leading to
death, injury, or significant property
damage; (2) is reasonable,
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
technologically practicable, and
appropriate; (3) is limited to fabrics,
related materials, or products which
present unreasonable risks; and (4) is
stated in objective terms. Id. 1193(b).
The Commission also must provide an
opportunity for interested persons to
make an oral presentation concerning
the rulemaking before the Commission
may issue a final rule. Id. 1193(d). In the
preamble to the proposed rule (75 FR at
67048), we requested that anyone who
wanted to make an oral presentation
concerning this rulemaking contact the
Commission’s Office of the Secretary
within 45 days of publication of this
notice. We did not receive any requests
to make an oral presentation.
C. Response to Comments on the
Proposed Rule
We published a notice of proposed
rulemaking in the Federal Register on
November 1, 2010. 75 FR 67047. We
received five comments in response to
the proposal. Two comments were from
industry trade associations: the
International Sleep Products
Association (‘‘ISPA’’) and the National
Textile Association (‘‘NTA’’). Two
comments were from individuals, and
one comment was from the National
Association of State Fire Marshals
A summary of each of the
commenter’s topics is presented, and
each topic is followed by our response.
For ease of reading, each topic will be
prefaced with a numbered ‘‘Comment’’;
and each response will be prefaced by
a corresponding numbered ‘‘Response.’’
Each ‘‘Comment’’ is numbered to help
distinguish between different topics.
The number assigned to each comment
is for organizational purposes only and
does not signify the comment’s value or
importance or the order in which it was
received. Comments on similar topics
are grouped together.
erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
1. The Use of SRM 1196
(Comment 1) One commenter agreed
that we should specify SRM 1196 and
maintain the level of safety established
by the original Standard, noting that
‘‘lowering the strength of the ignition
source would be tantamount to a policy
decision by CPSC to make the standard
less effective, as it would reduce the
level of resistance to smoldering
ignition sources currently required of
mattresses and mattress pads.’’
(Response 1) We agree that it is
appropriate to specify SRM 1196 as the
new ignition source for 16 CFR part
1632. Incorporation of this SRM would
be ‘‘safety-neutral’’ and would not affect
the stringency of the Standard.
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(Comment 2) Two commenters stated
that we should consider the 2007–08
non-RIP Pall Mall as the target for a
‘‘safety neutral’’ SRM cigarette because
in NIST testing, it exhibited a 30 percent
to 50 percent full-length burn (PFLB).
They argued that we are effectively
increasing the stringency of the
Standard by using an SRM cigarette
with a 90 percent PFLB.
(Response 2) The use of SRM 1196,
which mimics the highest PFLB
measured by NIST among commercial
cigarettes (the 1992 Pall Mall), does not
alter the intent of the Standard; rather,
SRM usage ensures continuity of a
reliably high PFLB with low variability
in the ignition source. This approach is
consistent with the intent of the
Standard, and it means that the level of
safety that the Standard has provided
over the years will remain the same.
The consistently high PFLB of SRM
1196 (70 percent to 90 percent PFLB) is
key to successful completion of the test
to determine compliance with the
Standard. To test the smoldering
ignition of mattresses and mattress pads
under 16 CFR part 1632, cigarettes are
expected to burn their entire length. If
a cigarette self-extinguishes during
testing, it must be replaced with a
cigarette in another location of the same
type of construction feature. Tests using
lower PFLB cigarettes would yield
misleading results that do not reflect the
performance of the mattress being
tested. Further, using an SRM cigarette
with a lower PFLB, such as the 2007–
08 non-RIP Pall Mall, to meet the testing
requirements of 16 CFR part 1632,
would require using more cigarettes to
complete the test, to the extent that selfextinguishing cigarettes would need to
be replaced during the test. In some
cases, it may be impossible to complete
a test if the cigarettes self-extinguish
(Comment 3) Three commenters
stated that we should allow unfiltered
RIP Pall Malls or other lower heatproducing cigarettes that are
commercially available on the market to
be used for testing to 16 CFR part 1632.
(Response 3) The Standard does not
require that a commercial cigarette be
used; however, cigarettes that burn their
full length are needed to complete the
test. In 1972, the unfiltered, 85 mm Pall
Mall was identified as the most severe
ignition source among commercial
cigarettes. SRM cigarettes, which are
designed to exhibit consistent burning
behavior, did not exist at that time.
NIST’s research demonstrates that the
PFLB performance of commercial
cigarettes is subject to significant
variability that can lead to inconsistent
test results. The use of SRM 1196,
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which mimics the highest PFLB
measured by NIST among commercial
cigarettes (the 1992 Pall Mall), does not
alter the intent of the Standard; rather,
SRM usage ensures continuity of a
reliable ignition source with a high
enough PFLB to allow for completion of
the test.
(Comment 4) One commenter
suggested that we had insufficient
information to reject another existing
SRM cigarette—NIST SRM 1082—
(which is a RIP cigarette) as the ignition
source in the Standard. The commenter
argued that we should allow NIST SRM
1082 to be used in 16 CFR part 1632
instead of SRM 1196.
(Response 4) The purpose of
specifying an SRM cigarette, which has
been certified by NIST to meet
specifications, is to enhance
repeatability of smoldering ignition test
results without changing the level of fire
safety provided by the Standard.
State laws requiring ‘‘fire safe’’
cigarettes stipulate that such cigarettes
meet an established cigarette fire safety
performance standard, based on ASTM
E2187, Standard Test Method for
Measuring the Ignition Strength of
Cigarettes. NIST SRM 1082 has a 12.6 ±
3.3 percent PFLB and is intended for
use by test laboratories to assess and
control their test method and apparatus
to evaluate cigarette ignition propensity
of RIP cigarettes in accordance with
ASTM E2187.
A cigarette with a low PFLB, like SRM
1082, would yield fewer successfully
completed tests for purposes of part
1632, resulting in the use of more
cigarettes to complete the test to
determine compliance with the
Standard. In addition, use of SRM 1082
would not represent a severe cigarette
ignition source, and as such, would not
be consistent with the original Standard.
(Comment 5) One commenter
suggested that we move ahead with
development of a surrogate smoldering
ignition source that is not a cigarette.
(Response 5) SRM 1196 is a shortterm solution to a longer-term issue.
Anticipating the need for a longer-term
solution, we have entered into a new
Interagency Agreement with NIST to
develop a surrogate ignition source.
This project began in FY 2010.
(Comment 6) One commenter stated
that SRM 1196 is an inappropriate
ignition source for upholstery fabric.
(Response 6) This regulatory
proceeding pertains only to 16 CFR part
1632, Standard for the Flammability of
Mattresses and Mattress Pads. It does
not apply to the Commission’s
upholstered furniture rulemaking (73 FR
11702 (March 4, 2008)).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
2. The Effectiveness of Reduced Ignition
Propensity (RIP) Cigarettes
(Comment 7) Two commenters
asserted that we did not properly
consider the potential of RIP cigarettes
in reducing cigarette-ignited fires.
(Response 7) We are very interested in
evaluating the potential of RIP cigarettes
to reduce cigarette-ignited fires when
mattresses and mattress pads are the
first item ignited. In FY 2007, we began
work on a Cigarette Ignition Risk (CIR)
project. The goal of the CIR project is to
evaluate the change in the cigaretteignited fire hazard presented by RIP
cigarettes. This project was deferred in
FY 2009 and FY 2010, due to resource
constraints. We resumed the study in
FY 2011. Results from the CIR study
may inform the agency’s development of
a surrogate ignition source.
Although RIP cigarettes are designed
to self-extinguish if left unattended,
claims that RIP cigarettes actually
reduce cigarette-ignited fires have not
been substantiated by empirical state or
national data. We have begun
investigating the effect of RIP cigarettes
but have no test data or epidemiological
evidence demonstrating that RIP
cigarettes decrease the number of
reported incidences of smoldering
ignitions of mattresses or mattress pads.
We are not aware of any published
studies on the effectiveness of RIP
cigarettes that included testing of RIP
and non-RIP cigarettes on commercially
available mattresses, mattress pads, or
mattress mock-ups. If the mattress
industry has sufficient test data to
support the hypothesis that RIP
cigarettes consistently self-extinguish on
16 CFR part 1632- and part 1633compliant mattresses, we would
welcome the opportunity to review that
All 50 states and Canada have
adopted pass/fail criteria that will allow
no more than 25 percent of 40 tested
cigarettes to burn their full length when
tested in accordance with ASTM E2187;
this means that 10 out of every 40 tested
RIP cigarettes are allowed to burn their
full length (i.e., not self-extinguish).
Although this does not mean that 25
percent of commercial RIP cigarettes
would be expected to fail the test, it
suggests that zero PFLB is unlikely. The
‘‘worst-case’’ RIP cigarette would be one
that burns its full length exactly like a
non-RIP cigarette. Further, commercial
RIP cigarettes could exhibit the same
variability as observed among non-RIP
cigarettes, thereby reducing reliability of
test results.
(Comment 8) One commenter noted
that the report from the National Fire
Protection Association (‘‘NFPA’’), ‘‘The
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Smoking Material Fire Problem’’ (Hall,
J.R. The Smoking Material Fire Problem,
National Fire Protection Association.
Sept. 2010. stated
that RIP cigarettes have the potential to
reduce deaths and injuries from
cigarette-caused fires by 56 to 77
percent, compared to 2003 levels. The
commenter noted that this was not
accounted for in the proposed rule.
(Response 8) The NFPA estimate is
preliminary and will likely change
when 2010 data are available. The
NFPA report cited estimates that when
fully effective, the RIP cigarette laws
should result in a 56 percent to 77
percent reduction in smoking material
fire deaths relative to 2003. NFPA
produced this estimated range by
comparing the National Fire Incident
Reporting System (‘‘NFIR’’) smoking
material fire deaths estimate from 2003
(the last full year before the first state
implemented a RIP cigarette law), to the
estimate for 2008 (which is the most
recent year for which it has estimates).
NFPA’s estimate incorporates a factor to
adjust for the fact that only an estimated
21 percent to 29 percent of the
population was under the RIP cigarette
law in 2008. This method adjustment
adds uncertainty to the estimate.
Measuring the reduction in fire losses
from 2003 to 2010 is more appropriate
because in 2010, virtually 100 percent of
the population was effectively covered
by the law, and no mathematical
projection would be necessary.
Commission staff will use the 2010
estimate when it becomes available.
3. The Cost of SRM 1196
(Comment 9) Two commenters stated
that specifying SRM 1196 as the new
ignition source is not a modest change,
and it may result in significant
substantive changes to 16 CFR part 1632
that could impose major new costs on
mattress manufacturers.
(Response 9) The purpose of SRM
1196 is to enhance repeatability and
reproducibility of test results, without
changing the level of fire safety. Since
the time we issued the proposal, NIST
has reduced the price of SRM 1196 from
$239 for one carton to $239 for two
cartons, and this price reduction should
help alleviate some cost concerns. The
total estimated annual cost of the
technical amendment is approximately
$24,000, or less than one cent per
mattress produced under those tests.
This does not represent a significant
new cost to manufacturers. A discussion
of the costs and benefits is found in the
Directorate for Economic Analysis
Report: Final Regulatory Analysis:
Smoldering Ignition Source Draft
Proposed Technical Amendment to the
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Flammability Standard for Mattresses
and Mattress Pads (16 CFR part 1632).
(Comment 10) One commenter noted
that the testing and certification
requirements of the Consumer Product
Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) would
impose additional testing cost burdens
on mattress manufacturers and that
these additional CPSIA burdens would
compound any cost increase related to
revising the ignition source provision in
the Standard.
(Response 10) Although the CPSIA
may impose testing and certification
costs on industry, both related and
unrelated to the Standard, the revision
to the ignition source provision would
have a negligible effect on such costs.
The revision will increase aggregate
estimated testing costs by about 3.5
percent, or about $24,000 per year;
average increased testing costs for
individual firms would range from
about $45 to $162 per year. This
assumes that testing would be
performed largely by third party
laboratories, as required under the
CPSIA for regulated children’s products
(Comment 11) Three commenters
expressed concern that mattress
manufacturers would incur
unwarranted or excessive production
costs. One commenter indicated that
revising the ignition source provision
could impose ‘‘major new costs’’ on
firms whose products previously
complied but had to be redesigned to
pass the Standard when tested with
SRM 1196.
