Building Energy Codes Cost Analysis, 56413-56425 [2011-23236]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
its final report of findings and
recommendations in October 2010.
On February 2, 2011, the Secretary of
Energy appointed new members to his
Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee
(UDAC), and met with the members on
February 23, 2011 to discuss his goals
for offshore research and development.
Before presenting its final report of
findings and recommendations to the
Secretary in April 2011, the UDAC
established a Subcommittee on Risk
The Department of Energy will be
continually informed by the UDAC
based on the work of its Subcommittee
on Risk. In addition, other Federal
advisory bodies will help inform the
Department. These include the
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
(SEAB) which established a
Subcommittee on Natural Gas, and the
Department of the Interior’s Ocean
Energy Safety Committee (OESC) which
has established four subcommittees
including the Spill Prevention
Subcommittee, and the Containment
Subcommittee. The Department of
Energy is a member of the OESC. The
Department will take new information
into account in the preparation of
solicitations and the selection of
research projects for the 2011 portfolio.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 7,
Christopher A. Smith,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Oil and
Natural Gas, Office of Fossil Energy.
[FR Doc. 2011–23328 Filed 9–12–11; 8:45 am]
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
[Docket No. EERE–2011–BT–BC–0046]
Building Energy Codes Cost Analysis
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Request for information.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) is soliciting public input
on how it may improve the
methodology DOE intends to use for
assessing cost effectiveness (which
includes an energy savings assessment)
of changes to residential building energy
codes. DOE supports the development
of the International Code Council’s (ICC)
International Energy Conservation Code
(IECC), the national model code adopted
by or forming the basis of residential
energy codes promulgated by a majority
of U.S. states, as well as other voluntary
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building energy codes. DOE performs a
cost effectiveness analysis of proposed
modifications to the codes as part of that
support. DOE also performs an analysis
of cost effectiveness of new code
versions. DOE is interested in public
input on its methodology, preferred data
sources, and parameter assumptions.
DOE is publishing this request for
information to allow interested parties
to provide suggestions, comments, and
other information. This notice identifies
several areas in which DOE is
particularly interested in receiving
information; however, any input and
suggestions considered relevant to the
topic are welcome.
DATES: Written comments and
information are requested by October
13, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may
submit comments in writing, identified
by docket number EERE–2011–BT–BC–
0046, by any of the following methods:
E-mail: Include EERE–2011–
BT–BC–0046 in the subject line of the
Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S.
Department of Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Mailstop EE–2J,
Building Energy Codes, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121. Phone
(202) 586–2945. Please submit one
signed paper original.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda
Edwards, U.S. Department of Energy,
Building Technologies Program, 6th
Floor, 950 L’Enfant Plaza, SW.,
Washington, DC 20024. Phone: (202)
586–2945. Please submit one signed
paper original.
po=0;D=EERE-2011-BT-BC-0046. Please
use the input form and complete all
required fields.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents, or
comments received, visit the U.S.
Department of Energy, Resource Room
of the Building Technologies Program,
950 L’Enfant Plaza, SW., Suite 600,
Washington, DC 20024, (202) 586–2945,
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Please call Ms. Brenda Edwards at the
above telephone number for additional
information regarding visiting the
Resource Room.
Robert Dewey, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
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Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Mailstop EE–2J,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121,
Telephone: (202) 287–1354, E-mail:
Ms. Kavita Vaidyanathan, U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of the
General Counsel, Forrestal Building,
Mailstop GC–71, 1000 Independence
Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585,
Telephone: (202) 586–0669, E-mail:
Authority and Background
Section 307(b) of the Energy
Conservation and Production Act
(ECPA, Public Law 102–486), as
amended, directs DOE to support
voluntary building energy codes by
periodically reviewing the technical and
economic basis of the voluntary
building energy codes and ‘‘seek
adoption of all technologically feasible
and economically justified energy
efficiency measures; and * * *
otherwise participate in any industry
process for review and modification of
such codes.’’ 1
This Request for Information (RFI)
seeks public input on DOE’s
methodology for assessing the cost
effectiveness of proposed changes to
residential building energy codes and
new editions of such codes. Historically,
DOE’s analyses have been conducted in
an ad hoc manner, with the
methodology selected based on the type
of code change contemplated and the
nature of ongoing stakeholder debates
on the topic. Because residential energy
codes lagged advances in residential
efficiency measures, DOE relied on
successes in relevant research,
demonstration, and voluntary beyondcode programs (e.g., Building America,
ENERGY STAR) rather than directly
calculating the cost effectiveness of code
changes. However, recent advances in
the IECC and other voluntary building
energy codes have improved the energy
performance of buildings and building
components to levels that in many cases
rival those of the beyond-code
programs. Consequently, for its future
efforts advancing and promoting
voluntary building energy codes, DOE
sees the need for a consistent and
transparent methodology for assessing
the cost effectiveness of code change
proposals and for assessing the cost
effectiveness of new code versions.
DOE intends to use the methodology
described in this document to address
DOE’s legislative direction related to
1 42
U.S.C. 6836(b)(2) and (3).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
building energy codes. DOE also intends
to use this methodology to inform its
participation in the update processes of
the IECC and other building energy
codes, both in developing code-change
proposals and in assessing the proposals
of others when necessary. DOE further
intends to use this methodology in
assessing the cost effectiveness of new
code versions in lieu of prior versions
or existing state energy efficiency codes.
The focus of this RFI is residential
buildings, which DOE defines in a
manner consistent with the IECC—oneand two-family dwellings, townhouses,
and low-rise (three stories or less above
grade) multifamily residential buildings.
The cost effectiveness methodology is
separate from the statutory requirement
that DOE issue a determination
‘‘whether such revision would improve
energy efficiency in residential
buildings’’ whenever the IECC (as
successor to the 1992 Model Energy
Code) is revised (42 U.S.C. 6833(a)(5)).
The determinations under 42 U.S.C.
6833 are required only for the IECC, not
any other building energy codes; require
analysis of only energy savings, not cost
effectiveness; and may be based on
qualitative assessments of energy
efficiency improvements rather than
quantitative analysis of energy savings.
DOE’s methodology is intended to
assess cost effectiveness based on a
30-year period of analysis, assuming a
home buyer takes out a 30-year
mortgage to purchase the home. This
approach is intended to represent the
economic perspective of a typical home
owner or sequence of owners who own
the home over the 30-year analysis
period. The perspective of a single
30-year owner allows consideration of
economic impacts on home buyers as
well as consideration of long-term
energy savings.
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Steps Included in Assessing Cost
Effectiveness of Code Changes
Assessing the cost effectiveness of a
proposed code change or a newly
revised code involves three primary
1. Estimating the energy savings of the
changed code provision(s),
2. Estimating the first cost of the
changed provision(s), and
3. Calculation of the corresponding
economic impacts of the changed
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These steps are the focus of this
Request for Information and are
described in the sections that follow.
Estimating Energy Savings of Code
The first step is estimating the energy
savings of code changes. In estimating
the energy impact of a code change DOE
will usually employ computer
simulation analysis (situations in which
other analysis approaches might be
preferred are discussed later). DOE may
also rely on extant studies that directly
address the building elements involved
in a proposed change if such can be
identified. When evaluating code
changes proposed by entities other than
DOE,2 DOE may rely on energy
estimates provided by the proponent(s)
if DOE deems the calculations credible.
Where credible energy savings estimates
are not available, DOE intends to
conduct analysis using an appropriate
building energy estimation tool. DOE
intends to use the EnergyPlus 3 software
for its analyses unless the code change
at hand involves a building component
or strategy that is outside the scope of
that software. Such code changes would
be addressed case by case.
Code changes affecting a particular
climate zone would be simulated in a
weather location representative of that
zone. Where a code change affects
multiple climate zones, DOE intends to
produce an aggregate (national) energy
impact estimate based on simulation
results from weather locations
representative of each zone, weighted to
account for estimated housing starts by
zone and other factors representing the
fraction of homes that would be affected
by the code change (building types,
foundation types, fuel/equipment
types). These methodologies, weighting
factors, and other assumptions are
described in the sections that follow.
pre- and post-revision codes, two
prototype buildings would be
analyzed—one that exactly complies
with the pre-revision code and an
otherwise identical building that exactly
complies with the revised code under
analysis.4 These two buildings would be
simulated in a variety of locations to
estimate the overall (national average)
energy impact of the new code. The
inputs and assumptions used in those
simulations are discussed in the
following sections.
Energy Simulation Tool
DOE intends to use an hour-by-hour
simulation tool to calculate annual
energy consumption for relevant end
uses. For most situations, the
EnergyPlus software, developed by
DOE, would be the tool of choice.
EnergyPlus provides for detailed hourby-hour simulation of a home’s energy
consumption throughout a full year,
based on typical weather data for a
location. It covers almost all aspects of
residential envelopes, HVAC equipment
and systems, water heating equipment
and systems, and lighting systems.
Depending on how building energy
codes evolve, it may be necessary to
identify additional tools to estimate the
impacts of some changes.
Building Energy Use Simulation
Assumptions and Methodology
The energy performance of most
energy-efficiency measures in the scope
of building energy codes can be
estimated by computer simulation. In
estimating the energy performance of
Separate simulations would be
conducted for single-family and
multifamily buildings. The prototypes
used in the simulations are intended to
represent a typical new one- or twofamily home or townhouse and a lowrise multifamily building (apartment,
cooperative, or condominium). Five
foundation types would be examined for
single-family homes: Vented
crawlspace, unvented (conditioned)
crawlspace, slab-on-grade, heated
basement with wall insulation, and
unheated basement with insulation in
the floor above the basement. Table 1
shows the characteristics DOE intends
to assume for the single-family
prototype. Note that any of these
characteristics may be modified if a
code change impacts it.
2 All code change proposals are publicly available
and are published by the ICC months before the
code hearings (open to the public) that determine
whether the code changes are approved for addition
to the next edition of the IECC.
4 ‘‘Exactly complies’’ means that the prototype
complies with the primary prescriptive
manifestation of the code’s requirements. DOE will
address codes without such primary requirements
(e.g., a purely performance code) on a case by case
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
Conditioned floor area ........................................
2400 ft2 ............................................................
Characteristics of New Housing, U.S. Census
Footprint and height ...........................................
Area above unconditioned space .......................
30 ft by 40 ft, two-story, 8.5 ft high ceilings.
1200 ft2 ............................................................
Area below roof/ceilings .....................................
Perimeter length .................................................
Gross wall area ..................................................
Window area (relative to gross wall area) .........
Door area ...........................................................
Internal gains ......................................................
Heating system ...................................................
1200 ft2, 70% with attic, 30% cathedral.
140 ft.
2380 ft2.
42 ft2.
91,436 Btu/day .................................................
Natural gas furnace .........................................
Cooling system ...................................................
Water heating .....................................................
Central electric air conditioning (AC) ...............
Natural gas.
For the multifamily building
prototype, U.S. Census data (2006) 5
show that the size and number of
dwelling units per building in new
construction varies greatly. The median
number of dwelling units per building
is in the range of 20 to 29 with the
median floor area per unit in the range
of 1000 to 1199 ft2. The multifamily
prototype characteristics intended to be
used for DOE’s analyses are:
• A rectangular two-story building
containing dwelling units with 1200 ft2
of conditioned floor area.
• 600 ft2 floor area and roof/ceiling
area per dwelling unit.
• The average exterior wall perimeter
per dwelling unit is 43 ft, which is set
to a 20 by 23 ft rectangle in the
simulations. With 8.5 ft ceilings, the
wall area is 731 ft2 per dwelling unit.
The 43 ft perimeter is based on
assuming a 20-unit building that is
30-ft wide and 400-ft long, yielding an
860-ft perimeter, which averages 43 ft
per dwelling unit. (The dimensions
used here represent average values of
both middle and end units, yielding a
hypothetical dwelling unit with
dimensions that do not exactly match
the conditioned floor area.).
• 42 ft2 of exterior door area per
dwelling unit.
• 54668 Btu/day internal gains per
dwelling unit (2006 IECC).
• Window area is estimated at 14% of
the conditioned floor area.
The heating, cooling, and water
heating system characteristics are the
same as for the single-family prototype
(each dwelling unit is assumed to have
its own separate heating and cooling
Weather Locations
Simulations (and other analyses as
appropriate) would be conducted in one
weather location per climate zone in the
code, including a separate location for
each moisture regime, for a total of 15
climate locations.6 Simulation results
from the climate zones would be
weighted based on new residential
building permit data obtained from the
U.S. Census Bureau. Table 2 shows the
shares of national construction by IECC
primary climate zone based on year2000 Census data. More than 90% of the
construction occurred in climate zones
2 through 5. Climate zones 7 and 8 are
combined here, because zone 8
(northern Alaska) represents only a
Over a vented crawlspace or unconditioned
2006 IECC, Section 404.
Efficiency will be based on prevailing federal
minimum manufacturing standards. Where
relevant code changes impact different
heating system types differently, additional
types will be simulated (see below for
equipment type weightings).
Minimum manufacturing standards.
small fraction of the national
construction activity.
Within a climate zone, simulation
results from different moisture regimes
would be weighted based on population
densities estimated from USGS
Populated Places data. Table 3 shows
the climate locations, each of which is
represented by a Typical Meteorological
Year (TMY2) 7 file. The final column
shows the final weight intended to be
applied to each TMY2 location, based
on a combination of the within-zone
weight of the previous column and the
by-zone housing starts of Table 2.
Percentage of
building permits
Climate zone
& 8 ...............................
Representative location
Climate zone
Moisture regime
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1 ....................
2 ....................
3 ....................
Moist ..................
Dry .....................
Moist ..................
Dry .....................
Florida ................
Arizona ...............
Texas .................
Texas .................
Miami .................
Phoenix ..............
Houston ..............
El Paso ..............
5 U.S. Census Bureau. 2006 Characteristics of
New Housing.
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HDD(65) *
6 The IECC has eight temperature-oriented climate
zones crossed with three moisture regimes, for a
theoretical total of 24 distinct climate zones.
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CDD(65) **
Regime weight
within zone
Overall location
However, only 15 of the possible zones occur
within the U.S.
7 See
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
Representative location
Climate zone
4 ....................
5 ....................
6 ....................
7 ....................
8 ....................
Regime weight
within zone
Moisture regime
Marine ................
Moist ..................
Dry .....................
Marine ................
Moist ..................
Dry .....................
Moist ..................
Dry .....................
Moist ..................
HDD(65) *
California ............
Tennessee .........
New Mexico .......
Oregon ...............
Maryland ............
Idaho ..................
Illinois .................
Montana .............
Vermont .............
Minnesota ..........
Alaska ................
San Francisco ....
Memphis ............
Albuquerque .......
Salem .................
Baltimore ............
Boise ..................
Chicago ..............
Helena ................
Burlington ...........
Duluth .................
Fairbanks ...........
CDD(65) **
Overall location
* HDD = heating degree-days, base 65F.
** CDD = cooling degree-days, base 65F.
The locations in Table 3 were selected
to be reasonably representative of their
respective climate zones by Briggs et al.
Note that the above assumes that the
climate basis of the revised code is the
same as that of the previous code.
Revisions that change the climate zones
or switch to a new climate basis would
require development of a custom
procedure to capture the impacts on
residential energy efficiency.
Default Assumptions
Input values for building components
that do not differ between the two
subject codes would be set to match a
shared code requirement if one exists, to
match standard reference design
specifications from the code’s
performance path if the component has
such specifications, or to match best
estimates of typical practice otherwise.
Because such component inputs are
used in both pre- and post-revision
simulations, their specific values are of
secondary importance and it is
important only that they be reasonably
typical of the construction types being
Weighting Factors
Building Types
Building permit data for 2006 through
2010 indicate that 22% of new
construction in terms of total dwelling
units is multifamily (Census 2011).9
However, only 60% of these dwelling
units are ‘‘low-rise’’ units, the other
40% being in buildings of four stories or
more in height and therefore falling
under the IECC’s nonresidential
provisions.10 Therefore, about 13.2%
(0.22 × 0.60) of all residential dwelling
units are in multifamily buildings that
fall under the purview of the residential
requirements of the IECC. About 8.8%
(0.22 × 0.4) of all residential dwelling
units fall under the nonresidential IECC
classification. Thus, low-rise
multifamily dwelling units account for
about 14.5% (0.132/(1 ¥ 0.088)) of
dwelling units classified as residential
in the IECC. This figure would be used
to aggregate results from DOE’s singlefamily and multifamily simulation
Building type
Single-Family ........................
Multifamily .............................
Foundation Types
Simulations would be based on a
vented crawlspace foundation except in
cases that deal explicitly with changes
to requirements for other foundation
types. In the latter cases, foundationspecific energy changes would be
weighted by an estimate of foundation
shares in each climate zone. These
shares are estimated from the Census
Bureau data for 2004 housing
characteristics data (Census 2006) 11
shown in Table 5.
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Northeast .....................................................................................................................................
Midwest ........................................................................................................................................
South ............................................................................................................................................
West .............................................................................................................................................
Total .............................................................................................................................................
The data in Table 5 provide the
fraction of new residences having
basements, but do not distinguish
conditioned from unconditioned
basements. DOE estimates the shares of
conditioned and unconditioned
basements based on data from the DOE
Residential Energy Consumption Survey
(DOE 2005).12
Because foundation share data is
available only for census zones, not
8 Briggs, R. S., R. G. Lucas, and Z. T. Taylor. 2002.
Climate Classification for Building Energy Codes
and Standards: Part 2—Zone Definitions, Maps,
and Comparisons. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 109,
Part 1. Atlanta, Georgia.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 U.S. DOE. 2005. Residential Energy
Consumption Survey (Table HC5.2). https:// tables/
detailed tables2005.html.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
IECC climate zones, it is necessary to
estimate the climate zone shares from
census data and general knowledge
about regional construction techniques
(e.g., basements are almost never used
in the far south). Table 6 shows the
shares DOE intends to assume.
Climate zone
& 8 ................................................................................................................
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Equipment/Fuel Types and Energy
The impacts of code changes would
be estimated for multiple fuel/
equipment types and the results
weighted by equipment type shares
derived from Census construction data
for new houses. 55% of new singlefamily homes in 2010 used natural gas
for heating, 39% used electric heat
pumps, and 6% used electric resistance
furnaces.13 For new multifamily
dwellings, 36% used natural gas for
heating, 49% used electric heat pumps,
and 15% used electric resistance
furnaces. Only 1% of new single-family
and multifamily used oil, so this heating
type would not be analyzed separately
for national-average analyses as it does
not have a significant share of the
national market. These shares would be
used to weight results for all residential
buildings. Electric central air
conditioning would be assumed in all
Some building components and/or
energy conservation measures do not
lend themselves to straightforward preand post-change simulation of energy
consumption. For example, the use of
hourly simulation was of dubious value
in assessing the energy savings of duct
testing required by the 2009 IECC
because the prior edition of the IECC
had no testing requirement from which
a meaningful baseline leakage rate could
be established. In this case, the majority
of the uncertainty was in the decision of
what pre-2009 leakage rate should be
used as a baseline. This type of
uncertainty arises from any code change
that expands the scope of the code.
Rather than comparing one code to
another, a new code must be compared
to an unstated prior condition.14
In the case of a scope expansion, it is
sometimes inappropriate to compare a
new code’s requirement against an
average or typical pre-code level,
because doing so tends to understate the
savings of the new requirement.
Returning to the example of a new
requirement for testing the duct leakage
rate, consider Figure 1. The curve
represents a hypothetical distribution of
leakage rates prior to the code’s
regulation of leakage rates. Even if the
new code requirement were set equal to
or worse than the pre-change average
rate, savings would accrue from houses
that would have had higher leakage
rates.15 DOE intends to evaluate scope
expansions case by case to determine
the most appropriate way to estimate
energy savings. DOE seeks public input
on this topic.
14 In DOE’s proposal to add duct testing
requirements to the 2009 IECC energy savings was
approximated based on findings from extant postoccupancy studies of duct leakage rather than by
simulation. These studies include: Washington
State University. 2001. Washington State Energy
Code Duct Leakage Study Report. WSUCEEP01105.
Washington State University Cooperative Extension
Energy Program, Olympia, Washington. Hales, D.,
A. Gordon, and M. Lubliner. 2003. 2003. Duct
Leakage in New Washington State Residences:
Findings and Conclusions. ASHRAE transactions.
KC–2003–1–3. Hammon, R. W., and M. P. Modera.
1999. ‘‘Improving the Efficiency of Air Distribution
Systems in New California Homes-Updated
Report.’’ Consol. Stockton, California. Journal of
Light Construction. April 2003. ‘‘Pressure-Testing
Ductwork.’’ Michael Uniacke. Sherman et al. 2004.
Instrumented HERS and Commissioning. Xenergy.
2001. Impact Analysis Of The Massachusetts 1998
Residential Energy Code Revisions. https://
Where better data on the distribution of actual
leakage rates available, a more rigorous analysis
might have been contemplated.
15 Although this is a hypothetical illustration, a
similar issue did arise in DOE’s proposal to add
duct testing requirements to the 2009 IECC
described in Footnote 14.
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Provisions Requiring Special
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A second situation requiring special
consideration is accounting for code
changes that induce additional,
unwritten requirements. An example is
an envelope air tightness requirement
that results in leakage rates so low that
a home would need supplemental
mechanical ventilation to avoid
moisture and other air quality problems.
In such a case a proper cost
effectiveness assessment might require
accounting for the cost and energy
penalty of the mechanical ventilation
system even though the code didn’t
require it. DOE would evaluate such
changes case by case to determine
whether implied requirements must be
assumed. DOE seeks public input on
this topic.
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Estimating the First Cost of Code
The second step in assessing the cost
effectiveness of a proposed code change
or a newly revised code is estimating
the first cost of the changed
provision(s). The ‘‘first cost’’ of a code
change refers to the marginal cost of
implementing one or more changed
code provisions. For DOE’s analyses, it
refers to the retail cost (the cost to a
home buyer) prior to amortizing the cost
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over multiple years through the home
mortgage, and includes the full price
paid by the home buyer, including
materials, labor, overhead, and profit,
minus any tax rebates or other
incentives generally available to home
buyers when the new code takes effect.
DOE recognizes that estimating the
cost of a code change can be
challenging, and will attempt to identify
credible cost estimates from multiple
sources when possible. Judgment is
often required to determine an
appropriate cost for energy code
analysis when multiple credible sources
of construction cost data yield a range
of first costs. Cost data would be
obtained from existing sources such as
cost estimating publications such as R.S.
Means, industry sources such as Lowes
or Home Depot, and other resources
including journal articles and research
studies. DOE has also issued a
subcontract specifically to collect cost
data for residential energy efficiency
measures. DOE would utilize all of these
resources to determine the most
appropriate construction cost
assumptions based on factors including
the applicability and thoroughness of
the data source.