(Response 11) Because the revision to
the ignition source provision is
intended to be ‘‘safety neutral,’’ it would
likely have no effect on the pass/fail
performance of articles subject to the
Standard. Design and production costs
would increase only if mattresses
previously thought to comply failed the
test with SRM cigarettes. There is no
evidence from CPSC experience or data
provided by industry that this would
result, so long as the tests were
conducted correctly with cigarettes that
burn their full length. The
approximately $24,000 aggregate annual
testing cost of the SRM cigarettes
represents a small increase in total
testing costs, ranging from about onethird to one cent per mattress produced
under those tests.
(Comment 12) One commenter
suggested that under a 90 PFLB SRM,
manufacturers would incur costs in
order to produce mattresses that
complied with tests using 100 PFLB
cigarettes, so that the finished products
would incorporate a reasonable ‘‘margin
of safety’’ beyond the minimum
requirements of the Standard. The
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commenter stated that this was
analogous to doubling the flame
exposure time in the 16 CFR part 1633
open-flame test from 30 to 60 minutes.
(Response 12) Specifying SRM 1196
as the ignition source would more likely
have the opposite result; that is, a more
repeatable ignition source in the test
should improve the reliability of the test
results and lessen the need for
manufacturers to build in a ‘‘margin of
safety’’ to account for test variability.
The commenter may be confusing the
relationship between test material
specifications and the stringency of the
Standard itself. The ‘‘margin of safety’’
built into the production of mattresses
ordinarily would be related to the
performance requirements prescribed in
the Standard for tested mattress
samples. If, however, test results were
unreliable due to the variability of the
test cigarettes, manufacturers might
build mattresses that, for example, pass
the test in more than the minimum
number of locations or that exhibit
shorter-than-required char length
results. The SRM cigarette ignition
source increases the likelihood of a
successful test and enhances the
repeatability of test results, and it
decreases the number of retests
necessary to determine compliance. A
test cigarette that burns its full length
would be acceptable for the test,
whether it was a 90 PFLB SRM or a 50
PFLB SRM cigarette. Differences in the
PFLB of test cigarettes are independent
of the performance requirements of
either of the two mattress standards.
4. The FFA, Regulatory Alternatives,
and Other FFA Rulemakings
(Comment 13) One commenter argued
that we failed to meet requirements of
the FFA in proposing this amendment
to 16 CFR part 1632. The commenter
stated that section 4 of the FFA requires
us to base our decision to amend our
regulations on research and
investigation, and the commenter felt
that the proposal had failed to do this.
(Response 13) The proposed
amendment is based on substantial
research and investigation conducted by
NIST. In August 2008, we entered into
an IAG with NIST to develop a new
cigarette smoldering ignition source. In
June 2009, NIST provided a report on its
research, ‘‘NIST Technical Note 1627:
Modification of ASTM E 2187 for
Measuring the Ignition Propensity of
Conventional Cigarettes.’’ The research
described in this report was used to
help develop SRM 1196. In July 2009,
we posted NIST Technical Note 1627 on
our Web site to keep stakeholders
informed of the progress of this research
and invite comments. We addressed the
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comments received on NIST Technical
Note 1627 in CPSC staff’s October 13,
2010, NPR Briefing Package, and the
preamble to the proposed rule also
discussed the comments (75 FR at
67049). In addition, the staff prepared
initial and final regulatory analyses as
required by section 4 of the FFA.
(Comment 14) The same commenter
argued that we failed to consider all
regulatory alternatives and other
standards relevant to amending 16 CFR
part 1632. Specifically, the commenter
argued that we did not consider the
extent to which 16 CFR part 1633
renders part 1632 redundant, despite
the fact that we have issued an Advance
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR)
to consider whether to revoke 1632 for
this reason.
(Response 14) We have a separate
proceeding (70 FR 36357 (June 23,
2005)) to consider whether to revoke 16
CFR part 1632. Issues related to the
need for 16 CFR part 1632, in light of
the existence of a separate mattress
standard (16 CFR part 1633), are
appropriate for that proceeding and
therefore, are outside the scope of this
rulemaking. This rulemaking is limited
to revising the provision in 16 CFR part
1632 specifying the ignition source for
the flammability test required in the
The Standard requiring mattresses to
be resistant to cigarette ignition, 16 CFR
part 1632, took effect in 1973. Although
smoldering ignition of mattresses (i.e.,
ignition from cigarettes) has declined
since that time, mattress fires ignited by
small open flames (such as lighters and
candles) have continued to cause a
significant number of deaths and
injuries. In 2006, we published a
flammability standard directed at the
hazard of open-flame ignition of
mattresses, 16 CFR part 1633, which
took effect on July 1, 2007. In the course
of the rulemaking to develop 16 CFR
part 1633, industry questioned whether
there would be overlap between the two
mattress flammability standards, making
continuation of 16 CFR part 1632
unnecessary. To examine the issue of
possible overlap between the two
standards, we published an ANPR for
the possible revocation or amendment
of 16 CFR part 1632, Standard for the
Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress
Pads in June 2005, and invited public
comments (70 FR 36357 (June 23,
2005)). Some commenters supported
revoking the Standard, while others
recommended careful review of the
risks, incident data, and benefits of the
Standard before revocation is
On October 20, 2005, the Sleep
Product Safety Council (‘‘SPSC’’), which
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is a safety division of the ISPA, met
with CPSC staff to discuss issues
associated with the possible revocation
or amendment of the Standard. At that
meeting, ISPA/SPSC told us of its plans
to work with NIST on a research project
to determine whether 16 CFR part 1632
was needed once 16 CFR part 1633
became effective. In addition, ISPA and
the SPSC discussed plans for a research
project with NIST to develop a
predictive, small-scale test for 1632.
(The meeting log is at https://
mtg06/MattressOct20.pdf). In 2009,
ISPA ended the research project at NIST
due to problems with controlling
standard test materials; the research was
not completed, and no data were
provided to CPSC from this project. At
this time, we are not aware of data
indicating that 16 CFR part 1633
eliminates or sufficiently reduces the
risk of injury from cigarette ignition of
mattresses, such that we could revoke
16 CFR part 1632.
(Comment 15) One commenter
asserted that we misunderstand the
purpose of 16 CFR part 1632 and that
the rule should provide for an ignition
source that represents cigarettes that are
commercially available today.
(Response 15) The commenter
misunderstands the limited nature of
this rulemaking. Although we have
authority to conduct the rulemaking that
the commenter suggests, the FFA does
not require it, and it would be a
different proceeding altogether. In
essence, the commenter wants us to
reopen and reexamine the entire
purpose of the Standard to see whether
a different Standard or different level of
protection should be in place than was
established when the Standard was
created in 1972. This approach would
require reevaluation of the level of risk
that exists from cigarette ignition of
In this proceeding, we are simply
specifying a substitute ignition source
for the one that currently is specified
but is no longer available; we are not
changing the level of protection or
reevaluating the current level of risk. As
discussed in the previous response, the
larger questions of the need for 16 CFR
part 1632 and evaluation of the current
level of risk posed by cigarette ignition
of mattresses are outside the scope of
this rulemaking.
(Comment 16) The same commenter
suggested that we halt this proceeding
and act on industry’s request to revoke
part 1632, issuing an interim rule to
suspend part 1632.
(Response 16) The question of
revocation or revision of 16 CFR part
1632 in light of 16 CFR part 1633 is the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
subject of a different rulemaking
proceeding, and these issues are outside
of the scope of this rulemaking. If
commenters have any data relevant to
that issue, they should provide it in
connection with that rulemaking. In the
meantime, 16 CFR part 1632 continues
to be in effect. The ignition source
specified in the Standard is no longer
available. The purpose of this
proceeding is to amend the Standard to
specify a comparable ignition source so
that reliable and representative testing
can continue under the current
(Comment 17) One commenter stated
that we did not consider the potential
impact of our pending ANPR regarding
the flammability of bedclothes.
(Response 17) On January 13, 2005,
we published an ANPR (70 FR 2514) for
a possible standard to address openflame ignition of bedclothes. Because
only an ANPR exists, there is no CPSC
standard for the flammability of
bedclothes. Therefore, there is no basis
for us to consider the impact that such
a standard might have on this rule.
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D. Description of the Revised Ignition
Source Provision
We are revising the ignition source
provision in the Standard, 16 CFR
1632.4(a)(2), to specify a standard
reference material based on research
conducted by NIST. The new SRM
cigarette is designated SRM 1196. As
discussed in section A.2 of this
preamble, based on NIST’s research, the
new SRM cigarette meets the following
• Nominal length: 83 mm ± 2mm;
• Tobacco packing density: 0.270 g/
cm3 ± 0.020g/cm3;
• Mass: 1.1 g ± 0.1 g;
• Ignition Strength: 70 Percent Full
Length Burn (PFLB) to 95 PFLB, using
ASTM E 2187, as modified in Section
4.2 of NIST Technical Note 1627; and
• Non-‘‘Fire-Safe Cigarette’’ (FSC).
Section 1632.4(a)(2) states that SRM
1196 is available for purchase from the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 100 Bureau Drive,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
E. Final Regulatory Analysis
Section 4(j) of the FFA requires that
the Commission prepare a final
regulatory analysis when it issues a
regulation under section 4 of the FFA
and that the analysis be published with
the rule. 15 U.S.C. 1193(j). The
following discussion extracted from the
staff’s memorandum titled, ‘‘Final
Regulatory Analysis: Smoldering
Ignition Source Technical Amendment
to the Flammability Standard for
Mattresses and Mattress Pads (16 CFR
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part 1632)’’ (Ref. 2), addresses this
1. Market/Industry Information
Available U.S. Economic Census data
in recent years show an estimated total
value of shipments of about $5 billion
of mattresses and related sleep products
(e.g., mattress pads, box springs,
innerspring cushions, and air-flotation
sleep systems). Domestic employment
for this category is estimated at about
20,000 workers. Industry estimates
indicate that the number of mattresses
(including unconventional items, such
as futons, crib and juvenile mattresses,
and sleep sofa inserts) shipped in the
United States residential market is
roughly 25 million units annually.
About 5 to 10 percent of this total is
comprised of imported products,
including some imports marketed by the
domestic manufacturers. The proportion
of imports for mattress pads is higher.
An estimated 150 to 200 domestic
firms produce new mattresses or
mattress pads in manufacturing
facilities in the United States. An
unknown, but potentially similar,
number of firms in the United States sell
renovated mattresses, which may
account for 2.5 million to 5 million
units, or between 10 and 20 percent of
mattresses sold. Thus, there may be as
many as approximately 400
manufacturing firms subject to 16 CFR
part 1632. These firms comprise more
than 600 production establishments.
Larger manufacturers may offer dozens
of models, not counting different size
designations (e.g., twin, full, queen,
king) at any given time; new models
may be introduced once or twice per
year. Many smaller firms market only a
few models and make few, if any,
construction changes in a year.
2. Potential Benefits and Costs
The SRM cigarette described in the
revised ignition source provision would
have approximately the same ignition
strength characteristics as originally
intended by the Standard. The use of
SRM cigarettes would not alter the
stringency of the flammability
performance tests in the Standard, so
the revised provision will not alter the
test method itself.
a. Potential Benefits
Because the revised ignition source
provision is ‘‘safety-neutral,’’ mattresses
that pass or fail under the existing
Standard would be expected to generate
similar results when the NISTdeveloped SRM is used. The level of
protection provided by the Standard
would neither increase nor decrease as
a result. Thus, there would be no impact
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on the level or value of fire safety
benefits derived from the 16 CFR part
1632 Standard.
However, there would be potential
benefits that are not readily quantifiable.
Currently, manufacturers and testing
laboratories do not have access to
continued supplies of test cigarettes
other than RIP Pall Mall cigarettes.
Existing inventories of conventional Pall
Mall cigarettes have been depleted or
exhausted. Many industry
representatives have requested guidance
on the issue of which cigarette to use in
Even if continuing supplies of
conventional test cigarettes were
available, the variability in cigarette
performance described in the NIST
research may lead to an unacceptably
low level of test outcome
reproducibility. This is causing
uncertainty among testing firms, and
among manufacturers and importers
certifying compliance with the
Standard. These firms have expressed
concern that tests conducted by the
CPSC and by industry may not be
comparable. This inconsistency could
lead to unnecessary additional testing.
Specifying the SRM cigarette would
reduce inconsistency and uncertainty
for industry, testing laboratories, and
the CPSC.
b. Potential Costs
Currently, manufacturers incur testing
costs related to 16 CFR part 1632
whenever new mattress models are
introduced that either: (1) Are of new
construction, or (2) have new tickings
that may influence cigarette ignition
resistance. Larger manufacturers may
introduce 20 or more new constructions
or ticking substitutions each year.