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Historical Approach to Cost Data
For code changes that impact many
insulation and/or construction assembly
elements of a home, DOE consults the
national construction cost estimation
publication RS Means Residential Cost
Data,16 which provides a wide variety of
construction cost data. This is
appropriate for many code changes that
impact the construction of the home
(e.g., switching from 2x4 to 2x6 walls)
such that both materials and labor
differ. RS Means, however, covers only
a portion of potential code changes. It
does not, for example, have detailed
costs on improved duct sealing or
building envelope sealing, and its costs
for fenestration products (windows,
doors, and skylights) are focused on
aesthetic features rather than energy
When a code change impacts only the
materials used in a home, without
impacting labor, cost data can often be
obtained from national home hardware
suppliers, such as Home Depot and
Lowe’s Home Improvement. These
sources can have the advantage of
providing recent costs and the costs can
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
be localized if a state or local analysis
is needed. However, these sources do
not provide all the specific energy
efficiency measure improvements that
are typically needed for code
improvement analyses.
As needed, DOE conducts literature
searches of specialized building science
research publications that assess the
costs of new or esoteric efficiency
measures that are not covered in other
data sources. Examples include reports
from DOE’s own Building America 17
program, those generated from the
Environmental Protection Agency’s
Energy Star 18 program, and buildingsoriented research publications such as
ASHRAE Transactions.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A Plan for the Future
DOE anticipates that as building
energy codes advance and incorporate
more energy features, the traditional
cost sources will be less useful in
estimating the first costs of code
changes. To support analysis of codes
going forward, DOE has tasked Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory with
placing a subcontract for professional
cost-estimating services to help
populate a publicly available online
database of building construction costs.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was
issued in May 2011 and calls for the
services of a professional costestimating firm to provide cost data for
equipment and components related to
building envelope systems, building
lighting systems, building mechanical
systems, and building renewable energy
systems. The database would
differentiate cost data to the extent
practicable by building type, building
location, and building size, and would
provide both national-average and
regional/local costs to the extent such
are available.
Addressing Code Changes With Multiple
Approaches to Compliance
One of the challenges of estimating
the costs of energy code changes is
selecting an appropriate
characterization of new code
requirements. A requirement for an
improved wall R-value, for example,
might be met with higher-density
insulation within the between-stud
cavities, with standard-density
insulation in a thicker wall (e.g., moving
from 2x4 to 2x6 construction), adding a
layer of insulating sheathing to the wall,
or switching to an entirely different
construction approach (e.g., straw bale).
Each approach will have different costs
and may be subject to differing
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constraints depending on the situation.
Some construction approaches, for
example, may be inappropriate in
regions subject to high winds or high
probabilities of seismic activity. Some
approaches may open the possibility for
new and less expensive construction
approaches. A change that forces a move
from 2x4 to 2x6 wall construction, for
example, opens the possibility of
placing wall studs on 24-inch centers
rather than the more common 16-inches.
This can reduce both material and labor
costs, but requires other changes that
may exact additional costs or restrict
designs, such as ‘‘stack framing,’’ in
which ceiling joists/rafters are aligned
directly over wall studs.
It is difficult for DOE to anticipate
either the types of code changes that
will emerge in future building energy
codes or the manner in which builders
will choose to meet the new
requirements. It is DOE’s intent,
however, to evaluate changes on a case
by case basis and seek the least-first cost
way to achieve compliance unless that
approach is deemed inappropriate in a
large percentage of new home
situations. For code changes that touch
on techniques with which there is
recent research experience (e.g., through
DOE’s Building America program), DOE
would consult the relevant publications
for advice on appropriate construction
assumptions. DOE is seeking public
input on this matter.
DOE anticipates that some new code
provisions may have significantly
different first costs depending on
unrelated aesthetic choices. For
example, a requirement for overhangs
on south-facing windows might be more
costly on a two-story home than on a
one-story home. Limits on west-facing
glazing might have substantial effect or
no effect depending on the lot
orientation. Again, DOE cannot
anticipate all future changes, and will
address each one individually. DOE is
seeking public input on the proper
approach to assessing the cost
effectiveness of such changes.
Finally, some new code provisions
may come with no specific construction
changes at all, but rather be expressed
purely as a performance requirement. It
has been suggested, for example, that a
new IECC might require all homes to
comply with the energy performance
path, with a requirement that calculated
energy consumption be shown to be
some predetermined percentage below
that implied by the prescriptive
specifications. It is also conceivable that
a code could be expressed simply as an
energy use intensity (EUI), in which the
requirement is a limit on energy use per
square foot of conditioned floor area.
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DOE intends to evaluate any such code
changes on a case by case basis and will
search the research literature and/or
conduct new analyses to determine the
reasonable construction changes that
could be expected to emerge in response
to such new requirements. DOE is
seeking public input on this issue.
Economies of Scale and Market
Transformation Effects
Construction costs often show
substantial differences between regions,
sometimes based primarily on local
preferences and the associated
economies of scale. Because new code
changes may push building construction
to new and potentially unfamiliar
techniques in some locations, local cost
estimates may overstate the long-term
costs of implementing the change.
Similar issues may arise where
manufacturers produce large quantities
of a product that just meets a current
energy code requirement, giving that
product a relatively low price in the
market. Should the code requirement
increase, it is likely that manufacturers
will increase production of a
conforming product, lowering its price
relative to the current situation.
DOE intends to evaluate new code
changes case by case to determine
whether it is appropriate to adjust
current costs for anticipated market
transformation after a new code takes
effect. DOE intends to evaluate specific
new or proposed code provisions to
determine whether and how prices
might be expected to follow an
experience curve with the passage of
time. See, for example, DOE’s Notice of
Data Availability published in the
Federal Register on February 22, 2011
(76 FR 9696) (
pdfs/rf_noda_fr_notice.pdf) for
information on projecting future costs in
the manufacture of new refrigeration
products. It is noted that site-built
construction may involve several types
of efficiency improvements. The real
cost of code changes requiring new
technologies may drop in the future as
manufacturers learn to produce them
more efficiently. The real cost of code
changes that involve new techniques
may likewise drop as builders and
subcontractors learn to implement them
in the field more efficiently and with
less labor. Finally, code changes that
simply require more of a currently used
technology or technique may have
relatively stable real costs, with prices
generally following inflation over time.
DOE is seeking public input on this
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
Estimating the Cost Effectiveness of
Code Changes
Economic Metrics To Be Calculated
The last step in assessing the cost
effectiveness of a proposed code change
or a newly revised code is calculating
the corresponding economic impacts of
the changed provision(s). In evaluating
code change proposals as part of the
IECC consensus process, assessing new
editions of the IECC published by the
ICC, and participating in the
development of other voluntary
building energy codes, DOE intends to
calculate three metrics.
• Life-cycle cost.
• Simple payback period.
• Cash flow.
Life-cycle cost (LCC) is the primary
metric DOE intends to use to evaluate
whether a particular code change is cost
effective. Any code change that results
in a net LCC less than or equal to zero
(i.e., monetary benefits exceed costs)
will be considered cost effective. The
payback period and cash flow analyses
provide additional information DOE
believes is helpful to other participants
in code-change processes and to states
and jurisdictions considering adoption
of new codes. These metrics are
discussed further below.
Life-Cycle Cost
Life-cycle cost (LCC) is a robust costbenefit metric that sums the costs and
benefits of a code change over a
specified time period. Sometimes
referred to as net present value analysis
or engineering economics, LCC is a
well-known approach to assessing cost
effectiveness. Because the key feature of
LCC analysis is the summing of costs
and benefits over multiple years, it
requires that cash flows in different
years be adjusted to a common year for
comparison. This is done with a
discount rate that accounts for the time
value of money. Like most LCC
implementations, DOE’s sums cash
flows in year-zero dollars, which allows
the use of standard discounting
formulas. Cash flows adjusted to year
zero are termed present values. The
procedure described herein combines
concepts from two ASTM International
standard practices, E917 19 and E1074.20
The resultant procedure is both
straightforward and comprehensive and
is in accord with the methodology
recommended and used by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Present values can be calculated in
either nominal or real terms. In a
nominal analysis all compounding rates
(discount rate, mortgage rate, fuel
escalation rate, etc.) include the effect of
inflation, while in a real analysis,
inflation is removed from those rates.
The two approaches are algebraically
equivalent, but DOE intends to generally
conduct economic analyses of
residential energy codes in nominal
terms because accounting for mortgage
cash flows and associated income tax
effects is more straightforward.
LCC is defined formally as the present
value of all costs and benefits summed
over the period of analysis. Because it
is defined in terms of costs, the LCC of
a code change must be zero or negative
for the change to be considered cost
effective, as shown in Equation 1.
A future cash flow (positive or
negative) is brought into the present by
assuming a discount rate (D). The
discount rate is an annually
compounding rate 22 by which future
cash flows are discounted in value. It
represents the minimum rate of return
demanded of the investment in energysaving measures. It is sometimes
referred to as an alternative investment
rate. Thus the present value, (PV) of a
cash flow in year Y (CFy) is defined as
For an annualized stream of cash
flows A that is the same from year to
year, such as a mortgage payment
lasting L years, Equation (3) is
equivalent to the following.
For an annualized stream of cash
flows that is escalating with time, such
as the energy cost savings ES that
increases from year to year because of
escalations in fuel prices, Equation (5)
19 ASTM International. ‘‘Practice for Measuring
Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building
Systems,’’ E917, Annual Book of ASTM Standards:
2010, Vol. 4.11. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM
20 ASTM International. ‘‘Practice for Measuring
Net Benefits and Net Savings for Investments in
Buildings and Building Systems,’’ E1074, Annual
Book of ASTM Standards: 2010, Vol. 4.11. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
21 For a detailed discussion of LCC and related
economic evaluation procedures specifically aimed
at private sector analyses, see Ruegg and Petersen
(Ruegg, Rosalie T., and Petersen, Stephen R. 1987.
Comprehensive Guide to Least-Cost Energy
Decisions, NBS Special Publication 709.
Gaithersburg, MD: National Bureau of Standards).
22 The analysis can be done for other periods of
time (e.g., monthly), but for simplicity DOE uses
annual periods for the subject analyses.
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The present value of a stream of
annual cash flows over the period of
analysis, L years, is then the sum of all
of those discrete cash flows:
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
can be used (EF_is the fuel price
escalation rate):
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0, adjusted by a factor of (1+EF)Y to take
into account a compounding fuel
(electricity and natural gas) price
escalation rate (EF). Mortgage payments
occur every year of the term of the
mortgage (ML), are constant payments,
and is equal to 12 times the monthly
payment, as calculated using the
industry standard equation shown in
Table 7. Tax deductions for mortgage
interest payments and property tax
payments begin in year 1 and continue
through the end of the analysis period
L. They are calculated as the marginal
income tax rate (RI) multiplied by the
sum of mortgage interest payments and
property tax payments each year.
Finally, the residual value, incurred at
the end of the analysis period, is the
cost of the code changes, adjusted for
the home’s price appreciation,
multiplied by the fraction of the lifetime
(i.e., value) of the code changes still
remaining at resale (RR). This is a rough
number, but is meant to encapsulate an
average of the remaining lifetime of all
of the components. DOE intends to
assume RR is 50% at the end of 30 years,
which would roughly correspond to
straight-line depreciation of home
features with a 60-year life.