Smaller producers and renovators
probably introduce fewer items or rely
on prototype developers for multiple
models. Assuming that qualified
prototypes are developed for all new
constructions and ticking substitutions
to demonstrate compliance, a range of
estimates for annual prototypes and
ticking substitutions can be used to
project potential costs associated with
the proposed amendment to incorporate
SRM cigarettes into the Standard.
Pre-Amendment Testing Costs. For
most mattress models that require some
kind of testing, the testing cost per
model to manufacturers is comprised
chiefly of: (1) The resource costs of
producing the mattresses used for
destructive testing, including shipping
to a test laboratory; and (2) the
laboratory’s fee for the testing service,
which includes photographic and other
records prepared by the test laboratory,
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
as well as the cigarettes consumed in
The cost of mattresses consumed in
prototype testing may amount to
approximately $400 for a typical twomattress test series (although the range
can go much higher, to more than
$1,000 per mattress for low-volume,
specialty items). Prototype test charges
reported by third party testing
laboratories can vary widely, especially
by location. For example, charges for
tests performed in China tend to be
significantly lower than charges for tests
performed in the United States. Overall,
these charges, which include the cost of
the test cigarettes, may average about
$250 per prototype (labor and material
costs for manufacturers to perform their
own tests may be similar). Thus, the
current average total cost per mattress
prototype may be roughly $400 + $250
= $650. A ticking substitution test is
simpler and much less expensive,
requiring only small samples of ticking
material, a reusable small-scale test
apparatus, and a smaller number of
cigarettes; the average total cost may be
around $50.
Testing costs incurred for prototypes
and ticking substitutions can be
allocated over a production run of
mattresses. The cost per unit may vary
with production volume, the mix of
tests performed, and other factors. The
examples below incorporate
assumptions based on discussions with
industry representatives. These
examples illustrate some possible
baseline cost differences for larger
versus smaller firms:
Typical example for a medium-tolarge producer:
• 20 new models: 5 new constructions
+ 15 new tickings
• 5 prototype tests @ $650 each =
• 15 ticking substitution classification
tests @ $50 each = $750
• Total base year cost = $3,250 + $750
= $4,000
• Baseline testing cost for production
run of 50,000 units = $0.08 per unit
Typical example for a smaller producer:
• 5 new models: 2 new constructions +
3 new tickings
• 2 prototype tests @ $650 each =
• 3 ticking substitution classification
tests @ $50 each = $150
• Total base year cost = $1,300 + $150
= $1,450
• Baseline testing cost for production
run of 5,000 units = $0.29 per unit
These examples reflect the likely
average annual testing costs to industry,
assuming reasonably full compliance
with 16 CFR part 1632. Thus,
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approximate baseline testing costs for
the largest 50 mattress manufacturers
combined would be about 50 × $4,000
= $200,000 annually; testing costs for
the remaining 350 firms would be about
350 × $1,450 = $507,500. Thus, total
estimated baseline testing costs may be
about $200,000 + $507,500 = $707,500
per year.
Costs per Firm Associated with the
Revised Ignition Source Provision. The
only cost increase associated with
revising the ignition source provision to
specify SRM 1196 is related to the SRM
cigarettes. The list price of SRM
cigarettes from NIST is $239 for a twocarton minimum order, or about $120
per carton, plus shipping. A carton
contains 200 cigarettes, or 10 packs of
20. Shipping charges range from $10 to
$55 per order, or about $1 to $5 per
carton for a typical 10-carton order.
Thus, the estimated total average cost of
the SRM cigarettes would be up to about
$125 per carton. After we proposed the
amendment to the Standard, NIST
reduced the price of SRM 1196 by about
half, to reduce the potential cost burden
on industry. Testing laboratories and
others can obtain (RIP) Pall Mall
cigarettes currently on the market for
regionally varying prices of $60 to $100
per carton. Thus, the cost of cigarettes
to parties performing tests may rise from
a level of approximately $6 to $10 per
pack, to approximately $12.50 per pack,
representing an increase of about $2.50
to $6.50 per pack.
Under the protocol in 16 CFR part
1632, new packs of cigarettes are
opened for each test sequence. A new
prototype or confirmatory test consumes
about two packs, and a ticking
substitution test consumes about one
pack. Assuming an increased cost per
pack of $12.50¥6 = $6.50, the average
cost of performing the tests could
increase by 2 × $6.50 = $13 per
prototype and $6.50 per ticking
substitution. This represents a 2 percent
increase ($13/$650) in average total
resource costs per prototype, and a 12
percent increase ($6.50/$50) in average
resource costs per ticking substitution.
In the above ‘‘typical producer’’
examples, the larger firm with 20 new
models would incur increased prototype
costs of 5 × $13 = $65, plus increased
ticking substitution costs of 15 × $6.50
= $97.50, for a total annual increase of
$65 + $97.50 = $162.50 (about 4 percent
of the firm’s overall $4,000 annual
testing cost). Over a 50,000 unit
production run, the cost would be
$0.003 (i.e., about one-third of one cent)
per unit. The smaller firm with five new
models would incur increased prototype
costs of 2 × $13 = $26 and increased
ticking substitution costs of 3 × $6.50 =
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$19.50, for a total annual increase of $26
+ $19.50 = $45.50 (about 3 percent of
the firm’s overall $1,450 annual testing
cost). Over a 5,000 unit production run,
the increased testing cost would be
$0.009 (i.e., about one cent) per
In summary, the expected additional
cost of testing related to the revised
ignition source provision may range
from about $45.50 to $162.50 per firm.
The cost over a production run could
range from about one-third to one cent
per mattress produced under those tests.
The distribution of this projected cost
among manufacturers and testing
laboratories is uncertain because some
test laboratories may choose to pass on
their increased costs—in the form of
higher test fees—to manufacturers,
while others may not. Even if all such
costs were passed on to manufacturers,
it is unlikely that there would be a
noticeable effect on wholesale or retail
mattress prices.
Aggregate Costs Associated with
Revising the Ignition Source Provision.
There may be as many as 200 new
product manufacturers and 200
renovators, for a total of about 400 firms.
The largest 50 firms are assumed to have
20 new models (50 × 20 = 1,000 models
to be tested), and the remaining 350
firms to have five new models (350 × 5
= 1,750 models to be tested), for a total
of 1,000 + 1,750 = 2,750 models to be
tested. The aggregate annual cost of
specifying SRM 1196 as the ignition
source in the Standard will vary with
the number of new prototypes and
ticking substitutions. A point estimate
can be developed using the preamendment baseline examples above
and the best available information on
these variables.
Using the baseline assumptions for
new prototypes versus ticking
substitutions, the 50 largest firms would
have an average of five prototypes each
(for a total of 5 × 50 = 250) and the
remaining 350 smaller firms would have
two prototypes each (for a total of 2 ×
350 = 700); thus, the overall number of
prototypes to be performed would be
250 + 700 = 950. The number of ticking
substitutions would be 15 each for the
larger firms (for a total of 15 × 50 = 750)
and three each for the smaller firms (for
a total of 3 × 350 = 1,050); the overall
number of ticking substitutions would
be 750 + 1,050 = 1,800.
At two packs of cigarettes per
prototype and one pack per ticking
substitution, the estimated quantity
consumed in testing would be 2 × 950
= 1,900 for prototypes and 1,800 for
ticking substitutions, for a total of 1,900
+ 1,800 = 3,700 packs. At an increase of
$6.50 per pack, the estimated total
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resource cost would be 3,700 × $6.50 =
$24,050. This point estimate represents
an unweighted average increase of about
3.5 percent of the estimated $707,500
aggregate annual industry testing costs
related to 16 CFR part 1632. For annual
production of about 25 million
mattresses sold in the U.S., the
estimated overall average cost is less
than one-tenth of one cent per
production unit. The recent reduction in
the price of SRM 1196 cigarettes by
about half reduces the estimated total
cost from what was calculated for the
proposed amendment by about twothirds.
In addition to the projected costs to
industry, the CPSC and other
government agencies (e.g., the California
Bureau of Home Furnishings & Thermal
Insulation and the Canadian Ministry of
Health) would likely purchase small
quantities of SRM cigarettes from NIST
for compliance testing and related
research. Thus, these Federal and other
government agencies may incur minor
costs, depending on the numbers of tests
these organizations may perform in any
given year.
The effective date of the rule is one
year from the date of publication in the
Federal Register. Typically, new
mattress models are introduced once or
twice per year. The effective date would
allow this product cycle to proceed
without potential disruption or
additional testing costs.
In summary, revising the ignition
source provision in the Standard to
specify the SRM cigarette is not
expected to have a significant impact on
expected benefits or costs of the
Standard in 16 CFR part 1632. Resource
costs may amount to roughly $24,000
per year. The revision would, however,
reduce test variability and uncertainty
among manufacturers subject to the
Standard and among testing
organizations. Both the expected
benefits and likely economic costs are
small, and the likely effect on testing
costs per new prototype mattress or
ticking substitution would be minor,
especially when the projected cost is
allocated over a production run of
complying mattresses.
3. Regulatory Alternatives
The Commission considered two
basic alternatives: (1) Specify a different
SRM cigarette, with the approximate
lower ignition strength of an RIP
cigarette; or (2) take no action on the
smoldering ignition source issue.
Neither of these two alternatives
would likely have a substantial
economic impact. There would,
however, be some relative differences in
terms of resource costs and potential
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effects on the level of benefits the
Standard affords. The advantages and
disadvantages of these two basic
alternatives are discussed immediately
a. Alternate SRM
Under this first alternative, the
Commission could amend the Standard
to specify a different, lower ignition
propensity SRM cigarette. Such an SRM
would presumably be closer in ignition
strength to the ‘‘worst-case’’ RIP
cigarettes currently on the market.
There are three possible advantages to
specifying an alternative SRM: (1) The
problem of test repeatability and
reproducibility would be addressed, as
it is by specifying SRM 1196; (2) an
alternative SRM might better
approximate average ignition propensity
of commercial cigarettes; and (3)
currently, there is a low-ignition
propensity SRM (SRM 1082) developed
by NIST for use by state regulators in
assessing the compliance of RIP
There are three possible
disadvantages to specifying an
alternative SRM. First, there are no data
to establish that a low-ignition
propensity SRM would be equivalent or
‘‘safety neutral.’’ Moreover, the
reliability of mattress test results may
not be improved if, for example, only 50
percent of SRM cigarettes burned their
full length. It is unknown whether more
mattress construction prototypes would
pass the test using a lower ignition
propensity SRM than they do now with
commercial cigarettes. Thus, the impact
on mattress production costs is
The second possible disadvantage is
that the two known technical
approaches to developing a lower
ignition propensity SRM appear to be
incompatible with the test in 16 CFR
part 1632. Under existing state
regulations, all known commercial RIP
cigarettes incorporate banded paper that
is designed to impede full-length burns.
The test in 16 CFR part 1632 measures
mattress ignitions resulting from fulllength cigarette burns and allows up to
three relights per cigarette to achieve a
full length burn. It is likely that either:
(1) Many low-ignition propensity
cigarettes would be wasted in
completing the test; or (2) the test could
not be reliably completed using bandedpaper, self-extinguishing cigarettes.
Additionally, although the existing SRM
1082 (which represents a RIP cigarette)
does not use banded-paper technology,
it would have the same impracticalities
as the banded-paper cigarette under the
current Standard. The low ignition
propensity design of the existing SRM
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1082 is intended to yield a 12 to 15
percent full length burn rate (i.e., the
cigarettes are made to self-extinguish 85
to 88 percent of the time). Because this
SRM is intended to be used as a
calibration tool for cigarette
manufacturers subject to state
regulations, it is purposely designed to
represent a minimal-ignition propensity
target, rather than a typical or
representative RIP-ignition propensity.
Clearly, it would not represent a ‘‘worstcase’’ RIP cigarette. Further, SRM 1082
does not meet the specified physical
criteria for cigarette length and density;
so these cigarettes are physically unlike
the current test cigarette or current RIP
The third possible disadvantage is
that the properties of a new SRM that
would mimic the ignition behavior of
‘‘worst case’’ RIP cigarettes have not
been characterized. The ‘‘worst case’’
RIP cigarette would be one that burns its
full length and may, therefore, be
similar to its non-RIP counterpart.
Insufficient research exists to support a
new and different, low-ignition
propensity SRM; and a variety of as-yetunknown modifications to the test
method in 16 CFR part 1632 would
likely be needed to incorporate such an
SRM. The time and cost to develop a
new SRM is undetermined, but the
existing concern about the short-term
availability of a consistent ignition
source would not be resolved.