Additional rigor can be required to
account for the shorter lifetimes of
certain equipment (e.g., 12–15 years for
water heaters, 15–20 years for HVAC
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equipment). However, because the
efficiencies of most residential
equipment generally are preemptively
regulated by federal rulemakings, DOE
does not expect the IECC to impose
specific equipment efficiency
requirements. Nonetheless, highefficiency equipment is likely to be a
common alternative approach to energy
code compliance, so the shorter
lifetimes of equipment would be
accounted for. While equipment will
undoubtedly be replaced at the end of
its useful life, there is no guarantee that
it will be replaced with equipment of
comparable efficiency. Because DOE
cannot predict either minimum code
requirements or homeowner preferences
in the future, it will assume that
replacement equipment efficiency will
be unaffected by the initial efficiency of
the equipment—that is, replacement
equipment will be the same regardless
of the initial efficiency. This implies
that the energy savings resulting from
high-efficiency equipment will accrue
only for the life of the equipment, not
the full 30-year period of analysis, and
that there will be no equipment
replacement costs at the end of its
useful life. Thus, when estimating
energy savings of high-efficiency
equipment, a home would be simulated
twice, once with and once without the
high-efficiency equipment.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Because DOE intends to compute and
publish annual cash flow impacts,
Equation (3) will generally be preferred
to Equations (4) and (5) because it
allows presentation and analysis of all
the yearly cash flows during the LCC
analysis. Equations (4) and (5) are
algebraically equivalent and useful
when year-by-year cash flows are not
There are seven primary cash flows
that are relevant to LCC analysis of
energy code changes, summarized in
Table 7. The down payment cost
associated with the code changes is the
down payment rate (RD) multiplied by
the total cost of the code changes (C)
and is incurred at the onset (year 0). On
top of the down payment is a mortgage
fee, which is the cost of the code
changes multiplied by the mortgage fee
rate (RM). Property tax occurs every
year, starting on year 1, and is the
property tax rate (RP) multiplied by C,
and further adjusted by a factor of
(1+EH)Y to take into account a
compounding home price escalation
rate (EH). This assumes that the tax
assessment of the house increases
exactly the amount of the code-related
cost increase, and that the tax
assessment increases in step with the
home price. Energy savings occur every
year, starting at year 1, and are equal to
the modeled energy cost savings at year
Simple Payback Period
The simple payback period is a
straightforward metric that includes
only the costs and benefits directly
related to the implementation of the
energy-saving measures associated with
a code change. It represents the number
of years required for the energy savings
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to pay for the cost of the measures,
without regard for changes in fuel
prices, tax effects, measure
replacements, resale values, etc. The
payback period P, which has units of
years, is defined as the marginal cost of
compliance with a new code (C, the
‘‘first costs’’ above and beyond the
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baseline code), divided by the annual
marginal benefit from compliance (ES0,
the energy cost savings in year 0), as
shown in Equation 6.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
The simple payback period is a metric
useful for its simplicity and ubiquity.
Because it focuses on the two primary
characterizations of a code change—cost
and energy performance—it allows an
assessment of cost effectiveness that is
easy to compare with other investment
options and requires a minimum of
input data. The simple payback period
is used in many contexts, and is written
into some state laws governing the
adoption of new energy codes, hence
DOE would calculate the payback
period when it assesses the cost
effectiveness of code changes. However,
because it ignores many of the longerterm factors in the economic
performance of an energy efficiency
investment, DOE does not intend to use
the payback period as a primary
indicator of cost effectiveness for its
own decision making purposes.
Cash Flow Analysis
In the process of calculating LCC,
year-by-year cash flows are computed.
These can be useful in assessing a code
change’s impact on consumers and will
be shown by DOE for the code changes
it analyzes. The cash-flow analysis
simply shows each year’s net cash flow
(costs minus benefits) separately (in
nominal dollars), including any timezero cash flows such as a down
payment. By publishing the net cash
flow value for each year, reviewers will
be able to calculate various metrics of
interest, such as net cumulative cash
flow, the year in which cumulative
benefits exceed cumulative costs, etc.
DOE believes this information will be
useful to some stakeholders.
Economic Parameters and Other
Calculating the metrics described
above requires defining various
economic parameters. Table 8 shows the
primary parameters of interest and how
they apply to the three metrics.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
First costs ................................
Fuel prices ...............................
Fuel price escalation rates ......
Mortgage parameters ..............
Inflation rate.
Tax rates (property, income).
Period of analysis.
Residual value.
Discount rate ............................
Needed for
Cash flow.
Cash flow.
These parameters are chosen to be
representative of a typical home buyer
who purchases a home with a 30-year
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mortgage. DOE intends to consult
appropriate sources of information to
establish assumptions for each financial,
economic, and fuel price assumption.
Whenever possible, economic
assumptions will be taken from the
published sources discussed below.
DOE notes that most values vary across
time, location, markets, institutions,
circumstances, and individuals. Where
multiple sources for any parameter are
identified, DOE will prefer recent values
from sources DOE deems best
documented and reliable. DOE intends
to update parameters for future analyses
to account for changing conditions.
First Cost
As discussed earlier, the first cost
represents the full cost of code-related
energy features to a home buyer. It
represents the full (retail) cost of such
features, including materials, labor,
builder overhead and profit, etc., but
excludes any future costs such as for
Mortgage Parameters
The majority of homes purchased are
financed. Indeed, the 2010
Characteristics of New Housing report
from the Census Bureau reports that
91% of new homes were purchased
using a loan while only 9% were
purchased with cash. Accordingly, for
purposes of the analysis of the economic
benefits to the home buyer for improved
energy efficiency, DOE intends to
assume that a home is purchased using
a loan.
Mortgage Interest Rate (i)
DOE intends to use recent mortgage
rates in cost/benefit analyses, and
would consult Freddie Mac and the
Federal Home Finance Administration
to determine a representative rate for
each analysis. Currently, Freddie Mac
reports that conventional 30-year real
estate loans have averaged about 5%
since the beginning of 2009 (https://
pmms30.htm) though historical rates
have been higher. FHFA (https://
reports similar rates. Thus DOE intends
to use a mortgage rate of 5% for cost/
benefit analyses at this time.
An alternative approach would be to
evaluate historical mortgage rates and
identify a real rate that approximates a
long-term average, then use that rate in
a real analysis or combine it with a
recent (and anticipated future) inflation
rate in a nominal analysis. DOE intends
to use the former approach on the
theory that recent rates are a better
indicator of near-term future rates that
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will be in effect when a new code goes
into effect.
Loan Term (ML)
For real estate loans, 30 years is by far
the most common term and is the value
DOE intends to use in its analyses.
According to the 2009 American
Housing Survey (U.S. Census), Table 3–
15, approximately 75% of all home
loans have a term between 28 and 32
years, with 30 being the median.
Down Payment (RD)
The 2009 American Housing Survey
reports a wide range of down payment
amounts for loans for new homes (see
Table 9). DOE intends to assume a down
payment of 10%. Among the possible
rates, this is low enough that it is likely
to favor the experience of first-time and
younger home buyers (who have little
significant equity to bring forward from
a previous home) and is among the more
common rates (the 6–10% block, at
13.6% of all mortgages, is the most
populous block except for ‘‘no down
payment’’). Almost half (47.1%) of all
loans have a down payment at or below
Percent of purchase price
No down payment ..................
Less than 3 percent ................
3–5 percent .............................
6–10 percent ...........................
11–15 percent .........................
16–20 percent .........................
21–40 percent .........................
41–99 percent .........................
Bought outright .......................
Not reported ............................
of homes
Points and Loan Fees (RM)
Points represent an up-front payment
to buy down the mortgage interest rate.
As such they are tax deductible. DOE
assumes all interest is accounted for by
the mortgage rate, so the points are
taken to be zero. The loan fee is likewise
paid up front in addition to the down
payment and varies from loan to loan.
DOE assumes the loan fee to be 0.7% of
the mortgage amount, based on recent
data from Freddie Mac Weekly Primary
Mortgage Market Survey: https://
Discount Rate (D)
The purpose of the discount rate is to
reflect the time value of money. Because
DOE’s economic perspective is that of a
home buyer, that time value is
determined primarily by the consumer’s
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
best alternative investment at similar
risk to the energy features being
The discount rate is chosen to
represent the desired perspective of the
economic analysis, in this case a typical
home buyer who holds a home
throughout a 30-year mortgage term.
DOE intends to set the discount rate
to be equivalent to the mortgage interest
rate in nominal terms. Because mortgage
prepayment is an investment available
to consumers who purchase homes
using financing, the mortgage interest
rate is a reasonable estimate of a
consumer’s alternative investment rate.
That the home buyer has borrowed
money at that rate demonstrates that his
or her implicit discount rate must be at
least that high.
Period of Analysis (L)
DOE’s economic analysis is intended
to examine the costs and benefits
impacting all the consumers who live in
the house. Because energy efficiency
features generally last longer than the
average length of ownership for the
initial home buyer, a longer analysis
period than the initial ownership period
is used. Assuming a single owner keeps
the house throughout the analysis
period accounts for long-term energy
benefits without requiring complex
accounting for resale values at home
Homes will typically last 50 years or
more. However, some energy efficiency
measures may not last as long as the
house does. DOE intends to assume a
30-year lifetime to match the typical
mortgage term. Although 30 years is less
than the life of the home, some
efficiency measures, equipment in
particular, may require replacement
during that timeframe. As discussed
earlier, when equipment efficiencies are
analyzed, energy savings will be limited
to the life of the equipment. This will
impact the present value of energy
savings only—all other cash flow
streams will accrue over the entire
period of analysis. The impact of the
selection of an analysis term is
significantly moderated by the effect of
the discount rate in reducing the value
of costs and benefits far into the future.
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Property Tax Rate (RP)
Property taxes vary widely within and
among states. The median property tax
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rate reported by the 2007 23 American
Housing Survey (U.S. Census Bureau
2007, Table 1A–7) for all homes is $9
per $1,000 in home value. Therefore, for
purposes of code analysis, DOE intends
to assume a property tax rate of 0.9%.
For state-level analyses, state-specific
rates will be used.
Income Tax Rate (RI)
The marginal income tax rate paid by
the homeowner determines the value of
the mortgage tax deduction. The 2009
American Housing Survey (https://www.
ahs09/ahs09.html) on ‘‘income
characteristics’’ reports a median
income of $70,200 for purchasers of new
homes. The Internal Revenue Service
SOI Tax Stats, Table 2.1 for 2008 (latest
year available) reported that of the tax
filers in this income bracket, most
itemize deductions. DOE intends to
account for income tax deductions for
mortgage interest in the cost/benefit
analyses. A family earning $70,200 in
2011, with a married-filing-jointly filing
status, would have a marginal tax rate
of 25%, which is DOE’s current
assumption. Where state income taxes
apply, rates will be taken from state
sources or collections of state data such
as provided by the Federation of Tax
Administrators (https://
Inflation Rate (RINF)
The inflation rate RINF is necessary
only to give proper scale to the mortgage
payments so that interest fractions can
be estimated for tax deduction purposes.
It does not affect the present values of
cash flows because all other rates are
expressed in nominal terms (i.e., are
already adjusted to match the inflation
rate). The assumed inflation rate must
be chosen to match the assumed
mortgage interest rate (i.e., be estimated
from a comparable time period).
Estimates of the annual inflation rate
would be taken from the most recent
Consumer Price Index (CPI) data
published by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (, which
currently lists the most recent
annualized CPI to be 1.6%.
23 The 2007 survey was used as financial
charcteristic data is not available in the 2009
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Residual Value
The residual value of energy features
is the value assumed to be returned to
the home buyer upon sale of the home
(after 30 years). As shown earlier it is
calculated from an assumed home price
escalation rate and an assumed fraction
of the original market value that remains
and is recoverable at sale.
Home Price Escalation Rate (EH)
DOE intends to assume that home
prices have a real escalation rate of 0%,
which is equivalent to a nominal
escalation rate equal to the general rate
of inflation. While many homes do
experience nonzero increases in value
over time, the factors that influence
future home prices (location, style,
availability of land, etc.) are too varied
and situation-specific to warrant direct
accounting in this methodology.
Resale Value Fraction (RR)
DOE intends to assume that 50% of
the original value of code-related energy
features remains at the end of 30 years
(after adjusting for the Home Price
Escalation Rate). This is roughly
equivalent to assuming straight-line
depreciation of features with a 60-year
service life.