Thus, while a lower ignition strength
SRM cigarette may be technically
feasible, there is no readily available
SRM alternative that would address the
need for a consistent, ‘‘safety-neutral’’
ignition source.
b. No Action
Under the second alternative, the
ignition source specifications in the
Standard would remain unchanged.
Manufacturers and testers would remain
free to conduct tests with any available
cigarettes, including RIP Pall Malls,
which meet the existing physical
The possible advantage of the
Commission taking no action is that the
projected minor increase in resource
costs of testing would not be incurred.
The possible disadvantage of the
Commission taking no action would be
that the basic issue of test result
variability due to differences in
cigarettes would not be addressed, and
the uncertainty and confusion
surrounding the reliability of tests for
compliance with 16 CFR part 1632
would not be reduced. Manufacturers
and testing firms may continue to
conduct tests that are either wasteful (in
terms of extra RIP cigarettes required to
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
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complete a test) or have irreproducible
In summary, there are no readily
available, and/or technically feasible,
alternatives that would have lower
estimated costs and still address the
need for a consistent ignition source
that retains the ‘‘safety-neutral’’
approach of the proposed amendment.
F. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’), 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., an agency
that engages in rulemaking generally
must prepare initial and final regulatory
flexibility analyses describing the
impact of the rule on small businesses
and other small entities. Section 605 of
the RFA provides that an agency is not
required to prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis if the head of an
agency certifies that the rule will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
As discussed in the preamble to the
proposed rule (75 FR at 67052–53), the
Commission determined that, although
almost all mattress manufacturers
would be considered small firms under
the U.S. Small Business
Administration’s fewer-than-500employees definition, the proposal
would have little or no effect on small
producers. The design and construction
of existing, compliant mattress products
would remain unchanged, and the
resource cost increase of using SRM
cigarettes would represent a minimal
increase in total testing costs. On this
basis, the Commission preliminarily
concluded that the proposed rule would
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small businesses
or other small entities. We received no
comments concerning the impact of the
proposal on small entities, and we are
not aware of any other information that
would change the conclusion that the
rule will not have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
businesses or other small entities. In
fact, after we published the proposed
rule, NIST lowered the cost of SRM
This revision of the ignition source
provision in the Standard would keep
the current mattress test procedure in
place but would require that entities
performing cigarette ignition tests
purchase and use SRM cigarettes at a
higher cost than commercial, non-SRM
cigarettes. No additional actions would
be required of small entities. As
discussed in the cost analysis section
above, the costs would be borne by
mattress manufacturers and importers
that perform (or pay fees for)
compliance testing. The estimated
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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average increase in testing and
certification costs is about $63 per small
firm, or less than one cent per
production unit. This represents less
than one-hundredth of one percent of
small firms’ average gross revenues.
Thus, while almost all mattress
manufacturers would be considered
small firms, the ignition source revision
would not have significant impacts on
small firms.
G. Environmental Considerations
As noted in the preamble to the
proposed rule (75 FR at 67053), the
Commission’s regulations state that
amendments to rules providing
performance requirements for consumer
products normally have little or no
potential for affecting the human
environment. 16 CFR 1021.5(c)(1).
Nothing in this rule alters that
expectation. Therefore, because the rule
would have no adverse effect on the
environment, neither an environmental
assessment nor an environmental
impact statement is required.
H. Executive Orders
According to Executive Order 12988
(February 5, 1996), agencies must state
in clear language the preemptive effect,
if any, of new regulations. The rule will
revise one provision of a flammability
standard issued under the FFA. With
certain exceptions that are not
applicable in this instance, no state or
political subdivision of a state may
enact or continue in effect ‘‘a
flammability standard or other
regulation’’ applicable to the same fabric
or product covered by an FFA standard
if the state or local flammability
standard or other regulations is
‘‘designed to protect against the same
risk of the occurrence of fire,’’ unless
the state or local flammability standard
or regulation ‘‘is identical’’ to the FFA
standard. See 15 U.S.C. 1476(a). The
rule would not alter the preemptive
effect of the existing mattress standard.
Thus, the rule would preempt
nonidentical state or local flammability
standards for mattresses or mattress
pads designed to protect against the
same risk of the occurrence of fire.
I. Effective Date
Section 4(b) of the FFA (15 U.S.C.
1193(b)) provides that an amendment of
a flammability standard shall become
effective one year from the date it is
promulgated, unless the Commission
finds for good cause that an earlier or
later effective date is in the public
interest, and the Commission publishes
the reason for that finding. Section 4(b)
of the FFA also requires that an
amendment of a flammability standard
PO 00000
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shall exempt products ‘‘in inventory or
with the trade’’ on the date the
amendment becomes effective, unless
the Commission limits or withdraws
that exemption because those products
are so highly flammable that they are
dangerous when used by consumers for
the purpose for which they are
intended. We conclude that a one-year
effective date is appropriate to ensure
ample time for the product cycle and
continuing availability of SRM
cigarettes from NIST. Therefore, the
revised ignition source provision of the
Standard will become effective one year
after publication in the Federal
J. Findings
Section 4(a), (b) and (j)(2) of the FFA
require the Commission to make certain
findings when it issues or amends a
flammability standard. The Commission
must find that the standard or
amendment: (1) Is needed to adequately
protect the public against the risk of the
occurrence of fire leading to death,
injury, or significant property damage;
(2) is reasonable, technologically
practicable, and appropriate; (3) is
limited to fabrics, related materials, or
products which present unreasonable
risks; and (4) is stated in objective
terms. 15 U.S.C. 1193(b). In addition,
the Commission must find that: (1) If an
applicable voluntary standard has been
adopted and implemented, that
compliance with the voluntary standard
is not likely to adequately reduce the
risk of injury, or compliance with the
voluntary standard is not likely to be
substantial; (2) that benefits expected
from the regulation bear a reasonable
relationship to its costs; and (3) that the
regulation imposes the least
burdensome alternative that would
adequately reduce the risk of injury.
The scope of this rulemaking is
limited to revising the ignition source
provision in the Standard. The
Commission is not making any other
changes to the Standard. Therefore, the
findings relate only to that revision and
not to the entire Standard. These
findings are discussed below.
The amendment to the Standard is
needed to adequately protect the public
against unreasonable risk of the
occurrence of fire. The current Standard
specifies as the ignition source
cigarettes that are no longer being
produced. In order for the Standard to
continue to be effective (and for labs to
test mattresses and mattress pads to
determine whether they comply with
the Standard), it is necessary to change
the ignition source specification. The
revision of this provision is necessary to
ensure that testing is reliable and that
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 185 / Friday, September 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
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results will not vary from one lab or
manufacturer to another. Such variation
would be likely if labs or manufacturers
were able to use different ignition
sources that have similar physical
properties but different burning
The amendment to the Standard is
reasonable, technologically practicable,
and appropriate. The revision to the
ignition source provision is based on
technical research conducted by NIST,
which established that the SRM
cigarette is capable of providing reliable
and reproducible results in flammability
testing of mattresses and mattress pads.
SRM 1196 represents an equivalent,
safety-neutral ignition source for use in
testing to establish compliance with the
The amendment to the Standard is
limited to fabrics, related materials, and
products that present an unreasonable
risk. The revision of the ignition source
provision will not make any changes to
the products to which the Standard
Voluntary standards. There is no
applicable voluntary standard for
mattresses. We are amending an existing
federal mandatory standard.
Relationship of benefits to costs.
Revising the ignition source provision
in the Standard to specify SRM 1196
will allow testing to the Standard to
continue without interruption, will
maintain the effectiveness of the
Standard, and will not significantly
increase testing costs to manufacturers
and importers of mattresses and
mattress pads. Thus, there is a
reasonable relationship between
benefits and costs of the amendment.
Both expected benefits and costs are
likely to be small. The likely effect on
testing costs would be minor,
approximately one-third to one cent per
mattress produced under those tests.
Least burdensome requirement. No
other alternative would allow the
Standard’s level of safety and
effectiveness to continue. Thus, the
revision to the ignition source provision
specifying SRM 1196 imposes the least
burdensome requirement that would
adequately reduce the risk of injury.
K. Conclusion
For the reasons discussed above, the
Commission finds that revising the
ignition source provision in the
Standard (16 CFR part 1632) to specify
SRM 1196 as the ignition source is
needed to adequately protect the public
against the unreasonable risk of the
occurrence of fire leading to death,
injury, and significant property damage.
The Commission also finds that the
amendment to the Standard is
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reasonable, technologically practicable,
and appropriate. The Commission
further finds that the amendment is
limited to the fabrics, related materials,
and products that present such
unreasonable risks.
L. References
[Docket No. FDA–2011–N–0003]
1. Gann, R.G., and Hnetkovsky E.J.,
Modification of ASTM E 2187 for
Measuring the Ignition Propensity of
Conventional Cigarettes, Technical Note
1627, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899,
2. Directorate for Economic Analysis Report,
Final Regulatory Analysis: Smoldering
Ignition Source Technical Amendment
to the Flammability Standard for
Mattresses and Mattress Pads (16 CFR
part 1632).
Oral Dosage Form New Animal Drugs;
List of Subjects in 16 CFR Part 1632
Consumer protection, Flammable
materials, Labeling, Mattresses and
mattress pads, Records, Textiles,
For the reasons given above, the
Commission amends 16 CFR part 1632
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1632
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1193, 1194; 15 U.S.C.
2. Section 1632.4(a)(2) is revised to
read as follows:
§ 1632.4
Mattress test procedure.
(a) * * *
(2) Ignition source. The ignition
source shall be a Standard Reference
Material cigarette (SRM 1196), available
for purchase from the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, 100
Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
Dated: September 20, 2011.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2011–24482 Filed 9–22–11; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 520
Food and Drug Administration,
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is amending the
animal drug regulations to reflect
approval of an original abbreviated new
animal drug application (ANADA) filed
by Cross Vetpharm Group, Ltd. The
ANADA provides for use of tylosin
tartrate soluble powder in chickens,
turkeys, swine, and honey bees.
DATES: This rule is effective September
23, 2011.
K. Harshman, Center for Veterinary
Medicine (HFV–170), Food and Drug
Administration, 7500 Standish Pl.,
Rockville, MD 20855, 240–276–8197,
Vetpharm Group, Ltd., Broomhill Rd.,
Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland, filed
ANADA 200–455 for use of TYLOMED–
WS (tylosin tartrate), a water soluble
powder, in chickens, turkeys, swine,
and honey bees. The abbreviated
application is approved as of July 5,
2011, and the regulations are amended
in 21 CFR 520.2640 to reflect the
approval and to make minor revisions
that will improve accuracy of the
A summary of safety and effectiveness
data and information submitted to
support approval of this application
may be seen in the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852, between
9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
The Agency has determined under 21
CFR 25.33 that this action is of a type
that does not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
the human environment. Therefore,
neither an environmental assessment
nor an environmental impact statement
is required.
This rule does not meet the definition
of ‘‘rule’’ in 5 U.S.C. 804(3)(A) because
it is a rule of ‘‘particular applicability.’’
Therefore, it is not subject to the
congressional review requirements in 5
U.S.C. 801–808.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 185 (Friday, September 23, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 59014-59023]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-24482]
16 CFR Part 1632
[CPSC Docket No. CPSC-2010-0105]
Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads;
Technical Amendment
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (``CPSC,''
``Commission,'' or ``we'') is amending its standard for the
flammability of mattresses and mattress pads to revise the ignition
source specification in that standard.\1\
[[Page 59015]]
The ignition source cigarette specified for use in the mattress
standard's performance tests is no longer produced. The Commission is
requiring a standard reference material cigarette, which was developed
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, as the ignition
source for testing to the mattress standard.
\1\ The Commission voted 5-0 to approve publication of this
final rule. Commissioner Nancy A. Nord filed a statement concerning
this action which may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at or obtained from the
Commission's Office of the Secretary.
DATES: The rule will become effective on September 23, 2012.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Allyson Tenney, Office of Compliance
and Field Operations, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East
West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814-4408; telephone (301) 504-7567;
A. Background
1. The Current Standard and the Need To Change the Ignition Source
The Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads
(``the Standard''), 16 CFR part 1632, was initially issued by the U.S.
Department of Commerce in 1972 under the authority of the Flammable
Fabrics Act (``FFA''), 15 U.S.C. 1191 et seq. When the Consumer Product
Safety Act (``CPSA'') created the Consumer Product Safety Commission,
it transferred to the Commission the authority to issue flammability
standards under the FFA.
The Standard sets forth a test to determine the ignition resistance
of a mattress or mattress pad when exposed to a lighted cigarette.
Lighted cigarettes are placed at specified locations on the surface of
a mattress (or mattress pad). The Standard establishes pass/fail
criteria for the tests. Currently, the Standard specifies the ignition
source for these tests by its physical properties. These properties
were originally selected to represent an unfiltered Pall Mall
cigarette, which was identified as the most severe smoldering ignition
In January 2008, we learned that the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
planned to stop producing unfiltered Pall Mall cigarettes (although it
would continue to make a reduced ignition propensity or ``RIP''
version). CPSC staff, mattress manufacturers, and testing organizations
were concerned about testing to the Standard if the specified ignition
source cigarettes were unavailable. Under an Interagency Agreement
(``IAG'') with the CPSC, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (``NIST'') developed a standard reference material (``SRM'')
cigarette that could be used as the ignition source in the Standard.
2. NIST's Research
Currently, the Standard requires that the ignition source for
testing mattresses ``shall be cigarettes without filter tips made from
natural tobacco, 85 2 mm long with a tobacco packing
density of 0.270 0.02 g/cm\3\ and a total weight of 1.1
0.1 g.'' 16 CFR 1632.4(a)(2). This specification was
intended to describe a conventional unfiltered Pall Mall cigarette that
was available when the Standard was developed. According to research
conducted by NIST's predecessor, the National Bureau of Standards, in
the 1970s, this specification was chosen in order to replicate the most
severe smoldering ignition source for testing mattresses and mattress
pads. (See Loftus, Joseph J., ``Results of Temperature Measurements
Made on Burning Cigarettes and Their Use as a Standard Ignition Source
for Mattress Testing,'' NBS Memo Report, National Bureau of Standards,
June 18, 1971: and Loftus, Joseph J., ``Back-Up Report for the Proposed
Standard for the Flammability (Cigarette Ignition Resistance) of
Upholstered Furniture,'' PFF 6-76, NBSIR 78-1438, National Bureau of
Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, June 1978.)
In January 2008, when we learned that R.J. Reynolds intended to
stop producing the unfiltered Pall Mall cigarettes, we sought an
alternate ignition source that would have the same burning
characteristics as the ignition source specified in the Standard. Our
intention has been to find a replacement ignition source that would
replicate the level of safety of the ignition source specified in the
Standard and would provide consistency in testing. Under this approach,
the Standard would maintain the same level of safety, neither more nor
less stringent. In August 2008, we entered into an IAG with NIST to
develop a new cigarette ignition source SRM that would fit these
There are no cigarette ignition test data to characterize the
ignition propensity of cigarettes from 1972, when the Standard was
promulgated. In the absence of such data, and consistent with the
intent of the original Standard, NIST sought to identify the highest
ignition strength cigarette. NIST evaluated Pall Mall cigarettes of
different vintages (1992 through 2008) to determine the ignition
strengths of the cigarettes that had been used to test soft
furnishings, such as mattresses. The NIST research strongly indicated
that the SRM is equivalent in ignition strength to the previous highest
known strength unfiltered Pall Mall cigarette.
In June 2009, NIST provided us with a report on its research,
``NIST Technical Note 1627: Modification of ASTM E 2187 for Measuring
the Ignition Propensity of Conventional Cigarettes'' (Ref. 1). We used
NIST's research as the basis to establish specific parameters for a new
ignition source to be specified in the Standard.
After developing a standard procedure for determining the ignition
strength of cigarettes and assessing different vintage cigarettes, NIST
recommended that the new SRM cigarette meet the following
Nominal length: 83 mm 2mm;
Tobacco packing density: 0.270 g/cm\3\
Mass: 1.1 g 0.1 g;
Ignition Strength: 70 Percent Full Length Burn (PFLB) to
95 PFLB using ASTM E 2187, as modified in Section 4.2 of NIST Technical
Note 1627; and
Non-``Fire-Safe Cigarette'' (FSC)
The first three descriptors are consistent with the physical
requirements listed in the Standard for the ignition source. The
recommended ignition strength range reflects the three oldest vintages
of the Pall Mall cigarette tested by NIST. These vintages reflect the
intent of the Standard to represent a worst-case ignition source.
B. Statutory Provisions
The FFA sets forth the process by which we can issue or amend a
flammability standard. In accordance with those provisions, we are
revising the ignition source specification in the Standard to require
that the SRM cigarette developed by NIST be used as the ignition source
for testing under the Standard. As required by the FFA, we published a
proposed rule containing the text of the ignition source revision,
alternatives considered, and a preliminary regulatory analysis. 15
U.S.C. 1193(i). 75 FR 67047 (Nov. 1, 2010). To issue a final rule, the
Commission must prepare a final regulatory analysis and make certain
findings concerning any relevant voluntary standard, the relationship
of costs and benefits of the rule (in this case, the ignition source
revision), and the burden imposed by the rule. Id. 1193(j). In
addition, the Commission must find that the rule: (1) Is needed to
adequately protect the public against the risk of the occurrence of
fire leading to death, injury, or significant property damage; (2) is
[[Page 59016]]
technologically practicable, and appropriate; (3) is limited to
fabrics, related materials, or products which present unreasonable
risks; and (4) is stated in objective terms. Id. 1193(b).
The Commission also must provide an opportunity for interested
persons to make an oral presentation concerning the rulemaking before
the Commission may issue a final rule. Id. 1193(d). In the preamble to
the proposed rule (75 FR at 67048), we requested that anyone who wanted
to make an oral presentation concerning this rulemaking contact the
Commission's Office of the Secretary within 45 days of publication of
this notice. We did not receive any requests to make an oral
C. Response to Comments on the Proposed Rule
We published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal
Register on November 1, 2010. 75 FR 67047. We received five comments in
response to the proposal. Two comments were from industry trade
associations: the International Sleep Products Association (``ISPA'')
and the National Textile Association (``NTA''). Two comments were from
individuals, and one comment was from the National Association of State
Fire Marshals (``NASFM'').
A summary of each of the commenter's topics is presented, and each
topic is followed by our response. For ease of reading, each topic will
be prefaced with a numbered ``Comment''; and each response will be
prefaced by a corresponding numbered ``Response.'' Each ``Comment'' is
numbered to help distinguish between different topics. The number
assigned to each comment is for organizational purposes only and does
not signify the comment's value or importance or the order in which it
was received. Comments on similar topics are grouped together.
1. The Use of SRM 1196
(Comment 1) One commenter agreed that we should specify SRM 1196
and maintain the level of safety established by the original Standard,
noting that ``lowering the strength of the ignition source would be
tantamount to a policy decision by CPSC to make the standard less
effective, as it would reduce the level of resistance to smoldering
ignition sources currently required of mattresses and mattress pads.''
(Response 1) We agree that it is appropriate to specify SRM 1196 as
the new ignition source for 16 CFR part 1632. Incorporation of this SRM
would be ``safety-neutral'' and would not affect the stringency of the
(Comment 2) Two commenters stated that we should consider the 2007-
08 non-RIP Pall Mall as the target for a ``safety neutral'' SRM
cigarette because in NIST testing, it exhibited a 30 percent to 50
percent full-length burn (PFLB). They argued that we are effectively
increasing the stringency of the Standard by using an SRM cigarette
with a 90 percent PFLB.
(Response 2) The use of SRM 1196, which mimics the highest PFLB
measured by NIST among commercial cigarettes (the 1992 Pall Mall), does
not alter the intent of the Standard; rather, SRM usage ensures
continuity of a reliably high PFLB with low variability in the ignition
source. This approach is consistent with the intent of the Standard,
and it means that the level of safety that the Standard has provided
over the years will remain the same.
The consistently high PFLB of SRM 1196 (70 percent to 90 percent
PFLB) is key to successful completion of the test to determine
compliance with the Standard. To test the smoldering ignition of
mattresses and mattress pads under 16 CFR part 1632, cigarettes are
expected to burn their entire length. If a cigarette self-extinguishes
during testing, it must be replaced with a cigarette in another
location of the same type of construction feature. Tests using lower
PFLB cigarettes would yield misleading results that do not reflect the
performance of the mattress being tested. Further, using an SRM
cigarette with a lower PFLB, such as the 2007-08 non-RIP Pall Mall, to
meet the testing requirements of 16 CFR part 1632, would require using
more cigarettes to complete the test, to the extent that self-
extinguishing cigarettes would need to be replaced during the test. In
some cases, it may be impossible to complete a test if the cigarettes
self-extinguish consistently.
(Comment 3) Three commenters stated that we should allow unfiltered
RIP Pall Malls or other lower heat- producing cigarettes that are
commercially available on the market to be used for testing to 16 CFR
part 1632.
(Response 3) The Standard does not require that a commercial
cigarette be used; however, cigarettes that burn their full length are
needed to complete the test. In 1972, the unfiltered, 85 mm Pall Mall
was identified as the most severe ignition source among commercial
cigarettes. SRM cigarettes, which are designed to exhibit consistent
burning behavior, did not exist at that time. NIST's research
demonstrates that the PFLB performance of commercial cigarettes is
subject to significant variability that can lead to inconsistent test
results. The use of SRM 1196, which mimics the highest PFLB measured by
NIST among commercial cigarettes (the 1992 Pall Mall), does not alter
the intent of the Standard; rather, SRM usage ensures continuity of a
reliable ignition source with a high enough PFLB to allow for
completion of the test.
(Comment 4) One commenter suggested that we had insufficient
information to reject another existing SRM cigarette--NIST SRM 1082--
(which is a RIP cigarette) as the ignition source in the Standard. The
commenter argued that we should allow NIST SRM 1082 to be used in 16
CFR part 1632 instead of SRM 1196.
(Response 4) The purpose of specifying an SRM cigarette, which has
been certified by NIST to meet specifications, is to enhance
repeatability of smoldering ignition test results without changing the
level of fire safety provided by the Standard.
State laws requiring ``fire safe'' cigarettes stipulate that such
cigarettes meet an established cigarette fire safety performance
standard, based on ASTM E2187, Standard Test Method for Measuring the
Ignition Strength of Cigarettes. NIST SRM 1082 has a 12.6
3.3 percent PFLB and is intended for use by test laboratories to assess
and control their test method and apparatus to evaluate cigarette
ignition propensity of RIP cigarettes in accordance with ASTM E2187.
A cigarette with a low PFLB, like SRM 1082, would yield fewer
successfully completed tests for purposes of part 1632, resulting in
the use of more cigarettes to complete the test to determine compliance
with the Standard. In addition, use of SRM 1082 would not represent a
severe cigarette ignition source, and as such, would not be consistent
with the original Standard.
(Comment 5) One commenter suggested that we move ahead with
development of a surrogate smoldering ignition source that is not a
(Response 5) SRM 1196 is a short-term solution to a longer-term
issue. Anticipating the need for a longer-term solution, we have
entered into a new Interagency Agreement with NIST to develop a
surrogate ignition source. This project began in FY 2010.
(Comment 6) One commenter stated that SRM 1196 is an inappropriate
ignition source for upholstery fabric.
(Response 6) This regulatory proceeding pertains only to 16 CFR
part 1632, Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress
Pads. It does not apply to the Commission's upholstered furniture
rulemaking (73 FR 11702 (March 4, 2008)).
[[Page 59017]]
2. The Effectiveness of Reduced Ignition Propensity (RIP) Cigarettes
(Comment 7) Two commenters asserted that we did not properly
consider the potential of RIP cigarettes in reducing cigarette-ignited
(Response 7) We are very interested in evaluating the potential of
RIP cigarettes to reduce cigarette-ignited fires when mattresses and
mattress pads are the first item ignited. In FY 2007, we began work on
a Cigarette Ignition Risk (CIR) project. The goal of the CIR project is
to evaluate the change in the cigarette-ignited fire hazard presented
by RIP cigarettes. This project was deferred in FY 2009 and FY 2010,
due to resource constraints. We resumed the study in FY 2011. Results
from the CIR study may inform the agency's development of a surrogate
ignition source.
Although RIP cigarettes are designed to self-extinguish if left
unattended, claims that RIP cigarettes actually reduce cigarette-
ignited fires have not been substantiated by empirical state or
national data. We have begun investigating the effect of RIP cigarettes
but have no test data or epidemiological evidence demonstrating that
RIP cigarettes decrease the number of reported incidences of smoldering
ignitions of mattresses or mattress pads. We are not aware of any
published studies on the effectiveness of RIP cigarettes that included
testing of RIP and non-RIP cigarettes on commercially available
mattresses, mattress pads, or mattress mock-ups. If the mattress
industry has sufficient test data to support the hypothesis that RIP
cigarettes consistently self-extinguish on 16 CFR part 1632- and part
1633-compliant mattresses, we would welcome the opportunity to review
that information.