Fuel Prices
Fuel prices over the length of the
period of analysis are needed to
determine the energy cost savings from
improved energy efficiency. Both
current fuel prices and fuel price
escalation rates are needed to establish
estimated fuel prices in future years.
DOE intends to use the most recently
available national average residential
fuel prices from the DOE Energy
Information Administration. If fuel
prices from the most recent year(s) are
unusually high or low, DOE may
consider using a longer-term average of
past fuel prices, such as the average
from the past 5 years. However, DOE
notes that fuel price escalation rates (see
below) may be tied to specific recentyear prices, so departures from the
recent-year prices will be approached
with caution. For air conditioning, fuel
prices from the summer would be used,
and for space heating winter prices
would be used.
Fuel price escalation rates would be
obtained from the most recent Annual
Energy Outlook to account for projected
changes in energy prices.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Notices
Mortgage Interest Rate ..................................................................
Loan Term ......................................................................................
Down Payment Rate ......................................................................
Points and Loan Fees ....................................................................
Discount Rate .................................................................................
Period of Analysis ..........................................................................
Property Tax Rate ..........................................................................
Income Tax Rate ............................................................................
Home Price Escalation Rate ..........................................................
Inflation Rate ..................................................................................
Fuel Prices and Escalation Rates ..................................................
I ...............
ML ............
RD ............
RM ...........
D ..............
L ...............
RP ............
RI .............
EH ............
RINF .........
30 years.
10% of home price.
0.7% (nondeductible).
5% (equal to Mortgage Interest Rate).
30 years.
0.9% of home price/value.
25% federal, state values vary.
Equal to Inflation Rate.
1.6% annual.
Latest national average prices based on current DOE EIA data
and projections 24 (as of July 2011, 12 cents/kwh for electricity, $0.963/therm for natural gas); price escalation rates
taken from latest Annual Energy Outlook
Public Participation
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A. Submission of Information
DOE will accept information in
response to this notice under the
timeline provided in the DATES section
above. Information submitted to the
Department by e-mail should be
provided in WordPerfect, Microsoft
Word, PDF, or text file format. Those
responding should avoid the use of
special characters or any form of
encryption, and wherever possible,
comments should include the electronic
signature of the author. Comments
submitted to the Department by mail or
hand delivery/courier should include
one signed original paper copy. No
telefacsimiles will be accepted.
Comments submitted in response to this
notice will become a matter of public
records and will be made publicly
B. Issues on Which DOE Seeks
DOE is particularly interested in
receiving information on the following
• General comments on DOE’s use of
cost effectiveness calculations to
evaluate code-change proposals and
new code versions.
• The appropriateness of DOE’s
energy simulation methodology for
evaluating the energy savings of code
Æ DOE’s tool choice (EnergyPlus).
Æ The default assumptions to be used
in conducting energy simulations.
Æ The methodology for assessing
climatic/regional variation in code
Æ Approaches to assessing energy
savings of code changes that expand the
24 U.S. Department of Energy.2011a. Electric
Power Monthly. DOE/EIA–0226. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Energy.2011b. Natural Gas
Monthly. DOE/EIA–0130. Washington, DC.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
19:22 Sep 12, 2011
Jkt 223001
scope of the code, imply the need for
additional measures not directly
required in the new code, or are
otherwise difficult to evaluate in a
straightforward pre-post simulation
• The appropriateness of DOE’s
approach to assessing the first cost of
new code requirements
Æ Preferred cost data sources.
Æ Arbitrating among differing costs
from multiple data sources.
Æ Assessing costs where a new or
changed requirement can be met by
multiple construction approaches with
varying cost implications.
Æ Desirable features for DOE’s
planned public cost database.
Æ Adjusting current costs for likely
market transformation impacts
(economies of scale, learning curves,
• The appropriateness and
sufficiency of DOE’s cost effectiveness
Æ The appropriateness of the
economic metrics to be calculated (lifecycle cost, annual cash flows, simple
payback period).
Æ The appropriateness of life-cycle
cost as the primary metric for DOE’s
cost effectiveness determinations.
Æ Whether DOE should consider
constraints on payback period and/or
cash flow metrics in addition to its lifecycle cost requirement in making
decisions on cost effectiveness and, if
so, on appropriate threshold values for
those metrics
Æ The appropriateness of the
economic perspective (that of a home
buyer with a 30-year loan) of DOE’s lifecycle cost analysis and of the economic
parameters chosen to represent that
Æ The appropriateness of the
identified data sources for economic
• Input on how DOE’s methodology
and process should evolve in response
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
to changing economic and social
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 2,
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
Efficiency, Office of Technology
Development, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2011–23236 Filed 9–12–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[ Project No. 459–311]
Union Electric Company, dba Ameren
Missouri; Notice of Application for
Amendment of License and Soliciting
Comments, Motions To Intervene, and
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Non-project use
of project lands and waters.
b. Project No: 459–311.
c. Date Filed: August 16, 2011.
d. Applicant: Union Electric
Company, dba Ameren Missouri.
e. Name of Project: Osage
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The proposed non-project
use would be located at the Ozark Yacht
Club marina which is located at mile
marker 0.8 + 0.6 in the Jennings Branch
Cove on the Lake of the Ozarks in
Camden County, Missouri. The location
coordinates are 38.199986 North,
¥92.645562 West.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r.
h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Jeff Green,
Shoreline Supervisor, Ameren Missouri,
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 177 (Tuesday, September 13, 2011)]
[Pages 56413-56425]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-23236]
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
[Docket No. EERE-2011-BT-BC-0046]
Building Energy Codes Cost Analysis
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is soliciting public input
on how it may improve the methodology DOE intends to use for assessing
cost effectiveness (which includes an energy savings assessment) of
changes to residential building energy codes. DOE supports the
development of the International Code Council's (ICC) International
Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the national model code adopted by or
forming the basis of residential energy codes promulgated by a majority
of U.S. states, as well as other voluntary building energy codes. DOE
performs a cost effectiveness analysis of proposed modifications to the
codes as part of that support. DOE also performs an analysis of cost
effectiveness of new code versions. DOE is interested in public input
on its methodology, preferred data sources, and parameter assumptions.
DOE is publishing this request for information to allow interested
parties to provide suggestions, comments, and other information. This
notice identifies several areas in which DOE is particularly interested
in receiving information; however, any input and suggestions considered
relevant to the topic are welcome.
DATES: Written comments and information are requested by October 13,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may submit comments in writing,
identified by docket number EERE-2011-BT-BC-0046, by any of the
following methods:
E-mail: Include EERE-2011-BT-BC-
0046 in the subject line of the message.
Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Mailstop EE-2J, Building Energy Codes, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Phone (202) 586-
2945. Please submit one signed paper original.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda Edwards, U.S. Department of
Energy, Building Technologies Program, 6th Floor, 950 L'Enfant Plaza,
SW., Washington, DC 20024. Phone: (202) 586-2945. Please submit one
signed paper original.
EERE-2011-BT-BC-0046. Please use the input form and complete all
required fields.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents, or
comments received, visit the U.S. Department of Energy, Resource Room
of the Building Technologies Program, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Suite
600, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 586-2945, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Please call Ms. Brenda
Edwards at the above telephone number for additional information
regarding visiting the Resource Room.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Robert Dewey, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Mailstop EE-2J, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585-0121, Telephone: (202) 287-1354, E-mail:
Ms. Kavita Vaidyanathan, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the
General Counsel, Forrestal Building, Mailstop GC-71, 1000 Independence
Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585, Telephone: (202) 586-0669, E-mail:
Authority and Background
Section 307(b) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA,
Public Law 102-486), as amended, directs DOE to support voluntary
building energy codes by periodically reviewing the technical and
economic basis of the voluntary building energy codes and ``seek
adoption of all technologically feasible and economically justified
energy efficiency measures; and * * * otherwise participate in any
industry process for review and modification of such codes.'' \1\
\1\ 42 U.S.C. 6836(b)(2) and (3).
This Request for Information (RFI) seeks public input on DOE's
methodology for assessing the cost effectiveness of proposed changes to
residential building energy codes and new editions of such codes.
Historically, DOE's analyses have been conducted in an ad hoc manner,
with the methodology selected based on the type of code change
contemplated and the nature of ongoing stakeholder debates on the
topic. Because residential energy codes lagged advances in residential
efficiency measures, DOE relied on successes in relevant research,
demonstration, and voluntary beyond-code programs (e.g., Building
America, ENERGY STAR) rather than directly calculating the cost
effectiveness of code changes. However, recent advances in the IECC and
other voluntary building energy codes have improved the energy
performance of buildings and building components to levels that in many
cases rival those of the beyond-code programs. Consequently, for its
future efforts advancing and promoting voluntary building energy codes,
DOE sees the need for a consistent and transparent methodology for
assessing the cost effectiveness of code change proposals and for
assessing the cost effectiveness of new code versions.
DOE intends to use the methodology described in this document to
address DOE's legislative direction related to
[[Page 56414]]
building energy codes. DOE also intends to use this methodology to
inform its participation in the update processes of the IECC and other
building energy codes, both in developing code-change proposals and in
assessing the proposals of others when necessary. DOE further intends
to use this methodology in assessing the cost effectiveness of new code
versions in lieu of prior versions or existing state energy efficiency
The focus of this RFI is residential buildings, which DOE defines
in a manner consistent with the IECC--one- and two-family dwellings,
townhouses, and low-rise (three stories or less above grade)
multifamily residential buildings.
The cost effectiveness methodology is separate from the statutory
requirement that DOE issue a determination ``whether such revision
would improve energy efficiency in residential buildings'' whenever the
IECC (as successor to the 1992 Model Energy Code) is revised (42 U.S.C.
6833(a)(5)). The determinations under 42 U.S.C. 6833 are required only
for the IECC, not any other building energy codes; require analysis of
only energy savings, not cost effectiveness; and may be based on
qualitative assessments of energy efficiency improvements rather than
quantitative analysis of energy savings.
DOE's methodology is intended to assess cost effectiveness based on
a 30-year period of analysis, assuming a home buyer takes out a 30-year
mortgage to purchase the home. This approach is intended to represent
the economic perspective of a typical home owner or sequence of owners
who own the home over the 30-year analysis period. The perspective of a
single 30-year owner allows consideration of economic impacts on home
buyers as well as consideration of long-term energy savings.
Steps Included in Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Code Changes
Assessing the cost effectiveness of a proposed code change or a
newly revised code involves three primary steps:
1. Estimating the energy savings of the changed code provision(s),
2. Estimating the first cost of the changed provision(s), and
3. Calculation of the corresponding economic impacts of the changed
These steps are the focus of this Request for Information and are
described in the sections that follow.
Estimating Energy Savings of Code Changes
The first step is estimating the energy savings of code changes. In
estimating the energy impact of a code change DOE will usually employ
computer simulation analysis (situations in which other analysis
approaches might be preferred are discussed later). DOE may also rely
on extant studies that directly address the building elements involved
in a proposed change if such can be identified. When evaluating code
changes proposed by entities other than DOE,\2\ DOE may rely on energy
estimates provided by the proponent(s) if DOE deems the calculations
credible. Where credible energy savings estimates are not available,
DOE intends to conduct analysis using an appropriate building energy
estimation tool. DOE intends to use the EnergyPlus \3\ software for its
analyses unless the code change at hand involves a building component
or strategy that is outside the scope of that software. Such code
changes would be addressed case by case.
\2\ All code change proposals are publicly available and are
published by the ICC months before the code hearings (open to the
public) that determine whether the code changes are approved for
addition to the next edition of the IECC.
Code changes affecting a particular climate zone would be simulated
in a weather location representative of that zone. Where a code change
affects multiple climate zones, DOE intends to produce an aggregate
(national) energy impact estimate based on simulation results from
weather locations representative of each zone, weighted to account for
estimated housing starts by zone and other factors representing the
fraction of homes that would be affected by the code change (building
types, foundation types, fuel/equipment types). These methodologies,
weighting factors, and other assumptions are described in the sections
that follow.
Building Energy Use Simulation Assumptions and Methodology
The energy performance of most energy-efficiency measures in the
scope of building energy codes can be estimated by computer simulation.
In estimating the energy performance of pre- and post-revision codes,
two prototype buildings would be analyzed--one that exactly complies
with the pre-revision code and an otherwise identical building that
exactly complies with the revised code under analysis.\4\ These two
buildings would be simulated in a variety of locations to estimate the
overall (national average) energy impact of the new code. The inputs
and assumptions used in those simulations are discussed in the
following sections.
\4\ ``Exactly complies'' means that the prototype complies with
the primary prescriptive manifestation of the code's requirements.
DOE will address codes without such primary requirements (e.g., a
purely performance code) on a case by case bais.
Energy Simulation Tool
DOE intends to use an hour-by-hour simulation tool to calculate
annual energy consumption for relevant end uses. For most situations,
the EnergyPlus software, developed by DOE, would be the tool of choice.
EnergyPlus provides for detailed hour-by-hour simulation of a home's
energy consumption throughout a full year, based on typical weather
data for a location. It covers almost all aspects of residential
envelopes, HVAC equipment and systems, water heating equipment and
systems, and lighting systems. Depending on how building energy codes
evolve, it may be necessary to identify additional tools to estimate
the impacts of some changes.
Separate simulations would be conducted for single-family and
multifamily buildings. The prototypes used in the simulations are
intended to represent a typical new one- or two-family home or
townhouse and a low-rise multifamily building (apartment, cooperative,
or condominium). Five foundation types would be examined for single-
family homes: Vented crawlspace, unvented (conditioned) crawlspace,
slab-on-grade, heated basement with wall insulation, and unheated
basement with insulation in the floor above the basement. Table 1 shows
the characteristics DOE intends to assume for the single-family
prototype. Note that any of these characteristics may be modified if a
code change impacts it.
[[Page 56415]]
Table 1--Single-Family Prototype Characteristics
Parameter Assumption Notes
Conditioned floor area...... 2400 ft\2\.......... Characteristics of
New Housing, U.S.
Census Bureau.
Footprint and height........ 30 ft by 40 ft, two-
story, 8.5 ft high
Area above unconditioned 1200 ft\2\.......... Over a vented
space. crawlspace or
Area below roof/ceilings.... 1200 ft\2\, 70% with
attic, 30%
Perimeter length............ 140 ft..............
Gross wall area............. 2380 ft\2\..........
Window area (relative to 15%.................
gross wall area).
Door area................... 42 ft\2\............
Internal gains.............. 91,436 Btu/day...... 2006 IECC, Section
Heating system.............. Natural gas furnace. Efficiency will be
based on prevailing
federal minimum
standards. Where
relevant code
changes impact
different heating
system types
additional types
will be simulated
(see below for
equipment type
Cooling system.............. Central electric air Minimum
conditioning (AC). manufacturing
Water heating............... Natural gas.........
For the multifamily building prototype, U.S. Census data (2006) \5\
show that the size and number of dwelling units per building in new
construction varies greatly. The median number of dwelling units per
building is in the range of 20 to 29 with the median floor area per
unit in the range of 1000 to 1199 ft\2\. The multifamily prototype
characteristics intended to be used for DOE's analyses are:
\5\ U.S. Census Bureau. 2006 Characteristics of New Housing.
A rectangular two-story building containing dwelling units
with 1200 ft\2\ of conditioned floor area.
600 ft\2\ floor area and roof/ceiling area per dwelling
The average exterior wall perimeter per dwelling unit is
43 ft, which is set to a 20 by 23 ft rectangle in the simulations. With
8.5 ft ceilings, the wall area is 731 ft\2\ per dwelling unit. The 43
ft perimeter is based on assuming a 20-unit building that is 30-ft wide
and 400-ft long, yielding an 860-ft perimeter, which averages 43 ft per
dwelling unit. (The dimensions used here represent average values of
both middle and end units, yielding a hypothetical dwelling unit with
dimensions that do not exactly match the conditioned floor area.).
42 ft\2\ of exterior door area per dwelling unit.
54668 Btu/day internal gains per dwelling unit (2006
Window area is estimated at 14% of the conditioned floor
The heating, cooling, and water heating system characteristics are
the same as for the single-family prototype (each dwelling unit is
assumed to have its own separate heating and cooling equipment).
Weather Locations
Simulations (and other analyses as appropriate) would be conducted
in one weather location per climate zone in the code, including a
separate location for each moisture regime, for a total of 15 climate
locations.\6\ Simulation results from the climate zones would be
weighted based on new residential building permit data obtained from
the U.S. Census Bureau. Table 2 shows the shares of national
construction by IECC primary climate zone based on year-2000 Census
data. More than 90% of the construction occurred in climate zones 2
through 5. Climate zones 7 and 8 are combined here, because zone 8
(northern Alaska) represents only a small fraction of the national
construction activity.
\6\ The IECC has eight temperature-oriented climate zones
crossed with three moisture regimes, for a theoretical total of 24
distinct climate zones. However, only 15 of the possible zones occur
within the U.S.
Within a climate zone, simulation results from different moisture
regimes would be weighted based on population densities estimated from
USGS Populated Places data. Table 3 shows the climate locations, each
of which is represented by a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY2) \7\
file. The final column shows the final weight intended to be applied to
each TMY2 location, based on a combination of the within-zone weight of
the previous column and the by-zone housing starts of Table 2.
\7\ See
Table 2--Housing Start Shares by Climate Zone
Percentage of
Climate zone building permits
1.................................................... 2
2.................................................... 19
3.................................................... 27
4.................................................... 19
5.................................................... 27
6.................................................... 6
7 & 8................................................ 0.3
Table 3--Climate Locations Used in Energy Simulations With Climate Zone and Moisture Regime Weights
Representative location Regime weight Overall
Climate zone Moisture regime ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- within zone location weight
State City HDD(65) * CDD(65) ** (percent) (percent)
1.................... Moist............... Florida............. Miami............... 139 4157 100 2
2.................... Dry................. Arizona............. Phoenix............. 1350 4162 17 3.2
Moist............... Texas............... Houston............. 1371 3012 83 15.8
3.................... Dry................. Texas............... El Paso............. 2708 2094 47 12.7
[[Page 56416]]
Marine.............. California.......... San Francisco....... 3005 65 13 3.5
Moist............... Tennessee........... Memphis............. 3082 2118 40 10.8
4.................... Dry................. New Mexico.......... Albuquerque......... 4562 941 3 0.6
Marine.............. Oregon.............. Salem............... 4927 247 10 1.9
Moist............... Maryland............ Baltimore........... 4068 1608 87 16.5
5.................... Dry................. Idaho............... Boise............... 5861 754 13 3.5
Moist............... Illinois............ Chicago............. 5753 989 87 23.5
6.................... Dry................. Montana............. Helena.............. 8031 386 11 0.7
Moist............... Vermont............. Burlington.......... 7771 388 89 5.3
7.................... .................... Minnesota........... Duluth.............. 9169 223 100 0.2
8.................... .................... Alaska.............. Fairbanks........... 13697 44 100 0.1
* HDD = heating degree-days, base 65F.
** CDD = cooling degree-days, base 65F.
The locations in Table 3 were selected to be reasonably
representative of their respective climate zones by Briggs et al.
\8\ Briggs, R. S., R. G. Lucas, and Z. T. Taylor. 2002. Climate
Classification for Building Energy Codes and Standards: Part 2--Zone
Definitions, Maps, and Comparisons. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 109,
Part 1. Atlanta, Georgia.
Note that the above assumes that the climate basis of the revised
code is the same as that of the previous code. Revisions that change
the climate zones or switch to a new climate basis would require
development of a custom procedure to capture the impacts on residential
energy efficiency.
Default Assumptions
Input values for building components that do not differ between the
two subject codes would be set to match a shared code requirement if
one exists, to match standard reference design specifications from the
code's performance path if the component has such specifications, or to
match best estimates of typical practice otherwise. Because such
component inputs are used in both pre- and post-revision simulations,
their specific values are of secondary importance and it is important
only that they be reasonably typical of the construction types being
Weighting Factors
Building Types
Building permit data for 2006 through 2010 indicate that 22% of new
construction in terms of total dwelling units is multifamily (Census
2011).\9\ However, only 60% of these dwelling units are ``low-rise''
units, the other 40% being in buildings of four stories or more in
height and therefore falling under the IECC's nonresidential
provisions.\10\ Therefore, about 13.2% (0.22 x 0.60) of all residential
dwelling units are in multifamily buildings that fall under the purview
of the residential requirements of the IECC. About 8.8% (0.22 x 0.4) of
all residential dwelling units fall under the nonresidential IECC
classification. Thus, low-rise multifamily dwelling units account for
about 14.5% (0.132/(1 - 0.088)) of dwelling units classified as
residential in the IECC. This figure would be used to aggregate results
from DOE's single-family and multifamily simulation results.
\10\ Ibid.
Table 4--Building Type Shares [Percent]
Building type factor
Single-Family........................................... 84
Multifamily............................................. 16
Foundation Types
Simulations would be based on a vented crawlspace foundation except
in cases that deal explicitly with changes to requirements for other
foundation types. In the latter cases, foundation-specific energy
changes would be weighted by an estimate of foundation shares in each
climate zone. These shares are estimated from the Census Bureau data
for 2004 housing characteristics data (Census 2006) \11\ shown in Table
\11\ Ibid.
Table 5--Foundation Type Shares (percent) by Census Zone
Zone Basement Slab Crawlspace
Northeast....................................................... 84 13 3
Midwest......................................................... 76 17 6
South........................................................... 12 70 17
West............................................................ 15 65 20
Total........................................................... 31 54 15
The data in Table 5 provide the fraction of new residences having
basements, but do not distinguish conditioned from unconditioned
basements. DOE estimates the shares of conditioned and unconditioned
basements based on data from the DOE Residential Energy Consumption
Survey (DOE 2005).\12\
\12\ U.S. DOE. 2005. Residential Energy Consumption Survey
(Table HC5.2). tables/
detailed tables2005.html.
Because foundation share data is available only for census zones,
[[Page 56417]]
IECC climate zones, it is necessary to estimate the climate zone shares
from census data and general knowledge about regional construction
techniques (e.g., basements are almost never used in the far south).
Table 6 shows the shares DOE intends to assume.
Table 6--Foundation Type Shares (percent) by 2006 IECC Climate Zone
Heated Unheated
Climate zone basement Crawlspace Slab-on-grade basement
1............................................... 0 0 100 0
2............................................... 0 5 95 0
3............................................... 10 15 70 5
4............................................... 30 20 40 10
5............................................... 45 20 20 15
6............................................... 65 10 5 20
7 & 8........................................... 70 5 5 20
Equipment/Fuel Types and Energy Costs
The impacts of code changes would be estimated for multiple fuel/
equipment types and the results weighted by equipment type shares
derived from Census construction data for new houses. 55% of new
single-family homes in 2010 used natural gas for heating, 39% used
electric heat pumps, and 6% used electric resistance furnaces.\13\ For
new multifamily dwellings, 36% used natural gas for heating, 49% used
electric heat pumps, and 15% used electric resistance furnaces. Only 1%
of new single-family and multifamily used oil, so this heating type
would not be analyzed separately for national-average analyses as it
does not have a significant share of the national market. These shares
would be used to weight results for all residential buildings. Electric
central air conditioning would be assumed in all climates.