All 50 states and Canada have adopted pass/fail criteria that will
allow no more than 25 percent of 40 tested cigarettes to burn their
full length when tested in accordance with ASTM E2187; this means that
10 out of every 40 tested RIP cigarettes are allowed to burn their full
length (i.e., not self-extinguish). Although this does not mean that 25
percent of commercial RIP cigarettes would be expected to fail the
test, it suggests that zero PFLB is unlikely. The ``worst-case'' RIP
cigarette would be one that burns its full length exactly like a non-
RIP cigarette. Further, commercial RIP cigarettes could exhibit the
same variability as observed among non-RIP cigarettes, thereby reducing
reliability of test results.
(Comment 8) One commenter noted that the report from the National
Fire Protection Association (``NFPA''), ``The Smoking Material Fire
Problem'' (Hall, J.R. The Smoking Material Fire Problem, National Fire
Protection Association. Sept. 2010. stated that
RIP cigarettes have the potential to reduce deaths and injuries from
cigarette-caused fires by 56 to 77 percent, compared to 2003 levels.
The commenter noted that this was not accounted for in the proposed
(Response 8) The NFPA estimate is preliminary and will likely
change when 2010 data are available. The NFPA report cited estimates
that when fully effective, the RIP cigarette laws should result in a 56
percent to 77 percent reduction in smoking material fire deaths
relative to 2003. NFPA produced this estimated range by comparing the
National Fire Incident Reporting System (``NFIR'') smoking material
fire deaths estimate from 2003 (the last full year before the first
state implemented a RIP cigarette law), to the estimate for 2008 (which
is the most recent year for which it has estimates). NFPA's estimate
incorporates a factor to adjust for the fact that only an estimated 21
percent to 29 percent of the population was under the RIP cigarette law
in 2008. This method adjustment adds uncertainty to the estimate.
Measuring the reduction in fire losses from 2003 to 2010 is more
appropriate because in 2010, virtually 100 percent of the population
was effectively covered by the law, and no mathematical projection
would be necessary. Commission staff will use the 2010 estimate when it
becomes available.
3. The Cost of SRM 1196
(Comment 9) Two commenters stated that specifying SRM 1196 as the
new ignition source is not a modest change, and it may result in
significant substantive changes to 16 CFR part 1632 that could impose
major new costs on mattress manufacturers.
(Response 9) The purpose of SRM 1196 is to enhance repeatability
and reproducibility of test results, without changing the level of fire
safety. Since the time we issued the proposal, NIST has reduced the
price of SRM 1196 from $239 for one carton to $239 for two cartons, and
this price reduction should help alleviate some cost concerns. The
total estimated annual cost of the technical amendment is approximately
$24,000, or less than one cent per mattress produced under those tests.
This does not represent a significant new cost to manufacturers. A
discussion of the costs and benefits is found in the Directorate for
Economic Analysis Report: Final Regulatory Analysis: Smoldering
Ignition Source Draft Proposed Technical Amendment to the Flammability
Standard for Mattresses and Mattress Pads (16 CFR part 1632).
(Comment 10) One commenter noted that the testing and certification
requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
would impose additional testing cost burdens on mattress manufacturers
and that these additional CPSIA burdens would compound any cost
increase related to revising the ignition source provision in the
(Response 10) Although the CPSIA may impose testing and
certification costs on industry, both related and unrelated to the
Standard, the revision to the ignition source provision would have a
negligible effect on such costs. The revision will increase aggregate
estimated testing costs by about 3.5 percent, or about $24,000 per
year; average increased testing costs for individual firms would range
from about $45 to $162 per year. This assumes that testing would be
performed largely by third party laboratories, as required under the
CPSIA for regulated children's products only.
(Comment 11) Three commenters expressed concern that mattress
manufacturers would incur unwarranted or excessive production costs.
One commenter indicated that revising the ignition source provision
could impose ``major new costs'' on firms whose products previously
complied but had to be redesigned to pass the Standard when tested with
SRM 1196.
(Response 11) Because the revision to the ignition source provision
is intended to be ``safety neutral,'' it would likely have no effect on
the pass/fail performance of articles subject to the Standard. Design
and production costs would increase only if mattresses previously
thought to comply failed the test with SRM cigarettes. There is no
evidence from CPSC experience or data provided by industry that this
would result, so long as the tests were conducted correctly with
cigarettes that burn their full length. The approximately $24,000
aggregate annual testing cost of the SRM cigarettes represents a small
increase in total testing costs, ranging from about one-third to one
cent per mattress produced under those tests.
(Comment 12) One commenter suggested that under a 90 PFLB SRM,
manufacturers would incur costs in order to produce mattresses that
complied with tests using 100 PFLB cigarettes, so that the finished
products would incorporate a reasonable ``margin of safety'' beyond the
minimum requirements of the Standard. The
[[Page 59018]]
commenter stated that this was analogous to doubling the flame exposure
time in the 16 CFR part 1633 open-flame test from 30 to 60 minutes.
(Response 12) Specifying SRM 1196 as the ignition source would more
likely have the opposite result; that is, a more repeatable ignition
source in the test should improve the reliability of the test results
and lessen the need for manufacturers to build in a ``margin of
safety'' to account for test variability. The commenter may be
confusing the relationship between test material specifications and the
stringency of the Standard itself. The ``margin of safety'' built into
the production of mattresses ordinarily would be related to the
performance requirements prescribed in the Standard for tested mattress
samples. If, however, test results were unreliable due to the
variability of the test cigarettes, manufacturers might build
mattresses that, for example, pass the test in more than the minimum
number of locations or that exhibit shorter-than-required char length
results. The SRM cigarette ignition source increases the likelihood of
a successful test and enhances the repeatability of test results, and
it decreases the number of retests necessary to determine compliance. A
test cigarette that burns its full length would be acceptable for the
test, whether it was a 90 PFLB SRM or a 50 PFLB SRM cigarette.
Differences in the PFLB of test cigarettes are independent of the
performance requirements of either of the two mattress standards.
4. The FFA, Regulatory Alternatives, and Other FFA Rulemakings
(Comment 13) One commenter argued that we failed to meet
requirements of the FFA in proposing this amendment to 16 CFR part
1632. The commenter stated that section 4 of the FFA requires us to
base our decision to amend our regulations on research and
investigation, and the commenter felt that the proposal had failed to
do this.
(Response 13) The proposed amendment is based on substantial
research and investigation conducted by NIST. In August 2008, we
entered into an IAG with NIST to develop a new cigarette smoldering
ignition source. In June 2009, NIST provided a report on its research,
``NIST Technical Note 1627: Modification of ASTM E 2187 for Measuring
the Ignition Propensity of Conventional Cigarettes.'' The research
described in this report was used to help develop SRM 1196. In July
2009, we posted NIST Technical Note 1627 on our Web site to keep
stakeholders informed of the progress of this research and invite
comments. We addressed the comments received on NIST Technical Note
1627 in CPSC staff's October 13, 2010, NPR Briefing Package, and the
preamble to the proposed rule also discussed the comments (75 FR at
67049). In addition, the staff prepared initial and final regulatory
analyses as required by section 4 of the FFA.
(Comment 14) The same commenter argued that we failed to consider
all regulatory alternatives and other standards relevant to amending 16
CFR part 1632. Specifically, the commenter argued that we did not
consider the extent to which 16 CFR part 1633 renders part 1632
redundant, despite the fact that we have issued an Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to consider whether to revoke 1632 for this
(Response 14) We have a separate proceeding (70 FR 36357 (June 23,
2005)) to consider whether to revoke 16 CFR part 1632. Issues related
to the need for 16 CFR part 1632, in light of the existence of a
separate mattress standard (16 CFR part 1633), are appropriate for that
proceeding and therefore, are outside the scope of this rulemaking.
This rulemaking is limited to revising the provision in 16 CFR part
1632 specifying the ignition source for the flammability test required
in the Standard.
The Standard requiring mattresses to be resistant to cigarette
ignition, 16 CFR part 1632, took effect in 1973. Although smoldering
ignition of mattresses (i.e., ignition from cigarettes) has declined
since that time, mattress fires ignited by small open flames (such as
lighters and candles) have continued to cause a significant number of
deaths and injuries. In 2006, we published a flammability standard
directed at the hazard of open-flame ignition of mattresses, 16 CFR
part 1633, which took effect on July 1, 2007. In the course of the
rulemaking to develop 16 CFR part 1633, industry questioned whether
there would be overlap between the two mattress flammability standards,
making continuation of 16 CFR part 1632 unnecessary. To examine the
issue of possible overlap between the two standards, we published an
ANPR for the possible revocation or amendment of 16 CFR part 1632,
Standard for the Flammability of Mattresses and Mattress Pads in June
2005, and invited public comments (70 FR 36357 (June 23, 2005)). Some
commenters supported revoking the Standard, while others recommended
careful review of the risks, incident data, and benefits of the
Standard before revocation is considered.
On October 20, 2005, the Sleep Product Safety Council (``SPSC''),
which is a safety division of the ISPA, met with CPSC staff to discuss
issues associated with the possible revocation or amendment of the
Standard. At that meeting, ISPA/SPSC told us of its plans to work with
NIST on a research project to determine whether 16 CFR part 1632 was
needed once 16 CFR part 1633 became effective. In addition, ISPA and
the SPSC discussed plans for a research project with NIST to develop a
predictive, small-scale test for 1632. (The meeting log is at In 2009,
ISPA ended the research project at NIST due to problems with
controlling standard test materials; the research was not completed,
and no data were provided to CPSC from this project. At this time, we
are not aware of data indicating that 16 CFR part 1633 eliminates or
sufficiently reduces the risk of injury from cigarette ignition of
mattresses, such that we could revoke 16 CFR part 1632.
(Comment 15) One commenter asserted that we misunderstand the
purpose of 16 CFR part 1632 and that the rule should provide for an
ignition source that represents cigarettes that are commercially
available today.
(Response 15) The commenter misunderstands the limited nature of
this rulemaking. Although we have authority to conduct the rulemaking
that the commenter suggests, the FFA does not require it, and it would
be a different proceeding altogether. In essence, the commenter wants
us to reopen and reexamine the entire purpose of the Standard to see
whether a different Standard or different level of protection should be
in place than was established when the Standard was created in 1972.
This approach would require reevaluation of the level of risk that
exists from cigarette ignition of mattresses.
In this proceeding, we are simply specifying a substitute ignition
source for the one that currently is specified but is no longer
available; we are not changing the level of protection or reevaluating
the current level of risk. As discussed in the previous response, the
larger questions of the need for 16 CFR part 1632 and evaluation of the
current level of risk posed by cigarette ignition of mattresses are
outside the scope of this rulemaking.
(Comment 16) The same commenter suggested that we halt this
proceeding and act on industry's request to revoke part 1632, issuing
an interim rule to suspend part 1632.
(Response 16) The question of revocation or revision of 16 CFR part
1632 in light of 16 CFR part 1633 is the
[[Page 59019]]
subject of a different rulemaking proceeding, and these issues are
outside of the scope of this rulemaking. If commenters have any data
relevant to that issue, they should provide it in connection with that
rulemaking. In the meantime, 16 CFR part 1632 continues to be in
effect. The ignition source specified in the Standard is no longer
available. The purpose of this proceeding is to amend the Standard to
specify a comparable ignition source so that reliable and
representative testing can continue under the current Standard.
(Comment 17) One commenter stated that we did not consider the
potential impact of our pending ANPR regarding the flammability of
(Response 17) On January 13, 2005, we published an ANPR (70 FR
2514) for a possible standard to address open-flame ignition of
bedclothes. Because only an ANPR exists, there is no CPSC standard for
the flammability of bedclothes. Therefore, there is no basis for us to
consider the impact that such a standard might have on this rule.
D. Description of the Revised Ignition Source Provision
We are revising the ignition source provision in the Standard, 16
CFR 1632.4(a)(2), to specify a standard reference material based on
research conducted by NIST. The new SRM cigarette is designated SRM
1196. As discussed in section A.2 of this preamble, based on NIST's
research, the new SRM cigarette meets the following specification:
Nominal length: 83 mm 2mm;
Tobacco packing density: 0.270 g/cm\3\
Mass: 1.1 g 0.1 g;
Ignition Strength: 70 Percent Full Length Burn (PFLB) to
95 PFLB, using ASTM E 2187, as modified in Section 4.2 of NIST
Technical Note 1627; and
Non-``Fire-Safe Cigarette'' (FSC).
Section 1632.4(a)(2) states that SRM 1196 is available for purchase
from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau
Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
E. Final Regulatory Analysis
Section 4(j) of the FFA requires that the Commission prepare a
final regulatory analysis when it issues a regulation under section 4
of the FFA and that the analysis be published with the rule. 15 U.S.C.
1193(j). The following discussion extracted from the staff's memorandum
titled, ``Final Regulatory Analysis: Smoldering Ignition Source
Technical Amendment to the Flammability Standard for Mattresses and
Mattress Pads (16 CFR part 1632)'' (Ref. 2), addresses this
1. Market/Industry Information
Available U.S. Economic Census data in recent years show an
estimated total value of shipments of about $5 billion of mattresses
and related sleep products (e.g., mattress pads, box springs,
innerspring cushions, and air-flotation sleep systems). Domestic
employment for this category is estimated at about 20,000 workers.
Industry estimates indicate that the number of mattresses (including
unconventional items, such as futons, crib and juvenile mattresses, and
sleep sofa inserts) shipped in the United States residential market is
roughly 25 million units annually. About 5 to 10 percent of this total
is comprised of imported products, including some imports marketed by
the domestic manufacturers. The proportion of imports for mattress pads
is higher.
An estimated 150 to 200 domestic firms produce new mattresses or
mattress pads in manufacturing facilities in the United States. An
unknown, but potentially similar, number of firms in the United States
sell renovated mattresses, which may account for 2.5 million to 5
million units, or between 10 and 20 percent of mattresses sold. Thus,
there may be as many as approximately 400 manufacturing firms subject
to 16 CFR part 1632. These firms comprise more than 600 production
establishments. Larger manufacturers may offer dozens of models, not
counting different size designations (e.g., twin, full, queen, king) at
any given time; new models may be introduced once or twice per year.
Many smaller firms market only a few models and make few, if any,
construction changes in a year.
2. Potential Benefits and Costs
The SRM cigarette described in the revised ignition source
provision would have approximately the same ignition strength
characteristics as originally intended by the Standard. The use of SRM
cigarettes would not alter the stringency of the flammability
performance tests in the Standard, so the revised provision will not
alter the test method itself.
a. Potential Benefits
Because the revised ignition source provision is ``safety-
neutral,'' mattresses that pass or fail under the existing Standard
would be expected to generate similar results when the NIST-developed
SRM is used. The level of protection provided by the Standard would
neither increase nor decrease as a result. Thus, there would be no
impact on the level or value of fire safety benefits derived from the
16 CFR part 1632 Standard.
However, there would be potential benefits that are not readily
quantifiable. Currently, manufacturers and testing laboratories do not
have access to continued supplies of test cigarettes other than RIP
Pall Mall cigarettes. Existing inventories of conventional Pall Mall
cigarettes have been depleted or exhausted. Many industry
representatives have requested guidance on the issue of which cigarette
to use in testing.
Even if continuing supplies of conventional test cigarettes were
available, the variability in cigarette performance described in the
NIST research may lead to an unacceptably low level of test outcome
reproducibility. This is causing uncertainty among testing firms, and
among manufacturers and importers certifying compliance with the
Standard. These firms have expressed concern that tests conducted by
the CPSC and by industry may not be comparable. This inconsistency
could lead to unnecessary additional testing. Specifying the SRM
cigarette would reduce inconsistency and uncertainty for industry,
testing laboratories, and the CPSC.
b. Potential Costs
Currently, manufacturers incur testing costs related to 16 CFR part
1632 whenever new mattress models are introduced that either: (1) Are
of new construction, or (2) have new tickings that may influence
cigarette ignition resistance. Larger manufacturers may introduce 20 or
more new constructions or ticking substitutions each year. Smaller
producers and renovators probably introduce fewer items or rely on
prototype developers for multiple models. Assuming that qualified
prototypes are developed for all new constructions and ticking
substitutions to demonstrate compliance, a range of estimates for
annual prototypes and ticking substitutions can be used to project
potential costs associated with the proposed amendment to incorporate
SRM cigarettes into the Standard.
Pre-Amendment Testing Costs. For most mattress models that require
some kind of testing, the testing cost per model to manufacturers is
comprised chiefly of: (1) The resource costs of producing the
mattresses used for destructive testing, including shipping to a test
laboratory; and (2) the laboratory's fee for the testing service, which
includes photographic and other records prepared by the test
[[Page 59020]]
as well as the cigarettes consumed in testing.
The cost of mattresses consumed in prototype testing may amount to
approximately $400 for a typical two-mattress test series (although the
range can go much higher, to more than $1,000 per mattress for low-
volume, specialty items). Prototype test charges reported by third
party testing laboratories can vary widely, especially by location. For
example, charges for tests performed in China tend to be significantly
lower than charges for tests performed in the United States. Overall,
these charges, which include the cost of the test cigarettes, may
average about $250 per prototype (labor and material costs for
manufacturers to perform their own tests may be similar). Thus, the
current average total cost per mattress prototype may be roughly $400 +
$250 = $650. A ticking substitution test is simpler and much less
expensive, requiring only small samples of ticking material, a reusable
small-scale test apparatus, and a smaller number of cigarettes; the
average total cost may be around $50.
Testing costs incurred for prototypes and ticking substitutions can
be allocated over a production run of mattresses. The cost per unit may
vary with production volume, the mix of tests performed, and other
factors. The examples below incorporate assumptions based on
discussions with industry representatives. These examples illustrate
some possible baseline cost differences for larger versus smaller
Typical example for a medium-to-large producer:
20 new models: 5 new constructions + 15 new tickings
5 prototype tests @ $650 each = $3,250
15 ticking substitution classification tests @ $50 each = $750
Total base year cost = $3,250 + $750 = $4,000
Baseline testing cost for production run of 50,000 units =
$0.08 per unit
Typical example for a smaller producer:
5 new models: 2 new constructions + 3 new tickings
2 prototype tests @ $650 each = $1,300
3 ticking substitution classification tests @ $50 each = $150
Total base year cost = $1,300 + $150 = $1,450
Baseline testing cost for production run of 5,000 units =
$0.29 per unit
These examples reflect the likely average annual testing costs to
industry, assuming reasonably full compliance with 16 CFR part 1632.
Thus, approximate baseline testing costs for the largest 50 mattress
manufacturers combined would be about 50 x $4,000 = $200,000 annually;
testing costs for the remaining 350 firms would be about 350 x $1,450 =
$507,500. Thus, total estimated baseline testing costs may be about
$200,000 + $507,500 = $707,500 per year.
Costs per Firm Associated with the Revised Ignition Source
Provision. The only cost increase associated with revising the ignition
source provision to specify SRM 1196 is related to the SRM cigarettes.
The list price of SRM cigarettes from NIST is $239 for a two-carton
minimum order, or about $120 per carton, plus shipping. A carton
contains 200 cigarettes, or 10 packs of 20. Shipping charges range from
$10 to $55 per order, or about $1 to $5 per carton for a typical 10-
carton order. Thus, the estimated total average cost of the SRM
cigarettes would be up to about $125 per carton. After we proposed the
amendment to the Standard, NIST reduced the price of SRM 1196 by about
half, to reduce the potential cost burden on industry. Testing
laboratories and others can obtain (RIP) Pall Mall cigarettes currently
on the market for regionally varying prices of $60 to $100 per carton.
Thus, the cost of cigarettes to parties performing tests may rise from
a level of approximately $6 to $10 per pack, to approximately $12.50
per pack, representing an increase of about $2.50 to $6.50 per pack.
Under the protocol in 16 CFR part 1632, new packs of cigarettes are
opened for each test sequence. A new prototype or confirmatory test
consumes about two packs, and a ticking substitution test consumes
about one pack. Assuming an increased cost per pack of $12.50-6 =
$6.50, the average cost of performing the tests could increase by 2 x
$6.50 = $13 per prototype and $6.50 per ticking substitution. This
represents a 2 percent increase ($13/$650) in average total resource
costs per prototype, and a 12 percent increase ($6.50/$50) in average
resource costs per ticking substitution.
In the above ``typical producer'' examples, the larger firm with 20
new models would incur increased prototype costs of 5 x $13 = $65, plus
increased ticking substitution costs of 15 x $6.50 = $97.50, for a
total annual increase of $65 + $97.50 = $162.50 (about 4 percent of the
firm's overall $4,000 annual testing cost). Over a 50,000 unit
production run, the cost would be $0.003 (i.e., about one-third of one
cent) per unit. The smaller firm with five new models would incur
increased prototype costs of 2 x $13 = $26 and increased ticking
substitution costs of 3 x $6.50 = $19.50, for a total annual increase
of $26 + $19.50 = $45.50 (about 3 percent of the firm's overall $1,450
annual testing cost). Over a 5,000 unit production run, the increased
testing cost would be $0.009 (i.e., about one cent) per mattress.
In summary, the expected additional cost of testing related to the
revised ignition source provision may range from about $45.50 to
$162.50 per firm. The cost over a production run could range from about
one-third to one cent per mattress produced under those tests. The
distribution of this projected cost among manufacturers and testing
laboratories is uncertain because some test laboratories may choose to
pass on their increased costs--in the form of higher test fees--to
manufacturers, while others may not. Even if all such costs were passed
on to manufacturers, it is unlikely that there would be a noticeable
effect on wholesale or retail mattress prices.
Aggregate Costs Associated with Revising the Ignition Source
Provision. There may be as many as 200 new product manufacturers and
200 renovators, for a total of about 400 firms. The largest 50 firms
are assumed to have 20 new models (50 x 20 = 1,000 models to be
tested), and the remaining 350 firms to have five new models (350 x 5 =
1,750 models to be tested), for a total of 1,000 + 1,750 = 2,750 models
to be tested. The aggregate annual cost of specifying SRM 1196 as the
ignition source in the Standard will vary with the number of new
prototypes and ticking substitutions. A point estimate can be developed
using the pre-amendment baseline examples above and the best available
information on these variables.
Using the baseline assumptions for new prototypes versus ticking
substitutions, the 50 largest firms would have an average of five
prototypes each (for a total of 5 x 50 = 250) and the remaining 350
smaller firms would have two prototypes each (for a total of 2 x 350 =
700); thus, the overall number of prototypes to be performed would be
250 + 700 = 950. The number of ticking substitutions would be 15 each
for the larger firms (for a total of 15 x 50 = 750) and three each for
the smaller firms (for a total of 3 x 350 = 1,050); the overall number
of ticking substitutions would be 750 + 1,050 = 1,800.
At two packs of cigarettes per prototype and one pack per ticking
substitution, the estimated quantity consumed in testing would be 2 x
950 = 1,900 for prototypes and 1,800 for ticking substitutions, for a
total of 1,900 + 1,800 = 3,700 packs. At an increase of $6.50 per pack,
the estimated total
[[Page 59021]]
resource cost would be 3,700 x $6.50 = $24,050. This point estimate
represents an unweighted average increase of about 3.5 percent of the
estimated $707,500 aggregate annual industry testing costs related to
16 CFR part 1632. For annual production of about 25 million mattresses
sold in the U.S., the estimated overall average cost is less than one-
tenth of one cent per production unit. The recent reduction in the
price of SRM 1196 cigarettes by about half reduces the estimated total
cost from what was calculated for the proposed amendment by about two-
In addition to the projected costs to industry, the CPSC and other
government agencies (e.g., the California Bureau of Home Furnishings &
Thermal Insulation and the Canadian Ministry of Health) would likely
purchase small quantities of SRM cigarettes from NIST for compliance
testing and related research. Thus, these Federal and other government
agencies may incur minor costs, depending on the numbers of tests these
organizations may perform in any given year.
The effective date of the rule is one year from the date of
publication in the Federal Register. Typically, new mattress models are
introduced once or twice per year. The effective date would allow this
product cycle to proceed without potential disruption or additional
testing costs.
In summary, revising the ignition source provision in the Standard
to specify the SRM cigarette is not expected to have a significant
impact on expected benefits or costs of the Standard in 16 CFR part
1632. Resource costs may amount to roughly $24,000 per year. The
revision would, however, reduce test variability and uncertainty among
manufacturers subject to the Standard and among testing organizations.
Both the expected benefits and likely economic costs are small, and the
likely effect on testing costs per new prototype mattress or ticking
substitution would be minor, especially when the projected cost is
allocated over a production run of complying mattresses.
3. Regulatory Alternatives
The Commission considered two basic alternatives: (1) Specify a
different SRM cigarette, with the approximate lower ignition strength
of an RIP cigarette; or (2) take no action on the smoldering ignition
source issue.