Provisions Requiring Special Consideration
Some building components and/or energy conservation measures do not
lend themselves to straightforward pre- and post-change simulation of
energy consumption. For example, the use of hourly simulation was of
dubious value in assessing the energy savings of duct testing required
by the 2009 IECC because the prior edition of the IECC had no testing
requirement from which a meaningful baseline leakage rate could be
established. In this case, the majority of the uncertainty was in the
decision of what pre-2009 leakage rate should be used as a baseline.
This type of uncertainty arises from any code change that expands the
scope of the code. Rather than comparing one code to another, a new
code must be compared to an unstated prior condition.\14\
\14\ In DOE's proposal to add duct testing requirements to the
2009 IECC energy savings was approximated based on findings from
extant post-occupancy studies of duct leakage rather than by
simulation. These studies include: Washington State University.
2001. Washington State Energy Code Duct Leakage Study Report.
WSUCEEP01105. Washington State University Cooperative Extension
Energy Program, Olympia, Washington. Hales, D., A. Gordon, and M.
Lubliner. 2003. 2003. Duct Leakage in New Washington State
Residences: Findings and Conclusions. ASHRAE transactions. KC-2003-
1-3. Hammon, R. W., and M. P. Modera. 1999. ``Improving the
Efficiency of Air Distribution Systems in New California Homes-
Updated Report.'' Consol. Stockton, California. Journal of Light
Construction. April 2003. ``Pressure-Testing Ductwork.'' Michael
Uniacke. Sherman et al. 2004. Instrumented HERS and Commissioning.
Xenergy. 2001. Impact Analysis Of The Massachusetts 1998 Residential
Energy Code Revisions.
Where better data on the distribution of actual leakage rates
available, a more rigorous analysis might have been contemplated.
In the case of a scope expansion, it is sometimes inappropriate to
compare a new code's requirement against an average or typical pre-code
level, because doing so tends to understate the savings of the new
requirement. Returning to the example of a new requirement for testing
the duct leakage rate, consider Figure 1. The curve represents a
hypothetical distribution of leakage rates prior to the code's
regulation of leakage rates. Even if the new code requirement were set
equal to or worse than the pre-change average rate, savings would
accrue from houses that would have had higher leakage rates.\15\ DOE
intends to evaluate scope expansions case by case to determine the most
appropriate way to estimate energy savings. DOE seeks public input on
this topic.
\15\ Although this is a hypothetical illustration, a similar
issue did arise in DOE's proposal to add duct testing requirements
to the 2009 IECC described in Footnote 14.
[[Page 56418]]
A second situation requiring special consideration is accounting
for code changes that induce additional, unwritten requirements. An
example is an envelope air tightness requirement that results in
leakage rates so low that a home would need supplemental mechanical
ventilation to avoid moisture and other air quality problems. In such a
case a proper cost effectiveness assessment might require accounting
for the cost and energy penalty of the mechanical ventilation system
even though the code didn't require it. DOE would evaluate such changes
case by case to determine whether implied requirements must be assumed.
DOE seeks public input on this topic.
Estimating the First Cost of Code Changes
The second step in assessing the cost effectiveness of a proposed
code change or a newly revised code is estimating the first cost of the
changed provision(s). The ``first cost'' of a code change refers to the
marginal cost of implementing one or more changed code provisions. For
DOE's analyses, it refers to the retail cost (the cost to a home buyer)
prior to amortizing the cost over multiple years through the home
mortgage, and includes the full price paid by the home buyer, including
materials, labor, overhead, and profit, minus any tax rebates or other
incentives generally available to home buyers when the new code takes
DOE recognizes that estimating the cost of a code change can be
challenging, and will attempt to identify credible cost estimates from
multiple sources when possible. Judgment is often required to determine
an appropriate cost for energy code analysis when multiple credible
sources of construction cost data yield a range of first costs. Cost
data would be obtained from existing sources such as cost estimating
publications such as R.S. Means, industry sources such as Lowes or Home
Depot, and other resources including journal articles and research
studies. DOE has also issued a subcontract specifically to collect cost
data for residential energy efficiency measures. DOE would utilize all
of these resources to determine the most appropriate construction cost
assumptions based on factors including the applicability and
thoroughness of the data source.
Historical Approach to Cost Data Collection
For code changes that impact many insulation and/or construction
assembly elements of a home, DOE consults the national construction
cost estimation publication RS Means Residential Cost Data,\16\ which
provides a wide variety of construction cost data. This is appropriate
for many code changes that impact the construction of the home (e.g.,
switching from 2x4 to 2x6 walls) such that both materials and labor
differ. RS Means, however, covers only a portion of potential code
changes. It does not, for example, have detailed costs on improved duct
sealing or building envelope sealing, and its costs for fenestration
products (windows, doors, and skylights) are focused on aesthetic
features rather than energy efficiency.
When a code change impacts only the materials used in a home,
without impacting labor, cost data can often be obtained from national
home hardware suppliers, such as Home Depot and Lowe's Home
Improvement. These sources can have the advantage of providing recent
costs and the costs can
[[Page 56419]]
be localized if a state or local analysis is needed. However, these
sources do not provide all the specific energy efficiency measure
improvements that are typically needed for code improvement analyses.
As needed, DOE conducts literature searches of specialized building
science research publications that assess the costs of new or esoteric
efficiency measures that are not covered in other data sources.
Examples include reports from DOE's own Building America \17\ program,
those generated from the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star
\18\ program, and buildings-oriented research publications such as
ASHRAE Transactions.
A Plan for the Future
DOE anticipates that as building energy codes advance and
incorporate more energy features, the traditional cost sources will be
less useful in estimating the first costs of code changes. To support
analysis of codes going forward, DOE has tasked Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory with placing a subcontract for professional cost-
estimating services to help populate a publicly available online
database of building construction costs. A Request for Proposals (RFP)
was issued in May 2011 and calls for the services of a professional
cost-estimating firm to provide cost data for equipment and components
related to building envelope systems, building lighting systems,
building mechanical systems, and building renewable energy systems. The
database would differentiate cost data to the extent practicable by
building type, building location, and building size, and would provide
both national-average and regional/local costs to the extent such are
Addressing Code Changes With Multiple Approaches to Compliance
One of the challenges of estimating the costs of energy code
changes is selecting an appropriate characterization of new code
requirements. A requirement for an improved wall R-value, for example,
might be met with higher-density insulation within the between-stud
cavities, with standard-density insulation in a thicker wall (e.g.,
moving from 2x4 to 2x6 construction), adding a layer of insulating
sheathing to the wall, or switching to an entirely different
construction approach (e.g., straw bale). Each approach will have
different costs and may be subject to differing constraints depending
on the situation. Some construction approaches, for example, may be
inappropriate in regions subject to high winds or high probabilities of
seismic activity. Some approaches may open the possibility for new and
less expensive construction approaches. A change that forces a move
from 2x4 to 2x6 wall construction, for example, opens the possibility
of placing wall studs on 24-inch centers rather than the more common
16-inches. This can reduce both material and labor costs, but requires
other changes that may exact additional costs or restrict designs, such
as ``stack framing,'' in which ceiling joists/rafters are aligned
directly over wall studs.
It is difficult for DOE to anticipate either the types of code
changes that will emerge in future building energy codes or the manner
in which builders will choose to meet the new requirements. It is DOE's
intent, however, to evaluate changes on a case by case basis and seek
the least-first cost way to achieve compliance unless that approach is
deemed inappropriate in a large percentage of new home situations. For
code changes that touch on techniques with which there is recent
research experience (e.g., through DOE's Building America program), DOE
would consult the relevant publications for advice on appropriate
construction assumptions. DOE is seeking public input on this matter.
DOE anticipates that some new code provisions may have
significantly different first costs depending on unrelated aesthetic
choices. For example, a requirement for overhangs on south-facing
windows might be more costly on a two-story home than on a one-story
home. Limits on west-facing glazing might have substantial effect or no
effect depending on the lot orientation. Again, DOE cannot anticipate
all future changes, and will address each one individually. DOE is
seeking public input on the proper approach to assessing the cost
effectiveness of such changes.
Finally, some new code provisions may come with no specific
construction changes at all, but rather be expressed purely as a
performance requirement. It has been suggested, for example, that a new
IECC might require all homes to comply with the energy performance
path, with a requirement that calculated energy consumption be shown to
be some predetermined percentage below that implied by the prescriptive
specifications. It is also conceivable that a code could be expressed
simply as an energy use intensity (EUI), in which the requirement is a
limit on energy use per square foot of conditioned floor area. DOE
intends to evaluate any such code changes on a case by case basis and
will search the research literature and/or conduct new analyses to
determine the reasonable construction changes that could be expected to
emerge in response to such new requirements. DOE is seeking public
input on this issue.
Economies of Scale and Market Transformation Effects
Construction costs often show substantial differences between
regions, sometimes based primarily on local preferences and the
associated economies of scale. Because new code changes may push
building construction to new and potentially unfamiliar techniques in
some locations, local cost estimates may overstate the long-term costs
of implementing the change. Similar issues may arise where
manufacturers produce large quantities of a product that just meets a
current energy code requirement, giving that product a relatively low
price in the market. Should the code requirement increase, it is likely
that manufacturers will increase production of a conforming product,
lowering its price relative to the current situation.
DOE intends to evaluate new code changes case by case to determine
whether it is appropriate to adjust current costs for anticipated
market transformation after a new code takes effect. DOE intends to
evaluate specific new or proposed code provisions to determine whether
and how prices might be expected to follow an experience curve with the
passage of time. See, for example, DOE's Notice of Data Availability
published in the Federal Register on February 22, 2011 (76 FR 9696)
( for information on projecting future costs in the
manufacture of new refrigeration products. It is noted that site-built
construction may involve several types of efficiency improvements. The
real cost of code changes requiring new technologies may drop in the
future as manufacturers learn to produce them more efficiently. The
real cost of code changes that involve new techniques may likewise drop
as builders and subcontractors learn to implement them in the field
more efficiently and with less labor. Finally, code changes that simply
require more of a currently used technology or technique may have
relatively stable real costs, with prices generally following inflation
over time. DOE is seeking public input on this issue.
[[Page 56420]]
Estimating the Cost Effectiveness of Code Changes
Economic Metrics To Be Calculated
The last step in assessing the cost effectiveness of a proposed
code change or a newly revised code is calculating the corresponding
economic impacts of the changed provision(s). In evaluating code change
proposals as part of the IECC consensus process, assessing new editions
of the IECC published by the ICC, and participating in the development
of other voluntary building energy codes, DOE intends to calculate
three metrics.
Life-cycle cost.
Simple payback period.
Cash flow.
Life-cycle cost (LCC) is the primary metric DOE intends to use to
evaluate whether a particular code change is cost effective. Any code
change that results in a net LCC less than or equal to zero (i.e.,
monetary benefits exceed costs) will be considered cost effective. The
payback period and cash flow analyses provide additional information
DOE believes is helpful to other participants in code-change processes
and to states and jurisdictions considering adoption of new codes.
These metrics are discussed further below.
Life-Cycle Cost
Life-cycle cost (LCC) is a robust cost-benefit metric that sums the
costs and benefits of a code change over a specified time period.
Sometimes referred to as net present value analysis or engineering
economics, LCC is a well-known approach to assessing cost
effectiveness. Because the key feature of LCC analysis is the summing
of costs and benefits over multiple years, it requires that cash flows
in different years be adjusted to a common year for comparison. This is
done with a discount rate that accounts for the time value of money.