Neither of these two alternatives would likely have a substantial
economic impact. There would, however, be some relative differences in
terms of resource costs and potential effects on the level of benefits
the Standard affords. The advantages and disadvantages of these two
basic alternatives are discussed immediately below.
a. Alternate SRM
Under this first alternative, the Commission could amend the
Standard to specify a different, lower ignition propensity SRM
cigarette. Such an SRM would presumably be closer in ignition strength
to the ``worst-case'' RIP cigarettes currently on the market.
There are three possible advantages to specifying an alternative
SRM: (1) The problem of test repeatability and reproducibility would be
addressed, as it is by specifying SRM 1196; (2) an alternative SRM
might better approximate average ignition propensity of commercial
cigarettes; and (3) currently, there is a low-ignition propensity SRM
(SRM 1082) developed by NIST for use by state regulators in assessing
the compliance of RIP cigarettes.
There are three possible disadvantages to specifying an alternative
SRM. First, there are no data to establish that a low-ignition
propensity SRM would be equivalent or ``safety neutral.'' Moreover, the
reliability of mattress test results may not be improved if, for
example, only 50 percent of SRM cigarettes burned their full length. It
is unknown whether more mattress construction prototypes would pass the
test using a lower ignition propensity SRM than they do now with
commercial cigarettes. Thus, the impact on mattress production costs is
The second possible disadvantage is that the two known technical
approaches to developing a lower ignition propensity SRM appear to be
incompatible with the test in 16 CFR part 1632. Under existing state
regulations, all known commercial RIP cigarettes incorporate banded
paper that is designed to impede full-length burns. The test in 16 CFR
part 1632 measures mattress ignitions resulting from full-length
cigarette burns and allows up to three relights per cigarette to
achieve a full length burn. It is likely that either: (1) Many low-
ignition propensity cigarettes would be wasted in completing the test;
or (2) the test could not be reliably completed using banded-paper,
self-extinguishing cigarettes. Additionally, although the existing SRM
1082 (which represents a RIP cigarette) does not use banded-paper
technology, it would have the same impracticalities as the banded-paper
cigarette under the current Standard. The low ignition propensity
design of the existing SRM 1082 is intended to yield a 12 to 15 percent
full length burn rate (i.e., the cigarettes are made to self-extinguish
85 to 88 percent of the time). Because this SRM is intended to be used
as a calibration tool for cigarette manufacturers subject to state
regulations, it is purposely designed to represent a minimal-ignition
propensity target, rather than a typical or representative RIP-ignition
propensity. Clearly, it would not represent a ``worst-case'' RIP
cigarette. Further, SRM 1082 does not meet the specified physical
criteria for cigarette length and density; so these cigarettes are
physically unlike the current test cigarette or current RIP cigarettes.
The third possible disadvantage is that the properties of a new SRM
that would mimic the ignition behavior of ``worst case'' RIP cigarettes
have not been characterized. The ``worst case'' RIP cigarette would be
one that burns its full length and may, therefore, be similar to its
non-RIP counterpart. Insufficient research exists to support a new and
different, low-ignition propensity SRM; and a variety of as-yet-unknown
modifications to the test method in 16 CFR part 1632 would likely be
needed to incorporate such an SRM. The time and cost to develop a new
SRM is undetermined, but the existing concern about the short-term
availability of a consistent ignition source would not be resolved.
Thus, while a lower ignition strength SRM cigarette may be
technically feasible, there is no readily available SRM alternative
that would address the need for a consistent, ``safety-neutral''
ignition source.
b. No Action
Under the second alternative, the ignition source specifications in
the Standard would remain unchanged. Manufacturers and testers would
remain free to conduct tests with any available cigarettes, including
RIP Pall Malls, which meet the existing physical parameters.
The possible advantage of the Commission taking no action is that
the projected minor increase in resource costs of testing would not be
The possible disadvantage of the Commission taking no action would
be that the basic issue of test result variability due to differences
in cigarettes would not be addressed, and the uncertainty and confusion
surrounding the reliability of tests for compliance with 16 CFR part
1632 would not be reduced. Manufacturers and testing firms may continue
to conduct tests that are either wasteful (in terms of extra RIP
cigarettes required to
[[Page 59022]]
complete a test) or have irreproducible results.
In summary, there are no readily available, and/or technically
feasible, alternatives that would have lower estimated costs and still
address the need for a consistent ignition source that retains the
``safety-neutral'' approach of the proposed amendment.
F. Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA''), 5 U.S.C. 601 et
seq., an agency that engages in rulemaking generally must prepare
initial and final regulatory flexibility analyses describing the impact
of the rule on small businesses and other small entities. Section 605
of the RFA provides that an agency is not required to prepare a
regulatory flexibility analysis if the head of an agency certifies that
the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
As discussed in the preamble to the proposed rule (75 FR at 67052-
53), the Commission determined that, although almost all mattress
manufacturers would be considered small firms under the U.S. Small
Business Administration's fewer-than-500-employees definition, the
proposal would have little or no effect on small producers. The design
and construction of existing, compliant mattress products would remain
unchanged, and the resource cost increase of using SRM cigarettes would
represent a minimal increase in total testing costs. On this basis, the
Commission preliminarily concluded that the proposed rule would not
have a significant impact on a substantial number of small businesses
or other small entities. We received no comments concerning the impact
of the proposal on small entities, and we are not aware of any other
information that would change the conclusion that the rule will not
have a significant impact on a substantial number of small businesses
or other small entities. In fact, after we published the proposed rule,
NIST lowered the cost of SRM 1196.
This revision of the ignition source provision in the Standard
would keep the current mattress test procedure in place but would
require that entities performing cigarette ignition tests purchase and
use SRM cigarettes at a higher cost than commercial, non-SRM
cigarettes. No additional actions would be required of small entities.
As discussed in the cost analysis section above, the costs would be
borne by mattress manufacturers and importers that perform (or pay fees
for) compliance testing. The estimated average increase in testing and
certification costs is about $63 per small firm, or less than one cent
per production unit. This represents less than one-hundredth of one
percent of small firms' average gross revenues. Thus, while almost all
mattress manufacturers would be considered small firms, the ignition
source revision would not have significant impacts on small firms.
G. Environmental Considerations
As noted in the preamble to the proposed rule (75 FR at 67053), the
Commission's regulations state that amendments to rules providing
performance requirements for consumer products normally have little or
no potential for affecting the human environment. 16 CFR 1021.5(c)(1).
Nothing in this rule alters that expectation. Therefore, because the
rule would have no adverse effect on the environment, neither an
environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is
H. Executive Orders
According to Executive Order 12988 (February 5, 1996), agencies
must state in clear language the preemptive effect, if any, of new
regulations. The rule will revise one provision of a flammability
standard issued under the FFA. With certain exceptions that are not
applicable in this instance, no state or political subdivision of a
state may enact or continue in effect ``a flammability standard or
other regulation'' applicable to the same fabric or product covered by
an FFA standard if the state or local flammability standard or other
regulations is ``designed to protect against the same risk of the
occurrence of fire,'' unless the state or local flammability standard
or regulation ``is identical'' to the FFA standard. See 15 U.S.C.
1476(a). The rule would not alter the preemptive effect of the existing
mattress standard.
Thus, the rule would preempt nonidentical state or local
flammability standards for mattresses or mattress pads designed to
protect against the same risk of the occurrence of fire.
I. Effective Date
Section 4(b) of the FFA (15 U.S.C. 1193(b)) provides that an
amendment of a flammability standard shall become effective one year
from the date it is promulgated, unless the Commission finds for good
cause that an earlier or later effective date is in the public
interest, and the Commission publishes the reason for that finding.
Section 4(b) of the FFA also requires that an amendment of a
flammability standard shall exempt products ``in inventory or with the
trade'' on the date the amendment becomes effective, unless the
Commission limits or withdraws that exemption because those products
are so highly flammable that they are dangerous when used by consumers
for the purpose for which they are intended. We conclude that a one-
year effective date is appropriate to ensure ample time for the product
cycle and continuing availability of SRM cigarettes from NIST.
Therefore, the revised ignition source provision of the Standard will
become effective one year after publication in the Federal Register.
J. Findings
Section 4(a), (b) and (j)(2) of the FFA require the Commission to
make certain findings when it issues or amends a flammability standard.
The Commission must find that the standard or amendment: (1) Is needed
to adequately protect the public against the risk of the occurrence of
fire leading to death, injury, or significant property damage; (2) is
reasonable, technologically practicable, and appropriate; (3) is
limited to fabrics, related materials, or products which present
unreasonable risks; and (4) is stated in objective terms. 15 U.S.C.
1193(b). In addition, the Commission must find that: (1) If an
applicable voluntary standard has been adopted and implemented, that
compliance with the voluntary standard is not likely to adequately
reduce the risk of injury, or compliance with the voluntary standard is
not likely to be substantial; (2) that benefits expected from the
regulation bear a reasonable relationship to its costs; and (3) that
the regulation imposes the least burdensome alternative that would
adequately reduce the risk of injury.
The scope of this rulemaking is limited to revising the ignition
source provision in the Standard. The Commission is not making any
other changes to the Standard. Therefore, the findings relate only to
that revision and not to the entire Standard. These findings are
discussed below.
The amendment to the Standard is needed to adequately protect the
public against unreasonable risk of the occurrence of fire. The current
Standard specifies as the ignition source cigarettes that are no longer
being produced. In order for the Standard to continue to be effective
(and for labs to test mattresses and mattress pads to determine whether
they comply with the Standard), it is necessary to change the ignition
source specification. The revision of this provision is necessary to
ensure that testing is reliable and that
[[Page 59023]]
results will not vary from one lab or manufacturer to another. Such
variation would be likely if labs or manufacturers were able to use
different ignition sources that have similar physical properties but
different burning characteristics.
The amendment to the Standard is reasonable, technologically
practicable, and appropriate. The revision to the ignition source
provision is based on technical research conducted by NIST, which
established that the SRM cigarette is capable of providing reliable and
reproducible results in flammability testing of mattresses and mattress
pads. SRM 1196 represents an equivalent, safety-neutral ignition source
for use in testing to establish compliance with the Standard.
The amendment to the Standard is limited to fabrics, related
materials, and products that present an unreasonable risk. The revision
of the ignition source provision will not make any changes to the
products to which the Standard applies.
Voluntary standards. There is no applicable voluntary standard for
mattresses. We are amending an existing federal mandatory standard.
Relationship of benefits to costs. Revising the ignition source
provision in the Standard to specify SRM 1196 will allow testing to the
Standard to continue without interruption, will maintain the
effectiveness of the Standard, and will not significantly increase
testing costs to manufacturers and importers of mattresses and mattress
pads. Thus, there is a reasonable relationship between benefits and
costs of the amendment. Both expected benefits and costs are likely to
be small. The likely effect on testing costs would be minor,
approximately one-third to one cent per mattress produced under those
Least burdensome requirement. No other alternative would allow the
Standard's level of safety and effectiveness to continue. Thus, the
revision to the ignition source provision specifying SRM 1196 imposes
the least burdensome requirement that would adequately reduce the risk
of injury.
K. Conclusion
For the reasons discussed above, the Commission finds that revising
the ignition source provision in the Standard (16 CFR part 1632) to
specify SRM 1196 as the ignition source is needed to adequately protect
the public against the unreasonable risk of the occurrence of fire
leading to death, injury, and significant property damage. The
Commission also finds that the amendment to the Standard is reasonable,
technologically practicable, and appropriate. The Commission further
finds that the amendment is limited to the fabrics, related materials,
and products that present such unreasonable risks.
L. References
1. Gann, R.G., and Hnetkovsky E.J., Modification of ASTM E 2187 for
Measuring the Ignition Propensity of Conventional Cigarettes,
Technical Note 1627, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, 2009.
2. Directorate for Economic Analysis Report, Final Regulatory
Analysis: Smoldering Ignition Source Technical Amendment to the
Flammability Standard for Mattresses and Mattress Pads (16 CFR part
List of Subjects in 16 CFR Part 1632
Consumer protection, Flammable materials, Labeling, Mattresses and
mattress pads, Records, Textiles, Warranties.
For the reasons given above, the Commission amends 16 CFR part 1632
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1632 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1193, 1194; 15 U.S.C. 2079(b).
2. Section 1632.4(a)(2) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 1632.4 Mattress test procedure.
(a) * * *
(2) Ignition source. The ignition source shall be a Standard
Reference Material cigarette (SRM 1196), available for purchase from
the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
* * * * *
Dated: September 20, 2011.
Todd A. St