Like most LCC implementations, DOE's sums cash flows in year-zero
dollars, which allows the use of standard discounting formulas. Cash
flows adjusted to year zero are termed present values. The procedure
described herein combines concepts from two ASTM International standard
practices, E917 \19\ and E1074.\20\ The resultant procedure is both
straightforward and comprehensive and is in accord with the methodology
recommended and used by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).\21\
\19\ ASTM International. ``Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle
Costs of Buildings and Building Systems,'' E917, Annual Book of ASTM
Standards: 2010, Vol. 4.11. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM
\20\ ASTM International. ``Practice for Measuring Net Benefits
and Net Savings for Investments in Buildings and Building Systems,''
E1074, Annual Book of ASTM Standards: 2010, Vol. 4.11. West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
\21\ For a detailed discussion of LCC and related economic
evaluation procedures specifically aimed at private sector analyses,
see Ruegg and Petersen (Ruegg, Rosalie T., and Petersen, Stephen R.
1987. Comprehensive Guide to Least-Cost Energy Decisions, NBS
Special Publication 709. Gaithersburg, MD: National Bureau of
Present values can be calculated in either nominal or real terms.
In a nominal analysis all compounding rates (discount rate, mortgage
rate, fuel escalation rate, etc.) include the effect of inflation,
while in a real analysis, inflation is removed from those rates. The
two approaches are algebraically equivalent, but DOE intends to
generally conduct economic analyses of residential energy codes in
nominal terms because accounting for mortgage cash flows and associated
income tax effects is more straightforward.
LCC is defined formally as the present value of all costs and
benefits summed over the period of analysis. Because it is defined in
terms of costs, the LCC of a code change must be zero or negative for
the change to be considered cost effective, as shown in Equation 1.
A future cash flow (positive or negative) is brought into the
present by assuming a discount rate (D). The discount rate is an
annually compounding rate \22\ by which future cash flows are
discounted in value. It represents the minimum rate of return demanded
of the investment in energy-saving measures. It is sometimes referred
to as an alternative investment rate. Thus the present value, (PV) of a
cash flow in year Y (CFy) is defined as
\22\ The analysis can be done for other periods of time (e.g.,
monthly), but for simplicity DOE uses annual periods for the subject
The present value of a stream of annual cash flows over the period
of analysis, L years, is then the sum of all of those discrete cash
For an annualized stream of cash flows A that is the same from year
to year, such as a mortgage payment lasting L years, Equation (3) is
equivalent to the following.
For an annualized stream of cash flows that is escalating with
time, such as the energy cost savings ES that increases from year to
year because of escalations in fuel prices, Equation (5)
[[Page 56421]]
can be used (EF--is the fuel price escalation rate):
Because DOE intends to compute and publish annual cash flow
impacts, Equation (3) will generally be preferred to Equations (4) and
(5) because it allows presentation and analysis of all the yearly cash
flows during the LCC analysis. Equations (4) and (5) are algebraically
equivalent and useful when year-by-year cash flows are not needed.
There are seven primary cash flows that are relevant to LCC
analysis of energy code changes, summarized in Table 7. The down
payment cost associated with the code changes is the down payment rate
(RD) multiplied by the total cost of the code changes (C)
and is incurred at the onset (year 0). On top of the down payment is a
mortgage fee, which is the cost of the code changes multiplied by the
mortgage fee rate (RM). Property tax occurs every year,
starting on year 1, and is the property tax rate (RP)
multiplied by C, and further adjusted by a factor of
(1+EH)\Y\ to take into account a compounding home price
escalation rate (EH). This assumes that the tax assessment
of the house increases exactly the amount of the code-related cost
increase, and that the tax assessment increases in step with the home
price. Energy savings occur every year, starting at year 1, and are
equal to the modeled energy cost savings at year 0, adjusted by a
factor of (1+EF)\Y\ to take into account a compounding fuel
(electricity and natural gas) price escalation rate (EF).
Mortgage payments occur every year of the term of the mortgage (ML),
are constant payments, and is equal to 12 times the monthly payment, as
calculated using the industry standard equation shown in Table 7. Tax
deductions for mortgage interest payments and property tax payments
begin in year 1 and continue through the end of the analysis period L.
They are calculated as the marginal income tax rate (RI)
multiplied by the sum of mortgage interest payments and property tax
payments each year. Finally, the residual value, incurred at the end of
the analysis period, is the cost of the code changes, adjusted for the
home's price appreciation, multiplied by the fraction of the lifetime
(i.e., value) of the code changes still remaining at resale
(RR). This is a rough number, but is meant to encapsulate an
average of the remaining lifetime of all of the components. DOE intends
to assume RR is 50% at the end of 30 years, which would
roughly correspond to straight-line depreciation of home features with
a 60-year life.
Additional rigor can be required to account for the shorter
lifetimes of certain equipment (e.g., 12-15 years for water heaters,
15-20 years for HVAC equipment). However, because the efficiencies of
most residential equipment generally are preemptively regulated by
federal rulemakings, DOE does not expect the IECC to impose specific
equipment efficiency requirements. Nonetheless, high-efficiency
equipment is likely to be a common alternative approach to energy code
compliance, so the shorter lifetimes of equipment would be accounted
for. While equipment will undoubtedly be replaced at the end of its
useful life, there is no guarantee that it will be replaced with
equipment of comparable efficiency. Because DOE cannot predict either
minimum code requirements or homeowner preferences in the future, it
will assume that replacement equipment efficiency will be unaffected by
the initial efficiency of the equipment--that is, replacement equipment
will be the same regardless of the initial efficiency. This implies
that the energy savings resulting from high-efficiency equipment will
accrue only for the life of the equipment, not the full 30-year period
of analysis, and that there will be no equipment replacement costs at
the end of its useful life. Thus, when estimating energy savings of
high-efficiency equipment, a home would be simulated twice, once with
and once without the high-efficiency equipment.
[[Page 56422]]
Simple Payback Period
The simple payback period is a straightforward metric that includes
only the costs and benefits directly related to the implementation of
the energy-saving measures associated with a code change. It represents
the number of years required for the energy savings to pay for the cost
of the measures, without regard for changes in fuel prices, tax
effects, measure replacements, resale values, etc. The payback period
P, which has units of years, is defined as the marginal cost of
compliance with a new code (C, the ``first costs'' above and beyond the
baseline code), divided by the annual marginal benefit from compliance
(ES0, the energy cost savings in year 0), as shown in
Equation 6.
[[Page 56423]]
The simple payback period is a metric useful for its simplicity and
ubiquity. Because it focuses on the two primary characterizations of a
code change--cost and energy performance--it allows an assessment of
cost effectiveness that is easy to compare with other investment
options and requires a minimum of input data. The simple payback period
is used in many contexts, and is written into some state laws governing
the adoption of new energy codes, hence DOE would calculate the payback
period when it assesses the cost effectiveness of code changes.
However, because it ignores many of the longer-term factors in the
economic performance of an energy efficiency investment, DOE does not
intend to use the payback period as a primary indicator of cost
effectiveness for its own decision making purposes.
Cash Flow Analysis
In the process of calculating LCC, year-by-year cash flows are
computed. These can be useful in assessing a code change's impact on
consumers and will be shown by DOE for the code changes it analyzes.
The cash-flow analysis simply shows each year's net cash flow (costs
minus benefits) separately (in nominal dollars), including any time-
zero cash flows such as a down payment. By publishing the net cash flow
value for each year, reviewers will be able to calculate various
metrics of interest, such as net cumulative cash flow, the year in
which cumulative benefits exceed cumulative costs, etc. DOE believes
this information will be useful to some stakeholders.
Economic Parameters and Other Assumptions
Calculating the metrics described above requires defining various
economic parameters. Table 8 shows the primary parameters of interest
and how they apply to the three metrics.
Table 8--Economic Parameters for Cost Effectiveness Metrics
Parameter Needed for
First costs............................... Payback.
Fuel prices............................... Cash flow.
Fuel price escalation rates............... Cash flow.
Mortgage parameters....................... LCC.
Inflation rate............................
Tax rates (property, income)..............
Period of analysis........................
Residual value............................
Discount rate............................. LCC.
These parameters are chosen to be representative of a typical home
buyer who purchases a home with a 30-year mortgage. DOE intends to
consult appropriate sources of information to establish assumptions for
each financial, economic, and fuel price assumption. Whenever possible,
economic assumptions will be taken from the published sources discussed
below. DOE notes that most values vary across time, location, markets,
institutions, circumstances, and individuals. Where multiple sources
for any parameter are identified, DOE will prefer recent values from
sources DOE deems best documented and reliable. DOE intends to update
parameters for future analyses to account for changing conditions.
First Cost
As discussed earlier, the first cost represents the full cost of
code-related energy features to a home buyer. It represents the full
(retail) cost of such features, including materials, labor, builder
overhead and profit, etc., but excludes any future costs such as for
Mortgage Parameters
The majority of homes purchased are financed. Indeed, the 2010
Characteristics of New Housing report from the Census Bureau reports
that 91% of new homes were purchased using a loan while only 9% were
purchased with cash. Accordingly, for purposes of the analysis of the
economic benefits to the home buyer for improved energy efficiency, DOE
intends to assume that a home is purchased using a loan.
Mortgage Interest Rate (i)
DOE intends to use recent mortgage rates in cost/benefit analyses,
and would consult Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Finance
Administration to determine a representative rate for each analysis.
Currently, Freddie Mac reports that conventional 30-year real estate
loans have averaged about 5% since the beginning of 2009 ( though historical rates have been
higher. FHFA ( reports
similar rates. Thus DOE intends to use a mortgage rate of 5% for cost/
benefit analyses at this time.
An alternative approach would be to evaluate historical mortgage
rates and identify a real rate that approximates a long-term average,
then use that rate in a real analysis or combine it with a recent (and
anticipated future) inflation rate in a nominal analysis. DOE intends
to use the former approach on the theory that recent rates are a better
indicator of near-term future rates that will be in effect when a new
code goes into effect.
Loan Term (ML)
For real estate loans, 30 years is by far the most common term and
is the value DOE intends to use in its analyses. According to the 2009
American Housing Survey (U.S. Census), Table 3-15, approximately 75% of
all home loans have a term between 28 and 32 years, with 30 being the
Down Payment (RD)
The 2009 American Housing Survey reports a wide range of down
payment amounts for loans for new homes (see Table 9). DOE intends to
assume a down payment of 10%. Among the possible rates, this is low
enough that it is likely to favor the experience of first-time and
younger home buyers (who have little significant equity to bring
forward from a previous home) and is among the more common rates (the
6-10% block, at 13.6% of all mortgages, is the most populous block
except for ``no down payment''). Almost half (47.1%) of all loans have
a down payment at or below 10%.
Table 9--Down Payment--2009 American Housing Survey, Table 3-14
Percent of purchase price of homes
No down payment........................................... 16.3
Less than 3 percent....................................... 6.4
3-5 percent............................................... 10.8
6-10 percent.............................................. 13.6
11-15 percent............................................. 4.7
16-20 percent............................................. 12.2
21-40 percent............................................. 10.4
41-99 percent............................................. 6.1
Bought outright........................................... 6.9
Not reported.............................................. 12.6
Points and Loan Fees (RM)
Points represent an up-front payment to buy down the mortgage
interest rate. As such they are tax deductible. DOE assumes all
interest is accounted for by the mortgage rate, so the points are taken
to be zero. The loan fee is likewise paid up front in addition to the
down payment and varies from loan to loan. DOE assumes the loan fee to
be 0.7% of the mortgage amount, based on recent data from Freddie Mac
Weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey:
Discount Rate (D)
The purpose of the discount rate is to reflect the time value of
money. Be